Weekly Prayer (12/2)
【Last Weekly Prayer (11/25)】 【 Next Weekly Prayer (12/9)】
【Cleansing/Covering Prayer】
Editor’s Words
Editorial Special Section: David Peng: 12-12-24 – Heaven and Earth are Fully Aligned to Welcome the Wave of Revival

Message : David Peng Date : November 30, 2024 Source: CJK For All Nations
Editor’s Note: Pastor David Peng is one of the core leaders of the East Coast Homecoming team and currently pastors the First Presbyterian Church of New Jersey, USA. sInce 2012, God sent Korean and Japanese servants to his church to hold a 12-12-12 continuous 12-hour worship and praise gathering, raising up Pastor Peng to enter the season of prophetic service. After receiving the anointing from God on behalf of the Chinese people in 2016, God continued to lead him to connect with various key ethnic groups and release revelations about God’s destiny and end-time plan for the Chinese people and various ethnic groups, such as “Global Revival” Crucial Moment” (can be read here ). In recent years, God has also led him to found the CJK For All Nations (Chinese Japanese Korean for All Nations) ministry, which connects all ethnic groups to work together and launches a 24/7 prayer wave. This 12-12-24 prophetic gathering, launched under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, welcomes intercessors from all over the world to actively participate through the Internet.
Editorial Special Section: Kislev: Blessings for the Hebrew Month
Message: Ron Sawka Date: November 26, 2024 Source : Ron Sawka Apostolic Ministries
Editor’s Note : Kislev is the ninth month of the holy calendar in the year 5785 of the Jewish calendar, corresponding to December 2 to December 31, 2024 in the Western calendar. This article is excerpted from the 2006 Glory of Zion ministry prophet Chuck Pierce’s CD lecture. He highly recommends visiting Chuck Pierce’s website to retrieve more information and information. A more complete explanation.
Editorial Special Section: Veronika West: The foundations of Nations and the True Apostolic and Prophetic Remnant Rising
Message : Jeremy Johnson Date November 3, 2024 Source: YouTube Video
The most recent encounter I had a few weeks ago, spoke powerfully and poignantly to the need for the Prophets to begin to prophesy to The Ruach Breath of God — to come and Revive and Restore the scattered Remnants of the Apostolic and Prophetic. In the encounter, The Spirit of Revelation took me deep into the very root system of The Nations and showed me that the foundations were in disrepair, crumbling and broken down.
Editorial Special Section: Kathi Pelton: The Sound of Surrender Changes Everything
Message: Kathi Pelton Date: November 21, 2024 Source: Elijah List
Posture of Surrender
The Lord has such beautiful freedom for His people that is found in the posture of surrender. Yet, surrender is one of the postures of the saints that the enemy fears the most.
Editorial Special Section: Nate Johnston: HAVE YOU OUTGROWN YOUR SEASON?
Messsage: Nate Johnston Date : November 26, 2024 Source : Nate & Christy Ministries
During a moment of worship a few days ago I saw a vision of a plant growing tall in a crowded greenhouse.
Editorial Special Section: Ricci Johnson-Wilson: 2025, the Year of Justice, Righteousness, and Restoration! Make way for the King of kings!
Message : Ricci Johnson-Wilson Date : November 8, 2024 Source: World for Jesus Ministries
Last time I spoke on transitioning from wanderers to warriors and this message carries that same theme. We must be ready to engage with the Lord in the continued fight for our nation.
Editorial Special Section: 【Voice of Fig】 578509 Listen carefully, I am releasing the clarity of 2025 (Part 1)

Message : Jenny Lee Date : December 1, 2024 Source: YouTube Video
Month of Kislev
- It is the 9th month, or the 3rd month : the Jewish year has two “New Years” – Nisan in the spring, and Tishri in the fall. Counting from Nisan, this is the ninth month. If counting from the month of Tishri – this is the third month.
Declaration Prayer: For President Trump and His Team [Update]
We declare in the name of Jesus :
- God will continue to bless and protect President Trump and his family, as well as the “scepter of justice” that God has raised up to support him in his government.
- The blood of Jesus covers them and those close to President Trump, bind and drive away any witchcraft or spells cast on them.
- The Holy Spirit continues to pour out and personally guide President Trump. He grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God. ( Lu 2:52 )
- The seven spirits of God are manifested in President Trump’s life ( Isaiah 11:1-3 ), giving him keen insight and discernment, judging the situation, and resolutely continuing to fulfill his call.
- God will restore Trump to his rightful position at His best time and give people grace to transition.
Declaration Prayer: Declaration for the Month of Kislev
Editor’s Note: Kislev – the ninth month of the Jewish calendar in 5785, corresponding to December 2 to December 31, 2024 in the Western calendar.
Declare in the name of Jesus :
- We bless Israel, and God will bless us. (Genesis 12:3)
- We beat the drums and the harps, and worship God, and God will fight for us. (Isaiah 30:31-32)
- God is changing us to become like Jesus, rearranging and positioning us into our inheritance. (Romans 8:29)
- Old negative cycles and patterns have been – and are being – broken, and we will be rewarded greatly for keeping the courage God has given us. (Hebrews 10:35)
- God is in control, let us not accept any word of accusation against us, and strive to enter into the rest. (Hebrews 4:11; Revelation 12:10)
- God is leading us, we are to delight in him, and he will give us the desires of our hearts. (Psalm 37:24)
- God is healing us through various channels. We are dear to God, and He will let us sleep peacefully. (Psalm 127:2)
- God desires us to have His peace, overflowing and abundant life, and we will walk with the Lord every day and experience His peace and abundance.
- We are determined to move forward, forget what is behind, and work hard for what lies ahead.
- We have to dedicate our lives completely to God and experience the inexhaustible anointing of the Holy Spirit, so that our lamps will always shine brightly.
(Adapted from Blessings of the month of Kislev by Ron Sawka )
Declaration Prayer: Watchmen Decree
Editor’s Note: This article is excerpted from the prayer post of “Give Him 15 ” on 2022/7/6 by prayer leader Dutch Sheets.
As a Patriot of faith, I attest my allegiance first and foremost to the kingdom of God and the Great Commission. Secondly, I agree to be a watchman over our nation concerning its people and their rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
- we, the Church, are God’s governing Body on the earth
- we have been given legal power and authority from heaven
- we are God’s ambassadors and spokespeople over the earth
- through the power of God, we are His world influencers
- because of our covenant with God, we are equipped and delegated by Him to destroy every attempted advance of the enemy
- We decree that America’s executive branch of government will honor God and defend the Constitution.
- We decree that our legislative branch (Congress) will write only laws that are righteous and constitutional.
- We decree that our judicial system will issue rulings that are biblical and constitutional.
- We declare that we stand against wokeness, the occult, and every evil attempt against our nation.
- We declare that we now take back our God-given freedoms, according to our Constitution.
- We declare that we take back influence at the local level in our communities.
- We decree that we take back and permanently control positions of influence and leadership in each of the **Seven Mountains.
- We decree that the blood of Jesus covers and protects our nation. It protects and separates us for God.
- We declare that our nation is energy independent.
- We declare that America is strong spiritually, financially, militarily and technologically.
- We decree that evil carries no power, authority or rights in our land nor over our people.
- We decree that we will operate in unity, going beyond denominational lines in order to accomplish the purposes of God for our nation.
- And we decree that AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!
We know this country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. We know the truth; therefore, we stand for truth and will NEVER be deceived! We will NEVER stop fighting!
We will NEVER, EVER, EVER give up or give in!
We WILL take our country back.
We WILL honor the ONE TRUE GOD, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!
Pray for America: Bringing the Bible Back into School Classrooms
【 Current Events/Background: In the past, public schools in the United States would pray publicly before every class. However, since 1962, this tradition has been banned, and 39 million students across the country have lost the right to pray publicly in schools. …Detailed Reading】
- Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.
- Proverbs 9:20 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding .
- Proverbs 16:3, 11 Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will come true. The just scales and scales are the Lord’s, and all the weights in the bag are His ordained.
- Isaiah 49:24-25 How can a warrior take back what he has stolen? Shall we rescue those who deserve to be taken captive? But this is what the LORD says: Even the plunder of the mighty will be taken back, and the plunder of the violent will be delivered. I will contend with him who contends with you, and I will save your children .
【 Prayer 】
- The Bible Returns to School Curriculum : Heavenly Father, thank You for forgiving us for the mistakes of the past that have caused the education system to drift further and further away from biblical principles. God and the Bible have been completely expelled from schools at all levels, and have become trapped in today’s bitter battle for students’ religious freedom. Thank You for Your intervention in raising up President Trump to implement education reforms and bring prayer back to schools. Thank You also, for using Oklahoma to lead the charge to bring the Bible back into public school classrooms. Awaken Your church more, so that we no longer shrink back and be timid, stand up bravely for the next generation and the kingdom of God, and actively enter into various fields to reverse the American education system, restore and establish a solid foundation of good character, so that our children Know God, fear God, follow your commandments, understand God’s will, and comprehensively transform America!
- We declare in the name of Jesus Christ,
- The spirit of the fear of God will descend upon all of America!
- God-fearing children will enter the education system and turn the education system upside down!
- The Holy Spirit of God will be poured out greatly on every campus, the fire of prayer will be ignited, and prayer altars will be established!
- God’s name will be honored on every campus, and the Bible will be exalted on campus!
- America must once again educate its youth according to biblical principles.
- The United States is a country with Jehovah as its God, and the United States is blessed!
- The American people are God’s chosen ones for His inheritance, and the American people are blessed!
Pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Pray for America: Joel’s Army Prayer Points
Editor’s note: This article is the focus of the “World for Christ” ministry led by Nita Johnson to pray for the United States on November 17th, for your reference and prayer.
- Worship God
【When praying 2 & 3 please keep this in focus.-pray that God will cause justice to reign in America and a love for life (re: abortion and HT)! 】
- Pray about Innocent Blood – Abortion – Crisis at the border & satanic rituals. (Two clinics in the nation offer to cover the cost of even abortion pills if you will come and have your abortion in their satanic clinic. A ritual is performed by satanists as the mother ingests the pill.)
- Pray about Innocent blood — Human trafficking/ crisis in the nation. Crimes against children, ritual abuse.
- Pray for the Economy-raise up brand neweconomy the simplest way possible. Include new asset backed currency. Pray that we will keep the banks but not the old system.
- Pray for Academia – pray for the extraction of communism/cultural Marxist agenda. Pray for Education to return to its roots, restore Prayer/Bible/Righteous Curriculum. Save the children from indoctrination as a result ofdeceptive gender ideology. Lgtbq+ is part of cultural Marxism.
- Pray for Media- target CISA- the propaganda machine. This weight has got to fall
- Pray for Academia – restore truth and righteousness to our educational system
- Pray for President Trump and entire team in this transition period. Pray for a smooth transition, Protection, and complete covering. Pray for the cabinet selection, for God’s will to be done in every single step! Pray for the house election. A house majority is critically important for Trump’s objectives. Close races still being tallied – no fraud.
- Pray against planned Chaos & Racial Tension. Pray against false flags,
- Pray against WW3– Israel/Middle East & Russia/Ukraine -pray for an end to these war
- Pray for the fires of revival to fall on our nation!
Pray for Israel: Rabbi Killed in UAE – Anti-Semitic Violence Escalating Again?
