Weekly Prayer (10/7)

Weekly Prayer (10/7)

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Cleansing/Covering Prayer

Prayer Category Prayer Item
Editor’s Note
Prayer Declaration
Pray For United States
Pray For Israel
Pray for Global Critical Events
Pray  for First People and Native Americans
Pray for Church

Editor’s Words

Editorial Special Section: A Million Women Fast and Pray on Yom Kippur【2024/10/12】

Date: October 4, 2024  Source: National Revival Unity Prayer Alliance

When the nation is in crisis, darkness, and without hope, Joel 2:15-16 says: “Blow the trumpet in Zion and set aside days for fasting and proclaim solemn assemblies. Gather the people together and sanctify the congregation. “

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Editorial Special Section: Chuck Pierce: 5785 – The Battle for the High Places

Message: Chuck Pierce Date: October 3, 2024   Source:  TaiwanTOD video

Editor’s Note: This article is excerpted from Chuck Pierce’s words about the coming year through a video on Rosh Hashanah (5785) to Taiwan TOD leaders, Elder Andrew, his wife Miriam and all leaders. We are reprinting it here for the reference of all intercessors.

We are living in an era of war, which began in September 2019 and will last for 10 years. We are now entering the fifth year of this era.

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Editorial Special Section: Curt Landry: In 5785, the King & Priest Rise Up and Shine!

Message:  Curt Landry  Date: October 4, 2024  Source: House of David

Say goodbye to the year 5784 when the double doors were opened for us. After dusk on October 2, 2024, we enter Rosh Hashana, the Feast of Trumpets in the year 5785 in God’s calendar. This is a year of double grace. It is the year of anointing as a royal priest. It is the moment when we move from the season of autumn rain to the season of spring rain (that is, the season of the last rain).

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Editorial Special Section: Ricci Johnson-Wilson: The Church: The Restrainer of Evil In the Prayer Closet, the Pulpit, and the Public Square

Message : Ricci Johnson-Wilson Date: October 1, 2024    Source : World for Jesus Ministries

Saturday morning, after our GOE, as I awoke, I felt as though I was stepping into an open vision. I saw the Church before me. It had rust, debris, even dark clumps of mold upon the sides. Each clump dimmed its light before men. I could feel the weakness within and apathy toward sin increasing in its walls.

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Editorial Special Section: Nate Johnston: Pioneers, You Aare In The Transition OF “Vision Reset”

Message: Nate Johnston Date: June 2, 2024    Source: Nate&Christy Ministry

I have a word for you this week. The Lord says;

“You are in a vision reset right now. That’s why I’m beginning to highlight the areas in your life that have been crowding out my voice. I’ve been highlighting the things in your life that have been contaminants, flies in the ointment, stopping you from seeing clearly the path, the plan, and the purpose that I have for you”

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Editorial Special Section: Lana Vawser: “Don’t Stop at the Gate”

Message: Lana Vawser   Date: September 30, 2024   Source:   Elijah List

Recently, I heard the Lord say, “Don’t stop at the gate,” and immediately I knew He was speaking about a threshold. He began to show me so many who have been facing increased warfare in this hour, and have been feeling quite discouraged over the battle.

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Editorial Special Section: Lou Engle & Christy Johnston: “A 90-Day Call to Prayer for the U.S. Elections”

Message: Lou Engle & Christy Johnstona Date: August 9, 2024  Source : Elijah List

This week, I want to revisit the Rebirth of America Dream. When the Lord showed me back on March 10 and again on June 5 that there would be an attempted assassination of a U.S. presidential candidate, I said we could pray against these things, so they could be lessened or stopped. A president has not been that close to an assassination in 43 years, since 1981, when Ronald Reagan was shot and God spared his life. I know it was a miracle President Donald Trump also survived on July 13.

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Declaration Prayer: For President Trump and His Team [Update]

We declare in the name of Jesus :

  • God will continue to bless and protect President Trump and his family, as well as the “scepter of justice” that God has raised up to support him in his government.
  • The blood of Jesus covers them and those close to President Trump, bind and drive away any witchcraft or spells cast on them.
  • The Holy Spirit continues to pour out and personally guide President Trump. He grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God. ( Lu 2:52 )
  • The seven spirits of God are manifested in President Trump’s life ( Isaiah 11:1-3 ), giving him keen insight and discernment, judging the situation, and resolutely continuing to fulfill his call.
  •  God will restore Trump to his rightful position at His best time and give people grace to transition.

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Declaration Prayer: The Declaration for the Month of Tishrei

Editor’s note: The month of Tishrei is the seventh month in the sacred calender and the first month of Jewish secular calendar year 5785, corresponding to October 3 to November 1, 2024 in the Western calendar.

Declare in the name of Jesus :

  • As we walk and fellowship with God daily, we will experience His overflowing blessings and abundance in us.
  • It is the beginning of this new year and the beginning of the great harvest time, and we are to be aligned with God’s timing.
  • Behold, darkness covers the earth, and darkness covers the nations, but the LORD will appear to shine upon us, and His glory will be upon us. (Isa. 60:2)
  • We are the light of the world, who follow Jesus, and do not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. (Jn 8:12)
  • The LORD God is the source of all things to us, and in the shaking He is aligning us with His will.
  • Those that have been scattered will return and we will see restoration in individuals, families, jobs/services, or visions.
  • The LORD God is in control of the whole earth and is releasing His judgments at the right time.
  • We need to draw closer to God and be touched by Him more deeply.
  • This is a time of spiritual awakening, when all the obstacles that keep us from turning back or entering into the fullness of God will be removed.
  • We will receive a double blessing from God.

(Adapted from The Blessings of the Month of Tishrei by Ron Sawka )

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Declaration Prayer: Watchmen Decree

Editor’s Note: This article is excerpted from the prayer post of “Give Him 15 ” on 2022/7/6 by prayer leader Dutch Sheets.

As a Patriot of faith, I attest my allegiance first and foremost to the kingdom of God and the Great Commission. Secondly, I agree to be a watchman over our nation concerning its people and their rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


  • we, the Church, are God’s governing Body on the earth
  • we have been given legal power and authority from heaven
  • we are God’s ambassadors and spokespeople over the earth
  • through the power of God, we are His world influencers
  • because of our covenant with God, we are equipped and delegated by Him to destroy every attempted advance of the enemy


  1. We decree that America’s executive branch of government will honor God and defend the Constitution.
  2. We decree that our legislative branch (Congress) will write only laws that are righteous and constitutional.
  3. We decree that our judicial system will issue rulings that are biblical and constitutional.
  4. We declare that we stand against wokeness, the occult, and every evil attempt against our nation.
  5. We declare that we now take back our God-given freedoms, according to our Constitution.
  6. We declare that we take back influence at the local level in our communities.
  7. We decree that we take back and permanently control positions of influence and leadership in each of the **Seven Mountains.
  8. We decree that the blood of Jesus covers and protects our nation. It protects and separates us for God.
  9. We declare that our nation is energy independent.
  10.  We declare that America is strong spiritually, financially, militarily and technologically.
  11. We decree that evil carries no power, authority or rights in our land nor over our people.
  12. We decree that we will operate in unity, going beyond denominational lines in order to accomplish the purposes of God for our nation.
  13. And we decree that AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!

We know this country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. We know the truth; therefore, we stand for truth and will NEVER be deceived! We will NEVER stop fighting!

We will NEVER, EVER, EVER give up or give in!

We WILL take our country back.

We WILL honor the ONE TRUE GOD, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!

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Pray for America: Pray for Pray for Hurricane-Stricken Areas

Editor’s Note: This article is adapted from the October 4, 2024 post of “Give Him 15 ” , and the article written by Dutch Sheets Ministries on October 1 to set up disaster relief donations for hurricane-stricken areas.
Current Events/Background: On the evening of Thursday, September 26, Hurricane Helene roared ashore in the Big Bend area of ​​Florida as a Category 4 hurricane with wind speeds of 140 miles (225 kilometers) per hour. The highest storm surge in decades caused catastrophic damage in six states, including Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee, upending life across the Southeast. …Detailed Reading

  • Psalm 46:1-3 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, although the earth changes, although the mountains shake to the center of the sea, although the waters within it roar and churn, and the mountains tremble due to the rising sea, we are not afraid .
  • Hebrews 6:19   We have this hope, like an anchor for the soul, strong and steadfast, even reaching within the veil;


  • Comfort and Help People in Disaster Areas : Heavenly Father, the trauma caused by Hurricane Helene is intense and the sorrow is immeasurable. Let those who do not know you turn to you through this calamity. You are not the destroyer, but the redeemer. You are the God who can turn disasters into blessings, reminding those who know you to rely on your grace, strength, and comfort and to hold on to the anchor of hope ( Hebrews 6:19) . Provide them with all the supplies and medical help they need, and comfort those who have suffered huge losses. Move the people across the United States to actively participate in the rescue. Help those organizations and volunteers to break through the bureaucratic barriers to accomplish whatever they are moved to do to help the people is the disaster areas.
  • God’s Will is Done in America: Heavenly Father, bring needed change to America, cleanse and heal our land. Give us righteous leaders in this election. We declare in the name of Jesus Christ,
    • God’s Kingdom Takes Power in America’s 2024 Elections.
    • Our prayers will cause America to be transformed and aligned with God’s heart.
    • The evil forces seeking to place antichrist forces into government positions will be dismantled.
    • Those who seek to prevent the cleanup of the United States government must be defeated.
    • The Great Awakening and the Great Revival are coming to America.
    • God will save America and restore America’s destiny!

In the name of Jesus, Amen!

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Pray for America: Joel’s Army Prayer Points

Editor’s note: This article is the focus of the “World for Christ” ministry led by Nita Johnson to pray for the United States on September 15, for your reference and prayer.

  1. Worship God
  2. Pray for the Fractured Church/Disjointed Church – tremendous compromise and lack unity and impotence in the Church, abortion, human trafficking, idolatry, ritual abuse.
  3. Pray about Abortion – end at state level, RNC stance. Planned parenthood indoctrination in schools, (restore us to a culture of life).
  4. Pray about Human Trafficking – repentance and intercession. Remember what is occurring at the border so we can include that in our prayer.
  5. Pray for Academia (especially what they are doing to the children, maiming them physically and intellectually)
  6. Pray for Media! include MSM and the deep states control… (Cisa) censorship arm of the state department. Manipulate information about Trump and Kamala to sway voters to vote for Democrats.
  7. Pray for Trump, protection friends, family, new admin. New Cabinet such as:
    • Robert Kennedy,(education, medical shambles, childhood disease epidemic/vaccine)
    • Elon Musk. (Economic restoration. Bank Wars)
    • Ben Carson, etc.
  8. Pray for Conservatives in at state level. Bring Democrat party down. Expose the corruption in the sanctuary cities.
  9. Pray to Stabilize the economy. European, US and other Markets. No bit coin/refined economic system. Pray about Central Banks against National Banks-Take over!
  10. Pray for Civil Strife-and Citizens against Gov. —chaos! Riots, gang violence, virus, Deep state infiltration of US postal service causing late or missing mail effecting Social security and businnesses in the state of MO, no spread or effect on election ballots, & Electrical Grid shut down.
  11. Pray for the Catholic Church -repentance for compromise and crimes against the innocent.
  12. Pray about America’s WWll war crimes against Jewish victims as well Germany. We are responsible for holocaust victims and the near destruction of Germany during and after the war. Pray against WWlll efforts. Russia/ukraine. Pray to stop the shipments of long range weaponry to Ukraine.  Israel/Middle East


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Pray for Israel: Prophetic Prayers – Vision of Tears

Editor’s Note : This article is excerpted from the Fall Ministry Report issued by Sandra & Kerry Teplinkski, founders of “Light of Zion Ministries” on September 1, 2024.
Current Events/Background: For many years we have shared that God is in the process of restoring Israel according to a broad strokes picture painted in Ezekiel 36-39 There we see Him breathe upon dry Jewish bones, revive us physically, and take us back to the land He promised. …Detailed Reading

  • Ezekiel 36:24-28 I will gather you from all the nations, gather you from the nations, and bring you back to your own land. I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. “I will also give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; I will take away the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put my Spirit within you, so that you may obey my statutes and keep my judgments and do them. You will live in the land that I gave to your ancestors, and you will be my people, and I will be your God. 
  • Psalm 84:5-6 Blessed is the man who has strength in You and sets his heart on the highway of Zion!  6 They passed through the Valley of Weeping, which was turned into a place of springs, and the blessing of the autumn rain filled the whole valley.  7 They walked from strength to strength, each one going to Zion to appear before God.
  • Isaiah 43:1-3 Now thus says the LORD, who created you, O Jacob , and He who formed you, O Israel: “Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, and you are Be mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; when you walk through the rivers, they will not overflow you; when you walk through the fire, you will not be burned, nor will the flames touch you. your God, the Holy One of Israel , your Savior.


  • Soften the Hearts of the People of Israel: Heavenly Father, in this period of increasing difficulty, please sprinkle clean water on your people of Israel according to your promise ( Ezek. 36:24-25 ), soak them with your tears, and soften their hearts. Although the hearts of many are softening, many are still hardened. Please help them get rid of their stone hearts, give them hearts of flesh, and give them a new spirit so that their hearts will no longer be hardened and they can repent and turn to You in time.
  • Israel Will Be Filled With the Blessing of the Autumn Rain : Heavenly Father, at the beginning of the new year 5785, thank you for the cleansing water you promised. The people of Israel will not be afraid. They will be strengthened by You and blessed by You. Although they have walked through this “Valley of Baca”, You will turn this valley into a place of springs, so that the blessings of the autumn rain will cover all the land You promised Israel. (Psalm 84:6 ). We declare,
    • God has nominated and called Israel, and Israel belongs to God.
    • When Israel passes through the water, God will be with them.
    • When Israel crosses the rivers, the waters will not overflow them .
    • Israel will not be burned when they walk through the fire, nor will the flames of fire touch them.
    • The Lord God of Israel is the Holy One of Israel and the Savior of Israel. ( Isaiah 43:1-3 )
    • Israel’s leaders and people will be aligned with God’s plan and walking in His will!

