Weekly Prayer (8/19)

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Cleansing/Covering Prayer

Prayer Category Prayer Item
Editor’s Note
Prayer Declaration
Pray For United States
Pray For Israel
Pray for Global Critical Events
Pray  for First People and Native Americans
Pray for Church

Editor’s Words

Editorial Special Section: Nate Johnston:”JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN NOT SEE IT”

Message: Nate Johnston Date: August 12, 2018   Source: Nate&Christy

I heard the Lord say, “Just because you cannot see it doesn’t mean I’m not working! Just because you cannot see any sign of the promise doesn’t mean I have gone back on my word.  Just because you can’t see the instructions and directions doesn’t mean that I’ve forsaken you.”

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Editorial Special Section: Jonathan Kahn: Crucial Points in the End Times

Message: Jonathan Cahn Date: August 11, 2018   Source: YouTube Video

The culture of this age makes you forget God, His ways, and His Word. This is today’s culture. The Bible says that in the last days, you’ve heard me say, the world will focus on Israel. First, Israel will appear again, which is a miracle. After all these years, Israel reappears and the world will continue to watch.

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Editorial Special Section: Bernice Scheidler: “August = ‘Awe-Gust'”

Message: Bernice Scheidler Date: August 7, 2018   Source: Elijiah List
On the morning of August 2nd, while in prayer, I heard the Lord say the word “August,” then I saw it spelled out in front of me as “Awe-Gust.”

I heard the Lord say, “August will be a month of AWE, and like a GUST, My Spirit will blow through the month of August!”
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Editorial Special Section: Nita Johnson: The End Of It All 

Message : Nita Johnson Date: August 1, 2024    Source : World for Christ Ministries

Wednesday night I heard the voice of a man and received a vision simultaneously. Both of these were confirmed by the Urim Thummim. I was told that those nations of the world that had come under the N.W.O. were 666. I saw that clearly in the vision. The growing number was now under this force. The rest would follow suite. By the end of the year, it would have many more including the US would be 666.  Not that this is not already pretty much true, but all of the nations would feel the claws of the New World Order come into their nation and turn it into a massive communist world, unbelievably soon.

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Editorial Special Section: Dutch Sheets with Steven Springer: “Lightning Strikes”

Message: Dutch Sheets & Steven Springer    Date: August 13, 2024    Source:  Elijiah List

“Come, and let us return to the LORD; for He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us; on the third day He will raise us up, that we may live in His sight. Let us know, let us pursue the knowledge of the LORD. His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like the rain, like the latter and former rain to the earth.” (Hosea 6:1–3 NKJV)

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Editorial Special Section: 【Voice of Fig】Forty-fifth Week of Torah Gleaning I Beg

Message: JennyLee   Date: August 18, 2024   Audio:  [Voice of Fig] YouTube audio   

Scripture Progress:

  • Torah: Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11
  • Prophets: Isaiah 40:1-26

New Testament: Matthew 23:31-39; Mark 12:28-34

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Editorial Special Section: Lou Engle & Christy Johnston: “A 90-Day Call to Prayer for the U.S. Elections”

Message: Lou Engle & Christy Johnstona Date: August 9, 2024  Source : Elijah List

This week, I want to revisit the Rebirth of America Dream. When the Lord showed me back on March 10 and again on June 5 that there would be an attempted assassination of a U.S. presidential candidate, I said we could pray against these things, so they could be lessened or stopped. A president has not been that close to an assassination in 43 years, since 1981, when Ronald Reagan was shot and God spared his life. I know it was a miracle President Donald Trump also survived on July 13.

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Editorial Special Section : Anton Cruz: Urgent Call to Pray for Israel for 21 Days

Message:  Anton Cruz Date: August 5, 2024  

This is an urgent call for all nations to join together at this time. We are so desperate and we need prayer. Only prayer can truly change the atmosphere and change the atmosphere of this war. I believe in the power of your prayers, and I need someone to rise up today and say, “I am willing to pray for Israel for one hour every day for these 21 days, to pray for peace, and to pray for the nations.”

