Weekly Prayer (10/21)

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Cleansing/Covering Prayer

Prayer Category Prayer Item
Editor’s Note
Prayer Declaration
Pray For United States
Pray For Israel
Pray for Global Critical Events
Pray for First People and Native Americans
Pray for Church

Editor’s Words

Editorial Special Section: Lou Engle: America and the Nations Still Need You!

Message: Lou Engle Date: October 17, 2024   

Editor’s Note: This article is a letter from Lou Engle to the intercessor of “Millions of Women”.

Dear AMW,

With deep hearts of gratitude, THANK YOU for joining us on The Mall for A Million Women. We invite you to pause today for a Selah moment to thank Jesus for all that He accomplished through our solemn assembly.

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Editorial Special Section: Breakthrough Visions & the A Million Women Event

Message: Chuck Pierce Date: October 3, 2024   Source:  TaiwanTOD video

Message :Rachel Lynn Lawrence, Kathi Pelton & Veronika West  Date : October 18, 2024    Source :  Elijah List

Editor’s note: Below is a compilation of prophetic words and visions from the A Million Women event in Washington D.C., which took place on October 12, 2024. We pray you’ll be encouraged and continue to pray! A great battle was won on this day for our families, our children, and this nation. Let us come into agreement with God and continue to press in for the complete victory in Christ!

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Editorial Special Section: Chuck Pierce: Persistence Against the Resistance!

Message :  Chuck Pierce  Date October 13, 2024 Source:  Elijah List

A Time to Choose: Don’t Hold Back!

I recently returned from ministering in Houston. While there, I received this word from Penny Jackson, which is so appropriate for now:

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Editorial Special Section: Nita Johnson: The Place of Stillness

Message : Nita Johnson Date: February 1, 2022    Source : World for Jesus Ministries

I entered into a position known as the “Fullness of Union” near the end of January on Thursday the 27th, 2022. The entrance into this most holy place actually began at a point in time on March 15th, 2019, after over 30 years of following His will step by step down a hidden path under the discretion of the Almighty One!

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Editorial Special Section: Entering the year 5785, Pastors Around the World Call on Churches to Repent and Welcome the Return of the Lord Jesus.

Compiled report: Zhao Jinhan   Date : October 8, 2024 Source : Kingdom Revival Unity Prayer Alliance

Israel begins the year 5785 on the evening of the 2nd of this month (October), and also holds the Feast of Trumpets, while the Jewish New Year marks the beginning of the 10-day “Ten Days of Awe”, followed by the Day of Atonement on the 11th. For the Jews, the Day of Atonement is the Day of Judgment, when they must grieve and repent for the sins they have committed in the past year. Priests and rabbis around the world have shared in the reception of Rosh Hashanah.

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Editorial Team: [Voice of Fig] Prophetic Message_578502 – 14 Practical Wisdoms About Boundaries

Information : JennyLee Date : October 20, 2024   Source: YouTube Video    Chinese Translation: Song of Wei Mu

No one can take away your destiny. Not even the enemy can hinder God’s plan for your life. Only you can – it depends on how you manage your heart in these moments. So pray for more grace. Pray for grace for yourself – for your weakness.

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Declaration Prayer: For President Trump and His Team [Update]

We declare in the name of Jesus :

  • God will continue to bless and protect President Trump and his family, as well as the “scepter of justice” that God has raised up to support him in his government.
  • The blood of Jesus covers them and those close to President Trump, bind and drive away any witchcraft or spells cast on them.
  • The Holy Spirit continues to pour out and personally guide President Trump. He grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God. ( Lu 2:52 )
  • The seven spirits of God are manifested in President Trump’s life ( Isaiah 11:1-3 ), giving him keen insight and discernment, judging the situation, and resolutely continuing to fulfill his call.
  •  God will restore Trump to his rightful position at His best time and give people grace to transition.

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Declaration Prayer: The Declaration for the Month of Tishrei

Editor’s note: The month of Tishrei is the seventh month in the sacred calender and the first month of Jewish secular calendar year 5785, corresponding to October 3 to November 1, 2024 in the Western calendar.

Declare in the name of Jesus :

  • As we walk and fellowship with God daily, we will experience His overflowing blessings and abundance in us.
  • It is the beginning of this new year and the beginning of the great harvest time, and we are to be aligned with God’s timing.
  • Behold, darkness covers the earth, and darkness covers the nations, but the LORD will appear to shine upon us, and His glory will be upon us. (Isa. 60:2)
  • We are the light of the world, who follow Jesus, and do not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. (Jn 8:12)
  • The LORD God is the source of all things to us, and in the shaking He is aligning us with His will.
  • Those that have been scattered will return and we will see restoration in individuals, families, jobs/services, or visions.
  • The LORD God is in control of the whole earth and is releasing His judgments at the right time.
  • We need to draw closer to God and be touched by Him more deeply.
  • This is a time of spiritual awakening, when all the obstacles that keep us from turning back or entering into the fullness of God will be removed.
  • We will receive a double blessing from God.

(Adapted from The Blessings of the Month of Tishrei by Ron Sawka )

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Declaration Prayer: Watchmen Decree

Editor’s Note: This article is excerpted from the prayer post of “Give Him 15 ” on 2022/7/6 by prayer leader Dutch Sheets.

As a Patriot of faith, I attest my allegiance first and foremost to the kingdom of God and the Great Commission. Secondly, I agree to be a watchman over our nation concerning its people and their rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


  • we, the Church, are God’s governing Body on the earth
  • we have been given legal power and authority from heaven
  • we are God’s ambassadors and spokespeople over the earth
  • through the power of God, we are His world influencers
  • because of our covenant with God, we are equipped and delegated by Him to destroy every attempted advance of the enemy


  1. We decree that America’s executive branch of government will honor God and defend the Constitution.
  2. We decree that our legislative branch (Congress) will write only laws that are righteous and constitutional.
  3. We decree that our judicial system will issue rulings that are biblical and constitutional.
  4. We declare that we stand against wokeness, the occult, and every evil attempt against our nation.
  5. We declare that we now take back our God-given freedoms, according to our Constitution.
  6. We declare that we take back influence at the local level in our communities.
  7. We decree that we take back and permanently control positions of influence and leadership in each of the **Seven Mountains.
  8. We decree that the blood of Jesus covers and protects our nation. It protects and separates us for God.
  9. We declare that our nation is energy independent.
  10.  We declare that America is strong spiritually, financially, militarily and technologically.
  11. We decree that evil carries no power, authority or rights in our land nor over our people.
  12. We decree that we will operate in unity, going beyond denominational lines in order to accomplish the purposes of God for our nation.
  13. And we decree that AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!

We know this country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. We know the truth; therefore, we stand for truth and will NEVER be deceived! We will NEVER stop fighting!

We will NEVER, EVER, EVER give up or give in!

We WILL take our country back.

We WILL honor the ONE TRUE GOD, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!

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The Boomerangs Are Flying

Editor’s Note: This article is adapted from the October 18, 2024 post of “Give Him 15 ” .
Current Events/Background: God often used allegorical pictures in Scripture. Jesus was called a “lamb,” His word was referred to as “seeds,” Holy Spirit as a “dove.” Numerous examples could be given. In 2022, the Lord gave my brother, Tim, a very interesting allegorical word regarding “boomerangs” and “highways.” Holy Spirit reminded Ceci of this as we processed yesterday’s post and some other prophetic words. We felt strongly that He desires to remind us of it.  …Detailed Reading

  • America is Turning Back: Heavenly Father, thank you for all you have done to keep this highway of freedom and turn around the states and around Washington, D.C. “Bypass” the arrogant and those with evil intentions. “Bypass” those who choose not to walk in Your ways. Initiate Your plan in “free states” across the country to turn us back on the “American Way.” Shake everything that needs shaking and accelerate the dreams, visions and plans You have for us. We pray that we will see a remarkable  transformation, not just in the United States, but throughout the world, transforming from “Saul” to “Paul.” We agree with Heaven and pray for Your power to change everything.  
  • We declare in the name of Jesus Christ,
    • God is transforming people, states, nations, and governments, even “deep state corruption.”
    • The perpetrators will be brought to justice.
    • The strongholds of deception and darkness will be broken down.
    • The conspirators’ war plans will be reversed.
    •  Evil governments and demonized dictators will continue to be overthrown.
    • Angels have been sent out to throw boomerangs and reverse evil plans, plots and schemes.
    • God is releasing true light into America, many hearts are awakening, and the veil of blindness will be removed.
    • A divine reversal is being unleashed and will continue.

In the name of Jesus, Amen!

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Pray for America: Joel’s Army Prayer Points

Editor’s note: This article is the focus of the “World for Christ” ministry led by Nita Johnson to pray for the United States on September 15, for your reference and prayer.

