Weekly Prayer (11/18)
【Last Weekly Prayer (11/11)】 【Next Weekly Prayer (11/25)】
【Cleansing/Covering Prayer】
Editor’s Words
Editorial Special Section: Statement from the Apostolic Council Prophetic Elders Concerning a False Prophetic Word Targeting President Donald Trump
Message : Apostolic Councils of Prophetic Elders Date : November 16, 2024 Source : Generals International
I Corinthians 14:29 (Amplified Bible, AMP): “Let two or three prophets speak (as inspired by Holy Spirit), while the rest pay attention and weigh carefully what is said.”
Editorial Special Section: Jeremiah Johnson: Prophecy for 2025: Urgent Message to the Global Church Part Two
Message : Jeremy Johnson Date November 3, 2024 Source: YouTube Video Chinese Translation: National Resources
Added Angel Activities
I had a dream in September that a large number of angels were assigned to many people, leaders, and countries in 2025 and in the years to come. Psalm 34 : 7 says, “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, teaching them.” God’s main key to delivering His people in the coming years will be their fear of the Lord. I saw three types of angels being released.
Editorial Special Section: Veronika West: An Urgent Prophetic Submission: a War is Raging Over the Oval and Oath of Office!
Message: Veronika West Date: November 13, 2024 Source: Elijah’s List
So yesterday, November 12, 2024, I was praying in my wee prayer hut, when suddenly I was taken into an open Vision, where I saw President Trump standing on the Presidential Podium.
Editorial Special Section: Nate Johnston: DIVINE CLOSURE AND THE LAST 7-YEARS
Messsage: Nate Johnston Date : October 30, 2024 Source : Nate & Christy Ministries
This is a time of divine closure. In fact this year has been a “wrapping up” year to the last 7.
Editorial Special Section: [Voice of Fig] 578507 The Dispute Between Old And New Supplies

Information : Jenny Lee Date : November 17, 2024 Source: YouTube Video Compilation: Song of Wei Mu
It’s Time to Change Runways
- Be alert and discern
Declaration Prayer: For President Trump and His Team [Update]
We declare in the name of Jesus :
- God will continue to bless and protect President Trump and his family, as well as the “scepter of justice” that God has raised up to support him in his government.
- The blood of Jesus covers them and those close to President Trump, bind and drive away any witchcraft or spells cast on them.
- The Holy Spirit continues to pour out and personally guide President Trump. He grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God. ( Lu 2:52 )
- The seven spirits of God are manifested in President Trump’s life ( Isaiah 11:1-3 ), giving him keen insight and discernment, judging the situation, and resolutely continuing to fulfill his call.
- God will restore Trump to his rightful position at His best time and give people grace to transition.
Declaration Prayer: The Declaration for the Month of Tishrei
Editor’s note: The month of Chesvan is the eighth month in the sacred calender and the second month of Jewish secular calendar year 5785, corresponding to November 2 to December 1, 2024 in the Western calendar.
Declare in the name of Jesus :
- Now is the time to forget the old things and leap into the abundance God has in store for us.
- God is in us. Although the earth changes and the mountains are shaken, we will not be shaken. When the time comes, He will help me. ( Psalm 46:1-5 )
- As we draw nearer to God every day, we will receive a steady stream of anointing and rejoice in Him even in the midst of adversity.
- The pain we experience will transform us into God’s destiny.
- We must present ourselves as a living sacrifice, not conformed to the world, and our minds must be renewed and transformed. ( Romans 12:1-2 )
- God will help us deal with the “little fox that destroys the vineyard” ( Song of Songs 2:15 ) in our lives.
- God always leads us to triumph in Christ, and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ. ( 2 Corinthians 2:14-16 )
- God will help us make every thornbush situation into Juniper. ( Isaiah 55:13 )
- The Holy Spirit will lead us into a new level of passion for God.
- The God of peace is about to trample Satan under our feet, and the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ will always be with us! ( Romans 16:20 )
- The light of God will enable us to see our destiny and reveal the path we should take.
- We are satisfied with God, and rivers of holy water flow within us, constantly renewing and transforming us. ( John 7:7 )
(Adapted from Blessings of the month of Cheshvan by Ron Sawka )
Declaration Prayer: Watchmen Decree
Editor’s Note: This article is excerpted from the prayer post of “Give Him 15 ” on 2022/7/6 by prayer leader Dutch Sheets.
As a Patriot of faith, I attest my allegiance first and foremost to the kingdom of God and the Great Commission. Secondly, I agree to be a watchman over our nation concerning its people and their rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
- we, the Church, are God’s governing Body on the earth
- we have been given legal power and authority from heaven
- we are God’s ambassadors and spokespeople over the earth
- through the power of God, we are His world influencers
- because of our covenant with God, we are equipped and delegated by Him to destroy every attempted advance of the enemy
- We decree that America’s executive branch of government will honor God and defend the Constitution.
- We decree that our legislative branch (Congress) will write only laws that are righteous and constitutional.
- We decree that our judicial system will issue rulings that are biblical and constitutional.
- We declare that we stand against wokeness, the occult, and every evil attempt against our nation.
- We declare that we now take back our God-given freedoms, according to our Constitution.
- We declare that we take back influence at the local level in our communities.
- We decree that we take back and permanently control positions of influence and leadership in each of the **Seven Mountains.
- We decree that the blood of Jesus covers and protects our nation. It protects and separates us for God.
- We declare that our nation is energy independent.
- We declare that America is strong spiritually, financially, militarily and technologically.
- We decree that evil carries no power, authority or rights in our land nor over our people.
- We decree that we will operate in unity, going beyond denominational lines in order to accomplish the purposes of God for our nation.
- And we decree that AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!
We know this country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. We know the truth; therefore, we stand for truth and will NEVER be deceived! We will NEVER stop fighting!
We will NEVER, EVER, EVER give up or give in!
We WILL take our country back.
We WILL honor the ONE TRUE GOD, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!
Pray for America: Pray for the Transition Period – Entering the New Biblical Era
Editor’s Note: This article is adapted from the post of “Give Him 15 Minutes” on November 8, 2024, written by David Kubal, the leader of “Intercessors For America ” , summarizing the things we need to pray hard for right now. David’s down-to-earth perspective, coupled with his deep connections, provides us with a wise and insightful perspective.
【 Current Events/Background: After capturing our minds and prayers for months, the 2024 elections are finally over. The people have spoken, the process our Founding Fathers put in place worked as it should have, and the results represent a massive shift in the direction of our country. …Detailed Reading】
- Jeremiah 1:10 Behold, I have set you today over the nations and kingdoms to pluck up and to tear down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build up and to plant.
- Psalm 91:1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High will abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
- Prayer for the Transition : Heavenly Father, we thank You for the victory of conservative and godly values in this election. Please prepare Trump, his team, and key members of Congress, and give them the wisdom to do their jobs. Supernaturally intervene to stop all attempts to assassinate President Trump and his new administration team, covering them with your feathers to protect them. Any attempt to subvert the agenda of the new government will not succeed. President Trump and his team are anointed to ” uproot, tear down, destroy, and overthrow “ all the strongholds that oppose God, and to ” build and plant “ biblical principles again in the United States. foundation. Grant Trump great wisdom in handling international issues, send angels to take action, bring healthy alliances, destroy evil alliances, and lead the United States into a new biblical era.
- We declare in the name of Jesus Christ ,
- America is reclaiming traditional, biblical values and building a government rooted in true fairness.
- All “progressive agendas” that stand in the way of a return to biblical principles will be eradicated.
- Righteousness will roll down like waters, and justice like a mighty river will flow over the entire land of America.
- The fire of revival will sweep across America!
I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Pray for America: Joel’s Army Prayer Points
Editor’s note: This article is the focus of the “World for Christ” ministry led by Nita Johnson to pray for the United States on November 17th, for your reference and prayer.
- Worship God
【When praying 2 & 3 please keep this in focus.-pray that God will cause justice to reign in America and a love for life (re: abortion and HT)! 】
- Pray about Innocent Blood – Abortion – Crisis at the border & satanic rituals. (Two clinics in the nation offer to cover the cost of even abortion pills if you will come and have your abortion in their satanic clinic. A ritual is performed by satanists as the mother ingests the pill.)
- Pray about Innocent blood — Human trafficking/ crisis in the nation. Crimes against children, ritual abuse.
- Pray for the Economy-raise up brand neweconomy the simplest way possible. Include new asset backed currency. Pray that we will keep the banks but not the old system.
- Pray for Academia – pray for the extraction of communism/cultural Marxist agenda. Pray for Education to return to its roots, restore Prayer/Bible/Righteous Curriculum. Save the children from indoctrination as a result ofdeceptive gender ideology. Lgtbq+ is part of cultural Marxism.
- Pray for Media- target CISA- the propaganda machine. This weight has got to fall
- Pray for Academia – restore truth and righteousness to our educational system
- Pray for President Trump and entire team in this transition period. Pray for a smooth transition, Protection, and complete covering. Pray for the cabinet selection, for God’s will to be done in every single step! Pray for the house election. A house majority is critically important for Trump’s objectives. Close races still being tallied – no fraud.
