2020 TEMP


編輯組特區: 蒂姆·席茲: 天使之門已開啓

信息:  蒂姆·席茲(Tim Sheets) 日期:2023年10月28日  資料來源: 以利亞名單

主對我說:「我現在要釋放我的大能者來摧毀根深蒂固的邪惡。他們將在美國首都和各州首府打擊惡魔根系的永久保護。米迦勒,我的『爭戰王子』,已經釋放了足夠數量的戰爭天使來打開這個國家的大門,打破障礙牆。在Ekklesia以我的名義下達命令時,我們的特種部隊天使 – 火的天使 – 已經滲透到充滿罪孽的領域埋伏。掩蓋將被揭開。嘲弄敵擋我的巨人將倒下。黑暗的營壘將被摧毀,它們的影響力將被粉碎。


我國度的推展將變得非常迅速,對阻礙的靈 – 變態的靈、政府的暴政和被惡魔力量污染的文化體系 – 的打擊也將迅速到來……

現在,全世界都將看到我國度的 Ekklesia 和天使大軍在萬軍之耶和華的帶領下動員起來。這一切都將突然而咄咄逼人地展現出來。地獄對我國度的激烈反抗將被我對他們效忠巴力的憤怒所取代。我猛烈的部署現在將出現。我的代禱者願意,他們也將執行打擊地獄統治的任務。」











【時事背景:  在新冠肺炎爆發後的幾年,不斷增加的戰爭沖突,社會孤立和社交媒體對青少年心理健康產生災難性影響,以色列和許多其他國家都出現了青少年心理健康危機。近期的一項新研究顯示,以色列三分之二的初中生和60%的小學生患有輕度至重度抑郁癥。詳情點閱

  • 賽66:8-9  國豈能一日而生?民豈能一時而產?因為錫安一劬勞便生下兒女,這樣的事誰曾聽見?誰曾看見呢?耶和華說:我既使她臨產,豈不使她生產呢?你的 神說:我既使她生產,豈能使她閉胎不生呢?
  • 弗2:15  而且以自己的身體廢掉冤仇,就是那記在律法上的規條,為要將兩下藉著自己造成一個新人,如此便成就了和睦。
  • 羅11:11   我且說,他們失腳是要他們跌倒嗎?斷乎不是。反倒因他們的過失,救恩便臨到外邦人,要激動他們發憤。
  • 羅11:26-27  於是以色列全家都要得救。如經上所記:必有一位救主從錫安出來,要消除雅各家的一切罪惡;又說:我除去他們罪的時候,這就是我與他們所立的約。
  • 使2:17-18   神說:在末後的日子,我要將我的靈澆灌凡有血氣的。你們的兒女要說預言;你們的少年人要見異象;老年人要做異夢。在那些日子,我要將我的靈澆灌我的仆人和使女,他們就要說預言。


  • 祝福神的家成熟健壯:父啊,甚願祢祝福祢的家,祝福新人的合一神家更加成熟健壯,家中的秩序被祢恢復。主聖靈啊,除去神家不生養的咒詛,摧毀錯誤的神學觀、希臘化和宗教權勢。父啊,我們信靠祢,因祢已應許錫安一劬勞便會生下兒女,使錫安生產兒女。
  • 興起真兒女的世代:主啊,以色列復興的年輕世代將不在曠野打轉,也不在如過去世代那樣,復興後流浪家外,成為屬靈孤兒。年輕世代將如約書亞與戶珥一樣輔助和扶著父老的手,與父老的心靠近,父老的異夢將成為他們的異像。


Editorial Special Section: John Paul Jackson: God’s Imminent Actions, Judgment, and How to Prepare for the End Times

Message: John Paul Jackson Date: May 19, 2023  Source: YouTube Video

Editor’s Note : This article is an excerpt from a video recorded around 2012 by the late International Prophet, John Paul Jackson. John Paul Jackson had many amazing experiences connecting with God throughout his life. In 2007, God asked him to start releasing the end-time messages about the United States and the world, enter his life mission, and start his “Eleventh Hour Ministry”. There are a lot of information about him on the Internet, you can check it yourself . Recently, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, a Chinese sister specially asked the body of Christ to translate, add Chinese subtitles, and republish this video, reminding the world once again how to prepare for the end times. We are commissioned to publish part of the Chinese translation of this video here.

Perfect Storm

God started telling me about things that were going to happen soon in the future. These things are happening very, very fast and I need to prepare myself and I need to start talking about these things and start preparing people: The storm is coming, the terrible storm. God called it the “perfect storm” and asked me to use that word; He said, “In the years to come, they’re going to hear that word a lot: the perfect storm. It’s a perfect storm, like the economy and the climate are perfect Mixed storms, and political ones, you’re going to hear a lot, but I’m telling you to do it now.”

I have been arguing with the Lord for several years. Then in early 2008, I said, “Okay! Lord, I’ll do it.” We put out a message called “The Perfect Storm Is Coming, and It Has Come.” The Lord said, “There are five elements to a storm, and from this The five elements are religion, politics, economy, war and earth disaster events , these are the things that the ancient prophets said, and I want you to say. Political changes are coming, there are religions, and there will be rapid changes; there are Economic, downturns are going to happen; and climate events, you need to tell people. This is what’s going to happen. My church forgets that I’m still a righteous God, and I’m still sending judgment on my people to Redeem them. If I do not allow these coming crisis, then MY wrath must come. I let MY judgment come to redeem MY people so that they will cry out to ME and then when they When I call, I will be found by them again.

The World is at a Spiritual Ebb

We are moving toward a great move of God, and my concern is that good days are ahead of us, and what will it take to get us there? Sin separates us from God, and the more we sin, the more the hand of God goes away; the more the hand of God goes away, the more room the enemy has to come in. This is what is happening. The enemy has a lot of room to enter our country and the world. The world is at a spiritual ebb right now.

At the spiritual water level, there will be spiritual leaders or political leaders who will come and rise up, and they will only come in a certain number. Let’s make an analogy, only 10 percent above the water mark will become spiritual leaders. If the water level is low, ten percent is above; if the water level is high, there are still ten percent above. Right now we’re in low water, we’re in drought. We find that politicians who say they love God are actually quoting the Bible incorrectly. I don’t mean less used and difficult passages, but passages like John 3:16 that they don’t quote either.

Away from God Brings Corruption

We find corruption taking place. Failure to have intimacy with God from the very beginning results in corruption. God is the whole of our life, and the farther we are from Him, the less lively we are and the less wisdom we have. We don’t remember what we remember, we don’t notice what we should notice, we don’t feel what we should feel, we don’t receive what we should receive. Then we make decisions out of these weakened feelings, thoughts, understandings, and we wonder why our decisions were wrong. Our political leaders make the same mistakes, except that our bad decisions might cost us 50 cents or $10, whereas their decisions cost us a trillion dollars.

We have to be very, very careful in this generation because we have forgotten that everything depends on God. We don’t have forward thinking like I talked about last night, we have bottom thinking, sometimes even underground thinking. What we’re seeing is an entire era where God is no longer known , and it’s not about being a Republican or a Democrat, it’s about the hearts of the people of a country. And the blunting of the absolute truth , like, for example, the virgin birth, which was originally uncontroversial, but is now, “What does it mean to have a virgin birth?” The question of sin was also uncontroversial, but now it is. : “What’s wrong?!! Isn’t grace covering all my transgressions? I don’t have to worry about my sins anymore.”

Not long ago I was talking to a group of young leaders, well known people. I was talking to them, and one of them said, “I don’t have to worry about my sin, I can actually commit adultery, and then two months later, I can go back to ministry.” Such an attitude would start to seep, worrying me very much. That’s what I was saying last night, why righteousness would be considered legalism, because that’s what they told me, and told me there was no such thing as holiness, and that was a pre-New Testament concept.

Something Devastating is Happening – A Domino Effect Starting in Egypt

So I am more and more worried that the more sin separates us from God , the Farther, when we are away from God, the more enemies will come in. Something very, very devastating is happening. So the Lord started to reveal to me in 2007 something that was going on, like Egypt. He said, ” Look what is going to happen in the Middle East, there will be a sign for you. President Mubarak of Egypt will be removed and Egypt will become terrorized. You will know other Arab countries, if the leader does not embrace Islamic extremism, they will be thrown out of office for false reasons; instead, a harsher regime will be replaced, every leader will be replaced, Including Saudi Arabia. Start with Egypt, watch Egypt well.

I think it’s kind of funny, Egypt? Nobody thinks about Egypt! And yet, look, what happened in Egypt? Just last week, the Egyptian military handed over power to a radical Islamic government. Now Mubarak will die soon, if he is not executed, also of cancer, because he has terminal cancer and only weeks or months to live. So anyway, they either execute him or he dies of cancer and Egypt becomes a terrorist state.

When this starts to happen, you will see a domino effect :  first Libya , then Syria , now something is happening in Yemen , not for long, you will see things happening in countries like Jordan . They have enthusiastic young people thinking they can get democracy, but they don’t have the infrastructure to sustain what they’re overthrowing. Therefore, those who originally had the infrastructure, let the young people pay the price of enthusiasm, and then overlay a structure on top of this enthusiasm, and finally produced a stricter regime. Then came extremism, and then the Islamic faith started to take over. This is exactly what is happening now.

It Will Grow Darker And Darker Until People Start Crying Out

He said, ” Now go look at the European community, because I’m going to disrupt Europe. The euro will start to fall and get weaker and then crash. Soon after, your dollars will be next.” I said, “My God!” Lord Said, “My people will cry out to Me.” I said, “When?” He said, “It will get darker until they start crying out.”