【Current Event / Background: On November 21, a Jewish rabbi Zvi Kogan (28 years old) who worked for the Orthodox Jewish organization “Chabad” was reported missing in the United Arab Emirates; on November 24, His body was found in Al Ain, a city in the United Arab Emirates that borders Oman. Kogan is a resident of the United Arab Emirates and holds dual citizenship of Israel and Moldova. ...Detailed Reading】
- Psalm 121:4 He who protects Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps.
- 1 Kings 8:52 May your eyes be on your servant, and may you hear the prayers of your people Israel. May you hear my prayers whenever they pray to you.
Heavenly Father, we pray that Your mighty arm will protect the Israelites all over the world, that their hearts will soften and turn to You, and that they will earnestly seek Your destiny for them. May the Lord continue to lead them back to the land You promised their ancestors. home so that they may experience Your faithfulness and love in the covenant. We pray that all premeditated attacks on Israel will fail and that the nations will see the greatness of the God who never slumbers or sleeps to protect Israel, and that He is the only true God who can save the world.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!
Editor’s note: For more prayer guides against anti-Semitism, click here .
Pray for Israel: Light of Zion: DAILY PRAYER FOR ISRAEL AT WAR – 2024
Editor’s note: This article is reprinted from the “Daily Prayer for Israel at War” recently updated on April 24 by the “Light of Zion” ministry for your prayer reference. Here are 12 prayer points. May you pray for Israel, which is at war with Hamas. In addition, Israel is also informally at war with Hezbollah, which is supported by Iran in Lebanon.
- God’s Victory and Glory. Pray that God’s overarching purposes in Israel’s wars with Hamas and Hezbollah will be accomplished with the least amount of harm necessary to result in the greatest amount of good, for His ultimate glory. Praise the Lord, Captain of the Armies of Heaven, because His ways are not our ways; they are greater. May His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Psalms 100:4; 83, 2 and 33:10-12, Joshua 5:14, Matthew 6:10)
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Critical Event: Christians Under the Fire of War in Syria
【Background of current events: One of the Syrian anti-government forces, HTS and the pro-Turkey Syrian National Army, invaded the important town of Aleppo in northern Syria on November 27 (last Wednesday) , captured 56 villages in western Aleppo Province and controlled 400 square kilometers of land in just two days....…Detailed Reading】
- Ezek 38:14 Son of man! For this reason you shall prophesy and say to Gog, “Thus says the Sovereign Lord: Don’t you know the day when my people Israel will dwell in safety? You will bring many peoples from your own country, from the uttermost parts of the north, on horseback, a great army. Gog, you will come up against my people Israel like a cloud covering the earth. I will bring you against my land in the last days, until I will be sanctified in you in the sight of the Gentiles, so that they may know me. 』
- Isaiah 17:1, 3, 7 Concerning the Damascus Revelation: “Look! Damascus has been abandoned. It is no longer a city, it will become a heap! ⋯⋯Ephraim will no longer have security, Damascus will no longer have a kingdom…On that day, people will look to their Creator, and their eyes will look on the Holy One of Israel. 』
- Isaiah 19:23-25 In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrians will enter into Egypt, and the Egyptians into Assyria, and the Egyptians will worship the Lord with the Assyrians. On that day Israel will become one with the three kingdoms of Egypt and Assyria, and they will bless the people on the earth, for the Lord of hosts will bless them, saying, “Egypt is my people, Assyria is the work of my hands, and Israel is my inheritance. Blessed are all! 』
【 Prayer 】
- God’s Ways are Higher than Man’s Ways: Father God! We thank You and praise You. Your ways are higher than our ways. When the kings of the world gather to attack Your land and Your chosen people, please use Your outstretched arms to save and strengthen Your people, because this is right. This is the time when You will show Yourself holy in them, so that the world can see that You are Jehovah, the God who protects Israel, and that the world can know You and recognize You. Ask the Lord to release the people of Syria so that their eyes may be lifted up to the Lord who created them, and to the Holy One of Israel who sacrificed himself for them.
- We declare in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ:
- The Assyrians will worship the Lord together with the Israelites, and the highway of Isaiah 19 is opening.
- Now is the day of restoration and restoration. When the number of the Gentiles is fulfilled, all Israel will be saved ( Romans 11:25-26 )
- The Lord will bring all things in heaven and on earth into one in Christ at the fullness of time according to His plan. ( Ephesians 1:10 ) The season of restoration is beginning.
- The Lord Himself will keep the Christians in Syria and cause them to dwell in the secret place of the Most High, under the shadow of the Almighty.
- The Lord will command his angels to protect the Syrian Christians in all their ways and to set them on high places to show salvation. ( Psalm 91 )
In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen!
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Critical Event: Persecution of Christians in China Worsens
【Current Affairs / Background: In China, the most public persecution often occurs in areas dominated by Buddhism or Islam – anyone who converts to Christianity is regarded as a betrayal of their nation and family. These believers may be threatened or even harmed, all in an effort to force them to return to their ancestral religious beliefs...…Detailed Reading】
- Pray for Church Leaders: Heavenly Father, we bring church leaders before You and keep them safe every day, especially underground church leaders. Bless them with the wisdom and intelligence to be as wise as serpent and as gentle as doves when they work. Give them the confidence and courage to stick to their original calling and continue on the path of serving in restricted situations.
- Pray for Christians : Heavenly Father,
- Please remember those children who are persecuted because of their faith, especially preachers or believers who have become targets of surveillance by the police or the Religious Affairs Bureau. Keep and look after their physical and mental safety so that they can turn the crisis into safety and lead them on the road ahead.
- In the current difficult religious and political environment, please give believers a brave and wise heart, a firm and persistent heart, and protect all believers from fear, shrinkage, and compromise when facing persecution and challenges. Ways and means to subtly defeat your enemies.
- Please open the way for young people to come to know You and give parents the heavenly wisdom to share the gospel with and discipline their children.
- We also pray for the security of the online environment so that the preachers’ phone calls and WeChat messages will not be monitored.
- Eliminate Heresies under the Banner of Christ: Heavenly Father, there are many heresies under the banner of Christianity in China. They go around to confuse people or make money, or directly or indirectly make remarks against the government. Therefore, they have become the focus of national surveillance and suppression. , because their extreme or evil words and deeds have brought a lot of danger and persecution to orthodox Christians. Please remove the heresies in the name of Christ in China and purify the religious environment in mainland China.
In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen!
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Pray for the Indigenous People:Determination in the Fire of War – The Earthly Firstborn and the Spiritual Firstborn Stand Together
【Current events/Background: We reported here that the “Indigenous Embassy of Jerusalem” (IEJ) was established in Israel on February 1 this year, and held a simple opening ceremony (to read related reports, please click here ), and planned The grand opening of the “Jerusalem Aboriginal Embassy” to be held on October 27 this year. Indigenous people from all over the world were invited to wear their own outfits and bring gifts to Israel, stand with Israel, speak for Israel, and support God’s chosen people. …Detailed Reading 】
- Isaiah 40:1-2 “Comfort, comfort my people,” says your God. 2 Speak comfort to Jerusalem and proclaim to her that her days of war are fulfilled and her sins are forgiven her. You will receive double punishment from the hand of the Lord for all your sins!”
- Jeremiah 55:5 They will visit Zion and face it and say, Come, join yourself to the LORD for a covenant that will never be forgotten. 』
- The earthly firstborn and the spiritual firstborn stand together: Heavenly Father, the indigenous people represent the Gentiles of the nations, who came to Jerusalem to stand with the Judahs during Israel’s difficult times. They comfort and comfort Your people! They are to visit Zion and enter into the covenant of union with Your Beloved. May your heart also be comforted! When the indigenous people (the earthly firstborn) and the Jews (the spiritual firstborn) stand together in Jerusalem, worshiping and praising together, the two become one, and the glory of heaven will fill the entire holy city. Peace is no longer just a luxury, the Lord His ways will be taught to all nations.
- We declare in the name of Jesus Christ,
- There is no lack or fear in love. This journey of love to Israel for the indigenous people will be filled with your loving presence, abundant supply, complete peace, and great joy.
- The arrival of the earthly firstborn natives will bring breakthroughs in the spiritual world and the natural world, and all things on earth will be revived.
- The earthly firstborn Aboriginal people share the joys and sorrows of the spiritual firstborn Israel and will bring the nations into alignment with God’s will.
- Next year, more indigenous peoples and remnants from all nations will come to Israel to prepare the way for the glorious King!
In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen!
Pray For Church
Pray for Participating Churches and Pastrs on Regional 24/7 Prayer Walls
【Editor’s Note: The 24/7 prayer walls listed here are especially for local churches and pastors. If you are committed to watch on the regional walls, simply click on the link listed below to connect to the local prayer wall. 】
- East Coast 24/7 Prayer Wall – Prayers for Local Churches & Leaders
- Bread Of Life Christian Church in ShiLin
- NZ Awaken the Dawn
Related Events and Prayer Background
Editorial Special Section: Kislev: Blessings for the Hebrew Month
Message: Ron Sawka Date: November 26, 2024 Source : Ron Sawka Apostolic Ministries
Editor’s Note : Kislev is the ninth month of the holy calendar in the year 5785 of the Jewish calendar, corresponding to December 2 to December 31, 2024 in the Western calendar. This article is excerpted from the 2006 Glory of Zion ministry prophet Chuck Pierce’s CD lecture. He highly recommends visiting Chuck Pierce’s website to retrieve more information and information. A more complete explanation.
Be Sure to Celebrate
Kislev is the ninth month. The number nine symbolizes fruitfulness, completion, fullness of blessings, and the Holy Spirit (nine gifts and nine fruit). This connects to our having received the “breath of God” as per Abraham and Sarah and the Eleven (see Gen. 17, John 20:21–23[1]), so think “exceeding fruitfulness.” This fruitfulness comes because of the miraculous power of God working in our lives. Rejoice!
- The month of the tribe of Benjamin. He was the only one of the twelve born in the land of Israel. Let’s be sure to keep our eyes on Israel. Keep praying for it. Remember the Lord said to Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you” (Gen. 12:3). Expect blessing because we do bless Israel.
- A month to develop your warfare strategies, and a month to have prophetic revelation for war. Benjamin was the most gifted with the bow (which represents the prophetic). Genesis 49:27 states, “Benjamin is a ravenous wolf; in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil.” Ask the Lord for strategies. Be sure to receive prophetic ministry, and meditate on prophecies you have already received. Know the Lord wants you to be victorious and to move fully into your inheritance. One prophetic key will be exuberant, joyful warfare praise. Learn more about it and do it (see Isaiah 30:31–32 [1]).
- A month to enter into a new level of trust and rest. “Believe the prophets and you will prosper” (2 Chron. 20:20). Be sure to rest in what the Lord has promised. Meditate on what He has already spoken to you (see 1 Timothy 4:14–15) [2]. Have great confidence that the Lord is in the process of rearranging and positioning you into your inheritance—which He saw for you from before you were born (see Jeremiah 1:5) [3]. We are predestined to be like Jesus (see Romans 8:29) [4].
- The month of the Hebrew letter samekh [ס], which looks like a circle. It signifies trust, confidence, support, and coming full circle. We are in a season of developing trust and confidence. Meditate on Hebrews 10:35, which states, “Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward.” Rest in the truth of what you experienced during the Feast of Tabernacles—that Jesus wants to be part of your regular daily life. He wants to relate to us as “friends.” Also rest in the truth that old negative cycles and patterns have been—and are being—broken so they won’t keep coming back.
