Weekly Prayer (12/23)
【Last Weekly Prayer (12/16)】 【 Next Weekly Prayer (12/30)】
【Cleansing/Covering Prayer】
Editor’s Words
Editorial Special Section: 2025 Jehu Fast【January 1-21, 2025】

Message : Lou Engle Date : December 12, 2024 Source: Lou Engle YouTube Video
Many prophets have spoken concerning President Trump being a type of Jehu king of Israel that swept away the evil and corrupt regime of Ahab and Jezebel. While reading the story of Jehu and comparing President Trump’s promises of completely ‘draining the swamp’ of DC and transforming America as a modern-day Jehu through his cabinet appointees, I was apprehended by 2 Kings 10:15,16.
Editorial Special Section: Perfume of Nations: Covering the Middle East

Date : December 7, 2024 Source: Watchmen for the Nations
This year has been marked by shaking—both on earth and in the heavens—just as Hebrews 12 reminds us: “Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens. The words ‘once more’ indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain” (Hebrews 12:26-27).
Editorial Special Section: Hank Kunneman: The Golden Era and a December to Remember
Message: Hank Kunneman Date: December 19, 2024 Source : Elijah List
Start of the Golden Era and the Year of the Lord’s Fight!
Intro: On Sunday, November 17, 2024, Pastor Hank released a prophetic word concerning 2025 and the golden era that God is bringing the nations of the earth into. We have entered into a dimensional doorway in the spirit that has led to the beginning of the fulfillment of God’s divine reset manifesting in the earth!
Editorial Special Section: Veronika West: MY SPIRITUAL STORM RIDERS ARE RISING
Message : Veronika West Date December 16, 2024 Source: Veronika Facebook
Editorial Special Section: 12-12-24 – Heaven and Earth Completely Aligned to Usher In the Wave of Revival 【Responses from the Gathering】
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Positioned for Immediate Renewal
As I encountered the Lord in prayer recently, I felt great encouragement in the Holy Spirit. I could see the battles raging in the spirit, yet I heard the Lord say that in these times of turmoil, those who LISTEN will hear His voice louder and more clearly than ever before.
Editorial Special Section: Homecoming Core Value(2): NON-NEGOTIABLE LOVE
Message: Watchmen for Nations
Love is Non-Negotiable – We Will Always Love God and Love One Another
A Different Community
We all know the two greatest commandments: love God and love your neighbor. With this, the Holy Spirit is building a community on the earth that’s different from anything the world has ever seen. God wants to show the world the example of a family living in love – his family walking with a kingdom heart.
Editorial Special Section: Nita Johnson: Seeking the Face of God
Message : Nita Johnson Date : December 19, 2024 Source: World for Jesus Ministries
Psalm 27:8
Tonight, the Lord gave me a scripture to share with you. He told me this Himself, so I know this is very important to Him. Because the holiday season we are about to enter can easily distract us from our ultimate goal, I hope you will consider what the Lord is saying to you as you celebrate this season.
Editorial Special Section: 【Voice of Fig】 Prophetic Message 578512 Anxiety and Peace
Message : Jenny Lee Date : December 22, 2024 Source: YouTube Video
Ten Main Characteristics of Leviathan
- Twisted Spirit: Leviathan is good at distorting communication, creating misunderstandings and disputes, and causing rifts in interpersonal relationships.
Declaration Prayer: For President Trump and His Team [Update]
We declare in the name of Jesus :
- God will continue to bless and protect President Trump and his family, as well as the “scepter of justice” that God has raised up to support him in his government.
- The blood of Jesus covers them and those close to President Trump, bind and drive away any witchcraft or spells cast on them.
- The Holy Spirit continues to pour out and personally guide President Trump. He grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God. ( Lu 2:52 )
- The seven spirits of God are manifested in President Trump’s life ( Isaiah 11:1-3 ), giving him keen insight and discernment, judging the situation, and resolutely continuing to fulfill his call.
- God will restore Trump to his rightful position at His best time and give people grace to transition.
Declaration Prayer: Declaration for the Month of Kislev
Editor’s Note: Kislev – the ninth month of the Jewish calendar in 5785, corresponding to December 2 to December 31, 2024 in the Western calendar.
Declare in the name of Jesus :
- We bless Israel, and God will bless us. (Genesis 12:3)
- We beat the drums and the harps, and worship God, and God will fight for us. (Isaiah 30:31-32)
- God is changing us to become like Jesus, rearranging and positioning us into our inheritance. (Romans 8:29)
- Old negative cycles and patterns have been – and are being – broken, and we will be rewarded greatly for keeping the courage God has given us. (Hebrews 10:35)
- God is in control, let us not accept any word of accusation against us, and strive to enter into the rest. (Hebrews 4:11; Revelation 12:10)
- God is leading us, we are to delight in him, and he will give us the desires of our hearts. (Psalm 37:24)
- God is healing us through various channels. We are dear to God, and He will let us sleep peacefully. (Psalm 127:2)
- God desires us to have His peace, overflowing and abundant life, and we will walk with the Lord every day and experience His peace and abundance.
- We are determined to move forward, forget what is behind, and work hard for what lies ahead.
- We have to dedicate our lives completely to God and experience the inexhaustible anointing of the Holy Spirit, so that our lamps will always shine brightly.
(Adapted from Blessings of the month of Kislev by Ron Sawka )
Declaration Prayer: Watchmen Decree
Editor’s Note: This article is excerpted from the prayer post of “Give Him 15 ” on 2022/7/6 by prayer leader Dutch Sheets.
As a Patriot of faith, I attest my allegiance first and foremost to the kingdom of God and the Great Commission. Secondly, I agree to be a watchman over our nation concerning its people and their rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
- we, the Church, are God’s governing Body on the earth
- we have been given legal power and authority from heaven
- we are God’s ambassadors and spokespeople over the earth
- through the power of God, we are His world influencers
- because of our covenant with God, we are equipped and delegated by Him to destroy every attempted advance of the enemy
- We decree that America’s executive branch of government will honor God and defend the Constitution.
- We decree that our legislative branch (Congress) will write only laws that are righteous and constitutional.
- We decree that our judicial system will issue rulings that are biblical and constitutional.
- We declare that we stand against wokeness, the occult, and every evil attempt against our nation.
- We declare that we now take back our God-given freedoms, according to our Constitution.
- We declare that we take back influence at the local level in our communities.
- We decree that we take back and permanently control positions of influence and leadership in each of the **Seven Mountains.
- We decree that the blood of Jesus covers and protects our nation. It protects and separates us for God.
- We declare that our nation is energy independent.
- We declare that America is strong spiritually, financially, militarily and technologically.
- We decree that evil carries no power, authority or rights in our land nor over our people.
- We decree that we will operate in unity, going beyond denominational lines in order to accomplish the purposes of God for our nation.
- And we decree that AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!
We know this country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. We know the truth; therefore, we stand for truth and will NEVER be deceived! We will NEVER stop fighting!
We will NEVER, EVER, EVER give up or give in!
We WILL take our country back.
We WILL honor the ONE TRUE GOD, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!
Pray for America: Let’s Finish the Reformation of United States!
Editor’s Note: This article is an excerpt from Daqua Sheets’ 15 Minutes to Him post on December 6th.
【 Current Events/Background: As the book of Ezra opens, Cyrus, king of Persia, allows a remnant of Israelites to return to Jerusalem for the purpose of rebuilding their Temple. Seventy years prior, God had allowed Israel to be taken into captivity by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, because of their apostasy. …Detailed Reading】
【 Prayer 】
Father, You have begun a good work in our nation. You’ve raised up a remnant of people determined to birth revival, and see America accomplish all You have destined for her. We are determined to see righteousness in our government once again, determined to see the young generation of Americans come to know You, and determined to see world-wide revival – at least a billion souls.
We will not stop with only a foundation. We will not yield to opposition, fear, confusion, unbelief, discouragement, or selfishness. We will finish this! We WILL finish this! Raise up Haggais in our day with Your words. Stir the hearts of Your people. We ask for an infusion of strength and hope. We ask that mental fatigue and emotional weariness be broken off of the praying church, the remnant. Send a wind of Holy Spirit to us now, we pray. Stir up hearts that once burned with fire for revival and breakthrough, but have now settled for less. Stir up the hearts of pastors who have chosen to settle for less than the fires of revival. Stir up intercessors who have allowed the fire to go out. Awaken us all to Your passion in this hour. May there be a roar of intercession that is released in this nation and the nations of the earth. We ask You, “Rend the heavens and come down!”
We declare that God is with us; we will arise and build!
We make these requests in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.
Pray for America: Joel’s Army Prayer Points(12/22)
Editor’s note: This article is the focus of the “World for Christ” ministry led by Nita Johnson to pray for the United States on December 22nd, for your reference and prayer.
- Worship God
- Pray for Awakening/Revival
- Pray for those who are in the Catholic Church to come out before it comes down. Pray for an Awakening of their hearts to the truth of God’s Word.
- Pray for Trump-Reformation within Government. Pray for each pick to be God’s choice and confirmed quickly. Protection, discernment as he and his cabinet work to remove communism and the Deep State from our nation.
- Pray for Reformation of Justice System
- Pray for Reformation of Academia -get Communism out of our educational system
- Pray for Media-target CISA, Military Industrial Complex, Deep State
- Pray for Middle East/Israel/Hamas/Syria conflicts
- Pray for Russia/Ukraine
- Pray for Taiwan/China
- Pray for South Korea– they are in the midst of a major shakeup and take over much like we’ve seen in America. They need miraculous intervention from the Lord.
Pray for Israel: Isaiah 62 Prayer Movement December 2024 Prayer Letter
【Current Event / Background: This past year has been difficult for Israel on many levels, yet so many Israelis have inspired us with their courage, resilience, and selfless sacrifice. In years to come, much will be written about the momentous days we are in right now, and it is indeed a great privilege to stand with Israel in these trying times. It made me reflect on our founding mandate from Scripture: “’Comfort, yes, comfort My people!’ says your God,” (Isaiah 40:1) So, what do we consider to be a comfort in difficult times like these? ...Detailed Reading】
【Prayer Guide】
- Northern Front: [ After 14 months of intense cross-border conflict and fighting, a fragile ceasefire agreement has been reached between Israel and Lebanese Hezbollah. Many people in Israel are skeptical of this ceasefire, especially since it is intended to implement UN Security Council Resolution 1701, adopted in 2006, which for many years has never been implemented. And the agreement also cuts off the connection between Hezbollah and Gaza, leaving Hamas isolated, which may make it even more difficult to reach a hostage agreement smoothly. It will take some time before we can accurately assess whether this is a good deal, but we can thank the Lord for hearing our prayers about the “threat posed by Hezbollah in Lebanon to Israel.” In recent months, Israel has significantly weakened Iran-backed terror militias, eliminating Hezbollah’s top leadership and destroying most of their missiles and armed drones. This is largely due to the fact that the Israeli military and intelligence agencies have been paying attention to Hezbollah’s dynamics and threats for more than a decade and have developed plans on how to quickly respond to Hezbollah’s threats. We also need to pray that Israel will successfully demand that Hezbollah and Lebanon fully comply with the terms of the ceasefire. 】
- Please pray for Israel’s leaders to have wisdom and accurate and timely intelligence to prevent enemies from returning to the border areas and threatening communities in northern Israel.
- Pray that Hezbollah is unable to rearm so that they completely lose influence and power in Lebanon.
- Pray that the more than 60,000 Israelis evacuated from northern Israel can return home safely .
- Southern Front: [ Thankfully for us, the Israel Defense Forces have severely damaged and weakened Hamas’s fighting capacity in Gaza, and its leadership has been eliminated. 】
- Pray that the last remnants of Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza will be quickly defeated and left the Gaza Strip , so that these two terrorist militias will no longer control or have any influence over the people of Gaza.
