
編輯小記: 本篇來自代禱領袖達屈·席茲(Dutch Sheets)的《給祂15分鐘》 網站資料,提供各州代禱者為美國水道的禱告參考。願聖靈帶領眾代禱者為美國復興禱告,完成此關鍵的任務。


天父,祢指派我們為保護美國的供水、水道和水壩禱告。 祢的話告訴我們,若不是耶和華看守城池,看守的人就枉然儆醒(詩127:1)。 因此,我們仰望祢的保護 – 祢是我們的避難所,是我們在患難中隨時的幫助(詩46:1)。 當祢幫助我們時,誰能抵擋我們(羅8:31)? 祢救我們脫離仇敵,即作孽的、流人血的人(詩59:1-2)。 祢是整個世界的創造者和擁有者 – 地和其中所充滿的,世界和住在其間的,都屬耶和華。 祢是榮耀的王,在戰場上有能的耶和華,是萬軍之耶和華(詩24:1,7,8,10)。 身為工師,祢為滄海定出界限,使水不越過祂的命令,立定大地的根基(箴8:29-30),至今仍保持著對它們的所有權和權柄。

天父,我們知道,藉著耶穌,我們總能進入祢施恩的寶座(約14:13-14;來4:16)。然而,在夢中,我們得到了一些硬幣,上面有我們執行這項特殊任務的授權。 硬幣上有 「官方通行證 」的字樣、刻在箭頭上的十字架和美國國徽。 耶穌的寶血(十字架)是我們的官方通行證,賦予我們完成這項任務的權柄。 十字架被刻在箭頭上,在聖經中,箭頭象徵著救贖和得勝(王下 14:14-19) – 我們從邪惡中 「被救贖 」是靠著耶穌的大能和寶血。 然而,我們相信祢也在提醒我們,原住民信徒用膏油塗抹的300個箭頭,每個州都埋下了其中的 5 個。 當我們的原住民朋友對著膏油禱告時,他們被引導宣讀以賽亞書60:18:「你們地上不再聽見強暴的事,境內不再聽見荒涼毀滅的事,祢必稱祢的牆為拯救,稱祢的門為讚美」。 主啊,我們透過十字架與祢立約,也與我們的原住民弟兄姊妹立約。 我們相信祢正在洗淨美國過去的罪孽,醫治她在破裂的盟約和關係上的創傷,是要叫我們在末後有指望(耶29:11)。 硬幣提醒著我們這一點。

主啊,對祢來說,隱藏的事,沒有不被人知道的,祢揭露、曝光秘密計劃和議程(太 10:26;路 8:17)。 我們祈求任何危害我們水壩、水道和供水的外國或國內的策劃在實施之前就被揭露和挫敗。 揭露一切限制我們的供應線、阻礙我們的電力來源或以任何方式破壞我們的供水、水壩或水道的陰謀。 防止盜竊武器、敲詐勒索以及一切有助於恐怖活動的行為。 破壞狡猾之徒的計謀,使他們所謀的不得成就(伯5:12),在他們中間製造不團結和混亂(士7:22)。

阻止那些一心想要作惡的人滲透到我們國家有影響力的重要職位。 揭露一切會拖延根除恐怖主義的腐敗和混亂(路12:2-3)。 保護並賜予所有參與搜捕恐怖分子的人員智慧、辨別力和情報:警察局、國土安全局及其合作夥伴、聯邦調查局、邊境人員以及水壩和水道入口處的警衛。 打開他們的眼睛,帶領他們的腳步,揭露所有一心想要作惡的人的行踪,除去並揭露任何可能參與從內部協助或推動恐怖主義的掌權者。 保護我們免受網路攻擊。

與那些與我們相爭的人相爭(賽49:25),使「壞人俯伏在善人面前,惡人俯伏在義人門口」(箴14:19)。我們祈求聖靈在我們國家的水壩和水道上空運行,就像祂在創世記 1:2 運行在水面上一樣,釋放出生命和祝福。 願神興起,使一切仇敵四散(詩 68:1)。


天父,我們知道當神的靈在創世之初運行在水面上時,耶穌也在宣告賜生命的話語(創1:3-25;約1:1-3)。作為祂的天國議會Ekklesia, 作為祂的代表,我們現在要在我們的水源、水道和水壩上宣告祂的話語:

  • 我們宣告,耶和華大有能力、滿有威嚴的聲音在美國的水域響起,賜下平安的福(詩29:3-4,11)。
  • 我們宣告,我們的國家城牆內平安,我們的土地上不再有暴力,我們的疆域內不再有破壞或毀滅。我們的城牆是拯救,我們的城門是讚美(詩122:7;賽 60:18)。
  • 我們宣告,上帝是我們國家四圍的火牆,祂的榮耀就在我們中間。 祂是我們的藏身之處,我們受到保護,免於患難,因為祂用得救的樂歌四面環繞我們,祂的天使在我們周圍安營扎寨。 耶和華晝夜保守我們不受傷害,從今時直到永遠。 (亞2:5;詩32:7;詩121:5-8)
  • 我們憑著對上帝和祂話語的信心,下令保護[填寫州名]和全美的每一座水壩、每一條水道和每一次供水,使它們免受邪惡的侵擾。 任何針對它們所策劃或謀劃的邪惡陰謀都不會得逞,每個陷阱都會被打破。 我們不會懼怕,驚嚇必不臨近我們(賽 54:14;賽 54:17;詩21:11;詩124:7)。
  • 我們為美國宣告箴言 21:22:「智慧人爬上勇士的城牆,傾覆他所倚靠的堅壘」。 因此,我們宣令拆除仇敵在美國水壩、水道和供水上隱藏的每一個堅固營壘,並在每個地區釋放突破。
  • 我們為美國宣告以賽亞書58:11,美國是澆灌的園子,其水流是不斷的泉源。
  • 閱讀並宣告詩篇第 91 篇


  1. 在夢中,每個州的代表都拿到了一根手工雕刻的手杖。 在舊約時代,男人的手杖上都有手工雕刻的圖畫,代表著他們的歷史和上帝信實的見證。 我們鼓勵各州的代禱者在禱告或宣令中使用本州的歷史,特別是本州憲法序言。
  2. 我們也鼓勵代禱者考慮使用《國家的先知性命定》(點擊此處參考本站網頁:《為美國各州命定宣告》)一書,禱告並宣告神對他們所在各州的先知性命定。
  3. 我們也想指出,在夢中特別強調的美國西北部和平原地區,有幾個供軍隊使用的核彈發射井。 我們鼓勵這些州的代禱者在禱告時記住這一點,聖靈會引導你們這樣做。
  4. 我們的一位團隊成員為密西西比河流經的各州寫了以下的宣令。 但是,這篇禱文不僅適用於這些州,也易於適用任何主要河流:

「主啊,我們感謝祢賜密西西比河這條大動脈,它也被稱為「眾水之父」和「美國之河」,從明尼蘇達州北部一直流到墨西哥灣,全長2350 英里。 奉耶穌之名,我們請求天使保護與這條河有關的一切。 我們禁止一切阻撓這條河流運輸石油、農產品和其他商品的企圖。 我們宣令,不得破壞其防洪結構和抽水系統,不得對煉油廠、化工廠或控制駁船的電腦網路進行網路破壞。 我們宣告以西結書32:14:密西西比河水像油緩流,沿河兩岸必蒙福,所有港口必繁榮。

最後,天父,考慮到美國所面臨的威脅,請使祢的子民大放膽量,去傳講祢的道。 伸出祢的手醫治我們的土地和人民,為祢的榮耀行神蹟奇事(徒 4:29)。 用言語、苦難、呻吟、呼喊、詩歌和宣令向代禱者吹氣,用祢的大能治理(羅8:26-27;詩149)。 奉耶穌的名,阿們。

點擊此處閱讀2024年 1月15日星期一的 《給祂15分鐘》,包含有這個夢的內容。 點擊此處觀看油管視頻。


Editor’s Note: This article comes from the “Give Him 15 Minutes” website of intercession leader Dutch Sheets , which provides a reference for intercessors from various states to pray for American waterways. May the Holy Spirit lead the intercessors to accomplish this critical task of restoring America.


Father, You have assigned us to pray for protection over America’s water supply, waterways, and dams. Your Word tells us that unless You keep or guard a city, the efforts of watchmen are in vain (Psalm 127:1). Therefore, we look to You for protection – You are our refuge, a very present help in times of trouble (Psalm46:1). When You are for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)? You save us from our enemies, men of bloodshed who do iniquity (Psalm 59:1-2). You are theCreator and Owner of the entire world – all of its inhabitants, as well as the seas and rivers. You are the King of glory, the Lord strong and mighty in battle, and the Lord of angel armies (Psalm 24:1,7,8,10). As a Master Workman, You set the boundaries for the seas and drew the tributaries of the earth (Proverbs 8:29-30), and still maintain ownership and authority over them.

We know, Father, that we always have access to Your throne of grace through Yeshua (John 14:13-14; Hebrews 4:16). However, in the dream, we were given coins referencing our authority for this specific assignment. They included the words “Official Pass,” the Cross engraved onto an arrowhead, and the U.S. seal. The blood of Jesus (the Cross) is our official pass, giving us authority to accomplish this assignment. Yet, it was engraved onto the arrowhead, which in Scripture pictures deliverance and victory (2 Kings 14:14-19) – our “deliverance” from evil is in the power and blood of Jesus. However, we believe You are also reminding us of the 300 arrowheads, 5 of which were buried in each state after being anointed with oil by First Nations believers. As our First Nations friends prayed over the oil, they were led to declare Isaiah 60, verse 18: “Violence will not be heard again in your land, nor devastation or destruction within your borders, but you will call your walls salvation, and your gates praise.” Our covenant with You, Lord, through the Cross, also joins us in covenant with our First Nations brothers and sisters. We believe You are cleansing America of past sins, healing her of broken covenants and relational wounds, and giving us a future filled with hope (Jeremiah 29:11). The coin reminds us of this.