- A month to review your support system. Whom do you support? Who supports you? Who are your friends? Recognize that each one is from the Lord and treat them with honor and thankfulness. Expect your “circle” and number of connections to grow.
- The month of the rainbow. You must “war” to have peace. This Biblical concept is important to recognize. Peace will not just happen; we have to fight for it. Whenever something negative arises, immediately go to the Lord and talk to Him. You will know that He is taking care of it. Don’t accept the words of the “accuser of the brethren” (Rev. 12:10) against anyone. Trust the Lord to take care of “problem people” and don’t worry about them.
- The month of a sense of peace and tranquility. Last month marked the beginning of Noah’s flood and was a reminder to us to understand that a flood is a sign that we have something in our lives we have to deal with. God doesn’t want you to have to go through a flood again. But definitely thank the Lord for any “stumble.” Know that the Lord is holding you by your hand and this is an opportunity to deal with a blind spot (see Psalm 37:24) [5].
- The month of dreams. The Lord has been “piling up” things throughout the year. Now He releases that revelation during the night. The more we walk in faith and confidence, the more likely revelation, including dreams, will come.
- You may have to let God heal you of some trauma so you can sleep better as well as receive dreams (which are sometimes blocked by trauma). Some dreams are just God replaying a memory of something. If needed, ask the Lord to heal you of that trauma and He will. We know from Psalm 127:2 that “He gives His beloved sleep.”
- The month of the belly/womb/abdomen/river of God. The Lord wants us to have His peace, as well as to have an overflowing, abundant life. The more we are walking with Him throughout the day, the more we will experience His peace and overflow. Ask and believe for any physical healing you may need in this area of your body. Finally, think about the river of God in Ezekiel 47. Revelation is progressive: ankle deep, knee deep, then swimmably deep. God wants to carry us along in that river.
- A month to shoot straight and move quickly. This means when it’s time to decide on something, make the decision and move. Don’t be afraid to cut your losses and move on through.
- The month of Sagittarius (the archer). It’s a time to fight against empires and cultures. Watch Israel, America, and any covenant nation. I feel the Lord is drawing our attention again to the prophetic and we will see it play a more significant role in our lives.
- The eight-day-long Jewish holiday of Hanukkah (Dec. 18–26) begins during Kislev and ends during Tevet. Hanukkah is about the miracle of lamp oil not running out. The Maccabees had taken back the temple, cleansed it, and rededicated it to the Lord. They didn’t have enough consecrated oil, but decided to light the lamps anyway. God miraculously intervened, and the oil lasted and lasted. What an incredible picture for all of us. When we give our lives fully to Him (which is His original intended purpose for us), He will make sure we never run out of the oil of the Holy Spirit. Our lamps will always shine brightly.
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Editorial Special Section: Veronika West: The foundations of Nations and the True Apostolic and Prophetic Remnant Rising
Message : Jeremy Johnson Date November 3, 2024 Source: YouTube Video
The most recent encounter I had a few weeks ago, spoke powerfully and poignantly to the need for the Prophets to begin to prophesy to The Ruach Breath of God — to come and Revive and Restore the scattered Remnants of the Apostolic and Prophetic. In the encounter, The Spirit of Revelation took me deep into the very root system of The Nations and showed me that the foundations were in disrepair, crumbling and broken down. This is a powerful Prophetic Parallel with the Clarion Call to Rebuild and Restore the broken down Altars — two Altars rising — the Altar of Jezebel vs the Altar of Elijah.
I have prophesied much on this in the last year. In this most recent prophetic encounter, God speaks and reveals powerfully, of an urgency for Kingdom Reformers to begin to rise. The True Apostolic and Prophetic must come together to Rebuild and to Reestablish. There is an urgency in the heart of God for The Apostolic and Prophetic Remnant to arise and to begin to take their place — for 2025 and beyond, is about God beginning to take Nations back to their Covenant Foundations.
I hear The Spirit say,
”Prophesy to My Ruach Breath! I say, Prophesy to The Wind of My Spirit, that the wheel within the wheel within the wheel can begin to move! I say Watch! For the sound of a mighty rushing and rattling of My Spirit Wind will bring to birth a new move of My Fire and Rain in The Nations of the earth. A new move — and a great manifestation of My Four Faces on the earth!
I say again, Prophesy to The Breath — and watch as My Remnant are Revived and come together in Unity and great Power. Watch! For now the *wheel of Ezekiel is beginning to move, as the sound of The Spirit Wind breathes and blows forth upon the Foundations of My Covenant Nations! See! For now the four faces within the wheel shall come together to bring a divine separation and a divine distinction of Goat and Sheep Nations!”
*“The appearance of the wheels and their workings was like the color of beryl, and all four had the same likeness. The appearance of their workings was, as it were, a wheel in the middle of a wheel.” Ezekiel 1:16
Rising Remnants: The Reformation and Restoration of The Nations!
A Vision for the days ahead: “Rising Remnants: The Reformation and Restoration of Nations through Apostolic and Prophetic Movement!”
As I have been seeking The LORD for the last few months concerning 2025 and beyond, The LORD began to speak very clearly to me about the Apostolic and Prophetic — and a few weeks ago He took me into a strange, yet powerful Vision, that I am led to share with you today.
Please test! Weigh and Pray over this Word — and f you are led to share — please do!
Here is what I heard The Spirit say,
”In the days ahead, look to Ezekiel 37… and 47… for an end-time Army of Mighty Reformers is emerging. The River of 47 is rising and the tide is turning!
Watch — and pay close attention — for I am now unraveling the Scrolls and unveiling the Heavenly Blueprints for the next Seven-year Cycle and Season — the Blueprints of Kingdom Reformation and Restoration.
Yes! I say the Blueprints for the Reformation and Restoration of the Apostolic and Prophetic Movement in The Nations.
Watch! For a Divine Template shall come forth from The Valley of Dry Bones and from the River that flows from My Throne.
Watch and listen! For a sound is now beginning to rise — a sound of rattling — rattling in The Valley of Goat and Sheep Nations — a sound that shall bring to birth a new Movement of My Word and My Spirit in The Nations of the earth.
Yes! Look! For a new Kingdom Era is now being birthed and established on the earth, as a radical Remnant Army now rises!
Watch — as bone to bone come together — and tendons and flesh appear and skin covers them — and My Breath enters into them giving them life!
I say, a mighty End-time Army of Apostolic and Prophetic Reformers shall arise filled with the breath of My Resurrection Power to bring Nations back to their Covenant Foundations!
I say again, look to Ezekiel 37 and 47! For a great Army is now emerging. The River of 47 is rising and the tide is turning!
See — as the Scrolls are unraveled and the Heavenly Blueprints are unveiled for a new Apostolic and Prophetic Movement is now being birthed on the earth.
Watch and stay watching, for the Horses and Chariot of Fire shall bring purification and separation, and a Double-Mantle will fall, and the two shall be yoked together and shall go forth in The Spirit and Power of Elijah to uproot and tear down, to build and to plant.
For now My Kingdom is advancing and My Kingdom Government is being built and established in The Nations of the earth!”
As I heard The Spirit speak, I was suddenly taken in The Spirit over Goat and Sheep Nations, and as I looked at The Nations, suddenly the Vision shifted and I was taken deep into the root system of The Nations — into the very foundations of The Nations — and within the foundations, I was shown what looked like a valley, a deep valley within the foundations — and the valley was full of what looked like dry bones.
Next I heard The Spirit ask, ”Daughter what do you see?” and I replied, ”I see bones — dry bones scattered among the crumbling foundations of the root system of Nations.”
Then I heard The Spirit say, ”Daughter, these are Remnants — My Apostolic and Prophetic Remnants within the foundations of My Covenant Nations. I say, Daughter, can these bones live? Can these Remnants be revived and the foundations be restored?” to which I replied, ”Father only you know!”
Then suddenly, The Spirit of The LORD spoke again saying,
”Daughter, now prophesy, even as My Prophet Ezekiel prophesied! Prophesy to the Remnants! Prophesy to the Apostolic and Prophetic Remnant!
Daughter, Prophesy to The Ruach Breath of My Spirit to come and enter into the very foundations of My Covenant Nations!”
I began to prophesy as I was instructed. I prophesied to The Ruach Breath, ”Come Spirit of The LORD! Come Ruach Breath and breathe life into the Apostolic and Prophetic Remnants in the foundations of your Covenant Nations!”
Suddenly, a great rumbling sound began to rise, and then a violent shaking began to take place, deep within the foundations of The Nations, and I watched as the root system of The Nations began to respond to The Word of The LORD.
Then I watched as the great shaking began to bring a mighty and mega moving and shifting in The Realm of The Spirit, and I saw a supernatural realignment, and a powerful and Divine Recalibration and Rearrangement began to take place deep with the very roots system of The Nations.
I watched as the very foundations of The Nations were being divinely Reordered and Restored by a mighty move of Gods Resurrection Breath.
Then suddenly I heard The Spirit of Revelation say,
”Watch — as The Whirlwind of My Seven Spirits comes to expose and uproot the rot in the root system, and to tear down Babylonian structures and systems that have created demonic strongholds of idol worship through an empire spirit.
Watch, as My Seven Spirit Whirlwind comes to restore and reform the crumbling foundations.
Watch, for now a new Movement shall arise from the very foundations of My Covenant Nations.
A move of My Word and My Spirit shall come together in the power of Unity and Purity — for now a new Apostolic and Prophetic Remnant shall begin to arise and come forth to Rebuild, Restore and Reestablish a new Kingdom Era in The Nations of the earth!”
As I heard The Spirit of Revelation say those Words, suddenly I saw the bones — the remnants of the Apostolic and Prophetic coming together in great Power and Authority.
What had been scattered amongst the crumbling foundations of God’s Covenant Nations, were now being Revived — and began to rise and shine in The Light of His Glory!
Then I watched as the root system and the foundations of The Nations were being shaken and shifted, fully Restored and Reformed.
God was taking Nations back to His original intent — back to their Covenant Foundations — through the Power and Authority of a Restored and Reformed Apostolic and Prophetic Remnant on the earth!
Prophetic Decrees
- I want to Prophesy to the Ruach Breath of God to come and to breath upon The Remnant of the true Apostolic and Prophetic in this Nation…
- I want Decree that the true Apostolic and Prophetic would begin to come together in this Nation…
- I want to Prophesy that The Seven Spirit Whirlwind of God is coming to expose and uproot the rot in the root system of this Nation — that the altars of Jezebel and Baal would be torn down and fully dismantled and destroyed.
- I want to Decree the Ruach Breath of Resurrection Power of God is shaking and awaking this Nation through the yoking of the true Apostolic and Prophetic reformers in this Nation.
- I Prophesy that the Apostolic Fathers and Mothers will arise and take their place in this Nation.
- I Prophesy the true and pure Prophetic Sons would now come forth from the caves of isolation and fear and arise in their God-given Power and Authority and begin to legislate and lead in their true Kingdom Identity and Destiny!
- I Prophesy, Ruach Breath come now and breathe upon the Apostolic and Prophetic Remnant and that which has been scattered, will now come together in Power to Restore and Reform.
