2019 Download Revival Stories 下載復興故事

Download Revival Stories 下載復興故事



Period 時期 English 中文
1727 The Testimony of Moravian Revival 摩拉維亞復興見證
1726,1784,1875 The Three Great Revivals in America  美國三次大覺醒
1733 The Great Awakening Revival Movement of the Eighteenth Century 十八世紀大覺醒復興運動
1738-1791 John Wesley’s Methodist Revival Movement (I)

John Wesley’s Methodist Revival Movement (II)

1743 David Brainerd and Indian Revival 大衛.布萊納和印第安復興的故事
1857 The Great Revival of  New York (3rd Awakening) 紐約大復興 (第三次復興)
1901 The 20th-century Charismatic movement: the revival of Topeka 二十世紀的靈恩運動第ㄧ波:多比加(Topeka)的復興運動
1904-1905 The Welsh Revival 威爾斯大復興
1906 The Testimony of the Azusa Street Revival 阿蘇撒街大復興
1907- The Great Revival of Pyongyang 平壤大復興
1908- Tidal Wave of Revival in India – Praying Hyde  印度復興浪潮
1927 The Great Revival of Shandong 山東大復興
1949 The Testimony of the Argentina Revival 阿根廷大復興的見證
1949 Revival In The Hebrides


1949 Indonesian Great Revival 印尼大復興
1972 Country transformation of Uganda
Uganda’s revival transformation
1974? Testimony of transformation-Almalonga, Guatemala 瓜地馬拉- 艾瑪隆加 (Almalonga) 的轉化見證
1980 Testimony of transformation-Kiambu,Kenya 肯亞 –坎布 (Kiambu) 的轉化見證
1984 The Ba’kalalan Revival  巴克拉蘭大復興
1995 Colombia—A testimony of city transformation in Cali 哥倫比亞。卡利(Cali) 城市轉化的見證
1995 Brownsville Revival and the Children’s Ministry (1) 布朗斯維爾教會的復興與兒童事工 (一)
1998 The transformation of the city Hemet of California  美國加州賀密(Hermet)城市的轉化
2004 The city transformation of Manchester, Kentucky 美國肯塔基州曼徹斯特市的轉化見證
2004 Visitation of God in Fiji 神造訪斐濟
2010 Testimonies from the Church of Brunei 文萊教會見證


早在19世紀的1818年,蘇格蘭浸信會的宣教士湯姆森(James Thomson),就被差派到阿根廷宣教,他在拉丁美洲到處宣教,是早期在這個羅馬天主教勢力範圍下的更正教宣教士。到了20世紀,阿根廷卻陷入屬靈的危機……

偶像之都耶洗別之罪 1946年,阿根廷總統胡安.多明戈.裴隆(Juan Domingo Peron)與他美麗卻交鬼的妻子伊娃.裴隆(Eva Peron,又稱貝隆夫人),將拜偶像及淫亂帶進這個國家。

巫術入侵 瑪貢巴是巴西土著信奉的一種巫教,以神靈附體聞名,50年代瑪貢巴教徒向阿根廷人推銷價格低廉的「巴西之旅,推動一團團阿根廷人前往巴西觀光,阿根廷團員被帶進了瑪貢巴教的祭典中,上千名觀光客被鬼附身。回國後,阿根廷的屬靈空氣明顯地被惡者控制,到處充斥著巫術。復興前阿根廷基督徒很少,當時阿根廷的基督教會,若有兩個人信主,就算稱為復興了。

1949年-弟兄姐妹起來禱告 教會的衰弱使得愛德華.米勒(Robert Edward Miller)牧師與他的同工幾乎絕望,1949年一月,沮喪到谷底的米勒牧師,決定一天禱告八小時祈求復興。他當時牧養孟都札(Mendoza)的一間磚土教會,禱告多時卻毫無反應。幾個禮拜後,神啟示他叫人從八點守候到深夜禱告,神要將祂的靈澆灌在他們身上。 結果只有三位會友回應。第一晚牧師教導了聖靈的真理,然後四個人跪在主前安靜等候,四小時中只有牧師唱詩、禱告,其餘三人全無反應。結束後,三位會友表示並無任何感動,只有姐妹說她想敲桌子。第二天與第三天是第一天的翻版,連那位姐妹想敲桌子的衝動都一樣。到了第四天晚上十一點,牧師確定那位姐妹還想敲桌子,於是帶領大家繞桌唱詩。不料,當那位姐妹敲桌子的一瞬間,一陣強風掃進教會,眾人立即臉上發光,被聖靈充滿。次日消息傳遍教會,自此以後,會友紛紛到教會禱告。1949年六月初,這股復興的活水開始流遍阿根廷全地。

1950年-延燒查科叢林及巴拉圭  阿國北方大查科叢林區,地跨玻利維亞、巴拉圭、阿根廷三國。查科省的教會當時已失去對神起初的愛。1950年,當地教會的牧者聽到上帝在南方聖靈澆灌的工作,就派同工前往學習。他們看到聖靈的工作後,大受激勵,於是回查科分享,眾人的心因此渴慕,開始渴望尋求神,而其中改變最大的是年輕人。教會一位一向難纏的女孩,卻第一個接受聖靈澆灌。還有一個混混亞歷山大被上帝徹頭徹尾地改變成一個禱告的青年。因著禱告,認罪的靈澆灌當地,不論老人、年輕人都來到教會謙卑認罪,這股復興持續了幾個月之久。


1952年-引導國家陷入信仰危機的伊娃過世 阿根廷獨裁者的美麗妻子伊娃.裴隆,熱衷招魂術,並引導這個以天主教為首的國家,進入一個公開招魂交鬼的境界。她在1952年死於子宮癌,年僅33歲。在此之後,神在貝爾那群守望復興的人中,透過禱告賜下豐富的信息,但卻讓他們經歷最艱難的信心等待期,一等就是兩年。直到1954年,時候滿足,神的靈空前降臨阿根廷及鄰國……..

1954年-聖靈沛降阿根廷  1954年,一位美國華盛頓的佈道家湯姆.海克斯(Tommy Hicks),召聚了50個年輕人一起為國家復興禁食禱告50天。到了第49天時,領受到神要差派他到阿根廷舉辦聚會,要他買單程機票去找裴隆先生。他問空中小姐,是否知道在阿根廷有個裴隆先生?空中小姐回答說:「當然知道,他是我們阿根廷的總統!」 飛到阿根廷後,他就憑信心到了總統府,侍衛在門口攔住他,他就說要見總統,因為要舉辦醫治大會,在這個聚會中,上帝會在大會中醫治人的疾病。侍衛驚奇,「上帝會醫治人?那上帝可以醫治我嗎?」說自己有肝炎,正在疼痛。於是湯姆就握著侍衛的手開始禱告,剛一禱告,侍衛就退後兩步說,不疼了,一切疼痛都跑了,於是答應湯姆第二天再來,帶他見總統。


復興爆發-五十天醫治佈道大會 因著總統的親身經歷,於是當場就發佈了一道命令,從今以後容許人民有完全的宗教自由。爾後就在市長的配合下,舉行了醫治佈道大會。開始了一連五十天的醫治佈道大會。各式各樣的人前來參加聚會,每天都有人身體恢復健康,或心靈被更新。不論富有的、貧窮的、受教育的、沒受教育的、地位高、地位低的、省長或是乞丐,都在這些日子當中遇見了神。自1954年四月中旬至六月中旬,差不多兩個月之久,神的榮光遍及大地。神屈身親吻這塊大地,耶穌寶血潔淨每個地方使其完全,傳統的教會也開始接受聖靈的施浸。各行各業都有人獻身,牧師們奮勇做工,阿根廷教會大大更新。在1950年代前後,這個聚會是教會歷史上人數最多的一次。據警察局統計,共有600萬人參加這次神醫佈道大會,從此打破了阿根廷崇拜偶像的傳統黑暗勢力,帶動了阿根廷的大復興。

復興果效持續十年 愛德華.米勒牧師在記錄此次大復興的書中形容:「這群原本麻木憤世的百姓開始有了盼望。原本高傲的阿根廷人民,火熱如同五旬節的信徒。每晚,當神藉著湯姆牧師釋放出喜樂的信息時,百姓就高聲唱詩歡呼以回應神的大能……他們找到了生命的泉源,醫治的活水流出,神的大能運行在百姓中間。」



1980年,烏干達超過30%的人口,得了愛滋病; 到了2008年,已經降到6.4%。 八百多萬愛滋病患得到醫治,真正的答案在於:禱告。 成功對抗愛滋,不過是這個國家全面轉化的故事當中,拼圖裡的一部分而已。

第一波復興: 神在烏干達有過六波的轉化運動, 前三波發自人們對神的渴慕, 後三波是面臨危機的反應。 福音於1775年傳到烏干達時,發生了激烈的屬靈戰爭。 帶來福音的宣教士,不到十年就被迫離開。 留下少數的非洲信徒,極其軟弱,決定每天一起聚集,禱告並禁食。 他們以小組方式,在全國各地建立廣大的禱告網絡。 信徒明白立志傳揚耶穌,必須棄絕舊生活,不管需要付上多大的代價,他們拒絕拜偶像和多妻。 沒想到整個福音運動,竟然快速增長,甚至超過宣教士在的時期。

第二波復興: 到了1886 年,面臨極大的逼迫,國王把教會領袖捉起來,要他們否認耶穌,不順服就得死, 第一批基督徒為此殉道。當時有一群在王宮工作的年輕人,信主之後拒絕一切可憎的儀式, 國王非常氣憤,要求他們否認耶穌,連大臣的兒子都加入殉道行列, 一天之內有二十二個年輕人為耶穌捨命。 後來宣教士回來,行事過於謹慎,恐懼之靈澆熄了年輕熾熱的火,

到1893 年時,教會早已從第一波復興變成不冷不熱的光景。 一次大戰結束時有位酋長之子,戰後退役,發現自己無法順服我們的大元帥耶穌基督, 像當兵時順服軍中的上尉那般,於是到處向牧者求教。 後來他和弟弟兩人,躲到自家香蕉園,切切尋求神,施恩懇求的靈降在他們身上,生命經歷了很大的突破, 開始影響周圍許多年輕人,起來像他們那樣劬勞地禱告,每個人都經歷得勝,甚至整個村落開始改變。 這波復興後來不斷擴張,聖靈的大能襲捲東非各國,使人認罪悔改,降服於聖靈,帶進「東非大復興」。

第三波到第六波轉化: 慕約翰個人見證、參與了後四波神的工作, 四十年之間(1971~2011),雖然犯了不少錯誤,但神總是帶領他們一再回到那真實果效的出發點。 第三波的轉化,發生在阿敏總統在位期間(Idi Amin, 1971~1979)。 當時烏干達的回教徒只有3%,但阿敏一上台,就宣告聖戰,宣布烏干達為回教國家, 先把所有猶太人趕出去,繼而開始殺害教會領袖,五年之內關閉了所有教會。 阿敏下台之後, 奧柏提總統(Milton Obote)執政,人稱彌爾頓時代, 沒想到竟然比阿敏更殘暴,施行獨裁的恐怖主義。 百姓當中,興起反叛軍與政府對抗,激烈的內戰延續了大約五年。 非洲有一個諺語說:「兩頭大象打架的時候,最慘的是地上的草坪。」 烏干達的百姓就是極權與叛軍兩頭大象下的草坪! 起初,教會不公開表示立場,直到內戰開始攻擊教會。 教會才覺醒為國家的改變禱告,不單求外面政權的改變,乃是為基礎性的實質改變進行爭戰。 這場禱告運動如燎原之火,延燒整個國家,經過兩年深入的禱告,神為烏干達帶來全面的改變, 神開始醫治這片土地,恢復對生命的尊重,經濟也開始復甦,國家漸漸步上軌道。

1990 年,烏干達的牧者接到內閣部長邀請,他向大家宣讀一篇「世界衛生組織」(WHO)的報告, 提到烏干達已成為全球愛滋病傳染最嚴重的國家。當時,患者佔總人口的34%, 預測到公元兩千年,烏干達將有三分之一死於愛滋病,三分之一將成為愛滋患者,最後剩三分之一的老弱婦孺。 屆時,烏干達的經濟會破產,政治和社會結構也將崩潰。 神在慕約翰的小組中賜下先知性的話語,徹底改變了他們的思考模式,神這樣說: 你們需要改變禱告的方式…如果只是為了解決危機而禱告,那麼危機解除之後,還會有其他危機接踵而來。 所以,你們需要開始為我創造你們國家的目的、命定來禱告。如果你們的禱告是求讓你的國 家能進入我創造她的命定和目的,我會幫助你們國家度過所有難關和危機… 屆時列國的人都會來到烏干達,問說:「你們到底是如何勝過愛滋病的?!」(引《起來!堵住破口》,頁207)

神開始教導烏干達教會,真正敵人是靈界黑暗的權勢,惟有認識敵人是誰,才知道如何禱告,如何突破, 如何推開籠罩在國家上空的帕子。神是信實的,祂說到做到。 但轉化是一個很複雜的過程,這期間曾舉行全國九十天的禁食禱告,參加者只能吃些蔬果; 還有好幾波的認罪悔改,包括部落間的和解,以及由總統向印度賠罪。 早在兩年前1988,神超自然地造訪慕約翰,揀選他擔任這一波運動的領袖。 這事發生在1988 年四月,當時他是一個小教會的牧師,積極傳福音,也經歷不少神蹟奇事。 但神親自造訪他,揭露他生命裡的情慾,對某些人的仇恨、妒嫉,服事上的操縱和爭競, 主對他說:「如果我今天就為了我的新婦回來,你是無份的 …你不只是不小心掉入罪惡,而是你的生活方式…在我父面前,是無法被接受的。」

慕約翰從神得到一個異象。 異象中,他看見自己和同工到維多利亞湖捕魚,他們在湖邊撒下網,似乎抓到很多漁, 開始拉網上岸,但是網太重了,成員不夠多,他要求同工回事工中心叫其餘同工來幫忙。 同工離開時,他聽到一個聲音對他說:「約翰,這個工作對你來說太大了,並非你個人的事工, 也不是一個教派或教會可以完成的,盡你所能去呼召那些在近處和遠處的人,就是願意幫忙的最大多數。」 於是他把同工叫回來,告訴他們這番話。過了一段時間,有許多人開始來到湖邊。 大大小小的團體,都帶來兩樣東西:一是寫有宗派和教會名稱的旗幟,另外,每個團體都帶來一條繩索。 大家到了湖邊, 就把繩索綁在漁網上,開始幫忙。雖然非常沉重,但眾人一起同工,終於把網拉上來。 出乎意料的,網浮出水面,裡面並沒有魚獲,卻是一塊大石頭,正是烏干達的地圖形狀! 這時有聲音對慕約翰說:「約翰,給我一張網,如此,我就把你的國家從惡水中拖出來。」 神啟示慕約翰:「除非你開始建立合一禱告的網絡,遍佈烏干達全國,否則無法攻克你國家上空的黑暗權勢。」 神又告訴他:「我有許多百姓,分散在不同教派,甚至在你想像不到的地方。 他們在路德派、五旬節教派、英國國教、浸信會、新教教派、天主教,以及眾多不同的事工當中。 每一個獨立的事工、教派、教會都有一份獨特的恩膏。」神說:「當 眾教會、教派、事工彼此合一,將會有極大的團體恩膏覆蔽在眾人之上。 在這樣的遮蓋下,你會擁有極大的合法地位來對抗你國家上空的執政掌權者。」

如今, 烏干達的基督徒超過90%,經濟成長率在非洲排前三名, 基督徒大量進入政府、司法、金融、教育等重要的決策位置,國家在每一個領域經歷徹底的轉化。 神也渴望在列國興起同樣的工作,神要萬國為祂結果子,要萬民來榮耀祂, 為此,祂呼召烏干達成為萬國的宣教士和接生婆,幫助列國進入神對國家的命定。

————————————— 慕約翰


  1. 一天不要讀一章、兩章、三章。每一天要讀很多的經文。 好像你每天吃早餐、中餐、晚餐,中間還要有點心。 讓我們用 神的話餵養自己。假如可能的話,一天讀十章、二十章經文。
  2. 唸讀聖經,不是研讀,就是唸讀。 不要讀解經書,解經書的內容不是經文,而是人的解釋,現在先把它忘記。 當你把你自己的 解釋做好之後,你再去把你的解釋跟其他人的比較一下。 假如你真的要用 神的話來餵養你自己,那就只要專讀經文,只讀聖經。阿們?
  3. 不要把讀經跟研經混在一起。 大部分的人怎麼做?他們開始讀:「喔!這節聖經觸摸我了!我想 神在對我說話。」 然後他們就停止讀下去,專注在那段經文,就開始研究。 我們就這樣說吧!在這段時間裡,我們就大量、大量的把 神的話裝在我們裡面, 因為聖經不會跟它自己相衝突,聖經自己會解釋自己。 所以當你越多的把 神的話裝進你心裡面,經文自己會解釋自己。
  4. 讓你讀經的動機保持單純。 只有一個動機:主啊!我想要認識祢。就這樣。 「我不要認識你的這個、那個,我就是要認識祢!我要知道 祢是誰?祢是什麼? 我要認識祢的名、尊崇你的名。」 我要每天說:「神啊!我要到你面前。主啊!你就是這樣的 神,因為我在經文裡看到了祢。」
  5. 創造一個有品質的讀經時間。 「我要用五分鐘讀經,因為等等我要去見一個人,我先來讀個四章。」這只應該算是多出來的時間。 你要 規劃一天當中的某一段時間,沒有攪擾,坐下來讀經領受,聚焦的來讀經,並且要持續的這樣做。 就像你讀小說的時候,你不喜歡被別人打擾,你喜歡連續看完整個 故事。 這本聖經,就是 神的故事,這就是神的道路。 當你讀 神話語的時候,你就是說:「 神啊!我要認識祢,我要跟隨祢的道路。」 你要創造讀經的連續性,假如你有讀經的品質,在讀經之後,你要計劃一段默想的時間。 不要讀完經以後,馬上去做別的事。讀完經以後,把它蓋起來,或是打開,默想 神的話。



那他來村 復興前後



靈異聲音 少年暴斃



禱告禁食 帶來合一



讚美敬拜 神跡發生


火柱異象 聖靈造訪





吸毒青年 悔改歸正




巫師認罪 燒毀道具



(資料來源: 基督教復興故事集)




大衛.布萊納(David Brainerd,AD 1718~1747)是美國初期對印第安人宣教的傳道人,曾帶起復興的工作,有「印第安使徒」之稱。他生於一七一八年,後來就讀於耶魯大學,一七四二年蒙召赴印第安人叢林地區傳福音,一七四七年死於肺病,得年不滿三十歲。雖然他的服事時間並不長久。但在歷史中,沒有比大衛.布萊納的事跡更輝煌光榮的記載了,他的故事影響了威廉克裏(William Carey)使他產生去往印度宣教的使命,也激勵了約翰衛斯理南非有名的傳道人慕安得烈。沒有其他的神跡,比他的一生與工作更能證明基督信仰的真理,他獨自一人在美洲原住民所居住的荒野地帶中,日夜與致命的疾病掙紮,大部分時間只能藉ㄧ個未信主的印地安原住民的傳譯而與印第安人接觸,但是他的手中與心中有神的話,靈裏燃燒著神的火焰,多用時間在祈禱中,將內心向神傾倒出來,因此建立了神的.教會,得著了充滿神恩典的果效。


















大衛.布萊納過著聖潔與祈禱的一生。他的日記中滿了禁食、默想、靈修、祈禱的記載,這是他日記的主調。他每日用在祈禱上的時間,有數個鐘頭之多。他說:「當我回到家,全心放在默想與禁食祈禱上的時候,我的靈 追求治死神所不喜悅的一切,追求捨己、謙卑,與世界一切脫離關系。」、「我與世界已經全無關系,只在其中誠實的為神勞苦工作。我不想為世界所能給我的任何東西而生活一分鐘。」


(資料來源: 基督教復興故事集)



人稱為清教徒王子的—愛德華滋(Jonathan Edwards,1703年 1758年),至今仍被認為是美國最出色的神學家,是十八世紀美國大覺醒復興運動的主要領導人物,也同時被視為美國哲學思想的開拓者。十八世紀初那時正值理性主義高漲的年代(結果帶來了自然神論),理性至上的思想堵住了教會的屬靈生命,愛德華滋卻能將屬靈生命與理性思維融合在一起,並活出那既嚴謹又充滿活力的生命來。他更以對信仰的熱情,註入當時冷冰僵化的正統神學裏面,使神學真的成為教會更新的動力,在他的事奉中我們看到,神學與屬靈生命原來就是相輔相成、不容分割的。信仰與生活、神學與聖靈、理性與熱情,不是互相排斥或是各走極端的,透過愛德華滋的生平、復興運動與神學思想,可以帶給我們許多省思。




1729年,他受命為北安普敦聖公會的主任牧師。他和當地其他的牧師,感受到教會昏睡的情形,不止信仰生活就連道德生活也鬆懈不堪,他因為對人的靈魂非常的關切,多次想改革這種情況。於是改革的事奉從講道開始,1733年愛德華滋的兩篇講道《聖靈將神超自然之光直接照徹人心》《因信稱義》,這兩篇道在信徒中引起極大回響,令人們反省自己的屬靈光景,聖靈的大能開始在人心作工。1734年,鎮上有兩位年輕人死亡,但在死前因聖靈光照,徹底悔改,於是開始向人見證神的恩典,然後才安然離世。因這事,愛德華滋鼓勵大家多參與聚會,談論信仰,而不要浪費生命在娛樂或談中,不到幾個月,他的會眾有三百多人承認基督的名,開始呈現復興的景象,並且影響蔓延到美東各地,一個城鎮又一個城鎮都經歷復興,這是「大覺醒運動」(Great Awakening)的濫觴(開端)

1735年,復興的現象稍微冷卻下來,以醞釀下一波更大的浪潮,但屬靈的影響卻開始深化,於是他有時間詳細紀錄這次的運動,作神學的反省,他相信復興是神的恩典,在人的身心兩方面的奮興中彰顯了出來。1737年,他終於將屬靈復興現象的觀察和報導,寫成了一本書,書名是《神奇妙工作的忠實記述》(Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God),這本書同時在倫敦和波士頓出版,到1738年末,已經再版了多次。此書被普遍閱讀,為另一波「大覺醒運動」作了準備。




因著愛德華滋對復興運動的著書報導,這個影響不僅在美國也到了英國。1740年,佈道家懷特菲德(George Whitefield, 1714-1770)從英國來到美國東岸巡回佈道,復興之火重新挑旺,他講道的消息一傳出,幾十哩內的工人馬上放下工具,田野沒有人耕作,聽眾常多達數千人,教堂容納不下,都必須在戶外講道,人們成群結隊來接受耶穌基督。大覺醒運動於1740年達到顛峰,北安普敦再度成為中心,愛德華滋也成為中心人物。

1741年7月8日,他在康乃狄克州的恩菲爾德鎮(Enfield)宣講了他最著名的講道《落在憤怒之神手中的罪人》Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God)當時,由喬治.懷特菲德點燃的復興之火已燒遍了新英格蘭地區,這篇講道極具有震撼力,但愛德華滋只是平和穩定的宣講,而不是情緒化的狂呼大叫,他把左手擱在講臺上,右手拿著講章宣讀。他佈道的經文是《申命記》三十二章35節:「他們失腳的時候,伸冤報應在我;因他們遭災的日子近了;那要臨在他們身上的必速速來到。






  • 有關情感的強烈表現:即使我們的情感是很強烈的,也不能證明它是屬靈或非屬靈的。有些人責難一切強烈的情感,他們對任何一個人如果向神或屬靈的事情擁有強烈情感的人,都懷有偏見,以為這種人是受騙了。然而,真實的信仰在我們的情感中占了很大的地位,人生命裏若有豐盛的真實信仰,當然會產生豐富的情感。愛就是一種情感。可有任何基督徒會說,我們不該對罪感深覺恨惡和憂傷?或者我們不該為神的慈悲而深深感謝他?或是我們不該渴望追求神和聖潔?彼得前書壹章8節說∶「因信他就有說不出來、滿有榮光的大喜樂」,這就表達出強烈的情感;的確,聖經常常要求我們要有強烈的情感。在第一,也是最大的誡命中說∶你們要盡心、盡性、盡意、盡力愛主祢的神」(可十二∶30)。聖經也吩咐我們要大大的快樂∶「唯有義人必然歡喜,在神面前高興快樂」(詩六八∶3)。聖經記載信徒的經歷時,常常會表達出他們熱烈的情感。詩篇作者∶我何等愛慕祢的律法」(詩一一九97)。由此可以證明,高昂的宗教情感不必然是狂熱的表現。所以,如果我們只因某人的情感是強烈的,而指責他為狂熱者,就犯了相當嚴重的錯誤。但另一方面,我們熱烈的情感,並不能證明它們真是屬靈的。聖經顯示,一些沒有真正得救的人,也會非常熱衷於宗教。譬如,在舊約中,以色列民在出埃及時,因著神所賜的恩惠過了紅海,就大大地激起了他們的情感,於是當下他們歌頌讚美他,這記載在出埃及記十五章1-21節;然而很快地,他們就忘記了他的作為。
  • 有關身體特別的反應:我們不可從「人身體上的反應」來判斷是不是上帝在動工。因為即使我們的情感對身體產生很大的影響,也不能證明它是屬靈或非屬靈的。情感對身體有一種影響力,這是因為身體和靈魂、肉體和心靈之間,有著親密的連合。因此,當強烈的情感對身體造成很大的影響時,這個並不為奇。然而,強烈的情感可能源自肉體或源自屬靈。所以,有身體上的影響,不能證明那經歷或只是肉體的,或真是屬靈的。但一種強烈而且深刻的屬靈情感,的確能對身體產生很大的影響,詩人說∶「我羨慕渴想耶和華的院宇;我的心腸,我的肉體向永生神呼籲(或作:歡呼)。」(詩八四2),這裏也顯示了在靈魂與肉體之間確實有清楚的區別。聖經中有很多神榮耀顯現的記錄,而對於那些看見神榮耀的人,都產生了強而有力的身體影響。例如,但以理就說∶「我見了這大異象便渾身無力,面貌失色,毫無氣力。」(但十8)。這也是使徒約翰看見異象時的反應∶「我一看見,就仆倒在他腳前,像死了一樣」(啟一17)
  • 有關傳講地獄的信息:如果傳道人極誠懇而溫柔地多多傳講上帝的律法何等可畏聖潔,因此而帶來復興,有人就說這種復興是傳道人用地獄的火湖恫嚇會眾而促成的。這種說法並沒有道理。如果真有永不止息的痛苦、有地獄,如果許多人極有可能下地獄,那麼當然要警告他們!如果大多數的人,即使在所謂基督教國家的人,最後還是真的會下地獄,那麼警告他們是必要的!我們要盡可能把真理告訴他們。在屬世的緊急事件上,人們絕對不會掉以輕心的。
  • 有關上帝動工的印證:如果一個人更尊重、愛慕耶穌,那就是聖靈動工的明確記號。比方說一個人:1).深信他需要基督,也被帶到他面前;2).更相信基督曾出現在人類歷史中;3).更確信基督是上帝的兒子,被上帝差遣來拯救罪人;4).承認他是獨一的救主,非常需要他;5).比過去更敬愛他、欣賞他。我們就確定知道這是聖靈在動工。

(資料來源: 基督教復興故事集)




德國從十七世紀路德教會興起的敬虔主義(Pietism)強調的是個人信仰與屬靈經驗,摩拉維亞派(Moravians)隨後繼承了這項屬靈遺產。隨著敬虔主義的聖靈水流,十八世紀的兩個大復興運動與此有很深的關鏈,一是帶動了英國約翰衛斯理(John Wesley,1703-1791)所帶領的循道派復興運動(Methodism,1738-1791),另一個則是當時為英國殖民地的美國所發生的大覺醒運動(The Great Awakening, 1726-1750,由愛德華茲與懷特菲爾德主領)。敬虔(Pietism)、社會關懷(social concern)、宣教(mission)是約翰衛斯理循道主義的三大特色。







在神學上,約翰衛斯理強調「因信稱義」之後的「第二重祝福」(完全成聖),也就是基督徒的完全和聖潔;這並非表示信主之後完全無罪,而是指可以不喜歡犯罪、對犯罪不再有欲望,且是透過徹底的悔改除去一切的罪,將自己敞開被神的愛所充滿(是一種完全的愛,pure love,是愛神又愛人的生活實踐),進而打破罪惡的權勢,在生活上分別為聖,活出完全與聖潔。這影響了聖潔運動中因著聖靈火洗而潔凈的「第二重祝福」,以及五旬節運動、靈恩運動中聖靈充滿的「第二重祝福」(second blessed)。也就是說:

※ 衛斯理的「第二重祝福」是指完全成聖(重生→成聖)
※ 聖潔運動的「第二重祝福」是指完全降服(重生→靈洗與滿有聖靈)
※ 五旬節運動的「第二重祝福」是指聖靈充滿和方言的記號(重生→聖靈充滿與方言)


約翰衛斯理(John Wesley,1703-1791),後來被稱為「五旬節的鼻祖」,乃是因為五旬節靈恩運動吸收了衛斯理的聖靈觀與成聖觀,他認為重生只是聖靈第一次恩典的工作,並不完全,基督徒需要進一步經歷所謂第二次恩典的工作(Second work of Grace)。這第二次恩典的工作可以讓聖靈在信徒個人身上作完全的工作。五旬節信仰借用這個兩階段的架構(重生得救至進入完全成聖)來強調基督徒不但要重生得救,而且要有聖靈充滿或靈洗的經驗(用靈洗經驗來代替完全成聖這名詞);而且這靈洗的經驗是明顯的,方言就是這經驗的記號。



約翰於1738年回英國後不久,便遇上莫拉維亞會的另一位牧師伯勒爾(Peter Bohler),他對約翰衛斯理強調(1)因信稱義的觀念(Justification)、(2)內心要有得救的確據(Assurance of Salvation),以及(3)勝過一切罪惡的把握。約翰衛斯理深為這些信念所折服,認為是與聖經,和許多見證人的經驗吻合,於是他也開始傳講這些道理,伯勒爾牧師鼓勵約翰衛斯裏說:「傳講信心直到你擁有它,而後因著你有了信心,你就更應該傳講它」。

1738年的五月二十四日,衛斯理參加了倫敦亞得門街(Alders gate)的一場聚會,在聚會中他覺得內心「莫名其妙的溫暖起來」(warm),他終於得到以上所提到的三樣信仰的內在確據(因信稱義、有得救的肯定和勝過罪惡權勢的把握),這是因有人在會中宣讀了馬丁路德寫的羅馬書註釋之序言,那序言講到:「因著人對基督的信心,神將動工改變人心」。這個得救的經驗實在影響了他每一方面,這個經歷非常類似馬丁路德那樣的經驗,馬丁路德是在拿到神學博士,已經在神學院教書一段時間,才重生得救,那約翰衛斯理也是一樣,他當了好幾年的牧師,他們去佈道,他們去做社會服務,可是到這個時候,他才真正的重生。他由這經驗而生出的熱心,又聯合了他弟弟查理衛斯理和懷特菲德(Whitefield),便在英國形成了一股復興的火焰。



  1. .愛失喪之人的意思,就是在傳福音(Evangelism)時「把基督給他們」
  2. 愛貧窮人的意思,就是社會關懷──為孤兒寡婦預備房子,提供免費醫療、食物、衣物、教育,及主日學等。
  3. 愛初信者的意思,乃是訓練他們成為門徒──小組牧養;倘若信徒給教區教會逐出來(當代英國國教對循道派信徒常采取的行動),便為他們舉行聖餐;並且為初信者預備聖詩與屬靈詩文、研經材料、禱文、單張、兒童禱文、日課、詩歌;出版成年人屬靈的作品(包括神學和靈修的),每月的屬靈雜誌。約翰衛斯理有生之年一共寫了四百多種不同的出版物。
  4. .在基督徒群體中,愛人的意思乃是誠實地放下偏見,同心協力,為要得著失喪之人的靈魂,加上真誠的合ㄧ精神。
  5. .他愛全世界的心,使他能說∶「全世界就是我的教區」。他自己為宣教而去過的地方,包括美國的喬治亞、德國、英國威爾斯、愛爾蘭和蘇格蘭。自1769年起,衛斯理便差遣循道派的宣教士去北美洲工作。


(資料來源: 基督教復興故事集)





約翰衛斯理的復興運動有一個特色,他不像教會歷史上壹些神秘主義者只追求自己的聖潔和完全,偏重靈性的追求,然後離群索居,追求與世隔絕,衛斯理所追求的成聖不單是聖靈更深的內在工作,使一個人擁有「完全的愛」- 對上帝和對人的愛和「內在之罪的根除」,並且從此以後還要深入到社會的基層群眾去服事別人。

約翰衛斯理說:「全世界是我的教區」(“I look upon all the world as my parish”)也就是說全世界都是我傳福音的對象!他又說:「給我一百個除了罪什麼也不怕、除了神什麼也不要的人,我便能震撼這個世界。」(Give me one hundred men who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God,and I will shake the world.)。有一次他在講道時,發現聽眾有人睡著了。他忽然喊道:“火,火!”,睡的人驚覺站起來,倉皇地問說:“火在哪?”,衛斯理說:“地獄的火,是為了那些聽道時睡覺的人預備的。”約翰衛斯理這種佈道與奮興教會的豪情壯志不僅蘇醒了千萬人的心靈,更是帶來當時英國社會極大的改革,所以我們說教會的復興,可以帶給社會更大的祝福與轉化,使得往後的英國社會避免了如同法國大革命那種暴力和流血的情形發生。



約翰衛斯理是一個具有組織能力的人,他把壹些尋求上帝的人組成班會(Class)和小團(band)。 班會由十二人組成,班長每周至少與班員見面一次,督促生活,給予忠告;並且收募奉獻幫助窮人;聚會時分享靈性經驗,彼此認罪、代禱、勸誡,把聖經的教訓落實在生活中,彼此立約、彼此相愛,實施紀律。而小團是由已有赦罪確據的人參加,人數大約六名,每人受團長的督導,談個人靈性狀況,接受勸導,棄絕罪惡的生活,熱心行善。衛斯理的班會系統,由一般信徒負責,讓社會的中下階層勞苦大眾得到歸屬感和認同,以致對內忠誠,對外關懷社會。


另外在十八世紀下半葉,販賣奴隸的行為大張旗鼓,每年有六萬名黑人從非洲各地被人抓來運送到英國、法國、美國、葡萄牙等國充當奴隸,這種行為約翰衛斯理是深惡痛絕的,他譴責奴隸買賣,說那是最惡劣的「流氓行為」,所以他主張解放奴隸,並寫了很犀利的文章加以鼓吹,甚至他對循道會的人說:「蓄奴者不準領聖餐,蓄奴者不準參加教會團契」。當時英國有一位國會議員叫作韋伯福斯(Willian Wilberforcr 1759~1833)正如火如荼地反對奴隸制度,於是約翰衛斯理在1791年,在去逝的前三天,寫信給韋伯福斯,鼓勵他說:「上帝興起妳,是為要妳成就榮耀的大事」,並鼓勵他行為不可松懈。在韋伯福斯前後三十多年的努力奔走下,終於在1807年廢止奴隸買賣,1833年英國境內所有的奴隸得到了完全的解放。


值得一提的是約翰衛斯理有一位重要的同工名字叫作,喬治.懷特肺德(Whitefield, George,1714~70),約翰衛斯理比較走靈恩的追求方式,他每次講完道,就會帶會眾一起追求聖靈充滿(有人身體會震動,會大喊、會大叫);但是懷特肺德比較順其自然,他說聖靈自己會工作。但不管如何聖靈都強烈在他們的聚會中動工,兩個人每次講完道都有很多人信主,兩個人講道的恩賜都很明顯。




懷特肺德有時一天之內要講道兩至三次;他可以在戶外向著二萬人講道,而人們仍然能很清楚的聽到他在說什麼。從他二十二歲開始事奉到五十六歲離世時,他就是過著這樣的生活。他把信息帶到英語世界的每一角落,他可以說是美國「大覺醒運動」(Great Awakening)的發起人,1740年,這位布道家懷特肺德從英國來到美國東岸巡回布道,復興之火重新挑旺,他講道的消息壹傳出,幾十哩內的工人馬上放下工具,田野沒有人耕作,聽眾常多達數千人,教堂容納不下,都必須在戶外講道,人們成群結隊來接受耶穌基督。



另外有一個小孩伏在樓梯上幾乎不能站直,人問他為什麽哭呢?他說:『誰能不哭呢?這些話語如同刀壹樣地紮入我的心』,我回到家裏躺在床上,在驚人的寂靜 ,敬佩神那廣大無邊,自由自在的榮耀而又降卑的愛,那時神聖的安慰如同浪潮湧來,其勢洶猛神速,使我脆弱的帳棚幾乎容納不了。」

懷特肺德他的日記上常有一句話說「講道有能力」、「能力的意思我認為多少是心靈的擴大,有一種愉快的心境從上面賜給我,使我說話有自由而且清楚有力,人聽了以後就能受感動。」,他的名聲大噪,常接受邀請,一天講許多次道,雖然身體健康不佳,仍不停講道,有人勸他不要太勞累,但是他說:「我寧願耗盡,不願腐朽[註2];我寧可做死,也不要 死。[註3]」,他才五十六歲,就因工作過度,耗盡體力而去世,後來他被埋葬在美國一所教會(麻省紐柏利波特長老會)的講壇下。



(資料來源: 基督教復興故事集)



ㄧ九Oㄧ年1月1日在美國堪薩斯州的多比加城,查理巴罕(Charles Fox Parham)所開始的五旬節運動,到現在仍然如同上世紀開始那樣的熱切,在宣教工作上的熱心與建立教會的動力上不斷的在擴展中。ㄧ九O六年那位受查理巴罕影響的獨眼黑人西蒙(William J. Seymour)也把這種屬靈經驗帶到洛杉磯阿蘇薩街,後來成為全世界所註目的另ㄧ股更大的五旬節運動。全世界各地許多渴慕聖靈能力的弟兄姊妹,湧進這裏來領受聖靈的能力,然後又把這樣的經驗帶回他們自己的教會,於是許多的五旬節教會因而掘起。


五旬節運動(Pentecostal Movement)

富勒神學院(Fuller Theological Seminary)的教會增長學教授彼得魏格納(Peter Wagner)將二十世紀的靈恩運動分成為三波:第一波是為始於堪薩斯州多比加(Topeka)傳統的「五旬節運動」(Pentecostal Movement);第二波是為於六十年代開始盛行於基督教各大宗派和天主教中的「靈恩運動」(Charismatic Movement),或被稱為「新五旬節運動」(New-pentecostalism);第三波就是魏格納他本人和溫約翰(John Wimber)所發起的「葡萄園運動」(Vineyard Movement)或被稱為「神跡奇事運動」或「權能布道運動」。

查理.巴罕(Charles F.Parham,1873-1929)人又稱他為五旬節運動之父,巴罕於ㄧ八七三年六月四日生在愛華州的穆斯卡丁(Muscatine),他在十三歲的時候於聖公會的聚會中,接受耶穌為其個人的救主,十九歲成為衛理公會的代理牧師,他受到循道主義二次恩典全然成聖的影響,也領受此經驗,在牧會期間,會友人數不斷增加,教會只好另外蓋更大的會堂來容納所有的人。

在ㄧ八九五年的時候有ㄧ位浸信會的牧師歐溫(Benjamin Hardin lrwin)宣布成立「火洗聖潔會」他教導說第二次祝福(成聖)之後,隨著而來會有第三次的經驗,他稱為「聖靈與火的洗」,這第三次的祝福他們認為就是聖靈充滿,但是「火洗運動並不教導說方言才是接受靈洗的最新證據,但這種現象在那些火洗的人身上卻相當普遍」。查理巴罕在ㄧ九Oㄧ年以前就曾經和歐溫聚會過幾次,學者認為可能巴罕就是承襲歐溫的基本思想,受他的影響很大。ㄧ八九五年巴罕脫離循道主義(二次祝福),接受火洗聖潔派的神學立場(三次祝福)。


為了服事更多尋求神醫治的病人,ㄧ八九八年巴罕在堪薩斯州的多比加城(Topeka, Kansas)正式開始了神醫布道工作,成立「伯特利醫治之家」,醫治老弱病人,有許多的見證發生,但是巴罕常要求會眾不要稱他為「醫治者」,他提醒眾人,他絲毫沒有醫治的能力,就像他毫無拯救的能力ㄧ樣,只有ㄧ位是醫治者和拯救者,那就是主耶穌基督。,此外他也收容孤兒或為失業者提供工作,後來又在1900年十月成立「伯特利聖經學校」(ㄧ棟名叫“石愚”的建築物),ㄧ共有四十位學生,在這個學校有ㄧ間「禱告塔」的教室,學生經常聚集禱告,ㄧ次就是三個小時的守望工作。巴罕的神學院開放給每ㄧ個牧師和信徒,唯ㄧ的條件是要他們願意「捨棄ㄧ切」,誠心誠意認真研讀神的話,學生的信心就是他們的學費,並且ㄧ切需要都仰賴神來供應。