- Pray against planned Chaos & Racial Tension. Pray against false flags,
- Pray against WW3– Israel/Middle East & Russia/Ukraine -pray for an end to these war
- Pray for the fires of revival to fall on our nation!
Pray for Israel: Potential Post-U.S. Election Impact on Israel and the Middle East
【Background of current affairs: Before dawn on October 23, Israel began to launch a counterattack against Iran in retaliation for the attack of about 200 missiles from Iran on October 1. This military operation was called “Operation Day of Repentance”. After the results of the US presidential election came out, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu had three phone calls with US President-elect Donald Trump within a few days. Netanyahu said the purpose of the call was to “further solidify the alliance between Israel and the United States.” ...Detailed Reading】
- Genesis 12:1-3 The Lord said to Abram, “…I will make you a great nation. I will bless you and make your name great, and you will bless others. Those who bless you will I will bless him; he who curses you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”
- Deuteronomy 8:18 You shall remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the strength to gain wealth, to confirm his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is this day.
- Isaiah 19:24-25 In that day Israel will become one with the three kingdoms Egypt and Assyria, and they will be a blessing to the people on the earth; for the Lord of hosts will bless them, saying: Egypt is my people, and Assyria is my hand. Blessed are all my work, Israel, my inheritance!
- Consolidating the relationship between Israel and the United States: Heavenly Father, we thank You for keeping the U.S. presidential election smooth. Please make President Trump’s policies toward Israel conform to Your will, and let the relationship between Israel and the United States flourish under Your will. Leadership and conservatism have been consolidated, allowing the United States to become Israel’s loyal ally to face the threat from Iran. We once again pray that the hostages can be released as soon as possible and that the people in Gaza can return to a stable life.
- Expand the effect of the Abraham Accords: Heavenly Father, let more Persian Gulf Arab countries and even African countries establish normalized diplomatic relations with Israel, enhance its voice in the international community, and make Israel truly a kingdom of priests and a light to the nations. Come true peace in the Middle East.
- In the name of Jesus Christ we declare :
- Israel will rise, take its seat, and become a new regional stabilizing force in the Middle East. ( Isaiah 52:1 )
- Israel will be a blessing to the Abraham Accords nations. Fountains will flow, rivers will open in the Arabian desert, and the wilderness will become fertile fields, and the fertile fields will look like woods. ( Psalm 104:10-13; Isaiah 32:15 )
- How good and beautiful it is for brothers to live together in harmony. There will be blessings ordained by Jehovah, which is eternal life, poured out on Israel and the people of the countries participating in the “Abraham Accords”, the prosperity of the gospel, and all-round development. ( Psalm 133 )
- The LORD of hosts will judge among the nations and decide what is right and what is wrong for the powerful nations that are far away. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into sickles. Rumors of war and strategy must turn into waves of soul harvest. ( Micah 4:3 )
Pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Pray for Israel: Light of Zion: DAILY PRAYER FOR ISRAEL AT WAR – 2024
Editor’s note: This article is reprinted from the “Daily Prayer for Israel at War” recently updated on April 24 by the “Light of Zion” ministry for your prayer reference. Here are 12 prayer points. May you pray for Israel, which is at war with Hamas. In addition, Israel is also informally at war with Hezbollah, which is supported by Iran in Lebanon.
- God’s Victory and Glory. Pray that God’s overarching purposes in Israel’s wars with Hamas and Hezbollah will be accomplished with the least amount of harm necessary to result in the greatest amount of good, for His ultimate glory. Praise the Lord, Captain of the Armies of Heaven, because His ways are not our ways; they are greater. May His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Psalms 100:4; 83, 2 and 33:10-12, Joshua 5:14, Matthew 6:10)
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Critical Event: A Look at Radical Anti-Semitism Status Quo from the Dutch Conflict
【Current affairs background: Last week (November 7), an attack against Israelis occurred at a football match in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. After the game that night, Israeli fans were violently attacked by unknown persons. Because the Dutch police were unable to provide appropriate protection and stoppages, a group of men in black chased and beat Israelis on the street. ..…Detailed Reading】
- Romans 9:9-10: “Trouble and distress to everyone who does evil, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. But to everyone who does good, glory and honor and peace, to everyone who does good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek Ni people.”
- Romans 11:11-12: “I say, do they stumble because they stumble? Far from it! On the contrary, salvation has come to the Gentiles because of their fault, to stir them up to anger. If their fault be the wealth of the world, they Their poverty is the riches of the Gentiles, how much more their abundance?”
- Matthew 25:34-40: “Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. “I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger and you welcomed me in; I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you came to me.” The righteous man will answer him, “Lord, what are we?” When did he see you hungry and feed you, and give you drink when you were thirsty? When did he see you as a stranger, and take you in, or naked, and clothe you? come to see you?” The king will answer, “Truly, I say to you, if you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”
- Identification Prayer and Repentance : Heavenly Father! Forgive us for our ignorance and misinterpretation of Your thoughts, our indifference and unreasonable hatred towards Your people. Raise us up to pray more for the people of Israel. Get rid of the poisonous leaven of replacement theology and truly know that our salvation is due to the mistakes and mistakes of the Jews. We are just grafted onto the olive branch and have no reason to boast. Let us be inspired by the love of God and express our love to the Israelites so that their hearts will be stirred and they will turn back to Jesus and their families will be saved.
- Protect and Comfort the Jews: Heavenly Father, when anti-Semitic voices rise again throughout the world, please reach out and protect the Jewish people everywhere. Awaken them, give them a new heart and a new spirit, let them rise up and call on the Lord, remove the veil from their eyes, see, hear, and understand that the Lord Jesus Christ who protects and saves them is the Messiah!
- In the name of Jesus Christ we declare:
- Now is the time for a new man to come before God.
- Gentile believers must align their hearts with God and return to the home of the Father with their Jewish elder brothers.
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Pray for the Indigenous People:Determination in the Fire of War – The Earthly Firstborn and the Spiritual Firstborn Stand Together
【Current events/Background: We reported here that the “Indigenous Embassy of Jerusalem” (IEJ) was established in Israel on February 1 this year, and held a simple opening ceremony (to read related reports, please click here ), and planned The grand opening of the “Jerusalem Aboriginal Embassy” to be held on October 27 this year. Indigenous people from all over the world were invited to wear their own outfits and bring gifts to Israel, stand with Israel, speak for Israel, and support God’s chosen people. …Detailed Reading 】
- Isaiah 40:1-2 “Comfort, comfort my people,” says your God. 2 Speak comfort to Jerusalem and proclaim to her that her days of war are fulfilled and her sins are forgiven her. You will receive double punishment from the hand of the Lord for all your sins!”
- Jeremiah 55:5 They will visit Zion and face it and say, Come, join yourself to the LORD for a covenant that will never be forgotten. 』
- The earthly firstborn and the spiritual firstborn stand together: Heavenly Father, the indigenous people represent the Gentiles of the nations, who came to Jerusalem to stand with the Judahs during Israel’s difficult times. They comfort and comfort Your people! They are to visit Zion and enter into the covenant of union with Your Beloved. May your heart also be comforted! When the indigenous people (the earthly firstborn) and the Jews (the spiritual firstborn) stand together in Jerusalem, worshiping and praising together, the two become one, and the glory of heaven will fill the entire holy city. Peace is no longer just a luxury, the Lord His ways will be taught to all nations.
- We declare in the name of Jesus Christ,
- There is no lack or fear in love. This journey of love to Israel for the indigenous people will be filled with your loving presence, abundant supply, complete peace, and great joy.
- The arrival of the earthly firstborn natives will bring breakthroughs in the spiritual world and the natural world, and all things on earth will be revived.
- The earthly firstborn Aboriginal people share the joys and sorrows of the spiritual firstborn Israel and will bring the nations into alignment with God’s will.
- Next year, more indigenous peoples and remnants from all nations will come to Israel to prepare the way for the glorious King!
In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen!
Pray For Church
Pray for Participating Churches and Pastrs on Regional 24/7 Prayer Walls
【Editor’s Note: The 24/7 prayer walls listed here are especially for local churches and pastors. If you are committed to watch on the regional walls, simply click on the link listed below to connect to the local prayer wall. 】
- East Coast 24/7 Prayer Wall – Prayers for Local Churches & Leaders
- Bread Of Life Christian Church in ShiLin
- NZ Awaken the Dawn
Related Events and Prayer Background
Editorial Special Section: Statement from the Apostolic Council Prophetic Elders Concerning a False Prophetic Word Targeting President Donald Trump
Message : Apostolic Councils of Prophetic Elders Date : November 16, 2024 Source : Generals International
I Corinthians 14:29 (Amplified Bible, AMP): “Let two or three prophets speak (as inspired by Holy Spirit), while the rest pay attention and weigh carefully what is said.”
The Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (A.C.P.E.) is a group of sixty seasoned prophets who have been meeting for 25 years. Several of the names on this document are pioneers of the modern-day prophetic movement. The ACPE was initially convened after several questionable national-level words were released—prophetic words that caused great confusion within the Body of Christ.
As a council of prophetic elders, our intent remains to hear the word of the Lord together and seek God’s wisdom to apply 1 Corinthians 4:29 when a questionable word is issued that could bring fear or confusion, neither of which God authors. It is for this purpose that we write this statement.
While we hear various words that seem questionable at best, we have never publicly called out a prophetic word as false in our 25-year history. However, when what is issued is so flagrantly false and carries the potential to incite violence and cause division in the name of God, we feel that we must denounce it as such as a group.
Further, there is a clear pattern of disturbing false prophecies being released by a minister who many identify as a prophet. These prophecies are being released to a global audience via social media. Since these harmful words were publicly released to a global audience, we feel they require a public response.
We will present them one by one:
1. The ‘God Punched Trump’ Prophecy
On November 4th, 2024—Election Day Eve in the U.S.—a prophetic word regarding Trump’s presidency was issued by this minister. Additionally, on November 5th, 2024 (Election Day), this same minister released a separate word connecting a Trump presidency with God’s judgment on the people of God in America.
Excerpt from the November 4, 2024 posted video:
“God punched Donald Trump in the face and his teeth came out and there was a lot of blood. And that was quite symbolic of what he represented. The word of the Lord is this, that there would be a catastrophic time of him (Trump) leading and then he would be removed by God because he had become the champion of himself and then Trump fell over. His partnership with unredeemed sex, unredeemed power, and unredeemed money had opened the door for all sorts of evil to be released through him.”
2. The Trump Presidency Being God’s Judgment Prophecy
Excerpt from the November 5, 2024 posted video:
During the broadcast, it was also strongly inferred that prayer would not change the outcome of these words. They were settled.
“We, (referring to the minister and their team) believe that Trump is going to be a judgment on the people of God.”
3. The Leviathan Released Because of Trump Prophecy
Other words from within this minister’s group have been issued during this time saying a seven-headed Leviathan had been released across the world and brought chaos because of Trump. We also judge this to be a false prophecy that is based out of a political bias and hatred of President Trump stemming from a political world view that differs from his conservative stances.
Other “prophetic” revelations and declarations presented in the same media broadcast were also very concerning to us, but we will not specifically address them at this time.
4. The Judging the American Church Prophecy
In addition to the “God Punched Trump” statement, this same minister has also written and spoken on other occasions, declaring that the Church of America has exchanged spiritual power for political power. While this might be the case in some instances, no one we know has done that.
Secondly, the inference that the American Church doesn’t need Jesus now because they have Trump is also false. The churches and movements that we know of, and there are many, understand that Trump is only human and God reigns supreme. Trump is not God, and we are not glorifying him as such.
However, we also know that this election was not only a national election but carries a global impact —in other words, this election had implications that rippled through nations. Hundreds of thousands of people in the world understand the consequence of electing leaders who are for late-term abortion, gender transitioning of children paid for with taxpayers’ money, and other anti-Biblical positions.
5. The Tyranny and the Fall of Democracy in America Prophecy
Excerpt from the November 8, 2024 posted video:
“The Lord says, USA, the days of your greatest instability in your history are here and are now. The Lord says lawlessness, America, has been released upon your shores… There will be chaos. There will be loss of life. There will be riots. This will be the culmination of years, and the Lord says you will see in the natural realm a Romans chapter 1, where there is a giving over to tyranny, a giving over to lawlessness, a giving over to the full force of the moral rot …
“God is pressurizing and allowing a pressurization to come into nations where democracy doesn’t work. Democracy is about to not hold. Democracy is about to fail. It is about to become not the solution that it’s been for many decades. Some of the economic structures are going to fall and fold as God starts to say I will provoke you and your citizens to call on my name.”
The A.C.P.E. judges these words as false.
Our concerns are as follows:
We believe these words are not inspired by the Holy Spirit and fail to pass the scriptural tests for discerning true New Testament prophetic words (1 Corinthians 14:3; Revelation 19:10b; John 6:63; 1 Corinthians 13; 1 Corinthians 14:1; Galatians 5:22,23 ).
We believe the words represent harmful curses (Romans 12:14; Proverbs 18:21).
We believe the words, if acted upon by those who are immature or unstable, could incite violent actions against the president of the United States of America. (See example in 1 Kings 21 regarding Jezebel and Naboth’s vineyard, illustrating how an evil word—when spoken and acted upon—can come to pass and bring about severe and fatal consequences.)
We believe these words could produce a corporate agreement in a demonic plot, giving the enemy a landing strip and the power to fulfill the curse, thus bringing it to pass (Genesis 11:6; Mark 4:24).
I Corinthians 13 strongly admonishes us to operate out of love. It is sandwiched between I Corinthians 12 and 14. The words in question do not reflect love.
Taking the Matthew 18 Approach
In accordance with Matthew 18, we have approached some of these prophetic voices with our concerns about these words. We asked them to retract these presumptuous and dangerous words, which we have deemed to have been prompted out of the wrong spirit. So far there does not seem to be any willingness to listen to the counsel of the voices that this person not long ago considered to be mothers and fathers in their lives.
Our desire was to address these issues privately and hope for a resolution that will bring healing to the person and the Body of Christ. Unfortunately, those efforts have not yielded fruit.
Due to the serious nature of the words being shared publicly—and how they could be used to either release a curse that one may unwittingly agree with or even inspire one to fulfill its violent rhetoric—we felt it was important to make a public statement about our views of these public proclamations.
We had hoped that there would at least be an acknowledgment that it was not wise to release these words publicly but rather to submit them to mature oversight and perhaps intercession. We are deeply concerned for the members of the Body of Christ who have been hurt, confused, and jarred by the context of the word and the dogmatic tone in which it was delivered. As a result of this grievous concern, and our deep love for this ministry and those who heard the word, the Holy Spirit directed us to issue this statement. In humility and in the fear of the Lord we do so.
Speaking the Truth in Love
We love the prophetic and believe it has the potential to bring God’s purposes into the earth like nothing else can, but we also are zealous for its integrity and ministry to be pure and ministered in proper protocol and wisdom.
We are praying for those involved in releasing these controversial and detrimental words and hope they will move in a rightful and mature way to heal the land and not speak division and destruction. We love them, pray for them, and believe God will move in their lives.
Let’s Pray
Father, we love your voice. We believe you have ordained a new day for America and that you will use newly re-elected President Trump to help bring this to pass. We believe in your mandate to disciple nations and ask you to help us to fulfill this commission! We love you and your kingdom and your people. We know that you love your prophets and need them to speak your word in purity and integrity as never before. We are praying for every nation to turn to you and receive your blessing! God, we ask that You bless us with reformation, revival, awakening, and a great harvest in this hour. Bless America and heal our Land!
Mike and Cindy Jacobs
Bishop Bill Hamon
Bishop Joseph Garlington
Tom and Jane Hamon
Sharon Stone-Black and Greg Black
Chuck Pierce
Dutch Sheets
Barbara Yoder
James Goll
Patricia King
Todd White
Arleen Westerhof
Katherine Ruonala
Matt and Kim Lockett
Michele Jacobs
Tommy and Miriam Evans
Larry Sparks
Matt Sorger
Jon and Jolene Hamill
Anthony and Melissa Medina
Barbie Breathitt
Rebecca Greenwood
Eleanor and Robert Roehl
Faytene Grasseschi
Herman Martir
Mark Gonzales
Mary Glazier
Patricia Bootsma
Rick and Patricia Riddings
Stacey Campbell
Steven and Rene Springer
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Editorial Special Section: Jeremiah Johnson: Prophecy for 2025: Urgent Message to the Global Church Part Two
Message : Jeremy Johnson Date November 3, 2024 Source: YouTube Video Chinese Translation: National Resources
Added Angel Activities
I had a dream in September that a large number of angels were assigned to many people, leaders, and countries in 2025 and in the years to come. Psalm 34 : 7 says, “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, teaching them.” God’s main key to delivering His people in the coming years will be their fear of the Lord. I saw three types of angels being released.
- First, the angels of heavenly provision.
- Second, angels of heavenly protection.
- Third, the warring angels.
We do not worship angels and we should not allow them to be the center of our attention. Jesus must be given the glory he deserves. As Hebrews 1:14 says, these ministering spirits will be known and we will There will be an unprecedented awareness of their heavenly intervention. God gave me three specific passages of scripture for 2025 and the years to come : Genesis 25 , Numbers 25 , and Matthew 25 .
Genesis Chapter 25 – War and Conflict in Israel
Now let’s look at Israel’s wars and conflicts in Genesis 25 . I recently had a dream in which I found myself in Israel, and God said to me, “Jeremiah, although a lot of attention is given to foreign conflicts and wars against Israel, you must understand that against The greater conflict coming to Israel is from within , “because there is a spirit of accusation and assassination within the Israeli government that will seek to persecute the plans I have for her.” Intercessors must pray not only against the enemies around Israel who attack her, but also against the enemies that exist within Israel.