  1. Worship God
  2. Pray for the Fractured Church/Disjointed Church – tremendous compromise and lack unity and impotence in the Church, abortion, human trafficking, idolatry, ritual abuse.
  3. Pray about Abortion – end at state level, RNC stance. Planned parenthood indoctrination in schools, (restore us to a culture of life).
  4. Pray about Human Trafficking – repentance and intercession. Remember what is occurring at the border so we can include that in our prayer.
  5. Pray for Academia (especially what they are doing to the children, maiming them physically and intellectually)
  6. Pray for Media! include MSM and the deep states control… (Cisa) censorship arm of the state department. Manipulate information about Trump and Kamala to sway voters to vote for Democrats.
  7. Pray for Trump, protection friends, family, new admin. New Cabinet such as:
    • Robert Kennedy,(education, medical shambles, childhood disease epidemic/vaccine)
    • Elon Musk. (Economic restoration. Bank Wars)
    • Ben Carson, etc.
  8. Pray for Conservatives in at state level. Bring Democrat party down. Expose the corruption in the sanctuary cities.
  9. Pray to Stabilize the economy. European, US and other Markets. No bit coin/refined economic system. Pray about Central Banks against National Banks-Take over!
  10. Pray for Civil Strife-and Citizens against Gov. —chaos! Riots, gang violence, virus, Deep state infiltration of US postal service causing late or missing mail effecting Social security and businnesses in the state of MO, no spread or effect on election ballots, & Electrical Grid shut down.
  11. Pray for the Catholic Church -repentance for compromise and crimes against the innocent.
  12. Pray about America’s WWll war crimes against Jewish victims as well Germany. We are responsible for holocaust victims and the near destruction of Germany during and after the war. Pray against WWlll efforts. Russia/ukraine. Pray to stop the shipments of long range weaponry to Ukraine.  Israel/Middle East


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Pray for Israel: Devotions For Each Day Of Sukkot With Prayers For Israel

Editor’s Note : This article was posted by Sandra & Kerry Teplinkski, founders of “Light of Zion Ministries” on October 15, 2024.

Day 1: Why Sukkot? God graciously gave Israel the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) “so that your generations may know that I had the people of Israel live in booths [sukkot] when I brought them out of the land of Egypt.” (Lev. 23:43.) YHVH provided well for the ancient Israelites journeying to the land of promise. He carried them “as on eagles wings,” a good and loving Father supplying their every need. (Ex. 19:4) And He does the same for you.

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Critical Event: Europe’s Awakening

Background:  Recently, Austria has just completed its elections in Europe, and the far-right Freedom Party has achieved an unprecedented victory. ..…Detailed Reading

  • Jeremiah 2:2 This is what the LORD says: I remember your youthful love and your marital love, how you followed me in the wilderness, in an uncultivated land.
  • Isaiah 60:1-3   Rise up and shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord shines upon you. Behold, darkness covers the earth, and thick darkness covers all the peoples, but the Lord will appear and shine upon you, and his glory will appear on you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness you have discovered.


  • Europe is Awakening : Heavenly Father, Europe is the place where the gospel first arrived. You remember how the ancestors of your European people followed You in the wilderness and uncultivated land because of Your love ( Jeremiah 2:2 ) , spreading the gospel throughout the world. Spread to America, Africa and Asia . Although darkness now covers Europe, and darkness covers the people of Europe, You have not given up on Europe. You are once again visiting the people of Europe, appearing to shine on the nations of Europe, and Your glory is about to be revealed on them. Anoint the vessel You have chosen and used to sit on the throne, change the situation, influence people’s hearts, and turn the European continent upside down. You must take back Europe and make Europe great again because of you!
  • In the name of Jesus Christ we declare :
    • Jehovah God will intervene more and the gates of heaven are opening to Europe.
    • The European remnant is rising and shining.
    • The fire of prayer is once again ignited across Europe!
    • God’s righteousness, faithfulness, and truth must be seen in Europe.
    • Europe will be the kingdom of our Lord and His Christ!

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

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Pray for the Indigenous People:Determination in the Fire of War – The Earthly Firstborn and the Spiritual Firstborn Stand Together

Current events/Background: We reported here that the “Indigenous Embassy of Jerusalem” (IEJ) was established in Israel on February 1 this year, and held a simple opening ceremony (to read related reports, please click here ), and planned The grand opening of the “Jerusalem Aboriginal Embassy” to be held on October 27 this year. Indigenous people from all over the world were invited to wear their own outfits and bring gifts to Israel, stand with Israel, speak for Israel, and support God’s chosen people. …Detailed Reading

  • Isaiah 40:1-2 “Comfort, comfort my people,” says your God.  2 Speak comfort to Jerusalem and proclaim to her that her days of war are fulfilled and her sins are forgiven her. You will receive double punishment from the hand of the Lord for all your sins!”
  • Jeremiah 55:5 They will visit Zion and face it and say, Come, join yourself to the LORD for a covenant that will never be forgotten. 』


  • The earthly firstborn and the spiritual firstborn stand together: Heavenly Father, the indigenous people represent the Gentiles of the nations, who came to Jerusalem to stand with the Judahs during Israel’s difficult times. They comfort and comfort Your people! They are to visit Zion and enter into the covenant of union with Your Beloved. May your heart also be comforted! When the indigenous people (the earthly firstborn) and the Jews (the spiritual firstborn) stand together in Jerusalem, worshiping and praising together, the two become one, and the glory of heaven will fill the entire holy city. Peace is no longer just a luxury, the Lord His ways will be taught to all nations.
  • We declare in the name of Jesus Christ,
    • There is no lack or fear in love. This journey of love to Israel for the indigenous people will be filled with your loving presence, abundant supply, complete peace, and great joy.
    • The arrival of the earthly firstborn natives will bring breakthroughs in the spiritual world and the natural world, and all things on earth will be revived.
    • The earthly firstborn Aboriginal people share the joys and sorrows of the spiritual firstborn Israel and will bring the nations into alignment with God’s will.
    • Next year, more indigenous peoples and remnants from all nations will come to Israel to prepare the way for the glorious King!

In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen!

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Pray For Church

Pray for Participating Churches and Pastrs on Regional 24/7 Prayer Walls

Editor’s Note: The 24/7 prayer walls listed here are especially for local churches and pastors. If you are committed to watch on the regional walls, simply click on the link listed below to connect to the local prayer wall. 】

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Related Events and Prayer Background

Editorial Special Section: Lou Engle: America and the Nations Still Need You!

Message: Lou Engle Date: October 17, 2024   

Editor’s Note: This article is a letter from Lou Engle to the intercessor of “Millions of Women”.

Dear AMW,

With deep hearts of gratitude, THANK YOU for joining us on The Mall for A Million Women. We invite you to pause today for a Selah moment to thank Jesus for all that He accomplished through our solemn assembly.

There is no doubt that the Kingdom of God advanced in our nation as we tore down demonic altars in our land. Through our repentance and the Blood of Jesus, idols came down and God cleansed us from our national guilt. The enemy’s gates have been repossessed by the Lord as gates of righteousness for the coming revival and outpouring of the Holy Spirit! This is no small thing!

Esthers, our assignment continues! Now, as Christ’s ambassadors, we must guard the gates of our nation to ensure that when the enemy comes to inspect what was swept clean, he will find us Spirit-filled, standing in the gap, and releasing the Kingdom of God! As we do, there will be NO room for the enemy to come back into our nation seven times stronger (Matthew 12:45).

Therefore, let us pray and stand together for the next 30 days, that:

  • In place of female rebellion, an army of righteous Esthers would continue to rise in boldness to do the will of God.
  • Instead of allowing open windows for the enemy to attack our children’s innocence and identity, parents would take their place in intercession to vigilantly guard and cover their children in prayer.
  • Spiritual fathers and mothers (as well as parents) would grow in wisdom to effectively disciple the next generation to follow Christ.
  • Women would be completely healed from the effects of past abuse and cleansed of all bitterness.
  • Mordecai men would protect, work with, and champion women with purity and respect as the past abuse and objectification of women has been dealt with by the power of the Cross.
  • As the altar of Ishtar has been demolished, and the fruits of her entanglements have been exposed, by the power of the Blood of Jesus, let nothing of her remain. And in her place, let God’s wave of salvation and deliverance sweep through our land!

Lastly, please agree with us that all those who joined A Million Women to pray for America, whether in person or online, are covered by the Blood of Jesus. We decree that because of the Bloodline, the enemy cannot retaliate! It is finished!

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Editorial Special Section: Breakthrough Visions & the A Million Women Event

Message :Rachel Lynn Lawrence, Kathi Pelton & Veronika West  Date : October 18, 2024    Source :  Elijah List

Editor’s note: Below is a compilation of prophetic words and visions from the A Million Women event in Washington D.C., which took place on October 12, 2024. We pray you’ll be encouraged and continue to pray! A great battle was won on this day for our families, our children, and this nation. Let us come into agreement with God and continue to press in for the complete victory in Christ!