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

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Pray for Israel: The Annihilation of Hezbollah Leader – A Historical Turning Point

Editor’s Note: This article is excerpted from the prayer post of “Give Him 15 ” on 2024/9/26 by prayer leader Dutch Sheets.
Current Events/Background:  The Lord has been speaking to me about the need to finish this season well. We are all busy with many responsibilities and activities. It is easy to allow prayer and other spiritual actions to fall by the wayside, especially when we become weary. However, we cannot afford to do that at this time. …Detailed Reading

  • Joshua 1:3-4  Every place where the sole of your foot shall tread, I have given it to you, just as I promised Moses. From the wilderness and this Lebanon to the great river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and to the setting of the sea, shall be your border.
  • Psalm 21:7-12   Your hand will search out all your enemies, and your right hand will search out those who hate you. When you are angry, you will make them as in a burning furnace. The Lord will consume them in His wrath, and the fire will consume them. You will destroy their descendants from the earth and their descendants from the earth. Because they intend to do you harm, they devise plans, but they cannot carry them out. You will turn their backs and flee, and you will put an arrow in their faces.
  • Joel 3:4 You people of Tyre, Sidon, and the surrounding areas of the Philistines! What do you have to do with me? Do you want to take revenge on me? If you retaliate against me, I will bring retribution upon you quickly.
  • Matthew 24:3-5   As Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives, his disciples came to him privately and said, “Tell us, when will these things happen? What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” Jesus answered him, “You must Take heed, lest any man mislead you.


  • Praise and Worship God: Lord God, we sing hymns to praise Your power. May You be exalted in Your power. The King will rejoice in Your power and rejoice in Your salvation. You have given him the desire of his heart, and you have not denied him the desire of his lips. The king’s trust in the three covenant loves of the Lord, the Most High, will not waver. Your hand will take away all Your enemies, and Your right hand will search out those who hate You. When You are angry, You will make them as in a burning furnace. The Lord will consume them in His wrath, and the fire will consume them. You will destroy their descendants from the earth and their descendants from the earth. Those who oppose Your inheritance Israel have devised plans but cannot carry them out. You will turn their backs and flee, and You will put an arrow in their faces. Lord God of hosts, majestic sword and shield of Israel, we praise You from everlasting to everlasting! (See Psalm 21 )
  • Salvation Comes Upon the Muslims : God, we have also been deceived so deeply by extreme Islamic fundamentalism and the false prophet Muhammad that we have misused the precious life You created and turned killing the Jews and annihilate Israel into a life-long struggle and even dying for it. Sadly for these radical elements of the cause. Lord Christ, You are the light. The great light of truth shines on these people who live in the darkness of the shadow of death. Your eternal light also breaks through the great confusion of Islam in the world. You want to save those who sit in the shadow of death. The transforming power of the Holy Spirit visits the more than two billion people in the Arab and Muslim world, turning many “former Sauls” into “Pauls” who will harvest the souls of Arabs and Muslims in the last days. Thank You Jesus for Your mercy and salvation. May Your salvation come to the whole family of Jacob. (See Matthew 24 )
  • Jehovah God Makes Your Name be Known in Lebanon : Heavenly Father, by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, we enter the Holy of Holies of the Most High God. With the authority You have given to Ekklesia, and with the power of the Holy Spirit, we will be like the sky above Lebanon. , “Tyre” and “Sidon” represented the principalities, powers, mighty, and dominant forces of darkness in the air, saying, “This is what the Lord God says: I am against you, O Sidon; I will be with you. I will be glorified in the midst of you. Then they will know that I am the LORD when I judge and sanctify you. I will bring plague into Sidon, and the slain will fall in her streets. When the sword comes upon her, they will know that I am the LORD. They will no longer be a stinging thorn or a wounding thorn to those around them who hate the house of Israel. Then they will know that I am the Lord LORD.” ( Ephesians 6: 12, Ezek. 28:22-24 )

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

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Pray for Israel: Former Leader Rejoin to Fight the Enemy

Current Affairs Background: Prime Minister Netanyahu announced on September 29 that G Sa’ar, leader of the New Hope Party, one of the current opposition parties , would rejoin the government as a minister without office during the war. He serves as a member of the Security Cabinet and enters the Prime Minister’s inner circle of defense consultations. …Detailed Reading

  • Psalm 133   Behold, how good and wonderful it is for brothers to live together in peace. It is like the precious oil that was poured out on Aaron’s head and ran down to his beard and down to the skirts of his clothes. Or like the dew of Hermon falling on Mount Zion, for there is the blessing commanded by the LORD, everlasting life.


  • The Sons of Zion are United in Unity : Father, we thank You and praise You! This is the great work You have done. Let the hearts of kings and the spirits of all people be in Your hands, like water in a river, turning according to Your will. What is impossible with man, is possible with God. Thank You for uniting the “sons of Zion” who are willing to implement policies, govern the country, and shepherd the people according to Your Bible in terms of policies and visions. By uniting together, Israel can receive the blessings You have ordained, Lord God!
  • Continue to Pour Out the Anointing of Unity : Heavenly Father, we also sincerely thank You. Over the past few years, the Holy Spirit has led us, the intercessors, whether in Israel or among the nations, to shed tears, labor and pray for unity within Israel. . Now we see that new shoots of unity have sprouted from the ruling coalition. We have sown with tears and reaped with joy. We are grateful! May You continue to pour out the anointing of unity in all walks of life in Israel, starting from the government, flowing from the head to the beard, to the hem of the clothes, sewing up the cracks, healing the injuries, and with the help of the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, unite and defeat the enemy. . Make the LORD known among the nations, so that Your ways may be known to the world, and Your salvation known to all nations.

In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen!

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Critical Event: Japan – The Key to Activate the Revival in the End Time

Background:  Since the beginning of 2024, the Los Angeles Times has quoted scholar Matthews as reporting: A total of 76 countries will hold elections this year, covering 4.2 billion people, half of the earth’s total population. It will be the largest year of choice in world history, from Russia to the United States, from South Africa to Taiwan, from India to Indonesia. 2024 is a critical year, a year when leaders of various countries change, a year when Jehovah deposes kings and establishes kings, and a year when Jehovah reigns in the kingdom of man, because the glorious King is Jehovah..…Detailed Reading


  • The LORD rules over the kingdom of men and gives it to whomever he will. ” (Dan. 4:32) “He changes times and seasons, deposes kings and establishes kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the understanding.” (Dan. 2:21) We declare : The Lord God is in all the nations of the world. In power, the enemy has no power, no share, no remembrance.
  • Ask me, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, and the ends of the earth as your inheritance. You will break them with a rod of iron; you will break them into pieces like a potter’s pottery vessel. (Psalm 2:8-9) We declare: Japan ’s idols will be smashed to pieces, God’s white horse has struck Japan’s red heart, the precious blood of Christ Jesus has smeared Japan, and Japan will become God’s inheritance.
  • Gates of the city, lift up your heads! Eternal portal, you must raise your heads! The King of glory is coming in. Who is the King of Glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory! (Psalm 24:9-10) We declare: O gates of Japan! You have to raise your heads, the gateway to Japan! You are God’s portal, lift up your heads, the King of Glory will come in!
  • The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever. (Revelation 11:15) We declare:
    • Japan holds the key in God’s hand to initiate the end-time revival.
    • God is opening the door to Japan, the door to God, the door to all the earth.
    • God will return all the nations of the world, and all the kingdoms of the world will be returned to become the kingdom of our Lord and our Lord Christ.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

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Pray for the Indigenous People: 8/1 Indigenous Revival Gathering – Unveiling the Prelude to Taiwan’s Indigenous Revival Movement 

Current events/Background: This article is excerpted from the report of “Christian Today” on July 16 about the upcoming indigenous revival gathering on Ketagalan Avenue in front of the Taiwan Presidential Palace. For the original text, please click here. The following are part of the excerpts, paraphrased in Teacher Ahong’s own narratives: …Detailed Reading

  • Isaiah 60:1-2   Arise and shine! Because your light has come! The glory of the Lord shines upon you. Behold, darkness covers the earth, and thick darkness covers the peoples, but the Lord will appear and shine upon you; his glory will be upon you.
  • Ephesians 3:20 God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.
  • Ephesians 1:10  In order that in the fullness of time all things in heaven and on earth might be gathered together in one in Christ, according to the plan.
  • Philippians 2:13  For it is God who works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.


  • Unveiling the Prelude to Taiwan’s Indigenous Revival Movement: Heavenly Father, You are the God who does all things according to Your own will. We believe that You have no regrets in your calling of Indigenous people.  Tehy are the firstborn sons of the land and the key to global revival. On this occasion of the 400th anniversary of the preaching of the gospel to Taiwan and the 30th anniversary of the indigenous  people being renamed by the Taiwanese government, your glory appears and shine upon the indigenous people. We declare that now is the time for Taiwan’s indigenous peoples to rise and shine. Taiwan’s indigenous people will move from the name-rectification movement to a new revival movement, from sadness to enthusiasm, from hatred to blessing, from inferiority to self-confidence. The younger generation is rising, kicking off the revival movement of Taiwan’s Indigenous people. They are not only identify with their own culture, but will also enter into unity and obtain the key to activate the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven and bring about Taiwan’s revival!
  • God Abundantly Provides All Needs : Heavenly Father, we will and do all we do because You are working in our hearts to accomplish Your good pleasure. Since You have sent this young man, Ah Hong, to go to various ethnic groups to pray, convey the message of unity, and convene a worship and praise meeting on Indigenous People’s Day with faith, You will also provide sufficient supplies for this gathering, more than what the team wants and needs. We believe that You are working quickly to move together all the indigenous peoples and non-indigenous ethnic groups who hear this gathering  and are stirred to join in the great event  and experience the miracle of the five loaves and two fish, so that you can accomplish Your will through this gathering.

In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen!

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Pray For Church

Pray for Participating Churches and Pastrs on Regional 24/7 Prayer Walls

Editor’s Note: The 24/7 prayer walls listed here are especially for local churches and pastors. If you are committed to watch on the regional walls, simply click on the link listed below to connect to the local prayer wall. 】

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Related Events and Prayer Background

Editorial Special Section: A Million Women Fast and Pray on Yom Kippur【2024/10/12】

Date: October 4, 2024  Source: National Revival Unity Prayer Alliance

When the nation is in crisis, darkness, and without hope, Joel 2:15-16 says: “Blow the trumpet in Zion and set aside days for fasting and proclaim solemn assemblies. Gather the people together and sanctify the congregation. “

Pastor Lou Engle, founder of TheCall movement in the United States , and Jenny Donnelly, founder of Her Voice Movement, jointly launched “The Esther Call” to mobilize millions Women take to the National Mall in Washington, D.C., and Christians around the world are invited to join in fasting and prayer:

  • Pray for israel
  • Back to the First Love: Looking to the Lamb of God-Jesus Christ
  • Repent: Humbly repent for sins in all areas of the nation
  • Innovation: As a woman and mother, pray for future generations
  • Restoration/Revival: Declare Jesus’ authority over our nation
  • REMEMBER: Gather around Jesus’ table as a nation and put His blood on our nation’s doorposts

Partners include : The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, Generals International, Daystar TV, Christian Television Network, Bethel ), Assemblies of God, Lance Wallnau, UPPERROOM, Don’t mess with Our Kids, Harvest International Ministries , Well-versed, Justice House of Prayer in Washington, etc.

  • Live broadcast URL : https://youtube.com/live/jh4NwfIu83g?feature=share
  • Lou Engle Ministries : https://louengle.com
  • Official promotional video of Million Women Praying : https://youtu.be/ewlEoqaNDzM
  • Invite Chinese people to join in the Esther prayer : https://youtu.be/uGb8z9NDq-k

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Editorial Special Section: Chuck Pierce: 5785 – The Battle for the High Places

Message: Chuck Pierce Date: October 3, 2024   Source:  TaiwanTOD video

Editor’s Note: This article is excerpted from Chuck Pierce’s words about the coming year through a video on Rosh Hashanah (5785) to Taiwan TOD leaders, Elder Andrew, his wife Miriam and all leaders. We are reprinting it here for the reference of all intercessors.

We are living in an era of war, which began in September 2019 and will last for 10 years. We are now entering the fifth year of this era.

In this age of war, it’s about the voice of God, the voice of God coming from heaven, changing the atmosphere in the earthly realm. We hear His voice and we become His voice. We face an enemy who wants to stop the voice of God and make it impossible for things to go according to God’s order in this world during this time. Now that we are entering the fifth year, you gather there and we gather here. I want you to know that all five are related to the concept of grace . This year, as we move further into the heat of battle, we are fighting for the high ground. Five is also associated with high places , which means you must understand what is trying to rule the Kingdom of God beyond how the Kingdom of God manifests His voice. In other words, who rules what? One thing you need to remember is that every year is connected.

This year is about our gateway into the passage. The door into the passage gives you a rule, as Revelation chapter 4 verse 1 says , “After this I looked, and behold a door in heaven opened. For the first time I heard a sound like a trumpet, saying to me: Come up here, and I will show you what is to come. ’ Go up to a higher place. Now, now, the Word of the Lord aligns with the nations, and the nations are in the valley of decision.