God gave me the text of Genesis 25 , and here you find Abraham’s two sons, Ishmael and Isaac, who are still in clear conflict today, and Isaac’s two sons, Jacob and Esau. The struggle and conflict that occurred among them for the right to be the eldest son. I saw in this passage the war between Israel and its external enemies, and I also saw in me the internal war that broke out between two sons born into the same family. In 2025 and in the years to come, the focus of our prayers is not only for Israel to have heavenly protection from enemies around it, but also to pray for heavenly protection within Israel to prevent assassination attempts from coming true and chaos in the country. Government corruption and moral bending.
Numbers 25 – Immoral Judgment and Divine Jealousy Against God
Numbers 25 details the story of the Israelites camping in a part of the city that had been occupied by the Moabites. The Moabites were sinful idolaters who prided themselves on committing various sexual sins. While encamped there, a large group of Israelites again decided to deliberately disobey God. First engaging in fornication with these strange Moabite women, then many Israelite men responded to their evil and sexually perverted temptations and committed the sin of idolatry by worshiping demonic false gods. According to the scriptures in Numbers, God’s wrath began to break out against Israel, and some kind of plague occurred. God commanded Moses to instruct the leaders of each tribe to put to death every member of his tribe who committed idolatry. “While Moses and all the congregation were weeping at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, behold, a man from Israel was going to his brothers, bringing a Midianite girl before their eyes. Elijah, grandson of Aaron the priest, When Phinehas son of Zach saw this, he got up from the congregation, took a spear in his hand, and followed the Israelite into the pavilion. It stopped.”
When Phinehas did this, God said through Moses, “Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, the food has turned away like the anger of the children of Israel; for he is among them with my Jealousy is in my heart, but I will not destroy them in jealousy. Therefore, say, “I give him my covenant of peace, a covenant of an everlasting priesthood to him and to his descendants.” “Because he had a sacrificial heart for God to atone for the sins of Israel.” “ I saw in the vision that God was distributing the straw of Phinehas to specific people – those cultures who were sanctified on earth and compromised in the church. A staunch defender of righteousness and holiness. “Phinehas” means bronze chin. Holiness ministers will rise in 2025 like never before. The global church will be enlightened about the jealous heart of His bride and learn again what it means to fear God. There is a great need for healthy accountability for church leaders around the world.
Matthew 25 – The Management and Judgment of Oil
God highlights three key parables about 2025 and the years ahead in Matthew 25 :
- The first is the parable of the 10 virgins. We need oil in our lamps , and our intimacy with God has never been greater during this season. Never get so focused on external things that we lose our prayer life. God will raise up a burning lamp in the spirit of John the Baptist against the many who are indifferent and tired of God. The gift of repentance will mark their lives, and the urgency of this moment will wake many up and alert them.
- The second parable in Matthew 25 addresses the responsibilities of stewards of the Kingdom of God . I continue to hear God saying to His body, get your finances in order. It will be very important in 2025 that we manage our time, money and resources in a way that pleases God . We must remember that at the heart of all bad management is a wrong view of God. I see many people beginning to have a revelation that God is their Heavenly Father so that they can learn how to walk in a way consistent with their calling.
- The third parable in Matthew 25 is about God bringing judgment to separate the goats from the sheep . Jesus identified goats as those who failed to feed the hungry and thirsty, those who failed to care for the sick and those in prison. His sheep are those who respond to those in need and help provide and care for them. God will expose those who refuse to help the poor, needy, and distressed in 20205 and in the years to come. If I could help you understand, judge, and weigh prophecy, I would say this, “True prophecies give us a prayer agenda . ” In other words, what I share needs to be incorporated into prayer for 12 months. It needs to be thought about, it needs to be fought for, it needs to be fasted for. I’m talking about something larger.
The Church in Antioch Arose – Changing the World
Obviously, for many of us, “I just want to be able to pay my bills. What do these things in the world have to do with me?” I want to encourage you that the gospel is not about us. As a prophetic man, I want to tell you that God wants to connect us to an eternal story that is far greater than the American Dream. This is an Antioch (note: the original meaning is as fast as a carriage, chasing the rebels). Whether you know it or not, it’s called “Changing the World.” God uses a global dimension to cover this home of His, and He brings together local people and global people.
When I think about this podium, I thank God that there are already world-wide voices here, and we also have national voices speaking here. A good question is, what do we do about what we say to them? Even the personal prophecies given to us, do we manage them properly? Did you know that 99% of the prophecies in the New Testament are conditional, in other words, you have to do something to see it come true. It’s not just about receiving prophecies, it’s about working with the Lord and asking Him, what changes do I need to make in my life? Which relationships need to be corrected? Which direction should we go in? We have to make difficult choices …
I could call you out of the crowd tonight and prophesy to you and say, “I see Graham’s anointing on you.” In other words, the prophecy points to your potential, but if you’re still eating potato chips, playing video games with your eyes glued to your phone, you will never walk under Graham’s anointing. Do you think what I said makes sense? It’s about coworkers, it’s about attitude, it’s about obedience, it’s about bringing all of that into prayer. Like I said before, when God started speaking to me, I didn’t vote because I was a Republican or a Democrat. I voted based on who I believed would be the best wartime president.
The church in Antioch had prophets and teachers, and we have teachers here this morning who provide a biblical basis for how we should vote. I agree with it, and we should also keep prophetic revelations in mind when voting. We should also consider what might be said about specific political groups or about many different things around the world.
leviathan Attack
Next part I want to talk about Leviathan’s attack. I know a lot of people here have never heard of Leviathan, and you don’t know what a Leviathan attack is. But I want to share with you what God has revealed to me. I spend most of my week connecting and communicating with global and national leaders because this is where God has called me to serve. I can tell you that there is a global Leviathan attack occurring within the Body of Christ right now, targeting many churches, leaders, and spiritual movements.
I believe God has called me to expose it and sound a spiritual wake-up call, so if you come into contact with it, number one, you’ll know what you’re dealing with. Second, you know how to defeat it. From my point of view, if we are entering an era of war, then we must move from being spectators to fighting troops. If we are entering a time of war, then worship can no longer be about us, but has to gather to compete for territory and territory. If we enter an era of war, the focus of many prayer meetings will have to shift from me and you to “Lord, we come before You on behalf of Israel” and “Lord, we come before You on behalf of a certain church.” …
Our American mentality of craving convenience and comfort, often self-absorbedly focused on you, me and our tunnel vision, will have to change. We are living in a time when God wants to invite us into a larger story, a local story, an eternal story, that each of us can learn how to navigate.
God is calling many people to birth new ministries, churches, businesses, and more in 2025 and in the years to come. He is also calling many people to make transitions and even career changes here on earth. While this was happening, I saw a Leviathan spirit begin to attack many people. God shows me that conflict resolution will not only be necessary but mandatory in many places in 2025 . It is not only a preventive measure but also an offensive weapon. Leviathan is a proud covenant-breaker, defeated by the covenant-makers of love, humility, and forgiveness. The first time we see Satan is in Genesis 3 , where he appears in the form of a serpent. A good question is, how did the snake appear in Genesis? Luke 10:18 , “Jesus said to them, ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.’” The scripture in Isaiah 14:12-15 says, “O bright star, son of the morning, you Why did you fall from heaven? Why were you cut down to the earth, you who worshiped the nations? You said in your heart, “I will ascend to heaven; I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit in the assembly.” On the mountain, in the uttermost part of the north! I will ascend to the heights of heaven, and I will be equal to the Most High, but you will descend into the depths of the pit.”
Isaiah clearly reveals that it was pride that led to the devil’s fall. Job Chapter 41 mentions a snake-like creature called Leviathan, and verse 34 says, “It reigned over the proud waters . ” Isaiah 27:1 , “In that day the LORD will use his strong and strong sword to punish Leviathan , the swift serpent , and to kill the giant of the sea. fish.”
How many of you have seen my videos on YouTube? We received 6.9 million comments and emails in one week. People often email us asking if they saw a snake, a crocodile, or a dragon in a dream, and most of the time you see Leviathan. If you see a snake-like thing, or a crocodile, or a dragon in a dream or vision, you are probably seeing the spirit of Leviathan at work. People from Australia would email us and say, “Hey, I had a dream. I dreamed that I was in my house and there was a crocodile walking around. Isn’t that weird?” And my reaction was yes. “Brother, it is the spirit of Leviathan that is causing trouble.”
God is trying to warn you of evil spirits operating in your home. If you don’t understand the spiritual realm, you will become vulnerable and defeated by the enemy. “I often ask people, how does Satan start out as a serpent in Genesis but become a dragon in Revelation? It is our flesh that feeds it! It was not a dragon in Genesis. It started as a snake and by Revelation 12 it had become a dragon.
