Weekly Prayer (9/9)

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Cleansing/Covering Prayer

Prayer Category Prayer Item
Editor’s Note
Prayer Declaration
Pray For United States
Pray For Israel
Pray for Global Critical Events
Pray  for First People and Native Americans
Pray for Church

Editor’s Words

Editorial Special Section: Chuck Pierce: See God’s Path of Abundant Provision!

Message:  Chuck Pierce & “Glory of Zion International” Prayer Team   Date: August 29, 2024  Source: Chuck Pierce Facebook

Editor’s Note : This article was adapted from Chuck Pierce’s Facebook, in which he posted some prophetic revelations  received from the Spirit of God on Sunday (8/25) through by LeAnn Squier, Keevy Phillips, Chuck Pierce, Barbara Wentroble, and Marriea Layton. The Lord is calling us to come up and see from a higher perspective.  Choose to see the path with the abundant provision that He has prepared for you!

…Detailed Reading

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Editorial Special Section: Nate Johnston: “Vision of the Supreme Court”

Message: Nate Johnston Date: September 5, 2024   Source: Elijia List

Vision of a Red Carpet

A few weeks ago, I was in worship when I had a vision of a red carpet being laid out on a stretch of path and steps through a city. It was being rolled for miles, and at first I didn’t understand its purpose until my eyes panned and I saw Jesus walking on the path. The train of His robe was flooding the ground behind Him, and fire was flickering off its edges.

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Editorial Special Section: Randy Lopshire: Ruling Ekklesia

Message: Randy Lopshire Date: September 5, 2024   Source: GiveHim15

Editor’s Note: This article is excerpted from “Give Him 15” of August 26th and 27th about the call of  “A Million Women”  to be held on October 12th at the National Mall in Washington, D.C.  Dutch Sheets and Lou Engle hare the origin and purpose of this call, so that the intercessors of the Global 24/7 Prayer Wall can participate in this event in person, pray at home, or provide financial support according to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  This is a historic prayer travail.  May God’s will be accomplished, and may God remember what you sacrificial offering.

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Editorial Special Section: Nita Johnson: The Elite’s Plan [Summary]

Message : Nita Johnson Date: August 7, 2024    Source : World for Christ Ministries

The following is a list given to me by Jesus of false Doctrines that are already swirling through the body of Christ. Unfortunately, as is always the case, false doctrines thrive when the light of Truth is diminished, whether it be in the life of one, a Church, or a whole denomination. With a bit of instruction, even a child can understand the Bible. When she was but six years old, my Granddaughter Tiffany read the entire Bible in one year. She did the same again in the second year. Truth does not have to be challenging to learn and receive.

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Editorial Special Section: The Jesus Revolution is Sweeping the Middle East

Message: Tim Sheets    Date: August 29, 2024    Source: GiveHim15

We are moving into a supernatural, transformational, and reformational era where the glory and power of the Lord are being amped up at much higher levels. The Holy Spirit has consistently emphasized that healings and notable miracles are to be part of this era. They will now come in greater measure.

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Editorial Special Section: [Voice of Fig] Torah Gleaning Week 48 Judge

Message: Jenny Lee   Date: September 8, 2024   Audio:  [Voice of Fig] YouTube audio   

Scripture Progress:

  • Torah: Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9
  • Prophets: Isaiah 51:12-52:12
  • New Testament: John 1:19-27; Acts 3:22-23

…Detailed Reading

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Editorial Special Section: Lou Engle & Christy Johnston: “A 90-Day Call to Prayer for the U.S. Elections”

Message: Lou Engle & Christy Johnstona Date: August 9, 2024  Source : Elijah List

This week, I want to revisit the Rebirth of America Dream. When the Lord showed me back on March 10 and again on June 5 that there would be an attempted assassination of a U.S. presidential candidate, I said we could pray against these things, so they could be lessened or stopped. A president has not been that close to an assassination in 43 years, since 1981, when Ronald Reagan was shot and God spared his life. I know it was a miracle President Donald Trump also survived on July 13.

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Editorial Special Section: Important Prayer Gathering Before the US Election 【9/22, 10/10-10/11, 10/12】

Date: August 24, 2018   Source: Give Him 15 Minutes

Editor’s Note:  Regarding our times and the coming prayer IFA President and CEO Dave Kubal said America and the world face a critical battle in 2024. International conflicts may trigger World War III, and global elites are promoting a “new world order.” He called on believers to unite to resist evil plans and protect the United States and the global body of Christ from evil agendas!

Global Day of Prayer for America

Date: 9/22

  • Time : 7:00-10:00 AM EST
  • Location: Zoom online prayer meeting
  • Invitation: Details page 

National Prayer Assembly (NPA)

  • Date: 10/10-10/11
  • Time : 10/10 10:00 AM ET – 10/11 3:45 PM EST
  • Location: JW Marriott Hotel (1331 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20004)
  • Invitation: Details page 

Million Women’s Square Gathering

  • Date: 10/12
  • Time : 10/12 9:00am – 7:00pm EST
  • Location: National Mall, Washington, D.C.
  • Invitation: Details page


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Declaration Prayer: For President Trump and His Team [Update]

We declare in the name of Jesus :

  • God will continue to bless and protect President Trump and his family, as well as the “scepter of justice” that God has raised up to support him in his government.
  • The blood of Jesus covers them and those close to President Trump, bind and drive away any witchcraft or spells cast on them.
  • The Holy Spirit continues to pour out and personally guide President Trump. He grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God. ( Lu 2:52 )
  • The seven spirits of God are manifested in President Trump’s life ( Isaiah 11:1-3 ), giving him keen insight and discernment, judging the situation, and resolutely continuing to fulfill his call.
  •  God will restore Trump to his rightful position at His best time and give people grace to transition.

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Declaration Prayer: The Declaration for the Month of Elul

Editor’s note: The month of Elul is the sixth month in the Jewish calendar year 5784, corresponding to September 4, 2024 to October 2, 2024 in the Western calendar.

Declare in the name of Jesus :

  1. Jehovah God is my light and salvation, He brings growth and victory. ( Psalm 27:1 )
  2. This is the month of Gad, My month of success and victory.
  3. I am a child of God, part of a family, connected to the family of God.
  4. I know how to be humble, to be rich, to be full, to be hungry, to have more than to be in need, to be in any situation, I have learned the secret. ( Philippians 4:12 )
  5. Jehovah God is visiting me, helping me in my work and ministry, changing my life.
  6. The LORD God will show mercy and lead me out of the predicament.
  7. Jehovah God desires to be close to me, and I want to draw close to God and be filled with all His fullness.
  8. I choose to enter into the rest and power of God and renew my strength.
  9. God has given me great ability to stand up in the face of conflict and become a person who can bear the burden.

(Adapted from The Blessings of the Month of Elul by Ron Sakaw )

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Declaration Prayer: Declaration for The United States of America

Editor’s note: This declaration is adapted from the key points of the prayer declaration for the United States published on August 2 by the “World for Jesus” ministry led by Nita Johnson. It calls on all intercessors to pray together in one accord.

  1. Law and Order:  We decree in the name of Jesus: 「Colonization of America to England is no more and America stands as an independent nation. America is now under God’s jurisdiction. Our rule of law will be powerful, righteous, and godly. 」
  2. New World Order : We command in the name of Jesus: 「America and the world, come out of the prison of NWO.」
  3. Government  We decree in the name of Jesus: 「The U.S. government is now upon the shoulder of Jesus Christ and He will reign with truth and righteousness. The new heavenly guard will be put into place and we vow as a nation to submit ourselves to God’s government. The Capitol building is the new standard of the temple of truth. Our government is now set into heaven’s government and this will be to the end. 」
  4. Supreme Court  We decree in the name of Jesus: 「Our judicial system belongs to God. True justice and just scales will rule our country hereafter. 」
  5. Economy System    In the name of Jesus: 「We call America’s economic system to come up out of the oceans of greed and made purified by the Lord Jesus Christ. We will rule the nation in integrity and in equity.」「The economic system of the world must align to just weights. It will operate and function in truth, and meet the needs of all according to God’s will.」
  6. Education System  We decree in the name of Jesus: 「Father will bring forth a godly, righteous, biblical value-based education system so that the people of the world may prosper in truth. 」「Heal the minds of those that have been crippled and destroyed by current system. Stop the mutilation. Father, Your Torpedo of Truth will not return until it has completed all that You have destined for it to do. Thank You! 」
  7. Media  God really is moving in the media arena. How we thank Him for that! In the name of Jesus, we bless the media:「Lord, according to Your beauty and truth, bring the media into a place of true righteousness and holiness, and into a place to perpetuate truth. The media shall be an instrument of truth. Oh, Lord, we know that this is Your heart of hearts, not for America only, but for the nations of the world. Thank You for Your goodness, in the name of Jesus!」


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Pray for America: “Restructuring” America Through Prayer

Editor’s Note: This article is excerpted from the prayer post of “Give Him 15 ” on 8/15 by prayer leader Dutch Sheets.

Current Events/Background: Today, I want to talk about the fascinating subject of “light.”  Science is just scratching the surface of their understanding of light. Reading articles about it can leave one running for headache medicine and needing a day or two off. An article about light in National Geographic stated that “Einstein’s relativity presents all manner of head-scratching implications. It reveals that as objects approach the speed of light, time slows down. At the speed of light itself, time stops.”  …Detailed Reading

  • Acts 26:18 Go to them, that their eyes may be opened, that they may turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God. And through faith in me you receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance with all those who are sanctified.
  • 2 Corinthians 4:6 God, who commanded light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, giving us the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
  • Psalm 18:14   He shoots out his arrows and scatters his enemies; he sends out many lightnings to confuse them.


Heavenly Father, You are the Creator of light, and we fear You. We are your heirs, children of light ( Ephesians 5:8; 1 Thessalonians 5:5 ). We walk in the light and through our prayers and declarations we release Your light. Release lightning to reorganize our nation, let light be released from your presence and swallow up the darkness!

In the name of Jesus Christ,

  • We command light into the U.S. government to reveal corruption and expose hidden dark plans, personnel, and systems.
  • We command the light to expose past and current election fraud, fraud, and other injustices.
  • We declare that God’s people are rising up in waves of prayer,  sending lightning across America!
  • We declare that the arrows of lightning from prayer will destroy the enemies of God.
  • We declare that God’s light will burn away the veil of blindness that blinds people to the truth and the gospel.
  • We declare that America’s strongholds will be destroyed and the American people will turn to Christ.
  • We declare that the light of God will shine into the hearts of men, transforming the children of darkness into children of light.
  • We declare that when Zion works hard, the nation will be born in a day! ( Isaiah 66:7-8) America will be reborn in this way in this generation .

In the name of Jesus, Amen!