- Pray for the safe return of the remaining 101 hostages in Gaza , whether through rescue operations, the provision of bounties, or through renegotiation of the Gaza ceasefire and hostage agreement on terms favorable to Israel.
- Iran
- Please pray that Israel can stop any threats from Iran , whether missiles, drones, terrorist attacks, espionage and cyber attacks, especially any nuclear threat.
- Pray that Iran will not be able to harm Israel or the Jews abroad .
- Pray that the radical Islamic regime in Tehran will lose control of Iran and be expelled from the country by the Iranian people.
- Pray that the proxy militias that Iran has recruited, trained and armed throughout the region will lose trust in Iran and be able to completely break away from the control of the Ayatollah .
- Domestic:
- Please continue to pray for the people of Israel as they deal with more than a year of intense fighting on seven fronts.
- Pray for the devastated communities along the Gaza border and along Israel’s northern border , so that evacuated families can return home safely and begin to rebuild their lives. Prayers for all the families who have lost loved ones in the fighting.
- Pray for the families of the hostages , asking the Lord to give comfort, patience and new hope.
- Pray for the many Israelis who have been traumatized by this long war .
- Ask God to use current difficulties to draw the people of Israel closer to Him and their Messiah .
Pray for Israel: Light of Zion: These Are The Days of Ezekiel
Editor’s note: This article is reprinted from the “Light of Zion” ministry’s prayer for covering Israel between December 2024 and January 2025, published on December 8, for your reference.
We are regularly asked to share details with Christian friends in the nations about what is happening in Israel, often for the purposes of prayer. We love helping keep the international Body of Messiah informed as to how they might understand and bless the Jewish state. In this post we share with you what we perceive to be among the most critical issues currently facing our country. As you know, however, “facts” reported about Israel are not only highly complex, but often hotly contested. Israeli commentators and journalists, however skilled, and even if they/we are believers, sometimes have very different perspectives on those same “facts”.
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Critical Event: Rick Ridings Prayer Alert Syria, Turkey, Kurds
Editor’s note: This article is a translated excerpt from the prayer alert video on the 434th day of the war (December 13) by Pastor Rick Ridings, founder of the Jerusalem House of Prayer. In this video, he shared for Syria , Turkey, and the Kurds are praying for key visions in the rapidly evolving situation.
【Background of Current Events: Events are unfolding rapidly, of course, especially in Syria. And I want to share a vision and some scriptures that the Lord has been giving us here to pray over Turkey, Syria, and over the Christians of that area and over all the Kurds in that whole region and a future Kurdish stat. .…Detailed Reading】
- Psalm 9:15 The Gentiles fall into the pits they have dug, and their feet are caught in the snares they have laid.
- Psalm 140:4-6 Deliver me, O LORD, from the hand of the wicked, and protect me from the violent man! They plotted to push me down. The proud have hidden snares and ropes for me; they have spread their nets and snares by the roadside. (Selah)
- Psalm 29:4-7 TThe voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is majestic. The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars; the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon. He makes Lebanon leap like a calf,
Sirion like a young wild ox. The voice of the Lord strikeswith flashes of lightning. - Acts 17:26 He made from one man every nation of mankind to inhabit the entire earth, having determined their times and the boundaries of their habitation.
In the name of Jesus Christ we declare:
- Jehovah God is the Almighty God and has absolute sovereignty over the current situation in the Middle East.
- The throne of Jehovah God is higher than all other thrones.
- Jehovah God created from one man every nation of man to inhabit the whole earth, and he predetermined their times and the boundaries of where they would live.
- The boundaries and time limits set by Jehovah God for the Kurds will be established.
- The Turkish regime and its allies will be entangled in the trap they have set against the Kurds and fall into the hole they have dug.
- Jehovah God will expose the true face of ISIS, the Syrian rebel organization supported by Türkiye.
- The voice of the Lord God will go out like lightning and strike like lightning against the demonic throne of the Turkish regime.
- Jehovah God will thwart the Turkish government’s diabolical plan to establish a new caliphate (Islamic kingdom) in Syria and Iraq.
- Jehovah God will deliver Christians, Kurds, and other peoples from the hands of rapists and from Türkee’s diabolical plans.
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Critical Event: Christians Under the Fire of War in Syria
【Background of current events: One of the Syrian anti-government forces, HTS and the pro-Turkey Syrian National Army, invaded the important town of Aleppo in northern Syria on November 27 (last Wednesday) , captured 56 villages in western Aleppo Province and controlled 400 square kilometers of land in just two days....…Detailed Reading】
- Ezek 38:14 Son of man! For this reason you shall prophesy and say to Gog, “Thus says the Sovereign Lord: Don’t you know the day when my people Israel will dwell in safety? You will bring many peoples from your own country, from the uttermost parts of the north, on horseback, a great army. Gog, you will come up against my people Israel like a cloud covering the earth. I will bring you against my land in the last days, until I will be sanctified in you in the sight of the Gentiles, so that they may know me. 』
- Isaiah 17:1, 3, 7 Concerning the Damascus Revelation: “Look! Damascus has been abandoned. It is no longer a city, it will become a heap! ⋯⋯Ephraim will no longer have security, Damascus will no longer have a kingdom…On that day, people will look to their Creator, and their eyes will look on the Holy One of Israel. 』
- Isaiah 19:23-25 In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrians will enter into Egypt, and the Egyptians into Assyria, and the Egyptians will worship the Lord with the Assyrians. On that day Israel will become one with the three kingdoms of Egypt and Assyria, and they will bless the people on the earth, for the Lord of hosts will bless them, saying, “Egypt is my people, Assyria is the work of my hands, and Israel is my inheritance. Blessed are all! 』
【 Prayer 】
- God’s Ways are Higher than Man’s Ways: Father God! We thank You and praise You. Your ways are higher than our ways. When the kings of the world gather to attack Your land and Your chosen people, please use Your outstretched arms to save and strengthen Your people, because this is right. This is the time when You will show Yourself holy in them, so that the world can see that You are Jehovah, the God who protects Israel, and that the world can know You and recognize You. Ask the Lord to release the people of Syria so that their eyes may be lifted up to the Lord who created them, and to the Holy One of Israel who sacrificed himself for them.
- We declare in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ:
- The Assyrians will worship the Lord together with the Israelites, and the highway of Isaiah 19 is opening.
- Now is the day of restoration and restoration. When the number of the Gentiles is fulfilled, all Israel will be saved ( Romans 11:25-26 )
- The Lord will bring all things in heaven and on earth into one in Christ at the fullness of time according to His plan. ( Ephesians 1:10 ) The season of restoration is beginning.
- The Lord Himself will keep the Christians in Syria and cause them to dwell in the secret place of the Most High, under the shadow of the Almighty.
- The Lord will command his angels to protect the Syrian Christians in all their ways and to set them on high places to show salvation. ( Psalm 91 )
In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen!
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Critical Event: Persecution of Christians in China Worsens
【Current Affairs / Background: In China, the most public persecution often occurs in areas dominated by Buddhism or Islam – anyone who converts to Christianity is regarded as a betrayal of their nation and family. These believers may be threatened or even harmed, all in an effort to force them to return to their ancestral religious beliefs...…Detailed Reading】
- Pray for Church Leaders: Heavenly Father, we bring church leaders before You and keep them safe every day, especially underground church leaders. Bless them with the wisdom and intelligence to be as wise as serpent and as gentle as doves when they work. Give them the confidence and courage to stick to their original calling and continue on the path of serving in restricted situations.
- Pray for Christians : Heavenly Father,
- Please remember those children who are persecuted because of their faith, especially preachers or believers who have become targets of surveillance by the police or the Religious Affairs Bureau. Keep and look after their physical and mental safety so that they can turn the crisis into safety and lead them on the road ahead.
- In the current difficult religious and political environment, please give believers a brave and wise heart, a firm and persistent heart, and protect all believers from fear, shrinkage, and compromise when facing persecution and challenges. Ways and means to subtly defeat your enemies.
- Please open the way for young people to come to know You and give parents the heavenly wisdom to share the gospel with and discipline their children.
- We also pray for the security of the online environment so that the preachers’ phone calls and WeChat messages will not be monitored.
- Eliminate Heresies under the Banner of Christ: Heavenly Father, there are many heresies under the banner of Christianity in China. They go around to confuse people or make money, or directly or indirectly make remarks against the government. Therefore, they have become the focus of national surveillance and suppression. , because their extreme or evil words and deeds have brought a lot of danger and persecution to orthodox Christians. Please remove the heresies in the name of Christ in China and purify the religious environment in mainland China.
In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen!
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Pray for the Indigenous People:Determination in the Fire of War – The Earthly Firstborn and the Spiritual Firstborn Stand Together
【Current events/Background: We reported here that the “Indigenous Embassy of Jerusalem” (IEJ) was established in Israel on February 1 this year, and held a simple opening ceremony (to read related reports, please click here ), and planned The grand opening of the “Jerusalem Aboriginal Embassy” to be held on October 27 this year. Indigenous people from all over the world were invited to wear their own outfits and bring gifts to Israel, stand with Israel, speak for Israel, and support God’s chosen people. …Detailed Reading 】
- Isaiah 40:1-2 “Comfort, comfort my people,” says your God. 2 Speak comfort to Jerusalem and proclaim to her that her days of war are fulfilled and her sins are forgiven her. You will receive double punishment from the hand of the Lord for all your sins!”
- Jeremiah 55:5 They will visit Zion and face it and say, Come, join yourself to the LORD for a covenant that will never be forgotten. 』
- The earthly firstborn and the spiritual firstborn stand together: Heavenly Father, the indigenous people represent the Gentiles of the nations, who came to Jerusalem to stand with the Judahs during Israel’s difficult times. They comfort and comfort Your people! They are to visit Zion and enter into the covenant of union with Your Beloved. May your heart also be comforted! When the indigenous people (the earthly firstborn) and the Jews (the spiritual firstborn) stand together in Jerusalem, worshiping and praising together, the two become one, and the glory of heaven will fill the entire holy city. Peace is no longer just a luxury, the Lord His ways will be taught to all nations.
- We declare in the name of Jesus Christ,
- There is no lack or fear in love. This journey of love to Israel for the indigenous people will be filled with your loving presence, abundant supply, complete peace, and great joy.
- The arrival of the earthly firstborn natives will bring breakthroughs in the spiritual world and the natural world, and all things on earth will be revived.
- The earthly firstborn Aboriginal people share the joys and sorrows of the spiritual firstborn Israel and will bring the nations into alignment with God’s will.
- Next year, more indigenous peoples and remnants from all nations will come to Israel to prepare the way for the glorious King!
In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen!
Pray For Church
Pray for Participating Churches and Pastrs on Regional 24/7 Prayer Walls
【Editor’s Note: The 24/7 prayer walls listed here are especially for local churches and pastors. If you are committed to watch on the regional walls, simply click on the link listed below to connect to the local prayer wall. 】
- East Coast 24/7 Prayer Wall – Prayers for Local Churches & Leaders
- Bread Of Life Christian Church in ShiLin
- NZ Awaken the Dawn
Related Events and Prayer Background
Editorial Special Section: Hank Kunneman: The Golden Era and a December to Remember
Message: Hank Kunneman Date: December 19, 2024 Source : Elijah List
Start of the Golden Era and the Year of the Lord’s Fight!
Intro: On Sunday, November 17, 2024, Pastor Hank released a prophetic word concerning 2025 and the golden era that God is bringing the nations of the earth into. We have entered into a dimensional doorway in the spirit that has led to the beginning of the fulfillment of God’s divine reset manifesting in the earth!