巴罕和他的學生深信這個結論是合適的聖經解釋,於是他們主持了ㄧ次通宵聚會,由ㄧ九OO年十二月三十ㄧ日,ㄧ直持續到隔ㄧ天的新年。在聚會中,ㄧ位名叫歐茲曼(Agnes Ozman)的女學生要求巴罕按手在她頭上為她禱告,使她受聖靈的洗,並有說方言的憑據,因為歐茲曼想要在將來投入宣教事奉,因此渴望得著聖靈的能力,到了半夜後,也就是廿世紀的第ㄧ天(ㄧ九Oㄧ年ㄧ月ㄧ日),晚上歐 曼小姐開始說中文,在她頭上和臉上圍繞著屬天的光彩,這次經驗後歐 曼有三天幾乎不會說英文,她必須用筆來寫講道,而且常常寫出中文字,這事件被視作現代五旬節運動的開始。當歐曼經歷方言後,其他同學也看到並接受同樣的經歷,不久巴罕自己也接受了五旬節聖靈充滿的經歷,並開始在所有的聚會中傳講,他說:「神的榮耀降臨在我身上,我即刻用瑞典文敬拜神,後來我又講起別國的語言,並且ㄧ直持續…。」。

以下為歐茲曼(Agnes Ozman,1870-1937)女士的親身見證





在聖經中有記載好幾種方言的表現方式:第ㄧ,方言或許是別國的語言,別人可以聽的懂,就像使徒行傳第二章五旬節那ㄧ天聖靈澆灌下來就至少出現十五種地區的方言(徒二8-11)。第二,在聚會中需要有人將它翻譯出來的方言,以造就在場的人(林前十四27-28)。第三,單獨禱告時,所說的方言,目的是造就自己,建立自己的信心,「那說方言的,原不是對人說,乃是對神說,因為沒有人聽出來。然而,他在心靈卻是講說各樣的奧 。」(林前十四2)、保羅說:「我感謝神,我說方言比你們眾人還多。」(林前十四18)







布朗斯維爾教會的復興與兒童事工 (一)


年輕時的藍凡恩抽煙喝酒、搖滾作樂生活糜爛,有ㄧ次在聚會中夫婦同時都被聖靈充滿,說了方言,就在同時神也呼召他們夫婦進入全職事奉。神用耳朵聽得見的聲音對他們說∶ “變賣妳所有的,來跟隨我。”




大家口耳相傳,使這次復興的消息快速的在社區裏傳開,周ㄧ晚上的聚會大爆滿,神的大能再次降臨,ㄧ直到清晨兩點鐘左右,大家才散會,就這樣在布道家史提芬.希爾(Steve Hill)的帶領下復興的聚會ㄧ直持續了五年,牧師團隊的同工每天只能‘勉強’睡三、四個小時,因為他們要和許多禱告團隊ㄧ起為人按手,而且每次聚會要為將近三千人禱告。



ㄧ個完全順服於聖靈的孩子,對成人會有很大的影響。ㄧ九九七年ㄧ月三十ㄧ日,在ㄧ次晚上的復興聚會時,神用孩子影響整個聚會的過程。那天神的同在特別強烈,有上百的人走向前,要與神建立健全的關系,當聖靈的大能掃過整個聚會時,許多人就起來認罪悔改,那時牧師要求把垃圾桶拿到講臺前,讓大家清除生命的垃圾,以及任何攔阻他們親近神的東西。大家開始從口袋、錢包和背包 掏東西出來丟掉;又順從聖靈的感動,走到車子 拿出神要他們丟棄的雜誌、書籍和錄音帶;又丟掉毒品、藥物、香煙、打火機,ㄧ個年輕人從臉上各處拿掉許多金屬環,丟進垃圾桶,ㄧ個女人把ㄧ幢房子的鑰匙交給其中ㄧ位牧師,因為她在那房子 和她的老板有不正常的關系前後十三年多了。那可以說是ㄧ個潔凈聖殿的夜晚!神喜愛住在聖潔的殿中,悔改以後,通常神的同在會大大地彰顯。當人們向神悔改認罪的時候,復興聚會的恩膏通常會比較多。當我們拋棄生命中不合神心意的部分,神生命的活水會在我們身上暢流無阻。


復興的前幾個月,孩子們在大會堂經歷神的大能,但在兒童的聚會中卻較少看到神大能的彰顯,直到神掌管了兒童的牧師,這情形才有所改變。藍凡恩牧師說:「惟有當我“躍入復興的浪潮 ”,才在主日早晨看見神的大能運行在這些國度之子身上。」,有ㄧ個七歲的小男孩大衛,來自ㄧ個破碎家庭,他逃學、常常和人打架,臉上總帶著憂愁、陰沈和憤怒。ㄧ群孩子圍著大衛禱告,ㄧ位小女孩摸著他的頭、輕聲地為他禱告,ㄧ小男孩溫柔地握著他的手。在聖靈的醫治與安慰下,大衛從內心的痛苦與傷害下得釋放,現在是個新生的男孩,幾個月前,他還是個不讓任何人接近且退縮、憂傷、憤怒的小男孩,現在他變得向人敞開,臉上帶著神的榮光,他現在從事各樣領域的服事,並且常為人代禱。






布朗斯維爾教會復興以後,在藍凡恩牧師的帶領下兒童組成了ㄧ支禱告團隊,是由八到十二歲的孩子組成,他們帶著紫色小名牌,就像大會堂 成人的禱告團隊壹樣。現在團隊有七十五個孩子,大家輪流服事。每周由七個孩子組成ㄧ隊來服事,兩個人ㄧ組,彼此互為戰友扶持;全部共分成三組,第七個孩子充當“看護”,他會抱著成堆的布匹,幫這些在禱告後被聖靈大能擊倒的孩子輕輕蓋上布。這讓躺在地上的孩子有安全感,也讓他們覺得在神面安息很好,讓神有時間在他們心中動工,而且也會讓他們比較安靜。每主日早晨的服事以前,禱告團隊都會聚在ㄧ起禱告和等候指示。

布朗斯維爾的孩子們不像ㄧ般教會的做法。ㄧ般得乖乖安靜.坐著不動,坐在主日學的椅子上聽道,在教會 大家ㄧ排排地坐著,每周都這樣:什麼都不用做,只管聽道。結果,真理無法根植在我心中。布朗斯維爾的孩子不是這樣,他們會認識神,並且知道服事神的喜樂;也會預嘗當傳道人的喜悅。這些男孩和女孩會在神賜給他們的能力上成長,因為在他們生命中首次有人使用他們來服事,他們來教會不是因父母要他們來,而是有目的的,他們知道自己需要來。



教會盡力聽神的聲音,只做上帝要他們做的事。每周有成千上萬的人湧進布朗斯維爾的教會,每周崇拜前ㄧ個小時,都有為各年齡層兒童預備的主日學。教會的目標是提供基本的聖經教導,讓孩子到了小學畢業的程度都能活用經文。教會的策略是孩子必須學習這些故事的道德原則,且ㄧ定要有ㄧ個系統化的教導策略,讓孩子聽完故事後能具體明白神的話。教會ㄧ定要有計劃,不只教導他們聖經故事,更要教導他們聖經經文。保羅對提摩太說∶ “妳是從小明白聖經”(提後三15),他並沒說:「妳是從小知道聖經故事。」孩子們需要明白聖經經文,需要知道如何查考經文,需要明白如何將神的話應用在日常生活中。在主日學課程結束後,接著開始兒童崇拜,崇拜聚會和成人的聚會壹樣長,有時長達四小時,主日的早晨他們以熱情活潑的詩歌開始聚會,壹直保持愈來愈令人興奮、高亢的氣氛,讓孩子經歷神的同在和真實。只有在神的同在,他們才會真正地開心和滿足。兒童聚會雖然有十四位成人義工監督各樣的服事,但實際的服事幾乎都由孩子們親自參與。

有人問藍凡恩牧師∶「妳怎樣能讓三百個孩子乖乖地待在那 四個小時?」,他說:「我不能,但神能。」若父母在三個半小時後來接孩子,那時聚會還未結束,就會看到他們的孩子在臺上,或俯伏在地上。曾有父母敬畏地看著他們患有“註意力不集中癥候群”(Attention Deficit Disorder)的孩子,在聖靈的大能下靜靜躺在地上三十分鐘。

許多來訪的牧師都問藍凡恩牧師使用什麼樣的主日學教材來教導孩子,他說:「我用過很多,大多數都讓我很失望。」、「教導孩子真理,壹定要有方法並循序漸進。正如以賽亞書二十八10所說的∶“令上加令,律上加律。”我很相信這句話,聖靈也在我們的服事 賜給我們很多創意的教學」、「不論妳用的是什麼課程或方式,最重要的是讓聖靈有機會動工。先預備好,從各種資源挑選教材,幫助妳教導神要妳教的。先有計劃、預備好教材,但不壹定都要用。讓神來感動妳,也要對孩子們的反應敏銳,有些地方可能要多解釋壹點,有些要刪除,也可能需要增添妳沒想到的教材。惟有當妳預備好時,才會收放自如、得心應手。壹定要預先計劃,千萬不要在沒有事先禱告、沒有準備的情況下服事,這些孩子會騎到妳頭上。」




當布朗斯維爾教會講臺呼召的時候,會看到許多人為失喪的靈魂哭泣,為罪人向神求憐憫。當神的靈澆灌之時,就是要這樣站在破口上為失喪的靈魂代求。身體外面的反應也常常伴隨著哭泣,有時候就像是神藉著妳哭,因他正尋找願意、倒空的器皿。(資料來源: 基督教復興故事集)











進入叢林區的布道團,在森林中常遇到蛇 蠍子等毒物。有很多次他們遇到了毒蛇,就對蛇說:「不許動!我要走過去。」奇妙的是那蛇就乖乖地不動,也不來咬他們。毒蠍子也ㄧ樣,這東西很毒,曾經有同工不小心被蠍子的毒針刺傷了,就奉耶穌的名禱告,馬上就不痛了!」

蘇門答臘島是全球第六大島嶼,山脈縱貫全島。島上有些地方人煙稀少,仍然有著原始湖泊以及無人的森林,布道團同工在蘇門答臘森林 面傳福音,多次需要渡河,但河中有鱷魚,走到河中央時,鱷魚要圍攻他們。同工中ㄧ位弟兄就想起了馬太福音16:18:「我還告訴妳,妳是彼得,我要把我的教會建造在這磐石上;陰間的權柄(權柄:原文是門),不能勝過他。」,於是他就在河中間對鱷魚說:「我奉主耶穌的名,吩咐妳離開!」那些鱷魚竟轉過身遊開,沒有ㄧ條過來攻擊他們。

在印尼大復興時,有ㄧ個特徵是,每逢有人出去傳福音之前,主都預先詳詳細細告訴他們,應該怎麼做。他們就把它寫下來,遵照著做。如果主要他們在什麼地方停下來,他們就停下來在什麼地方布道。有ㄧ回印尼的雨季來了,往往ㄧ下子接連不斷地下四十天的雨,晝夜不停,根本沒有辦法出去布道旅行。但是布道團還是照常去,而且有很多次,他們沒有帶雨傘和雨衣。於是他們只有禱告,求主保守,主就對他們說:“無論求什麼,只要信是得著的,就必得著。”果然,雨在距離布道團成員前後左右十尺的地方落下來,在他們身上都沒有沾上ㄧ滴雨點!到達村子,村 的人驚訝地問他們:“妳們不是在下雨的 面行走嗎?”回答“是的。”,因為村民見他們腳上雖然沾滿淤泥但身上卻是乾的,就很稀奇,這些村民不信他們所說是因為上帝保護他們,但也找不到他們有攜帶任何的雨具。

在某些叢林 ㄧ些村落是人人皆知的可怕地方,因為那 的人最能行邪術或下毒害人。有次當布道團進入村子,當地的人拿了食物和水給他們食用,同工們雖然害怕但仍信靠神,食用完畢開始向村民傳福音。過了兩個鐘頭,村民問同工是什麼力量保護他們。原來剛才的食物中放了最毒的毒藥,ㄧ般來說吃下三分鐘就會死亡,「什麼是上帝的大能?我也要!」村民紛紛決誌,還將家裏所有行邪術的毒物全數燒毀。







另有ㄧ對布道團去ㄧ個村子,那裏有ㄧ個男人死了兩天。家屬請他們去參加喪禮,那天出席喪禮的人竟有上千人。這人死了兩天,身體都發臭了。在熱帶的國家 ,ㄧ個人死了六小時,肉體就開始腐爛。現在已經有兩天了!忽然之間,主的話來了:“現在趕快過去,圍著這個死人唱詩,我要叫他復活。”


他作完這個見證之後,布道團就打開聖經,讀神的話來證明。在後來那三個月 ,我們的布道團在這ㄧ帶地方工作,ㄧ共帶領了二萬ㄧ千人信主,都是因著這個死人復活的神跡。復興前,荷蘭的宣教士在帝汶島上ㄧ共工作了60年,有8萬人加入了教會,但是生活卻沒有改變,也從來沒有經歷過神的大能,大家表面上是基督徒,但實際上卻是異教徒,因為仍然受魔鬼的控制,極少人真正與主耶穌基督建立起關系,信徒們來禮拜堂唱詩,讀祈禱文,回家之後,生活仍然和以前ㄧ樣。

復興讓基督生命不單重生在那些願意相信及順服的信徒身上,還彰顯了神的大能。主神說:我是阿拉法,我是俄梅戛,(阿拉法,俄梅戛:是希利尼字母首末二字),是昔在、今在、以後永在的全能者。」(啟1:8)。這意思就是說:“我現在在這 ,就和兩千年前在這 ㄧ樣,將來還要再來!”主耶穌要使徒約翰明白,他乃是唯ㄧ的主,在二千年前活著的,今天也ㄧ樣地活在我們中間。他不只是昨天的主(過去式),也是今天的主,明天的主(未來式)。


不錯!主再來是我們所盼望的,但是我們今天就需要主在我們這 !也許主再來,要再等ㄧ年、三年、十年、ㄧ千年。但是我們現在就需要他!今天就需要他!我們不是活在明天,昨天已經過去了,我們只有今天。我們今天就要他的能力和他的愛,他的安慰。主耶穌今天就在這,如果你們有困難,重擔,疾病,現在就來找主耶穌,因為耶穌乃是現在的主。



編輯小語:這是旦肯-坎貝爾(Duncan Campbell) 牧師在1968 年講道時分享1949在 赫布里底群岛的復興!赫布里底群岛(Hebrides) 是蘇格蘭附近的島嶼羣。 (資料來源: 節譯於原文 The Hebrides Revival)

我首先要聲明,赫布里底群岛的復興不是我帶來的,我非常難過因有人説是我把復興帶到赫布里底群岛的,但是我到赫布里底群岛 時,神已經在 巴爾法斯(Barvas,在蘇格蘭的路易斯島(Lewis)) 的教區 動工了!


1949 年的十一月,神開始了祂的善工在路易斯島島上,有兩位親姊妹,分別是84和82歳,其中一位還是瞎的。她們對教會有很大的負擔,因為教會𥚃沒有任何年輕人!有一處經文特別打動她們的心:“我要將水澆灌口渴的人, 將河澆灌乾旱之地。” (以賽亞書 44:3)  她們決定一個禮拜兩次,花長時間向神呼求:她們跪著禱告從晚上十一直到早上三四點! 一天晚上,其中一位看到一個異象!她看到教會擠滿了年輕人,還有一位陌生的牧師在講台上!她深受感動,就找了教會的牧師,告訴他,你一定要回應神的啓示,並建議他找一些同工一個禮拜兩次禱告,説 當你們禱告時,我們會在家跟你們一起禱告! 於是牧師找到七位同工,每禮拜二和五在一個穀倉裏禱告!而這兩位姊妹,也與他們同心,在家屈膝禱告!

大約六個禮拜後,一天晚上,當那七位弟兄跪著向神呼求 以賽亞 44:3  的應許時,其中一位(執事) 有感動,唸詩篇24篇: “誰能登耶和華的山? 誰能站在他的聖所? 就是手潔心清,不向虛妄, 起誓不懷詭詐的人。 他必蒙耶和華賜福。”  他唸完後,定睛對他們説,”我們作了該作的,也禱告了,也等候了,但如果我們跟神的關係沒有對齊……” 他擧起雙手問神,“我的手是潔淨的嗎?我的心是清㓗的嗎 ?” 然後他就倒在地上了(魂遊象外)! 其他的人都深深被他的話打動,啊!復興是神要復興人的聖潔和敬虔!

降在那穀倉的靈也開始運行在那個教區!人們開始意識到神 (awareness of God),那就是復興!那就是復興!第二天,人心已不在工作上了,教區裏的男男女女都開始思考永恆的真實性!

老姊妹請求牧師去邀請她異象中的牧師,她説神既啓示,祂一定會幫助我們找到他!而牧師正好要去一個地方開會,在那他見到一位合適的牧者,便邀請他來帶領十天的特會!可是那位牧者説,我覺得我不合適,而推薦了另一位,就是我  (Campbell 牧師)!

我永遠不會忘記那天晚上我到達那島上時,牧師對我説,”我知道你今天很辛苦,坐了火車又坐船,我想你一定又累又餓了,但我們想請你先參加我們晚上九點的聚會,完後我們給你晚餐,幫你安頓下來!”  我想你們已經猜到了,我那天沒吃到我的晚餐!

我九點差一刻到了教會,已經有三百人在那!那天晚上我感到神的同在和聖靈的運行,但並沒有太特別,十一點差一刻,我結束了聚會,我正往外走,那位在穀倉𥚃禱告 詩篇24篇 的執事,突然仰著天禱告説,”神啊!祢不會讓我們失望!祢不會讓我們失望的!祢已經應允了要將水澆灌口渴的人, 將河澆灌乾旱之地!祢不會讓我們失望的!”  然後他跪下繼續禱告,但很快他倒在地上 (魂遊象外)。突然間教會的門開了,一位已經出去的弟兄 (鐵匠) 走回來對我説,”Campbell 牧師,奇妙的事發生了!我們求神將水澆灌口渴的人, 將河澆灌乾旱之地,祂作了!祂作了!”  我走到教堂門口,看到門外有六百人,他們都從那來的? 我相信那降在五旬節的聖靈,那天也降在巴爾法斯!

那些人當中,有一百多位年輕人是從舞廳來的,他們在那並沒有在思想神或是永恆,但是神的能力造訪了他們!突然音樂停了,舞廳也空了!他們風狂的逃離舞廳來到了教會!同時還有已經上床睡覺的人,也紛紛穿上衣服,往教會去!教會沒有宣傳十天的特會,但神為祂自己作了廣告,當渇慕的靈降下,那六百人全到教會去了!那位鐵匠對我說,”我想我們應該唱詩歌!” 於是大家一節又一節的反覆唱,喔!好美啊!然後大家都進了教會!那可容納 800人的教會,擠的滿滿的,那時也快12點了!我擠到前面講台時,看到一位年輕女子,她是從舞廰來的年輕人之一,她俯伏在地上向神呼求,”神啊,我還有救嗎?神啊,我還有救嗎?”

那天聚會到早上四點,我不知道那天有多少人得救,但我可以告訴你,其中的五位年輕人如今已經是牧師了!四點左右,我們打算離開,我們沒有作任何呼召,因復興來時,我們是不需要呼召的,神自己吸引他們,神自己作才是最棒的!所以我們把那羣人留在教會,正准備離開,有一位年輕人跑來,對我説,”Campbell 先生,請你快去警察局!”  我嚇一跳,他繼續説,”沒事,可是現在有四百多人在那裡!”  原來警察局長是一位敬虔的人,而隔壁就是那對老姊妹的家,我想是因為他們有屬天的吸引力,把那羣人吸到那的!那天也有一部馬車帶了一羣人從十二哩外的地方來,你若問他們為什麼來這裡,他們也沒辦法回答你!只能説我就是想去 巴爾法斯!


現在我走到了警察局,我看到的一幕是我一輩子忘不了的!我沒有講道,真的,不須要講道,也沒唱詩歌!但是人人都在向神呼求憐憫!喔!大家都在認罪!一位老先生喊著,”神啊!我連地獄都不配去!我連地獄都不配去!”  這就是聖靈的工作,使我們知罪!別忘了,這還是神彰顯祂大能的第一天!但在穀倉的 禱告會 才是真正復興的開始!當人開始意識到神,聖靈開始觸動人心,那就是復興的開始!

從那天起,那地區的教會從早到晚,都擠滿了人!一天凌晨三點多時,有人來報告説在一個15哩外的教區,有很多人聚在一起!別忘了,這是凌晨三點多!於是我跟好幾位當地的牧師,一起過去!我們到了那可以容納一千人的教會,看見神的靈大大運行!我看見他們跪在地上,向神呼求憐憫!這樣持續兩個小時,我們正要離開,又有人來報告説,在附近一處又有一大羣人聚集,因教會場地容不下他們!我們又過去看看,好多人聚在那裡,個個好像都被一種不能解釋的力量吸引著!我最記得的一幕是一位中學校長,趴在地上呼求神的憐憫!在他的左右,有四位大約十六歲的女孩,一直安慰他説,”校長,昨天晚上救我的耶穌,也能救你的!昨天晚上救我的耶穌,也能救你的!” 是的,當我們與神的關係接上後,我們最大的渴望也想要別人認識耶穌!

就這樣復興開始了,第一波持續了五個禮拜,然後第六個禮拜時,復興的火稍稍平息了一些! 喔,但是教會還是很擠,人們還是繼續尋求神,禱告會也到處興起!通常有人前一天晚上信主後,第二天就會參加中午的禱告會!那時每天中午大家自動停工兩個小時,好讓大家參加禱告會,那時在田地工作的農夫,也聚集在田地禱告!

這樣持續了約有三年!直到整個島嶼羣被神的大能掃過!我不能給你任何數字,但我可以說至少有 75% 來到教會的人已經事先被神觸摸而得救的!

這𥚃我想到一個村莊 (Weaver) 的故事,那裡的一條街有 7 棟房子,每棟的主人都是織布工人,一天早上當家人叫他們吃早飯時,發現他們各自躺在織布機邊上,魂遊象外!我想這是神作的,因為他們就這樣信主了!他們被神的靈大大觸動,對神渴慕的心大大被攪動!朋友們,這就是復興!不用人特別的努力,當神介入時,神蹟就發生了!

我想提一下這次復興運動的特徵。我已提過有人有魂游象外的經歷,但是並沒任何身體的醫治,也沒説方言的彰顯。但是我們所經歷的是非常特別的!我想到一個附近的小島 (約有六百居民),在那向來沒有神的作為,我去那講道覺得很困難,好像每一句話都從天花板彈回來!我對同行的牧師說,我想我們應該在巴爾法斯找一些禱告的弟兄來這裡!其實那時正有五位弟兄為我們來這小島禱告!於是我聯絡他們,我也請他們邀請一位叫唐納(Donald) 的小弟兄!唐納 的經歷很特別,他信主時得到聖靈很大的澆灌,神作奇妙的大工在他身上,那天晚上他沒回家,家人還組織了 搜索隊 到處找他,找到他時,發現他趴在地上,一直説,”喔!耶穌!我愛你!喔!耶穌!我愛你!”

現在 小弟兄唐納跟我們在聚會中,我講道講的很辛苦,但我看到 小唐納坐在椅子上低著頭,一直在流涙,我心想,這位小弟兄比任何人都靠近神!於是我停止講道,對小唐納説,”我覺得神要你帶我們禱告!”  那天早上的經文正好是 啓示錄 第四章 講到 約翰 看見天上的門開了!  小唐納 站起來時,看到異象,禱告説,”神啊! 我好像看到一座敞開的門,也看到羔羊站在寶座前,祂有勝過死亡和陰間的鑰匙….”  然後他開始哭泣,大約一分鐘左右他稍微控制了一下,仰天大聲呼喊, “神啊!有能力在那裡,釋放下來!釋放下來!”  突然間,神的大能下來了!一邊的會眾,各各高舉雙手,前後搖擺,另一邊的會眾,各各倒在地上,東倒西歪!有人高舉著手兩個小時不放下!平常這樣的舉手幾分鐘就累了!但最奇妙的事發生在離那教會七哩遠的一個村莊,那天晚上被神的大能掃過,沒有一個靈魂被錯過:全村信主!

那天晚上,同時有一位教師住在蘇格蘭的大陸,當他在看報紙時,突然間被 敬畏神的靈 抓住,對妻子説,”我不知為什麼,但我想去巴爾法斯!”  妻子說,”現在已經十點了,你一定是藉口想去喝酒!”  因為他是愛喝酒的人!但他回答,”我真的不知道,但是我知道我的心思,我以後不會再碰一滴酒!”  於是他渡船來到我講道的小島,午夜左右他找到我們聚會的地方,幾分鐘之內,已在唱歌讚美神的救恩了!另一個家庭,有爸爸、媽媽、兩個女兒和兒子,當晚全部信主!奇妙的是,其中一個女兒並沒有在小島上,她在倫敦作醫生!那天晚上當她正走在街上,突然間被神的靈觸動,她趕緊回家向神呼求憐憫!於是她雖遠在倫敦,卻也跟她的家人一同進入神國!


我想分享一件我覺得是這次復興中最突出的事,發生在阿爾納特( Arnot )這個地方,我相信這事會被紀錄在歷史書上!阿爾納特 本來是不歡迎我和跟我有關的復興運動,因為他們覺得跟我的教義有衝突!雖然我們在那地的聚會往往是滿滿的,但多半是從外地來的!有位鐵匠 (前面提過) 對 阿爾納特 的人很有負擔,對我説,”我們應該禱告,因為禱告可以改變事情!”  於是我們借了一位農夫家!那天晚上有三十個人,其中有五位牧師,都是對 阿爾納特 有負擔的人!開始時我覺得很因難禱告,我對鐵匠説,”我覺得神要我請你禱告!”  他先禱告了半小時,然後停了幾秒後,仰天大聲呼喊,”神啊!祢的名聲有危險了!祢的名聲有危險了!祢不是答應我們要將水澆灌口渴的人, 將河澆灌乾旱之地?可是祢沒有啊!現在有五位牧師在這,我不知道他們渴慕祢的程度,包括 Campbell 牧師,但祢知道我是何等的乾渇,我渴望見到魔鬼被擊敗在這地,我渴望在巴爾法斯 的復興臨到這裡,可是祢沒作!神啊!我極其乾渴,祢答應要將水澆灌我的…”  他停了一下,然後又大聲呼喊,”神啊,我現在要挑戰祢,實現祢誓約的應許!” 那時大約清晨兩點!突然整棟房子震動!一個杯子被震到地上碎了!鐵匠又繼續禱告 20分後,我宣布散會!但走出去時,不得了! 整個 阿爾納特的人甦醒過來了!我看到男男女女帶著椅子往教會去,還問説,”教會還有沒有位子?” 這樣阿爾納特的復興開始了!神的靈横掃那地,我相信沒有一家沒被掃到!我走到隔壁農家,到廚房想跟他們要杯牛奶,因為我又累又渴,我卻在那發現有九個女士在向神呼求憐憫!那天神的靈横掃那地,也掃到前面提到的小唐納 ! 他一個人在豬圈邊上哭求神的憐憫!一位長老過去為他禱告,他遇見了救主!就是這位小唐納看到天開了!我相信神藉著這位小弟兄的禱告,所拯救的靈魂,遠遠超過所有在島上因聽道而信主的人!

我記得有一天我見到幾位共產主義者,他們會很粗魯的向你吐口水,還説宗教是麻木大眾的!他們受高等教育,也從未進教會一步!但是有一天,老姊妹之一,佩姬(Peggy),看到一個異象:有七個人 (跟以上那幾位同一社區) 重生了而且成為教會的柱石!佩姬對我説神告訴她,祂要在那個社區動工。喔,我想 那𥚃不盡都是公產主義者和不敬虔的人嗎? 但佩姬一直跟我分享她的領受,我告訴她,”我一點感動也沒有,更何況那裡沒有教會,唯一可以使用的學校,它的校長更是不可能答應借給我們的!我實在是沒有感動!”  沒想到 佩姬對我説,”坎貝爾先生,如果你跟神的關係是對的,祂會將隱密的事告訴你的!” 哇,她的話使我真的謙卑起來了,於是我對她説,”我可以邀請另一位牧師跟你一起禱告嗎?”  佩姬欣然同意! 於是我們在一起屈膝禱告,佩姬 開口,”主啊!記得今天早上祢對我説的話嗎? 我告訴了 坎貝爾先生,他卻不能領受,你一定要給他智慧,他實在太需要了!”  喔,又一次使我謙卑,但我真是需要的!而且在神 謙卑的使女 面前,我願意受教!所以我説,”佩姬 我什么时候去,几点,在那聚会”  她回答,”明晚,七點,地點神會帶領!”

就這樣我去了!到了那發現有一羣人已聚集在一棟平房!五位牧者已在那等我!那房子已經擠的水洩不通,所以我站在門口附近對大家分享神的話…..十分鐘後,有人對我説,”坎貝爾先生,有七個人在這房子後面,在向神大大呼求憐憫,請你快去幫助他們吧!他們快不行了!”  我去了,那七個人正是佩姬 在異象中看見的!幾天之內,他們全都信主了!他們也真的成為教會的柱石!喔,親愛的,這就是神的作為!

有一位牧師在路邊看見兩位年輕人跪在地上向神哭喊,牧師對妻子説,”我看見廣告知道這兩位本來是要去一個舞會演奏的,現在他們不能去了!太棒了!我們去那舞會告訴他們發生的事吧!”  他們去了!舞會的人並不歡迎他們,因為知道他們不是去跳舞的!果然大家正跳舞時,這位牧師踏進舞池,説,”各位今天晚上奇妙的事發生了!那兩位笛子手本來應該來這的,但他們今天不能來,因他們正向神呼求憐憫!”  全場鴉雀無聲,牧師繼續説,”年輕人啊,你們願意跟我唱一首詩歌嗎?”  一位年輕人回應,”好!如果你帶我們唱!” 所以牧師唱 詩篇 50 篇,那𥚃提到 “神是烈焰“!正唱時,神的能力降在舞池!據我所知,全場只有三個人沒有信主,而那回應的年輕人其實還是個孩子 (boy)!那晚他也得到了救恩!喔!親愛的,這是神的作為!

你若問我,這復興運動的果子是什麼? 不久前,有人問一位教區牧師這個問題,他回答,”我不能替別人説什麼,但我可以告訴你發生在我教區的人!我的教區有122 位年輕人 (17 歲以上),他們在復興的第一天信主後,如今 (十幾年後) 沒有一位背道退後,他們一直成長在神的花園中,燦爛美麗!”

親愛的,這都是真的!這次復興的果子中,有好多年輕人成了宣教士或在神的工場服事!喔!這羣寶貝的年輕人如何被神使用!我最後要分享的是一位 17歳 女孩的見證!她是這次復興的果子中很好的例子!她本來是個愛世界又很野的女孩,她在一次領聖餐的聚會中遇見了神,她高舉雙手呼喊著,”哦!我的新郎,我願全心歸祢!哦!我的新郎,我願全心歸祢!” 如今她是出名的解經家,神使用她祝福了許多人!這是神的作為!這是復興的果子!特別是年輕人! 我敢説這些年輕人當中,沒有幾位退後跌倒,他們散佈在世界各地,效忠這位守約的神和祂的兒子,耶穌基督!





「大覺醒」(the Great Awakening) 被視為是美國的宗教復興,對美國的思想、觀念以至社會生活各階層都產生莫大影響,亦確定了美國的宗教文化。不同學者對這段歷史時期的介定亦各有不同的取向,但大致上可分為三次的大覺醒。當中喚起了人民更深體驗基督教信仰,令教會迅速發展,人數遞增,及帶來許多布道及普世宣教的運動。


「第壹次大覺醒」(1726-1760) 的核心人物是愛德華滋。他大力推動、燃燒大覺醒運動至各地、各宗派。他後來得懷特肺特等人的幫助,使美國東岸得著復興,復興的火陷後來更傳到美國南部。這次運動主要是喚起人民對信仰的追求,強調過敬虔生活。後來因美國獨立戰爭而停頓。

「第二次大覺醒」(1784-1830) 的核心人物是查理芬尼。他將布道方法革新,大力推動信徒的培訓與裝備。在這段時期,整個美國東岸都大力推動校園的復興,令教會人數不斷增長,組織著許多不同的營會、聚會等,令復興之火不斷燃燒,帶來教會極大的興盛。後來因為美國南北內戰而令浪潮減退。

「第三次大覺醒」(1875-1900) 的核心人物是慕迪。他主持許多大型布道會,遍及全美,帶領多人歸主,又建立多間神學院。此外,這段時期出現許多奮興布道家,包括:陶勒、查普門、信恩德等 …… 這種復興的火焰令許多人願意委身差傳,驅策了後來普世的宣教運動。

大覺醒運動不單影響教會的發展,亦令社會的組織及人民的思想上帶來全面的革新。如奴隸制度的廢除,女權運動的揭起,城市的改革,大力推動教育工作,建構許多社會關懷的服務等 …… 思想上,喚醒許多人要重視人人平等及反權威的觀念。在信仰上,更喚醒人重視情感,而在布道信息中強調心靈的體驗以致得救。對教會而言,促進各宗派的建立,為基督教的培育工作加添新的內容,主日學運動也在此時興起。



紐約大復興 (第三次大復興)



  • 1857年9月,紐約市的蘭非爾(Lanphier)發起午間禱告會,祈求神的幫助。蘭非爾本是紐約市一個成功的商人,從事貿易工作20年,後來神呼召他做宣教士,他就在紐約市一家教會做平信徒的宣教士。他努力的探訪信徒及非信徒,不斷宣傳教會的活動,希望帶領附近的居民參加教會聚會。可惜,居民的反應很冷淡。但蘭非爾在禱告中得了安慰和鼓勵,他感到需要舉行午間禱告會,求神幫助。於是他預備了宣傳單張,邀請信徒參加中午12時至1時的禱告會。結果,第一次聚會有6人出席,第二次有20人出席,第三次有40人出席。到了1858年1月,舉行禱告會的三層高樓房就擠滿了3000人;另外還有很多人站在門外。據估計,在紐約市80萬人口中,每天至少有6000人參加這種聚會。以後,其他城市相繼舉行這種午間禱告會。
  • 1857年11月,費城的比利斯開始午間禱告會。
  • 1858年3月,奮興家芬尼開始波士頓的午間禱告會。參加這種禱告會的人來自各個階層,聚會進行期間,會眾很安靜的默禱,只能聽到有悔罪哭泣的聲音;其中也有人起來講兩三句勉勵的話,或是背誦一兩節經文,每個人都感受到神與他們同在。
  • 1857年10月,禱告之火點燃到加拿大安大略省,很多人跪在神面前求恩典,一個月內有三四百人蒙恩得救。
  • 1857年11月,加拿大復興的消息傳回紐約,眾教會意識到不尋常的復興已經開始了。他們就舉行復興禱告聚會,一同尋求教會的復興。於是,匹茲堡和辛辛那堤等地方相繼開始舉行求復興的禁食禱告會。
  • 復興的福氣不單在陸地上顯明,神的靈也在水面上運行。其中最令人矚目的故事,發生在美國一艘名為北卡羅來納號的軍艦上。有四個海軍一同禱告時,忽然被聖靈充滿,唱起讚美神的詩歌來。軍艦上的人員被無形的屬靈能力吸引著,也願意在禱告裡祈求神的恩典。此後每一晚都有禱告會,每一次都有人得救歸主。當這些領受了神恩典的海軍被調到別的軍艦上,他們就在那裡舉行新的禱告聚會。
  •  除了美國本土受影響之外,復興之火也蔓延到其他地方,如英格蘭、蘇格蘭、歐洲、印度等地。



  1. 復興出現之前,人們只顧物質金錢,社會腐敗。神利用經濟大恐慌來震盪人心,令人有機會反省生命真義,也預備了人的心歸向祂。
  2. 由一個小小的祈禱會開始,信徒同心的祈禱,神的靈在全國各處靜悄悄地恢復了教會的靈性生活,又在人心裡種下渴慕神的念頭。
  3. 加拿大安大略省復興的消息,激發起很多紐約基督徒求復興的心志。這是應時的屬靈強心針,產生很大的果效。





巴克拉蘭(Ba’kalalan)是一個村莊群,位於沙撈越/沙巴/加里曼丹邊境附近,海拔2700英尺。以流經肥沃地區的克拉蘭河命名,是熱情好客的倫巴旺(Lun Bawang)人(以前稱為穆魯特(Muruts)人)的故鄉。

在拉哈潔:布魯克(Rajah Brooke)的日子裡,曾經有過凶狠的獵頭族過度飲酒和爭吵。早期的英國植民地政府任憑他們整個族群漸漸沒落,因為他們經常“在清晨醉酒”,受到疾病的困擾,似乎無可救藥。當福音在60年前傳到時,他們的生活方式發生了變化。從他們的祖先承傳下來獵人頭的惡習不再盛行了。醉酒停止了。也不再崇拜萬物精靈。傳統的長屋和村莊產生極大的轉化。然而,在接下來的三十年裡,火勢漸漸黯淡,倫巴旺人在精神上變得自滿和乾涸。

1984年,聖靈澆灌在巴克拉蘭的村莊裡。這次的造訪問有著不尋常的跡象和奇蹟;水變成了油,米飯變成了麵粉,火球和火星照亮了天空。也有天使造訪。這復興的中心人物是一個謙卑禱告的人,叫做阿古恩邦高(Agung Bangau)。就像神曾在威爾斯大復興使用伊凡羅伯茨(Evan Roberts)一樣,在阿蘇薩大復興的威廉西摩爾(William Seymour),阿古恩邦高,又稱為巴阿古恩(Pak Agung),也是為神所使用的復興器皿。他過去常常對1984-85年間出現的許多跡象預言。這些不尋常的跡象發生的時刻和性質,以及他所釋放的預言,都使人們敬畏敬畏神,並引起多方的悔改和敬拜。在沙撈越,有些最美妙的歌聲就是來自這地區,不禁使人想起當年神在威爾斯所做的事情: 新歌從先前是粗暴,剛硬,後來變成柔軟的煤礦工人的心中流出。


1973年10月26日,斯吉英吉巴里奧(Sijil Injil Borneo)(SIB)沙勞越和沙巴神學院的聖經學校教師在印尼克萊陽(Krayan)的肯潘巴魯(Kampung Baru)神學院舉辦了一次教師研討會。參與者來自印尼各地,從經驗豐富的老師那裡學到所有知識。會議結束後,巴塔高(Pak Tagal)邀請了幾位印尼福音傳教士訪問了巴克拉蘭的斯吉英吉巴度旎爾(SIB Buduk Nur)。這些傳教士經歷過約20年前帖木兒(Timur),,科邦(Kopang)和東爪哇(East Java)的大復興。他們就一起就教導指引如何善用聖靈的能力。巴塔高因此明白聖靈偉大工作。這是的復興的轉折點。有一種渴望和深深的渴慕進到他的心裡,希望能夠聽到神藉著異象,預言或可聽見的聲音向他們說話或透露了什麼。他帶了一群與他志同道合的屬靈夥伴成立的一個禱告團隊。在這段時間裡,神分賜許多屬靈恩賜給這團隊。每個異象和預言都以神的話嚴格地察驗,以確定這些確實來自於神。

巴阿古恩和一位名叫瑪莉亞古康(Maria Gukang)的姊妹是這個禱告團隊的成員。神興起他們成為祂的發言人,並給他們預言的恩賜。藉著巴阿古恩,神啟示了祂的計劃和目的,以建立穆魯山作為祂教會的所在地。自1973年以來,教會一直不冷不熱。巴阿古恩是一位禱告勇士。常常從下午6點到早上6點前往附近的估努百靈基(Gunung Belinggi)山去禱告。

巴阿古恩甚至一路走到羅瓦斯(Lawas)最高的山峰布基大伯(Bukit Tabul)去尋求神的面。然後,他與人分享並說服他們,神將在高達2423米的估努穆魯山(Gunung Murud)顯明一個奇妙的神蹟。那時候這座山沒有任何路徑可循,要攀登那座山是非常困難的。然而,大約700多名老老少少的人相信他,跟他上山去了。他們形成了像螞蟻一樣的線,而阿古恩告訴他們,如果有任何人受傷,其他人都必須幫助他。在山頂上,阿古恩收集了一些石頭,並從溪流中收集水,還放置了許多苔蘚在石頭上,然後把水倒在上面。過後,他請他們當中的一位,巴塔高,去撿些樹枝,始知燃燒,來點燃石頭。石頭並沒有被燒著。



之後,阿古恩召聚人們在山上建造一座教堂。他所指出的地區(現在的教堂營地所在地)是一片未開墾的森林。沒有人能夠看出整個地區其實是一片高原。但神早已告訴他。第一座教堂只有20英尺長40英尺寬。從那以後,每隔兩年在7月中旬之後,人們會去教堂營地祈禱。後來(在1990年代早期),他們開始建造現在這個可以容納1500人,和500人在外面聚會的教堂。巴慕沙( Pak Musa), 巴塔高(Pak Taggal)以及追隨者日夜工作,從上午8點至下午4點建造教堂,然後下午4點到下午6點,蓋他們自己的房子。

從巴克拉蘭到山上步行約要兩天。第一個晚上是在利普邦加(Lepo Bunga)度過的。他們攜帶鏈鋸,釘子,錘子,汽油,鋅屋頂,米飯,食用油和他們所需要的一切東西。我們現在要登穆魯山,可以從利普邦加(Lepo Bunga)開始就好,在那些日子裡,攀登穆魯山比現在困難得多,但每個人都堅持到底而不抱怨。

那時神跡奇事不斷的發生,許多被病痛所苦的都得醫治。每年在穆魯山上都舉辦國際復興聚會,祈求神再次造訪,復興再次臨到。願神激動我們的心,使我們呼求道;  是啊! 父神啊!願祢復興速速臨到全地!


