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Editor’s Note
Prayer Declaration
Pray For United States
Pray For Israel
Pray for Global Critical Events
Pray  for Native Americans
Pray for Church

Editor’s Words

Editorial Special Section: Hank Kunneman: The Hour of Redemptive Intervention

Message: Hank Kunneman  Date: May 3, 2024  Source : Elijah’s List 

Intro: Check out this powerful and encouraging prophetic word by Pastor Hank Kunneman, given on April 7, 2024, where the Spirit of the Lord reminded us that this is not the time to give into fear and false rhetoric concerning God exacting judgment upon the nations. No, this is the hour where God has declared that He is releasing His Spirit to restrain the powers of darkness through supernatural preservation! The Lord of hosts is bringing preservation at this time that will bring His people, and the innocent who have been oppressed, into a season of deliverance and redemption!

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Editorial Special Section: Veronika West: WATCH! FOR MAY IS A MARKED MONTH – War Drums Are Rising Over the Nations!

Message: Veronika West  Date: May 1-5, 2024   Source: Veronika West  Facebook


…Early hours of this morning I was woken to a loud Alarm Sound Ringing out in the Realm of the Spirit,..like an Alarm Sound you would hear at a Fire Station….and then I heard…”Mayday-Mayday-Mayday”…!


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Editorial Special Section: Lana Vawser: Fire is Coming On Your Eyes, Purifying How You See

Message : Lana Vawser  Date: April 25, 2024    Source : Lana Vawser Facebook 

Recently, I heard the Lord say, ‘Fire is coming on your eyes. I must purify how you see,’ and I began to see the fire of God flowing powerfully through the body of Christ. As this holy fire began to flow, I could hear a deep groan in the atmosphere and it was the groan of the Lord’s heart, deeply groaning, calling His people to ‘come up higher’ and to see as He sees. I heard the Lord say, ‘Many are not seeing as I am seeing. They are seeing through the flesh and filters that MUST be removed in this hour, if My people are going to see as I see, receive divine intel and intercede.’ (Intel = ‘intelligence’: revelation, insight, wisdom, direction and strategy from God.)

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Editorial Special Section: Nita Johnson: The Fire and the Fear of the Lord (Part 2)

Message: Nita Johnson   Date: June 17, 2022  Source: World for Christ Ministries

I want to finalize what I started in Part 1. I think it’s important that you have some bit of understanding of what the Lord is offering you. In these teachings, I am running along like a rock skipping over the water to share this with you. It is nothing deep just information so that you can understand, to the best of my ability, in such a short time, what the Lord is offering, willing to give, and bring you into the knowledge of His responsibility and your responsibility, so that if you receive what He wants to give you at the end of the meeting, you will have an idea of the difference it will make in your life. 

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Editorial Special Section: [Voice of Fig] Torah Gleaning: The 30th Week of Holiness

Message: JennyLee Date: May 12, 2024   Audio:  [Voice of Fig] YouTube audio   

  • Scripture Progress: Leviticus 19:1-20:27
  • Companion Reading: Amos 9:7-15
  • New Testament: 1 Corinthians 6:9-20; 1 Peter 1:13-16

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Declaration Prayer: For President Trump and His Team [Update]

We declare in the name of Jesus :

  • God will continue to bless and protect President Trump and his family, as well as the “scepter of justice” that God has raised up to support him in his government.
  • The blood of Jesus covers them and those close to President Trump, bind and drive away any witchcraft or spells cast on them.
  • The Holy Spirit continues to pour out and personally guide President Trump. He grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God. ( Lu 2:52 )
  • The seven spirits of God are manifested in President Trump’s life ( Isaiah 11:1-3 ), giving him keen insight and discernment, judging the situation, and resolutely continuing to fulfill his call.
  •  God will restore Trump to his rightful position at His best time and give people grace to transition.

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Declaration Prayer: Declaration of the Month of Iyar

Editor’s Note: The month of Iyar is the second month of the holy calendar in the Jewish calendar year 5784, corresponding to May 9 to June 6, 2024 in the Western calendar.

Declare in the name of Jesus :

  1. We are God’s people in an eternal covenant with Him.
  2. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses our hearts from our dead works so that we may serve the living God. ( Hebrews 9:1 )
  3. We have the mind of Christ Jesus as our heart, aligned with the mind of God.
  4. Jehovah Rapha is our God of healing. ( Exodus 15:26 )
  5. God’s power is made perfect in our weakness. ( 2 Corinthians 12:9 )
  6. We must speak good words for edification according to the circumstances, so that those who hear may benefit. ( Ephesians 4:29 )
  7. We are rising and shining because the light of the Lord’s glory is shining upon us. ( Isaiah 60:1 )
  8. We are in harvest time and God has anointed us with healing and deliverance gods.
  9. The Lord is intimate with those who fear him, and he will reveal to us the key to our healing and deliverance. ( Psalm 25:14 )

(Adapted from The Blessing of Iyar)

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Declaration Prayer: Claim Back Sovereignty Over All Things on Earth

Editor’s note : In view of the recent frequent occurrence of major environmental disasters, such as the derailment of trains carrying toxic chemicals such as vinyl chloride, which has seriously harmed the ecological environment. As the powerful Parliament of Heaven, we can issue decrees that reverse the enemy’s deliberate efforts to destroy all the goodness God has created on earth. This declaration is adapted from the declaration received by D. Steve Ford in 2012 and re-proposed by Ricci, one of the leaders of Joel’s army. Steve heard God say that now is the time to take back sovereignty from several areas, reminding people that the Lord has given us that sovereignty, and we must first speak to those elements and tell them what to do to exercise that sovereignty .

Declare in the name of Jesus Christ:

We take back sovereignty over the air, the rain, the oceans, the earth, the living things on the ground, the soil and the microorganisms that live in it.

  1. We command the earth, the soil and the microorganisms in it to begin the process of restoration given to you by God at the beginning of creation and return to the natural order God gave you.
  2. We command the air, rain and oceans to begin an accelerated process of cleansing and returning to your natural order.

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Pray for America: Prayer for the National Day of Prayer

Editor’s Note: This article is excerpted from the prayer post of “Give Him 15 Minutes” 5/2 by prayer leader Dutch Sheets. We agree with the prayers released by the National Day of Prayer Committee and are reprinting them here for the reference of all intercessors.

【Current events background: This year’s theme of National Day of Prayer is “Lift Up the Word – Light Up the World.”  You can visit the National Day of Prayer website for information on how and what to pray. Join with others today and spend some quality time agreeing in prayer for America! ...Detailed Reading

  • Mark 16:15-18   He also said to them, ” Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature . Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved , but whoever does not believe will be condemned . Those who believe will be followed by signs ; ” In my name you will cast out demons ; you will speak with new tongues ; you can take up snakes ; if you drink any poison , it will not hurt you ; you will lay hands on the sick , and they will recover . “
  • Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus came to them and said to them, “ All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth . So go and make disciples of all nations , giving to them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit . Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you , and I am with you always , even to the end of the age . ”​​


Jesus, we profess our faith in You. You are the Light of the world, and in You, there is no darkness. For You are our lamp, O LORD, and our God who lights our darkness. Forgive us for fearing and focusing on the darkness around us instead of being filled with faith and shining like the city on a hill You have called us to be. Forgive us for the times when we have been the absence of light, allowing darkness to dwell in America. Lead us forward to dispel the darkness and bring light throughout the Church, Family, Education, Business, Military, Government, and Arts, Entertainment, and Media.

“We are saved by grace through faith, released from the darkness that once held us captive, and now free to walk in the newness of life in You. Light dispels darkness and exposes what is hidden and wicked, so we commit to rise and shine! For by You, Lord, we can take courage to run against the enemy, and by our God, we can fight the good fight and keep the faith as living lampstands in our communities and country. We fear no evil, for You are with us.

“Lord, Your way is perfect; You lead us on paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake. Your Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Your Word is Truth, instructing and inspiring us to live the abundant life You gave when You saved us from the death and destruction of the enemy. Fill us with Truth as we read, study, and live Your Word.

“God, You are a shield for all those who take refuge in You. As we abide in You and Your Word abides in us, we take up our shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and run boldly into the darkness to Lift Up the Word and Light Up the World!

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

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Pray for America: Joel’s Army Prayer Points

Editor’s note: This article is the focus of the “World for Christ” ministry led by Nita Johnson in praying for the United States on May 12, for your reference and prayer.

  1. Pray for Justice – corruption exposed and cleaned up, Hammer of Justice, and Hurricane of justice restoring fear of the Lord.

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Editor’s Note: This article comes from the “Give Him 15 Minutes” website of intercession leader Dutch Sheets , which provides a reference for intercessors from various states to pray for American waterways. May the Holy Spirit lead the intercessors to accomplish this critical task of restoring America.


Father, You have assigned us to pray for protection over America’s water supply, waterways, and dams. Your Word tells us that unless You keep or guard a city, the efforts of watchmen are in vain (Psalm 127:1). Therefore, we look to You for protection – You are our refuge, a very present help in times of trouble (Psalm46:1). When You are for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)? You save us from our enemies, men of bloodshed who do iniquity (Psalm 59:1-2). You are theCreator and Owner of the entire world – all of its inhabitants, as well as the seas and rivers. You are the King of glory, the Lord strong and mighty in battle, and the Lord of angel armies (Psalm 24:1,7,8,10). As a Master Workman, You set the boundaries for the seas and drew the tributaries of the earth (Proverbs 8:29-30), and still maintain ownership and authority over them.

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Pray for America: 24 Prayers for 24/7 Prayer Against Terror Attacks in America

Editor’s note: As prophet Chris Reeds mentioned in the message “As is Israel, so is the United States ,” many sleeper cells of terrorist organizations have infiltrated into the United States and established many camps. Like this terrorist attack coming from Israel’s southern border, they are also plotting attacks in the United States through people passing through our southern border. We need to pray, watch, listen, watch, and like the children of Issachar, know the times and seasons. The following prayers are from the 24 prayers in “Elijah’s List”,which was reposted from the prophet Charlie Shamp’s facebook. We encourage all intercessors to pray for the United States under the leadership of Holy Spirit.

  1. Heavenly Father, we come before You, seeking Your protection over America. In Psalm 91:4, You promise to cover us with Your feathers and provide refuge under Your wings. Shield our nation from all forms of terrorism and keep us safe from harm.

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Pray for Israel:  This Week’s Prayer Points

Editor’s note: This article is excerpted from a summary of the May 10 prayer points of the Intercessor for Israel ministry.


  • Pray for the government and society :
    • Remove the authority of every son of Greece who has influence over Israel.
    • Thank You God for protecting Natanyahu from threats from spiritual authorities and the international community and marching resolutely into Rafah. Continue to guide his every decision and surround him with the Sons of Zion Issachar.
    • Enable the government of Israel to act only in accordance with Your will and prevent the Sons of Greece in the cabinet from pursuing decisions that are not in line with God’s will.
    • Healing the spirits and emotions of all freed hostages who are now free.
    • Rise up and defeat the media distortion of Israel – in Israel and around the world.
    • Supernaturally blessing Israel’s economy.
  • Pray for Diplomatic Relations:
    • Teach the Body of Christ in Western nations how to pray for the spirit of Islam that has invaded their nations and terrorized their leaders against Israel.
    • Give Israel’s leaders the courage and wisdom to deal with nations hostile to Israel.
    • Protect Israel from its “allies” and enemies.
    • Show the world that God fully supports Israel and rejects the establishment of a “Palestinian” state in God’s land
    • Protect Israeli ambassadors abroad at all levels, anoint them and release the truth through them.
  • Pray for Israel’s war:
    • Continue to make the Israel Defense Forces the “great army” God predicted in Ezekiel 37:10 .
    • Restructure the leadership of the IDF and place more Sons of Zion in positions of authority who will influence and guide Israel’s current and future fights.
    • Increase the angelic heavenly host that protects Israel. The physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health of the Israeli soldiers who guarded the battle in Rafah.
    • Help Israel “eliminate” all Hamas leaders in Gaza and beyond.
    • Supernaturally free all living hostages or guide the IDF to find and release surviving hostages.
  • Pray for internal and external security: 
    • The use of increased terrorism teaches the Israelis the dangers of dividing their land.
    • Lead Israel to respond biblically to the drive for a “Palestinian” state: by increasing sovereignty over all of its lands – from rivers to seas.
    •  Continue to expose every terrorist plot before it is hatched within the borders and prevent unbridled kidnappings or drive-by shootings across Israel.
    • Adding to the already existing hatred and distrust between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, pitting them against each other.
    • Supernaturally destroying Iran’s nuclear facilities. Adding to the inherent conflict that Iranian society as a whole is experiencing. Making Jeremiah 49:38 come true very suddenly and quickly.
    •  As Israel fights Hezbollah, it fulfills Isaiah 41:10-16 and receives all the glory.
  • Aliyah/Return/Salvation/Messiah Body :
    • Help Israel prepare to receive and settle millions of new immigrants.
    • Use the anti-Semitic demonstrations happening across the West and in American universities to lead God’s people back to Israel.
    • Modify the rabbinical standards of Israel for “Who is a Jew?” so that everyone You consider a Jew can immigrate and receive full Israeli citizenship.
    • In particular, I ask You to save the following Jewish groups:
      • All Holocaust survivors in Israel and abroad;
      • Survivors of all terrorist attacks;
      • Each hostage, released hostage and their loved ones;
      • All IDF soldiers and their families deployed wherever they are;
      • Relatives of soldiers killed or seriously injured;
      • all widows and orphans;
      • rabbis and anti-preachers;
      • Jewish politicians, diplomats, teachers, and professors;
      • medical personnel;
      • College students, including Jews who are afraid to attend classes in the face of anti-Israel demonstrations;
      • Jewish seminary students;
      • Jews and Israelites in the Land of Exile;
      • Jews who were provoked to jealousy by Gentile believers;
      • An unsaved Jew married to a believer, whether his spouse is a Jewish or Gentile believer;
      • Messianic Jewish believers and their unsaved loved ones.

In the name of Jesus, Amen! ⁣

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Pray for Israel: Urgent Prayer: Against “Magic Conference” in Southern Israel

【Background of current affairs: The following is an urgent prayer letter sent by our friend Rania Sayegh at the “Nazareth Prayer Hall”. She shared the current situation on the front line in Israel and the important lessons she received on the eve of Pentecost. . Rania encouraged everyone to join in fasting and praying before Pentecost (5/13-5/19) for the self-purification of life, as well as for the war in Israel and the recent evil activities that may be launched in the south. …Detailed Reading

  • Numbers 23:23   There is no enchantment against Jacob, nor a divination against Israel. Now it will be said of Jacob, that is, of Israel, “How great things God has done for him!”