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Pray for America: Defeat Assassination Attempt in Election

Current Events/Background:  Since Trump was assassinated, in response to requests from all walks of life, the Biden administration has strengthened the Secret Service’s protection of presidential candidates and began to provide protection to independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.. However, after former Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced that he was suspending his campaign and supporting Trump, the Biden administration revoked Secret Service protection for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., declaring that he was no longer a candidate, although he only requested that his name be removed from the ballot in swing states. …Detailed Reading

【Prayer 】

  • Frustrate All Assassination Plots : Heavenly Father, we pray for the safety of all leaders in all branches of the U.S. government. We also pray for those running for public office and their teams, especially President Trump, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Elon Musk. Ben Carson. Please send Your angels to surround them and protect them from harm, just like when Trump was shot, so that any assassination plot or plan will be foiled. In the coming shaking chaos, protect us from the terrorists currently lurking in America, save America, and restore America to walk in Your will.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ ,
    • We proclaim the Kingdom of God to reign in America’s 2024 elections.
    • We declare that our prayers will transform America into alignment with God’s heart.
    • We bind the forces of evil, the evil spirits who seek to put antichrist forces into government positions.
    • We bundle those actions that stand in the way of cleaning up the U.S. government.
    • We tie up evil men’s plans to assassinate Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Harris, congressional leaders and Supreme Court justices.
    • We declare that the Great Awakening and the Great Revival are coming to America.

In the name of Jesus, Amen!

Pray for America: Joel’s Army Prayer Points

Editor’s note: This article is the focus of the “World for Christ” ministry led by Nita Johnson to pray for the United States on September 8, for your reference and prayer.

  1. Worship God
  2. Pray for the Fractured Church
  3. Pray about Abortion – end at state level. Planned parenthood indoctrination in schools, (restore us to a culture of life)
  4. Pray about Human Trafficking
  5. Pray for Academia (especially what they are doing to the children, maiming them physically and intellectually)
  6. Pray for Media! include MSM and the deep states control… (Cisa) censorship arm of the state department.
  7. Pray for Trump, protection friends, family, new admin. New Cabinet such as:
    • Robert Kennedy,(education, medical shambles, childhood disease epidemic/vaccine)
    • Elon Musk. (Economic restoration. Bank Wars
    •  Ben Carson, etc
  8. Pray for Conservatives at state level. Bring Democrat party down.
  9. Pray to Stabilize the economy. European, US and other Markets. No bit coin/refined economic system. Pray about Central Banks against National Banks-Take over!
  10. Pray for Civil Strife-and Citizens against Gov. —chaos! & Electrical Grid shut down.
  11. Pray for the Catholic Church -repentance for compromise and crimes against the innocent.
  12. Pray about America’s WWll war crimes against Jewish victims as well Germany. We are responsible for holocaust victims and the near destruction of Germany during and after the war.


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Pray for Israel: Hostage Tragedy (1): The murder of Six Hostages Triggers Continued Unrest

Background of current events:  On August 31, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) discovered and transported back the remains of six Israeli hostages, including an American-Israeli citizen, in a tunnel more than 20 meters underground in the Rafah area in southern Gaza. This was days after the IDF accidentally rescued Israeli Arab hostage Farhan al-Qaidi alive.  …Detailed Reading

  • Jeremiah 8:21-9:1 Because of the injury of my people I was injured; I mourned, and panic seized me. Is there no frankincense in Gilead? Is there no doctor there? Why are my people not healed? If only my head were water and my eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain among my people!
  • Isaiah 40:1-2   “Comfort, comfort my people,” says your God. “Speak comfort to Jerusalem and proclaim to her that her days of war are fulfilled and her sins are forgiven her. You will receive double punishment from the hand of the Lord for all your sins.”
  • Hosea 6:1-2 Come, let us return to the Lord! He tears us, but he will heal us; he bruises us, but he will bind us up. After two days He will revive us, and on the third day He will raise us up, and we will live in His presence. We must know Jehovah and pursue to know him. His appearance is sure as the morning light, and he will come to us like sweet rain, like the spring rain that nourishes the fields.


  • God Comforts The People of Israel: Abba Father, in the face of the captivity and murder of the Israeli hostages, and in the face of the collective trauma of Your covenant people, we really don’t know how to comfort them other than “weeping with those Covenant people. I can only ask You to release Your supernatural comfort to comfort every hostage, their families, injured IDF soldiers and families, families of fallen soldiers. Supernatural love wraps, heals, and renews the hearts of Your people.
  • God Heals the People of Israel : Lord God, You are the Father of Israel, You are the shepherd of Israel, You allow the enemy to cross the fence and cause Your people to be wounded, You will be entangled; You will also tear the people of Israel apart from each other. You will feed the Israelites like a shepherd, and You will carry them like lambs in Your arms. In the wilderness of their hearts, speak gentle words of comfort.
  • In The Holy Name of Christ Jesus , we command all the dark forces in the spiritual world that want to incite the Israelites to anger and impatience, and then to disputes, divisions, mutual complaints, and even political turmoil and stormy waves. We command you to “Stop and be quiet.” Amen!”

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!


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Pray for Israel: Hostage Tragedy (2) – Longtime Critic Give Encouragement and Pray for Natanyahu

Background of current events:  The following is an unusual open letter. Just after the Israel Defense Forces discovered that six hostages were killed after being held by Hamas for 11 months, the Israeli public mobilized about 700,000 people under the call of the Hostage Families Alliance and the Anti-Government Alliance. As demonstrations took to the streets and the country’s largest labor union called a general strike, with leaders from all parties blaming Prime Minister Netanyahu, Boaz Hatzani, a well-known Israeli left-wing activist and commentator who claims to be a long-term critic of Netanyahu, used Hebrew  posted an open letter on social media X, cheering for Natanyahu and praying for his success: …Detailed Reading

  • Proverbs 16:7   If a man’s ways please the LORD, the LORD will make peace with his enemies.
  • 1 Samuel 30:1-2; 4; 6   On the third day David and his men came to Ziklag. The Amalekites had invaded the southern land, captured Ziklag, burned it with fire, and carried away the women and everyone in the city, but they did not kill any of them. … David and those who were with him wept loudly until they had no strength left in their weeping. … David was greatly troubled because the people were distressed about their children and wanted to stone him. But David’s heart remained strong in the LORD his God.
  • Romans 13:1-4   Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that from God. All those in authority have been ordained by God. Therefore, whoever resists the authority resists the command of God; and whoever resists will bring judgment upon himself. Because he is God’s servant and is good for you. If you do evil, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain; he is God’s minister, avenging and punishing those who do evil.
  • Ezekiel 3:7-9   But the house of Israel will not listen to you, because they will not listen to me. For all the house of Israel is a hard-hearted people. Behold, I make your face hard as their faces, and your forehead as hard as their foreheads. I have made your forehead like a diamond, harder than flint. Although they are a rebellious house, do not be afraid of them, nor be dismayed by their looks.


  • God helps Netanyahu : Abba Father, you have appointed Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, in a position of authority. We follow Your instructions and raise our hands to pray, intercede, and give thanks for him. For all the gains and losses in his life, his life experiences, and for all his successes and failures in governing the government in the past, we thank You. Until now, You are the God who helped him and His Father. (See 1 Timothy 2:1-3 )
  • The Anointing Given to King David as King and Prophet: Abba, we ask that You give to Prime Minister Nathanyahu the same heart that You gave to King David that day; the grace that You gave to King David as king and prophet The ointment was also poured on Natanyahu. Let his heart return to You completely, follow Your will humbly but firmly, rely on You wholeheartedly, and not rely on his own intelligence, wisdom and experience. He must trust You in everything and be strong in heart. You will guide him in every decision and in every internal affairs he leads. , diplomacy and military operations, all proceed in your presence, from victory to greater victory!
  • Cover and Protect Natanyahu: Abba, we pray that You would cleanse Your servant Natanyahu with the precious blood of Your beloved Son, Lord Jesus, and grant Your grace of forgiveness, covering, and protection; Abba, we pray for the Holy Spirit Pour the love of Lord God and Father into his heart, cast off all fear, face the opposition forces in domestic politics and media, face the strong pressure from the international and even allied countries, and face the psychological warfare of the terrorist organizations of Israel’s enemies. Stand strong in Your presence! Be resolute and uncompromising in the commandments of Your Word, and guard every inch of the land of Israel that You have demarcated through the Bible.
  • The Enemy Sees God’s Presence with Natanyahu : Sovereign Lord God, Holy One of Israel, You are also the Lord of the Earth, we beseech You, we beseech You, manifest Your presence with Prime Minister Natanya Hutong, either openly or covertly to his enemies , all the enemies of Israel had no excuse to see and know that “the Lord the Highest, the Lord of all the earth, is with the Alley of Natanya”, and therefore submitted to him.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

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Praying for Israel: Resist Further Efforts by the United Nations to Isolate Israel

Current Affairs Background: The 79th United Nations General Assembly is scheduled to open in New York on September 10 . In addition to the ministerial meeting, a UN General Assembly Summit attended by heads of state or government will also be held on September 22-23 . The “Palestinian Authority (PA) is drafting and hopes to pass a resolution at the United Nations General Assembly against Israel’s presence in Judea and Samaria, aiming to further isolate Israel internationally and create opportunities for other countries to oppose Israel’s presence in Jehovah God. A “settlement” was established on the land given to them to pave the way.  …Detailed Reading

  • Joel 3:1-3; 14-16  In that day, when I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the peoples and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat, and I will judge them there; for they have brought me My people, Israel, my inheritance, were scattered among the nations, and they divided my land among the nations; they cast lots for my people, they exchanged boys for prostitutes, and sold virgins to buy wine. … Many, many people are in the valley of judgment, because the day of the Lord is approaching in the valley of judgment. The sun and moon are dim, and the stars have no light. The LORD will roar from Zion and his voice from Jerusalem, and the heavens and the earth will shake. But the LORD will be a refuge for his people, a stronghold for the children of Israel.
  • Isaiah 17:12-14  Alas! The roar of many people is like the crashing of the waves; the running of nations is like the roaring of mighty waters. The nations ran like many waters, but God rebuked them, and they fled far away, and were pursued, like chaff on a mountain before the wind, like whirlwind dust before the storm. There were frights at night, but before morning they were gone. This is the portion of those who robbed us, the retribution of those who robbed us.
  • Micah 4:11-13  Now many nations have gathered against you, saying, “Let Zion be defiled; let us see her retribution with our own eyes!” ’ But they did not know the thoughts of the Lord, nor did they understand his plans: He gathered them together like sheaves to the threshing floor. “Arise, O daughter of Zion, and tread the grain; I will make your horns of iron, and your hoofs of bronze. You will crush many nations in pieces to offer their treasures to the LORD, and their goods to the Lord. Lord of the world.”


  • The Counsel of the LORD God Stands Forever : Blessed is the counsel of the LORD, the counsel of the LORD stands forever O Lord LORD God, Holy One of Israel, Your word is established in heaven; . The thoughts in Your heart will last forever. You promised that when the Israelites were taken back from the nations, they would become one nation on the mountains of Israel and never be divided into two nations again. You have said so, and so it will be. We praise and trust You! (See Psalm 33:10-11; Ezekiel 37:21-22 )
  • The LORD of Hosts Sits in Heaven and Mocks : The nations are quarreling and the peoples are plotting vain things; the kings of the earth have risen together and their ministers have taken counsel together to divide up Your land – the land of Judah, the hills of Samaria and Jerusalem. , LORD of hosts, Lord of heaven and earth, You will sit in the heavens and laugh at the nations that prepare to meet at the United Nations to drive Your people out of the land You have given them. (See Psalm 2 )
  • A Time for Nations in the Valley of Judgment: God, this is a time for the nations to be in a valley of judgment, and we ask for Your grace to bring more nations into a kingdom of sheep, aligned with Your biblical covenants. At the same time, let Israel not be panicked or afraid, but return to You as a sanctified “people living alone”, willing to be Your people, Your inheritance, and to display Your glory.
  • Protect the Safe Entry and Exit of Those Participating in the Breakfast Meeting : Almighty God, we also ask You to send the powerful angels in heaven and sufficient police force on earth to set up camp around the “Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast” in New York to shelter and protect everyone. Representatives of Israel and other countries are protected from any violent anti-Semitic protests. From beginning to end, there is peace when entering and exiting, and God’s presence is manifest, so that the world will know that You are the God who has made an everlasting covenant with Israel.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

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Critical Event: Canada, Don’t Lose Hope!

