Weekly Prayer (9/23)

Weekly Prayer (9/23)

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Cleansing/Covering Prayer

Prayer Category Prayer Item
Editor’s Note
Prayer Declaration
Pray For United States
Pray For Israel
Pray for Global Critical Events
Pray  for First People and Native Americans
Pray for Church

Editor’s Words

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Editorial Special Section: Jane Hamon: “The Atmosphere Is Changing”

Message:  Jane Hamon  Date: September 14, 2024  Source: Elijah List


On Sunday morning (August 25, 2024), during our worship time, I had a vision. I was reminded of a time when Tom and I were traveling to Korea for ministry and a yellow, industrial dust blew over from China. It completely polluted the atmosphere and actually poisoned my lungs, giving me pneumonia and bronchitis numerous times over the next eighteen months until I was healed.

…Detailed Reading

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Editorial Special Section: Veronika West: Dive Into the Depths of His Glory

Message: Veronika West Date: September 14, 2024   Source: 《祂國度的預言》
The days ahead are days of a difference that will require the deep divers to plunge the depths of His Glory for specific strategies for taking Dominion!
The Holy Spirit continues to speak very specifically to me about things that are coming.

…Detailed Reading

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Editorial Special Section: Curt Landry: Preparing for the Autumn Feast of 5785

Message:  Rabbi Curt Landry Date: September 5, 2024  Source: “HOD House of David Information”  

Receive the prophetic anointing of the fourth dimension – prepare for the autumn festival of 5785

The content of this audio is of rabbi and Pastor Philip Thornton of the Legacy Faith church in Pennsylvania discussing the connection between the fourth dimension and the autumn festival of 5785. In this season the church is becoming mature and complete, and we must grasp the essentials of prophetic revelation so that we can receive a higher degree of supply and guidance from God in the spirit.

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Editorial Special Section: Ricci Johnson-Wilson: Breakthroughs Demand Godly Occupation and Influence!

Message : Ricci Johnson-Wilson Date: September 6, 2024    Source : World for Christ Ministries


August 30th, I had a dream that merged into a continuous vision from the Lord that continues even today. It is a constant image before me. It was an image of our nation with a thick barrier over the top. At first, I thought it was a callous, but upon closer examination, I saw that it was not hardened. It was still pliable, more like the thick skin of a blister.

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Editorial Special Section: Nate Johnston: The most impacting movements of 2025-2030

Message: Nate Johnston Date: June 2, 2024    Source: Nate Johston Facebook

The most impacting movements of 2025-2030 are right now being built quietly behind the scenes by a people on their faces before the lord.

…Detailed Reading

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Editorial Special Section: [Voice of Fig] Torah Gleaning Week 49 When You Go Out

Message: JennyLee   Date: September 15, 2024   Audio:  [Voice of Fig] YouTube audio  


  • Torah: Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19
  • Prophets: Isaiah 54:1-10
  • New Testament: Matthew 5 :27-30; 1 Corinthians 5:1-5

…Detailed Reading

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Editorial Special Section: Lou Engle & Christy Johnston: “A 90-Day Call to Prayer for the U.S. Elections”

Message: Lou Engle & Christy Johnstona Date: August 9, 2024  Source : Elijah List

This week, I want to revisit the Rebirth of America Dream. When the Lord showed me back on March 10 and again on June 5 that there would be an attempted assassination of a U.S. presidential candidate, I said we could pray against these things, so they could be lessened or stopped. A president has not been that close to an assassination in 43 years, since 1981, when Ronald Reagan was shot and God spared his life. I know it was a miracle President Donald Trump also survived on July 13.

…Detailed Reading

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Editorial Special Section: Important Prayer Gathering Before the US Election 【9/22, 10/10-10/11, 10/12】

Date: August 24, 2018   Source: Give Him 15 Minutes

Editor’s Note:  Regarding our times and the coming prayer IFA President and CEO Dave Kubal said America and the world face a critical battle in 2024. International conflicts may trigger World War III, and global elites are promoting a “new world order.” He called on believers to unite to resist evil plans and protect the United States and the global body of Christ from evil agendas!

Global Day of Prayer for America

Date: 9/22

  • Time : 7:00-10:00 AM EST
  • Location: Zoom online prayer meeting
  • Invitation: Details page 

National Prayer Assembly (NPA)

  • Date: 10/10-10/11
  • Time : 10/10 10:00 AM ET – 10/11 3:45 PM EST
  • Location: JW Marriott Hotel (1331 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20004)
  • Invitation: Details page 

Million Women’s Square Gathering

  • Date: 10/12
  • Time : 10/12 9:00am – 7:00pm EST
  • Location: National Mall, Washington, D.C.
  • Invitation: Details page


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Declaration Prayer: For President Trump and His Team [Update]

We declare in the name of Jesus :

  • God will continue to bless and protect President Trump and his family, as well as the “scepter of justice” that God has raised up to support him in his government.
  • The blood of Jesus covers them and those close to President Trump, bind and drive away any witchcraft or spells cast on them.
  • The Holy Spirit continues to pour out and personally guide President Trump. He grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God. ( Lu 2:52 )
  • The seven spirits of God are manifested in President Trump’s life ( Isaiah 11:1-3 ), giving him keen insight and discernment, judging the situation, and resolutely continuing to fulfill his call.
  •  God will restore Trump to his rightful position at His best time and give people grace to transition.

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Declaration Prayer: The Declaration for the Month of Elul

Editor’s note: The month of Elul is the sixth month in the Jewish calendar year 5784, corresponding to September 4, 2024 to October 2, 2024 in the Western calendar.

Declare in the name of Jesus :

  1. Jehovah God is my light and salvation, He brings growth and victory. ( Psalm 27:1 )
  2. This is the month of Gad, My month of success and victory.
  3. I am a child of God, part of a family, connected to the family of God.
  4. I know how to be humble, to be rich, to be full, to be hungry, to have more than to be in need, to be in any situation, I have learned the secret. ( Philippians 4:12 )
  5. Jehovah God is visiting me, helping me in my work and ministry, changing my life.
  6. The LORD God will show mercy and lead me out of the predicament.
  7. Jehovah God desires to be close to me, and I want to draw close to God and be filled with all His fullness.
  8. I choose to enter into the rest and power of God and renew my strength.
  9. God has given me great ability to stand up in the face of conflict and become a person who can bear the burden.

(Adapted from The Blessings of the Month of Elul by Ron Sakaw )

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Declaration Prayer: Declaration for The United States of America

Editor’s note: This declaration is adapted from the key points of the prayer declaration for the United States published on August 2 by the “World for Jesus” ministry led by Nita Johnson. It calls on all intercessors to pray together in one accord.

  1. Law and Order:  We decree in the name of Jesus: 「Colonization of America to England is no more and America stands as an independent nation. America is now under God’s jurisdiction. Our rule of law will be powerful, righteous, and godly. 」
  2. New World Order : We command in the name of Jesus: 「America and the world, come out of the prison of NWO.」
  3. Government  We decree in the name of Jesus: 「The U.S. government is now upon the shoulder of Jesus Christ and He will reign with truth and righteousness. The new heavenly guard will be put into place and we vow as a nation to submit ourselves to God’s government. The Capitol building is the new standard of the temple of truth. Our government is now set into heaven’s government and this will be to the end. 」
  4. Supreme Court  We decree in the name of Jesus: 「Our judicial system belongs to God. True justice and just scales will rule our country hereafter. 」
  5. Economy System    In the name of Jesus: 「We call America’s economic system to come up out of the oceans of greed and made purified by the Lord Jesus Christ. We will rule the nation in integrity and in equity.」「The economic system of the world must align to just weights. It will operate and function in truth, and meet the needs of all according to God’s will.」
  6. Education System  We decree in the name of Jesus: 「Father will bring forth a godly, righteous, biblical value-based education system so that the people of the world may prosper in truth. 」「Heal the minds of those that have been crippled and destroyed by current system. Stop the mutilation. Father, Your Torpedo of Truth will not return until it has completed all that You have destined for it to do. Thank You! 」
  7. Media  God really is moving in the media arena. How we thank Him for that! In the name of Jesus, we bless the media:「Lord, according to Your beauty and truth, bring the media into a place of true righteousness and holiness, and into a place to perpetuate truth. The media shall be an instrument of truth. Oh, Lord, we know that this is Your heart of hearts, not for America only, but for the nations of the world. Thank You for Your goodness, in the name of Jesus!」


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Pray for America: Watchman Decree

Editor’s Note: This article is excerpted from the prayer post of “Give Him 15 ” on 2022/7/6 by prayer leader Dutch Sheets.
Current Events/Background:  “You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you; And light will shine on your ways.” (Job 22:28; NASB) …Detailed Reading


As a Patriot of faith, I attest my allegiance first and foremost to the kingdom of God and the Great Commission. Secondly, I agree to be a watchman over our nation concerning its people and their rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


  • we, the Church, are God’s governing Body on the earth
  • we have been given legal power and authority from heaven
  • we are God’s ambassadors and spokespeople over the earth
  • through the power of God, we are His world influencers
  • because of our covenant with God, we are equipped and delegated by Him to destroy every attempted advance of the enemy


  1. We decree that America’s executive branch of government will honor God and defend the Constitution.
  2. We decree that our legislative branch (Congress) will write only laws that are righteous and constitutional.
  3. We decree that our judicial system will issue rulings that are biblical and constitutional.
  4. We declare that we stand against wokeness, the occult, and every evil attempt against our nation.
  5. We declare that we now take back our God-given freedoms, according to our Constitution.
  6. We declare that we take back influence at the local level in our communities.
  7. We decree that we take back and permanently control positions of influence and leadership in each of the **Seven Mountains.
  8. We decree that the blood of Jesus covers and protects our nation. It protects and separates us for God.
  9. We declare that our nation is energy independent.
  10.  We declare that America is strong spiritually, financially, militarily and technologically.
  11. We decree that evil carries no power, authority or rights in our land nor over our people.
  12. We decree that we will operate in unity, going beyond denominational lines in order to accomplish the purposes of God for our nation.
  13. And we decree that AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!

We know this country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. We know the truth; therefore, we stand for truth and will NEVER be deceived! We will NEVER stop fighting!

We will NEVER, EVER, EVER give up or give in!

We WILL take our country back.

We WILL honor the ONE TRUE GOD, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!

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Pray for America: Defeat Assassination Attempt in Election -2nd Assassination Attempt against Trump

Current Events/Background: After the attempted shooting on July 13, former President Trump was again targeted for assassination on the afternoon of September 15 at the West Palm Beach golf course in Florida. The gunman was later arrested near the stadium in what the FBI said was an apparent assassination attempt. Trump’s campaign and Secret Service say he is safe. …Detailed Reading

【Prayer 】

  • Heavenly Father, we thank You for once again protecting President Trump! We continue to pray for the safety of all leaders in all branches of the U.S. government, and also for those running for office and their teams, especially Trump President, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Elon Musk, Ben Carson. Please send your angels to surround them and protect them. Defeat all instruments and plans that attack them, break all witchcraft and curses against them, save them from all evil, and keep them safe when entering and exiting. Bless them to walk in Your will and fulfill Your calling and mission for them. ( Isaiah 54:17 )
  • In the name of Jesus Christ ,
    • We proclaim the Kingdom of God to reign in America’s 2024 elections.
    • We declare that our prayers will transform America into alignment with God’s heart.
    • We declare that the evil forces seeking to place antichrist forces into government positions will be dismantled.
    • We declare that efforts to prevent the cleanup of the United States government will be defeated.
    • We declare that plans to assassinate Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Harris, congressional leaders and Supreme Court justices will be ineffective.
    • We declare that the Great Awakening and the Great Revival are coming to America.

In the name of Jesus, Amen!

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Pray for America: Joel’s Army Prayer Points

Editor’s note: This article is the focus of the “World for Christ” ministry led by Nita Johnson to pray for the United States on September 15, for your reference and prayer.