To You, Lord, nothing is hidden; You reveal and expose secret plans and agendas (Matthew 10:26; Luke 8:17). We ask that any foreign or domestic plans to harm our dams, waterways, and water supply will be revealed and thwarted before they are carried out. Expose every plot to restrict our supply lines, hinder our power sources, or tamper in any way with our water supplies, dams, or waterways. Prevent the theft of weapons, extortion, and all that would assist terrorist activities. Frustrate the plans of the crafty to keep their plans from succeeding (Job 5:12), and create disunity and confusion among them (Judges 7:22).

Prevent those bent on doing evil from infiltrating critical positions of influence in our nation. Expose all corruption and confusion that would delay the rooting out of terrorism (Luke 12:2-3). Protect and give wisdom, discernment, and intelligence to all those involved in the search for terrorists: police departments, Homeland Security and their partners, the FBI, border agents, and guards at dams and waterway entrances. Open their eyes, direct their steps, and reveal the whereabouts of all those bent on doing evil. Weed out and expose any in positions of authority who may be involved in aiding or advancing terrorism from within. Protect us from cyber-attacks. Contend with those who contend with us (Isaiah 49:25), cause evil to “bow down

before the good, and the wicked at the gates of the righteous” (Proverbs 14:19). We ask that Holy Spirit would hover over the dams and waterways of our nation, just as He did the waters of the earth in Genesis 1:2, releasing life and blessing. Arise over us, God, and cause every enemy to be scattered (Psalm 68:1).


Father, we know that as Holy Spirit was hovering over the waters at creation, Jesus was declaring life-giving words (Genesis 1:3-25; John 1:1-3). As His Ekklesia, His representatives, we now declare and decree His Words over our water supply, waterways, and dams:

  • We decree that the powerful and majestic voice of the Lord thunders upon America’s waters, blessing them with peace (Psalm 29:3-4,11).
  • We declare peace and security within our nation’s walls; violence will no more be heard in our land, devastation or destruction within our borders; our walls are salvation and our gates praise (Psalm 122:7; Isaiah 60:18).
  • We declare that God is a wall of fire around our nation, and His glory is in our midst. He is our hiding place; we are protected from trouble because He surrounds us with songs of deliverance, and His angels encamp around
  • The Lord keeps us from harm by day and by night, watching over our coming and going from now and forever (Zechariah 2:5; Psalm 32:7; Psalm


  • We decree, by faith in God and His Word, that every dam, waterway, and water supply in [insert name of your state] and all of America is protected and shielded from evil. No evil plot planned or devised against them will succeed; every snare is broken. We will not fear, and terror will not come near us (Isaiah 54:14 AMP; Isaiah 54:17; Psalm 21:11; Psalm 124:7).
  • We decree Proverbs 21:22 (TPT) over America: “A warrior filled with wisdom ascends into the high place and releases regional breakthrough, bringing down the strongholds of the mighty.” Therefore, we decree the tearing down of every hidden stronghold of the enemy over America’s dams, waterways, and water supply and release breakthroughs in every region.
  • We declare Isaiah 58:11 over America, that she is a well-watered garden, whose waters do not fail.
  • Read and declare Psalm 91.



  1. In the dream, each state representative was given a hand-carved staff. In Old Testament times, men’s staffs were hand-carved with pictures representing their history and testimonies of God‘s faithfulness. We encourage intercessors in each state to use their state’s history, specifically the preamble to its constitution, in a prayer or decree.
  1. We also encourage intercessors to consider using the book The Prophetic Destiny of A Nation, praying and declaring God’s prophesied destiny over their individual state.
  1. We also want to point out that there are several nuclear silos for our military in the Northwest and Plains states, two parts of the nation especially highlighted in the dream. We encourage intercessors in these states to remember this as they pray. Holy Spirit will guide you as you do so.
  1. One of our team members wrote the following decree for the states through which the Mississippi River flows. However, the decree can be used not only for those states, but also could be easily adapted for any major river:

Lord we thank You for the main artery of the Mississippi River, called also the “Father of Waters” and “America’s River, running 2,350 miles through our nation from northern Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico. In the name of Jesus, we ask that angels protect everything regarding this river. We bind all attempts to obstruct the petroleum, agricultural, and other commercial items it carries. We decree that no destruction shall come to its flood control structures & pumping systems, and that no attempts at cyber disruption of refineries, chemical plants, or the computer networks that regulate the barges will succeed. We declare Ezekiel 32:14 that the waters of the Mississippi run deep and smooth like oil, that all along its banks is blessed, and all of its ports are prosperous.

In conclusion, Father, consider the threats against America and give Your people boldness to speak Your Word. Stretch out Your hand to heal our land and people, performing signs, wonders, and miracles, for Your glory (Acts 4:29). Breathe upon the intercessors with words, travail, groans, cries, songs and decrees to govern with Your power (Romans 8:26-27; Psalm 149). In Yeshua’s name, Amen.

Click HERE to read the GH15 post of Monday, 1/15/2024, which includes thedream. Click HERE to view it on YouTube.