The Spirit of Lord has declared that this reset will affect the cultures and destinies of the nations of the earth, and also the destinies of God’s people in their individual lives. Key signs to watch for during God’s time of His reset include the following:
- Woke ideologies losing their influence and no longer having a prominent voice
- Laws being overturned and new laws being established in favor of protecting and bringing justice for the children
- Surprise elections in Canada to reset leadership
- Change in leadership in Ukraine
- The rise of the underground Church in China
- North Korea and South Korea becoming one
- God bringing the nations into the greatest financial experience
Continue to rehearse and come into agreement with the goodness of God and His desires to reset the earth. We have entered into the Lord’s time, and we must continue to press in so that we can receive the FULL manifestation of the golden era that He has promised at this time.
Prophetic word given by Pastor Hank Kunneman on November 17, 2024, at the 9:00 a.m. Sunday service (Location: Lord of Hosts Church, Omaha NE):
“I have spoken to you before, and I say to you again that what you’re entering into—you’ve walked through a door now; you’ve walked through a door that leads to a reset. And this is My time, as I have spoken to you, of a great reset that shall come. And when you see what I shall unfold in this day, you will certainly say, ‘Look at what the Lord has done!’
“The globalists, they spoke, and they did not realize that they prophesied when they said that there was a reset that they desired.
“But I remind you of what I did in the days of Israel and in the pursuit of those that came from Egypt—Pharaoh and his army. I released the pillar of cloud by day and the fire by night, that I might put a distance between them and My people and the nation that I had favored, and the reset that I would bring unto a people.
“I speak this because there are certain things that you walked through, that you saw, you felt, you experienced, that had to do with evil. But yet I say to you, Pharaoh and his army could not touch My nation, for evil was restricted, interfered [with], disrupted. And this I speak to you in this hour of reset. You will see that there are certain levels of evil that will not have a voice and an influence. And I said to you, woke would go broke. And I tell you, it shall be shaken and no more. You will see what I will do to stand for the children of the earth. And no law, [or] those who perpetrate evil, will be able to stop what will be abolished concerning children.
“This will begin to take place, and it will happen all over the world.
A Reset for Canada
“And I said to you, who have fallen in a place of despair in Canada, I said to you I would make this ‘North America the Great,’ and I would join the hands of the man that I would restore in the land, and I have; and he would reach out, and he would join hands [with] you, Canada, and [with] Mexico. And this will begin to take place.
“Watch what happens to you, Canada. Oh, you will break away, but there will be an independence that shall arise, for you will see that I will stomp out the attempts of liberalism to arise in a new season. And in you, Canada, they will say, ‘What is this? We must vote again. What is this that we are given a chance to reset our nation and its leadership?’ I will do it,” says the Lord, “to show you that I have come to disrupt, that I may set in order a new day [for] you, O Canada.
“As My reset happens in the earth, you will see it. I will take you through; I will take you through what you will see of a great four years. But there will be a test that will come in ’29. What will you decide because of the prosperity that you experience? Shall 2030 and beyond the decade be the decade of the full manifestation of the golden era that I have promised?
“I speak to you, for there’ll be many changes.
A Reset for Russia
“Watch what will happen in Russia,” says the Spirit of God. “I will take the grip of the Bear off of the nations for a season. And there will be something that shall arise out of Russia, for there shall be a great shaking and an awakening that shall come, and you will hear it; you will hear it, as there is a liberty and a freedom that will come in the expressions of worship all through Russia. And even the leadership shall say, ‘We have bowed the knee to Yeshua, and we welcome the expression of the Christ in our land!’ And this will bring a great reset.
A Reset for Ukraine
“It’s coming to you, Ukraine, very quickly. And out of the ashes shall come beauty, and a swift change of your leadership and your headship shall follow; because I will rebuild the waste places, Ukraine, and I will set leadership that is not fake, false, corrupt, [or] evil. I will bring one who will come to power, who will rule strong with a woman. And when you see this, Ukraine, rejoice, for the days of restoration will take place!
A Reset for Asia
“And, suddenly, look to the east, as something underneath is beginning to break forth in this reset. It is the sound of the underground Church. And you will begin to see, and they will say, ‘We will now allow certain expressions of those who profess the Christ in our land.’ And you will say, ‘Impossible in Red China!’
“Ha! This is My reset!” says the Spirit of God. “And this shall flow out through Asia.
“And, for a season, North Korea [and] South Korea shall join their hands of great peace, and this shall be a precursor of what shall follow, as there shall be one Korea in the reset that I have proclaimed and I’ve announced.
“And this shall carry over into the islands of the sea. And, Taiwan, you shall experience an expression of freedom that will not have that of the Dragon’s fire that threatens you, because (for a season) the earth will behold the glory that holds back levels of evil from disrupting, interrupting, and deceiving at the level that you have seen.
“This is My time now,” says the Spirit of God…
“This reset is not just about the nations; it’s about the people of the nations. It’s about you. And I’ve declared that 2025 is the year of reset; it’s the year of My fight, and I’ll reset things.
“And I’m about to bring a freedom that you have dreamed of regarding your dreams, your desires. There are things that you have looked at, that you’ve desired, that you’ve wanted—homes, cars, your own businesses. You’ve dreamed of what this would be like and what that would be like. I’ve come to fulfill the dreams because of the injustice that took place. And I’m resetting you to bring you into even the greatest financial experience that the nations have ever experienced, and this shall fall upon you and your businesses and your own wealth.
“This golden era is not just words; it’s to give back to you, the people, the Lord’s reward.“
A December to Remember, January of Justice, February of Fury, & March Into a New Era!
Intro: During the 11:30 a.m. service on Sunday, November 17, 2024, Pastor Hank Kunneman delivered a powerful prophecy, where the Spirit of the Lord declared that we have entered into a time of God’s righteousness and justice manifesting in an extraordinary way!
In this pivotal season, the power of God’s hand will show mightily, and it will cause many shakings in areas of governmental administration, including the following:
- Sudden Supreme Court vacancies
- Unanimous court rulings
- Complete eradications of certain laws, judges, and politicians that were not in alignment with God’s righteousness (Photo via Creative Commons)
- Reports of tribunals of those who have already been brought to justice
As this time frame of God administering His justice emerges, there will be events of the soil shaking with great intensity in the natural. And there will be shakings of the soil where there are no reported deaths.
God is closely watching to see who is truly His at this time. We must continue to use our spiritual authority through intercessory prayer for the nation and for God’s redemptive plan to be carried out to completion! Continue to stand firm in your faith, as the Righteous Judge has stated that He is now bringing His justice and judgment upon the wicked to bring the earth into a place of divine rest!
Prophetic word given by Pastor Hank Kunneman on November 17, 2024, at the 11:30 a.m. Sunday service (Location: Lord of Hosts Church, Omaha NE):
“Heaven and Earth, the convergence… As it is in Heaven, it is being done and will be done on the earth. I walk among you at this time, and I am judging the nations and rulers of nations; and I am walking to and fro throughout the earth to see who, who, who is truly Mine!” says the Spirit of God. “And I am walking among the earth, and I am looking for those to bring to My justice now, for this is the time of My righteousness and My justice that will be seen.
“I am the supreme God, and I am the supreme ruler. Therefore, pay attention to your court that you call ‘Supreme.’ And I have said to you, there shall be many vacancies that are going to quickly arise, and this shall be at the power of My hand. There will be new faces, new places, new graces given.
“What does it look like when a court rules nine [to] nothing? What does it look like when things that they thought that they could shove and hide, and say, ‘Oh no, we must create lawfare; we must create deception; we must create diversion; we must steal, kill, and destroy, and nothing will stop us.'” But God says, “I will show something through your court called ‘Supreme’ that will show that I have ruled, and that My justice will overthrow and overturn. And there are things that will be brought to the light and brought back to the table.
“And there will be those who sat on your benches, and I do not speak just of your Supreme Court, but I speak of the courts who have not ruled righteously; they have not ruled justly. And as Eli (a corrupt priest) fell from his seat, [those] who have been corrupt—pay attention—they will fall from their bench. I will do this as I’m resetting the earth. But I’m resetting you, United States.
“Therefore, I said, there is coming a December to remember, there is coming a January of justice, and there will be ‘fury’ in February from the enemy; but you will march, march, march into a new era—a new season that I’ve ordained at this time.
“The earth will shake, the earth will shake, the earth will shake! And you will say, ‘What is this? The fulfillment of what Yeshua said—that there will be earthquakes in various places?’
“There will be great intensity of the natural soil, of shaking; and there will even be that which they all say (where there were no deaths), ‘How could this be?’
“I am the God that can hold the very waves of the sea back. I am the God that has counted the stars—that each one worships and praises Me. I am the God that now will move through your courts [and] tribunals.
“Cuba, the soil of your land has given up many who have already been brought to justice, and I will show the earth those who are yet to be tried, and I will share with the earth those whom you thought were alive that do not remain. This is My justice.
“The enemy mocked you, ridiculed you, [and] spoke falsely about you and your God. Now, as I’ve said in My Word, I, the God of Heaven, from My throne I laugh. I laugh at the heathen nations, and I mock you. But because you’ve touched something sacred, My people, the children, you will see a word that will arise, and it will manifest with great force. It is the word ‘eradication.’ I will eradicate laws, judges, politicians… I will eradicate those who have stood for evil. And you will see, as My justice stands, as I eradicate, I will do what I did with the Egyptians who pursued My people. They were no more.
“This is not a time to play with fire, for My fire of My righteous burning is burning now upon the hearts of men and upon the nations. I gave them an opportunity, I gave them a space to repent, but they would not… Therefore, you’ve seen what mercy looks like; now you will see what justice and judgment look like upon the wicked.”
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Editorial Special Section: Veronika West: MY SPIRITUAL STORM RIDERS ARE RISING
Message : Veronika West Date December 16, 2024 Source: Veronika Facebook
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Editorial Special Section: 12-12-24 – Heaven and Earth Completely Aligned to Usher In the Wave of Revival 【Responses from the Gathering】
Source: CJK Ministry Date: December 2024 Chinese Translation: Global 24/7 Prayer Wall
Editor’s Note: Pastor David Peng is one of the core leaders of the East Coast Returning Team. He currently pastors the First Presbyterian Church in New Jersey, USA, and leads the ministry he founded, CJK For All Nations (Chinese Japanese Korean for All Nations). After the 12-12-24 prophetic gathering held on December 12 this year under the leadership of the Holy Spirit (please click here for details ), there were many responses. We publish it here to share it with all those who pray for us.
Visions received on December 12 , 2024
This is the vision shared by Key Fellowship: Receive vision on December 12th 2024. During the 12 hours of worship angels appeared in the room carrying shovels and pickaxes. They began to dig into the floor of the church. I saw them taking out stones and large clumps of dirt. They handed them off to other angels who formed the stones and dirt into bricks. Those bricks were then used to build a bridge. I only saw the first portion of the bridge starting in this region. Then the bridge continued in the distance branching off into three separate connecting spans then it went into the clouds and I could not see when it ended.
As the angels continued to dig up the dirt and stones the ground began to shake. Then water started to break through the crust of the earth like a fountain from below. Water also started to pour through the windows of the church. The Holy Spirit said this place is becoming a well.
Then the Holy Spirit reminded me of a book written by Ryan Lestrange called Revival Hubs Rising. In that book he given definitions for what wells are:
Revival Hubs, Apostolic Church, Houses of Prayer, Kingdom Centers, Glory Hubs etc…
- Revival Hub: A center that if focused on digging and maintaining a rich well of revival and Spirit-led ministry unto equipping, awakening and societal transformation. A revival hub is a base of tactical operation, organization, and deployment.
- Revival Tribe: A group of people that includes many spiritual families who speak the same spiritual language. The language of prayer, fasting, prophetic worship, revival and awakening.