Background:  Canada is currently in a difficult period. The current Liberal Prime Minister’s insistent and far-left policies have led Canada in a direction that is contrary to God since he came to power in 2015. However, during these years, God continued to raise up intercessors across Canada to connect, as God did through Canadian prophet Barry. Wensch mentioned in his mid-July prophecy ( I opened a door in Canada! ): This is your time to stand up and rise with Me! .…Detailed Reading

  • Psalm 65: 9  You care for the earth, you send down drenching rain, and you make it large and fertile. The river of God is full of water, and you have watered the earth to prepare grain for man.
  • Isaiah 60:1-2 Arise and shine! Because your light has come! The glory of the Lord shines upon you. Behold, darkness covers the earth, and gloom covers all the peoples, but the Lord will appear and shine upon you; His glory will be upon you.
  • Hab 2:14 The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.
  • Psalm 24:7-8  O gates! Keep your heads up! Eternal portals, you will be lifted up! The King of Glory is coming in! Who is the King of Glory? The Lord is strong and mighty, the Lord is mighty in battle!


In the name of Jesus Christ we declare:

  • Thank and praise the God who loves us ! You have prepared a plan of redemption for Canada. You are leading Canada back to her destiny. You are paving the way.
  • The heavens are higher than the earth, Your ways are higher than our ways, Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Thank You God, You are revealing Yourself, You are leading Canada, because You are the path opener, You are healing Canada, You are moving, You never stop.
  • Canada arises, for your Redeemer has come, Canada arises and shines, and the earth is filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.
  • The gates of Canada will lift up, the eternal gates of Canada will be lifted up, and the King of Glory will come in, He is the Lord who is mighty in battle!
  • Canada must enter its destiny, bring healing among the nations, sound the trumpet of revival, and attract the nations to return to God! Arm in hand with the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael, we return together to the home of our heavenly Father.

Pray in the name of Jesus! Amen!

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Pray for the Indigenous People: 8/1 Indigenous Revival Gathering – Unveiling the Prelude to Taiwan’s Indigenous Revival Movement 

Current events/Background: This article is excerpted from the report of “Christian Today” on July 16 about the upcoming indigenous revival gathering on Ketagalan Avenue in front of the Taiwan Presidential Palace. For the original text, please click here. The following are part of the excerpts, paraphrased in Teacher Ahong’s own narratives: …Detailed Reading

  • Isaiah 60:1-2   Arise and shine! Because your light has come! The glory of the Lord shines upon you. Behold, darkness covers the earth, and thick darkness covers the peoples, but the Lord will appear and shine upon you; his glory will be upon you.
  • Ephesians 3:20 God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.
  • Ephesians 1:10  In order that in the fullness of time all things in heaven and on earth might be gathered together in one in Christ, according to the plan.
  • Philippians 2:13  For it is God who works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.


  • Unveiling the Prelude to Taiwan’s Indigenous Revival Movement: Heavenly Father, You are the God who does all things according to Your own will. We believe that You have no regrets in your calling of Indigenous people.  Tehy are the firstborn sons of the land and the key to global revival. On this occasion of the 400th anniversary of the preaching of the gospel to Taiwan and the 30th anniversary of the indigenous  people being renamed by the Taiwanese government, your glory appears and shine upon the indigenous people. We declare that now is the time for Taiwan’s indigenous peoples to rise and shine. Taiwan’s indigenous people will move from the name-rectification movement to a new revival movement, from sadness to enthusiasm, from hatred to blessing, from inferiority to self-confidence. The younger generation is rising, kicking off the revival movement of Taiwan’s Indigenous people. They are not only identify with their own culture, but will also enter into unity and obtain the key to activate the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven and bring about Taiwan’s revival!
  • God Abundantly Provides All Needs : Heavenly Father, we will and do all we do because You are working in our hearts to accomplish Your good pleasure. Since You have sent this young man, Ah Hong, to go to various ethnic groups to pray, convey the message of unity, and convene a worship and praise meeting on Indigenous People’s Day with faith, You will also provide sufficient supplies for this gathering, more than what the team wants and needs. We believe that You are working quickly to move together all the indigenous peoples and non-indigenous ethnic groups who hear this gathering  and are stirred to join in the great event  and experience the miracle of the five loaves and two fish, so that you can accomplish Your will through this gathering.

In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen!

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Pray For Church

Pray for Participating Churches and Pastrs on Regional 24/7 Prayer Walls

Editor’s Note: The 24/7 prayer walls listed here are especially for local churches and pastors. If you are committed to watch on the regional walls, simply click on the link listed below to connect to the local prayer wall. 】

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Related Events and Prayer Background

Editorial Special Section: Chuck Pierce: See God’s Path of Abundant Provision!

Message:  Chuck Pierce & “Glory of Zion International” Prayer Team   Date: August 29, 2024  Source: Chuck Pierce Facebook

Editor’s Note : This article was adapted from Chuck Pierce’s Facebook, in which he posted some prophetic revelations  received from the Spirit of God on Sunday (8/25) through by LeAnn Squier, Keevy Phillips, Chuck Pierce, Barbara Wentroble, and Marriea Layton. The Lord is calling us to come up and see from a higher perspective.  Choose to see the path with the abundant provision that He has prepared for you!

Some of you have lost your sense of adventure. You’ve lost the joy of the journey I have put you on. You’ve lost your love for the unknown and things that you cannot control. Before you is a great adventure! Come out of the mundane, the known, and the tried and true because I have need of some pioneers and waymakers of My own. Come out, come out, come out of what you know, and come in, come in, come in to your great adventure.

I Am taking you on a straight street called ABUNDANCE. You have lost your adventure, but the place I desire to take My people is a place called abundance — a tableland — where My feast is. Go down this street for I desire to take My people to the place called abundance. Fear not the future, for abundance is your portion. Shout, for the abundance is on its way. Go down the road called abundance. Many of My people cannot see the feast ahead. I decree that your eyes will be opened so you can see the abundant feast ahead!

I Am going to cause you to sit at My table and you’re going to feast in the midst of your enemies. The enemy would try to say to you that there is lack and there is not an abundance. But I have prepared a table before you, and My supply is not short. My supply is not lack, for I Am the God of Abundance. I Am the God of more than enough, and I have more than enough for My people. Watch Me as I cause you to sit in the midst of your enemies, and you will do what I do – you shall laugh at your enemies in the midst of this season. Feast with Me for I have an abundant supply, and I will begin to unlock resources that you never saw before. What is in your hand? I shall cause your hand to open up resources so that abundance of supply shall come into your hand. Feast with Me and watch My abundant supply come into your hand.

This is the time of the double portion! I Am giving you a double portion. You have sown in lack but you are coming into an abundance. This is the time of the double portion! Watch Me as I begin to multiply in unexpected ways. I am not slack in this season, but I shall cause you to prosper where there has been robbery in days past. I Am going to break through every robbing, thieving, spirit that has come to steal from My people. This is the time that I Am releasing a double portion anointing – receive what I have prepared for you!

As you are on this journey with Me, don’t worry about the provision because I have already commanded it for you. I have already made the way. As you are walking, as you are moving, and as you are trusting Me, the provision has already been made for each step because I have commanded it to be so! I have already commanded your supply in days ahead!

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Editorial Special Section: Nate Johnston: “Vision of the Supreme Court”

Message: Nate Johnston Date: September 5, 2024   Source: Elijia List

Vision of a Red Carpet

A few weeks ago, I was in worship when I had a vision of a red carpet being laid out on a stretch of path and steps through a city. It was being rolled for miles, and at first I didn’t understand its purpose until my eyes panned and I saw Jesus walking on the path. The train of His robe was flooding the ground behind Him, and fire was flickering off its edges.

It was clear that He wasn’t coming like a lamb, but a lion. He had fire in His eyes a mission to do, yet I didn’t see where He was yet.

At the Doors of the Supreme Court

Suddenly I was able to see ahead of Him as He came up to the front of the Supreme Court in D.C., and all these demons were shrieking at Him and trying to prevent Him from entering.

Without even a hesitation or slight resistance, He flung His arms out, and the doors blew off the court and sent a shock wave through the building and surrounding area, silencing everything in His path.

Paid in Full

He then walked down to the front where a big book of laws and statutes was open, and He took out a stamp that said “PAID IN FULL” and slammed it down into the book, and then shut the book.

As He did this, a shock wave like a sonic boom went out into the city, Washington D.C., and the United States.

I then saw the map of the United States in real time, and there was a divine shaking that looked destructive, but it was bringing things into order.

The Finished Work

I believe our biggest weapon in this hour is the finished work of the Cross and the blood of the Lamb.

This vision spoke to me of the courts of Heaven overruling the courts of man through the Blood, and the eyes of the Lord being over America right now to bring it back into alignment with His will and values.

God Is Restoring America!

Right now what we are seeing on the news isn’t the real news. There’s a move of the Spirit that is counteracting darkness, and the plots and plans of evil are no match for it.

God is restoring America! And right now our prayers are shifting the course of the nation, shutting up the books of the courts of man, and untying the bonds of wickedness.

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Editorial Special Section: Randy Lopshire: Ruling Ekklesia

Message: Randy Lopshire Date: September 5, 2024   Source: GiveHim15

Editor’s Note: This article is excerpted from “Give Him 15” of September 5, 2024.  Dutch Sheets introduced this as follows: “As we move into this time of harvest and extending Christ’s redeeming love into the earth, Holy Spirit has been maturing the church into “a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13). The authority that comes with this is… to liberate them from control—the dominion and influence of spiritual darkness. … to protect and promote ‘liberty and justice for all.’ The church is moving forward in its ability to represent Christ, enforcing His victory over darkness.”

No Longer On The Defense

In November 2020, I had the honor of being in Coudersport, PA, with my friend Dutch Sheets and a team of leaders on a prayer assignment regarding our nation. It was a powerful time of prayer, declarations, and decrees. 

Just before being asked to go onto the platform with the team, I experienced a vision in which I saw a man with a banner across his chest, similar to those worn by government officials or dignitaries in some nations. The banner was gold with blue lettering and said, “The Rising Ekklesia.” I knew the man wearing it represented a portion of the body of Christ, those who had been receiving revelation that would enable them to function as Christ’s Ekklesia. 

Then, from behind me, Jesus walked around my right side. In His right hand, He had a fiery sword shaped like a lightning bolt. He stood before the man wearing the banner and extended His sword. With it, He snatched the banner up and over his head and threw it to the side. The Lord then replaced that banner with a new, brighter gold one containing brighter blue letters; it read, “The Standing Ekklesia.” I knew this man represented those at attention before the Lord, listening intently to Him, and could now do much more for the Kingdom than they were able to do previously. 