From these verses we understand that Satan is not only the king of pride, but also the crooked serpent named Leviathan. God will punish it like a dragon. It was in the Garden of Eden that Satan, in the form of a serpent, began to twist and question God’s words to Adam and Eve. He is a crooked liar, Satan is a communicator of destruction. It loves to twist conversations, challenge divine authority, and make accusations. It happened at the beginning of creation, and it’s important to note that Satan is a master at attacking new seasons, seasons of production. Satan appeared again while Jesus was in the wilderness beginning his ministry. It’s a new season and it’s once again being the communicator of destruction.
Satan likes to twist conversations, challenge divine authority, make accusations, is not only the king of pride, a destroyer of communication, not only an accuser, but ultimately, an assassin. Jesus said in John 10:10 , “The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy; I am come that the sheep may have life, and may have it more abundantly.” The Savior was born as Moses, and Satan did What? Through Pharaoh it issued a death warrant against all the firstborn sons of the Hebrews. The Savior was born Jesus, but what did Satan do? It was ordered by King Herod to kill all firstborn Hebrew boys. Now do you see the pattern?
I am trying to help you understand the unique way the spirit of Leviathan works – attacking people during their seasons of childbirth. When God calls you into something new, when God calls you into the next level, beware of Leviathan. Leviathan will appear in the form of a disruptive communicator. Leviathan twists, it makes simple things twist and become complicated. Have you ever been in a meeting where your mind was clear and you knew exactly what you wanted to say. However, after you meet someone, you lose the clarity you were able to express. You can no longer convey clearly what you originally wanted to express. What you encounter is the spirit of Leviathan. Have you ever tried to express your inner thoughts and motivations clearly, but the other person distorted your words and questioned your motives? You have encountered a communicator.
I am saying this very seriously. I really feel in my heart that the Lord is saying, maybe you are running a business, church, or have conflict in your family. No matter what, we must make up our mind to solve it by 2025 . This is an essential action for marriage, family, and everyone. We all must learn to work within each other’s differences in healthy ways and operate in clear communication so that we don’t give Leviathan a foothold. Can we commit to health? God wants you to have a healthy marriage and a healthy family. God wants us to be able to communicate a healthy inner understanding of who we are. God wants us to be able to distinguish the differences among us, but I tell you, when Leviathan is at work, no amount of meetings will resolve the dispute, deal with it. No problem.
I’m telling you this again because I’m involved in ministering to groups around the world where there’s conflict and disagreement, and of course we try to get both sides to share their stories. I will say this, most of the time we will strive for unity and agreement, but there will definitely be moments when the spirit of Leviathan is clearly at work, because no amount of meetings, seeking, and reconciliation will work. Because the more you say it, the more distorted they become. We must have discernment, we must be able to discern the workings of this Spirit. I will continue to work hard to expose it.
Many people will enter a new season in 2025 . I believe we are in a “now” season. I believe America is in a productive season. This is the time to start a business. Maybe you just bought a building, your church or your ministry or your marriage is just getting started, some people have a more stable foundation but are also moving into the next season. The spirit of Leviathan is using people to twist your words, make false accusations, question your motives, interpret your actions out of context, destroy your relationships, and stir up unnecessary conflicts and high-level battles.
I’m going to say it again. The spirit of Leviathan will work through people to twist your words, make false accusations, question your motives, interpret your actions out of context, destroy your relationships, and stir up unnecessary conflicts and high-level battles. You don’t have to raise your hands when I say Leviathan is a covenant breaker, but has anyone been through a divorce? Did you know that Leviathan, as the Lord of Pride, is one of the divorce overseers? I would go a step further and say, did you know that Leviathan has been given jurisdiction over the political realm? Have you seen any ads or text messages lately? I mean, it was a war of words. Pride is the root of all false accusations. Because it makes people believe they are better than others, thereby empowering them to bully.
As I revealed, Leviathan is the Lord of Pride who rises up against man and then comes into play. But let me tell you how Leviathan attacks. It’s not hard but it does work, are you ready?
(to be continued…)
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Editorial Special Section: Veronika West: An Urgent Prophetic Submission: a War is Raging Over the Oval and Oath of Office!
Message: Veronika West Date: November 13, 2024 Source: Elijah’s List
So yesterday, November 12, 2024, I was praying in my wee prayer hut, when suddenly I was taken into an open Vision, where I saw President Trump standing on the Presidential Podium.
He was about to put his right hand upon the Bible to take The Oath of Office, when I heard The Spirit say, ”Daughter, there is a War raging over The Oval and Oath of Office!”
Then I heard The Spirit of Revelation say, ”Listen! Watch and Pray, for the next sixty-eight (68) days will determine the divine trajectory of a Nation in The Valley of Decision!
I say Watch and Pray — for there are many deadly pitfalls along this way.
Again I say, Remnant — Watch and Pray! Shields up and Swords drawn — for the road to Inauguration Day shall be marked by treachery, treason and great trouble, for there is a battle still raging over The Oval and Oath of Office — and My Covenant Promise!
So pray! I say Decree! Decree!! Decree!!! — and it shall pave the way and forge a highway that My Glory may come, that My Will may be done, and My Word may be established.
Pay attention! Be alert and on guard, for a sound has been heard in the deeper realms — a cry of the birth pangs of a Nation now in the midst of delivering, has drawn in the great Dragon that is now circling.
For I say, this is a Day of War for Divine Restore and Liberation from the ruling powers of Jezebel and the great dragon of Leviathan!”
As I listened, I began to pray fervently in The Spirit, and the burden of The LORD only increased as I saw a great War over The Oval and Oath of Office.
Satan knows that as soon as President Trump lays his right hand upon The Bible, the gavel will fall and a sudden mega-shift and a supernatural lifting and tipping of The Scales of Justice and Judgement will take place over The Nation!
Now, with these things still swirling in my heart after my prayer time, I went out to meet with some leaders in the afternoon, and not long into our conversation, one of the leaders said to me, ”Let’s pray for protection over Trump taking The Oath of Office — because that’s where the battle is!”
Those words served as powerful confirmation of what I had heard in the morning prayer time!
Friends, our Prayers in this hour and for the next sixty-eight (68) days must predominately target President Donald J. Trump taking The Oval and Oath of Office, for that’s where the enemy greatest threat and fear will be, as God brings a Nation into the fullness of its Kingdom Destiny!
Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, The President shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:—
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” (©Wikipedia)
For reference only: On January 20th, 2017, Donald J. Trump became the forty-fifth president of the United States.
CHIEF JUSTICE JOHN ROBERTS: Please raise your right hand, and repeat after me. I, Donald John Trump, do solemnly swear…
DONALD TRUMP: I, Donald John Trump, do solemnly swear…
ROBERTS:… that I will faithfully execute…
TRUMP:… that I will faithfully execute…
ROBERTS:… the Office of President of the United States…
TRUMP:… the Office of President of the United States…
ROBERTS:… and will to the best of my ability…
TRUMP:… and will to the best of my ability…
ROBERTS:… preserve, protect and defend…
TRUMP:… preserve, protect and defend…
ROBERTS:… the Constitution of the United States.
TRUMP:… the Constitution of the United States.
ROBERTS: So help me God.
TRUMP: So help me God. (©Britannia.com)
Blessings to you all.
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Editorial Special Section: Nate Johnston: DIVINE CLOSURE AND THE LAST 7-YEARS
Messsage: Nate Johnston Date : October 30, 2024 Source : Nate & Christy Ministries
This is a time of divine closure. In fact this year has been a “wrapping up” year to the last 7.
A year where the the emphasis has been on emptying over adding more, and finalising over beginning.
That’s why the wrestle this year has not just been about changing your activity, but the end to so much of what we’ve been doing that is no longer going to reap the same effects or same outcomes in 2025.
God has been trying to lead us not only into rest but a reset.
In fact, He’s been trying to kill off that which has been killing you.
That’s right. There has been so much of your activity that has been killing you.
There is so much that you’ve attributed to the Kingdom that the grace has worn off of and the anointing on it has worn off from.
God’s been gently leading you out from that particular assignment and activity that no longer carries the same glory and effectiveness that it once did.
He’s been trying to lift your eyes and lift your head to something that’s greater.
And sometimes the only way that He can do that with the people that are visionaries, that are driven, is that He needs to kill the oxen that you’re riding down into burnout on.
And that’s what He’s been doing this year. There’s been a definite lifting of grace upon many areas of your life, Pioneer.
You can look over this year, see the wrestle, and recognize that you have been worn out, burnt out, and tired, and not knowing how you’re meant to step into any level of change.
It’s like many have recognised the shift and said “God, I’ve already tied myself to this oxen. I’ve already said, this is who I am and this is what I do!”
And the Lord says “let it die”
“Do you trust Me? Let the oxen die”
It’s not that the dream’s going to die necessarily, It’s just that God needs to rearrange the way that you’re thinking that is no longer healthy and taking your calling off course.
Yes, battle-thinking, survival-thinking, and wounded-thinking – it’s been leading you into a diversion of your calling and that’s what the closure must come to.