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Editorial Special Section: Kathi Pelton: The Sound of Surrender Changes Everything
Message: Kathi Pelton Date: November 21, 2024 Source: Elijah List
Posture of Surrender
The Lord has such beautiful freedom for His people that is found in the posture of surrender. Yet, surrender is one of the postures of the saints that the enemy fears the most.
The conception of Jesus began with an act of surrender by a young girl. “And Mary said, ‘Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.’ And the angel departed from her” (Luke 1:38).
Today, I hear the echo of her words on the lips of those who want God more than they want their way or their will. This sound of surrender is the same sound that resounded through the heavens, through the earth, and through Hell when Jesus surrendered all, saying, “Father, if You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done” (Luke 22:42).
There is great intercession happening within us, groaning for God’s people to go low and surrender all. We must remember that in both of these instances—Mary’s surrender and then the surrender of the One she carried in her womb—there was pain and deep personal struggle in the yielding.
I feel in my soul and my spirit that the deep, internal struggle (wrestle) of the flesh and spirit is happening in so many of God’s people so that they may enter the place that says, “Let it be to me according to Your word,” or “Father, if You are willing, take this cup from me; YET not my will, but Yours be done.”
We must understand that the posture of surrendering self (surrendering our will, our desires, our comforts, and our lives) is the sound that opens prison doors to set the captives free. Mary’s surrender, which came at such a high cost, made a way for our Savior to be birthed. And Jesus’ surrender, which came at the greatest cost that will ever be paid, made the way for all mankind to have the opportunity to walk through Him (as the open prison door) to eternal freedom.
The sound of surrender sets you free, and it sets the stage for others to be set free from captivity. This act and sound of surrender is so threatening to the enemy that he is raging against it to stop it with great force. (Photo via Unsplash)
Sword or Surrender?
When the soldiers came to arrest Jesus, Peter pulled out a sword and cut off the ear of one of the soldiers (though we know that Peter wasn’t aiming for merely an ear but to take his life).
Peter was face to face with injustice, and being a man of action, he was going to stop the great betrayal taking place before his eyes. Injustice was provoking Peter to draw his sword.
We have all seen things in the past two years and even come face to face with that “provoking spirit” that made us want to draw a sword in a moment of injustice rather than find out the will of the Lord. Peter’s quick reaction that caused him to draw a sword would also cause him to deny Jesus three times that same night.
It is often easier to draw a sword than surrender to the will of God at times that include suffering. Yet, the pain that Peter experienced by choosing the sword over surrender was, by far, the greatest agony of Peter’s life. A short time later, God redeemed His friend. The surrender of Jesus set His friend free from the prison of guilt, shame, and regret.
We must understand that our personal act of surrender (that often comes in a time of great pain, injustices, and personal crisis) has a far greater effect on mankind then we will ever know. Young Mary’s act of surrender was a very personal act in a private room, and yet, thousands of years later, it still resounds with an echo that strengthens us to do the same today.
Of course, there are times that we are “called to arms” (battle), but even that is in surrender to His will, not provoked by the flesh. Surrender can be one of the greatest spiritual weapons ever used to defeat the enemy, not passivity but true spirit-led surrender.
You may be in a place of great personal pain. You may be wrestling against your thoughts, your will, and your soul to be able to say, “Not my will, but Yours will be done.” You may even want to stand up and draw a sword to stop what is happening before your eyes with a weapon of force, trying to control the pain and whatever feels out of your control. But today I hear the intercession of Jesus for you, which is giving you the strength to bow down and surrender to the will of the Lord.
I hear in my spirit the sound of swords returning to their sheaths, the sound of knees hitting the floor in absolute surrender, and even the weeping that finds the words of surrender which say, “Let it be to me.”
Cost in the Sound
This is the sound of the disciples of Jesus today saying, “I choose Your will over all other things, even my will.” There is a cost in this sound, but the cost and sacrifice are creating a frequency that will set you free to truly live. It will echo through eternity with a remembrance like that of the great heroes of faith. What you sacrifice and surrender in this moment will affect the rest of your life, and will ripple with a sound and frequency of freedom.
Put back the sword of the flesh and pick up the sword of Spirit, which is surrendering to His Word. We do not understand today what our surrender will do for our tomorrow, for our children’s tomorrow, and for mankind’s tomorrow. As you repeat the words, “Let it be to me according to Your word” and “Father, not my will but Yours be done,” you are shifting the narrative.
For each Believer that does this, their “ripple” will be added to the ripple effect of every Believer that is also yielding their will. This will create a tsunami of surrender that overtakes the flood that the enemy has sent. God’s standard will be raised, and many will be set free (see Isaiah 59:19).
Jesus is interceding for you even now. He sees your pain, He knows the cost you’ve paid, and the pain you’ve faced. He will never leave you or forsake you as you give your all, even when you don’t understand.
It will be worth the cost. Fruit will come forth from the seed of sacrifice that you put into the fertile soil of personal pain, watered by your tears. He is worthy of it all. Say with me today, “Not my will, but Yours be done!”
Editorial Special Section: Nate Johnston: HAVE YOU OUTGROWN YOUR SEASON?
Messsage: Nate Johnston Date : November 26, 2024 Source : Nate & Christy Ministries
During a moment of worship a few days ago I saw a vision of a plant growing tall in a crowded greenhouse.
It was surrounded by other plants and vines that pressed in tightly, somewhat smothering it and robbing it of room to thrive. Though it had grown as much as it could in that space, it became clear that the environment was no longer conducive to its flourishing. The plant seemed strained, out of place, and unable to grow amidst the chaos around it.
Then I saw a gardener approach, carefully uprooting the plant and carry it to a wide-open, lush field. As I watched, I heard the words: “To thrive in this next season, you will have to be replanted.” But the feeling I got was that this replanting was like a coming full circle. The very act of replanting is to reattach or renew with fresh soil, nutrients, and an environment conducive for growth.
This vision speaks to the stirring many are experiencing right now:
Many of you have outgrown your current environment or habitat and you have felt uncomfortable and even unsettled where you used to once feel secure and established. Many of you have outgrown your present company, and the people you’ve been walking with are no longer moving in the same direction God is calling you to. Some are content to level off, but you feel the pull to break free and step into the unknown, trusting God with your future. You sense your current space whether relational, spiritual, or physical, has become more of a cap than a place of growth. The greenhouse, which once nurtured you, now feels like a ceiling – a place that contains you rather than frees you.
The other plants represent the weight of life that smothers your childlike joy, stealing the innocence and creativity that once flowed freely. Giants in the land that aren’t yours to constantly battle and fight and the constant reminder of the competitive and combative environment you have been trying to expand in to no avail. You feel stunted. stagnant. Your dreams and purpose feel choked, much like the seed in Jesus’ parable that fell among weeds, unable to flourish in crowded, unyielding soil.
You feel a longing to slow down, to leave behind the rat race and embrace a new rhythm of life where you can breathe, hear God clearly, and rediscover the joy of simply being in His presence. There’s a holy invitation to leave the noise and chaos behind, stepping into a quiet space where creativity can bloom and a superbloom of new ideas, purpose, and direction can emerge.
God is leading you to new soil – a fresh season where the nutrients of His Word and His presence will feed you deeply, enriching your spirit in ways your current environment cannot.
Religious systems you’ve grown accustomed to, which once provided structure, now feel like the very things stifling you and holding you back.
Your spirit is longing for freedom, purity, and the holiness of God, untainted by compromise or the patterns of man-made systems.
The tension, the frustration, and the longing for something fresh are signs that God is calling you out of the familiar and into a new place of thriving.
This next season isn’t about striving harder; it’s about slowing down and finding a new rhythm.
God is calling you to step out of the hustle culture and the constant push to keep up, and instead, walk at His pace. This is a season of rediscovering joy and simplicity, where you can lay down the pressure to perform and focus on being present with Him. It’s in the slowing down that creativity will flow again, like streams in the wilderness, bringing life and refreshing to every part of your being and those around you. The space God is leading you into is free from the distractions and drama that have worn you down, a place where your heart can breathe deeply and dream again. Like the plant in the vision, the greenhouse feels like a place of growth, but it has become a ceiling on what God wants to do in your life.
Staying where you are will limit the dreams God has placed within you and prevent the fullness of what He desires to bring forth. This is not rejection but a holy separation – a divine repositioning for greater fruitfulness and freedom. The holy frustration you feel is an invitation from God to trust Him as the Gardener to replant you effectively. And the deep sadness and grief you feel right now is the tension of the unknown with the separation of what you know you are leaving behind.
Though being uprooted may feel unsettling, it’s necessary to prepare you for the new soil, the new nutrients, and the new growth He has planned. Jeremiah 17:8 speaks directly to this;
“He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.”
This is a strategic moment where God is preparing you for something you don’t yet see. Yes, God is doing something new in you and for you so that you last the distance. The pull to leave the greenhouse and step into the unknown isn’t a random desire – it’s the Spirit of God leading you into a new season of thriving. The dreams you carry cannot grow in your current environment. The joy, creativity, and purpose He has for you require fresh soil and new space.
If this resonates with you, trust the stirring. Don’t be discouraged by the lack of clarity on your steps. Step into the new rhythm God is inviting you into, and allow Him to replant you in a place where you can come alive again and go back to the place of connection and joy you started with.
The field is ready. Trust the Gardener. It’s time to step into the new.
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Editorial Special Section: Ricci Johnson-Wilson: 2025, the Year of Justice, Righteousness, and Restoration!
Message : Ricci Johnson-Wilson Date : November 8, 2024 Source: World for Jesus Ministries
Last time I spoke on transitioning from wanderers to warriors and this message carries that same theme. We must be ready to engage with the Lord in the continued fight for our nation.
Psalm 89:8-18 “ O Lord God of hosts, who is a mighty one like unto You, O Lord? And Your faithfulness is round about You [an essential part of You at all times]. You rule the raging of the sea; when its waves arise, You still them. You have broken Rahab (Egypt) in pieces; with Your mighty arm You have scattered Your enemies. The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours; the world and all that is in it, You have founded them. The north and the south, You have created them; Mount Tabor and Mount Hermon joyously praise Your name. You have a mighty arm; strong is Your hand, Your right hand is soaring high. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; mercy and loving-kindness and truth go before Your face.”
Today, I’m going to share a series of visions the Lord has given me over the last eight years to demonstrate the path we have been on both the political and spiritual landscape. My heart is to encourage and exhort us to stay the course. The victory we saw in the 2024 election is just the beginning. What continues is a critical rebuilding process. While it will not be easy at times, if we are faithful, we will see the fruit of our intercessions burst forth in the days ahead!
The Shaking that Brings a Revival 10/2019
In our 2019 DC Gathering, the Lord showed me a mighty outpouring of His glory that was going to come to our nation. It flowed across America, and then spread throughout many nations. At the time, I thought this was revival.
What I witnessed, however, was more than revival, this was an awakening. Briefly, an awakening causes a new level of His Spirit to pour out across the land. The Pentecostal movement was born out of the Azusa Street Revival. The Awakening transforms the Church as well as people and the nation. They often last decades or more. Acts 2 is a prime example of the impact of an Awakening of the Spirit of the Lord in the earth.
On the way home from that GOE, we hit turbulence. The pilot informed us that it would last for some time and likely be quite severe. I have never had difficulty with turbulence, but in 2013, I underwent major back surgery and somehow, this created a trauma within me that I was not aware of until I was in the air headed to a GOE and turbulence hit. I was deeply impacted and to be honest, it was a difficult thing for me because I’ve always been fairly fearless in my travel adventures. For several years however, whenever turbulence hit, I would pray and the Lord in His mercy would bring it to an end within minutes.