- Wells: Revival hubs are called to do more than prepare for an outpouring, they are called to dig a deep well in a region. An outpouring is a pouring out of something from above. A well issues water from the earth. You don’t dig for an outpouring. You receive it freely.
- A revival well is a spiritual well that releases a constant supply of personal awakening, radical outpourings of glory, healing and miracles, deliverance, radical worship, powerful prophetic flows, salvation and full Kingdom ministry. A revival well will spring forth in a territory as the members of the hub press in. The well must be dug, unlocked and maintained.
John 4:13-14 (KJV) 13 Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again:14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
Receive: The letters of China, Japan and Korea (CJK) are converted into the number 24
On December 13, 2024, the Holy Spirit said to convert the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean letters into numbers. C=3, J=10, K=11, total 24.
Number Meaning: Number 24
- Relating to the priesthood . Since it is made up of multiples of 12, it takes on some of the meaning of 12 (i.e., God’s governance and authority).
- Twenty-four (kaph-daleth ): To write twenty-four in Hebrew, they wrote two Hebrew letters: kaph-daleth. These two letters signify the open palm that opens the door, meaning to us the priest’s door and the door into the sanctuary of God.
- 1 Chronicles 24:1-18 lists 24 priestly offices serving in the temple.
- Revelation 4:4 Around the throne of God in heaven were 24 elders, each wearing a crown, sitting on the throne…
How is number 24 related to Christ’s rule?
Psalm 72 lists 24 things that Jesus Christ, as High Priest after the order of Melchizedek, will do when He sits upon His throne and rules as King and Priest
- He will righteously judge the people
- He will judge, with justice, the poor and needy3.Peace will be brought by the mountains
- Small hills shall also experience peace
- He shall judge the poor
- He shall save the children of the needy
- Those who oppress will be crushed
- He shall rule like rain upon grass
- He shall rule like the water that showers the globe
- He will cause the righteous to flourish
- He will bring the righteous an abundance of peace
- .He shall rule from sea to sea
- He shall rule from the river unto the ends of the earth.
- When he hears the needy cry out he will deliver him
- The poor and those who have no help will also be delivered
- Those who are needy and weak will receive compassion
- The lives of those in need will be saved
- The needy who are oppressed and experience violence will be redeemed
- The blood of those in need will be precious in His sight
- He will cause an abundance of grain on the earth
- He will bring an abundance of fruit
- He will make those of the city flourish like grass
- He will make His name to be continued
- He will bless all men
Pray with the Authority of Reconciliation and Unity
During the prayer on 12-12-24, there was a scene of the sisters raising four hands up to receive the communion bread and cup together, and stood up to pray with the authority of reconciliation and unity. Another sister received about Israel Zechariah 2:5 I will make Jerusalem a city of fire around it , saith the LORD, and I will be the glory in it.
At the end of the prayer for South Korea , I was playing the piano and worshiping while walking through the chord progression. I received a picture: a map showing Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the sea below Hong Kong, with the South China Sea written on it. Hong Kong is circled, and there is a downward arrow pointing to the South China Sea: “There is preparation for war, pray for this matter!”
- Next, when I was praying for Israel and Lebanon , I saw this picture again, and I understood, “Pay attention to the current situation. There is no news about Hong Kong or the South China Sea, because they are using other seemingly serious news to cover up the war in the South China Sea. , get up and pray about this matter.”
- The third time was the last prayer for things in Syria. God paid attention to the prayer for Hong Kong and the South China Sea.” “Listen to his accent. Where is he from?”
- “When I got home, I asked God what was going on with so many that was received in one night today. He gave me some direction.
- The Great Triangle should rise up and pray for this matter
- Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, China
- Rise up and pray for Asia
And the pastor just shared that we prayed together for 12/1224 hours, he mentioned the countries in the Grand Triangle. (Note: Chuck Pierce’s prophecy released in 2016: “ The Brief Ten-Year Window of the Nations” mentioned :
This revival lasted only ten years. Russia , Hong Kong , and the United States represent the triangle God is forming; He is rearranging the alignment of the nations. Because of Mr. Trump, we will remain aligned with Israel during this brief 10-year window. )
The Revelation Received in Puli, Taiwan
This morning we saw the vision while praying and worshiping online at God’s home in Puli, Taiwan, “ 12/12/24 Heaven and Earth Align to Welcome the Wave of Revival”. Before we prayed to the end, God allowed me to see a picture in my spirit: I saw God raising waves of revival, and thousands of people were holding surfboards, ready to ride on the waves. . God says , “I am the God who causes the wave of revival. You must be ready to ride the wave of revival and be the surfer of the wave of revival.”
The Holy Spirit inspired me : “This revival is not a revival of a church, a region, or a denomination. This revival will be like the Acts of the Apostles, where everyone will follow the resurrected Lord Christ and do the Lord’s work. The revival of those who bear witness.”
Reflections on Participating Worship In Person
This is the speech of a little sister who participated in physical worship: Thank God, on December 12 , 2024 , Pastor Peng and CKJ once again gathered all the churches to offer sacrifices with the fragrance of worship and praise, and welcomed the King of Glory to the east gate. – New Jersey! The few bright lights seen at the party were like a divine pen to draw a beautiful end to 2024 .
- Double Anointing : 12pm, Pastor Peng opened the ceremony by asking those with Shofars to stand at the four corners, blowing shofars and drums, and the crowd cheered like the sound of many waters! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise God! Compared with last year ‘s 12-12 in 2023 , this year God blessed this assembly with new anointing and double anointing ( 12+12=24 ). The spirit of worship and the spirit of freedom are striding among us.
- The Light of Life Touches People’s Hearts : I participated in the 12-3pm worship session and felt the glorious presence of God the Father, which deeply touched people’s hearts. Heavenly Father is very happy to see many children who long for Him, traveling from Canada, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New York to East Gate , New Jersey, no matter the cost , in order to honor Him and worship Him! As I settled into my seat, I saw light streaming from the windows into the auditorium, and His love poured out in the light during worship. His light is so strong that the light of life is releasing a fountain of revival. Our Heavenly Father is so good and faithful, showing grace to those who wait for Him with an honest heart. My heart is filled with gratitude and my tears keep flowing. The spirit is washed and renewed by the living water, and the heart is filled with joy! Seeing the willow pines and trees outside swaying in the wind, they match the rhythm of praise inside our house, and all creatures come together to worship and praise our God.
- Ancient Wells Coming Out: 1-2 pm The brothers who lead worship sing ancient hymns with deep and deep voices. God opened a bright light: This is the ancient well! Spring water comes from the ancient well! When we sing to this well, water comes up. When we pray to dig a well, angels work to dig out all the stone-like obstacles in our hearts so that living water can flow.【Numbers 21:17-18 】Then the Israelites sang and said, ” Well, come up with water! Sing to this well. This well was dug by the princes and the nobles of the people with picks and rods. ”
- Aroma: Before the end of the second period, suddenly, a burst of fragrance overflows, it is the scent of Rose of Sharon balm. I thought someone was breaking bottles or anointing people, but no one was doing that. The aroma lasts about 5 minutes. Beloved Jesus declares His love with fragrance, and we are His bride – “I am the Rose of Sharon”!
May the praise, worship, prayers, thanksgivings, and amen of the saints to one another be displayed like incense before God the Father, to the delight of the Father! Amen!
Editorial Special Section: Homecoming Core Value(2): NON-NEGOTIABLE LOVE
Love is Non-Negotiable – We Will Always Love God and Love One Another
A Different Community
We all know the two greatest commandments: love God and love your neighbor. With this, the Holy Spirit is building a community on the earth that’s different from anything the world has ever seen. God wants to show the world the example of a family living in love – his family walking with a kingdom heart.
By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. (John 13:35)
God’s nature
That love is anything but superficial, for it flows from the very nature of God.
God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. (1 John 4:16)
Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. (John 17:24)
“The glory you have given me because you loved me…” Love precedes glory. Glory comes as a result and a manifestation of the love of the Father. When we long for his glory, it’s never outside of his love.
High standards – To love is to die
That love has high standards and comes with a great price. To love is to die:
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. (John 15:13)
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. (1 John 3:16)
The requirement of love for one another is clear: we can’t love God if we don’t love the other members of the family.
Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister. (1 John 4:20-21)
This is why Jesus taught us in details on how we ought to behave:
- Not to judge (Matthew 7:1)
- Remove the plank out of our own eye (Matthew 7:5)
- Forgive (Matthew 6:14-15)
- The golden rule (Matthew 7:12), etc.
A new wineskin
Why are those guidelines so important? The Lord wants to birth in the earth, through his family, a new wineskin into which the new wine from heaven can be poured without being spilled. We are called to form that container for his presence to dwell on the earth.
Sacrificial love – Walking with an open heart
Knowing the dream of the Father for his Ekklesia, we are ready to embrace the pains and sufferings attached to genuine love, considering any sacrifice a sweet offering to our Lord. Even when we are hurt, we trust Jesus to heal our wounds, and we keep walking with an open heart. We can’t afford the luxury of walking with a closed heart. We can only walk with open hearts. We are ready to take again and again the risk to love.
Quitting is not an option
Our love is non-negotiable. We will always love God; we will always love one another. Period. Even when disagreements come, or hurts and wounds hit the heart, still, we are not given the option to bail out. Love is never put on the table for negotiation. We don’t let our brother or sister slide away: “We will not let you go, we will not let you fail – quitting is not an option.” Fathers and mothers in the family will help the brothers and sisters to keep walking in this love through challenging times and situations.
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Editorial Special Section: Nita Johnson: Seeking the Face of God
Message : Nita Johnson Date : December 19, 2024 Source: World for Jesus Ministries
Psalm 27:8
Tonight, the Lord gave me a scripture to share with you. He told me this Himself, so I know this is very important to Him. Because the holiday season we are about to enter can easily distract us from our ultimate goal, I hope you will consider what the Lord is saying to you as you celebrate this season.
“You said: Seek my face [seeking and claiming my presence becomes your urgent need]. Then my heart says to you, Lord, your face (your presence), I will seek, ask and claim [because of the authority of your word]” (Psalm 27:8 Amplified Version).
This isn’t just a request, it’s a command. The Lord is not making a statement, He is commanding us what we must do as children of the living God living in a new kingdom. He should be more important in our hearts than the holidays. Therefore, He wants to remind us, “ My children, it is your urgent need to seek my face, ask and claim my presence. “
Metaphor of Sickness
If you were seriously ill and there was only one drug that could save you from death, you would definitely try to find that drug because it would determine whether you lived or died. Think of how hopeless you would feel if you couldn’t get it! Do you cry because your chances of survival are zero? Do you often wake up in the middle of the night, feeling endless fear? Do you cry out to God every few minutes, “ Please heal me, please don’t let me die. Please speak to me, please answer my prayer! “ I think most people do what King David did. , is to begin to seek Him, to seek Him harder than ever before, because this is a life-or-death moment.
Come! Sit on My Lap
The Bible says this, “Seek my face, ask and claim my presence, says He. It shall be your urgent need.” Our Lord not only invites us, but tells us, “Do not be afraid, there is no fear in this. Child , come and sit on daddy’s lap. I will protect you and heal you.” After hearing this, do you immediately want to rush over and jump on daddy’s lap? This scene truly describes the heart of our Heavenly Father!
You are Life and Breath
I want to say to the Lord, “Lord, You are my life and my breath! How much I need You! There is nothing in this world that is stronger than my desire for You! My God, without You, I am nothing. My life is not important, because You are my life!” May we call on the eternal God from the depths of our souls, calling on Him to be with us and calling on Him to pull us from the road to hell. Come out and put us safely in His lap. There He will protect us, nurture us, and give us the strength to become a new creation.
A Teardrop
My dear, one tear of longing can make Him move mountains for you. So as we go through the holidays, don’t forget who is standing in the room waiting for you and who is there pouring out His love to the ones you love. No one will see Him, but He will be there. Oh, come and seek Him this holiday season! Oh, don’t let your gifts distract you from the Giver who loves you deeply.