In March, I was on a TV station, and the Lord asked me to prophesy an upcoming assassination , about a member of Congress . Little did I know it would happen to Senator Gabe Giffords that August. So why am I saying these things? The list of what I said and what happened afterward goes on and on, but that’s not what I did, I just repeated what I heard and said what I saw. I feel like Amos and Jeremiah when the lion roars (the Lord God has spoken) who can not prophesy?   This is what I was born for, but at the same time I feel like, “Lord, if I say what You told me I don’t want them to lose hope. I don’t want them to lose hope in You, I want them to know You, because if I say everything you show me, people may not be able to bear what You reveal to me.”

The ancient prophets were always under a kind of pressure, by the way, I never called myself a prophet, I don’t think I am a prophet at all. Let me tell you why: Because I see future prophetic ministry, future trends, but I’m not there yet. I don’t want to use the title of prophet or say who is a prophet until the real prophet comes along, but I am doing what God has called me to do, using the equipment and tools He has given me. The Lord we serve is mighty and can save in every way. When we call on Him, if only we can hold on for a while, and actually have a change of heart, not just a change of words, etc.

Let’s see what happened: yesterday several European countries were downgraded because of their economic situation. They complain about the downgrade from 3A to 2A+. Actually they should be downgraded to B-, as is the US . I mean, what happens if you make $50,000 a year and your debt is $60,000 a year? This is where we are in America right now:   we owe more than our GNP; We owe more than our annual income . What does this mean? It means that if we only pay interest, we can’t pay. We have reached a point where we expect something to be gained, but we are not willing to pay , say playing the lottery. God’s way is that when you work, you multiply ; playing the lottery is not work, this is the misunderstanding of the lottery, playing the lottery does not require work but can double your income. That’s why 95% of winners, whether it’s a million dollars a year, a lifetime prize or a lottery ticket of all numbers, are bankrupt or dead after ten years, because unearned fruits, if any, are very short-lived ; it’s your job that will teach you what to do with what you get.

We’ve gotten to the point where we want to get something for nothing, whether it’s government, welfare or whatever, we expect something for nothing. I’m not against helping people in need, in fact, I’m all for it. As you know, the scriptures say that it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him fish . So what we have to do is, there must be a huge change. The problem is when you have politicians who lead, whether it’s Republican or Democrat, when you have politicians who want to get re-elected, so they do what the people want, not what the country needs. And because there are no spiritual pillars standing up and saying we have to do the right thing because they are at a low spiritual level. And then what happens? It’s that they only act until their election is over, and then they retire.

Solemn Meeting at The Stadium

We see this happening over and over again, both political parties alike, and it really saddens me that this is happening over and over again. Because I realized that all they did was make things worse, and whatever the Lord revealed to me, will happen. If we don’t cry out to God sometime in the future, our enemies will have dominion over us. There will be a day when the stadium will be full, but it will be a serious event; there will be a day when the stadium will be full because no one can afford to go to a New York Giants or New York Jets game, or patriotic Or the Cowboys, or the Rams, nobody can afford a ticket to a game, and we’ll be using the stadium a lot of the time.

Huge Anti-Semitism Growth – Israel Will Be a Hot Potato

Things will happen, and even this year there will be heightened tensions in Europe, Israel, and Iran. There will come a day when Israel attacks Iran, which Israel is already doing. There have been mysterious explosions over there, and the Lord told me, “Israel will fire rockets at Iran one day. But before that day, there will be other so-called mysterious explosions, and they have happened. When that day When the missiles hit Iran, there will be a huge increase in anti-Semitism. Everyone will blame Israel for the gas prices. You will see an incredible backlash. You will see the oil exporting countries OPEC form an alliance Not sold to anyone who supports Israel. So America if you want oil better stop supporting Israel. Israel will be a hot potato and the Jews will be a trembling cup. It will happen and not in years . Sooner than that, everything will start to change.

We’re in a time where we’re kind of aware of the troubles that are coming, but at the same time we feel more than rich, like Joseph in Egypt. He said, “Let’s start storing seven years’ worth of food!” We said, “Why store wheat? We have plenty of wheat, and we don’t store it. Same principle, Noah.” What are you talking about? What Rain? We have no rain, we have dew. With dew, the ground gets wet. What does it mean that the sky rains water? Why build something you don’t need?” That’s because you don’t need it until you realize you need it. Why store wheat? Because you don’t need it until you realize you need it, which is where we are today.

What Will We See

  • We will see the collapse of the dollar,
  • We will see a new US currency,
  • We will see a new global currency,
  • We will see a single new world currency,
  • We will see a new world order,
  • We will see a completely different economic structure between Mexico, Canada and the United States.
  • We will see a whole new structure, built between the EECs.
  • We will see a whole new thing.
  • The UN will be stronger, the EU will be stronger.
  • We’ll see Turkey seemingly rise from the ashes to become a force to be reckoned with in the Middle East, and it’s dark at its core. Türkiye looks quiet now, but Türkiye won’t be quiet for long. They have begun to raise their heads.

Russia – A New Nationalism

You’re going to start seeing a whole new nationalism in Russia. Russia wants to create a crisis in order to generate nationalism because it realizes that it is losing the hearts of its young people. So Putin coming back is part of the whole thing the Lord said to me. Putin and Medviv will start to clash, and Putin will eventually come to power, but behind the scenes there is a third, more brutal person. He’ll come to the surface eventually, not yet, but he will be. While Putin is preparing for his arrival, he is not yet the Antichrist, because the Antichrist comes from elsewhere, but it is part of the whole doomsday scenario.

Russia will accuse neighboring countries that were once part of the old Soviet Union and demand that these countries form a new alliance and a new pact. Poland will be blackmailed. I hope they don’t give in, I have to give them a message when I go there in the spring. And czechoslovak countries like hungary, romania, ukraine, kazakhs, all of these will be blackmailed by russia, russia says, if you want our oil, if you want our gasoline, you have to come back; if you don’t, we will shut down the pipes tomorrow. They are waiting for gas prices to be high enough so they can shut off the pipes to other countries and their own country will still be able to function economically, but they need to wait until the gas prices go up before they can cut the pipes, that’s what God told me.

Earthquakes will Change Earth’s Tilt – Nations will Experience Major Climate Change, Crop Loss

He went into some details: I said, “Lord, I don’t think I can remember all of this.” He said, “You can.” He told me that an earthquake was coming and that it would change the tilt of the earth. We have earthquakes in Chile because the Earth’s tilt has changed. We have New Zealand earthquakes because the Earth’s tilt has changed. We have the Japanese earthquake, and the tilt of the earth changes him. When you start to see that happen, when the tilt of the Earth changes, the atmospheric airflow will change and the weather patterns will change. The change is dramatic and countries will experience climate change that they have never experienced before; and there will be crop losses, whether it is fruit, wheat, or food crops, vegetable crops, because the airflow will change, because the slope A change of just one degree or half a degree on Earth can mean changes in atmospheric airflow over hundreds of kilometers.

Cracks will Form in Earth’s Protective Coating – Satellites will be Destroyed

He said that when this starts to happen, cracks will form in the earth’s protective covering. When that happens, when the sun rises again, an energy is released that penetrates the cracks and that day will come. When that happens, it destroys many satellites, no phones, no ATMs, no bank transfers, no televisions. When that day happens, there will be planes in flight, unable to land. They had to figure out how they were going to land because they didn’t have satellite  navigation, only visuals.

This is what we will face if we don’t call on God; but when we call on God, He will stop the process if we keep calling. But the problem is that if we don’t call, it’s all coming to us, it’s already coming to us.

USA – If You Do Not Call on God, You Will Face Judgment

There’s a lot going on in this country, there’s a lot of assassination coming. I’m not a part of it, I just know what God has shown me, there will be outbursts of anger, violence in the streets . Mansions and neighborhoods will be invaded. Robin Hood’s style: what’s yours is also mine, and it will be spread. You’ll see multi-million dollar neighborhoods with nothing but chimneys and charred homes. Violence will become ubiquitous and the police force will not be able to cope. Even the army can only take care of cities and not suburbs, not even all urban areas can be taken care of because it is too extensive.

Our army will be called back to the country and the LORD says finances will force you to shrink your army and it will eventually cause gaps in the army to form and allow your country to be invaded if you don’t turn your hearts to ME . So I started reading about the downsizing of the military , I started reading that the military no longer has the numbers it used to, they’re cutting thousands of positions. I started reading what they were doing and I said, “Oh my God! It’s happening! It’s happening!” Does the military have an overstaffing problem? Most likely so. I don’t doubt it, but I know it too, and that’s what the Lord said, “Your armies will start to shrink, your protections will start to dwindle.” But our hearts will proudly say, “We don’t need it. It’s happening.”

We will see tornadoes, because of changes in the earth’s airflow, and changes in the weather and climate that will occur, we need to formulate a higher level of tornadoes . I think the highest class for a tornado right now is f5, I think there has to be an f6 class anyway because they don’t have one at the moment and they’re going to have to add another class because they’ve never measured a tornado with such a high speed , but that is the impending hurricane, more than 500 kilometers wide, that will hit the country. The volcano is erupting again in the northwestern part of the United States. American cities will be greatly affected . Something will happen that is unheard of.