Three Major Wars in the World

There are now three main lines of warfare in the world:

  • One is Ukraine , how Russia will bring out Gog and Magog.
  •  The other is Israel , which is surrounded by enemies, or Iran within it, but she will rise up and protect future industries.

The third front is in Taiwan, where you are .

How the United States aligns itself on every front becomes very important because the United States remains one of the most powerful countries in the world. But I’m telling you, we have to look beyond our nationalism and see how the people of the Kingdom of God are going to fight for the high ground. This is very important to all of you in Taiwan.

The Kingdom of God, who created us so that he could dwell in us and rule through us. His Kingdom brings us to Him, who is seated at the right hand of the Father, and we are seated beside Him, which gives us access to the heart of the Father at all times and authority here on earth to do the will of the Kingdom. As the Lord’s Prayer says, show the Kingdom of God, and God’s Word says the Kingdom of Heaven is to be fought for.

There are people now who are being stirred by the power of God to declare what needs to be declared so that we can fill the atmosphere in which we live, the realms in which we live on earth, with the power and presence of the Kingdom of God.

Taiwan Affects Global Supply Chain

Now this brings us to Taiwan, and I have shared and said many times that Taiwan will be one of the places that is tested in relation to the future direction of the world. When you see Time magazine putting your president on the cover, I have to say Taiwan is withstanding this test. Now let’s take a look at Taiwan. Taiwan is right there. It’s going through a test. Look at the environment around you. The reason why Taiwan is so important now is that it affects the global supply chain. This is where the importance of Taiwan lies. Now let’s think about this, the enemy wants to take control, the enemy still has authority in this moment, trying to take control, change the time and the day, and that’s what Daniel chapter 7 says. Ezekiel chapter 28 also mentions that enemies can take wealth. The enemy wants to seize and rule Taiwan, so whoever controls Taiwan controls the supply chain and influence on the planet.

Let Confidence Arise and Explode throughout Taiwan

Taiwan must understand that this is a season of alignment, and countries are aligning for the future. How do we align and attune to the covenant plan of our nation, around Israel; how do we align each other in the covenant so that we are not wrongfully ruled by our enemies. This becomes critical for Taiwan, and that’s what I’m going to focus on and give you. As you enter the first of this year, 5785, you must continue to fight for your promises with hope, and let faith rise and explode throughout Taiwan. We are called to demonstrate our faith like never before in this season.

I always quote Luke chapter 5 , where God puts the disciples into place. Jesus is teaching and transforming mankind’s plan of redemption on earth. His disciples had been out fishing all night, and they were “mending” their nets, that’s the same word that means realigning. Reorientation is necessary to strengthen us for our future. The same word is used in Ephesians 4 , “positioned . ” I believe that right now we, as God’s people, are in a time of repair . We are being transformed and the Lord is raising us up. Not only is He raising us up on an individual level , He is also demonstrating our faith on a corporate level .

So, always remember that you have to fight a good war from those prophecies about you. Every plan of redemption and prophecy God has prepared for you is critical. These words are the key to your battles in the days ahead.

What is A High Place?

So let’s look at what heights are?

It was a place where blood was shed, or where sacrifices were made. It was a place of sacrifice and a place where things were consecrated. These things were sacrificed to empower the enemy. It was a place of worship. This year we must go up to worship higher than any place where the enemy is offering sacrifices in the air to the rulers of the earth, the kings. They are not really seeking change, they are seeking compromise in the political situation.

Taiwan Becomes the High Place of God

I believe that Taiwan now has the ability to become the high place of God, causing the kingdom of God to rise and the voice of God to spread throughout the world. In the days to come, Taiwan will become the focus of the world. I declare that the Kingdom of God will arise among you.

Satan wants to gain territory in God’s plan of redemption by building places of worship. He wants to control us through all of these sinful structures. Through these, the enemy has established a grid of sin to control our atmosphere. I declare now that this evil grid established by the enemy in Taiwan will disintegrate this year . Through the proclamation of the people of the Kingdom of God, it will disintegrate now. Those who try to come in and take a place in your realm, who try to control your realm, who want to defile your land, will be overthrown.

God is saying this to us, and this is what I want to leave you with: The word of the Lord came to me, saying, Son of man, how is it that you have this proverb in your land of Israel, that the days are delayed and all the visions are in vain? You shall say to them, This is what the Lord God says: I will put an end to this proverb, and it will no longer be used in Israel. But you shall say to them, The days are near when all the visions shall be fulfilled. ” (Ezek. 12:21-23) These are the words I want to leave you.

In the coming year for Taiwan , review what God has said, declare those prophecies into the air, use your prophecies to fight and declare every prophecy, word to Taiwan . Taiwan will rise, and within the next two years, Taiwan will have the influence of the kingdom of God that will affect the world. You are currently aligned with the United States, and we are aligned with the United States into a new covenant alignment. I declare that the voice of the Kingdom of God will be heard from Taiwan.

Happy Rosh Hashanah! Happy New Year!

Celebrate this moment. In the coming year, Taiwan will enter into a program of abundance they have never seen before. May God bless you.

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Editorial Special Section: Curt Landry: In 5785, the King & Priest Rise Up and Shine!

Message:  Curt Landry  Date: October 4, 2024  Source: House of David

Say goodbye to the year 5784 when the double doors were opened for us. After dusk on October 2, 2024, we enter Rosh Hashana, the Feast of Trumpets in the year 5785 in God’s calendar. This is a year of double grace. It is the year of anointing as a royal priest. It is the moment when we move from the season of autumn rain to the season of spring rain (that is, the season of the last rain).

Doors open 5784 is the year we battle the Goliaths of our lives.
The 5785 year of double grace is the year in which we receive the anointing as kingly priests.

Year 5784~Double Doors Open

We are like the young David who has been anointed by the prophet Samuel to become the king of Israel but has not yet been appointed. In 5784, the young David defeated Israel’s old enemy the Philistine Goliath as a shepherd. Goliath symbolizes the people, things, and things that are constantly shouting at us, taunting us, and making us afraid and paralyzed at every level of our lives. In 5784, we have a full 12 months to remove the Goliath that is holding us back. If at this moment when we enter the 10 days of awe and wake up to ourselves, we realize that the Goliath in life still exists, we must get rid of the Goliath in our life before entering Yom Kippur. 

5785~Double Grace

During this year we are formally ordained from our previous status to become kings and also priests. Just like David had always been a worshiper, but seven and a half years after defeating Goliath, he was appointed King of Israel, but also maintained the priesthood. He is the best representative of the two roles of king and priest in planning peace.

7 Steps and 14 Declarations and Statements

In the message of this gathering, the Rabbi used 14 statements and declarations to initiate our anointing to become a royal priest in the order of Melchizedek. And use the close and continuous activities in the following autumn festival as seven steps to seal our reception and declaration.

The importance of king-priesthood: Your country needs king-priests who exert influence on the seven mountains to overturn the culture on that mountain top and bring the kingdom of God to come, so that the entire country is turned over and becomes God’s. Sheep country.

The Fall Festivals of 5785 are the Time when God Resets Time.

The enemy seeks to change God’s timetable and hasten the fulfillment of prophecies. The autumn season is a time when God resets His schedule, renews, and restores.

Just as Israel entered the autumn season, they raised troops to the north and declared war on Iran to remove Iran’s nuclear weapons. The Fall festivals from the New Year’s Feast of Trumpets, the Ten Days of Reverence, the Day of Atonement, to the week-long Feast of Tabernacles are all very important times for Israel to wake up spiritually, reflect on themselves, repent of sins, and enter the tents to celebrate, praise and give thanks. But Israel waged war against the enemy at this time. This was the time appointed by God, neither too early nor too late. At this time, no matter which political party in Israel it is, it has been completely united and unanimously declared war on the enemy. This is because what has happened this year has become too much for all the Israelites to endure, and they say enough is enough. But the actions and decisions inspired by human feelings are still under the sovereign guidance of the Most High God. In recent years the enemy has tried to change God’s timetable and speed up the fulfillment of prophecies. The Fall festival of 5785 is the time when God resets His clock, but before God resets the clock of the world, God must first adjust the clock that God has placed within each of us.

The Body of Christ must also Enter into Transformation

Israel’s transformation is because ~ “Enough is enough!”

The rabbi mentioned that he hoped this realization would come to the body of Christ as well! The body of Christ can no longer bury our heads in the sand. We must rise up and keep up with God and accept that the only way to turn this world around and welcome the coming of God’s kingdom is by being ordained and anointed after the order of Melchizedek. Only kings and priests can do it.

Aligning the Seven Steps is how our Clocks are Reset to God’s Time

Only God’s timetable can lead us into God’s glory, kindness, and mercy.

Revelation from the Prophet: Strike the ground seven times with arrows

Prophetic revelations by Apostle Chuck Pierce at Glory Zion Ministries

Elisha said to him, “Get your bow and arrows.” So the king took a bow and arrows; and he said to the king of Israel, “Take the bow with your hand.” The king took the bow with his hand. Elisha laid his hands on the king’s hands and said, “Open the window facing east.” And he opened. Elisha said: Shoot the arrows! He shoots arrows. Elisha said: These are the victory arrows of the LORD, the arrows that will defeat the Syrians; for you will fight against the Syrians in Aphek until you have destroyed them. Elisha said again, “Bring me some arrows.” So he took it. Elisha said: Break the ground! He struck three times and then stopped. The man of God was angry with him and said, “If you strike five or six times, you can attack the Syrians until they are destroyed; now you can only defeat the Syrians three times.” ( 2 Kings 13:15-17 )

Rabbi Curt Landry received further revelation from God through the prophetic revelations of Apostle Chuck Pierce in Glorious Zion Ministries, seven steps to prepare and seal the royal priesthood we receive during the fall festivals

  1.  10/2 /24 5785 Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashana): The Anointing of the King-Priest:   We must go to high places to engage in high-level spiritual warfare. In addition to putting on the full armor of God, we must also change ourselves. identity. Among many people who are engaged in ministry, they place too much emphasis on the priesthood, so that when they really want to take action, they cannot balance it. They must also rely on people with the office of kings to provide the supplies, including finances, needed for their actions. But in the season of spring rain, this situation will change. God will make us both kings and priests at the same time. Have special wisdom and plans for us to prosper financially.
  2. 10/4 /24 During the Sabbath gathering on the first Sabbath after the Feast of Trumpets , God will give us the protection of having received the royal priestly anointing . Including your identity as a king-priest, how you face other people’s opinions on your identity change, and your own emotional adjustment. In the fourth river, your emotions must be completely unaffected by others. The only thing that can affect you is God’s opinion. (You must know that when you perform tasks in the fourth river, only the warriors who are also in the fourth river can identify with you, because the first, second, and third types of churches that are limited by human thinking Christians will never understand Christians who think spiritually in the fourth river)
  3. 10/5/24 The rabbi couple went to Apostle Chuck Pierce’s Glory Zion Ministry to launch the message of the “United One New Man Reform Movement” . Chuck Pierce’s Glorious Zion Ministry is a place where apostles from all nations gather. In this ministry, the rabbi will share the message of the “One New Man Reform Movement” and at the same time initiate the apostles present from all nations to identify with and accept the King Priest of anointing.
  4. 10/11/24  On Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, we will go into this pool to be cleansed from the damage we have suffered in the past, circumcising our hearts through baptism as mentioned in Colossians. This includes removing generational sin from our bloodlines, silencing the voices of fear and doubt in our lives, and burying human pride under water. As we rise from the water, we step into the next 10 years as anointed King Priests.
  5. 10/16/24 House of David Unity New Man Embassy Feast of Tabernacles  Sit down with Heavenly Father during the Feast of Tabernacles. Why is it so important to sit at this feast? Because the people who come to participate are warriors from the fourth river from all directions, connecting with the people sitting at the table may be closely related to the mission God will send you to engage in in the next 10 years.
  6. 10/18/24 Making A Covenant with God under the Tent   At that time, we will make a covenant with the Lord in the court of heaven, so that the new identity we receive will be legal in the court of heaven.
  7. 10/25/24 Simchat Torah is on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, the day when we will be sealed and sent out . The basis of Simchat Torah is in Deuteronomy 31:9-13

Initiate the King-Priest Anointing with 14 Declarations and Statements

God is going to give you an opportunity now ~ that is to choose you and anoint you to be a royal priest so that you can exert your influence on the seven mountains to which you are sent. Because the amount of information in the third dimensional space is now exploding, but the only ones who can directly hear the wisdom, knowledge, strategies, and plans directly downloaded by God in the court of heaven are the kings and priests anointed by God. So receive the words of heavenly knowledge and operate in them, so that you can advance in all aspects in the next 10 years. The Rabbi said: But you must be willing, and you must decree and declare with your mouth. Because when we declare and make declarations, the “angel Ezra” in the temple will record our declarations and declarations and transcribe our declarations and declarations into our books in heaven.