This morning, the Lord reminded me of that experience. While I pondered it, He dropped these words into my heart: “I have once again removed an old banner, replacing it with another. This one reads, ‘The Ruling Ekklesia.’”

He continued, “My Ekklesia is no longer simply a defensive body, but is now on the offense. This Ekklesia is not set back on its heels, trying to deflect the missiles of the enemy. Rather, it watches closely to see where satan’s “fiery darts” come from, then releases a counter-attack with great authority, precision, and success.”

In my personal times with the Lord, I have been receiving revelation of this for some time, realizing this describes the Ekklesia necessary for right now. Holy Spirit has developed us quickly because these times mandate a mature, fully trained Ekklesia: a Kingdom “Special Forces.”

Gone are the days of simply defending ourselves from sporadic, distracting demonic skirmishes. We will now locate the enemy with precision, advance, and neutralize them. Then, we will follow up by replacing their positions with Kingdom rule. All of this is accomplished with Holy Spirit’s power and leading.

We are no longer “rising,” we are no longer just “withstanding.” We are now in a ruling mindset and posture. It’s time for us to reverse the tone of the war we are in and launch our own spiritual missiles into the kingdom of darkness, behind its walls. We will do that with renewed spiritual vitality, coming from the fresh revelation of WHO WE ARE in Him and WHO HE IS in us. 

We must stop dreaming of going back to the Acts 2 church and realize instead, that we are Christ’s 2000-year-old church! We have entered adulthood. We are the mature Ekklesia of the Lord Jesus Christ, endowed with the greatest authority and power in heaven and earth. 

No longer are we to only “stand on” Christ’s promises; we are to “fire them” as missiles onto the enemy, with faith that there is not a wall he can build capable of keeping us out! Our Word declarations will prevail.

It’s time to “rush the gates” with the Master’s own words in our hearts: “And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18-19). Like David when attacking Goliath, who slowed down only to snatch up the stones for his sling, we too must run to face the enemy (1 Samuel 17). “How dare he insult our God,” David declared. 

Let us not be found waiting for another to do our job for us. We can’t afford to wrongly assume, “It will all just work out.” NO! We, the Ruling Ekklesia, must MAKE things work out through the authority and power Jesus gave us, using the “Promise Missiles” He has given us. 

We are no longer the Rising Ekklesia, nor are we only the Standing Ekklesia; we are now the Ruling Ekklesia.

Pray with me:

Father, we know we are living in a world that has not yet experienced the fullness of Christ’s redemption. Satan and his forces are still at work, blinding the minds of unbelievers and controlling them through demonic ideologies and beliefs. We know these evil forces work through every possible means, including governments, education, false religions, wars, hatred, and more. We are called to war spiritually against this (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).

As those who represent You on earth, we ask for the highest possible level of revelation concerning our union with Christ. Release powerful levels of wisdom and revelation. May the church realize – at higher and higher levels – who we are in Christ and who He is in us. Release this revelation until, as Randy says, we function as the ruling Ekklesia.

As this mature Ekklesia, we will walk in the appropriate balance of humility and boldness. Like David, we will run to defeat giants; like Peter, we will be so bold as to say to the lame, “Such as I have, give I thee!” (Acts 3:6). We will possess the faith and boldness of Paul, who eventually took over the leadership of his “prison ship” (Acts 27 & 28).

The darkness in the spiritual realm went into panic and chaos when these and other members of the Ekklesia showed up. It will be the same today when members of Your ruling Ekklesia arrive in territories, taking Christ into the dark places of the earth. We decree this, for You spoke of a church such as this in Your Word. We press toward this mark in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Our decree:

We decree that the Ekklesia of Christ is releasing Christ’s rule, doing so with humility, love, and authority.

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Editorial Special Section: Nita Johnson: The Elite’s Plan [Summary]

Message : Nita Johnson Date: August 22, 2024    Source : World for Christ Ministries

Reward from the Lord

Thank you to everyone who joined us in prayer for America. Not only does this mean a lot to me, but it means a lot to the Lord! All of you have rewards from the Lord waiting for you. It will be from Him Himself. When it is in your hands, you will know by intuition or vision/dream that this gift is from Him. He is deeply grateful for your humility, love, gentleness, forgiveness, and perseverance in praying for our nation. Because if you don’t, America will be firmly under the sledgehammer of communism and we will not be free. But because of your prayers, God is destroying the entire New World Order. Even though we spent so many years praying and trusting in God’s intervention, we still couldn’t imagine what the end result would look like.

Elite’s Plan

I want to share some of what the Lord told me about the plans the elites have for the future. When He told me, every word felt like a 500-pound hammer hitting my head. I believe this means that the following ten items are very critical.

  1. Bank Wars : The Elite Plan for One Nation to Own One Bank
    I saw in visions massive economic shaking around the world. God says now is the time the elites believe is the perfect time to launch the next phase of the Bank War. We need to stop it. If Trump takes office, he will have almost no problem doing this because he will establish a code of justice in America that pleases God. Not so with the elite, who want 100% control of the world economy. They want to use central banks to go to war with national banks and even with international banks. Their goal is for each country to have one bank, under the jurisdiction of the Federal Reserve. The United States will be one of the countries affected. Chaos will break out.
  2. Gasoline Wars:   We’ve had gasoline wars in the past, and I remember when gas was 25 cents a gallon. They lied that they had run out of gas so they had to raise their prices. By the time they ended the gasoline war, gas prices had risen to $1.50 a gallon. So when they want to create a gasoline war, our gas prices will skyrocket like never before. But God said, this is not my will. He wants us to pray against this. God loves America very much, He loves His people, and He loves His church. He wants to fight for us, so He wants us to pray.
  3. The European Market Disruption:  Elite will create a season full of chaos in Europe. Their projected outcome was that they owned all of Europe. But God is a loving God and He would not allow the massive market disruption I saw in the vision to happen. The faithful God will lead us in prayer week by week to prevent the European market from exploding.
  4. The U.S. Market Will Follow Suit:   Obviously, if a giant rocket explodes in Europe, we will find that the same thing eventually happens in the United States. This will also affect Asia and the whole world, because their purpose is to trigger World War III.
  5. World War III: Our Great God Could Prevent This From Happening. I remember a few months ago, I said to the Lord, “Lord, the storm is coming. What do we do?” The Lord said to me, “You tell those people, the storm is here, the storm is me.” When He said , the greatness of God flashed in my mind. This storm is not against us, but against the New World Order and all their bad guys.
  6. An Explosion Occurs in the Middle East, Triggering World War III:   If an explosion occurs in the Middle East, it will not only hit the Middle East countries, but it can really trigger World War III. And a massive outbreak is about to happen. But the Lord will intervene. Praise God!
  7. Civil Strife:  If a country has banking wars, oil wars, or market problems, it is normal for civil strife to occur. But Elite programs help with that. They will find people who are good at causing chaos and pay them a lot of money every day to keep the chaos going. But the Lord told me this was not His will. Starting next week we will pray for every problem. If any civil strife arises because of our lack of prayer, even if it is just a little, God will still use it to reveal hidden things and use it to prevent more serious things in the future. Destructive things.
  8. Citizens: People will rise up against the government, but it has to happen God’s way. This requires prayer to accomplish. Citizens will not sit idly by while the elites try to turn America into a communist country, they will raise the battle flag against the government. Although bad governments will eventually fall from power, the best way is God’s way. For years, He personally prevented American citizens from rising against their government. If we pray, God will fight for the people and He will try to stop the citizens from rising up and have His way. Nothing can go against God’s ultimate plan and purpose.
  9. Power Grid : major attack. Elite plans a major attack on the power grid of a major city. The fact is our grid is under attack all the time. But God will not let them continue to succeed. So we need to pray about it.
  10. Riley Gaines Wins Lawsuit, Needs Prayers for Trans Agenda:   I’m So Proud of Her. She won a lawsuit against transgender men participating in the Olympics, so men in many states will not be able to compete alongside women in sports. They will not be able to enter the women’s locker rooms or bathrooms. So we need to continue to pray about this. God will take care of it all.

Strengthen Yourself

The elites are creating all this chaos to make Americans tired and desperate so they can conquer America. However, those who know God’s words and pray will not easily despair. Because God’s words through prayer will strengthen us and make us more trusting in God, which will fill our hearts and thoughts with hope and even joy. If we had to go through each of these things, I believe a true Christian would not be crushed. So you need to strengthen yourself.

Whirlpool of Chaos

We must not only pray against these things, but pray that the elites will be plunged into a chaotic spiral. Let them fight the battles they have planned in the midst of chaos, so that everything they do will be exposed by God, from the least to the greatest.

Stand in the Gap

God loves the church, America, and the nations. Therefore, we must stand in the gap for all nations, not only for them, but also for those who have been deceived by the new world order, asking God to save them from destruction.

Easy Victory

We can overcome because we have been overcoming, and the Lord is helping us to overcome. The more victories we win, the easier it will be for us to win the next battles, one after another. So don’t be afraid, just pray. We love you!

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Editorial Special Section: The Jesus Revolution is Sweeping the Middle East

Date: August 13, 2024    Source: CBN

The Jesus Revolution sweeps the Middle East, Tens of Thousands of Mosques in Iran Are Closed, And Millions of People Convert to Christianity

Amid talk of a broader war in the Middle East, there is also news that a Jesus Revolution may be underway.

An unprecedented number of Muslims are choosing to follow Christ, especially in Iran as people search for a better life.

80% of Iranians Hope to Establish a Democratic Government

Iranians are growing tired of the ayatollahs and a nation led by the empty promises of their Islamic theocracy. An anonymous internal poll found that 80% now prefer a democratic government, and many are leaving Islam.

“You have a country with one of the highest drug addiction rates in the world. You have a country where corruption runs rampant. You have a country where more than half the people live below the poverty line,” explained Todd Nettleton of The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM).

“And the people of Iran are looking at this and they are saying, ‘Wait a minute. If this is what Islam has brought us in the last 45 years, we’re not interested. We want to know what the other options are.'”

According to Nettleton, Vice President of Messaging at VOM, the faith option many are choosing is Jesus with at least a million Muslims reportedly leaving Islam for Christianity.

50,000 Mosques Nationwide Have Been Closed

So, how is the regime reacting to this with a reported 50,000 of the country’s 75,000 mosques now closed?

“This is not something that is making the regime happy. And, really, in many ways, they are seeking to solidify their power and to crush any kind of dissent,” Nettleton said. “We have heard multiple stories this year of Bible study, a home church being raided. Everyone there is photographed, everyone there is questioned. But then the leader of the meeting is held on to. They are arrested. They are detained, they’re put in prison.”

Moreover, Nettleton contends family members and friends are more tolerant than the government about leaving Islam.

“They kind of have the attitude of, ‘Hey, if you found something that works for you, if it’s Jesus or if it’s atheism or if it’s whatever, if it works for you… I know Islam doesn’t work, so I’m happy you found something that works,'” he explained.

The Entire Muslim World is Waking Up

“I think what’s happening there is actually representative of what’s happening in the Islamic world,” said Don Shenk, executive director of The Tide Ministry.