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Declaration Prayer: For President Trump and His Team [Update]

We declare in the name of Jesus :

  • God will continue to bless and protect President Trump and his family, as well as the “scepter of justice” that God has raised up to support him in his government.
  • The blood of Jesus covers them and those close to President Trump, bind and drive away any witchcraft or spells cast on them.
  • The Holy Spirit continues to pour out and personally guide President Trump. He grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God. ( Lu 2:52 )
  • The seven spirits of God are manifested in President Trump’s life ( Isaiah 11:1-3 ), giving him keen insight and discernment, judging the situation, and resolutely continuing to fulfill his call.
  •  God will restore Trump to his rightful position at His best time and give people grace to transition.

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Declaration Prayer: Declaration for The Month of Av

Editor’s note: Month of Av is the 5th year of Jewish year of 5783, corresponding with July 19- August 17, 2023

Declare in the name of Jesus :

  1. The Lord will roar from Zion, from Jerusalem, and the heavens and the earth will shake. The Lord will be our refuge and security. ( Joel 3:16)
  2. We are more than conquerors. We will rise and shine, and the shout of victory is rising in our hearts. ( Rom. 8:37, Dan 12:3)
  3. We make a covenant with God, and we will often declare and follow God’s words to release the witness of victory.
  4. We will be alert and of a sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8)
  5. This is the month when we are ready to enter the promised land. We will not be discouraged. God will always recover and give us another chance.
  6. This is the month of labor pains. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. ( 2 Cor. 4:17)
  7. God is destroying old obstacles and the foundations of mistakes and rebuilding our lives.
  8. This is the month when the earth begins to ache. The mystery of conception will begin to enter the earth, and God is beginning to prepare to give birth to new things.
  9. We are the warriors of the Lord. We choose to shine in praise and worship, and the mode of sin will be greatly eradicated.
  10. God will birth new connections to help us move forward.
  11. We obey the leading of the Holy Spirit,  and meditate on the words and revelations that God has given us. God’s wisdom and discernment are increasing in us day by day.

(Adapted from The Blessings of the Month of Av by Ron Sawka )

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Declaration Prayer: Declaration for The United States of America

Editor’s note: This declaration is adapted from the key points of the prayer declaration for the United States published on August 2 by the “World for Jesus” ministry led by Nita Johnson. It calls on all intercessors to pray together in one accord.

  1. Law and Order:  We decree in the name of Jesus: 「Colonization of America to England is no more and America stands as an independent nation. America is now under God’s jurisdiction. Our rule of law will be powerful, righteous, and godly. 」
  2. New World Order : We command in the name of Jesus: 「America and the world, come out of the prison of NWO.」
  3. Government  We decree in the name of Jesus: 「The U.S. government is now upon the shoulder of Jesus Christ and He will reign with truth and righteousness. The new heavenly guard will be put into place and we vow as a nation to submit ourselves to God’s government. The Capitol building is the new standard of the temple of truth. Our government is now set into heaven’s government and this will be to the end. 」
  4. Supreme Court  We decree in the name of Jesus: 「Our judicial system belongs to God. True justice and just scales will rule our country hereafter. 」
  5. Economy System    In the name of Jesus: 「We call America’s economic system to come up out of the oceans of greed and made purified by the Lord Jesus Christ. We will rule the nation in integrity and in equity.」「The economic system of the world must align to just weights. It will operate and function in truth, and meet the needs of all according to God’s will.」
  6. Education System  We decree in the name of Jesus: 「Father will bring forth a godly, righteous, biblical value-based education system so that the people of the world may prosper in truth. 」「Heal the minds of those that have been crippled and destroyed by current system. Stop the mutilation. Father, Your Torpedo of Truth will not return until it has completed all that You have destined for it to do. Thank You! 」
  7. Media  God really is moving in the media arena. How we thank Him for that! In the name of Jesus, we bless the media:「Lord, according to Your beauty and truth, bring the media into a place of true righteousness and holiness, and into a place to perpetuate truth. The media shall be an instrument of truth. Oh, Lord, we know that this is Your heart of hearts, not for America only, but for the nations of the world. Thank You for Your goodness, in the name of Jesus!」


