Weekly Prayer (9/30)

Weekly Prayer (9/30)

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Cleansing/Covering Prayer

Prayer Category Prayer Item
Editor’s Note
Prayer Declaration
Pray For United States
Pray For Israel
Pray for Global Critical Events
Pray  for First People and Native Americans
Pray for Church

Editor’s Words

Editorial Special Section: Tishrei: Blessings for the Hebrew Month

Message : Ron Sawka Date: September 27, 2024  Source : Ron Sawka Apostolic Ministry

Editor’s Note : Tishrei is the seventh month of the Jewish sacred calendar, the first month of the secular calendar year 5785, corresponding to October 3 to Novemeber 1, 2024 in the Western calendar. This article is excerpted from the 2006 CD Lecture of the Glory of Zion Prophet Chuck Pierce, who highly recommends Chuck Pierce’s website for more information and More complete explanation.

…Detailed Reading

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Editorial Special Section: Barry Wunsch: “It’s Showtime! The Very Best Days Are Coming”

Message: Barry Wunsch Date: September 27, 2024   Source:  Elijah List

Editor’s Note : While Barry shared this passage, he emphasized that we can pray to stop the enemy’s plans and minimize them. Barry was shown the enemy’s battle plan so that we, the Ekklesia, can plan our “strategic prayer strikes” against the enemy! We encourage all you mighty prayer warriors to pray through these notes from Barry.

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Editorial Special Section: Hank Kunneman: “This Is a Time of Separation”

Message:  Hank Kunneman  Date: September 26, 2024  Source: Elijah List

Intro: Check out this prophecy by Pastor Hank Kunneman, given on August 25, 2024, where the Spirit of the Lord declared that we have entered into a divine window of time to exercise our delegated authority to release His power that will pave the way for His redemptive reset to be carried out in its fullness!

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Editorial Special Section: James W. Goll : The Longest War in Israel’s History

Message : James W. Goll Date: September 26, 2024    Source : God Encounters Ministries

“For thus says the Lord of Hosts, “After glory He has sent me against the nations which plunder you, for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye.”- (Zechariah 2:8 NASV)

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Editorial Special Section:Chuck Pierce: A Now Word for ISRAEL and AMERICA

Message: Nate Johnston Date: June 2, 2024    Source: Nate Johston Facebook

The most impacting movements of 2025-2030 are right now being built quietly behind the scenes by a people on their faces before the lord.

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Editorial Special Section: [Voice of Fig] Torah Gleaning Week 51 & 52 Stand and Go

Message: JennyLee   Date: September 29, 2024   Audio:  [Voice of Fig] YouTube audio  

Day 51

  • Torah: Deuteronomy 29:10 ~ 30:20
  • Prophets: Isaiah 61:10~63:9
  • New Testament: Romans 10:1-12

Week 52

  • Torah: Deuteronomy 31:1-30
  • Prophets: Isaiah 55:6~56:8
  • New Testament: Romans 10:14-18

…Detailed Reading

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Editorial Special Section: Lou Engle & Christy Johnston: “A 90-Day Call to Prayer for the U.S. Elections”

Message: Lou Engle & Christy Johnstona Date: August 9, 2024  Source : Elijah List

This week, I want to revisit the Rebirth of America Dream. When the Lord showed me back on March 10 and again on June 5 that there would be an attempted assassination of a U.S. presidential candidate, I said we could pray against these things, so they could be lessened or stopped. A president has not been that close to an assassination in 43 years, since 1981, when Ronald Reagan was shot and God spared his life. I know it was a miracle President Donald Trump also survived on July 13.

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Editorial Special Section: Important Prayer Gathering Before the US Election 【9/22, 10/10-10/11, 10/12】

Date: August 24, 2018   Source: Give Him 15 Minutes

Editor’s Note:  Regarding our times and the coming prayer IFA President and CEO Dave Kubal said America and the world face a critical battle in 2024. International conflicts may trigger World War III, and global elites are promoting a “new world order.” He called on believers to unite to resist evil plans and protect the United States and the global body of Christ from evil agendas!

Global Day of Prayer for America

Date: 9/22

  • Time : 7:00-10:00 AM EST
  • Location: Zoom online prayer meeting
  • Invitation: Details page 

National Prayer Assembly (NPA)

  • Date: 10/10-10/11
  • Time : 10/10 10:00 AM ET – 10/11 3:45 PM EST
  • Location: JW Marriott Hotel (1331 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20004)
  • Invitation: Details page 

Million Women’s Square Gathering

  • Date: 10/12
  • Time : 10/12 9:00am – 7:00pm EST
  • Location: National Mall, Washington, D.C.
  • Invitation: Details page


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Declaration Prayer: For President Trump and His Team [Update]

We declare in the name of Jesus :

  • God will continue to bless and protect President Trump and his family, as well as the “scepter of justice” that God has raised up to support him in his government.
  • The blood of Jesus covers them and those close to President Trump, bind and drive away any witchcraft or spells cast on them.
  • The Holy Spirit continues to pour out and personally guide President Trump. He grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God. ( Lu 2:52 )
  • The seven spirits of God are manifested in President Trump’s life ( Isaiah 11:1-3 ), giving him keen insight and discernment, judging the situation, and resolutely continuing to fulfill his call.
  •  God will restore Trump to his rightful position at His best time and give people grace to transition.

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Declaration Prayer: The Declaration for the Month of Tishrei

Editor’s note: The month of Tishrei is the seventh month in the sacred calender and the first month of Jewish secular calendar year 5785, corresponding to October 3 to November 1, 2024 in the Western calendar.

Declare in the name of Jesus :

  • As we walk and fellowship with God daily, we will experience His overflowing blessings and abundance in us.
  • It is the beginning of this new year and the beginning of the great harvest time, and we are to be aligned with God’s timing.
  • Behold, darkness covers the earth, and darkness covers the nations, but the LORD will appear to shine upon us, and His glory will be upon us. (Isa. 60:2)
  • We are the light of the world, who follow Jesus, and do not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. (Jn 8:12)
  • The LORD God is the source of all things to us, and in the shaking He is aligning us with His will.
  • Those that have been scattered will return and we will see restoration in individuals, families, jobs/services, or visions.
  • The LORD God is in control of the whole earth and is releasing His judgments at the right time.
  • We need to draw closer to God and be touched by Him more deeply.
  • This is a time of spiritual awakening, when all the obstacles that keep us from turning back or entering into the fullness of God will be removed.
  • We will receive a double blessing from God.

(Adapted from The Blessings of the Month of Tishrei by Ron Sawka )

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Declaration Prayer: Watchmen Decree

Editor’s Note: This article is excerpted from the prayer post of “Give Him 15 ” on 2022/7/6 by prayer leader Dutch Sheets.

As a Patriot of faith, I attest my allegiance first and foremost to the kingdom of God and the Great Commission. Secondly, I agree to be a watchman over our nation concerning its people and their rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


  • we, the Church, are God’s governing Body on the earth
  • we have been given legal power and authority from heaven
  • we are God’s ambassadors and spokespeople over the earth
  • through the power of God, we are His world influencers
  • because of our covenant with God, we are equipped and delegated by Him to destroy every attempted advance of the enemy


  1. We decree that America’s executive branch of government will honor God and defend the Constitution.
  2. We decree that our legislative branch (Congress) will write only laws that are righteous and constitutional.
  3. We decree that our judicial system will issue rulings that are biblical and constitutional.
  4. We declare that we stand against wokeness, the occult, and every evil attempt against our nation.
  5. We declare that we now take back our God-given freedoms, according to our Constitution.
  6. We declare that we take back influence at the local level in our communities.
  7. We decree that we take back and permanently control positions of influence and leadership in each of the **Seven Mountains.
  8. We decree that the blood of Jesus covers and protects our nation. It protects and separates us for God.
  9. We declare that our nation is energy independent.
  10.  We declare that America is strong spiritually, financially, militarily and technologically.
  11. We decree that evil carries no power, authority or rights in our land nor over our people.
  12. We decree that we will operate in unity, going beyond denominational lines in order to accomplish the purposes of God for our nation.
  13. And we decree that AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!

We know this country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. We know the truth; therefore, we stand for truth and will NEVER be deceived! We will NEVER stop fighting!

We will NEVER, EVER, EVER give up or give in!

We WILL take our country back.

We WILL honor the ONE TRUE GOD, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED!

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Pray for America: Church, Finish the Assignment

Editor’s Note: This article is excerpted from the prayer post of “Give Him 15 ” on 2024/9/26 by prayer leader Dutch Sheets.
Current Events/Background:  The Lord has been speaking to me about the need to finish this season well. We are all busy with many responsibilities and activities. It is easy to allow prayer and other spiritual actions to fall by the wayside, especially when we become weary. However, we cannot afford to do that at this time. …Detailed Reading

  • Ephesians 6:16-17   And taking the shield of faith, with which you can quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one;  17 And putting on the helmet of salvation, and taking the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.


  • Raise up the Church to Pray: Heavenly Father, we know that we engage in spiritual warfare through prayer, fasting, and edicts. Through these prayers and decrees, we carry out the victory of Christ, tearing down demonic strongholds and ideologies, freeing those who are spiritually captive, and unleashing the power of Your Word like a sharp sword ( Ephesians 6:17 ) . Please continue to inspire more churches to pray and complete the mission of this season.
  • Frustrate all Assassination plots : Heavenly Father, we continue to pray for the safety of all leaders in all branches of the U.S. government. We also pray for those running for public office and their teams, especially President Trump, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Elon M. Sk, Ben Carson. Please send your angels to surround them and protect them. Defeat all instruments and plans that attack them, break all witchcraft and curses against them, save them from all evil, and keep them safe when entering and exiting. Bless them to walk in Your will and fulfill Your calling and mission for them. ( Isaiah 54:17 )
  • In the name of Jesus Christ ,
    • We proclaim the Kingdom of God to reign in America’s 2024 elections.
    • We declare that our prayers will transform America into alignment with God’s heart.
    • We declare that the evil forces seeking to place antichrist forces into government positions will be dismantled.
    • We declare that efforts to prevent the cleanup of the United States government will be defeated.
    • We declare that plans to assassinate Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Harris, congressional leaders and Supreme Court justices will be ineffective.
    • We declare that the Great Awakening and the Great Revival are coming to America.

In the name of Jesus, Amen!

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Pray for America: Joel’s Army Prayer Points

Editor’s note: This article is the focus of the “World for Christ” ministry led by Nita Johnson to pray for the United States on September 15, for your reference and prayer.

  1. Worship God
  2. Pray for the Fractured Church/Disjointed Church – tremendous compromise and lack unity and impotence in the Church, abortion, human trafficking, idolatry, ritual abuse.
  3. Pray about Abortion – end at state level, RNC stance. Planned parenthood indoctrination in schools, (restore us to a culture of life).
  4. Pray about Human Trafficking – repentance and intercession. Remember what is occurring at the border so we can include that in our prayer.
  5. Pray for Academia (especially what they are doing to the children, maiming them physically and intellectually)
  6. Pray for Media! include MSM and the deep states control… (Cisa) censorship arm of the state department. Manipulate information about Trump and Kamala to sway voters to vote for Democrats.
  7. Pray for Trump, protection friends, family, new admin. New Cabinet such as:
    • Robert Kennedy,(education, medical shambles, childhood disease epidemic/vaccine)
    • Elon Musk. (Economic restoration. Bank Wars)
    • Ben Carson, etc.
  8. Pray for Conservatives in at state level. Bring Democrat party down. Expose the corruption in the sanctuary cities.
  9. Pray to Stabilize the economy. European, US and other Markets. No bit coin/refined economic system. Pray about Central Banks against National Banks-Take over!
  10. Pray for Civil Strife-and Citizens against Gov. —chaos! Riots, gang violence, virus, Deep state infiltration of US postal service causing late or missing mail effecting Social security and businnesses in the state of MO, no spread or effect on election ballots, & Electrical Grid shut down.
  11. Pray for the Catholic Church -repentance for compromise and crimes against the innocent.
  12. Pray about America’s WWll war crimes against Jewish victims as well Germany. We are responsible for holocaust victims and the near destruction of Germany during and after the war. Pray against WWlll efforts. Russia/ukraine. Pray to stop the shipments of long range weaponry to Ukraine.  Israel/Middle East


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Pray for Israel: The Annihilation of Hezbollah Leader – A Historical Turning Point

Editor’s Note: This article is excerpted from the prayer post of “Give Him 15 ” on 2024/9/26 by prayer leader Dutch Sheets.
Current Events/Background:  The Lord has been speaking to me about the need to finish this season well. We are all busy with many responsibilities and activities. It is easy to allow prayer and other spiritual actions to fall by the wayside, especially when we become weary. However, we cannot afford to do that at this time. …Detailed Reading

  • Joshua 1:3-4  Every place where the sole of your foot shall tread, I have given it to you, just as I promised Moses. From the wilderness and this Lebanon to the great river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and to the setting of the sea, shall be your border.
  • Psalm 21:7-12   Your hand will search out all your enemies, and your right hand will search out those who hate you. When you are angry, you will make them as in a burning furnace. The Lord will consume them in His wrath, and the fire will consume them. You will destroy their descendants from the earth and their descendants from the earth. Because they intend to do you harm, they devise plans, but they cannot carry them out. You will turn their backs and flee, and you will put an arrow in their faces.
  • Joel 3:4 You people of Tyre, Sidon, and the surrounding areas of the Philistines! What do you have to do with me? Do you want to take revenge on me? If you retaliate against me, I will bring retribution upon you quickly.
  • Matthew 24:3-5   As Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives, his disciples came to him privately and said, “Tell us, when will these things happen? What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” Jesus answered him, “You must Take heed, lest any man mislead you.