If we don’t cry out to God , the shape of America will change . That’s what you said, why it happened, it comes down to the Garden of Eden, that whenever man turns away from God, he starts to corrupt everything he touches, starts to corrupt the world… When Cain kills Abel, the land will No longer be effective, like the Israelites in Ezekiel, the mountain stopped producing fruits and vegetables to supply these people. In Ezekiel 36 and 38,  “Mountains and slopes and valleys, begin to feed the people, for their iniquity has been taken away, and I will bring them back from their captivity. Sin always destroys God’s provision, but we Don’t understand the cause and effect of sin, the consequences of sin. We don’t understand that when we sin, things don’t work as they should. When we sin, we feel that God accepts our behavior. We think that sin has no consequences, Sin has no effect, but it does.

As David said, because the judgment has not been executed quickly, people think they don’t need to face their sins, but this is God’s mercy, the judgment is not executed immediately, I hope you will repent. But when the judgment doesn’t come, it builds up in the tube until it swells, and then suddenly the tube bursts, and these things happen to us all of a sudden.

The drought will continue to escalate , in the southern half of the United States, so severe that as Revelation 6 says, there may be bread, but your cost will be huge. Guards will have to be put in to guard the trucks to prevent looting of trucks and food looting. Earthquakes will not only hit coastal areas, but even the Midwest of the United States . There will be hailstones more than 30 centimeters thick ; there will be a bowl-sized hailstone, 24 inches of rain within 24 hours, and a huge tornado entrained , the car becomes Missiles falling from the sky.

The Lord told me that there will be an epidemic and that the first wave will prove to be milder but frightening. But the second wave will be very serious. Our gravity will change, there is a shift going on, there will be changes in the magma in the earth. Changes will occur in the gravitational field, this phenomenon will warm the ocean floor, the changing temperature of the ocean, which will kill a lot of fish and sea life.

The rise of China is not accidental. It is planned and strategic. It will become the world’s leading force. The commercial and financial paper bubble is about to explode in the commercial and real estate markets. He told me that in 2007 some people would start to grow their own food, and it was happening. One thing by the way, if you go to buy food, don’t buy genetically modified food. After genetic modification, they cannot reproduce, and there will be genetic problems. They think that improved crops have protection against disease, but when that happens, things get out of hand. You’ll pretty much see entire crops that are affected, grain products like wheat or corn, and the tomato will be one of them.

God says you need to pray for President Obama’s safety, there is a plan to end his life. It doesn’t matter whether you agree with Obama’s regime, you just have to pray for his safety. I command you to pray for his safety, the bible, my word, command you to come and pray for his safety, do this – you will be all right. The worst thing that can happen to him is that he gets removed. I’m not talking about being re-elected or not being re-elected, I’m talking about being assassinated — the worst thing that can happen, is that he was assassinated.

God let me see it, don’t know which city, but I know it happened in a coastal city, and I know it was the result of a dirty bomb explosion (radioactive dispersal device) – a dirty bomb exploded in a coastal city , will result in thirty years, people will not be able to live there, because of the high radiation content that was released after the explosion.

He also said, if you have the opportunity to buy good land, take it , because it becomes very valuable when people flee the cities. Our country will cut most of its foreign aid programs and as a result international dictators will multiply . From the large gay community , there will be anarchy growing, and there will be reports of mobs mutilating and torturing straight people . He also said that the time will come when gay men will be able to conceive babies through organ transplants and uterus transplants, and this technology will enable men to conceive children.

He said that many large churches will eventually file for bankruptcy because they cannot pay their construction loan costs, and many churches have adopted the concept that the larger the church the more anointed the church. So they compromised my word – the word of the bible, in order not to offend the congregation to keep the church financially healthy.

What Can You Do?

  • First thing, the church has to learn again how to stand for the faith . When a crisis comes, we are prone to weakness and fall, we have not been tested, we cannot solve our difficulties, we only understand a small part of the tricks of the enemy, and we do not know how to face them. Churches lost the ability to argue for their beliefs and were instead enraged. So we rarely hear strong and clear godly voices in political circles, we lose our testimony and can help others to hold on and testify powerfully that God is still God and will still do what he has always done.
  • Secondly, being a witness is to prove the existence of God. We must go back to the knowledge of God, not only the knowledge of God, but also the . I mentioned last night that it’s not just about knowing God, we have to come back to the desire to know Him intimately. This concept is like Abraham knowing Sarah and then she became pregnant because of the intimacy with each other.
  • Thirdly, the church must return to loving the word of God : trusting that His word is inerrant, from the beginning to the end, this will include the understanding and knowledge of faith, to know that God is absolute and there is only one way to know him, and that is through Jesus . We need a new revelation of God who is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, eternal and mutable. That’s why I talked about him last night. Unless we understand this, we will lose faith in the battle. If we know God is invincible, nothing is wiser than him, nothing knows better than him. Until we know this, our faith will be weak and we will tremble when we see visions from heaven.

The LORD told Jeremiah, don’t be discouraged by these signs from heaven, these are for heathen or unbelievers, those who don’t know me will be afraid, so don’t be discouraged. These things will happen, but I tell you before they happen, and when they come, don’t panic. They are here to frustrate and frighten the whole world, not you.

The Earth is Darkened by Man

I have told my church to arise and shine because your light has come and the glory of the LORD shines on you. They grab that verse and rise up and shine because your light has come. What they fail to grasp is this, that darkness will cover the earth . Where did the light come from? For darkness covers the earth, and the deepest darkness will cover the world. You know, the earth responds to man , that’s why the deepest darkness will come to man, so the earth’s response is to become dark, not the earth to be completely black first , and then people fall into darkness. It’s not what humans do in response, it’s what humans do that responds to what humans do, that responds to us humans.

That’s what Paul wanted to tell the church in Rome. In Romans 8 , the earth groans and groans because it is placed in a vain space, unable to fulfill the purpose for which it was created by God. This is because of sin, because the earth needs to respond to the sin that humans have committed. So until we change our ways, the earth cannot yield to us as it should, but to the sins of humanity . This is what Paul said in Romans 8 and Isaiah, the darkness will cover the earth, and the deepest darkness will cover the peoples, but we must turn back to God, and truly know our God, with all our hearts Turn to God with weeping and fasting.

Our crisis is the result of following the wrong gods. No one ever gets into a crisis by following God, because when there is a crisis, He will always give us the answer. I believe if you read Jeremiah 30 , you will find that we are in a moment like this. This is the time of Jacob’s (Israelites & God’s people) tribulation, and we are facing this situation.

Psalm 24 Concerning Jacob’s time of trouble, ” He shall be blessed by the LORD, and justified by the God of his salvation; this is the generation that seeks the LORD, Jacob that seeks your face. O gates, you shall Lift up your heads! Gates of eternity, you will be lifted up! The King of glory will come in.” In the day of Jacob’s trouble, the King of glory will come in. “ Who is this King of glory? The LORD, mighty and mighty, the LORD, mighty in battle! Lift up your heads, O gates, your everlasting gates, for the King of glory will come in! The King of glory is Who? Yahweh of hosts, the King of glory! ” ( Psalm 24:7-10 )

If we turned around and sought the Lord, there would be a clearer definition of Christian, which would mean more persecution of Christians, but it would not include the word lukewarm. Those who seek God in time will ascend the mountain of the Lord. Psalm 24 In the day of Jacob’s distress, those who “have clean hands and a pure heart, who have not sworn to vanity, who have sworn not to be deceitful”, you will live in the holy and heavy presence of God, which means that they will hear God voice and be led by God. The gates of heaven will be opened for you and those people, and those difficult to understand spiritual matters will now become easy to understand. ” The gates of eternity will be opened ,” signifying that ancient hidden spiritual truths, which have been hidden for a long time, will be revealed. They’re in the bible but because we’re spiritually blind we don’t understand the meaning of the bible they’re not new scriptures they’re in the bible but we’re spiritually blind we have eyes but see Not seeing, having ears but not hearing, the mighty power of the LORD of hosts will intervene in your circumstances and circumstances, God will fight, He will fight for you, the King of glory will come to your house.

How To Prepare for The End Times

Here are six things to keep in your mind: I have to tell you, I can’t watch TV, I can barely watch the news, no matter what the channel. Here’s why: Even though the Lord has told me these things to come, when I watch TV, there is fear in my heart. That said, TV has made me lose hope in God. I know something is going to happen, but I can’t let bad things happen in my heart, anxiety will be born in my heart, if I watch too much news, watch too much radio, I will get anxious, it’s not justice fruit. Anxiety is not the fruit of righteousness, Proverbs 12:25 says restlessness, anxiety in one’s heart produces depression, and I don’t want to go that way. So I said, “God, it’s all up to you, it’s all up to you!” So the first point,

  • [1] Don’t overreact to media hype and news stories , because many things that the media say will never happen, and those things that will happen, they don’t mention it. It’s strange. How can this work? God has always prepared you for this moment, and you were born for this moment . God knew when Jacob’s day of trouble would come, so God chose you to be there, how does that affect you? What does that mean to you? That means God has great confidence in you, He has chosen you, He has seen the future, He has chosen you to live in this moment. You are capable of some things, and no one else in your family has them like you.

I had a friend Bob Jones (prophet) who had an unbelievable vision that I will never forget. His vision now means more to me. We’re walking down the path he walked, and we’re standing in this incredible vision:

Bob Jone – Visions of Jones  Enlisted in the Last Days Army

On the top of the cliff, he looked down at the beach by the sea, and right next to him an angel stood beside him, and he saw people walking along the beach on the sand. They’re somewhere in the sand, bending over, along the beach, each of them bending over, then kneeling down, sticking their hands in the sand for something. Then they raise their hands, they look at their hands, they are empty, and they leave the sand. Then another came, and then another, and another, and more and more came, and none of them found anything.