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Pray for America: Pray for the American Church-The Kingdom of God and the Church

Current Events/Background:  A recent Election Poll made a shocking report on 2024 non-voting Christians is as high as 30% in America. There is a total of 345,659,000 population in America today, within which 35-40% are Christians, not including Roman Catholics.   …Detailed Reading

  • Proverbs 2:9   When the righteous increase, the people rejoice; when the wicked gain authority, the people sigh.
  • Ephesians 6:12   Know that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
  • Matthew 18:19  I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.


In the name of Jesus Christ, we decree:

  • Church, wake up, God is calling us to let go of failures and surrender all fears.
  • Church, rise up and shine, God is sending and calling us into His destiny.
  • Church , step up and speak out, no longer remain silent, and be the spokesperson of God.
  • Church, put on the power of God’s righteousness, surround and crush enemies from all directions.
  • Christians,  align yourself with God’s will and actively participate in the election.
  • Christians, we should hold up the torch of truth, devour all hypocrisy, regain lost ground, and enable the church to rise victoriously.
  • O Ecclesia, take up the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, close the door of darkness and corruption,  open the door of righteousness and justice, so that the Kingdom of God may come and His will be done in America as it is in heaven.

In the name of Jesus, Amen!

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Pray for America: Jennifer LeClaire: Crisis Intercessors Rise

Editor’s Note: This article contains 50 key prayer points for the United States and Trump shared by Jennifer LeClaire in July. These prayer points have corresponding scriptures, so they can also be used to pray for your own country and serve as a reference for all intercessors. (Jennifer LaClaire is a member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders.)

Current Events/Background: President Donald Trump was nearly killed at a rally in Pennsylvania in the evening. A photographer captured footage of bullets flying over his head. Clearly, this is divine protection. Thank you to the intercessors around the world who are standing in the gap for Trump, his family, and the American people. …Detailed Reading