  1. I’m ready to step into my heavenly calling
  2. Lord, I want to ask You for a double portion of Your grace
  3. I am willing to accept my new identity in Christ Jesus
  4. I am willing to participate in God’s new move
  5. Relying on God’s double grace, I can properly complete the tasks entrusted by God.
  6. Prophetic action: Stomp your feet! By stamping our feet and stamping the dust off our feet, we symbolize that we should not let the people and things that hinder our progress in 5784 follow us into 5785. We must leave all the people and things that disappointed us in 5784 in the past, and we choose to forgive ourselves, others, our families, and God. We need to cut through the soul ties of despair and bitterness and stop speaking about them with our own mouths. Because this is the time when we wish each other a Happy New Year, Shana Tova.
  7. Heavenly Father let David’s anointing arise in me
  8. Father, I desire to have more fruit in my life and to have deeper roots in my character so that my tree can stand firm when the storm comes.
  9. In the season of spring rain tonight, I receive the appointment to be a “reformer in the action of the new man of unity.” I say to the Lord with an honored and blessed heart: Yes, I do. (The so-called “reform” refers to the change of seasons_
  10. Raise your right hand and declare: Lord, I am teachable, I am flexible, I have a mind of faith, and I can serve God at any time.
  11. Place your hands on your heart and declare: Lord, I want to experience the royal priestly anointing.
  12. Place your palms on your forehead and declare: Lord, I receive a new identity and mindset as a kingly priest so that when I am in the workplace, I can reset the culture of my workplace for God. I am God’s vessel to perform miracles and wonders. Miracles and wonders will follow those whom God sends. I am the one whom God sends. The rabbis bring up another passage to support our becoming royal priests after the order of Melchizedek, this time in Zechariah 4 .
  13. Heavenly Father, I am the Son of Peace, I am the one new man, I am the one new race of Jewish and Gentile believers. I will stay focused on my track and carry out the tasks you tell me. I am a child of peace and I will walk in unity as a new man of unity. (The anointing of the king-priest is related to unity. Everyone is unique in God’s creation, so they each perform their duties and work together to complete the mission of God’s kingdom.)
  14. Heavenly Father, I decree and declare that I will lift the lid of the box that limits me in my life, and I will accept the role God has given me with grace and faith, so that I can stand correctly in 5785 in response to my calling. position.


Prophetic Action : sounding the trumpet and shouting, lifting the lid of the box that symbolically limits us.

The Lifestyle that King-Priests must Develop

The King Priest needs to go up to the fourth dimension every day, because the first thing every day is to listen to what God wants to say to me personally.

The Language of God: Metaphor or Transform . (Just like Jesus in His ministry, He often used parables to preach to people, because parables and metaphors are God’s language patterns). When we go up to the fourth dimension, God will tell us the treasures hidden in secret places. We have to learn God’s language, because God will not change the way He speaks. As we go deeper and more into the courts of the fourth dimensional heaven, we become more and more able to grasp the point. We must learn the way God and the Holy Spirit communicate so that we can translate God’s words. This is the anointing of Issachar – understanding the current affairs and knowing what to do.

Conclusion: Golden Lampstand and Olive Tree

Although Zechariah is a book thousands of years old, it is our first task as kingly priests at this moment.

The angel who spoke to me came again and woke me up, just as a person is awakened from sleep. He asked me: What did you see? I said: I saw a pure gold lampstand with a lamp on the top and seven lamps on the lampstand, each with seven pipes. There are two olive trees nearby, one on the right side of the lamp and one on the left side of the lamp. I asked the angel who was speaking to me, “Lord, what does this mean?” The angel who spoke to me answered me: Don’t you know what this means? I said: Lord, I don’t know. He said to me: This is what the LORD commanded Zerubbabel. It is not by strength, nor by ability, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts. Mountain, who do you think you are? You will become level ground before Zerubbabel. He will take a stone and place it on the top of the temple. People cheered loudly and said: May grace and favor be returned to this temple!
Then the word of the LORD came to me: “The hands of Zerubbabel laid the foundations of this house, and his hands will finish the work. Then you will know that the LORD of hosts has sent me to you.” Who despises the deeds of this day? These seven eyes are the eyes of the LORD, which search the whole earth and rejoice when they see Zerubbabel with the thallium in his hand. I asked the angel again: What do the two olive trees on the left and right of the lampstand mean? I asked him a second time: What do these two olive branches next to the two golden mouths flowing out golden oil mean? He said to me: Don’t you know what this means? I said: Lord, I don’t know. He said: These are the two anointed ones standing beside the Lord of the whole world. (Zechariah 4)

  1. Wake up spiritually
  2. It can be seen in the book that God used parables to talk to the prophet Zechariah
  3. The angel thought that the prophet Zechariah should know what he was seeing, but Zechariah did not, which means that what was going through Zechariah’s mind at first did not align with God’s metaphor. It’s like everything the House of David does is in line with the Bible and fulfills biblical prophecies, but many people just don’t understand or accept it. If your mind is limited, you will not be able to understand what God wants you to see. God wants to unlock your mentality and thinking in 5785.
  4. It is not by strength, nor by ability, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts. This verse is addressed to us who are anointed to be kingly priests at this moment. There is no way to operate in the season of spring rain simply by interpreting things that the human mind can understand.
  5. The golden lampstand represents Israel, and the Jewish and Gentile believers represent the olive trees standing on either side of the altar. This is why today’s anti-Semitism is so arrogant that even the church is hostile to the Jews, because religious people know that when Jews show up in meetings, they will be like Zechariah 8:23: This is what the Lord of hosts says: In those days ten men from all the nations and tongues will take hold of a man of Judah by the lapel of his coat and say, “We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.”
  6. May grace and blessings return to this temple ~ 5785, the year of double anointing
  7. Be Patient: Who despises the things of this day as small things? This is why the king-priest goes up to the fourth dimension every day to receive God’s revelations in the heavenly court.
  8. Greater glory requires more lamp oil (Holy Spirit)
  9. The golden mouth flowing out of golden oil: We are wise virgins. We should always go up to the fourth dimension and stand next to the golden mouth flowing out golden oil, so that we can be filled with golden oil, so that those we come into contact with can have the “connection with others”. Oil Encounter” experience. (Encounter with the Holy Spirit). The rabbi mentioned that if your life form has become that of often staying in the fourth dimensional space where golden oil flows out, then the anointing oil you carry will enable you to frequently hit hits in the real environment.
  10. The two olive trees on the left and right of this lampstand: the one new man

Wealth Transfer

The word of the LORD came to me: Take the silver and gold of Heid, Tobiah, and Jedaiah from the captives. These three men came from Babylon to the house of Josiah, son of Zephaniah. On that day you are to go into his house, take the gold and silver, and make a crown, and put it on the head of Joshua, son of Jehozadak, the high priest,
and say to him, This is what the Lord of hosts says: Behold, the man whose name is David The Branch shall grow in its place, and shall build the house of the LORD.
He will build the house of the LORD, and he will bear the honor, and he will sit on the throne and have kingship; and he will be the priest on the throne, to make peace between the two offices. The crown shall be for Helion, Tobiah, Jedaiah, and Zephaniah’s son Josiah, as a memorial in the house of the LORD. People from afar will also come and build the house of the LORD, and you will know that the LORD of hosts has sent me to you. This will happen if you will listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God. ( Zech. 6:9-15 )

The Size of the Harvest will be Closely Related to the Soil where the Seeds were Sown.

Rabbinic prophecy: The economic pattern of the next ten years will be based on the law of sowing and harvesting

The Fall festivals are very rich and have climaxes one after another. Just the message content of the New Year’s Feast of Trumpets in 5785 is shocking. The copy written by the translator is not one ten thousandth of the content of the rabbi’s message. Especially the last book of Rabbi Isaac Zechariah serves as a prophetic revelation ~ explaining the importance of the king-priesthood and the pattern of wealth transfer in the face of the coming ten years. The translator decided not to use words to describe anything, because the revelation of the mystery requires a willing heart and the revelation of the Holy Spirit before it can be imprinted on our hearts and become virgins who have obtained the mystery and walked wisely in the revelation. Therefore, it is recommended that readers listen to it repeatedly and take notes for themselves, because as much as you hear and understand, it will become yours. Wise virgins get lamp oil for themselves, and when the time comes, they go on their way with joy!

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Ricci Johnson-Wilson: The Church: The Restrainer of Evil In the Prayer Closet, the Pulpit, and the Public Square

Message : Ricci Johnson-Wilson Date: October 1, 2024    Source : World for Jesus Ministries

Saturday morning, after our GOE, as I awoke, I felt as though I was stepping into an open vision. I saw the Church before me. It had rust, debris, even dark clumps of mold upon the sides. Each clump dimmed its light before men. I could feel the weakness within and apathy toward sin increasing in its walls.

Suddenly, it began to shake. It shook so intensely; it looked as though it was vibrating not shaking, but it went back and forth, back and forth in front of me. The more it shook, the more debris fell away. The mold was cast off and the rust flaked off and blew away in the wind.

As the shaking slowed, I saw the result. The Church was refined, it emerged white, it was glowing like a bride on her wedding day, the Church was a brilliant white and came forth ready to fight the evil surrounding it.

What was interesting, however, was the impact of this refined Church coming forth! It was pursuing holiness and righteousness over compromise and sin. The Church moved about and the evil surrounding it began to shrink back, afraid to even come near. As the Church moved forward, there was a victorious spirit emanating from it, the rising warrior from the vision I shared in July (Fractured Body; Rising Warrior) it was truly rising!

As I moved into my day, this refined Church continued to appear before me, there was something different about its appearance. It was not just external glow; the LIGHT emanated from it and drew people toward it like a moth to a flame!

Each day I would see the Church again, it looked stronger, stable, renewed! I prayed and prayed to find out what I was witnessing before me, I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a profound change before. And the way evil shrunk back; it was remarkable. As though touching the walls would bring instant destruction upon that evil.

Wherever the Church moved, evil was restrained!

There are three questions I presented to the Lord over the course of the last several days and I’m going to share them with you and bring forth a Biblical response to these questions.

  • What evil are we supposed to be restraining?
  • Why isn’t the Church in a place today where it can effectively restrain evil?
  • How do we get to that place where our presence restrains evil?


1)     What evil are we talking about?


Two days ago, I was speaking to a principal about a few things. This principal is a true advocate for the kids, he greets every one of them, shakes hands, fist bumps, high fives… he knows over 500 children by name. That’s impressive. In our conversation, he shared with me the chaos he’s witnessing with the children. The disrespect, the intentionally destructive behavior, the struggle the staff experience trying to bring the children under control and so on. We are talking about elementary school children and the schools everywhere are experiencing unprecedented chaos among even the lowest grade levels.

As I pondered what he shared, I kept thinking this is the impact of lawlessness in the land. We can look at the immediate crisis, such as a lack of proper discipline in the home, kids have too much screen time, they aren’t using enough energy… Yep, all of this is true. However, lawlessness is felt in the nation. You cannot have the chaos we have today and not experience or understand the spirit of lawlessness raging across the land. Children, while born into sin, have not yet had their consciousness seared, and they are still sensitive to things whether they understand them fully or not. I believe their unruly behavior is connected to the lawlessness they are feeling.

Three Main Issues

I’m not going to address the crime we are witnessing flooding our nation, I believe that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Today, I want to hit the iceberg itself and address three of the main issues in that iceberg that I believe we as the Church could directly impact if we would allow God to complete the work within us so we can arise the refined restrainer of evil! This would, in turn, impact other arenas.

  1.  Abortion:  I’ve shared many times the visions I’ve had about the impact of abortion on this generation. They feel the loss of their brothers and sisters. It’s a spiritual thing that translates into the natural. It’s felt by our youth like a twin whose sibling died in utero. This is not one child however, this is a generation who, in some states, have lost 40-45% of their generation. In a spiritual sense, they are feeling the vacuum of this even though they do not understand why.
  2. Human Trafficking:  This crime against humanity is beyond description. What is occurring at our border, under this administration, has not only given rise to tremendous mafia style trafficking rings, cartel human smuggling rings, it’s paved the way for unprecedented and undocumented loss of life among the youth. When a DHS/HHS whistleblower discovered the sophisticated trafficking network of human trafficking bringing children into America for slave labor and reported on it, the current administration did nothing to stop the hemorrhaging. In fact, Biden avoided it, Mayorkas denied it, and Harris laughed it off as reprehensible but did nothing to determine what was happening at the border she was tasked with managing. In addition to the 1000s of children coming through the border, we have those undocumented who are being shipped throughout the country, 1000s upon 1000s brought in and according to a border patrol agent, shipped in the dead of night into sex trafficking rings around the nation and ultimately lost in the tangled strands of the interwebs. Who is fighting this? Where are the advocates? Why are those who do speak up being targeted and even silenced? This atrocity against children opens the door to the enemy, and as children are often the most sensitive, I believe they are experiencing the impact of this bloodletting, chaos, and lawlessness and it’s produced an unrest they do not understand.
  3. LGTBQ+:  The Lord told me in July of 2020, under a Biden administration we would see such gross expansion of “pride” that it would surpass Obama’s agenda in this arena. On Biden’s first day in office, he signed the most comprehensive Executive Order in history protecting the LGTBQ+ community from anyone who would condemn their behavior. Even the Church is vulnerable to attacks when preaching against this lifestyle. Since 2021, we’ve seen a great expansion into schools, penetrating the hearts and minds of our youth with comprehensive gender-confusion filled curriculum and anyone who speaks against it is silenced, penalized, and even criminalized as domestic terrorists.

The degradation in the nation continues. In June of 2024, during June Pride Celebration at the White House, while Biden stood on the balcony watching, the scantily clad LGTBQ+ community danced on the White House lawn flashing the cameras. Biden declared those men who’d become women and visa versa, “the bravest individuals he’d ever met.” Forget the soldiers who fought in wars he voted for while in Congress, transgendered individuals are now the marker of bravery according to Biden. And, just as the Lord said in that same 2020 visit, pedophilia has been relabeled as “MAPS” (Minor Attracted Persons) by the CDC and HHS to avoid discrimination and offense to those who fall into this category. In the 50s, they would have been institutionalized and efforts would be made to rehabilitate them, today they are a protected class.