  • Praise and Worship God: Lord God, we sing hymns to praise Your power. May You be exalted in Your power. The King will rejoice in Your power and rejoice in Your salvation. You have given him the desire of his heart, and you have not denied him the desire of his lips. The king’s trust in the three covenant loves of the Lord, the Most High, will not waver. Your hand will take away all Your enemies, and Your right hand will search out those who hate You. When You are angry, You will make them as in a burning furnace. The Lord will consume them in His wrath, and the fire will consume them. You will destroy their descendants from the earth and their descendants from the earth. Those who oppose Your inheritance Israel have devised plans but cannot carry them out. You will turn their backs and flee, and You will put an arrow in their faces. Lord God of hosts, majestic sword and shield of Israel, we praise You from everlasting to everlasting! (See Psalm 21 )
  • Salvation Comes Upon the Muslims : God, we have also been deceived so deeply by extreme Islamic fundamentalism and the false prophet Muhammad that we have misused the precious life You created and turned killing the Jews and annihilate Israel into a life-long struggle and even dying for it. Sadly for these radical elements of the cause. Lord Christ, You are the light. The great light of truth shines on these people who live in the darkness of the shadow of death. Your eternal light also breaks through the great confusion of Islam in the world. You want to save those who sit in the shadow of death. The transforming power of the Holy Spirit visits the more than two billion people in the Arab and Muslim world, turning many “former Sauls” into “Pauls” who will harvest the souls of Arabs and Muslims in the last days. Thank You Jesus for Your mercy and salvation. May Your salvation come to the whole family of Jacob. (See Matthew 24 )
  • Jehovah God Makes Your Name be Known in Lebanon : Heavenly Father, by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, we enter the Holy of Holies of the Most High God. With the authority You have given to Ekklesia, and with the power of the Holy Spirit, we will be like the sky above Lebanon. , “Tyre” and “Sidon” represented the principalities, powers, mighty, and dominant forces of darkness in the air, saying, “This is what the Lord God says: I am against you, O Sidon; I will be with you. I will be glorified in the midst of you. Then they will know that I am the LORD when I judge and sanctify you. I will bring plague into Sidon, and the slain will fall in her streets. When the sword comes upon her, they will know that I am the LORD. They will no longer be a stinging thorn or a wounding thorn to those around them who hate the house of Israel. Then they will know that I am the Lord LORD.” ( Ephesians 6: 12, Ezek. 28:22-24 )

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

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Pray for Israel: Former Leader Rejoin to Fight the Enemy

Current Affairs Background: Prime Minister Netanyahu announced on September 29 that G Sa’ar, leader of the New Hope Party, one of the current opposition parties , would rejoin the government as a minister without office during the war. He serves as a member of the Security Cabinet and enters the Prime Minister’s inner circle of defense consultations. …Detailed Reading

  • Psalm 133   Behold, how good and wonderful it is for brothers to live together in peace. It is like the precious oil that was poured out on Aaron’s head and ran down to his beard and down to the skirts of his clothes. Or like the dew of Hermon falling on Mount Zion, for there is the blessing commanded by the LORD, everlasting life.


  • The Sons of Zion are United in Unity : Father, we thank You and praise You! This is the great work You have done. Let the hearts of kings and the spirits of all people be in Your hands, like water in a river, turning according to Your will. What is impossible with man, is possible with God. Thank You for uniting the “sons of Zion” who are willing to implement policies, govern the country, and shepherd the people according to Your Bible in terms of policies and visions. By uniting together, Israel can receive the blessings You have ordained, Lord God!
  • Continue to Pour Out the Anointing of Unity : Heavenly Father, we also sincerely thank You. Over the past few years, the Holy Spirit has led us, the intercessors, whether in Israel or among the nations, to shed tears, labor and pray for unity within Israel. . Now we see that new shoots of unity have sprouted from the ruling coalition. We have sown with tears and reaped with joy. We are grateful! May You continue to pour out the anointing of unity in all walks of life in Israel, starting from the government, flowing from the head to the beard, to the hem of the clothes, sewing up the cracks, healing the injuries, and with the help of the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, unite and defeat the enemy. . Make the LORD known among the nations, so that Your ways may be known to the world, and Your salvation known to all nations.

In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen!

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Critical Event: Japan – The Key to Activate the Revival in the End Time

Background:  Since the beginning of 2024, the Los Angeles Times has quoted scholar Matthews as reporting: A total of 76 countries will hold elections this year, covering 4.2 billion people, half of the earth’s total population. It will be the largest year of choice in world history, from Russia to the United States, from South Africa to Taiwan, from India to Indonesia. 2024 is a critical year, a year when leaders of various countries change, a year when Jehovah deposes kings and establishes kings, and a year when Jehovah reigns in the kingdom of man, because the glorious King is Jehovah..…Detailed Reading


  • The LORD rules over the kingdom of men and gives it to whomever he will. ” (Dan. 4:32) “He changes times and seasons, deposes kings and establishes kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the understanding.” (Dan. 2:21) We declare : The Lord God is in all the nations of the world. In power, the enemy has no power, no share, no remembrance.
  • Ask me, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, and the ends of the earth as your inheritance. You will break them with a rod of iron; you will break them into pieces like a potter’s pottery vessel. (Psalm 2:8-9) We declare: Japan ’s idols will be smashed to pieces, God’s white horse has struck Japan’s red heart, the precious blood of Christ Jesus has smeared Japan, and Japan will become God’s inheritance.
  • Gates of the city, lift up your heads! Eternal portal, you must raise your heads! The King of glory is coming in. Who is the King of Glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory! (Psalm 24:9-10) We declare: O gates of Japan! You have to raise your heads, the gateway to Japan! You are God’s portal, lift up your heads, the King of Glory will come in!
  • The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever. (Revelation 11:15) We declare:
    • Japan holds the key in God’s hand to initiate the end-time revival.
    • God is opening the door to Japan, the door to God, the door to all the earth.
    • God will return all the nations of the world, and all the kingdoms of the world will be returned to become the kingdom of our Lord and our Lord Christ.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

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Pray for the Indigenous People: 8/1 Indigenous Revival Gathering – Unveiling the Prelude to Taiwan’s Indigenous Revival Movement 

Current events/Background: This article is excerpted from the report of “Christian Today” on July 16 about the upcoming indigenous revival gathering on Ketagalan Avenue in front of the Taiwan Presidential Palace. For the original text, please click here. The following are part of the excerpts, paraphrased in Teacher Ahong’s own narratives: …Detailed Reading

  • Isaiah 60:1-2   Arise and shine! Because your light has come! The glory of the Lord shines upon you. Behold, darkness covers the earth, and thick darkness covers the peoples, but the Lord will appear and shine upon you; his glory will be upon you.
  • Ephesians 3:20 God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.
  • Ephesians 1:10  In order that in the fullness of time all things in heaven and on earth might be gathered together in one in Christ, according to the plan.
  • Philippians 2:13  For it is God who works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.


  • Unveiling the Prelude to Taiwan’s Indigenous Revival Movement: Heavenly Father, You are the God who does all things according to Your own will. We believe that You have no regrets in your calling of Indigenous people.  Tehy are the firstborn sons of the land and the key to global revival. On this occasion of the 400th anniversary of the preaching of the gospel to Taiwan and the 30th anniversary of the indigenous  people being renamed by the Taiwanese government, your glory appears and shine upon the indigenous people. We declare that now is the time for Taiwan’s indigenous peoples to rise and shine. Taiwan’s indigenous people will move from the name-rectification movement to a new revival movement, from sadness to enthusiasm, from hatred to blessing, from inferiority to self-confidence. The younger generation is rising, kicking off the revival movement of Taiwan’s Indigenous people. They are not only identify with their own culture, but will also enter into unity and obtain the key to activate the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven and bring about Taiwan’s revival!
  • God Abundantly Provides All Needs : Heavenly Father, we will and do all we do because You are working in our hearts to accomplish Your good pleasure. Since You have sent this young man, Ah Hong, to go to various ethnic groups to pray, convey the message of unity, and convene a worship and praise meeting on Indigenous People’s Day with faith, You will also provide sufficient supplies for this gathering, more than what the team wants and needs. We believe that You are working quickly to move together all the indigenous peoples and non-indigenous ethnic groups who hear this gathering  and are stirred to join in the great event  and experience the miracle of the five loaves and two fish, so that you can accomplish Your will through this gathering.

In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen!

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Pray For Church

Pray for Participating Churches and Pastrs on Regional 24/7 Prayer Walls

Editor’s Note: The 24/7 prayer walls listed here are especially for local churches and pastors. If you are committed to watch on the regional walls, simply click on the link listed below to connect to the local prayer wall. 】

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Related Events and Prayer Background

Editorial Special Section: Tishrei: Blessings for the Hebrew Month

Message : Ron Sawka Date: September 27, 2024  Source : Ron Sawka Apostolic Ministry

Editor’s Note : Tishrei is the seventh month of the Jewish sacred calendar, the first month of the secular calendar year 5785, corresponding to October 3 to Novemeber 1, 2024 in the Western calendar. This article is excerpted from the 2006 CD Lecture of the Glory of Zion Prophet Chuck Pierce, who highly recommends Chuck Pierce’s website for more information and More complete explanation.

Full Surrender to Advance with the Lord of Hosts

Thursday, October 3, is Tishrei 1, the first day of the new Hebrew year, 5785. I feel it will be a year of incredible advance as we completely surrender to the Lord of Hosts. I called the previous year, 5784, “New Beginnings.” Those who are versed in Hebrew explain that the Hebrew letter/number for “4” actually means “door.” Indeed, the Lord opened many new doors for us and led us through them. Personally, because of my spinal issue, I was led through a door of surrender and commitment far beyond anything I ever experienced before.
But what about this new year, 5785? What does “5” (hei) mean? Some meanings are as follows: divine breath, revelation, light, and grace of God. “Hei” occurs twice in God’s name, Jehovah (Y-H-V-H). Therefore, as we enter this new year, we should be very aware of God’s hand and His grace on our lives and on all that He gives us to do.
A scholar pointed out that the original picture for the letter “hei” was a figure of a human with both hands raised. We raise our hands in worship. But raised hands also mean absolute surrender. To me, this is the best picture of what God requires of us, and without which we won’t advance. That picture of hands raised in surrender is illustrated from what the Lord showed me recently from the story of Joshua (see Josh. 5:13–15).
Joshua was standing looking at the formidable obstacle of the walls of Jericho when he saw a man with a drawn sword. He challenged if the man was for or against them. The man said, “No,” and announced He was the Commander of the Lord’s army. Joshua fell on his face, but soon asked for a “word or strategy.” He was abruptly told to take off his shoes because it was holy ground. Joshua did so. It’s a picture of total surrender.

That is our key for 5785. God has brought us through new doors, and just as in Joshua’s case, is already there, waiting and ready to advance. But it’s not about helping “us”; rather, it’s about us fully surrendering to Him and waiting on Him. Our lives are His and must be fully surrendered. He is in charge and will allow us to see amazing victories far beyond what most of us have ever seen. God has His hand ready to be fully upon us. But the key is surrender. Thus, I call this year “Full Surrender to Advance with the Lord of Hosts.”

Those are some of my thoughts as we approach Hebrew year 5785.

Below are my usual notes on the seventh month of Tishrei itself.

Note: There are three feasts/special days this month: Blowing of Trumpets (or shofars)—a daylong event on Tishrei 1 (Oct. 3) heralding the new year and an announcement to wake up to the goodness of God; the Day of Atonement on Tishrei 10 (Oct. 12); and the Feast of Tabernacles from Tishrei 15–21 (Oct. 17–23).

  1. Tishrei is the month of Ephraim, the second son of Joseph. Be fruitful and multiply. See Genesis 49:22, which reads, Joseph is a fruitful bough … his branches run over the wall.” Also see Genesis 49:26, which states, “The blessings of your father have excelled the blessings of my ancestors.” Be sure to have a mindset of receiving blessings and speaking about them.
  2. The seventh month. The “dearest” of months—because all sevens are dear to God, creating the most “satiated” or “full” month. We are now at a new beginning. Think, “fullness of God.” God wants us to expect blessing and fullness from Him. The more we daily walk and talk with Him, the more we will experience His blessing and fullness overflowing in us.
  3. The month where divine providence creates a “beginning.” This is the beginning of the Hebrew year 5783. We must be in full agreement with the Lord and what He is doing. Not only is it the beginning of a new year, but it’s also the beginning of harvest in this era of great harvest.
  4. The beginning of six months of “reflected light. This changes our environment, the way we process time, the way we work, the way crops grow, and the way we harvest. Think of yourself as one who reflects the glory of the Lord all around you. See Isaiah 60:1–9, John 8:12, and John 9:5. Think of God reflecting His glory on you.
  5. Month of the Hebrew letter lamed [ל], which signifies the aspiration to return to your absolute source. We start the new year right by dedicating ourselves to Him—by declaring He is our source in all things. Thank God for the shaking during Covid to remove distractions and wrong things in our lives.
  6. The month of return. We need to declare that things that have been scattered will come back. (The devil wants to scatter and dissipate; the Lord wants to gather and strengthen.) I feel many of us will see much restoration—whether personal, in families, in work/ministry, or in vision.
  7. Month of Libra (the scales). The deeds of man are weighed, and judgment is released. Note that the Day of Atonement, the tenth day of Tishrei (Oct. 5), is considered a day of judgment. Declare, “Lord, You are in charge of the whole world and You release Your judgments at the right time.”
  8. Month of “touch.” Think of the woman who pressed through and touched Jesus’s garments (see Luke 8:40–48). This is the time to touch and be touched by the Lord in a deeper way.
  9. Month of the gallbladder. This is a time of spiritual awakening. Be sure to remove that which would keep you from returning or entering into the fullness God has for you.
  10. Purge yourself of bitterness. At the head of the year—this month—you must purge yourself of bitterness. In the first month, Nissan, we had to watch out for bitterness. Now in the seventh month, go a step further and make sure you are purged of all bitterness—against people, against yourself, and against the Lord (see Hebrews 12:15).
  11. A month of well-balanced control. Some things are coming to completion; others are just beginning.
  12. This month is also linked with Joseph, which refers to a double portion. See Genesis 49:22–26. Joseph had two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, who became two of the twelve tribes of Israel. Rejoice because God has a double portion for you!