印度復興浪潮 –禱告的海德

約翰.尼爾森.海德(John Nelson Hyde),是伊利諾州的一間(Illinois)長老會的牧師兒子。海德覺得自己是由父親引領,才開始了ㄧ生在旁遮普(Punjab)的事奉。剛開始服事時,他所在的教區,不信主的人數大約有100萬,而宣教士僅有5人。宣教工作進展得很慢。海德畢業後第ㄧ年所寫給母校的ㄧ封信中說:


















山東大復興 (1927-1937)


出生於美國徳州的柯理培(Rev. Charles L. Culpepper 1895-1965)牧師和挪威籍的孟教士(Marie Monsen 1878-1962)是兩位見證山東大復興的主要西方宣教士之一。這次大復興帶來了美好的效果,對柯牧師日後的事奉有很大幫助。例如神學院學生由原來的四名增到ㄧ百五十人以上;六百名中學女生全部決志歸主,一千名男學生中也有九百人決志:一間以前只有二十人的小教會,在十天的佈道會,約有ㄧ壹百人歸主;另ㄧ間教會,ㄧ次就有203人接受浸禮;而且,整個復興運動中有很多神跡奇事發生。

復興序幕的掀起: 掀起這次大復興的序曲,乃是柯理培牧師的妻子因患上嚴重的眼疾,當時的孟教士要求為他妻子的病患禱告。柯牧師為此而非常的顧慮,因為浸信會向來沒有為病人禱告的習慣。結果,第二天早晨,大約二十人到他家ㄧ同禱告,在場的人都感到好似電波流通全身,他們全體靈裏好像與主在晚餐桌上壹般親密。忽然柯牧師的妻子可以放下眼鏡與大家一起跪著繼續禱告,這期間神好像親自進入房內,每ㄧ個人出聲禱告,感到天堂降臨人間。神的榮耀充滿了他們的靈魂。經過這次的禱告後,柯牧師妻子的眼疾竟然完全治愈,以後不再復發,神真的聽他們的禱告。


  • 憂傷痛悔的認罪: 這次大復興的特別之處,就是當人親近神的時候,自然便敏銳的去認罪。有人為童年時偷了的兩角五分錢而經歷激烈的心靈鬥爭,最後以行動去得勝。另有ㄧ位教師,向主承認六十多條罪,領了十八個學生為全校禱告,都被聖靈充滿,後來被選為布道團團長。又有人因鄰人借錢不還,私自宰了對方的雞吃,而作為那債的抵償,但聖靈卻感動她要承認不問自取的過失,最後更引領了那鄰人信主。每當人在聚會中謙卑下來,承認自己的不配,神就在聚會中動工,人便開始認識自己的罪,並彼此認罪。
  • 神跡奇事的伴隨: 當時有不少神跡奇事發生,令人不得不贊嘆神的作為。壹位弟兄的太太癱瘓了十八年之久,得到了神的醫治,結果他辭去了教師的職務,而努力為主傳福音:另外,ㄧ位已死婦人已穿上壽衣準備出殯,並已預備舉行喪禮;突然ㄧ位初信的婦人為她禱告,那死了的婦人竟然就此復活了,結果她的全家及村裏ㄧ大群人都得了拯救。
  • 攻破敵人的計謀: 當時有不少人的滲透入學校之中,有組織性地在學校進行工作。某次,ㄧ個學生非常痛苦的躺在教室的板凳下,要求柯牧師見他,並述說他是如何的反對基督教,如何在聚會中與神的救恩對抗。但當他開始站起來準備與發難的時候,忽然被ㄧ股力量擊倒,使他知道這是出於神的,也因此而認識基督教是真實的。另外,ㄧ位年青人在聚會中痛苦的認罪,原來他內心有ㄧ股的仇恨,要殺死那些基督徒學生與及柯牧師;當他認罪之後,整個人便完全的癱瘓下來,最後就接納耶穌基督而重生得救。經歷了這些事情之後,柯牧師才發覺「潛伏在學校的間諜,包括這兩個孩子在內,有八至十個人,大約壹半在那次聚會得救了。另壹半離開了學校,他們的間諜網全毀滅了。」[7]可見在面對仇敵的攻擊下,神的權能將其壹壹攻破。
  • 聖靈充滿的彰顯: 當時長老會的領袖認為,這次教會的復興運動,「有時有些過份的表現,不過整個運動顯示了聖靈奇妙的權能。」有ㄧ些護士在醫院裏得救,甚至有ㄧ些打掃的女工,被聖靈充滿,ㄧ面工作,ㄧ面唱詩贊美主,每天都有病人得救。有些信徒在教會作見證,會眾就哀哭、認罪,ㄧ直尋求聖靈的充滿,大復興好像火焰般傳遍到所有的鄉村。

山東大復興的高潮:(1936-1937) 起因於一群婦女對墮胎的認罪。也是柯理培牧師與孟瑪麗宣教士共同經歷的時代。

  • 當時中外局勢:美國的1936年,羅斯福總統提出新政,促進經濟快速復甦。歐洲的1936年,德國獨裁者希特勒重整軍備,99%的德國人民也在秘密警察的監督下參加了公民投票,結果造就了極權德國的興起。中國的1936年,年底的12月12日發生了西安事變。第二年1937年日軍就在7月7日發動七七事變,展開全面對華戰爭。。
  • 異教婦女認罪孟教士從1907年義和團之亂後來到中國,到1927中國開始經歷復興,她為復興禱告二十年。她發現當時中國教會光景荒涼、沒有屬靈生命,也意識到必須從用心讀上帝的話語開始,而真理也必須實現在生活中。她與其他女宣教士領受到詩篇68篇11節:「主發命令,傳好信息的婦女成了大群。」於是開始為婦女信徒守望並舉行查經班,教導婦女信徒。有一次講到「殺嬰罪」時,突然有一位婦女驚訝地說:「難道我們不能隨意地對待我們的孩子嗎?」那次異教婦女除了兩位之外,全都仆倒認罪。孟教士宣教二十多年來,頭一次聽見婦人承認殺嬰是犯罪,這也是她第一次看見聖靈對付一群人的神蹟。
  • 大復興爆發:那次的經驗讓孟教士無法入睡,學員中的狀況也相同,一位姐妹問孟教士為什麼自己睡不著覺,她們不單睡不覺,而且整夜哭泣!因為神讓她們想到許多做過的錯事,她們就不斷地哭泣,呼求神的幫助。感謝神,是聖靈叫人知罪,人豈能做得到!查經班結束那天,孟教士邀請那群異教婦女,對她們說若有需要可到她房間交談,結果全體到齊。有一位站在門旁手握住門把說:「我應該最先,因為我太痛苦,我等不及了。」有一位緊挨著房門,跪在地上頭頂在地,不停地認罪。認完罪後,這位婦女眼中閃耀著永生的光茫,原本疲倦和衰老的面容,如今散發出從上帝來的平安。在聖靈的光照下,她已完全得救了。她說「自己好像一個大強盜,被官兵捉拿帶到大人面前,當自己認罪後,大人不單沒有處死她,反而放了她叫她平平安安地去吧。」多麼奇妙啊!一位原本信仰異教的婦孺,受聖靈光照竟立即體會到什麼叫「福音」;巨大而寧靜的平安立時充滿了她,也充滿了孟教士。復興期間,本來三十幾人聚會的鄉村小教堂,十幾天就差不多有一百人信主。之後,單單孟教士的牧區就幫助了超過3千人歸信基









1866年至1871年有大規模的逼害(the Great Persecution),12位法國籍神父中有9名被捕處死,信徒則慘死了8000人(史稱“丙寅邪獄”),而當年,基督教第壹位殉道宣教士湯瑪士牧師(Rev. Robert Thomas),也因乘坐美國船只運送聖經入境而被殺害。湯瑪士牧師(Robert J. Thomas,1839-1866)是英國牧師的兒子,1863大學畢業後就進入倫敦宣教會成為宣教士,1866年8月,來到亞洲不到三年的湯瑪士,乘坐開往平壤的商船,帶著許多中文聖經上了船。每停泊壹處,他就分送聖經。當時的朝鮮正值鎖國,不與外國通商,結果船開到平壤被朝鮮軍用火焚燒,下船逃難的人ㄧ落地就被當場處死。但湯瑪士卻異常勇敢,不懼死亡,在船只被燒的時候,他開始拼命向外拋擲聖經、屬靈書籍及福音單張。當他兩支手臂抱滿了書籍最後ㄧ個下船,蹣跚涉水上前,跪在壹位軍官及群眾的面前,雙手高舉聖經要給他們,就在朝鮮人用棒棍將他打倒的那ㄧ刻,湯瑪士將聖經塞入他們的手中。他們將他殺了,全然不知道湯瑪士到朝鮮是要幫助他們,這位才27歲的年輕宣教士,帶著基督的愛千裏迢迢來到亞洲,好不容易抵達了朝鮮,卻殉道在大同江邊。這粒落在土裏的麥子,最後結出了許多的子粒來。


其實,當我們談到平壤大復興運動時,它的源流是始於1903年的元山。聖靈讓當時禱告會的講員Robert Hardie 宣教士不僅在禱告會宣教士們面前,在主日崇拜時也在會眾面前公開的流淚懺悔說:「其實我沒有真正愛朝鮮人的心意,每時每刻我都認為我比朝鮮人更優越,我倚靠醫學院畢業的學歷過於倚靠聖靈,見到朝鮮人的時候我就覺得他們很不乾淨,認為他們的飲食和文化都是未開化的,我的心裡是充滿著這樣的驕傲……。」他將他的驕傲、心靈的剛硬、信心的不足等一些罪惡在眾人面前悔改,這就成了平壤大復興的起始點。一個在韓國人心中認為崇高無比的西洋宣教士,竟然如此謙卑地在眾人面前悔改,這帶給韓國聖徒非常大的衝擊。

1907年一月十二日開始,W. N. Blair在平壤的長老會和監理會的查經會中分享信息。他以哥林多前書12:27來講基督是身體,而我們是主內的肢體。但是第二天的晚上聚會卻很冷淡,好像撒但壓倒了整個會眾,他似乎阻擋了禱告的上達,吉鮮宙長老甚至對會眾說:「你們都死了嗎?」他和宣教士們都認為這個查經會不能就這樣結束,所以在十四日中午的禱告會當中再次聚集在神面前懇切的禱告,這次神沒有不理睬他們的禱告。那天William B. Hunt傳講信息之後,李吉函牧師(音譯)來到講台上請會眾同聲開口禱告的時候,會眾就開始禱告,那天的同聲開口禱告和前一天完全不同。


聚會結束之後還有六百多個人願意留下來繼續禱告,到了清晨兩點時,被稱為使徒行傳以後最強烈的聖靈如五旬節般降臨,並開始引發起平壤大復興。聖靈以悔改的靈降臨在這六百多人的身上,這強烈的聖靈降臨是在場所有人第一次體驗到的聖靈工作。根據《倫敦時報》(London Times)的報道,當人人呼喊「父啊!」的時候,就有一股強烈不可抵擋的力量從外面湧入禮拜堂內,會眾開始流淚和激動的徹夜禱告。這感動的激流延續了幾天,同聲開口禱告的聲音留下繞樑的餘音,沒有人會說痛悔的哭聲是傷心的爆發,他們都知道那是聖靈降臨在當中,靈魂湧流出的讚美聲。




藉著韓國基督徒真心的悔改,活出神的話語和不住的呼求禱告,我們看見神在平壤大復興中所行的奇事,如Philadelphia Press的特派員William T. Ellis當年以激昂的言詞記載了這大復興運動對韓國的影響:「現在,基督教在改變韓國的樣貌(Character)。」









在威爾斯大復興中,最觸目的人物是伊凡.羅伯斯(Evan John Roberts )。他本來是羅格地方一個寂寂無聞的基督徒,但自從大復興展現以後,便大受注意。1878年出生的羅伯斯,父親是礦工,他後來成為鐵匠。羅伯斯得救之後,在聚會中聽見:『要忠心。倘若聖靈降臨,而你缺席,你將如何呢?』因而深受感動,十分愛神。他身上總是帶著聖經,以便他利用零碎時間查讀聖經,同時他也為著召會各樣的需要,經常在廢礦坑中迫切禱告。他最大的心願是尋求復興,他忠心地出席教會所有的聚會,因他聽取了教會一位長老的忠告:不要失去被聖靈祝福的機會。他很努力的讀聖經,無論往何處去,總帶著聖經。由於他性格很內向,缺乏演講的天分,也沒有卓越的解經恩賜,許多人不相信他會成為神合用的器皿。

然而,羅伯斯被神呼召去傳道,他在1904年前往紐卡斯爾的傳道人預備學校唸書,以便將來接受作傳道人的訓練;但是他並沒有完成學業,他受了聖靈的感動返回家鄉。當年某夜,當他跪在床邊禱告時,感到神親近得像是正在呼喚他,那時他已為著復興禱告了十多年。之後有三個月之久,他在靈裡與神有親密的來往交通,每次約歷四小時。他的禱告只有一個,就是:『主阿,折服教會,好叫世人得救。』(Lord, bend the church to save the world.『折服』含有降服神和對神的旨意除去抵抗的意義。)周圍的人一面感到奇怪,一面亦深受感動,漸漸就有許多人加入,和他一同禱告;不久,全礦坑的人都受了影響,也起來一同禱告,如此帶進了威爾斯大復興。


1.  一切罪都必須向神承認,並且悔改

2.  信徒與神之間必須沒有烏雲阻隔

3.  我們必須順服聖靈

4. 必須公開承認基督為救主



那時有一位認識神極深的基督徒─賓路易斯師母(Mrs. Penn-Lewis),也曾參與威爾斯大復興時的聚集。她雖然感覺那裡的聚會不像聚會,卻見證:『不知道為什麼,在那裡有個挺莫名其妙的東西,是非常特別的;外面聽起來是吵雜失序的,但他們在內裡是合一的。』



羅伯斯最著名的禱告就是:「哦,主,折服我們!」 基督徒必須謙卑自己、與神恢復正確關係,聖靈才能有所突破而使人信主得救。 羅伯斯沒有講整篇道,也許只講五句話,或者禱告幾句。但會眾都是又哭又跳。他們沒有開會的時間和地點,無論在那裡都可以聚會,無論甚麼時候來,都可以有聚會,半夜可以,清晨也可以。幾乎在每一個家庭里都有復興會,都有禱告。看不出講道人在那裡,因為有時候一個人起來選一首詩讓大家唱,有時候有人起來讀幾節聖經。




1906年的四月,美國加州發生了兩件大事。四月十八日凌晨五時十三分,三藩市發生7.8級大地震,隨之引起大火,火線有八平方哩之廣,造成三千多人死亡,損失達三億五千萬美元。當時三藩市有四十萬人口, 其中一半以上變成無家可歸。

與此同時在南加州的洛杉磯,一個屬靈的地震正在醞釀,造成的影響遠比三藩市大地震強烈和深遠。這個屬靈的地震不只震動洛杉磯,而且震動全美國,甚至全世界,並且餘震不斷,歷久不衰,數十年來受影響的人數 多達數億,可謂波瀾壯闊。

黑人信徒熱切追求 》當時在洛杉磯市內的 邦尼。布雷(Bonnie Brae) 街 216 號的 艾斯別瑞(Asberry) 住宅內,有一群黑人基督徒定期聚集禱告,帶領者是一位快 36 歲的黑人牧師, 名叫西摩爾(William Seymour)。

《黑奴之子 蒙召事奉》 西摩爾是一名黑奴之子,於1870年在南方路易斯安那州出生,家境窮困,常遭受種族主義者的暴力威脅。他自小在基督教環境中長大,1895年,西摩爾在印地安納州悔改歸主。1900 年,在俄亥俄州辛辛那提 (Cincinnati),他患上天花, 極其嚴重,天花令他瞎了右眼。這次病患令他終於接受神叫他全職事奉的呼召。1903年,西摩爾移居德克薩斯州休士頓,他內心對神很饑渴,有兩年半之久每天禱告五小時。

《家庭聚會 復興起點》西摩爾在休士頓教會服侍期間,被邀到洛杉磯去參與牧養,於 1906 年二月到達洛杉磯。他在信息中講到:方言是聖經對聖靈洗禮的印證,立即被請出這間教會。他不得不到私人家裡去聚會。西摩爾住進一位名叫愛德華李的信徒家裡。他很渴慕神,在那裡只有禱告。他求問神可作甚麼,聖靈說要更多禱告。他當時已經每天禱告五小時,後來便增加到七小時,懇切求神賜給他靈浸和方言及使徒的愛和能力。因著西摩爾的懇切禱告,住 邦尼。布雷(Bonnie Brae) 街的 艾斯別瑞(Ashberry) 就開放自己的家來舉行祈禱聚會。這個禱告會快速地增長。4月9日,西摩爾按手在李的頭上,李開始說方言。消息傳開,邦尼。布雷(Bonnie Brae) 街的基督徒都更加熱切追求,結果有六個人被聖靈大大澆灌。聖靈在他們身上外顯的工作不只是方言,更有人呼喊、倒地和在室內奔走。鄰居 珍妮。摩爾(Jennie Moore) 除了說方言外,還彈奏鋼琴,而她是從來沒有學過彈琴的。這個鋼琴至今仍放在的 邦尼。布雷(Bonnie Brae) 街 216 號的住宅內。禱告會的人數增加到無法在私人家裡舉行。他們不得已找到阿蘇薩街一間非裔衛理聖公會的舊教堂。教會歷史上的阿蘇薩街奮興,就以此為名,這是20世紀靈恩運動的開始。

星星之火 迅即燎原》初時阿蘇撒街的聚會處人數不多,進入秋天,參加的人數越來越多,那時交通並不發達, 但訪客紛至沓來,絡繹不絕。每天三堂聚會,會眾多達一千三百人。在一開始的時候,這個運動就包容了黑人與白人。這點與當時大多數教會種族分離的情形,是背道而馳。九月,西摩爾創辦了 《使徒信心》報(The Apostolic Faith),創刊號頭條標題是「五旬節來到」,副標題是「聖經式救恩及五旬節的復興臨到洛杉磯,正如使徒行傳所記載的」。 這份報刊把復興的消息傳至海內外,最高峰時出版達五萬份。在這份報紙上,他們提出聖靈帶領社會各個階層來參加這個復興運動。西摩爾高舉“在基督裡合一”的旗幟,不但拆掉種族的隔閡,他更提出讓婦女成為教會領袖。拉丁裔很快地也參加了這個運動。

西摩爾也把阿蘇撒街的聚會處改為使徒信心會(Apostolic Faith Mission)。自從復興爆發以來,該教會連續三年天天廿四小時不停聚會,五旬節之火由此傳到全球。西摩爾一直教人高舉耶穌基督,他說:「出到外面不要談論方言,要傳講耶穌及祂的救恩。」


《人去樓空 恩膏尚存》邦尼。布雷(Bonnie Brae) 街 216 號的 艾斯別瑞 宅是阿蘇撒街大復興碩果僅存的 「古物」。該區是菲律賓人聚居的地方,十年前仍有人住,現今卻列作古蹟,無人居住。十年前住在該屋的屋主憶述該房子有天上來的保護。

屋主的兒子Sal提到1987年曾有一名幫派份子試圖入屋行劫。當開門時,那賊人立刻逃走,一面走一面說見到天使。1995年,有一名八歲女孩子看見天使環繞整座房子的異象。1994 年一月洛杉磯發生地震,該幢房子天花板出現裂痕,後來裂痕自動消失,不留任何地震痕跡。許多訪客來禱告,都有神蹟發生。1995年三月,一位患乳癌的女士在那裡禱告後痊癒。同年,Sal缺錢買不起上課用品,一家禱告後,一位陌生男士把一箱筆記簿放在門前,說神告訴他這家庭需要筆記簿。

阿蘇撒街雖然沒有物質上留下大復興的痕跡,但其實隨著以後成立的神召會、四方福音 會和其他五旬宗派,以及較後興起的靈恩運動和第三波,復興的痕跡在世界各地隨處可見。阿蘇撒在印弟安語的意思是「有福的神蹟」,全世界至今有六億多五旬宗及靈恩信徒,這已證明神蹟仍然繼續發生。

據阿蘇撒街大復興百年慶典大會公佈的數字,這六億多信徒分佈如下:非洲有一億五千萬,亞洲有一億六千五百 萬,歐洲有三千四百萬,拉丁美洲有一億五千八百萬,大洋洲有四千六百萬,北美洲有八千三百 萬。現時五旬宗及靈恩信徒每天增加五萬四千人,一年增加一千 九百萬人,估計到 2025 年,全球會增至十億人。

神的兒女在110年後((2016)) 的AzusaNow聚會中,呼求神更大的復興來到這世代。許多的年輕人被呼召,為耶穌基督的名被差派出去列國萬邦,他們將鞋子脫下來,膏抹預備走路傳福音的鞋子,那時候在直播當中的視頻,流露出來的聖靈強烈恩膏,幾乎使人站立不住。







古歐洲的摩爾維亞和波希米亞現位於捷克中西部地區。第七、八世紀時,當地的人先後從希臘教會和羅馬教會得著福音。十五世紀初葉,當時羅馬教廷,教士奢侈貪婪、教會虛偽腐敗,波希米亞改教領袖約翰胡司(John Huss)展開了一波改革行動,胡司因傳講福音而被當時的羅馬教會處火刑殉道(1415年),此地從此變成逼迫聖徒,令人畏懼的地方。當時仍然忠於福音的人需經常躲避逼迫,他們一度聚集在波希米亞東北部肯瓦(Kurlwald)山谷中的一個村莊裏,度過一段比較平安的生活。到了1457年,這群被稱為「基督之律法的弟兄們」建立了教會,人稱「聯合弟兄會」(United Brothren)。

1722年,歐州史上版圖最大的顯赫王朝哈布斯堡(habsburg)攝政要求這群新教徒加入天主教,由於不願放棄新教信仰而遭逼迫,此時的弟兄們已經過長達幾世紀的逼迫,許多人用他們的血,印證了所作的見證。他們遭監禁、受苦待、被充軍,不得不拋家別鄉,離開故土,於是摩拉維亞弟兄會的領袖大衛(Christian David)就為他們尋找避難的地方。



德國薩克森侯國的親岑多夫伯爵(Nicolaus Ludwig Zinzendorf)在大衛的請求下,不顧家族的反對,歡迎這群逃亡者,於是大衛從摩拉維亞陸續帶領那些願意撇下一切的人,約二百餘人在此住下。親岑多夫安排他們居住的村莊,名叫「主護村」(Herrnhut)。此處便成為各宗派基督徒的避難所,更是摩拉維亞弟兄會向全球擴展的基地。主為他們預備了這個避難所,在那裏他們的教會又得以更新……。





這位當時才二十九歲的德國貴族,為了這幾個小女孩的悔改而屈膝在主面前,心力交瘁地不停禱告,甚至泉湧般的淚水滿襟;這次的禱告發揮了巨大的功效,也是日後賜生命與能力之聖靈動工的開始。 不僅是親岑多夫伯爵,許多弟兄自動相約要時常在赫特堡(Hutberg )聚集,同心禱告並歌頌讚美神。」

8月5日,伯爵和十二到十四位弟兄通宵禱告,全場與會者都大得感動。 8月10日是主日,若特(Rothe)牧師在主護村主持聚會時,覺得自己被一股出於主的奇妙而無法抗拒的能力所淹沒,他整個人俯伏在神前,在場的全體會眾也渾然忘我地跟著他俯伏下來。他們就在這種心境下,祈禱唱詩,哭泣懇求。 1727年8月13日,施恩懇求的靈澆灌在主護村的會眾身上。當時剎那間臨到全會眾的,是一種與基督緊靠在一起的感覺,而且大家感覺是一致的,甚至連身在二十里外的兩位會友,雖然不知道聚會的情況,竟也同時深深體驗到同樣的祝福。他們無法說得清楚當時的境況,只能說好像在天上,或仍在人間與主相連。





主啊!求您將燃燒摩拉維亞復興的靈,也同樣澆灌在全球的眾教會中,成為普世宣教的祝福! (取自於台灣好消息電台)




令人無法置信的肯塔基州曼徹斯特市的轉化故事,數以千計的人已在森特尼集團(Sentinel Group)2010年記錄片《阿帕拉契山脈的黎明》看過。這故事揭露一個毒品氾濫、充滿罪行的社區,因貪腐的政府控制而沈浸於傷心絕望的循環。只有當城裡「好人」開始失去他們吸毒過量和自殺的孩子,使他們情急至極而禱告。接著幾個月向主呼求,懇求神的介入,他們在城中遊行表達反對貪腐和管制的立場。


阿帕拉契轉化中心的艾柏勒(Doug Abner)曾是當地牧師,幫助領導整個曼徹斯特的轉化。他說2004年遊行前,不信和恐懼如何破壞了教會。因地方官員多年的貪腐,和不當操作的選舉制度,信徒覺得改變是無助益的。教會缺乏合一,更加強貪腐官員的決心,來恐嚇威脅任何挑戰他們計畫的人。但艾柏勒分享遊行之日後,同樣信徒展現大有勇氣的信心,攜手進行根本的改變。





(文取材自charisma news)


哥倫比亞。卡利(Cali) 城市轉化的見證


瑪西和藍迪。麥可米倫 (Marcy & Randy McMillan)夫婦是資深神職人員,住在卡利已超過20年。當中至少10年,生活在該城惡名昭彰的大毒梟陰影下。他們看過販毒集團殘酷控制的毁滅性後果,而且就在自家的後院。1980年代。非法毒品資金紛紛流入卡利,毒梟們搬進了麥家所居住的高級住宅區,買下了整條街的豪宅,羅葛茲。尢哈拉(Gilberto Rouriguez Crejuela )家族是卡利販毒集團的首腦,在他們掌控整個國家販賣運送古柯鹼的時期,據說每月平均的獲利五億美元,還不包括其他的收入。多年來哥倫比亞是全球最大的古柯鹼輸出國,一年輸出超過1000噸的毒品至歐美各國 。



正如所有變革的故事一切開始於代禱者。那一群傾聽神話語的男女,神叫露絲與先生胡立歐洛寶(Ruth and Houlio Ruibal) 在1978年來到卡利。他們為著城市極度的黑暗感到氣餒。但胡立歐深信,只要神的子民同心禱告,仇敵的勢力就會瓦解。但問題是,沒人願意行動,各個教會之間並不合一。雖然有空設的牧師聯盟,每個牧師都各做各的,沒人願意合作。由於一次的意見分歧,胡立歐退出早就欲振乏力的牧師聯盟,但卻發現自己更加深了分裂。神告訴他,”你沒有權利感到生氣,你必須饒恕。” 他領受了神的話,並領悟到如果他真反映出耶穌的生命,就不會生氣。胡立歐回到牧師聯盟,請求他們饒恕,並指出他們不能再分裂。在這城市面對這樣艱鉅的挑戰之時,他們領悟到希望渺茫,各國際組織和哥倫比亞當局,都在竭力打擊販毒集團,卻毫無作用。

他們對此憂心忡忡,開始為之禱告,求主教導他們禱告,讓他們了解到這城市靈界勢力的根。為了得知神對這城市的看見,當地教會開始檢視周圍的靈界勢力。麥可米倫夫婦開始分發這城市的地圖,然後照政府所劃分的區域和社區來分配,他們要報告,在該區與一再發生的嚴重問題。 一個惱人的大發現是該是該市沉迷於邪教,就連大毒梟都是靈媒和靈界導師的大顧客。 毒梟跟邪教淵源極深,他們藉此獲宗教領袖杈,使得原來藉金錢獲取的杈勢之外,又加上另外一層力量。當他們開始破除該市的屬靈堅固營壘之際,卡利的牧師們看到神要他們舉辦一晚的聯合敬拜禱告會。  剛開始大家都說這行不通,不會有人來。  反對聲浪很大但有些領袖勇於為人所不能為,因他們知道這是神的旨意。

1995年教會領袖舉辦第一次通宵禱告會,他們為對抗執政掌權的屬靈勢力和合一禱告,相信神要在教會中動工。 當時的市長也上台為卡利禱告,他說卡利屬於耶穌基督,當基督徒聽到政府首長這番話時,便印證了聖靈的動工。在禱告會時48小時之後,當日報紙的頭條刊載「沒有兇殺案」。 就任何人記憶所及,這是卡利第一次整個週末沒有發生半件兇殺案。 這對平均每天發生超過15件凶殺案的城市而言是一條大新聞。 在這些大型聯合禱告會後,成效開始展現。 十天後, 第一個毒梟落網。 神改變了這個城市。 受到第一次通宵守望禱告會的屬靈動力所激勵,教會領袖決定租下全市最大的集會場地,擁有55,000個座位的帕斯可葛若足球場。這信心沒有落空,有超過60,000的中派的信徒齊聚一堂禱告敬拜。

1995年夏天各國政府像毒梟全面宣戰,有6500名突擊隊菁英被派到卡利,他們的任務就是要逮捕販毒集團的首腦。 當時有幾個主要大毒梟,他們開始禁食禱告的那九個月,有六個死亡。 卡利的屬靈空氣已經改變了。

當胡立歐正因神的作為受到鼓舞時,卻同時面臨鄰居的敵對。有鄰居因產權的爭執,對他惱怒,威脅要殺他。胡立歐禁食禱告想知道明白是怎麼回事。所以他開始禁食,第三天,神對他說話。神說:”他會嚴重的傷害你, 但卡利的復興卻要因此擴散開來。” 有天胡立歐要到牧師聯盟開會,那天下午兩點牧師們都在等他,他下了車走向教堂時,有兩個阻擊手埋伏等著胡立歐,殺了他。他的妻子回憶說,當時神的靈給她一處經文:”在耶和華眼中看聖民之死極為寶貴”,當她下車坐在他屍體旁邊時,她知道她是在聖地之上。她對神說:”神啊! 我知道你鑑察我們的心,但我仍要說我的心願意順服,如果這是您的旨意,我的心願與順服”。

處於極度震驚以及對神在這個悲劇中的旨意不解的上百名基督徒,齊聚胡立歐的葬禮,包括許多彼此不再說話的牧師。 所有的牧師進前來彼此擁抱,立下合一誓約,不容任何嫌隙存在。有兩百多位牧師加入立約的行列。這誓約成為這城市公開守望禱告的支柱,這誓約使得整個城市完全被改變,貪污的弊案大幅銳減,販賣古柯鹼的集團受到重擊。 六萬人通宵禱告,求神繼續36個月以來在這城市所成就的奇妙作為。當成千上萬的人在體育館場內,興高采烈地敬拜時,保全人員被迫驅散在門口的另外一萬多人,這些遲到者不願離開,組成臨時讚美隊伍繞行體育場數小時。 這是神跡,在幾年前福音派基督徒要這樣聚集是不可能的。

當神的國度降臨在卡利,很多人都見證生命的改變。結果連政府官員也認知道福音的正面影響。政府官員不但免費提供基督徒使用22,000個座位的場地還負責廣告音響及保全的費用。對福音的開放態度影響到社會所有階層。 現在信主已不再被視為奇特。上流社會的人承認他們需要耶穌,也不再認為這很荒唐。以前他們認為信主是笑話,是最不願意提到的話題,現在當提到耶穌,會被尊重,而且人還聽得津津有味。市內各個宗派的教會都有爆炸性的成長。當牧師被問到使教會增長的策略時,他們答到:”我們根本來不及計劃。我們忙著把網拉上船。”有教會擁有超過35,000的會友,所以週日舉辦七堂崇拜,真的是爆炸性的成長。幾乎每間教會都在成長。各處的人對神感到飢渴,無論在公車上或街道上,無論你到哪裡都可以傳福音。教會領袖認為這屬靈的飢渴,是他們合一熱切禱告的直接結果。這是持續不斷的過程,悔改與和好,掃除傳福音的障礙,人們渴望更加親近神。這是神直接動的工。

有趣的是神竟揀選了卡利,這個有黑金,毒梟及貪污所操控的城市,這是人最不可能挑選的,相信神要讓全世界及其領袖知道,神能改變一個社區,只有那個社區願意悔改,在人不能,在神沒有難成的事! 我們認為神不只要在卡利成就新事,不僅在哥倫比亞這個國家,還要遍及全地。 讓我們繼續按照神的帶領呼求禱告,直到神對我們的城市國家及列國的旨意成就!

(資料來源: George Orits’ 轉化影片)



我沒有在隱密黑暗之地說話;我沒有對雅各的後裔說:你們尋求我是徒然的,我耶和華所講的是公義,所說的是正直。(以賽亞場 四十五 19)

僅僅二十多年前,你所能知道的壞事都發生在烏干達:有拜巫術的獨裁者,大獻活人祭;有對基督徒的逼迫與殘殺,很多牧師被關在監獄中;愛滋病的比例高達 34%,基督徒的比例非常稀少,教會中若有 5 個人就是最好的「盛」況了。

從 1962 年獨立後到 1986 年,烏干達一共歷經了十位總統;期間戰火連連,一個比一個殘暴,尤其阿敏執政時把回教列為國教,殺害了無辜的上百萬人,並且邪靈密術橫行,大量逼害基督徒。阿敏下台後,烏干達連續遭受愛滋病的侵襲,讓這個國家束手無策,聯合國衛生組織甚至一度公告,這是全球被愛滋病影響最嚴重的國家。為什麼烏干達老是成為世人眼中的困苦和災難之地?


二十多年後,今天的烏干達有 90% 的基督徒,回教徒只有 6%,神蹟、奇事、異能橫掃全國,政府、軍隊、企業界等重要領袖大量的重生得救歸主。甚至當基督徒總統上台,政府內閣還設有「道德誠信部」,與 神訂下千年誓約,把國家奉獻給神。於是愛滋病人神奇地康復,烏干達的經濟並且蓬勃發展,竟能在非洲發達經濟國家中排名第二位。烏干達憑什麼扭轉乾坤?這一切是怎麼辦到的?

這一切,是從烏干達的教會起來依照神的心意,迫切為國家禱告開始!烏干達是非洲的中心,有學者形容它像是非洲的子宮,孕育著古實文明。烏干達擁有長久的屬靈歷史,從 1775 年福音傳到烏干達之後,黑暗權勢就起來與光明國度爭戰。當白人宣教士和當地領袖發生衝突被迫離開,少數黑人信徒就聚集禱告甚至禁食,使基督信仰得以保全,而傳教士則藉由阿拉伯商人捎信鼓勵這群可貴的福音勇士。

1886 年,當暴政專制的國王立回教為國教,拆毀教會並逼迫基督徒,把領袖抓到法庭受審,許多年輕的信徒因此殉道。1893 年不冷不熱的靈進入教會,所有小組聚會停擺,勉強維持主日崇拜。一直到 1915 年某天,一位信徒將受洗證書丟給牧師,表明他不再信主,因為受夠了這種假冒為善,彷彿雙面人的生活。年青的牧師關在密室向主哭求,並在主日講台上當眾悔改,現場立刻得到回應,教會從那一刻開始復興,主愛進入家庭,影響鄰舍。從 1775 年直到 1990 年,烏干達的教會一共歷經了六次的轉化運動,見證 神奇妙的大能。


在 1970 年代阿敏總統上台、屠殺傳道人、殺害上百萬無辜生靈……那段黑暗時間,基督徒躲到叢林裡聚會,劬勞禱告,為國家晝夜代求。當烏干達的教會開始起來依照 神的心意為國家祈禱,兩年後暴君阿敏下台。當時蒙 神選召帶領這波烏干達大復興的慕約翰牧師,分享到地土的突破性禱告,在於「建立祭壇」。慕約翰牧師提出了「亞伯拉罕的策略」,其中最重要的就是建立個人的禱告祭壇,不論從事的行業為何,每個人都能擁有禱告的生活模式,保持一顆隨時願意放下自己與 神溝通的心志與習慣。建立合 神心意的禱告網絡。

慕約翰牧師聽見 神說:「給我一個網,我就會將你的國家從困境中拉拔出來……」;他繼續禱告尋求,方知「網」意喻著一個合一禱告的網絡,除非在烏干達開始建立合一禱告的網絡,個人是無法單獨面對烏干達的空中執政掌權者,除非有個超越個別事工和宗派的異象,並且擴展看見 神對烏干達的心意,人們是無法克服空中執政掌權的邪惡勢力,更無法在烏干達建立 神的國度。

感謝主,靠著主,慕約翰牧師和他的團隊做到了。「這稱為我名下的子民,若是自卑、禱告、尋求我的面,轉離他們的惡行,我必從天上垂聽,赦免他們的罪,醫治他們的地。」(歷代誌下 七 14) 藉著同心為烏干達的屬靈環境禱告,斥責行邪術的靈離開,如同生產之苦的為著復興與改變努力祈求,不可思議的事情發生了-現在的烏干達已煥然一新,人們以身為烏干達人為榮,這是禱告的大能所帶來的結果!


(轉載自傳神關懷傳播協會 )


瓜地馬拉- 艾瑪隆加 (Almalonga) 的轉化見證

瓜地馬拉 艾瑪隆加是一個貧窮的城市。



馬利安諾.李斯卡赫(Mariano Liscaher)牧師是艾瑪隆加屬靈逆轉主要領袖之一。



20年來,這城鎮的犯罪率不斷地降低,一直到1994年,艾瑪隆加的4間監獄都關門。鎮上沒有人惹麻煩。艾瑪隆加從貧瘠之地變成了肥沃的山谷。土地的肥沃使得蔬菜長得非常好,一年可以收成3次。在屬靈轉變之前,他們是一個月4趟車送農作物收成,現在一週可以跑40趟車。他們的農作物收成非常大。因為這樣的豐富收成,美國的農業局甚至到這地查考。他們說神的到訪使得農作物大豐收。以前收割蘿蔔要60天,現在40天。鎮上的百姓信心增加。人們得到釋放後,殷勤工作,有效的耕種田地。他們停止偶像崇拜及迷信。熱誠敬拜神並殷勤工作。他們繼續一周禁食三次,越禱告就越攻破黑暗勢力。隔壁村莊慶祝拜偶像,一萬五千人聚居一起慶祝耶穌的復活。禱告禁食使他們勝過黑暗權勢的破壞力。神改變了整個的社區。(資料來源: George Otis’ 瓜地馬拉,艾瑪隆加轉化影片)



肯亞 –坎布 (Kiambu) 的轉化見證

坎布這個城市素來以謀殺,強暴,暴力聞名,是肯亞歷史上最敗壞的城市 。


神呼召湯馬士。穆提 (Thomas Muthee) 牧師夫婦到坎布去建立教會。他們透過禱告辨識並對抗坎布的屬靈逼迫來源。如以弗所書所說的,我們不是與屬血氣的爭戰,乃是與執政掌權的爭戰。問題不是在鎮上的人,問題是魔鬼如何轄制人,使人在原地踏步。他們加足火力禱告了六個月並勤做研究,他們禁食禱告並問神真正的原因在哪。主顯明是巫術的靈環繞並捆綁人心。坎布很多問題的產生是跟一位叫甄姥姥的巫婆有關。她占卜的地方叫以馬內利。她以行巫術為生。鎮上的政商都來找她算命。明白坎布的權勢後,湯馬士夫婦求助於神。




如果神能改變坎布,神能改變全世界。讓我們禱告吧! (轉載自喬治。奧提 (George Otis) 的轉化影片 (Transformations) )










他們同心合意的禱告,帶出來的結果不僅是異端邪教團體的撤退離開那個地方,同時販毒者被抓起來繩之以法,然後悔改歸向我們的神。其中有一個販毒份子正要開車去殺一個人的時候,突然間聖靈轉他的駕駛盤, 將他帶進教會,牧者為他禱告,他就信主了。那裡的不同的教會連結起來,同心合意地在社區裡面,傳福音辦活動領人歸主,他們不只牧養本身的教會,還同心合意牧養整個城市。榮耀歸給神!