Nita’s Prayer
Heavenly Father, without You, we are nothing. Without Christ, we cannot know You. We love Him for all He has done for us. We love Him because His love for You is so pure and holy that He chose the cross in order to obey You! He is filled with Your love and He is the Lover of our souls. He teaches us to desire Your presence, and You will respond to our desire. Your love will be in our blood and in our breath.
Nita’s Blessing
May each of you during this holiday season remember our God with joy and fervor, the first thing we think about in the morning and the last thing we do before going to sleep. Oh, may our hearts be filled with the love of God!
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Editorial Special Section: 【Voice of Fig】Prophetic Message 578512 Anxiety and Peace
Message : Jenny Lee Date : December 22, 2024 Source: YouTube Video
Ten Main Characteristics of Leviathan
- Twisted Spirit: Leviathan is good at distorting communication, creating misunderstandings and disputes, and causing rifts in interpersonal relationships.
- Related to Pride: Pride is the breeding ground for Leviathan’s invasion, which exploits people’s pride and hinders humility in walking with God.
- Destroying Relationships: Leviathan sows strife in relationships, causing rifts between friends, partners, co-workers, and even breaking covenants.
- Creates Communication Confusion : It not only distorts single words, but also distorts the entire conversation, causing the other party to misunderstand the speaker’s meaning.
- Intimidation: Leviathan seeks to overwhelm people and use intimidation to weaken their faith and ability to fight spiritually.
- Attacks the Mind: It can confuse thoughts, lead to doubt, self-denial, and even make wrong judgments.
- Operating in Stealth: Leviathan operates in secret, quietly sowing the seeds of pride, strife, offense, confusion, etc., until irreparable damage is done.
- Strategic Spiritual Warfare Required: Direct confrontation with Leviathan is very dangerous, so a strategic approach should be taken, such as first dealing with the witchcraft that Leviathan spreads and then eliminating its root causes.
- Influence on a wide area: As a high-level evil spirit, Leviathan can affect the entire region, church, and family, causing widespread pride and division.
- Jesus has overcome Leviathan: Although Leviathan is powerful, Jesus has defeated all evil forces, including Leviathan, on the cross. Believers need to humbly rely on God and declare His victory.
- When faith graduates, it becomes trust. Trusting God becomes your assurance, and faith will turn all suffering/disaster into testimony, allowing us to say: “Lord! I only trust in You!”
- A lot of people will beat you up for making a mistake, but that doesn’t mean you have to beat yourself up too. When you can, fix what you can and move on. No one in the world is perfect, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do the best you can in every situation/situation. Gather your strength and forge ahead/develop rapidly/steadily.
- Isaiah 41:10 Do not be afraid, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
The Coming of the King of Glory: Prophecies for December and 2025
- Grace and blessings pour out like rain
- Look back to the days before this day, from this twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, to the day when the foundation of the temple of the LORD was laid. Is there any grain in the barn? The vines, fig trees, pomegranate trees, and olive trees all bore no fruit. From today on, I will bless you. ( Hab. 2:18–19 )
- In the Jewish calendar, the ninth month is Kislev. September 24, 2024, falls on December 25 – Christmas, symbolizing the giving of gifts. I believe this is a sign from God that He will pour out abundant blessings and gifts to His people!
- Jews believe that Kislev symbolizes the month of hope and miracles. This is the month of Hanukkah, which represents the endless supply we have in Christ – the light of the world.
- The time for childbirth has arrived
- The ninth month also symbolizes the time of childbirth. Many people have reached the point of giving birth but feel unable to continue. Some people feel exhausted and even want to give up. They are like the people of Israel who said in Isaiah 37:3 : “…Today is a day of trouble, of punishment, of reproach; like children about to be born, but having no strength to give birth.” But the Lord now says to His people: “ Strength will be provided!” The body of Christ is preparing for sudden labor, and some may experience intense labor pains. And we are entering a time of rapid birth of God’s will. Childbirth difficulties may come unexpectedly, but they are destined to come.
Changing of the Guard and Spiritual Reinforcements
- The Lord said, “This is the changing of the guard.” I heard Him speak of “the contingent.”
- Now is the time for God to call His people to rise up and build His temple according to the blueprint of His heart. We are at the point in Zechariah 4 where God declares that a double measure of grace will be given to bring out the cornerstone, the capstone, to complete the building of His temple.
- Although there are challenges that seek to hinder this work, the Angel Task Force will act as a fortress against the attacks of the evil one. Divine help is coming!
- Psalm 92:10 But you have exalted my horns like the horns of a wild bull. I am anointed with new oil.
- The anointing of the bull (the power given by the Holy Spirit) is coming to those faithful and obedient frontline servants. This anointing will affect the body of Christ like a flowing stream, giving His church the strength to stand in the glory of God. And be strong and courageous in this extraordinary time. Troops of angels are arriving to move the body of Christ from a defensive posture to an offensive posture. The enemy will be deceived and quickly retreat. You will stand strong with the armies of heaven!
- This pull back is to drive/propel you forward!
- While praying a few days ago, the Prophet saw a person being placed in a giant slingshot in the hands of the Lord. I saw the person being pulled back in the slingshot, and then as they were pulled further back, and back again. At one point, I could see the tension/tightness in the slingshot’s ties/bands, looking as if they couldn’t pull any further back, and then, all of a sudden, the Lord let go/released the slingshot’s bandage.
- Many of you have been through this pull back and you feel the tension/tightness in that place as the Lord continues to pull you back, but the Lord is saying, this pull back Back is to drive/propel you forward!
- Get ready for the season of acceleration! Get ready for this sudden (let go)! Isaiah 60:22 tells us that the Lord will act quickly at the right time!
- I hear the Lord saying, “Full throttle/Full speed/Full speed ahead”! I release it (this blessing) upon you now in the name of Jesus!
- ( Isaiah 60:22 , KJV) The smallest tribe will be multiplied a thousand times; the weak nation will become strong. I, the LORD, will do this quickly in due time. (Isaiah 60:22, Current Chinese Version 2019) The smallest of your families will become a great nation, and the weakest of your families will become a strong nation. I am the Lord; I, the Lord, will make this happen quickly when the time comes.
- I heard the Lord say, “I am solidifying my strategy.”
- When the Lord spoke these words, I saw a scene like a “whirlwind” surrounding many people. These cyclones appear to be chaotic storms, roaring and blowing violently. I know they come from the enemy to bring unrest and anxiety.
- When I see the word “anxiety,” it touches me deeply.
- Anxiety: A deep feeling of worry or fear. Synonyms: anxiety, fear, restlessness, apprehension, uneasiness, distress, stress, panic, restlessness.
- These whirlwinds of chaos suddenly sweep into the lives of many believers. I realized that they were given a carefully planned mission to bring anxiety into the lives of believers. The reason why anxiety can enter is because believers identify with “lies” and “misconceptions.”
- “These whirlwinds of chaos are here to bring deep unrest and anxiety to many at this time, as the enemy seeks to thwart the strengthening strategies I am releasing upon My people. But I am leading My people into a ‘rest of faith. realm so that they will not be shaken in my strategy.
- “I say to you, My people, do not look at these whirlwinds. Bury your head between your knees like Elijah ( 1 Kings 18:42 ), focus on your prayers, and listen to what I say and what I release strategy , keep your eyes on me. I tell you , when you keep lifting your eyes , where does help come from? At that time, you will not only enter a deeper realm of receiving My Heart, but you will also enter a season where your strategy is completely solidified. Not only that, I am clearly establishing My strategy in your life and working deep within you. You stand unwaveringly on my word.”
- God is healing these people from pain, sorrow, and trauma on a deeper level than before. In the past, many people have struggled with the storms of the outside world, and now the storms within them seem to linger, but the Lord is releasing them now.
- I saw the Lord standing before these people, and He came among them as the Prince of Peace. ( Isaiah 9:6-7 ) [Isaiah 9:6-7] For to us a child is born; to us a son is given. The government will be upon His shoulders; His name will be called “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” His government and peace will increase without end. He will rule over his kingdom on the throne of David, establishing it with justice and righteousness now and forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this.
- The cry for peace and joy came from the hearts of these people so loudly, and the Lord heard their cry.
- As I listened close to the heart of the Lord, I heard Him say, “Where the storm rages within you, I am leading you into the deeper stillness of your soul. I am leading you into the stillness of my presence. I am leading you into green pastures, where I will shepherd you and give you rest for your soul.”
- Then I heard Psalm 23:3 clearly : “He revives my soul and guides me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.”
I Will Give You What you Need “Piece by Piece”
- God says: I will give you what you need “piece by piece.”
- As you rest in His peace, all things/pieces/parts will fall into place/fall into place. I heard the Lord say “piece by piece and piece by peace” (piece by piece and peace by peace are the same pronunciation), and I knew it was a play on words/a pun. Some of you have been asking the Lord to tell you what to do, where to go, what decisions to make next. You have been needing clarity and the Lord is saying, I will show you! As you enter the place of peace/calmness within Me, give Me your worries, trust Me, and you will find that things/pieces/parts will fall into place.
- John 14:27 says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, nor be afraid.” Bless you as you strive to enter. rest in peace.
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Editorial Special Section: 2025 Jehu Fast【January 1-21, 2025】

Message : Lou Engle Date : December 12, 2024 Source: Lou Engle YouTube Video
Many prophets have spoken concerning President Trump being a type of Jehu king of Israel that swept away the evil and corrupt regime of Ahab and Jezebel. While reading the story of Jehu and comparing President Trump’s promises of completely ‘draining the swamp’ of DC and transforming America as a modern-day Jehu through his cabinet appointees, I was apprehended by 2 Kings 10:15,16.
Jehu rides his chariot first to Jezreel to eliminate King Joram and Queen Jezebel. Then he rides a second time to Samaria to finish the cleansing. It struck me that President Trump’s first ride was his first term as President. Now in Trump’s second term, he rides to finish the reformation. In vs 15,16, Jehu meets a father of the righteous conservative movement Jehonadab who rides in Jehu’s chariot to sweep away those remaining in the house of Ahab.
The Lord apprehended me that the church in Trump’s second term must get in Trump’s chariot and pray and fast for him and his cabinet to have the character, wisdom, and power from God needed to fulfill the purpose for which they have been sent. Therefore, we are calling a nationwide Daniel fast from January 1-21, the day of his inauguration, to see him through to success.
It is not enough that Trump was elected. Like Jehu, in his second term. he has to fulfill God’s agenda of reformation.
It’s time to ride!!!
Follow us for these 20 days of urgent breakthrough prophetic prayer.
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Editorial Special Section: Perfume of Nations: Covering the Middle East

Date : December 7, 2024 Source: Watchmen for the Nations
This year has been marked by shaking—both on earth and in the heavens—just as Hebrews 12 reminds us: “Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens. The words ‘once more’ indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain” (Hebrews 12:26-27).
Amidst the shaking, the unshakable Kingdom of God is breaking through. We sense the Spirit’s leading to gather as one family—united across nations, tribes, and tongues—to seek the Lord’s timing and heart. Together, we align with Heaven, declaring the rule and reign of Jesus over every principality and power in this region.
From December 11–15, join us daily from 5:00 AM to 9:00 AM PT for Perfume of Nations, a time of saturating the Middle East with the fragrance of God’s love and truth. As the perfume rises, we will pray for hearts to turn to the Lord, for the healing of the land, and for the preparation of a highway of holiness for His glory to enter.