  1. Worship God
  2. Pray for the Fractured Church/Disjointed Church – tremendous compromise and lack unity and impotence in the Church, abortion, human trafficking, idolatry, ritual abuse.
  3. Pray about Abortion – end at state level, RNC stance. Planned parenthood indoctrination in schools, (restore us to a culture of life).
  4. Pray about Human Trafficking – repentance and intercession. Remember what is occurring at the border so we can include that in our prayer.
  5. Pray for Academia (especially what they are doing to the children, maiming them physically and intellectually)
  6. Pray for Media! include MSM and the deep states control… (Cisa) censorship arm of the state department. Manipulate information about Trump and Kamala to sway voters to vote for Democrats.
  7. Pray for Trump, protection friends, family, new admin. New Cabinet such as:
    • Robert Kennedy,(education, medical shambles, childhood disease epidemic/vaccine)
    • Elon Musk. (Economic restoration. Bank Wars)
    • Ben Carson, etc.
  8. Pray for Conservatives in at state level. Bring Democrat party down. Expose the corruption in the sanctuary cities.
  9. Pray to Stabilize the economy. European, US and other Markets. No bit coin/refined economic system. Pray about Central Banks against National Banks-Take over!
  10. Pray for Civil Strife-and Citizens against Gov. —chaos! Riots, gang violence, virus, Deep state infiltration of US postal service causing late or missing mail effecting Social security and businnesses in the state of MO, no spread or effect on election ballots, & Electrical Grid shut down.
  11. Pray for the Catholic Church -repentance for compromise and crimes against the innocent.
  12. Pray about America’s WWll war crimes against Jewish victims as well Germany. We are responsible for holocaust victims and the near destruction of Germany during and after the war. Pray against WWlll efforts. Russia/ukraine. Pray to stop the shipments of long range weaponry to Ukraine.  Israel/Middle East


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Pray for Israel: As the October 7th Anniversary Approaches, the Risk of Terrorist Attacks is High

Current Affairs Background: On October 7 last year, the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas carried out a massacre in Gaza border residential areas and IDF posts in Israel, which is about to celebrate its first anniversary.  …Detailed Reading

  • Jeremiah 11:18-20 (NKJV) When the LORD showed me their plot, I became aware of it; then you showed me their ways. As for me, I was led like a tame lamb to the slaughter; I knew not that they were plotting against me. They said, “Let us destroy this tree and its fruit, and cut it off from the land of the living, so that its name will not be remembered.”
    But O Lord of hosts! You judge with righteousness, you test the heart and the heart. Let me see your vengeance upon them, for I have laid my case before you.
  • Psalm 91:2-8   I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from his poison. of plague. He will cover you with his feathers, and you will take refuge under his wings. His truth is a shield great and small. You will not be afraid of the terrors of the night, or of the arrows that fly by day; nor of the pestilence that stalks by night, nor of the poison that kills at noon. Though a thousand fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, this plague shall not come near you. You can only look with your own eyes and see the retribution of the wicked.
  • Isaiah 62:1-2   For Zion’s sake I will not be silent, nor for Jerusalem’s sake I will be silent, until his righteousness shines forth like brightness, and his salvation burns out like a lamp.


  • The Precious Blood Covers and Cleanses Jews Everywhere:  Lord Jesus, I thank You that You shed Your precious blood on the cross, which can forgive and cleanse our sins. Relying on Your precious blood, we boldly enter Your Holy of Holies and ask for Your forgiveness for any sin against You, whether in Israel or abroad, especially in the Jewish ghettos of the greater New York area. I beg You to give us Your precious blood to cleanse and cover us, and to remove the legitimate position of Satan and his fangs to attack.
  • Jehovah God Protects the Jews Everywhere: Lord Jehovah, God of Israel, You are the protector of Israel and the Jewish people, who neither slumber nor sleep. We thank You that You will personally protect the lives of Your covenant people, whether in Israel or overseas, or in the greater New York area, from all disasters; they will be protected by the Lord both in and out from now on and forever. (See Psalm 131:4-8 )
  • Jehovah God Reveals and Destroys the Plan to Attack the Jews: Lord Jehovah, Your eyes run to and fro throughout the earth. We implore You to expose and bully all individuals, organizations, groups, and countries’ terrorist actions, plans, and strategies that attempt to attack the Jews inside and outside Israel. with movement. Let it vanish into nothingness, like chaff blown away by the wind. All public opinion incitement to hate Jews and anti-Semitism has been wiped out. May those who seek the lives of the Jews be ashamed and humiliated; may those who delight in my harm retreat and be humiliated.
  • Truth and Salvation Come to the Haters of Jews : Father God, we pray that You will shine Your true light into the hearts of those who believe that killing the Jews is a way to please their God (Allah) and thus gain a reward in heaven, and drive away the darkness. , eliminate all lies, and bless them to know the truth of salvation in the Lord Christ. You will even use Your power and miracles to transform these radical Islamic jihadists into radical disciples of the Lord Jesus, who will love the Jews according to your words, stand with the Jews, and fight spiritual warfare for the Jews.
  • Salvation Comes to Jews Everywhere : Heavenly Father, if Your plan is for the arrival of “Hunters” to drive Jews back to the Holy Land in the New York metropolitan area, across the United States, and in the Western world, we pray that You will do so within the boundaries of Your Word and minimize Attack by enemies, protect innocent people from harm and death. We also come to You to pray for the salvation of the entire Jewish family everywhere.

In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen!

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Critical Event: Canada, Don’t Lose Hope!

Background:  Canada is currently in a difficult period. The current Liberal Prime Minister’s insistent and far-left policies have led Canada in a direction that is contrary to God since he came to power in 2015. However, during these years, God continued to raise up intercessors across Canada to connect, as God did through Canadian prophet Barry. Wensch mentioned in his mid-July prophecy ( I opened a door in Canada! ): This is your time to stand up and rise with Me! .…Detailed Reading

  • Psalm 65: 9  You care for the earth, you send down drenching rain, and you make it large and fertile. The river of God is full of water, and you have watered the earth to prepare grain for man.
  • Isaiah 60:1-2 Arise and shine! Because your light has come! The glory of the Lord shines upon you. Behold, darkness covers the earth, and gloom covers all the peoples, but the Lord will appear and shine upon you; His glory will be upon you.
  • Hab 2:14 The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.
  • Psalm 24:7-8  O gates! Keep your heads up! Eternal portals, you will be lifted up! The King of Glory is coming in! Who is the King of Glory? The Lord is strong and mighty, the Lord is mighty in battle!


In the name of Jesus Christ we declare:

  • Thank and praise the God who loves us ! You have prepared a plan of redemption for Canada. You are leading Canada back to her destiny. You are paving the way.
  • The heavens are higher than the earth, Your ways are higher than our ways, Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Thank You God, You are revealing Yourself, You are leading Canada, because You are the path opener, You are healing Canada, You are moving, You never stop.
  • Canada arises, for your Redeemer has come, Canada arises and shines, and the earth is filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.
  • The gates of Canada will lift up, the eternal gates of Canada will be lifted up, and the King of Glory will come in, He is the Lord who is mighty in battle!
  • Canada must enter its destiny, bring healing among the nations, sound the trumpet of revival, and attract the nations to return to God! Arm in hand with the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael, we return together to the home of our heavenly Father.

Pray in the name of Jesus! Amen!

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Pray for the Indigenous People: 8/1 Indigenous Revival Gathering – Unveiling the Prelude to Taiwan’s Indigenous Revival Movement 

Current events/Background: This article is excerpted from the report of “Christian Today” on July 16 about the upcoming indigenous revival gathering on Ketagalan Avenue in front of the Taiwan Presidential Palace. For the original text, please click here. The following are part of the excerpts, paraphrased in Teacher Ahong’s own narratives: …Detailed Reading

  • Isaiah 60:1-2   Arise and shine! Because your light has come! The glory of the Lord shines upon you. Behold, darkness covers the earth, and thick darkness covers the peoples, but the Lord will appear and shine upon you; his glory will be upon you.
  • Ephesians 3:20 God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.
  • Ephesians 1:10  In order that in the fullness of time all things in heaven and on earth might be gathered together in one in Christ, according to the plan.
  • Philippians 2:13  For it is God who works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.


  • Unveiling the Prelude to Taiwan’s Indigenous Revival Movement: Heavenly Father, You are the God who does all things according to Your own will. We believe that You have no regrets in your calling of Indigenous people.  Tehy are the firstborn sons of the land and the key to global revival. On this occasion of the 400th anniversary of the preaching of the gospel to Taiwan and the 30th anniversary of the indigenous  people being renamed by the Taiwanese government, your glory appears and shine upon the indigenous people. We declare that now is the time for Taiwan’s indigenous peoples to rise and shine. Taiwan’s indigenous people will move from the name-rectification movement to a new revival movement, from sadness to enthusiasm, from hatred to blessing, from inferiority to self-confidence. The younger generation is rising, kicking off the revival movement of Taiwan’s Indigenous people. They are not only identify with their own culture, but will also enter into unity and obtain the key to activate the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven and bring about Taiwan’s revival!
  • God Abundantly Provides All Needs : Heavenly Father, we will and do all we do because You are working in our hearts to accomplish Your good pleasure. Since You have sent this young man, Ah Hong, to go to various ethnic groups to pray, convey the message of unity, and convene a worship and praise meeting on Indigenous People’s Day with faith, You will also provide sufficient supplies for this gathering, more than what the team wants and needs. We believe that You are working quickly to move together all the indigenous peoples and non-indigenous ethnic groups who hear this gathering  and are stirred to join in the great event  and experience the miracle of the five loaves and two fish, so that you can accomplish Your will through this gathering.

In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen!

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Pray For Church

Pray for Participating Churches and Pastrs on Regional 24/7 Prayer Walls

Editor’s Note: The 24/7 prayer walls listed here are especially for local churches and pastors. If you are committed to watch on the regional walls, simply click on the link listed below to connect to the local prayer wall. 】

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Related Events and Prayer Background

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Editorial Special Section: Jane Hamon: “The Atmosphere Is Changing”

Message:  Jane Hamon  Date: September 14, 2024  Source: Elijah List


On Sunday morning (August 25, 2024), during our worship time, I had a vision. I was reminded of a time when Tom and I were traveling to Korea for ministry and a yellow, industrial dust blew over from China. It completely polluted the atmosphere and actually poisoned my lungs, giving me pneumonia and bronchitis numerous times over the next eighteen months until I was healed.

A Polluted Atmosphere

What I saw in the spirit was that this dust was like the toxic spiritual atmosphere over America at this time. I saw the dust choking out the breath of God from the Ekklesia. It was making it difficult to breathe and release life or declare what God was saying, additionally causing fatigue and disengagement.

The toxic dust was filling the ears, keeping people from hearing the word of the Lord. It was burning the eyes, keeping people from being able to see clearly what is ahead.

Praise, Pray, and Prophesy!

But as we praised, prayed, and prophesied, I saw the wind of God begin to blow gusty, forceful winds, clearing the atmosphere. There was turbulence in the atmosphere as force met force, yet the wind of God was prevailing.

When the Lord took Ezekiel to the valley of dry bones (Ezekiel 37), one of the things he was told to prophesy was breath and wind. When he did, the assembled dry bones stood up as an exceeding great army. There is an army rising up!


This word for wind/breath in Hebrew is the word ruach, which has several interesting meanings: “life,” “vivacity,” “vigor,” “courage”; an “inspiring ecstatic state of prophecy”; “spirit as impelling prophets to utter instruction or warning”; “imparting warlike energy, and executive and administrative power”; “as endowing men with various gifts”; “as energy of life”; “Shekina” (or “Shekinah”) [a manifestation of the Shekinah glory and presence of God] (Strong’s 7307, Brown-Driver-Briggs).

This word literally refers to the third person of the Trinity, Holy Spirit Himself.

The Wind of God Will Begin to Blow

I believe we are in for some tumultuous months ahead in our nation.

But as we stir the atmosphere over our own lives through our praise, prophetic declarations, and prayer, the wind of God will begin to blow, clearing out our eyes and ears, breathing new life into our lungs, and filling us, that we might prophesy life into death and light into darkness.

Be Filled and Shift the Atmosphere!

When Jesus prayed for His disciples it says, “…He breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit'” (John 20:22). It’s time to be filled afresh with the ruach breath of God!

Breathe in and receive Holy Spirit and receive His ruach. Receive new life, new vitality, warlike energy, supernatural gifts, and prophetic anointing, that we might manifest the Shekinah glory of God. Begin to rise up as an army, the Ekklesia, to shift the atmosphere over our nation, from hostile to holy, from woke to awakened, from death to life!

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Editorial Special Section: Veronika West: Dive Into the Depths of His Glory

Message: Veronika West Date: September 14, 2024   Source: 《His Kingdom Prophecy》

The days ahead are days of a difference that will require the deep divers to plunge the depths of His Glory for specific strategies for taking Dominion!