Uganda’s revival transformation

In the year 1980, more than 30% of Uganda’s population had AIDS; by 2008, it had dropped to 6.4%. More than 8 million AIDS patients were healed, and the real answer is: prayer.  Success in fighting AIDS is just a part of the jigsaw puzzle in the nation’s full transformation story.

The first wave of revival: There are six waves of transformation in Uganda, the first three waves started from people’s hunger and thirst for God, and the latter three waves are in response to the crisis. When the gospel spread to Uganda in 1775, there was a fierce spiritual warfare. The missionaries who brought the gospel were forced to leave in less than 10 years. Leaving a small number of African believers, feeling extremely weak, they decided to gather together every day, to pray and fast. With a small group of people as a unit, they established a vast network of prayers throughout the country. Believers understand that if they are determined to preach the gospel of Jesus, they must abandon their old lives, no matter what price they must pay, and they refused to worship idols nor practice polygamy. They did not expect the whole gospel movement to grow so rapidly, even beyond the time when the missionaries were around.

The second wave of revival: In the 1886 years, facing great persecution, the king arrested the church leaders, demand them to either deny Jesus, or die, and the first group of Christians were martyred for it. There was a group of young men working in the palace who, after they believed in Jesus, rejected all abominable rituals, and the king was so angry that he demanded that they deny Jesus, that even the son of the minister joined the martyrdom, 22 young men laid down their lives for Jesus in one day. Later, the missionaries came back, and they were very cautious in handling the situation, and the spirit of fear quenched the fire of zeal in the young people.

By the year 1893, the church had long since gone from the first wave of revival to the state of Luke warmness. At the end of the war, there was a son of a chief who retired after the war and found himself unable to obey Jesus Christ, our commander and Chief like the way he obeyed the captain of the army as a soldier, so he was seeking help from the pastor everywhere. Later, he and his younger brother, hid in their banana garden, seeking God earnestness, by grace, the spirit of intercession fell on them, they experienced a great breakthrough in their lives, they began to affect the lives of many young people around them, and began to labor in prayer like them, everyone experienced victory, and even the entire village began to change.

This wave of revival continues to spread, and the great power of the Holy Spirit swept through the countries of East Africa, causing people to confess and repent, surrender to the Holy Spirit and brought in the “great revival of East Africa”.

The third wave to the sixth wave of transformationJohn Mulinde personally witnessed and engaged in the work of the latter four waves of God, within 40 years (1971~2011), although they made many mistakes, but God always brought them back to the effective and real starting point again.

The transformation of the third wave, took place during the reign of President Idi Amin (1971~1979). There were only 3% Muslims in Uganda at the time, but as soon as Amin came to power, he declared jihad, and declared Uganda to be a Muslim country, he first drove all Jews out, then began killing church leaders, and closed all churches within five years. After Amin’s ouster, Milton Obote came into power, called the Milton era, he was even more brutal than Amin, in imposing authoritarian terrorism. the rebel forces rose among the people, against the government, the intense fierce civil war continued for about five years. There is a proverb in Africa that says, “When two elephants fight, the worst victim is the lawn on the ground.” The people of Uganda are the lawns under the two elephants of totalitarianism and rebels! At first, the church did not publicly stand on their position, until the Civil war began to attack the church. It is the awakening of the Church that begin to pray, changed the country, not only pray for the outward change of the regime, but wage in battle for the fundamental change with substance. This prayer movement, is like raging fire, has burned the whole country, and after two years of deep prayer, God brought about a sweeping change in the entire Uganda, and God also begun to heal the land, restore the respect for life, and recover the economy, and the country gradually went back on track

In the year 1990, Ugandan pastors were invited by cabinet ministers to read a report from the World Health Organization (WHO) referring to Uganda as the country with the highest global AIDS epidemic. At that time, AIDS patients accounted for 34% of the total population, forecast by the year of 2000 years, 1/3 population of Uganda will die from AIDS, 1/3 will become AIDS patients, the last remaining 1/3 will be the old, the weak, the women and children. At that point, Uganda’s economy will bankrupt, and the political and social structure will collapse. God gave the small group of John Mulinde’s a prophetic word, which revolutionized their mode of thinking, God said, “You need to change the way you pray ... If you only pray for a solution to the crisis, then after the crisis is resolved, there will be other crises coming. Therefore, you need to start praying for your nation to coming into the purpose and destiny I have created your nation for. I will help your country through all the difficulties and crises … Then the people of the nations will come to Uganda and ask, “How do you overcome the AIDS?!”

God began to teach the Ugandan church that the real enemy was the dark power of the spirit realm, and only by knowing who the enemy is, can one know how to pray, how to have breakthrough, and how to push away the vail that hung over the country. God is faithful, and He does what He says. But the transformation was a complex process, during the 90 days of fasting and praying that were held throughout the country, with participants eating only fruits and vegetables, and several waves of confession, and repentant, including inter-tribal reconciliation, and the President’s atonement to India.

In 1988, God divinely visited John and chose him as the leader of this wave of movement. It happened in April 1988, when he was a pastor of a small church, actively preaching the gospel and experiencing many miracles and wonders. But God personally visited him, exposed the lust of his life, the hatred, jealousy, manipulation and contention he had toward others and the Lord said to him, “If I come back today for My bride, you will have no part in it … You didn’t just accidentally fall into sin, it’s your life style … this is unacceptable, in the presence of My Father.」

John Mulinde received a vision from God. In the vision, he saw himself and coworkers fishing in lake Victoria, they casted the net by the lake, it seemed like they had caught a lot of fish, and began to pull the net ashore, but the net was too heavy, there were not enough helper, he asked the co-workers to go back to the ministry center to ask the rest of the co-workers to come and help. As the fellow worker left, he heard a voice say to him, “John, this job is too big for you, it is not your personal ministry, nor a sect or a church can do it, do all you can to call on those who are close or far away, the majority of the people, who are willing to help.” So, he called the fellow workers back and told them the account. After a while, many people began to come to the lake. Groups, large and small, bringing two things: one is flags with the sectarian and church names written on it, and each group brings a rope. When everyone got to the lake, they tied the ropes to the net and began to help. Although very heavy, but together, they finally pulled up the net. Unexpectedly, when the net surfaced, there was no fish inside, but a big stone, exactly the shape of the map of Uganda! Then a voice said to John Mulinde, “John, give me a net, and I will drag your country out of the evil water.” 」

God revealed to John: “Unless you begin to build a network of unified prayers across Uganda, you will not be able to conquer the dark power over your country.” God told him again, “I have many people scattered across different denominations, even in places you can’t imagine.” They are among the Lutherans, the Pentecostal, the Church of England, the Baptist Church, the Protestant sect, Catholicism, and many different ministries. Every independent ministry, denomination, Church has a unique anointing. God said, “When the church, the demonization, and ministries are one with each other, there will be great corporate anointing covering the people.” Under such a cover, you will have a great legal position against those in power over your country. 」

Today, there are more than 90% Christians in Uganda. Their economic growth is ranked   in the top three in Africa, with many Christians entering important decision-making positions such as government, justice, finance and education, and the state is undergoing a complete transformation in every field. God is also eager to do the same in the nations, and God also wants all nations to bear fruits for Him, and for all peoples to glorify Him, and for that reason He calls Uganda to become a missionary and midwife of all nations, helping the nations to enter God’s destiny for the nation.

Let me give you some practical tips. Please go home, pack up and put aside all the Bible reading plans. Let’s do it in a new way!

1.    Do not read one chapter, two chapters or three chapters a day. Read a lot of verses every day. It’s like you eat breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, even a snack in between. Let us feed ourselves with the word of God. If possible, read ten chapters, 20 chapters a day.

2.    Read the Bible, not to study, but to read. Do not read bible reference book, the content of the reference bible is not scripture, but human interpretation, for now forget what you’ve learned from that. Only after you interpret the bible yourself, then you can compare your interpretations with that of others. If you really want to feed yourself in the words of God, just read the scriptures and read only the Bible. Amen?

3.    Don’t mix readings with the study. What do most people do? They began to read: “Oh! This Bible verse really touches me! I think God is talking to me. “Then they stopped reading, and focused on that passage, and began to study it.” Let’s just put it this way! During this time, let us put a great deal of God’s word in us, because the Bible does not conflict with itself, and the Bible itself will explain itself. So, the more you put God’s word in your heart, the more the scripture will explain itself.

4.    Keep your motivation for reading the Bible simple. There is only one motivation: Lord! I want to know You. that’s it. “I don’t want to know You, as this or that, I just want to know You! I want to know who You are? What You are? I want to know Your name and honor Your name.” every day I want to say: “God! I Come before You. Lord! You are such a God, because I have seen You in the scriptures.”

5.       Create a quality reading time. “I’m going to read the Bible for five minutes, because I need to meet someone later, and I’ll start with four chapter. “That can only be counted as extra time. You must plan for some time of the day, without interruption, to sit down and receive from reading the Bible, to read the Bible with focus, and to do so continuously. Just like when you read a novel, you don’t like to be disturbed by others, you like to read the story in its entirety. This Bible is the story of God, and this is the path of God. When you read the words of God, you are saying, “God! I want to know You, and I will follow Your path. “You have to create the continuity of the Bible reading, and if you have the quality in reading the Bible, after reading the Bible, you have to plan a period of time for meditation.” Don’t go working on something else, right after You read the bible, close the bible, or keep it open, and meditate on the word of God.

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Visitation of God in Fiji

Nataliera before and after Revival

Nataliera is a village situated by the sea in an idyllic location with a beautiful beach against a background of colourful mountains, but before 2004 the villagers were far from satisfied. There was division, tension and strife in the village. Idolatry and witchcraft created an atmosphere of evil, with many people dying untimely deaths. Even among the Christians there was prejudice, rivalry and division.

Young people were taking drugs and becoming promiscuous. Teenage pregnancies occurred, and there was a general spirit of rebellion against parents and all authority. The soil produced very few crops, and when the villagers went to the forest to try and grow crops, these were rooted up and destroyed by wild animals, especially pigs. At sea, the coral reef had died, so there were no fish to be caught.

Then something happened that brought matters to a head. At the entrance to the village, two old idols, models of warlords, that had been preserved in a museum, had been placed on either side of a drive as decorations. A young man of the village, riding a horse, accidentally knocked one of these idols so that it fell down and the head of the idol was broken off. The idol was put back up again and the head was fastened on with a rope. The young rider, however, started to feel ill, and a few days later, was found hanged, and the rope round his head was tied in the same way that the head of the idol had been tied on. This upset the village, and caused even more division and recrimination, especially when some people claimed that they had heard the idol speaking to them and making hissing noises. (This was personally confirmed to me by the man telling the story.) The leaders of the churches in the village then decided that things had to be sorted out, so they went to the village chief and asked him to call a meeting. At the meeting they decided to call in the Healing the Land Team. The team went to the village, found out the facts, and told the people they had to fast and pray for two weeks, which they did.

Two weeks later, the team arrived, and while they were there, they did a prayer walk around the village, every evening for seven nights. On the seventh night, they blew on shells, banged on cymbals and commanded the demons to leave the village. The demons left, and all the dogs in the village barked as they left, for the dogs sensed the demons going past them.

During their time there, the team prophesied that fire would fall in the village. As the mission went on, people repented of their sins, of their prejudice and division. The young people repented of their rebelliousness and their disobedience to their parents. People wept and cried as they were reconciled to each other.

On the last night of the mission, which they call a process, the villagers brought all their witchcraft items and put them in a pile to be burnt. Then the man who told me the story, whose name was Amosi, spoke up and said, “It isn’t right for these idols to stay here. They must be destroyed.” So, the young people went out and broke them up, and put the pieces on top of the bonfire.

Repentance of Young Drug addicts

On the following day, after the team had left, as it was getting dark, the mother of the boy who had committed suicide, who was standing with some others, saw an intense light over the sea. It was a wide column of fire, rising high over the surface, glowing red, orange and yellow, with flames at the side, which spread out over a large area of the sea. This magnificent sight stayed in position for about half an hour and was a fulfillment of the prophecy that fire would come to the village. On the very next day, when they went out to fish, a huge shoal of fish was there. The Lord had healed the coral reef and brought the fish back. Everybody came and caught an abundance of fish, filling large 50 kg. bags again and again. On the land, the crops started to grow again. Truly, our God is a merciful God.

Since then, the villagers come together for prayer meetings every Wednesday, from 6 a.m.to 3 p.m., to coincide with the fast times, on the first Sunday of every month they unite in worship together, and every 6 months they have a week of united meetings. If you go there, you will see the monument they have put up to commemorate the happenings in 2004, erected on the site where the witchcraft items were burnt. On the monument it gives the dates of the transformation: 16 May 2004 to 14 June 2004, and proclaims that there is no God but Jehovah, quoting Isaiah 43:11, and that He is the God of Nataliera. Praise the Lord. Our God is an awesome God.

In June 2005, because of the visitation of God, the whole village thanked the Lord for the Great Revival, convened the “Anniversary celebration” the villagers were full of gratitude and held various special gatherings.

The sorcerers repented and burnt all the props

On the last day, seven or eight sorcerers who had long used idolatry to control villages confessed all the bad things they have done, repented and accepted the redemption of Christ. They took all their magic props and burnt them in front of the villagers.

Now, on the land of the village, a memorial monument of revival was raised up with the engravement: “ I, even I am the Lord, and apart from Me there is no Savior (Isaiah 43:11).”

(Source: Christian Revival Story Collection)

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David Brainerd and Indian Revival

David Brainerd (AD 1718-1747) was a preacher to the Indians in the early days of the United States. He brought about the revival and was known as the “Apostle of Indian” Born in 1718, he studied at Yale University. He was called to evangelize in the brush area of the Indians in 1742. He died of lung disease in 1747. He was under 30 years old. Although his service time was not long. But there is no story as glorious and magnificent than David Brainerd. His story influenced William Carey’s to go to India for mission, and inspired John Wesley and well-known South Africa missionary Andrew Murray. There are no other miracles that prove the truth of Christian faith more than his life and work. He was alone in the wilderness where the Native Americans lived, struggling with deadly diseases day and night, most of the time he could only relied on one Indian aborigine who believed in the Lord to translate for him in order to have contact with the Indians, but with the words of God in his hands and his heart, and the flaming fire of God burning in his spirit, he spent most time in prayer, and poured his heart out to God, thus establishing the church of God, and received the effect full of grace of God.

But before David Brainerd began to live by faith, he lived under the influence of legalism for a long time. He believed that people must rely on deeds to earn God’s grace, but few  months after his 21st birthday, on a Sunday afternoon, when he walked into a dense forest, an indescribable glory opened his eyes, he was able to see that God’s will is the source of peace and joy for a person, from that point on he was willing to do God’s will without counting the cost. It became the driving force in his life.

David. Brainerd was willing to dedicate his life to serve Christ. All he could see was: The only way to accomplish this will, he must become a pastor to preach the gospel; but not the way he used to think, to earn salvation for himself, because he now knows it is the unmerited grace of God. You can’t buy with money, nor pay any price. In order to achieve this call, he must be trained, so he entered Yale University, or Yale College was the name at the time.

When he was 24 (1742), he was examined by a pastor’s association and received a certificate allowing him to preach. (He was later appointed as a pastor on June 10, 1944). He said: “After the exam, I felt that I love God very much. I prayed with one of the pastors, then went to bed and decided to live faithfully to God.” Then a mission group hired him as their missionary and sent him to live in New York, New Jersey, and to the Red Indians on the borders of Pennsylvania doing evangelism. This was the turning point of David’s life. He believed that this is God’s call for him. He was so convinced of this, he accepted this appointment with joy and gratitude, and look at this mission as if he had received it directly from the hands of God.

In the spring of 1743, he bid farewell to his relatives and friends, leaving the family and comfort, to face the hardships and dangers. However, David was extremely frustrated in the first few weeks, and the challenge of language and bad weather were all problems. But his greatest disappointment was that the reaction of the Indians to the gospel were indifference. Of course, the first thing a missionary must do was to learn the language of the local people. Although he worked hard to learn the language of the Indians, he progressed slowly, so he rode from time to time to seek help from a missionary who worked among the Indians about twenty miles away. So most of the time he relies on English-speaking Indians to interpret him

David soon discovered later that the reason Indians were so skeptical and disregarded the message he gave, was because they had suffered a lot in the hands of the white people. So, it was only when he lived with the Indians in a house made of wood and turf for a while, that was when they began to trust him and listened to what he had to say. In those days, David was extremely lonely. In order to reach the tribes scattered around, David often must traveled hard, sometimes by horse, sometimes walking, he often went through the wilderness, swamps, mountain climbing, thorns, through dense forests, climbing over the cliffs. Sometimes he had to walk 15 miles to buy bread. In the effort of saving time and trouble, he had to put the bread in storage, by the time he ate it, it had already become hard and moldy. Teaching these what David often called “poor Indians required extreme endurance. When their doubts toward him were slightly lessened, he again attempt to gently guide them step by step to gain the knowledge of Christ. They were so ignorant that even the simplest truths must be repeated and repeated to have comprehension.

When David taught and preached, he still had to rely on translators because his Indian language was not enough. There was a long period of time he had to work with non-Christian translators, but because they did not understand the truth of the Christian faith, their translations were not always reliable and accurate. He was eager to have a Christian translator, but since there was still no Indian who believes in the Lord that can do that kind of work. The translator who served him for a long time was the best he could get, and his behavior improved a lot. He used to be a well-known drunker, but now he drank less, and he often showed real interest in the information he was translating. Later David heard him advising his fellow Indians to abandon their paganism and return to Christianity, although he himself had not done this. One day, when the translator stood next to the young missionary and translated his message one sentence at a time, David noticed that he seemed to be greatly moved. David hoped that he could really give his life to the Lord Jesus this time. But it was not easy to change a 50-year-old of his lifetime believe. When the meeting was over, the man went home without saying a word. In the next few days, he was very uneasy about sin and could not even sleep. One day, he went to David and was extremely grieved. Just like Philippi’s jailer in prison, he asked David, “What can I do to be saved?” David also answered him in Paul’s words: Believe in the Lord Jesus, you can be saved.” After the translator was born again, his ministry was completely different. When David preached with power, the translator seems to have the same inspiration, his translation was also full of passion of fire. They became the happiest companions in the ministry of evangelism.

Spiritual awakening

David Brainerd was never satisfied with his achievements. He often spurred his sick body to work harder, often at the end of the day, he prayed wholeheartedly for the repentance of the Indians. He did not believe that his efforts could change the Indians. Because only God could do this, that is why he would spend a lot of time praying, asking God to make him a wise and faithful messenger, give him the right words to say, so that he could lead the Indians to trust in Jesus Christ.

One Sunday morning, he had a very special burden. He said: “When I woke up, my spirit was stressed by the responsibility in front of me. Before I got out of bed, I cried out to God. After I got dressed, I immediately retreated into the woods and poured the heavy burdens in my inner being unto God. Asking especially for God to help me in this major work, because I could no longer think of anything else. With an unreserved openness, I re-dedicated myself to God, live or die, willing to endure the suffering He ask of me among non-believers, I deeply felt that nothing can discourage me from this blessed work.” Even on the journey, he asked God to bless the people God want him to go to evangelize. In a trip he said: “As I rode three hundred miles away to the Indian, my heart continued to rise to the throne of God in heaven, asking Him to be with me and help me” Hoping and almost anticipating that, that will be the day God will give power and grace to his poor Indians.”

When the Indians came to David Brainerd and asked, “What can I do to be saved?” was the fulfillment of his missionary dream, there was an indescribable joy inside him. Now that the entire tribe had been influenced by his evangelism, the drunkenness was greatly reduced, and he was able to witness the joy of many Indians “coming into Christ in groups.” Sometimes the revival happened suddenly and unexpectedly. Although when there was no special meeting arranged at the time, even David Brainerd himself did not expect the extraordinary thing to happen. The only explanation was that God had answered the countless prayers of this young minister.

Because all the local Indian began to have a very serious concern for their souls. David no longer need to try to get their interest. Whenever he appeared, people immediately gathered from all everywhere, and often did not give him the time or opportunity to dismount, they surrounded his horse, to ask him eagerly to guide them the road to salvation. David sat high on the saddle, and everyone could see and hear. He looked at a large group of people, having the same hunger and thirst for the truth, just like the group Peter preached on Pentecost in Jerusalem; they had the same question: What should we do?”

This very movement, David Brainerd called it “the great awakening of the Indians”, which began in the early summer of 1745. On a Sunday in June, he preached to three or four thousand people. When he preached the love of Jesus and how He took the punishment of their sin on the cross, they listened attentively; David Brainerd invited them to come before the Lord to receive the grace of sin forgiven that Jesus had prepared for them. The scriptures that were spoken that day were Isaiah 53:10: “Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the Lord makes his life an offering for sin, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.” It was a wonderful verse, and the prophet Isaiah, under the leading of the Holy Spirit, prophesized what would happen in Golgotha. When they heard how Jesus suffered, many people wept, opened up their hearts, and accepted Jesus as their Savior. David Brainerd said: “My soul rejoices, because God likes to use me to lead these poor Indians. How happy and exciting it is for me to see the results of my labor!”

This extraordinary interest and concern for the gospel continued for several weeks, and the Indians came to listen to the gospel in droves and accept the invitation to repentance. Sometimes they were so eager to offer themselves to Christ that they couldn’t wait for David to come among them. They came on the street and surrounded the little house, to ask for more instructions. On August 6, 1745, he was twice surrounded by eager people. In the morning they came to his residence, and in the afternoon, they waited in the place where David usually preached the gospel. It was a wonderful experience to preach to a group of people who listen so intently. At that time, it is not hard to see men crying. At the end of the afternoon’s meeting, a group of men stood far away and busted into tears. David went to them to confirm whether they were convicted for their sins. He asked them what do they want the Lord Jesus to do for them; their simple answer was: “We want Him to cleanse our hearts.”

On the second day, on August 7th, David quoted the verse from Isaiah 53 in his preaching and received similar results. After the meeting started, there were Indians came from far distance. As soon as they entered the place, they immediately felt that there was a transcendent power moving, affecting the hearts and minds of all congregations. David wrote: “Things are so wonderful! When they come from a remote place, the Spirit of God immediately grasps them and makes them care for their souls.” On that day, several people accepted Christ as their Savior. However, on August 8th, David witnessed the most brilliant scene of God’s work.

On that day, God’s power seemed to be likened to a huge torrent, covering over the assembly, washing away all obstacles. There were gathering of men, women and children, and many people with the reputation of drunk for many years. Almost everyone felt the need for a Savior, young boys and girls dedicated themselves to the Lord Jesus, and those who had lived a very degrading life for many years repented. However, there were also some white people who heard the rumor that there is a big awakening among the Indians. Some of them came out of curiosity and wanted to see what the gibberish was about. They stood by and scorned the red-skinned Indians becoming Christians. But some of them after hearing the message from David, their conscience   were convicted and became brand new Christian, after returning home.

These Indians had finally experienced a great changed, came out from the ignorance and the idolatry, to become pure, passionate, God-loving Christians who learn to live together in harmony, take on their own responsibilities, especially work diligently, no longer in debt. The situation in the past of quarreling, laziness, not attentive to things are now gone; in addition, they have removed the evil customs and tradition, accepted and practiced various duties of Christians; began family worship; the Lord’s Day was observed; the Christian faith as the intrinsic Virtue was also expressed by them.

Holy life

David Brainerd lived a life of holiness and prayer. His diary was full of records of fasting, meditation, spirituality, and prayer. This was the main theme of his diary. He spent a lot of time on prayer every day. He said: “When I came home and devoted myself to meditation and fasting prayer, my spirit pursued to kill everything that was not pleasing to God, and pursued self-denial, humility, and separation from the world.”, “I wanted to have nothing to do with the world, only to labor for God in honestly. I don’t want to live for anything the world can give me not even for a minute.”

Those who have power in prayer are those who have spiritual power. The effect of prayer will never be extinguished. Brainerd’s life was the life of prayer, he prayed day and night; prayed before preaching; prayed while riding through the deserted, endless woods; prayed while lying on a bed made of straw; Prayed in the secret and secluded woods. Day after day, early morning or late at night, he was praying and fasting, pouring out his spirit to God, interceding for people, and fellowshipped with God. His prayers before God were powerful, so God was with him in power and responded to his prayers. On October 9, 1747, David went home to Heaven. Although he was less than 30 when he died, yet he still speak and work today, and will continue to do so until the end come.

(Source: Christian Revival Story Collection)

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The Great Awakening Revival Movement of the Eighteenth Century

Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758), known as the Puritan prince, is still considered to be the best theologian in the United States, the main leader of the American Great Awakening Revival Movement in the 18th century, and also regarded as the pioneer of philosophical thinking in the United States. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, when rationalism was rising (which brought about naturalism). The rational supremacy blocked the spiritual life of the church. Edwards was able to combine spiritual life with rational thinking. And lived out the life that was both rigorous and energetic. He also injected his passion into the orthodox theology that was ice cold at that time, so that theology really became the driving force for the renewal of the church. In his ministry, we saw that theology and spiritual life were complementary and inseparable. Faith and life, theology and the Holy Spirit, reason and passion were not mutually exclusive or extreme. Through Edward’s life, revival movement and theological thoughts, we have a lot to meditate on. Edward was born on October 5, 1703 in Connecticut on the east coast of the United States, ranking fifth among eleven brothers and sisters. Both parents were born in a Puritan family: the father was the pastor of the Congregational Church; he was greatly influenced by religious education at home.

In 1716, he entered Yale College and received a rigorous humanities training. He was fluent in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. In theology, he was particularly interested in the ideas of Newton and Locke (the 17th-century British philosopher, Locke’s parents were Puritans), and these two had become tremendous influence in his future. After graduated from college in 1720, he continued to study in theology at school. On January 12, 1723, he made an important confession before God. He said, “I solemnly dedicated myself to God and recorded this event. I gave up myself and everything I have and gave it all to God; From then on, no matter what, there is no self; In everything I do, no matter what, I have no right for myself. I solemnly swear that my whole body and mind and happiness are in the hands of God; Beside Him,  there is nothing else in the world that can be my happiness.” When he graduated from the Institute in 1724, he ranked first in the class. Yale University invited him to return to school as a teaching assistant. In 1727 he had a spiritual experience, recognizing the absolute authority of God and the dependence of man on God.

Revival fire

In 1729, he was appointed as the pastor of the Northampton Anglican Church (position formerly held by his grandfather). He and other local pastors felt that the church was lethargic. Not only in the life of faith, and also in moral life. He was so worried about the human soul that he wanted to reform this situation many times. So he started the reformation with sermons. In 1733, Edwards’ two sermons: “The Holy Spirit directly shines the light of God’s supernatural light on the heart” and “justification by faith”, had caused great resounding effect among believers. It was a reflection of one’s own spiritual conditions, and the power of the Holy Spirit began to work in the heart. In 1734, two young people died in the town, but before their death, they were completely enlightened by the Holy Spirit, and they began to witness the grace of God before they passed away. Because of this, Edwards encouraged everyone to participate in the gathering and engage in talking about faith, instead of wasting life in entertainment or vain talking. In less than a few months, more than 300 people in his congregation acknowledged the name of Christ and began to show signs of revival. And the influence spread to all parts of the East, town after town  experienced revival. This was the beginning of the Great Awakening.

In 1735, the phenomenon of revival cooled down slightly to brew a wave of greater waves, but the spiritual influence began to deepen, so he had time to record this movement in detail, and to reflect on theology. He believed that revival was God’s Grace manifested in the renewal  of both body and heart. In 1737, he finally wrote and reported on the spiritual revival phenomenon, the book titled “Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God”, which was published in London and Boston. By the end of 1738, it had been republished many times. This book had been widely read and prepared for another wave of “Great Awakening Movement.”

One of the record in the book reads: “There is almost no one in the town, whether men, women, old and young, not consider the important issue of eternal life. The most vain and most debauchery in the past, and those who are the most contemptuous and disdainful about the vitality and faith of spiritual life, now they all surrendered to the Great Awakening Movement. The work of convicting people to repent and convert is the most amazing. More and more each day, people received Jesus Christ in groups. Day after day, for months, we could clearly see sinners being brought out of darkness, into the glorious light; out of the horrible pits, and the miry clay and placed on the solid rock. They sang new songs praising God.

As the work of God continued, the number of true saints multiplied, and soon the town experienced magnificent changes; therefore, in the spring and summer that followed 1735, God seemed to have come to town personally: people was full of love, joy like never before, but also full of repentance. God could be seen working in almost every home. Many families were filled with joy because of receiving salvation; parents rejoiced in their children’s salvation; husbands and wives rejoice in the salvation of their spouse ”

Great awakening movement

Because of Edward’s book on the revival movement, this influence not only reached United States but also into the United Kingdom. In 1740, the evangelist George Whitefield (1714-1770) came from United Kingdom to the east coast of the United States for evangelical tours. The fire of the revival was rekindled. When The news of his preaching came out, and the workers within 10 miles radius immediately put down their tools in the shops and in the farm fields to come to the meeting. There were thousands of people in the audience. The church building couldn’t accommodate it. The preaching were mostly done outdoors. People come in groups to accept Jesus Christ. The Great Awakening Movement reached its peak in 1740, and Northampton became the center again. Edwards also became a central figure.

On July 8, 1741, he preached his most famous sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” in Enfield, Connecticut. The fire of revival that Whitefield ignited has burned all over New England. This sermon was extremely powerful, but Edward was preaching in a peaceful and steady way not an emotional scream, he put his left hand on the podium. Read the sermon in his right hand, the scripture in his sermons are in Deuteronomy 32:35: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them

At that moment, the Holy Spirit began to move greatly. The congregation could not control their emotions and began to confess, repent and wept. Some rolled on the floor, and some held on to the seats or the pillar of the church. Obviously at that time, they felt their feet were slipping into hell. Their cries sometimes even drowned the voices of the speakers. They called on the mercy of God. For the whole night, the entire town of Enfield Seems to be facing a great enemy. Great cries can be heard from almost every house, pleading for God to save them.

For the “Great Awakening Movement”, some rationalists hold the attitude of ridicule and negation. They maintained their cold etiquette, boring sermons, and not interested in revival; the other was extremes, excited emotions, and out of order. Unrestrained noise, which brought a bad name to the Great Awakening Movement and opposition. Edwards needed to face situations on both sides. On one hand, he needs to make theological defense for revival as fact. On the other hand, he has to deal with the misunderstanding of the work of the Holy Spirit in the revival movement. His greatest contribution lies in his experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit and the gift of the Holy Spirit, providing a theological basis and pastoral guidance, freeing the church from the doctrine of keeping the doctrine but being lifeless, challenging the balance of believers of the importance of spiritual experiences and sentiment of faith.

On June 22, 1750, the Northampton Anglican Church dismissed Edward Edward Pastor by 230 votes against  23 votes. Because he decided that only those who is truly born again and who have good moral character can be qualified to receive the Holy Communion (and at that time the church allowed the unsaved people to participate in the Holy Communion), because of the persistence of Edwards some of indulged youths were being accused, their parents felt they had lost face and those opposed him, took the opportunity to stir things up, causing the dismissal of a pastor that had served the Lord for 24 years. Later he moved to the church in another town to evangelize the Indians. In 1757, he was appointed as the principal of Princeton University. He took office in January 1758. At that time, the plague broke out in Princeton, unfortunately he was infected with the measles by injecteing the vaccine. He died on March 22 at the age of 56.

Edward’s life exalted God’s supreme sovereignty, human original sin and corruption, God’s grace and glory. He valued the knowledge of the truth, but also valued religious experiences . He was convinced that a person who is truly saved must have the Holy Spirit as the mark in his heart. His external life behavior will certainly reflect the reality of his inner life.

The Great Awakening Movement had a positive impact, but there were also very fierce oppositions. Some people thought that the revival was just an show of emotional fanatic, especially the physical reaction in the revival; they thought that some people were imitating others, the revival phenomenon was nothing but a collective hysteria; or think that the preacher described the scene of hell so terrible to scare the people. Therefore, Edward replied to the above misunderstandings with the “Religious Sentiment” and proposed the basis for the Bible to prove the work of the Holy Spirit.

  • Concerning strong emotional expression: even if our emotions are strong, we cannot prove that it is spiritual or not. Some people blamed every strong emotional expression. They were biased against anyone who had strong emotions toward God or spiritual things, thinking that such people were deceived. However, emotion does play a big role in the true faith. If there is a rich and true faith in our human life, inevitably, it will produce rich emotions. Love is an emotion. Can any Christian say that we should not feel deep hated and grief towards sin? Or should we not thank Him deeply for the compassion of God? Or should we not be eager in pursuing God and holiness? I Peter 1:8 ‘, “Filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy,” which expresses strong emotions; indeed, the Bible often requires us to have strong emotions. In the first and the greatest commandment, “Love the Lord Your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30) . The Bible also commands us to rejoice greatly ” But May the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful ” (Ps 68:3) . When the Bible records the experiences of believers, they often express their strong emotions. The author of psalm: “How I love Your law” ( Ps .119:97 ). It is proven that high religious feelings are not necessarily a manifestation of fanaticism. Therefore, if we only accuse someone of being a fanatic because of strong emotions, that will be serious mistakes. But on the other hand, our passionate feelings do not prove that they are really spiritual. The Bible shows that some people who are not really saved will be very passionate about religion. For example, in the Old Testament, when the Israelites crossed the Red Sea in the Egyptian exile, their emotions were greatly arose, so they sang praises to Him then, which is recorded in Exodus15:1-21; but soon they forget His deeds.
  • Concerning special reaction in the body : We must not judge by the “human body reaction” to determine whether or not God is working. Because even if our body reacts greatly by emotions, we cannot prove that it is spiritual or not. Emotion has influence on the body because of the intimate connection between the body and the soul, the flesh and the heart. Therefore, it is not surprising that strong emotions have a great impact on the body. However, strong emotions may come from the flesh or the spirit. Therefore, a physical influence cannot prove that the experience is only physical, or really spiritual. But a strong and profound spiritual emotion can indeed have a great impact on the body. The psalmist said: “My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord;  my heart and my flesh cry out to the living God.” (Psalm 84:2) , it also shows that there is a clear distinction between soul and body. There are many records of the glory of God in the Bible, and a strong physical influence on those who see the glory of God. For example, Daniel said,“So I was left alone, gazing at this great vision; and I had no strength left, my face turned deathly pale and I was helpless” (Den. 10:8) . This is also the reaction of the apostle John when he saw the vision: ” When I saw Him, I fell at His feet, as though dead” (Rev. 1:17).
  • Concerning the message about hell: If the preacher often preached sincerely and gently about God’s law being so awesome and holy, and thus bring revival, some say that this revival came because the preacher used the lake of fire in hell to intimidate the congregation. This argument is not without reason. If there is pain and suffering that will never cease, and if there is hell, and if many people are very likely go to hell, then of course they need to be warned! If most people, even those in the so-called Christian countries, will eventually go to hell, then it is necessary to warn them! We must tell them the truth as much as possible. In a worldly crisis. people can not take it lightly.
  • Verification of the work of God : If one is more respectful and admires Jesus, it is a clear sign of the work of the Holy Spirit. For example, a person: 1) is convinced that he needs Christ and is brought before Him; 2) believes that Christ has appeared in human history; 3) is more convinced that Christ is the Son of God and is sent by God to save sinners; 4). Recognize that He is the only Savior and a sense of great need for Him; 5). Devote in Him more and admire Him more than before. We are certain that this is work of the Holy Spirit.

(Source: Christian Revival Story Collection)

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John Wesley’s Methodist Revival Movement (I)


The Pietism that Germany emerged from the Lutheran Church in the seventeenth century emphasized individual beliefs and spiritual experiences, and the Moravians subsequently inherited this spiritual heritage. With the flow of godly spirits, the two great revival movements of the eighteenth century have a deep relationship with this. One is to drive the revival movement of the Methodist Church led by John Wesley (1703-1791). Methodism (1738-1791), the other is the Great Awakening (1726-1750, led by Edwards and Whitefield) in the United States at the time of the British colony. Pietism, social concern, and mission are the three characteristics of John Wesley’s Methodism.

At that time, the British society in the eighteenth century was the advocate of the deism of the upper class (referring to a religious idea that was mainly popular in Britain in the 17th and 18th centuries. This religious thought emphasizes the natural religion that opposes the revelation of religion, the deists of them Believe that the universe is perfect, therefore there is no need for special revelation, do not believe in miracles, signs and wonders, most people in the lower classes are illiterate, entertaining vulgar, drunken atmosphere was very prevalent . The industrial revolution that took place in the eighteenth century brought about serious social problems: the problem of child labor, women workers, and the widening gap between the rich and the poor in society. Workers living in poverty, working all day long like animals, mentally depressed. When they got a break, they gambled and drank. At that time, there were one salon in every six houses in London. The life of the nobility was very extravagant. At the time, they also monopolized the legislative and executive powers of the state. They manipulated the law and became a tool for oppressing the people. What was even more inhuman was that the black people in Africa were transported out of the country for trafficking, social morality was corrupted, brothels were full of crimes, superstitions, and fornication were rising; officials were demanding for bribes and corrupted.

The original Anglican Church (Anglican Church, Anglican Association, great emphasis on religious ceremonies), under the control of the nobility, had become a state institution, with form and fashion but no spiritual vitality, and worship only focused on rituals so the believers lost the passion, priests were pampered, spirituality was low, and problems of alcoholism often occurs. The poor wanted nothing to do with the church and were rarely cared for. It was In such circumstances, John Wesley began the great revival of Britain.

John Wesley’s father was the pastor of an Anglican Church. The Anglican Church was the British state religion. His mother gave birth to 19 children. Only 11 children survived. John Wesley ranked fifteenth. His brother Charlie ranked eighteen. Because there were so many children, this pastor’s family life was very hard. However, John and Charlie did well in their studies. Their academic performance were excellent and were both admitted to Oxford School. Oxford was the best school in the UK at the time, they studied there and later entered into graduate school. During that time, John Wesley returned to his hometown once, and took a break from school to help his father to pastor at home. Later he was also ordained as pastor and accepted the duties of the so-called priest.

The beginning of the Methodist

In 1729, John Wesley returned to Oxford University. He worked as a student tutor while going to graduate school, He formed a studying club. With students they studied together, ministered together, and doing social services. They went to the prison to preach. This group of young students, had a set way to pray and study the Bible, a set of habits, they did everything in accordance with the rules, serious in their behavior, so people call this studying club as people following the rules (Methodist), which evolved to (the Methodist Church) today.

John Wesley’s Methodist revival movement became such a huge trend, really resulted from three leaders. The First is John Wesley, the second was his brother Charlie Wesley, a writer of hymns, and the third is their co-worker, Whitefield. The revival of the Methodist group, led by John Wesley, brought deep influence to the Holiness  movements, the Pentecostal movement, and the Charismatic movement.

In theology, John Wesley emphasized the “second blessing” (full sanctification) after “justification by faith”, that is, the completeness and holiness of the Christian; this does not mean that the believer is completely sinless after believing in the Lord, but it means they don’t like to sin, no longer have desire for sin, and remove all sin through thorough repentance, to open up oneself to be filled with the love of God (a complete love, pure love, is the life practice of loving God and loving people), Then break the power of sin, to live a life that is set apart, living out a full and holy life. This affects the “second blessing” of the holiness movement cleansed by the Holy Spirit, and the second blessing of the Holy Spirit in the Pentecostal movement and the Charismatic movement. That is:

※ Wesley’s “Second Blessing” means complete sanctification (born again  → sanctification)
※ The “second blessing” of the holiness movement refers to complete surrender (born again → spiritual baptism and full of the Holy Spirit)
※ Pentecostal movement “Second Blessing” refers to the sign of the fullness of the Holy Spirit and tongues (born again → filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues )

John Wesley proposes a dynamic view of grace, which believes that human salvation means the healing of a person’s inner soul, a continuous healing, the ability to actively to continue to breathe in the Holy Spirit, and to continuously renew the image of God in us. Wesley’s view of sanctification is different from the sanctification of Calvin and Martin Luther. Martin Luther thinks that when we are alive, it is impossible to achieve perfection. Martin Luther said: Christians are both sinners and righteous people. But John Wesley believes that when Christians are alive, it is possible to reach perfection. Sanctification is the second grace after the Christian is born again. Because of the pursuit of Christians, the complete devotion, the simple faith, and the fullness of the Holy Spirit, we can remove sinfulness and be filled with the complete love of God. This is the realm that can be obtained in this life, and it is the grace that is completed in an instant. This is John Wesley, different from other sects in theology. They emphasize on the pursuit of people and the responsibility of people, and had become the hallmark of today’s Methodist.