You had even begun to form a callous of thought around what your idea of Kingdom is.
And it’s made you rigid and has actually caused you, in some measure, to resist the flow and the move of the Spirit of God that is right now erupting on the shores of the Earth.
Yes, pioneers, you’re the groundbreakers. You’re the forerunners. You’re the ones that are meant to go before the body of Christ and live in tomorrow.
But if you’re not careful, your own mindsets can prevent you from being that in the next season.
Yet, that is why God is bringing closure to so much of your activity and your processes so that it brings you into a new place of surrender, so that you are able to see where God is leading and where He’s no longer leading you.
The other area that God is bringing closure to right now is in relationships that are unequally yoked.
That is why the Lord has been bringing things to a finish in many of the assignments, callings, and movements around you.
He’s wanted you to finish well.
He’s wanted you to hold up the flag to the very end, but He’s wanted you to leave those rooms.
It’s His desire for you to unyoke and unchain from so many of the relationships that have kept you in bondage.
In the same way that your mindsets can hold you back, your alignments can also hold you back from stepping into the fullness of all that God has called you to be.
Those alignments have changed your voice.
Those alignments have changed your focus.
Those alignments have tainted the ointment to some degree and God has been beckoning you to break free from these toxic, unequally yoked relationships that have entangled you and held you back.
He has been saying “Time is up! No longer will you be tangled up in relationships that suffocate your spirit, hold back your growth, or water down the fire I’ve placed inside you”
“The contracts of man must be torn up! The covenants I didn’t authorize must be cancelled. The vows you made that has tethered you must be broken!”
However, this is is your time to finish well—even in dishonorable alignments.
It’s your obedience in the closing that unlocks the future.
And yes, there will be moments when closure feels like loss. When you feel exposed, vulnerable, and uncertain.
But remember, this is not the end – this is the beginning of your re-mantling and freedom. Coming out from under the covers of an old bed you were laying in.
It’s time to get out!!
Yes, God is stripping off the old, toxic jackets that have weighed you down and preparing to clothe you in fresh authority, purpose, and identity.
But key me say this to those who are feeling beaten down, and steamrolled right now in this process;
You might feel like those who hurt or betrayed you have won. That those who manipulated you got away with it.
But God says, “Let Me vindicate you.”
The injustice you feel isn’t for you to fight. Release it.
The Lord is your defense, and in His time, He will right every wrong. This is a time of simply walking away and letting Him take care of that part of the closure and He will heal your heart as you do.
It’s time to sever the cords because not everyone can come with you nor is willing to pay the price to.
It’s time to detox from the toxicity and let your soul breathe again.
I’ll say it again, It’s time to cut the cords.
You’ve been carrying the weight of other people’s issues, pain, and brokenness that God never asked you to carry.
Cut the cords. Honor them. Move on.
And this is a deliverance moment where God is saying, “I want you to slam that door shut”
And for a moment, or for a season, they will think you’ve lost your mind.
They will think there’s something wrong with you.
They will say, wow, I thought he was for revival, but he’s not.
But you know that you need to be obedient to the Lord and close the door and move forward.
And what happens is, for a period of time, you look at your hands and they look empty.
You look at the slain oxen and you think you failed.
But the Lord wants to say this to you, Pioneer.
Just around the corner is a new day.
Just around the corner is something fresh and new that I have for you that is no longer going to burn you out, but it’s going to give you joy.
And even right now, I’m shifting the tides of bitterness and hope deferred that are in your soul that you have not been addressing.
And I’m shifting it to waters of refreshing and healing.
Even right now, I’m causing the layers of grief and pain that have been sitting under the surface to come up and come forth so I can clear it away and begin to allow those rivers inside you to come forth again.
Pioneer, this is a moment you need to not think with your mind, but with your spirit.
This is a moment to lay down on your face and allow God to fill that tank.
Allow Him to kill off what needs to be killed off.
And allow Him to detox you and bring you into a new hour and a new day.
It’s more important than where and when.
It’s more important than your next assignment and message.
It’s the kind of closure where you die but you also begin to live again.
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Editorial Special Section: [Voice of Fig] 578507 The Dispute Between Old And New Supplies
Information : Jenny Lee Date : November 17, 2024 Source: YouTube Video Compilation: Song of Wei Mu
It’s Time to Change Runways
- Be alert and discern
7 Times Blessing
- Wrong money transfer needs to be recovered
- Account frozen
- There are no banknotes in the cash machine
For Your Troubles There Is A Double Blessing And A Sevenfold Repayment
- The Lord is good, and the Lord is always victorious. We will hear good news about you soon. We’ll hear how major events involving you were reversed. An important victory was achieved. God is rising up and this battle will be won. The enemy was rebuked and left. Please stand firm…the mighty hand of the Lord will do it!
- Prophetic Words: I feel very strongly that this is a matter of law and a matter of family. I see financial problems and threats happening. I see manipulation and theft. A great unfairness/injustice. A huge and very personal attack. Wipe your tears and take off your sackcloth – God will give you beauty instead of ashes, and the barren and barren land will become a place of blooming flowers again. You will see your salvation in the name of Jesus!
- What the enemy has stolen must be returned. What is torn down must be rebuilt. You will come back better than before, even better!
- There is a double blessing and a sevenfold repayment for your troubles – I call it out and call it done, in the name of Jesus!
- When the thief is caught, it must be repaid seven times. There is no escape in the spiritual realm, God’s laws and systems are inevitable. So don’t be surprised when you see reinstatements/returns and cash settlements. Don’t be surprised when you see your blessings restored and have a cash windfall. I release the blessings of Proverbs 6:3 1 upon you, and I call it “done ,” in the name of Jesus!
- Proverbs 6:31 “If he is found, he will pay back sevenfold, and he will repay everything he has in his house.”
- We will hear the good news of your victory… others will be speaking of your joy. Because God knows how to accomplish it greatly! Get ready for the celebration – let joy and faith arise. God is moving in your direction – someone is ready – it will happen.
- In the name of Jesus, my days in the wilderness are over. I no longer go around and around, but now I go straight forward and enter the promised land, a land flowing with milk and honey. Begin to be fruitful and multiply, filling the whole earth. God will begin to bless the nations through my message, my testimony, my creations, and my service. In the name of Jesus Christ, I declare that the products I manufacture will become brands and please everyone; God will open marketing channels, online channels, physical channels, and group buying channels, to expand left and right. I declare in the name of Jesus that the quality is first class, the manufacturing process is smooth, sales are first, profits are abundant, consumers are happy, word of mouth is positive, products are spread widely, teams are unified, and strategies are Supernatural, the operation is sustainable and becomes a blessing to God, people and the earth.
- We Decree and Declare that the accusations of the evil one can no longer hold us back, but that we are now set free, and that the powers of darkness that withhold our rich inheritance are now in a state of misery and torment until they release all that is ours. We command – Satan, according to what Job 20:15-18 says, spit out, let go, release what you have swallowed, and let this abundance that belongs to us turn away from you and come to me!
- Job 20:15-18 He has swallowed treasure and will spit it out; God will take it out of his belly. He will drink the poison of the adder; the viper’s tongue will kill him. .River flowing with milk and honey, he shall not see it again. He must pay back what he has earned through hard work, and he must not enjoy it (original text, swallow it); he cannot rejoice according to the wealth he has received.
- O Lord God of Jireh, please loosen the belts of kings and command the city gates to open in the name of Jesus Christ. Go ahead of us and smooth out the rough places. You will break down the bronze doors for us and cut off the iron bars. You will give us treasures of darkness and hidden treasures. Declare, in the name of Jesus, that the anointing of Cyrus flows into our lives without hindrance or reservation. The curse of imminent implication must be lifted, the frozen accounts must be released, and those devoured must be repaid, sevenfold. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen!
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Pray for America: Pray for the Transition Period – Entering the New Biblical Era
Editor’s Note: This article is adapted from the post of “Give Him 15 Minutes” on November 8, 2024, written by David Kubal, the leader of “Intercessors For America ” , summarizing the things we need to pray hard for right now. David’s down-to-earth perspective, coupled with his deep connections, provides us with a wise and insightful perspective.
【 Current Events/Background: After capturing our minds and prayers for months, the 2024 elections are finally over. The people have spoken, the process our Founding Fathers put in place worked as it should have, and the results represent a massive shift in the direction of our country.
President Trump has won the popular vote and the Electoral College. The Senate has switched from Democratic to Republican control, and it appears the Republican leadership will retain control of the House.
What does all this mean?
Some are calling this win a Referendum, some a Mandate. Regardless of your label, the American people have spoken: the nation was going in the wrong direction.
I believe the Lord is instructing the intercessory community to pray for two things: foundations and justice.
We need to pray for the basic foundations of how our government operates. Cutting our government waste could save our nation trillions of dollars per year — dollars that are currently being wasted through the ineffectiveness of employees and the virtual impossibility of firing those ineffective employees. The rooting out of employees committed to a progressive agenda is an absolute must! The new Trump administration will begin appointing 4,600 individuals responsible for leading 2+ million career employees. MUCH PRAYER AND INTERCESSION ARE NEEDED ON THIS!