The Holy Spirit continues to speak very specifically to me about things that are coming.  The days ahead are going to be days of a difference and these days will demand greater levels of power and authority to take Dominion.

Yes! It is time to build — but it is time to establish The Government of Heaven on earth!

As I sat before The LORD praying for us — praying for The Body of Christ — I heard these words, ”The Order of Issachar is a Deliverance System for success and victory in the days ahead.”

Ha! Immediately I knew that God was saying that while discernment is great, what lays ahead will take more than discernment — it will take The Order of Issachar to reveal the specific strategies for victory!

Our taking dominion in The Nations is dependent not on discernment alone, but in us receiving the right strategies for war.

The men of The Bible, were men and women who knew that a price had to be paid for receiving the right strategies.

These were men and woman who knew that a greater level of Authority, always requires a greater Sacrifice of Alignment, in order to receive the right strategies, that would Command, Maintain and Establish Dominion.

One size does not fit all! Every land, Nation, Region and Territory will require a specific Strategy of Engagement that will require us to go to greater levels in The Spirit to receive those Warfare Strategies for Breakthrough and Victory.

Friends, we must descend deeper if we are going to receive the right strategies to ascend in greater victories!

We are called to be as “The Sons of Issachar” — those who knew the strategies for Advancement, Dominion, Establishment and Victory in their time.

Warriors, I implore you today to go deeper, that you may learn to truly master The Order of Issachar — that you may know and perceive with precision the impulses and movements of The Spirit on another level and dimension of Authority and Power for dark days.

Surely our victory ahead is dependent upon the secret Strategies of The Spirit, and so we must become divers of the deeper places, if we are to truly take dominion in this next season.

I shared this yesterday in prayer meeting. An Angel of The LORD appeared to me in my Prayer Hut yesterday early morning, and as soon as I looked at the Angel, I knew by revelation that the Angel was part of the Army of Angels who were Gatekeepers over the Destiny of this land.

( That revelation alone was eye opening! I suddenly realized that nations have Angel Armies specifically assigned to watch over and to administer The Government of God over the Destiny of Nations. )

Anyway, I saw that the Scroll in his hand was sealed. The Angel just stood there as if he had been standing there throughout my whole life — but I had just never seen him!

But then I saw that the Angel wore a strange type of uniform which can’t explain here, but it spoke to a High Rank of Authority in the Realm of The Spirit.

Suddenly I felt a shift in the atmosphere. It was as if I was being called to not only go up higher — but that if I was going to be allowed the permission to see what was engraved within the sealed Scroll.

It required me to go deeper. So, in order to go from where I was standing to where he was standing it required a new level of alignment.

I felt no pressure to go into that deeper place, but there was an invitation to go deeper and to come up higher if I was going to become a partaker of the next Move of God in this Land.

The Secrets and Mysteries, the Divine Revelation and Strategies for the days ahead were contained within that Scroll.

But, it required — it demanded — that I go deeper to receive what was being made available for the days ahead!


There are Portals that are being opened over Nations, and I see Angels ascending and descending.  These are the days when we (Prophets) are going to be partnering with Angels like never before! Angelic activity is ramping up, and that I believe is because there is a Season of Birthing upon us — but the Dragon/ Leviathan is circling.

We have entered into dangerous days, yet days when taking Dominion is for those who will go deeper, to receive the right strategies for Victory!

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Editorial Special Section: Curt Landry: Preparing for the Autumn Feast of 5785

Message:  Rabbi Curt Landry Date: September 5, 2024  Source: “HOD House of David Information”  

Receive the prophetic anointing of the fourth dimension – prepare for the autumn festival of 5785

The content of this audio is of rabbi and Pastor Philip Thornton of the Legacy Faith church in Pennsylvania discussing the connection between the fourth dimension and the autumn festival of 5785. In this season the church is becoming mature and complete, and we must grasp the essentials of prophetic revelation so that we can receive a higher degree of supply and guidance from God in the spirit.

 The prophetic revelations that the rabbis have received from God in recent years have moved from the fourth river to the fourth dimension, and from the fourth dimension to the status of kings and priests that will be launched during the autumn festival of 5785. This seemingly coherent prophetic revelation was actually downloaded in installments by God over the years until the picture became clearer and clearer. As the rabbi often said: Now we seem to be looking in a mirror, dimly; then we will be face to face. What I know now is limited, but then I will know everything, just as the Lord knows me. 1 Corinthians 13:12


This is how the prophet receives visions. When God downloads the revelation, the prophet must obey and prophesy. As God continues to download revelation over time, the big picture will become clearer and clearer.

Fourth River

When the Rabbi presented the revelation of the fourth river a few years ago, he said that the warriors in the fourth river responded to the call like those who walked alone in the desert, but all of us who have walked alone in the wilderness People will eventually gather in the oasis, and they will recognize at a glance that everyone is a warrior of the kingdom marching for the same calling.

Fourth Dimension

After the rabbi received the vision of the fourth dimension, just as he was telling us the importance and steps of going up to the fourth dimension, God led the rabbi to contact the non-profit organization of the Legacy Faith church in Pennsylvania. Pastor Philip Thornton links. Pastor Philip Thornton’s insights into the fourth dimension complemented Rabbi’s revelations. The voice this time is definitely a fast-paced pas de deux between two spiritual people in heaven! ! But as the rabbi said, the revelation, practice and actual operation of the fourth dimension cannot be understood or mastered by listening to it once or twice. For the next ten years, he himself will devote all his efforts to understand and practice the wisdom, knowledge and practice of the fourth dimension, and pass on such revelation and experience to all saints. And so should every one of us remnant warriors committed to the Fourth River. Because when the latter rain falls and the New Jerusalem comes, those who will reign as kings and rulers with Jesus Christ the Messiah will be the king-priests who are activated in the fourth dimension and established according to the order of Melchizedek.

The Prodigal Son Returns Home

At the same time, the Heavenly Father is calling spiritual leaders back home who are like prodigal sons who have left home – through the anointing of kings and priests, God will equip His people with greater authority. Rabbi and Pastor Philip Thornton’s insights into the fourth dimension complement the revelations received by Torah and team up to share insights into this prophetic anointing, enabling listeners to receive the mysteries and revelations God is releasing in this season.

Spiritual People Should Operate in the Spiritual Dimension

God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

Pastor Philip Thornton said he encouraged his congregation to say: I am a spirit, I live in my body, I own my soul. According to this description, we understand that we can operate in the spiritual dimension like God, which is the fourth dimension. When we want to meet God, we have to go to the dimension where God is to meet Him. This is the court in heaven that we have mentioned before. It is also taught by Jesus in Matthew 6:9-13 ~ Prayer: Our Father in Heaven ~ We clearly see that our Father God is in heaven. So when we want to meet the Father, we have to go to heaven~that is, in the fourth dimension.

Operating in the Fourth Dimension Gets More with Less

The rabbi mentioned a personal experience, 30 years ago, when he and his wife were able to achieve good results in doing things , it was usually because of the glorious presence of God. On the contrary, when there are no good results, it is because the efforts made from the third dimension, that is, the dimension of flesh and blood.

Therefore, when we face something big and difficult, or feel that we are facing a task beyond our capabilities, we must go to the fourth dimension to meet with Heavenly Father and seek His strategies and instructions. Such examples appear repeatedly in the Bible, and the life of David is an example of this. Whenever David encountered difficulties, he would turn to God and ask God. After God responded to him, David would obey God’s instructions and continue to act, and he would always win.

Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind = Complete Change of Mind

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2

Start changing your mind now! Tell yourself ~ I am a spirit, I live in my body, and I own my soul.

According to Genesis 1:27 , humans are not trying to make themselves spiritual. Humans are inherently spiritual beings. However, most human beings or people who have not experienced redemption through the precious blood of Jesus Christ have not yet experienced rebirth in the spiritual dimension, but this does not mean that they have no spirit, so reborn Christians must let these people understand We are a spirit. The spirit exists forever. God knows the spirit of each of us before we are formed in our mother’s womb. My spirit will live in the spiritual dimension forever. My spirit lives in the skin of my body. God gave me a soul (emotions, will, and thinking). It is my responsibility to take care of my soul. The soul and spirit will last forever, and everything in the third dimension has a beginning and an end, so when we pass away, only the body, the skin, will return to dust. But our souls will exist in the fourth dimension forever. Therefore, we must use spiritual thinking to train our soul (emotion, will, and thinking). A heart (soul) that has not been trained and restrained is like Proverbs 25:28 says: A man who does not control his heart is like a ruined city without walls. We need to have the mind of Jesus. Philippians 2:5

The Apostle Paul’s Fourth Dimension Teachings

The apostle Paul entered the fourth dimension at the beginning of his ministry and saw in the heavenly court that Jesus was operating on the heavenly altar according to the high sacrifice of the order of Melchizedek, which in turn affected every letter he wrote.

I know a man in Christ who was caught up to the third heaven fourteen years ago. Whether he was in the body, I don’t know, or whether he was outside the body, I don’t know. Only God knows. 2 Corinthians 12:2

Judging from the time limit of the apostle Paul’s salvation and beginning of his ministry, he was caught up to the third heaven (in the fourth dimension) almost a year after he was saved. Therefore, it can be imagined that almost all of the apostle Paul’s teachings were made by him in The experiences, seeing and hearing of the fourth dimension, as well as the direct revelation and download from God in the spiritual dimension ~ the third heaven. This makes Pastor Philip believe that when the Apostle Paul wrote the books of Rossians and Ephesians, he tried his best to let believers understand that God’s promise that Abraham’s descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore was referring to two dimensions, one One is the earthly third dimension, and the other is the heavenly fourth dimension. In other words, the descendants of Abraham must be able to operate in these two dimensions at the same time. Being able to live in two dimensions at the same time is due to the grace of God. None of us live in two dimensions by our own ability. We can live in two dimensions by relying on the precious blood of Jesus Christ and faith. 

Salvation is About to be Spread Back to Zion~ We Need to Go to the Fourth Dimension to Seek Strategies

The rabbi mentioned that his evangelistic journey was exactly the opposite of that of the apostle Paul. The Apostle Paul first preached the gospel to the Jews, and then turned to the Gentiles. The culture, beliefs, and customs of the Jews were familiar to the Apostle Paul, but the customs, culture, and polytheistic beliefs of the Gentiles were originally unfamiliar to the Apostle Paul, but as Paul As I continue to go to the fourth dimension to seek God’s strategies and opinions, his letters become more and more powerful. The rabbi mentioned that at this time, in the last season of his life, his gospel journey will shift from Gentile believers to the Middle East, whether they are Jews or descendants of Ishmael, so regardless of language barriers or cultural differences, he We all need to go to the third heaven, the fourth dimension, like the apostle Paul, to seek God’s strategies, instructions, wisdom and knowledge.

Fill, Plump, Complete, Rich ~ are All Terms of the Fourth Dimension

Brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery (lest you think you are wise), that the Israelites are somewhat hard-hearted until the fullness of the Gentiles comes, and then all the Israelites will be saved. Romans 11:26-27a

One New Man is the Ultimate Answer

Salvation comes to the Gentiles to stir them up to indignation. If their fault is the riches of the world, and their lack the riches of the Gentiles, how much more will their fullness be? Romans 11:11-12

Pastor Philip mentioned that the rabbi’s experience and journey of faith are precisely the best weapons God will use to spread the gospel back to the Jews in the last days. The gifts of the Holy Spirit and the movement of faith enable us to understand the power of the Holy Spirit displayed through the saints. No matter what your ministry is, God wants to unite Jewish and Gentile believers into one New Man . What could provoke the Jews was to make them see that the blessings manifested in the Gentile believers were God’s blessings to Abraham, which should have been theirs. This includes God blessing Perah and his descendants to be like the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. That is to say, it can operate in two dimensions, the third dimension of earth and the fourth dimension of several days. One key is the Holy Spirit. It is impossible to operate in the spiritual dimension without the Holy Spirit. Therefore, our inner spirit man must be combined with the Holy Spirit to operate in the fourth dimension with such power to bring God’s people back to turn to God.

In addition to the fact that the church is now operating in the fourth dimension, as Gentile believers we also truly understand that the Jews are our elder brothers. We become one with each other and become One New Man.

5785 The autumn festivals, namely the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles, are the moments when the king-priests according to the order of Melchizedek are activated.