Lawlessness, chaos, bloodletting, gender confusion, this evil has all penetrated our nation and we see the by-product of this in the actions of our young people. Their hearts, their minds, their emotions were not created for such corruption, and what we are witnessing among children is the by-product.

This is all pretty evil, qualifies as evil, and impacts us, the youth, and our nation.

Next question:

2)     Why isn’t the Church in a place today where we can restrain this evil?

2 Thessalonians 2:7  And now you know what is restraining him [from being revealed at this time]; it is so that he may be manifested (revealed) in his own [appointed] time. For the mystery of lawlessness (that hidden principle of rebellion against constituted authority) is already at work in the world, [but it is] restrained only until [c]he who restrains is taken out of the way.

According to this passage of Scripture, who restrains evil? How do we restrain evil? What does this even mean?

The Who- the Church. To be more specific, it’s the Spirit of God through the Church—the Light of the Living God within the child of God—restrains the evil in the earth. If the Church were taken out of the picture, the earth would be utterly consumed by the darkness.

Imagine for a moment every apocalyptic film you’ve ever seen, stack them on top of each other and merge them into one single film, reduce the lighting so you can hardly see it, and you have what this world would be like without the presence of the Church.

Even in our weakened state, we are still restraining the severity of evil that would otherwise rampage across the land.

Websters defines restrain as a verb. Why is this important? Because it requires intentionality on behalf of the one doing the restraining. Restrain:

  • to hold back from action; keep in check or under control; repress
  • to deprive of liberty, as by arrest or the like.

The Greek word for Restrainer is Katecho. Bible depicts the restrainer as one who can “hold fast or hold down.” It is translated “restraineth” in 2Th 2:6, 7.

What is it holding down? In 2 Thessalonians 2:6 we learn that Paul is referring to “lawlessness” being “restrained” in its development.

In other words, we, the Spirit-filled Church is supposed to be restraining lawlessness in the earth. Again, we are the restraining ones, we are to limit, to hold down, to keep in check or under control, even to deprive of liberty the growth and the effect of lawlessness. We are. The church.

Consider the vision I shared at the beginning of this message. Evil shrunk back as the refined Church moved! Imagine that?!? It’s like turning on the lights and watching the cockroaches flee from the light!!

Thirty-four years ago, Mom went to Hawaii for a 6-week ministry trip. She took Tiffany and I with her. One of the churches she ministered in put their missionaries up in a small apartment on the campus. The first night, I walked into the kitchen and saw a cockroach the size of my thumb! I should’ve known, they had raid in every room. Let me tell you, I was pretty sure those roaches just opened their mouths to drink in the raid like spritzer! It didn’t affect them one bit! We stayed there a week; I didn’t sleep a wink because I didn’t want those roaches climbing across my baby girl.

Why doesn’t the Church stay on the wall and guard our children? Why don’t we restrain lawlessness? Why don’t we limit and hamper the growth of darkness? Lawlessness? Why don’t we rise up to a place in God where, when we walk in a room, the light of the living GOD emanates from us and scatters the roaches? Why don’t we disperse the evil lurking in the wings waiting to steal, kill and devour them?

I believe there’s a few reasons:

a)     Revelation of God the Father, Jesus His Son, and Holy Spirit: The Gospel has been so watered down, the message of Truth so dulled, many have simply not had the true revelation of God in terms of Who resides in us today.

In Matt 16:15-20 Peter had a life changing revelation. Jesus was asking the disciples who people said He was. Then, Jesus addressed Simon (Peter) asking him who he-Peter- said He was. Simon’s eyes were opened, and he cried out “You are the Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed, the Son of the living God!” Boom! The revelation of Who Jesus was pierced Simon’s heart and he became known as Peter, the Rock! (Up until this time, he was referred to as Simon bar Jonah, son of Jonah.)

It was on this revelation of Who Christ is, that the Church is built. Anything that departs from this revelation weakens the effectiveness of the vessel. Peter, THE rock, becomes so effective against the evil, against sickness and disease, people are laid in pathways where he was known to walk so that his shadow would pass over them and they would be healed. When Peter moved, evil—such as sickness and disease—fled! (Acts 5:12-16)

b)    We don’t know the power of WHO resides in us. I mean really know Who resides, in us as children of God. We are the Restrainer of evil! Even in this watered-down state we restrain lawlessness to a certain degree! Imagine if we walked in the fullness of that knowledge. Hosea 4:6 says “My people perish (are destroyed) for lack of knowledge.” We don’t know Who resides within us and as such, we don’t know or understand the power of the One we serve. Our children are perishing because we don’t know and understand the fullness of how to walk with the One Who resides in us! In John 18, when they came up to capture Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, and asked if He was Jesus, He replied, “I AM” and the band of soldiers (which is typically defined as 500 armed men) flew backward onto the ground! That’s the power of the I AM! He resides in the children of God who are faithfully serving Him. We don’t walk in that power and authority because we do not know Him Who resides within us. We need to be in the Word and in prayer to expand and increase this revelation within, and then walk in it especially in these dark times. A couple years ago I had a dream that I thrust many who were coming into my neighborhood back with the power of the Word. That was the power of the I AM. This is Who resides in us, it’s time we embrace that truth!

c)     Liberal theology and the watered-down Gospel– This is probably the linchpin here. This grew out of the Enlightenment movement in the 18th and 19th Centuries. In the early 19th century, liberal Christianity also referred to as Liberal theology- crept into our seminaries and churches and spread out from there. Liberal Theology is a movement that emphasizes reason and experience over Biblical Truths. Liberal theology interprets the Bible through modern knowledge, science, and ethics. It works to keep Christianity relevant to the modern day individual. So, rather than insuring Christians view world events, scientific discoveries, and academia through the lens of the Bible, we water down the Word to make it align with whatever world events, scientific discoveries, and academia presents to us. In turbulent times, are we know supposed to bring people to the unshakable Word of God so they can find their salvation and eternal hope in turbulent times?

Remember, the Bible was written by 40 people, over the course of 1500 years yet has one common thread, God created the heavens and the earth, placed man here to engage in fellowship with Him, and restrain the evil in the earth! We blew it so He set in motion a plan of Redemption to return us to relationship with Him through His very own Son, Jesus is intentionally revealed and depicted in every single one of the 66 books of the Bible. Yet, liberal scholars teach that the Bible is a collection of ideological “tales” not actual events but “tales” by which you can learn about God.

In the midst of this, Darwin published his “theory” of evolution in “On the Origin of Species” and that rocked the Christian community. We didn’t know how to address it from a Biblical world view and were crushed under it instead. Leaders should have been ready to address this head on with the wonder of Creation! Life in the Womb, the revelation of these amazing events through Moses, Job, David and Solomon! The Bible does not catch up to science or archeology. Science and archeology catch up to the Bible. We are supposed to maintain a Biblical worldview so we can influence the earth, restrain the evil that comes our way, and bring people to their Savior. You cannot do this if you view Biblical events through the lens of the world. The world is wretchedly sinful and liberal theology wants you to fit the Bible into that box. It is impossible to be effective restrainers of evil when you are embracing the evil the world presents.

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Editorial Special Section: Nate Johnston: Pioneers, You Aare In The Transition OF “Vision Reset”

Message: Nate Johnston Date: June 2, 2024    Source: Nate&Christy Ministry

I have a word for you this week. The Lord says;

“You are in a vision reset right now. That’s why I’m beginning to highlight the areas in your life that have been crowding out my voice. I’ve been highlighting the things in your life that have been contaminants, flies in the ointment, stopping you from seeing clearly the path, the plan, and the purpose that I have for you.”

“For the last 4 years, you’ve been through much. You’ve weathered many storms. You’ve been through many difficult situations and dark nights of the soul. You’ve had many people in your ear that have brought DI-VISION and have thwarted my vision for your life. Right now, I am exposing all areas that have taken you off the path and off the trajectory of your purpose”

“That is why, right now, you suddenly feel a discontent for the things you’ve been doing, even for some in the locations they’ve been doing them. That’s why you’ve felt sudden discernment and red flags become stronger regarding certain people, alignments, and even mission. I know it’s unsettling. I know it makes you feel lost. I know it makes you feel like you’ve detoured, but right now, I’m correcting your path”

“Yes, in many ways, you’ll have to look and realize there have been some Ishmaels, and there have been some places you’ve walked that I never called you to, and even people I never called you to. But do not fear and do not fret, and remove the condemnation, because I’m leading you back on track, says the Lord”

“I’m bringing you back in alignment with the pure vision that I placed upon your life. This is a full circle moment where I bring you back to the place of your original purpose, back to the original dream, back to the original vision, back to the place where you come alive again”

“Have you wondered why in the last 4 years it has felt like you lost your fire? You wondered why it feels like you’ve been toiling in vain, seeing no results and seeing no fruit for the plan that I have for you? It is because your vision has been tainted. Your vision has been contaminated. This has been the subtle plan of the enemy to get you off track and to burn you out”

“Yes, weary pioneers. I’m speaking to you right now. This is the reason you’ve been weary, because you’ve been spreading yourself thin in areas that you’ve had no grace or anointing to operate in. There are even many that are in roles that I’ve not authorized them for. There’s no grace and anointing for the things that I’ve not authorized you for, and you’ve burnt yourself out”

“It has led many to a place of wanting to give up and run. But right now, I’m delivering you from the weariness and the burnout by leading you back to the purity of your vision. Leading you back to the purity of the original dream that I gave you, that makes you come alive again. It’s going to feel like there are doors closing. It’s going to feel like suddenly I uproot your heart from places that you have wanted to be secured in”

“It’s going to feel like suddenly I give you an unction to leave some of the circles and the rooms that you’ve been a part of. But it is not to rob you, but to free you, to bring you back to the place where you come alive and where you and I co-labor again with the pure vision that I’ve given you”

“After the cross, Peter was lost and he went back to fishing because he was looking to find me. It was the place of his original encounter that his heart was longing for. And many right now are looking at going back as defeat. They’re looking at it as a robbery, but it is going to be what ignites your original vision. It’s going to be what brings you back to the place of experiencing my presence and my glory in a way that you’ve not known these last 4 years”

“For you’ve only known depletion and burnout, and you’ve forgotten what it feels like to linger in my presence. You’ve forgotten what it feels like to burn with delight as my glory rests upon you, and you feel your womb shaking and trembling under the weight of my presence and my glory. But now you’re coming back to that place, says the Lord. For I’ve not called you to be an intellectual Christian. I’ve not called you to be a Christian that operates by their emotions and their feelings”

“I’ve called you to be a revivalist to the nations. And in this hour, I’m reigniting the original call and plan I had upon your life where I marked you in the secret place. I’m going to brand you afresh, says the Lord. I’m going to remind you of the words, the promises I gave you in that original encounter. I’m bringing you back to the place to reset your vision, reset your life back on track, to free you of burnout, and deliver you of every thumbprint and every bit of ownership that’s been trying to rob you of your destiny or purpose”

“I’m removing you from under the ceilings that you’ve been under, and I’m bringing you back into the wide-open space of my glory again, where you will see my kingdom. You will see what I’m doing in the earth that is untainted by the religion of man. I’m bringing you out from under the yokes of religion and the empires that have been trying to lord it over you for a long time. Yes, I’m bringing you back into a place of vision and dreaming with me again”

“So get ready, pioneers, for I’ve already begun this work. I’ve already begun to lift the load, but the things that are coming to the surface of your soul are only to free you. I’m going to cause things to align in your life that don’t make sense at first, but you’ll see that it is I who is restoring you back to the purity and simplicity of relationship with me and the burning call for the nations”

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Editorial Special Section: Lana Vawser: “Don’t Stop at the Gate”

Message: Lana Vawser   Date: September 30, 2024   Source:   Elijah List

Recently, I heard the Lord say, “Don’t stop at the gate,” and immediately I knew He was speaking about a threshold. He began to show me so many who have been facing increased warfare in this hour, and have been feeling quite discouraged over the battle.

As I leaned in and listened, I heard the Lord say, “Don’t stop at the gate. Keep moving. Push. Don’t stop at the gate. That’s the intent of the enemy to keep you from entering the gate. I am bringing you into a new land, and you must continue to move. I am mobilizing you and moving you forward in great momentum, and the enemy is coming after your momentum and your movement.

“For I say unto you that you will not miscarry that which I have promised you. You must continue to build your faith in this hour. You must encourage yourself in Me and feast upon our history. You must feast upon My faithfulness, for I am taking you into a wide open space of movement. There is a greater expansion of what I am bringing you into in this hour where you will begin to move with Me in multiple streams, in greater ways. For the pressing at the gate is because of the movement and the streams of My Spirit that I will have you move in, some new and unfamiliar; and in others I am increasing the momentum. But you MUST NOT STOP.

Eyes on Me

“Listen to Me, My people. Intimidation is standing at the gate, but you are about to INHERIT. Do not stop; keep moving—eyes on Me and focused upon what I am saying to you. For many of you have been concerned about over-spiritualizing things and are trying to battle at the gate in the natural realm, but it is not flesh and blood that you are fighting against, My people.

“It’s time to stand strong in My Word and allow My fire to baptize you afresh with a roar of no toleration. The pressing is coming hard against you, but push deeper and harder into Me and My Word, and know that you are moving into a place of faith and strength in Me in the overcoming that is going to equip and arm you for the days ahead.

Listen at the Gate

“My people, I say unto you, be quiet at the gate. Listen and listen well at the gate as you move through, for I am arming you with strength and strategy as you move through the gate to fight the giants in the new land. For distraction is coming hard against you to attempt to fill your head with noise and chatter so you will not hear My Word; but I say unto you, bind the spirit of chaos that is attempting to come and steal the quiet space from you to hear and listen to My Word and to My strategy that I am arming you with. For there is great wisdom that I am releasing to you in this hour, and you must be still and listen. You must be still to know that I am God, and as you are still, you will SEE that I am God. You will see in a greater way the power of My Spirit bringing you deeper into wisdom for the days ahead.