The Lord asked Bob. Jones (Bob Jones) said, “Do you know who these people are?” Bob. Jones said, “I don’t know.” The Lord said, these are great men of faith. The whole time, each of them walks the sands of time thinking they’ll find what you’re going to find. Bob said, “What are you talking about?!” God said, “Now is the time for you to walk on the sands of time.”

So just Bob goes down, walks on the sand, and the angel says, “Stop now.” And Bob stops. The angel said, “Now bend down and put your hand in the sand, go as deep as you can and pull out, and see what you can find?” Bob knelt down, and his hand found a box in the sand, Pull the box out. The angel said, “Open it!” and Bob opened the box, and inside were millions of little pieces of paper.

God said, “Bob, do you know what these are?” Bob said no, and God said, “These are the names of those who joined MY end-time army. They are all alive now.” And He said, “Will the last Take out the upper partition (tray flat shallow container), pull out that layer, and another layer, and pull out another layer, and another layer, and another layer. These are the names of God’s last-day saints. God said, “Bob, I’ve kept the best of every generation until now. I’ve kept the best of every bloodline until now. I (God) have planned to plant these people, planned these people , I (God) has a purpose for these people. These people I (God) brought them into this moment because I have put something in them that other generations don’t have. In their blood , and no one else has ever had. They are capable, and for the sake of My kingdom, that is you! It is no accident that you are here, you were designed by the living God, and at this very moment, you will be someone who solves other people’s problems. In this day of great need, so stop overreacting to the media hype and news coverage, and simplify and streamline your life.”

  • 【2】Want to simplify and streamline your life ? You mean, we can’t buy iPhones? No, you can buy an iPhone, but understand that in a very short time from now, the IPHONE will be useless, but neither will the other phones. don’t worry!
  • [3] To reconnect with family and friends , relationships and friendships play a powerful role, helping and encouraging each other, supporting each other, reconnecting with family and friends. Remember, Proverbs 18:24 says that if you want to have friends, you must show yourself to be friendly.
  • [4] Reconsider your focus . That’s what I tell people, I try to put it simply, I’m not a financial planner, I just do what God says, and it works and it works but that doesn’t mean, it’s going to work for you. A lot of people emailed me, so I said, “Lord, a lot of people are emailing me, asking me what to do (to prepare)? What can I do?” I said, “I can’t tell people in Seattle to do What, because it won’t be the same as what someone in New York needs to do; and you can’t tell someone in Miami what they need to do, I mean, you don’t tell someone on the equator to buy a fur coat, but sure there is Some of the things that are going to work and be effective are the overall umbrella as a guide, a guide to the thought process.” God gave me this, He said, “Tell them these four things:
  • about real food
  • about what is really needed
  • About real energy (gas and electricity) 
  • about real money

Real food, real needs, real energy (gas and electricity) and real money, tell them to think about it.

what is real I don’t mean what’s in fashion now, something unnecessary, something that’s not necessary for you, for example you already have 40, so why buy another 41? So that’s true.

  • What is real food ? The real thing about food is that no matter where you live, you’re limited by time, and you’ll have a week or more of food in stock.
  • If your freezer is broken, here’s a tip, milk doesn’t keep for long.
  • Second point, what about canned food? Yes, be careful what you buy because of one obvious thing, some of them are incredibly high in sodium (salt), because sodium poisoning can be fatal,
  • Another is that there may not be any nutrition. So look at some of them, some of them are not nutritious, it’s up to you to decide.
  • You can eat for a week, I say at least two weeks. In some places in the United States, food needs to be stored, and it can be eaten for a long time.
  • It’s all up to you and God to tell you what to do depending on where you live, but think about real food.
  • In other words, it can be maintained for a period of time without spoilage, and it can be maintained for a period of time even if there is no electricity, it can still be preserved well.
  • What is the real need ? There are real needs, such as hygiene products, toothpaste, etc., you know what your real needs are, think about it, what do you really need? What is needed today? In the actual life now, if you can live without these things, it is not really necessary.
  • What is real money? : If there is a power outage, because your power plant has been hacked, if there is a network that has a virus intruding into the system, a network attack and causing many, many power grids to shut down, stop moving, this is going to happen, you can’t use your automatic ATMs won’t work; your credit cards won’t work, none of them will work for, say, two weeks or more. So you need to have at least two weeks of cash on hand , not in the bank, believe it or not, when this happens, they will close the bank, and when they close the door, you won’t be able to access your safe . Guess why? Because the safe is in the bank, you can’t enter the bank. So you need at least two weeks of cash on hand, real money.

Now there are places where if we don’t repent you’re going to need something other than cash because cash is going to be worthless and when hyperinflation is going to happen money is going to be worthless so you need more More than just cash, you need more than that. Yes, bartering is a good idea, but don’t, this is my warning, whatever you do, you want to have these on hand, because if you buy gold futures contracts, these paper contracts become worthless. If you buy gold, but use someone else to store it, that too becomes worthless. Your paper documents, in fact, there is not enough gold at all to reach the actual amount sold, it is actually only 60% gold, that is to say, the number that has, but there is not enough gold to back up (back up) . So have real money on hand, have this silver, gold, platinum, copper, whatever it is, you have to actually have some on your hand and God will give you all kinds of things, I mean it’s up to you and God.

  • What is real energy ? what does that mean? That is, if I need to go to work, how do I get there? If the gas station can’t refuel, think about it, the gas pump that uses electricity, the pump that refuels the car, and if the power plant, the grid goes out, you can’t refuel. So what are you going to do? The variety of things becomes very difficult. If you live in the country, like I live on a few acres, I can put a 50 gallon tank to store the gas in, but you can’t do that, not in an apartment, in a queens apartment, you have to think about the whole process, you What you need is where God calls you to remember that the place you live is chosen by God for you. But you don’t like to say, “Why did God put me in the middle of New York?” That’s because that’s where you’re going to have the greatest impact.

Become An Influencer

If you think about that, you listen to what the Lord has to say, and then the next thing: God wants you to be a person of influence. You will be the ones who influence you and the people around you, and also in your culture. This is an age of innovation, it will be an age of invention, and for others, it will be a time of learning and preparation for advancement.

But for those who don’t know God, it will be a time of pain and anger. They think about all that they have lost. What you see is the thought of heaven: God knows this, He has a plan, and I’m going to execute it; but the worldly view, it says, I’ve lost everything. If your mind stays on the ground thinking of mundane ideas, new inventions you will never have, you never know what is new innovation, what is going to happen, what is going to be needed by everyone, how to meet that need, and So see wealth transfer, transfer into godly hands.

  • [5] Don’t follow trends, but study them , for you may find benefit in their needs. The needs will be great, so look to God for solutions to those needs, and when your peers fail, you will succeed.
  • [6] Spend more time listening to God . It doesn’t mean, “Oh God, oh God, God, God, God, God, God, God, God, God, help me, help me! Please, don’t Let them fire me, don’t let them fire me, don’t let them fire me, oh God, God,” that’s not listening to God. To cultivate and develop a real dialogue with God , a real dialogue, you speak, then God speaks, then you speak, then God speaks, take some time to calm your heart, in the presence of God, peace is to receive God’s revelation soil , the Holy Spirit of peace is the giver of all revelation. 1 Corinthians 2:10 The Holy Spirit penetrates the deep things of God. Chapter 2 Because the Holy Spirit penetrates the deep things of God, only God reveals them to us through the Holy Spirit, and God desires to reveal them to you (the deep things of God). He is the Holy Spirit of peace, and when he comes brings peace, and when he comes, in peace there is revelation; in peace, there is innovation, and in that peace you will get what you need to know for tomorrow matter.

Be the person of influence that God has called you to be. This will set you apart from your neighbors: your peace, your love, your listening, your answers. Your solution, but others don’t have it. Now is not the time to go dark, but the time for great light. :

You can emit light that reflects God, you are the light of God, you are the light of the world, this is not a metaphor for Jesus. You see this verse that simply says, “God is light,” and that’s what John (Gospel of John) said when Nicodemus came to Jesus and he said, “Jesus, you know what I have to do, to be saved?” Jesus said, “You must be born again.” Nicodemus said, “It’s so hard, can I go back into my mother’s womb and be born again? What are you talking about?” Jesus responded, “Nicodemus, you are the leader of Israel, and you still don’t understand this?” That’s what the Greek word for rebirth literally means, “you have to be born again.” What does it mean to have to be born again now? That means, it literally means the sperm (seed) the seed of God has to come into your life and set you on fire and set you on fire. God’s sperm (seed) enters life and ignites life when a person is saved.

The light of God is the sperm (seed) of God, so where did you get that statement? God’s sperm (seed) was obtained from John and Peter who said, “Little children, you do not know you (1 Peter 1:23) You have been regenerated from an indestructible seed” , the word seed is sperma is the root of sperm, that is, from the seed (root), we derive the word sperm, without putting the sperm (seed) together. The seed of God, that is, the great light of God, enters our darkness, and we are released from the realm of darkness and enter the kingdom of the wonderful light of God. Jesus said, “Little children, the kingdom of God begins in you.” We are children of light, we shine light and reflect light.

Bring People out of Darkness And into Light

I go into the “New Age” (cult) environment, now I don’t always preach at Christian conferences, I go to the “New Age” exhibition fairs, I cause a commotion. I also go to psychic fairs, I go to Renaissance fairs. I also go to a place haunted by the Salem cult in Massachusetts. We also have teams gathering on Burning Man in the high desert, etc.