David’s first stage was as a shepherd, relying on God’s power to defeat the giant Goliath. David’s second stage was to truly become the king and priest of Israel that Samuel anointed him to be as a boy. To have strategies and downloads from the Heavenly Court (4th Dimension), equipping him to become the King of Israel and to be God’s spokesperson, proclaiming God’s Word in the 4th Dimension. This is to be released to us in the upcoming autumn festival of 5785.

Priest: The job of a priest is to serve God first

It’s Time for the Prodigal Son Who Left Home to Turn Around.

At this moment there are some pastors, prophets, apostles, full gospel teachers, who have become prodigal sons in the family of God. This is because they were hurt in the past in ministry where they left home and this is the time for the prodigal to come home.

Pastor Philip has a very incisive explanation of the story of Jesus as the prodigal son returning home in Luke 15. Readers are invited to understand it from the audio message.

Jesus said again: A man had two sons.

The two sons: the older son represents the Israelites and the younger son represents the Gentile believers/church. The church received its inheritance over the past two thousand years, after Pentecost before the book of Acts. However, the inheritance gained by the church during the past two thousand years has been dissipated. It is time for the church to turn back to be like the Father and the source of faith.

The younger son (church) said to his father: Father, please give me my share of the family property. His father divided the inheritance among them. After a few days, the younger son packed up everything he owned and went to a distant place. There they indulge in wanton debauchery and wasted their wealth. After spending everything he had, he encountered a severe famine in the country, and became poor.

So he went to a man in that country, and he sent him to the fields to tend pigs. He longed to eat the pods eaten by the pigs to satisfy his hunger, but no one gave him any.

When he came to his senses, he said, “My father has so many hired workers and they have enough food. Am I going to starve to death here?”

I will get up and go to my father and say to him: Father! I have offended heaven, and I have offended you;

From now on, I am not worthy to be called your son. Treat me as a hired servant!

So he got up and went to his father. When he was still a long way off, his father saw him and had compassion on him. He ran, held him around his neck, and kissed him.

Plead Guilty

The son said: Father! I have sinned against heaven and against you; from now on, I am not worthy to be called your son.

Acceptance, Restoration of Identity

But the father commanded his servants, saying, “Bring quickly the best robe and put it on him; put a ring on his finger; put sandals on his feet; bring the fatted calf and kill it, that we may eat, drink, and be merry; for This son of mine died and was resurrected, was lost and was found again. They become happy.

Because the church represented by the younger son has converted and connected back to the roots of faith, the identity of the church has been restored. The robe, ring, and shoes represent authority, and the fattened cow is slaughtered to celebrate the seven festivals. When will this be? Probably the Feast of Tabernacles.

Salvation has Come to the Gentiles to Stir Up the Jews (eldest sons) to Jealousy 

At that time, the eldest son was in the fields. When he came back, not far from home, he heard the sound of music and dancing,

Then he called a servant and asked what was going on.

The servant said, “Your brother is here; your father killed the fattened calf because he wanted him to come back safe and sound.”

But the eldest son was angry and refused to go in; so his father came out to persuade him.

He said to his father: In all the years I have served you, I have never disobeyed your command. You did not give me a kid so that I could be happy with my friends.

But when this son of yours comes, who has devoured your inheritance with harlots, you kill the fattened calf for him.

His father said to him: Son! You are always with me, and everything I have is yours;

As mentioned at the beginning of the copy ~ this time’s voice is definitely a fast-paced pas de deux between two spiritual leaders in heaven! ! But as the rabbi said, the revelation, practice and actual operation of the fourth dimension cannot be understood or mastered by listening to it once or twice. For the next ten years, he himself will devote all his efforts to understand and practice the wisdom, knowledge and practice of the fourth dimension, and pass on such revelation and experience to all saints. And so should every one of us remnant warriors who are committed to God’s kingdom in the fourth river. Because when the last rain falls and the New Jerusalem comes, those who reign as kings and rulers with Jesus Christ the Messiah must be activated in the fourth dimension. It can be seen that the kings and priests established according to the order of Melchizedek How important is the upcoming autumn festival! !

Shabbat Shalom!

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Ricci Johnson-Wilson: Breakthroughs Demand Godly Occupation and Influence!

Message : Ricci Johnson-Wilson Date: September 6, 2024    Source : World for Christ Ministries


August 30th, I had a dream that merged into a continuous vision from the Lord that continues even today. It is a constant image before me. It was an image of our nation with a thick barrier over the top. At first, I thought it was a callous, but upon closer examination, I saw that it was not hardened. It was still pliable, more like the thick skin of a blister.

Friction or burns can cause blisters, and I knew that there were certain elements that brought about this blister and at the same time, I sensed that if it was left unchecked, if something did not implement a dramatic change and press through this pliable layer, a callous would certainly develop over the land and we would be in serious trouble with the Lord.

I saw this image before me day after day, for several days. I saw a portion of the Ecclesia trying to press through the pliable barrier upon our nation, but it was a great struggle. The intercessors came alongside them, and together, we pressed through in prayer, and we were finally able to break through to the surface together.

The New Breed of Believers Rose Up And Spread Out Across the Land

Surrounded by the intercessors, the Ecclesia burst up and out, peeling and tearing back the pliable blister that formed over the land. As they did, an incredible movement occurred in the land; the New Breed of Believers the Lord spoke to me about clear back in 2018, rose up through the opening and spread out across the land. They became involved in future events, they prayed, they sought the will of God for them, the Church, and the nation. They saw the criticality of occupying now for the future of their posterity. All fear of man left them, and they began to war against corruption and compromise in the land!

These New Breed of Believers began to infiltrate and influence the people of the land in righteousness and integrity. Every arena of the nation was impacted by their presence, and some areas were permeated by the influence of righteousness and justice. I saw these permeated areas as they shone brightly on this image of the nation that was before me and it was glorious!

This was a breakthrough moment! My spirit was pulled upward and out in keeping with what God was doing among His people and I could see and feel all that was occurring in the land.

The New Breed of Believers were occupying!

It was not just within the confines of our Church buildings or Bible study sessions, it was people infiltrating school boards, city governments, state governments, congressional offices, all who refused to be part of corruption! They refused to partake in the cultural Marxist push of lobbyists and corporate America! These corrupt systems began to shrivel up and fade away because they were not being fed by those who once supported the corruption, knowingly or unknowingly!

They occupied media, academia, and financial realms, something was happening throughout the nation! Every arena was occupied with the New Breed of Believers!

Nation Began to Rise In Elevation

Then, the nation began to rise, literally rise in elevation. Upon asking the Lord what the elevation meant, I learned that this increase in elevation depicted the moral excellence of our nation.

The refined America came forth, and apathy and despair broke off the minds and hearts of the people and the nation rose and began to shine once again.

This movement impacted people in other nations with victories and breakthroughs they never could imagine. These New Breed of Believers began to influence and inspire people and leaders in other nations to rise above corruption as well! It was so powerful!

The Lord Raise Daniel to Impact His Generation

The Lord drew me to Daniel of the Old Covenant, showing me how he was used to influence the Kings of Babylon, the Medes and the Persians and his efforts helped preserve, and elevate them in captivity and even restore them to their land in His appointed time.

Let’s look at the life of Daniel.

We view Daniel as a powerful prophet who prophesied profound and detailed events. So detailed in fact, liberal scholars argue they could not have been prophecies, but rather, events recorded after the fact. Jesus refers to Daniel warning the Israelites in Matthew 24:15 to flee when they see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet. And of course, there are prophesies he spoke that we have yet to see fulfilled.

However, Daniel was also a great influencer who knew how to occupy even within the nation of Babylon.

Daniel’s life and prophetic legacy came at a great price. He was taken into captivity by the Babylonians in the first round of captives. He and a few who we read about in the book of Daniel, were brought into the service of King Nebuchadnezzar to be included as advisors within the palace. Isaiah prophesied these specific events in Isaiah 39:3-8: their sons would be taken captive and made eunuchs in the house of the king of Babylon. It was customary to castrate the boys who would serve in the palace, even, or perhaps especially if they were of the seed of royalty from the conquered nation.

As teenagers, Daniel and his three friends, were held captive, made eunuchs, and educated in the ways of the Babylonians. The intent was for them to understand and flow in the ways of the Babylonians in order to better serve them and help them rule and conquer other nations.

Yet, God was with them and had plans for Daniel, this young boy would rise to great power within the Babylonian Kingdom and then within the Medo-Persian kingdom. God would insert Daniel that he might occupy in this corrupt society and fulfil His will and influence the path of His people within the nation they lived, yes, even in captivity. Ultimately, Daniel would be the instrument God would use to turn the heart of the Persian King Cyrus to release the Hebrew people to return to Jerusalem.

How God Enable Daniel to Occupy?

How was this possible? How is it possible to live in the most powerful nation of the then known world, serve one of the most powerful rulers of the day, as a captive and still rise above and serve God’s plans and purposes for your life and the life of your people?

Daniel 1:8-16 provides us with the answer

“But Daniel determined (KJV says ‘purposed’) in his heart that he would not defile himself by [eating his portion of] the king’s rich and dainty food or by [drinking] the wine which he drank; therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuchs that he might [be allowed] not to defile himself.”

There are four points here that will help us rise above circumstances so we can occupy and influence wherever God places us:

1.      We have to determine in our heart to fear God over man: Daniel was a student of Torah and understood the writings of the prophets and knew, first and foremost, Proverbs 29:25 would be his lifeblood. “The fear of man bringeth a snare but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.” Only one who fears God over man will purpose or determine in their heart, at the cost of their life, to not eat what the king offers. (Remember, this is the same Nebuchadnezzar who threatened to chop his wise men into tiny bits if they didn’t tell him what his dream was in Daniel 2.)

2.      We have to choose to remain pure and not defile ourselves: (Daniel 1:8) Daniel had a choice to make, keep himself pure from things offered to idols or remain true to the diet God gave the Hebrew children at Mount Sinai on day one! Daniel knew it was customary for wine and meat prepared in other nations to be offered to their gods before consumption, he would be defiling himself if he consumed them. He had to act on what he determined in his heart. We each have that opportunity to take a stand on critical issues for both us and those around us, will we take that stand?

3.      We have to choose to occupy where God places us. (Daniel 1:8) God desires that we would remain pure and avail ourselves to His positioning and not our own. In addition, Daniel stood up for the other Hebrew children who were with him giving them courage to do the same. He was a pillar within this small circle of Hebrew children, and he became the voice of righteousness in the midst of a very corrupt society.

4.      We must choose to influence the world with righteous standards rather than bowing the knee to theirs. In fact, we should influence the environment God places us in to such a degree that they recognize the benefit embracing God’s standards.  (Daniel 1:11-15) Daniel proposes to the keeper of the eunuchs a change in their diet trusting God to take care of their physical needs in the midst of it, and ultimately, the entire group is influenced on this righteous dietary path at Daniel’s request. (Daniel 1:16) Later we will see how he influences the entire training arena and ultimately, every arena in which God places him.

Daniel’s stance in the very beginning was key to his future in this empire. These tests of his adherence to the Word of God in the midst of captivity, corruption, and the confusion that would result from becoming a eunuch were key to God elevating him and granting him the wisdom, knowledge, revelation, and understanding to rise to a position of great power and influence in the Babylonian Empire. (The Nebuchadnezzar Cylinder as well as the Cyrus Cylinder mention Daniel by his Babylonian-given name as instrumental in decisions they made on behalf of their kingdoms.)

I’d love to go through the bold and courageous stances of these four Hebrew children in great detail as they matured into wise men with influence throughout the kingdom, touching on the interpretation of the prophetic dream of Nebuchadnezzar that we read in Daniel 2 or how that dream led to a giant statue that the King demanded they worship or be thrown into the fire in Daniel 3—and how God protected them when they were thrown into the fire. Or even how Daniel cared for this pagan King as he ate grass in the field like an animal during the seven years of his insanity, but I believe for the purposes of our message, we need to skip ahead to Daniel 6, the later portion of Daniel’s life.

To set the stage for this, Nebuchadnezzar has likely died, and son and grandson are now co-ruling the Babylonian kingdom. In Daniel 5 we have the interpretation of writing on the wall and then the transfer of power from the Babylonian Empire to the Medo-Persian Empire. Daniel has been in captivity for decades and now, on the night Daniel interprets the writing on the wall, the Medes and the Persians are taking over that Babylonian empire and we move quickly into Daniel 6 to find ourselves learning of Daniel’s continued righteous stand now under the Medo-Persian Empire.