【Fasting and praying to welcome Pentecost – the love, wind and fire of the Holy Spirit

  • Fasting and prayer from May 13th to 19th : self-purification (confession and repentance), prepare the heart, and welcome the wind of the Holy Spirit and the fire of the Holy Spirit to bring breakthrough…
  • God’s love is full : I long for the Holy Spirit to pour out more love power and the anointing of glorious breakthrough. In particular, I pray that the Lord will pour out more of God’s love and love each other more.
  • Opening the door: 2024 is the year when the door of heaven opens. Ask the Lord to send down His glory so that we can become the carriers of God’s glory and be released to the place where God sends us.
  • The season of childbirth : God will give birth to His plan, and the enemy will also release the seeds of darkness. Ask the Lord to block and remove the enemy’s plans, destroy witchcraft and sorcery activities, turn curses into blessings, and bring about miraculous healings.
  • Entering Gaza : The Lord personally led a team of Arabs and Jews into Gaza, washing and cleansing Gaza with God’s love, completely annihilating Hamas, and providing effective cover and protection for civilians.
  • Serving around the world : 6/11-6/17 Rania will take a team to Poland. The team members include Jewish, Arab young people and mothers. Pray that God will release Ruth to walk with Naomi and release the road around the world.  Gotta go with Naomi.

In the name of the Lord Jesus I pray, Amen.

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Praying for Israel: Prayer Guide Against Anti-Semitism 

Editor’s note : This article was published in Prayer for America and was adapted from the electronic publication of Rabbi Jonathan Bernis’s Jewish Voice ministry (March 6, 2015) , for the reference of all intercessors .

The atrocities committed by Hamas and various terrorist allies against the nation of Israel on Oct. 7 seem to be a plumb line or water shed event on the earth, with nations dividing for or against the nation of Israel (see Joel 3:1–2). Former allies have become enemies in the public square. Since that day, the number of pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel/antisemitic events worldwide has increased dramatically. The spirit of Antichrist manifesting as the spirit of Amalek (see Exodus 17:8–16) is coming unmasked.

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Critical Event: Prayer Guide for “The Lord’s Word Over the Nations”

Editor’s Note : This article is a prayer guide for the Lord’s words to the nations translated by God’s Kingdom Resources . This was released on May 1 by Cindy Jacobi on behalf of the Council of Prophetic Apostolic Elders. This prayer guide is in response to the Lord’s words to the nations previously released by the Prophetic Apostolic Elders Council (represented by Cindy Jacob), and will launch a seven-day global prayer campaign starting on Monday , May 6 ( details Please click here ), a prayer guide to help you pray. The following is the content of the prayer guide:

【Introduction to Prayer Guide】 The first day – the day of repentance
Day Two – A Call to Collective Repentance: The Sins of the Church Day 3 – A Call to Collective Repentance: National Sins
Day 4 – Corporate prayer for the sin of hostility to the Jews/anti-Semitism Day 5 – Pray for the University Campus
【Day 6 – Pray for Global Alliance】 Day 7 – National Revival and Spiritual Awakening
【Action Plan】

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Pray for Native Americans: First Nations of North American Leadership Conference 

Editor’s Note: This article is excerpted from what Lynda Prince, the grand Chief of Canadian First Nation, shared at the Vancouver Indigenous Prayer Meeting last Tuesday (5/7) (please click here for the audio). We have reported on her and her ministry several times in the past (for details, please click to read: “Drums of Revival” on  2021/5/24 ).

Current events: On February 1 this year, under the leadership of the “Indigenous Coalition For Israel” (ICFI), the Indigenous Embassy held a simple opening ceremony in Jerusalem (To read related reports, please click here ). The purpose of establishing the embassy is to help change the perception of indigenous peoples around the world, as Palestinians falsely claim that there is no evidence that Jews lived here before 1948 and that Jews came to Israel as colonial invaders. The establishment of the embassy at that time became an urgent antidote to this wrong statement. …Detailed Reading

  • Isaiah 60:1-2   Arise and shine! Because your light has come! The glory of the Lord shines upon you. Behold, darkness covers the earth, and thick darkness covers the peoples, but the Lord will appear and shine upon you; his glory will be upon you.
  • Ephesians 3:20 God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.
  • Ephesians 1:10  In order that in the fullness of time all things in heaven and on earth might be gathered together in one in Christ, according to the plan.


  • Establishing an “ Indigenous Embassy ” in Jerusalem mobilized revival : Heavenly Father, thank You for manifesting to Lynda Prince, restoring and raising her up to be one of the five core leaders of Indigenous Embassy around the world. She knows very well that You put her in this position in order to lead the indigenous peoples around the world into their destiny and complete the mission entrusted by You. We see the importance of having an Indigenous embassy in Jerusalem and how when Indigenous people support Israel it brings the nations into alignment with God’s will. We declare in the name of Jesus Christ that now is the time to turn around, it is the time of God’s grace, it is also the time ordained by God, it is the time for the sleeping giant to wake up! The earthly firstborn has been revived, and all things on earth will be revived and move together. Standing with Israel in God’s will, and will lead the remnants of the nations to honor Israel, restore God’s order on earth, and bring everything in heaven and earth into one in Christ .
  • Blessings for the North American Indigenous Summit in May: Heavenly Father, we bless the upcoming North American Indigenous Summit. We believe that this is the movement and leading of Your Spirit, making what was originally a small North American Indigenous gathering become a preparatory meeting for the opening ceremony of the Indigenous Embassy in Jerusalem in October, and will also become a platform for countries to convey the vision and message of the Indigenous Embassy. template. Since this is Your intention, You will gather all the indigenous and non-indigenous members of the body of Christ that You have called to participate, and You will also provide everything needed for this gathering, including co-workers, funds, travel arrangements, etc. . Please mobilize all things and accomplish all of this abundantly.

In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen!

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Pray For Church

Pray for Participating Churches and Pastrs on Regional 24/7 Prayer Walls

Editor’s Note: The 24/7 prayer walls listed here are especially for local churches and pastors. If you are committed to watch on the regional walls, simply click on the link listed below to connect to the local prayer wall. 】

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Related Events and Prayer Background

Editorial Special Section: Hank Kunneman: The Hour of Redemptive Intervention

Message: Hank Kunneman  Date: May 3, 2024  Source : Elijah’s List 

Intro: Check out this powerful and encouraging prophetic word by Pastor Hank Kunneman, given on April 7, 2024, where the Spirit of the Lord reminded us that this is not the time to give into fear and false rhetoric concerning God exacting judgment upon the nations. No, this is the hour where God has declared that He is releasing His Spirit to restrain the powers of darkness through supernatural preservation! The Lord of hosts is bringing preservation at this time that will bring His people, and the innocent who have been oppressed, into a season of deliverance and redemption!

As God deals with demonic principalities and wicked regimes who have aligned with the agenda of Hell, there will be disruptions and events that will seem to cause chaos. We must remember that as Believers we, too, have been given power and authority to stop demonic forces through our prayers. And as Paul talked about in Philippians 4:6–7, we must not worry but instead choose to pray concerning all things so that our hearts and minds will remain strong in the supernatural peace of God.

Continue to stand in faith and choose today to not be moved by what is happening in the natural, but put your trust in the Great I Am!

Things to watch:

  • Ruling regime in Iran
  • China
  • Shaking soil in Asia
  • America and those in political power
Prophetic word given by Pastor Hank Kunneman on April 7, 2024 (9:00 AM service at the Lord of Hosts Church, Omaha, NE):

Spirit of God, Bring Your Restraint!

Let the Spirit of God begin to move over the earth. The hovering of the Holy Spirit of God – hover over the earth, over America, over the cities of this great nation. (Photo via Flickr)

Spirit of God, bring a restraint against that which would seek to come to steal, to kill, to destroy… Restrain those who would desire through corrupt government to harm innocent people.

We pray, Spirit of God, for Your restraint against the Dragon, China; against Iran. And I pray that there would be an exposing of man’s hands that desire to get involved with redemptive signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars. We command all demonic portals to be closed, disrupted by the Spirit of God and the angelic hosts of Heaven. Disrupt, disrupt, disrupt, disrupt! Angels of the most high God, bring confusion, that they [will] turn on one another, and bring about a restraint.

Look Up! Your Redemption Draws Nigh!

“This is the time to look up, as I spoke to the disciples,” says your Lord, “when I declared to them that there would be signs in the earth, earthquakes and wars – the oceans and the seas would roar. There would be perplexity among the nations, and there would be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, I said. But then I said, look up, look up, look up! Look up, for your redemption draws nigh! I speak this to you who are in fear and troubled.” I say, “Look up to Me, for I am the one who created the sun, I am the one who created the moon, and I am the one who spreads out the stars, and I have a redemptive plan.

Who Do You Trust?

“So I ask you a question this day as you enter into next week and thereafter: What is your trust in? And who do you trust? But you say, ‘Lord, but do You not understand that there is chaos? There are disruptions and things planned by forces of darkness in the hands of men?’ But I remind you,” says the Lord, “when there was judgment upon the earth in the days of Noah, and yet there was an ark floating upon the waters of turmoil, and there was destruction all around in the earth. Yet it was My hand upon Noah, his family, and upon the ark. I remind you, who weathered the storm when the disciples were out in the midst of the sea and they thought they would die, and yet I came walking upon the sea? I entered into the boat, and I brought preservation, and I accelerated them to the place that I had called them to.

Preservation Will Prevail!

“I speak this because this is redemption. This is My Spirit that speaks to you in this hour. Who navigated Israel when they were entrapped upon the shore? It was I that brought deliverance. It was I that brought preservation. And so I say to you, there will be chaos in places, disruptions, and things that will cause some to say, ‘See? This is the judgment of God, America; you are finished.’ And you will not just see it, but you’ll see this in days that are ahead, and they will seek to stop the liberty that I will bring to this country to set you free. But I speak, and I remind you that preservation will prevail; redemptive intervention will prevail, and will preserve you. So do not be moved by things that will manifest by the hands of men and those who cooperate with forces of darkness.

“But the more you pray and exercise your delegated, legislative rights of My governing power, [the more] the hand of the enemy will be restrained and stopped,” says the Lord.

The Headship of Iran Will Be Cut Off and China Will Be Shaken

“Do not be moved by Iran, for they will raise their head, but they will be cut down, and the headship of their land shall be cut off.

“And, China, you shall breathe upon the earth disruption but for a season – short it shall be. I will disrupt you, and I will cause things to be greatly shaken. Pay attention. I speak even of the soil of Asia that will be a sign of what shall come, as the powers of the heavens will be greatly shaken, that My plan for this time to redeem, to show redemption of help and hope…

“For many will turn to Me in this time, and they will be awakened to truth. And I will rescue the children, but I will rescue the nations of the earth, for I am the King of glory. And it is My time to come in now. So open the gates and watch what I do to bring preservation in a time of darkness,” says the living God.

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Editorial Special Section: Veronika West: WATCH! FOR MAY IS A MARKED MONTH – War Drums Are Rising Over the Nations!

Message: Veronika West  Date: May 1-5, 2024   Source: Veronika West  Facebook


…Early hours of this morning I was woken to a loud Alarm Sound Ringing out in the Realm of the Spirit,..like an Alarm Sound you would hear at a Fire Station….and then I heard…”Mayday-Mayday-Mayday”…!



As I heard those words,…I saw a great and violent War raging in the heavens over the Nations,…a fierce Spiritual Confrontation with the Ruling Powers and Principalities of the Kingdom of Darkness,…I saw the Destiny of Nations being violently contended over,…I saw the next (3) Months are POWERFUL PIVOTAL PROPHETIC MONTHS OF GREAT WARFARE…then I Saw the (9th Month) AND I HEARD,..”A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE”…


…I then saw powerful demonic Assignments of the enemy that are going to  try to be fully implemented in the coming Month of May,. June and July that will have devastating repercussions,..if we as the Ecclesia do not Arise in the Power and Governmental Authority of the Key of the House of David and begin to Take Authority over every planned and orchestrated attack in the Coming days..!!

Note; On Saturday at the Hub during the Worship the Spirit of Revelation also highlighted the Month of July..(the (7)th Month) and Ezekiel 47…was brought to the fore..- As the Waters Rise so the Altars of Baal will Fall…!!

…There is a Clarion Call to Watch and Pray to Raise the Trumpet Sound in the Month of May and over the next (3) Months,…Let us Raise our Voices in True Repentance and Praise on behalf of this Nation Ireland… and Let Us Stand in the gap for all Nations in this pivotal prophetic Season,..

…Let Us Agree that as we Come together we will See the Demonic Tide of Destruction and Death turned and returned to its Sender..!!

Listen — War Drums Are Rising Over Nations”!

I hear The Spirit of Revelation saying, “Listen! Who will sound the sound of distinction and who will cry out and warn the people of the destruction that is coming suddenly, swiftly and without warning?

..Who will sound The Alarm to awaken the deep sleepers from their slumber?

Listen and Pay Attention!

For there is a Call to War! There is a Call to Roar! There is a Call to Soar!

For the Battle-lines have been drawn — and the Gauntlet has been thrown down!

I say, Watch — as My Righteous Remnant rises in the Strength and Power of My Righteous Right Arm to take it up and annihilate my enemies!

See! For My Anger has been stirred up — and My Fury burns hot and the simmering pot has now reached boiling point against The Nations that have sought to divide My Land and steal Ly Heritage!

Ha! For surely I tell you — I will become the enemy of my enemies — and severe Judgement shall be poured out through Floods and through Fires — and My Governing Hand shall come in The Whirlwind of My Seven Spirits to scatter and to gather up the spoils, and The Sword of The LORD shall fall upon The Nations, and the foundations shall shake and quake, and the ground beneath their feet shall crumble and give way to the waters of the sea!

I shall NOT be mocked!

For the darkness that covers them shall become darker still — and their eyes will be blinded and their feet shall stumble — and I will lead them into a pit of destruction and into the trap of their own making!

Listen! Fear not! For I AM in charge and will bring great Triumph out of great trouble and turmoil — and those who call upon My Name — and those who wait upon Me — shall never be confounded or put to shame!

..And those who put their trust in My Unfailing Love, shall be kept safe and secure in the coming days!


In a time of great Warring and contending for the Nation of Ireland in our last Hub…(IDH)….

…Suddenly I heard the Spirit Say,..”ONLY IN THE WOMB OF THE WAR ROOM WILL THE DESTINY OF NATIONS BE BIRTHED SAFELY”….And I felt the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord upon me concerning what is now being unleashed upon the Nations for the coming days,…



We have entered into serious and very sobering times…Nations are at a divine tipping point.