“No longer will your life be marked with confusion and heaviness, fogginess and lack of clarity. But I am giving you the tools, the strategies, and the divine intel in intercession (as you move through the gate and do not stop) that are not only arming you for the days ahead, but placing tools in your hands to know how to build with Me in a new land.

Increase of the Watchman Anointing

“My people, I am increasing the watchman anointing in this hour. I am increasing revelation of seeing what is ahead, what I am doing, and giving you insight into the enemy’s plans to plunder and overturn. I say unto you, many of you who are finding [a] battle at the gate, you are watchmen, and you are those whom I am bringing to a higher place to watch over gates of nations. I am calling you to watch over nations in a greater way and to mobilize My army to pray, intercede, and prepare, releasing My heart and My prophetic solutions and strategies.

“I say unto you, PRAY in the Spirit and PUSH back against this intimidation and battle at the gate that is attempting to hinder you. For in the PUSH, I am birthing ENDURANCE within you; for in the PUSH, I am bringing forth a strength within you and a fortification in your spiritual sight and discernment that are making room for you to govern the gates of nations in a greater way.

“Listen to what I am saying: Do not be distracted by the noise at the gate, for the enemy is after your EYES. Give your eyes ONLY to Me and to My Word, and My rhema word and divine insight that I am releasing. There is a battle over your eye gates, there is a battle over the gate of your heart.

“And I say unto you, STAND FIRM upon My Word and saturate yourself in My presence through prayer and meditation upon My Word. NOW is the time for you to stand like never before. And KNOW that as you take a stand against the enemy’s attacks (Ephesians 6:10–20), I am strengthening you to stand in Me and stand in MY INSIGHT for the days ahead. I am calling you higher, I am bringing you deeper into the revelation of your authority, and this is the hour where you are going to learn in an accelerated and greater way what it looks like to govern with Me as a watchman.

Watch Your Words at the Gate

“My people, watch your words at the gate. Allow MY WORD and MY RHEMA WORD to you to CARRY YOU through the gate, and walk upon My Word as you move through the gate. For many of you are giving your tongue to careless words as you have stopped at the gate, looking at the turbulence and warfare and battle surrounding you; but I say unto you, SPEAK AND DECLARE YOUR WAY THROUGH! Watch your words and speak only that which I am speaking, and know that as you speak your way through, My Spirit is paving the way for a new day that you are moving into with Me.

“Watch My voice through you. Go forth like lightning in this hour to ignite and to break open, releasing My power into the areas that I am calling you to govern in on the other side of this gate.

My people, don’t stop at the gate; SPEAK YOUR WAY THROUGH and walk by FAITH, NOT by sight. An increase of spiritual insight and vision awaits you on the other side of the gate if you will not stop, and if you will allow My Spirit to lead you and teach you in greater ways how to live from your seat (Ephesians 2:6).

“ARISE, OVERCOMER! You are the head and not the tail! ARISE!”

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Editorial Special Section: Lou Engle & Christy Johnston: “A 90-Day Call to Prayer for the U.S. Elections”

Message: Lou Engle & Christy Johnstona Date: August 9, 2024  Source : Elijah List

Editor’s Note: Christy Johnston is an Australian writer, prophetic teacher, and one of the best intercessors in the United States (even though she is Australian!). Dreams were nothing new to Christie, but few inspired the faith of countless intercessors like this one.

90 Days

On August 7th, our friend Christy Johnston had an urgent dream in which she saw herself calling for 90 days of prayer leading up to the U.S. elections. She knew it was a clarion call from Heaven that went far beyond the reach of her own sphere of influence. Christy then saw a tremendous response from the Ekklesia. It was a 2 Chronicles 7:14 moment. Hundreds of thousands of people from every nation were falling on their knees and crying out for the United States of America. She also saw hordes of demonic beings that looked like orcs from The Lord of the Rings movies. As she watched in the dream, their hands suddenly became shackled and their plans were interrupted by the power of intercession from the people of God.

Christy understood that this dream was not just about America, but about the nations of the earth. Meanwhile, there is a demonic agenda in the United States that must be stopped. When she woke from the dream, Christy contacted Lou Engle. They did the math to find out when 90 days before the elections (on November 5th) would be. It turned out to be this past Wednesday, August 7th, the very day she had the dream! Christy and Lou acted quickly to release a live Instagram message to herald this call to prayer. We urge you to watch it and share it far and wide. But if all else fails, just DO THE DREAM with us and pray each day for 90 days!

In the video, Lou explains how Psalm 149 is key to understanding the dream. The psalmist wrote:

“Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand, to execute vengeance on the nations, and punishments on the peoples; to bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; to execute on them the written judgment—this honor have all His saints. Praise the LORD!” (Psalm 149:6–9)

Lou believes that great principalities and powers are in a cosmic conflict over the elections and over Israel right now. There is also a battle over which ideologies are going to be loosed into these nations. Lou mentioned Derek Prince’s book, Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting, and how it tells of how “governments are shifted in prayer and fasting, as it was in the days of Daniel and as in the days of Esther.” Lou went on to say, “I believe right now God is saying, urgently, put high praises of God in your mouth. Carry it to your beds. Pray on your beds and declare the binding of kings and nobles, and the shackling of the principalities and powers, so God can actually establish His purposes” (both now and in these elections).

Christy and Lou addressed the principalities associated with the ancient goddess Ishtar, and the gods Molech and Baal, as mentioned in Jonathan Cahn’s book, The Return of the Gods. The premise of the book is that when America removed God from the public sector in the 60s, and in the 70s, then demons came back seven times worse to repossess the nation. Ishtar was the goddess of sexuality, homosexuality, prostitution, and transgenderism. Lou acknowledged that the influence of this unseen entity is being manifest on the ground level in our nation as never before. Even certain elements of the Olympic ceremony exemplified her perversions.

Lou also emphasized that when those in positions of authority make decrees and agreements with wickedness, or with righteousness, it opens portals in the heavenly realms—whether for evil or for good. For example, he explained that when the president awarded a transgender woman as “Woman of the Year,” he was opening a portal for transgender ideologies and spirits to come in and affect our nation. Knowing what a controversial topic this is, Lou said, “I would rather be controversial than to be halting between two opinions and missing the very moment that the Elijahs of God, and the Esthers of God, are being called into.”

Would you join us in these 90 days of intercession by setting your alarm to pray at either 4:14 AM or 4:14 PM? The time is based on Esther 4:14, which says, “For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Also, our Nigerian friend, Folake Kellogg, had a dream in which the Lord told her, “You cannot have Esther 4:14 without Nehemiah 4:14.

“And I looked, and arose and said to the nobles, to the leaders, and to the rest of the people, ‘Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.'” (Nehemiah 4:14)

We shudder to think of what will happen for our generation and the generation to come if we do not triumph over the plans of darkness in this hour of history.

So, at 4:14 in your own time zone, we ask that wherever you are you stop and take Communion. Stand in the gap on behalf of 1) Israel, 2) your own nation, and 3) America.

Years ago, the Lord told us in a dream that it would “honor the body and the blood to pray for His Israel each day before the sun sets.” Let us “execute the judgment written” by decreeing the Word of God and calling forth His purposes while, at the same time, decreeing the judgment of the Cross over powers and principalities. In doing so, over the next 90 days, we will be establishing national altars of righteousness and opening portals of God’s favor as mentioned in 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Additional Prayer Points

For those who would appreciate more guidance for your intercession, consider agreeing with us in the following prayer objectives inspired by Lou and Christy’s exhortation:

  1. Let us pray for the restraining of the demonic principalities and wicked governments that seek Israel’s destruction and have brought death and suffering upon their own people. “Make haste, O God, to deliver me! Make haste to help me, O Lord! Let them be ashamed and confounded who seek my life; let them be turned back and confused who desire my hurt.” (Psalm 70:1–2)
  2. Repent on behalf of your nation, Israel, and America, for every unholy agreement and blood covenant. Plead the better blood of Jesus and His greater covenant. Call for the dismantling of witchcraft and the occult in every sphere of our government and society.  “…’How can there be peace,’ Jehu replied, ‘as long as all the idolatry and witchcraft of your mother Jezebel abound?'” (2 Kings 9:22)
  3. Pray for the presidential elections, that America and the globe will be spared from the demonic agendas being espoused by the Democratic party.  “For how can I endure to see the evil that will come to my people? Or how can I endure to see the destruction of my countrymen?” (Esther 8:6)
  4. Pray for the restraining of World War III, for the sake of the global missions movement and the reaping of a mass harvest of souls.  “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)
  5. Decree that America is going to come back to her original covenant with the Lord. Welcome Him back into our nation, our schools, and every sphere of society.
  6. Pray forth the opening of the womb of America for the rebirth of the nation and the birthing of many souls into salvation. “Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” (Psalm 90:2)
  7. Pray for mercy to triumph over judgment and for a great awakening to sweep across this generation with deliverance from all kinds of addictions, sin patterns, mental illness, and identity confusion.  “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.” (Luke 4:18)


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Pray for America: Pray for Hurricane-Stricken Areas

Editor’s Note: This article is adapted from the October 4, 2024 post of “Give Him 15 ” , and the article written by Dutch Sheets Ministries on October 1 to set up disaster relief donations for hurricane-stricken areas.
Current Events/Background: On the evening of Thursday, September 26, Hurricane Helene roared ashore in the Big Bend area of ​​Florida as a Category 4 hurricane with wind speeds of 140 miles (225 kilometers) per hour. The highest storm surge in decades caused catastrophic damage in six states, including Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee, upending life across the Southeast. Between 4 million and 5 million people were without power in the Southeast, but as of Sunday evening, more than 2 million customers were still without power, and at least 121 people had died. More than 600 people are missing.

While crews continued to clean up debris after the storm, shortages of food, water and fuel led to long lines at gas stations and simmering tensions. Some cities (especially small towns) have no power at gas stations and no food in grocery stores. Many mountain towns were cut off from civilized society because of washed-out bridges. While crews worked to repair roads, helicopters began delivering supplies to some quarantined areas until roads were reopened. Moody’s Analytics said it expects $15 billion to $26 billion in property damage.

First-hand reports on the Horric Suffering from Hurricane Helene

“In Swannanoa, some have lost everything: home, car, and all personal belongings. We worked for two days cutting trees, moving boulders, mud and debris from our road so that people could get off our mountain to either flee the area or find food, water, and other supplies they need to survive the days ahead. Entire neighborhoods washed away. Cars are in trees. Houses and businesses washed down the river. Highways and private roads are gone…”“My husband works for North Carolina DHHS state police in Black Mountain. I hear the emergency traffic all day. My son works for Henderson County Sheriff’s office and said they are still pulling bodies from the Swannanoa River and that there has been over 1000 deaths so far in Buncombe County alone. [This is much higher than what is reported on TV – time will tell.] Hospital morgues are full. They have brought in refrigerated trailers to store bodies and transport them to other areas. I had friends in Grovemont community two streets down from me that didn’t survive a mudslide that took their home with them in it. My cousin, who was a Fairview Fireman, lost his life and his nephew’s life, and almost lost his son, as well, trying to save their neighbors in a mudslide…”

Speaking of ongoing efforts to feed people, one person said: “A church made peanut butter sandwiches and brought them, again there wasn’t enough. Another person slaughtered one of their cows, and the church was grilling it to feed people. They were giving small pieces of meat the size of a sausage patty. I went to the back of the line 3 times because of children getting in the line behind me. I left with nothing because a mother with a small child ran up behind me, asking if her little boy could get a sandwich before they were gone. You kind of lose your appetite when you try and process what is going on around you.”

With hundreds killed over six states, thousands without food, water, shelter, and power, and no end in sight to the suffering, many are now criticizing Mayorkas-led FEMA. In an article published by Blaze News, Joseph McKinnon states:

“The trouble, according to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, is that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) lacks the requisite funds.

“In response to Mayorkas turning out empty pockets, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) wrote, ‘This is easy. Mayorkas and FEMA — immediately stop spending money on illegal immigration resettlement and redirect those funds to areas hit by the hurricane. Put Americans first.’

“Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) tweeted, ‘FEMA spending over a billion dollars on illegals while they leave Americans stranded and without help is treasonous. U.S. citizens are dying. Pray for our country, folks.’

“‘The Biden-Harris FEMA spent over $1 BILLION on funding illegal aliens. America LAST,’ wrote Rep. Eli Crane (R-Ariz.).

“’Let me translate: We are racking up trillions in debt with all the money that our money printer prints that we then take back from law-abiding American citizens like you but we exist to spend it on anything other than helping you,’ wrote Blaze News editor in chief Matthew Peterson.

“Elon Musk simply expressed disbelief, writing, ‘Wow.’

“While the DHS continues sinking taxpayer funds into aiding illegal aliens, FEMA will make a one-time $750 payment available to some qualifying Americans in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia so that they can buy food, water, and other supplies.”

Justice Needed

It is hard to imagine a more inept and corrupt U.S. government than we now have in portions of ours. Millions of Americans are paying for politicians’ insatiable lust for power and money. In exchange for future votes, they’ve allowed hundreds of thousands of fentanyl deaths, missing children numbering in the tens of thousands, thousands of criminals and terrorists into our nation, and entire cities destroyed. Our bumbling leaders are the laughing stock of the world; “peace through strength” has been replaced by “war through weakness,” and common sense – let alone wisdom – has been rejected for lunacy. And one more thing, many living in the hard-hit areas could now see challenges to voting in November. Some are no longer receiving mail service or have nearby places to vote, if they could even get there. Pray regarding this! 