Daniel’s reputation preceded him. This humble Jewish boy had become a man of power and great influence. When Darius the Mede takes over this portion of the empire, Darius sets 120 satraps over the kingdom, with 3 presidents over them, Daniel being one of these three presidents. It’s kind of like having one King, with three Governors under him, and 120 congressmen who answer to those three Governors all spanning across a good chunk of the middle east.

Daniel is a man of great power and influence, wisdom and understanding, and he still answers first and foremost, to Jehovah, the great I AM who delivered His people out of Egypt and Who will, according to prophesy, deliver His people out of this captivity when the 70 years is up. (Jeremiah 26:8-11)

Daniel has had powerful experiences with the Lord, and nothing is going to change his pursuit of God at this point in his life. Remember early on the four points from Daniel 1 that were essential to his survival, his influence and his occupation in Babylon?  And here, (most Bible scholars believe Daniel to be in his 80s) he’s been through King Nebuchadnezzar, his son and grandson, and now, Darius the Mede rules in one area, and Cyrus the Persian rules in another, and Daniel has access to them both given his positioning by God.

However, there were people who desired to remove the righteous man from his God-given post. They dug into Daniel’s closet searching for something they might be able to bring him down with and there was nothing! His only perceived “weakness” was his prayer life and unwavering devotion to God. The man prayed facing Jerusalem three times a day! So, they sought to “expose him” and bring him down for this “weakness”.

Let that be a lesson to all of us, may the only flaw our enemy can find in our lives be our prayer and Word life!

In Daniel 6, we read how they appealed to either a prideful or a misled and deceived king to sign a decree that according to Medo-Persian law, the King was bound to, requiring anyone who asked anything of any god or man for thirty days shall be thrown into the lion’s den.

Daniel 6:8-15 Now, O king, establish the decree and sign the writing that it may not be changed, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which cannot be altered. So King Darius signed the writing and the decree. 10 Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house, and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he got down upon his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as he had done previously. 11 Then these men came thronging [by agreement] and found Daniel praying and making supplication before his God.

12 Then they came near and said before the king concerning his prohibitory decree, Have you not signed an edict that any man who shall make a petition to any god or man within thirty days, except of you, O king, shall be cast into the den of lions? The king answered and said, The thing is true, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which cannot be changed or repealed. 13 Then they said before the king, That Daniel, who is one of the exiles from Judah, does not regard or pay any attention to you, O king, or to the decree that you have signed, but makes his petition three times a day. 14 Then the king, when he heard these words, was much distressed [over what he had done] and set his mind on Daniel to deliver him; and he labored until the sun went down to rescue him. 15 Then these same men came thronging [by agreement] to the king and said, Know, O king, that it is a law of the Medes and Persians that no decree or statute which the king establishes may be changed or repealed.”

Daniel, in keeping with who he was, fearing God more than man, continued to pray openly to God three times a day. (Daniel 6:11) The men immediately report it to the king, and with great regret over what he’d done, Darious labors all day in an attempt to deliver Daniel from the penalty of the lion’s den (Daniel 6:14)

Daniel had occupied and influenced the king so much in his time with him, I believe a breakthrough occurred in Darius leading ultimately to the breakthrough for the Israelites as a whole.

Why do I believe that?

When Daniel was brought to the king to be thrown into the lion’s den, the King said, “May your God, Whom you are serving continually, deliver you!” (Daniel 6:16). Then he, the King, did what he’s seen Daniel do from day one; he prayed and fasted all night.

When Daniel is rescued by the hand of God, the King makes this decree:

Daniel 6:26-27 “I make a decree that in all my royal dominion men must tremble and fear before the God of Daniel, for He is the living God, enduring and steadfast forever, and His kingdom shall not be destroyed and His dominion shall be even to the end [of the world]. He is a Savior and Deliverer, and He works signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth—He Who has delivered Daniel from the power of the lions.”

The passage goes on to say that “this [man] Daniel prospered in the reign of Darius and in the reign of Cyrus the Persian.”

A decree, “to fear the God of Daniel!” Now, that is occupying! That is the impact of occupying the nation in which you live with Godly influence, and that is how we bring the breakthrough!

Daniel’s rise to a position of honor among men began with his reverential fear of God and his refusal to compromise regardless of the consequences. His life concluded with the same thing, a reverential fear of God and a refusal to compromise regardless of the consequences! Again, this is how we influence; this is how we occupy; and this is how we receive our breakthroughs!

This is what the Church needs to step into to not only break through that blister over our nation, but peel it back, destroy the remnants of it, and work to elevate our nation!

Back to Daniel… we just want to see the kind of breakthrough that comes from his righteous occupation. From this event, Darius the Mede honors Daniel. Daniel also has an audience with Cyrus the Persian King. And in the moment of opportunity, Daniel shows Cyrus the scrolls of Jeremiah which mentions the 70-year captivity (Jeremiah 25:8-11) and Isaiah (Isaiah 45) which prophesies Cyrus by name as the one who releases the captives. Can you imagine the influence of his testimony NOW, after Darius tells Cyrus that Daniel survived the lion’s den? We know from Ezra 1 that Cyrus did indeed release the Israelites to return to Jerusalem to restore the House of the Lord.

The Cyrus cylinder mentions Daniel by name as being instrumental in his decision to return the exiles to Jerusalem. Historical, archeological evidence, confirming Scriptural events! Always beautiful to see!

Now, let us connect Daniel’s life of occupation, influence and the breakthrough his presence brought the exiles to the dream and then vision the Lord gave that I’ve carried the last several days.

Daniel  –  An Example for the Church

The Lord said that Daniel was an example for the Church to follow. His life of integrity, his pursuit of God and the four core values Daniel determined in his heart not only led him but granted him great influence and an ultimate breakthrough for his people. This is what we are called to walk in as well. This is how we gain the breakthrough we seek for us and our posterity.

Again, what were the four points from Daniel 1?

1.      We determine in our heart to fear God over man.

2.      We must choose to remain pure and undefiled

3.      We must choose to truly occupy where God places us

4.      We must choose to influence the world with righteous standards rather than bowing the knee to theirs. Right now, with what we see in many churches today, this is our biggest problem. If you go back to the message “Our Red Sea Moment Approaches” that I did several months ago, I listed 10 plagues impacting our freedom as a Church and the nation. Every one of these issues are sin-issues yet, they have found a home within the Church, and we need to repent and turn from the path we are on. (This message can be found on our website.)

If we will do this, and be willing to follow the Luke 19:13 command to Occupy until He (the Lord) comes, not only will we enter avenues of influence we never imagined, but we will stand the test of man, kings, fire, hungry and ferocious lions, and we will stand before the Lord Jesus Christ and He will declare “well done My good and faithful servant.” (I will teach on Luke 19:13 from a literal and a spiritual plane this week.)

Together we can bring this nation into a place of excellence for our posterity. Together we can fight for justice and righteousness, is it not the foundation of His throne!?! Together, we can pursue the path of God and prepare this nation for Him to rule and reign in our land! And, then, we will have the privilege of witnessing the greatest outpouring of His presence in and through this land the earth has ever seen!

I want to close with the following visions from 2021, because I believe the first vision I shared, and these last two visions are one and the same the same and we are about to see them come to fruition!

Vision December 10, 2021 – “The Outpouring”

I was in prayer, seeking the Lord, aching for the intimacy that He’s promised to those who seek His face. My cry was not only for myself, but for the intercessors who seek Him day and night that He would save our nation.

I had two visions:

First vision:

I saw the earth and the heavenly realm. Between these realms was a barrier. I could see the saints standing on the earth, praying.

The prayers of the saints were two-fold in their intent as well as their results:

One was to weep over the sins of the land. (The blood that’s been shed on this soil through abortion and human trafficking cries out to God for justice.) As they repented before Him, the blood that appeared as fire on the soil, was diminished, cooled, and eventually appeased. I knew the heart of the Father had been appeased by their repentance.

Second, was to cry out, making an appeal to Heaven, that our Father would visit us and pour out His glory on the land. As they cried out, I could see that they were carving away at something with whittling tools. A closer look revealed a callous that had grown thick between the two realms. The cry rose and fell in a beautiful harmonious flow, it was a true appeal in unity, for God to visit His people.

The callous had become paper thin from the intercession…and the Father began to rise from His Throne…

Second vision

The Lord allowed me to see from the heavenlies, I saw the above vision from Heaven’s perspective. I stood before Him as a child, small, awaiting the Father. He was on a great Throne. I looked and saw the barrier or callous between Heaven and earth transition from very thick to very thin…The Father stood up, stirred by the cry of His people, and He leaned over and poured Himself out, like Holy Spirt on Pentecost, and the Third Great Awakening was upon us. He rolled out across the nations. This was a move of God beyond any of us can imagine and it rose and fell across the surface of His people with such a beautiful harmonious flow…I am at a loss for words. The outpouring was so great, it was indescribable. The Lord was showing me what would be released in January 2023, and what will come of that if we will press through these challenges to usher in His presence in profound and glorious ways.

Let’s set our heart to pursue this for us and our posterity!

Much love,

Ricci Johnson-Wilson

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Editorial Special Section: Nate Johnston: The most impacting movements of 2025-2030

Message: Nate Johnston Date: June 2, 2024    Source: Nate Johston Facebook

The most impacting movements of 2025-2030 are right now being built quietly behind the scenes by a people on their faces before the lord.

They aren’t in a boardroom with a group of entrepreneurs and strategists, but a small few who have given their lives to prayer and to restoring the fallen altar.

They don’t have conference headlines in their sights or boosting social media followings.

They aren’t interested in joining the latest hip apostolic network or getting the affirmation of Apollos.

They have died to the machine and have zero desire and affection for the old regime.

Right now they are in the last trimester and have gone underground to finish what God started long ago, and so to do so have separated themselves in the most crucial stage.

In fact, they aren’t even trying to birth a movement, but are in a deep personal reset and purge from the last season of battle.

But out of the ashes and pain of the old wineskin is emerging what is pure and not manufactured by man.

It won’t look like anything else.
It won’t have the hype.
It won’t have the razz and marketing charisma of a movement.

They will just be honest and pure expressions of the kingdom that come out of environments where people have valued the KING more than launching a brand.

So to those carrying movements and feel this tension;

This won’t be built by your hands, but God birthing through you.

This is why you have felt the pull-back from the hustle for years now.
This is why you have left so many tables.
This is why your circle has gotten smaller and God has reduced your alignments.
This is why your desire for the current model and ministry aspirations have died.
This is why you have been set apart relationally yet again.
This is why you are going through the deepest reset of your life.

There is something that you are carrying that God is protective over and He is ensuring that THIS TIME it is not aborted!

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Editorial Special Section: [Voice of Fig] Torah Gleaning Week 49 When You Go Out

Message: JennyLee   Date: September 15, 2024   Audio:  [Voice of Fig] YouTube audio  


  • Torah: Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19
  • Prophets: Isaiah 54:1-10
  • New Testament: Matthew 5 :27-30; 1 Corinthians 5:1-5
  • I hear the Lord say that many are feeling growing pains. This means that you have transcended the old season and the Lord is moving you from a place of limited capacity to a vast space. He is bringing you out from under the ceiling you have been under and into an environment that allows you to dream and supports you as you step into the deeper ministry of God.
  • We have been in a season of trials and testings. This is a time filled with many opportunities to choose limitations, compromise, apathy, and choose comfort over confidence. And you feel lost now precisely because you chose Him over comfort. This shows that you choose Him instead of compromising and choosing the next best thing.
  • At this stage, you can only trust Him to guide you and provide for you. Only in His power will you be able to cope with the future. You are not lost, but during this period, you are no longer able to keep things in order and you can no longer open doors or move things forward on your own. You have chosen the deep waters of your spirit, and the Lord is leading you into something new that He is doing.
  • He said to me, “It’s about spiritual stature and maturity. They have surpassed the people they ran with. I asked the Lord, why? He said, “Many people have outgrown their partners because those people chose to stagnate, and they chose to move on with me. This is why you suddenly feel spiritual distance or loss of connection, running with the past. people no longer have a tacit understanding.
  • That’s why the breakdown in alignment becomes so apparent during this season. This is why it is necessary to separate from some of your fellow travelers in the past because they chose not to follow the Holy Spirit but their own agenda and goals, but you chose Him.
  • I know the transition is difficult because you feel their gossip, criticism, and verbal attacks.
  • He said, “Many have transcended those places because those who have walked with them have allowed the enemy to gain access to certain areas of life through temptation and compromise. That is why this is not just a subtle separation, but quite obvious of separation, for I am pulling you out of those rooms , out of those places where the work of evil spirits is tolerated, where indifference is tolerated, another Jesus, another gospel is tolerated! In the coming months, we will enter the season of migration. It is a time of transition and I am placing new cities and places on their hearts to begin their migration.
  • Many people are saying, “God, haven’t I experienced enough transformation?
  • But the Lord says to you: “What you experienced was a transformation of spiritual circumcision, but the next transformation is to expand your boundaries!
  • I hear the Lord saying to the body of Christ that just as Abraham had to leave everything he knew – his family, friends, neighborhood, and city – to fulfill God’s calling and greater vision in his life, so too are many now. God leads them into a period of wandering transformation with the purpose of planting you, building you up, and allowing the gifts in your life to blossom. This transformation is taking you out of limitations and into a vast space.