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Editorial Special Section: Barry Wunsch: “It’s Showtime! The Very Best Days Are Coming”

Message: Barry Wunsch Date: September 27, 2024   Source:  Elijah List

Editor’s Note : While Barry shared this passage, he emphasized that we can pray to stop the enemy’s plans and minimize them. Barry was shown the enemy’s battle plan so that we, the Ekklesia, can plan our “strategic prayer strikes” against the enemy! We encourage all you mighty prayer warriors to pray through these notes from Barry.

Major Evidence Will Soon Be Released in Canada and the US (August 27, 2024):

There is a tranche of incriminating evidence that is soon to be released that is going to clearly and implicitly expose Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Federal Government (including Parliament), the National Democratic Party, the Obamas, the Clintons, the Bidens, the IMF, the WEF, the globalist elites, and many others involved in and on the payroll.

The exposures that are coming are in regard to international crimes against humanity and major international crimes (election interference/acts of war).

There will be irrefutable evidence exposing pure evil activities by them. These evil ones will and shall be fully exposed.

Henceforth, let it be known:

  • Every evil, demonic effort, scheme, plan, and tactic shall be exposed, and justice shall be served.
  • Every plan and action to stop, eradicate, and take out the threat against them by any means shall be exposed, and justice shall be served ON EVERY LEVEL!
  • Every evil and demonic plan, scheme, tactic, and action, up to and including assassination plans and attempts—past, present, and future—shall be exposed, and truth and justice shall be served.
  • Every evil and demonic plan, scheme, tactic, or action by any other means to try and stop truth and justice shall not prevail. They shall be overcome.

There is not one thing that these evil ones will get away with. For the record, truth, righteousness, and justice shall be served by the mighty hand of God!

“The LORD will cause the enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you; they will come out against you one way, but flee before you seven ways.” (Deuteronomy 28:7)

The Lord will not be stopped, nor shall those who walk in His ways. They together will deal with these evil ones and the very structures and the flimsy structures they have built. They are nothing to the Lord of hosts!

This is going to be international, headline news. They are being exposed and are all going to pay the piper. It will show clear evidence of foul play and intentions between these cabal, the controlled leaders in Canada and in America. It all ties together. This is a time to pray without ceasing. This is soon going to be released for the world to see! Victory shall soon be at hand!

Holy is the word of the Lord.

Things Are About to Get Real (September 4, 2024):

In the morning, I woke up with the Holy Spirit burning in me. As I got up and went into prayer, He gave me this word. It has been a very intense time for those behind the scenes. We continue to seek the Lord and walk together, committed to the end. We will not hold anything back. We are in VERY serious times. As before, I share this with the fear of the Lord and in obedience to His leading:

“Things are about to get real. Your lives are about to be changed forever. Things as you have known them are about to be turned upside down and inside out. You will never be the same. No one is going to come out of this the same. No one.

“Do not think that I am unaware. I have counted every grain of sand. I have set the waters in place. I have created Heaven and Earth, and there is nothing outside of My power and dominion.

“Yet, I have given man free will, the greatest gift I could give. It is your choice as to whom you will serve. I am not going to force anyone to serve Me. That is up to you. The choice is yours as to how close you want to be to Me. This is what makes our relationship so beautiful.

“It is My desire to walk closely in intimacy with each of My children. It grieves My heart that so many not only reject Me but have turned to great evil and darkness. For even now they scheme and plot among the nations greater means of destruction towards Me and My people. They will stop at nothing in the path of the evil, death, and destruction that is in their hearts.

“Do not be deceived. This is a spiritual battle first and foremost, light vs. darkness. They will sugar coat it, lie, and twist everything they can to hide behind and justify their evil plans and actions. Let Me tell you this: There is nothing I am not aware of, and nothing that is a surprise to Me.

“What is coming is of biblical proportions. You have never seen anything like this before and you will never see it again. By the time this is done, there will be a clean slate. I will take what is coming and I will level every evil dark and demonic structure that has been used to suppress, kill, and destroy My people. They have their plans, AND I HAVE MINE!

“I am exposing these very dark and evil plots and plans—right here and right now—to those whom I have put into place at this time in history to lead in the nations. Let Me be clear, these ones cannot do one thing on their own, but with Me, we together shall take out these evil regimes. (Photo via Pexels)

“All [that] the evil ones have built shall be as NOTHING! I am wiping the slate clean. I have called you to tear down and to rebuild with Me. I am releasing new Kingdom governance in this hour—no longer driven by religious and political spirits and mind sets, no longer controlled by Luciferians. They are finished.

“I am destroying all that they have had. They shall no longer hold the purse strings and control as they have in the nations. The time is at hand for the release of My wealth. The gold is Mine, the silver is Mine! I have wealth and resources that you know not of! And it is time for it to be released. It shall be used to rebuild in truth and righteousness.

“There is a displacement of governance that is at hand. I am establishing a rebirthing far greater than you ever imagined possible! America the Great, America the Beautiful, you play the leading role! What I have called you to is no small thing. It is going to [take] everything within you to stand and advance what I have entrusted you with.

“I am strengthening the resolve within you today for the days that are ahead. It is not going to be easy, nor have I promised it to be so. However, I have promised you that I will be with you every step of the way, and I keep My word!

You are going to see things you never thought you would see in your lifetime. Rest assured, as you walk with Me, I will give you the strength, wisdom, and faith to not only make it through but to get things done! I will show you the way. I will be the light unto [your] path.

“Raise your shields. Lock them together. Put aside those things that inhibit the unity I have called you to. Settle accounts one with another. Close the back doors. Remove the landing strips. Give no room for the enemy to gain a foothold.

“I give grace to the humble, and I resist the proud. Now is not the time to play games. The cost is too high. Leave the hard-hearted to Me. Re-establish boundaries. You can only do what you can. Not every heart will turn. You are only responsible for your actions. Do not get caught up in the weeds. It is a much bigger picture, I assure you!

“Fill your lamps with oil. Don’t rely on the oil of others; you need to get your own! Now is the time to let your light shine. The days of hiddenness are behind you. It is time to come forward. It is time to lay it all down in surrender to Me. It is time to follow Me with all your heart, soul, and spirit; and as you surrender, you will walk in My favor not only through these days but all the days of your life!”

Holy is the word of the Lord.

It’s Showtime! (September 8, 2024):

I laid down on this afternoon for a rest. I had put on some soaking worship music and fell sound asleep. I was startled and jumped wide awake when I heard my name being called. I nearly jumped out of my skin. To be clear, I was all alone in the accommodations I was staying in, so I am sure this happened in the spirit. No one else was around. It took a few minutes for my heart rate to go down, and thankfully I was able to fall back asleep.

As I fell back into a sound sleep, I was taken into the spirit, and this is what happened. So, once again, I share the following with fear and trembling and in obedience to the Lord:

I knew by the Spirit I was on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, near Comox. I was taken in, flying in like a drone over a paved side road, and shown a caravan of a dozen or so new, olive-green SUVs with blacked-out windows. They were accompanied by half a dozen black motorcycles. They had black police/military uniforms. I did not see any badges or patches on them. The SUVs had no plates, flags, or any other identification upon them.

They were en route to sit down and meet with Justin Trudeau and his inner circle. It was a delegation of Chinese and deep state leaders. I watched as they arrived at a guarded facility. They entered in and got settled into a meeting room.

It was only a few minutes before Justin Trudeau showed up. He had been called up on the carpet. He was summoned to meet with them once again for some hard words. He was their pawn. They owned him. He was there, being told how things were going to go. He was being told what he would be required to do. This was nonnegotiable.

I watched as he was given a set of files. One by one, they were handed over with instructions as to what he was called to do to roll them out. The first file was another lockdown plan. It would be harder than the first time around. Another wave of a fear-based pandemic was on the table. A clear attack upon Canadian citizens was in hand. This had the fingerprints of WHO all over it. (Photo via Pxhere)

The second file was regarding the plans being released to enlist and engage immigrants into and through the Canadian Military. They were not yet Canadian citizens, nor did they have to be. They were being positioned for very nefarious agendas. I knew by the Spirit that they were going to be used and deployed into the nation for enforcement of evil government policies by a rogue, tyrannical government. I saw that there was also a sub plan to weaponize other immigrants by other means with evil intent throughout the nation.

I watched as they gave Justin Trudeau a third file. This one came in a briefcase that was immediately handcuffed to him. They didn’t talk about it there in that meeting that I saw. My impression was he had been pre-briefed on this one. This one was highly/ultra restricted. I had ice cold chills running up and down my body as I saw this. This was the big one. The plan of last resorts. Trudeau gladly accepted the files and assignment, and made it clear they could trust him to play his part.

I was then taken by the Spirit again, and I found myself in a backroom meeting with high-level NATO and Cabal leaders. I quickly realized that I was in Ukraine. They had Zelenskyy on the carpet. They were putting the screws to him. I knew that he had not complied with something he was told to deploy by them, and they were not happy.

It was a move so massive that it would shake the nations. The action they assigned him was farther than Zelenskyy wanted to go. It was beyond what he had signed up for, but they owned him, and they would deploy the plan with or without him; regardless, he would be blamed for it. This one was way beyond him. He had no power to stop it. If and when it was deployed, Russia would then be forced to respond with an enormous, heavy strike back, not only regionally but internationally. The deep-state Cabal was desperate, knowing their days were numbered, and they were going to try to destroy anything in their way and all evidence they had fought for so long to hide.

As I got up and was recording this encounter, the Lord dropped a word on me:

“Barry, tell My people it is showtime! You are about to see that there is nothing that is not interconnected! Do not comply! Do not bow! Let it be known that I am making the curtain call!

“The bad actors are being exposed, once and for all, for all to see! Let Me assure you that they have had their day! They are on a slippery slope! They are on thin ice! The shake down and shake up is upon you.

“You are no longer playing by ordinary rules! Things are not going to be turned in the way you expect! You will not change things at the polls! It is much bigger than that! The moves they are about to make are to prevent that from happening! There is a revolution and reformation upon you to bring you freedom that will change things forevermore.

“Again, I say unto you, there are things coming that you have never seen before on a biblical scale! It must be so in order to root out and destroy the evil, demonic powers and regimes that have held you captive.

“They have wicked intentions to hurt and destroy My people, and enough is enough! It is time for My remnant to bear down and take back the land that the enemy has stolen! The days of your apathy and avoidance must come to an end. I can save by many, or I can save by a few! However, the day is coming where you will stand before Me and will be held to account not only for what you have done, but what you have not done. Obedience is better than sacrifice.

“Let him who has ears hear. For you have called upon My name to come. You have called for My fire, and when it has come, you have not recognized it! Once again, examine your hearts. Come to the altar. Seek My face and My heart, and I will forgive every sin and wash it away. It will be as far as the east is from the west. I will fill you afresh. I will empower you. I will protect you. I will provide for you. And you will have all you need in Me! For great and mighty are My ways, and the day is coming when you will understand these mysteries!

“The Jubilee that is coming is greater than you have ever imagined! Trust Me when I tell you that the very best days are coming! Truth is coming! Justice is coming! Healing and deliverance are coming! New governance is coming! Freedom is coming! The harvest is at hand!”

Holy is the word of the Lord!

Prepare for the Battle with Me! Armor Up! (September 15, 2024)

As I was spending time with the Lord tonight, the Lord took me into the spirit. What I saw is most difficult to share. It was excruciating to watch and see. Nevertheless, I will share it here again with fear and trembling:

I saw the state of the enemy. He was pulling out everything possible to stop what the Father is about to do throughout the nations: liberating the captives and setting people free! Rooting out evil and bringing truth and justice for all! He is about to rebuild nations on His foundations!

I saw the plans to poke the bear one more time! I saw evil ones doing so with hopes of provoking Russian retaliation and WWIII. I saw the WHO prepared to roll out biological warfare across the nations to wipe out as many innocent lives as possible. I saw propaganda provoking fear much worse than before.

I saw a planned attack against the West to wipe us out in a way that would change western civilization forever. I saw civil unrest and rioting in the streets. I saw massive, savage attacks on innocent men, women, and children by heartless, blood-thirsty, demonized, illegal immigrants. Authorities were watching but didn’t respond.

I saw empty grocery stores; what little they did have left was being looted. I saw UN soldiers being deployed under the guise of helping, when in fact they were enemy forces positioned to control and repress innocent civilians and remove patriots. They were to enforce martial law to keep civilians under wraps.

I saw that the enemy was terrified and on the run. He was out of control and trying to turn the tide against what the Lord was about to release, playing every move possible to stop what was coming at him. The enemy was well aware of his fate.

He is the loser, and he is not going to win this battle! The Lord God Almighty, the Lord of hosts, is about to turn things inside out and upside down on the enemy and take him out! I saw the Lord about to bankrupt them: the IMF, the WEF, NATO, the Cabal, and the globalists. Markets are going down. They will be left with nothing.

Evil and dark regimes and their minions are about to be taken out and put on display. Governments will be shaken to the core and will be held to account. The media will be held to justice, for they are accomplices spreading lies, brain washing the masses with psychological warfare. They will be on their knees crying like babies. They are going to be crushed. The gates of media shall be returned unto the Lord!