…The Spirit of God said to me recently,…

..”Revelation demands a Response”…; He entrusts us with more Revelation only when we have the Capacity to carry more,…and that greater capacity only comes in the Secret place. With Greater Revelation comes Weightier Accountability and Responsibility…the Prophets must become Presence Seekers not merely Pulpit Speakers wanting to be heard bringing the next big word of revelation.

…God is purifying His Prophets like never before. There is a Call to Rebuild and Restore the Broken down Altars and there is a Call to take up the Mantle of Priesthood once again.

..The Destiny of Nations is not determined in the halls of Earthly Governments but in the Corridors of the Legislation Realm of the Spirit…: All of Creation is groaning for the Sons to Arise and Shine..!!

…The Power and Authority of the Key of the House of David must be fully Activated and Implemented if we are going to see divine Reversals and the Restoration of Nations. Our heart Cry in this hour is for a Supernatural Turning and Returning to the Altars in True Repentance and for the Reformation of the Five-Fold to begin to take place..!!


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Editorial Special Section: Lana Vawser: Fire is Coming On Your Eyes, Purifying How You See

Message : Lana Vawser  Date: April 25, 2024    Source : Lana Vawser Facebook 

Recently, I heard the Lord say, ‘Fire is coming on your eyes. I must purify how you see,’ and I began to see the fire of God flowing powerfully through the body of Christ. As this holy fire began to flow, I could hear a deep groan in the atmosphere and it was the groan of the Lord’s heart, deeply groaning, calling His people to ‘come up higher’ and to see as He sees. I heard the Lord say, ‘Many are not seeing as I am seeing. They are seeing through the flesh and filters that MUST be removed in this hour, if My people are going to see as I see, receive divine intel and intercede.’ (Intel = ‘intelligence’: revelation, insight, wisdom, direction and strategy from God.)

I heard the Lord say, ‘My people must embrace and welcome My fire upon their eyes. There are many that are focusing and giving the affection and attention of their eyes to things of this world, to things of the earth, and allowing distraction to take their gaze — and it is hindering what they see.’ It’s time to embrace My fire upon your eyes. It is time to FOCUS AND PRAY like never before. It is time to surrender your sight to Me and allow Me to ALIGN and RE-ALIGN your sight to SEE as I see. For many are pushing in hard to remain in how they ‘see’ and ‘perceive’ things in these days, because their hearts do not want to surrender and let go and allow Me to have full control. The shaking and fire that is coming is going to only cause what is founded and grounded in Me to remain.

‘The hour is urgent and My eyes are roaming the earth looking for those who are walking in humility before Me and allow Me to correct their vision and to realign their hearts. For there is a great temptation to “assume and presume” in this hour and you must stay FAR from that place: FAR from the place of assumption and presumption by standing deeply surrendered to Me, deep in My Word and knowing Me. That I may school you in a greater way in My ways.

‘My eyes are roaming the earth and I am seeing many in My Bride who are unwilling to deal with offences and bitterness, hurts and wounding towards one another. I am calling you, My people, forgive as you have been forgiven. Let go of the offences, let go of the hurt and the pain and allow My Spirit to come in and bring healing and wholeness. It’s time to let go. I am your helper and I will empower you, but you must be willing to let go and forgive. It’s time to lay down the unforgiveness, the bitterness and the contempt. I am calling you My people, let go. Forgive and allow My Spirit to heal you, and love through you. Do not allow your inner worlds and your hearts to be places of disobedience and where deception can reign. I am calling you to let go and release, in obedience to My Word.

‘For in the coming days, it is going to be more important than ever before that My people see as I see. I am sounding an alarm in the Spirit. I am calling you, My people, deeper into the secret place to hear what I am speaking, deeper into a place of focus upon Me alone, and deeper into the place of intercession. It’s time to FOCUS AND PRAY like never before. Focus and pray! Focus and pray! You must rid your lives of all distractions and keep your eyes firmly focused upon Me. For in these days you need discernment and My wisdom in unprecedented ways: and I am releasing My discernment and wisdom to those who are seeking with pure, humble hearts. For much in these days much is not as it seems and My people MUST have eyes to see, to discern and to understand. (Proverbs 16:16)

‘In these days, My people, you must be crying out for discernment and understanding by My Spirit, from the place of deep humility before Me. Listen, My people, again, many things are not as they seem and it requires EYES TO SEE AS I SEE and to hear and receive My strategy and My direction. For in the coming days, you will see greater uncovering and unveiling as I reveal things going on behind the scenes, under the surface; and great discernment will be needed for direction, alignment, understanding and this divine intel given for targeted intercession, your protection and strengthening.’

The words then surrounded me strongly again:


I then began to hear a deep, deep cry as the Spirit of God continued to move through the body of Christ, and it was the cry of repentance. In the purifying fire upon eyes, there was a great revealing of areas where we have seen not as He sees. The atmosphere was full of the weighty presence of the Lord as this repentance came forth, and a DEEP groan came from the core of many that declared, ‘I MUST SEE AS YOU SEE! Only as you see, Lord. Only as you see, Lord. Take My eyes, use My eyes, and teach Me to SEE and PERCEIVE.’

And I saw those who are surrendering their sight — to allow this purifying fire of the Lord upon their eyes — receive SHARPENED laser focus, heavenly vision, and the Lord was increasing their discernment and divine intel in this hour. They began to walk in a greater realm of authority and power, as they had died to any type of seeing, except to see as HE sees.

I then heard the Lord say:

‘I am baptising you in strength and boldness, as you continue to surrender your sight and your life to Me. For there will be some of what I show you and release to you that will shift your alignments, cause you to walk a different path, lead you into uncharted territories, require you to arise and speak forth My Word when others around you may be afraid, cause you to go against the grain, cause you to arise, declare and pray in a whole new way. Intercessors — I am increasing the night watch in this hour, get ready to see further and deeper than you have seen before, and to receive a greater level of divine intel. Lean in and listen and I will give you instruction in intercession.

‘My people, the alarms are sounding in the Spirit. FOCUS AND PRAY! Cry out to perceive and for greater discernment and understanding. Boldness and strength will be needed for the days ahead and as I increase your divine sight and insight. In this urgent hour, there is an urgent call from My heart to FOCUS and listen.’

‘Yes, if you cry out for insight, And lift up your voice for understanding; If you seek skillful and godly wisdom as you would silver. And search for her as you would hidden treasures; Then you will understand the [reverent] fear of the Lord [that is, worshiping Him and regarding Him as truly awesome] And discover the knowledge of God. (Proverbs 2:3-5 AMP)

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Editorial Special Section: Nita Johnson: The Fire and the Fear of the Lord (Part 2)

Message: Nita Johnson   Date: June 17, 2022  Source: World for Christ Ministries

I want to finalize what I started in Part 1. I think it’s important that you have some bit of understanding of what the Lord is offering you. In these teachings, I am running along like a rock skipping over the water to share this with you. It is nothing deep just information so that you can understand, to the best of my ability, in such a short time, what the Lord is offering, willing to give, and bring you into the knowledge of His responsibility and your responsibility, so that if you receive what He wants to give you at the end of the meeting, you will have an idea of the difference it will make in your life.

We have many Scriptures in the Word of God that speak of the Fear of the Lord. Some of the Scriptures would speak of someone who was fairly new in the Lord and is learning to love Him. Some of the Scriptures would speak of someone who is a mature son or daughter of God, and what kind of inner reaction it would provoke between the believer in God. Some of the passages refer to someone who is in Union with Christ and even deeper things going on. Then, we have a cluster of Scriptures in Isaiah 11:2 (AKJV) the Seven Spirits of God. and the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord;  

Fear of the Lord

One of those seven Spirits is in fact the “Fear of the Lord”. It is my understanding in my walk with God that you may be visited by one Spirit or another during particular moments in your life, you may have some that accompany you day by day and may not know it, but to become possessed with the Spirits, the seven Spirits of God as Christ was, you need to walk in Union with Christ. They promote an entirely new person within and an entirely different relationship. 

A hunger for the Word of God

May I add one thing before I move on. As I shared with you in Part 1, I was very young in the Lord when He gave me the Fear of God through an impartation. This was not something I consciously tried to nurture. I did not know how to nurture it. I was too young in the Lord. Still, He gave me the amazing gift of the Spirit of the “Fear of the Lord”. When He did, what arose out of that experience was a new person. The transition was remarkable, as much as getting saved was. I would say getting saved had a dramatic effect, and I really did have kind of a Damascus experience like Paul. I did not ask for it. I was being as headstrong as anyone could be like Paul was when it happened. It was an extremely dramatic experience for me. A few months later I was baptized in the Holy Spirit. I felt an even greater growth and added to that growth was immediately such a hunger for the Word of God it was insatiable. I do not know how to explain it. There is nothing neither food nor drink, that I had ever hungered for like I did the Word of God. It was wonderfully incredible. 

It started in church on a Sunday morning. Our pastor, whom Ricci and I loved very much, preached his Sunday morning message. You could clock his messages at 45 minutes; not 45 minutes plus 30 seconds or 45 plus 50 seconds, no 45 minutes on the dot he preached. When he finished this particular Sunday morning in exactly 45 minutes as always, I started crying. I cried hysterically. My sister and a new member of the family, her husband said, “What is wrong? Why are you crying?” I replied, “He is done preaching?” Her husband said, “Yes, the message is over.” I said, “No, I cannot bear it. I am so hungry for the Word of God. He cannot be done. What am I going to do? And my sister, being so concerned about me, was so sweet. said, “Well just go home and read the Bible, Neet. I do not know what to tell you to do because he is done.” 

So that is what I did. I went home and read the Bible and cried and cried because of my hunger for the Word, and today, I still feel that way about the Word. I love the Word of God. Out of that hunger came the experience I wrote in Part 1 that was another dramatic change to my life. I immediately loved holiness more than I loved to breathe. I loved Christ more than I loved to breathe. If someone said the word holiness, Jesus, or Christ, I would just tremble. I would tremble for hours just hearing one of those three things only one time because of that experience. That went on for months. The Book of Isaiah speaks about the favor one has who trembles at God’s word. He put within me the Fear of God and the Fire of God, and those two things caused me to tremble before God over His Word; not to mention over my walk with Him. Again, I was dramatically changed. 

Is 66:2 (KJV) For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the Lord: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembles at My Word. 

The Fear of God is something so radically beautiful in the eyes of God it is not just because it promotes obedience. If you want to help rebellious teenagers get over their rebellion, pray them into a love for the Word. Pray them into a love for the Fear of God. The Fear of God will take care of their rebellion. I promise you. It is beautiful in the eyes of the Lord because the path you are placed on is a path of light and holiness. Holiness unto the Lord and a path of light; I am shaking inside right now because this is so beautiful. I just saw it in a vision. This path of light is beautiful because it was from light to light, grace to grace, and glory to glory. I see the ever-increasing revelation of God on this path. Having the Fear of God and the Fire of God puts you on this path. 

「Know about Him」vs 「KNOW Him」

It is a new path even for a Christian. It is a path of light, grace, illumination, revelation, and it carries you from glory to glory; ever increasing Glory. It is a path of illumination of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God’s Kingdom! As a Christian, we want that. We do not want just to know about God. He Himself does not want that kind of relationship with His children. He said I do not want you to know about Me, I want you to KNOW Me. Big difference! About Him is all head knowledge, but to KNOW Him is a deep and abiding experiential intimacy with God, Who is the Creator of all things. Huge difference! 

This is a bad equation at best, but it might be the best that we have on this side of Heaven. I would equate it to a woman and a man who meet and start getting to know about each other. They eventually decide to marry. When they marry, it is not long before the relationship changes because now they are not learning about one another, but they are coming into an intimate knowing of each other. 

It is the same thing God wants with His children. As I write, I do not know if He will help me to help you know about Him in this Fear of the Lord, but I sure am asking Him to make Himself known in that kind of relationship to those of you reading this and desire it. It is so different. Anyone can teach about the Fear of the Lord if they do some Bible study. If what you want is a good teaching, then most anyone can do that. I prefer not to stop there. We are not interested in knowing about God. We are interested in knowing Him personally and intimately. Knowing Him and knowing what it means to be in this kind of relationship with Him is a beautiful ongoing ever-increasing reality. 

John 17:3 (AMPC) 3 And this is eternal life: [it means] to know (to perceive, recognize, become acquainted with, and understand) You, the only true and real God, and [likewise] to know Him, Jesus [as the] Christ (the Anointed One, the Messiah), Whom You have sent. 

Walk with Him in the Fear of God

Let us move on. Deuteronomy 10:12, 13 (AKJV) tells us to walk with Him in the Fear of God. 

12 And now, Israel, what doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to fear the Lord thy God, to walk in all His ways, and to love Him, and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, 13 to keep the commandments of the Lord, and His statutes, which I command thee this day for thy good? Deuteronomy 6:1-6 (AKJV) introduces a life like that of walking in the Fire and the Fear of God. 

Now these are the commandments, the statutes, and the judgments, which the Lord your God commanded to teach you, that ye might do them in the land whither ye go to possess it: that thou mightest fear the Lord thy God, to keep all his statutes and his commandments, which I command thee, thou, and thy son, and thy son’s son, all the days of thy life; and that thy days may be prolonged. Hear therefore, O Israel, and observe to do it; that it may be well with thee, and that ye may increase mightily, as the Lord God of thy fathers hath promised thee, in the land that floweth with milk and honey.

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:  and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. [the word “might” actually means – will] 6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: 

Deuteronomy 11:8 (AKJV). When we walk in the Fear of God, He is able to make us strong enough to take the land of promise. 

Therefore shall ye keep all the commandments which I command you this day, that ye may be strong, and go in and possess the land, whither ye go to possess it; 

Without the Fear of God, many of the promises that He gives to His own people will probably never come to pass. Not because He did not want it, but because we are not strong enough to bear what He would have done if we do not have the Fear of the Lord. Again, this is not a mental nurturing. This is the impartation of the Fear of the Lord.

Fear God, Your Enemy will Fear You

Deuteronomy 11:25-28 (AKJV). If you fear God, your enemies will fear you. 25 There shall no man be able to stand before you: for the Lord your God shall lay the fear of you and the dread of you upon all the land that ye shall tread upon, as he hath said unto you. 26 Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse; 27 a blessing, if ye obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you this day: 28 and a curse, if ye will not obey the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside out of the way which I command you this day, to go after other gods, which ye have not known. 

What does that tell us about our Nation? If America would just repent, humble herself and repent as a Nation for the way she walks before God, our enemies would so fear this Nation that they would leave us alone. 

The passage I wrote in Part 1, Isaiah 57:15 (AKJV) God is a holy God. He dwells with those who have a contrite heart.