Glory from Sea to Shining Sea
by Rachel Lynn Lawrence

October 13, 2024:

The day after the Million Women Prayer event in Washington D.C., I heard the Lord instruct me to appropriate the victory in the region where I live. I urge you to do the same. Stand with, declare, and appropriate Jesus’ victory! (Photo of Rachel Lynn Lawrence)

As I declared this in our church’s prayer time, the Father spoke forth this word, filled with revelation and expectation for His glory to cover America. He said, “There’s a brilliance now sparkling over the USA… It’s My glory.

“Waves of glory are mounting forth. Waves of My glory are rising. My Spirit hovers over the expanse between sea to shining sea. My Spirit is brooding from sea to shining sea.

“Don’t you see it? Don’t you see it?

“The dam of Ishtar has been broken. The dam of indecency has been obliterated. The dam of Baal has been broken over America by the cries of My people and by the washing and regeneration of My Word. The blood of Jesus is, once again, striped across America.

“As My Spirit hovers and brings life, the world will watch in amazement at the glory that will go forth. As My Spirit glistens My glory, it will begin to disperse in streams—streams that emanate My glory. These streams will flood their banks into regions. No area in America is safe from the overflow of My Spirit and My presence which is about to burst forth.

I heard the Father laugh a sonic-boom type of laugh, a laugh full of love, a chuckle that resounded.

“There’s no holding back now. Oh, there’s no holding back now. There is NO holding back now.”

I felt in my spirit to declare a grand reversal of the United States, to declare a grand repentance back to one nation under God.

Then the Lord spoke, “The opposition will mount up, but alas, they will be crushed by My waves. (Photo via Pexels)

“Purified Church, don’t hold back My presence. Purified Church, don’t dam up My presence; keep crying out for it; keep contending for it. The time is now!

“My people, ‘We the People,’ the people of America, I’ve heard. Oh, I’ve heard.

“I’ve seen the tremblings of your heart in the acknowledgment of My awe and glory. I’ve collected your tears in the bowls of Heaven; they are mixed with incense, they are mixed with My Son’s blood, and they are mixed with petition prayers. They are being poured out in power and glory in the expanse, even now, from sea to shining sea!”

Lastly, I heard the Father begin to sing “America the Beautiful” over our nation.

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

(“America the Beautiful” by Katharine Lee Bates)

Surely, He has heard our cries. Glory to God Almighty! We appropriate Your Son’s blood upon our nation.

“In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I cried for help. From His temple He heard my voice, and my cry to Him reached His ears.” (Psalm 18:6)

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)

A Vision for America
by Kathi Pelton

October 16, 2024:

Last week, on October 12th (the Day of Atonement), the A Million Women event took place at the Mall in Washington D.C. It was a gathering for those hungry to see the Lord’s hand cover this nation, and a time to fast and pray in unity as a LAST STAND moment for America. Over 250,000 modern-time Esthers gathered on the National Mall in D.C., while over fifty nations joined into the online live broadcast. (Photo of Kathi Pelton)

During this event, I had a vision for America.

In this vision, I was shown a massive airtanker flying over our nation. Below, on the land, there were demonic wildfires that were out of control, all across the land—across all fifty states.

Then I saw this massive airtanker begin to release what looked like red fire retardant upon these fires. But as I looked closer, it was not fire retardant but rather blood being poured upon these fires and upon the land.

The blood of Jesus was being released from the prayers going forth from millions of Americans praying and repenting, fasting and decreeing, and travailing and worshiping as ONE. The blood of Jesus was the fire retardant that would stop the spread of these demonic fires.

Throughout all fifty states, joined by fifty nations, there was a corporate cry of unity and oneness from the Esthers and Mordecais of our day to save the nation. We cried out for Israel, for the unborn, for those caught in gender confusion and alternate lifestyles, for racial injustices, for righteous government, and for the Lord to receive His rightful inheritance in America. We decreed simultaneously, “No King but Jesus!”

The blood of Jesus speaks better things than the blood of Abel (see Hebrews 12:24)!

I have been in many prayer gatherings in Washington D.C., but this one felt different. It was the fulfillment of a prophetic word, it was a kairos time, and it was anointed with oneness with God and one another. It was a manifestation and answer to Jesus’ prayer in John 17:20–24:

“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in Me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as You are in Me and I am in You. May they also be in Us so that the world may believe that You have sent Me. I have given them the glory that You gave Me, that they may be one as We are one—I in them and You in Me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that You sent Me and have loved them even as You have loved Me.

“Father, I want those You have given Me to be with Me where I am, and to see My glory, the glory You have given Me because You loved Me before the creation of the world.”

God called my family to move to the Washington D.C. region in 2019 for a prayer assignment. We lived there throughout the 2020 elections and throughout the global pandemic. During that time, I was given a significant dream about America that took place on the National Mall in DC. (Photo of the A Million Women gathering via Lou Engle’s Facebook Page)

In that dream, “In God We Trust” was restored to our nation, and the glory of the Lord lit up Washington D.C. with a heavenly light. But it took the nations crying out as one for this to happen. Now we have seen this happen a number of times in 2024.

God is redeeming America. The cries of His people throughout our nation and throughout the nations are bringing forth one voice and one sound as we cry out for mercy. The nations know that what happens in America affects every nation!

The blood of Jesus is being poured over our land to put out the fires of deception, perversity, destruction, robbery, injustices, and death.

“For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. Through Him you believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and glorified Him, and so your faith and hope are in God.” (1 Peter 1:18–21)

We are being cleansed by the precious blood of Christ; that is our hope and our faith! As the lyrics to the song “You Are the Lord” say:

Every other god is an idol
Who cannot see and cannot hear
There is one true living God
There is one true living God

(You Are The Lord, by Jessica Barron and Tim Reimherr)

His name is Jesus!

Silver and gold cannot redeem us, the power and strength of man cannot save us, but there is ONE TRUE LIVING GOD that will. His name is Jesus!

A Vision of the Washington Monument
by Veronika West

October 13, 2024:

I truly stand amazed at the A Million Women Esther gathering that took place in D.C., with the Washington Monument in the background and the Capitol Building in the distance. (Photo of Veronika West)

In 2021, the Lord gave me a powerful vision of the Washington Monument, and this is what I saw:

I saw the tip of God’s finger touch the Washington Monument, and it looked as if He had pricked His finger. I saw just one drop of blood fall, and I watched as the blood began to run down the monument and onto the ground.

As the drop of blood touched the soil of the nation, I felt the land begin to shake violently, and I suddenly saw the monument crack in two.

I watched as one side of the monument went to the right and the other went to the left. As I looked at the two sides of the cracked monument, I saw a “v” shape appear before me, and I heard these words: “vindication” and “victory”!

As I heard this, I looked again at the “v” shape, and suddenly it was as if I was looking down the shaft of a silver arrow. I could see the sharp tip of the arrow placed in the middle of the “v” shape, which now looked like the crosshairs of a bow.

Then, as I looked through the crosshairs of the bow, I saw the White House, and I heard these words: “For My eye is upon this nation, and the crosshairs of My bow and the silver tip of My arrow are now pointed at the White House; for My eye is upon the White House in this hour, for victory and triumph!

“I say, just one drop of My blood has the power to break and shatter the chains of witchcraft and demonic oppression over a nation. Just one drop of My blood has the power to sift and separate the goats from the sheep—just one drop of My blood! Yes! Just one drop of My blood has the power to purge and purify the land!

Again I say, just one drop of My blood has the reformation power and authority to bring a nation to birth in one day!

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Editorial Special Section: Chuck Pierce: Persistence Against the Resistance!

Message :  Chuck Pierce  Date October 13, 2024 Source:  Elijah List

A Time to Choose: Don’t Hold Back!

I recently returned from ministering in Houston. While there, I received this word from Penny Jackson, which is so appropriate for now:

“People need to hear Me right now. They need to know I am encouraging them to advance and aggressively press ahead, that I can guide them through. They need to know that I am with them, I am fighting for them, that I will show them clearly each step to take. These are exciting times, times for the final battle approaching, [and] things lining out on this earth as they haven’t before.

“This is such a different season. You will see things that will cause you to just watch in wonder. You will see displays of My power that others have only dreamed of. You will see Me move in ways that you will know only I could have done it.

“There will be no question or wondering of the source. There will be such a draw to Me in this, and yet many will fight it. While many will be drawn, there will still be a falling away. It will be too much for some, too much commitment. People will have to choose, and some will fall away.

“Don’t be dismayed by those who won’t go forward. They have to choose for themselves. It’s a choice only they can make. While it will be hard to watch, don’t let it pull you down or pull you back. Move forward with what you know and what you see. Don’t hold back.”

Persistence Against the Resistance!

If we are going to battle for the high places, then we must learn to persevere. I am so grateful for the flow of prophetic revelation that continues to move through the Global Spheres Center. Here is a portion of what was released yesterday:

I am giving My people a new level of persistence against the resistance. There is a new empowering with the persistence of the Lord. You will not give in.

“I am putting a new level of authority on the inside of you. You shall stand in this hour, and though the enemy would resist your family, though the enemy would resist your finances, though the enemy would resist your health, there is a persistence in My people that shall stand against the resistance.