Perfume of Nations Schedule (Subject to change)
- December 11 – Singapore, Jordan, & USA
- December 12 – Korea, Ireland & Israel
- December 13 – Indonesia, Israel & Switzerland
- December 14 – Malaysia, France, Lebanon & Canada (Montreal)
- December 15 – Korea, Canada (Vancouver), Egypt & Germany
- December 16 – Global Gathering Online
The gathering will be live streamed on our YouTube and Facebook channels.
Unshakable Kingdom – Global Gathering Online
On December 16, at 5:00 AM PT / 3:00 PM IT, join us for the Global Gathering Online, streaming live on the Watchmen Facebook and YouTube channels. This time of worship, thanksgiving, and declarations will be a moment to reflect on the Lord’s faithfulness and release our faith for the promises of 2025, trusting in His unshakable Kingdom.
As we approach 2025, there is a call to step forward with bold faith, ready to possess the promises of God and to walk in unity as His remnant people. Hebrews 12:28 reminds us, “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe.”
Let us fill the atmosphere with worship, seek His heart, and prepare for His glorious presence to be revealed in even greater ways in the year ahead. His Kingdom cannot be shaken!
Finally, we had an incredible time in Malaysia for the Tribes and Nations Gathering. It was a powerful display of unity and the fragrance of worship arising from every tribe and tongue. Stay tuned for a full report on all the Lord did during this remarkable time!
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Pray for America: Let’s Finish the Reformation of United States!
Editor’s Note: This article is an excerpt from Daqua Sheets’ 15 Minutes to Him post on December 6th.
【 Current Events/Background: As the book of Ezra opens, Cyrus, king of Persia, allows a remnant of Israelites to return to Jerusalem for the purpose of rebuilding their Temple. Seventy years prior, God had allowed Israel to be taken into captivity by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, because of their apostasy. Later, they came under the rule of Cyrus when he conquered Babylon. God then moved upon the heart of Cyrus, a pagan and idolatrous king, to permit this return. He even stirred Cyrus’ heart to help the remnant raise the needed funds for rebuilding (Ezra 1:1-4), and returned to them all the vessels and utensils Nebuchadnezzar had plundered from the Temple.
“When the workers laid the foundation of The Temple of God, the priests in their robes stood up with trumpets, and the Levites, sons of Asaph, with cymbals, to praise God in the tradition of David…All the people boomed out hurrahs, praising God as the foundation of The Temple of God was laid. As many were noisily shouting with joy, many of the older priests, Levites, and family heads who had seen the first Temple, when they saw the foundations of this Temple laid, wept loudly… People couldn’t distinguish the shouting from the weeping. The sound of their voices reverberated for miles around.” (Ezra 3:10-13 MSG)
It has always intrigued me that many younger Israelites shouted for joy while some of the older ones wept. We are left to wonder why the older folks wept. Joy? Grieving lost years? Realizing just how far they had to go? One thing is certain: their perspective was different
There is one more certainty about the celebration which took place that day: it was a bit premature. Satan had plans for the project, also. Daniel 7:25 tells us he attempts to alter “times and laws.” The Hebrew word used for“time” in this verse means an appointed time; the word for“laws”means, among other things, the decree of a king.(2) God our King, appoints our times and seasons; He also decrees His good plans and purposes for us, both in His written Word and prophetically. However, this verse tells us satan tries to alter those times and decrees. We know he can’t do so by overpowering or outwitting God; he attempts to do so by attacking us.
Daniel 7:25 also reveals one of the ways satan tries to do so: by “wearing down” the saints. The Hebrew word this is taken from is never used in Scripture to describe physical fatigue, only mental and emotional weariness. Satan attempts to wear us down in our souls, causing us to “grow weary” (literally: “lose heart”) in our efforts (Galatians 6:9). Fear, discouragement, lack of endurance, hope-deferred, and other emotional responses attack our faith and, if not guarded against, can cause us to lose heart. If this weariness occurs, it can alter our God-appointed times. This time-altering strategy worked against the remnant sent to rebuild the Temple of God.
Satan’s method in that situation was to work through other people in the region:
“So these people started beating down the morale of the people of Judah, harassing them as they built. They even hired propagandists to sap their resolve. They kept this up for about fifteen years, throughout the lifetime of Cyrus king of Persia and on into the reign of Darius king of Persia.” (Ezra 4:4-5 MSG)
These “propagandists,” or “counselors,” as other translations refer to them, were basically lobbyists, individuals hired and sent to the king with accusations and misinformation. They succeeded in planting concerns in him that, once the Israelites rebuilt their temple, they would rebel from his rule and cause great problems in his kingdom. The Israelites, rather than remaining strong and trusting God to help them overcome this, yielded to fear and discouragement. The result? The rebuilding of the temple stopped for 16 years! All they had produced was a foundation.
During this time, though abandoning God’s house, the Israelites began building their own homes and businesses. They attempted to justify this by saying it must not yet be God’s appointed time for the Temple to be rebuilt. Opposition, however, should never be allowed to determine what we believe to be God’s will. Nor should this be something used to judge whether or not it is His appointed time for something.
Eventually, God had enough of their complacency and raised up a prophet, Haggai, to deliver His message to them:
“God-of-the-Angel-Armies says: ‘The people procrastinate. They say this isn’t the right time to rebuild My Temple, the Temple of God.’
“Shortly after that, God said more and Haggai spoke it: ‘How is it that it’s the “right time” for you to live in your fine new homes while Mine is in ruins?…’
“Then the governor, Zerubbabel, Joshua the high priest, and all the people with them listened, really listened, to the voice of their God. When God sent the prophet Haggai to them, they paid attention to him. In listening to Haggai, they honored God. Then Haggai, God’s messenger, preached God’s message to the people: ‘I am with you!’” (Haggai 1:1-14 MSG)
When the people responded appropriately to God’s words, He was quick to respond with grace and favor. Turns out it wasn’t those in opposition to God that were His problem; He was well able to deal with them. His people were the problem! What God needed was a people of faith who would not succumb to fear, discouragement, or self-centeredness. When they were able to shake off these things, God favored them once again and said, I am with you! Let’s go!
A month later, Haggai encouraged them by prophesying again,
“Don’t be timid. Don’t hold back…Before you know it, I will shake up sky and earth, ocean and fields. And I’ll shake down all the godless nations. They’ll bring bushels of wealth and I will fill this Temple with splendor…I own the silver, I own the gold…This Temple is going to end up far better than it started out, a glorious beginning but an even more glorious finish: a place in which I will hand out wholeness and holiness.’” (Haggai 2:1-9 MSG)
Like this remnant in Israel, many in the church of America have grown weary in their prayers for revival and the rebuilding of our nation. Lobbyists, media opposition, unrighteous laws, intimidating government agencies, elections that didn’t go our way, ungodly politicians – satan has used these and more, attempting to wear us down. Some responded just as these Israelites did, deciding it must not be time for America’s turnaround. Yet many did not!
God now needs for us to persevere in our faith and prayers. We must not allow satan to alter our appointed times and God’s promised recovery by wearing us down. Don’t be intimidated. God can deal with His enemies, just as He did in Haggai’s day. Determine that nothing will stop us – wars, threats, fear, discouragement, setbacks, unbelief – nothing.
Let’s finish this!
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Pray for Israel: Isaiah 62 Prayer Movement December 2024 Prayer Letter
【Current Event / Background:This past year has been difficult for Israel on many levels, yet so many Israelis have inspired us with their courage, resilience, and selfless sacrifice. In years to come, much will be written about the momentous days we are in right now, and it is indeed a great privilege to stand with Israel in these trying times. It made me reflect on our founding mandate from Scripture: “’Comfort, yes, comfort My people!’ says your God,” (Isaiah 40:1) So, what do we consider to be a comfort in difficult times like these?
The Israeli people were quickly condemned for their response to the October 7 massacre by Hamas, and they often express to us how alone and misunderstood they have felt ever since. They have prayed, asked hard questions, and examined their lives. Some concluded that they needed to pursue more purposeful and meaningful lives. In this crucible of anger, grief and loss, it is marvellous to begin to see beauty springing up – literally out of the ashes.
In such times, true friendship is a great comfort. When times are tough, it makes all the difference to walk through the troubles with friends who support you, listen to you, believe your story, set the record straight on your behalf, and come to visit and lend a helping hand when you are in need. At the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, we have been there doing all those things for the people of Israel over the years and especially this past year of war and great loss in this nation. In a recent conversation with Asaf, a farmer in southern Israel, I was delighted to hear how true friends made such a difference in his life and have given him the strength to dream of better days ahead.
Asaf was overwhelmed by the flood of practical assistance and the willing extra hands of Israelis and Christian volunteers flying into the country to help to bring in the harvest. This inspired Asaf and his friends to open an agricultural school in the Eshkol Region even though their community is still evacuated. The idea is to bring young Israelis, ages 15-18, to the South to learn hi-tech agricultural skills while completing their high school studies. They will throw in lessons on Zionism – love of the Land and people – to inspire the next generation to continue to settle and develop the Western Negev.
With his team full of hope and excitement over the future, they began renovating old buildings and were quickly finished. To their surprise, 30 young people from across Israel started the program on 1 September, with plans for up to 100 more students to join later. A garden has been planted and soon greenhouses will be added as classrooms. Seeing these young people bicycle around areas that have been devoid of residents for over a year, the project has already brought laughter and renewed hope.
Our actions have consequences, as they can bring either light or darkness to those around us. In this season, as we remember the birth of Messiah – our great hope and light – may we be inspired to reflect His light to those around us. As Kurt Kaiser’s gospel song “Pass It On” so aptly says: “It only takes a spark to get a fire going, and soon all those around can warm up in its glowing…”
Thank you for your continued prayers for us and for the people of Israel.
Wishing you a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. May they be full of meaning and joy!
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Pray for Israel: Light of Zion: These Are The Days of Ezekiel
Editor’s note: This article is reprinted from the “Light of Zion” ministry’s prayer for covering Israel between December 2024 and January 2025, published on December 8, for your reference.
We are regularly asked to share details with Christian friends in the nations about what is happening in Israel, often for the purposes of prayer. We love helping keep the international Body of Messiah informed as to how they might understand and bless the Jewish state. In this post we share with you what we perceive to be among the most critical issues currently facing our country. As you know, however, “facts” reported about Israel are not only highly complex, but often hotly contested. Israeli commentators and journalists, however skilled, and even if they/we are believers, sometimes have very different perspectives on those same “facts”.
Because accurate details about events impacting Israel can sometimes be hard or impossible to unearth or verify, we urge you to keep in mind and heart the broad biblical overview of what God is doing with the Jewish people. If we keep in focus the general trajectory of His redemptive plans, our views and prayers will regularly re-calibrate to His Word, even when we lack detailed knowledge of rapidly changing, multi-nuanced circumstances.
First and foremost, God’s chief desire for Israel is that she be saved (Romans 10:1). A prerequisite to her salvation is Gentile believers provoking the Jewish people to jealousy for their Messiah (Romans 11:11). This happens through the fullness of the Gentiles, which can be broadly understood as the Gentile Church being full of God’s Spirit (Romans 11:25-26).
Secondly, in these last days, the Jewish people are being restored to the Land and to the Lord (saved) according to the broad strokes outline of Ezekiel Chapters 36 through 39. This lengthy prophetic passage describes aliyah (immigration to Israel) and a type of resurrection from the dead. The end result is Israel turning to God on a national level.
In Ezekiel 37:1-14, God breathes on dry Jewish bones to form an “exceedingly great army” (KJV). He does not describe Israel as a great nation or people, but as an army. This can be difficult for some Christians with pacifist leanings to understand. But God knew Israel was going to have to fight from the start just to stay alive.
For perspective, recall that when YHVH delivered the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt, He described them as a tsava (Exodus 12:41, 51). Tsava is a Hebrew word meaning military outfit or army. It is sometimes translated in English as “hosts.” (You may be familiar with the phrase Adonai Tsivaot, referring to God as Commander of Angel Armies or Heavenly Hosts.)