As promised, turbulence hit, and fear gripped me because prayer was not stopping the turbulence. I closed my eyes and began to pray intensely in the Spirit. The next thing I knew, one of our GOE attendees who was also on the plane, hit the back of my seat and said “Ricci! Are you going to tell the people about revival!?”
This jolted me out of my prayer, and I responded with a “yes, yes, absolutely!” and that’s when I realized, an hour had passed. It felt like seconds. The Lord interjected my thoughts “2020 will be the year of shaking! You will endure if you stay in a place of prayer.”
This was October of 2019
I knew this word was not just for me, but it was for the nation, and potentially the world. I opened the window shade and looked out over the nation. We began our lengthy descent, and I could see the land beneath us, the sun was shining brightly on the landscape. As the rays of the sun hit the water below, each body glistened like gold. The rivers appeared as veins of gold in a goldmine. The lakes looked like liquid gold that had been melted in a giant vat. It was so captivating, but I knew that this moment ran deep, what the Lord was trying to show me was much deeper and far more profound than I realized.
I shared that experience on our next call to encourage people. However, this information was tucked away in my heart, and I continued to bring it to the Lord for greater understanding.
Then, when 2020 hit and we were met with more shaking than any of us could have expected.
March 2024. Our Golden Hour Approaches; the weeping and sweeping of our Lord across the land.
I saw America in front of me, it was filled with corruption so deep the land appeared flat. The corruption was displayed by a dark substance.
The Lord appeared on the west coast. He was weeping—His intercession—and sweeping. He stood about 150 feet tall. He began moving eastward from the northern corner toward the south and then back. In a serpentine motion, He headed east weeping and sweeping across the land. In this process, He was also exposing the corruption for all to see. Behind Him, the land was clean, defined, sparkling. By the time He arrived at the Grand Canyon, however, I could see that dark substance beginning to line up along the west coast again.
Once He arrived on the east coast and turned around, I could see that the land was already almost filled back up with the corruption.
He walked back to the west coast, and started the same procedure, weeping and sweeping, cleansing the land. This time however, I could sense the corruption was being uprooted.
By the time He arrived at the Grand Canyon—and I believe the Grand Canyon was singled out as a marker – it’s a new time zone heading east from the western coastline. I believe it references a new time that’s coming to our land.
By the time Jesus arrived there, we turned to look back and saw a line of people across the western coastline following Him. Behind them was another line of people, then another, and another! It looked as though they were emerging from the sea, and they just kept coming! Having seen the corruption the Lord exposed; these individuals were working to retain and maintain the cleansing He was doing:
- Pastors
- Politicians
- Educators
- Journalists
- Businessmen
- Judges
- District Attorneys
- Advocates for life
- Warriors for God’s Justice
- Patriots
- And so on…
These make up the men and women God prepared for this season. They are partnering with God and will retain and maintain what has been done in the spirit-realm through our intercessions.
I believe the weeping our Lord was doing is in partnership with the work of the intercessors from 1999 to 2020. This is the period of our Gathering of the Eagles. If we look at what’s happened between 2020 until now, it seemed that the nation was filling back up with the soot of the last century, and while it may seem discouraging because it filled so quickly, what has happened was the exposure of the roots of the corruption, so the people are now ready to reclaim the land! They are ready to work to retain and maintain what the Lord has done.
The Lord is faithful because we’ve prayed. And friends, our Lord began another trek across our land because He DID NOT turn His back on our nation!
Since 2020, our Lord has been working to cleanse the land in partnership with the intercessors yes, but those we saw coming up out of the sea in rows, are the rods of righteousness—the new breed of warriors. I’ve seen them in visions—and we’ve prayed for them to emerge for many years—but they believe in the destiny of this Nation. God called upon them to retain and maintain the work that’s been done in the spirit realm.
They are the New Breed of Believers the Lord told me were coming clear back in 2018. They are the New Breed of Journalists, Educators, Politicians, etc., that I mentioned above.
Our Lord finished His trek across the land with the warriors coming up behind Him working to restore it. When He arrived on the eastern seaboard, He turned around. Those warriors encircled His feet. Together, we looked across the country and it was beautiful. There was a transparent, golden hue that blanketed the nation. The Lord, looking across the country, turned to me and said, “the golden hour is upon the nation.”
As we stood there with the Lord, I saw the innocence of the nation, it was pure, it was entering a place of fulfilling its destiny in God. The people of the land feared God, they honored their fellow man, and they sought to serve their neighbor in a way I have not seen since I was a very young child. They were fulfilling Matthew 22:37-40.
Friends, our golden hour approaches!
10-31-2024 The Race to Restoration
I was praying in the Spirit. I had a vision of the nation. Mom and I, along with our team and the intercessors were pulling this nation up to a finish line. We were so close to reaching that goal, and although it seemed we were in a race, there were no other nations on either side of us. Still, the atmosphere felt very time sensitive.
The fight was hard, and movement was slow. We seemed exhausted, while at the same time so driven that there was no chance of stopping us.
When we were almost up to the finish line, the view panned out, and I could see the other nations, they were behind us. They were not racing, they could not move on their own, America was pulling them with ropes. It was as though we were a giant ship, and the other nations were dinghies or small vessels being pulled by America.
I want to add here that this was truly a sad sight to see, even as I typed this up, I recognized how helpless many nations are in this hour. The cabal has worked to strip them, to abuse them, and to drain them of their power, resources and national sovereignty. America was truly the last line of defense against a tyrannical reign running without restraint across the nations of the earth.
We were pulling America, America was pulling the vessels, and yet, it still seemed we should have been moving much faster toward that finish line.
Then the Lord pointed to the chains. I can’t believe I didn’t notice them right away, but there were extremely old chains that were connected at the very back end of the nation. Hanging from those chains, were giant anchors.
There were links on the chains that were open, these anchors are almost gone!
We ran to the back end of the nation with sword in hand and severed the links in those weakened areas one by one. After the last chain was cut, the nation was thrust forward! The ropes were still intact, the nations behind us were still in tow. Geographically, none of this made sense but they were all being pulled behind America.
As we approached the finish line, an explosion occurred, and we were thrust forward. The explosion rippled across the land like it was moving through gelatin! As the ripples of the explosion flowed outward, light replaced darkness. (It was not until this moment that I realized the nation had been shrouded in darkness.) The ripples continued building and extended to the end of the nation, then rippled across the ropes and into the nations we were pulling behind us. They too received light. The momentum from nation to nation was incredible! Nothing could stop it! Any who tried, were knocked clean off their feet!
I was taken back to see this event from a great distance and saw the nation split horizontally. The top layer was the spiritual layer. The bottom layer was the natural layer.
The explosion was the Awakening. It began in January of 2023. The Awakening ultimately impacts both the top and the bottom layers.
What occurred on the top was intercession, preaching, teaching, people were saved, healed, delivered and ignited for Jesus just like on Pentecost, and during Azusa Street.
The bottom layer had scaffolding quickly erected alongside beaten and battered buildings and the restoration process began. With the completion of each building, a light would turn on and cause it to glow. The scaffolding would be taken down and quickly erected alongside another building.
This is where I saw it… the buildings being restored were the ancient buildings. The iconic representations of our nation. The Supreme Court, the White House, The Congress. The Lincoln Monument was polished and shining brightly, the Library of Congress was purged and restored to Truth.
I wondered in my heart what was happening. The Lord impressed upon me, that with each light that turned on within a restored building, He was giving it His stamp of approval. As if He was decreeing that this building, or what it represents, had been: “Purged. Restored to Truth.”
The Ecclesia grew and expanded on both levels at this point, some running for key offices and having favor of both levels because they represented life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
There was a merging of ideas, not a compromise but a merging of righteous ideals surrounded by light. They bounced between these two realms—the top layer and the bottom layer—and I saw them expand as they moved back and forth. When these ideas reached their optimum level, they burst open and poured out over the land as liquid gold causing the restoration process to speed up!
- Churches were rebuilt
- Schools were rebuilt
- Media was rebuilt
- Houses were rebuilt (these represented the family unit)
- The justice system was rebuilt
- The government was rebuilt
The vision ended…
Friends, we have been under a great deception. O do not think we realize how close our nation was to utter destruction and how much actually needs to be rebuilt. We have been surviving, but it’s time to view our future as one of thriving.
In film, they use CGI to take a person look younger, thinner, older, and so on. That’s kind of what happened with America. The media, makes MAGA or Conservatives look older, unattractive, apathetic, hateful, and so on. They make us look like all we want to do is thrust humanity back to the stone age with no free will or personal rights. They make the left look younger, vibrant, popular and capable of accomplishing great things because they are progressive, inclusive. Choosing one’s gender is bold and brave, killing your child is deemed courageous. That’s the CGI image they created.
The opposite is true however, they’ve taken this nation and nearly brought it to destruction with bloodletting and gender confused chaos. The social justice warriors they’ve created, the ones who preach tolerance are the most intolerant people I’ve ever met and yet, my heart breaks for them. They don’t realize yet how they’ve been used by this communist regime to take America down.
If they election had gone differently, the next four years would have brought war, famine, death and destruction.
But God! Because we prayed. Because you prayed, because Mom answered the call to do the work of the GOEs, it became a catalyst for other prayer ministries to arise over the last few years. This nation has now been blanketed with intercession and together, out of God’s mercy, the chains that kept us captive are being broken, and America is going to be thrust into God’s plans and purposes, and we are going to bring every nation who has made themselves ready, along with us for the blessings God is bringing forth!
On 11-5-2024, our Red Sea Moment came. God gave us the White House, the Senate, and I believe we will win the House. We won the popular vote and the electoral vote. Hispanics came out in record numbers. Gen Z, those born since the GOEs began, also came out in record numbers and they are our most conservative generation yet! God is moving! Don’t listen to the media, it’s clear few are, but the only picture they will bring is devastation. Don’t listen. Blaze TV put out a headline: “’You are the media now!” as Elon Musk heralds the death of legacy journalism!” Remember that in the days ahead. The Lord said the media was the first ball to fall” and indeed, it is!
Because God is moving, and our nation is being restored.
2025 is the year when Justice and Righteousness begin to be restored in our land! We are paving the way for King Jesus to rule and reign in the land!
Trump’s Inauguration 2017/2025
Let’s go back to the election of 2016 and President Trump’s inauguration. For several months leading up to the 2016 election, Jon and I were holding corporate calls every Tuesday that were just for the election. At the end of the call, Jon would ask me to pray and this one night in October, I had a vision of President Trump. He was climbing the stairs leading up to the inauguration, at the top, his heel hit the stage and there was a long pause before his toe struck the stage.
I thought this pause was curious until recently when I was reminded that Mom gave a Word that President Trump would have one term, there would be a pause, and then he would have another. I now realize that the pause between the heel and toe striking the stage indicated a break in his presidential terms.
When the toe struck the ground, everything within him poured out over the nation. Restructuring, restoration, healing, and unifying the people of the nation. It looked like liquid gold as it poured from him and out over the land. There is so much that God has placed in President Trump, and the Lord will those gifts to restore America.