“I am giving you new weapons of warfare, and the Blood shall empower those weapons in a new way. Be filled with the persistence of the Lord, for He was persistent to do all that He had been sent here to do, and you shall be persistent to fulfill what I have called you for in this hour.

Many of My people have tried to systematically organize their deliverance, but you must ascend in worship to get deliverance.

“I am sending this storm to stir up the gift that is inside of you, and you are trying to routinize My deliverance. I am sending the storm to stir up the gift inside of you again. (Photo via Unsplash)

“Many of you have given in to the power of the world system for your deliverance, but I am stirring up the hornet once more. I am stirring up the storm to get My people positioned to cross over into a new time of abundance. The gift of faith, the gift of giving, the gift of war must be stirred in My people once again! Stir up the gift inside you!

“The incubation period is over. I am ending the incubation period. There is so much richness inside of you, so much wealth inside of you that has been in this place of concealment for so long—it’s time! It’s time!

There is a reality that I need you to see to overtake, and then grab the plunder. There is a war, but you have been so concealed in all these promises and been surrounded by My presence. It’s time for you to come out. It’s time for you to come out of hiding and start to overtake the land that I am birthing you into [in] this hour.” (Prophetic word given by Barbara Wentroble, Keevy Phillips, and Jane Arenas.)

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Nita Johnson: The Place of Stillness

Message : Nita Johnson Date: February 1, 2022    Source : World for Jesus Ministries

I entered into a position known as the “Fullness of Union” near the end of January on Thursday the 27th, 2022. The entrance into this most holy place actually began at a point in time on March 15th, 2019, after over 30 years of following His will step by step down a hidden path under the discretion of the Almighty One! Subsequent to this long but necessary journey through the many lessons learned and maturation gained, Jesus brought me to live with Him here in this most holy place. En-route, He executed many more impartations of Himself, increasing our level of Union with each deposit He made until I arrived at our Thursday night destination called the “Fullness of Union.” Not surprisingly, the meaning of the “Fullness of Union” was granted in a place called “The Stillness of God”! (Psalm 4:4a) or “The Rest of God Almighty,” (Hebrews 4:1b).

Many things have transpired since entering into this most Holy Dwelling Place. The following is regarding an experience that revealed some significant revelations of life in this level of Union!

The Stillness of God!

My experience!

I awoke at 3 am on Feb. 1st, 2022, and found myself in a unique place. Jesus revealed the state and condition of my soul to me at this time. If I were to give this place a name, I would entitle it: “The Stillness of God” as He Himself called it.

This is a place Jesus invited me to maybe 3yrs ago. However, this was the Kiros experience He gave to me to help me understand such a place. If I were to describe it, I would share it thus:

“It is a place of tranquility and state of being filled with a Divine innocence. Indeed, the Divine Nature! Amidst Pristine beauty, emanations of Holiness and Purity combined with

Righteousness, Love and Perfect Peace had taken up residence on my innermost being. Christ created His own dwelling place in me and invited me to join Him in Divine Union within its boundaries. The feelings that the above-mentioned condition evoked from me were perhaps what a baby might feel in the womb of a perfectly content mother; a sense of safety, restfulness, being nurtured. My mind, heart, soul, and spirit, even my flesh was at perfect “rest in the state of comfort, contentment, free from guilt or inner anxiety due to sin, or the soulish Nature. I felt so loved, so accepted, in a place of utter blissfulness. One could not even consider such a place on this earth. There was no sense of evil or present endangerment by evil, just carried in the arms of His protection. Life seemed restful; there was a great sense of freedom as I was in a state of repose in this place he created in me called the “Stillness of God”. I desire to put one more emphasis on the holiness, purity, glory/Shekinah, righteousness, kindness, and tender-heartedness, resulting in perfect serenity with which I was consumed within and without. My inner man rested in the Spirit of God manifesting His essence comprised of the above and these virtues had recreated my Nature to take on the likeness of His according to (Romans 8c.) (Eph 2:4 -7d)

This spiritual awakening as to my new condition/position lasted about 15min or so in the beginning. After moments of sheer amazement, suddenly I experienced all-out warfare against my mind by the enemy of our souls. Nothing was harmful, just inconvenient and a nuisance!

The enemy was trying to provoke fear to make me feel unstable and unsafe. There was no place to hide; I had to fight. I do not know how long this lasted, but as soon as it started, it lifted, and I was back in that incredible “Stillness” again held in the everlasting arms of my heavenly Father.

I was back to where it began; At “Rest”. Only one thought entered my mind at this time: I had never known this before. To live in this place, this is my quest!

One so occupied by God, finds there was nothing left for anything but to behold His beauty and grace, His sublime, holy, noble, and pure character and love.

No yearning could invade such a place of peace. I was His! Totally, without complicity, at rest in this impeccable place of “Stillness” in His love. He would give me the questions and answers I needed without stress or strain.

Jesus showed me how this life in Him would work together with life living in the temporal world. To walk and live in this Divine Rest in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the world around us takes practice. We must learn to yield to His Stillness until it utterly owns us by way of the embedded, habitual actions it promotes. The Scripture shows us how to do this. Passages such as I have included in this writing and Scriptures such as Paul wrote in (Romans 12:1, 2e) help us along the path. This quietness of soul was both a gift from Jesus by the Spirit of Grace and the environment God granted by taking the time and effort to purge my soul of the things that hinder such a life. In this place, rather than fighting a world of darkness within by way of the Sinful Nature which had been eradicated some 3 years before, I now live in a pool of truth! That does not mean the Devil can no longer tempt us to sin at small points here and there, and even on rare moments, win.

Then again, after some time, the warfare started all over again, and I had to fight it. And fight it I did, until at last, “Stillness” returned.

His peace, His presence, I suppose all with which He filled me surrounded me. Encapsulated with what seemed to me an eternal bliss at rest in the “Stillness” of my Lord, I had no “I wonder’s”. No “questions”. I sought no answers. I sought nothing. I knew only the Stillness of His Love in His Divine Rest, the innocence of His Divine purity, the pristine beauty of something never touched by evil.

To be alive and have no thoughts of self, to think no specific thoughts even about the Glorious God, only the experience of His presence breathing gentle whispers of revelation into my heart. Yet, to be wrapped in this peaceful, noble beauty of His very life was incomprehensible.

I felt no need to open files to ensure I stored all the information I was receiving, for nothing felt like information rather a life of revelation, in His eternal existence. He now fills every inch of me. I no longer have a divided heart; I was one in and with Him. He united my heart and my mind, and I was at rest in His perfect “Stillness” of love. (Heb 4:3, 4, 6-10f; PS 86:11g) I have His heart; mind and am in the “Fullness of Union” with Him seemingly soul and Spirit.

I said to Him, “Father, this is what I needed. I did not know! So beautiful! So pure, undefiled, perfect in Your own Divine innocence. Thank You! I feel so overwhelmed.” I thought it could take an eternity to understand what has happened to me.

I looked at the clock for just a moment before I fell asleep; it was about 5 am. How much longer I lay awake aware of my new life, I do not know.

I kept thinking about the words Jesus spoke to me: This is full Union!

Continue to strive to enter into the Rest. (Heb 4:12j)

I never knew it would feel like this. Now that I am in Union, this is my life; unequivocal beauty in Him, then war with the enemy! Ever-revolving! The times I will experience the wars against my mind will be brief and only for ever-deepening purification! Then, He not only will restore me to the manifested “Stillness,” but He will impart more of Himself. The New Creation (2 Cor 5:17k) Jesus created within will never depart from my soul. Whither I feel its effects or not at any given moment, it is always with me. It is the new me! My now restored soul wrapped and enmeshed in His Divine Spirit, the Spirit of Christ our Beloved.

This night was mine to have as I walked through the door of the future!

As I write this, it is now 2.10.22. I am still experiencing seemingly ever-increasing degrees of Union, deepening the work He has already completed. I continue to feel more and more impartations throughout each day and night! I continue down this new path of further growth.

Jesus is calling through the mouth of the Spirit of Wisdom as she cries out in the streets. The Father is looking for a people who will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. Enter into Union with the Son. Kiss the Son and be blessed. Come! Come!

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Editorial Special Section: Entering the year 5785, Pastors Around the World Call on Churches to Repent and Welcome the Return of the Lord Jesus.

Compiled report: Zhao Jinhan   Date : October 8, 2024 Source : Kingdom Revival Unity Prayer Alliance

Israel begins the year 5785 on the evening of the 2nd of this month (October), and also holds the Feast of Trumpets, while the Jewish New Year marks the beginning of the 10-day “Ten Days of Awe”, followed by the Day of Atonement on the 11th. For the Jews, the Day of Atonement is the Day of Judgment, when they must grieve and repent for the sins they have committed in the past year. Priests and rabbis around the world have shared in the reception of Rosh Hashanah.