The gold and the silver are the Lord’s, and He holds it all. The Lord is about to release the gold and the silver, and it shall flow through the treasuries that He has appointed and established to take back and rebuild the land that the enemy has stolen!

I heard the Lord say, “Prepare to deploy! Prepare to overtake and to overcome! Prepare to disciple the nations! Prepare for battle with Me! Armor up! Blow the trumpet! Sound the alarm! Prepare to recover all the enemy has stolen!

The tables are not going to be turned; they are about to be flipped! The deep-state Cabal will not know what hit them! It will be game over for them! Each bad actor is going to be held accountable. Justice shall be served and we shall recover all!”

Holy is the word of the Lord.

October Is Going to Run Hot (September 18, 2024)

“Barry, there is a Red Moon rising. The one tonight is a sign for My people. They have pushed Putin too far. And, yes, they knew exactly what they were doing. The gate is closing.

“Barry, tell My people they are playing with fire. What is about to come is something they have never seen before—apocalyptic in nature—if ‘they’ had it their way. They will not play fair. They are like blood-thirsty animals, driven by the demonic Prince of Persia. This has been centuries in the making.

“The bear, the dragon, and the eagle are in the center of it all. Tensions have never been higher. Conditions are tinder dry. One more spark in the wrong place and it will be game on.

“There is a new year coming only a few days away on My calendar, not theirs. Let Me be clear: It is I who control time and hold eternity in My hands. No other! You shall see supernatural protection for My people. My righteous right hand will cover them. Tell My people to fear not!

“This is not East vs. West as much as it is good vs. evil, light vs. darkness. And I win, for I am the light! There are things that can’t be avoided. There are things that have to play out. There are things that cannot be stopped. There are some things that have to take their course.

“Do not think that you have it figured out. There is nothing in days gone by that compares to what is about to take place. Man has been speculating for centuries over these things that I have hidden. It is time to put speculations aside; it is time for action.

“There is a merging together that is upon you now for people, regions, and nations in the light to stand up in the authority that I have given them and drive out this present darkness! Conflict is unavoidable. There is no way around it.

Again, I say unto you, do not fear, for I am bringing freedom to the nations! Do not resist it and do not sit idly by. I assure you, freedom is coming! These evil regimes have had their day. They are not apprised of My weapons that are in My hands! I can jam them up in a second! They have no advantage on Me, the Lord God Almighty! They are delusional if they believe they do!

“There are national leaders, governments, and organizations, whom you were brainwashed to trust, that have been against you all along. They have been deeply infiltrated to the core and the highest chair. The dismantling and deconstruction of these evil structures and platforms are at hand!

“So, the question is, who is with Me? Who is prepared to walk with Me? Who is prepared to follow Me? Who is prepared to work with Me to bring Heaven to Earth? Who is prepared to help tear down? Who is prepared to rebuild? Who has counted the cost? Did you think for a minute that I would do this alone? I have always worked with My people, those called by My name. They can do nothing without Me, but as they move and walk in faith, I will bring the victory time and time again, and I shall get all the glory and the honor, for what is needed is impossible without Me!

“The deep state is already on their back foot! I am about to wake up the masses! This can’t be stopped. No amount of prayer will stop what I am about to do! Scales will fall off their eyes! They will be calling out unto My name! They will run to My altar! They will cry out in repentance. As they turn from their wicked ways, I will heal their land.

“Again, October is going to run hot. The weight of My glory is going to be upon you!”

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Editorial Special Section: Hank Kunneman: “This Is a Time of Separation”

Message:  Hank Kunneman  Date: September 26, 2024  Source: Elijah List

Intro: Check out this prophecy by Pastor Hank Kunneman, given on August 25, 2024, where the Spirit of the Lord declared that we have entered into a divine window of time to exercise our delegated authority to release His power that will pave the way for His redemptive reset to be carried out in its fullness!

God is looking at His people in the earth and is reminding them of the following:

  • This is not the time to conform, but it is the time of separation.
  • This is not the time to be caught between two opinions, but it is the time to align with God’s heart and His agenda.
  • This is not the time to be in fear and speak wrong, but it is the time to pray and fast.
  • This is the time to prophesy a hundredfold return of God’s promises.

Continue to press into the Spirit of the Lord and watch the mighty hand of God intervene to bring the nations of the earth into a rest and reprieve in this new era!

Prophetic word given by Pastor Hank Kunneman on Sunday, August 25, 2024, at Lord of Hosts Church:

A Time to Be Sanctified by Your God

I feel at this moment, Lord, You are pacing back and forth, not because You are afraid, not because You are nervous, but the zeal of the Lord of hosts has come at this time, and He is stirred! He is stirred! He is stirred! The Lord Himself is stirred like a mighty man of war. He is looking as He is pacing the earth for those who are fully His.

“This is not the time of conformity, but this is the time of separation,” says the Spirit of God. “As there was a separation between that which was called day and that which was called night, and that which was called light and that which was called darkness. This is not the time to play the middle of the road (for the Lord of the Church reminds you), nor is it a time to be hot or cold, or to be lukewarm, but to be on fire—to be sanctified by your God and towards your God.

“It is not a time to be divided, [as if] you don’t know where I stand upon the issues of your country, United States,” says the living God. “This is not a time for you to be caught between two opinions, for it is My opinion that matters, and what I have declared in My commands.

“Therefore, I am coming. I’m coming,” says the Lord, “in the season that I have told you of, the ‘Great Fall’; it is upon you now. This is My season; it is My time of the Great Fall, where I’m tearing down kings and raising up others and pulling off the masquerading and the masks that you have looked at and been deceived [by]. I will show you there is nothing that has been hidden that will not be revealed in this time.

“You think you know the truth, but you do not. You think that you truly understand the level of evil and their intent. For they sacrificed, even in Chicago, at what they call DNC (Democratic National Convention). No! It was ‘abortion,’ so they called it. But it was sacrifice, worship, releasing incantations. So they think it’s their time to steal, kill, and destroy.

“You Will See the Might of My Hand”

“Yet I have (and I am) walking to and fro, listening to the sound of My remnant praying, fasting, worshiping, and yet this shall be greater than anything that the enemy has planned or plotted. This is why I speak to you, ‘Do not be afraid in this time,’ for you will see the might of My hand, the congealing, as I did with the waters in the days of the crossing of the Red Sea. I will congeal, I will restrain, and I will bring forth My justice, for a deliverance is in process.

“This is why [I say] do not fear; do not speak wrong. For I am coming to shift the earth, and I will do it, and you will see it even as far as Australia, where that which is upside down will be turned right side up, and I’ll re-establish things in their government.

“I will unlock the chains of you, Venezuela! And I will loose you into freedom that you have never experienced. The effects of what will take place will break the satanic stronghold that has been over Brazil. A new leader arises, and Brazil, you will be free. And this shaking that will take place will affect even the island of Cuba. Pay attention to Cuba. A destructive storm seeks to tear you out. Watchmen, you must pray, for the enemy fears the freedom that is coming to Cuba.

A Shaking and a Reset for Canada

“Canada, they say you have one seated named Trudeau, but he is false. I will cancel what has come through the seats of government, and I will reset you, Canada.

“You will see,” says the Spirit of God, “that I have been pacing back and forth. And as you say in your own words, ‘Oot and aboot’ (out and about), I have been walking to and fro over you to shake you. It will be reported the soil of Canada has literally shaken. They will say, ‘This does not happen.’ It does when I set My feet to establish and reset order in you, Canada.

“You Are in a Window, United States”

I have spoken My promise to you, United States. And I say to you, many are afraid, but I say you are in a window. And this window is open for My power but must be closed to the enemy. It is not the time to be in fear or grow weary, but it’s [a] time, as the prophet came to the king in a time when the window was opened and I said, ‘Take the arrow and smite it upon the ground.’ But he stopped, and there was not the full breakthrough that I had desired.

“I speak this to this country: There is a return, and there shall be a return from the things that you have prayed and you have desired. And there will be the reset that I have said, and removals. There will be good ground from the prayers of those who are praying and fasting. But I say to you, do you want thirty, sixty, or do you want a hundredfold return?” says the Spirit of God.

“Then I look and I wait. What will you do? Will you pray? Will you fast? Will you speak right between now and even the time of the end of the year, that I will show Myself strong, and I will show even through your military? For this is of My might, My power, and by My Spirit to reset,” says the living God.

“There is coming a major, major split in the Democratic party. And that which was just done by Kennedy is part of a realignment that shall cause a new party to arise from the Right and the Left joining together and agreeing on more things than they disagree with.

“It will be reflected in the coming days, because I’m repairing the wings of the Eagle—left and right—so you may soar again,” says the living God.

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James W. Goll : The Longest War in Israel’s History

Message : James W. Goll Date: September 26, 2024    Source : God Encounters Ministries

“For thus says the Lord of Hosts, “After glory He has sent me against the nations which plunder you, for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye.”- (Zechariah 2:8 NASV)

On November 29, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 181 which would divide Great Britain’s former Palestinian mandate into Jewish and Arab states beginning in May 1948. On May 14, 1948, Israel was officially birthed as a nation as it declared its independence. One day later, the War of Independence broke out when five Arab nations invaded Israeli territory immediately following the announcement. The birth of Israel was a fulfillment of many ancient biblical prophecies, but every word has come with severe contention.

This land has been one of promise but also of physical and spiritual warfare. Major battles have been fought in 1967 and 1973, but no war has lasted as long as the one which was initiated by Hamas on October 7th, 2023. Soon, we will cross over into a new Hebrew year of 5785. Shortly thereafter, we will mark a year since this horrendous war has begun. This war is by far the longest in Israel’s history, and it is far from over. Right now, Hamas, Hezbollah and other evil forces are poking God right in the center of His eye. I have one word for them: “I would not do that if I were you!”

Where are We in the Timeline of History?

People ask me, “Where are we today in the prophetic timeline?” I direct them right to Psalm 83:3-4, which is used by Hamas in their own charter’s opening declaration. It vividly states, “They make shrewd plans against Your people, and conspire together against Your treasured ones. They have said, ‘Come, and let’s wipe them out as a nation, so that the name of Israel will no longer be remembered.’” This prophecy is the blatant savage goal of Jewish hatred in the day in which we live right now. Biblical history is being fulfilled right before our very eyes, but God has His plan even in the midst of evil.

Do you remember the highly touted plan of man called “The Quartet”? It was initiated in 2002 to facilitate the Middle East peace process, comprised of the European Union, Russia, United Nations, and the United States. The Quartet’s principal ministers, have met 54 times since 2002 in furtherance of their ”Road Map to a Permanent Two-State Solution.” The Quartet is supposedly guided by three overarching principles – nonviolence, recognition of Israel, and acceptance of previous agreements – in furthering the Middle East peace process. I have a warning for The Quartet, “This too is poking God in His eye!”

I remember being in prayer about “The Quartet,” and the Holy Spirit spoke to me that one cannot bargain with God’s Word. In the middle of all this chaos, God’s Road Map, His Will, is found in His Word. This road map leads to Romans 11 and goes through Isaiah 53. It is the salvation of all Israel through the revelation of her suffering Servant. When Israel is grafted back into the Kingdom of God, it will be nothing less than life from the dead. When we labor for Israel, we are laboring for the greatest worldwide outpouring of the Holy Spirit that there has ever been.

The amazing history of Israel is all about a God who keeps His promises. From this standpoint of restoration, a nation was born in a day and never to be plucked out again. God’s Road Map calls for a body of believers to carry His heart – watchmen who see from His perspective and hear Him when He speaks.

God’s Plan Includes You

Our God is the holy Lord of Heaven, and His Word never fails. He is the Judge of all, living and dead, and has the final word on your life and on the Middle East. He is looking for people who will come into agreement with Him. God has a plan for every person, family, city, and nation. Indeed, the Lord of Hosts has a glorious future for Israel and all the nations of the Middle East.

Believe it? Then join me and countless thousands of others to pray these promises into being. Join me now in this personal prayer of dedication:

I dedicate myself to Your grace and for Your purposes. I declare that Your Word, God, is the final road map for Israel and the entire Middle East. Thank You for Your mercy, Your loving-kindness, and Your willingness to pardon those who turn to You. In the name of the Lord Most High, the Host of the armies, almighty God. For the glory of Jesus’ sake. Amen and amen!

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Editorial Special Section: Chuck Pierce: A Now Word for ISRAEL and AMERICA

Message: Chuck Pierce Date: September 24, 2024    Source: Chuck Pierce Facebook

I woke up this morning and the Lord woke me up.

There are certain moments in our lives when, as I have been teaching, He will suddenly speak to those on Earth who will listen. Psalm 19 mentions that He gives forth words from day to day and knowledge from night to night . When you are in that moment, place, and time, all of a sudden His Word becomes revealed to you.

I know He communicates with each of us differently. He communicates to each of us a different desire of His heart, but when He speaks, faith comes. When the Word of God connects with you, your spirit suddenly comes alive. He does this so that you may declare it, for He does nothing except make known His secrets to His servants the prophets. So some prophet must speak on earth and be consistent with it. He also does this to call us to pray for what He wants to accomplish.

I want to remind everyone of the true meaning of intercessory prayer. The word of God is like a bolt of lightning that enables you to stand between God and man, and between God, man, and the enemy the devil. So when you stand there, once you hear the Word of God, you have tremendous authority.

So my first thought this morning was Israel and the United States. Suddenly I was right with the Lord. He said to me that Israel is now in a state of tension fighting Hezbollah, a war situation in the north. We also see the war situation in southern Israel. The future of the United States hangs in the balance, as does the future of all countries.