We go everywhere. Why? Because some people there don’t know Jesus. There were seekers there in the spirit world, and once I walked in some of the New Age fair stalls, like one time we walked in, we put up a stall, and when the New Age fair was over, I said to them , “Can we come back next year?” She said, “I don’t know.” I asked her, “Did we hurt anyone? Did we offend anyone?” “No, no, everyone thinks You guys are really full of love.” I said, “That’s good, then why can’t we come back?” She said, “I don’t know how to tell you, so I’ll just ask, are you a psychic vampire? ’ My mind raced, what the hell is a psychic vampire? I said, ‘I’m not, what do you mean? Why are you asking me that?’ She said, ‘Because the only complaint we get is that whenever you get close to their booth, they lose their ability to do fortune telling. They say it’s because of your strange aura. We rarely see it here, with an aura like yours, they find that they lose the ability to do fortune telling , so they thought, you might be a psychic vampire. Are you?” I said, “I’m not, first of all, psychic vampires don’t love.” She said, “Yeah.” I said, “That’s right. Yes, the spiritual principle is whenever a weaker spirit meets a stronger spirit, the weaker spirit dies.” She said, “That’s what I told them!”

Why am I telling you this, when you are equipped by God in the Lord, you know that this God we serve is an incredible God. When I walk in dark places, I carry His life, and I am born of His sperm (seed) — which is the light of God. The light of God comes into me, the kingdom of God begins in me; the kingdom of God is in me, growing and shining. As the kingdom of God grows stronger and more prosperous, I myself must decrease. The more I radiate the light of God, sooner or later people will be far away from me and be shadowed (Acts 5:15 Peter’s shadow shines on people to be healed), they will be healed, even if I don’t have to touch them , they will be changed. When I approach them, they change, they change, because I believe God’s word is true, His light has come into me, I am the light in this world, and so are you.

Yes, darkness is coming to this country, darkness is rising among the people, but you should arise and shine.

為美國禱告: 超越並佔領香柏樹行動

編輯小語: 本篇是節錄於達屈·席茲(Dutch Sheets)上週4月11日日到4月14日《給祂15分鐘》的帖文。這是達屈的朋友葛列格(Greg Hood)在數月前所領受的一個重要的夢,具有啟發性、指導性並鼓舞人心。達屈的解讀,將以橘色斜體標示,詳細的解讀,請點擊以下各連結:第1部分第2部分第3部分第4部分。

【背景:  夢始於達屈和我(葛列格)打開並穿過一扇大門,通往一條長長的土路,路旁柳樹成蔭。我們在柳樹下走了兩英里。我知道是兩英里,因為沿路有木製的英里標記。然而,這些標記看起來與我們在普通國道/州際公路上看到的不同。這個英里標記有英里數2,下面刻了另一個數字4352和一個皇冠詳情點閱 


  • 我們奉耶穌基督的名宣告:
    • 神將在堅定鼓勵神的子民,特別是領袖們。
    • 神正在美國和世界各地提高祈禱和代禱的水平。
    • 神必拯救美國脫離邪惡,和一切惡者的詭計和謀算,邪惡必不能在美國的土地上發旺。
    • 神將降下復興之火,釋放能力、神蹟和奇事。
    • 代禱的浪潮將帶來美國的覺醒、復興和突破。



為美國禱告: 超越並佔領香柏樹行動

編輯小語: 本篇是節錄於達屈·席茲(Dutch Sheets)上週4月11日日到4月14日《給祂15分鐘》的帖文。這是達屈的朋友葛列格(Greg Hood)在數月前所領受的一個重要的夢。這夢是關於美國的復興,具有啟發性、指導性並鼓舞人心。達屈的解讀,將以橘色斜體標示,詳細的解讀,請點擊以下各連結:第1部分第2部分第3部分第4部分。

【背景:  夢始於達屈和我(葛列格)打開並穿過一扇大門,通往一條長長的土路,路旁柳樹【在聖經中柳樹象徵著損失和希望(詩137),表明我們對美國的狀況感到難過,但也有希望】成蔭。我們在柳樹下走了兩英里。我知道是兩英里,因為沿路有木製的英里標記。然而,這些標記看起來與我們在普通國道/州際公路上看到的不同。這個英里標記有英里數2,下面刻了另一個數字4352【暗指敬拜。在美國復興的這條路上,我們必須敬拜,放風(聖靈)、天使的幫助,並帶來了白馬騎士基督的顯現。神是以以色列的讚美為寶座。(詩22:3)】和一個皇冠。





我不知道他們是從哪裡來的,但他送給我們每人一匹馬。正如他所做的那樣,我們可以看到許多人走近我們,牽著馬。他們不是從我們前面來,而是從柳樹叢中過來。我們認識他們中的許多人,因為他們是事工和生活中的朋友和同工。還有很多我們不知道的。沒有聽到任何指示或命令,我們牽起馬的韁繩,騎上馬 – 所有人同時上馬。

當我們這樣做時,白馬上的人回答了達屈和我都在想但又猶豫要不要問的問題。他知道我們的問題,即使我們沒有問過。他說,「你想知道他們的名字,是嗎?你的馬的名字?好吧,他們的名字並不像他們來自的部隊那麼重要;他們來自巴西琉斯部隊(Troop Basileus)【指天國議會Ekklesia,即基督的皇家祭司,被授予了統治和統治的權力,他們會喜歡它!這些馬是為你培育的。」他接著說,「它們是為戰鬥而培育的。它們是為收集戰利品和占領而飼養的。他們被培育來恐嚇你的對手。」



這時,騎白馬的人在王這龐大的聚會前重新定位。他的劍現在已經拔出,橫放在馬鞍角上。隨着他的移動,道路和樹木完全改變了。這條道路現在變为一條鋪好的路。我們在夢中知道,這種路面將使我們在即將到來的爭戰中獲得優勢。(馬在鋪面上通常表現不佳,但這種路面是為我們的馬匹而設。這是一個用於戰爭的路面)。現在道路上又有了一個里程標記。那是22號里程標數字22下面寫着 「王的大道」,這句話下面還刻着一把權杖。數字22代表以賽亞書22:22,主已把祂的權柄鑰匙交給Ekklesia。「王的大道」和權杖都指向了我們的王權,已從主基督那裡流向我們。

接下来樹木發生了變化。有巨大的香柏樹【常青樹在經文中代表盟約,亞伯拉罕在創世記21:33中種植了一棵常青樹,象徵著他與耶和華的盟約,並呼求永生神。常青樹和這個神的名字在我美國的旅程呼召中具有重大意義。常青樹對我們的建國者也非常重要,而且在向天請願的旗幟上也有。】現在被戰略性地放在我們前面的戰場上。我們可以在遠處看到其中的7【聖經中的數字7也代表盟約(不僅僅是完成和休息)。神尊重盟約,忠於盟約會帶來祂的祝福、保護和昌盛;破壞盟約則會使國家受到詛咒。美國與神的盟約協議是成為萬國之光,山上的城,將神國度的福音帶到地上所有國家。】棵。第一棵離我們很近。騎白馬的人對我們說:「敵人已經在我的香柏 樹周圍安營紮寨了。現在,我將拿回我的香柏樹。我現在啟動攻佔香柏樹的行動!」你們的任務是超越並佔領這片土地上的香柏 樹。如果你看、聽、行動,你就會成功。當你們佔領香柏樹時,你們就會佔領這塊土地。



他看着我(葛列格)和達屈說,「記住,繼續看,繼續聽,繼續向前走。這場爭戰將把土地帶回給我」。然後他轉過身來,用命令式的聲音對在場的所有國王說:「向我重複一遍!」那裡的人都高聲說:「我們要看,要繼續看! 我們要聽,而且要繼續聽! 我們要向前走,繼續向前走!」【這時候,必須小心翼翼地遵循聖靈的指示,繼續向前邁進!

耶穌接着又以命令的口吻對我們說:「達屈,下達前進的命令!」達屈腳踩在馬鞍的馬鐙上高高站了起來,大膽下令:「國王們,準備好你們自己!」當他這樣做的時候,我們所有的馬都把耳朵向後豎起來,後腿向後傾斜,就像準備發射的火箭一樣。我們可以看到它們的肌肉收緊,巨大的力量,目標很清晰。達屈接着命令道:「國王們,準備好你們的劍!!」每個國王都拔出了自己的劍,坐在馬鞍上,膝蓋緊緊地抓住馬的肋骨。我們現在已經準備好向前衝,奪回有香柏樹的土地。【請記住,香柏樹代表美國與神的盟約和夥伴關係。刻在樹上的數字是1025,是希臘語brephos的數字,意思是新生的孩子,嬰兒。我相信這是指我們國家的誕生 – 我們是通過與上帝的盟約而誕生的。


當我們走近那棵香柏樹時,能看到在樹上精心雕刻的東西。不是對手放的,而是一直在樹上的。那是數字1025。我們進行了艱苦的爭戰。我們中的一些人越來越累,但力量很快就得到超自然的恢復,我們繼續爭戰。看着,聽着,按照耶穌的命令行動。我們奪回了這塊香柏樹之地,並在那裡布置武裝部隊,建立天國的防禦工事,這樣香柏樹就不會再丟失。【請記住,香柏樹代表美國與神的盟約和夥伴關係。刻在樹上的數字是1025,是希臘語brephos的數字,意思是新生的孩子,嬰兒。我相信這是指我們國家的誕生 – 我們是通過與上帝的盟約而誕生的。