For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. 

Several years ago, Jesus allowed me to feel life without pride. It is a place of peace and love. Again, a few days ago, He spoke to me audibly, “I took you into contrition many times during prayer. In Union, there is a new level of contrition that you enter.” Still, there is a place in the depths of contrition where people can walk with absolutely no pride in their hearts. Is not that amazing? As I shared, He allowed me to experience that. 

You have this holiness of God that begets in us a contrite heart, and in this contrition, the Lord promises to dwell with us. He loves the contrite heart. He is a God Who inhabits eternity Isaiah said, but also the heart of the contrite. 

The Fear of God is the beginning of knowledge of God. It is also the beginning of wisdom and understanding. The Bible tells us that God will personally teach those that fear Him, Psalm 25:12. What man is he that feareth the Lord? him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose. 

For years He did this for me; He appeared to me here on this earth and pulled out passages of Scripture to teach me the Word or take me to Heaven to teach me the Word. Sometimes He took me to Israel to teach me things pertaining to Israel that are in the Word. If I went to Heaven, one of the things that would go with me is my Bible because He or an Angel that came to get me would take my Bible from me and open it to the passage and explain what I would learn on this trip. I am not speaking out of my own personal illumination of the Scriptures.

I promise you; you can love the Word with all of your heart and think that your personal illumination will give you the truth but be wrong. He is the One that wrote this Book. These are His words through His Prophets and Apostles. He knew what He meant when He wrote the Words through His agent. When He comes and teaches you the Scripture, there are times you can misunderstand something He has said. Nevertheless, I can pray and ask Him to clarify or help me better understand what He was saying when He said thus and so, and He will tell me if I will humble myself and ask. 

There is a place where Jesus will teach the disciple. When He teaches a disciple, He does exactly what Jesus did when He was here on this earth. He walks with them and teaches them as they are walking. That is how He teaches me. This comes with having the Fear of the Lord. During the intermittent times, His Spirit teaches me as He will any child of God. 

The Bible says in Psalm 25:14 that to those who Fear Him are given the secret of the Lord. The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant. 

Lastly, if you have the Fear of the Lord, you will dine with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It says that right in the Bible. 

Matt 8:11  I tell you, many will come from east and west, and will sit at table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven, 

I can promise you I have dined with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It is true what the Bible says. If you live and walk in the Fear and Fire of the Lord, you love His commandments. You love to obey Him even if it is very difficult to obey Him in a certain issue. You may fail a few times trying to learn how to obey this particular issue or that, but He will keep working with you if He knows your heart is true. 

When it is done, no one is happier that you learned the lesson of obedience than you and the Lord. You feel His joy over your perfection of obedience in that particular area, and it brings great joy to your own heart. The Fear of the Lord is to be highly prized, highly desired, but He is the One Who has to impart it. If you are trying to nurture and build the Fear of the Lord in your heart, you may do that, but that is different than what I am writing. When I finish, I will make another invitation to you to accept the Fear of the Lord from the Lord and the Fire of God from the Lord. 

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Editorial Special Section: [Voice of Fig] Torah Gleaning: The 30th Week of Holiness

Message: JennyLee Date: May 12, 2024   Audio:  [Voice of Fig] YouTube audio   

  • Scripture Progress: Leviticus 19:1-20:27
  • Companion Reading: Amos 9:7-15
  • New Testament: 1 Corinthians 6:9-20; 1 Peter 1:13-16
  • It’s time to get out of the wilderness. You’ve been there long enough. I’ll lead you in. Now I call you out. In the dry places, I deepen and grow your faith. Now you walk by the Spirit and not by sight. In a lonely place, I have stripped you. I remove anything and anyone that is holding you back from moving into and embracing the next season. In the Badlands, I implanted something new inside you.
  • In the beginning, it was just a tiny seed. But it keeps growing and gestating. My Words nourish you. My Spirit sustains you. My angels are watching over you. Now, it’s time to give Birth. The enemy tries to use this time to attack you. Makes you feel forgotten. Heavenly Father has abandoned you. You lose your zeal and you can never get it back. Your best days are behind you. You may even feel that your life is hopeless and meaningless.
  • Like Elijah, you get to a place where you say, I’ve had enough, I’ve had enough, I’m done. But I believe that the Spirit of the Lord will say: This is a new beginning, this is a new beginning, everything is changing, everything will be very different from now on. You’ll see with fresh eyes. You’ll hear more accurately. Your passion will make all the difference. Your talents will be reused in a new era. You will show the way forward for yourself and others. You will move forward with clarity and courage. I’ll give you the new key. Your words contain my authority. Speak, the heavens will open or close, you will bind and loose, I will support you. Speak your voice with confidence and choose your words carefully.
  • I have been healing from the wounds of betrayal and dishonor. I have been breaking through barrenness and rejection. I clothe you with beauty and bravery. I anoint you with new oil. I have positioned you so that you may prosper in the midst of famine. I’m providing you with solutions, download strategies. I align you with new tribes who will be with you in the next season. The delay is intentional. But now it’s done. My goal has been achieved. It’s time to move from wandering to establishing. From manna to milk and honey, from temporary residence to a more permanent place, from camping to conquest, from infertility to fertility.
  • Arise! The glory of the Lord is upon you. Arise! The earth awaits the revelation of the children of God. The fight against the giants has been defeated. A new cry will cause the walls to come crashing down . Occupy carves out a territory for you. Moving forward it is time to leave the land of limbo. Get out into the wilderness .

You’re going full circle

  • In the days ahead, you may find yourself facing circumstances and situations that you thought were from the past. You may reunite with people from your past. This feeling may be familiar. You may even find yourself frustrated because old emotions resurface or you feel like you’re regressing. Don’t worry, though – you’re only looking back so you can accelerate forward. God brings you back to square one because He wants you to finish some unfinished business. There are some things you just can’t stop doing. This may make you feel temporarily uncomfortable – but there is grace that brings significant healing and restoration. Any pain is for your betterment. Your situation may look similar. But you will find that you are no longer who you were before.
  • You grow, deepen, develop. Your actions and reactions will be different. You will be infused with new confidence and belief. Closed doors are opening. Missed chances and opportunities will resurface. Obstacles are being removed. You are coming full circle.

Highlights of the week

  • Holiness – God’s most important attribute
  • Land defiled – people spit out

Three Holiness Appeals

  • Leviticus 19:2 Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying: You must be holy, for I, the LORD your God, am holy.
  • Leviticus 20:7 Therefore sanctify yourselves and sanctify yourselves, for I am the LORD your God.
  • Leviticus 20:26 You shall be holy to me, for I, the LORD, am holy, and I have set you apart from all other peoples, that you may be my people.
  • Some would say this is an almost impossible task, and it is especially difficult because the Torah does not tell us the reasons behind these commandments, only the consequences of not obeying them.
  • This week a large number of commandments appear in the Torah. At first glance, one might mistakenly assume that this is nothing more than a jumble of laws thrown together almost randomly, without any discernible pattern or overall structure. But upon closer examination, one realizes that it is these seemingly unrelated commandments and laws that form the ladder on which one can ascend to the holiness required by God.
  • This long list of “dos and don’ts” covers every stage of human life. They involve personal behavior, the intimate relationships of marriage and child-rearing, business enterprises, and all kinds of interactions between people. In fact, we are commanded to be as holy in the marketplace as we are in church, and to be as holy in our ordinary working days as we are on the Day of Atonement.

I am the Lord your God

  • commandment to do something
  • command not to do something
  • Sin is not doing what we should do, but doing what we should not do. We often only admit that we have done what we should not do, but do not deal with the things we should do but did not do. ~Finney
  • The summary of this commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and to love your neighbor as yourself.
  • There is no need to ask why you obey, as long as it is the Father’s command

There are three perspectives on the application of Torah

  • The prophet cares about society and emphasizes justice – love emphasizes the relationship with God
  • Priests care about serving God and emphasize separation (holiness) – love for people who are created in the image of God (creation perspective)
  • Wisdom is concerned with happiness and emphasizes how to be blessed – it does not emphasize loving your neighbor as yourself.
  • This section of the Torah requires the people to be as holy as the priests and to be separate in their daily lives, breaking the dichotomy between sacred and secular. In the New Testament era, Peter mentioned that we are a royal priest, a holy nation, and God’s people. This is a truth passed down from generation to generation.
  • The law is written on the tablets of our hearts and abides in the Lord, and the Lord’s anointing will teach us.

Only God’s truth is the yardstick, don’t waver from side to side

  • Leviticus 19:3 Honor your father and mother, every one of you, and keep my Sabbaths. I am the LORD your God.
  • Leviticus 19:30 You shall keep my Sabbaths, and honor my sanctuary. I am Jehovah.
  • Separation of time, order in the family, worshiping God, and studying Torah lay the foundation on which you can obey the laws.

Sabbatical year – the season of redeeming the land

  • Leviticus 20:22 Therefore, you must keep all my statutes and regulations, so that the land where I bring you to live will not spit you out.
  • defile the land
  • Shed innocent blood/Breach of promise
  • Idolatry – practicing magic
  • Unfilial to parents
  • promiscuous
  • Oppressing neighbors and strangers
  • Unfair business practices (exorbitant deductions from wages and moving land boundaries)
  • Biased testimony (Do not favor the poor, nor look down on the powerful)

Second Month (Month of Lyre)

  • Numbers 1:1 In the second year after the Israelites came out of Egypt, on the first day of the second month, the LORD spoke to Moses in the Tent of Meeting in the wilderness of Sinai, saying:
  • Numbers 9:11 They shall keep the Passover on the fourteenth day of the second month at twilight. Eat unleavened bread and bitter herbs with the Passover lamb.
  • Numbers 10:11 In the second year of the second month, on the twentieth day of the month, the cloud went up from the tabernacle of the testimony.
  • Gathering the whole army, God gives people a second chance to cross over. This is the time to set off.
  • Leviticus 19:9 When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not cut off all the corners of your field, and you shall not glean what is left behind.
  • Leviticus 19:10 Thou shalt not pluck all the fruit of the vineyard, nor glean the fallen fruit of the vineyard; it shall be reserved for the poor and the stranger. I am the LORD your God.
If you want to learn about the “Fig School Land Redemption Series” courses, please complete the membership registration on the school website: https://jesus2.net/app/c/figHome. After completing the membership registration, please email to inquire about the relevant course content, Email Add: newglory7777@gmail.com. You can choose a suitable course and pay for it. I wish you can start a new cycle of life. If you are interested in supporting, you can send inquiries by mail: Email address: newglory7777@gmail.com

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Pray for America: Prayer for the National Day of Prayer

Editor’s Note: This article is excerpted from the prayer post of “Give Him 15 Minutes” 5/2 by prayer leader Dutch Sheets. We agree with the prayers released by the National Day of Prayer Committee and are reprinting them here for the reference of all intercessors.

【Current events background: This year’s theme of National Day of Prayer is “Lift Up the Word – Light Up the World.”  You can visit the National Day of Prayer website for information on how and what to pray. Join with others today and spend some quality time agreeing in prayer for America! Agreement is invaluable (Matthew 18:19). Therefore, in today’s post, I simply want to talk about praying for revival/awakening, in general.

I am pleased to see the stirring among Americans to stand against evil; millions of people are now working to make a difference. We need involvement from godly people in every area and at all levels of American life, and this is occurring. People are engaging in local and national government, education, media, entertainment, as well as many other areas – and this must continue.

However, as I regularly observe what is taking place in America, I am consistently reminded that without a true revival, a great awakening – call it what you will – these efforts won’t be enough. Evil and deception are now entrenched in America at such a thorough and deep level that human effort alone, regardless of how well it is done, won’t be enough to save and reform our nation. WE MUST HAVE REVIVAL.

Why do I say this? When people are truly born again – not a perfunctory prayer to stay out of hell, but genuinely saved – several things occur:

  • God writes His laws in their hearts; they have the mind of Christ (Romans 2:15; 1 Corinthians 2:16)
  • Their spirit comes alive (Romans 6:13; 2 Corinthians 4:16)
  • Holy Spirit takes up residence and speaks to them in their heart (1 Corinthians 3:16)
  • Their conscience is activated and influenced by Holy Spirit (Romans 1:15, 9:1)
  • They become children of light (versus walking in darkness) (Ephesians 5:8)
  • These and other changes awaken intuition and common sense (Hebrews 5:14)

Obviously, this is a simplified list; books could be written on all of these subjects. But I am pointing out that people begin to think differently when they are born again. They perceive things they could not previously see or understand, and their desires are transformed. These transformative changes will need to occur in millions of Americans in order to see the nation effectively transformed. A return of morality and other necessary changes cannot be forced; they must be desired.

When speaking of America being saved, I am always quick to point out the difference between revival and reformation. Don’t become confused by differing terminology. By revival or awakening, I am referring to Mark 16:15-20 on steroids: millions being delivered and born again. By reformation, I am referring to Matthew 28:18-20 on a grand scale, resulting in the discipling of a nation. Revival changes the heart; reformation changes the mind.

In the 60s and 70s America simultaneously experienced the Charismatic and Jesus People movements – true revivals. Millions came to Christ. Yet, we had no paradigm for discipling nations, according to Matthew 28. Frankly, the eschatology of most who were part of these movements would have prevented it even had the paradigm existed. There was such a preoccupation with Christ’s imminent return that most evangelicals didn’t see the need for impacting the cultural mountains of government, education, etc. The result? The church did Mark 16 – worked to get people saved; unbelievers did Matthew 28 – worked to disciple and reform the nation. Both succeeded. We experienced revival…and lost our nation.

We prepared people for heaven; they took over Earth. We planned to leave; they planned to stay. We taught our kids for an hour in Sunday School; they took over our schools and indoctrinated them 5 days a week, all day long. In short, we gave them America. From their positions of leadership, the progressives, liberals, Marxists, secularists, and humanists have had 50-60 years to embed their ideals, morals, and philosophies into our nation. And they have been successful. God has been rejected, and with Him went morality, self-control, the family unit, patriotism, and soundness of mind. We are led by fools, taught by Marxists and globalists, and controlled by evil.

In our day, as we become active in speaking out and becoming involved in attempting to reform America, let’s not make the opposite mistake of prioritizing that above revival. We must experience both. Revival precedes and empowers reformation; it is reformation’s forerunner, preparing the way for its fruit. Reformation codifies revival, multiplying and preserving its fruit.

Americans now need radical heart transformation to make possible radical brain transformation! Our actions won’t change until our minds change; our minds won’t change until our beliefs change; and our beliefs won’t change until our hearts change.