Repent and Seek God’s Mercy and Grace

The LORD said to Moses, “Speak to the Israelites: On the first day of the seventh month, you are to keep a holy Sabbath day. You are to blow the trumpet as a memorial and have a holy meeting. You are not to do any hard work; you are to offer an offering made by fire to the LORD.” It was said to Moses, “The tenth day of the seventh month is the Day of Atonement; you shall keep it as a holy consecration, and you shall afflict yourselves, and offer offerings made by fire to the Lord. You shall do no work on that day; for it is the Day of Atonement, and you shall do it on the Day of Atonement. On that day whoever does not punish his sins will be cut off from his people.” (Leviticus 23:23-29)

According to the Bible, the people of Israel will blow the trumpets and hold a holy meeting on the first day of July. That day is also the Sabbath. In order to commemorate God’s covenant, they can reflect on and repent of their sins throughout the year, and enter the “Ten Days of Awe.”

Amir Tsarfati, Founder of the Ministry “Behold Israel”, quoted the Bible to explain God’s promises and salvation to Israel. Daniel Chapter 9:24-27 predicted the seven-year tribulation. After 69 weeks, the Jews were waiting for the coming of the 70th week of judgment, brewing the redemption of the Messiah, and the prophet Zechariah also predicted that the remnant of Israel would turn to Jesus ( Samuel 12:10; 14:4 ), admitting He is the Messiah, and then all Israel is saved ( Romans 11:26 ).

Pastor Chad Holland., senior pastor of King of Kings Community Jerusalem shared the message of “Making Trumpets Holy” on Rosh Hashanah Sunday. The Feast of Trumpets calls the Jews to worship and pray. On the one hand, they ask for the remembrance of the Lord to free them from their enemies. On the other hand, they also need to prepare for the Day of Atonement , repent for their personal lives during the Ten Days of Reverence, and then collectively repent for the country on the Day of Atonement. , humbly seek God’s forgiveness, and “come to God with a sincere heart and full faith” ( Hebrews 10:22 ).

Pastor Troy Brewer, the founder of the Open Door Church in the United States , explained in Hebrew that the “8” and “5” in the year 5785 are composed of “pey” and “hey”. Symbolizing “mouth” and “breathing” respectively, it is an image of “mouth to mouth” and a two-edged sword, emphasizing the holiness of Christian life . The number “5” connects grace and repentance because God’s grace leads to repentance. Grace is not just defined as forgiveness, but God gives Christians the ability to overcome challenges. For example, “rescue” saves a girl from being trafficked, while “grace” allows her to regain her life and move towards a successful life. 5785 is not just a number, it is a call for Christians, so seize this moment of divine opportunity (kairos), 5785 is a year of grace and repentance.Pastor James Goll, founder of God Encounters Ministries, said that in the new year, it is not common to have two “5”s in 5785. It is a year of double grace . God wants to expose sin. Let His people become “people with clean hands and a pure heart” (Psalm 24:4), and enter into a new beginning (number “8”) through rest (number “7”). He believes that the situation in Israel is like a test, which at the same time brings God’s mercy and revival, including: American campus revival and Iranian house church movement. Revival requires the heart of a father and a mother to call on God and obtain the spirit of wisdom so that the church can become the answer to the world.

Prayer and Warfare Gain the Dual Authority of Priest and King

The late prophet John Paul Jackson shared his understanding of the end of the world in 2009. There are shortages of running water and food, and rising unemployment, which has led to an increase in crime rates and people committing crimes to rob food. The church will return to the fear of God, but at the same time the enemy will create fear, destroy social and educational systems, and cause people to move out of the big cities. Muslims will systematically gain a seat in American politics by amending the constitution to allow Muslims to pray in schools but prohibit Christians from praying. As described in Psalm 24 , God’s glory will re-introduce churches and families, and God’s rich presence will come to the church, healing all nations, and allowing people to receive supernatural supplies. God will reveal the sins of the church and also reveal hidden things to those who fear Him (see Psalm 25:14 ).

Rabbi Curt Landry said that Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot are not just Jewish traditions. They are festivals appointed by God for people to reflect, repent and reorganize. The year 5784 was the year of anointing of kings and priests , just like King David. In this year, Christians should lay the foundation for the next 10 years, embrace and shoulder the dual anointing and responsibilities of kings and priests, and exert authority in families, workplaces, and society. Therefore, 5785 represents grace, perfection, and newness. To begin, prepare for the return of the Bridegroom, aligning yourself with God’s timetable.

Messianic Jewish Rabbi Jonathan Cahn said that just as the gospel was preached from the Jews to the Gentiles, so before the Messiah returns, the gospel will be preached back to the Jews. Jesus is bringing the other branches back to the olive tree, the church is returning to its roots, and Christians around the world and Israel have never been more united than they are now since the book of Acts.

Glory of Zion. Dr. Chuck Pierce said that since September 2019, the world has entered an era of war that will last for 10 years. There are three main fronts in the world now, including: the Russo-Ukrainian War, the Middle East and both sides of the Taiwan Strait. He believes that the Taiwanese church has the ability to become God’s high place and cause the kingdom of God to rise , but Satan wants to rob the spiritual high place through immorality, idolatry, breaking covenants, and shedding innocent blood. Chuck. Dr. Pierce declared that Taiwan should pray and worship on high to break the snare of sin, and encouraged Christians to review every promise God has given to Taiwan.

Dr. Arleen Westerhof also mentioned that the world has entered an era of war. She called on Christians to pray for Israel, the Russia-Ukraine war and the cross-strait situation, because the late prophet Bob. Bob Jones once predicted that revivalists would come from Russia and Ukraine. God teaches His people to fight (Psalm 18:34), obtain spiritual coordination, discern the enemy’s movements through prophecy and worship, and change the atmosphere in the spiritual world. The year 5785 is also a year of judgment. God will clear up the weeds, remove the chaos, and then reap the harvest. God will turn the situation around this year, just like Esther turned defeat into victory, so the church must plant prayer altars everywhere to break down strongholds and bring about transformation. Christians must also regain courage and confidence in God And recapture everything that the enemy has captured.

The late prophet Jackson,  Rabbi Lanchao, Rabbi Kahn, Chuck. Dr. Pierce and Dr. Westerhof (top left to bottom right) encourages Christians to align themselves with God in the new year. Picture/Source: YouTube@CurtLandryMinistries, jonathan cahn.official, todtaiwan, ArleenWesterhof

Prayer focus:
1. Ask the Lord to guide the church to prepare itself on the Day of Atonement, to turn away from the sins of the country, family, society and workplace, to call on God for mercy, to seek God while we can, to call upon Him, and to be spared from His wrath. and judgment.
2. Pray for church revival. Ask the Lord to raise up Christians to become priests and kings, seize God’s timing, exercise authority in the places He has entrusted, defeat the enemy, and bring about transformation and revival.

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Editorial Team: [Voice of Fig] Prophetic Message_578502 – 14 Practical Wisdoms About Boundaries

Information : JennyLee Date : October 20, 2024   Source: YouTube Video    Chinese Translation: Song of Wei Mu

  • No one can take away your destiny. Not even the enemy can hinder God’s plan for your life.
  • Only you can – it depends on how you manage your heart in these moments.
  • So pray for more grace. Pray for grace for yourself – for your weakness.
  • Pray for grace for those who have hurt you.
  • Ask for grace to keep your heart clean and pure.
  • Pray for grace to move forward into the incredible future your Heavenly Father has planned for you. You may not get endings or closure. But you are being given something better.
  • That is, you gain God’s favor by handling your heart with honor, dignity, courage, and respect in the face of loss, rejection, and hurt. It is in these difficult and painful moments that our hearts grow and the true strength within us emerges.

Don’t Wait for the Ending

  • Many times, the end of a season can seem like an unfinished state.
  • You will feel things that “should” or “could” happen. But you may not get the ending you want.
  • You have to deal with unresolved issues, regrets, regrets, sadness—things you could have said or should have done.

Let Go of Hurt and Offense

  • Don’t get bogged down in bitterness and unforgiveness. Free yourself from self-blame and self-punishment.
  • Then, get ready for the next season. Heavenly Father has more for you than you can imagine. Don’t let the wounds of your past hold you back from your glorious future.
  • Sometimes you want closure or a chance to move forward – but you can’t have both.
  • You might get the solution, or the change you’ve longed for—but you can’t get both.
  • Choose today 
    • I will move forward.
    • I will trust the Lord to take care of those “unanswered questions.” I’ll leave those “unfinished details” behind. I no longer wait for explanations or apologies.
    • My life is too short and my calling is too great to always look back.
    • I will not dwell on facts that cannot be changed.
    • I won’t let my heart harden. My God is able to heal, restore, compensate and repay.
    • I will see the goodness of the Lord in every area and aspect of my life.