The good news? (Yes, there is good news.) Millions of Americans have awakened from their stupor. They see the corruption, are aware of the deep state, know our government and many agencies are broken, and are awake to the rise of Marxism in our land. And most importantly, millions of them are praying.

Deep in their core, most Americans believe in God and know He can do the impossible. They are also becoming increasingly aware that we cannot turn things around without Him. The process will not be easy – this we also know – but an “appeal to Heaven” is going forth, and the God who birthed our nation will save our nation. I conclude with the words of Founding Father, Samuel Adams:

“We have proclaimed to the world our determination ‘to die freemen, rather than to live slaves.’ We have appealed to Heaven for the justice of our cause, and in Heaven we have placed our trust.” [Samuel Adams, in a speech to the Second Continental Congress on August 1, 1776.]

Keep praying, church. It birthed our nation and will save our nation. And it is preserving a worldwide harvest.

Disaster Relief Donations

If you would like to contribute to the needs of those whom Hurricane Helene has dealt this horrific blow, please use the DONATE button on this page. 100% will go to those in need; we will take out no administrative costs. While online giving is best, if you choose to send a check, please note HURRICANE HELENE in the memo. Our address is PO Box 4070 Batesburg-Leesville, SC 29070.

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Pray for Israel: Prophetic Prayers – Vision of Tears

Editor’s Note : This article is excerpted from the Fall Ministry Report issued by Sandra & Kerry Teplinkski, founders of “Light of Zion Ministries” on September 1, 2024.
Current Events/Background: For many years we have shared that God is in the process of restoring Israel according to a broad strokes picture painted in Ezekiel 36-39 There we see Him breathe upon dry Jewish bones, revive us physically, and take us back to the land He promised.  Next, He sprinkles clean water on us, purifying our hearts and reviving us spiritually. After that, King David (Yeshua) rules over us in a restored, undivided kingdom. At some point in the timeline, while we’re living in peace and prosperity, a coalition of nations led by Gog and Magog attacks us. The coalition is decisively defeated by God. In this broad strokes scenario, where might Israel be today?

The perspective I (Sandra) share below comes from hours of intercession and crying out to God for the particular understanding of Ezekiel 36-39 He wants me to have, at this time, for the sake of prayer. (While consistent with Scripture, it does not represent a theologically tight interpretation based on highly detailed, biblical exegesis.)

Several days ago, as I prayerfully pored over Ezekiel’s prophecy, a surprising picture-vision came to mind. I saw God leaning into and weeping over Israel, His beloved covenant nation. As He wept, tears from heaven fell upon, and soaked into, Israelis who were also weeping. The peoples’ tears, though genuine and heartbreaking, were inevitably tinged with fallen human emotion and sin. In contrast, heaven’s tears were pure like sparkling clean water.

As heaven’s tears fell, they sprinkled over the people. Heaven’s tears then mingled with the human tears. As they did, heaven’s tears not only comforted, but also purified and cleansed those who were weeping and mourning in the land. Through this sprinkling, and mutual heaven-and-human weeping, the soil of Israeli hearts softened. Eventually the peoples’ tears became clean and clear. Then, as their tears fell onto the ground, the soil of the land itself softened. Once softened, the soil of the nation was ready and receptive to a planting of seeds that could yield a good and bountiful harvest.

On September 1, just days after this vision, we learned that Hamas had brutally executed six more hostages, including an American. The entire country was stunned. Israelis wept in the streets, at their jobs, on mainstream and social media, seemingly everywhere. Some said it felt as if October 7 were happening all over again. But that same day, another extraordinary event occurred: rainfall. (Israel does not normally get rain as early as September 1.) Photos and videos of rain went viral on Israeli social media with the caption, “Even heaven is weeping.”

Could it be that Israel’s current crisis, though demonically driven and catastrophic, will give way to the outworking of God’s precious promise: “I will take you from the nations, gather you from all the lands, and bring you into your own land. Then I will sprinkle clean water on you and you will be clean: I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols.” (Ezekiel 36:24-25, NASB 1995) Time and prayer will tell.

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Pray for Israel: The Annihilation of Hezbollah Leader – A Historical Turning Point

Current Event / Background: On September 27 (Friday), while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was attending the 79th United Nations General Assembly Summit in New York, he authorized the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to attack the Hezbollah headquarters located in an underground bunker. Launch a targeted strike.

Eighteen Senior Members of Hezbollah Were Eliminated

On Saturday, Hezbollah issued a statement confirming that its top leader Hassan Nasrallah was killed in an Israeli airstrike. The IDF also issued a statement earlier on Saturday saying that Nasrallah and a number of senior Hezbollah leaders and military commanders were killed in the attack. In addition to a previous operation in July and the IDF’s intensive military operations against Hezbollah in the past two weeks, 18 senior members of Hezbollah were eliminated.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who just returned to Israel from New York, said in a speech to the people at home that the death of Hezbollah leader Nasrallah was a historical turning point and a necessary condition for Israel to realize the return of northern people to their homes. This could change the balance of power in the Middle East, but also warns that Israel will face difficult challenges in the coming days.

Turning Point in History

Narula, the leader of the terrorist organization Hezbollah, was the Iranian overseas agent most capable of attacking Israel. His annihilation has great and far-reaching significance. Here are some comments:

  • “A “big earthquake” in the Middle East will have far-reaching impacts on both the regional and global levels. ” (Words from Avi Issacharoff, Israeli Arab affairs expert and analyst)
  • “It will have a profound impact and change the face of the Middle East” (IDF Chief of General Staff Halevi)
  • “It is a decisive moment. This is not only a reckoning, but also the opening of new opportunities.” (Benny Gantz, Chairman of the Israeli National Unity Party)
  • “An attack that profoundly changed the paradigm. ⁠ Because Nasrallah was known as “very charismatic,” with direct access to the heart of the Iranian regime and a key figure in the Iranian-led “axis of resistance,” his legacy The gap is difficult to fill. (Deutsche Welle)
  • “Natanyahu, not Biden, is setting the agenda for the Middle East.” “Over the past year, Biden and his aides appear to have less and less influence on Netanyahu.” “The decision-maker who determines the next move is Natanyahu.” Tanyahu and Iran, Hamas and the future leader of Hezbollah instead of Biden” (NBC News).
  • “This marks a historic victory for the world and a lasting transformation in the Middle East. Iran and its proxies are now filled with fear and a new era of peace is coming instead of regional war.” (Emirati Middle East affairs strategist and media personality Amjad Taha (language)

Nasrallah and Hezbollah

“Nasrallah is not an ordinary terrorist, he is the most important terrorist.” Netanyahu said.

Nasrallah, who has been closely associated with Iran’s extreme Islamic Shia system throughout his life, was born in 1960 in a Shia family in the suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon. His birth and childhood were marked by the conflict between Israel and Lebanon. At the age of 15, he joined the Amal Movement – founded in 1974 by Iran’s former religious leader Ayatollah Khomeini and two Iranian supporters in Lebanon. When he was 16 years old, he went to Najaf, Iraq, a Shia holy city in the Middle East, to study the Koran and met Mousavi, who later became the general secretary of Hezbollah. After the 1979 Iranian Revolution, Nasrallah met with Khomeini in 1981 when he was only 21 years old. In 1982, during the Iran-Iraq War, Hezbollah was formed with the planning and support of the Islamic Republic of Iran, with Mousavi as its general secretary. In February 1992, Mousavi was killed in an Israeli attack and Nasrallah took over. Immediately left for Iran.

After Nasrallah took over Hezbollah, he managed to position Hezbollah as a political entity and participate in parliamentary elections. Hezbollah currently holds 13 seats in the Lebanese Parliament, and has members of Hezbollah as cabinet ministers. Nasrallah is also regarded as the main player in forcing the Israeli army to withdraw from Lebanon in 2000, and achieved another “success” in the Israeli-Lebanese conflict in 2006. Therefore, he is regarded as an idol by his supporters, and some other Lebanese Hezbollah idolizes it because of its economic influence in some impoverished areas. However, most Lebanese hate him deeply, accusing him of turning Lebanon into a satellite state of Iran.

Anti-Zionist Views are Deeply Rooted

Nasrallah has always considered himself an opponent of Israel. His anti-Zionist views have been deeply rooted for nearly 50 years. On the day after Hamas launched a terrorist attack on the kibbutz on the Gaza border with Israel, he led Hezbollah to immediately participate in the attack on Israel in solidarity with Hamas.

Hezbollah has the most powerful paramilitary force in the Middle East, claiming to have about 100,000 fighters, a strong organizational structure and a huge weapons arsenal. Israel estimates that Hezbollah has about 150,000 to 200,000 rockets and missiles, including guided missiles and long-range missiles.

Does Iran Dare to Retaliate?

This time, along with Nasrallah and other senior officials and commanders, the deputy commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ “Quds Force” and the commander of the Lebanese branch, Abbas Nilfo, was killed in the bombing. Abbas Nilforoushan. Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi stated on September 29 that Israel would not remain silent.

Reuters quoted Iranian state media as saying that earlier on Sunday, Iranian parliament speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf said that Iran-backed armed groups would attack in Tehran after Nasrallah was killed. to carry out the mission to challenge Israel. “We will not hesitate to do whatever we can to assist the resistance movement.”

Iran has spent decades forming an alliance in the Middle East known as the “Axis of Resistance,” which includes Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, and militants in Iraq and Syria. Shia Islamic armed group.

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Pray for Israel: Former Leader Rejoin to Fight the Enemy

Current Event / Background: Prime Minister Netanyahu announced on September 29 that G Sa’ar, leader of the New Hope Party, one of the current opposition parties , would rejoin the government as a minister without office during the war. He serves as a member of the Security Cabinet and enters the Prime Minister’s inner circle of defense consultations. G Sa’ar returns to government after years of tense relations with Prime Minister Netanyahu. Acknowledging the painful history, the prime minister said the grudges “were behind us. This move will help unite us and unite us against our enemies.” 

Broad and Stable Government Response

Speaking about the wartime coalition formed after Hamas carried out a massacre in southern Israel on October 7, 2023, Netanyahu said, “When the war broke out, I immediately set out to establish a broad and stable government. When Benny Ganzi and Gideon Sa’ar joined the government; I was grateful, sad when they left. So I’m grateful that Sa’ar agreed to my request and agreed to return to the government today. Our decision. This move strengthens our unity at home and against our enemies.”

Netanyahu praised Sa’ar’s contributions during previous security cabinet discussions, emphasizing his “broad vision” and “ability to creatively solve complex problems.” Netanyahu admitted that the two men had political differences in the past, but also emphasized that since the war broke out on October 7, the two have put their differences aside. “We will work side by side and I plan to rely on him in important forums for managing the war,” Natanyahu added.

Put Aside Past Grudges And Work Together

Sa’ar noted that his relationship with the prime minister has been up and down in the past, ranging from periods when the two had a “close and very good working relationship” to years of “political and personal discord.” “Dear citizens of Israel, believe me, this has meant nothing to me since the morning of Saturday, October 7,” Saal said.

Sa’ar was once a close ally and senior figure of Netanyahu, but he broke away from Likud in 2020 to form the New Hope party, citing serious differences with Netanyahu’s leadership and policies. Sa’ar has held key positions under Netanyahu, including education minister and interior minister. However, Sa’ar became one of Natanyahu’s sharpest critics and positioned himself as an alternative leader on the right.

Sa’ar stressed that his decision to return to government stemmed from his differences with many members of the opposition on the war issue. He said, “At Natanyahu’s request, I decided to rejoin the government to bring my experience and capabilities to the decision-making table. It is patriotic and the right choice. I joined the government without a coalition agreement , but I have a clear vision and a strong sense of responsibility to serve our people. Although my relationship with the Prime Minister has been a mixture of close cooperation and political differences over the years, we have worked together in this administration without hostility.”

Ruling Ministers Stress Unity

Justice Minister Yariv Gideon Levin , a close ally of Netanyahu, reportedly brokered the reconciliation between the two leaders.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich welcomed Sa’ar’s return , saying: “Now more than ever the people of Israel need unity to achieve total victory. I commend Gideon Sa’ar Congressman and his party join the coalition and as long as we work together we will prevail, God willing.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir also welcomed Sa’ar’s return, saying, “I congratulate my friend MP Gideon Sa’ar on joining the coalition and the government. This is the right thing to do at the moment. and responsible actions. His wealth of experience will be a valuable asset for us to ensure victory and achieve our goals. Welcome back, Gideon.”

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Critical Event: Japan – The Key to Activate the Revival in the End Time

Background: Since the beginning of 2024, the Los Angeles Times has quoted scholar Matthews as reporting: A total of 76 countries will hold elections this year, covering 4.2 billion people, half of the earth’s total population. It will be the largest year of choice in world history, from Russia to the United States, from South Africa to Taiwan, from India to Indonesia. 2024 is a critical year, a year when leaders of various countries change, a year when Jehovah deposes kings and establishes kings, and a year when Jehovah reigns in the kingdom of man, because the glorious King is Jehovah.

It is worth noting that in the past three-quarters of the year, there are many countries that are not in the election plan, such as Iran, which changed its election due to an accident with the president, and Japan, where the prime minister resigned under the pressure of scandal. There have been replacements of leaders, and even in Canada recently, there have been rumors of cabinet collapse from time to time, so that an election may happen at any time. 2024 is really a super election year, affecting the future direction of the whole world!