In Conclusion

God’s promises are conditional offers. I believe America will be saved – not just because God has promised this – but because He is receiving what is required of us. A remnant of believers is praying, which allows Him to deliver what He promised. As you pray today, continue declaring that America will repent, awaken, and experience revival, a great Holy Spirit outpouring. Through this, she will be saved…and reformed.

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Pray for America: Joel’s Army Prayer Points

Editor’s note: This article is the focus of the “World for Christ” ministry led by Nita Johnson in praying for the United States on May 12, for your reference and prayer.

  1. Pray for Justice – corruption exposed and cleaned up, Hammer of Justice, and Hurricane of justice restoring fear of the Lord.
  2. Pray for Media & Academia – exposure and extraction of NWO system. Russia youth occultism out. Academia-Biblically-based. Restoring heart of the Samuel generation to Truth – bold and confrontational.
  3. Pray for expansion of great awakening, revival among the youth. Healing of the fractured Ecclesia, unity and purity.
  4. Pray about Bloodletting – Abortion, Human Trafficking, Etc.
  5. Pray for Government/politics – against coup, purge of communism and traitors who’ve brought progressivism/communism in. Deep state agencies out. Rebirth of America and government (Trump/conservative admin, purification).
  6. Pray to strengthen and stabilize the economy in all aspects.
  7. Business (ringer washer Flag/weeping and sweeping/ rebirth worthy)
  8. Pray against Planned chaos- immigration/BLM antifa, election issues, food shortages/economy.
  9. Deep state- Military Industrial Complex (national/international) efforts- Nato /technology/corruption out
  10. International military efforts regarding Russia/Ukraine, Israel and the Middle East, China/Taiwan, and China/Russia infiltration/takeover of America.

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Pray for America: 24 Prayers for 24/7 Prayer Against Terror Attacks in America

Editor’s note: As prophet Chris Reeds mentioned in the message “As is Israel, so is the United States ,” many sleeper cells of terrorist organizations have infiltrated into the United States and established many camps. Like this terrorist attack coming from Israel’s southern border, they are also plotting attacks in the United States through people passing through our southern border. We need to pray, watch, listen, watch, and like the children of Issachar, know the times and seasons. The following prayers are from the 24 prayers in “Elijah’s List”,which was reposted from the prophet Charlie Shamp’s facebook. We encourage all intercessors to pray for the United States under the leadership of Holy Spirit.

          1. Heavenly Father, we come before You, seeking Your protection over America. In Psalm 91:4, You promise to cover us with Your feathers and provide refuge under Your wings. Shield our nation from all forms of terrorism and keep us safe from harm.
          2. Lord, we declare Your words from Isaiah 54:17, that no weapon formed against America shall prosper. May Your divine protection surround our borders, cities, and people, guarding us against any acts of terror.
          3. Gracious God, in Psalm 121:8, You promise to watch over our coming and going, both now and forevermore. We ask for Your constant vigilance and guidance, protecting us from any potential threats.
          4. Heavenly Father, we pray for wisdom and discernment for our leaders and law enforcement agencies. Grant them the knowledge and skills needed to prevent and respond effectively to any acts of terrorism.
          5. Lord, in Proverbs 21:31, we are reminded that victory belongs to You. We ask for Your intervention and divine intervention to thwart any plans of terrorism and bring peace to our nation.
          6. Almighty God, we lift up our military personnel, police officers, and first responders. Strengthen them and equip them with the necessary tools to safeguard our nation from any harm or danger.
          7. Heavenly Father, in Psalm 34:7, You promise that Your angel encamps around those who fear You. We ask for angelic protection over America, guarding us against any acts of terror.
          8. Lord, we pray for unity among our citizens, that we may stand together against terrorism and support one another in times of crisis. Help us to foster a community of love, peace, and understanding.
          9. Gracious God, we pray against any spirit of fear that may try to grip our nation. Replace fear with courage, faith, and resilience, knowing that You are our ultimate Protector.
          10. Heavenly Father, in Jeremiah 29:11, You declare that You have plans to prosper us and not to harm us. We trust in Your sovereignty and ask for Your protection over America’s future, shielding us from any terror attacks.
          11. Lord, we pray for the families and loved ones affected by past acts of terrorism. Comfort them, heal their wounds, and grant them peace that surpasses all understanding.
          12. Almighty God, in Psalm 125:2, You promise that those who trust in You are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken. We put our trust in You, believing that Your protection will prevail over any acts of terrorism.
          13. Heavenly Father, we pray for divine intervention to expose and dismantle any terrorist plots before they can be carried out. Foil their plans and protect innocent lives.
          14. Lord, we lift up our intelligence agencies, asking for wisdom and insight as they gather information to prevent acts of terrorism. Grant them success in their efforts to keep our nation safe.
          15. Gracious God, we ask for Your mercy and grace to fall upon those who may be influenced by extremist ideologies. Bring transformation and healing to their hearts, turning them away from violence and hatred.
          16. Heavenly Father, in Psalm 140:4, we pray that You would keep America safe from the hands of the wicked and protect us from those who plan to cause harm.
          17. Lord, we pray for a spirit of discernment among our citizens, that we may be alert to potential threats and report any suspicious activities to the authorities promptly.
          18. Almighty God, in Psalm 91:3, You promise to deliver us from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. We claim Your protection over America, safeguarding us from all forms of terrorism.
          19. Heavenly Father, we pray for peace to prevail in troubled regions around the world. Help us to work towards understanding and unity, so that terrorism may be eradicated from the root.
          20. Lord, we pray for the families who have lost loved ones to acts of terrorism. Surround them with Your love and comfort, healing their broken hearts and granting them strength.
          21. Gracious God, we pray for the safety of our transportation systems, airports, and public spaces. Protect them from any potential attacks and ensure the well-being of all who travel within our borders.
          22. Heavenly Father, in Psalm 46:1, You declare that You are our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. We lean on Your strength and ask for Your protection over America in times of crisis.
          23. Lord, we pray for the eradication of extremist ideologies that fuel acts of terrorism. Replace hatred and violence with love and understanding, bringing about lasting peace.
          24. Almighty God, we ask for Your guidance and protection over our educational institutions. Shield our schools and universities from any potential acts of terror, ensuring the safety of our students.

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Editor’s Note: This article comes from the “Give Him 15 Minutes” website of intercession leader Dutch Sheets , which provides a reference for intercessors from various states to pray for American waterways. May the Holy Spirit lead the intercessors to accomplish this critical task of restoring America.


Father, You have assigned us to pray for protection over America’s water supply, waterways, and dams. Your Word tells us that unless You keep or guard a city, the efforts of watchmen are in vain (Psalm 127:1). Therefore, we look to You for protection – You are our refuge, a very present help in times of trouble (Psalm46:1). When You are for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)? You save us from our enemies, men of bloodshed who do iniquity (Psalm 59:1-2). You are theCreator and Owner of the entire world – all of its inhabitants, as well as the seas and rivers. You are the King of glory, the Lord strong and mighty in battle, and the Lord of angel armies (Psalm 24:1,7,8,10). As a Master Workman, You set the boundaries for the seas and drew the tributaries of the earth (Proverbs 8:29-30), and still maintain ownership and authority over them.

We know, Father, that we always have access to Your throne of grace through Yeshua (John 14:13-14; Hebrews 4:16). However, in the dream, we were given coins referencing our authority for this specific assignment. They included the words “Official Pass,” the Cross engraved onto an arrowhead, and the U.S. seal. The blood of Jesus (the Cross) is our official pass, giving us authority to accomplish this assignment. Yet, it was engraved onto the arrowhead, which in Scripture pictures deliverance and victory (2 Kings 14:14-19) – our “deliverance” from evil is in the power and blood of Jesus. However, we believe You are also reminding us of the 300 arrowheads, 5 of which were buried in each state after being anointed with oil by First Nations believers. As our First Nations friends prayed over the oil, they were led to declare Isaiah 60, verse 18: “Violence will not be heard again in your land, nor devastation or destruction within your borders, but you will call your walls salvation, and your gates praise.” Our covenant with You, Lord, through the Cross, also joins us in covenant with our First Nations brothers and sisters. We believe You are cleansing America of past sins, healing her of broken covenants and relational wounds, and giving us a future filled with hope (Jeremiah 29:11). The coin reminds us of this.

To You, Lord, nothing is hidden; You reveal and expose secret plans and agendas (Matthew 10:26; Luke 8:17). We ask that any foreign or domestic plans to harm our dams, waterways, and water supply will be revealed and thwarted before they are carried out. Expose every plot to restrict our supply lines, hinder our power sources, or tamper in any way with our water supplies, dams, or waterways. Prevent the theft of weapons, extortion, and all that would assist terrorist activities. Frustrate the plans of the crafty to keep their plans from succeeding (Job 5:12), and create disunity and confusion among them (Judges 7:22).

Prevent those bent on doing evil from infiltrating critical positions of influence in our nation. Expose all corruption and confusion that would delay the rooting out of terrorism (Luke 12:2-3). Protect and give wisdom, discernment, and intelligence to all those involved in the search for terrorists: police departments, Homeland Security and their partners, the FBI, border agents, and guards at dams and waterway entrances. Open their eyes, direct their steps, and reveal the whereabouts of all those bent on doing evil. Weed out and expose any in positions of authority who may be involved in aiding or advancing terrorism from within. Protect us from cyber-attacks. Contend with those who contend with us (Isaiah 49:25), cause evil to “bow down

before the good, and the wicked at the gates of the righteous” (Proverbs 14:19). We ask that Holy Spirit would hover over the dams and waterways of our nation, just as He did the waters of the earth in Genesis 1:2, releasing life and blessing. Arise over us, God, and cause every enemy to be scattered (Psalm 68:1).


Father, we know that as Holy Spirit was hovering over the waters at creation, Jesus was declaring life-giving words (Genesis 1:3-25; John 1:1-3). As His Ekklesia, His representatives, we now declare and decree His Words over our water supply, waterways, and dams:

  • We decree that the powerful and majestic voice of the Lord thunders upon America’s waters, blessing them with peace (Psalm 29:3-4,11).
  • We declare peace and security within our nation’s walls; violence will no more be heard in our land, devastation or destruction within our borders; our walls are salvation and our gates praise (Psalm 122:7; Isaiah 60:18).
  • We declare that God is a wall of fire around our nation, and His glory is in our midst. He is our hiding place; we are protected from trouble because He surrounds us with songs of deliverance, and His angels encamp around
  • The Lord keeps us from harm by day and by night, watching over our coming and going from now and forever (Zechariah 2:5; Psalm 32:7; Psalm


  • We decree, by faith in God and His Word, that every dam, waterway, and water supply in [insert name of your state] and all of America is protected and shielded from evil. No evil plot planned or devised against them will succeed; every snare is broken. We will not fear, and terror will not come near us (Isaiah 54:14 AMP; Isaiah 54:17; Psalm 21:11; Psalm 124:7).
  • We decree Proverbs 21:22 (TPT) over America: “A warrior filled with wisdom ascends into the high place and releases regional breakthrough, bringing down the strongholds of the mighty.” Therefore, we decree the tearing down of every hidden stronghold of the enemy over America’s dams, waterways, and water supply and release breakthroughs in every region.
  • We declare Isaiah 58:11 over America, that she is a well-watered garden, whose waters do not fail.
  • Read and declare Psalm 91.



  1. In the dream, each state representative was given a hand-carved staff. In Old Testament times, men’s staffs were hand-carved with pictures representing their history and testimonies of God‘s faithfulness. We encourage intercessors in each state to use their state’s history, specifically the preamble to its constitution, in a prayer or decree.
  1. We also encourage intercessors to consider using the book The Prophetic Destiny of A Nation, praying and declaring God’s prophesied destiny over their individual state.
  1. We also want to point out that there are several nuclear silos for our military in the Northwest and Plains states, two parts of the nation especially highlighted in the dream. We encourage intercessors in these states to remember this as they pray. Holy Spirit will guide you as you do so.
  1. One of our team members wrote the following decree for the states through which the Mississippi River flows. However, the decree can be used not only for those states, but also could be easily adapted for any major river:

Lord we thank You for the main artery of the Mississippi River, called also the “Father of Waters” and “America’s River, running 2,350 miles through our nation from northern Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico. In the name of Jesus, we ask that angels protect everything regarding this river. We bind all attempts to obstruct the petroleum, agricultural, and other commercial items it carries. We decree that no destruction shall come to its flood control structures & pumping systems, and that no attempts at cyber disruption of refineries, chemical plants, or the computer networks that regulate the barges will succeed. We declare Ezekiel 32:14 that the waters of the Mississippi run deep and smooth like oil, that all along its banks is blessed, and all of its ports are prosperous.

In conclusion, Father, consider the threats against America and give Your people boldness to speak Your Word. Stretch out Your hand to heal our land and people, performing signs, wonders, and miracles, for Your glory (Acts 4:29). Breathe upon the intercessors with words, travail, groans, cries, songs and decrees to govern with Your power (Romans 8:26-27; Psalm 149). In Yeshua’s name, Amen.

Click HERE to read the GH15 post of Monday, 1/15/2024, which includes the

dream. Click HERE to view it on YouTube.

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Pray for Israel:  Peace for Jerusalem

Editor’s note: This article is excerpted from the March 15 prayer points of the Intercessor for Israel ministry.

】( Source: Israel Today, Peace Bridge. Israeli Intercessors )

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Pray for Israel: Urgent Prayer: Against “Magic Conference” in Southern Israel

【Background of current affairs: The following is an urgent prayer letter sent by our friend Rania Sayegh at the “Nazareth Prayer Hall”. She shared the current situation on the front line in Israel and the important lessons she received on the eve of Pentecost. . Rania encouraged everyone to join in fasting and praying before Pentecost (5/13-5/19) for the self-purification of life, as well as for the war in Israel and the recent evil activities that may be launched in the south.

We would like to thank everyone for praying for us and Israel during this difficult time. We know there is power in prayer!

We are sending this urgent letter because we would like to invite you to join us in prayer and fasting from May 13th to 19th to boycott an event called the Magic Conference . The event is scheduled to take place in southern Israel from May 16 to 18 , a few days before and after Pentecost .  It is going to be a conference, where professional witches and wizards will be teaching witchcraft and “real” magic, not just tricks, to the participants. It is very important for us to be standing together in prayer and fasting, that this event will not take place. This is really dangerous, as it will be opening a doorway of evil again here in the land, so we need to cover the land in prayer. Let us pray that the Lord will stop them, that the event will be prevented from taking place in the south, and that they will be coming to bring healing instead of a curse upon the land. 