He explains how Muslims are experiencing dreams and visions, leading many to find purpose and a different understanding of God.

“We get responses from listeners who say, you know, now I understand that God loves me. I always thought that God wanted to punish me,” Shenk explained. “And I think there’s an awakening that is taking place across the Muslim world, not just in Iran.”

Shenk says Tide Ministry radio broadcasts are even receiving positive responses in Afghanistan where the Taliban pose great danger for those seeking information from secret Christians within the country.

“There’s a lot of suspicion, okay. If I’m going to meet with these people and share that I’m now a believer, ‘Are they really true believers or are they, just trying to identify me?'” he said.

“It’s more than simply being ostracized or disowned by your family. It is actually the threat of death. So, accepting new life in Christ means accepting the possibility of your life ending in this world.”

Christianity is also spreading in Yemen, where the Joshua Project reports Christian growth is almost double the global average.

Next door, Nettleton sees the Saudi Arabian monarchy becoming a bit more tolerant of Christians and their churches.

“Not necessarily welcoming with open arms, obviously. But just the understanding that it could happen, that there could be Christians here,” he explained. “And maybe that’s not the worst thing in the world. That’s such a change from what we would have seen 10 or 15 or 20 years ago.”

It’s a move of God’s Spirit bringing change that may eventually transform not only Iran but the entire Middle East.

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Editorial Special Section: [Voice of Fig] Torah Gleaning Week 48 Judge

Message: Jenny Lee   Date: September 8, 2024   Audio:  [Voice of Fig] YouTube audio

Scripture Progress:

  • Torah: Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9
  • Prophets: Isaiah 51:12-52:12
  • New Testament: John 1:19-27; Acts 3:22-23

Replay The Past Event

  • August feels like a big test across all fronts, from relationships, motivations and identity, to mission and purpose, and so many other areas where the enemy is constantly trying to stir you up, hoping you’ll make a mistake or give up near the end.
  • Guard your heart from:
    • Mentally replaying past mistakes and failures, past breakdowns and shipwrecks
    • Old labels, ownership and destructive discourse
    • Old sins and suffering, reliving past seasons of betrayal
    • Reliving trauma and triggers that have died and been processed
    • Disgraceful actions from the past that God is dealing with or has dealt with.
    • Trying to fix or justify what God is going to do.
    • Old people or relationships try to get back in touch with you and hold you back.

In Your Relationship

Guard your heart from:

  • fighting and division
  • Gossip and nagging
  • Judge and exclude others
  • Making assumptions about other people’s motives and personalities
  • Petty injuries and violations continue to increase
  • Let the enemy tear apart the relationship with God
  • The battle over family and marriage
  • Breaking up relationships through lies from the enemy
  • Let the enemy rob you of your inner world.

Sleep And Indifference

Guard your heart from:

  • Sudden lack of motivation in secret, discouragement and disappointment
  • Complacency and apathy try to steal your fire and divert your emotions.
  • temptations and distractions
  • Sleep is trying to lull you into a spiritual dreamland
  • Compromise and half-heartedness, wanting to give up
  • Psychological struggle and thought bombardment.
  • Complacent and sleeping people.

Fear And False Predictions

Guard your heart from:

  • Demonic narration by enemies that steal your attention and concentration.
  • Enemy fear predictions for your life.
  • Heavy anxiety and ominous fear.
  • Worldly wisdom tells you to give up and take no chances/play it safe instead of taking the path of faith.
  • Your circumstances are frustrating you.
  • Believe you will never get there and everything will go wrong.
  • Sudden irrational fears about every area of ​​your life.

40 days from Elul New Moon to Yom Kippur

  • The Torah of the first part of the month of Elul is the judge
  • The next 40 days turn back until the Day of Atonement, the feast of judgment
  • These 40 days are the work of the Holy Spirit, allowing us to turn back in the light of God
  • John 16:8 When he comes, he will convict the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment.
  • The idea of ​​judgment appears throughout the Bible
  • Even the book of Judges in the Old Testament is named after this, and we see that because of the injustice of the judgment
  • Everyone is king as he pleases, and the people of Israel want a king
  • This week the Torah seems to have acted as a prophet, showing us the standard for setting up a king.

Whether We Realize It or Not We Will All be Judged

  • If you know you will be judged, you must need mercy (because you know you are in the wrong)
  • If you have been wronged, the judgment you hope for must be a fair and righteous judgment, a judgment that is unyielding and upright.
  • So the characteristics of today’s theme, the judge, are very important.
  • Because His judgment must be based on reason and be impartial, but it must also be reasonable (the so-called reasonable and legal)
  • Deuteronomy 1:17 When you are in judgment, do not look at people’s appearance; do not distinguish between high and low; do not fear man, for judgment is God’s. If you have a difficult case, you can bring it to me and I will make a judgment.

Judgment at The City Gate

  • Deuteronomy 16:18 You shall appoint judges and officials for each tribe in every city that the LORD your God gives you. They will judge the people with righteous judgment.
  • Deut 16:18 Judges and officers shalt thou make thee in all thy gates , which the LORD thy God giveth thee, throughout thy tribes: and they shall judge the people with just judgment.
  • The month of Elul allows us to once again set up judges at our entrances (eyes, ears, mouth)

Justice and Righteousness are Related to Judgment.

  • The concept of righteousness is so important to the nation of Israel that the Torah actually repeats the word twice for emphasis: “Justice, righteousness, is what you seek, that you may live and have what the Lord your God gives you land.” (Deuteronomy 16:20)
  • Deuteronomy 16:20 You shall pursue justice (WH06664) and righteousness (WH06664), so that you may live and inherit the land that the LORD your God is giving you.
  • Not following righteousness – negative; but pursuing righteousness – positive
  • Justice and righteousness are the same words, appearing twice indicates importance and emphasizes the pursuit of justice in a righteous way.

Five Forms of Righteousness

  1. An explanation of what they can and cannot do − for the punishment is death.
  2. Witnesses and Testimonies . All crimes must be thoroughly investigated, and the death penalty can only be carried out with the testimony of two or three witnesses: Deuteronomy 17:6 The person who deserves death shall be put to death on the basis of the testimony of two or three witnesses; not on the basis of the testimony of one person. Witness to put him to death. In fact, the hands of the witnesses would throw the first stone at the person accused of the crime, and then the rest of Israel would stone the criminal to death. Judgment through testimony? Remove evil from the community.
  3. Criteria for appointing a king.
  4. Set up a city of refuge
  5. About those who are free of war
  • The pursuit of justice is an important quality emphasized in this week’s Torah. Not only must citizens abide by this important moral code, but a city’s leaders must as well. Even a king must ensure that two Torah scrolls are written for him—one to be kept in his treasury for safekeeping and the other to always carry with him. The message is clear: even an all-powerful king must realize there are limits to his power. Even His rule of law must be consistent with the ordinances set forth in our divine law.

Kingly Standard – Act Justly, Love Mercy, And Walk Humbly with God

  1. One of your brothers
  2. Do not add more horses, do not send the people back to Egypt
  3. Do not have more concubines for yourself
  4. Do not accumulate gold or silver for yourself
  5. Copying the Torah

Solomon Asked for Wisdom, for Judgment

  • 1 Kings 3:9 Therefore give me wisdom to judge your people, to know right from wrong. Otherwise, who can judge this multitude of people?

Leadership is Service

  • The fundamental nature of this transformation can be seen by looking back at two of the great architectural symbols of the world’s first empires: the Mesopotamians with their ziggurats and the Egyptians with their pyramids. Both are landmark statements of a hierarchical society, wide at the bottom and narrow at the top. People are there to support leaders. The great Jewish symbols, the golden menorah, the inverted triangle. It is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. Leaders are there to support the people.
  • His personal humility seeks not his own success, but the success of those he leads.
  • We think of leaders as people who crave power. Maybe not at first. But power corrupts. This is why most political careers end in failure. Not even Solomon’s wisdom could save him from temptation.

The Origin of Judgment

  • In the beginning, in the perfect Garden of Eden, humans were never designed to bear the burden of judgment. God is the only judge.
  • Adam and Eve didn’t look down at themselves and say, “Oh, my God, we’re naked; too bad! Shame on you!” It wasn’t until they disobeyed God and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that they endured This burden.
  • Eve wanted to be like God and have supernatural wisdom; therefore, she ate of the tree that gave her the knowledge of good and evil, which meant being restricted to God’s realm. Now we continue to bear the burden of Adam and Eve’s choices.
  • Most of the time, we don’t use supernatural wisdom to judge. We look in the mirror and judge ourselves as ugly, imperfect, or shameful – often mirroring our own judgments of others or the metrics we use to judge others. We observe the actions of others and judge them to be wrong, bad, or evil.
  • Judging and criticizing ourselves and others was never God’s perfect plan for us.
  • Matthew 7:1 Do not judge (judge) others, lest you be judged. But does that mean we can never make any judgments about anything or anyone? Of course, this is not only impossible, but also stupid.
  • Jesus is simply warning us that instead of passing judgment on those around us, we should look within ourselves first. His next words were: “For with the same measure that you judge (judge) , so will you be judged; with the measure with which you measure, it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not think of the speck in your own eye? What about the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, “Let me take the speck out of your eye?” A speck in the eye” (Matthew 7:2-5)
  • Jesus doesn’t tell us to never make any judgments. He simply warns us against being hypocritical and self-righteous in judging others. Too often, we judge others based on our own standards.
  • There is a kind of righteous judgment that we should exercise with caution. John 7:24 “ Do not judge by appearance, but judge with justice.”
  • We need to make wise and sensitive judgments of justice . For example, if we are considering someone to be our marriage partner, we cannot say, I am not going to judge this person. That is ridiculous; we should use common sense and judge a person’s behavior according to biblical standards.
  • The Bible says: “You will know them by their fruits.” (Matthew 7:16)
  • When we make mistakes or mess up, we often seem to want mercy from others, but instead unleash God’s wrath and judgment on those who have wronged us.
  • Jesus taught us to be kind: Matthew 5:7 “Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.”
  • Jesus showed mercy to the adulterous woman. Rather than condemning her, he warned her not to continue sinning. Like Jesus, we need to create a balance between justice and mercy. We can be too tough, too critical, and too demanding of others, holding them to some overly ideal standard that even we cannot meet.
  • Finally, God is the only perfectly righteous and impartial judge. Only He can strike the perfect balance between justice and mercy, but through prayer and holiness we can move toward God’s justice and mercy in judging ourselves and others.

We Need The Holy Spirit

  • John 16:8-11 When he (the Comforter) is come, he will convict the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment. For sin, because they did not believe in me; for righteousness, because I go to the Father, and you will see me no more; for judgment, because the prince of this world was judged.
  • Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones , and people sitting on them, and authority to judge was given to them . And I saw the resurrection of the souls of those who had been beheaded for their testimony about Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, or had received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. and reign with Christ for a thousand years .
  • Reign with the Lord and judge with Him
  • The importance of witnessing

Great White Throne of Judgment

  • Revelation 20:12 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne. The books were opened, and another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what was recorded in these books and according to their deeds.
  • Revelation 20:13 So the sea delivered up the dead that were in them, and death and Hades delivered up the dead that were in them; and they were judged every one according to their works.
  • Yom Kippur is a preview, and may the names of our families and fellow citizens be written in this book.
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Editorial Special Section: Lou Engle & Christy Johnston: “A 90-Day Call to Prayer for the U.S. Elections”

Message: Lou Engle & Christy Johnstona Date: August 9, 2024  Source : Elijah List

Editor’s Note: Christy Johnston is an Australian writer, prophetic teacher, and one of the best intercessors in the United States (even though she is Australian!). Dreams were nothing new to Christie, but few inspired the faith of countless intercessors like this one.