We must remember that God’s nation, Israel, was the nation to which He chose to give the Torah – His teaching, His revelation from heaven. And we are grafted into that covenant alignment through the Lord Jesus Christ. The only way you can do that is to come and pray for peace in Jerusalem and peace between all nations and Israel.

Israel must keep fighting

With this understanding, I began to pray for Israel and the United States, and God spoke a word to me. I’ll be sharing this quote this Sunday. And what God is saying to all of us is, “Receive the anointing of tenacity now!” Strikes again. I will teach it this Sunday. The Lord spoke to me so clearly and loudly that I think all of us who are Kingdom people must have this anointing right now.

Then, the Lord led me to read 2 Kings 13 . This chapter is written during the last days of Elisha’s death as he was suffering from a mortal illness. Elisha was sick and dying, and it reminded me of the possible end of a prophetic season. That’s what this verse has been saying to me. God will have those moments when the voice from the previous season is coming to an end, so that its remnants and the power of its completion must remain.

The scripture says that King Joash of Israel came down to see him, fell on his face and wept, saying, “My father! My father! O chariots and horsemen of Israel!” Elisha instructed him, “Take your bow and arrows. Come.” So the king took his bow and arrows, and said to the king of Israel, “Take the bow with your hand.” So the king took the bow with his hand. Elisha laid his hands on the king’s hands.

Here are key takeaways about our future . It’s a critical point about Israel’s future, and it’s a crucial point about America. Where will the prophetic anointing be passed on to those who will rule in the future?

Elisha then said, “Open the windows.” You know, we’re in a time when heaven is opening its doors and its windows. Elisha said, “Now shoot the arrow.” When the king shot the arrow, Elisha said, “These are the victory arrows of the Lord, the arrows that will defeat the Syrians; for you will fight against the Syrians in Aram until they are destroyed. Kill them all.” Elisha said again, “Get some arrows.” So the king took them. Elisha said, “Strike the ground!” The king struck three times and then stopped. Everyone knows this story. Elisha got angry at the king and said, ” You should have struck him seven times (the scripture says five or six times). “

I want to tell you that Israel must keep fighting. If they don’t keep hitting, the enemy will start to change the time and season, making things happen that shouldn’t be happening at that moment. They have to keep hitting until everything happens. If Joash struck, struck, struck, strike until the enemy was defeated.

I want to encourage everyone, and I know there are a lot of people who don’t understand Israel and the importance of that war in Israel.

America’s Future Hangs in the Balance

The future of the United States hangs in the balance because about 50% of the American people do not support Israel. Yet if Israel fails to strike and continues to strike, we will find ourselves in a very devastating position in the future.

Another thing the Lord told me is that America is at a critical point in making a choice. This election this year is very, very important. I’m not one to jump up and yell about choosing this or that, but I do listen carefully to the Lord, so I understand His heart. When He finished speaking about Israel, He also said that whoever smites and wins in the seven swing states will rule this nation in the future.

Swing States – What Really Changed America

By the same principle, swing states are what really change America. We pray for every state in the United States, and we are so concerned about every state. But swing states are not like Florida, New York, Texas or California. Swing states are Nevada, Wisconsin, Georgia, Pennsylvania, etc. Whoever hits and wins in these seven key swing states this year will ultimately dominate and become the dominant voice in this country. So today I lay my hands on those who are willing to keep striking until the enemies of our future are defeated.

Today is the day for swing states to decide which way to go. Ohio, rise up! Wisconsin, rise up! Michigan, you are very critical this season. Nevada, you are key. Georgia, don’t allow your enemies to rob this country of its future. If there was ever a time when we needed to be transformed by prophetic anointing, it is now. Arizona, I decree, nothing in your atmosphere can mislead you. North Carolina, I declare that you shall stand firm in the future.

Heavenly Father, we thank You that the prophetic anointing is coming into this nation. To steer this country in the right direction. We declare, Israel, do not back down. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Editorial Special Section: [Voice of Fig] Torah Gleaning Week 51 & 52 Stand and Go

Message: JennyLee   Date: September 29, 2024   Audio:  [Voice of Fig] YouTube audio  

Day 51

  • Torah: Deuteronomy 29:10 ~ 30:20
  • Prophets: Isaiah 61:10~63:9
  • New Testament: Romans 10:1-12

Week 52

  • Torah: Deuteronomy 31:1-30
  • Prophets: Isaiah 55:6~56:8
  • New Testament: Romans 10:14-18


  • Rosh Hashana I (Shabbat) / רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה וֹם א׳ (בְּשַׁבָּת)
  • Evening of October 2, 2024 ( Feast of Trumpets )
    • Genesis 21:1-34; Numbers 29:1-6
    • Companion Reading: 1 Samuel 1:1~2:10
  • Rosh Hashanah II / רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה ב׳
  • The evening of October 3, 2024 (the second day of the Feast of Trumpets)
    • Genesis 22:1-24 ; Numbers 29:1-6
    • Companion Reading: Jeremiah 31:1-19

The Storm is Over And The Enemy is Blocked. You are Making a Comeback/Starting Over Again 

  • You are not in collapse, you are in breakthrough. Your private/closed trials will turn into public victories, while those secret battles will become front-page news of your victories. This is the Lord’s word to you, receive it with joy in the name of Jesus.
  • The storm is over and the enemy is blocked. The demonic contingency has been neutralized and cancelled. Through the superior blood of Jesus Christ our King, those who argue with you, God contends with them. He responds to your enemies by setting a table before you, anointing you with fresh oil, and making your cup overflow. I know it’s hard sometimes – in ways you don’t expect, and a lot of people don’t even know what you’re going through. But the lessons you learned during that season are crucial, and now you are ready for what comes next. You see, the next dimension requires a higher level of anointing. The next dimension requires greater revelation and power. God has to strengthen/enpower you…for where He wants to take you. There are those who receive it and rejoice in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • I declare victory upon you now in the name of Jesus. I declare that you have victory, in the name of Jesus. You will not be put to shame; trust in the Lord – for you will feast at the table God has prepared for you. “You’re not going backwards…” “You’re making a comeback.” And you will come back stronger and better than before. I declare that all the resources you need will be added to you now. Everything and everyone you need, even now, comes to you through the provision of the Lord in His great love. Hallelujah!
  • You are in a “building season.” In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, this is your “breakthrough season . ” You have just crossed over into your ” moment of victory” , a “moment of blessing”, a “moment of providence” of great abundance – and I just need you to understand that it will be more than you thought. A new beginning is at the door, and it will be bigger and better than the one before.
  • Isaiah 61:1-7  “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; for the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the humble; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim release to the captives and release to the prisoners. out of prison; to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn; to give to those who mourn in Zion a crown of beauty instead of ashes; the oil of joy instead of mourning; a garment of praise instead of the spirit of heaviness; that they may It was called the “Tree of Righteousness,” planted by the Lord that He might be glorified. They will repair the desolate places long ago, they will build up the places that were desolate before, and they will rebuild the city that was desolate for generations. Then foreigners will rise up to feed your flocks; foreigners will be your plowers in your fields and your vineyard tenders. But you shall be called priests of the LORD; and you shall be called the servants of our God. You will eat and use the wealth of the nations, and you will boast in their glory. Instead of the shame you suffered, you will receive a double benefit; instead of the shame you suffered, you will receive a double portion of joy. You will receive a double inheritance in the land, and everlasting joy will be yours. “
  • Psalm 23:5-6  You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil, and my cup overflows. Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. 

Signs of Transition – Certain Grace Disappears

  • As we are in this important time of transition, God is changing some missions and reorienting His people.
  • This inevitably means that the grace bestowed on some of the old missions will gradually diminish, making it clear that it is time to move forward.
  • I want to share some signs to help you discern if grace has disappeared from a role, job, position, ministry, place, or relationship.

When Grace Disappears

  • What do I mean by “grace disappears”? Here I am not referring to the grace of God by which we are saved (cf. Ephesians 2:8 ), but to the empowering grace that God gives us, His power. God gives us grace for a specific mission so that we can successfully complete it. This doesn’t mean everything will be easy or problem-free, but you will feel God’s blessings with you, like the wind pushing you at your back, giving you the strength to do the hard things.
  • When “grace disappears,” you will feel a change in a certain area, as if something is cracking deep inside. Maybe you can still do the job, competently and professionally, but you no longer have the heart to do it. Something changes within you that is difficult to describe or define. Here are five signs that may indicate that grace has disappeared in an area. When you look at each sign individually, they may not be enough to be conclusive evidence of leaving, but if you can say “yes” to more than one of them, then it may be a sign that grace is gone.
    • You can’t give anything anymore in that environment
      • You feel empty, almost numb, and no longer care about that job, responsibility, or relationship.
      • You can still carry on, but you’re just making do, hoping it’ll be over soon, even counting the minutes until the weekend arrives, looking forward to your next vacation.
      • Without any excitement or enthusiasm for the job, you may even start to get tired of it and it becomes a burden.
    • Things that were easy before are now becoming more and more difficult
      • You feel constant fatigue, and the things that once energized you are now weighing you down.
      • Things become more laborious and progress slows down. Small things that you once did without thinking now feel overwhelming.
      • There is no joy in the job, which is sustained only by your own efforts, not by the blessing of the Holy Spirit.
    • An environment that once suited me now feels restrictive and oppressive
      • You feel like you’re almost suffocating, as if a plant has grown too big and the pot no longer fits, causing the plant to wilt. At this point you will need to move to a larger pot to continue to thrive.
    • You become more and more eager to be somewhere else
      • Your heart is drawn to other places, other characters, or other people.
      • You stay only out of a sense of duty, guilt, misplaced loyalty, fear, or financial gain.
      • In a sense, your mind has already moved, but your body has not yet caught up.
    • You start to feel irritated with the people around you
      • You don’t want to be around them anymore. Maybe they were never your best friends, but you were once able to get along with them and even appreciate them. But now, you don’t want to be near them anymore.
      • There is absolutely no chemistry between them, and every move they make annoys you. You don’t want to feel like this, but it’s reality.
  • Do the signs above sound familiar to you? If you can identify with more than three of these signs, it may be a sign that the grace in what you are doing is starting to slip away. The truth is, most people stay too long, and once you stay too long, you may lose the opportunity to “leave well.” As irritability increases, relationships begin to break down, you begin to resent people and situations, and you overreact to the smallest of things.
  • When this happens, it can damage a relationship and close doors that were otherwise open to you. Does this mean you should leave tomorrow? Maybe it won’t change right away. But you should probably start preparing for a change.
    • You can start looking for a new role or position.
    • You can start having some respectful conversations
    • You can prepare to leave in a suitable way.
  • Finally, remember: when grace disappears in one area, God will move that grace to another area. Find His favor and follow His leading.


  • Deuteronomy 29:10 Today stand your princes, your tribe chiefs, your elders, your officers, the men of Israel, your wives, your children, and the strangers who are in the camp, as well as those who chop wood and carry water for you. before the LORD your God,
  • The patriarch (tribe) has a pillar and a staff;
  • Stand and position your subordinates into position

We Are Part of This Covenant

  • Deuteronomy 29:13-14 So he will make you his people this day, and he will be your God, just as he promised you and as he swore to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I make this covenant and swear this oath not only with you, but also with everyone who stands with us before the LORD our God, and with everyone who is not with us today.
  • Talk about the past and warn about the curses of breaking the covenant, including diseases, natural disasters, man-made disasters…
  • Deuteronomy 29:29   The secret things belong to the LORD our God; but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, so that we may obey all the words of this law.
  • After the Torah this week is the Feast of Trumpets, which is the most important ten days of repentance in the entire 40 days, leading into the Day of Atonement.
  • The Point of Repentance
    • Actions (verbal confession and sacrifice) are the scope of the priest’s service, but repentance is more important than inner conversion . So sin, in addition to missing the target, is also acting in the wrong place. It disrupts the moral order of the world, just like the English word “transgression”, which means “crossing the border, entering the forbidden area, entering a place that should not be present.” Only when we understand this, we will understand why “Proper” The deepest punishment for sin in “Ra” is banishment. Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden. Cain was condemned to be an eternal wanderer. So the Repentance of Israel says: “Because of our sins we were expelled from our land. Because sin is an act done in the wrong place, the consequence of which is that the wrongdoer finds himself in the wrong place – exile. Sin alienates; it Taking us away from God, the result is that we are also separated from where we should be, where we belong. We become aliens.
  • Sin – Missing the target (death, loss of connection with God and eventual physical death)

Beyond the Standard (Exile)

  • Two sheep on Yom Kippur
  • Leviticus 16:7-10 You shall also place the two male goats before the LORD at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, and cast lots for the two goats, one lot for the LORD and one lot for Azazel. Aaron is to sacrifice the goat that is cast by lot for the LORD as a sin offering, but the goat that is cast by lot for Azazel is to be laid alive before the LORD to make atonement for his sins and he is to send it into the wilderness for Azazel. Le.
  • Sin and penance were part of the priestly world. They served in the temple. When a person or group sinned during Temple times, they would bring an offering and serve as a symbol of repentance, acknowledging their wrongdoing.
  • But another view of repentance is the prophetic perspective , dealing with the exile that comes with sin. Prophets heard the voice of God throughout history warning people that wrongdoing would lead to defeat and exile, and when exile eventually occurred, calling people back to their roots as a prelude to their return to the land. So the best way to repent is not to offer a sin sacrifice but to go homeit’s a subtle distinction . It is not about temple sacrifices, but about behavioral changes that lead to healing, mercy, forgiveness, and restoration through repentance. Priests dealt with individual sin while prophets brought about national repentance and return . The two complement each other.