This last week, after having warned the Gazans in Rafah days earlier through flyers asking them to evacuate the area as soon as possible, the IDF has finally begun the long-planned ground operation in Rafah, the last stronghold of Hamas. In the first place, the operation in Rafah has been limited, but we believe it will be expanded soon. In order for Israel to reach its goal of exterminating Hamas as a terror organization, and releasing our hostages, we know we have no other choice than to enter Rafah, as this is where most of the internal Hamas leaders are hiding, and many of the remaining 132 hostages are believed to be kept. Though President Biden declared in the beginning of the war that Israel would always have the back of the USA, he has unfortunately chosen to abandon Israel now at this critical point of time. Not only has the Biden administration shown its clear opposition to Israel’s decision to enter Rafah in order to finish off Hamas, but they are even refusing to supply Israel with the weapons necessary for the operation.

Besides the war against Hamas in Gaza, the whole country continues to be on high alert especially in the north, where many rockets are being fired daily from Hezbollah in Lebanon over Northern Israel. Here at HOPE, we continue pressing in daily through prayer and worship for God’s protection over the northern gate of Israel. 

On the 20th of this month, I will be traveling for two weeks to Sweden and Norway. I will be part of a conference in Norway, and part of a retreat in Sweden. We have also begun praying and preparing for the upcoming Arab Deborahs Arising Conference, which will be taking place in September. (For more info, see below).

Finally, we would like to invite you to partner with us in this unique opportunity to sow into our Passover campaign, which will be used toward our prayer seminars, women and youth prayer gatherings in the House of Prayer for the next year. Our goal is to raise $20,000 within the next few months. To partner with our growing ministry, you can do so here or see the financial information for tax deductible options at the end of this newsletter. We value you and your partnership as it propels forward with strength in all that the Lord has for us and our people in this strategic season! 

Thank you for sowing a seed into Nazareth! We are grateful for you standing with us, as we contend for God’s promises for Israel and the nations!

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Praying for Israel: Prayer Guide Against Anti-Semitism 

Editor’s note : This article was published in Prayer for America and was adapted from the electronic publication of Rabbi Jonathan Bernis’s Jewish Voice ministry (March 6, 2015) , for the reference of all intercessors .

The atrocities committed by Hamas and various terrorist allies against the nation of Israel on Oct. 7 seem to be a plumb line or water shed event on the earth, with nations dividing for or against the nation of Israel (see Joel 3:1–2). Former allies have become enemies in the public square. Since that day, the number of pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel/antisemitic events worldwide has increased dramatically. The spirit of Antichrist manifesting as the spirit of Amalek (see Exodus 17:8–16) is coming unmasked.

Antisemitism is a spiritual condition — a manifestation of the spirit of Amalek and Antichrist through people and organizations. It is in fact hatred of Jesus, the Jewish Messiah. How can we pray as followers of Messiah and as supporters of Israel and the Jewish people?

To begin, ask Holy Spirit to search your own heart and repent of any known antisemitism in you or your generational line. This would include prejudices, antisemitic jokes, and off-color remarks. Then stand in the gap and repent of any known antisemitic acts that occurred in your city, state, or nation. These unrepented sins open the door for the spirit of Antichrist and Amalek to have a foothold in your city, state, and even in your home and family. Repenting and being filled with His truth will protect and arm you for battle as you pray against antisemitism.

  1. Protection: Pray for the protection of Jewish people worldwide and especially for the nation of Israel. Pray for the Israel Defense Forces as they seek to eradicate the presence and power base of Hamas in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria (misleadingly called the West Bank), and throughout Israel (see Psalm 121:1; 122:6–9).
  2. Plans and Plots: Pray that all campaigns, plans, threats, or strategies against the Jewish people worldwide and in the land of Israel — whether at the hands of individuals, groups, or nations — are prevented or exposed before they can cause harm (see Psalm 83:1–8; 35; 20:6–9).
  3. Truth: Pray for a halt to the spread of lies and prejudices that fuel antisemitism. Pray that the true biblical history of Israel, its irrevocable covenant that includes the land, and the accurate history of so-called “Palestinians” will be reported and taught. This requires that the blindness would be lifted off those who believe and perpetuate these false ideologies. Lies must be replaced by truth, and that requires a revelation to the mind and heart. Remember that truth is a Person! (see 2 Thessalonians 2:10; Colossians 3:9).
  4. The Media: Pray for correction of media bias, where the supposed “crimes” of Israel are exaggerated, overreported, and emphasized, while similar activities by other nations and groups receive little or no notice or censure. Ask God to create an earnest search for truth in reporting, and that it would replace prejudice, lies, and sensationalism. Bind the prince of the power of the air, who is Satan, the father of lies. Release the Spirit of Truth, who convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. And encourage your heart with all the testimonies of terrorists coming to Christ! (see John 8:32,44; 16:8–11; Ephesians 2:2).
  5. Culpability of the Church: Replacement theology and unbiblical understanding of Israel’s role in redemption has been around for hundreds of years. The belief that Israel’s redemptive purpose is over, or that Israel has lost favor with God and has been replaced by the Church, is firmly embedded in many parts of the body of Christ and is taught in seminaries and bible colleges. This erodes biblical support for Israel and earnest prayer for Jewish people to be saved. Pray for a hunger in church leaders to know God’s perspective on Israel and the Jewish people from His Word alone. Pray for God’s heart for Israel and the Jewish people to be clearly articulated by pastors, Bible scholars, and seminaries. May the Lord shift entire denominations toward truth and create a worldwide wave of passionate advocates and protectors who are willing to stand against antisemitism in all forms and lay down their lives, like Ruth, for God’s chosen people (see Ruth 1:16–18; Romans 11).
  6. Justice Movements: Some compassion and justice movements misguidedly see Israel as the malevolent actor in every encounter and see the Palestinians exclusively as down-trodden victims. This viewpoint is prevalent even among several Christian groups lured by persuasive and emotional rhetoric and an unbiblical definition of justice. God’s justice is always paired with righteousness and truth (see Psalm 89:14; 33:5). The UN perpetuates this evil doctrine and its proclamations are eagerly taken up and parroted by media and politicians worldwide. Pray that a balanced view of God’s heart and a correct theology will change those who earnestly desire to do the right thing by shifting them away from trendy philosophies and movements toward righteous thoughts and deeds that reflect God’s commands. Declare Psalm 33:10–11: The Lord frustrates the plans of the nations and thwarts all their schemes. But the Lord’s plans stand firm forever; His intentions can never be shaken.
  7. College and University Campuses: The types of movements mentioned above, many of which blatantly promote anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian sentiment, are the norm on most college and university campuses. An entire nation and people group are being wrongly judged by a repeated ideology rooted in antisemitism and lies. The Free Palestine movement is one example. On many college campuses, this group is allowed freedom of speech, while Jewish groups are disallowed or shut down. This breeds and perpetuates antisemitic thinking under the guise of justice. Pray that young adults and those they look to as they develop their worldview will not be swept up into views that are “trending,” but will instead seek and take a stand for truth as it is found in God’s Word. It is a fearsome prospect that these individuals may end up cursing God and falling under His judgment (see John 8:31–32; 14:6; 17:17).
  8. Groups and Dogmas: Traditional antisemitic groups are emerging again, in new “packaging.” One example would be neo-Nazism. Of course, an even more dangerous global threat is radical Islam, which is targeting Jewish people around the world out of pure hatred and religious furor. They have a very specific agenda, and we must be in prayer against it!  They say: “First the Saturday people; then the Sunday people” (Jerusalem World News). This refers to their plan to forcefully convert or eliminate first the Jewish people and then the Christians. The Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad terrorist groups call Israel the “Little Satan” and the United States the “Big Satan.” Their rallying cry is: “From the River to the Sea, Palestine shall be free!” — which is calling for the eradication of Israel and all Jewish inhabitants in the land of Israel from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. Pray that these groups will lose members and momentum. We as the Body of Messiah must not be asleep, but rather vigilant in prayer, as we are commanded to be in Scripture, for both Israel and our own nations (see Isaiah 62:6–8).

God’s Heart: In Jeremiah 32:37–41, God reveals His long-term plan for His chosen people, the Jews. His plan is to regather them from all the nations to which they’ve been scattered and to cleanse them of their sin. They will be His people, and He will be their God. This is the only place in Scripture where He determines to act with all of His heart and all of His soul. He says elsewhere that He will send first fishers and then hunters (see Jeremiah 16:16). This is a difficult Bible passage for our flesh, but God’s ways are not our ways, and neither are His thoughts our thoughts (see Isaiah 55:9). God will do all He must to bring His people home. Antisemitism may well be one of the goads He uses to awaken Jewish people worldwide to their need to obey His command and be regathered to the land of Israel. While we stand against this wicked manifestation of Antichrist and pledge our support — even unto death, if necessary — of the Jewish people worldwide, we do not want to be praying against God’s will. Let us pray that His will and His ways would be effective, that not so much as a single Jewish person would perish (see Amos 9:9–10), and that all Israel would be saved (see Romans 11:26)!

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Critical Event: Prayer Guide for “The Lord’s Word Over the Nations”

Editor’s Note : This article is a prayer guide for the Lord’s words to the nations translated by God’s Kingdom Resources . This was released on May 1 by Cindy Jacobi on behalf of the Council of Prophetic Apostolic Elders. This prayer guide is in response to the Lord’s words to the nations previously released by the Prophetic Apostolic Elders Council (represented by Cindy Jacob), and will launch a seven-day global prayer campaign starting on Monday , May 6 ( details Please click here ), a prayer guide to help you pray. The following is the content of the prayer guide:

【Introduction to Prayer Guide】 The first day – the day of repentance
Day Two – A Call to Collective Repentance: The Sins of the Church Day 3 – A Call to Collective Repentance: National Sins
Day 4 – Corporate prayer for the sin of hostility to the Jews/anti-Semitism Day 5 – Pray for the University Campus
【Day 6 – Pray for Global Alliance】 Day 7 – National Revival and Spiritual Awakening
【Action Plan】

Introduction to the Prayer Guide

When Paul the Apostle wrote to young Timothy, he said, “But know this, that in the last days, grievous times shall come” (2 Timothy 3:1 ASV). 

It doesn’t take a prophet to realize that our nation and the nations of the earth are in serious trouble. There are raging wars and threats of even greater worldwide conflict. Plus, economic instability, riots, and protests are all off the charts. Now, we are experiencing the re-emergence of antisemitism propagated by ill-advised university students calling for a socialist revolution, which is unbelievably misguided, tragic, and demonic. From a historical standpoint, this hearkens back to the rise of the Nazi regime in Germany, the rise of the communist revolution, and even the violent Islamic takeover of nations across Asia.

Today’s prophetic voice is God’s way of crying out and waking us up. He warns because He is a God of mercy.

In his time, the prophet Jeremiah’s heart-broken lament was:

“Oh, that my head were waters, and my eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people” (Jeremiah 9:1 NKJV)!

What can we do? The same! God will hear the heart of the broken and contrite. It is time to bow our knees in prayer, change our hearts, and return to our merciful and mighty God who will turn our brokenness into rejoicing.

We are at a critical tipping point. We must join together in crying out for God’s mercy through our brokenness. I implore you to call out to our Father, not just one time, but until we see His Hand turn this evil around and restore us to His mighty purpose.

This prayer guide is designed to provide a framework for interceding effectively and strategically for the dire issues outlined in the “Word of the Lord for Nations”, released by Cindy Jacobs and the Apostolic Council for Prophetic Elders (ACPE) on April 25, 2024. Drawing inspiration from the Scriptures and guided by the leading of the Holy Spirit, we will delve into specific areas of concern, repentance, and petition. We will address both personal and corporate sin, seeking forgiveness, healing, and transformation for ourselves, our families, university campuses, communities, and our nations.

Day 1 – Day of Repentance

“… ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand’” (Matthew 3:2 NKJV)!

Whenever God calls us to pray over a severe issue, like this one, that could cause the dissolution of our freedoms as we know them, The Almighty requires us to start with personal inspection, cleansing, and repentance; He requires a solemn alteration of heart and mind.

To fear the LORD is to hate evil. The LORD hates pride, arrogance, evil behavior, and twisted speech (Proverbs 8:13).

The Spirit of the LORD speaking through Peter made it clear that a change of heart, repentance, begins first in us, His Church. We are His household; it will start with us!

“For the time has come for judgment, and it must begin with God’s household. And if judgment begins with us, what terrible fate awaits those who have never obeyed God’s Good News” (I Peter 4:17 NLT)?

We must return to the fear, respect, and awe of God in every area of our lives. We must return to holiness, standing apart from the perversion of this world, to stand before the Holy One of Israel in our petitions! We must cry out the same way King David did as he wrote, 

“Search me [thoroughly], O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts, and see if there is any wicked or hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way” (Psalms 139:23-24 AMPL). 

Cleansing from Unforgiveness:

  • “Forgive us the wrongs we have done, as we forgive the wrongs that others have done to us” (Matthew 6:12 GNT).

    Allow the Holy Spirit to bring to your mind those you need to forgive and those who have wronged you. Ask for the conviction of the Lord to rise in you over any unforgiveness. We know that if we harbor sin in our hearts, God will not hear us!
  • Watch over each other to make sure that no one misses the revelation of God’s grace. And make sure no one lives with a root of bitterness sprouting within them which will only cause trouble and poison the hearts of many” (Hebrews 12:15 TPT).

    Bitterness can develop from long-standing unforgiveness. The result is often doubt and unbelief. Let the Lord show you if anger or resentful feelings toward a person or situation have created bitterness in your soul. Cry out to the Lord to give you the courage to forgive and release that one, plucking this crippling sin out at the root, restoring hope and passion for intercession.
  • Remember, the Lord is not asking you to stay in an abusive situation, but He is asking you to let go of resentment. Then, ask the Lord to touch your wounded heart and heal that place in your life. Ask Your Heavenly Father to direct you to the next step in your healing.


Our Personal Prayer:

  • Merciful Father, search me and show me where I have fallen into compromise, disobedience, and become misled. Reveal all sins that have led me down the wrong path. Show me where I have ignored Your Word, that I may return.
  • Have mercy on me, O God, because of your unfailing love. Because of your great compassion, blot out the stain of my sins.  Wash me clean from my guilt.  Purify me from my sin. For I recognize my rebellion; it haunts me day and night (Psalm 51:1-3; NLT).
  • Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me. Do not banish me from your presence, and don’t take your Holy Spirit from me (Psalms 51:1-3, 10-11 NLT). [Take a minute to talk with the Lord about any specific personal sin.] Thank you, Lord, for the cleansing blood of Jesus which has washed me clean today. Amen.