House Speaker Johnson will be working very closely with the Trump administration to put forth an effective legislative agenda for the first 100 days. The process of electing the Senate Majority Leader must now occur. The name that continues to surface is Senator Steve Daines (MT), who started the first Pro-Life Caucus in the Senate. Senators John Thune (SD), John Cornyn (TX), and Rick Scott (FL) are other possibilities.
We must also pray for justice. Over the last four years, the House of Representatives has completed many investigations (many led by Rep. Jim Jordan (OH)), and committees have made many criminal referrals that the Justice Department never took up. The United States Attorney General is a CRITICAL position for President Trump to fill. The appointment of federal judges is critical (45 current openings), and this could include Supreme Court Justices.
Concerning the moral issues on the ballots across America:
On the issue of abortion, one of the greatest disappointments of the last few years was the Left’s ability to pass laws allowing abortions to continue. This happened again in multiple states (AZ, CO, MA, MO, NV, NY, and MT). However, FL, NE, and SD rejected the measure to a Constitutional amendment to abort, and Nebraska passed a ban after the first trimester. This trend continues to break the heart of our Lord. The deceptions that abortion is somehow a right and that a baby is not alive until some arbitrary point of viability continues.
Multiple state ballot measures to ensure only U.S. citizens can vote passed overwhelmingly, clearly expressing concerns over the open border (ID, IA, KY, MO, NC, OH, OK, SC, WI). Along these lines, NV voted to require voter ID. Open borders are clearly viewed as a threat to our republic.
The legalization of marijuana overwhelmingly failed in all three states (FL, SD, ND).
Some may recall the miraculous story of CA Prop 8, which defined marriage as one man and one woman. This has been state law since 2008. However, this Proposition was overwhelmingly repealed yesterday, broadening their definition of marriage.
International Issues
Now, taking a look outside the US, there will be tremendous pressure on President Trump to solve the international crises: the war in Ukraine, Israel, etc. Multiple proxy wars could quickly escalate into larger conflicts.
The war in Ukraine is becoming increasingly complicated. North Korea has sent troops to fight alongside Russian troops. South Korea is considering sending troops to fight alongside Ukrainian troops. President Trump has said this war is not America’s war, but the addition of North Korea to the scenario creates a potential for intervention.
The attack on Israel by Iranian proxies fluctuates between huge Israeli victories and saber-rattling by the Iranians. Iran knows the previous Trump Administration shut down their ability to fight a war, so the coming months will be critical to watch for a move before he takes office. We can expect much instability internationally for the next few months before Inauguration Day.
We must pray and intercede that the Lord not only gives us a reprieve but a reset. Our nation has been marching to the progressive beat, leading us toward Marxism. The American people have recognized the evil that comes with the mindset of an ever-evolving culture. We must pray for a reset to traditional, biblical values and a government that has true justice as its foundation.
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Pray for Israel: Potential Post-U.S. Election Impact on Israel and the Middle East
【Current Affairs Background: After the results of the US presidential election came out, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu had three phone calls with US President-elect Donald Trump within a few days. Netanyahu said the purpose of the call was to “further solidify the alliance between Israel and the United States.” It is clear that Trump has no intention of becoming a wartime president, so he hopes that Israel can end its war with Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon before the presidential inauguration on January 20, and has made it clear to Netanyahu that he at this point. Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Demer is reportedly trying to make progress on a ceasefire in Lebanon and is believed to be meeting with Trump and his senior aides. He also previously made a secret visit to Russia to ensure Moscow’s diplomatic role in ending the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah to promote a ceasefire agreement.
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Pray for Israel: Light of Zion: DAILY PRAYER FOR ISRAEL AT WAR – 2024
Editor’s note: This article is reprinted from the “Daily Prayer for Israel at War” recently updated on April 24 by the “Light of Zion” ministry for your prayer reference. Here are 12 prayer points. May you pray for Israel, which is at war with Hamas. In addition, Israel is also informally at war with Hezbollah, which is supported by Iran in Lebanon.
- God’s Victory and Glory. Pray that God’s overarching purposes in Israel’s wars with Hamas and Hezbollah will be accomplished with the least amount of harm necessary to result in the greatest amount of good, for His ultimate glory. Praise the Lord, Captain of the Armies of Heaven, because His ways are not our ways; they are greater. May His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Psalms 100:4; 83, 2 and 33:10-12, Joshua 5:14, Matthew 6:10)
- Turning Hearts to God. Pray that in this time of deep trouble, many Israelis, Palestinians, Jews in the nations, and others affected by the wars would turn wholeheartedly to God. Pray that the true face and heart of Jesus would be revealed to them. Through the ravages of war, may He be sought, known and exalted in Israel and the Middle East. Pray for believers in Israel, Gaza, Lebanon and Iran to be renewed in Messiah’s love and strengthened daily in the Spirit. Ask the Lord of the harvest to raise up laborers for the harvest in Israel and the Middle East. (2 Peter 3:9, Psalms 27 and 23, Zechariah 12:10, Matthew 9:38)
- Our Enemies: Hamas – Hezbollah – Iran. Pray according to Psalm 149:6-9 that God’s judgment be executed on Iran and terror groups dedicated to Israel’s destruction. Pray that Hamas and Hezbollah will be neutralized in order to set Palestinians, Israelis and others free from an evil Islamist regime. According to Zechariah 9:5-7, prayerfully proclaim that “Gaza will lose her king, [that God] will cut off the pride of the Philistines, … and take the blood from their mouths [so] those who are left will belong to our God.” According to Jeremiah 49:34-39, prayerfully proclaim that God will “break the bow of Elam [modern-day Iran], the mainstay of their might” and “set His throne in Elam.” According to Psalm 29:5, prayerfully proclaim, “The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars [symbol of lofty strength]; the Lord breaks the cedars of Lebanon [Hezbollah].” Ask Him to reveal and give wisdom to Israel and other nations to implement heaven’s strategy for a post-war government in Gaza. Pray for divine direction and Israel’s supernatural defense against all forms of terror and military invasion. (Matthew 5:44, Amos 1:6-8, Daniel 2:21, Jeremiah 51:20-24, Psalms 27 and 91)
- Israeli Authorities. Pray that every Israeli leader will remain in office for as long as God wants him or her serving in that office. Pray for the gift of the fear of the Lord on each leader, for divine wisdom, godly counsel, supernatural protection on all levels, renewed strength and strategic direction. Pray especially for our emergency war cabinet: PM Netanyahu, Mr. Gantz and Mr. Gallant. Pray they will receive accurate and supernatural intelligence to know what Israel should do, and when and how to do it. (1 Timothy 2:1-4, Daniel 2:21, Psalm 75:6-7, Proverbs 9:10-11, 21:1, Psalm 91, 1 Chronicles 12:32)
- Unity. Pray for healing of the serious, internal disunity that has impacted Israeli society, politics and government leaders in recent years. Ask God to graciously convict us to forgive and love one another. May He neutralize demonic influences that stir up or finance hateful, civil protests by Israelis against our own government. Pray for unity among our governing leaders, especially our emergency war cabinet. Petition heaven to raise up authorities who will inspire the nation afresh according to God’s ways. Ask Him for peacemakers in Israel and the Middle East who fear His Name. Bless and pray for increasing unity in the Israeli ekklesia. (Matthew 12:25, Psalm 133, Malachi 2:10, Colossians 3:14)
- Hostages. Pray for great grace to be released on each of the hostages who are still in Gaza. Petition for their salvation, protection, strength, comfort, endurance, health and quick, safe return. Pray abundant grace and patient endurance upon their families. Ask the Healer of Heaven for wraparound comfort and healing on the whole nation, as every Israeli has recently lost someone they knew or is grieving with those who grieve. May any ceasefire deal for the release of hostages in exchange for the release of terrorists from Israeli jails be just and righteous according to godly wisdom, and not the product of unsanctified mercy or appeasement. (1 Samuel 30:11-19; Psalm 23, Jeremiah 30:12 and 17, Zechariah 9:11-12)
- Troops. Pray for daily renewed strength, watchfulness, angelic protection, precise and accurate intelligence, and anointing for effectiveness on each of our soldiers, military leaders and officials, security officers, police and first responders, and defense system technologies. Lift up the hundreds of Messianic soldiers in our armed forces, that the light of Yeshua would shine through them onto their fellow warriors. Ask God to help our troops avoid making mistakes that would harm innocent civilians or other Israeli soldiers. Pray for protection, strength, unity and anointing on Israeli warriors in the Spirit, Messianic Jewish and Arab Christian intercessors in the land. (Psalms 18 and 91)
- Scope of War. Pray that the scope and duration of Israel’s wars will be limited, by the power of the Blood of Yeshua and His sovereign kingship, according to His will. May it not result in a world war out of God’s timing. Pray that US involvement and decisions made by President Biden will be led of the Lord and reflect His time to favor Zion, not forcing a premature end to the war. Petition for the same concerning other nations who supply Israel with military aid. As a result of Israel’s wars with Hamas and Hezbollah, may new and godly, international alliances form according to His will. (Daniel 2:21, Proverb 21:1, Psalms 46, 102:13)
- Media War and Lawfare. Ask God to restore the love for truth that once characterized humankind. Pray for the exposure and uprooting of outrageous and hateful lies about Israel and the Jews which are reported daily in nearly all mainstream and social media, including some Christian media outlets. Bless media outlets that are reporting the truth. Pray for their protection and for an increase in their reach and effectiveness. Petition heaven for mercy toward Israel in the profound lawfare she faces in global bodies such as the United Nations and International Court of Justice. (Lawfare is the disingenuous changing of traditional and usually democratic, Judeo-Christian based laws in order to bring about major political changes that will reflect values contrary to current and traditional laws.) (Psalm 144:11, Exodus 20:16, Psalm 27:12-13, Genesis 12:3)
- Spiritual Warfare. Pray the power of the Blood of Yeshua and Word of Truth over ongoing influences of witchcraft, occult manipulations, globalist influences and other supernaturally evil forces coming against Israel. Pray especially that our governing leaders, our military and the interceding Israeli Body of Messiah will be protected from powers of darkness. Beseech God to dismantle occult shields of protection over head leaders and operatives of Hamas and Hezbollah. Worship and praise the Lord! (Worship and praise can battle powerfully against powers of darkness in spiritual realms.) (Ephesians 6:12, Numbers 23:23, Zechariah 9:13)
- Global Anti-Semitism. If led by the Spirit, repent on behalf of your nation or community for anti-Semitism. Beseech God to break the murderous spirit of Jew hatred rolling in the nations. Pray especially for the turning of hearts of young people exposed to genocidal anti-Semitism on college campuses and social media. Pray that international leaders at all levels and spheres of authority, especially in democratic nations, will courageously restrain incitement against Jewish students, Jews everywhere and Israel. Bless those leaders who speak out and stand up for the Jews. At the same time, ask God to use mounting anti-Semitism to encourage aliyah among Jews not yet living in Israel.