‘Tis the Season of Rapid Renewal and Determined Recovery

  • My people, I see that many of you are still feeling extremely tired during this season. I see that the war you are going through in many ways has worn you down, but I am telling you that this is the rapid renewal and restoration of resolve that I have in store for you. Through My Spirit, I am bringing supernatural rapid renewal to renew every part of you, empower you and refill you. I will take you into a place of supernatural power that you have never known before, allowing you to know Me more deeply and connect more closely with My Heart, which will re-energize and renew you. Because at this time there is a powerful spiritual current pouring on you like a waterfall, washing away your fatigue. Many of you have been tired for a long time, but this is not your portion in Me. Many people have lived so tired that they have forgotten what it feels like to not be tired.
  • Not only will I wash away your fatigue, I will bring rapid renewal to your mind, heart, and body. I will restore you with strength, vitality, and power from Me that you have never experienced. I am quickly restoring a new determination in your lives that is built in Me and My Spirit. Not only will you stand again with greater faith, but you will see Me in the days ahead greatly increasing your faith, revelation, insight, and discernment like never before.
  • In the chaos and war of discernment, fatigue seeks to confuse and weaken your discernment, but see how the power of My Hand breaks this fatigue through the rapid renewal I unleash. I will increase your discernment and discernment so that you can see through and expose the plans of the enemy and discern My plans and purposes in the future. You will understand My ways more deeply and move with Me to establish what I am doing on earth.


  • Two or Three Witnesses vs Ekklessia
  • authority over life and death
  • Witness is a testimony in court, don’t underestimate every testimony
  • A year of Pey is a decade of mouth, we must be careful with our mouths
  • For judgment is the destruction of the serpent’s mouth

Do not Desecrate Motherhood

  • Deuteronomy 22:6-7  If you come across a bird’s nest on the road, either in a tree or on the ground, with chicks or eggs inside, and the mother bird is lying on the chicks or on the eggs, you must not take the mother bird and the chicks together. Always let go of the mother and take only the chicks, so that you can enjoy happiness and your days will be long.
  • Two versions
    1. The mother bird is very sad when her chicks or eggs are taken away from her. inhuman
    2. An indestructible species, the female bird is left to breed again
  • But I support this statement. The mother bird will sacrifice her life to protect her chicks. This is the only chance you can catch the mother bird. You cannot desecrate its motherhood , just as God wants us to be filial to our parents and honor our parents. Our protection is like a mother bird protecting her chicks. Therefore, the blessings of both are enjoyment and longevity .

Jacob showed love through what he did. His affection for Rachel was overwhelming, as was her eldest son, Joseph. Love is at the heart of the Hebrew faith: not just love between husband and wife, parents, and children, but love for God, neighbor, and stranger. But love is not enough. There must also be legal support for justice and fairness. People must feel that the law is on the side of fairness. You can’t build a society on love alone. Love brings union, but it also divides. It creates feelings of being abandoned, ignored, rejected, andhated that are less loved , creating a whirlpool of conflict, jealousy, violence, and even revenge.

Fairness in the Family

  • Deuteronomy 21:14 Afterwards, if you displease him, let him go as he pleases; you must not sell him for money, nor treat him as your maidservant, for you have defiled him.
  • Deuteronomy 21:16 When the time comes to divide the inheritance among your sons, you shall not make the son of the wife you love the firstborn above the son of the wife you hate;
  • Deuteronomy 24:5 A newly married man must not go out into the army or entrust him with any official business. He may stay at home for a year to make his wife happy.
  • Deuteronomy 24:16 You shall not kill your father for your son’s sake, nor your son for your father’s sake; but whoever is killed is for his own sin.

Care for the Orphans, Widows, the Poor, even the Working Cows

  • Deuteronomy 24:6 You shall not pledge a man’s whole millstone or his upper millstone, for you are pledging a man’s life as a pledge.
  • Deuteronomy 24:10 Whatever you lend to your neighbor, do not enter his house and take his pledge.
  • Deuteronomy 24:12 If he is poor, you shall not leave his pledge overnight.
  • Deuteronomy 24:14 You shall not mistreat a hired servant who is needy or in need, whether he is your brother or a sojourner in your city.
  • Deuteronomy 24:15 You must give him his wages that day and not wait until the sun goes down – for he is poor and has his heart set on his wages – lest he call on the LORD because of you and his sin will be on you.
  • Deuteronomy 24:17 Thou shalt not wrong the stranger and the fatherless, nor take a widow’s garment as a pledge.
  • Deuteronomy 24:19 If you are harvesting in the field and forget a sheaf, you must not go back and take it again; you must leave it for the stranger, the orphan, and the widow. Then the LORD your God will bless you in everything you do.
  • Deuteronomy 24:20 When you strike down the olive tree, you shall not strike again what is left on the branches; you shall leave them for the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow.
  • Deuteronomy 24:21 When you gather grapes from your vineyard, you shall not gather any more grapes; they shall be left for the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow.
  • Deuteronomy 25:3 You are to give him only forty lashes, no more than that number. If you hit him more than the number, you are despising your brother.
  • Deuteronomy 25:4 Do not muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain.
  • Deuteronomy 25:13 You must not have two kinds of money in your bag, one large and one small.
  • Deuteronomy 25:14 Do not have in your house two kinds of buckets, one big and one small.

Reference【Matthew 22:37-40

  • Deuteronomy 22:5 A woman shall not wear what a man wears, and a man shall not wear a woman’s garment, for all such practices are an abomination to the LORD your God .
  • Deuteronomy 23:18 You shall not bring the money of prostitutes or the price of prostitutes into the house of the LORD your God to fulfill your vows, for both are an abomination to the LORD your God .
  • Deuteronomy 24:4 The husband who sent him shall not marry her again after she has been defiled, for she is an abomination to the LORD ; and you shall not defile the land which the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance.
  • Deuteronomy 25:16 For everyone who does evil is an abomination to the LORD your God .


  • Deuteronomy 23:7 Do not hate the Edomite, for he is your brother. Do not hate the Egyptians, because you were a stranger in their land.
  • Deuteronomy 22:1 If you see your brother’s ox or sheep astray, do not ignore it but bring it back to your brother.
  • Deuteronomy 22:3 Whatever your brother has lost, whether it is a donkey or a piece of clothing, if you find him, you must do this, and do not pretend he has not seen it.
  • Deuteronomy 22:4 If you see your brother’s ox or donkey fallen on the road, do not ignore it but help him to pull it up.
  • First, the broader perspective. Jews have suffered from racism for the longest time than any other nation on earth. Therefore, we should be extra careful not to make mistakes ourselves. We believe 64that God created each of us in his image, regardless of color, class, culture or creed. If we look down on others because of their race, we are demeaning the image of God and disrespecting human dignity.
  • If we look down on someone because of the color of their skin, we are repeating the sin of Aaron and Miriam – “Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because he married a Cushite woman . “ Rabbi interpreted this passage differently, and it is clear that they looked down upon Moses’ wife because, like Cushite women, she had dark skin, making this one of the earliest recorded instances of color prejudice. Because of this sin, Miriam became leprosy. Instead, we should remember that lovely line from the Song of Songs: Song 1:5 O daughters of Jerusalem, though I am dark, yet I am fair, like the tents of Kedar, like the curtains of Solomon.

The Power of Hate

  • Moses’ two commandments against hatred prove his greatness as a leader. Becoming a leader by mobilizing the power of hate is the easiest thing in the world. The Srebrenica massacre was ethnic cleansing, incited by racial hatred. What was done before the Rwandan genocide – described Tutsis as cockroaches . ISIS uses the Internet to spread paranoia and incite acts of terror. Hitler also used racial hatred as a prelude to the most serious crimes against humanity.
  • The language of hate can create hostility between people of different faiths and races who have coexisted peacefully for centuries. It has been the most destructive force in history, and even the knowledge of the Holocaust did not end it, even in Europe. This is a sure sign of toxic leadership .
  • In the classic book Leadership, a distinction is made between transactional and transformational leaders . The former addresses people’s interests. The latter tried to raise their horizons. Transformational leadership is improving. Leaders and followers interact from a higher moral level; in the fusion of goals and values, both leaders and followers are elevated to a more principled level of judgment.
  • Now let’s look at Moses’ two commandments against hatred. Both of them are surprising. “Do not despise the Egyptian, for you are a stranger in his land.” This is extraordinary. The Egyptians enslaved the Israelites, planned a slow genocide against them, and then refused to let them leave despite plagues ravaging the land. Is it possible not to hate these reasons?
  • But the Egyptians initially provided shelter to the Israelites during times of famine. They honored Joseph when he was promoted to Pharaoh’s deputy. The evil they committed against the Hebrews under a new king who did not know Joseph ) was instigated by Pharaoh himself, not by the people as a whole. In addition, it was the daughter of the same Pharaoh who rescued Moses and adopted him. The Torah clearly distinguishes between the Egyptians and the Amalekites. The latter is destined to be Israel’s permanent enemy, but the former is not. In later times, Isaiah made a remarkable prophecy—that one day the Egyptians would be oppressed. They will cry to God, and he will save them as he delivered the children of Israel: Isaiah 19:20 And this shall be a sign and a sign in the land of Egypt unto the LORD of hosts. The Egyptians cried out to the Lord because of their oppression, and He sent a Savior as their protector to save them.
  • The wisdom of Moses’ command not to despise the Egyptians still shines today. If the people continued to hate their former oppressors, Moses would bring the Israelites out of Egypt, but not Egypt out of the Israelites. They will remain slaves, not physically, but psychologically. They will become slaves to the past, bound by chains of resentment, unable to build a future. To be free, you must let go of hatred. This is a hard truth, but a necessary one.
  • Moses’ insistence is equally surprising: “Do not despise the Edomite, for he is your brother.” Edom was, of course, another name for Esau. Once upon a time, Esau hated Jacob and swore to kill him. Furthermore, before the twins were born, Rebekah received a revelation from God telling her: “Genesis 25:23 And the LORD said to her, Two nations are within you, and two tribes will come out of you. One tribe will be stronger than the other. “The older will serve the younger.” Whatever these words seem to imply that there will always be conflict between the two brothers and their descendants.
  • Why does Moses tell us not to despise the descendants of Esau? The answer is simple. Esau may have hated Jacob, but that doesn’t mean Jacob should hate Esau. To return hatred with hatred is to be brought down to the level of your opponent. When Judea Pearl, the father of murdered journalist Daniel Pearl, was asked why he worked for reconciliation between Jews and Muslims, he responded with heartbreaking clarity: Hate kills.” Therefore, I am determined to fight against hatred. As Martin Luther King Jr. wrote: Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that. .

Inherit the King’s Robes

  • Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with God
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Editorial Special Section: Lou Engle & Christy Johnston: “A 90-Day Call to Prayer for the U.S. Elections”

Message: Lou Engle & Christy Johnstona Date: August 9, 2024  Source : Elijah List

Editor’s Note: Christy Johnston is an Australian writer, prophetic teacher, and one of the best intercessors in the United States (even though she is Australian!). Dreams were nothing new to Christie, but few inspired the faith of countless intercessors like this one.

90 Days

On August 7th, our friend Christy Johnston had an urgent dream in which she saw herself calling for 90 days of prayer leading up to the U.S. elections. She knew it was a clarion call from Heaven that went far beyond the reach of her own sphere of influence. Christy then saw a tremendous response from the Ekklesia. It was a 2 Chronicles 7:14 moment. Hundreds of thousands of people from every nation were falling on their knees and crying out for the United States of America. She also saw hordes of demonic beings that looked like orcs from The Lord of the Rings movies. As she watched in the dream, their hands suddenly became shackled and their plans were interrupted by the power of intercession from the people of God.