Day 2 – A Call for Corporate Repentance: The Sins of the Church

The next step is to come together in corporate repentance for the sins of the Church and the sins of the nation. Individuals, of course, can pray the prayers in these sections, however, the power of agreement with others brings results. Assemble a gathering for prayer at your church, work, school, or even a Zoom call with others.

We will begin by repenting for the household of God.

We read earlier that Judgment begins at home with His family (I Peter 4:17). His Church is the household of the Redeemed. Let’s begin here by repenting for the Church, of which we are all members, and therefore take responsibility for her sins.

It is important to note that we cannot address unholy acts of violence and sins of disunity and division among the nations when we ourselves are guilty of the same sin. 

Corporately, we, God’s people, as His Church, need to come together and cry out for mercy and forgiveness, returning to the true worship of God in Spirit and truth. It’s time to call for a solemn assembly and return to the Lord in humility and brokenness (Joel 1:14, 2:15).

Let’s pray these prayers in unity together for the Body of Christ:

Unity and Reconciliation Among Believers

  • Holy God, forgive us for competition and division within Your Church. We pray for a spirit of unity and reconciliation among believers across denominational, racial, cultural, and generational lines, repenting of divisions, factions, and sectarianism within the body of Christ.
  • Oh Lord, break down walls of division and mistrust, fostering a spirit of love, humility, and mutual respect among Your people.

Commitment to Holiness and Discipleship

  • Lord, we pray for a renewed commitment to holiness and discipleship within the church. We repent of compromise, worldliness, and lukewarmness in our pursuit of You, God, and Your kingdom.
  • We ask You to raise up leaders and mentors who will disciple and equip believers to grow in maturity, faithfulness, and obedience to Christ.
  • God of Mercy, forgive us, Your Ekklesia, those called out by You, for becoming lukewarm and abandoning our first love. We have been distracted and have run after and pursued other loves.
  • We have too often focused our worship on ourselves rather than giving You all the glory and honor, which You so deserve.  Forgive us, Lord.

Empowerment for Ministry and Mission

  • Many times, we have faithfully prayed, but have we not done all we can to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and destroy the works of the evil one (1 John 3:8). God forgive us.
  • Mighty God, we pray for empowerment for ministry and mission, repenting of complacency, apathy, and self-centeredness in our service to God and others.
  • Forgive us for becoming complacent in taking the Good News to our co-workers, schoolmates, friends, and neighbors. God, anoint Your people with boldness, wisdom, and compassion to proclaim the gospel, make disciples, and demonstrate the love of Christ in word and deed (Mark 16:15).
  • Forgive us, Your Church, for having a form of godliness but neglecting the power of God to save, heal, and set the captives free (2 Timothy 3:5).

Renewal of Passion for Prayer and Intercession

  • Heavenly Father, we pray for a renewal of passion for prayer and intercession in the Church, repenting of prayerlessness, distraction, neglect of spiritual warfare, and communion with God.
  • We ask You, Lord, to stir our hearts with a burden for the lost, the suffering, and the nations, mobilizing Your people to pray fervently and persistently for Your kingdom’s purposes to be fulfilled on earth. In the Name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Day 3 – A Call for Corporate Repentance: The Sins of the Nation

God is merciful, but when a nation’s walls are down through the sins of her people, that nation is vulnerable to the takeover by hostile nations and their ungodly ideologies (Deuteronomy 28:49).

God is looking for a Church without spot or wrinkle to stand in the gap for our nations.

“So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one” (Ezekiel 22:30 NKJV).

We need multitudes to come to Jesus and see our land healed.

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (II Chronicles 7:14 NKJV).

The Lord of Hosts is the only army that can destroy the enemies of His people (Romans 13:1-7). When we stand with Him, He fights for us.

You will be secure under a government that is just and fair. Your enemies will stay far away. You will live in peace, and terror will not come near. If any nation comes to fight you, it is not because I sent them. Whoever attacks you will go down in defeat” (Isaiah 54:14-15).

As Daniel cried for his nation of Israel, let us come together and pray as one voice for our nation:

Lord Almighty, You are Great and Awesome; You keep Your covenant of love with those who love You and keep Your Word. But we and our leaders have sinned and done wrong. We and the people of our nation have been unfaithful and turned away from Your truth; we have become rebellious, refusing to obey You.

Now all this disaster has come on us because we have not sought the favor of the Lord our God by turning from our sins and giving attention to Your truth. Our sins and iniquities have made us an object of scorn to all those around us. But You, Lord our God, are forgiving. You, O God, are righteous and good in everything You do.

Have mercy, Lord. Look with favor upon us once again and heal our desolation. We do not make requests of You because we are without fault, but because of Your great mercy. Lord, forgive me and the people of my nation! Now, Gracious Father, hear our prayers. Mighty God, do not delay because our nation and Your people need Your help and deliverance. Christ, have Mercy! Lord, have mercy. Come forgive our sins and heal our land. In the priceless Name of Jesus.

It is my heart that the Lord would supernaturally move upon us to travail and weep before Him for the sins of our nation. Tears are often a sign of true brokenness and repentance. An acceptable sacrifice to God is a broken spirit. He will not reject a broken and repentant heart (Psalm 51:17 NLT).

Ask God to break your heart over the sins overtaking your nation, such as: Repentance for Idolatry and Materialism

  • Lord, we have made comfort and pleasure more important than walking right before You. We ask Your forgiveness for the widespread idolatry we have made from materialism that permeates our nation throughout society, leading many of us to prioritize wealth, and worldly pursuits.
  • Lord, we have committed wickedness before You by shedding innocent blood and becoming complicit and compromised. We have sought our comfort and not Your heart.

“Tell the city what I, the Sovereign LORD, am saying: Because you have murdered so many of your people (children) and have defiled yourself by worshiping idols, your time is coming. You are guilty of those murders and are defiled by the idols you made, and so your day is coming; your time is up! That is why I have let the nations make fun of you and all the countries sneer at you” (Ezekiel 22:3-4 NLT).

It is time NOW to take seriously this WORD of the LORD. As it was valid for Jerusalem…it is true for us. We must return in repentance to the Lord of mercy and truth.

Repentance for Killing Babies in the Womb

  • Lord, You hate “A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood” (Proverbs 6:17 NKJV).
  • Merciful Father, we have committed that which You hate through the murder of unborn babies. We have allowed evil by not speaking up for the child in the womb. We have allowed unspeakable evil to overtake our children. Have mercy upon us and give us the courage and wisdom to stop the bloodshed. Forgive us, Lord, and heal our land.
  • Father God, renew our hearts and give us boldness to stand with You to protect life from conception to natural death.
  • Lord, give us wisdom to elect leaders who will advocate for the rights and protection of the unborn and the most vulnerable in society.

Trafficking of Women and Children

  • Oh God, enslavement is rampant across the nations of the world. It’s time to cry out for the women, young men, and children who are bought and sold, then discarded, for the pleasure of vile men. So Father God, we cry out to expose and end the sex trafficking of women and children in our cities and nation. Bring an end to pornography and sexual perversion that permeates our media, entertainment, and internet. 
  • Forgive me for my complacency by turning my head rather than speaking up and making a stand against this plague. Bring conviction and healing to lost and broken hearts.
  • Bring justice forward by addressing the systemic harm and inequalities this sickness brings in areas of education, healthcare, entertainment, and employment.

Restoration of Moral Integrity and Family Values

  • Lord, we ask You to empower us and our children to restore moral integrity and family values into our culture. We repent for neglecting and contributing to the erosion of Your godly values and normalizing immorality, promiscuity, and generational brokenness.
  • Forgive us for the degradation of marriage and family, and for abdicating our children’s education to ungodly teachers and school boards.
  • Holy God, please strengthen marriage and family, empower parents to raise children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, and instill biblical values of love, respect, and responsibility. Lord, we ask all these things in the merciful Name of Jesus, our Lord. Amen.

Day 4 – Corporate Prayer for Sins Against the Jews/Antisemitism

We know that God chose a people out of all the nations of the earth for Himself. He calls this unique people His beloved nation, Israel (meaning “The One Who Prevails with God”), and from the tribe of Judah (meaning “Praised One”). As we know, Jesus, the Savior of the world, was born of this very tribe and nation.

The misguided idea of replacement theology is rampant in some churches and nations. Replacement theology says that the Jewish people are not unique to God anymore because they have been “replaced” by the Church.   

But the Bible tells us that the nation of Israel will endure for all generations (Jeremiah 32:35-36 GWT).  “And I will dwell among the children of Israel and will not forsake my people Israel” (1 Kings 6:13) 

All the people of the earth are to bless God’s beloved Israel and pray for the peace of God to come upon that nation. The Bible tells us that those who bless Israel will be blessed.

I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in You all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Genesis 12:2-3 NKJV).

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: ‘May they prosper who love you’” (Psalm 122:6 NKJV).

Throughout history, the Jewish people have been hated for their special place as God’s chosen people. Plots to annihilate them have risen throughout the ages. We are called to pray blessings upon them, asking the God of Israel to open their eyes to see and their hearts to receive His redemption through their Messiah Jesus. We are called to stand in the gap in prayer for Israel as the spirit of anti-Semitism is rising among the nations once again.

According to Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Spirit of Amalek is the principality that is coming against Israel. We see this is the same spirit that Saul was supposed to deal with. Because he did not, it grew until it manifested through Haman the Agagite, who was a descendant of Agag, the King of the Amalekites.

Prayer for Israel and against antisemitism:

  • Father God, have mercy on our nation and people who have held antisemitism and anti-Jewish ideas and hatred in their hearts. Remove the veil from their eyes and break the spirit of deception off them.
  • Father, forgive us for every word we have spoken that brings curses, not blessings to Your people, Israel, and heal their land.
  • We pray for the protection of Israel, and we ask You to open the eyes of the Jewish people to their Messiah, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
  • We pray for victory and triumph for Israel against all forms of hostility and opposition, both on university campuses and in the broader global context.
  • Deliver Israel from those empowered by the spirit of Amalek that has pursued Israel historically and is manifesting against them now. Thank you, Lord for freedom once and for all from this historic spiritual enemy.
  • We declare Your promises of protection and blessing over Israel, trusting in Your faithfulness to fulfill Your Word and defend Your chosen people. We pray these things in the eternal Name of Jesus. Amen.

Day 5 – Prayer for University Campuses

 It is no secret that while we have been sleeping our universities have been taken over by other anti-Christ ideologies. The generations are literally rebelling against Israel and the Jewish people. We are aware that no nation is perfect, but violence against the Jewish people must not be tolerated.

Pray against antisemitism on our college campuses: Forgiveness for Hatred of the Jewish People

  • Father, we stand in the gap for our universities and university students. Father, forgive their hatred and animosity towards the Jewish people!
  • We hear in their chants those who want to utterly destroy Israel and the Jewish people when they cry, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” This is the call for the genocide of Israel and the Jews.
  • Father, we now repent for the defilement of our streets and universities through that death chant. Cover this sin with Your precious blood, and forgive the student protestors who, knowingly or unknowingly, are making this decree.
  • Father, we declare the Spirit of Amalek illegal on our college campuses and in our cities, in Jesus’ Name.


Protection for Jewish Students and Allies

  • We pray for the safety and protection of Jewish students and faculty and those who support Israel amidst the tensions and hostility on campus.
  • Oh Lord, surround them with Your angels and grant them wisdom and discernment in their interactions.

Divine Intervention

  • We pray for divine intervention to disrupt and dismantle the anti-Israel protest encampments, bringing an end to their influence and activities on campus.
  • Lord, reveal Your truth and righteousness, causing confusion and division among those who seek to promote hatred against Israel.

Hearts Opened to Understanding

  • Heavenly Father, we pray for the hearts of those participating in the anti-Israel protests to be opened to understanding and empathy.
  • God, soften their hearts and grant them revelation of the truth about Israel and the Jewish people, dispelling misconceptions and prejudices.

Peace and Reconciliation

  • We pray for Your peace and reconciliation to prevail on university campuses, replacing hostility and division with understanding and respect.
  • We ask You God to raise up peacemakers who will bridge the gap between opposing groups, and foster dialogue and reconciliation.

Wisdom for University Leadership

  • Lord, we pray for wisdom and discernment for university administrators and leaders as they navigate the challenges posed by anti-Israel protests on campus.
  • Guide them in implementing policies and initiatives that promote a culture of respect, tolerance, and understanding.

Exposure of Manipulative Agendas

  • God of Light, we pray for the exposure of manipulative agendas behind the anti-Israel protests, revealing the true motivations and intentions of those involved. We declare there is nothing covered that will not be revealed or hidden that will not be made known (Matthew 10:26).
  • We pray that the proliferation of radical Islam and Marxism would cease, and that students will learn the truth about Hamas and other terrorist organizations.
  • We call upon You to thwart the efforts of individuals or groups seeking to incite violence or sow discord under the guise of activism.
  • Lift blinders of deception off the eyes of students who attach emotionally to issues with youthful zeal but may not understand how they are being used and manipulated. Show them the truth, Lord. Save and deliver them, in Jesus’ Name.

Revival and Awakening on College and University Campuses

  • We pray for a revival and awakening among university students, faculty, and staff, leading to a renewed understanding of God’s love for Israel and His purposes for the nation.
  • God of Light, lift the veil from the eyes of those who are deceived so that they may see and perceive the truth and be open to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Lord, raise up bold witnesses who will proclaim the truth of Your Word and the importance of standing with Israel in these critical times. We rejoice in advance of the revival, awakening, and great harvest of souls we will see, Lord! Thank you, Jesus, Lord of the Harvest. Amen!

Day 6 – Prayer over Global Alliances

The Lord highlighted Russia desiring to overtake Europe through Ukraine. And China is also a threat to world security, desiring to control Taiwan, Korean, and other countries in Asia.

The Lord warned that while the nations of Iran, Russia, and China could align as an expanded axis of evil, the Caliphate of Islam could eventually take over. The fervent intercession of a repentant Church is the only way to keep this greater ungodly alliance from forming, and to prevent World War III.

And in the middle of all of this is the nation of Israel, the “Apple of God’s Eye”.

Intercession for the Nations: Stopping the Caliphate and World War III

  • Father, break up the axis of evil that would cause Word War III, and keep it from occurring. Hold the enemy back from manipulating times and law as in Daniel 7:25.
  • We pray for a spirit of humility to prevail among world leaders, guarding them against pride and arrogance that can lead to hasty and reckless decisions.
  • Stop the expansion of the Caliphate and the power-grabbing connections of Iran, Russia, and China. Keep radicalized Muslims from carrying out a jihad in our cities and schools and nations. (We are aware that not all Muslims are radicalized, and we must not abuse or harass them.) Give them dreams and visions and introduce them to the One they are truly fighting against – Jesus, the Living God.
  • Oh Lord, God, expose and thwart the schemes of those who promote ungodly alliances and agendas that threaten global stability and peace. We pray for protection against manipulative influences that seek to exploit divisions and sow discord among nations for selfish gain.