The Flames of Revival 11-6-2024
In the very early morning hours, the Lord came to me, He gave me an open vision of America. It was on fire, a fire that did not burn. The flames danced off the land. In some areas, the flames extended so high, they seemed to reach straight into heaven. I asked Him why those areas were so high in the sky, He replied, those are the areas where My intercessors allowed Me to press them deep into the tectonic plates. Their suffering has not gone unnoticed, nor will it be without My reward.
God is healing America; revival heals the nation.
The Awakening partners with it, and the ideas bounce between the spiritual and the natural, to restore the land. Just like the two plains in the race to restoration vision I shared a few moments ago.
He is going to take us back onto a gold-and asset backed system. He’s going to strengthen our country beyond anything we could imagine. And, instead of war, we will have the greatest move of God any of us have ever seen before! Our golden hour, it’s here!
The night of the election President Trump encouraged a unifying of the country, as he wound down his speech, he himself said “A new American Golden Age has dawned!!”
Why is it important to share these things? We can see that God’s timeline was different from our own timeline, but through it, corruption was exposed at such a level that we had record turnout in the election. They came to make America great again, to make America healthy again, and to secure life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for them and their posterity!
It’s important that we hold on to these things because 2025 is the year of Justice and Restoration of our nation. That will take work in the natural as well as the spiritual. If we encounter difficulties or turbulence, remember to stay in an attitude of prayer and trust God, we will endure!
It’s important to remember a few things as we encounter difficulties climbing our way up and out of the chaos:
- Don’t lose sight of God’s promises. The enemy is going to try to stop this, BUT GOD! Remember the importance of that statement.
- We must continue to pray in the promises of God. I’ve been sharing that running theme at least once a month for all of 2024. We must remind God of His promises and pray into the Words/Promises He brings forth. Do not let up!
- We have our liberty, just as the Lord promised! It’s done in the Spirit; we must pray it fully into the natural.
- The Flames of Revival are coming!
- A golden hour, one that will encompass the nation, is upon us! Prepare ye the way for the coming of the King of kings and Lord of lords as He rises from His rest and pours Himself out upon the land!
- We are preparing our nation to be seen as a nation of God’s Justice! 2025 is the year of Justice, Righteousness, and Restoration!
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Editorial Special Section: 【Voice of Fig】578509 Listen carefully, I am releasing the clarity of 2025 (Part 1)
Message : Jenny Lee Date : December 1, 2024 Source: YouTube Video
Month of Kislev
- It is the 9th month, or the 3rd month : the Jewish year has two “New Years” – Nisan in the spring, and Tishri in the fall. Counting from Nisan, this is the ninth month. If counting from the month of Tishri – this is the third month.
- The Great Flood Ended on the 27th of Kislev: The rains of the Great Flood during Noah’s time began on the 17th of Masiban and lasted for 40 days. Therefore, most of the rainfall occurs in the month of Kislev, which ends on the 27th of the month.
- Kislev ends midway through Hanukkah: Hanukkah begins on the night of the 25th of Kislev and ends 8 days later, which means Kislev will fall during the winter twilight of Hanukkah (Chanukah).
- The Tabernacle of Moses was completed this month: The Jewish sages tell us that the construction of the Mishkan, or Tabernacle, was completed this month. However, Moses postponed the dedication ceremony until the spring of Nisan, the month in which Isaac was born. Nearly a thousand years later, during the events of Hanukkah, the Temple was rededicated on the 25th of Kislev.
God is leading You into New Soil
- God is leading you into new soil—a fresh season where the nourishment of His Word and His presence will nourish you deeply and enrich your spirit in ways your current circumstances cannot.
- The religious system you were accustomed to that once provided structure now feels like something that is suffocating you and holding you back. Your spirit desires freedom, purity, and the holiness of God, untainted by compromise or man-made systemic patterns.
- Nervousness, frustration, and a desire for something new are all signs that God is calling you to leave the familiar and enter a thriving new place.
- God is calling you to escape the hustle and bustle of culture and the constant pursuit and instead walk at His pace.
Sacred Repositioning
- This is a season of rediscovering joy and simplicity, where you can let go of the pressure to perform and focus on being with Him.
- It is in slowing down that creativity flows again, like a stream in the wilderness, bringing life and freshness to every part of you and those around you.
- The space God leads you into is a place where distractions and trauma won’t wear you down, a place where your heart can take a deep breath and dream again.
- Staying where you are will limit the dreams God has placed in your heart and prevent the fulfillment of what He wants to do.
- This is not separation or rejection, but divine separation – a divine reorientation for greater fruitfulness and freedom.
Entering a New Season of Vigorous Development
- The divine frustration you feel is an invitation from God to trust Him as the Gardener to effectively replant you. The deep sadness and grief you feel now is the tension of the unknown and the tension of impending separation. While it may be unsettling to leave home, it is necessary to prepare yourself for the new soil, new nutrients, and new growth He has planned.
- Jeremiah 17:8 speaks directly to this point; “He will be like a tree planted by the water, that puts down its roots by the river, and will not be afraid when heat comes, but its leaves will remain green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, and The result is endless. ”
- This is a strategic time and God is preparing something for you that you haven’t seen yet.
- Yes, God is doing something new in you and for you so that you can persevere. The drive to leave the greenhouse and step into the unknown is not a random desire – it is God’s Spirit leading you into a new season of flourishing. The dreams you carry cannot grow in your current circumstances.
- He brings you the fresh soil and new space you need for joy, creativity, and purpose.
- If this resonates with you, believe in its power. Don’t be discouraged if the steps aren’t clear.
- Step into the new rhythm God invites you into and let Him replant you into a place where you can be active again, back to the place of connection and joy where you started.
- The venue is ready.
- Trust the gardener. It’s time to move to the next level.
- My people, stay close, keep your heads down, and move slowly. Because My mission in 2025 will lead you into some unexpected paths. I say to you, instead of the rush to fill and move, I am calling you to go deeper into the place of making space and listen to the direction of 2025. Because it is a great temptation to “plan as usual”, but I say to you, can you hear the sound of new things emerging in 2025? In 2025, I will bring something new in and through your lives, and I call you to wait more deeply on Me, waiting for Me to provide direction for the coming year.
Because there are Many “Endings” happening now, there are also many “New Beginnings” that will appear in 2025.
- There will be many twists and turns in 2025, and I will continue to lead you and guide you in all that I have for you; I say to you, open your hands more deeply to hold your year. Because there are many “endings” happening now, there are also many “new beginnings” that will appear in 2025. Come closer and listen to my heart and what I have planned for 2025. I tell you that for many of you, 2025 will be the year that sees the fulfillment of what I have been saying to you and preparing for you for many years. I’m telling you, I’m going to take you into some complete missions. I will be taking you into some greater destiny in 2025. That is what I told you many years ago. As you move forward in obedience to My leadership, this will bring you into a whole new realm with Me entering you. A territory that has never been entered before.
- Do not rush forward too quickly on the first things I begin to release to you in 2025. Because 2025 will be a year of deeper depth in me and in many areas of your life, I will unlock much of 2025 for you in revelation, clarity, and insight. Don’t rush forward and fill your calendar with the familiar: I’m calling you to listen and wait for My guidance, because in 2025 new horizons will open to you.
- As I lead My people deeper into a place of intercession and stewardship with Me in 2025, you must make space for Me to teach you, train you, and bring you where I need you to be in 2025.
- I tell you, the river is rising. The river is rising. My river is rising in 2025; as you live low, stay low, from a place of surrender, humility, meekness and sensitivity to My leading – instead of rushing forward – you will go where My river flows. Because many people will find that exchanging river water for rapids is very stressful. I tell you that in 2025, you, My people, will have an even greater need to be sensitive to My leading, My direction, and My divine leading, no matter where My rivers flow. My river will refresh and restore the soul in a deeper way in 2025 (cf. Psalm 23).
- When the river rises in 2025, I tell you, more water will be discharged. You will see a greater mobilization of My Church and My Army in 2025. As you continue to wait on Me and My leadership, and act where I lead, in action there will be a greater unloading of things that have been done, things that have held you back, things of past seasons, and in greater ways Embrace the new places, new spaces, and new realms I am calling you to enter.
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Editorial Special Section: David Peng: 12-12-24 – Heaven and Earth are Fully Aligned to Welcome the Wave of Revival

Message : David Peng Date : November 30, 2024 Source: CJK For All Nations
Editor’s Note: Pastor David Peng is one of the core leaders of the East Coast Homecoming team and currently pastors the First Presbyterian Church of New Jersey, USA. sInce 2012, God sent Korean and Japanese servants to his church to hold a 12-12-12 continuous 12-hour worship and praise gathering, raising up Pastor Peng to enter the season of prophetic service. After receiving the anointing from God on behalf of the Chinese people in 2016, God continued to lead him to connect with various key ethnic groups and release revelations about God’s destiny and end-time plan for the Chinese people and various ethnic groups, such as “Global Revival” Crucial Moment” (can be read here ). In recent years, God has also led him to found the CJK For All Nations (Chinese Japanese Korean for All Nations) ministry, which connects all ethnic groups to work together and launches a 24/7 prayer wave. This 12-12-24 prophetic gathering, launched under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, welcomes intercessors from all over the world to actively participate through the Internet.
The Lord Jesus taught us this in the Lord’s Prayer: Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven .
The Lord Jesus knows very well that when the earth and heaven are aligned, the earth will have the authority of heaven. This is also the prayer and expectation in the heart of the Lord Jesus for us when He was crucified.
One condition is that we are willing to take up our cross and follow Him, in other words, to be completely aligned with Him!
The Lord Jesus can offer Himself to complete and prepare the salvation that saves the whole world, but unless we believe and accept it, such salvation will not come to us.
This is also the content of Jesus’ prayer before His crucifixion in John 17 , not only for His disciples but also for future believers.
The Lord prays for us, especially the saints of the last days, hoping that we can be one, just like the unity of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. In fact, this is to remind us that when we are completely aligned with God, naturally We are one!
This is why in the Book of Revelation, God reminds old John to come here, not only can he see the future, but he can also go to the earth to release God’s thoughts and messages. The bride who is aligned with the Holy Spirit in everything, anyone who is thirsty and is willing to come to the Lord Everyone in front of you will be moved by the Holy Spirit and welcome the Lord Jesus to come back soon!
The Lord Jesus also said to work during the day, because nothing can be done at night. Especially in the last days, we must seize the time and have no more time to waste, because if everything we do is not aligned with God, not only will it not be effective, nor can we receive what God has prepared for us.
There are three very important prophetic revelations on December 12, 2024:
- The cry of the earth day and night
- Worship before the throne of heaven
- manifestation of God’s will
Daytime in Asia is nighttime in North America, and conversely daytime in North America is nighttime in Asia!
We must seize the time during the day, otherwise we will not be able to do anything at night. However, when we are aligned with God, we can take turns serving God 12 hours + 12 hours day and night!
When he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp and a golden pot full of incense, which was the prayer of all the saints. (Revelation 5:8)
Just like the 24 elders before the throne in heaven, they continue to fall down and worship and intercede. There is no night in heaven, only day, so their worship and intercession never stop until the earth and heaven are completely aligned, just like Isaiah. The same thing described in Book 62:6-7 will not rest until God’s will is fully realized on earth.