90 Days

On August 7th, our friend Christy Johnston had an urgent dream in which she saw herself calling for 90 days of prayer leading up to the U.S. elections. She knew it was a clarion call from Heaven that went far beyond the reach of her own sphere of influence. Christy then saw a tremendous response from the Ekklesia. It was a 2 Chronicles 7:14 moment. Hundreds of thousands of people from every nation were falling on their knees and crying out for the United States of America. She also saw hordes of demonic beings that looked like orcs from The Lord of the Rings movies. As she watched in the dream, their hands suddenly became shackled and their plans were interrupted by the power of intercession from the people of God.

Christy understood that this dream was not just about America, but about the nations of the earth. Meanwhile, there is a demonic agenda in the United States that must be stopped. When she woke from the dream, Christy contacted Lou Engle. They did the math to find out when 90 days before the elections (on November 5th) would be. It turned out to be this past Wednesday, August 7th, the very day she had the dream! Christy and Lou acted quickly to release a live Instagram message to herald this call to prayer. We urge you to watch it and share it far and wide. But if all else fails, just DO THE DREAM with us and pray each day for 90 days!

In the video, Lou explains how Psalm 149 is key to understanding the dream. The psalmist wrote:

“Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand, to execute vengeance on the nations, and punishments on the peoples; to bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; to execute on them the written judgment—this honor have all His saints. Praise the LORD!” (Psalm 149:6–9)

Lou believes that great principalities and powers are in a cosmic conflict over the elections and over Israel right now. There is also a battle over which ideologies are going to be loosed into these nations. Lou mentioned Derek Prince’s book, Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting, and how it tells of how “governments are shifted in prayer and fasting, as it was in the days of Daniel and as in the days of Esther.” Lou went on to say, “I believe right now God is saying, urgently, put high praises of God in your mouth. Carry it to your beds. Pray on your beds and declare the binding of kings and nobles, and the shackling of the principalities and powers, so God can actually establish His purposes” (both now and in these elections).

Christy and Lou addressed the principalities associated with the ancient goddess Ishtar, and the gods Molech and Baal, as mentioned in Jonathan Cahn’s book, The Return of the Gods. The premise of the book is that when America removed God from the public sector in the 60s, and in the 70s, then demons came back seven times worse to repossess the nation. Ishtar was the goddess of sexuality, homosexuality, prostitution, and transgenderism. Lou acknowledged that the influence of this unseen entity is being manifest on the ground level in our nation as never before. Even certain elements of the Olympic ceremony exemplified her perversions.

Lou also emphasized that when those in positions of authority make decrees and agreements with wickedness, or with righteousness, it opens portals in the heavenly realms—whether for evil or for good. For example, he explained that when the president awarded a transgender woman as “Woman of the Year,” he was opening a portal for transgender ideologies and spirits to come in and affect our nation. Knowing what a controversial topic this is, Lou said, “I would rather be controversial than to be halting between two opinions and missing the very moment that the Elijahs of God, and the Esthers of God, are being called into.”

Would you join us in these 90 days of intercession by setting your alarm to pray at either 4:14 AM or 4:14 PM? The time is based on Esther 4:14, which says, “For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Also, our Nigerian friend, Folake Kellogg, had a dream in which the Lord told her, “You cannot have Esther 4:14 without Nehemiah 4:14.

“And I looked, and arose and said to the nobles, to the leaders, and to the rest of the people, ‘Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.'” (Nehemiah 4:14)

We shudder to think of what will happen for our generation and the generation to come if we do not triumph over the plans of darkness in this hour of history.

So, at 4:14 in your own time zone, we ask that wherever you are you stop and take Communion. Stand in the gap on behalf of 1) Israel, 2) your own nation, and 3) America.

Years ago, the Lord told us in a dream that it would “honor the body and the blood to pray for His Israel each day before the sun sets.” Let us “execute the judgment written” by decreeing the Word of God and calling forth His purposes while, at the same time, decreeing the judgment of the Cross over powers and principalities. In doing so, over the next 90 days, we will be establishing national altars of righteousness and opening portals of God’s favor as mentioned in 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Additional Prayer Points

For those who would appreciate more guidance for your intercession, consider agreeing with us in the following prayer objectives inspired by Lou and Christy’s exhortation:

  1. Let us pray for the restraining of the demonic principalities and wicked governments that seek Israel’s destruction and have brought death and suffering upon their own people. “Make haste, O God, to deliver me! Make haste to help me, O Lord! Let them be ashamed and confounded who seek my life; let them be turned back and confused who desire my hurt.” (Psalm 70:1–2)
  2. Repent on behalf of your nation, Israel, and America, for every unholy agreement and blood covenant. Plead the better blood of Jesus and His greater covenant. Call for the dismantling of witchcraft and the occult in every sphere of our government and society.  “…’How can there be peace,’ Jehu replied, ‘as long as all the idolatry and witchcraft of your mother Jezebel abound?'” (2 Kings 9:22)
  3. Pray for the presidential elections, that America and the globe will be spared from the demonic agendas being espoused by the Democratic party.  “For how can I endure to see the evil that will come to my people? Or how can I endure to see the destruction of my countrymen?” (Esther 8:6)
  4. Pray for the restraining of World War III, for the sake of the global missions movement and the reaping of a mass harvest of souls.  “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)
  5. Decree that America is going to come back to her original covenant with the Lord. Welcome Him back into our nation, our schools, and every sphere of society.
  6. Pray forth the opening of the womb of America for the rebirth of the nation and the birthing of many souls into salvation. “Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” (Psalm 90:2)
  7. Pray for mercy to triumph over judgment and for a great awakening to sweep across this generation with deliverance from all kinds of addictions, sin patterns, mental illness, and identity confusion.  “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.” (Luke 4:18)


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Pray for America: “Restructuring” America Through Prayer

Editor’s Note: This article is excerpted from the prayer post of “Give Him 15 ” on 8/15 by prayer leader Dutch Sheets.

Current Events/Background: Today, I want to talk about the fascinating subject of “light.”  Science is just scratching the surface of their understanding of light. Reading articles about it can leave one running for headache medicine and needing a day or two off. An article about light in National Geographic stated that “Einstein’s relativity presents all manner of head-scratching implications. It reveals that as objects approach the speed of light, time slows down. At the speed of light itself, time stops.”

Light is now used to heal, transport sound, heat, destroy (as in weapons), provide energy, and more. The same article said, “Light could even become the preeminent power source for long-distance space travel. The spaceship would have an ultrathin sail to catch the ‘wind’ of light beamed from an Earth-based laser. In theory, such a craft could accelerate to a sizable fraction of the speed of light—without carrying fuel.”(2)


God’s Word has a lot to say about light, including as a weapon. A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about light/lightning and intercession. In it, I mentioned a dream given to Steven Springer, in which lightning struck the top of the White House. This strike began a season of cleansing, followed by revival, in our nation. 

The book of Job tells us that God “fills His hands with lightning and commands it to strike its mark” (Job 36:32 NIV). “Strike its mark” is the Hebrew word paga, which amazingly is also the word for intercession.(3) Yes, one of the meanings of prayer is to release God’s power, light, and glory to “strike” spiritual targets, releasing God’s judgment.

In my book Intercessory Prayer, I state, “Have you ever seen a tree struck by lightning? If so, you’ve seen a picture of intercession. I pray a lot in a stand of woods nearby. At times, I come across trees struck by lightning. The lightning is so hot that it literally changes the molecular structure of the trees and twists the trunks until they look like the stripes on a candy cane. The temperature in a lightning bolt can reach 30,000 degrees Celsius (45,000 degrees Fahrenheit), hotter than the sun’s surface. That’s hot stuff! And God uses this to picture His judgments!”

In the book, I write an entire chapter on the subject of God’s light and glory being released through intercession (paga). 

Recently, Holy Spirit has once again directed my thoughts to lightning-struck trees and their changed molecular structure. “That’s what the prayers of the Ekklesia are doing,” He said, “changing the ‘structure’ of America.” This gave new meaning to the time-honored phrase: prayer changes things. Our prayers release the authority of our King, Jesus, to change the structure, shape, and condition of our government, education, culture, etc. 

It is little wonder that in Steven’s dream, the lightning from God resulted in the exposure of evil – masks came off of people, and “all sorts of evil were revealed and removed across the nation.” Then came revival. 

God created all that exists, including light, using only His words (Genesis 1:3; John 1:1-5; Hebrews 11:3). Ginomai is the New Testament word used to describe this creating of all things. The word essentially means, “cause to be or become.”This word is also used in Christ’s teaching on how to pray in Matthew 6:10. In the phrase, “Thy will be done,” the two words “be done” are translated from this one Greek word, ginomai. The tense of the verb (aorist imperative) indicates a command. Simply stated, Christ said we are to command or declare for God causing His will to be, to become, to be created.

Through your prayers, release God’s light over America every day! Command the unveiling, unmasking of darkness. Release His light over the deceitful plans, the hidden agendas, and the lies of corrupt people. Release it over the elections and candidates. Declare exposure. And release God’s light over the minds of unbelievers, freeing them to “see” the gospel. CAUSE these things TO BE!

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Pray for America: Defeat Assassination Attempt in Election

Current Events/Background:  Since Trump was assassinated, in response to requests from all walks of life, the Biden administration has strengthened the Secret Service’s protection of presidential candidates and began to provide protection to independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.. However, after former Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced that he was suspending his campaign and supporting Trump, the Biden administration revoked Secret Service protection for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., declaring that he was no longer a candidate, although he only requested that his name be removed from the ballot in swing states.

Less than 70 days before voting day, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. expressed his willingness to cooperate with the Trump team and join Trump’s transitional government camp. Some have pointed out that this is beginning to fulfill the 2009 prophecy of the late prophet Kim Clement:

The Spirit of God says, “I’m going to bring a Gonna be here, and I’m going to unite the Democrats and the Republicans. I’m going to do something extraordinary: There’s going to be a massive outburst and outpouring. The enemy will rise up, and before them I will catch them on the way and set an ambush against them. They will confuse themselves, and the nation will rise above the times and become one with God!”

International prayer leader, Dutch Sheets, in his “Give Him 15 Minutes” posts for two consecutive days on August 28 and 29, repeatedly reminded all intercessors to pray for President Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., etc. Pray for the important leaders in this election, especially Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., so that they can walk in God’s will and accomplish the mission God wants to accomplish through them.

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Praying for Israel: Resist Further Efforts by the United Nations to Isolate Israel

Current Affairs Background: The 79th United Nations General Assembly is scheduled to open in New York on September 10 . In addition to the ministerial meeting, a UN General Assembly Summit attended by heads of state or government will also be held on September 22-23 . The “Palestinian Authority (PA) is drafting and hopes to pass a resolution at the United Nations General Assembly against Israel’s presence in Judea and Samaria, aiming to further isolate Israel internationally and create opportunities for other countries to oppose Israel’s presence in Jehovah God. A “settlement” was established on the land given to them to pave the way.In view of this, the “Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast (JPB)” organization (Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast, JPB) will hold a two-day prayer gathering (JPB NYC) in New York on September 15-16 , and welcomes Christians and intercessors from all over the world to participate in the battle against the United Nations. It is likely to trigger a tsunami of international politics, diplomacy, law, and public opinion hostile to Israel.

“Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast”

JPB is a unique event led by members of the Knesset, founded by former Israeli Knesset member Robert Ilatov and co-chaired by former U.S. Congressional Christian Congresswoman Michele Bachmann , with Messianic disciple Albert Veksler as global director. Its main purpose is to promote dialogue between Jews and Christians, with annual events in Jerusalem and major international cities to fulfill the vision of Psalm 122:6 .

Year after year, JPB brings together government leaders and influential key figures from all over the world. Through sharing, through prayer, through connection, it not only serves as a bridge between Israel and the governments of other countries and their intercessors, It also became a catalyst for countries to return to biblical principles in their policies toward Israel. JPB NYC will be the 21st event outside of Israel. Israel is still engaged in a multi-front war, and it chose to hold this meeting in New York during a sensitive period when the United Nations General Assembly is meeting in New York. This in itself is an invitation to stand with Israel and seek peace for Jerusalem.

Those who have confirmed to attend the JPB gathering in New York include Israeli Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikli, Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon, Israeli Consul in New York Ofir Akunis, former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, many Israeli parliamentarians, U.S. congressmen, and rabbis and Christian leaders.

Matan Kahana, the legendary Israeli pilot and current State Councilor who participated in “Operation Cast Lead”, “Operation Pillar of Defense” and the “2014 Gaza War”, Moshe Turpaz (the only one who was killed in October 2023 Wehrmacht officers who participated in the Gaza War on May 7), as well as Ohad Tal, who served in Gaza and is currently a member of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Security Committee, will speak at the breakfast meeting.

New York Republican Senator Rob Ortt will serve as host to welcome the Israeli delegation to New York. The New York metropolitan area has a Jewish population of over one million, currently the largest Jewish population in the world outside of Israel itself.

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Pray for Israel: Hostage Tragedy (1): The murder of Six Hostages Triggers Continued Unrest

Background of current events:  On August 31, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) discovered and transported back the remains of six Israeli hostages, including an American-Israeli citizen, in a tunnel more than 20 meters underground in the Rafah area in southern Gaza. This was days after the IDF accidentally rescued Israeli Arab hostage Farhan al-Qaidi alive.  The failure of the six hostages to return alive unexpectedly aroused the Israeli people’s emotions from sadness to anger. Their anger directed at the ruling Prime Minister Netanyahu, triggering about 700,000 Israelis to take to the streets to demonstrate on September 1 to express their dissatisfaction with the government. Blaming Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for not reaching a hostage release agreement, Israel’s largest labor union also launched a nationwide general strike on the 2nd in an attempt to force the government to reach an agreement with the Hamas terrorist organization no matter what the conditions.

According to the IDF spokesperson’s report and the Ministry of Health’s public forensic statement, the six hostages were captured alive by Hamas and taken to Gaza on October 7 last year. When they were discovered, evidence showed that they were all killed nearby. For those who were shot in the back of the head and chest in execution style, the time of death was 48-72 hours before they were discovered.

The six hostages include American Israelis Hersh Goldberg-Polin (23 years old) and: Alexander Lobanov (32 years old), Carmel Gar Carmel Gat (40 years old), Almog Sarusi (27 years old), Eden Yerushalayim (24 years old), Ori Danino )(25 years old). The five of them are young people attending the music festival or bartenders. Carmel Gat is a resident of Kibbutz Be’eri.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the families of the hostages at a press conference last week, “I ask your forgiveness for not bringing them back alive. We were close, but we did not succeed.” He also said that Hama Sri Lanka will have to pay a very high price.

However, Israeli opposition leader and former Prime Minister Yair Lapid called on “every heartbroken” Israeli to join the massive protests in Tel Aviv, calling on Israel’s main trade unions, businesses and municipalities to go on strike. The country’s economy was shut down to pressure the government to reach a hostage release agreement.

Israel’s largest union called on workers to launch a general strike on the 2nd, affecting airports, ports, hospitals and banks.

Even U.S. President Biden took this opportunity to further pressure Natanyahu to give up his bottom line and make more concessions to Hamas in order to reach a ceasefire agreement. In response to a reporter’s question on September 2, Biden said that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu did not do enough in the ceasefire negotiations in the Gaza Strip.

Large-scale demonstrations triggered by the murder of six hostages continued on September 5th and 7th. Analysts said this signaled new political pressure on the prime minister.


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Pray for Israel: Hostage Tragedy (2) – Longtime Critic Give Encouragement and Pray for Natanyahu

Background of current events: The following is an unusual open letter. Just after the Israel Defense Forces discovered that six hostages were killed after being held by Hamas for 11 months, the Israeli public mobilized about 700,000 people under the call of the Hostage Families Alliance and the Anti-Government Alliance. As demonstrations took to the streets and the country’s largest labor union called a general strike, with leaders from all parties blaming Prime Minister Netanyahu, Boaz Hatzani, a well-known Israeli left-wing activist and commentator who claims to be a long-term critic of Netanyahu, used Hebrew  posted an open letter on social media X, cheering for Natanyahu and praying for his success:

Asking Natanyahu to Compromise

I have a long list of accusations against Netanyahu. He is not to blame for the 10/7 surprise, but he is to blame for the fact that we came to it with half an army, which was cut during his time, and without ammunition for the remaining half. In short, scrolling back through my feed provides a long list of his failings and and mistakes.

However, Netanyahu is now saving the very existence of the State of Israel by standing up to the irresponsible demands to surrender to Hams, stop the war, leave Gaza, and the crown jewel – abandon the Philadelphi axis.

Those who leave the Philadelphi Axis open the way to sending at least some of the hostages to Iran. Those who leave the Philadelphi Axis bring a flood of weapons, missiles, explosives, weapons-making machines, mortars, etc., into Gaza. machines, mortars, etc., into Gaza.

The Inevitable Result of Compromise – The End of Zionism

The only unchanging demand of Hams is the stopping of the war, the departure of the IDF, the rehabilitation of Gaza, and international guarantees for this.

The inevitable result is a complete and upgraded restoration of the monster that was there and is now dying. No one will return to the settlements [of the Gaza envelope], and the whole concept of front-line settlements will come to an end. The front will move to the second line of settlements, and some will be abandoned. The entire concept of Zionism, of a combination of security and settlement, will collapse.

In fact, it will be the end of Zionism.

The citizens’ very trust in the IDF’s ability to protect life in the country is now being tested. If we cripple Hams to the end, trust will be restored. If we surrender, it will disappear. The result of such an event will be a mass exodus from the country because it would really be irresponsible to live in a country that was defeated in a war against a terrorist organization.

Compromising with Hamas could Lead to The Collapse of The Country

A country that imported the PLO, gave it territory, money, weapons, and international legitimacy, then fled Gaza and ensured that a terrorist monster would arise there, and after being attacked, raised its hands just before degrading them and returned Hams to Gaza as if nothing had happened. Such a state cannot win the trust of the public it is capable of protecting. In other words, surrendering to Hams now could lead to the collapse of the state, no less.

The hostages and their families live in the biggest nightmare that any of us can imagine. But what stands in the equation in front of the fate of the hostages is the existence of the country and the fate of millions. Therefore, a responsible leader who understands where he lives and the magnitude of the responsibility cannot help but conclude that woe betide us if we surrender.

Netanyahu is Playing a Role in the Fate of The Country

Netanyahu has done many things throughout his many years in office. The scales are tipped against him in the balance of failures versus achievements, but now he plays a fateful, Churchillian role. He is facing terrible pressure from the hostile American government, which is also using at least some domestic subversion against him. He is facing attempts at sedition, wild incitement, unbridled slander, and a public, which, although it is a minority, tries to burn the country in time of war as if there is no tomorrow and there are no enemies.

He does all this in front of the majority of the hostile media, defeatist Chief of Staff and Minister of Defense who coordinate too much with the Americans and the corrupt justice system that does not lift a finger against the thieves of the state, the rebels and the instigators, in a blatant display of standing in favor of the rebels.

Netanyahu and the State of Israel Face a Critical Moment in His Life

This could be Netanyahu’s tremendous and historic hour. His whole life so far, his entire career, all the mistakes he had to learn from, everything is now coming to a climax.

A record for insisting on eliminating Hams, destroying Gaza, and proving that it does not pay to massacre the Jews in the State of Israel, and also a record on the Iranian issue, which is now reaching the final stage of developing atomic bombs.

If he stands up to the pressure and does what is assigned to him, which he knows very well, he will go down in history alongside Churchill because not only the fate of Israel vis-à-vis Islam is now at stake, but also the fate of the Western world that has fought against that enemy.

Israel’s defeating Hams may provide proof and a personal example that extreme Islam can be defeated, so Netanyahu’s role is twofold.

We are in a critical period. We have the ability to turn it into a great period, our most beautiful hour.

Today, I am strengthening Netanyahu’s hand and keeping my fingers crossed for him.

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Critical Event: Canada, Don’t Lose Hope!

Background: Canada is currently in a difficult period. The current Liberal Prime Minister’s insistent and far-left policies have led Canada in a direction that is contrary to God since he came to power in 2015. However, during these years, God continued to raise up intercessors across Canada to connect, as God did through Canadian prophet Barry. Wensch mentioned in his mid-July prophecy ( I Opened a Door in Canada! ) This is your time to stand up and rise with Me!

Recently, the east coast of Canada has experienced several record-breaking daily rainfalls, causing flooding of many houses and roads, backflow of drainage systems, power outages, and traffic chaos. God moved a group of brothers and sisters from Toronto and Montreal to go to the Montreal Royal Palace. Mountain, prayed for blessings on the east coast of Canada, and God responded in a very miraculous way.

There were exactly 24 people who participated in this trip early that morning. We all proclaimed Psalm 24 : The gates of the city will be opened, and the King of glory will come in. At the viewing platform, everyone gathered to sing the “Canadian National Anthem” and when the Shofar were blown, a young Jewish man who could speak Chinese came. He was very curious, why did the Chinese brothers and sisters blow their shofars? At this moment, another young man from Algeria came, and he could also speak Chinese. God seems to be using this to once again remind us of the destiny of the Chinese people, to hold the descendants of Isaac with one hand and the descendants of Ishmael with the other to come to the family of God.

After a worship service in the afternoon, a co-worker suddenly noticed that a complete double rainbow appeared in the sky. He had never seen such a clear double rainbow before, and each color was so conspicuous and beautiful. Under the reflection of the accumulated water on the ground, I saw the complete reflection of the rainbow again. It is as if God is telling us that everyone sees the upper half of the rainbow, but God wants us to know that He is completing the invisible part. At this time, a dove appeared in the sky and flew in front of all of us. It was like the flood had stopped, and the dove brought good news of peace.

God is starting a grassroots movement in Canada, and God is calling His people, with a breakthrough, disruptive anointing, to restore God’s destiny in this country: Canada is the strong and free country of the north, and Canada’s leaves are to heal. All nations, Chinese must be a connector among them, inspiring the hearts of all ethnic groups and responding to the invitation of Heavenly Father together.