Wisdom and Discernment for World Leaders

  • Lord, we lift world leaders before you and ask that they be filled with wisdom and discernment as they navigate complex geopolitical challenges and relationships.
  • Oh God, grant them insight into the true intentions and motivations behind potential alliances, guiding them to make decisions that align with Your will and purposes.
  • Give them strength and boldness to resist and break up these ungodly alliances and the existing axis of evil.

Protection Against Terrorist Attacks

  • Lord, protect us from terrorist attacks. As Your Word tells us, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalms 46:1 ESV).
  • Protect our cities, schools, national monuments, historical sights, and government offices from all forms of terrorist activities.
  • May Your hand of protection be over our infrastructure – bridges, electrical and telecommunications grids, dams, and water supplies, etc. You are our Protector, Jesus, and we thank You for Your loving care for us. Amen.

Use of Military Intervention

  • Father, we know that Israel had to go to war in response to a terrorist action against them. In this case, war was necessary for the protection and preservation of their people. Open the eyes of the world to see this truth, and give Israel’s leaders courage, wisdom, timing, and quick success.
  • We pray for the protection of Israelis and for a swift return of the remaining hostages. Lord, comfort their families.
  • Father, we grieve the loss of innocent lives in Gaza, and pray for protection of those who do not support the terrorists.
  • Lord, the innocent in Lebanon and all the areas surrounding Israel need Your protection, especially Believers in these countries.
  • Lord, we ask for a quick and merciful end to the Israel/Gaza War.
  • In other situations, Lord, we ask for restraint in the use of military force as a means of resolving conflicts, recognizing the devastating impact of war on innocent lives and communities.
  • We pray that the first course of action between nations would not be war, when unjustified. We ask for a de-escalation of international conflicts where it is possible.

Divine Intervention and Protection

  • We call out to You, Lord, for divine intervention and protection over the nations of the world, especially Israel, shielding them from the threat of war and conflict.
  • We declare that the media will speak the truth, and all twisting of truth in our airwaves will stop. Your Word says, Whoever speaks the truth gives honest evidence, but a false witness utters deceit” (Proverbs 12:17 ESV). This deception is fueling upheaval in our nations, Lord, empowering the Caliphate, radical Islam, and communism. It is turning hearts against Israel. Deliver us, we pray!
  • We ask You to intervene supernaturally to diffuse tensions, resolve disputes, and bring about reconciliation and healing among nations divided by ideology, history, and geopolitics.
  • You are Government personified, Jesus, so we look to you to raise up righteous governance over the nations. Your word tells us,The people rejoice when the righteous rule” (Proverbs 29:2a, KJV). Thank you for peace and safety in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Day 7 – National Revival and Spiritual Awakening

Time and again throughout history, there is documentation of revival and awakening following intense times of repentance and intercession. The Bible tells us, “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:15; KJV).

We have spent the previous days in intense introspection, asking God to forgive us for all known and hidden sin, first in ourselves, then in the Church, then in our nations. God bends low and listens when this type of intercession is occurring. You have been used as an instrument of His grace in the earth. Now, from that place of righteousness only found in Him, through the shed blood of Jesus, and in the power of His resurrection, passionately petition Him on that throne of grace for worldwide spiritual awakening and a great harvest of souls!

Pray for revival and awakening in your nation:

  • Lord, we call out to You for a massive spiritual awakening in our nation. Lord of the Harvest, we ask You to send a powerful revival of the Church and a national spiritual awakening, igniting hearts with passion for Jesus Christ and His kingdom.
  • We ask You, God, to pour out Your Spirit afresh, convicting hearts of sin, drawing people to repentance, and transforming lives with Your love and power.
  • We pray that the eyes of our government leaders, university presidents and professors, and leaders in every sphere will be opened to the gospel.

 Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord!  Awake as in the ancient days, in the generations of old. Are You not the arm that cut Rahab apart, and wounded the serpent? Are You not the One who dried up the sea, the waters of the great deep; that made the depths of the sea a road for the redeemed to cross over? So, the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with singing, with everlasting joy on their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness; sorrow and sighing shall flee away” (Isaiah 51:9-11 NKJV).

Hear our cry, and deliver our nations, Lord. Release the harvest from the hold the enemy has had over multitudes of souls. Make us ready to disciple this fresh harvest, and the nations of the earth, in Jesus’ glorious Name! Amen and amen.

ACTION PLANS:Prayer-walk your local college campuses and universities.

Make plans to send teams to evangelize local campuses.

Meet local college students and invite them into your home.

Plan a prayer meeting on or near a college or university and cry out for massive revivals on our campuses.

Send Judah first! By this, it is meant to send worshippers to sing and worship to win the battle against the forces of darkness raging in our cities and on our campuses.

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Pray for First Nations and Native Americans: First Nations of North American Leadership Conference 

Editor’s Note: This article is excerpted from what Lynda Prince, the grand Chief of Canadian First Nation, shared at the Vancouver Indigenous Prayer Meeting last Tuesday (5/7) (please click here for the audio). We have reported on her and her ministry several times in the past (for details, please click to read: “Drums of Revival” on  2021/5/24 ).

Current events: On February 1 this year, under the leadership of the “Indigenous Coalition For Israel” (ICFI), the Indigenous  Embassy held a simple opening ceremony in Jerusalem (To read related reports, please click here ). The purpose of establishing the Embassy is to help change the perception of indigenous peoples around the world, as Palestinians falsely claim that there is no evidence that Jews lived here before 1948 and that Jews came to Israel as colonial invaders. The establishment of the embassy at that time became an urgent antidote to this wrong statement.

The organization is currently led by a core leadership team who plans to hold a grand opening ceremony in Jerusalem at the end of October this year (the exact date has not yet been determined), inviting indigenous people from all over the world to dress in their traditional costumes and bring gifts. To Israel, stand with Israel, speak out for Israel, and support God’s chosen people.

Lynda Was Invited to Serve as a Core Advisor

After the Indigenous  Embassy was established in Jerusalem in February, Lynda received an invitation to serve as an advisor to the Israeli Indigenous Embassy, ​​planning and promoting the grand opening ceremony at the end of October, as well as the future development of the Embassy. Before that, Lynda was still bedridden and unable to walk. She sought the Lord, “Lord, if You want me to take on these assignments, then heal me, You need to send someone.” God sent an African pastor to minister to her. When the African pastor laid his hands on Lynda, he realized that she was under witchcraft attack by many witches who united to kill her. When the pastor prayed for her, Lynda felt something left her that day, and her body recovered greatly.

After Lynda attended the core team meeting of the Indigenous  Embassy for the first time last Tuesday (5/7), she learned that there were five people in the core leadership team, including Dr. Sheree Trotter, the New Zealand Maori indigenous leader named by the Israeli government, Hon. Alfred, an Indigenous leader who is a former New Zealand MP, and two other outstanding and respected leaders. When she learned that she was one of the five core leaders of the Embassy, ​​she felt deeply awed and humbled that God had placed her in such a position! She knew that this was a calling from God.

In fact, as early as 1999, when she led 100 North American indigenous people to meet with some Israeli parliamentarians, she expressed her hope to establish an indigenous embassy in Israel. No one responded at the time, but it has happened today, 25 years later – during Israel’s most difficult time. Later, someone said 25 is 5 times 5. It is the time of God’s favor and God’s destiny.

The Origin of the “FirstNations of North America Leadership Summit”

Lynda felt that this was a very important call for the indigenous peoples, so she was moved to convene a gathering of North American indigenous peoples, the “First Nations of North America Leadership Conference”, inviting people from North America, Canada, the United States Indigenous leaders attended to share the importance of the Indigenous  Embassy in Israel, and through them to convey this vision and message to their own indigenous groups. She believes that this Embassy belongs to the indigenous peoples of all countries. Whether they are believers or those who have not yet believed in the Lord, she hopes to convey to them the importance of the Indigenous Embassy in Jerusalem.

She originally thought it was just a small gathering, gathering only the indigenous leaders with whom she was connected, and inviting some Chinese family members and intercessors who have been walking with her to stand together, so she decided to hold a gathering in Muchleshoot from May 27th to 29th.

Unexpectedly, after the news was sent out, many people responded. Indigenous people from other countries were also interested in participating. Even the other four of the five core leaders of the Indigenous Embassy would come to participate. Rick Ridings, leader of the “Jerusalem House of Prayer”, indigenous people from Fiji and Africa will also come in response to the vision and commission given to them by the Lord.

Lynda saw that this was God at work, and that His intention was greater than she could have imagined.

Promote Indigenous Peoples from Various Countries to Support the Jerusalem Embassy

Lynda believes that this gathering will become a model that Indigenous people from other countries can take back and promote in their countries, conveying the importance of supporting this Indigenous  embassy and the message of the opening of the Indigenous Embassy in October. She hopes to use this to call on more people to participate, especially Christians. Of course, non-Christians who have received the vision and support Israel are also welcome to participate in the event and bring comfort to the Jews. When the natives of the nations wear their costumes, bring gifts from the natives of the nations to Israel, and honor Israel there, the eyes of the Jews will be opened, they will be greatly moved, and their hearts will be touched, preparing their souls. of harvest.

While Lynda was sharing, an intercessor saw a vision: representatives of indigenous peoples from all over the world surrounded the Jews, and remnants from all countries surrounded the indigenous peoples. After aligning with God’s will, a portal to the sky opened, and the glory of God fell from heaven and filled the whole earth.

The importance of Embassies to Indigenous  People

This embassy is also very important to the indigenous people. Recently, when Lynda shared with the indigenous people of North America, they originally felt exhausted physically, mentally and spiritually, like sheep without a shepherd and without direction. But through the Indigenous  Embassy in Jerusalem, the Indigenous people can see clearly that they have a calling and destiny, especially because of the suffering of the indigenous people in the past, they can understand the suffering of the Jews; and the Jews also know that the indigenous people have gone through suffering, and they are not the same as the indigenous people. There is something in common. The indigenous people understood that their past suffering also had a purpose and could now be a blessing to Israel. Suddenly, the spirits of the indigenous people were awakened and restored, and they felt God’s call to them at this moment.

Lynda said that this has become a revitalizing force among indigenous peoples in various countries, and a great inspiring force. She longs for more indigenous people to follow God’s call and begin to spread this vision among various indigenous groups. Prepare the indigenous people to go to Israel in order and according to the protocol to honor the Jews at the end of October with protocol gifts. In this matter, let the indigenous peoples of the nations unite to satisfy God’s will.

How to Help Fulfill God’s Intention This Time?

Lynda herself had just experienced the power of death and resurrection because of God’s call. A prophet also told her that this was just the beginning. Since recovering from her illness, she has been organizing everything non-stop, raising funds, venues, contacts, speakers, posters for the gathering, as well as preparing travel expenses and accommodation for a few special guests. She needs a lot of help, and is particularly eager for intercessors to pray for this gathering. She invites intercessors to participate, pray at the gathering, and receive and see God’s deeds together.

The East Coast and Vancouver families understood that the Native Americans were the key to the restoration of the United States & Canada, knew that they were related to the Chinese by blood, and realized that God wanted to use Chinese to support the Native Americans. Therefore, we have been walking with the Native Americans for many years to help them fulfill God’s calling and mission for them. Here are a few areas where we need support.

  • Pray for the Gathering: Gela, the Indigenous prayer leader, is gathering representatives from various countries to pray for the gathering. We will also be gathering Chinese intercessors to pray (in Chinese). If you are moved to join the intercession, please send your name, email address, phone number, city (country) etc to ydd1227@yahoo.com and we will contact you with the details.
  • Financial Support: If you are moved to financially support this gatherings, family members in the United States can donate through Kingdom Alive Ministries, and family members in Canada can donate through the Vancouver Christian Renewal Fellowship using one of the following methods. All donations will be forwarded to Linda’s North American Native Ministries for funding the gathering.
Region/Nation Personal Check E-Transfer
  • Payable: Kingdom Alive
  • Comment:  for First Nations of North America Leadership Conference
  • Send to
Kingdom Alive
1 Michelle Court
Piscataway, NJ 08854
  1. Zelle: kingdom.alive.general@gmail.com
  2. PayPal: kingdom.alive.general@gmail.com
  • Payable: VCRF
  • Comment:  for First Nations of North America Leadership Conference
  • Send to:
    3456 Fraser St.
    Vancouver BC V5V 4C4
VCRF (Vancouver Christian Renewal Fellowship)
e-Transfer renewal133@gmail.com

Please include “First Nations of North America Leadership Conference,” your legal name and address, and the mailing address in the memo line (or send a separate email to the above email address) so that we can send you a receipt early next year.

May the children of God who have been inspired by God Himself gather together the remnants of His nations to respond and participate in the grand event!

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Cleansing And Covering Prayer

Cleansing Prayers

Dear Heavenly Father, I ________ (put your name in it) come to the throne of grace, through the blood of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, to receive Your abundant grace and mercy.   Lord Jesus, ________ confess You are the Lord of my life.   I ask the resurrected power of the Holy Spirit to fill and saturate every part of my being.   I surrender all my spirit, soul and body completely to You.  Now I ask You to reveal to me, remind me of any sin that I have committed known or unknown, so that I can confess and repent of them accordingly. (Recommendation:  quiet yourself, so you can allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you)

Cleanse me from all the defilement of the world, sanctify me and my family line of any unrighteousness with the blood of Jesus.   Now by my own will, I choose to forgive everyone that has offended me or hurt me, I release them into the freedom of my forgiveness.   I also release them from the debts they might owe me. I now cast all my burden to You .  Your yoke is easy, Your burden is light.   I now put on the armor of God that You have given me, gird myself with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, my feet fitted with the gospel of peace, so that I can pray and intercede in the Holy Spirit by Your mighty power, and after done all to stand firm.

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Firewall Covering Prayer

Abba Father, I thank you for watching and blessing us coming in and going out, from now and forevermore.
Abba Father, help us to hide under the shadow of the Almighty, and cover us with Your wings.   I now plead the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on myself, my entire family _________

(speak names of your family, and name the people, things, items, that needs covering, such as : your work, ministries, and everyone that you minister to, your  property, finances, friends, pets, vehicles, pastors and small group leaders / members and president )

Abba Father, send the host of angels and chariots of fire, to surround and protect us, I ask that You place the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ, in between everyone and the power of darkness that we might be facing today, to block all ungodly influences and keep us from all spiritual attacks, loss of property and any evil strategy of the enemies. We declare no weapon formed against us shall prosper.   Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!

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