Afterwards, I looked and saw a door opened in heaven. For the first time I heard a sound like a trumpet, saying to me, “Come up here, and I will show you what is to come.” Around the throne were twenty-four seats; and on them sat twenty-four An elder, wearing white clothes and a golden crown on his head. The twenty-four elders fell down before Him who sat on the throne and worshiped Him who lives forever and ever. They laid their crowns before the throne, saying: Our Lord and our God, You are worthy to receive glory and honor. , authoritative; for you created all things, and all things were created and exist because of your will. (Revelation 4:1, 4, 10-11)
I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem, and they will not be silent day or night. Rest not, you who call on the LORD, nor give him rest, until he establishes Jerusalem and makes it a praise on the earth. (Isaiah 62:6-7)
12/12/24 is a moment of grace, an opportunity for global connections to align with God, and will also be a dress rehearsal for reigning with the Lord.
Let the remnant saints around the world be where they are and become the ones watching on the wall of the post. Invite family members around to appeal to God. The whole world will see the glory of God’s throne manifested all over the earth, because we all want to Be king like the Lord Jesus and rule over the earth.
Before the coming of the Lord Jesus, there will be the greatest chaos and the greatest revival. We sincerely invite everyone to participate in and seize the opportunities the Lord has given us. Amen!
Postscript: Although this gathering is a physical gathering, intercessors from around the world can participate through the live broadcast of YouTube video ( Youtube live video ).
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Pray for America: Bringing the Bible Back into School Classrooms
【Background of current affairs: In the past, public schools in the United States would pray publicly before every class. However, since 1962, this tradition has been banned, and 39 million students across the country have lost the right to pray publicly in schools. Since then, the quality of education has declined, with far-left ideas, gay agendas, and transgenderism flooding classrooms; at the same time, society has lost its spiritual foundation and fallen into turmoil.
Oklahoma – First State to Bring Bibles Back into Classrooms
Oklahoma announced on November 14 that the Bible would be returning to public school classrooms. Oklahoma Superintendent of Education Ryan Walters announced that Oklahoma will become the first state in the United States to bring the Bible back into classrooms.
Texas Launches New K-5 Bible Curriculum
On November 22, the Texas State Board of Education approved a new K-5 (elementary) curriculum that would allow the Bible to be taught in public school classrooms. Courses include Bible and Christian lessons on Moses, the story of the Good Samaritan, the Golden Rule, a reading from Genesis, and more. Teaching materials were reviewed for accuracy. For example, the course claims that “Abraham Lincoln and other leading abolitionists relied on deep Christian faith, ” even though Lincoln’s religious beliefs are controversial to liberals. Some supporters of its inclusion say the scriptures are important to the context of American history and can instill moral values in the classroom.
Louisiana Implements Bible Teaching
In addition to Texas and Oklahoma, states such as Louisiana have been behind the push to implement Christian-based school requirements, including the implementation of the Bible, the Ten Commandments and other religious teachings in schools.
“Bringing Prayer Back to Schools” – One of the Focuses of President Trump’s Education Reform
President Trump recently announced ten education reforms, the most important of which is “bringing prayer back to schools.” His appeal aims to welcome back Jesus, rebuild the spiritual foundation of the country, and pave the way for the future. The biblical King Hezekiah is our role model. Chapter 29 of “2 Chronicles” records that he inherited the corrupted country left by his father, King Ahaz, but chose to cleanse himself and the temple and resume worship of God. His actions brought about the rejuvenation of the country. Today, President Trump’s actions mirror those of King Hezekiah. I hope that President Trump’s new cabinet will truly reform American education and return America to the presence of God.
】( Information reference: Xiao Sheng Ke Telegram group posts)
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Pray for Israel: Rabbi Killed in UAE – Anti-Semitic Violence Escalating Again?
【Current Event / Background: On November 21, a Jewish rabbi Zvi Kogan (28 years old) who worked for the Orthodox Jewish organization “Chabad” was reported missing in the United Arab Emirates; on November 24, His body was found in Al Ain, a city in the United Arab Emirates that borders Oman. Kogan is a resident of the United Arab Emirates and holds dual citizenship of Israel and Moldova.
The UAE government has arrested three suspects but has not revealed a motive for their crime, and the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office called the murder a “heinous anti-Semitic terrorist attack.” “We promote peaceful coexistence and reject all forms of extremism and racial fanaticism,” Yousef Al Otaiba, the UAE ambassador to Washington, said in a statement issued by X. Israeli President Herzog condemned He thanked the UAE government for its “quick action” over the killings and expressed confidence that the UAE “will work tirelessly to bring the perpetrators to justice.”
The synagogue in Abu Dhabi (with UAE government approval) remains open. There are no official statistics on the number of Jews living in the UAE, but Jewish groups estimate there are thousands.
Canadian Anti-Semitic Riots
Since the outbreak of the Israel-Kazakhstan war late last year, pro-Palestinian protests have continued across Canada. Local Canadian media reported that on the evening of November 22, in Montreal, “anti-NATO groups” and “pro-Palestinian groups” merged to march and protest. The protesters burned an effigy of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and two cars. Storefront windows were smashed and smoke grenades and metal objects were thrown at police officers maintaining the demonstration. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Justin Trudeau strongly condemned these acts of anti-Semitism, intimidation and violence.
The Israeli Embassy in Ottawa urges the Canadian government to take decisive action to curb this dangerous act of anti-Semitism before a tragedy occurs. (Right: Footage of anti-Semitic violence in Canada.)
Massive Anti-Semitic Protests in Jordan and Rising Anti-Semitism in Thailand
The Israel-Kazakhstan war has triggered rising anti-Israel sentiment in Arab countries. In Jordan, Jordanian riot police had to fire tear gas canisters at hundreds of demonstrators in March when they marched in front of the Israeli embassy in Jordan to protest against its military operations. On the morning of November 24, a gunman opened fire on patrolling police near the Israeli Embassy in Jordan. State media said the gunman had been killed by police and an investigation was ongoing.
In addition, Israel’s National Security Council recently raised Thailand’s travel warning to Level 2, calling on Israelis to “avoid going to Thailand to participate in large-scale Israel-related events,” especially those announced in advance, and calling not to participate in entertainment related to Israel. Or go to relevant gathering places. Thai police have reportedly warned that a full moon party on the popular resort island of Phangan could become a terrorist target as thousands to tens of thousands of Israeli tourists are believed to be there. The picture on the left shows an emergency ambulance outside the Israeli Embassy in Amman, Jordan, on the morning of November 24, 2024, after gunfire was heard in the area.
Watch and Pray for Anti-Semitic Violence Around the World
Since the shadow war between Israel and Iran turned into a direct military strike, Israel has been highly vigilant about Iran and its actions through proxies to harm Israelis and Jews around the world. Let us watch and pray for anti-Semitic violence around the world, and pray that God will protect the personal safety of Jews and prevent all premeditated attacks on Israelis from failing.
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Pray for Israel: Light of Zion: DAILY PRAYER FOR ISRAEL AT WAR – 2024
Editor’s note: This article is reprinted from the “Daily Prayer for Israel at War” recently updated on April 24 by the “Light of Zion” ministry for your prayer reference. Here are 12 prayer points. May you pray for Israel, which is at war with Hamas. In addition, Israel is also informally at war with Hezbollah, which is supported by Iran in Lebanon.
- God’s Victory and Glory. Pray that God’s overarching purposes in Israel’s wars with Hamas and Hezbollah will be accomplished with the least amount of harm necessary to result in the greatest amount of good, for His ultimate glory. Praise the Lord, Captain of the Armies of Heaven, because His ways are not our ways; they are greater. May His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Psalms 100:4; 83, 2 and 33:10-12, Joshua 5:14, Matthew 6:10)
- Turning Hearts to God. Pray that in this time of deep trouble, many Israelis, Palestinians, Jews in the nations, and others affected by the wars would turn wholeheartedly to God. Pray that the true face and heart of Jesus would be revealed to them. Through the ravages of war, may He be sought, known and exalted in Israel and the Middle East. Pray for believers in Israel, Gaza, Lebanon and Iran to be renewed in Messiah’s love and strengthened daily in the Spirit. Ask the Lord of the harvest to raise up laborers for the harvest in Israel and the Middle East. (2 Peter 3:9, Psalms 27 and 23, Zechariah 12:10, Matthew 9:38)
- Our Enemies: Hamas – Hezbollah – Iran. Pray according to Psalm 149:6-9 that God’s judgment be executed on Iran and terror groups dedicated to Israel’s destruction. Pray that Hamas and Hezbollah will be neutralized in order to set Palestinians, Israelis and others free from an evil Islamist regime. According to Zechariah 9:5-7, prayerfully proclaim that “Gaza will lose her king, [that God] will cut off the pride of the Philistines, … and take the blood from their mouths [so] those who are left will belong to our God.” According to Jeremiah 49:34-39, prayerfully proclaim that God will “break the bow of Elam [modern-day Iran], the mainstay of their might” and “set His throne in Elam.” According to Psalm 29:5, prayerfully proclaim, “The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars [symbol of lofty strength]; the Lord breaks the cedars of Lebanon [Hezbollah].” Ask Him to reveal and give wisdom to Israel and other nations to implement heaven’s strategy for a post-war government in Gaza. Pray for divine direction and Israel’s supernatural defense against all forms of terror and military invasion. (Matthew 5:44, Amos 1:6-8, Daniel 2:21, Jeremiah 51:20-24, Psalms 27 and 91)
- Israeli Authorities. Pray that every Israeli leader will remain in office for as long as God wants him or her serving in that office. Pray for the gift of the fear of the Lord on each leader, for divine wisdom, godly counsel, supernatural protection on all levels, renewed strength and strategic direction. Pray especially for our emergency war cabinet: PM Netanyahu, Mr. Gantz and Mr. Gallant. Pray they will receive accurate and supernatural intelligence to know what Israel should do, and when and how to do it. (1 Timothy 2:1-4, Daniel 2:21, Psalm 75:6-7, Proverbs 9:10-11, 21:1, Psalm 91, 1 Chronicles 12:32)
- Unity. Pray for healing of the serious, internal disunity that has impacted Israeli society, politics and government leaders in recent years. Ask God to graciously convict us to forgive and love one another. May He neutralize demonic influences that stir up or finance hateful, civil protests by Israelis against our own government. Pray for unity among our governing leaders, especially our emergency war cabinet. Petition heaven to raise up authorities who will inspire the nation afresh according to God’s ways. Ask Him for peacemakers in Israel and the Middle East who fear His Name. Bless and pray for increasing unity in the Israeli ekklesia. (Matthew 12:25, Psalm 133, Malachi 2:10, Colossians 3:14)
- Hostages. Pray for great grace to be released on each of the hostages who are still in Gaza. Petition for their salvation, protection, strength, comfort, endurance, health and quick, safe return. Pray abundant grace and patient endurance upon their families. Ask the Healer of Heaven for wraparound comfort and healing on the whole nation, as every Israeli has recently lost someone they knew or is grieving with those who grieve. May any ceasefire deal for the release of hostages in exchange for the release of terrorists from Israeli jails be just and righteous according to godly wisdom, and not the product of unsanctified mercy or appeasement. (1 Samuel 30:11-19; Psalm 23, Jeremiah 30:12 and 17, Zechariah 9:11-12)
- Troops. Pray for daily renewed strength, watchfulness, angelic protection, precise and accurate intelligence, and anointing for effectiveness on each of our soldiers, military leaders and officials, security officers, police and first responders, and defense system technologies. Lift up the hundreds of Messianic soldiers in our armed forces, that the light of Yeshua would shine through them onto their fellow warriors. Ask God to help our troops avoid making mistakes that would harm innocent civilians or other Israeli soldiers. Pray for protection, strength, unity and anointing on Israeli warriors in the Spirit, Messianic Jewish and Arab Christian intercessors in the land. (Psalms 18 and 91)
- Scope of War. Pray that the scope and duration of Israel’s wars will be limited, by the power of the Blood of Yeshua and His sovereign kingship, according to His will. May it not result in a world war out of God’s timing. Pray that US involvement and decisions made by President Biden will be led of the Lord and reflect His time to favor Zion, not forcing a premature end to the war. Petition for the same concerning other nations who supply Israel with military aid. As a result of Israel’s wars with Hamas and Hezbollah, may new and godly, international alliances form according to His will. (Daniel 2:21, Proverb 21:1, Psalms 46, 102:13)
- Media War and Lawfare. Ask God to restore the love for truth that once characterized humankind. Pray for the exposure and uprooting of outrageous and hateful lies about Israel and the Jews which are reported daily in nearly all mainstream and social media, including some Christian media outlets. Bless media outlets that are reporting the truth. Pray for their protection and for an increase in their reach and effectiveness. Petition heaven for mercy toward Israel in the profound lawfare she faces in global bodies such as the United Nations and International Court of Justice. (Lawfare is the disingenuous changing of traditional and usually democratic, Judeo-Christian based laws in order to bring about major political changes that will reflect values contrary to current and traditional laws.) (Psalm 144:11, Exodus 20:16, Psalm 27:12-13, Genesis 12:3)
- Spiritual Warfare. Pray the power of the Blood of Yeshua and Word of Truth over ongoing influences of witchcraft, occult manipulations, globalist influences and other supernaturally evil forces coming against Israel. Pray especially that our governing leaders, our military and the interceding Israeli Body of Messiah will be protected from powers of darkness. Beseech God to dismantle occult shields of protection over head leaders and operatives of Hamas and Hezbollah. Worship and praise the Lord! (Worship and praise can battle powerfully against powers of darkness in spiritual realms.) (Ephesians 6:12, Numbers 23:23, Zechariah 9:13)
- Global Anti-Semitism. If led by the Spirit, repent on behalf of your nation or community for anti-Semitism. Beseech God to break the murderous spirit of Jew hatred rolling in the nations. Pray especially for the turning of hearts of young people exposed to genocidal anti-Semitism on college campuses and social media. Pray that international leaders at all levels and spheres of authority, especially in democratic nations, will courageously restrain incitement against Jewish students, Jews everywhere and Israel. Bless those leaders who speak out and stand up for the Jews. At the same time, ask God to use mounting anti-Semitism to encourage aliyah among Jews not yet living in Israel.