John Wesley (1703-1791), later called “the originator of Pentecost”, because the Pentecostal movement absorbed Wesley’s view of the Holy Spirit and sanctification. He believed that born again was only the first work of grace of the Holy Spirit. The work was not complete, and Christians need to experience the so-called Second work of Grace. This second work of grace allows the Holy Spirit to do the complete work in the life of the believer. The Pentecostal believe used this two-stage structure (born again and salvation to complete sanctification) to emphasize that Christians not only be born again, but also have the experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit or baptism of the spirit (using the baptism of the spirit to replace the term of full sanctification) ); and the experience of this baptism of the spirit is obvious, and speaking in tongues is the evidence of this experience.

“Wesley personally was very hungry for the gift of speaking in tongues. He had once prayed eagerly to God for not having this gift. Because he believed that when people worship God, words of man sometimes seems dry, not enough to express the deep worship in the heart, It must be expressed in tongues, so he confirmed that speaking in tongues is a rich spiritual experience.” In an all-night prayer meeting, the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit fell upon him and his Methodist friends. John Wesley wrote this experience in the diary: “At about three in the morning, when we were still praying, God’s supernatural powers fell on us surprisingly and many people cried because of the overflowing joy. In addition, many people fell to the ground. When we gradually awoken before the wonderful and awesome Almighty God, we shouted in unison: “Praise God! Only Christ is the Lord!”

In fact, as early as 1735, John Wesley and his younger brother Charles Wesley had gone to Georgia to evangelize the Indians. This mission period was not long (about two or three years) and was not a very successful process, but at least it had an important impact on the spiritual life of the two brothers. First of all, there were two factors that made the Wesleyan brothers spiritually shocked: first, on the boat to America through the group of German Moravia brothers who have a godly life, when they encountered heavy storms on the way, they were about to sink and die, the passengers were desperate. Only Moravia’s faith group (including women and children) gathered on the deck to continue to sing and praise the Lord, and did some humble chores for other passengers. When they were hit by people or they were thrown to the ground, they would just stand up and walk away. You  couldn’t find any complaints out of their mouths. Wesley was deeply touched. John was musing the deeper level of faith again in his heart. Another factor was From a Georgian The bishop of the Moravian Brotherhood, called Sbonborn, asked John Wesley a couple of questions: “Is there inner witness evidence of the Holy Spirit to testify that you are a child of God?”, “Do You know Jesus Christ? Are you sure that He has saved you?” These two seemingly simple questions caused John Wesley to thinki about whether his relationship with Christ Jesus was established on clear and secured foundation once again.

Shortly after returning to England in 1738, John met another pastor, Peter Bohler of Moravia, who emphasized to John Wesley that (1) Justification by faith, (2) ) The heart must have an Assurance of Salvation, and (3) overcome all the sinful hold on us. John Wesley was deeply impressed by these beliefs and believed that it was consistent with the Bible and the experience of many witnesses, so he began to preach these truths. Pastor Bohler encouraged John Wesley to say: “Preach faith until you have it.” Then, because you have faith, you should preach it even more.”

On May 24, 1738, Wesley took part in a meeting in London’s Alders Gate. During the meeting, he felt that his heart was getting warm”, and he finally received the above mentioned three intrinsic assurances of faiths (justification by faith, the affirmation of salvation, and the victory over the power of sin), because some people read the preface to the book of Roman written by Martin Luther in the meeting, the preface said : “Because of the faith of man in Christ, God will work to change the heart.” This experience of salvation really affected every aspect of his experience. This experience is very similar to the experience of Martin Luther. Martin Luther was a doctor of theology. He had been teaching at the seminary for a while before he was born again, and John Wesley was the same. He had been a pastor for several years. They went to preach, they went to do social services, but it was by this time, he was truly born again. His enthusiasm from this experience, combined with his brothers Charlie Wesley and Whitefield, formed a revival flame in Britain.

This kind of experience that emphasized the individual’s salvation by faith is the “new doctrine” that the leaders of the contemporary Anglican Church considered as unnecessary. They felt it is enough to be saved by the baby baptism alone. Soon, most of the Anglican church gates were closed to Wesley, and they had to meet on the streets. In April 1739, Whitefield invited John to a place called Bristol in the southwestern part of England to conduct missionary work, to organize a large number of new coal miners, to shepherd them with Christian doctrine, and to train them to become disciples. This was the gift that Wesley was best at. This revival movement had directly affected British society, such as the abolition of slavery and the protection of women and children’s welfare.

John Wesley believes that the whole process of “sanctification” is basically the love for God and love for others . Therefore, sanctification is the process of God’s infinite power and manifestation in the limited believers ; therefore, sanctification is not a completely static situation (this is what Wesley constantly denies), but a dynamic situation that keeps moving forward. John Wesley emphasizes that the joyful and personal relationship between believers and the Father must be carried out in the worship of God and the love of man .

  1. Love the lost means to “give them Christ”  during Evangelism.
  2. Love the poor means provide social care – preparing a house for orphans and widows, providing free medical care, food, clothing, education, and Sunday school.
  3. Love of the new believers means to train them to make disciples – group shepherding, if the believers were expelled by their parish church (the actions often taken by the contemporary Anglicans against the followers of the Methodists), they will hold a communion for them; provide new believers hymn and spiritual scriptures, study materials, prayers, leaflets, children’s prayers, daily lessons, songs; publishes spiritual works for adults (including theology and spirituality), monthly spiritual journals. John Wesley wrote more than 400 different publications during his lifetime.
  4. In the Christian community, love others means to honestly put away prejudice and work together to gain the soul of the lost, plus a sincere spirit of unity.
  5. His heart of loving the whole world, enable him to say: “The world is my parish.” Places he had been to for missions included Georgia, Germany, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland. Since 1769, Wesley sent a Methodist missionary to work in North America.

The work load of John Wesley’s life was amazing. During his fifty-two years of service, he walked or ride the horse averaged 4,000 miles every year and preached about 40,000 messages. But his greatest success was the ability to gather, organize, and train people to become spiritual leaders, including men and women. Through the maturity of the groups, local leaders, and travel evangelists, Wesley can sustain the passion for missions and bearing many spiritual fruits. He never neglected the teaching and training of the new believers, so that they could become disciples. One of the most commonly words John Wesley used to encourage the co-workers was: to save the soul, which is your most fundamental and important work. His diary often recorded that he was attacked by mobs when he preached the gospel everywhere. At the time of his death, there were 80,000 congregations in the United Kingdom and about 60,000 in the United States. Today, the Methodist Church has more than 40 million believers all over the world.

(Source: Christian Revival Story Collection)

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John Wesley’s Methodist Revival Movement (II)

How can people see Jesus Christ if it is not the strong work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of man? If it not the Holy Spirit illuminates the inner sin of the people, how can people be convicted with grieves and regrets? In the history of the church, we see that when religion became more and more rigid, God will raise some people at that time to awaken the heart of the slumber, to bring shaking to the spirit. At this time, many people will experience the true rebirth and renewal of faith, this is the work of God, that is every generation needs a revival! Every generation needs to undergo a revival. If the revival Movement only stays in the previous generation, then as for this generation, the revival movement will only have a few monuments (Monument, historical relics) to remember of. In the eighteenth century, Britain had a great revival movement, which was John Wesley’s evangelistic revival movement. This influence continued even to this day, especially in relation to the Pentecostal movement at the beginning of the century, so some scholars said : “Pentecostal movement is an extension of the original evangelism like word becomes flesh.” Meaning Pentecostal movement absorbed John Wesley’s concept of the evangelism and used it to replace the concept of “complete sanctification”.

At that time, the Anglican Church mainly evangelize the upper class, while the Presbyterian Church and the Baptist Church preached to the middle class and merchants, and John Wesley’s evangelical specifically preached the gospel to the poor low-level working class. The sentimental sermons of the Wesleyan brothers were actually unpopular in the mainstream church, at that time, so they were often driven out of the church and they were not allowed to preach with passion in the church, so they had to focus on Some outside Christian groups, even held large-scale open air evangelical meetings to preach to many miners. Many of the lower class people were deeply touched by him. Thousands of people shed tears and made decision to believe in Jesus.

John Wesley’s revival movement has a special feature. Unlike the history of the church, some mystics only pursue their own holiness and wholeness, they preferred spiritual pursuits, and then lived separated from the group, pursuing isolation from the world. The sanctification Wesley was pursuing was not only the deeper inner work of the Holy Spirit, but to enable one to have “complete love”, ​​love for God and man and “elimination of inner sins”, and from then on, to go into basic level of the society to serve others.

John Wesley said: “I look upon all the world as my parish” which means that the whole world is the object of my evangelism! He added:” Give me a hundred people who are not afraid of anything except sin and desire nothing but God, I will shake the world.). Once while he was preaching, he found somebody was asleep. He suddenly shouted: “Fire, fire!”, the sleeping person was shocked and stood up and asked: “Where is the fire?”, Wesley said: “The fire of hell is for those who sleep during preaching. “John Wesley’s style of evangelism and the passion of stirring up the church had not only awakened the hearts of thousands of people, but also brought great reformation to British society at that time. So we said that the revival of the church could bring greater blessings to the society, so that the British society avoided the violence and bloodshed that happened in the French Revolution.

John Wesley’s belief in social reform

John Wesley was convinced of one truth that “everyone who loves God will love his brother.” He thought that if someone saw some  brothers and sisters were not clothed, or lacked daily bread, but not offered help, only told them to [go in peace]! That is very shameful. Therefore, while he spread the gospel, he did not neglect to help the poor and helpless people to solve their difficulties in lives. He believed that the sanctification of Christians must also be done in society and it must be implemented in the people, because real Sanctification (or perfection) is the complete love for God and man. It is spreading the gospel, to lead sinners out of hell, and enter heaven. Social reform is a by-product of the gospel movement, so the social reform of Methodist is originated from the passion of the heart for evangelism.

John Wesley is a man with organizational ability. He organized those who was seeking God into class and band. The class consists of twelve people. The class leader met with the class members at least once a week, to discipline life and to offer advice. He also collect contribution to help the poor. During meeting, they shared their spiritual experiences, confessed their sins one to another, interceded and exhorted each other, implemented the lessons of the Bible into practical life, make covenant with each other, love one another, and implement discipline. Band was attended by people who have assurance of salvation, consists of about six people. Each person was supervised by the head of the team. They talked about their personal spirituality, accept exaltation, reject sinful life, and be eager to do good. Wesley’s class meeting system was managed by regular believers, so that the middle and lower classes of the society can get a sense of belonging and identity, so that they could be loyal to within and caring for the society on the outside.

When John Wesley saw the actual needs of the society at that time, he began to have compassion and started many charitable causes: he set up orphanages, established home for the elderly, and accommodated widows who were old and helpless; and free clinic for people, also helps the unemployed to implement the work-for-payment method and taught the poor skills to make a living, so that they could become self-reliant to get what they needed for life..

In the second half of the eighteenth century, the act of selling slaves was soaring. Every year, 60,000 black were captured from all over Africa and transported to the United Kingdom, France, the United States, Portugal and other countries as slaves. This behavior was deeply hated by John Wesley. He condemned the slave trade and said that it was the worst “act of rogue”, so he advocated the liberation of slaves and wrote a very sharp article to advocate, he even said to the Methodist: “slaves owners are not allowed to take Holy Communion, slaves owners are not allowed to participate in church fellowships.” At that time, a member of Congress in the United Kingdom name William Wilberforce (1759 ~ 1833) was in full swing against slavery. So in 1791, John Wesley wrote a letter to Wilberforce three days before his death, encouraging him by saying “God raised you up, is for you to accomplish the glorious great things,” and encouraged him not stop his actions. After more than 30 years of hard work of Wilberforce, the slave trade was finally abolished in 1807, and all slaves in Britain were completely liberated in 1833.

John Wesley’s co-worker Whitefield

One worth mentioning was an important co-worker of John Wesley named, George. Whitefield, (1714-70), John Wesley pursued more in the way of the spirit. Every time he finished his preaching, he would bring the congregation together to pursue the infilling of the Holy Spirit. (Some people would  shake, some would scream and shout.); but Whitefield was more natural, he said that the Holy Spirit will work by Himself. But no matter what, the Holy Spirit always work strongly in their gatherings, every time after they finished their messages, many people would believed in the Lord. Their gifts of preaching were both very evident.

Whitefield carried a strong evangelical gift and the ability to make impromptu speeches. He was a forerunner of evangelism full of wind and fire. When he preached, he rejected the normal pastoral habit of “reading the manuscripts”, but relying on the Holy Spirit, releasing God’s message freely in every evangelistic meeting. Sometimes when he pleaded with the people to accept Christ as Savior, he would burst into tears and cry and caused the heart of those who are heart-hardened be softened.

Whitefield was born in a poor environment, when he later worked in a bar, he learned to drink, steal, lie and curse. Two years later he left the bar and went to Oxford to work and study at the same time. He met the famous evangelist John Wesley, His deep spiritual life began from that point on. But Whitefield also experienced spiritual struggles for several months. He always wanted to rely on his own efforts for Christ to be formed in him, so he fasted and prayed, dealing hard with his heart and carried out a series of severe self-chastening. As a result, he couldn’t sleep or eat,  He said, “I couldn’t meditate at all. Even my ability to think was gone, my memory was getting worse, my soul was withered. There was no life, only God knew how many nights I laid awake in bed, burdened by how I felt, I kept mourning, I fell to the ground all day and even all week, asking God to give me freedom, to rescue me from the arrogant thoughts that came out of the pit of hell.” Whitefield realized that he was relying on his own strength, and liked legalism, he was trapped in exhaustion and totally desperate, only when he throw himself into the grace of God again, he said at that moment, “Suddenly, there was an assurance of faith flooded my wearied heart and soul!” He finally felt deeply the “Peace in the Lord” from God, and this process of spiritual struggle became the most important turning point in his life, and he often used this testimony in his sermon.

Although Whitehead was once a wild and slutty youth, he accepted Christ wholeheartedly, and dedicated himself totally, to be filled by the Holy Spirit, and became one of the most impactful evangelists of all times. He often prayed and read the scriptures at the same time, making his sermons full of power. When he was twenty-two, he wrote about this experience. He said, “In the early morning or at noon or in the evening or in the middle of the night, it was actually all day, and the blessed Jesus came to me and refreshed my soul and my mind, if the trees in the forest could speak, they would tell you how I and some other people enjoyed the sweet communion with God. Sometimes, when I walked, I felt the ecstasy in my soul that my heart was about to burst out of my body; there were other times, the infinite beauty of God caused me to be prostrated on the ground.”

Whitefield sometimes preached two or three times a day; he could speak to 20,000 people outdoors, and people could still clearly hear what he was saying. He lived like this from the age of twenty-two when he began to minister to the age of fifty-six when he died. He brought the message to every corner of the English-speaking world. He could be considered the founder of the Great Awakening in the United States. In 1740, the evangelist Whitefield came from United Kingdom to the United States for a evangelical tour. The fire of revival was re-kindled and once the news of him preaching came out, the workers miles away would immediately laid down their tools, and farmers in the fields would quit their work to come, the number of audience often reached thousands of people, that the church could not accommodate, it had to be held outdoor, people came In droves to accept Jesus Christ.

The Great Awakening Movement reached its peak in 1740. Whitefield went to the United States all together seven times, 15 times  to Scotland, and twice to Ireland. He preached more than 18,000 times in his life. More than several millions of people had heard him in person. He continued to preach in different cities in the UK, and established two large chapels in London, and put a lot of effort into the establishment of an orphanage in Georgia in United States.

Wherever he went, the power of the gospel manifested. The following was an example of his own record of the great outpouring of the power of the Holy Spirit. The time was Sunday November 2, 1740. He said: “Half hour before the sermon I felt depressed, before I left my apartment I could only bow before the Lord and said to Him: I am a poor sinner. I am amazed that Christ can be so merciful and kind to such a despicable person. When I was on the road, I felt even weaker, when I stepped on the platform. I would rather be silent than to speak, but when I started to preach, the whole congregation was shocked, and the sound of shouting and crying came from all directions. My heart was greatly moved, even I could not say anything, I was overwhelmed by the merciful love of God. When I came down from the podium, a woman said to me, “Look, what God did for me this evening.” I saw her daughter shouting in great grief: “Oh, My Jesus! My Jesus!”

Another child who could barely stand up on the stairs. People asked him why was he crying? He said: “How can one not cry? These words were like knife stabbed straight into my heart.” I went back home and laid in my bed, in the amazing stillness, admiring God’s love that is vast and boundless, free and glorious yet humbling. The divine comfort came like tidal waves, surging in with great speed, that my fragile tent could hardly accommodated. ”

Whitefield often wrote in his diary “powerful preaching.” “I think the meaning of power is the expansion of the soul. There is a joyful state of mind that came to me from above, so I can speak freely and clearly and powerful, people will be touched when they heard it.” His reputation was wild spread. He accepted many invitations. He preached many times a day. Although his health was not good, he continued to preach, Some advised him not to be too tired, but he said: “I would rather wear out than to decay [Note 2]; I would rather die in doing than to just die. [Note 3]”, he was only fifty-six years old, and he died because of overwork and exhaustion of physical strength. Later he was Buried under the pulpit of a church in the United States (the Presbyterian church of the Newburyport, Massachusetts).

The ministry of Whitefield had set a good example for us in honoring God. He believed that anyone who is willing to believes in Christ will be saved. He once said the same thing to John Wesley. “The whole world is my parish. Wherever my Master calls me, I am ready to go immediately and proclaim His eternal gospel.” The focus of his message is on God’s holiness, and on man’s sinfulness and helplessness, and the redemption of Jesus Christ.

What is the secret of such a huge influence in the life of Whitefield ? Simply put, it is his integrity and his love for the soul. He lived a holy life, whether it is about money or morality, he maintained his integrity till the end, and his compassion for the lost sinner, just like John Wesley testified about him: “The Holy Spirit pour God’s love into his heart, and filled him with a tender and selfless love towards people, From there flowed an endless stream of eloquent words, sweeping the people in front of him and created a wonderful feeling, causing the hard-hearted sinners became irresistible to this love, this often makes his head sweat like a pool (sweat), eyes like fountain (crying with tears). Based on the history of that time, John Wesley said: “No one had called as many sinners to repentance and turn to God like he did”

(Source: Christian Revival Story Collection)

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The 20th-century Charismatic movement: the revival of Topeka

On January 1st, 1990, in the city of Topeka, Kansas, the Pentecostal movement started by Charles Fox Parham happened. Although 106 years has passed, the church is still with the same earnestness as the last century. The enthusiasm for missionary work and the motivation to establish churches are constantly expanding. In 1986, William J. Seymour, who was influenced by Charlie Parham, also brought this spiritual experience to Azusa Street in Los Angeles, and later became the Pentecostal movement that drew the world’s attention. Many brothers and sisters around the world who have longed for the power of the Holy Spirit had come here to receive it. Then they brought this experience back to their own church, and thus many Pentecostal churches started.

The most special feature of the Pentecostal movement of the 20th century is that when a person is filled with the Holy Spirit, there is an external manifestation of “speaking in tongues”. This emphasis was evolved from the evangelism and the holiness movement. The evangelical’s pursuit of “full sanctification”, the holiness movement’s pursuit of “the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire”, why the later movements ended up not as “full sanctification” as two previous revival movements? It is not because they do not value holiness, but because holiness comes from the power of the Holy Spirit, not from the inner will of oneself. From this we can understand that the pursuit of holiness or sanctification cannot satisfy one’s innermost needs. Later, it was the Pentecostal movement consider the pursuit of the “Infilling of the Holy Spirit” as the most important.

Pentecostal Movement

Peter Wagner, professor of the Fuller Theological Seminary, divides the 20th century Charismatic movement into three waves. The first wave is the Traditional Pentecostal Movement that started at Topeka, Kansas. The second wave is the Charismatic Movement, which was popular in the major sects and Catholics of the Christian era in the 1960s, also named “New-pentecostalism”. The third wave is the “Vineyard Movement” initiated by Wigner himself and John Wimber, also known as the “Spiritual Movement” or “Power Evangelism”.

On December 31, 1900, in an overnight gathering in Topeka, Kansas State, Charles F. Parham (1873-1929) laid his hands on his student Ozman’s head. She began to speak Mandarin Chinese and was surrounded by brilliant lights around her head and face. Within three days, she was only able to write with a pen and could not speak in her mother tongue (English). She often wrote Mandarin Chinese characters. This event marked the beginning of the Pentecostal movement. This experience was then quickly imparted to the people in the meetings. In the following gatherings, they were able to speak 21 languages that could be confirmed by the locals: French, German, Swedish, Bohemian, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Norwegian, etc. (The experience of this Pentecost will be explained in the next section).

Charles F. Parham (1873-1929), the father of the Pentecostal movement, was born in Muscatine, Iowa on June 4, 1873. At the age of thirteen, he accepted Jesus as his personal savior in the Anglican Church. At the age of 19, he became the acting pastor of the Methodist Church. He was influenced by the second blessings of sanctification by grace and also had personal experience. During his time as a pastor, the number of members increased and the church had to build a larger hall to accommodate all the people.

In 1985, Benjamin Hardin lrwin, a Baptist pastor, announced the establishment of the “Baptism of Fire Holiness”. He taught that after the second blessing (sanctification), there will be the third experience which he called “the Holy Spirit and the baptism of fire”. This third blessing is the infilling of the Holy Spirit, but “the baptism of fire” does not teach that speaking in tongue is the evidence of baptism of the Holy Spirit but this phenomenon is quite common among those who are baptized.” Charlie Bhahan had met with Irwin several times before the 1990s. Scholars believe that Parham may have adopted the basic idea of ​​Irwin, and was greatly influenced by him. In 1985, Parham separated himself from the evangelism (second blessing) and accepted the theological position of the Holiness (three blessings).

In 1987, the eldest son of Parham, Claude, was sick. Parham himself also was suffering from heart disease and was getting weaker and weaker. The medicine could not help him. At that time, someone asked Charlie Parham to go to pray for the sick; although he was very weak, he went to the home. As he was praying, the words in the Bible: “physician, heal yourself!” (Luke 4:23 ) suddenly appeared in Parham’s heart. The power of God touched Charlie Praham and he was healed instantly. Because of this experience, he began to preach on divine healing. A woman with edema, and the doctor originally announced that she had only three days to live. Because of Praham’s prayer, she was healed on the spot, and even the miracle of blind eyes seeing again was happening.

In order to serve more sick people seeking healing from God, in August 1998, Praham officially began the Divine healing evangelical work in Topeka, Kansas, and established the” Praham Healing Room” to heal the old and the weak. There were many testimonies, but Parham often asked the congregation to not call him a “healer.” He reminded everyone that he had no ability to heal, just like he had no ability to save, there is only one Healer and Savior and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. In addition, he also accommodated orphans and provided jobs for the unemployed. Later, in October 1900, he established the “Bethel Bible School” (in a stone building). There were forty students in the school and a room called the “Prayer Tower”. Students often gathered and prayed. Each time there was a three-hour prayer watch. Praham’s seminary was open to every pastor and believer. The only condition was they had to be willing to “abandon all things” and study the Word of God with diligence and sincerity. The students had to live by faith for their tuition, and trust the Lord to supply all their needs.

From the beginning, students were taught that every person who accepts the Lord Jesus must understand the importance of purity, the  holy life of victory and power, honoring the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, obeying the Word and the commandments of the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance and forgiveness of sins, and to be set apart to live a life dedicated to God through the dwelling power of Christ (the law of the Holy Spirit) to overcome sin.

In December 2000, Praham led students to study the main teachings of the Holy Movement, including sanctification and Divine Healing. They read the second chapter of the book of Acts and the events that took place during the Pentecost in Jerusalem, including the phenomenon of speaking in tongues. At this time, Praham had to leave the school to attend a three-day preaching engagement. Before he left, he instructed the students to study the Bible and try to find Bible evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit. When he came back, he asked the students what their results were. He was shocked by the unanimous answer. The evidence of being filled by the Holy Spirit was speaking in tongues, which was confirmed from several events in Acts. All accompanied by the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongue.

The following is a personal testimony of Ms. Agnes Ozman (1870-1937):

“In October 1900, I went to Topeka Bible College. During the day, we studied the Bible and at night we ministered in the city. Every day we spent a lot of time praying. Just like most people, I thought I had received the baptism of the Holy Spirit when I dedicated myself. When I learned that the Holy Spirit could be poured out more abundantly, my heart became extremely hungry and thirsty.

I often came before God hunger for the coming of the Holy Spirit. This longing was far more than the needs of the flesh. We were taught to honor the blood of Jesus Christ and to let it work in our hearts – this result gave us great peace and victory. On New Year’s Eve, we had a blessed meeting. Before the New Year come, we prayed that God’s blessings will come to us.

On the first day of 1901, God demonstrated His presence with us in a remarkable way, and spoke to our hearts: To wait on Him for greater things. In the evening, the spirit of intercession came upon us, a thought rose up in me to ask God to lay hand on my head so that I could receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, it was the 11th hour in the evening of January 1st. Soon, God’s hand covered my head, the Holy Spirit poured out and my mouth spoke in “Tongue” to praise God – God gave me multiple languages, as if the river of living water was constantly Gushing out from the depth of my heart.

Some of these students continued to pray before God because they were very eager to be filled by the Holy Spirit. On January 3rd some of the students went out to minister, and the rest remained gathered at the school to pray. God answered their prayers – His spirit was greatly poured out! One by one They started to speak in tongue and some tongue was interpreted”

In the Bible, there are several expressions of tongues. First, it may be the language of other countries, and others can understand them. Just like the second chapter of Acts, on the day of Pentecost, Holy Spirit poured out languages of at least fifteen regions (Acts 2:8-11). Second, in the meeting, tongues need to be interpreted by someone to edify the people that were present (1 Cor. 14-27-28). Third, when praying alone, the purpose of speaking in tongues is to edify oneself and strengthens one’s own faith. “For anyone who speaks in a tongue[ does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit” (1 Cor. 14:2), Paul said, “I thank God, I speak more tongues than all of you” (1 Cor. 14:18)

This “Pentecost returning” news quickly caught the eye of Topeka’s newspaper (Topeka Report) published an editorial to ridicule this “speaking in tongues” event, titled: “A strange belief, strange action, believers say strange words”; Other newspapers were also been informed of this news (Kansas City World News, Cincinnati News) and were competing to report. God’s work was being advertised, and some people came to see what God was doing.

A few weeks after the blessing of the Bethel Bible School, God sent twenty students to Lawrence, Kansas, to continue the missionary work. This evangelistic enthusiasm is characterizes Pentecostal church. They rented an old theater as the meeting place. Then they went to the city to visit the family door to-door; two by two they went out to pray for the sick in people’s homes; as a result, people came to these gatherings in groups, and many people repented and were healed. Many Christians also received the baptism of the Holy Spirit—they spoke in tongues to praise God.

Praham continued to preach the baptism of the Holy Spirit throughout the country by demonstrating the power of the Holy Spirit. There were times in the meeting when he suddenly spoke in tongues. After he finished, one person in the congregation stood up and said, “My sin of rebellion has been forgiven. I just heard you recite psalm 23  in my native language. This was what my mother taught me when I was a child.” This was just one of the fascinating story of Praham’s speaking in tongues. Soon, hundreds of people began to receive this phenomenon. But at the same time, unbelievers also began to launch a lot of persecution and defamation.

A year later, Praham closed the school in Topeka and began a four-year revival whirlwind traveling. During that time, Pentecostal teachings spread throughout Kansas and Missouri. In the fall of 1855, he moved his headquarters to Houston, Texas. At the request of friends, he started a short-term Bible school to share his knowledge. Students who came to study did not have to pay tuition fees, but they must learn to live the life of faith and rely on the supply of God. They lived in a three-story mansion. The institution was called the Bible Training School. A total of 25 students received a few months of study. This was also the school where WJ Seymour, the revival movement of Assua Street, received his theological training.

When Praham was 50 years old, he suffered from severe rheumatism and almost lost his life. He died on January 29, 1929, at the age of 57. [Although there was some history, saying he later became a racist, he had a tendency to discriminate, even in 1907 when Praham was swept into several sexual scandals, led to the loss of his reputation and leadership (he did not participate in the establishment of the Assembly of God Church in 1914), but finally after the judgement of the court, he was not prosecuted. Afterwards, it was learned he was maliciously rumored and slandered by some people. The power of God continued to confirm his ministry. Thousands of people repented and accepted the baptism of the Holy Spirit and received healing in the meetings he led. Before he passed away, he heard that his two sons were willing to dedicate themselves to serve the Lord. His spirit was greatly excited. “When I face the Lord, I can’t boast what I have done, but I dare say, I have Keep the Word that the Lord has given me, and live a pure, holy life.”

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Brownsville Revival and the Children’s Ministry (1)

Children’s ministry is a particularly powerful force in the waves of revival that are taking place around the world today. The children’s ministry in Brownsville Church (Assembly of God Church) in Pensacola, Florida not only changed the lives of many children, but also affected tens of thousands of parents. Not only do they know God, but they also experienced the power of God. They were all well-trained, ready to undertake the revival, and engaged in that wave of revival, so that their spiritual potential can be developed and they became anointed minsters with their gifts fully expressed. One of the leaders was 11 years old and a musician on the worship team, and the prayer group consists of 75 members who are 8 to 12 years old. Lan Fanen, the children pastor of the Brownsville Church, was convinced that the relationship between children and God is the same as the relationship between adults and God and was committed to train children to actively spread the gospel and participate in ministry.

When Lan Fanen was young, he smoked and drank, and lived the life of rock and roll. In one of the meetings when he and his wife were filled with the Holy Spirit at the same time and spoke in tongues, God also called them into full-time ministry. God said to them with the audible voice: “Sell everything and follow Me.”

The revival is coming

Lan Fanen’s pastor is John Kilpatrick, who was always praying for revival and longed for God to work, eager to see God move again like he had experienced when he was young, so he continued to cry out and pray for two and a half years. As the church continued to pray like this, everyone felt something will happen soon, and everyone was preparing for the big event. The church gathered and prayed on the evening of the Lord’s Day to seek the revival. When Pastor John changed the traditional preaching on Sunday night into a prayer meeting, the participants grew. The number of church gatherings has risen from 1800 to 3500, and the attendees of the evening worship were about 2,500 to 5,000. Since June 1995, at least 300,000 people have come forward to the pulpit, and about 120,000 of them had dedicated their lives to God. Even until now, the church’s Sunday night prayer meeting is still full of the power of God. Sometimes, people will carry a deep burden from God to cry and intercede for their unbelieving loved ones.

On Father’s Day Sunday 1995, the power of God fell on the congregations when the travel evangelist Stephen Hill preached, the Sunday worship lasted for six hours, and the evening revival service lasted eight hours. With the presence of God, who will care about time? On the same evening, Steven preached again and the power of God came down again on the congregation. Many people fell down. The aisles were full of weeping and trembling bodies. From the elders to the gentle deacons, they could not walk. They appeared to be drunk in the spirit.

Through the word of mouth, the news of this revival spread quickly in the community. The meeting at night was full and the power of God came again. It was not until two o’clock in the morning before people finally left. The revival led by evangelist Steve Hill lasted for five years and the ministering team could barely sleep for three or four hours a day because they had to lay hands on many and pray with prayer teams. And every meeting had nearly three thousand people.

Shepherd the lamb

The revival also came upon the children. Some children prayed at the beginning of the meeting and continued to pray for the next three or four hours. Usually these children were brought to the back of the room, so that God can work freely on them without distraction. When the Holy Spirit prayed through them, they cried, moaned, groaned and trembled (cf. Rom. 8:26). These boys and girls prayed at the end of the meeting and the power of God flowed from them.
Pastor Lan Fanen said: “Children are ready for the revival. Children, like their parents, are tired of the religious appearance in the meeting. They want to experience the real God in their lives. I found that children were more susceptible than their parents were. They can sense God’s work easier, and will engage immediately, just like it is easier to start the fire with small wooden blocks than the big and old wood!”

A child who is completely obedient to the Holy Spirit will have great influence on adults. On the evening of the revival service of January 31st, 1997, God used the children to influence the whole service. God’s presence was particularly strong that day. Hundreds of people walked forward and established strong and healthy relationships with God. When the power of the Holy Spirit swept through the whole meeting, many people confessed of their sins and repented. At that time, the pastor asked to bring the trash cans to the podium, and asked everyone to get rid of the garbage of their lives and anything that blocks them from getting close to God. Everyone started to throw things out of their pockets, purses and backpacks; they followed the Holy Spirit and went out to their cars to take out the magazines, books and tapes that God wanted them to discard. They also threw out drugs, medication, cigarettes, lighters, and one young person took out many metal rings from his face and threw  them into the trash can. A woman gave the key to the house to one of the pastors because she had an abnormal relationship with her boss for over 13 years in that house. That could be said to be a night to clean the holy temple! God loves to live in the holy temple. After repentance, usually God’s presence will be greatly manifested. When people repent and confess their sins, the anointing of the revival meeting is usually more. When we abandon the parts of our life that are not in the heart of God, the living water of God will flow freely through us.

Obey the Holy Spirit and everyone serve others

In the first few months of the revival, the children experienced the power of God in the Sanctuary, but in the children’s gatherings, they rarely saw the manifestation of God’s power until God got a hold of the children pastor. This situation changed. Pastor Lan Fanen said: “Only when I “leapt into the wave of revival”, I saw God’s power moving on the sons of the kingdom of God, on the morning of the Lord’s Day.” There was is a seven-year-old boy, David, from a broken family. He skipped school and fought with people. His face was always filled with sorrow, gloom and anger. The children of the group prayed around David and a little girl touched his head and prayed for him softly and a little boy gently held his hand. Under the healing and comfort of the Holy Spirit, David was released from the pain and wounds of his heart. Now he is a newborn boy. A few months ago, he was a little boy who was sad, angry and seclusive, not letting anyone approach him. Now he is open to people, with the glory of God on his face. He is now engaged in various fields of service and often prays for people.

This generation of people are shouting out loud for their needs! The world is more than just the pain, emptiness, and despair that you see everywhere. But there are more and better graces that God has prepared for them. Today’s church community is too dependent on the attractive activities and marketing strategies from the world, in order to attract more people to the church. But many examples show that service has become like entertainment, formulas, and special programs. Because people no longer rely on prayer to seek the power of God, we inadvertently fall into the service of being godly and incompetent, “having a form of godliness but denying its power, have nothing to do with such people.” (2 Timothy 3:5) .

Unfortunately, many of us are guilty of the mistakes of relying on our own efforts rather than prayer. Even if we pray, it only grazed the surface. Then we will find that we live and serve according to our own abilities; not relying on the Holy Spirit, will eventually lead to spiritual decline and we will reap what we sow. “ Whoever sows to Please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” (Gal. 6:8) If we serve by our own strength, God’s help is only short-lived. Even if we can see some results from our natural gifts and talents, in the long run, the spiritual annihilation and frustration will become deeper and deeper.

Children continue to lead

The word of the Lord came to me and saying, before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;  I appointed you as a prophet to the nation. Alas, Sovereign Lord, I said, I don’t know how to speak; I am too young.” But The Lord said to me, “Do not say that I am too young, you must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. (Jer. 1:4-7) The call of God can still be revealed to the children today. It is time to let the children shoulder the spiritual responsibility. Don’t wait until “a certain day” to let them do what God calls them to.

Prayer team

During the revival of the Brownsville, under the leadership of Pastor Lan Fanen, the children formed a prayer team consisting of eight to twelve-year-old children. They wore little purple name tags, just like the adult prayer team of the General Assembly Hall. Now the team has seventy-five children and everyone takes turns to serve. Each week, seven children form a squad to serve, two people a team to support each other as comrades-in-army, they are divided into three groups, and the seventh child acts as a “caregiver”. He will hold piles of cloth to gently cover the children who were slain by the Holy Spirit after prayer. This makes the children lying on the ground feel safe and good resting in the presence of God, give God time to work in their hearts, and keep them quieter. Before the service of the Sunday morning, the prayer team will gather to pray and wait on instructions.

The children of Brownsville are not like most churches who just quietly sit still in their chairs during Sunday school and listen to preaching – weeks after weeks sitting and doing nothing, but listening. As a result, truth cannot be rooted in their hearts. This is not the case for the children of Brownsville, who know God and know the joy of serving God; they also foresee the joy of being a preacher. These boys and girls will grow up in the power that God has given them, because for the first time in their lives they are used for service. They come to the church not because their parents want them to come.They know they need to come because they have a sense of purpose.

Children in Brownsville

When the revival came, the ministry of children was greatly affected, the church continued to grow, and many people flocked to Brownsville from all over the world. During the first three months of the revival, all weekday gatherings in the church were cancelled. At the beginning, they only had one day of revival service, and later they had it for the whole week, and evangelist Steven Hill kept delaying his time for returning, and finally his family moved to Pensacola. Slowly they returned to normal week operations, and the church is no longer “church as usual.” Now everything in the church is influenced by the revival of anointing and there is no longer dull, lifeless gatherings .

The church did their best to listen to the voice of God and only do what God wants them to do. Thousands of people flock to the church in Brownsville every week, and every week one hour before worship, there is Sunday school for children of all ages. The goal of the church is to provide basic Bible teaching so that children have the ability to use the scriptures by the time they graduate from elementary school. The church’s strategy is that children must learn the moral principles of these stories and be sure to have a systematic teaching strategy that allows children to understand God’s words after listening to the story. The church is determined to have plans to not just teach them Bible stories, but also to teach them Bible verses. Paul said to Timothy, “I understand the Bible from an early age” (2 Tim. 3:15). He did not say, “He knows the story of the Bible from an early age.” Children need to understand the Bible verses and need to know how to search the scriptures. You need to understand how to apply the Word of God in your daily life. After the Sunday school, the children’s worship began, and the worship service is as long as the adult, sometimes up to four hours. On Sunday morning, they started with warm and lively songs and they kept getting into a more and more exciting and stimulating atmosphere, allowing the children to experience God’s presence and truth. Only when God is with them will they be truly happy and satisfied. Although there are 14 adult volunteers to supervise in the children’s service, the actual service is almost exclusively done by the children.

Someone asked Pastor Lan Fanen: “How can you let three hundred children stay in those four hours?” He said, “I can’t, but God can.” If the parents pick up the child after three and a half hours, when the meeting is not yet over, they would see their children on the stage, or laid on the ground. Parents who had watched in awe their children with Attention Deficit Disorder lying quietly on the ground for thirty minutes under the power of the Holy Spirit.

Many visiting pastors asked Mr. Lan Fanen what kind of Sunday school textbooks to use to teach children. He said, “I have used a lot, but  most of them were a disappointment.”, “Teach children the truth, be sure to use methods that are gradual. As Isaiah 28:10 says: “Line upon lines, precepts upon precepts. “I believe in this scripture very much. The Holy Spirit also gives us a lot of creative teaching in our service.” “No matter what course or method is used, the most important thing is to let the Holy Spirit have a chance to move. First prepare, from Various resources to select teaching materials for God to help you teach what He want you to teach. First plan and prepare the textbooks, but you don’t have to use them. Let God direct you, you must be sensitive to the children, and sometimes you may need to explain more, some may need to be deleted, and you may need to add texts that you didn’t expect. Only when you are ready, will you be able to handle freely and easily. Be sure to plan ahead, don’t minister without praying or preparation before hand. Otherwise these children will ride on your head”

Is the shaking, trembling fake?

When the days of revival came, God was clearly in the midst. At that time, some people shook, trembled or fell over,  but the focus is not on the outward manifestation, but the changes on the inside. People were no longer their old selves in the past. They were hungrier the more they received the supernatural healing of God. The church saw thousands of people come to believe in the Lord, Christians rededicating their lives,  families being restored and reconciled, rebellious children turning back into on-fire Christians, and tired and weary pastors regaining their strengths and receiving new anointing.