From the day Israel first became a nation, she faced strong military opposition, beginning but not ending with Pharaoh’s armies. Reborn as a nation in 1948, she faced a similar scenario. Within hours of declaring independence, the fledgling Jewish state was attacked by armies from Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Yemen—decades before she allegedly occupied or oppressed anyone. Since then, military contention against her has not ceased, especially in the form of terror. Little wonder that God resurrected her as an “exceedingly great army.”
Ezekiel 38 through 39 speaks of nations contending against Israel’s last days’ restoration and invading her land. Eventually, their collective military campaign against her is such that God Himself defends Israel, and miraculously so. He executes judgment on her enemies, which He sees as being at enmity with Him (Ez. 38:3). In the process, His glory is revealed to Jews and Gentiles alike. Collectively as a nation, Israel turns to worship Him alone (Ez. 39:22, 29). Many other prophetic Scriptures confirm or elaborate on this general theme.
In summary, Ezekiel 36 through 39 informs us how to pray for Israel’s restoration to the Land and to the Lord. We are to pray for her “exceedingly great army” to accomplish what it must, when and how it must, consistent with God’s character and leadership, for His glory.
There’s still more. Ezekiel 37:15-24 implies or hints that in the process of her progressive restoration, internal disunity threatens to tear the Jewish state apart. The passage does not state whether or not Israel is indeed divided again into two kingdoms, as in biblical history. What is clear is that God re-unites the Jewish people into one nation, serving one King. Therefore, we ask you to continue praying that Israel remain united as one nation through her current shakings.
As we pray, at least as important as what God says He will do with Israel, is who He says He is. Our prayers are to be informed by our knowledge of the character and heart of The One receiving them. Our Beloved King is all powerful and holy, yet loving. He is righteous and just, yet gracious and merciful. He is faithful and true to His Word. He desires all peoples to be saved, even today, for today is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2, 1 Timothy 2:4). So while the day of Israel’s national salvation has not yet come, today is the day for the salvation of some individual Jews, as well as some Gentiles.
To recap, if we keep in mind the Bible’s general outline of prophetic events, we can pray effectively into complex current events pertaining to Israel, even if we cannot unravel all the underlying details, historical context, and military-political intrigue. And so, based on Ezekiel 36 through 39, here’s how you can pray for Israel as we transition from 2024 into 2025. Please note the last prayer point is the most time sensitive.
Ezekiel 36-39: Prayers to Shield Israel – December 2024 through January 2025
1. Israel’s salvation
Pray for an outpouring of grace to inspire Jewish people to seek God with all their hearts, for then He will be found by them (Jeremiah 29:13). Pray for His healing and comfort to be released and felt across Israel and by Jews in the nations reeling from antisemitism.
Pray that as Jewish people turn to God, the veil causing partial blindness and resistance to the Gospel will be removed (2 Corinthians 3:15-16).
Pray that wounds due specifically to Christian antisemitism over past centuries will melt as believers who are full of God’s Spirit extend love, comfort and aid to the Jewish people.
Pray that Spirit filled believers who love Israel will share the Gospel with Jewish people and not unconsciously succumb to the growing heretical belief that Jews can be saved apart from Yeshua.
Pray for the maturation, strengthening, protection, anointing, boldness and fruitfulness of Israeli believers and outreach ministries. Pray for the manifestation of God’s glory through them.
2. Domestic Discord
Pray for national unity and internal shalom among Israelis.
Pray for exposure and cessation of demonic sources of internal civil strife: prideful political posturing and grudge bearing; globalist/Marxist funding, manipulation and resources; unhealed generational and personal wounds; religious disputations; confusion over our national identity and calling; and more. Pray for love and truth to overtake hate and lies.
Pray that our ongoing domestic shakings will result in a divine cleansing and repentance from injustice, unrighteousness and corruption, with a turning toward purity in our government, institutions and culture.
Pray and proclaim Ezekiel 37:21-22: Israel is being restored as an undivided nation.
3. Aliyah
Pray that Jewish people in the nations will discern and respond to God’s call to return to their covenant land.
Pray for the Israeli government to discern and respond to God’s call to properly absorb new immigrants.
Pray that ultra-Orthodox Jews, who have tightly controlled and restricted aliyah, will permit all Jews to return to their covenant land, especially Jews who believe in Jesus.
4. Ezekiel 37 Military Armies
Pray for Israeli soldiers, intelligence and security forces, police and military officials, to be supernaturally protected, strengthened in mind, body, and spirit, and aligned with God’s will.
Pray for the defense and protection of Israeli civilians from terror and war.
Pray that the enemies of Israel, chiefly Iran and its proxies, will be defeated or severely set back. Pray for the Iranian regime to either repent or be removed, along with its rogue nuclear program, and for a replacement government not hostile to the Gospel.
Pray for new governance that will prove favorable to the Gospel in war torn Lebanon, Gaza and Syria.
Pray for all the hostages held by Hamas to be released in a way that does not harm Israel. Pray for the hostages’ comfort, strength, protection and salvation.
Pray for a season of reprieve from war in Israel and the Middle East. We believe God would be pleased for a season of peace that is conducive to a widespread spiritual harvest in the region before an end times anti-Christian, antisemitic, anti-God rule over Israel and the nations (1 Timothy 2:1-4).
5. Ezekiel 37 Nonmilitary Armies: Time Sensitive!
Pray regarding the ongoing, nonmilitary forms of war against Israel expressed through lawfare, media warfare and global antisemitism.
Pray mercy and grace not only for Israel, but for the nations. Recall Yeshua’s parable of sheep and goats in Matthew 25:31-46, foretelling of His judgment on nations that mistreat the Jews.
Since our last news and prayer update, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. The warrants were based on allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Gaza. The charges, like others of the past, were founded on outrageous misapplications of international law, backed by equally outrageous lies (including staged visuals) labelled ingenuously as “evidence.” (As we’ve shared before, Islamist theology mandates lying to achieve jihadi goals.)
The ICC does not have legal jurisdiction over Israel or Gaza. But that does not mean Israel is not experiencing repercussions from the arrest warrants, including rapidly mounting isolation from the global community—diplomatically, militarily, economically, scientifically, technologically, in the arts and just about every other sphere of international relations. Israel is fast becoming a pariah state in many respects.Pray for God’s merciful justice on Israel and the nations as we inch closer to the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38 and 39. Pray for His timing of these events.
Continuing on the theme of non-military warfare, on January 20, 2025, US President Biden is scheduled to step down from office, with President-elect Trump resuming the position. Many Israelis optimistically expect the Trump administration to prove more supportive than the Biden administration. However, there is also concern that Mr. Biden could seriously harm the Jewish state by an 11th hour action taken before he leaves.
This would not be without precedent. In 2016, days before leaving office, POTUS Obama green-lighted UN Security Council Resolution 2334. The resolution declared any and all Israeli presence in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, to be illegal. It gave official recognition to a future Palestinian state. Although Obama and Netanyahu had a notoriously uncooperative relationship, this act was perceived by Israel as a shocking betrayal.
If enforced, Resolution 2334 would require Israel to relinquish all of biblical Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem to putative Palestine. A future American administration would not have legal authority to reverse or un-do what has already been done at the Security Council. Prophetic Scriptures such as Joel 3:2 indeed point to the likelihood (or perhaps inevitability) of a future Palestinian state.
President Biden’s policies toward Israel and her enemies these past four years have been a mixed bag. He has provided substantial military support to the Jewish state, for which we are sincerely grateful. But at the same time he has repeatedly tied Israel’s hands, thereby prolonging our war(s) with Hamas and Hezbollah, much to our detriment.
Mr. Biden likely seeks a legacy in which he will be remembered as being even-handed toward Palestinians and Israelis alike. Repeatedly stating that he wants to see a sovereign Palestinian state, he has reportedly gotten quite frustrated with, and angered by, PM Netanyahu. Moreover, Mr. Biden appears not to be functioning at full mental capacity, but depending heavily on the decisions of others whose sympathies seem to lie more with Palestinians than with Jews.
We encourage you to pray that President Biden would not stab Israel in the back on his way out the door in the manner of his mentor, Barak Obama. Pray and proclaim that America will bless Israel, and therefore be blessed, and therefore be positioned to be a blessing to many (Genesis 12:3). To God’s glory!
Thank you for lovingly standing with us, with Israel and with the Jewish people. Your every prayer makes a difference.
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Critical Event: Rick Ridings Prayer Alert Syria, Turkey, Kurds
Editor’s note: This article is a translated excerpt from the prayer alert video on the 434th day of the war (December 13) by Pastor Rick Ridings, founder of the Jerusalem House of Prayer. In this video, he shared for Syria , Turkey, and the Kurds are praying for key visions in the rapidly evolving situation.
【Background of Current Events: Events are unfolding rapidly, of course, especially in Syria. And I want to share a vision and some scriptures that the Lord has been giving us here to pray over Turkey, Syria, and over the Christians of that area and over all the Kurds in that whole region and a future Kurdish stat.
Vision About Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
And the vision that I received on December 10th this week, I saw that President Erdogan
of Turkey was using the cover of darkness. It was like really dark, not any stars, it was just very pitch dark at night. And he was using that cover of darkness to have his troops and their allies throw a net over the Kurds of northeastern Syria and Iraq in order to imprison them.
Suddenly, a large spotlight came on, it was like the spotlights at a prison yard when they’re trying to do a prison break and suddenly the spotlight is shining upon this plan. And then sirens began to sound.
And then I saw that the Turkish military and their allies who had just thrown that net to try to imprison the Kurds were surprised and suddenly a wind of the Lord came up and blew the net back upon the Turkish military and all of their allies.
And then they were thrown into confusion. They began clawing wildly, trying to get out of this net to escape.
Then I saw huge angels that stood guard over the borders of a future Kurdish stat. Then a dome of light formed over that future Kurdistan to protect it from such attempts to stop it from its movement toward a state.
I believe scripturally God sets the borders of the nations of the people. So the Kurds are in ancient people.
Many believe that they are the ancient meats and God sets the borders of the times of peoples. And Syria, modern Syria was an arbitrary border drawn around the time of the ending of World War I and the ending of the Turkish Caliphate. And so I believe it’s God’s time, I saw an earlier vision in which I saw a huge angel
with sash that said border, actually many angels, border angels, and they were involved in establishing borders.
So let us believe the Lord to cause any who would come against God’s borders and God’s purposes to fail.
Key Verses
So here’s some key scriptures that were proclaiming here, Jerusalem and Sukkot Alal, Psalm 9 verse 15, the nations have fallen into the pit that they have dug.
- Psalm 35:7-9 Their feet are caught in the net that they have hidden. Since they hid their net for me without cause and without cause dug a pit for me, may ruin overtake them by surprise, may the net that they hid and tangle them, may they fall into the pit to their ruin, then my soul will rejoice in the Lord and delight in his salvation.
- Psalm 57:6 they spread a net for my feet. I was bowed down in distress. They dug a pit in my path, but they have fallen into it themselves.
- Psalm 140:4-11 keep me safe. And we pray this for all the Christians of Syria and Iraq and all the Kurds and a future Kurdistan. Keep me safe, Lord, from the hands of the wicked. Protect me from the violent who devise ways to trip my feet. The arrogant have hidden a snare for me. They have spread out the cords of their net and they have set traps for me along my pathway. But I say to the Lord, you are my God. Hero Lord, my cry for mercy. Sovereign Lord, my strong deliverer, you shield my head in the day of battle. Do not grant the wicked their desires, Lord. Do not let their plan succeed. Those who surround me proudly rear their heads. May the mischief of their lips engulf them.