Christy understood that this dream was not just about America, but about the nations of the earth. Meanwhile, there is a demonic agenda in the United States that must be stopped. When she woke from the dream, Christy contacted Lou Engle. They did the math to find out when 90 days before the elections (on November 5th) would be. It turned out to be this past Wednesday, August 7th, the very day she had the dream! Christy and Lou acted quickly to release a live Instagram message to herald this call to prayer. We urge you to watch it and share it far and wide. But if all else fails, just DO THE DREAM with us and pray each day for 90 days!

In the video, Lou explains how Psalm 149 is key to understanding the dream. The psalmist wrote:

“Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand, to execute vengeance on the nations, and punishments on the peoples; to bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; to execute on them the written judgment—this honor have all His saints. Praise the LORD!” (Psalm 149:6–9)

Lou believes that great principalities and powers are in a cosmic conflict over the elections and over Israel right now. There is also a battle over which ideologies are going to be loosed into these nations. Lou mentioned Derek Prince’s book, Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting, and how it tells of how “governments are shifted in prayer and fasting, as it was in the days of Daniel and as in the days of Esther.” Lou went on to say, “I believe right now God is saying, urgently, put high praises of God in your mouth. Carry it to your beds. Pray on your beds and declare the binding of kings and nobles, and the shackling of the principalities and powers, so God can actually establish His purposes” (both now and in these elections).

Christy and Lou addressed the principalities associated with the ancient goddess Ishtar, and the gods Molech and Baal, as mentioned in Jonathan Cahn’s book, The Return of the Gods. The premise of the book is that when America removed God from the public sector in the 60s, and in the 70s, then demons came back seven times worse to repossess the nation. Ishtar was the goddess of sexuality, homosexuality, prostitution, and transgenderism. Lou acknowledged that the influence of this unseen entity is being manifest on the ground level in our nation as never before. Even certain elements of the Olympic ceremony exemplified her perversions.

Lou also emphasized that when those in positions of authority make decrees and agreements with wickedness, or with righteousness, it opens portals in the heavenly realms—whether for evil or for good. For example, he explained that when the president awarded a transgender woman as “Woman of the Year,” he was opening a portal for transgender ideologies and spirits to come in and affect our nation. Knowing what a controversial topic this is, Lou said, “I would rather be controversial than to be halting between two opinions and missing the very moment that the Elijahs of God, and the Esthers of God, are being called into.”

Would you join us in these 90 days of intercession by setting your alarm to pray at either 4:14 AM or 4:14 PM? The time is based on Esther 4:14, which says, “For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Also, our Nigerian friend, Folake Kellogg, had a dream in which the Lord told her, “You cannot have Esther 4:14 without Nehemiah 4:14.

“And I looked, and arose and said to the nobles, to the leaders, and to the rest of the people, ‘Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.'” (Nehemiah 4:14)

We shudder to think of what will happen for our generation and the generation to come if we do not triumph over the plans of darkness in this hour of history.

So, at 4:14 in your own time zone, we ask that wherever you are you stop and take Communion. Stand in the gap on behalf of 1) Israel, 2) your own nation, and 3) America.

Years ago, the Lord told us in a dream that it would “honor the body and the blood to pray for His Israel each day before the sun sets.” Let us “execute the judgment written” by decreeing the Word of God and calling forth His purposes while, at the same time, decreeing the judgment of the Cross over powers and principalities. In doing so, over the next 90 days, we will be establishing national altars of righteousness and opening portals of God’s favor as mentioned in 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Additional Prayer Points

For those who would appreciate more guidance for your intercession, consider agreeing with us in the following prayer objectives inspired by Lou and Christy’s exhortation:

  1. Let us pray for the restraining of the demonic principalities and wicked governments that seek Israel’s destruction and have brought death and suffering upon their own people. “Make haste, O God, to deliver me! Make haste to help me, O Lord! Let them be ashamed and confounded who seek my life; let them be turned back and confused who desire my hurt.” (Psalm 70:1–2)
  2. Repent on behalf of your nation, Israel, and America, for every unholy agreement and blood covenant. Plead the better blood of Jesus and His greater covenant. Call for the dismantling of witchcraft and the occult in every sphere of our government and society.  “…’How can there be peace,’ Jehu replied, ‘as long as all the idolatry and witchcraft of your mother Jezebel abound?'” (2 Kings 9:22)
  3. Pray for the presidential elections, that America and the globe will be spared from the demonic agendas being espoused by the Democratic party.  “For how can I endure to see the evil that will come to my people? Or how can I endure to see the destruction of my countrymen?” (Esther 8:6)
  4. Pray for the restraining of World War III, for the sake of the global missions movement and the reaping of a mass harvest of souls.  “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)
  5. Decree that America is going to come back to her original covenant with the Lord. Welcome Him back into our nation, our schools, and every sphere of society.
  6. Pray forth the opening of the womb of America for the rebirth of the nation and the birthing of many souls into salvation. “Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” (Psalm 90:2)
  7. Pray for mercy to triumph over judgment and for a great awakening to sweep across this generation with deliverance from all kinds of addictions, sin patterns, mental illness, and identity confusion.  “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.” (Luke 4:18)


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Pray for America: Watchman Decree

Editor’s Note: This article is excerpted from the prayer post of “Give Him 15 ” on 2022/7/6 by prayer leader Dutch Sheets.
Current Events/Background:  “You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you; And light will shine on your ways.” (Job 22:28; NASB)

More and more believers are learning the power of agreeing with God in our hearts and declaring it from our mouths. We are born again – the greatest of all miracles – when we believe the Gospel in our hearts and confess it with our mouths (Romans 10:9-10). The Greek word translated “confess” (homologia) means “to say the same.” ln a biblical context, it means to say what God says. Because of the root Greek word logos/logia, a more thorough definition would be “to understand, agree with (submit to), and acknowledge this by saying it.” Confessing Jesus as Lord means you understand the Gospel, agree and submit to it, and declare this verbally.

Confessing, declaring, or decreeing our faith in God’s Word has become somewhat controversial due to unbalanced teaching by some and ignorance of the Scriptures on the part of others. It need not be, however. Simply stated, the power of God’s Word and from what Holy Spirit says prophetically, must be released by us. One of the ways we do so is with our mouths. This truth is seen throughout Scripture.

There are other reasons we speak God’s words, as well. In my studies over the years, I have come to believe we do so in order to:

  1. Increase our faithRomans 10:17 tells us faith comes by hearing God’s words. Jesus said His words were seeds (Matthew 13:1-23). Hearing His Word as we speak it, is one of the ways in which we plant the seeds in our hearts. Speaking the Word is actually part of biblical meditation (Joshua 1:8); the Hebrew word means to mutter or speak to oneself.

  2. Release our faith – As stated in the opening paragraph, releasing our faith by stating what we believe is how we’re born again (Romans 10:9-10). Jesus said declaring our faith would remove mountains of adversity from our lives (Mark 11.23-24). The Faith in our hearts must be released!

  3. Release God’s power and life – Jesus spoke to storms, fig trees, and dead individuals (Mark 4:39; Matthew 21:19; John 11.43). Obviously, He did not do so because storms or trees have ears, and the dead don’t hear. Jesus was releasing His faith through His words. He also released miracles, as did the disciples, through declarations (Matthew 8:8-13; Acts 9.34,40). Proverbs 18:21 tells us “life” is in the power of our words!

  4. Release the sword of the SpiritEphesians 6:17 tells us the spoken Word is a spiritual weapon against forces that oppose God. Matthew 16:18-19 says we bind and loose, forbid and allow with the authority Christ has delegated to us. This is accomplished by declaring His words and will.

Obviously, we must pray and decree according to God’s will and Word (1 John 5:14-15). When we do so, however, our declarations and decrees release life, power, His will and Kingdom rule (Matthew 6:10). Like God – and Abraham – we call things that be not, as already existing (Romans 4:17). The definition of faith – believing in what we cannot see – lets us know that we are decreeing what we desire and know to be God’s will, not what has already manifested. This is why we make declarations and decrees.

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Pray for America: Defeat Assassination Attempt in Election -2nd Assassination Attempt against Trump

Current Events/Background:  After the attempted shooting on July 13, former President Trump was again targeted for assassination on the afternoon of September 15 at the West Palm Beach golf course in Florida. The gunman was later arrested near the stadium in what the FBI said was an apparent assassination attempt. Trump’s campaign and Secret Service say he is safe.

Trump also immediately issued a statement saying that he was safe and promised never to surrender,

“I am Donald Trump. Don’t be afraid! I am safe and sound, no one was hurt. Thank God! But there are people in this world who will do whatever it takes.” Come stop us. I will never stop fighting for you! I will always love you and support me. Through our unity, we will make America great again!”

After the second assassination, he still called on everyone to unite for peace and make America great again. There has never been a president in American history who stood up and fought for the United States despite being repeatedly threatened with assassination.

Since Trump was first assassinated, the Biden administration has responded to calls from all walks of life to strengthen the Secret Service’s protection of presidential candidates. International prayer leader, Daqua Sheets, and prayer leaders have repeatedly reminded all intercessors to be important leaders in this election such as President Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. With about 50 days left before the election, let us continue to pray for these presidential candidates so that they can walk in God’s will and accomplish the mission God wants to accomplish through them.

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Pray for Israel: As the October 7th Anniversary Approaches, the Risk of Terrorist Attacks is High

Current Affairs Background:  On October 7 last year, the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas carried out a massacre in Gaza border residential areas and IDF posts in Israel, which is about to celebrate its first anniversary. There are warning signs that the risk of terrorist attacks is increasing in areas with concentrated overseas Jewish populations, such as New York. On September 4, Canadian police, led by the U.S. FBI, arrested a 20-year-old Pakistani man near the U.S.-Canada border in Quebec who planned to attack Jews in New York in the name of ISIS. The man admitted that he planned to massacre as many Jews as possible on October 7 or Yom Kippur (the evening of October 11 to the evening of the 12th).

The U.S. Department of Justice revealed on September 6 that with the cooperation and law enforcement of the Canadian Security Department and the police, a man named Muhammad Shahzeb Khan was arrested on the 4th .

The Department of Justice released a 19-page report. Khan allegedly distributed ISIS (Islamic State) videos and materials on social media and through encrypted messages, and expressed support for ISIS. However, Khan accidentally came into contact with an FBI undercover agent. Khan allegedly told the undercover officer that “he planned to kill as many Jewish civilians as possible” and that “we are going to New York to massacre them.” “New York is a perfect place to target Jews.” “New York has the largest Jewish population in the United States.” Therefore, “even if we don’t attack an event, we can easily catch a lot of Jews.” Khan also sent the undercover officer a photo of a “specific area” where he planned to attack.

Additionally, Khan told the undercover he wanted to “operate on Yom Kippur, October 7 or October 11.” “October 7 and 11 are the best days to target Jews because on October 7 they will certainly have some protests, October 11th is Yom Kippur” and “they don’t have any other major holidays until next summer”

On the eve of his arrest, Khan was trying to travel from Canada to New York City, where he planned to carry out a mass shooting at a Jewish center in Brooklyn, New York, using automatic and semi-automatic weapons.

There is also evidence that Khan planned the mass murder of Jews in New York out of his Islamic faith. According to the Canadian police report, he said: “If we can obtain Shahadah when we are young (Editor’s note: Shahadah, also known as halal testimony, is the cornerstone of Islamic faith. Recognize Allah as the only God and accept Muhammad is the messenger of Allah), so what is the point of living to the age of 70 and dying in a hospital bed?

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Critical Event: Canada, Don’t Lose Hope!

Background: Canada is currently in a difficult period. The current Liberal Prime Minister’s insistent and far-left policies have led Canada in a direction that is contrary to God since he came to power in 2015. However, during these years, God continued to raise up intercessors across Canada to connect, as God did through Canadian prophet Barry. Wensch mentioned in his mid-July prophecy ( I Opened a Door in Canada! ) This is your time to stand up and rise with Me!

Recently, the east coast of Canada has experienced several record-breaking daily rainfalls, causing flooding of many houses and roads, backflow of drainage systems, power outages, and traffic chaos. God moved a group of brothers and sisters from Toronto and Montreal to go to the Montreal Royal Palace. Mountain, prayed for blessings on the east coast of Canada, and God responded in a very miraculous way.