【Prayer Points for America】

  • National Protection: Father, we ask for Your divine protection over America during this critical time. (Psalm 91:11)
  • Unity: Lord, bring unity to the United States, healing the deep divisions and fostering reconciliation. (John 17:21)
  • Peace: We pray for peace in every city and community across America, rebuking violence and unrest. (Philippians 4:7)
  • Wisdom for Leaders: Grant wisdom to all our leaders to navigate these challenging times with integrity and justice. (James 1:5)
  • Divine Intervention: Father, intervene divinely in the political processes, ensuring fair and just outcomes. (Psalm 82:3)
  • Protection for Candidates: We pray for the protection of all politicians keeping them safe from harm. (Psalm 121:7)
  • Spiritual Awakening: Lord, ignite a spiritual awakening across America, turning hearts back to You. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
  • Holy Spirit Guidance: Holy Spirit, guide the voters to make wise and informed decisions. (John 16:13)
  • Healing for the Nation: Heal our nation from the wounds of division, hatred, and injustice. (Psalm 147:3)
  • Godly Counsel: Surround our leaders with godly counsel who will speak Your truth and wisdom. (Proverbs 11:14)
  • Justice and Righteousness: Establish justice and righteousness in every branch of our government. (Amos 5:24)
  • Protection from Violence: Protect our nation from any acts of violence or terrorism during the election season. (Psalm 34:7)
  • Exposing Evil: Lord, expose and dismantle any evil plots or schemes against the nation. (Ephesians 5:11)
  • Divine Favor: Grant America favor on the international scene during this election period and beyond. (Psalm 5:12)
  • Unity Among Believers: Unite the church in America to stand together in prayer and action for the nation. (Ephesians 4:3)
  • Revival: Pour out Your Spirit, bringing revival to every corner of America. (Joel 2:28)
  • Truth and Transparency: Ensure truth and transparency in all election processes and outcomes. (John 8:32)
  • Protection for Families: Protect families from the stress and anxiety related to political tensions. (Isaiah 54:17)
  • Peace for Law Enforcement: Grant peace and wisdom to law enforcement officers during this time. (Romans 13:1)
  • Divine Protection for Churches: Protect churches and places of worship from any form of attack. (Psalm 91:4)
  • Economic Stability: Lord, stabilize and strengthen America’s economy during this critical season. (Deuteronomy 28:12)
  • Health and Well-being: We pray for the health and well-being of all Americans amidst the current challenges. (3 John 1:2)
  • Divine Order: Bring divine order to every aspect of our nation’s political system. (1 Corinthians 14:33)
  • Protection for the Vulnerable: Protect the vulnerable and marginalized during this tumultuous time. (Psalm 82:3-4)
  • Wisdom for Voters: Grant wisdom and discernment to voters as they make their choices. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
  • Strength and Courage: Empower those in leadership with strength and courage to do what is right. (Joshua 1:9)
  • Divine Justice: Let Your divine justice prevail in every court and judicial proceeding. (Psalm 97:2)
  • Blessings on the Nation: Bless America with peace, prosperity, and righteousness. (Psalm 33:12)
  • Reconciliation: Facilitate reconciliation and understanding between opposing political groups. (Matthew 5:9)
  • Guidance for Media: Guide the media to report with integrity, fairness, and truth. (Proverbs 12:19)
  • Protection for Election Workers: Protect all election workers and officials from harm and intimidation. (Psalm 121:8)
  • Healing from Past Wounds: Heal the nation from the wounds of past political conflicts and divisions. (Jeremiah 30:17)
  • Clarity in Communication: Grant clarity and wisdom in all political communications and debates. (Colossians 4:6)
  • Courage to Stand for Truth: Empower leaders and citizens to stand for truth and justice. (Ephesians 6:14)
  • Protection for Allies: Protect America’s allies and strengthen international relations. (Proverbs 18:24)
  • Provision for the Needy: Provide for the needs of the poor and the needy during this election season. (Psalm 72:12)
  • Divine Insight: Grant divine insight to those making crucial decisions for the nation. (Jeremiah 33:3)
  • Protection Against Manipulation: Protect the election process from any form of manipulation or fraud. (Proverbs 10:9)
  • Spiritual Warfare: We engage in spiritual warfare, pulling down every stronghold against America’s peace and unity. (2 Corinthians 10:4)
  • Divine Healing: Release divine healing across the land, mending broken relationships and communities. (Malachi 4:2)
  • Peaceful Transitions: Ensure peaceful transitions of power and smooth governmental processes. (Romans 13:1)
  • End to Corruption: Bring an end to all forms of corruption in government and public service. (Proverbs 29:4)
  • Blessing of Prosperity: Bless America with continued prosperity and opportunities for all citizens. (Jeremiah 29:11)
  • Protection of Freedoms: Protect the freedoms and rights of all Americans as enshrined in the Constitution. (Galatians 5:1)
  • Unity in Diversity: Foster unity in diversity, celebrating the strengths of every culture and community. (1 Corinthians 12:12-14)
  • Protection for Schools: Safeguard schools and educational institutions during this time of political unrest. (Psalm 46:1)
  • Endurance and Patience: Grant endurance and patience to all citizens as they navigate these challenging times. (James 1:3-4)
  • Hope and Renewal: Renew hope in the hearts of Americans for a better and brighter future. (Isaiah 40:31)
  • Divine Peace: Let the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guard the hearts and minds of Americans. (Philippians 4:7)
  • Thanksgiving: We thank You, Lord, for hearing our prayers and for Your continued grace and mercy upon America. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Prayer highlights for President Trump