Rebel Groups Occupying Syria – Under the ISIS Flag
You know, many of these groups, their various groups, but some of the main groups that have taken over Syria and God is using that in a great way, I believe, to make as Israel has been able to destroy at least 87% of all of Syria’s military assets. And this makes a clear way if there needs to be a attack upon Iran’s nuclear program. So God is using this for good, but at the same time we need to realize that although modern media, mainstream media is trying to present these rebels as suddenly having a change of heart. It just means it’s lovely, sweet people.
They already, their videos coming out, I’ve seen them myself, of towns that they are taking and they’re flying ISIS flags as they take those towns. So we need to realize that some of these groups are just ISIS that has, was dormant for a while and had prepared for a future time. So we need to be praying for God’s exposure, both of anything that would come from Turkey.
Many of them have been found with Turkish passports or Turkish identity and there’s been bombing of the Kurds from the Turks, but this is not reported widely in mainstream media, but the Lord God Almighty knows and he can shine his spotlight upon it and he can cause them to fall to the net they themselves have hidden.
So me, they’re the mistress of their lips where they’re saying, oh, we’re very moderate
now, we’re no longer a radical ISIS. May this be exposed and may truth come out quickly for the sake of the people of Syria as well as for the Kurdish people, especially for all the Christians in the region.
May the mistress of their lips, mischief of their lips engulf them. May burning colds fall on them, may they be thrown into fire, may die. My repeats never to rise, may slanderers not be established in the land, but may be disaster hunt down the violet. So we again, we pray that any that would turn to the Lord, would turn to the Lord, but those who are bent on evil and violence, may disaster hunt them down rather than them hunting down those that are called for God’s purposes at the Middle East.
And I believe the Kurds have a strong calling. Their hardest toward Israel, there’s a great openness, many Kurds are turning to the Lord. I believe there’s going to be a great move of the Holy Spirit among the Kurds.
So let’s pray protection over them, over the Christians in that area.
2019 Vision: Lightning Emanating from the Presence of the Lord
And then one more thing I’d like to share, many of you who watch this are aware that in 2019, the Lord gave me a vision of lightning coming out from him, covered with dark clouds and lightning went out from his presence and as it says in Psalm 29 verse 7, the word of the Lord went forth like flashes of lightning.
And in that vision, which we’ll give a reference below in the description of the YouTube. In that vision, I saw that lightning strike demonic thrones over Tehran, Iran, Moscow, Russia, and Tehran, and Ankara, Turkey.
And then later on, I saw a continuation, I saw it striking also Beirut. And I believe very clearly in 2019, as we proclaimed that, we literally had a lightning storm outside our window here at Succata.
Recently, we felt led to proclaim again that those verses from Psalm 29 about the Lord’s voice were going forth as lightning. And we proclaim them again that there would be setbacks again over demonic thrones over Iran, Russia, Turkey, and Lebanon.
And in the events of the last few weeks, it seems quite clear that there has been a strong setback of demonic plans coming forth from demonic thrones over Iran, over Russia. Those two were propping up the Assad regime in Syria, and they didn’t come to their aid. Somehow they were weakened enough that they could not come to the aid of Syria, and Assad’s regime fell.
And also in Lebanon, there’s been so much victory as we had proclaimed from Psalm 29 of the cedars of Lebanon being splintered, thrown into division, set back by his voice, and that seems to be happening, and we need to continue to pray into that in Lebanon for the full work there. But I believe right now, we need to proclaim, let the word of the Lord go forth like lightning, and we proclaim that from Jerusalem.
Letting go forth like lightning to strike the demonic throne over Ankara, Turkey, and to severely set back any demonic plans of a new caliphate, of oppression of people in Turkey, and in Syria, and in Iraq, and that the Christians and the Kurdish people and other peoples would be free from what these demonic demands are coming out of this throne over Ankara. We believe you, Lord, your throne is above every other throne. You are Lord God Almighty, and we proclaim your sovereignty into this current situation in the name of Yeshua.
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Critical Event: Christians Under the Fire of War in Syria
【Background of current events: One of the Syrian anti-government forces, HTS and the pro-Turkey Syrian National Army, invaded the important town of Aleppo in northern Syria on November 27 (last Wednesday) , captured 56 villages in western Aleppo Province and controlled 400 square kilometers of land in just two days. The regime of Syrian President Assad is in danger. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also held an emergency meeting to respond. On the other hand, Russia has launched air strikes against Syrian rebels.
The safety of Christians and missionaries is threatened, and the war in the Middle East is getting complicated and worsening, heading towards the prophecy of Ezekiel 38 .
The Syrian government’s military security department stated that as of November 30, rebel militants had controlled most of Aleppo, including the Aleppo International Airport, which was once used by Hezbollah and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards to smuggle weapons. However, for the Syrian rebels, the attack was dubbed “Dawn of Freedom” because of the strategic importance of retaking Aleppo from militias backed by the Assad regime and Iran. Aleppo is one of the oldest cities in the world. It was inhabited as early as the 11th century BC. It is the economic capital of Syria and an important town in the north. Its importance is second only to Damascus.
It is reported that the rebels are composed of al-Qaeda and Islamic State (ISIS) militants, are supported by Turkey and Ukraine, and compete with Syria, Iran and Russia, which are countries hostile to Israel.
On the other hand, as Turkey and Russia join the war and the Syrian government forces are fully withdrawing in the north, the Christian community in Syria is facing severe challenges. More than 30 churches and more than 20,000 Christians in Aleppo are organizing Islamic organizations in Syria. under their control. There is an urgent need for prayer intervention and God’s protection.
The Middle East is facing intensifying conflicts and changes. The precarious Assad government in Syria seems to be fulfilling the biblical prophecy about the abandonment of Damascus ( Isaiah 17:1 ). The Northern Alliance, formed out of the interests of Türkiye, Russia, and Iran, is also taking shape towards the prophecy of war in Ezekiel 38. And this is also the time when God will be sanctified in the people of Israel in the eyes of the Gentiles so that they can know God ( Ezek. 38:16 ), and they will know the Lord ( Ezek. 38:23 ).
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Critical Event: Persecution of Christians in China Worsens
【Current Affairs / Background: In China, the most public persecution often occurs in areas dominated by Buddhism or Islam – anyone who converts to Christianity is regarded as a betrayal of their nation and family. These believers may be threatened or even harmed, all in an effort to force them to return to their ancestral religious beliefs.
However, persecution and discrimination are slowly spreading across much of China. The state’s goal is to ensure that the church does not diverge from official views. In the case of Three-Self churches, this means they are encouraged to praise and pledge allegiance to the Communist Party and its ideology. Although, house churches exist in a legal gray area, being unregistered and technically not allowed, but largely tolerated. New regulations continue to undermine this status quo. Children under 18 are still prohibited from attending church. Most churches are monitored and may be closed without warning.
The restrictions passed in 2018 are part of a broad religious law that makes it more difficult for Christians to use the Internet or social media to pursue their faith.
Who is Most Vulnerable to Persecution?
Converts from minority Muslim or Buddhist backgrounds face the most severe restrictions on religious freedom, posing a strain on families and communities. But across China, Christians and churches face increasing restrictions and surveillance.
Aqiang’s Sharing
Aqiang (pseudonym) is a Christian whose house church was raided and closed for “illegal gatherings.” According to him, “We are nervous, scared and worried because this is the first time something has happened to us. Are we blacklisted? Will our travel be restricted? We don’t have the answer now. But what I am grateful for is “After this incident, our brothers and sisters never stopped praying for each other and encouraging each other with words .”
What’s Changed from Last Year?
Over the past five years, persecution has slowly but steadily worsened , and the 2024 World Watch List reporting period is no exception. Although violence against believers remains rare, church closures and raids continue to occur, and stress in all aspects of believers’ lives has steadily increased. This year, the government passed a regulation requiring churches to post slogans that say “love the country, love the party, and love the religion.” While the rule only affects state-sanctioned churches and enforcement appears to be spotty, house church leaders are increasingly concerned about crackdowns. Parents are increasingly concerned about raising their children in the faith because it is illegal for anyone under 18 to attend church.
】 (Reference: Open Door)
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Pray for the Indigenous People: Determination in the Fire of War – The Earthly Firstborn and the Spiritual Firstborn Stand Together
【Current events/Background: We reported here that the “Indigenous Embassy of Jerusalem” (IEJ) was established in Israel on February 1 this year, and held a simple opening ceremony (to read related reports, please click here ), and planned The grand opening of the “Jerusalem Aboriginal Embassy” to be held on October 27 this year. Indigenous people from all over the world were invited to wear their own outfits and bring gifts to Israel, stand with Israel, speak for Israel, and support God’s chosen people.
In preparation for the grand opening ceremony in October, Canada’s First Nations Grand Chief, Lynda Prince, held a “North American Aboriginal Ceremony” at the Muckleshoot Reservation near Seattle at the end of May this year. First Nations of North America Leadership Conference. Many people are deeply aware of the importance of indigenous peoples and nations standing with Israel at this time of rising anti-Semitism, and have expressed their desire to attend the grand opening in October to honor and encourage the Israeli people.
October Grand Opening Postponed
However, due to the impact of the war, the IEJ global leadership held several Zoom meetings and decided to postpone the IEJ “Grand Opening Ceremony” that Lynda was responsible for to next year. One of the main factors in this decision was that the “war canoes” originally destined for Israel could not be disembarked because Israeli beaches were closed to all public activities due to the war. In addition, many airlines stopped flying to Tel Aviv, causing air ticket prices to soar, making it impossible for many indigenous leaders who wanted to participate.
Another event, Advocacy Day, was scheduled to be canceled because Toronto Jews felt it was unsafe to go to Israel right now, so the seminar was canceled. As for the “Academic Seminar” event, it cannot be canceled and will be held as scheduled.
A Few Indigenous Leaders Still Went as Planned
Still, Lynda and other indigenous leaders feel that, as indigenous peoples, they must stand in solidarity and show support for Israel . So they decided that some of them should be present because they were a remnant of the remnant. There are currently about 35 indigenous people from all over the world, who have defied all odds and will stick to their original schedule. Fifteen of them will meet with Israeli President Isaac Herzog on the 28th.
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Cleansing And Covering Prayer
Cleansing Prayers
Dear Heavenly Father, I ________ (put your name in it) come to the throne of grace, through the blood of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, to receive Your abundant grace and mercy. Lord Jesus, ________ confess You are the Lord of my life. I ask the resurrected power of the Holy Spirit to fill and saturate every part of my being. I surrender all my spirit, soul and body completely to You. Now I ask You to reveal to me, remind me of any sin that I have committed known or unknown, so that I can confess and repent of them accordingly. (Recommendation: quiet yourself, so you can allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you)
Cleanse me from all the defilement of the world, sanctify me and my family line of any unrighteousness with the blood of Jesus. Now by my own will, I choose to forgive everyone that has offended me or hurt me, I release them into the freedom of my forgiveness. I also release them from the debts they might owe me. I now cast all my burden to You . Your yoke is easy, Your burden is light. I now put on the armor of God that You have given me, gird myself with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, my feet fitted with the gospel of peace, so that I can pray and intercede in the Holy Spirit by Your mighty power, and after done all to stand firm.
Firewall Covering Prayer
Abba Father, I thank you for watching and blessing us coming in and going out, from now and forevermore.
Abba Father, help us to hide under the shadow of the Almighty, and cover us with Your wings. I now plead the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on myself, my entire family _________
(speak names of your family, and name the people, things, items, that needs covering, such as : your work, ministries, and everyone that you minister to, your property, finances, friends, pets, vehicles, pastors and small group leaders / members and president )
Abba Father, send the host of angels and chariots of fire, to surround and protect us, I ask that You place the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ, in between everyone and the power of darkness that we might be facing today, to block all ungodly influences and keep us from all spiritual attacks, loss of property and any evil strategy of the enemies. We declare no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!