I Don’t Need to Wait for the Ending

But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14)

14 Practical Pieces of Wisdom about Boundaries

  1. You are Under No Obligation to Get Along with Anyone:  Make conscious choices about your relationships. Choose your close friends carefully.
  2. Start Slow:  Don’t set new firm boundaries in all relationships right away. Make small changes. For example, instead of meeting once a week, maybe you could meet up for coffee every few weeks.
  3. Be Firm but Not Aggressive:  Don’t set boundaries when you’re angry about something, as this will often lead to a negative reaction. Take your time, think carefully, and when you need to communicate, be direct and clear.
  4. Be Clear and Specific: If someone is taking up too much of your time, tell them, “I can only see you Monday night between 6 and 7 p.m.” When 6:55 arrives, remind them that time is almost up.
  5. Don’t Feel the Need to Apologize or Explain your Decisions : Jesus said, “If your words are yes, say yes; if they are no, say no.” (Matthew 5:37) You don’t need to create some esoteric reason or complicated excuse. to explain why you can’t participate in or commit to someone’s plans. If someone invites you to do something and you don’t want to do it, simply say, “I’m afraid this isn’t for me, but thank you for the invitation.”
  6. Don’t Let Guilt or Manipulation Change your Boundaries:  As I said, the people who benefit most from your lack of boundaries are likely to react strongly when you no longer meet their desires. That’s okay. You can’t control their feelings or actions, but you can control yours.
  7. Boundaries are A Form of Self-Care:  You can’t give to others from an empty container. Boundaries can help you stay healthy in body, mind, and soul, allowing you to serve others more effectively in the areas God has called you to serve.
  8. You Don’t Have to Respond to Every Email or Message:  In general, I try to respond to those who contact me. But sometimes, the timing isn’t right, or I’m just too busy. You can respond later. In some cases, if the person is rude or overly negative, I may simply delete the message and move on.
  9. Forgiving Someone Doesn’t Necessarily Mean you Have to Rebuild a Relationship with Them:  Some words can’t be taken back, and some things can’t be undone. You can choose to forgive them, but you don’t have to let them back into your life.
  10. There’s a Big Difference between Mistakes and Patterns of Behavior that Don’t Honor God: I can forgive and readmit them when they occasionally make mistakes. But if they choose a destructive path and refuse to face their problems, I might distance myself and seek further guidance.
  11. If Someone Doesn’t Respect Your Boundaries, Set Stricter Ones:  If they still ignore your boundaries, you may have no choice but to exit the relationship.
  12. If Someone Constantly Disrespects, Belittles, Insults or Humiliates you, then you have Absolutely no Obligation to Keep that Person in Your Life: This applies to anyone, even if they are a member of your family. Jesus once gave this advice: “Do not give holy things to dogs, nor throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn and bite you.” (Matthew 7:6)
  13. Understand the Difference between Friendship and Ministry: If the relationship is one-sided, or you would not choose to be with this person outside of a church setting, it may be a ministry relationship, not a friendship. Treat it according to this standard.
  14. Stay Away from Emotional Vampires: They will drain you dry and leave you feeling empty. You can never do enough for them.

Boundaries Bring Freedom

  • Setting boundaries is about taking control of your life. This is a sign of maturity and self-respect.
  • They provide direction and protection in your life.
  • They prevent you from living at the mercy of other people’s needs, opinions, and whims.
  • A life without boundaries is often filled with chaos, confrontation, resentment, and frustration.
  • Boundaries keep me safe and keep me healthy. I only have one life, and God calls me to bear fruit.
  • If I spend my time and energy on things or people that God has not given to me, then I will not be fulfilling this calling.
  • Proper boundaries improve my ability to focus on what matters most.

Clarity is Coming

  • For too long, everything seemed a blur. There’s a layer of fog and distraction hanging over you – like a lingering frustration or unease that you can’t seem to shake. You are pulled in different directions.
  • You are busy but feel unproductive and fulfilled. You know change is coming, but it’s hard to see.
  • You feel a change inside, but outside everything seems to be the same as usual. There’s an anticipation, you know something new is brewing. But it felt like it dragged on for too long. You battle depression at times. You’re tired of waiting. You are exhausted from waiting. You just want to hear the Lord speak to you. You’re eager to take the “next step.” You are ready for “something new.”
  • In fact, you have been ready for a long time. Let me encourage you today – things are about to change.
  • Clarity is coming and confusion is dissipating. You will begin to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit more often and more clearly.
  • He will give you a new vision for the future. He will show you the steps you need to take.
  • You will understand the changes you need to make. Those confusing pieces will start to fall into the right places.
  • The Lord says to you: You are not without a way out. I know you’re frustrated because it doesn’t seem like everything is going right. You think you’ve tried it all. You feel like you’ve reached the end and don’t know where to go next. But I have some options you haven’t seen yet. I will give you the door into unknown possibilities and opportunities. These are the best options that I have hidden just for you. So don’t give up out of frustration or impatience. Your best option has not yet been revealed. It will be much better than you planned, hoped for or expected.
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The Boomerangs Are Flying

Editor’s Note: This article is adapted from the October 18, 2024 post of “Give Him 15 ” .
Current Events/Background:  God often used allegorical pictures in Scripture. Jesus was called a “lamb,” His word was referred to as “seeds,” Holy Spirit as a “dove.” Numerous examples could be given. In 2022, the Lord gave my brother, Tim, a very interesting allegorical word regarding “boomerangs” and “highways.” Holy Spirit reminded Ceci of this as we processed yesterday’s post and some other prophetic words. We felt strongly that He desires to remind us of it.

When we hear a prophetic dream or word from the Lord, our typical response is to believe it is for NOW, and indeed, this is the case for some. However, God also gives us prophetic dreams and words that are His intentions for the future. He gives us an opportunity to come into agreement with His will until it comes to pass. As we will hear, this is the case for today’s post. 

This word has clearly been coming to pass in the context of Supreme Court decisions, the deaths of Hezbollah and Hamas leaders, whistleblowers, political affiliations changing, and a lot more! And God isn’t finished with this. This word was in a GH15 post on March 21, 2022, entitled “Boomerangs.” We’ll just call this one: 

The Boomerangs Are Flying

Tim shares:

Holy Spirit gave me a dream a couple of weeks ago [2022] where I saw a large division of angels. The angels were wearing breastplates and helmets made of silver. Throughout Scripture, silver represents redemption, truth, and interestingly, the purchasing of a slave’s freedom. In the book of Leviticus, a slave’s freedom was purchased with silver, fifty shekels for a male, and thirty for women (sorry ladies). Interestingly, this sheds light on why Jesus was sold for thirty pieces of silver. He wasn’t redeeming Himself; He was redeeming His bride. I knew this dream was about truth, freedom, and redemption.  

In the dream, angels were throwing something toward various nations, cities, and regions. They were also throwing them toward what appeared to be power stations, electric grids, and refineries. I knew these places represented evil –  there was a gray shadow surrounding them as if they were in a dark cloud. The items the angels were throwing caused freedom to be experienced and truth to be revealed. In the dream, I was trying to see what was being thrown, but could never see them. I awakened, not knowing what the angels had been throwing.  

Upon awakening, I began to pray in the Spirit and ask for revelation. Holy Spirit’s response was, “They were throwing boomerangs. You are moving into days of things boomeranging back on My enemies.” A prophetic word was then downloaded to me by Holy Spirit.

The Lord says,

“A boomerang effect is being caused by My angels upon strategies of darkness, just as My Ekklesia has asked. Evil plots, plans, and schemes of dark government will boomerang back on My enemies. Efforts that were meant to destroy My plans will boomerang on those opposing Me. Plans of destruction will come back upon them. And the King’s redemption shall be seen. 

“The Lord of Hosts decrees that in these days angels, in alignment with declarations of the King’s Ekklesia, are activating these boomerang strategies upon goat nations, cities, and governments. Divine reversals are now being released. Release the angels with your decrees, says the Lord. There will be reversals of powers, influence, and authority. Arrogant leaders anointed by hell will experience My supernatural reversals of their plans. Dictators anointed by hell will see their empires reversed. Billionaires anointed by hell to finance iniquity will experience humiliating reversals of their wealth. Their evil, the Lord says, will boomerang on them. 

“Those who initiated systems of evil to oppose Me will experience this boomerang. A boomerang-ing effect is proclaimed by Me upon media propaganda systems. Their reversal is planned and in process, says the Lord. A boomerang-ing is declared against humanistic education systems, lawless ideologies, and their underground systems. I see their plans clearly, and a reversal is planned. My angels are deployed to defeat them. Release My angels with your decrees. 

“You will see visible, public displays of undeniable reversals. My heirs will rejoice, as what was meant to harm them turns for good. I can, I have, and I will stand for them. I can, I have, I will cause My Ekklesia to prevail. I can, I have, I will anoint history makers. I can, I have, I will anoint new leaders. I can, I have, I will change the course of history. I can, I have, I will pour out My Spirit and shake hell. Reversals are now being released, and hell will not stop this.”

There is much that needs to change in our nation, and God keeps promising that He is going to change it. As I pondered this, Holy Spirit reminded me of another vision I received a while back, which I believe is connecting to its divine moment; it also confirms this dream. In this vision, I was traveling an interstate highway named The American Way. I had the sense that it was a well-known, well-traveled highway. This road led to Washington D.C., but it did not continue through it; instead, it ended at a bypass that circled it. All along The American Way were typical, large green signs; they all read the same: “U-turn This Exit.” Interesting. This interstate highway was built to include many U-turn possibilities. 