  • Divine Fire Shield: O God, surround Donald Trump with a wall of fire, burning up every evil force aiming to harm him. (Zechariah 2:5)
  • Warrior Angels: Lord, release Your warrior angels to encamp around Donald Trump and fight his battles day and night. (Psalm 34:7)
  • Holy Ghost Thunder: By the thunder of the Holy Ghost, scatter every demonic plot against Donald Trump. (Psalm 18:13-14)
  • Blood of Jesus Covering: We cover Donald Trump with the blood of Jesus, rendering every demonic attack powerless. (Revelation 12:11)
  • Holy Fire Protection: Father, let Your holy fire consume any agent of darkness sent against Donald Trump. (Hebrews 12:29)
  • Divine Arrow: O Lord, shoot Your divine arrows at every enemy targeting Donald Trump’s life. (Psalm 7:13)
  • Power of God: Let the power of God break every chain of assassination plots against Donald Trump. (Acts 16:26)
  • Supernatural Barrier: We decree an impenetrable barrier around Donald Trump, blocking every attack from the enemy. (Job 1:10)
  • Voice of Thunder: O God, thunder from heaven and scatter every conspiracy against Donald Trump. (2 Samuel 22:14-15)
  • Confusion to Enemies: Father, bring confusion into the camp of the enemy plotting against Donald Trump. (Psalm 35:4)
  • Divine Bomb: Lord, release Your divine bombs to destroy every secret plan against Donald Trump. (Jeremiah 50:25)
  • Holy Spirit Ambush: Set a divine ambush against every assassin aiming for Donald Trump. (2 Chronicles 20:22)
  • Paralyze Evil Plans: By Your mighty hand, paralyze every evil plan against Donald Trump. (Isaiah 45:1)
  • Destroy Weapons: Lord, destroy every weapon fashioned against Donald Trump. (Isaiah 54:17)
  • Heavenly Reinforcements: O Lord, send heavenly reinforcements to protect Donald Trump at all times. (2 Kings 6:17)
  • Crush the Enemy: Crush every enemy under Donald Trump’s feet, O Lord. (Romans 16:20)
  • Spiritual Barricade: We erect a spiritual barricade around Donald Trump, blocking every evil entry point. (Psalm 91:2)
  • God’s Hammer: Use Your hammer, O God, to shatter every demonic plot against Donald Trump. (Jeremiah 23:29)
  • Divine Smite: Smite every adversary of Donald Trump with Your divine power, O Lord. (Psalm 68:1)
  • Divine Surveillance: Place Donald Trump under divine surveillance, watching over him day and night. (Psalm 121:3)
  • Bloodline Protection: Draw a bloodline around Donald Trump that no evil can cross. (Exodus 12:13)
  • Spiritual Bomb: Drop spiritual bombs on every meeting place of those plotting against Donald Trump. (Psalm 11:6)
  • Holy Ghost Fire: Release Holy Ghost fire to consume every agent of darkness targeting Donald Trump. (Acts 2:3)
  • Break Curses: By the power in the name of Jesus, break every curse spoken against Donald Trump. (Numbers 23:23)
  • Divine Exposé: Expose and disgrace every secret enemy of Donald Trump and America. (Job 12:22)
  • Confound Adversaries: Lord, confound and confuse the adversaries of Donald Trump. (Nehemiah 4:15)
  • Annihilate Plots: Annihilate every evil plot against Donald Trump by Your mighty power. (Isaiah 29:15-16)
  • Heavenly Shield: Lord, be a heavenly shield around Donald Trump, protecting him from all sides. (Psalm 3:3)
  • Divine Intervention: Intervene divinely in every situation where Donald Trump’s life is threatened. (Exodus 14:14)
  • Fire from Heaven: Send fire from heaven to consume every altar set up against Donald Trump. (1 Kings 18:38)
  • Bind the Strongman: Bind every strongman assigned to attack Donald Trump, in the name of Jesus. (Matthew 12:29)
  • Holy Spirit Firewall: Surround Donald Trump with a firewall of the Holy Spirit, burning up every attacker. (Hebrews 12:29)
  • Power of Resurrection: Let the power of the resurrection protect and preserve Donald Trump’s life. (Philippians 3:10)
  • Heavenly Snipers: Deploy heavenly snipers to target and take down every enemy of Donald Trump. (Psalm 144:1)
  • Divine Barricade: Erect a divine barricade around Donald Trump that no enemy can penetrate. (Psalm 125:2)
  • Judgment on the Wicked: Let Your judgment fall upon every demon plotting against Donald Trump. (Psalm 94:23)
  • Destroy Evil Networks: Destroy every evil network conspiring against Donald Trump. (Psalm 37:15)
  • Divine Covering: Cover Donald Trump with Your divine presence, O Lord, keeping him safe. (Psalm 91:1)
  • Seize the Attackers: Lord, seize every spiritual and physical attacker targeting Donald Trump. (Job 5:12)
  • Crush Evil Plans: Crush every evil plan against Donald Trump under Your mighty feet. (Romans 16:20)
  • Divine Ambush: Ambush and scatter every enemy ambush set for Donald Trump. (Joshua 8:14-16)
  • Holy Ghost Explosion: Cause a Holy Ghost explosion to destroy every evil plot against Donald Trump. (Jeremiah 20:11)
  • Divine Defense: Be Donald Trump’s divine defense against all adversaries. (Psalm 62:6)
  • Confuse the Wicked: Confuse the plans of the wicked against Donald Trump, O Lord. (Psalm 35:26)
  • Angel Protection: Assign powerful angels to guard Donald Trump day and night. (Psalm 91:11)
  • Consume with Fire: Consume with fire every demonic spirit assigned to harm Donald Trump. (Hebrews 12:29)
  • Divine Thunderstorm: Release a divine thunderstorm to scatter every enemy of Donald Trump. (1 Samuel 2:10)
  • Unveil Hidden Enemies: Unveil and disgrace every hidden enemy of Donald Trump. (Luke 12:2)
  • Spiritual Cover: Lord, cover Donald Trump with Your divine presence, keeping him safe from harm. (Psalm 32:7)
  • Victory Shout: We declare victory over every plot against Donald Trump in the mighty name of Jesus! (1 Corinthians 15:57)