然後我(葛列格)在香柏樹上釘了一個宣告話語,這話語是一個天使給我的,就在刻在香柏樹的數字1060下面。在我將話語釘在樹上之後,達屈大聲宣告,將它定為法律。寫道:「王的命令和諸王的命令,從今天起在這塊土地上成為法律。這棵香柏樹和周圍的土地都得到了醫治! 根被醫治好了,枝子所結的果子必再給這地帶來大的果子和喜樂。這棵香柏樹永遠不再被玷污!」每個人都知道這條法律現在已經確立,永遠不會被推翻。【1060這數字,是希臘語gameo一詞的數字,即「結婚」,是一種盟約。美國與神的盟約產生了一種結合和夥伴關係。祂興起美國,並賦予我們除以色列以外的國家最大的特權:將基督的福音傳給全世界,沒有其他國家是專門為此目的而創立的。


我們的注意力很快就轉向了下一棵香柏。 它比前兩棵離我們遠一點,在一個有城牆的城市裡加固,很像古代的城市。 我們把馬轉向這把雄偉的香柏,奮力騎向它。 我們知道控制這棵香柏的對手可以看到我們的到來。 當我們騎向這棵雄偉的香柏時,我們的馬發出了雷聲。 地球震動了! 那些守衛它的人開始為我們的攻擊做準備。 他們還喊出恐嚇的話語,試圖分散我們的注意力和/或阻止我們前進。然而,我們沒有松懈,而是努力而直奔巨大的香柏樹。 當我們走近時,我們可以看到這棵強大的香柏有50根大樹枝。 有些樹枝很健康,有一點果子;有些樹枝沒有果子。這堵牆上有50個大門,都是封閉的。 還有另一扇門,對手的軍隊可以透過它進出。 我們知道牆上的這扇門是非法製造的。【香柏代表美國,她與上帝的盟約,以及祂生出我們的使命。 這個有50個分支,顯然指的是美國50個州。

我們可以看到,這棵香柏上也刻著一個數字,1410【1410是希臘語單詞(在Strong’s Concordance中)dunamai,可能意味著「道德力量或靈魂的卓越;來自富有、財富或數字的力量」。 所有這些定義都描述了美國因與上帝的聯盟而成為什麼:歷史上最強大、最富有的國家,源於我們的道德和靈魂的卓越,這一切都是因為我們與上帝的結合。 基督的諸王們集會開始圍繞著保護城市和巨大香柏的城牆。 他們分成50個師組,每個師組都向指定的大門前進,馬匹和騎手移動得非常迅速。 他們的行動產生了巨大的塵埃雲,阻礙了牆後人的視線。我們向50個密封的大門前進,戰鬥,並成功地重新開啟了所有大門。 每支國王隊伍都穿過他們重新開啟的大門。 當他們這樣做時,敵人開始逃離圍繞這強大的香柏建造的堡壘城市。 許多佔領這座城市的人逃到了其他國家,許多人被俘虜了。【一些樹枝有果實,這將代表屬靈果實,而不是物質財富或規模。 法國作家亞歷克西斯·德·託克維爾(Alexis de Tocqueville)在1831年訪問美國後的一句話:「我在美國寬敞的港口、廣闊的河流、肥沃的田野和無邊無際的森林中尋求美國的偉大 – 但它並不在那裡。 我在她豐富的礦山、她廣闊的世界商業、她的公立學校系統和她的高等教育機構中尋找它 – 但它並不在那裡。 我在她的民主國會和她無與倫比的憲法中尋找它 – 但它不在那裡。 直到我走進美國的教堂,聽到她的講壇上燃燒著正義,我才明白她的天才和力量的秘訣。 美國是偉大的,因為美國是良善的,如果美國不再是良善的,美國將不再是偉大的!」這棵大樹失去了她的偉大。

一場戰鬥在天堂同時發生。 一位天使從這個王國出現,對達屈說:「讓國王們在這裡紥營。 加固這塊強大的香柏,加固她的大門,重建她的城市,因為還有4棵香柏,你必須追上並佔領它。」

我們可以看到我們面前的東西。 天很黑,但光線迅速增加。


葛列格沒有再做任何揭示其他香柏的夢。 上帝會在祂的時機向我們展示一種或另一種方法。

我們放棄了與上帝的聯結,失去了正義,我們的講壇失去了火焰,美國不再良善。 這也是我們不再偉大的時候。 我們現在正在失去權力和財富,由撒謊和無能的領袖主管,邪惡的對手再不畏懼。


這座城市被一堵牆包圍,保護著它和樹木。 我相信這個城市是華盛頓特區。 它周圍的牆有50個大門,描繪了50個州及其政府。 在聖經中,大門象徵著政府,因為它們保護和控制誰/什麼能進出城市(見太16:18-19)。 我覺得這50個大門描繪了各州及其政府,所有這些門都被封閉了。 然而,該市(D.C.)也有一個大門(“政府”),沒有被關閉,允許他們的軍隊(“能力”)自由進出。 我們知道他們的大門是非法的。

這是否意味著我們的聯邦政府將自己提升到我們的建國元勳和憲法從未預期的非法統治水準,將州政府拒之門外,從而將人民的意願拒之門外? 這將包括我們聯邦政府的3個分枝機構、其他部門(州、司法、教育等)、機構的武器化、深層政府等。 在夢中,當我們走近時,裡面的人開始試圖恐嚇我們。 還有什麼比這更真實的嗎?!

天國議會的任務之一是分成50個部隊,並開啟這50個大門。 我們服從並成功了,天使從看不見的領域幫助我們。 反對派被擊敗,50個大門被重新開啟。 一些在城裡反對我們的人逃離了這個國家。 其他人被抓獲,這很可能意味著他們被起訴了。



這是一個了不起的夢。 這給我們帶來了巨大的希望,即我們自己造成的混亂可以被克服,上帝不會結束美國。 然而,這也證實,我們必須繼續殷切祈禱。 君王為拯救美國所做的一切都是透過天國議會完成的。

我將親自請求聖靈給我們實現這個夢所需的策略。 我也覺得有些方面我還不完全理解。 我會向聖靈祈求這個啟示。 請和我一起參與。


序號 日期 族群 序號 日期 族群
第16天 4/7 第15天 4/6 望加錫人
第14天 4/5 布吉人 第13天 4/4 巽他人
第12天 4/3 哈賈姆人 第11天 4/2 瑪布拉人
第10天 4/1 安薩里人 第9天 3/31 孟加拉謝赫人
第8天 3/30 東貝都因人 第7天 3/29 阿法爾人
第6天 3/28 維吾爾人 第5天 3/27 比拉拉人
第4天 3/26 波士尼亞克人 第3天 3/25 西爾赫蒂斯人
第2天 3/24 阿爾及利亞阿語系人 第1天 3/23 南普什圖人

關鍵事件: 全球的約瑟和但以理興起,轉化列國

【背景:  過去許多有約瑟或但以理等職場或政治領域呼召的神兒女當中,有的因等候時間太長而睡着了;有些人則已經放棄了。然而,神正在說。醒過來,站起來,因爲那個考驗和試煉的季節已經結束了,神的指定時間已經到了;現在是神國度的約瑟和但以理興起的時候了。 詳情點閱

  • 詩89:14 公義和公平是你寶座的根基,慈愛和誠實行在你前面。
  • 賽65:8  耶和華如此說:「葡萄中尋得新酒,人就說:『不要毀壞,因為福在其中。』我因我僕人的緣故也必照樣而行,不將他們全然毀滅。



  • 現在是神國度的約瑟和但以理興起的時候了。
  • 現在是那些能像以薩迦的子孫那樣辨別時間和季節的人起來的時候了。
  • 現在是時候與神在今天的約瑟和但以理,建立連結和夥伴關係,將資源分配到有需要的地方。
  • 神聖的連結、定位和分配正在發生。
  • 風將從北方、南方、東方和西方收集物資,並把它們放在適當的人手中。
  • 神所呼召的但以理和約瑟們要把神的子民從巴比倫的囚禁、迫害、壓制和做法中釋放出來。
  • 神正在興起在盟約中同工的團隊,改革者將共同努力,實現公義與公平的結合(詩89:14)。
  • 在葡萄中尋得的新酒,改革團隊將會帶來國家的轉化。
  • 道德改革即將發生,甚至於好萊塢產業也將轉向更適合家庭的節目。
  • 使徒/先知/傳福音者之間,將會出現深厚的夥伴關係和彼此的相愛,巨大地推進神的國度。
  • 敬拜的先知之美妙搭配將會興起,在即將到來的日子,釋放新聲音和新歌。
  • 合唱團將再次獻唱,在這個世代,幫助重建大衛的帳幕。
  • 美國的東岸和西岸,將被上帝的大能震撼,新的團隊將出去為復興犁地並管理,使復興之河流動。
  • 不同恩賜同工的關係,將推動福音的擴展,成就神的旨意在地上。

關鍵事件: 全球的約瑟和但以理興起,轉化列國

【背景:  過去許多有約瑟或但以理等職場或政治領域呼召的神兒女當中,有的因等候時間太長而睡着了;有些人則已經放棄了。然而,神正在說。醒過來,站起來,因爲那個考驗和試煉的季節已經結束了,神的指定時間已經到了;現在是神國度的約瑟和但以理興起的時候了。