Seeing the greatest “manifestation” of the Holy Spirit in Brownsville was at the time of intercession. Through the revelation of the Holy Spirit, sometimes the burden of praying and wailing was so strong that people had to respond to God. God is constantly looking for intercessors who can stand in the gap in every generation. “I look for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one ” (Ezek 22:30)

When the Brownsville church made the altar calls, many people cried for the lost souls and prayed for sinners. When the Spirit of God was pouring out, it was necessary to stand on the ruin and intercede for the lost souls. The reaction outside the body is often accompanied by crying. Sometimes it is like God crying because He is looking for a vessel that is willing to pour out. (Source: Christian Revival Story Collection)

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Indonesian Great Revival

In 1965, a great spiritual revival began in Indonesia on the southeastern tip of Timor Island. The Holy Spirit poured out greatly upon the believers there, and signs and wonders and miracles that happened in the book of Acts of the New Testament also happened in the 20th century, three weeks after the start of the Indonesian Great Revival. A total of 70 mission groups organized by laymen went inland to evangelize and experienced miracles such as healing, casting out demons, resurrecting the dead, and turning water into wine, etc.

The wind  of the Holy Spirit blew in Timor 

On the evening of September 26, 1965, in the church prayer meeting, about 200 believers gathered to pray. Wonderful things happened! Just like how the Holy Spirit came in chapter 2 of the book of Acts, it actually happened in this church! While the church prayer meeting was going on, suddenly a loud sound came like the mighty rushing wind like the sound of typhoon!

As the Holy Spirit poured out, one brethren began to pray in German. And all the people began to pray in different languages ​​praising God. That night, heaven came down to the earth and some people spoke French and some people spoke dialects of different tribes. There was a woman who kept saying “Shalom! Shalom”. She didn’t know what she was saying in Hebrew! Others prayed loudly and beautifully in English (she actually did not understand English).

That night, everyone prayed in one voice. As the Holy Spirit lead and moved freely, the meeting went on to midnight. Many people’s hidden sins were revealed, and they confessed their sins. Not long after, they suddenly heard the fire alarm bell rang from the police station across the church. The people in the police station saw that the church seemed to be in flames and thought it was a fire, so they immediately rang the bell and asked the nearby villagers to go to the church to fight the fire. There was no fire truck on Timor Island. So when you encounter a fire, you will ring the bell first, asking the villagers to use their own barrels of water to fight the fire. When the villagers rushed to the door of the church, they saw that the church had flames, but they were not burned. At that time, when the villager saw this strange manifestation, many later  believed in Jesus and were filled with the Holy Spirit.

First repent of sins and then mission

After the Holy Spirit poured out on Timorese church, God began to deal with the sins of believers. Because in order to live a holy life, it is necessary to get rid of the bondage of evil and the first step in dealing with sin is to reveal sins, and then give people the opportunity to repent, so that they can go out to preach the gospel. Not only without the bondage of sin, but also with increased ability. In the past, Timor Island was a place where alcoholism was very serious. However, after the Great Revival, you can’t even find a cup of strong liquor. People can see that the Christian life is a holy life. The missionary team, after dealing with sin, became a holy vessel and wherever they went, they also revealed the power and glory of God.

The beast and the viper can’t hurt them

In the jungle area, there are often venomous snakes and other poisons in the forest. Many times they met a poisonous snake and said to the snake: “Do not move! I have to pass”. The wonderful thing is that the snake will stay quietly and not move nor bite them. The poisonous scorpion was the same. Once a co-worker was accidentally stabbed by the scorpion’, he prayed in the name of Jesus and immediately the pain was gone!

Sumatra is the sixth largest island in the world, with mountains running through the island. There are some places on the island that are sparsely populated. There are still primitive lakes and uninhabited forests. The missionary group that evangelized in the Sumatra forest needed to cross the river many times, but there were crocodiles in the river. When they got to the center of the river, the crocodiles tried to attack them. The brethren remembered Matthew 16:18: ” I tell you, ” You are Peter, I will build my church on this rock; the power of the hade (authority: the original is the door), will not prevail against you. ” So he said to the crocodile in the middle of the river: “I command you to leave in the name of Jesus!” The crocodiles turned and swam away and none attacked them.

During the revival, there is one special characteristic: before they go out to the ministry trip, the Lord will always tell them what to do ahead of time. They will write it down and follow the instructions. They will stop wherever the Lord told them to and evangelize right there. One time during the rainy season, it rained non-stop for up to 40 days, and there was no way to go out for missionary travel. But the missionary group went as usual, and many times, they did not bring umbrellas and raincoats. They only prayed and asked the Lord to watch and keep them. The Lord said to them, “Whatever you ask for, if you believe, you will have it.” Sure enough, the rain fell ten feet before and after them. They were not covered with any raindrops! When they arrived at the village, the villagers asked them in surprise: “Didn’t you walk in the rain?” They answered “Yes.” Because the villagers saw that although their feet were covered with mud, their bodies were dry.  These villagers did not believe when the missionary team said that it was because God protected them, but they could not find any rain gear on them.

Some villages in some jungles are known to be terrible places because people there were best known to be sorcerers and poison people. Once the missionary group entered the village, the local people took food and water for them to eat. The co-workers, though afraid, still trusted God and began to evangelize to the villagers after eating. After two hours, the villagers asked the co-workers what power protected them. It turned out that they put the most poisonous poison in the food. Usually they would die 3 minutes after eating. “How powerful is this God? I want Him also” The villagers all decided to give their lives to God, and burn all their sorcery and poisons in the home.

God led them to walk on water 

There was a time a mission group need to go through a river with no bridges. At that time, the tide of river was high and the river was 300 yards wide and the water was deep and rapid. It was the largest river in the island and the members went up to the river, not knowing how to pass. The bustling pagans on the river bank also stopped them from crossing saying, “Don’t go, you will drown.” So they prayed by the river: “Lord! What should we do?” When God revealed to one of the members, the member said, “God gave me a sense to “just cross the river.” Brothers and sisters, if we listen to people, we will stay here for two or three days. But I have to listen to the words of God. Since he told us to go now, we should do it accordingly and we can’t wait any longer. Just as that year, God told Joseph to take Mary and the baby Jesus to Egypt immediately. If Joseph waited until the morning, he would have been killed by Herod. When he finished, he put his foot in the water. The people on the shore quickly stopped him, but when he stepped on his feet and the water was deep to his knees. He took second, third, and fourth steps…. the water was beneath his knees. He walked to the middle of the water and turned back to the people on the shore and shouted: The water is not deep; therefore, the whole group of people followed to cross the river, and each member’s feet felt like stepping on hard ground and crossed the river smoothly. The people on the shore were surprised to see them, because the villagers knew that the river was twenty or thirty feet deep, and the pagans on the shore wanted to try it, but they almost drowned when they stepped on the water. Then the unbelieving villagers know that that was a miracle!

A little cassava and tea leaves fed the whole team

During the revival, there was a famine in Timor Island. There was a team of missions evangelizing in a certain village and many people turned their hearts to the Lord. At that time, the missionary group lived in the home of a pastor. The wife was worried that the food at home was not enough to accommodate more than 20 people. At that time, the pastor was moved by the Lord to remind the wife that there are still four cassava left in the house, which can be used to cook for the whole group. But the wife did not remember that there was any cassava. At this time, another brother confirmed to the wife that “the Lord told me that there are four cassava in the cupboard, you can take it out. And please give us tea.” When she opened the cabinet, she saw that there was really 4 cassava, and she took the tea and sugar that could only make two or three cups of tea. So she smashed the cassava and grind the tea. The wife prayed for the little food. The members had already lined up with a plate and a cup to get the food. When the wife cut the small cassava into a pieces of cake, it couldn’t even fill a plate. So she prayed as she served what is only enough to serve​​three people, but miracles happened. When the cassava was cut into half, the other half became a whole piece, so in the end everyone’s dishes were full and so was the tea. There was not much tea in the jar so the wife wanted to serve a little bit in each cup. But the Lord wanted her to pour a full cu, and she obeyed. As a result, tea kept coming out of the pot and many people drank a few cups. In the end, all the people were full with food and drinks. Not only that, there were still a lot left. They couldn’t finish it. Even the dogs were able to have some. God also cares for animals. So God satisfied the needs of every hungry person.

Angel accompany children and the resurrection of the dead

There are also children’s missionary groups that go out to preach. They are children from eight to ten years old, but love the Lord. They go to school at 7:00 every morning, and end at one in the afternoon, and they gather for prayer from 4 to 6 in the afternoon. After school at noon on Saturday, they walked five to fifteen miles to the nearby village to preach the gospel. Many times there were no adults, and some people asked the children if they were afraid? They ask in return, why should they be afraid? The children said, “When we go out, there are always a few angels who are protecting us, one in front, one in the back, and one on each side.” God used these children who love the Lord to pray for the elderly patients and many people were healed.

Another mission team went to a village, where a man died for two days. The family asked them to attend the funeral. That day there were thousands of people attending the funeral. The man had died for two days and his body stunk. In the tropical countries, when an individual had been dead for six hours, the body will begin to rot. It has been two days now! Suddenly, the words of the Lord came: “Now go quickly, surround the dead man and sing hymns; I will raise him from the dead.”

So they decided to obey the words of the Lord and went to the front, around the dead, and began to sing. At this time, the devil’s attack also came. He mocked us and said, “You are so stupid, singing around a stinky dead man. It is already hard to bear the stench beyond a hundred feet, let alone standing so close. As soon as you open your mouth, the smell will immediately slip into your mouth!” After singing the first hymn, nothing happened, After the second hymn, still nothing! In the fifth hymn, there was still no movement! But as they began to sing the sixth hymn, the toe of this dead man began to wiggle. Until they finished seventh song, and began the eighth, the man was really alive! He smiled and looked around and spoke: “The Lord Jesus raised me from the dead, brothers and sisters! I tell you a few things. First, although you are dead, your life is not over.” I have been dead for two days, this is what I personally experienced!” The second thing he said is: “Heaven and hell are real! I have seen it. The third thing I want to tell you is, if you don’t believe in Jesus, you can’t go to heaven and will for sure go to hell!”

After he had finished this testimony, the missionary group opened the Bible and read the words of God to prove it. In the three months that followed, the missionary group worked in this shackled place and led a total of 21,000 people to believe in the Lord, all because of the miracle of the resurrection of this dead man. Before the revival , the Dutch missionaries worked on the island of Timor for 60 years and 80,000 people joined the church, but life was not changed and they have never experienced the power of God. Everyone appeared to be Christian, but in reality, they were pagans, because they were still under the control of the devil. Very few people really have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. The believers come to the chapel to sing hymns, read prayers, and after they go home, their life was still the same as before.

The revival not only brought born again Christ’s life into those who are willing to believe and obey, but also manifested the power of God. The Lord God said, ” I am Alpha, I am Omega, (Alpha Omega: the first and last letter of the Greek alphabet), the Almighty who was, and is, and is to come ” (Rev. 1:8) . This means: “I am here now, and I am here two thousand years ago, and I will come again in the future!” The Lord Jesus wanted the apostle John to understand that He is the only Lord, living two thousand years ago. Today, He still lives among us in the same way. He is not only the Lord of the past, but also the Lord of today, the Lord of tomorrow.

For many Christians, their Jesus is Jesus of two thousand years ago and Jesus of yesterday. Healing the sick and casting out demons are all things of the past. But the Lord said to us, “I am still alive today, not just two thousand years ago!” If I need a God, I need a God who is still alive today, not a God alive many years ago.

It is true! The Lord is coming again, but we need the Lord to be here today! For the Lord’s return, we may need to wait for one year, three years, ten years, and maybe thousands of years. But we need Him now! I need Him today! We are not living tomorrow and yesterday has passed, we only have today. We want His ability and His love today. His comfort. The Lord Jesus is here today. If you have difficulties, burdens, and illnesses, come to the Lord Jesus now, because Jesus is the Lord of now.

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Revival In The Hebrides

Note: This is a transcript of a taped message on the Hebrides Revival in 1949 which was preached by Duncan Campbell in 1968. The Hebrides is a group of islands extending in an arc off the Atlantic (west) coast of Scotland.   (Resource: Excerpt from The Herbrides Revival )

First, I would like to make it perfectly clear that I did not bring revival to the Hebrides. It has grieved me beyond words to hear people talk and write about the man who brought revival to the Hebrides. My dear people, I didn’t do that. Revival was there before I ever set foot on the island. It began in a gracious awareness of God sweeping through the parish of Barvas and his work was already planted in the Isle of Lewis!

What is revival? When I speak of revival, I am not thinking of high-pressure evangelism. Revival is a moving of God in the community and suddenly the community becomes God conscious and being touched by God!

In November 1949, this gracious movement began on the island of Lewis. Two old women, one of them 84 years of age and the other 82-one of them stone blind, were greatly burdened because of the appalling state of their own parish. It was true that not a single young person attended public worship. A verse gripped them: “I will pour water on him that is thirsty and floods upon the dry ground.” They were so burdened that both of them decided to spend so much time in prayer twice a week. They got on their knees at 11pm and remained on their knees until 3 or 4am–two old women in a very humble cottage.. One night, one of the sisters had a vision. In the vision she saw the church crowded with young people, and a strange minister standing in the pulpit. She was so impressed by the vision that she sent for the parish minister. He responded to their invitation and called his office bearers together and seven of them met in a barn to pray on Tuesday and on Friday. And the two old women got on their knees and prayed with them in the cottage.

About six weeks later–one night they were kneeling there in the barn,pleading to God using Isaiah 44:3 for His promise, “I will pour water on him that is thirsty, floods upon the dry ground” when one young man, a deacon in the church, got up and read Psalm 24. “Who shall ascend the hill of God? Who shall stand in His holy place?  He that has clean hands and a pure heart who has not lifted up his soul unto vanity or sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing (not a blessing, but the blessing) of the Lord.” And then that young man looked down at the minister and the other office bearers, he said, “It seems to me to be so much humbug to be praying as we are praying, to be waiting as we are waiting, if we ourselves are not rightly related to God.” And then he lifted his two hands and prayed, “God, are my hands clean? Is my heart pure? ” But he got no further. That young man fell to his knees and then fell into a trance. At that moment, he and his other office bearers were gripped by the conviction that a God-sent revival must ever be related to holiness, must ever be related to Godliness.

When that happened in the barn, the power of God swept into the parish. And an awareness of God gripped the. That’s revival, that’s revival! And on the following day, the looms were silent, little work was done on the farms as men and women gave themselves to thinking on eternal things gripped by eternal realities.

One of the sisters sent for the minister. And she said to him, “I think you ought to invite someone to the parish. God must have someone in His mind for we saw a strange man in the pulpit, and that man must be somewhere.” Well, the minister that week was going to one of our great conventions in Scotland. At that convention he met administer with a message, he invited him to the island for a 10-day special effort. We have had so many of them over the past couple of years, but we feel that something is happening in the parish and we would like you to attend.”This minister responded that he didn’t feel like he was the suitable candidate. Then he recommended someone else, which is me (Pastor Campbell)!

I shall never forget the night that I arrived at the piers in the mail steamer. I was standing in the presence of the minister. The minister turned to me and said, “I know Mr. Campbell that you are very tired-you have been traveling all day by train to begin with and then by steamer. And I am sure that you are ready for your supper and ready for your bed. But I wonder if you would be prepared to address a meeting in the parish church at 9 o’clock tonight on our way home?” Well, it will interest you to know that I never got that supper.

We got to the church about quarter to nine to find about 300 people gathered. It was a good meeting. A sense of God, a consciousness of His Spirit moving but nothing beyond that. So I pronounced the benediction and we were leaving the church I would say about a quarter to eleven.Just as I am walking down the aisle, along with this young deacon who read the Psalm 24 in the barn. He suddenly stood in the aisle and looking up to the heavens he said, “God, You can’t fail us. God, You can’t fail us. You promised to pour water on the thirsty and floods upon the dry ground-God, You can’t fail us!”Soon He is on his knees in the aisle and then he falls into a trance again. Just then the door of the church opens and the local blacksmith comes back into the church and says, “Mr. Campbell, something wonderful has happened. Oh, we were praying that God would pour water on the thirsty and floods upon the dry ground and listen, He’s done it! He’s done it!”

When I went to the door of the church I saw a congregation of approximately 600 people. Where had they come from? I believe that that very night God swept in Pentecostal power-the power of the Holy Ghost was happening now in the parish of Barvas!

Over 100 young people were at the dance in the parish hall and they weren’t thinking of God or eternity. They were there to have a good night when suddenly the power of God fell upon the dance. The music ceased and in a matter of minutes, the hall was empty. They fled from the hall as a man fleeing from a plague. And they made for the church. Men and women who had gone to bed rose, dressed, and made for the church. Nothing in the way of publicity that a certain man was going to be conducting a series of meetings in the parish covering 10 days. But God became His own publicity agent. A hunger and a thirst gripped the people. 600 of them now are at the church standing outside.The blacksmith, turned to me and said, “I think that we should sing a psalm.” And they sang and they sang and they sang verse after verse. Oh, what singing! What singing! And then the doors were opened and the congregation flocked back into the church.Now the church to seat over 800 is now packed to capacity. It is now going on towards midnight. I managed to make my way through the crowd along the aisle toward the pulpit. I found a young woman,was one of those at the dance, lying prostrate on the floor of the pulpit praying, “Oh, God, is there mercy for me? Oh, God, is there mercy for me? ”

That meeting continued until 4 o’clock in the morning. I couldn’t tell you how many were saved that night but of this I am sure and certain that at least 5 young men who were saved in that church that night are today ministers! At 4 o’clock, we decided to make for the manse. We make no appeals–you never need to make an appeal or an altar call in revival. Why, the roadside becomes an altar. We just leave men and women to make their way to God themselves–after all, that is the right way. God can look after His own. Oh, God can look after His own! And when God takes a situation in hand, I tell you He does a better work! So we left them there, and just as I was leaving the church, a young man came to me and said, “Mr. Campbell, I would like you to go to the police station.” I said, “The police station? What’s wrong?” “Oh,” he said, “There’s nothing wrong but there must be at least 400 people gathered around the police station just now.” The sergeant there was a God-fearing man. And next to the police station was the cottage in which the two old women lived. I believe that that had something to do with the magnet, the power that drew men. There was a coach load at that meeting. A coach load had come over 12 miles to be there. Now if anyone would ask them today, why? How did it happen? Who arranged it? They couldn’t tell you. But they found themselves grouping together and someone saying, “What about going to Barvas? I don’t know, but I have a hunger in my heart to go there.” I can’t explain it; they couldn’t explain it, but God had the situation in hand.

This is revival dear people! This is a sovereign act of God! This is the moving of God’s Spirit, I believe in answer to the prevailing prayer of men and women who believed that God was a covenant-keeping God but must be true to His covenant engagement. I went along to that meeting. We had to walk about a mile then I heard someone praying by the roadside. I could hear this man crying to God for mercy. I went over and there were four young men on their knees at the roadside. Yes, they were at the dance but they are now there crying to God for mercy. One of them was under the influence of drink, but a young man he wasn’t 20 years of age. But that night God saved him and he is today the parish minister!

Now when I got to the police station, I saw something that will live with me as long as I live. I didn’t preach–there was no need of preaching. We didn’t even sing. The people are crying to God for mercy. Oh, the confessions that were made! There was one old man crying out, “Oh, God, hell is too good for me! Hell is too good for me!” This is Holy Ghost conviction! Now mind you, that was on the very first night of a mighty demonstration that shook the island. Oh, let me say again, that wasn’t the beginning of revival–revival began in a prayer barter meeting. Revival began in an awareness of God. Revival began when the Holy Ghost began to grip men and that was how it began.

After that we were at it night and day-churches crowded. I remember one night it was after 3am, a messenger came to say that the churches were crowded in another parish 15 miles away. It was 3am! We went, and I found myself preaching in a large church-a church that would seat 1,000–and the Spirit of God was moving in a mighty way! I could see them falling, falling on their knees. I could hear them crying to God for mercy And that continued fortwo hours. And then as we were leaving the church, someone came to me to tell me that a very large number of people had gathered on a field–they could not get into the church. Along with the other ministers I decided to go to the field. And here I saw this enormous crowd standing there as though gripped by a power that they could not explain. But the interesting thing about that meeting was a sight that I saw. The headmaster of a secondary school in the parish is lying on his face on the ground crying to God for mercy. Oh, deeply convicted of his desperate need and on either side of them, two young girls, I would say about 16 years of age-two on each side of him. And they keep saying to the headmaster, “Master, Jesus that saved us last night in Barvas can save you tonight.” It is true that when man comes into vital relationship with Jesus Christ, his supreme desire is to win others.

The first wave of the revival continued for five weeks and then there was a lull-perhaps a lull of about a week. Oh, the churches are still crowded, people are still seeking after God, and prayer meetings are being held all over the parishes. It was the custom there that those who found the Savior at night would be at prayer meeting at noonday. A prayer meeting met everyday and noonday. At that time all worked stopped for two hours–looms are silent. For two hours work stopped in the fields, and men gathered for prayer.

That continued for almost 3 years. Until the whole of the island was swept by the mighty power of God. I couldn’t tell you how many but this I know, that at least 75% of those who were born again during the revival were born again before they came near a church!

I can think just now a story of the village of Weaver–and there was a row of cottages by the roadside. There were seven of them altogether. And in every cottage a loom and a weaver. One morning, just as the men were being called for breakfast, it was discovered that the seven of them were lying prostrate behind their looms. Lying on their faces behind their looms and all of them in a trance. Now I can’t explain this. But of this I am certain that this was of God because the seven men were saved that day. An awareness for God gripped them, and a hunger possessed them and they cried out to God for mercy. And God swept in. My dear people, that’s revival. So apart altogether from man’s best endeavour. God is in the middle and miracles happen.

Now perhaps I should go into some of the features that characterized this remarkable movement. Well, already I have mentioned to you that men were found in trances. However, we never saw anybody healed, and never heard anybody speaking in tongues. Then, we saw strange manifestations. I think just now of a certain island. Up until then God hadn’t moved on this island–one of the smaller islands, perhaps an island of 600 souls. it was difficult to preach there, you felt your very words coming back and hitting you. I turned to one of the other ministers and I said, “Now don’t you think that we should send for the praying men of Barvas?” Let me say in passing that the praying men of Barvas were praying for us just now, there were at least five of them in this part of God’s vineyard who promised to do that and I believe they were keeping to their promise. Therefore, I contacted them and asked them to bring little Donald over. Donald had a remarkable experience on the hillside a fortnight after he was born again. And God came upon him–the Holy Ghost came upon him. He had a mighty baptism.This young fellow had such a baptism of God among the heather, that he forgot about coming home and a search party had to be sent out to find him in the hills. And they found him on his face among the heather repeating over and over, “Oh, Jesus, I love You. Oh, Jesus I love You!”

And now we are in the service in the church with little Donald. The preaching was hard. I looked down and I saw little Donald sitting there in the seat couldn’t control his tears. And I said to myself, “Well, now, there is a young lad nearer to God that you or I.” And I stopped preaching. And looking down at this young lad, I said, “Donald, I believe God would have you lead us in prayer. ” Now that morning at family worship they were reading Rev 4 where John has the vision of the open door. “I saw a door opened in heaven.” And as that young man stood, that vision came before him. And this is what he said in his prayers. “God, I seem to be gazing in through the open door. And I seem to see the Lamb standing in the midst of the Throne. He has the keys of death and of hell…” Then he stopped and began to weep. And for a minute or so he wept and he wept. Oh, the brokenness. And when he was able to control himself, he lifted his eyes towards the heavens and he cried out, “God, there is power there-let it loose! Let it loose!” And suddenly, the power of God fell upon the congregation. And now, one side of the church raised up their hand and threw their heads back. And the other side they slumped on top of each other. Those who had their hands like this stayed that way for two hours. Now you try to remain like that with your hands up for a few minutes and you will find it hard.But the most remarkable thing that night was what took place in a village seven miles away from the church. The power of God swept through the village, that there wasn’t a single house in the village that hadn’t a soul saved in it. The whole village is saved!

A schoolmaster that night looking over his papers on the mainland of Scotland suddenly was gripped by the fear of God. And he said to his wife, “Wife, I don’t know what’s drawing me to Barvas, but I must go.” His wife said, “But it’s nearly 10pm and you’re thinking of going to Barvas. I know that you are making an excuse for drinks!” That was what she said to him–he was a hard drinker. And he said to his wife, “I may be mistaken, but if I know anything at all about my own heart and mind, I think I say to you now that drink will never touch my lips again.” And she said to him, ” And he got someone to take him to the ferry, someone to ferry him across, and I was conducting a meeting in a farmhouse at midnight and this schoolmaster came to the door and they made room for him and in a matter of minutes he was praising God for salvation.A father, a mother and two daughters and a son were saved that night in this village but one of the daughters who was in the medical profession was in London. She is walking down Oxford Street after leaving a patient and she is suddenly arrested by the power of God. She went home and cried to God for mercy and God saved her there-the whole family saved!

These are some more remarkable moving of God. That very night, a captain in the clan line was saved. The Spirit of God laid hold of him in his own cabin. The Spirit of God moved upon lobster fishermen in the sound–they had to leave their boats and their creels and make for the island. By the morning they were saved. Oh, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we saw God move in that way in this community? Everything is possible with God!

I think one of the most outstanding things that happened I believe will go down in history as long as revival is mentioned was in the parish of Arnot. Now, I regret to say that here I was bitterly opposed by a certain section of the Christian church. For some reason or other they came to believe that I wasn’t sound in my doctrine because I preached the baptism of the Holy Ghost. It is true that the church was crowded, it is true that people were standing outside that couldn’t get in, but these were people who came from neighbouring parishes. So one night one of the elders (the blacksmith) came to me and said, “Mr. Campbell, there is only one thing that we can do. We must give ourselves to prayer-give ourselves to prayer. Prayer changes things.” So we borrowed a farmer’s house, and gathered at his house.I would say there were about 30 of us including five ministers of the church of Scotland. Men who had burdens-longings to see God move in revival in Arnot. The prayer was hard at the beginning, I turned to this blacksmith whom I have already referred to and said to him, “John, I feel that God would have me to call upon you to pray.” Up until then he was silent. And that dear man began-he must have prayed for about a half an hour. When he paused for a second or so and then looking up towards the heavens he cried, “God, do You know that Your honour is at stake? Do You know that Your honour is at stake? You promised to pour water on the thirsty and floods on the dry ground and, God, You are not doing it! There are five ministers in this meeting and I don’t know where a one of them stands in Your presence, not even Mr. Campbell. But if I know anything at all about my own poor heart, I think I can say and I think that You know that I’m thirsty! I’m thirsty to see the devil defeated in this parish. I’m thirsty to see this community gripped as you gripped Barvas. I’m longing for revival and God, You are not doing it! I am thirsty and you promised to pour water on me.” Then a pause and then he cried, “God, I now take upon myself to challenge you to fulfil Your covenant engagement!” Now it was nearing 2am in the morning. All of a sudden, the house shook. A jug on a sideboard fell onto the floor and broke. When the blacksmith stopped praying at twenty minutes past two, I pronounced the benediction and left the house. What did I see? The whole community alive. Men carrying chairs, women carrying stools and asking, “Is there room for us in the churches?” And the Arnot revival broke out. And oh, what a sweeping revival! I don’t believe there was a single house in the village that wasn’t shaken by God. I went into another farmhouse-I was thirsty, I was tired, I needed something to drink. And I went into ask for a drink of milk and I found nine women in the kitchen crying to God for mercy–nine of them! The power of God swept-and here was little Donald. He’s kneeling by a pigsty and he is crying to God for mercy. And one of the elders goes over to him and prays over him and he came to know the Saviour and I believe more souls were brought to Christ through that one lad’s prayers than through the preaching of all of the ministers from the island, me included. God used him. He was the boy that prayed, “I gazed upon an open door.”Now that night do you know that the drinking house was closedand it has never been opened since. I was back some time ago and an old man pointed at this house with its windows boarded up and he said, “Mr. Campbell, do you see that house over there? That was the drinking house of the past. Do you know that last week at our prayer meeting 14 of the men who drank there were praying men.” Now, people–that’s revival. That is God at work. Miracles, supernatural, beyond human explanation-it’s God!

I remember one night I saw seven communists–up until then they will spit in your face, talk about religion being the dope of the masses. Educated men. Wouldn’t go near a church. But dear old Peggy had a vision one night and in the vision she saw seven men from this particular community from this centre of activity born again and becoming pillars of the church of her father. Peggy told me that God had revealed to her that He was going to move in this particular village. Oh, yes, there were communists there, godless men there but what was that to God when God began to work He would deal with that. So she kept on talking like that. I said, “Peggy, I have no leadings to go that village. You know that there is no church there, and the schoolmaster is one of those men who would never dream of giving me the schoolhouse for the meetings. I have no leadings to go.” And she said, “Mr. Campbell, if you were living as near to God as you ought to be, He would reveal His secrets to you, also.” Her words made me humble and I said, “Peggy, would you mind if I call for the parish minister and together we will spend the morning together with you in prayer?” “Oh, I’ll be happy too.”So she began to pray, “Lord, do You remember what you told me this morning when we had that conversation together? I’m just after telling Mr. Campbell about it but he’s not prepared to take it. You give him wisdom because the man badly needs it!” That was what she said! “The man badly needs it!” And of course she was speaking truth. Of course I needed it. I needed to be taught. But I was at the feet of a woman who knew God in an intimate way. And I was prepared to listen. So I said, “Peggy, when will I go to that village?” “Tomorrow.” “What time?” “Seven o’clock.” “Where am I to hold a meeting?” “You go to the village and leave the gathering of the people to God and He will do it.”

And I went to the village and when I arrived I found a crowd around a bungalow. I found five ministers waiting for me. And the house was so crowded that we couldn’t get in-indeed, we couldn’t get near it. And I stood on a hill in front of the main door and gave out my text. I preached for about 10 minutes when one of the ministers came to me and said, “Mr. Campbell, could you not go to the end of the house there and some men there and we are afraid that they will go mental they are in such a state. Oh, they are mighty sinners and they know it-they are spoken of here as communists.” I went and I saw seven men. The seven men that Peggy saw. The seven men who became pillars of the church.Oh my dear people! That is God at work!

The minister saw two young men on their knees in the field crying to God. He turned to his wife and said, “Isn’t that wonderful? There’s the two pipers who were advertised to play in the parish hall tonight. There they are crying to God for mercy. Come on, we’ll go home and we will go to the dance and we will tell them what has happened.” So off he went to the dance and they were not at all pleased with his appearing. They knew that he wasn’t there to dance for they knew the man. He went in and when a lull came in the dancing, he stepped onto the floor and he said, “Kinfolk, something very wonderful has happened tonight! The Smith pipers were to be here, the two brothers were to be here–they are crying to God for mercy in Barvas! ” Suddenly, stillness. Not a word. And then he spoke again, “Young folk, will you sing a psalm with me?” “Yes,” said one young man “if you lead the singing yourself.” And he gave out Psalm 50: “For God is depicted as a flame of fire” and while singing that psalm, the power of God fell upon the dance. And I understand that only 3 who were there that night remained unsaved. And the first young man to cry to God for mercy was just a boy, he found the Saviour that night. Oh, dear people, this is the doing of God.

You ask me, “What is the fruit of this type of movement?” Some little time ago the parish was asked to give a report on the fruit of the revival. He wrote: “I will confine my remarks to my own parish–I will allow the other ministers to give their own reports. But let me speak of my own parish. In a certain village 122 young people (over the age of 17) found the Saviour during the first day of the revival. Today I can say that they are growing like flowers in the garden of God, there is not a single backslider among them.”

Now, dear people, that’s true. We thank God for the stream of young people who have gone into the ministry. I’ve sometimes said that supposing Lewis produced nothing but one young girl, a wild girl, just 17 years of age. God saved her. She went to a Bible school and today I have no hesitation in saying that she is among the best leading Bible expositors. She is just now in South Africa addressing conferences and conventions. Has been instrumental in bringing blessing to scores of ministers and she was the fruit of the movement. I will never forget the night that she prayed. I remember the night that the Holy Ghost fell upon her at a communion service. She lifted her two hands like this and she cried, “Oh, Bridegroom, Bridegroom of my heart possess it all. Oh, Bridegroom, Bridegroom of my heart possess it all!” And the Holy Ghost came upon her in such a way that she began to cry, ” That was God. That’s the fruit. And what we are seeing today is a movement against among teenagers. I believe this has broken out because of the steadfastness of the young people who found the Saviour during the big revival years ago.” The steadfastness of the young people. I can say without fear of contradiction that they are scattered all over the world, they are in the mission fields and different places today, they are standing true to the God of the covenant, true to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Now my dear people that’s the story of revival. And I tell it because I fear that another would tell a different story that are not true to fact. The revival is God’s work. God did it. And we bless Him for it.

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The Three Great Revivals in America

In the history of the church in the eighteenth century, it can be regarded as a turbulent wind; first, German godliness movement aroused, followed by the British Methodist movement, which in turn produced the American Great Awakening Movement. The Great Awakening is regarded as the religious revival of the United States. It had a great influence on American ideology, concepts, and all levels of social life and has also established the American religious culture. Different scholars have different orientations for the definition of this historical period, but they can be roughly divided into three major awakenings. It evoked the people’s deeper experience of the Christian faith, the rapid development of the church, the increasing number of people, and the movement of many sermons and universal missions. The Great Awakening originated in the 17th century and the Puritans continued to flood into the American continent. Many new immigrants gradually settled here and established their homes. However, the descendants of some immigrants lost their ancestors’ ideals and under the influence of rationalism, they gradually became secularized by the influence of the current trend, which made the beliefs chaotic. Under such circumstances, the prelude to the Great Awakening Movement was unveiled. Here are our attempt to briefly describe some important people and the three movements:

The core person in the first great awakening (1726-1760) is Edwards . He greatly promoted and ignited the awakening movement to various places and different denominations. He was later helped by Wheat field and others to revitalize the East Coast of the United States and the fire of revival was later spread to the southern United States. This campaign is mainly to awaken the people the pursuit of faith and emphasized godly living. Later, it was suspended due to the American War of Independence. The core person in “The Second Great Awakening” (1784-1830) is Charlie Finley. He renovated the way of evangelism and greatly promoted the training and equipping of believers. During this period, the entire East coast of the United States greatly promoted the revival of the campus, so that the number of churches continued to grow and organized many different camps, gatherings, etc., so that the fire of revival continued to burn, bringing the church to a great prosperity. Later, the tide was reduced because of the civil war between the North and the South of America The core person of “The Third Great Awakening” (1875-1900) is Moody. He presided over many large-scale evangelistic conferences throughout the United States, leading many people to return to the Lord and established a number of seminaries. In addition, there have been many evangelists during this period, including: Tolle, Chapman, Sin End, etc… The flame of this revival has made many people willing to commit themselves to the mission and started the universal missionary movement. Later on, The Great Awakening Movement not only affected the development of the church, but also brought about comprehensive innovation in the organization of the society and the people’s minds. Such as the abolition of slavery, the rise of the feminist movement, the reform of the city, the promotion of education, the construction of many social services, etc. In terms of thinking, many people should pay attention to the concept of equality and anti-authority. In faith, people were more awakened to pay attention to emotions and in the evangelistic message to emphasize the experience of the soul and to be saved. For the church, the promotion of the establishment of various denominations has added new content to the cultivation of Christianity and the Sunday school movement had also arisen at this time.

The special awakening of the United States is to transcend sectarianism and region, focusing on life change, godliness, advocating commitment, and devotion to mission. A series of exciting meetings have been unfolding throughout the Americas and many revivals and repentant evangelistic gatherings have encouraged more people to devote themselves to the mission, speeding up the universal missionary movement and spreading the gospel to Africa and Asia.

This awakening movement evokes many secularized believers’ lives, rekindles the fire of revival, and is willing to commit to evangelism and devote to missions to save the souls of thousands. Through ancient history, this history may give a great revelation to the believers in Hong Kong today. It is necessary to teach the greater promotion of the mission, the revival of the believer’s life, and dedication is the first consideration.

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The Great Revival of New York (The Third Awakening)

The years leading up to 1857 were years of tremendous growth and prosperity for America. The population was booming and people and businesses were becoming wealthier. The “cares of the world” captured the minds and hearts of Americans, choking out their interest in God and His kingdom. Churches were declining in numbers, strength, and influence.

With little human planning, a nation-wide revival broke out among God’s people in “union prayer meetings” beginning in 1857. In the awakening that followed, nearly 1,000,000 people accepted Christ and became involved in churches in a two-year period. Based on percentages of converts to the general population, a similar move of God in our day would result in 8-9 million people turning to Christ.

The process of New York revival

  • Union Prayer Meetings – The growth of New York City began to force the wealthy residents out of the downtown area. They were replaced by unchurched masses of common laborers. Many churches decided to move to “more fruitful” locations. In a state of decline, the North Dutch Church decided to stay and reach the lost masses around them. They employed a business man, Jeremiah Lanphier, as a lay missionary. He began to visit homes, distribute Bibles and tracts, and advertise church services. Whenever he faced a discouraging response, he found comfort in prayer. One day he prayed, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” He sensed God’s leadership to begin a weekly prayer service at the noon hour for workers and business people to commune with God. He began on Wednesday, September 23, 1857, with six people attending. The second week 20 attended, and 40 the third. The hunger and thirst after God was evident and they began daily “union prayer meeting” the fourth week. People of all classes of society and form many denominations attended. The Economic Crash of 1857 – God has a praying people in place when the financial crash of 1857 hit one week after the daily prayer meetings began. “When it [the crash] came, merchants by the thousands all over the country were forced to the wall, banks failed, and railroads when into bankruptcy.”  In New York City alone 30,000 people lost their jobs. Added to the financial crisis, the nation was gripped by the tensions over slavery. The future of the nation was bleak indeed.
  •   In November 1857, Billie in Philadelphia began a noon prayer meeting.
  •  In March 1858, Revivalist Finney began a noon prayer meeting in Boston. The people who participated in this prayer meeting came from all walks of life. During the gathering, people sat quietly and prayed. You could only hear sounds of repentance and weeping. Some may share two or three words of encouragement, or recited one or two verses. Everyone felt that God was with them.
  • In October 1857, the fire of prayer was ignited in Ontario, Canada. Many people knelt before God pleading for grace and three or four hundred people were saved in a month.
  • In November 1857, news of the Canadian revival was sent back to New York and the churches realized that an unusual revival had begun. They held a revival prayer meeting and sought the revival of the church together. As a result, Pittsburgh and Cincinnati and other places began to hold a fasting and prayer meeting for revival.
  • The blessings of revival are not only manifested on land, but the Spirit of God also move upon the water. One of the most eye-opening stories happened in a US warship named North Carolina. When four navies prayed together, they were suddenly filled with the Holy Spirit and began to praise God and sang hymns. The personnel on the warship were attracted by the invisible spiritual power and were willing to pray for God’s grace in prayer. After that, there were prayer meetings every night and every time, someone was saved. Whenever these navies received the grace of God, it was transferred to other warships and they also started to hold prayer meetings.
  • In addition to United States being affected, the fire of revival also spread to other places, such as England, Scotland, Europe, and India etc.

Three factors contributing to this great revival:

  1. Before the revival, people only considered material money and social corruption. God used the economic panic to sway the hearts of the people, giving people the opportunity to reflect on the true meaning of life and prepare their hearts to return to Him.
  2. Beginning with a small prayer meeting, the believers prayed in unity and the Spirit of God quietly restored the spiritual life of the church throughout the country and planted the thought of hunger and thirst for God in the heart of men.
  3. The news of the revival of Ontario, Canada has inspired many New York Christians to seek revival. This is a timely spiritual encouragement and produces great results.


After the news of the Great Revival of the United States reached Pastor Spurgeon of London, England, on March 1858, he preached with the title of “Great Revival”. As he prayed that the Holy Spirit would greatly bless the church, he also did everything he can to encourage his followers to seek the same great revival for their country. The Great Revival also came to Britain in 1859. Therefore, we must pay attention to what happened in the churches of other countries. God may not put the fire of revival in our church, but may introduce the great revival into our church through the fire of revival of other churches.

The Ba’kalalan Revival

Ba’kalalan is a cluster of villages located near the Sarawak/Sabah/Kalimantan border, some 2700 feet above sea level. Named after the Kelalan river which flows through the fertile area, it is home of the hospitable Lun Bawang people (formerly called Muruts).

Once fierce head-hunters given to excessive drinking and quarrels in the days of the Rajah Brooke, the early British colonia government had more or less left them to die out as a tribe because they were often “drunk before dawn”, plagued with diseases and wasn’t deemed salvageable as a people. When the gospel reached them 60 years ago, their lifestyles changed. Prized heads inherited from their ancestor were destroyed. The drinking stopped. So did their animistic practices. Wholesale conversion of longhouses and villages took place. However, over the next thirty years, the fire dimmed and the Lun Bawang people became spiritually complacent and dry.