- Global Ekklesia. Pray for the global Body of Messiah to stand firm in the love and truth of God’s Word in support of Israel, while also carrying His heart for Palestinians and others involved in the wars. Ask Him to raise up and bless an army of intercessors around the world who will fast and pray for Israel. Petition Him for direction and wisdom for Christians in the nations to quell anti-Semitism in practical, effective ways. Pray for revival, the only true antidote to the hatred of Jews. Last but not least, thank God for answering your prayers! (Matthew 5:14-16, Revelation 12:11, Matthew 25:31-40, Psalm 100:4)
Critical Event: A Look at Radical Anti-Semitism Status Quo from the Dutch Conflict
【Current affairs background: Last week (November 7), an attack against Israelis occurred at a football match in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. After the game that night, Israeli fans were violently attacked by unknown persons. Because the Dutch police were unable to provide appropriate protection and stoppages, a group of men in black chased and beat Israelis on the street. Some lone Israelis were beaten and even burned the Israeli flag. At least ten of them are known so far. Seriously injured, dozens more suffered minor injuries. Because this incident occurred on the eve of the 86th anniversary of the famous “Kristallnacht” in Jewish history , it attracted attention from outside. On November 9 , 1938 , German anti -Semitic people and stormtroopers attacked Jews throughout Germany. At that time, the German government looked on with cold eyes, paving the way for the organized massacre of Jews in the future.
Israeli fans said: “The police arrived too slowly. Many people were injured when they arrived and even went to the hospital.” Although the Dutch authorities took action against the perpetrators, the Dutch Prime Minister even condemned the violence and expressed shame. The President of the European Union later also strongly stated that anti-Semitism has no place in Europe. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu attaches great importance to this matter. He not only dispatched two special planes to take back Israeli citizens, but also asked overseas Israeli citizens not to reveal their identities because there are more and more signs that since October 7 last year, Since the Kazakhstan War, extreme anti-Semitic forces have risen again in Europe, the United States and other places.
Understand the Current Situation of “Global Uprising”
Israel’s Minister of National Security said: “Fans going to football matches have been subjected to anti-Semitic attacks and unimaginable brutal attacks simply because of their identity as Jews and Israelis.” He even put it bluntly. He said the attack was “a signal to all European countries to be wary of ‘extreme violence’ by Muslims” and warned that if everyone continued to turn a blind eye, “today’s victims are Israelis, and tomorrow’s victims may be Europeans” .
Many political leaders in the United States, Canada, the Netherlands and Italy have publicly expressed concern and sternly condemned actions brought about by radical Islamism and anti-Semitism. However, ” Globalize the Intifada ” has spread around the world, and mobs and violence against Jews continue to occur. If countries do not take precautions, Jews around the world will continue to be in danger .
Let us continue to pray for the rising tide of radical Islamism and anti-Semitism, and ask the Lord to awaken the people of all countries so that they will not be deceived and understand the evil and danger of anti-Semitism, and then support and stand for the survival of the Jewish people.
】 (Reference: Jerusalem Global Chinese Worship Center)
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Pray for the Indigenous People: Determination in the Fire of War – The Earthly Firstborn and the Spiritual Firstborn Stand Together
【Current events/Background: We reported here that the “Indigenous Embassy of Jerusalem” (IEJ) was established in Israel on February 1 this year, and held a simple opening ceremony (to read related reports, please click here ), and planned The grand opening of the “Jerusalem Aboriginal Embassy” to be held on October 27 this year. Indigenous people from all over the world were invited to wear their own outfits and bring gifts to Israel, stand with Israel, speak for Israel, and support God’s chosen people.
In preparation for the grand opening ceremony in October, Canada’s First Nations Grand Chief, Lynda Prince, held a “North American Aboriginal Ceremony” at the Muckleshoot Reservation near Seattle at the end of May this year. First Nations of North America Leadership Conference. Many people are deeply aware of the importance of indigenous peoples and nations standing with Israel at this time of rising anti-Semitism, and have expressed their desire to attend the grand opening in October to honor and encourage the Israeli people.
October Grand Opening Postponed
However, due to the impact of the war, the IEJ global leadership held several Zoom meetings and decided to postpone the IEJ “Grand Opening Ceremony” that Lynda was responsible for to next year. One of the main factors in this decision was that the “war canoes” originally destined for Israel could not be disembarked because Israeli beaches were closed to all public activities due to the war. In addition, many airlines stopped flying to Tel Aviv, causing air ticket prices to soar, making it impossible for many indigenous leaders who wanted to participate.
Another event, Advocacy Day, was scheduled to be canceled because Toronto Jews felt it was unsafe to go to Israel right now, so the seminar was canceled. As for the “Academic Seminar” event, it cannot be canceled and will be held as scheduled.
A Few Indigenous Leaders Still Went as Planned
Still, Lynda and other indigenous leaders feel that, as indigenous peoples, they must stand in solidarity and show support for Israel . So they decided that some of them should be present because they were a remnant of the remnant. There are currently about 35 indigenous people from all over the world, who have defied all odds and will stick to their original schedule. Fifteen of them will meet with Israeli President Isaac Herzog on the 28th.
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Cleansing And Covering Prayer
Cleansing Prayers
Dear Heavenly Father, I ________ (put your name in it) come to the throne of grace, through the blood of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, to receive Your abundant grace and mercy. Lord Jesus, ________ confess You are the Lord of my life. I ask the resurrected power of the Holy Spirit to fill and saturate every part of my being. I surrender all my spirit, soul and body completely to You. Now I ask You to reveal to me, remind me of any sin that I have committed known or unknown, so that I can confess and repent of them accordingly. (Recommendation: quiet yourself, so you can allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you)
Cleanse me from all the defilement of the world, sanctify me and my family line of any unrighteousness with the blood of Jesus. Now by my own will, I choose to forgive everyone that has offended me or hurt me, I release them into the freedom of my forgiveness. I also release them from the debts they might owe me. I now cast all my burden to You . Your yoke is easy, Your burden is light. I now put on the armor of God that You have given me, gird myself with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, my feet fitted with the gospel of peace, so that I can pray and intercede in the Holy Spirit by Your mighty power, and after done all to stand firm.
Firewall Covering Prayer
Abba Father, I thank you for watching and blessing us coming in and going out, from now and forevermore.
Abba Father, help us to hide under the shadow of the Almighty, and cover us with Your wings. I now plead the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on myself, my entire family _________
(speak names of your family, and name the people, things, items, that needs covering, such as : your work, ministries, and everyone that you minister to, your property, finances, friends, pets, vehicles, pastors and small group leaders / members and president )
Abba Father, send the host of angels and chariots of fire, to surround and protect us, I ask that You place the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ, in between everyone and the power of darkness that we might be facing today, to block all ungodly influences and keep us from all spiritual attacks, loss of property and any evil strategy of the enemies. We declare no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!