這些人在過去的季節所經歷的事情並沒有白費。上帝已經並正在使用這些經歷來預備祂的器皿,降服於祂,擁有智慧、分辨力、知識、關係、對時間和季節的理解 – 甚至是辨別和處理各種類型的人和情況的知識 – 以及獲得呼召所需的供應的能力。




現在是但以理和約瑟起來的時候,他們要把神的子民從巴比倫的囚禁、迫害、壓制和做法中釋放出來。現在是有智慧、有信心、有禱告、有恩寵、有決心的人起來的時候了 – 那些能像以薩迦的子孫那樣辨別時間和季節的人。現在是改變對神子民和神供應的守衛時候了。


神同時也正在興起在盟約層面上同工的團隊,改革者將共同努力,實現公義與公平的結合(詩89:14)。 這些團隊將有群聚的恩膏,如以賽亞書65章8節所說的,葡萄中尋得的新酒。改革團隊將看到,導致國家轉化的許多層面的需要。道德也改革即將發生,甚至於好萊塢產業也將鐘擺擺向更適合家庭的節目。群聚恩膏的一部分將看到使徒/先知/傳福音者的同工。將會出現深厚的夥伴關係,和彼此的相愛,這將巨大地推進神的國度。



(資料來源: 以利亞名單Joni Ames 和 先知性長老使徒委員會《2023年先知性話語》)

為以色列禱告:烏雲退去顯出光芒 -《亞伯拉罕協議》

【背景: 以色列本次國會大選後,納坦雅胡的右翼聯盟勝出。未來的內閣在經濟、外交方面將改變前內閣的政策,積極與周邊鄰國就《亞伯拉罕協議》繼續合作,為以色列人民帶來更安全富強的國家。 詳情點閱

  • 創15:18 當那日,耶和華與亞伯蘭立約,說:“我已賜給你的後裔,從埃及河直到幼發拉底大河之地。
  • 路15:31-32 父親對他說:‘兒啊!你常和我同在,我一切所有的都是你的;只是你這個兄弟是死而復活、失而又得的,所以我們理當歡喜快樂。’”
  • 詩133 看哪!弟兄和睦同居,是何等地善,何等地美!這好比那貴重的油,澆在亞倫的頭上,流到鬍鬚,又流到他的衣襟。又好比黑門的甘露,降在錫安山;因為在那裡有耶和華所命定的福,就是永遠的生命。
  • 賽 22:22  我必將大衛家的鑰匙放在他肩頭上,他開無人能關,他關無人能開。
  • 創12:3  為你祝福的,我必賜福與他;那咒詛你的,我必咒詛他。地上的萬族都要因你得福。」


  • 除去弟兄相爭的咒詛:天父求袮因耶穌基督的鞭傷,醫治以撒與以實瑪利後裔間的隔閡,撫平以掃與雅各兄弟間的傷痕(賽53:5)。將多代的大兒子與小兒子都帶回到父的心意中,他們都不再成為孤兒,弟兄間也不再為多得和少得而彼此相爭(路15:11-32)。阿爸父,亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各在地上都與周邊的鄰居產生了資源紛爭,袮透過亞伯拉罕的三代祝福了周邊的鄰居(創21:25-34,創26:17-22)。如今願袮恢復歷代盟約的祝福在以色列全地,以色列資源的要湧流出(民21:16-18),使以色列在資源上成為列國的祝福。
  • 奉基督耶穌聖名宣告
    • 更多波斯灣阿拉伯國家、甚至非洲的國家與以色列建立正常化邦交關係, 提升其在國際間的發言權,使以色列真正成為祭司的國度,列國的光。(創12:3)
    • 以色列必興起,坐在位上,聯合埃及、約旦、阿聯酋、巴林,甚至阿曼、沙特阿拉伯等國加強區域合作,成為中東地區新的區域穩定力量。(賽52:1
    • 以色列將成為《亞伯拉罕協議》國家的祝福。泉源湧流,阿拉伯沙漠必開江河,曠野變肥田,肥田看如樹林。(詩104:10-13;賽32:15
    • 弟兄和睦同居,是何等地善、何等地美,必有耶和華命定的福,就是永遠的生命,傾倒在以色列與參與《亞伯拉罕協議》國家的人民身上,興旺福音,和全方位的發展上。(詩133
    • 萬軍之耶和華必在列國中施行審判,為遠方強盛的國斷定是非。他們要將刀打成犁頭,把槍打成鐮刀。戰爭與戰略的風聲必要轉化成靈魂收割的浪潮。(彌4:3



為以色列禱告:烏雲退去顯出光芒 -《亞伯拉罕協議》

【背景:  以色列本次國會大選後,納坦雅胡的右翼聯盟勝出。未來的內閣在經濟、外交方面將改變前內閣的政策,積極與周邊鄰國就《亞伯拉罕協議》繼續合作,為以色列人民帶來更安全富強的國家。




為美國禱告: 從「反墮胎運動」到「領養運動」

編輯小語: 本篇是根據達屈·席茲10月14日的帖文所編寫的。神差派凱爾西.柏連德(Kelsey Bolender)和她的先生蘭迪(Randy)在2003年到堪薩斯城參加「國際禱告殿」事工,當時他們不知道神對他們的計畫是甚麼。那時她們有三個孩子,ㄧ家人在一起非常愉快,也感覺很完整。然而,神開始帶領他們以一種非常集中火力的方式為結束墮胎祈禱。後來神又差他們到華盛頓特區一年;在那裡,他們定期站在最高法院的臺階上,為墮胎問題禱告。凱爾西是10個孩子的母親,其中六個是領養的;神又帶領他們創立一個基督教領養機構,「佐伊之家(Zoe’s House)」。以下是他們的分享神如何帶領他們從反墮胎運動到領養運動,這是神的新策略,非常令人興奮。閱讀全文請點擊此處



  • 瑪4:2  但向你們敬畏我名的人必有公義的日頭出現,其光線(原文是翅膀)有醫治之能。你們必出來跳躍如圈裡的肥犢。
  • 約14:12  我實實在在地告訴你們:我所做的事,信我的人也要做,並且要做比這更大的事,因為我往父那裡去。
  • 賽22:22  我必將大衛家的鑰匙放在他肩頭上。他開,無人能關;他關,無人能開。


  • 復興之火燃燒東岸各州: 天父,願祢紀念佛羅里達州的人民,祢是他們患難中即時的幫助,賜給州長德桑蒂斯和他的團隊屬天的智慧、策略以及夠用的資源,加速各方面的恢復。聖靈不僅安慰那些受傷的人,讓那些失去盼望的人恢復盼望,也要興起榮耀的浪潮。釋放行神蹟、傳福音、代禱、敬拜和啟示性的教導所需的恩賜和恩膏,帶下復興到佛羅里達州和美國東海岸的各個城鎮、城市和縣。我們召喚並點燃在東海岸各州的復興之火。
  •  我們奉耶穌基督的名宣告
    • 復興之火必在各級校園中點燃,釋放年輕世代脫離謊言、變態和欺騙的影響。
    • 佛羅里達是屬靈復興的先鋒,是美國走向神命定的先鋒。教會必興起,拿起以賽亞書 22:22 的鑰匙,為美國打開天門。
    • 喬治亞是政權之門,必向神打開政權大門,向敵人關閉政權大門。
    • 南卡羅來納必經歷屬靈的更新突破,所有與神分裂和偏差的各個方面,都將與神的真理對齊。
    • 北卡羅來納的教會必重新生出屬靈和物質界的初熟果子,將有神跡奇事隨著,使各族裔和睦同居。
    • 弗吉尼亞必再次穿上「給我自由,或給我死亡」的英雄外袍,向全美各州樹立了回歸聖潔公義和真理的美好榜樣。
    • 神必從馬里蘭興起爭戰的勇士,翻轉華盛頓 DC,成為喚醒美國的號手,美國復興之火的種子。
    • 賓夕法尼亞是基石之州,必擔起責任重建和堅固美國、拉回美國重新與神對齊,帶領美國再次從世界中分別出來,恢復獨立自由、彰顯基督美德和真理,作山上的城!
    • 德拉瓦是美國初熟果子之州,必再次連接於聖潔的根,恢復美國的聖潔,打開通道,讓神的聖潔榮耀進來結出聖潔果子。
    • 新澤西必領受聖靈的恩膏裝備和能力,站在禱告城牆上成為真正的守望者之州,持續為公義站立,完全恢復伊甸園的美麗在新澤西州和美國!
    • 紐約是神國度之州,神必恩膏餘民用屬天的執政,執法和管理能力改變紐約州,各城門將被高舉以迎接榮耀的主耶穌進來和登上紐約的寶座。
    • 復興和覺醒的火正在美國東海岸各州蔓延,不能被阻擋!