Circumcised Heart

  • Deuteronomy 30:6 The LORD your God will take away (circumcise) the uncleanness of your heart and the hearts of your descendants, so that you may love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, so that you may live.
  • Be circumcised before crossing over, not of the body, but of the heart
  • To understand what Moses represented at the end of his life, there are two concepts . The first is Erik Erikson’s concept of fertility, the seventh of his eight stages of life. He believes that relatively late in life, many people’s views have changed. They start thinking about legacy, about what will outlive them . Their attention often shifts from themselves to others. They may devote more time to family, community, care, or volunteer work. Mentoring some young people who are following their career path. They make commitments to others. They ask themselves, how can I contribute to the world? What mark will I leave on those who live on after me? Is there anything in the world that is better because of me?
  • A second related idea is David Brooke’s concept of a second mountain. Talking to people over 70, he found that they had identified the mountain they were going to climb early in life. Their responsibilities to family and career come to an end. They have a vision of who they want to be. By age 70, some people have done it and are happy. But there are people who have no idea but there are people who want to climb another peak.
  • Many people identify a second mountain they want to climb. This mountain is not about achievement, it is about giving. It’s not so much about external achievements (success, fame) as it is about internal achievements. It’s spiritual, it’s moral; it’s about dedicating yourself to a cause or giving back to the community. He said that this is often a yearning for justice, an inner voice saying: “I want to do something really good with my life.” The second mountain, related to later life, may well prove the right to justice. Our sense of self-worth is more important than the ego-driven climb of the first mountain.
  • The case of Moses puts all this into dramatic perspective. What would you do if you had achieved something that humans have never done before or will do in the future? Moses talked face to face with God. He has become his faithful servant. He led his people from slavery to freedom, endured their complaints, endured their rebellion, and begged – and received – their forgiveness in the eyes of God. He has been God’s agent through whom he works miracles and communicates his word. After such a life, what else is there to do?
  • So what was there to do when Moses faced the end of his life? Deuteronomy contains and constitutes the answer. As it begins: “ In the fortieth year, in the eleventh month, on the first day of the month, Moses spoke to the children of Israel… On the east bank of the Jordan, in the land of Moab, Moses began to expound this law…” Moses was no longer the liberator and The one who works miracles, but becomes, “our teacher,” the one who teaches the law to the next generation.
  • His ways in Deuteronomy are amazing. He no longer simply spells out the law as he once did. He explained the theology behind the law. He spoke of God’s love for Israel and the love Israel should show to God. He speaks of the past and the future with equal force, recalling the wilderness years and anticipating the challenges ahead.
  • Above all, he approaches the subject from every possible direction, warning the young people who will enter and inherit this land that the real challenge is not failure but success; not slavery but freedom; not the bread of suffering but success. The lure of opulence. Remember, he said over and over again; listen to God’s voice; rejoice in what He has given you. These are the key verbs of this book, and they remain the most powerful immune system ever developed against the decadence and decline that has affected every civilization since ancient times. Just listen to God’s voice.
  • The last month of Moses’ life, which culminates in today’s Torah when he finally hands over leadership to Joshua, speaks not to his contemporaries but to those who will live on after him . This is the second mountain of Moses.

What is Your Second Mountain?

  • All of this points us to a powerful and potentially life-changing message. No matter what our lives have been like so far, we have another chapter to write, which is to focus on being a blessing to others, sharing whatever gifts we have with those who have less, passing our values ​​on from generation to generation, To use our experiences to help others through their own difficult times, to do something that has nothing to do with personal ambition and everything to do with the hope of leaving some legacy of goodwill that will make at least one person’s life on this planet better. good.
  • Hence the life-changing thought: No matter what you achieve, there’s always a second mountain to climb, and it may turn out to be your greatest legacy into the future.
  • Deuteronomy 31:7 Moses called Joshua and said to him in the sight of all Israel: Be strong and courageous! For you will enter with this people into the land that the LORD swore to their fathers to give them, and you will make them their inheritance.
  • Deuteronomy 31:23    And the LORD charged Joshua son of Nun, saying, Be strong and of good courage, for you will bring the children of Israel into the land which I swore to them; and I will be with you.
  • What would you say to your successor? What advice do you give them? This week Torah Moses finally hands over the reins to Joshua and both he and God bless him for his future. But they give different blessings.
  • The content of the speech is almost the same. Moses said: “Be strong and courageous, for you are going [tavo] into the land with this people” ). God said: “Be strong and have courage, for you are bringing [tavi] the Israelites into the land”). Tavo or tavi, “to come” or “to bring.” These words sound and look similar. But there is a big difference. See Deuteronomy 31:23

Consensus or Command and Control?

  • The rabbis believe: Both God and Moses wanted Joshua to know that true leadership cannot be one-sided, whether it is the pursuit of consensus or command and control. It has to be a delicate balance of both. They wanted Joshua to hear it in the most dramatic way possible, so Moses and God spoke two different ways.
  • Moses, who everyone thought of as a strong, decisive leader, actually told Joshua , “Don’t forget to fight for consensus . Your job is not mine. I had to free people from slavery. You have to lead. They enter the land of freedom. Freedom means taking people seriously. Leadership among free people involves listening, respecting and striving for consensus wherever possible.
  • God gives people freedom and never imposes on people against their will. He said: “Joshua, I am God; you are not. I must respect people’s freedom. I must let them go the way they are determined to go, even if It’s wrong and self-destructive, but you are a human being and your job is to show them the way to justice, compassion, and a better society. If people don’t agree with you, you have to teach them. They, but ultimately you have to lead them, because if everyone does what they think is right, that’s not freedom, it’s chaos.”
  • These are the two extremes of leadership: consensus or command . Moses advised Joshua to adopt a policy of negotiation and reconciliation. He is essentially saying, “You don’t need to follow the people. You are the leader, not them. But you do need to work with the elders. They are leaders, too. They actually make up your team. They need to feel They don’t expect you to always agree with them, but they do need to be consulted .
  • “If they sense that you’re not interested in their opinion, if they get the impression of you as a person determined to do things your own way regardless of others because you know better, they will try to sabotage you. They will hurt You. They may not succeed. But you will be injured. Your status among the people will be diminished. How can we respect someone who is not respected by his elders?
  • Leaders must be teachers but also learners. He has to be a visionary but take the time to understand the details. He has to push people, but not too far, too fast, or he will fail. He must inspire the good in people’s nature, teach them to love instead of hate, to forgive instead of seeking revenge. He must always prefer a peaceful solution to hitting someone on the head with a stick, even if he is prepared to do so if there is no alternative. A leader must possess more than one leadership style. Otherwise, as Abraham Maslow said, “Those who only have a hammer treat every problem like a nail.”
  • Being a leader is hard work but nothing is more rewarding than lifting others up and helping others, inspiring others to realize the greatness they possess; and realizing their potential together to right this wounded planet and its wrongs; taking action rather than waiting for others to act, and bringing others with them. Man, because the greatest leader on earth or in heaven cannot lead alone.
  • I wish you all the best to improve your leadership skills in the new season and learn to be led by God and led by others.
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Editorial Special Section: Lou Engle & Christy Johnston: “A 90-Day Call to Prayer for the U.S. Elections”

Message: Lou Engle & Christy Johnstona Date: August 9, 2024  Source : Elijah List

Editor’s Note: Christy Johnston is an Australian writer, prophetic teacher, and one of the best intercessors in the United States (even though she is Australian!). Dreams were nothing new to Christie, but few inspired the faith of countless intercessors like this one.

90 Days

On August 7th, our friend Christy Johnston had an urgent dream in which she saw herself calling for 90 days of prayer leading up to the U.S. elections. She knew it was a clarion call from Heaven that went far beyond the reach of her own sphere of influence. Christy then saw a tremendous response from the Ekklesia. It was a 2 Chronicles 7:14 moment. Hundreds of thousands of people from every nation were falling on their knees and crying out for the United States of America. She also saw hordes of demonic beings that looked like orcs from The Lord of the Rings movies. As she watched in the dream, their hands suddenly became shackled and their plans were interrupted by the power of intercession from the people of God.

Christy understood that this dream was not just about America, but about the nations of the earth. Meanwhile, there is a demonic agenda in the United States that must be stopped. When she woke from the dream, Christy contacted Lou Engle. They did the math to find out when 90 days before the elections (on November 5th) would be. It turned out to be this past Wednesday, August 7th, the very day she had the dream! Christy and Lou acted quickly to release a live Instagram message to herald this call to prayer. We urge you to watch it and share it far and wide. But if all else fails, just DO THE DREAM with us and pray each day for 90 days!

In the video, Lou explains how Psalm 149 is key to understanding the dream. The psalmist wrote:

“Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand, to execute vengeance on the nations, and punishments on the peoples; to bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; to execute on them the written judgment—this honor have all His saints. Praise the LORD!” (Psalm 149:6–9)

Lou believes that great principalities and powers are in a cosmic conflict over the elections and over Israel right now. There is also a battle over which ideologies are going to be loosed into these nations. Lou mentioned Derek Prince’s book, Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting, and how it tells of how “governments are shifted in prayer and fasting, as it was in the days of Daniel and as in the days of Esther.” Lou went on to say, “I believe right now God is saying, urgently, put high praises of God in your mouth. Carry it to your beds. Pray on your beds and declare the binding of kings and nobles, and the shackling of the principalities and powers, so God can actually establish His purposes” (both now and in these elections).

Christy and Lou addressed the principalities associated with the ancient goddess Ishtar, and the gods Molech and Baal, as mentioned in Jonathan Cahn’s book, The Return of the Gods. The premise of the book is that when America removed God from the public sector in the 60s, and in the 70s, then demons came back seven times worse to repossess the nation. Ishtar was the goddess of sexuality, homosexuality, prostitution, and transgenderism. Lou acknowledged that the influence of this unseen entity is being manifest on the ground level in our nation as never before. Even certain elements of the Olympic ceremony exemplified her perversions.

Lou also emphasized that when those in positions of authority make decrees and agreements with wickedness, or with righteousness, it opens portals in the heavenly realms—whether for evil or for good. For example, he explained that when the president awarded a transgender woman as “Woman of the Year,” he was opening a portal for transgender ideologies and spirits to come in and affect our nation. Knowing what a controversial topic this is, Lou said, “I would rather be controversial than to be halting between two opinions and missing the very moment that the Elijahs of God, and the Esthers of God, are being called into.”

Would you join us in these 90 days of intercession by setting your alarm to pray at either 4:14 AM or 4:14 PM? The time is based on Esther 4:14, which says, “For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Also, our Nigerian friend, Folake Kellogg, had a dream in which the Lord told her, “You cannot have Esther 4:14 without Nehemiah 4:14.

“And I looked, and arose and said to the nobles, to the leaders, and to the rest of the people, ‘Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.'” (Nehemiah 4:14)

We shudder to think of what will happen for our generation and the generation to come if we do not triumph over the plans of darkness in this hour of history.

So, at 4:14 in your own time zone, we ask that wherever you are you stop and take Communion. Stand in the gap on behalf of 1) Israel, 2) your own nation, and 3) America.

Years ago, the Lord told us in a dream that it would “honor the body and the blood to pray for His Israel each day before the sun sets.” Let us “execute the judgment written” by decreeing the Word of God and calling forth His purposes while, at the same time, decreeing the judgment of the Cross over powers and principalities. In doing so, over the next 90 days, we will be establishing national altars of righteousness and opening portals of God’s favor as mentioned in 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Additional Prayer Points

For those who would appreciate more guidance for your intercession, consider agreeing with us in the following prayer objectives inspired by Lou and Christy’s exhortation:

  1. Let us pray for the restraining of the demonic principalities and wicked governments that seek Israel’s destruction and have brought death and suffering upon their own people. “Make haste, O God, to deliver me! Make haste to help me, O Lord! Let them be ashamed and confounded who seek my life; let them be turned back and confused who desire my hurt.” (Psalm 70:1–2)
  2. Repent on behalf of your nation, Israel, and America, for every unholy agreement and blood covenant. Plead the better blood of Jesus and His greater covenant. Call for the dismantling of witchcraft and the occult in every sphere of our government and society.  “…’How can there be peace,’ Jehu replied, ‘as long as all the idolatry and witchcraft of your mother Jezebel abound?'” (2 Kings 9:22)
  3. Pray for the presidential elections, that America and the globe will be spared from the demonic agendas being espoused by the Democratic party.  “For how can I endure to see the evil that will come to my people? Or how can I endure to see the destruction of my countrymen?” (Esther 8:6)
  4. Pray for the restraining of World War III, for the sake of the global missions movement and the reaping of a mass harvest of souls.  “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)
  5. Decree that America is going to come back to her original covenant with the Lord. Welcome Him back into our nation, our schools, and every sphere of society.
  6. Pray forth the opening of the womb of America for the rebirth of the nation and the birthing of many souls into salvation. “Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” (Psalm 90:2)
  7. Pray for mercy to triumph over judgment and for a great awakening to sweep across this generation with deliverance from all kinds of addictions, sin patterns, mental illness, and identity confusion.  “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.” (Luke 4:18)


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Pray for America: Church, Finish the Assignment

Editor’s Note: This article is excerpted from the prayer post of “Give Him 15 ” on 2024/9/26 by prayer leader Dutch Sheets.
Current Events/Background:  The Lord has been speaking to me about the need to finish this season well. We are all busy with many responsibilities and activities. It is easy to allow prayer and other spiritual actions to fall by the wayside, especially when we become weary. However, we cannot afford to do that at this time.