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Pray for America: Joel’s Army Prayer Points

Editor’s note: This article is the focus of the “World for Christ” ministry led by Nita Johnson to pray for the United States on July 21, for your reference and prayer.

  1. Praise our holy God.

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Praying for Israel: Jonathan Burns: The UN has given the green light for Iran to strike Israel

Editor’s Note: This article is compiled from a video released on August 16 by Jonathan Bernice, the founder of “Jewish Voice” ,  for the references to all intercessors. Israel needs our prayers now more than ever.

Current events context: I am bringing this information to you at this time because Israel is in the midst of a serious crisis. We are facing a situation of equal intensity on the eve of the Six-Day War and the Yom Kippur War of 1973.  …Detailed Reading

  • Jeremiah 51:5 Israel and Judah have not been forsaken by the LORD Almighty, his God, though their lands are full of transgressions against the Holy One of Israel.
  • Jeremiah 49:35-39 “This is what the LORD Almighty says: I will break the bow of the children of Elam , their chief authority. I will bring four winds from the four directions of heaven upon the children of Elam , and I will scatter them abroad. There will be no nation left among these outcasts. I will bring dismay upon Elam before their enemies, and upon them that seek their souls; The sword will pursue them until they are destroyed . I will set up my throne in Elam and destroy the kings and their princes from there. In the end, I will bring back the captives of Elam. This is what the Lord says.”
  • Psalm 83:5-8   They have taken counsel together and formed an alliance against you.The Edomites and Ishmaelites who lived in tents, the Moabites and Hagarites , the residents of Gebal, Ammon and Amalek , the Philistines , and Tyre . Assyria also joined forces with them, and they served as helpers to the descendants of Lot .


In the name of Jesus Christ we declare: 

  • The God of Israel will not abandon Israel, and Israel will not be ashamed to trust in Him!
  • The Lion of Judah has prevailed and Israel will be protected!
  • The LORD God will break the bow of Elam and set up his throne in Elam.
  • Jehovah God will tear apart the evil forces and plans of the alliance with Iran. They will be blown away by the wind, burned and chased by fire, and will experience great panic in the face of God’s mighty deeds and glory.
  • The regimes that are hostile to Israel will not only be unable to harm Israel, but will be shaken. Their people will see the glory of God, and Jehovah God will no longer be hidden.
  • “That they may know that your name is the Lord, the Most High over all the earth” (Psalm 83:18) .
  • The enemy’s schemes will be transformed into the manifestation of God’s glory, and revival will come to the Middle East!
  • The salvation of Jehovah God will soon come to Israel and the people of surrounding countries!
  • The name of Jehovah God was exalted, and His glory was displayed in Israel and the surrounding nations that were hostile to Israel.
  • All Israel would see that the God of Israel had risen to save her people.
  • The surrounding countries must see that the God of Israel is a real, living and powerful God!