I then heard Holy Spirit say,

U-turns have been planned and are coming to the American way. New routes to destinations will now appear, rerouting people through ‘freedom states.’ My highways will be followed to places of reset. My Kingdom government is entering certain states, influencing and reconnecting them to covenants. The covenant resets now entering these freedom states will cause u-turns in the national government.”

As I contemplated and prayed about this vision, the Lord said,

“U-turns are occurring, and freedom states will produce change in D.C. I am shaking to bring change and reset covenants. Government and policies on Capitol Hill will turn; leaders will flip to My ways. I will turn some of their hearts as I did Saul of Tarsus. Yes, there are some ‘Sauls’ in D.C. and in state capitals; they will become ‘Pauls.’ U-turns are coming to systematic deep-state corruption; leaders in their ranks will flip and stand against illegal shadow government. U-turns are coming to the education system. Systematic indoctrinations of evil will be shaken and destroyed. You will see u-turns at the Supreme Court. U-turns will come to long-standing laws that oppose Mine, and, yes, a Saul will become a Paul at the Supreme Court. [This was released three months before Roe vs Wade was reversed.]

“The American Way will turn. Exit ramps of turnaround are in place. I am providing ways to turn around, just as My heirs have requested. This will also cause turnarounds in other nations as covenant roots reconnect. The time has come, and My plan is accelerating. U-turns have now begun; stand for their completion.”

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Pray for Israel: Devotions For Each Day Of Sukkot With Prayers For Israel

Editor’s Note : This article was posted by Sandra & Kerry Teplinkski, founders of “Light of Zion Ministries” on October 15, 2024.

Day 1: Why Sukkot? God graciously gave Israel the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) “so that your generations may know that I had the people of Israel live in booths [sukkot] when I brought them out of the land of Egypt.” (Lev. 23:43.) YHVH provided well for the ancient Israelites journeying to the land of promise. He carried them “as on eagles wings,” a good and loving Father supplying their every need. (Ex. 19:4) And He does the same for you.

Your Abba cares passionately for you. He protects you tenderly, yet fiercely. In a shaking, uncertain world, He is your ever-present shelter and shield. As you surrender to Him, He provides for all your needs according to His riches in glory in Messiah Jesus. Though in this world you will have tribulation, be of good cheer–especially at Sukkot–for He has overcome the world. (John 16:33) This week, be blessed in Your Father’s arms of protective love. If you can, build or visit a sukkah and experience in it the special sense of His presence and peace. (Lev. 23:42)

Pray for Israel: Ask God to tabernacle intimately this Sukkot with Israelis as their caring Father. Ask Him to draw especially near to the hostages and others who have suffered pain and loss this year. (John 1:14)

Day 2: Rejoice! Observant Jews call Sukkot “the season of our joy.” It is the only biblical feast on which God commands us to rejoice. (Deut. 16:13-14, Lev. 23:40) The Lord wants His joy to be in you so that your joy may be full. (John 15:11) Following Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur, and by the atonement of Yeshua, our fellowship with God has been renewed. Now, on Sukkot, you and I can gladden His heart, and increase His joy, by rejoicing in and with Him. During Sukkot, despite the troubles of the world, be intentional about the joy of the Lord: Rejoice!

Pray for Israel: Ask God to strengthen heartbroken and grieving Israelis with His joyful hope this Sukkot. We are to weep with those who weep in Zion, yet the joy of the Lord is their strength. (Nehemiah 8:10)

Day 3: Harvest Ingathering and Thanksgiving. Exodus 23:16 refers to Sukkot as a feast of Ingathering, with expressions of thanksgiving for the past year’s harvest. In faith, we also give thanks for the upcoming, next seasonal harvest. As a prophetic act of thanksgiving for harvest based on Leviticus 23:40, a wave offering of tree branches and choice fruit (lulav and etrog) is presented to God. Today, your personal harvest may or may not be agricultural. But daily a loving God provides for you and nourishes you in body, soul, and spirit. Messiah has “harvested” and gathered you in to His eternal kingdom. Be blessed to serve Him in the final spiritual harvest of these last days, the ingathering of souls into the kingdom of heaven.

“Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink … your heavenly Father knows what you need. But seek first His kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:25, 32-33)

Pray for Israel: Pray for an abundant harvest in Israel’s agricultural sector despite the loss of manpower and devastation of farmland due to rocket fire. Pray that our economy will be supernaturally sustained and that all glory will be given to God. (Ezekiel 36:29-30)

Day 4: Sacrifice and Offering. Important features of Sukkot were the many burnt, grain, drink, freewill and fellowship offerings God told His people to present. He instructed the ancient priests to sacrifice a total of 70 bulls during the feast. (Num. 29:12-38) The rabbis teach that because the number 70 in Scripture represents the nations, these sacrifices were made in priestly intercession not for Israel, but for the Gentiles. During the feast of Sukkot, observant Jews still purpose to bless the Gentiles.

Are you inspired to bless Israel in return? According to Deut. 16:17, “No man should appear before the Lord empty handed. Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the Lord your God has blessed you.” As a Christian, you can “offer your body as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.” (Romans 12:1) You can also offer material blessing and intercessory prayer for Israel during this season of her distress. Sukkot is a time to engage wholeheartedly in the privilege of joyful, sacrificial giving. The Lord will love it and I think you will, too!

Pray for Israel: As a follower of Messiah who has been given authority to function in both kingly and priestly roles, pray protection, wisdom, strength, anointing and unity on the servant-leaders of Israel. Daily they sacrifice much on our behalf. (1 Peter 2:9)

Day 5: The Shalom of Rest. The first and last days of Sukkot are celebrated as special Sabbaths. We cease from regular work and engage in the beauty of heavenly rest. (Lev. 23:35-36; Num. 29:12, 35). Hear your Savior call to your heart, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavily burdened and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30) This Sukkot, be renewed in the intentional rest of simply being with the Lover of your soul. Tabernacle with Him in His shalom.

Pray for Israel: Pray for supernatural shalom to enfold our war weary nation, especially our soldiers, leaders, hostages and others who may be unable to rest (and be rest -ored) deeply. (Isaiah 30:15)

Day 6: Honoring Messiah’s Birth. During Sukkot, Israel’s Holy Temple was dedicated to God, where His Shekinah presence came to rest with His people. (1 Kings 8:2, 65) But an even greater presence in an even greater temple may have come to us during this feast. Some Bible scholars believe that Yeshua was born during Sukkot. Their reference point starts with the conception of John, born to Elizabeth and her husband Zechariah. Recall that John was conceived after the angel Gabriel visited Zechariah during his priestly service in the temple.

Zechariah would have been serving according to the rotation of ministry, based on family lineage, set forth in 1 Chronicles 24-28. Since he was in the division of Abijah, he would have finished serving and gone home to Elizabeth in late June or early July. (Luke 1:5, 13-19, 23-26)

By the time Mary conceived Yeshua, Elizabeth was six months pregnant with John. This means Yeshua was likely conceived in the winter, perhaps during Hanukkah. Nine months later would coincide with the season of Sukkot. If in fact Yeshua was born during Sukkot, this would explain some hard questions associated with the traditional winter nativity.

Perhaps John had Messiah’s birth during Sukkot in mind when he wrote, “The Word became flesh and did tabernacle among us.” (John 1:14, YLT) While we cannot know for sure exactly when Yeshua was born, Sukkot can be a meaningful occasion on which to celebrate His birth and gift of eternal life. It is a wonderful time to give glory to God in the highest. Immanuel, God is with us!

Pray for Israel: “O come, o come Immanuel and ransom captive Israel,” goes the traditional Christmas hymn. Ask God to continue to tenderly soften Israeli hearts toward Himself and open Jewish eyes to see Messiah. (2 Corinthians 3:14-16)

Day 7: The Great Supplication. The seventh day of Sukkot is known as the Hoshana Rabah (Great Supplication or Great Salvation). In ancient Israel, the Hoshana Rabah was marked by an elaborate intercessory ritual for the outpouring of rain in the coming year.

While rain was associated with blessing throughout Israel’s history, the Jews of Yeshua’s’ day connected abundant rainfall and living waters with the coming of Messiah. Therefore, the Hoshana Rabah was a prayer for spiritual, as well as physical, rain. This gives more insight to Yeshua’s public declaration: “On the last and greatest day of the feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice: ‘If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture says, streams of living water will flow from within him.’ By this He meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were later to receive.” (John 7:37-38)

On the last day of Sukkot, be blessed to drink of the Spirit of God to overflowing. Then, may others who thirst partake of living waters flowing through you as you testify of the Great Salvation, Hoshanah Rabah.

Pray for Israel: Pray for the complete fulfillment of God’s covenant restoration of Israel as prophesied in Ezekiel 36 – 37: The resurrection of our dry bones into a vast army, our return to the promised land as an undivided nation, and the sprinkling of clean water to purify us from our sins, all to God’s glory.