One of the passages in Scripture that effectively illustrates the dangers of not finishing well is Judges 1-2. After Joshua led Israel in conquering Canaan, each tribe was left with the responsibility of clean-up operations in the portion of land allotted to them as an inheritance, fully driving out the remaining enemies. Many of them became complacent and did not finish the job. Here are examples:

  • Now the Lord was with Judah, and they took possession of the hill country; but they could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley because they had iron chariots.
  • But the sons of Benjamin did not drive out the Jebusites who lived in Jerusalem…
  • But Manasseh did not take possession of Beth-shean and its villages, or Taanach and its villages, or the inhabitants of Dor and its villages, or the inhabitants of Ibleam and its villages, or the inhabitants of Megiddo and its villages…they did not drive them out completely.
  • And Ephraim did not drive out the Canaanites who were living in Gezer.
  • Zebulun did not drive out the inhabitants of Kitron, or the inhabitants of Nahalol…
  • Asher did not drive out the inhabitants of Acco, or the inhabitants of Sidon, or of Ahlab, or of Achzib, Helbah, Aphik, or of Rehob…for they did not drive them out…
  • Naphtali did not drive out the inhabitants of Beth-shemesh, or the inhabitants of Bethanath…
  • Then the Amorites forced the sons of Dan into the hill country, for they did not allow them to come down to the valley…

(All taken from Judges 1:19-34 NASB)

The result of not finishing the jobs was tragic. Israel eventually assimilated with the Canaanites, intermarrying with them, and accepting their Baal worship. 

Chapter 2 tells us the results:

“Now the angel of the Lord came up from Gilgal to Bochim. And he said, ‘I brought you up out of Egypt and led you into the land which I have sworn to your fathers; and I said, I will never break My covenant with you, and as for you, you shall not make a covenant with the inhabitants of this land; you shall tear down their altars.’ But you have not obeyed Me; what is this thing that you have done?…

“Then Joshua, the son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, died at the age of 110. The people served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders who survived Joshua, who had seen all the great work of the Lord which He had done for Israel. And they buried him in the territory of his inheritance in Timnath-heres, in the hill country of Ephraim, north of Mount Gaash. All that generation also were gathered to their fathers; and another generation rose up after them who did not know the Lord, nor even the work which He had done for Israel. 

“Then the sons of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord and served the Baals, and they abandoned the Lord, the God of their fathers, who had brought them out of the land of Egypt, and they followed other gods from the gods of the peoples who were around them, and bowed down to them; so they provoked the Lord to anger. They abandoned the Lord and served Baal and the Ashtaroth.” (Excerpts from Judges 2:1-13 NASB)

The angel of the Lord leaving Gilgal and going to Bochim is very significant (2:1). Gilgal was the first encampment of Israel after the dramatic crossing of the Jordan River. Much of their 7-year campaign to take the promised land was launched from there. The name “Gilgal” means “rolling,”(1) for it was there the Lord said the reproach of Egypt had been “rolled off” them. 

Bochim means “weepers.”(2) The symbolism could not be clearer. Israel as a nation was about to go from victory to weeping, from reproach-free to shame, and from freedom back into slavery: 

“Then the anger of the Lord burned against Israel, and He handed them over to plunderers, and they plundered them; and He sold them into the hands of their enemies around them, so that they could no longer stand against their enemies. Wherever they went, the hand of the Lord was against them for evil, as the Lord had spoken and just as the Lord had sworn to them, so that they were severely distressed.” (Judges 2:14-15 NASB)

The entire book of Judges is a history of this compromise, complacency, and resulting judgments. 

We have come a long way in praying for the spiritual reviving and healing of America. This election cycle is part of the turnaround process. There are those who contend that God doesn’t really care who is in government. They say He can do what He desires regardless of who wins elections or governs a nation. Therefore, they tell us that the church should stay focused on preaching the gospel and not be “distracted” by politics. This is a dangerous deception. 

Scripture is filled with accounts of negative reaping by nations because of their leaders. Unwise and unholy leaders have created untold suffering and death around the world. God removed Saul from being King of Israel, saying He needed a man who would obey Him (1 Samuel 15:19-23) and would pursue His heart (1 Samuel 13:14). 

America’s rejection of God and its unholy laws, for which we are reaping great suffering and death, were passed by government leaders. To say it doesn’t really matter who we elect into office – God will just do what He wants anyway – would mean God is okay with abortion, sexually mutilating confused kids, and much more. Some theology is simply a shirking of our responsibility to stand for truth.

We must vote, yes, but we must also pray that those who align the closest with God’s will and ways, found in His Word, are elected to office. We must pray that those who most oppose His will are not allowed to win. 

DON’T STOP PRAYING! Let’s finish well.

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Pray for Israel: The Annihilation of Hezbollah Leader – A Historical Turning Point

Current Event / Background: On September 27 (Friday), while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was attending the 79th United Nations General Assembly Summit in New York, he authorized the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to attack the Hezbollah headquarters located in an underground bunker. Launch a targeted strike.

Eighteen Senior Members of Hezbollah Were Eliminated

On Saturday, Hezbollah issued a statement confirming that its top leader Hassan Nasrallah was killed in an Israeli airstrike. The IDF also issued a statement earlier on Saturday saying that Nasrallah and a number of senior Hezbollah leaders and military commanders were killed in the attack. In addition to a previous operation in July and the IDF’s intensive military operations against Hezbollah in the past two weeks, 18 senior members of Hezbollah were eliminated.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who just returned to Israel from New York, said in a speech to the people at home that the death of Hezbollah leader Nasrallah was a historical turning point and a necessary condition for Israel to realize the return of northern people to their homes. This could change the balance of power in the Middle East, but also warns that Israel will face difficult challenges in the coming days.

Turning Point in History

Narula, the leader of the terrorist organization Hezbollah, was the Iranian overseas agent most capable of attacking Israel. His annihilation has great and far-reaching significance. Here are some comments:

  • “A “big earthquake” in the Middle East will have far-reaching impacts on both the regional and global levels. ” (Words from Avi Issacharoff, Israeli Arab affairs expert and analyst)
  • “It will have a profound impact and change the face of the Middle East” (IDF Chief of General Staff Halevi)
  • “It is a decisive moment. This is not only a reckoning, but also the opening of new opportunities.” (Benny Gantz, Chairman of the Israeli National Unity Party)
  • “An attack that profoundly changed the paradigm. ⁠ Because Nasrallah was known as “very charismatic,” with direct access to the heart of the Iranian regime and a key figure in the Iranian-led “axis of resistance,” his legacy The gap is difficult to fill. (Deutsche Welle)
  • “Natanyahu, not Biden, is setting the agenda for the Middle East.” “Over the past year, Biden and his aides appear to have less and less influence on Netanyahu.” “The decision-maker who determines the next move is Natanyahu.” Tanyahu and Iran, Hamas and the future leader of Hezbollah instead of Biden” (NBC News).
  • “This marks a historic victory for the world and a lasting transformation in the Middle East. Iran and its proxies are now filled with fear and a new era of peace is coming instead of regional war.” (Emirati Middle East affairs strategist and media personality Amjad Taha (language)

Nasrallah and Hezbollah

“Nasrallah is not an ordinary terrorist, he is the most important terrorist.” Netanyahu said.

Nasrallah, who has been closely associated with Iran’s extreme Islamic Shia system throughout his life, was born in 1960 in a Shia family in the suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon. His birth and childhood were marked by the conflict between Israel and Lebanon. At the age of 15, he joined the Amal Movement – founded in 1974 by Iran’s former religious leader Ayatollah Khomeini and two Iranian supporters in Lebanon. When he was 16 years old, he went to Najaf, Iraq, a Shia holy city in the Middle East, to study the Koran and met Mousavi, who later became the general secretary of Hezbollah. After the 1979 Iranian Revolution, Nasrallah met with Khomeini in 1981 when he was only 21 years old. In 1982, during the Iran-Iraq War, Hezbollah was formed with the planning and support of the Islamic Republic of Iran, with Mousavi as its general secretary. In February 1992, Mousavi was killed in an Israeli attack and Nasrallah took over. Immediately left for Iran.

After Nasrallah took over Hezbollah, he managed to position Hezbollah as a political entity and participate in parliamentary elections. Hezbollah currently holds 13 seats in the Lebanese Parliament, and has members of Hezbollah as cabinet ministers. Nasrallah is also regarded as the main player in forcing the Israeli army to withdraw from Lebanon in 2000, and achieved another “success” in the Israeli-Lebanese conflict in 2006. Therefore, he is regarded as an idol by his supporters, and some other Lebanese Hezbollah idolizes it because of its economic influence in some impoverished areas. However, most Lebanese hate him deeply, accusing him of turning Lebanon into a satellite state of Iran.

Anti-Zionist Views are Deeply Rooted

Nasrallah has always considered himself an opponent of Israel. His anti-Zionist views have been deeply rooted for nearly 50 years. On the day after Hamas launched a terrorist attack on the kibbutz on the Gaza border with Israel, he led Hezbollah to immediately participate in the attack on Israel in solidarity with Hamas.

Hezbollah has the most powerful paramilitary force in the Middle East, claiming to have about 100,000 fighters, a strong organizational structure and a huge weapons arsenal. Israel estimates that Hezbollah has about 150,000 to 200,000 rockets and missiles, including guided missiles and long-range missiles.

Does Iran Dare to Retaliate?

This time, along with Nasrallah and other senior officials and commanders, the deputy commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ “Quds Force” and the commander of the Lebanese branch, Abbas Nilfo, was killed in the bombing. Abbas Nilforoushan. Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi stated on September 29 that Israel would not remain silent.

Reuters quoted Iranian state media as saying that earlier on Sunday, Iranian parliament speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf said that Iran-backed armed groups would attack in Tehran after Nasrallah was killed. to carry out the mission to challenge Israel. “We will not hesitate to do whatever we can to assist the resistance movement.”

Iran has spent decades forming an alliance in the Middle East known as the “Axis of Resistance,” which includes Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, and militants in Iraq and Syria. Shia Islamic armed group.

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Pray for Israel: Former Leader Rejoin to Fight the Enemy

Current Event / Background:  Prime Minister Netanyahu announced on September 29 that G Sa’ar, leader of the New Hope Party, one of the current opposition parties , would rejoin the government as a minister without office during the war. He serves as a member of the Security Cabinet and enters the Prime Minister’s inner circle of defense consultations. G Sa’ar returns to government after years of tense relations with Prime Minister Netanyahu. Acknowledging the painful history, the prime minister said the grudges “were behind us. This move will help unite us and unite us against our enemies.” 

Broad and Stable Government Response

Speaking about the wartime coalition formed after Hamas carried out a massacre in southern Israel on October 7, 2023, Netanyahu said, “When the war broke out, I immediately set out to establish a broad and stable government. When Benny Ganzi and Gideon Sa’ar joined the government; I was grateful, sad when they left. So I’m grateful that Sa’ar agreed to my request and agreed to return to the government today. Our decision. This move strengthens our unity at home and against our enemies.”

Netanyahu praised Sa’ar’s contributions during previous security cabinet discussions, emphasizing his “broad vision” and “ability to creatively solve complex problems.” Netanyahu admitted that the two men had political differences in the past, but also emphasized that since the war broke out on October 7, the two have put their differences aside. “We will work side by side and I plan to rely on him in important forums for managing the war,” Natanyahu added.

Put Aside Past Grudges And Work Together

Sa’ar noted that his relationship with the prime minister has been up and down in the past, ranging from periods when the two had a “close and very good working relationship” to years of “political and personal discord.” “Dear citizens of Israel, believe me, this has meant nothing to me since the morning of Saturday, October 7,” Saal said.

Sa’ar was once a close ally and senior figure of Netanyahu, but he broke away from Likud in 2020 to form the New Hope party, citing serious differences with Netanyahu’s leadership and policies. Sa’ar has held key positions under Netanyahu, including education minister and interior minister. However, Sa’ar became one of Natanyahu’s sharpest critics and positioned himself as an alternative leader on the right.

Sa’ar stressed that his decision to return to government stemmed from his differences with many members of the opposition on the war issue. He said, “At Natanyahu’s request, I decided to rejoin the government to bring my experience and capabilities to the decision-making table. It is patriotic and the right choice. I joined the government without a coalition agreement , but I have a clear vision and a strong sense of responsibility to serve our people. Although my relationship with the Prime Minister has been a mixture of close cooperation and political differences over the years, we have worked together in this administration without hostility.”

Ruling Ministers Stress Unity

Justice Minister Yariv Gideon Levin , a close ally of Netanyahu, reportedly brokered the reconciliation between the two leaders.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich welcomed Sa’ar’s return , saying: “Now more than ever the people of Israel need unity to achieve total victory. I commend Gideon Sa’ar Congressman and his party join the coalition and as long as we work together we will prevail, God willing.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir also welcomed Sa’ar’s return, saying, “I congratulate my friend MP Gideon Sa’ar on joining the coalition and the government. This is the right thing to do at the moment. and responsible actions. His wealth of experience will be a valuable asset for us to ensure victory and achieve our goals. Welcome back, Gideon.”

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Critical Event: Japan – The Key to Activate the Revival in the End Time

Background: Since the beginning of 2024, the Los Angeles Times has quoted scholar Matthews as reporting: A total of 76 countries will hold elections this year, covering 4.2 billion people, half of the earth’s total population. It will be the largest year of choice in world history, from Russia to the United States, from South Africa to Taiwan, from India to Indonesia. 2024 is a critical year, a year when leaders of various countries change, a year when Jehovah deposes kings and establishes kings, and a year when Jehovah reigns in the kingdom of man, because the glorious King is Jehovah.

It is worth noting that in the past three-quarters of the year, there are many countries that are not in the election plan, such as Iran, which changed its election due to an accident with the president, and Japan, where the prime minister resigned under the pressure of scandal. There have been replacements of leaders, and even in Canada recently, there have been rumors of cabinet collapse from time to time, so that an election may happen at any time. 2024 is really a super election year, affecting the future direction of the whole world!