In 1984, an outpouring of the Spirit took place in the villages of Bakalalan. This visitation was accompanied with unusual signs and wonders: water changed to oil, rice to flour, and fireballs and stars of fire lit up in the sky. There were angelic visitations. Central to this was a man of prayer and much humility called Agung Bangau. Just as God used Evan Roberts in Wales and William J. Seymour in Azusa, Pak Agung (as he was known) was used by God as the point man. He used to foretell the appearance of many of the signs that appeared during the years of 1984-85. Both the timing and the nature of these unusual manifestations together with the prophetic words released by him brought the people into awe and reverence of God and led to widespread repentance and worship. Some of the most beautiful singing you will ever hear in Sarawak are from this part of the world. It reminds you of what God did in Wales when new songs flowed from the softened hearts of previously crude and hardened coal miners.

The years after the first revival in the late 1920’s, which saw a dramatic transformation to the people and the land, were bountiful and peaceful. Everyone in the village worshiped the God of Israel and professed Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Little did they know that God had greater plans for them.

In 26 October 1973, the bible school teachers from Theology School of Sijil Injil Borneo (SIB) Sarawak and Sabah conducted a Teacher’s Seminar in Kampung Baru Theology School, Krayan, Indonesia. Participants came from all over Indonesia to learn all they can from the experienced teachers.  After the conference ended, Pak Tagal invited several Indonesian evangelists to visit SIB Buduk Nur, Ba Kelalan. These evangelists originated from Timur, Kopang and East Java where revival has taken place about 20 years before. Together they gave advice and guidance on how to harness the power of the Holy Spirit.  This was the turning point where Pak Tagal learned about the mighty work of the Holy Spirit. A desire and deep longing came to his heart to hear what God has spoken or revealed to them through visions, prophecy or audible voice. He led a prayer group with like-minded souls and God, in His grace, imparted many gifts during this time to the group. Every vision and prophecy was subjected and filtered with the Word of God to verify that the source is indeed from God.

A man called Pa Agong Bangau and a lady called Maria Gukang were part of this prayer group. God raised them up as His spokespersons and gave them the gift of prophecy. Through Pa Agong, God revealed His plans and purposes to establish Mount Murud as the site for His church. The church since 1973 was neither hot nor cold. But in 1984, there was a wave of revival. A church leader, by the name of Agung Bang Ngau (40+), was a prayer warrior. He would go up to the nearby mountain of Gunung Belinggi to pray from 6 pm to 6 am.

Agung even went all the way to Lawas’ highest mountain, Bukit Tabul, to seek God’s face. He then spoke to the people and convinced them that God was going to show a marvelous miracle up in Gunung Murud (2,423m). At that time, there was no trail and climbing up that mountain was extremely difficult. Nevertheless, some 700+ people, young and old,  believed him and went up. They formed a line like ants and Agung’s instruction was if there was anyone who got injured, every one must come to his aid.  At the mountain top, Agung collected a few stones and collected water from the stream. On top of the stones, he also placed some moss which were abundant. He then poured the water on them. Thereafter, he asked one of them,  Pak Taggal,  to collect some burning tweaks to light up the stones, but failed.

Agung then gestured the people to move away, warning that the fire would be huge. He removed the ceremonial belt from his waist, about a meter long. Its colour was red, white and yellow. He then used a long stick to go through the belt and pointed one end of the stick towards the rocks.  Suddenly, there was a big fire rising 30 feet high. The fire was awesome. The next morning there was no sign of the fire. The trees and leaves were not burnt. Only the rocks had been broken into pieces. This was the miracle that caused a new wave of revival.

Two months after their exciting prayer meeting at Mount Murud, a group of 40 worshippers went up to camp at Kebun Batu (Rock Garden), Mount Murud.  In their second prayer meeting on the mountain, the rocks around them moved and the stones stared jumping up and down. The trees changed their colours. The people were amazed at all of this beauty.  “What does this all mean, Lord?” Pa Agong cried out in wonderment.  God said, “This is the place I give to you to come and worship me. As you worship and pray, everything will move and praise the Lord. Even the colour of the trees and grass will change. It means that everyone who comes to this mountain to worship me wholeheartedly will be changed. They will love one another and love me more.”

Agung then rallied the people to build a church in the mountain. The area that he pointed at (where the present Church Camp is now located) was deeply forested. No one was able to see that the whole area was in fact a plateau. But God told him. The first church building was only 20 feet by 40 feet.  Since then, every two years just after mid July, the people go up to the Church Camp to pray.  It was later (in the early 1990’s) that they began to build the present church building that would house 1,500 people inside, while 500 people would have to squeeze outside. Pak Musa and Pak Taggal, together with followers worked day and night to build the church building, working from 8 am to 4 pm, and then from 4pm to 6 pm, they built their own houses (which stand today).

The journey from Ba Kelalan to the mountain was a two-day trek. The first night was spent at Lepo Bunga. They carried with them chain saws, nails, hammers,  gasoline, zinc roofs, rice, cooking oil and whatever they needed. In those days, the trek was much more difficult than the present one and we could now start from Lepo Bunga. But everyone persevered without complaining. The weather then was extremely cold because the forest trees had not been chopped down by the timber loggers.

Signs and wonders during the worship and prayer sessions. Many suffering from illness were healed. Hallelujah!  Every year, an international revival party is held on Mount Murud praying for God to visit again, and the revival will come again. May God excite our hearts and make us cry out; Yes! Father God!  May the revival come to the whole earth!

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Tidal Wave of Revival in India – Praying Hyde

John Nelson Hyde was born in Illinois to a Presbyterian minister. This minister prayed that God would raise up more missionaries. John Hyde passed college and became a member of the faculty staff. Strangely, he resigned and entered into McCormick Theological Seminary, where his elder brother Edmund also attended. Edmund dreamed of being a preacher so in pursuit of that dream, he went to preach in Montana but suddenly died from a fever. Hyde wondered if he would take his brother’s place. In his senior year, he asked a fellow student, Mr. Konkle, for his reason for supporting missionary work. That night he decided to become a missionary at last.

He came to believe that God was calling him to India. He departed to India in 1892 to preach in the Punjab region. On the way there, he read a letter from a friend who said he would ask God to fill Hyde with the Holy Spirit. Angry at the suggestion that he did not already have the Spirit, he threw it away. However, he then humbled himself and prayed to God for help.

Because of Hyde’s severe hearing impairment, he struggled with learning the native languages. But what surprised his boss was that he spent most of his time studying scriptures instead of the language. What he showed was his persistence in his vision. His mission at first gained few converts and endured persecution, so he began to pray very intensely. In 1899, he fell down before God all night. In his letter to his alma mater, he wrote, “Have felt led to pray for others this winter as never before. I never before knew what it was to work all day and then pray all night before God for another… In college or at parties at home, I used to keep such hours for myself, or pleasure, and can I not do as much for God and souls?”.

In 1904, Indian Christians and Western missionaries gathered for the first of an annual series of conventions at Sialkot in what is today Pakistan. He formed the Punjab Prayer Union, in which the members would set aside half an hour a day to pray for spiritual revival. In 1908, he told everyone at the conference to pray what was deemed as an impossible request: that during the coming year, one soul will be saved a day.  Before the second convention, Hyde prayed that more than 400 people will enter the kingdom of God. When the prayer union reunited, his goal was doubled to two souls that were saved each day. In that year, there were more than 800 new believers recorded.

At the 1910 conference, he exclaimed, “Give me souls, oh God, or I die!”. Before the meeting ended, John Hyde revealed again his goal for the coming year. This time, he declared that it will be four souls a day to be saved and nothing less. During the next 12 months, Hyde’s ministry traveled throughout India. By this time, he was known as “Praying Hyde” and his intercession was sought at revivals in Calcutta, Bombay, and other large cities. If there was any day four people were not converted, Hyde said that at night there would be such a weight on his heart that he could not eat or sleep until he had prayed through to victory. When Hyde was in Calcutta, his friends persuaded him to go see a doctor about his rapidly deteriorating health. The medical examiner said Hyde’s heart had shifted out of its natural position on the left side and moved to the right side of his chest. The doctor has never seen anything like that before and warned Hyde that unless he got complete rest, he would be dead in 6 months.

However, Hyde actually lived for nearly two more years. He not only witnessed the wave of revival sweeping the entire Punjab, but also saw major changes in spiritual conditions in other parts of India. He saw that the vision was expanded. Before he died, he shared the revelation that God gave him:

“On the day of prayer, God gave me a new experience. I seemed to be away above our conflict here in the Punjab and I saw God’s great battle in all India, and then away out beyond in China, Japan, and Africa. I saw how we had been thinking in narrow circles of our own countries and in our own denominations, and how God was now rapidly joining force to force and line to line, and all was beginning to be one great struggle. That, to me, means the great triumph of Christ. We must exercise the greatest care to be utterly obedient to Him who sees all the battlefield all the time. It is only He who can put each man in the place where his life can count for the most”.     

May the vision that Hyde saw in the past continue to be fulfilled now. God is calling His intercession prayer army around the world. Those who have ears, let them hear, and every one who hears, respond to God’s call, sanctified and obedient, and every person, so that God’s will can be done on earth as it is in heaven!

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Great Revival of Shandong  (1927-1937)

The revival of Shandong and the revivals around China between 1927 and 1937 were collectively referred to as the great revival of the Chinese church. Today in our cry for revival in the church globally, let us take a good look at the great revival of Shandong, it can be an inspiration and motivation for the global church to pursue a revival.

Pastor Charles L. Culpepper born in Texas, USA, (1895-1965) and missionary from Norway Marie Monsen (1878-1962) are two of the main Western missionaries who witnessed the revival of Shandong. This great revival brought about a wonderful impact, it greatly helped the pastor Culpepper in his ministries. For example, the number of students in the seminary has increased from 4 to more than 150; more than 600 middle school girls have made their decision for Christ, and 900 of the 1,000 male students also made the same decision: one church that had only 20 some people, In the ten-day evangelistic meeting had about 100 people gave their lives to the Lord; In another church, there were 203 people who received baptism. In addition, there were many signs and wonders and miracles in the entire revival movement.

The beginning of the Revival: The prelude to this great revival was, the wife of Pastor Culpepper suffered from serious eye problems, and missionary Monsen offered to pray for his wife’s sickness. Pastor Culpepper was very concerned about this because the Baptist Church was not used to praying for the sick. As a result, the next morning, about twenty people went to his house to pray together, and the people present felt as if the electric waves were circulating throughout the body, and everyone that felt a sense of electricity went through their body, in the spirit they felt such a closeness as if they were partaking the Lord’s supper. Suddenly, the wife of Pastor Culpepper was able to remove her glasses and continue to kneel and prayed with everyone. During this time, God seem to have entered the room personally. Everyone prayed and felt that heaven had come to earth. The glory of God filled their souls and spirit. After this prayer, the eye disease of Pastor Culpepper’s wife was completely healed, and no longer recurred. God truly heard their prayers.

Spread of revival

  • Repentance of the broken and contrite heart: The special feature of this great revival was as people got close to God, they naturally and sternly confessed their sins. Some people experienced a fierce spiritual struggle even for the 25 cents that they stole in their childhood, and finally they took action to overcome the struggle. Another teacher, who confessed more than 60 sins to the Lord, and led 18 students to pray for the whole school, they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and was later elected as the head of the mission. Someone because his neighbors refused to pay back a debt, took it upon herself to kill and eat the neighbor’s chicken for pay back, but the Holy Spirit moved her to admit her fault of presumptuous sins, and eventually led the neighbor to believe in the Lord. Whenever people humbled themselves and admitted their unworthiness, God started to move in the meeting, and people begin to acknowledge their sins and repent to one another.
  • Accompanied by signs and wonders: There were many miraculous signs and wonders that people can’t help but marveled by the works of God. The wife of a brethren was paralyzed for 18 years was healed by God. As a result, he resigned from the position of teacher and began to preach the gospel diligently: In addition, a dead woman who was already dressed in her shroud and prepared for her funeral, a new woman believer prayed for her, and the woman who was dead was resurrected. As a result, her whole family and the large group of people in the village all came into their salvation.
  • Breaking the scheme of the enemy: At that time, many people infiltrated into the school and was very organized in their work in the school. One time, a student was laying under the bench of the classroom in great pain, he asked Pastor Culpepper to see him and explained how he was opposing Christianity and how he was resisting God’s salvation in the meeting. But when he began to stand up and prepare to disrupt the meeting, he was suddenly knocked down by a power, he knew that it was from God, and realized and understand that Christianity is true. Also another young person was confessing his sins in great pain, because he had a hatred in his heart, he wanted to kill the Christian students and pastor Culpepper. After he confessed his sin, he completely collapsed and finally accepted Jesus Christ and was born again. After experiencing these things, Pastor Culpepper discovered that “the spies that lurked in the school, including the two that were mentioned, were about eight to ten people, about half of them were saved during the meeting, and the other half left the school, the spy network was completely destroyed, so it is evident to see when confronted with the attack of the enemy, the power and the authority of God will defeat them one by one
  • The manifestation of the Holy Spirit: At that time, the leaders of the Presbyterian Church felt the church’s revival movement “sometimes some of the expression were too excessive, but the whole movement showed the wonderful power of the Holy Spirit.” Some nurses were saved in the hospital, and even the women genitors were filled with the Holy Spirit, they were working and singing and praising the Lord, and every day the sick were saved. Some believers testified in the church, and the congregation mourns and confessed their sins, and seek the infilling of the Holy Spirit. The great revival spreads like fire to all the villages.


The climax of the Shandong Great Revival: (1936-1937): It was initiated by a group of women confessing their sins of abortion. It was also the era that Pastor Culpepper and missionary Monsen had experienced together.

  • The situation at home and abroad: In 1936, President Roosevelt proposed a new policy to promote a rapid economic recovery. In 1936, the German dictator Hitler reorganized his armament, and 99% of the German people also participated in the referendum under the supervision of the secret police. As a result, the rise of the totalitarian Germany was created. In 1936, China’s Xi’an Incident occurred on December 12 at the end of the year. In the second year of 1937, the Japanese army launched the 77 Incident on July 7 and launched a comprehensive war against China. .
  • Pagan women confessed their sins: Missionary Monsen came to China from 1907 after Boxer Rebellion, and in 1927 China began to experience revival. She prayed for revival for twenty years. She found that the Chinese church was desolate, with no spiritual life, and realized that it must begin with the reading of God’s Word, and the truth must become practical in life. She and other female missionaries received from Psalm 68:11: ” The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.” So they began to watch and pray for women believers and hold Bible study classes to teach women believers. One time when “killing the baby” was talked about, suddenly a woman said with amazement: “aren’t we be able to treat our children as we will?” at that time all of the women confessed their sins except for two. For the first time in more than 20 years, missionary Monsen heard the women admitting killing baby is a crime. This was also the first time she saw the Holy Spirit dealing with a group of people.
  • The Great Revival broke out: The experience of that time caused the missionary Monsen not able to fall asleep, and the situation among the students was the same. One sister asked the missionary Monsen why she couldn’t sleep, they not only couldn’t sleep, and they were crying all night! Because God reminded them of many wrong things they had done, they kept on crying and crying out for God’s help. Thank God, the Holy Spirit convict people of their sins, no one can do it! On the last day of the Bible study, missionary Monsen invited the pagan women, and told them that they could come and talk to her in her room if necessary, and everyone arrived together. One of them stood by the door and held the doorknob and said, “I should be the first, because I am too painful, I can’t no longer wait.” One knelt next to the door, with her head to the ground and continuously repenting. After confessing her sins, the woman’s eyes shine with the eternal light, and the tired and aging face now exudes peace from God. Under the light of the Holy Spirit, she was completely saved. She said, “I was like a big robber that was taken to the judge by the police. When I pleaded guilty, the judge not only did not sentenced her to die, but let her in peace.” How wonderful! A woman who originally believed in paganism with the revelation of the Holy Spirit immediately realized the meaning of the “gospel”; a great and quiet peace filled him instantly, and missionary Monsen. During the revival, the village chapel that had been gathering by only more than 30 people and in about 10 day almost 100 people came to know the Lord. After that, the missionary Monsen’s area helped more than 3,000 people to come to know the Lord.


Since 1908, the revival of North China and Northeast China has continued and the revival spread like wide fire, until the Sino-Japanese War of 1936-1937.

We hope that through the history of the great revival of Shandong, can become the inspiration for us individually and for the church today, so that we can regain our strength and rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to diligently work hard to build God’s church and welcome the return of the Lord!

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The Great Revival of Pyongyang

Since 1907 till now, the fire of Holy Spirit has been spreading from the Datong River of Pyongyang to the whole land of the Korean Peninsula for several hundred years. In 2005, the data published by the Korean government indicated that Buddhism accounted for 22.8% while Christianity (including the Catholics) exceeded 28.3%.  The greatest church Yoido Full Gospel Church is standing by the Hangang River of Seoul. But the past missionary history in Korea was filled with bloodshed of many innocent lives of the missionaries and believers. They were martyred by the ignorance and cruelty of the people.

The sowing of the bloody missionary road    The large scale Great Persecution from 1866 till 1871 led to the death of 9 French fathers out of the 12 arrested and death of 8,000 believers (which is called the “Bing Yin Evil Prison” in history).  In 1866, the first Christian Reverend Robert Thomas was also martyred for transporting Bibles on an American ship. Robert J. Thomas, from 1839-1866, was the son of a British pastor. After graduation in 1863 he entered the London Missionary Society.  On August of 1866, less than 3 years of having stayed in Asia, Thomas was on his way in a commercial ship to Pyongyang and brought with himself many Chinese Bibles. Wherever the ship stopped by he distributed the Bibles.

At that time Korea closed its doors to foreigners and stopped all international trades.When the ship arrived in Pyongyang, the Korean soldiers burned it down with fire.  Anyone who attempted to fleewere killed immediately.  But Thomas was extremely bold, not afraid to die. When the ship was being burned, he began throwing Bibles, the spiritual books and the gospel tracts unto the land.  When it was his turn to get off the ship, being the last one, he was holding with his two arms lots of books.He strode through the water to get ashore, knelt before a soldier and the crowd, with his hands high up in the air to hand them the Bibles. When he fell down because of the beating by the Koreans, he squeezed the Bibles into their hands. They killed him, totally unaware that he came to Korea to help them.  The 27-year-old young missionary brought the love of Christ to Asia from afar through many dangers and was martyred by the Datong River upon arrival. A kernel of wheat thus fell to the ground and died, but produced many seeds.

The very same day by the Datong River, an 11-year old boy Ming Da Huang (another translation says he saw the process of the martyrdom of Thomas) just carelessly picked up 3 Bibles that Thomas threw out.  Also Zhi Liang Choi(phonic translation) also picked up a Bible, knowing it’s a forbidden book, and handed it over to an official in Pyongyang called Yong Zhi Pu(phonic translation). He didn’t burn it at once; instead, he took it home, tore it up page by page, and pasted it with glue on the wall as wallpapers. Thank God that the “wallpapered Bible” eventually led Yong Zhi Pu to believe in the Lord, as well as Zhi Liang Choi who also believed in Christ after visiting Pu very often at his home.

That youngster Ming Da Huang who picked the Bible up later became a member of Jiang Bian.  And Zhi Liang Choi became an elder in one of the churches in Pyongyang.  As for the house covered with Bible sheets, it became the first church in Pyongyang, which is the origin of the Pyongyang Great Revival in 1907. The ones who picked up the Bibles from Thomas, as well as the first Christian sister Xing Han Lee in Korea, and the person who got the last Bible of Thomas, Chun Chuan Pu, also became a minister in a church 30 years later.  They later found out that among the many people who flooded into churches, quite a number of them were the ones who picked up the Bibles that Thomas threw out.

Yuanshan Revival Movement   Actually, when we talk about the Pyongyang Great Revival, its origin started in Yuashan in 1903. Through the Holy Spirit, Robert Hardie, a speaker in a prayer meeting confessed in tears to the missionaries and during Sunday services before the congregation, “In fact we have never loved the Koreans. I always feel I’m far superior than the Koreans. I rely on my diploma from my medical school more than on Holy Spirit. I always feel they are very filthy whenever I see Koreans. I think their cuisinesand their culture are undeveloped.My heart is so filled with this kind of arrogance…”. He repented in front of everybody of his pride, hardheartedness, and lack of faith. This confession initiated the Pyongyang Great Revival.  A western missionary who had been  highly esteemed in the hearts of Koreans would so humbly repent in front of them all, and this brought tremendous impact to the Korean believers.

Pyongyang Great Revival   From Jan 12th 1907 on, W.N. Blair shared messages at the Presbyterian and the Deacon’s Bible study in Pyongyang. He mentioned the body of Christ from the book of I Corinthians 12:27 that we are the body of Christ. But the following evening, the meeting became very cold, as though Satan was crushing over the whole congregants. It seemed he had hindered the ascension of the prayers.  Even Elder Ji Shen Zou asked the congregation, “Are you all dead?”. Both he and the missionaries didn’t think the Bible study should end like this, so in the noon prayer meeting on the 14th when they gathered they prayed earnestly, but this time God didn’t ignore their prayers.  After the message shared by William B. Hunt, pastor Ji Han Lee came to the podium to ask the members to open their mouths to pray together.As they began praying, it was different from the day before.

At that time, Elder Ji Shen Zou stood up and repented before everyone, “I’m a very bad person. Because of me, God cannot bless us. When my friend was dying one year ago, he asked me to go to his home and said, ‘Eelder Ji, I’m departing from this world.Please take care of my wife and children.’ I replied to him, ‘I will, don’t worry.’ But when I managed his finances, I stole an equivalent of US 100 dollars.It is me who is hindering God’s work. Tomorrow morning I’ll return this money to his family.” After the repentant confession of Ji Shen Zou, the strange force that was oppressing the church seemed to have vanished.

After the meeting, about 600 people stayed on and kept praying, and around 2 am, a strong visitation of the Holy Spirit came, which was deemed the strongest power since the Pentecost from the book of Acts.The Pyongyang Great Revival started. The spirit of repentance by Holy Spirit fell upon the 600 people, and it was their first time to have ever experienced the work of the Holy Spirit. According to London Times, when people uttered “Father!”, there would flow an irresistible force from the outside to the inside of the sanctuary. Members started crying and praying fervently through the night. This kind of fervent touch lasted for several days; their open prayers together echoed among the pillars. No one would say the heart-piercing weeping came from eruption of broken hearts. They all knew that was the sounds of praises out of the pouring of the Holy Spirit.

Subsequently many churches held special meetings in Pyongyang for up to one month.  Even schools needed to stop classes for the children to gather and weep for their wrong-doings. Two 9-year old boyscried and said after the meeting that they would pray for their unsaved parents. Two years later, their families were all saved. The currents of the Great Revival spread to every street in Pyongyang. Repentance didnt just mean confession and crying, but also repentant actions. People started to return items or money they owed and admit that they had hurt each other. They even included the recompense for their past sins. Peace always followed after this kind of redemptive actions.  During those days, the people of the whole city went to each house they had harmed and asked for forgiveness and returned items and money, Christians and nonbelievers alike.The gigantic river of revival also flowed into the city schools. At the prayer meeting led by Jin Chun Shin in the Chun De School, about 300 students repented publicly. The fire also spread to the schools and students in the Deacon’s denomination. Every alley and street in Pyongyang was visited with the torrent of the great revival.

Those Korean Christians who were cleansed by the spiritual fire made a wish to spread the gospel to the whole nation in one year.  They donated lots of money to send the chosen preachers to preach in the un-reached areas.  Then, in order to increase the effects of spreading gospels, they printed several million copies of the Bible, and sold 700,000 copies in one year.  Moreover, they sent missionaries overseas to evangelize abroad.  For example, they sent a missionary to Hansen in Siberia to feed the Korean immigrants there.  Besides, many were sent to remote islands, while some were sent to the provinces in Mainland China.

The revival movement opened a new era for the Korean Christian churches.  Even today its impacts still reach to the hearts.  Though it was filled with all sorts of political, warring, social, and economic problems at that time, it couldn’t have slowed down the fire of Holy Spirit. Whether it was church, seminary or general schools, it was all filled with the torrents of revival. Churches had strong burdens to pray, as well as burdens to preach to all over Korea, Japan, and China. Therefore, the focus for the first of newly founded Korean meeting is evangelism. When believers were set free from hatred, revival came. This power of revival also sustained the Koreans churches for the coming 36 years of persecution from the Japanese colonialism(In 1910 Japan officially merged Korea, and the Japanese occupation lasted till 1945 until the end of the Second World War).

Through the genuine repentance of the Korean Christians, their living out of the Word of God, and unceasing prayers, we have seen the marvelous things in the Pyongyang Revival. Just like what the reporter William T. Ellis of the Philadelphia Press excitedly recorded the influence of the revival movement towards Korea: “Now, Christianity is changing the characters of Korea.” Through the repentant prayer in unison from these Korean Christians, it birthed the Pyongyang Great Revival, and it changed Korea. May God also provoke the body of Christ in all the globe to fast and pray in unison to shift the nations, so the will of God can be done on earth as it is in heaven!

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The Welsh Revival ( 1904-1905)

The Welsh Revival did not last long, but it was almost called the greatest revival in history.  You cannot find a place in the Bible or in the church history where a revival occurred as quickly or as far-reaching that has as much intense impact on the world as the Welsh Revival. The fire of the revival burned so fiercely that revivals broke out in the rest of the world wherever its news was spread out through letters or newspapers. Today, over a century after the revival took place, those who read or heard the story are still deeply shocked and are filled with conviction and hope.

On the eve of the Welsh Revival:  Before the revival, the British society was full of corruption, gambling, and alcoholism, and the Church lost its appropriate essence.  At the end of the 19th century, European churches were exposed to enemies. Inwardly, liberal theology was over-exalted, and believers were consumed by criticism and some theories that suspected the authenticity of the Bible.  Outwardly the Church was attacked by Darwin’s theory of evolution, Max’s communism, Freud’s psychoanalysis, and various humanism and secularism. The Church gradually lost her spiritual influence and testimony.

Since all the churches were in this situation, and the church in Wales was no exception.  Christians became lukewarm and led an ungodly life, church attendance declined, ministries became stagnant, and the pulpit gave boring messages.   Enthusiastic Christians voiced their eagerness for revival and began to cry out to God fervently for it.

The Leaders of the Welsh Revival:   In the Welsh Revival, the most striking figure was Evan John Roberts. He was originally a Christian in Loughor unknown to anyone, but he came out of obscurity since the revival was made known.  Roberts was born in 1878 to a miner, and he later became a blacksmith.  After Roberts was saved, he heard in a meeting, “Be faithful. If the Holy Spirit comes while you are absent, what would you do?”  He was deeply touched and loved God very much. He always carried a Bible with him so that he could read it during breaks.  At the same time, he also prayed urgently in abandoned coalmines for various needs of the church.  His greatest desire was revival.  He faithfully attended all church meetings because he accepted an advice from an elder in the church, “Don’t miss any opportunity to be blessed by the Holy Spirit.” He studied the Bible very hard, always carrying the Bible wherever he went.  Because of his introverted personality, lack of talent for speech, and lack of the gift of interpretation, few people would believe that he would become a vessel for God.

Yet Roberts was called by God to preach. He went to the preaching school of Newcastle in 1904 to study in order to receive training as a preacher in the future; but he did not complete his studies, and he was moved by the Holy Spirit to return home. One night, when he was kneeling beside the bed, he felt as if God was calling him. By that time, he had prayed for revival for more than a decade. In the next three months, he had a close relationship with God in the spirit, spending about four hours each time. There was only one prayer: “Lord, bend the church to save the world.” By the word “bend” he meant surrendering to God and God’s will and removing any resistance thereof.  People around were surprised and deeply touched; gradually more and more people joined him in prayer. Before long, all the miners were touched and joined the prayer, thus initiating the Welsh Revival.

  1. If Wales wishes to receive the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Christians should abide by the four main points.” This is very famous “Four Points” of his messages.Confess all known sin, receiving forgiveness through Jesus Christ.  The Church needs to be cleansed. Since the Bride is supposed to be blameless, we should not compromise with sin. Remove anything in your life that you are in doubt or feel unsure about.
  2. There should be no darkness between believers and God.  Have you forgiven everyone? If not, do not expect that God will forgive your sin. The Bible says it clearly that we will not be forgiven unless we have forgiven others. Unforgiveness blocks us from God.
  3. Be ready to obey the Holy Spirit instantly  Do what the Holy Spirit urges you to do. If we wish to be used by the Holy Spirit, we need to obey Him promptly, absolutely and without questioning.
  4. Publicly confess the Lord Jesus Christ.

This is not a one-time task when or after we were saved. For Christians, it is our lifestyle.

Within one week, such gatherings were held continuously, and the spiritual atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic.  At that time, they did not focus on preaching during meetings. They spent most of the time singing, witnessing and praying.   Roberts might only say or pray a few words in the meetings. There was no fixed time and place for the meetings because meetings could take place anywhere. There was a meeting in almost every house, and each house was crowded with people. They could meet in the midnight or at the daybreak.  In different gatherings, Roberts continued to call on believers to obey the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit greatly demonstrated His power. The number of attendance was increasing, and the gathering time was extended. Gradually, the entire community felt shocked.

For a time, there were prayer meetings in various places such as mines, trains and trams.  Many wonderful testimonies happened: Thieves returned all the stolen goods to the owners; debtors paid off their debts; the aggressive, gamblers, etc. all returned to Christ.  A young man even returned his medals and diplomas because they were obtained by unjust methods. The casinos were all closed. The courts could no longer hear swears in the court and the judges had no cases to judge,  The Bible in the bookstore were sold out, because people who used to read frivolous literature were now reading the Bible.  When one newspaper reported the revival openly together with all the wonderful things that took place, the other newspapers followed suit. The news of the Welsh Revival swept throughout the world.

At that time, Mrs. Penn-Lewis, a Christian who knew God, also participated in the gatherings of the Welsh Revival.  Although she didn’t feel the gatherings were held like typical Christian meetings, she witnessed, “I don’t know why.  There is something very strange there.  It is very special; it sounds noisy outside, but these people are in one accord inside.”

In February 1905, Roberts preached the gospel to Welsh people in Liverpool, England.  750 people believed in the Lord.  Then he traveled on a mission trip for two months in North Wales.   At the end of May, a total of 100,000 people decided to believe in Jesus.   Later, the fire of revival spread to Conwell,  England, and the news of the church revival spread throughout the world. In 1909, no one in a particular city got saved, because all the people there had been saved.

  • The impact of the revival went deep in the whole society.  The morality improved greatly, and people’s lives changed substantially.
  • Bars and theaters closed one after another, and the wine industry suffered major losses.  A theater company in a certain place felt that they must leave because the whole “world” was praying and there was no way for them to attract audience.
  • The debt that had been owed for a long time were paid off.
  • Things stolen were returned to the original owner.
  • Prayer meetings were found on the trains, on the trams, in the coal mines and everywhere.
  • The stablemen no longer cuss and their horses could not understand the commands given in their new languages.
  • Young people returned medals and diplomas that were obtained in an unjust way.
  • Social security improved. In many places, judges had no case to judge.  The lawyers who lost their jobs formed choirs and sang in different events.
  • Members of parliament disregarded boring political issues and spent time attending prayer meetings.
  • Newspapers had no atrocities and gossip news to be reported; instead they reported on the revival in all localities.
  • The Bibles were sold out in bookstores.
  • Worker productivity attained the highest records in years.
  • Political gatherings and ball games were postponed because both members and players participated in this revival.

Roberts most famous prayer was: “Oh, Lord, bend us!” Christians must humble themselves and restore a correct relationship with God for the Holy Spirit to breakthrough and save people.  Roberts didn’t give long sermons; he spoke or prayed only a few words, yet the whole congregation would cry and dance. They did not meet at a fixed time and place. They could meet anytime and anywhere. Whenever they came together they met whether it was midnight, or early morning. There were revival meetings in almost every family andwere prayers. You couldn’t tell who the preacher was because sometimes a person would stand up and pick a hymn for everyone to sing. Sometimes someone would stand up and read a few verses.

May the God who gave the Welsh Revival also give every one of us hope. I believe that the key to revival is in our hearts, as long as we are willing!

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The Testimony of Azusa Street  Revival

In April of 1906, two major events took place in California. At 5:13 am on April 18, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck San Francisco, causing a fire. The fire line was eight square feet wide, causing more than 3,000 deaths and a loss of $350 million. At that time, San Francisco had a population of 400,000, and more than half of them became homeless.

At the same time, in Los Angeles, Southern California, a spiritual earthquake is brewing, and the impact is far more intense and far-reaching than the San Francisco earthquake. This spiritual earthquake not only shocked Los Angeles, but also shocked the whole United States and even the whole world, and the aftershocks continued to last for a long time. The number of people affected in decades has reached hundreds of millions, which is magnificent.

“Black believers passionately pursued” In the city of Los Angeles, a group of black Christians gather regularly in Asberry’s house at 216 Bonnie Brae Street to pray. The leader is a 36-year-old black pastor named William Seymour.

[The Son of the Black Slave called to minister]. Seymour is a son of a black slave. He was born in southern Louisiana in 1870. His family is poor and often threatened by racist violence. He grew up in a Christian environment since he was a child. In 1895, Seymour accepted the Lord in the state of Indiana. In 1900, in Cincinnati, Ohio, he suffered from smallpox, which was extremely serious, and the smallpox caused his right eyes to be blind. Out of this infirmity he finally accepted the call of God to go into full-time ministry. In 1903, Seymour moved to Houston, Texas. He was so hungry for God that he prayed five hours a day for two and a half years.

[Family gathering, Starting Point of the Revival] During his service at the Houston Church, Seymour was invited to Los Angeles to participate in shepherding and he arrived in Los Angeles in February 1906. When he mentioned in the message that: In the bible, speaking in tongue is the testimony of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and he was asked to leave the church. He had to go to a private home to gather. Seymour lived in a home of a believer named Edward Lee. He was so hungry for God, so all he did was pray. He asked God what can he do, and the Holy Spirit said that he need to pray more. At that time he had been praying for five hours a day, so he increased to seven hours, and eagerly asked God to give him baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongue and the love and the power of the apostles. Because of the earnest prayer of Seymour, Ashberry that lived on Bonnie Brae Street opened his home to hold a prayer meeting. The prayer meeting grew rapidly. On April 9, Seymour laid hands on Lee’s head, and Lee began to speak in tongues. The news spread, Christians on the streets of Bonnie Brae are more eager in pursuing God, and as a result six people are greatly baptized by the Holy Spirit. The manifestation of the Holy Spirit was not just speaking in tongue but also shouting, slayed in the spirit, and running around in the room. Jenny Moore the neighbor. In addition to speaking in tongues, also began to play the piano that she never learned to play the piano. This piano is still located in the house of 216 Bonnie Brae now. The number of people attending the prayer meetings has increased to the point that it is impossible to hold in private homes. They had no choice but to find an old African-American Anglican Church in Azusa Street. That is the historical revival “Azusa Street” got her name. That was the beginning of the 20th century Charismatic movement.

[Single spark can start a prairie fire quickly]  At the beginning of the Azusa Street, there were not many people gathering. In the autumn, the number of participants was increasing. At that time, the traffic was not quite developed, but the visitors were coming and going non-stop. Three meetings a day, with as many as 1,300 people. In the beginning, this movement embraced blacks and whites. This is contrary to the situation in which most church races were separated at the time. In September, Seymour founded [The Apostolic Faith], the headline of the inaugural issue is “Pentecost is coming”, and the subtitle is “Biblical salvation and Pentecostal revival are coming to Los Angeles, just like the book of Acts.” The newspaper published the news of the revival that is spread at home and abroad, 50,000 copies was the peak of its publication. In this newspaper, they proposed that the Holy Spirit lead all sectors of society to participate in this revival movement. Seymour exalted the banner of “Unity in Christ”, not only to remove the barriers of race, but also to allow women in church leadership role. The Latino quickly joined the movement.

Seymour also changed the meeting place on Azusa Street to the Apostolic Faith Mission. Since the outbreak of the revival, the church has been gathering for 24 hours non-stop for three years, the fire of Pentecost spread to the whole world. Seymour has always taught people to exalt Jesus Christ. He said, “Don’t go out and talk about speaking in tongue, preach Jesus and His salvation.”

The revival of Azusa Street has made headlines in many mainstream newspapers in the United States, but it has also become the focus of mainstream sectarian investigations. Some of them think that Seymour is a heresy, but some people accept his teachings and even return to their own denomination to explain them. This movement was finally widely known as the “Pentecostal.” This is compared with the beginning of the church when the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost.

[People are gone, but the anointing still linger] Asberry’s 216 Bonnie Brae Street is the only remaining antiquities of the Azusa Street Great Revival. This is the area where Filipinos live. There were still people that lived there ten years ago, but now is listed as monuments and uninhabited. The owner who lived in the house ten years ago recalled that the house had heavenly protection.

The owner’s son, Sal, mentioned that in 1987, a gang had tried to rob the house. When the door was opened, the thief immediately fled and said that he saw the angel as he escaped. In 1995, an eight year old girl saw the vision of an angel surrounding the entire house. In the earthquake in Los Angeles in January 1994, the ceiling of the house was cracked, and the cracks disappeared automatically, leaving no trace of the damage of the earthquake. Many visitors came to pray and there were miracles happening. In March 1995, a woman with breast cancer was healed after praying there. In the same year, Sal was short of money and couldn’t afford school supplies. After prayer, a stranger put a box of notebooks in front of the door and said that God told him that the family needed notebooks.

Although Azusa Street has no material traces of a great revival, but in fact, with the establishment of the Assembly of God Church, the Four Square Church and other Pentecostal denominations, and the Charismatic Movement that arose later and the third wave awakening, the traces of revival are seen everywhere in the world. Azusa means “blessed miracles” in the Indian language. There are more than 600 million Pentecostal and spiritual believers in the world. This proves that miracles are still happening.

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The Testimony of Argentina Revival

As early as the 18th century, in 1818, the Scottish Baptist missionary James Thomson was sent to Argentina to teach in Latin America.  It was an early Protestant missionary under this Roman Catholic sphere. . In the 20th century, Argentina fell into a spiritual crisis…

The sin of the idol of Jezebel. In 1946, the President of Argentina, Juan. Domingo, and his beautiful wife Eva Peron who was into witchcraft, brought idolatry and fornication into the country.

Witchcraft Invasion: Magongba is a kind of sacred religion worshipped by the indigenous people of Brazil. In 1950s, the Magungba promoted low-cost “Brazil tour” to the Argentines, during the Brazil tour, groups of Argentinian were brought into the ceremonies that gave tribute to the Magungba, resulted in thousands of tourists were being possessed by evil spirit, after they returned to Argentina, it affected the spiritual atmosphere of Argentina, it was clearly controlled by the evil spirits, full of witchcraft everywhere. Before the revival, there were only a few Argentine Christians. If there are two people who believe in the Lord in the Church in Argentina, it is considered revival.

1950 – Chaco jungle area across Bolivia Paraguay Argentina: The church in Chaco had lost its original love for God. In 1950, the pastors of the local church heard the pouring out of the Holy Spirit in the South, they sent fellow workers to study.  After seeing the work of the Holy Spirit, they were greatly motivated, so they went back to Chaco to share. The hearts of the people began to seek God, especially the youth.  A girl who had always been very difficult to deal with in the church, was the first to receive the Holy Spirit. A gangster name Alexander was totally transformed by God and became a young man that prayed.  Because of prayers, the spirit of repentance was pouring out in the place, everyone old or young came to the church humbled and repented for their sins, and this revival lasted for several months.

In 1951, God visited the Bell Bible College In 1951. Alexander who was once a gangster, was called by God to be equipped in the Bible College in Bell City.  For months, Alexander went to the field outside the school at night to pray, because of his prayers, the Holy Spirit visited him and the entire college. The school was filled with the spirit of repentance and forgiveness.  People naturally prayed in the Holy Spirit, a great wave of prayers came upon everyone, whether they were students, teachers or preachers, all went into deep weeping, the old self was broken, the burden of intercession for the country deepened. They began to pray for various cities and nations by name. After three months of earnest prayers, God gave the vision to this group of persistent prayers – the Great Revival is about to come to Argentina.

1952 – Eva, who led the country into a crisis of faith, passed away. Eva, the beautiful wife of the Argentine dictator, who was passionately into spiritualism, and leads this Catholic-led country into a realm of evil spirit. She died of uterine cancer in 1952, only 33 years old.   After that, God gave a great amount of information through the prayers among the people who watched the revival in the Bells, they experienced the most difficult period of waiting with expectation for two years.  Until 1954, when the time was fulfilled, the Spirit of God came to Argentina and neighboring countries……..