為美國禱告: 從「反墮胎運動」到「領養運動」

編輯小語: 本篇是根據達屈·席茲10月14日的帖文所編寫的。神差派凱爾西.柏連德(Kelsey Bolender)和她的先生蘭迪(Randy)在2003年到堪薩斯城參加「國際禱告殿」事工,當時他們不知道神對他們的計畫是甚麼。那時她們有三個孩子,ㄧ家人在一起非常愉快,也感覺很完整。然而,神開始帶領他們以一種非常集中火力的方式為結束墮胎祈禱。後來神又差他們到華盛頓特區一年;在那裡,他們定期站在最高法院的臺階上,為墮胎問題禱告。凱爾西是10個孩子的母親,其中六個是領養的;神又帶領他們創立一個基督教領養機構,「佐伊之家(Zoe’s House)」。以下是他們的分享神如何帶領他們從反墮胎運動到領養運動,這是神的新策略,非常令人興奮。閱讀全文請點擊此處




這當中,上帝還啟示他們一件事: 在希伯來書11:40中許多古代聖徒沒有看到應許成就,因為上帝有更完美的心意。祂希望每個世代都成為故事情節的一部分。當從前幾代人那裡接過接力棒並進一步時,就會發生一些事情。多年來,當真正挖掘上帝過去所做的一切並進一步推展時,就是達屈所說的「世代協同作用」。


因此,他們開始研究上帝過去在堪薩斯市所做的。他們發現喬治·惠特菲爾德(George Whitfield)在1700年代是這地的美國復興主義者。1740年,喬治·惠特菲爾德曾開設了第一家孤兒院。喬治亞州的第一家孤兒院就是由喬治·惠特菲爾德開業,他稱之為畢士大(Bethesda)。他們發現照顧這些孩子可以開啟屬靈的復興。1854年,東海岸的一位牧師,查爾斯·洛林·佈雷斯(Charles Loring Brace)對正在發生的孤兒危機很憂心,於是他開辦了孤兒列車,成為現代寄養和領養運動先驅 – 這一切都是因為曾經有位牧師說:「我得要為此做點什麼…」。

堪薩斯市 -「美國的領養中心」




上帝的榮耀策略 – 領養運動

他們相信,如果領養一個可能已經被墮掉或從墮胎中拯救出來的嬰兒,將是一個跡象,不僅是對天國或地上,甚至是教會覺醒的動力,因此他們受感動去愛那些人們不想要的/計劃外的嬰兒。因為上帝的榮耀策略是宣告祂是無父之人的父親,祂希望孩子融入家庭 – 祂使孤獨的有家。這是詩篇68:6羅馬書8章談論領養的靈。福音源於這種領養的靈,他們正為這種領養的靈得以實現而劬勞。地土也甚至呻吟著,要看到神的眾子透過那領養的靈顯現出來。

因此,凱爾西和她先生開始了「佐伊之家」的事工,他們意識到需要新的策略。凱爾西看到基督肢體現在必須成為號角 – 我們必須聽到新策略或有新皮袋,用新的方法來做對的事。在現在的反墮胎運動中,基督肢體必須最大化所擁有的,並詢問上帝,採用新的做事方式。當他們尋求上帝時,祂挑戰他們,「嗯,妳真的喜歡嬰兒,妳支持生命,但妳支持孩子嗎,妳支持家庭嗎?」聖靈正在引導他們,踏入寄養系統,幫助孤兒找到家。


  • 撒種在如「佐伊之家」事工的領養機構。
  • 經濟援助年輕的領養家庭。
  • 連結所在之州的領養事工。

關鍵事件: 教會預備末世的調整

【背景:  疫情這幾年,教會的聚會方式被大大地改變了。加拿大、美國、中國,還有很多沒有被報道出來的國家和地區,教會活動在地點、時間和人數上都被政府的強制令一一受限,有的甚至要到政府部門報籤方可。這樣以來,大教會就轉型成家庭小聚會,有的則在網絡上進行。




正如靈需要一個身體,神的靈盼望能透過教會完成祂的治理計劃,而「政治」領域就是一個重要的管道。既然神要兒女們去治理,當選舉來臨時,我們用積極投票或參政表達對政府意向的關切,同時爲君王和一切有權位的懇求、禱告和代求。教會需要不斷地調整,與神同心,「二人若不同心,豈能同行呢?」(摩3:3)耶穌就是跟天父同心的好榜樣:「我的食物就是遵行差我來者的旨意,作成祂的工。」(約4:34)在政治領域上的爭戰是屬於神的 -「耶和華使人得勝,不是用刀用槍。因爲爭戰全在乎耶和華。」(撒上17:47)教會能做的,就是懂得與祂同心,遵行祂旨意。

關鍵事件: 教會預備末世的調整

【背景:  疫情這幾年,教會的聚會方式被大大地改變了。加拿大、美國、中國,還有很多沒有被報道出來的國家和地區,教會活動在地點、時間和人數上都被政府的強制令一一受限,有的甚至要到政府部門報籤方可。這樣以來,大教會就轉型成家庭小聚會,有的則在網絡上進行。詳情點閱

  • 摩3:3 二人若不同心,豈能同行呢?
  • 約4:34 我的食物就是遵行差我來者的旨意,作成祂的工。
  • 33:22 因為耶和華是審判我們的,耶和華是給我們設律法的,耶和華是我們的王,他必拯救我們。
  • 斯4:14 此時你若閉口不言,猶大人必從別處得解脫,蒙拯救;你和你父家必致滅亡。焉知你得了王后的位分不是為現今的機會嗎?


  • 面臨挑戰,勇於行動: 謝謝父神!教會面臨逼迫的時候,祢的手仍舊護衛着我們。在這個時刻,讓教會明白治理的重要性和必要性;也明白這是祢的意思,不是人的意思。更讓我們看清政府的權柄需要用祢的榮耀來包裹,否則就會職權濫用。聖靈來催促教會有更多的「禱告」和「時政參與」是治理的關鍵。天父,我們不再與祢的旨意分裂,不再用人的智慧治理,我們願進入聖靈新鮮的引領中。調整我們象耶穌基督一樣,與祢同心、同行。
  • 我們奉耶穌基督的名宣告:
    • 上帝就是政府,是我們立法者、審判官,和我們的君王。
    • 教會將參與到政府的各個層面,通過禱告和行動將神的權柄和祝福釋放到地上。



時事背景:以色列政治體制層面面臨兩大困境:一是復國以來從列國迴歸的猶太人、本土猶太人和本土阿拉伯人,各自身背景複雜產生衆多政黨,各政黨所代表的政治主張差異巨大。 詳情點閱

  • 詩31:4  求你救我脫離人為我暗設的網羅,因為你是我的保障。
  • 尼4:6  這樣,我們修造城牆,城牆就都連絡,高至一半,因為百姓專心做工。
  • 尼4:15,20 仇敵聽見我們知道他們的心意,見神也破壞他們的計謀,就不來了。我們都回到城牆那裡,各做各的工。……你們聽見角聲在哪裡,就聚集到我們那裡去。我們的神必為我們爭戰。
  • 路6:27-28   “只是我告訴你們這聽道的人,你們的仇敵,要愛他!恨你們的,要待他好!咒詛你們的,要為他祝福!凌辱你們的,要為他禱告!
  • 林後10:4-5 我們爭戰的兵器本不是屬血氣的,乃是在 神面前有能力,可以攻破堅固的營壘,將各樣的計謀,各樣攔阻人認識 神的那些自高之事,一概攻破了,又將人所有的心意奪回,使他都順服基督。


  • 建立網絡防禦火墻:主耶穌,讚美袮是以色列網絡安全的保障,懇求袮為以色列的網絡安全爭戰,拯救以色列脫離仇敵暗設的恐怖主義。主耶穌,願袮在以色列網絡安全策略、網絡基礎設施、通訊技術、技術人員培訓,賜下屬天的智慧、策略和屬天的資源,幫助以色列建立一個完善的網絡防禦墻。願主在以色列的網絡領域興起敬拜讚美的精兵,使他們在新媒體建立敬拜讚美的火墻,擊退仇敵在網絡領域的作為。
  • 和平的福音浸入新媒體:主耶穌,袮是和平的君王,十字架上的愛勝過一切的恐怖主義。呼求主袮感動和差派福音的使者進入網絡和社交新媒體,這福音本是袮的大能,袮透過新媒體使人心回轉向袮。那些曾經恨猶太人的,他們要遇見袮。那些曾經是恐怖主義分子的,他們的心要被袮釘痕的手觸摸。主啊,和平的福音透過網絡要比以往傳揚得更加快速。



時事背景:以色列安全局主任巴爾(Ronen Bar)9月11日在國際反恐研究所會議上表示,互聯網恐怖主義是以色列目前遇到最複雜的威脅。當前的信息時代使恐怖分子能夠減少國家通常對其較小的獨立組織所擁有的內在控制優勢。網絡恐怖分子能夠破壞普通民眾對自己國家的忠誠,並動搖他們對真實情況的了解和掌握。




為原住民禱告 : 重整美國秩序的關鍵


為原住民禱告 : 松嶺帳篷聚會(一)「羞恥之路」成為「榮耀之徑」




我在想,當這一切結束時,這強大的恩膏像河流一樣流向我們周圍… 我們該做什麼?我們族人經歷神的愛透過教會肢體來到我們的保留地,然後離開,這一切就就沒了⋯我一直在想,這一次會有什麼不同嗎?我們能做什麼使這次不同嗎? ⋯當我在思考並沈浸在美麗的音樂聲中時,我的身體充滿了希望、喜樂和上帝的愛。聖靈對我說:「不,這次不再一樣了!」。


當我們在傷膝村(Wounded Knee)領受聖靈澆灌時,神說:這不再是傷膝村,而將成為貝拉之地(Land of Beulah)。當我回到松嶺時,我感覺到土地已經接受了這個宣告,恢復了節拍並恢復了活力,就像人心跳的節拍一樣。它恢復了自己的活力,回到了應該有的樣子,而將開始流淌著牛奶和蜜,讓我們享用。
傷膝大屠殺(Wounded Knee Massacre)發生在1890年12月29日,我們的拉科塔人被美國聯邦政府屠殺了。大屠殺導致數百人死亡,其中包括嬰兒、兒童、婦女、長者和男子。苿莉牧師分享她的異象後,我們都歡呼雀躍,讚美主。