Day 8: Shemini Atzeret. Shmeni Atzeret can be seen as a type of add-on gift from God, a sweet closure to the communal festivities of Sukkot. It is a day to process all He has done during the season of fall feasts. “On the eighth day hold an assembly and do no regular work.” (Num. 29:35) Burnt offerings are prescribed, but other instructions are not given. By tradition, the day came to be known centuries ago as Simchat Torah (Joy of Torah). The tragic events of October 7 occurred last year on Simchat Torah.

Despite the association with last year’s horrific attack, on Simchat Torah we can still offer thanks to God for the gift of His Holy Word. We can sacrificially offer to Him our lack of understanding of His perfect ways and choose to trust Him in difficult times. We can look forward to the blessed hope of His coming, when He will tabernacle among us in consummate justice, heavenly peace, and joyful righteousness.

When Messiah returns, not just Israel, but all nations will celebrate Sukkot. “Then the survivors of all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, and to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.” (Zech. 14:16) During that time we will revel in the exhilarating brilliance of divine love-light. Meanwhile, celebrating Sukkot can serve as a type of grand rehearsal for that future glory.

“Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men and He shall dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them.” (Rev. 21:3)

Pray for Israel: Pray for a swift and victorious end to the war that began last Simchat Torah. Ask God to comfort those mourning the loss of loved ones on this first anniversary of their captivity or death. Pray that the captives will soon be set free. (Isaiah 61:1-3, Psalms 2 and 83)

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Critical Event: Europe’s Awakening

Background:  Recently, Austria has just completed its elections in Europe, and the far-right Freedom Party has achieved an unprecedented victory. Due to people’s worries and aversion to immigration, asylum, illegal immigration and crime, rising inflation, slow economic growth and dissatisfaction with the strict measures taken during the epidemic, and due to the influence of the Hungarian presidency of the European Union, people’s hearts have moved to the right. Coincidentally, Italy had already established a right-wing government long ago, as did the Netherlands and the Czech Republic.

God’s Hand is Intervening Europe

The hand of God is intervening in Europe. At the recent EU meeting, Hungary assumed the rotating presidency of the EU every six months. The second half of 2024 is a critical second half. At a press conference in Budapest, Hungarian EU Affairs Minister Janos Boka vowed that Hungary would work effectively. He stressed: “As the rotating presidency, we will act as an ‘honest intermediary’ and cooperate faithfully with all member states and institutions. We will work hard to improve the EU’s economic competitiveness, strengthen defense policy, and promote “coherence and consistency” during our term. Performance-based expansion policy” and by cooperating with non-EU countries to curb illegal immigration with tighter border controls and more efficient deportation operations. It is also committed to reshaping the “Cohesion Fund” aimed at narrowing the gap between rich and poor regions, promoting “farmer-oriented EU agricultural policy”, taking into account protests against EU climate measures, and addressing the challenges of an aging population. . “

Then, he shouted: “Make Europe great again” – obviously a reference to Trump’s slogan “Make America great again”. It is really the European version of Trump!

Interdenominational Week of Prayer in the UK – Pray for the Country and Those who are Deprived of Their Freedom of Worship

Another breaking news is that Christians from different denominations, faith traditions and evangelical institutions across the UK will unite to organize a new National Week of Prayer, scheduled to be held from October 12th to 20th . The vision of the Week of Prayer is to gather Christians from the four main regions of the UK – England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland – to pray for repentance, spiritual awakening, and more lives transformed by Jesus. Pray for the country and those who are deprived of freedom of belief!

Church leaders who support the initiative include the Bishop of Winchester, Philip. Philip Mounstephen, and the Orthodox Archbishop of London, Ambar. Archbishop Anba Angaelos. “There is nothing more powerful than prayer. We must stand together and pray together,” said Archbishop Angelos.

“When we gather together, the Lord is among us. In this Week of Prayer, we pray for our country and for those who are deprived of their religious freedom.” Bishop Stephen said: “We are empowered People, through the Holy Spirit, we can pray to the Creator of the universe and believe that things can and will change. Let us pray together!

Many organizations such as Open Doors UK & Ireland, 24-7 Prayer, CARE (Christian Action, Research and Education) and the Evangelical Alliance are active participated in the sport. They will work together to encourage people across the UK and British Isles to hold regional prayer events.

On October 16, hundreds of people will gather at the Emmanuel Center near the Palace of Westminster (the Houses of Parliament in London) to pray for the nation and remember God’s ongoing work in this land. The coordinator of the project, Kamesh. Kamesh Flynn said: “Over the past few months, we have been deeply moved and grateful to see people everywhere willing to open their hearts and actively participate in praying for the country.” He called on believers everywhere: “No matter where you are from No matter the denomination, the size of the circle of influence, whether it brings together 3 people or 3,000, we believe this is the time for Britain to return to God and thrive in His identity.”

We believe that through the prayers of God’s people, God’s hand is intervening, God’s hand is working, and God is going to take back Europe. Europe is changing, Europe will not sink. Europe must exalt God again, churches must no longer be just tourist attractions, churches must be filled with the glory of God, and Europe must once again be great because of God.

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Pray for the Indigenous People: Determination in the Fire of War – The Earthly Firstborn and the Spiritual Firstborn Stand Together 

Current events/Background:  We reported here that the “Indigenous Embassy of Jerusalem” (IEJ) was established in Israel on February 1 this year, and held a simple opening ceremony (to read related reports, please click here ), and planned The grand opening of the “Jerusalem Aboriginal Embassy” to be held on October 27 this year. Indigenous people from all over the world were invited to wear their own outfits and bring gifts to Israel, stand with Israel, speak for Israel, and support God’s chosen people.

In preparation for the grand opening ceremony in October, Canada’s First Nations Grand Chief, Lynda Prince, held a “North American Aboriginal Ceremony” at the Muckleshoot Reservation near Seattle at the end of May this year. First Nations of North America Leadership Conference. Many people are deeply aware of the importance of indigenous peoples and nations standing with Israel at this time of rising anti-Semitism, and have expressed their desire to attend the grand opening in October to honor and encourage the Israeli people.

October Grand Opening Postponed

However, due to the impact of the war, the IEJ global leadership held several Zoom meetings and decided to postpone the IEJ “Grand Opening Ceremony” that Lynda was responsible for to next year. One of the main factors in this decision was that the “war canoes” originally destined for Israel could not be disembarked because Israeli beaches were closed to all public activities due to the war. In addition, many airlines stopped flying to Tel Aviv, causing air ticket prices to soar, making it impossible for many indigenous leaders who wanted to participate.

Another event, Advocacy Day, was scheduled to be canceled because Toronto Jews felt it was unsafe to go to Israel right now, so the seminar was canceled. As for the “Academic Seminar” event, it cannot be canceled and will be held as scheduled.

A Few Indigenous Leaders Still Went as Planned

Still, Lynda and other indigenous leaders feel that, as indigenous peoples, they must stand in solidarity and show support for Israel . So they decided that some of them should be present because they were a remnant of the remnant. There are currently about 35 indigenous people from all over the world, who have defied all odds and will stick to their original schedule. Fifteen of them will meet with Israeli President Isaac Herzog on the 28th.

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Cleansing And Covering Prayer

Cleansing Prayers

Dear Heavenly Father, I ________ (put your name in it) come to the throne of grace, through the blood of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, to receive Your abundant grace and mercy.   Lord Jesus, ________ confess You are the Lord of my life.   I ask the resurrected power of the Holy Spirit to fill and saturate every part of my being.   I surrender all my spirit, soul and body completely to You.  Now I ask You to reveal to me, remind me of any sin that I have committed known or unknown, so that I can confess and repent of them accordingly. (Recommendation:  quiet yourself, so you can allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you)

Cleanse me from all the defilement of the world, sanctify me and my family line of any unrighteousness with the blood of Jesus.   Now by my own will, I choose to forgive everyone that has offended me or hurt me, I release them into the freedom of my forgiveness.   I also release them from the debts they might owe me. I now cast all my burden to You .  Your yoke is easy, Your burden is light.   I now put on the armor of God that You have given me, gird myself with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, my feet fitted with the gospel of peace, so that I can pray and intercede in the Holy Spirit by Your mighty power, and after done all to stand firm.

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Firewall Covering Prayer

Abba Father, I thank you for watching and blessing us coming in and going out, from now and forevermore.
Abba Father, help us to hide under the shadow of the Almighty, and cover us with Your wings.   I now plead the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on myself, my entire family _________

(speak names of your family, and name the people, things, items, that needs covering, such as : your work, ministries, and everyone that you minister to, your  property, finances, friends, pets, vehicles, pastors and small group leaders / members and president )

Abba Father, send the host of angels and chariots of fire, to surround and protect us, I ask that You place the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ, in between everyone and the power of darkness that we might be facing today, to block all ungodly influences and keep us from all spiritual attacks, loss of property and any evil strategy of the enemies. We declare no weapon formed against us shall prosper.   Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!

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