1954 – The Holy Spirit spreads to Argentina in 1954, Tommy Hicks an evangelist in Washington, USA, gathered 50 young people to pray and fast for the revival for 50 days.  On the 49th day, he received a message from God to send him to Argentina to hold a meeting and told him to buy a one-way ticket to find a Mr. Peron.  He asked the stewardess, if she know a Mr. Peron in Argentina?  She replied: “Of course, he is our president!”  After arriving Argentina, he went to the presidential palace by faith.  The guards stopped him at the door.  He said that he would see the president because he wanted to hold a healing conference.   In this gathering, God will heal the sickness of the people. The guard was amazed. “God can heal people?  Can God heal me?” He said that he has hepatitis and is suffering.  So Tom held his hand and began to pray.   As soon as he prayed, the guards stepped back two steps and said, there is no pain, all the pain was gone, so he promised Tom to come back the next day and take him to the President.

On the next day, the guards took him to see the President. The local mayor was also present. Tom told the President that he would hold a healing evangelistic meeting, need to rent a gymnasium of 25,000 people, and have newspapers and radio stations to promote the evangelistic meeting. The President asked him, “Do you mean that Jesus, who has been dead for nearly two thousand years, can heal people as he did when he was on earth?” Tom replied, “Yes, I certainly believe.” The President asked again, can He heal him? Because he has a skin disease that is difficult to cure, there are scars on his face. Tom immediately held the President’s hand and began to pray.  In an instant, the President said with amazement: “Oh! I am healed! The scars are gone!”

Revival explosion – Fifty Days of Healing Evangelism Conference Due to the personal experience of the President, an order was issued on the spot to allow the people to have complete religious freedom from now on.  Later, with the cooperation of the mayor, a healing evangelistic conference was held.  Beginning a fifty-day healing mission.  A wide variety of people come to the meeting, and every day, people’s bodies were restored to health, or the minds were renewed.  Rich, poor, educated, uneducated, high-ranking, and low-ranking, governor or beggars all met God in these days.  From mid-April to mid-June 1954, almost two months, the glory of God spread throughout the land.   God touched and kissed the land, and the blood of Jesus cleansed every place to make it whole, and the traditional church began to accept the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  All walks of life have dedicated themselves, the pastors worked hard, and the Argentine churches have been greatly renewed.  Around the 1950s, this gathering was the largest in the history of the church.  According to the statistics of the police station, a total of 6 million people participated in this healing evangelistic conference, which broke the traditional dark forces of idolatry in Argentina and led to the great rejuvenation of Argentina.

The revival effect lasted for ten years. Ed Miller recorded this great revival in the book, Pastor Miller described: “The group of ecstatic people began to have hope. The original Argentine people were set on fire like Pentecostal believers.  Every night, when God released the messages of joy through Pastor Tom, the people sang in a loud voice to respond to the power of God…  They found the source of life, the healing water flowing out, and the power of God running among the people.”

Jesus is the God who was and is and is to come, and the miraculous things  He did in Argentina, can still happen today.  Let us open up our mouths to ask God, so that His will can be done in the nations as it is in heaven!

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Revival Testimony:Moravian Fire  

An amazing thing happened back in the 18th century in German Herrnhut, out of prayers for 9 little girls brought about a great revival that impacted hundreds of years…. 

What Led to The Revival: Centuries of persecution caused many Protestants to be  displaced all over.

What took place in Herrnhut of a German count, impacted the global evangelism for over hundreds of years to come.

Moravia and Bohemia in ancient Europe was situated in the Midwest of current Czech the Republic. During the 7th and 8th century, the local people received the gospels, first through the Greek Church, then through the Roman Catholic Church. But at the start of the 15th century, the Roman Catholic church was hypocritical and corrupt. Reformed leader of Bohemia John Huss, enacted a series of reformational movements and was burned at the stack by the Roman Catholics for spreading the gospels (1415).  From then on, it became the dreadful land where Christians were being persecuted. Those who were faithful in spreading the gospels needed to hide from place to place, once they settled in a village Kurlwald, northeast part of Bohemia for a peaceful life. In 1457, these so-called “brethren of the laws of Christ “founded the church, and was called the [United Brethren] 

In 1722, the strongest and biggest monarchy in Europe, the Habsburg Monarch, forced the Protestants to be converted into Catholicism. They were persecuted for refusing to  give up their faith, the brethren had already been persecuted for several centuries. Many of them testified their faith through shedding of their blood. They were incarcerated, mistreated, drafted to military from their homelands, so the leader of the Moravian Brethren, Christian David, decided to go to seek a safe haven for them.

The Moravian Great Revival was located in what was bordering with today’s Germany, Poland and Czech.

The Birthplace of The Revival: The Estate of Herrnhut

Pleaded by David, Nicolaus Ludwig Zinzendorf, who was the count of Saxony of Germany, welcomed these escapees and took them under his wings against all opposition from his family, gradually David led about 200 people from Moravia who were willing to forgo everything, and settled in the village of Herrnhut that Zinzendorf set up for them, as a safe haven for the Christians from all denominations, and more so, it was the headquarters for the Moravian Brethren to send missionaries to all the globe.  The Lord prepared a safe haven, where their church can be refreshed and renewed…

Revival Starter: Prayer for the 9 Girls

The Moravian Great revival that went down in history, was started because of 9 girls; however for those who experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit,  couldn’t recount exactly what transpired on the day of August 13th of 1727. They only said “we were not sure whether that was in heaven, or we were still on the earth”…

What accounted for the climax event of the Moravian Great Revival on August 13th of 1727 was that the Count Zinzendorf had been leading nine girls (ages 10 to 13), and he was saddened by their spiritual apathy. No matter how many stories about Jesus Christ he told them, it was not penetrating their hearts.  When he was losing hope, he prayed passionately like a blazing fire, beseeching the Lord to grant them His grace and blessings.

Holy Fire Ablaze 

The German count who was just about 29 years old, kneeled and prayed for the girls without ceasing to the point of exhaustion, tears streamed down his face; This prayer availed incredibly, that was the beginning of the work of the Holy Spirit who gives life and strength. Not only count Zinzendorf, many brothers also wanted to gather at the castle of Hutberg regularly to pray and sing hymns in one accord.

On August 5th, the count together with the 12 to 14 brethren held an all-night prayer, everyone was greatly touched. On Sunday service August 10th in Herrnhut, Pastor Rotherham felt he was inundated by a wonderful but irresistible force from the Lord, he fell prostrated before the Lord, and everyone followed him and fell prostrated. In that atmosphere they prayed and sang hymns, wept and travailed. On August 13th of 1727, the Spirit of grace and supplication fell upon all the congregants, it felt like they clang unto the Lord closely, everyone felt the same way, and even the two members who were 20 miles away and did not know the situation of the gathering, felt the same blessings.  They couldn’t describe what had transpired, they could only say it was like in union with the Lord in heaven while they were still on the earth.

Unceasing Prayer and Global Evangelism

After that day, a thought came to some of them that they felt they needed to set aside time daily to pray. Everyone remembered what happened on August 13th as though it was yesterday.  They believed by praying persistently they would receive the promises of the Lord. Everyone felt a deep desire to give their heart to the Lord. Therefore, a 24-hour prayer initiated by the 24 brothers and sisters was birthed. 24 one hour shift day and night, each shift is decided by casting lots.  Very rapidly, more people joined the force of intercession, even some children with a contrite heart were in their midst. No matter it was a boy or a girl, they could feel the same intense desire for prayer. It’s literally impossible not to be touched by the prayers of these children. When the Spirit of grace and supplication poured upon these children, it was so effective that was beyond description. Indeed it could be said that the heavenly joy had visited Herrnhut.  Everyone was lost in the spirit, casting away the things of the world that was temporary . Their only desire was to be with their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to enjoy the eternal blessings.

This prayer meeting that was initiated in 1727, lasted 100 years. This prayer birthed the subsequent missionary movement, which was to bring the grace of salvation of Christ to the unbelievers everywhere in the world, including Vikings of Denmark, the aboriginal people in the West Indies, the Eskimos in Greenland, and the black slaves of the St Martin Island.  Its influences even reach to Suriname, the Gold Coast of Africa, South Africa, the Native Indians of North America, and Jamaica in the Caribbean. Even later on the Great Awakening in Britain and The New England, led by John Wesley and George Whitefield, traced their influences back to the Moravian Brethren.

This little flock of so-called “ignorant commoners”  sent out a total of 226 self-supporting missionaries all over the world from 1732 to 1760, they need to be self-sufficient in the new lands over more than 10 nations across the continents, some were potters, carpenters, and cemetery workers.  Someone once asked a brother en route to Labrador was he ready to embark, his immediate reply was: “Once I have a pair of shoes, I am ready to take off”,.” They brought their wives and kids with them and they were ready to die and buried at where they were going. What they did in 20 years had far surpassed what the Anglicans and the Reformed had done in 200 years. The Moravian Mission had sent out over 3000 missionaries in the year of 1930, and the ratio of missionary to believer is 1 to 12.

Lord! May You pour out the Spirit that set ablazed the Moravian Revival upon all churches all over the globe, to be blessings of the global mission! (Source from the Good TV Taiwan)


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The City Transformation of Manchester, Kentucky

A small community in Kentucky that went through an amazingly similar journey to what we are now going through as a nation. Not only did they face years of government corruption and control, but they faced decades of generational addictions, crime and outright hatred towards one another. Their story of breakthrough and transformation should not only inspire but give some insights into how to approach this battle from a kingdom perspective.

The incredible transformation story of Manchester, Kentucky, has been seen by thousands in Sentinel Group’s documentary film, An Appalachian Dawn (2010). The story unfolds of a drug-infested, crime-ridden community steeped in cycles of hopelessness and despair due to corrupt governmental control. It was only when the “good folks” in town started to lose their kids to drug overdoses and suicide that people got desperate enough to pray. Following months of crying out to the Lord and pleading for heaven’s intervention, they marched through town to take a stand against the corruption and control.

When 63 pastors openly repented of their apathy and lack of leadership in the public park, something broke. The fear of the Lord fell upon the 3,500 people gathered, and the tangible presence of God moved in. Everyone present knew something had changed. What followed is an amazing testimony of how the fear of the Lord and the supernatural grace of God enabled the citizens to rise up and take back their county—little by little. Though it would take almost three years for all the corruption to be uncovered and crooked officials brought to justice, their community saw tangible results that drew international attention. Their process of transformation is something our nation can learn from. Their responses to the ongoing threats and their fearless actions against impossible odds is proof of God’s power to change and transform, not only a community, but a nation.

Doug Abner (Appalachian Center for Transformation) was a local pastor who helped lead the charge throughout Manchester’s transformation. He tells of how unbelief and fear had crippled the church prior to the march in 2004. Due to the years of corruption of local officials and the rigged election system, believers felt helpless in making any changes. The lack of unity among churches only strengthened the resolve of corrupt officials to intimidate and threaten anyone who challenged their agenda. Even so, Abner shares that the day after the march, these same believers, now emboldened in their faith, came together to do something radical.

Instead of launching campaigns against the officials or publicly decrying their unlawful deeds, these believers went to the offices of these city officials with gifts of potted plants and asked if they could pray for them. One of these corrupt officials had previously threatened a pastor and his church. To their amazement, this official called in his staff and allowed Abner to lead them in prayer. Years later, this same official would confess Jesus as Lord and ask for forgiveness. The fear of the Lord was so prevalent that those involved in illegal activities began to turn on each other. As believers continued to pray and work together, God battled on their behalf. Even as the opposition continued, churches in the community began to see a dramatic increase of salvations, and the favor of God came upon the local church. Their unified stand and resolve to do things God’s way was paying off.

Abner shares that the book of Nehemiah became their blueprint for how to rebuild their community. It started by not being swayed by the criticism of their opponents or giving in to the threats and insults (Neh. 4:7-9). Instead, they sought the Lord’s strategies, worked together and got involved. With permission from the state attorney general, Abner’s church began to televise previously closed-door courtroom proceedings for accountability to the public. In 2006, they championed a “Promote the Vote” campaign to encourage local citizens to run for office. The event ran all day as 130 ordinary citizens, many of them believers, ran for office. In 2007, a Christian woman was voted in as mayor, and the community saw even more dramatic changes as she, along with other newly elected officials, began to lead the city with godly wisdom and creative strategies for growth. Churches began to offer recovery programs for drug addicts and a Teen Challenge Center was established, where lifelong destructive cycles were broken.

Abner said it was not always easy. The first few years were a challenge, as many illegal activities continued even in the midst of revival. Even so, God’s tangible presence gave the people a fearlessness to confront the challenges. They didn’t get caught up in opinions and avoided any negative statements about their city. Realizing the power of their declarations and the impact of their witness, they chose their battles carefully. Pastors agreed to focus on the non-negotiable—”heaven and hell issues”—and let the other stuff go. They were intentional in seeking the Lord together, knowing the true power of unity in defeating their enemies.

Within a few years, Manchester became known as a “city of hope” and a testimony to the world of a transformed community. Not only were the people changed, but even the land began to produce again. Animals returned to the forests, and the water became drinkable. Crime went down, and jobs came back. The downtown landscape was beautified, and tourism began to flourish.

With the increasing opposition to the new administration and ongoing threats against conservative values, how do believers face the uphill battle to rebuild America? With the leftist agenda continuing its assault and the likelihood of increased spiritual warfare in the public arena, what is our best strategy for gaining ground and keeping it? Is there any model we can learn from that will give us clues for success?

Thankfully, there is a small community in Kentucky that went through an amazingly similar journey to what we are now going through as a nation. Not only did they face years of government corruption and control, but they faced decades of generational addictions, crime and outright hatred towards one another. Their story of breakthrough and transformation should not only inspire but give some insights into how to approach this battle from a kingdom perspective.

The incredible transformation story of Manchester, Kentucky, has been seen by thousands in Sentinel Group’s documentary film, An Appalachian Dawn (2010). The story unfolds of a drug-infested, crime-ridden community steeped in cycles of hopelessness and despair due to corrupt governmental control. It was only when the “good folks” in town started to lose their kids to drug overdoses and suicide that people got desperate enough to pray. Following months of crying out to the Lord and pleading for heaven’s intervention, they marched through town to take a stand against the corruption and control.

When 63 pastors openly repented of their apathy and lack of leadership in the public park, something broke. The fear of the Lord fell upon the 3,500 people gathered, and the tangible presence of God moved in. Everyone present knew something had changed. What followed is an amazing testimony of how the fear of the Lord and the supernatural grace of God enabled the citizens to rise up and take back their county—little by little. Though it would take almost three years for all the corruption to be uncovered and crooked officials brought to justice, their community saw tangible results that drew international attention. Their process of transformation is something our nation can learn from. Their responses to the ongoing threats and their fearless actions against impossible odds is proof of God’s power to change and transform, not only a community, but a nation.

Doug Abner (Appalachian Center for Transformation) was a local pastor who helped lead the charge throughout Manchester’s transformation. He tells of how unbelief and fear had crippled the church prior to the march in 2004. Due to the years of corruption of local officials and the rigged election system, believers felt helpless in making any changes. The lack of unity among churches only strengthened the resolve of corrupt officials to intimidate and threaten anyone who challenged their agenda. Even so, Abner shares that the day after the march, these same believers, now emboldened in their faith, came together to do something radical.

Instead of launching campaigns against the officials or publicly decrying their unlawful deeds, these believers went to the offices of these city officials with gifts of potted plants and asked if they could pray for them. One of these corrupt officials had previously threatened a pastor and his church. To their amazement, this official called in his staff and allowed Abner to lead them in prayer. Years later, this same official would confess Jesus as Lord and ask for forgiveness. The fear of the Lord was so prevalent that those involved in illegal activities began to turn on each other. As believers continued to pray and work together, God battled on their behalf. Even as the opposition continued, churches in the community began to see a dramatic increase of salvations, and the favor of God came upon the local church. Their unified stand and resolve to do things God’s way was paying off.

Abner shares that the book of Nehemiah became their blueprint for how to rebuild their community. It started by not being swayed by the criticism of their opponents or giving in to the threats and insults (Neh. 4:7-9). Instead, they sought the Lord’s strategies, worked together and got involved. With permission from the state attorney general, Abner’s church began to televise previously closed-door courtroom proceedings for accountability to the public. In 2006, they championed a “Promote the Vote” campaign to encourage local citizens to run for office. The event ran all day as 130 ordinary citizens, many of them believers, ran for office. In 2007, a Christian woman was voted in as mayor, and the community saw even more dramatic changes as she, along with other newly elected officials, began to lead the city with godly wisdom and creative strategies for growth. Churches began to offer recovery programs for drug addicts and a Teen Challenge Center was established, where lifelong destructive cycles were broken.

Abner said it was not always easy. The first few years were a challenge, as many illegal activities continued even in the midst of revival. Even so, God’s tangible presence gave the people a fearlessness to confront the challenges. They didn’t get caught up in opinions and avoided any negative statements about their city. Realizing the power of their declarations and the impact of their witness, they chose their battles carefully. Pastors agreed to focus on the non-negotiables—”heaven and hell issues”—and let the other stuff go. They were intentional in seeking the Lord together, knowing the true power of unity in defeating their enemies.

Within a few years, Manchester became known as a “city of hope” and a testimony to the world of a transformed community. Not only were the people changed, but even the land began to produce again. Animals returned to the forests, and the water became drinkable. Crime went down, and jobs came back. The downtown landscape was beautified, and tourism began to flourish. (Source: Charisma News)

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Colombia—A testimony of city transformation in Cali

Cali, a world famous drug city, has had all kinds of crimes you can imagine, besides the daily ever-increasing violence and corruption. And this intensified the pressure to the church.

Marcy & Randy McMillan, are a couple experienced in ministry, have had lived in Cali for more than 20 years. For at least 10 years, they have lived under the shadow of notorious drug lords of the city. They have seen devastating outcome of the ruthless drug cartels, even in their own backyard. In 1980s, drug lords with illegal drug capital flooded into Cali, buying a whole street of mansions in exclusive residential district, and moving in close to the McMillan’s. Giberto Rouriguez Crejuela’s family was the head of drug cartels in Cali. It was told that they earn an average monthly income of 500 million US dollar just from drugs trafficking, and this did not include other sources of incomes, during the time when they control Cocaine traffic in the whole nation. For years, Colombia has been the largest Cocaine exporting nation in the world, with an output of more than 1,000 tons of drugs  to the European and the US nations.

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration said Cali drug cartels is not only the largest and the richest, but also the most organized criminal syndicates in history. With billions of US dollars at hand, their influence is everywhere, especially in Cali. Drug cartels certainly controlled the economy and politics in the whole society, not to mention their religious influence over the Pope.   At the time when Cali drug dealers were the most influential in the world, people could easily lose their lives. If you drive by an armed conflict, it would be a miracle for you or for the driver to escape this deadly encounter. Randy had witnessed five people lost their lives. Fear had captured everyone passing on the road. Numerous journalists were killed for exposing the evildoing in the Colombian gangsterdom. Their important national policies were manipulated by the drug money. The influence of drug money is in every aspects of the society, with no exception.

Now people can freely walk on the streets that used to be full of fear, this  can surely testify the huge change in Cali, but how did this transformation begin?

Just as every revolutionary story starts with intercessory prayers. Ruth and Julio Ruibal, a couple with ears to hear the Spirit, responded to God’s calling in 1987 to come to Cali among the companies of brothers and sisters who set their ears to hear God’s words.  They were discouraged for the extreme darkness in the city. But Houlio firmly believed the influences of the enemy would be crashed once God’s people pray with one heart. The problem was that no one is willing to take action. The churches were divided, each pastor minding his or her own business, no one would cooperate. Out of one disagreement, Julio decided to leave this powerless pastors’ association. Later he realized his action had deepened the division. God said to Julio, “You have no right to be offended, you must forgive.” He received God’s word and realized that he would not be offended, if he truly reflected the life of Jesus. Julio returned to the pastor association immediately and asked for their forgiveness. He also pointed out that there can be no more division, in the city facing such extreme challenge like this. Chances were slim, although different international and Colombian authorities had done their best to counteract the drug cartels with little effectiveness.

Pastors were worried and started to pray, asking the Lord to teach them how to pray and understand the roots of spiritual evil forces. In order to see what God has for the city the local Church began to do spiritual mapping to exam the spiritual forces in the neighborhood.  Mike Miller began to pass out the map of the city and distribute to the district  and community according to the cities, they need to report every serious problem happened in those District.  There was one troublesome discovery which is that the city was very much engaged in witchcraft, even the drug lords were the biggest patrons of the spiritual mediums and spiritual counselors.  The drug cartels and the leading spiritual mediums were closely connected, and through that, they had gained the authority of religious leaders, and being given over them even greater power in addition to the power to have gained through money.  When they began to break the spiritual stronghold of the city, the pastors in Cali recognized that they needed to have a joint worship and prayer.  At the beginning, everybody said this would not work for nobody would come.  The voices of those who were against it were very loud, but there were the leaders who were willing to do those others who couldn’t do, because they knew this was the will of God.

In the year 1995, the leaders of the church held the first all night prayer vigil to come against the ruling power of the darkness with prayer of unity believing God will begin to move in the church,  even the mayor came and prayed in the meeting.  He declared that Cali belonged to Jesus Christ.  When the Christians heard a government leader spoke those words, it confirmed the work of the Holy Spirit.  48 hours after the prayer meeting, the headline of the newspaper stated there was no murder cases in that day, as far as anyone can remember, this is the first time in the history of Kali that there was no murder case to a city that an average of 15 murder cases in a day.  This is a great news, after these big United prayers meeting,  it began to see the effects.  10 days later the first drug lord was arrested.  God began to change the city, they, being inspired by the spiritual powers from this first all night prayer meeting.  The church leaders decided to rent the biggest place in the city to gather at the Soccer stadium that can hold 50,000 seats.  Their  faith was not in vain, over 60,000 Christians from all denominations came together to pray and worship.

In the summer of 1995 all governmental officials of Colombia declared an all-out war against drug cartel, sending 6500 Special Forces to Cali, their mission was to capture the heads of the drug cartel, and at the time there were several major drug cartels.  They had started their fasting and praying for 9 months, then there were 6 lords of the drug cartel died. The spiritual atmosphere of Cali had already been changed.

While Julio was inspired by the work of God, he was also faced with the animosity of his neighbour due to a dispute over the land ownership. The neighbour was angry with him and threatened to kill him. Julio decided to fast and pray in order to know the will of the Lord. So he started to fast. On the third day, God spoke to him. God said, “he will seriously harm you, but out of that, the revival of Cali will spread.” One day, Julio was going to a meeting for the pastor association, it was 2pm in the afternoon, and the pastors were awaiting for him. When he got off the car to walk towards the church, 2 snipers were waiting for him and killed him. His wife recalled a scripture given by the spirit of God: “for our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all (2 Corinthians  4:17).” She knew she was standing on holy ground when she got off from the car and sat besides Julio’s body. She said to the Lord, “Lord, I know You search our hearts, but still I will say my heart is willing, if this is Your will, my heart is willing to obey.”

Hundreds of Christian under extreme shock of this tragedy, they could not understanding this was the will of God, came and gathered in Julio’s funeral, including many Pastors that had stopped speaking to one aother. All the pastors came and embraced one another and made a covenant of unity, agreeing to never allow doubt to come among them. More than 200 pastors joined in this Covenant. This Covenant became the pillar for the Watchman prayer of the city. It is this Covenant that transformed the whole city. Cases of corruption and bribery were greatly reduced, organizations that were selling nicotine were greatly affected. 60000 people prayed all night asking God to continue the miraculous things He had accomplished for the last 36 months in the city. As tens and thousands of people gathered within the stadium to rejoice and worship and praise, there were more than 10,000 people who had to be sent away by the security, those who were late did not want to leave, so they formed a praise and worship team outside and began to circle around the stadium for several hours. This is a miracle. It would have had been impossible for evengelical Christians to together like this just a few years ago.

When the kingdom of God came to Cali, many have experienced life changing testimonies, resulting of the government officials to recognize the positive influences of the gospel. They not only provided the 22,000-seat soccer stadium for free, but also provided free advertisement of the sound and security system. Their open attitudes toward the gospel have had affected on many levels in the society. Now believing in God is no longer considered to be strange, and the upper-class people no longer consider it to be ridiculous, they also admitted that they needed Jesus. In the past they thought believing God was a joke and no one would talk about it. Now when they mention Jesus, they will be respected and will not stop talking about it. Many churches of different denominations all have had explosive growth, when the pastors were asked for the strategy for church growth, they replied: We don’t even have time to plan, we are just busy pulling the net into the boats. Some Churches have more than 35000 members, so they have 7 services on Sunday. It is truly an explosive growth, almost every church is growing, people are hungry for God everywhere, whether it is on the bus or on the streets.  Wherever you go, the gospel can be preached. The church leaders believe this spiritual hunger is the direct result of the earnest prayers in unity. This is a constant and continuous process of repentance and reconciliation, wiping away every hindrance for the preaching of the gospel, and people are hungry to be closer to God, this is the direct work of God.

It’s interesting that God will even have chosen Cali, a city manipulated by money laundering, drug lords, and corruption, which is the worst city of pick according to man. However, we believe that God wants the world and its leaders to know that He can change a community as long as it is willing to repent. There is nothing too hard for the Lord, even it is hard for man! We believe God will not only make new things in Cali, Colombia, but in all over the world. Let us continue to pray according to God’s guidance until His will be done in our city, in our country, and in nations! (Source: George Ortis’ Transformation Video)

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Country transformation of Uganda

I have not spoken in secret, from somewhere in a land of darkness; I have not said to Jacob’s descendants, ‘Seek me in vain.’ I, the Lord, speak the truth; I declare what is right. (Isaiah 45:19)

Just only twenty years ago, every bad things you can image that can happen, happened in Uganda: dictator that involved with witchcraft, grand human sacrifices, and much persecution and killing of Christians. Many pastors were held in prison; AIDS reached as high as 34%, of the proportion, and the proportion of Christians is very scarce. If there are 5 people in the church, it is the “best” condition.

Since independence in 1962 to 1986, Uganda experienced a total of ten presidents; during the war, one is crueler than another, especially when Idi Amin was in power, he listed Islam as a state religion, killing millions of innocent people, and the secret tactic of evil spirits was running rampant, and a lot of Christians are persecuted. After Amin stepped down, Uganda continued to suffer from AIDS, leaving the country helpless. The United Nations Health Organization even announced that it was the country most affected by AIDS. Why is Uganda always a place of hardship and disaster in the eyes of the world?

Uganda was transformed miraculously

Twenty years later, today there are 90% of Christians in Uganda, only 6% of Muslims, signs and wonders and miracles swept across the country, leaders of the government, the military, and the business community have been reborn and saved. Even when the Christian president came to power, the government cabinet also had a “Moral Integrity Department”, which made a thousand-year vows with God to dedicate the country to God. Then AIDS patients miraculously recovered, Uganda’s economy began to flourish, rank second in the developed economies of Africa. How did Uganda turn things around? How was this all done?

All this is from the church in Uganda came together to earnestly pray for the country in accordance with God’s will! Uganda is the center of Africa. Some scholars describe it as the womb of Africa and carried the ancient civilization. Uganda has a long and spiritual history. From 1775 gospel was brought to Uganda, the power of darkness rises to fight with the kingdom of light. When white missionaries and local leaders clash and were forced to leave, a small number of black believers gathered to pray and even fast, so the Christian faith was able to be preserved, and the missionaries was able to send letters through Arab merchants to encourage the precious warriors of gospel.

In 1886, when the tyrannical king established Islam as the state religion, demolished the church and persecuted the Christians, and took the leader to the court for trial, many young believers were martyred. In 1893, the lukewarm spirit entered the church, and all fellowship stopped gathering, barely maintaining the worship of the Lord on Sunday. Until one day in 1915, a believer threw the baptism certificate to the pastor, indicating that he no longer believed in the Lord, because he was fed up with this kind of hypocrisy, living as a double-life. The young pastor cried out to the Lord in the secret place in the inner chamber, and repented to the congregation publically during the Sunday church sermon, immediately he received a response, from that moment on the church began to revive, the love of God entered the family, and influenced the neighbors. From 1775 until 1990, Uganda’s churches had undergone 6 transformational movements, testifying the miraculous power of God.

The key to prayer in the Uganda Great Revival

In the 1970s, President Amin came to power, he slaughtered ministers, and killed millions of innocent people… During that dark time, Christians hid in the jungle to gather and pray for the country, to intercede day and night. When the church in Uganda began to pray for the country in accordance with God’s will, the tyrant Amin stepped down two years later. At that time, Pastor John mulinde who God had chosen to lead the great transformation of Uganda, shared the prayer of breakthrough for the land, was to “establish an altar.” Pastor John put forth “Abraham’s strategy”, the most important strategy is to establish a personal prayer altar. No matter what industry you are engaged in, everyone can have a life style of prayer and maintain a heart and mind and habit of willingness to lay down oneself at any moment to commune with God. Establish a network of prayers that are in alignment with God.

Pastor John Mulinde heard God say, “Give me a net, I will pull your country out of trouble…” he continued to pray and seeks and understood the meaning of that “net” means a network of unified prayer. Unless Uganda begins to establish a network of unified prayers, individuals cannot face Uganda’s ruling power in the air alone, unless there is a vision that transcends individual ministries and sects, and expands to see God’s intentions toward Uganda, people cannot overcome the power of the evil forces in the air, it would be impossible to establish the kingdom of God in Uganda.

Thank the Lord, by relying on the Lord, Pastor John and his team did it. ” if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”(2 Chronicles 7:14) By praying for the spiritual environment of Uganda, and rebuking the spirit of the sorcerer, pleading and praying as if birthing pain for the revival and change, the incredible thing happened – now Uganda has taken on a new look, people are proud of being Ugandans, this is the result of the power of prayer!

No matter where you are, Pastor John Mulinde said: “Transformation begins with the longing for the living water of Jesus Christ.” In the face of the chaos and needs of the end times, rise up and build your altar (individual altar – family altar – church altar), and hand and hands join with in the nationwide prayer network and pray together with earnestness!

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Testimony of transformation-Almalonga, Guatemala

Almalonga, Guatemala was a city in extreme poverty.

The problem of alcoholism was very serious. Violence, ignorance, witchcraft, cults and idols worship,  After an encounter with God, the people experienced revival.  Over 20,000 people of the city decided to discontinue the custom of ancestral worship.  Today Almalonga has become the cleanest and prosperous city.  This is a city of the churches.  Many have used Almalonga as the role model for the world to transform societies.  80% of its population is born again Christians.  However, it was not like this before.

20 years ago Almalonga was a dark and dangerous place.  It was in severe poverty and ignorance.  Alcoholism was the major problem.  Due to all these issues, there were prisons all over the city.  Fighting was common, so the government officials built a number of prisons; however, the problem could not be solved.  They would transfer the prisoners to the cities nearby.  Family violence was also serious as both parents were alcoholic.  This caused many who wanted to escape from their sufferings to worship idols.  At that time the people believed Maximon was their highest god of guardian and this was the biggest stronghold of the city.  The influential power behind this idol had put the people of Almalonga in serious bondage.

Rev. Mariano Liscaher was one of the leaders who was instrumental to spiritually turn Almalonga around.

During this dark age, it was difficult to preach the gospel.  Any evangelists who came to the city would be beaten or stoned then be thrown out of the city.  Numerous small churches were also attacked.  Evangelical Christians were a despised minority.  One time six people pointed a gun at Rev. Mariano’s throat.  While they were just about to pull the trigger, Rev. Mariano quietly prayed to God for help.  When they pulled the trigger, nothing happened.  At that instance between life and death, God saved Rev. Mariano Liscaher, so he called everyone to pray and believe it was time to free the bondage of poverty, violence and superstition.

Intercessors of the time were filled with supernatural faith.  They sought the Lord and fast 3 to 4 days a week.  Every Saturday they held prayer meetings to watch and pray.  God opened heaven; many began to be delivered and saved, and they started coming to church.  After all kinds of signs and wonders happened, a multitude of people were delivered from the oppression of the devil.  The church also began to grow.  A woman named Teresa was healed from her disease.  Due to an unsuccessful operation, she was paralysed and her inner organs began to decay.  Her illness was progressively worse by the day.  They were about to make funeral arrangements for her.  While Liscaher was making funeral arrangements for her, God impressed upon him to pray for her.  After he prayed for her, she was completely healed.  She stood up, completely healed.  A few hundred people came to Christ because of her healing.  When people saw how the gospel transformed lives, they began to notice and were drawn more and more to the gospel.  Their lives have been transformed after they believed.  Now there are 24 evangelical churches in this city with a population of 19,000.  Mariano Liscaaher’s church can seat 1,200 and is mostly full.  The presence of the Holy Spirit is not only manifested in church growth, but many buildings on the streets are also named after the cities of the Bible.  There were 26 bars in the past, but now there are only 3.  They have stopped drinking and violence.

In the past 20 years the crime rate of this city has continued to come down.  Up until 1994, 4 of the prisons in Almalonga had been closed.  No one causes any more trouble in the city.  The barren land has become fertile valleys.  The fertile land has produced all kinds vegetables to be harvested 3 times a year.  Before the spiritual transformation, they could only transport their crops 4 times a month, but now 40 times a week.  Because of their tremendously bumper crops, the agricultural department of the United States would send their teams to survey this land.  They say the great harvest is all because of the visitation of God.  In the past they would need 60 days to harvest carrots, but now only 40 days.  The faith of the people has increased.  After the people are delivered, they work hard and cultivate their land productively.They have stopped their superstition and idols worship but fervently worship God and work diligently.  They continue to fast 3 times a week.  The more they pray, they more they demolish the power of darkness.  The neighboring village had celebrated idol worship before, but then 15,000 people gathered to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.  Prayers and fasting made them overcome the destruction of the power from darkness.  God has transformed the whole society.  (Source:  George Otis’ film:  Transformation of Almalonga, Guatamela.)

We are the generation to be used by God for spiritual revolution.    Let us join our hearts to pray to God and allow His power to come to transform our homes, our cities and our countries.

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Testimony of transformation-Kiambu,Kenya

Kiambu, a city which has been notorious for murder, rapes and violence, is the most decadent city in the history of Kenya.

The whole town had been hit with recession, and the churches were not going anywhere for her notoriety, due to her bad reputation, no one wanted to live there.  In 1980 this city had become the most oppressive place in Kenya. The numbers of bars and unlawful places far surpassed the churches and grocery stores combined.  On top of that was the growing rate for alcoholism, the crime rate for Kiambu climbed to the top one in the nation.   After nights had set in, no one dared to step out, particularly the women.  Public officials had accustomed themselves to the bribery with their superiors to elude tasks.   For many years, the town who held a population of sixty five thousand could not even get a church to grow more than dozens of people.   An exhausting pastor said that they did whatever they could to preach gospel but saved no one.

God called pastor Thomas Muthee and his wife there to build church.  Through intercession they came to recognize the causes of the spiritual oppression and resisted it.  Just like what the book of Ephesians says that for our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  The issue was not with the people in the town, but was how oppressive the demonic force was so it kept the people running in circles.  They prayed with all the fervency for six months and also conducted with due diligence of their research,  they fast and prayed to seek God for the real cause of it.  The Lord revealed that it was due to the spirit of witchcraft to have had put people in bondage.  Many problems in Kiambu are related to a witch called granny  Zen.  The place where she cast spells was called Emmanuel.  She lived by performing witchcraft.   Many politicians and business people consulted her for fortune-telling.   After grasping what the dark forces were in Kiambu, the couple, Mr and Mrs Thomas came to ask for help from God.

After praying for six months, they were very certain that the spiritual dark forces had been broken.  They held a one-week outdoor evangelism which led 200 people to Christ.  Very quickly it had become common practice to have the sick healed and the sinners repented and returned to the Lord.  They set up a 24-hour prayer center.  But granny Zen exerted witchcraft to counter attack, and there were heavy and oppressing spirits enshrouded over their prayer meeting and services.  The elders found out that there were handicrafts outside of the church that were made by granny Zen.  After realizing what their opposing dark forces were, the believers began praying that she either got saved or left the town.  Couple days later, her ability vanished.

She left the town a couple of weeks later.  God´s presence filled the town after the witchcraft in Kiambu had been broken off.  The atmosphere shifted, and it is the lowest crime-committing place.  The bars were shut down and were converted to churches, and the whole town became prosperous.  The presence of God brought changes, you could see prosperity all over, and people flooded in the town to purchase houses.  The population increased by 30%, as well as the numbers of people who repented to believe the Lord.  So far the church of Thomas grew to 5000 people.  The criminals, robbers and prostitutes gave their hearts to the Lord.  The on-going growth of the town has something to do with their on-going prayer.  Thomas said that prayer is to talk to God who is able to turn tides.  Prayers took back their lost grounds and sent strikes to the captives.  Every morning at six o’clock there were 400 people gathered together to pray. Every Friday is their watch prayer and every Wednesday night is their stormy prayer in action.  Thomas said prayer produces a shift for power.

If God can change Kiambu, then God can change the whole world.  Let us pray!(abstracted from the film Transformations by George Otis)

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Testimonies from the Church of Brunei

Over the years Muslims in Brunei have cast spells and performed voodoo magic on people to put them in their controls.  In 2010, the Muslims of Brunei used sorcery and witchcraft to attack the churches through traffic accidents.  During that time there were numerous traffic accidents that caused fatalities and injuries to the church ministers.  (There was a dividing gap within the church to give the enemy room to attack.)  God revealed to a missionary in a dream regarding these Satanic attacks.  God sent this missionary to Brunei to call the Brunei church to rise up to build prayer altars.  Seven churches responded to the call.  Each one of these churches were responsible for prayers for seven days.  Within these seven days, they not only prayed for their own church, but also watched and prayed for the other churches.  When they prayed in unity, God fought back all the attacks from the enemy and protected them.  These churches continue to pray for a year.  The church witnessed an ease of preaching the gospel.  More and more people came to believe in Jesus during this season.
A year later, the sorcerers of Brunei also joined force to start another wave of attack.  This attack became like a tornado to one of the churches in Selapon.  Across the street from this church were a Muslim mosque and Muslim residences.  Before the tornado hit this area, the Muslim priests would enter the church to persecute the Christians, to threaten to tear down the church and to imprison the elders of the church.  When the tornado swept through the area, most of the trees were blown down.  However, due to the covering of the prayer altars in unity and the personal prayers of the elders, brothers and sisters of this Selapon church, the church building was spared from damage from an almost completed uprooted tree in front of it.  Yet, the tornado hit directly onto the Muslim mosque and its adjacent Muslim residences.  The roofs from their houses were blown away and the wall of the Muslim priest’s house was also damaged.  Yet, there was not any damage to the Christian church and their homes.  During the tornado, the Muslim priest and the Muslim believers cried out to the elders of the church, “Can we come over to have shelter from the tornado?”  After this incident, the Muslim priests along with the Muslim believers saw the power of God. They no longer threatened to demolish the church and even allowed them to worship freely as long as they did not bring in speakers from out of the region.
However, the united prayer altars discontinued after one year.  Two years later, the Sharia Law  entered Brunei.  We need to pray earnestly for Brunei.

We believe Christians from all over the world will be persecuted by the anti-Christ as written in the Bible.  The challenge for Christians at the present time is the defilement of homosexuality and the persecution from Islam.  We need to join our hearts together to pray for the souls of the homosexuals and Muslims.
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The Transformation of the City Hemet of California 

The city Hemet used to be the epicenter for the satanic occultism.  Due to the dominating dark force there, it is also a drug trafficking center.  The drug sniffing problem is very severe.  In combination with the serious gangster problem, the dark force also kept the people there in darkness, and the churches were also competing against one another.  But  God awoke the churches so they united to pray together in agreement and in repentance, sought after God’s face, found out the strongholds of the city, prayed against it, and pleaded God to fight for them.  They prayed in agreement with persistence, and fast until the moment that God demolished the strongholds.  Many occult groups retreated from there.  Later an occult meditation center got burned by the fire from the woods, yet neither sides of the building got burned.
God continue to work there to bring gigantic transformation and breakthroughs.  By their unifying prayers, not only had they caused the occult groups to leave there, but also brought to justice those drug dealers, later repented and returned to our God.  Among which is a drug dealer, when he was on his way to kill an individual, suddenly Holy Spirit took hold of his steering wheels,  and steered him to a church, the pastor prayed for him, and he accepted the Lord.  The churches united together to share gospels by holding events in the community.  They not only shepherded their own churches, they even united to shepherd the whole city.  Glory to God!
Dear intercessors, keep pressing in, with our unifying prayers, God will bring us transformation in the various cities/nations.  in the name of Jesus Christ we decree and declare, amen!

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