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

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Pray for Israel: Rick Riding: Strategy of Prayer for Israel During This Time of Iranian Threat

Background of current events: Rick Ridings, founder of the Jerusalem House of Prayer, forwarded a message from Amir Tsarfati of Behold Israel Ministries: “According to a political commentator at Axios According to reports, close to the US administration, the National Defense Forces and the Pentagon believe that Iran and its proxies will carry out an attack as early as August 5 (Monday). (In addition, Iran’s Islamic establishment also warned earlier that it would launch an attack on April 9. That is, attacking Israel on August 12th and 13th)  …Detailed Reading

  • Jeremiah 49:35-39 “This is what the LORD Almighty says: I will break the bow of the Elamites , their chief authority. I will bring four winds from the four directions of heaven upon the Elamites , and I will bring them down. They will be scattered abroad, and there will be no nation left among them who are scattered. I will cause dismay on Elam before their enemies and those who seek their lives, and I will bring disaster upon them, even my fierce anger. I will hunt them down with the sword until I destroy them . I will set up my throne in Elam and destroy the kings and their princes from there, says the LORD. Return, says the LORD.”


  • The God of Israel is the true and living God :Lord! Pray for blood of Jesus be put upon the evil rulers of Hamas in Gaza, Hizbollah in Lebanon, Houthis in Yemen, & the Iranian regime in Iran. We put the  blood of Yeshua, the blood the Lamb over each of the existing spiders in these places, & new spiders that try to arise over Sudan. We command that they will repent or be removed from power as God sees fit. Lord we believe You to arise as the Lion of Judah with Your claws to tear apart these systems of evil that have not only oppressed Israel & want to wipe out Israel but oppressed their own people. We pray not only for the sake of Israel & these nations, but we pray for your Name’s sake.Let all Israel see the God of Israel has arisen to save her people & let the surrounding nations see God of Israel is the true & living God. In the name of Yeshua, amen!
  • In the name of Jesus Christ we declare:
    • The battle belongs to the Lord, the God of Israel! (Proverbs 1:31)
    • No weapon formed against Israel will be used! ( Isaiah 54:17)
    • The Lord God will be a wall of fire around Israel, and the glory of God will fill it! ( Zech. 2:5)
    • Israel will be victorious through Jehovah God!
    • Those enemies who are attacking Israel and seeking revenge on Israel must flee on seven roads!
    • The LORD of hosts will break the bows of Elam and hunt them down until they are completely destroyed, and He will set up his throne in Elam . (Jeremiah 49:35,38)

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

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Pray for Israel:  Light of Zion: DAILY PRAYER FOR ISRAEL AT WAR – 2024

Editor’s note: This article is reprinted from the “Daily Prayer for Israel at War” recently updated on April 24 by the “Light of Zion” ministry for your prayer reference. Here are 12 prayer points. May you pray for Israel, which is at war with Hamas. In addition, Israel is also informally at war with Hezbollah, which is supported by Iran in Lebanon.