There were exactly 24 people who participated in this trip early that morning. We all proclaimed Psalm 24 : The gates of the city will be opened, and the King of glory will come in. At the viewing platform, everyone gathered to sing the “Canadian National Anthem” and when the Shofar were blown, a young Jewish man who could speak Chinese came. He was very curious, why did the Chinese brothers and sisters blow their shofars? At this moment, another young man from Algeria came, and he could also speak Chinese. God seems to be using this to once again remind us of the destiny of the Chinese people, to hold the descendants of Isaac with one hand and the descendants of Ishmael with the other to come to the family of God.

After a worship service in the afternoon, a co-worker suddenly noticed that a complete double rainbow appeared in the sky. He had never seen such a clear double rainbow before, and each color was so conspicuous and beautiful. Under the reflection of the accumulated water on the ground, I saw the complete reflection of the rainbow again. It is as if God is telling us that everyone sees the upper half of the rainbow, but God wants us to know that He is completing the invisible part. At this time, a dove appeared in the sky and flew in front of all of us. It was like the flood had stopped, and the dove brought good news of peace.

God is starting a grassroots movement in Canada, and God is calling His people, with a breakthrough, disruptive anointing, to restore God’s destiny in this country: Canada is the strong and free country of the north, and Canada’s leaves are to heal. All nations, Chinese must be a connector among them, inspiring the hearts of all ethnic groups and responding to the invitation of Heavenly Father together.

Canada, don’t lose hope, don’t be discouraged. The rain is washing over the east coast, as if God is saying: When revival comes, the wave of revival in the northeast will fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, like the waters of the sea ( Hab. 2:14 ). There will be no room for it, and it will sweep across the earth. The whole of North America was like a tsunami. This is the word that goes out from the mouth of the LORD and it will never return ( Isaiah 55:11 )

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Pray for the Indigenous People: 8/1 Indigenous Revival Gathering – Unveiling the Prelude to Taiwan’s Indigenous Revival Movement 

Current events/Background: This article is excerpted from the report of “Christian Today” on July 16 about the upcoming indigenous revival gathering on Ketagalan Avenue in front of the Taiwan Presidential Palace. For the original text, please click here. The following are part of the excerpts, paraphrased in Teacher Ahong’s own narratives:

Called by God to Walk and Pray in the Birthplace of Taiwan’s 16 Indigenous Tribes

August 1st is Indigenous People’s Day. The concert “Indigenous 30 Dreams in Place – When We Are Together”,  hosted by the Indigenous “Shared Revitalization Alliance”,  hopes to call on indigenous youth to gather at Ketagalan Avenue to worship and pray to kick off the next ten-year indigenous revival movement – “The Rise of the Young Generation”!

God has a plan for everything He does! In the middle of the night last December (2023), God woke me up and gave me specfic words: strategy and effectiveness. He also called me to go to the origin of the 16 indigenous tribes to worship and pray, and to pray everywhere. I prayed like this: “There is no regret in God’s calling.” Then in January, God moved me to walk and pray in the 12 administrative districts of Taipei for 12 consecutive weeks, including walking and praying in key areas such as Hakka, Southern Fujian, and ethnic groups from mainland China.

Indonesian Brother Received Dreams and Delivered Letters to 16 Indigenous Peoples

After the prayer walk, the church community began to “Fast and Pray for Taiwan for 21 Days” on March 4. During the gathering, I kept hearing ” Arise the Native People, the Eldest Son will Revive “, and I began to have thoughts and feelings in my heart. One day at a gathering, Pastor Nathaniel Zhou came on stage to share a story: an Indonesian brother (see the picture on the left. The brother on the right was the one who had the vision) received a dream, and in the dream, God asked him to send 16 letters to the 16 indigenous tribes, and he didn’t know that there are 16 indigenous tribes in Taiwan. On the cover of the letters, a Atayal word  was written, which means “Send, Unite.” (Note: Atayal is one the indigenous tribes in Taiwan.)

The interesting thing is that my father is an Indonesian Chinese, and I also have Atayal ancestry. I immediately realized that since last December, God has begun to use me to go to various tribes to do “unification” work. The prayers and dreams I heard in the “Fasting and Prayer Meeting for Taiwan” seemed to confirm what I received.

Gathering on Ketagalan Avenue on August 1st, the Rise of Indigenous Youth Generation

Later, I and Elder Andrew Chang, the founder of “TOD Tabernacle of David”, shared relevant insights with the indigenous pastors from different regions of Taiwan. This ten-year “Rise of the Indigenous Youth Generation” came into being. ! The gathering on Ketagalan Avenue on 8/1 can be said to be the starting point for all ethnic groups to come together.  8/2 is the first day of this ten-year movement. This gathering is scheduled to be held on “Ketagalan Avenue”, which is the only street named after an indigenous tribe  in Taipei City, so it is of special significance to gather here on 8/1 Indigenous People’s Day.

The 30th Anniversary of the Rectification of Name of Indigenous People, Moving from Name Change to Revival

Forty years ago (1984), the “Promotion Association of Taiwan Indigenous Rights” launched a movement to rectify the names of indigenous peoples, which lasted for ten years. In 1994, after the Taiwanese government  amended the constitution, an additional clause was added to the constitution. The derogatory term “mountain compatriot” was revised to “indigenous people”.  The year 2024 is the 30th anniversary.

30 is a turning point in life, as the saying goes, “You stand at thirty.” Jesus also began to serve God around the age of 30. So in this year (2024), we sincerely hope that the indigenous people will move from the name-correction movement to a new revival movement. Indigenous people must help this country by moving from rectification of name to revival, from tragedy to zeal, from hatred to blessing, from inferiority complex to self-confidence. Therefore, all ethnic groups are invited to stand on national territory and declare for the country!

400 Years Since the Gospel was Introduced to Taiwan

In 1624, the Siraya people were the first indigenous tribe in Taiwan to be exposed to the gospel. God has three principles for doing things: the guidance of the Holy Spirit, God’s Words, and God’s timing. It has been 400 years since the gospel was introduced to Taiwan. Taiwan is like Moses and John the Baptist, hidden by God for 400 years. Now is the time to rise. Based on the above-mentioned reasons and insights, we chose to launch such an indigenous revival movement this year. The core of this concert on Ketagalan Avenue is to bring new love and harmony with God, with people, with the land and among all ethnic groups! We hope to increase the value of the eldest son of the land and the blessings of the eldest son of the gospel . Together we can be grateful for the past, cherish the present, and look forward to the future.

Indigenous People Unite and Activate Heavenly Blessings

Four main things will happen at the gathering:

  1. Acceptance: As the eldest sons of the land, the indigenous people openly express their acceptance of all ethnic groups who come to this land.
  2. Gratitude: Thanks to all ethnic groups and governments for their construction on this land.
  3. Fulfillment: The indigenous people are kind, loving and sharing nature, which can best promote peace, harmony and unity.
  4. Blessing: The eldest son of each country is given a kind of authority. The indigenous people not only have to recognize their identity, but also  to enter into unity. I believe that when the indigenous ethnic groups unite, they will receive the key to unlock the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven. The revival of the indigenous peoples is not only related to the original ethnic group itself, but also to the “entire ethnic group.”

In 1624, the indigenous people received the gospel. The gospel can be said to be the destiny of the indigenous people. The indigenous people not only need to identify with their own culture, but also return to their identity in the kingdom of God and live out the life of Jesus Christ. The real revival is Life change, revival points to preparing the way for the Lord.

Pass on the Five New Things and Live Out the Five New Things

I hope to convey five things through this gathering:

  1. A New Era: It has been 400 years since the gospel entered Taiwan. A new chapter has arrived. We must live out a “new mindset .” Just like the Israelites leaving Egypt, they must also break away from the mindset of slavery. New wine must be put into new wineskins.
  2. New Cycle: The 30th anniversary of the renaming of the indigenous people. 30 represents a new cycle. To have a new cycle, there must be ” new behavior “, because confidence without behavior is dead. Indigenous people should move from the sadness of the past to zeal. From inferiority to self-confidence, from hatred to blessing, the most important thing is that the indigenous people should stand up and become a blessing to the country and the people, and live out the dream of God in the indigenous people.
  3. A New Generation: The young generation is about to rise. This is the moment for all generations to work together. The new generation is also the new four generations. In true love and inheritance, the previous generation and this generation take what they have worked hard and accompany and train the next generation, so that the new generation of young people can bravely take on the task . Most importantly, God needs a “new relationship ” with the children and with the family.
  4. New Unity: Unity is not just within one’s own ethnic group, but requires new connections, interactions and cooperation with different ethnic groups, people and things. Therefore, while launching the Indigenous revival movement, they also encourage and support the Hakka people to rise up , launch a revival movement belonging to the Hakka, and all ethnic groups in Taiwan must launch a revival movement belonging to their own ethnic groups. From a historical point of view, the indigenous first lived on this land, so they needed to be revitalized first. In 1645, the Hakka group moved to Taiwan. In 1662, Zheng Chenggong invaded Taiwan and a large number of people from southern Fujian came to Taiwan. In 1945, Taiwan was restored and a large number of people from other provinces came to Taiwan. The revival movement is promoted in this order. Teacher Hiro hopes to bring out a “New Unity Movement ” in this concert .
  5. New life: Through the New Life of Jesus Christ, a “New Kingdom Culture” is brought out , which requires a kingdom perspective and a new life.

Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the Gospel and the 30th Anniversary of Indigenous Peoples

On August 1st, from 4:30 to 5:30 pm , various ethnic groups from the north, middle, south and east will take turns to perform, worshiping and praising in their mother tongue, and the prelude will be a performance by the Thao people’s 13 pestles, as well as children. Bring a street dance performance. Then the program officially started, presented in the form of a concert, and carried out according to the historical context. The contents are in order: Gospel 400, formerly known as 30 Happy Birthday, the rise of youth, the unity of the five major ethnic groups, and the next 10 years. In the five chapters, pastors from the north, middle, south and east are expected to chat and share stories on stage as hosts. Finally, children and teenagers will sing “God Loves the  Indigenous People”, inviting everyone to celebrate Indigenous 30, hoping to bring a new social atmosphere so that everyone can have a blessed heart.

During the preparation process, the team encountered funding challenges. The fundraising goal was 5 million, and currently more than 4 million is still needed. Teacher Ahong said that God started working very quickly, allowing them to realize many connections and many differences in a short period of time. Pastors and all people  can visit and deliver messages everywhere, and many members of the body are also very touched. I believe this is the best confirmation! Looking forward to experiencing the miracle of five loaves and two fishes next.

Teacher Ahong sincerely invites all churches to come together on 8/1 to participate in this grand event. I believe that each city has already started its journey, and I firmly believe that this land will be revitalized!

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Cleansing And Covering Prayer

Cleansing Prayers

Dear Heavenly Father, I ________ (put your name in it) come to the throne of grace, through the blood of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, to receive Your abundant grace and mercy.   Lord Jesus, ________ confess You are the Lord of my life.   I ask the resurrected power of the Holy Spirit to fill and saturate every part of my being.   I surrender all my spirit, soul and body completely to You.  Now I ask You to reveal to me, remind me of any sin that I have committed known or unknown, so that I can confess and repent of them accordingly. (Recommendation:  quiet yourself, so you can allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you)

Cleanse me from all the defilement of the world, sanctify me and my family line of any unrighteousness with the blood of Jesus.   Now by my own will, I choose to forgive everyone that has offended me or hurt me, I release them into the freedom of my forgiveness.   I also release them from the debts they might owe me. I now cast all my burden to You .  Your yoke is easy, Your burden is light.   I now put on the armor of God that You have given me, gird myself with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, my feet fitted with the gospel of peace, so that I can pray and intercede in the Holy Spirit by Your mighty power, and after done all to stand firm.

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Firewall Covering Prayer

Abba Father, I thank you for watching and blessing us coming in and going out, from now and forevermore.
Abba Father, help us to hide under the shadow of the Almighty, and cover us with Your wings.   I now plead the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on myself, my entire family _________

(speak names of your family, and name the people, things, items, that needs covering, such as : your work, ministries, and everyone that you minister to, your  property, finances, friends, pets, vehicles, pastors and small group leaders / members and president )

Abba Father, send the host of angels and chariots of fire, to surround and protect us, I ask that You place the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ, in between everyone and the power of darkness that we might be facing today, to block all ungodly influences and keep us from all spiritual attacks, loss of property and any evil strategy of the enemies. We declare no weapon formed against us shall prosper.   Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!

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