Canada, don’t lose hope, don’t be discouraged. The rain is washing over the east coast, as if God is saying: When revival comes, the wave of revival in the northeast will fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, like the waters of the sea ( Hab. 2:14 ). There will be no room for it, and it will sweep across the earth. The whole of North America was like a tsunami. This is the word that goes out from the mouth of the LORD and it will never return ( Isaiah 55:11 )

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Pray for the Indigenous People: 8/1 Indigenous Revival Gathering – Unveiling the Prelude to Taiwan’s Indigenous Revival Movement 

Current events/Background: This article is excerpted from the report of “Christian Today” on July 16 about the upcoming indigenous revival gathering on Ketagalan Avenue in front of the Taiwan Presidential Palace. For the original text, please click here. The following are part of the excerpts, paraphrased in Teacher Ahong’s own narratives:

Called by God to Walk and Pray in the Birthplace of Taiwan’s 16 Indigenous Tribes

August 1st is Indigenous People’s Day. The concert “Indigenous 30 Dreams in Place – When We Are Together”,  hosted by the Indigenous “Shared Revitalization Alliance”,  hopes to call on indigenous youth to gather at Ketagalan Avenue to worship and pray to kick off the next ten-year indigenous revival movement – “The Rise of the Young Generation”!

God has a plan for everything He does! In the middle of the night last December (2023), God woke me up and gave me specfic words: strategy and effectiveness. He also called me to go to the origin of the 16 indigenous tribes to worship and pray, and to pray everywhere. I prayed like this: “There is no regret in God’s calling.” Then in January, God moved me to walk and pray in the 12 administrative districts of Taipei for 12 consecutive weeks, including walking and praying in key areas such as Hakka, Southern Fujian, and ethnic groups from mainland China.

Indonesian Brother Received Dreams and Delivered Letters to 16 Indigenous Peoples

After the prayer walk, the church community began to “Fast and Pray for Taiwan for 21 Days” on March 4. During the gathering, I kept hearing ” Arise the Native People, the Eldest Son will Revive “, and I began to have thoughts and feelings in my heart. One day at a gathering, Pastor Nathaniel Zhou came on stage to share a story: an Indonesian brother (see the picture on the left. The brother on the right was the one who had the vision) received a dream, and in the dream, God asked him to send 16 letters to the 16 indigenous tribes, and he didn’t know that there are 16 indigenous tribes in Taiwan. On the cover of the letters, a Atayal word  was written, which means “Send, Unite.” (Note: Atayal is one the indigenous tribes in Taiwan.)

The interesting thing is that my father is an Indonesian Chinese, and I also have Atayal ancestry. I immediately realized that since last December, God has begun to use me to go to various tribes to do “unification” work. The prayers and dreams I heard in the “Fasting and Prayer Meeting for Taiwan” seemed to confirm what I received.

Gathering on Ketagalan Avenue on August 1st, the Rise of Indigenous Youth Generation

Later, I and Elder Andrew Chang, the founder of “TOD Tabernacle of David”, shared relevant insights with the indigenous pastors from different regions of Taiwan. This ten-year “Rise of the Indigenous Youth Generation” came into being. ! The gathering on Ketagalan Avenue on 8/1 can be said to be the starting point for all ethnic groups to come together.  8/2 is the first day of this ten-year movement. This gathering is scheduled to be held on “Ketagalan Avenue”, which is the only street named after an indigenous tribe  in Taipei City, so it is of special significance to gather here on 8/1 Indigenous People’s Day.

The 30th Anniversary of the Rectification of Name of Indigenous People, Moving from Name Change to Revival

Forty years ago (1984), the “Promotion Association of Taiwan Indigenous Rights” launched a movement to rectify the names of indigenous peoples, which lasted for ten years. In 1994, after the Taiwanese government  amended the constitution, an additional clause was added to the constitution. The derogatory term “mountain compatriot” was revised to “indigenous people”.  The year 2024 is the 30th anniversary.

30 is a turning point in life, as the saying goes, “You stand at thirty.” Jesus also began to serve God around the age of 30. So in this year (2024), we sincerely hope that the indigenous people will move from the name-correction movement to a new revival movement. Indigenous people must help this country by moving from rectification of name to revival, from tragedy to zeal, from hatred to blessing, from inferiority complex to self-confidence. Therefore, all ethnic groups are invited to stand on national territory and declare for the country!

400 Years Since the Gospel was Introduced to Taiwan

In 1624, the Siraya people were the first indigenous tribe in Taiwan to be exposed to the gospel. God has three principles for doing things: the guidance of the Holy Spirit, God’s Words, and God’s timing. It has been 400 years since the gospel was introduced to Taiwan. Taiwan is like Moses and John the Baptist, hidden by God for 400 years. Now is the time to rise. Based on the above-mentioned reasons and insights, we chose to launch such an indigenous revival movement this year. The core of this concert on Ketagalan Avenue is to bring new love and harmony with God, with people, with the land and among all ethnic groups! We hope to increase the value of the eldest son of the land and the blessings of the eldest son of the gospel . Together we can be grateful for the past, cherish the present, and look forward to the future.

Indigenous People Unite and Activate Heavenly Blessings

Four main things will happen at the gathering:

  1. Acceptance: As the eldest sons of the land, the indigenous people openly express their acceptance of all ethnic groups who come to this land.
  2. Gratitude: Thanks to all ethnic groups and governments for their construction on this land.
  3. Fulfillment: The indigenous people are kind, loving and sharing nature, which can best promote peace, harmony and unity.
  4. Blessing: The eldest son of each country is given a kind of authority. The indigenous people not only have to recognize their identity, but also  to enter into unity. I believe that when the indigenous ethnic groups unite, they will receive the key to unlock the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven. The revival of the indigenous peoples is not only related to the original ethnic group itself, but also to the “entire ethnic group.”

In 1624, the indigenous people received the gospel. The gospel can be said to be the destiny of the indigenous people. The indigenous people not only need to identify with their own culture, but also return to their identity in the kingdom of God and live out the life of Jesus Christ. The real revival is Life change, revival points to preparing the way for the Lord.

Pass on the Five New Things and Live Out the Five New Things

I hope to convey five things through this gathering:

  1. A New Era: It has been 400 years since the gospel entered Taiwan. A new chapter has arrived. We must live out a “new mindset .” Just like the Israelites leaving Egypt, they must also break away from the mindset of slavery. New wine must be put into new wineskins.
  2. New Cycle: The 30th anniversary of the renaming of the indigenous people. 30 represents a new cycle. To have a new cycle, there must be ” new behavior “, because confidence without behavior is dead. Indigenous people should move from the sadness of the past to zeal. From inferiority to self-confidence, from hatred to blessing, the most important thing is that the indigenous people should stand up and become a blessing to the country and the people, and live out the dream of God in the indigenous people.
  3. A New Generation: The young generation is about to rise. This is the moment for all generations to work together. The new generation is also the new four generations. In true love and inheritance, the previous generation and this generation take what they have worked hard and accompany and train the next generation, so that the new generation of young people can bravely take on the task . Most importantly, God needs a “new relationship ” with the children and with the family.
  4. New Unity: Unity is not just within one’s own ethnic group, but requires new connections, interactions and cooperation with different ethnic groups, people and things. Therefore, while launching the Indigenous revival movement, they also encourage and support the Hakka people to rise up , launch a revival movement belonging to the Hakka, and all ethnic groups in Taiwan must launch a revival movement belonging to their own ethnic groups. From a historical point of view, the indigenous first lived on this land, so they needed to be revitalized first. In 1645, the Hakka group moved to Taiwan. In 1662, Zheng Chenggong invaded Taiwan and a large number of people from southern Fujian came to Taiwan. In 1945, Taiwan was restored and a large number of people from other provinces came to Taiwan. The revival movement is promoted in this order. Teacher Hiro hopes to bring out a “New Unity Movement ” in this concert .
  5. New life: Through the New Life of Jesus Christ, a “New Kingdom Culture” is brought out , which requires a kingdom perspective and a new life.

Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the Gospel and the 30th Anniversary of Indigenous Peoples

On August 1st, from 4:30 to 5:30 pm , various ethnic groups from the north, middle, south and east will take turns to perform, worshiping and praising in their mother tongue, and the prelude will be a performance by the Thao people’s 13 pestles, as well as children. Bring a street dance performance. Then the program officially started, presented in the form of a concert, and carried out according to the historical context. The contents are in order: Gospel 400, formerly known as 30 Happy Birthday, the rise of youth, the unity of the five major ethnic groups, and the next 10 years. In the five chapters, pastors from the north, middle, south and east are expected to chat and share stories on stage as hosts. Finally, children and teenagers will sing “God Loves the  Indigenous People”, inviting everyone to celebrate Indigenous 30, hoping to bring a new social atmosphere so that everyone can have a blessed heart.

During the preparation process, the team encountered funding challenges. The fundraising goal was 5 million, and currently more than 4 million is still needed. Teacher Ahong said that God started working very quickly, allowing them to realize many connections and many differences in a short period of time. Pastors and all people  can visit and deliver messages everywhere, and many members of the body are also very touched. I believe this is the best confirmation! Looking forward to experiencing the miracle of five loaves and two fishes next.

Teacher Ahong sincerely invites all churches to come together on 8/1 to participate in this grand event. I believe that each city has already started its journey, and I firmly believe that this land will be revitalized!

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Cleansing And Covering Prayer

Cleansing Prayers

Dear Heavenly Father, I ________ (put your name in it) come to the throne of grace, through the blood of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, to receive Your abundant grace and mercy.   Lord Jesus, ________ confess You are the Lord of my life.   I ask the resurrected power of the Holy Spirit to fill and saturate every part of my being.   I surrender all my spirit, soul and body completely to You.  Now I ask You to reveal to me, remind me of any sin that I have committed known or unknown, so that I can confess and repent of them accordingly. (Recommendation:  quiet yourself, so you can allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you)

Cleanse me from all the defilement of the world, sanctify me and my family line of any unrighteousness with the blood of Jesus.   Now by my own will, I choose to forgive everyone that has offended me or hurt me, I release them into the freedom of my forgiveness.   I also release them from the debts they might owe me. I now cast all my burden to You .  Your yoke is easy, Your burden is light.   I now put on the armor of God that You have given me, gird myself with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, my feet fitted with the gospel of peace, so that I can pray and intercede in the Holy Spirit by Your mighty power, and after done all to stand firm.

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Firewall Covering Prayer

Abba Father, I thank you for watching and blessing us coming in and going out, from now and forevermore.
Abba Father, help us to hide under the shadow of the Almighty, and cover us with Your wings.   I now plead the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on myself, my entire family _________

(speak names of your family, and name the people, things, items, that needs covering, such as : your work, ministries, and everyone that you minister to, your  property, finances, friends, pets, vehicles, pastors and small group leaders / members and president )

Abba Father, send the host of angels and chariots of fire, to surround and protect us, I ask that You place the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ, in between everyone and the power of darkness that we might be facing today, to block all ungodly influences and keep us from all spiritual attacks, loss of property and any evil strategy of the enemies. We declare no weapon formed against us shall prosper.   Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!

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