Recently, Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party has held fierce intra-party elections since former Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida resigned in August due to a political donation scandal. On September 27, Shigeru Ishiba, 67 years old and former Defense Minister, stood out among the nine candidates with a large number of candidates and became the new president of the Liberal Democratic Party. Since the Liberal Democratic Party currently holds more than half of the seats in the Japanese Parliament , Japan will convene an extraordinary parliament on October 1 to hold a “prime minister nomination election”. Shigeru Ishiba will serve as the next Prime Minister of Japan and reorganize the cabinet.

After being elected, Shigeru Ishiba said: “In my 38 years of political career, I have never experienced such a fierce election. I will devote myself wholeheartedly to making Japan once again a safe and reliable place where everyone can live with a smile. nation.”

It is worth noting that Shigeru Ishiba’s great-grandfather, Kanamori Tonglon, became a pastor after becoming a Christian, and his faith was passed down to Shigeru Ishiba’s grandfather and mother. Shigeru Ishiba has attended the True Love Kindergarten of the Japanese Christian group “Tottori Church” since he was a child. He was baptized as a Christian at the age of 18 and served as a teacher at the church school.

Shigeru Ishiba is an open Christian. He once said: “For 46 years, while accepting the Christian faith, I have been living with faith.” He often said, “Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” ” as a commandment, and always remind himself in prayer, asking God to reveal and correct his mistakes. In Japan, where Shintoism is prevalent and the number of Christians is less than 2%, the emergence of a Christian Prime Minister who publicly declares his faith at this time will bring about a new situation for Japan.

Pastor David Demain of the homecoming team has shared many times: He once had a trance, and he didn’t know where he was at the time. His spirit was taken to a place where he saw two armies facing each other on an ancient battlefield, ready to enter a battle at any time. He knew in his spirit that one was God’s army and the other was Satan’s army. This was “two wars” and a battle in the last days. The Lord Himself was riding on the horse, and Satan was riding on the other side. He watched carefully. The Lord reached out and drew out the arrow from the scabbard and pointed at the red heart. The red heart was a red circle. All the armies began to mobilize. He knew that this was the battle between the two armies in the last days.

He asked the Lord, what did this signal mean? He heard a voice saying to him that the enemy thought he had Japan in his hands, but the Lord said that when He gets Japan back, the whole world will know that “the time has come.” Pastor David said in surprise: Japan is a sign of the end of the world . The Lord said to him, If Japan achieves a breakthrough, the moment and season will have to change, because Japan’s breakthrough will release the global ” Body of Christ ” and reap the great harvest of the last days . God will use Japan to become the God of the last days. A key. Japan is God’s gateway. God has removed Japan’s shame. God has heard their cry.

Amen Amen! God has opened the door to Japan. We are convinced that it is no accident that Ishiba Shigeru became the Prime Minister of Japan at this time. Just like his name, our Lord is a stone , the cornerstone of the body of Christ, and the stone that will hit people. The breakthrough allowed Japan to break out of its cocoon, and the whole land flourished.

We are about to enter 5785 , the time has been fulfilled for the whole earth, the time has come, and it is now! The time has come for Japan to be released, and the time has come for the whole earth to be released!

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Pray for the Indigenous People: 8/1 Indigenous Revival Gathering – Unveiling the Prelude to Taiwan’s Indigenous Revival Movement 

Current events/Background: This article is excerpted from the report of “Christian Today” on July 16 about the upcoming indigenous revival gathering on Ketagalan Avenue in front of the Taiwan Presidential Palace. For the original text, please click here. The following are part of the excerpts, paraphrased in Teacher Ahong’s own narratives:

Called by God to Walk and Pray in the Birthplace of Taiwan’s 16 Indigenous Tribes

August 1st is Indigenous People’s Day. The concert “Indigenous 30 Dreams in Place – When We Are Together”,  hosted by the Indigenous “Shared Revitalization Alliance”,  hopes to call on indigenous youth to gather at Ketagalan Avenue to worship and pray to kick off the next ten-year indigenous revival movement – “The Rise of the Young Generation”!

God has a plan for everything He does! In the middle of the night last December (2023), God woke me up and gave me specfic words: strategy and effectiveness. He also called me to go to the origin of the 16 indigenous tribes to worship and pray, and to pray everywhere. I prayed like this: “There is no regret in God’s calling.” Then in January, God moved me to walk and pray in the 12 administrative districts of Taipei for 12 consecutive weeks, including walking and praying in key areas such as Hakka, Southern Fujian, and ethnic groups from mainland China.

Indonesian Brother Received Dreams and Delivered Letters to 16 Indigenous Peoples

After the prayer walk, the church community began to “Fast and Pray for Taiwan for 21 Days” on March 4. During the gathering, I kept hearing ” Arise the Native People, the Eldest Son will Revive “, and I began to have thoughts and feelings in my heart. One day at a gathering, Pastor Nathaniel Zhou came on stage to share a story: an Indonesian brother (see the picture on the left. The brother on the right was the one who had the vision) received a dream, and in the dream, God asked him to send 16 letters to the 16 indigenous tribes, and he didn’t know that there are 16 indigenous tribes in Taiwan. On the cover of the letters, a Atayal word  was written, which means “Send, Unite.” (Note: Atayal is one the indigenous tribes in Taiwan.)

The interesting thing is that my father is an Indonesian Chinese, and I also have Atayal ancestry. I immediately realized that since last December, God has begun to use me to go to various tribes to do “unification” work. The prayers and dreams I heard in the “Fasting and Prayer Meeting for Taiwan” seemed to confirm what I received.

Gathering on Ketagalan Avenue on August 1st, the Rise of Indigenous Youth Generation

Later, I and Elder Andrew Chang, the founder of “TOD Tabernacle of David”, shared relevant insights with the indigenous pastors from different regions of Taiwan. This ten-year “Rise of the Indigenous Youth Generation” came into being. ! The gathering on Ketagalan Avenue on 8/1 can be said to be the starting point for all ethnic groups to come together.  8/2 is the first day of this ten-year movement. This gathering is scheduled to be held on “Ketagalan Avenue”, which is the only street named after an indigenous tribe  in Taipei City, so it is of special significance to gather here on 8/1 Indigenous People’s Day.

The 30th Anniversary of the Rectification of Name of Indigenous People, Moving from Name Change to Revival

Forty years ago (1984), the “Promotion Association of Taiwan Indigenous Rights” launched a movement to rectify the names of indigenous peoples, which lasted for ten years. In 1994, after the Taiwanese government  amended the constitution, an additional clause was added to the constitution. The derogatory term “mountain compatriot” was revised to “indigenous people”.  The year 2024 is the 30th anniversary.

30 is a turning point in life, as the saying goes, “You stand at thirty.” Jesus also began to serve God around the age of 30. So in this year (2024), we sincerely hope that the indigenous people will move from the name-correction movement to a new revival movement. Indigenous people must help this country by moving from rectification of name to revival, from tragedy to zeal, from hatred to blessing, from inferiority complex to self-confidence. Therefore, all ethnic groups are invited to stand on national territory and declare for the country!

400 Years Since the Gospel was Introduced to Taiwan

In 1624, the Siraya people were the first indigenous tribe in Taiwan to be exposed to the gospel. God has three principles for doing things: the guidance of the Holy Spirit, God’s Words, and God’s timing. It has been 400 years since the gospel was introduced to Taiwan. Taiwan is like Moses and John the Baptist, hidden by God for 400 years. Now is the time to rise. Based on the above-mentioned reasons and insights, we chose to launch such an indigenous revival movement this year. The core of this concert on Ketagalan Avenue is to bring new love and harmony with God, with people, with the land and among all ethnic groups! We hope to increase the value of the eldest son of the land and the blessings of the eldest son of the gospel . Together we can be grateful for the past, cherish the present, and look forward to the future.

Indigenous People Unite and Activate Heavenly Blessings

Four main things will happen at the gathering:

  1. Acceptance: As the eldest sons of the land, the indigenous people openly express their acceptance of all ethnic groups who come to this land.
  2. Gratitude: Thanks to all ethnic groups and governments for their construction on this land.
  3. Fulfillment: The indigenous people are kind, loving and sharing nature, which can best promote peace, harmony and unity.
  4. Blessing: The eldest son of each country is given a kind of authority. The indigenous people not only have to recognize their identity, but also  to enter into unity. I believe that when the indigenous ethnic groups unite, they will receive the key to unlock the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven. The revival of the indigenous peoples is not only related to the original ethnic group itself, but also to the “entire ethnic group.”

In 1624, the indigenous people received the gospel. The gospel can be said to be the destiny of the indigenous people. The indigenous people not only need to identify with their own culture, but also return to their identity in the kingdom of God and live out the life of Jesus Christ. The real revival is Life change, revival points to preparing the way for the Lord.

Pass on the Five New Things and Live Out the Five New Things

I hope to convey five things through this gathering:

  1. A New Era: It has been 400 years since the gospel entered Taiwan. A new chapter has arrived. We must live out a “new mindset .” Just like the Israelites leaving Egypt, they must also break away from the mindset of slavery. New wine must be put into new wineskins.
  2. New Cycle: The 30th anniversary of the renaming of the indigenous people. 30 represents a new cycle. To have a new cycle, there must be ” new behavior “, because confidence without behavior is dead. Indigenous people should move from the sadness of the past to zeal. From inferiority to self-confidence, from hatred to blessing, the most important thing is that the indigenous people should stand up and become a blessing to the country and the people, and live out the dream of God in the indigenous people.
  3. A New Generation: The young generation is about to rise. This is the moment for all generations to work together. The new generation is also the new four generations. In true love and inheritance, the previous generation and this generation take what they have worked hard and accompany and train the next generation, so that the new generation of young people can bravely take on the task . Most importantly, God needs a “new relationship ” with the children and with the family.
  4. New Unity: Unity is not just within one’s own ethnic group, but requires new connections, interactions and cooperation with different ethnic groups, people and things. Therefore, while launching the Indigenous revival movement, they also encourage and support the Hakka people to rise up , launch a revival movement belonging to the Hakka, and all ethnic groups in Taiwan must launch a revival movement belonging to their own ethnic groups. From a historical point of view, the indigenous first lived on this land, so they needed to be revitalized first. In 1645, the Hakka group moved to Taiwan. In 1662, Zheng Chenggong invaded Taiwan and a large number of people from southern Fujian came to Taiwan. In 1945, Taiwan was restored and a large number of people from other provinces came to Taiwan. The revival movement is promoted in this order. Teacher Hiro hopes to bring out a “New Unity Movement ” in this concert .
  5. New life: Through the New Life of Jesus Christ, a “New Kingdom Culture” is brought out , which requires a kingdom perspective and a new life.

Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the Gospel and the 30th Anniversary of Indigenous Peoples

On August 1st, from 4:30 to 5:30 pm , various ethnic groups from the north, middle, south and east will take turns to perform, worshiping and praising in their mother tongue, and the prelude will be a performance by the Thao people’s 13 pestles, as well as children. Bring a street dance performance. Then the program officially started, presented in the form of a concert, and carried out according to the historical context. The contents are in order: Gospel 400, formerly known as 30 Happy Birthday, the rise of youth, the unity of the five major ethnic groups, and the next 10 years. In the five chapters, pastors from the north, middle, south and east are expected to chat and share stories on stage as hosts. Finally, children and teenagers will sing “God Loves the  Indigenous People”, inviting everyone to celebrate Indigenous 30, hoping to bring a new social atmosphere so that everyone can have a blessed heart.

During the preparation process, the team encountered funding challenges. The fundraising goal was 5 million, and currently more than 4 million is still needed. Teacher Ahong said that God started working very quickly, allowing them to realize many connections and many differences in a short period of time. Pastors and all people  can visit and deliver messages everywhere, and many members of the body are also very touched. I believe this is the best confirmation! Looking forward to experiencing the miracle of five loaves and two fishes next.

Teacher Ahong sincerely invites all churches to come together on 8/1 to participate in this grand event. I believe that each city has already started its journey, and I firmly believe that this land will be revitalized!

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Cleansing And Covering Prayer

Cleansing Prayers

Dear Heavenly Father, I ________ (put your name in it) come to the throne of grace, through the blood of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, to receive Your abundant grace and mercy.   Lord Jesus, ________ confess You are the Lord of my life.   I ask the resurrected power of the Holy Spirit to fill and saturate every part of my being.   I surrender all my spirit, soul and body completely to You.  Now I ask You to reveal to me, remind me of any sin that I have committed known or unknown, so that I can confess and repent of them accordingly. (Recommendation:  quiet yourself, so you can allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you)

Cleanse me from all the defilement of the world, sanctify me and my family line of any unrighteousness with the blood of Jesus.   Now by my own will, I choose to forgive everyone that has offended me or hurt me, I release them into the freedom of my forgiveness.   I also release them from the debts they might owe me. I now cast all my burden to You .  Your yoke is easy, Your burden is light.   I now put on the armor of God that You have given me, gird myself with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, my feet fitted with the gospel of peace, so that I can pray and intercede in the Holy Spirit by Your mighty power, and after done all to stand firm.

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Firewall Covering Prayer

Abba Father, I thank you for watching and blessing us coming in and going out, from now and forevermore.
Abba Father, help us to hide under the shadow of the Almighty, and cover us with Your wings.   I now plead the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on myself, my entire family _________

(speak names of your family, and name the people, things, items, that needs covering, such as : your work, ministries, and everyone that you minister to, your  property, finances, friends, pets, vehicles, pastors and small group leaders / members and president )

Abba Father, send the host of angels and chariots of fire, to surround and protect us, I ask that You place the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ, in between everyone and the power of darkness that we might be facing today, to block all ungodly influences and keep us from all spiritual attacks, loss of property and any evil strategy of the enemies. We declare no weapon formed against us shall prosper.   Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!

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