- Global Ekklesia. Pray for the global Body of Messiah to stand firm in the love and truth of God’s Word in support of Israel, while also carrying His heart for Palestinians and others involved in the wars. Ask Him to raise up and bless an army of intercessors around the world who will fast and pray for Israel. Petition Him for direction and wisdom for Christians in the nations to quell anti-Semitism in practical, effective ways. Pray for revival, the only true antidote to the hatred of Jews. Last but not least, thank God for answering your prayers! (Matthew 5:14-16, Revelation 12:11, Matthew 25:31-40, Psalm 100:4)
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Critical Event: Christians Under the Fire of War in Syria
【Background of current events: One of the Syrian anti-government forces, HTS and the pro-Turkey Syrian National Army, invaded the important town of Aleppo in northern Syria on November 27 (last Wednesday) , captured 56 villages in western Aleppo Province and controlled 400 square kilometers of land in just two days. The regime of Syrian President Assad is in danger. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also held an emergency meeting to respond. On the other hand, Russia has launched air strikes against Syrian rebels.
The safety of Christians and missionaries is threatened, and the war in the Middle East is getting complicated and worsening, heading towards the prophecy of Ezekiel 38 .
The Syrian government’s military security department stated that as of November 30, rebel militants had controlled most of Aleppo, including the Aleppo International Airport, which was once used by Hezbollah and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards to smuggle weapons. However, for the Syrian rebels, the attack was dubbed “Dawn of Freedom” because of the strategic importance of retaking Aleppo from militias backed by the Assad regime and Iran. Aleppo is one of the oldest cities in the world. It was inhabited as early as the 11th century BC. It is the economic capital of Syria and an important town in the north. Its importance is second only to Damascus.
It is reported that the rebels are composed of al-Qaeda and Islamic State (ISIS) militants, are supported by Turkey and Ukraine, and compete with Syria, Iran and Russia, which are countries hostile to Israel.
On the other hand, as Turkey and Russia join the war and the Syrian government forces are fully withdrawing in the north, the Christian community in Syria is facing severe challenges. More than 30 churches and more than 20,000 Christians in Aleppo are organizing Islamic organizations in Syria. under their control. There is an urgent need for prayer intervention and God’s protection.
The Middle East is facing intensifying conflicts and changes. The precarious Assad government in Syria seems to be fulfilling the biblical prophecy about the abandonment of Damascus ( Isaiah 17:1 ). The Northern Alliance, formed out of the interests of Türkiye, Russia, and Iran, is also taking shape towards the prophecy of war in Ezekiel 38. And this is also the time when God will be sanctified in the people of Israel in the eyes of the Gentiles so that they can know God ( Ezek. 38:16 ), and they will know the Lord ( Ezek. 38:23 ).
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Critical Event: Persecution of Christians in China Worsens
【Current Affairs / Background: In China, the most public persecution often occurs in areas dominated by Buddhism or Islam – anyone who converts to Christianity is regarded as a betrayal of their nation and family. These believers may be threatened or even harmed, all in an effort to force them to return to their ancestral religious beliefs.
However, persecution and discrimination are slowly spreading across much of China. The state’s goal is to ensure that the church does not diverge from official views. In the case of Three-Self churches, this means they are encouraged to praise and pledge allegiance to the Communist Party and its ideology. Although, house churches exist in a legal gray area, being unregistered and technically not allowed, but largely tolerated. New regulations continue to undermine this status quo. Children under 18 are still prohibited from attending church. Most churches are monitored and may be closed without warning.
The restrictions passed in 2018 are part of a broad religious law that makes it more difficult for Christians to use the Internet or social media to pursue their faith.
Who is Most Vulnerable to Persecution?
Converts from minority Muslim or Buddhist backgrounds face the most severe restrictions on religious freedom, posing a strain on families and communities. But across China, Christians and churches face increasing restrictions and surveillance.
Aqiang’s Sharing
Aqiang (pseudonym) is a Christian whose house church was raided and closed for “illegal gatherings.” According to him, “We are nervous, scared and worried because this is the first time something has happened to us. Are we blacklisted? Will our travel be restricted? We don’t have the answer now. But what I am grateful for is “After this incident, our brothers and sisters never stopped praying for each other and encouraging each other with words .”
What’s Changed from Last Year?
Over the past five years, persecution has slowly but steadily worsened , and the 2024 World Watch List reporting period is no exception. Although violence against believers remains rare, church closures and raids continue to occur, and stress in all aspects of believers’ lives has steadily increased. This year, the government passed a regulation requiring churches to post slogans that say “love the country, love the party, and love the religion.” While the rule only affects state-sanctioned churches and enforcement appears to be spotty, house church leaders are increasingly concerned about crackdowns. Parents are increasingly concerned about raising their children in the faith because it is illegal for anyone under 18 to attend church.
】 (Reference: Open Door)
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Pray for the Indigenous People: Determination in the Fire of War – The Earthly Firstborn and the Spiritual Firstborn Stand Together
【Current events/Background: We reported here that the “Indigenous Embassy of Jerusalem” (IEJ) was established in Israel on February 1 this year, and held a simple opening ceremony (to read related reports, please click here ), and planned The grand opening of the “Jerusalem Aboriginal Embassy” to be held on October 27 this year. Indigenous people from all over the world were invited to wear their own outfits and bring gifts to Israel, stand with Israel, speak for Israel, and support God’s chosen people.
In preparation for the grand opening ceremony in October, Canada’s First Nations Grand Chief, Lynda Prince, held a “North American Aboriginal Ceremony” at the Muckleshoot Reservation near Seattle at the end of May this year. First Nations of North America Leadership Conference. Many people are deeply aware of the importance of indigenous peoples and nations standing with Israel at this time of rising anti-Semitism, and have expressed their desire to attend the grand opening in October to honor and encourage the Israeli people.
October Grand Opening Postponed
However, due to the impact of the war, the IEJ global leadership held several Zoom meetings and decided to postpone the IEJ “Grand Opening Ceremony” that Lynda was responsible for to next year. One of the main factors in this decision was that the “war canoes” originally destined for Israel could not be disembarked because Israeli beaches were closed to all public activities due to the war. In addition, many airlines stopped flying to Tel Aviv, causing air ticket prices to soar, making it impossible for many indigenous leaders who wanted to participate.
Another event, Advocacy Day, was scheduled to be canceled because Toronto Jews felt it was unsafe to go to Israel right now, so the seminar was canceled. As for the “Academic Seminar” event, it cannot be canceled and will be held as scheduled.
A Few Indigenous Leaders Still Went as Planned
Still, Lynda and other indigenous leaders feel that, as indigenous peoples, they must stand in solidarity and show support for Israel . So they decided that some of them should be present because they were a remnant of the remnant. There are currently about 35 indigenous people from all over the world, who have defied all odds and will stick to their original schedule. Fifteen of them will meet with Israeli President Isaac Herzog on the 28th.
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Cleansing And Covering Prayer
Cleansing Prayers
Dear Heavenly Father, I ________ (put your name in it) come to the throne of grace, through the blood of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, to receive Your abundant grace and mercy. Lord Jesus, ________ confess You are the Lord of my life. I ask the resurrected power of the Holy Spirit to fill and saturate every part of my being. I surrender all my spirit, soul and body completely to You. Now I ask You to reveal to me, remind me of any sin that I have committed known or unknown, so that I can confess and repent of them accordingly. (Recommendation: quiet yourself, so you can allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you)
Cleanse me from all the defilement of the world, sanctify me and my family line of any unrighteousness with the blood of Jesus. Now by my own will, I choose to forgive everyone that has offended me or hurt me, I release them into the freedom of my forgiveness. I also release them from the debts they might owe me. I now cast all my burden to You . Your yoke is easy, Your burden is light. I now put on the armor of God that You have given me, gird myself with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, my feet fitted with the gospel of peace, so that I can pray and intercede in the Holy Spirit by Your mighty power, and after done all to stand firm.
Firewall Covering Prayer
Abba Father, I thank you for watching and blessing us coming in and going out, from now and forevermore.
Abba Father, help us to hide under the shadow of the Almighty, and cover us with Your wings. I now plead the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on myself, my entire family _________
(speak names of your family, and name the people, things, items, that needs covering, such as : your work, ministries, and everyone that you minister to, your property, finances, friends, pets, vehicles, pastors and small group leaders / members and president )
Abba Father, send the host of angels and chariots of fire, to surround and protect us, I ask that You place the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ, in between everyone and the power of darkness that we might be facing today, to block all ungodly influences and keep us from all spiritual attacks, loss of property and any evil strategy of the enemies. We declare no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!