Recently, Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party has held fierce intra-party elections since former Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida resigned in August due to a political donation scandal. On September 27, Shigeru Ishiba, 67 years old and former Defense Minister, stood out among the nine candidates with a large number of candidates and became the new president of the Liberal Democratic Party. Since the Liberal Democratic Party currently holds more than half of the seats in the Japanese Parliament , Japan will convene an extraordinary parliament on October 1 to hold a “prime minister nomination election”. Shigeru Ishiba will serve as the next Prime Minister of Japan and reorganize the cabinet.

After being elected, Shigeru Ishiba said: “In my 38 years of political career, I have never experienced such a fierce election. I will devote myself wholeheartedly to making Japan once again a safe and reliable place where everyone can live with a smile. nation.”

It is worth noting that Shigeru Ishiba’s great-grandfather, Kanamori Tonglon, became a pastor after becoming a Christian, and his faith was passed down to Shigeru Ishiba’s grandfather and mother. Shigeru Ishiba has attended the True Love Kindergarten of the Japanese Christian group “Tottori Church” since he was a child. He was baptized as a Christian at the age of 18 and served as a teacher at the church school.

Shigeru Ishiba is an open Christian. He once said: “For 46 years, while accepting the Christian faith, I have been living with faith.” He often said, “Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” ” as a commandment, and always remind himself in prayer, asking God to reveal and correct his mistakes. In Japan, where Shintoism is prevalent and the number of Christians is less than 2%, the emergence of a Christian Prime Minister who publicly declares his faith at this time will bring about a new situation for Japan.

Pastor David Demain of the homecoming team has shared many times: He once had a trance, and he didn’t know where he was at the time. His spirit was taken to a place where he saw two armies facing each other on an ancient battlefield, ready to enter a battle at any time. He knew in his spirit that one was God’s army and the other was Satan’s army. This was “two wars” and a battle in the last days. The Lord Himself was riding on the horse, and Satan was riding on the other side. He watched carefully. The Lord reached out and drew out the arrow from the scabbard and pointed at the red heart. The red heart was a red circle. All the armies began to mobilize. He knew that this was the battle between the two armies in the last days.

He asked the Lord, what did this signal mean? He heard a voice saying to him that the enemy thought he had Japan in his hands, but the Lord said that when He gets Japan back, the whole world will know that “the time has come.” Pastor David said in surprise: Japan is a sign of the end of the world . The Lord said to him, If Japan achieves a breakthrough, the moment and season will have to change, because Japan’s breakthrough will release the global ” Body of Christ ” and reap the great harvest of the last days . God will use Japan to become the God of the last days. A key. Japan is God’s gateway. God has removed Japan’s shame. God has heard their cry.

Amen Amen! God has opened the door to Japan. We are convinced that it is no accident that Ishiba Shigeru became the Prime Minister of Japan at this time. Just like his name, our Lord is a stone , the cornerstone of the body of Christ, and the stone that will hit people. The breakthrough allowed Japan to break out of its cocoon, and the whole land flourished.

We are about to enter 5785 , the time has been fulfilled for the whole earth, the time has come, and it is now! The time has come for Japan to be released, and the time has come for the whole earth to be released!

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Pray for the Indigenous People: 8/1 Indigenous Revival Gathering – Unveiling the Prelude to Taiwan’s Indigenous Revival Movement 

Current events/Background: This article is excerpted from the report of “Christian Today” on July 16 about the upcoming indigenous revival gathering on Ketagalan Avenue in front of the Taiwan Presidential Palace. For the original text, please click here. The following are part of the excerpts, paraphrased in Teacher Ahong’s own narratives:

Called by God to Walk and Pray in the Birthplace of Taiwan’s 16 Indigenous Tribes

August 1st is Indigenous People’s Day. The concert “Indigenous 30 Dreams in Place – When We Are Together”,  hosted by the Indigenous “Shared Revitalization Alliance”,  hopes to call on indigenous youth to gather at Ketagalan Avenue to worship and pray to kick off the next ten-year indigenous revival movement – “The Rise of the Young Generation”!

God has a plan for everything He does! In the middle of the night last December (2023), God woke me up and gave me specfic words: strategy and effectiveness. He also called me to go to the origin of the 16 indigenous tribes to worship and pray, and to pray everywhere. I prayed like this: “There is no regret in God’s calling.” Then in January, God moved me to walk and pray in the 12 administrative districts of Taipei for 12 consecutive weeks, including walking and praying in key areas such as Hakka, Southern Fujian, and ethnic groups from mainland China.

Indonesian Brother Received Dreams and Delivered Letters to 16 Indigenous Peoples

After the prayer walk, the church community began to “Fast and Pray for Taiwan for 21 Days” on March 4. During the gathering, I kept hearing ” Arise the Native People, the Eldest Son will Revive “, and I began to have thoughts and feelings in my heart. One day at a gathering, Pastor Nathaniel Zhou came on stage to share a story: an Indonesian brother (see the picture on the left. The brother on the right was the one who had the vision) received a dream, and in the dream, God asked him to send 16 letters to the 16 indigenous tribes, and he didn’t know that there are 16 indigenous tribes in Taiwan. On the cover of the letters, a Atayal word  was written, which means “Send, Unite.” (Note: Atayal is one the indigenous tribes in Taiwan.)

The interesting thing is that my father is an Indonesian Chinese, and I also have Atayal ancestry. I immediately realized that since last December, God has begun to use me to go to various tribes to do “unification” work. The prayers and dreams I heard in the “Fasting and Prayer Meeting for Taiwan” seemed to confirm what I received.

Gathering on Ketagalan Avenue on August 1st, the Rise of Indigenous Youth Generation

Later, I and Elder Andrew Chang, the founder of “TOD Tabernacle of David”, shared relevant insights with the indigenous pastors from different regions of Taiwan. This ten-year “Rise of the Indigenous Youth Generation” came into being. ! The gathering on Ketagalan Avenue on 8/1 can be said to be the starting point for all ethnic groups to come together.  8/2 is the first day of this ten-year movement. This gathering is scheduled to be held on “Ketagalan Avenue”, which is the only street named after an indigenous tribe  in Taipei City, so it is of special significance to gather here on 8/1 Indigenous People’s Day.

The 30th Anniversary of the Rectification of Name of Indigenous People, Moving from Name Change to Revival

Forty years ago (1984), the “Promotion Association of Taiwan Indigenous Rights” launched a movement to rectify the names of indigenous peoples, which lasted for ten years. In 1994, after the Taiwanese government  amended the constitution, an additional clause was added to the constitution. The derogatory term “mountain compatriot” was revised to “indigenous people”.  The year 2024 is the 30th anniversary.

30 is a turning point in life, as the saying goes, “You stand at thirty.” Jesus also began to serve God around the age of 30. So in this year (2024), we sincerely hope that the indigenous people will move from the name-correction movement to a new revival movement. Indigenous people must help this country by moving from rectification of name to revival, from tragedy to zeal, from hatred to blessing, from inferiority complex to self-confidence. Therefore, all ethnic groups are invited to stand on national territory and declare for the country!

400 Years Since the Gospel was Introduced to Taiwan

In 1624, the Siraya people were the first indigenous tribe in Taiwan to be exposed to the gospel. God has three principles for doing things: the guidance of the Holy Spirit, God’s Words, and God’s timing. It has been 400 years since the gospel was introduced to Taiwan. Taiwan is like Moses and John the Baptist, hidden by God for 400 years. Now is the time to rise. Based on the above-mentioned reasons and insights, we chose to launch such an indigenous revival movement this year. The core of this concert on Ketagalan Avenue is to bring new love and harmony with God, with people, with the land and among all ethnic groups! We hope to increase the value of the eldest son of the land and the blessings of the eldest son of the gospel . Together we can be grateful for the past, cherish the present, and look forward to the future.

Indigenous People Unite and Activate Heavenly Blessings

Four main things will happen at the gathering:

  1. Acceptance: As the eldest sons of the land, the indigenous people openly express their acceptance of all ethnic groups who come to this land.
  2. Gratitude: Thanks to all ethnic groups and governments for their construction on this land.
  3. Fulfillment: The indigenous people are kind, loving and sharing nature, which can best promote peace, harmony and unity.
  4. Blessing: The eldest son of each country is given a kind of authority. The indigenous people not only have to recognize their identity, but also  to enter into unity. I believe that when the indigenous ethnic groups unite, they will receive the key to unlock the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven. The revival of the indigenous peoples is not only related to the original ethnic group itself, but also to the “entire ethnic group.”

In 1624, the indigenous people received the gospel. The gospel can be said to be the destiny of the indigenous people. The indigenous people not only need to identify with their own culture, but also return to their identity in the kingdom of God and live out the life of Jesus Christ. The real revival is Life change, revival points to preparing the way for the Lord.

Pass on the Five New Things and Live Out the Five New Things

I hope to convey five things through this gathering:

  1. A New Era: It has been 400 years since the gospel entered Taiwan. A new chapter has arrived. We must live out a “new mindset .” Just like the Israelites leaving Egypt, they must also break away from the mindset of slavery. New wine must be put into new wineskins.
  2. New Cycle: The 30th anniversary of the renaming of the indigenous people. 30 represents a new cycle. To have a new cycle, there must be ” new behavior “, because confidence without behavior is dead. Indigenous people should move from the sadness of the past to zeal. From inferiority to self-confidence, from hatred to blessing, the most important thing is that the indigenous people should stand up and become a blessing to the country and the people, and live out the dream of God in the indigenous people.
  3. A New Generation: The young generation is about to rise. This is the moment for all generations to work together. The new generation is also the new four generations. In true love and inheritance, the previous generation and this generation take what they have worked hard and accompany and train the next generation, so that the new generation of young people can bravely take on the task . Most importantly, God needs a “new relationship ” with the children and with the family.
  4. New Unity: Unity is not just within one’s own ethnic group, but requires new connections, interactions and cooperation with different ethnic groups, people and things. Therefore, while launching the Indigenous revival movement, they also encourage and support the Hakka people to rise up , launch a revival movement belonging to the Hakka, and all ethnic groups in Taiwan must launch a revival movement belonging to their own ethnic groups. From a historical point of view, the indigenous first lived on this land, so they needed to be revitalized first. In 1645, the Hakka group moved to Taiwan. In 1662, Zheng Chenggong invaded Taiwan and a large number of people from southern Fujian came to Taiwan. In 1945, Taiwan was restored and a large number of people from other provinces came to Taiwan. The revival movement is promoted in this order. Teacher Hiro hopes to bring out a “New Unity Movement ” in this concert .
  5. New life: Through the New Life of Jesus Christ, a “New Kingdom Culture” is brought out , which requires a kingdom perspective and a new life.

Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the Gospel and the 30th Anniversary of Indigenous Peoples

On August 1st, from 4:30 to 5:30 pm , various ethnic groups from the north, middle, south and east will take turns to perform, worshiping and praising in their mother tongue, and the prelude will be a performance by the Thao people’s 13 pestles, as well as children. Bring a street dance performance. Then the program officially started, presented in the form of a concert, and carried out according to the historical context. The contents are in order: Gospel 400, formerly known as 30 Happy Birthday, the rise of youth, the unity of the five major ethnic groups, and the next 10 years. In the five chapters, pastors from the north, middle, south and east are expected to chat and share stories on stage as hosts. Finally, children and teenagers will sing “God Loves the  Indigenous People”, inviting everyone to celebrate Indigenous 30, hoping to bring a new social atmosphere so that everyone can have a blessed heart.

During the preparation process, the team encountered funding challenges. The fundraising goal was 5 million, and currently more than 4 million is still needed. Teacher Ahong said that God started working very quickly, allowing them to realize many connections and many differences in a short period of time. Pastors and all people  can visit and deliver messages everywhere, and many members of the body are also very touched. I believe this is the best confirmation! Looking forward to experiencing the miracle of five loaves and two fishes next.

Teacher Ahong sincerely invites all churches to come together on 8/1 to participate in this grand event. I believe that each city has already started its journey, and I firmly believe that this land will be revitalized!

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Cleansing And Covering Prayer

Cleansing Prayers

Dear Heavenly Father, I ________ (put your name in it) come to the throne of grace, through the blood of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, to receive Your abundant grace and mercy.   Lord Jesus, ________ confess You are the Lord of my life.   I ask the resurrected power of the Holy Spirit to fill and saturate every part of my being.   I surrender all my spirit, soul and body completely to You.  Now I ask You to reveal to me, remind me of any sin that I have committed known or unknown, so that I can confess and repent of them accordingly. (Recommendation:  quiet yourself, so you can allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you)

Cleanse me from all the defilement of the world, sanctify me and my family line of any unrighteousness with the blood of Jesus.   Now by my own will, I choose to forgive everyone that has offended me or hurt me, I release them into the freedom of my forgiveness.   I also release them from the debts they might owe me. I now cast all my burden to You .  Your yoke is easy, Your burden is light.   I now put on the armor of God that You have given me, gird myself with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, my feet fitted with the gospel of peace, so that I can pray and intercede in the Holy Spirit by Your mighty power, and after done all to stand firm.

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Firewall Covering Prayer

Abba Father, I thank you for watching and blessing us coming in and going out, from now and forevermore.
Abba Father, help us to hide under the shadow of the Almighty, and cover us with Your wings.   I now plead the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on myself, my entire family _________

(speak names of your family, and name the people, things, items, that needs covering, such as : your work, ministries, and everyone that you minister to, your  property, finances, friends, pets, vehicles, pastors and small group leaders / members and president )

Abba Father, send the host of angels and chariots of fire, to surround and protect us, I ask that You place the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ, in between everyone and the power of darkness that we might be facing today, to block all ungodly influences and keep us from all spiritual attacks, loss of property and any evil strategy of the enemies. We declare no weapon formed against us shall prosper.   Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!

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