  1. God’s Victory and Glory. Pray that God’s overarching purposes in Israel’s wars with Hamas and Hezbollah will be accomplished with the least amount of harm necessary to result in the greatest amount of good, for His ultimate glory. Praise the Lord, Captain of the Armies of Heaven, because His ways are not our ways; they are greater. May His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Psalms 100:4; 83, 2 and 33:10-12, Joshua 5:14, Matthew 6:10)

..…Detailed Reading

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Critical Event: Olympic Opening Ceremony Mocks Christianity – It’s Time for the Body of Christ to Stand

Current Affairs Background: In the past one or two weeks, the whole world has been in shock. Not only have there been changes in the U.S. election, but also natural and man-made disasters, earthquakes, wildfires, floods, and hail have occurred in various places; the catastrophe in the United Kingdom has Large-scale anti-immigration demonstrations; leadership changes in Bangladesh and Venezuela; the “Beijing Agreement” between China and Middle Eastern countries; the war between Ukraine and Russia, and the attack and death of Hamas leader Haniyeh. The war situation in the Middle East continued to heat up, leading to a sharp decline in the stock market and general public Inflation intensified and unemployment soared. .…Detailed Reading

  • Jude 10   But these people slander what they do not know. They know by nature the same things as the soulless beasts, and in this they corrupt themselves.
  • Jude 18, 20 There will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly lusts. ⋯⋯Dear brothers, build yourselves up in the most holy faith, pray in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, and look to the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ for everlasting life.
  • Daniel 4:17    This is the command of the watchman, the decree of the Holy One, that the world may know that the Most High rules over the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever He wills.


In the name of Jesus Christ we declare:

  • The Lord God reigns forever; the earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world and those who live in it. ( Psalm 24:1 )
  • The body of Christ will lift up its voice in praise, and the throne of Jehovah God will be established within it.
  • We are the army of the Lord, and the Lord of hosts is our Captain.
  • The Body of Christ is rising up, connected and aligned, standing in the watchtowers and entering the inner sanctums, fighting in worship, praise and prayer.
  • Jehovah God calls us to sanctification ( 1 Thessalonians 4:3 ). He is holy, and the body of Christ must also be holy. ( Leviticus 19:2 )
  • The Body of Christ must take up the whole armor given by God to resist the enemy in the days of tribulation, and having accomplished everything, it must still stand and rely on the Holy Spirit to pray and supplicate with all kinds of prayers at all times. ( Ephesians 6:13,18 )
  • The Body of Christ is preaching the gospel and saving souls, and the harvest of one billion souls cannot be stopped.
  • The Body of Christ will proclaim a decree so that the world will know that Jehovah God is the Most High and rules over the kingdom of man. ( Dan. 4:17 )
  • The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. ( Hab 2:14 )
  • The kingdoms of this world will become the kingdom of our Lord and His Christ, and He will reign forever and ever! ( Revelation 11:15 )

Pray in the name of Jesus! Amen!

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Pray for the Indigenous People: 8/1 Indigenous Revival Gathering – Unveiling the Prelude to Taiwan’s Indigenous Revival Movement 

Current events/Background: This article is excerpted from the report of “Christian Today” on July 16 about the upcoming indigenous revival gathering on Ketagalan Avenue in front of the Taiwan Presidential Palace. For the original text, please click here. The following are part of the excerpts, paraphrased in Teacher Ahong’s own narratives: …Detailed Reading

  • Isaiah 60:1-2   Arise and shine! Because your light has come! The glory of the Lord shines upon you. Behold, darkness covers the earth, and thick darkness covers the peoples, but the Lord will appear and shine upon you; his glory will be upon you.
  • Ephesians 3:20 God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.
  • Ephesians 1:10  In order that in the fullness of time all things in heaven and on earth might be gathered together in one in Christ, according to the plan.
  • Philippians 2:13  For it is God who works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.


  • Unveiling the Prelude to Taiwan’s Indigenous Revival Movement: Heavenly Father, You are the God who does all things according to Your own will. We believe that You have no regrets in your calling of Indigenous people.  Tehy are the firstborn sons of the land and the key to global revival. On this occasion of the 400th anniversary of the preaching of the gospel to Taiwan and the 30th anniversary of the indigenous  people being renamed by the Taiwanese government, your glory appears and shine upon the indigenous people. We declare that now is the time for Taiwan’s indigenous peoples to rise and shine. Taiwan’s indigenous people will move from the name-rectification movement to a new revival movement, from sadness to enthusiasm, from hatred to blessing, from inferiority to self-confidence. The younger generation is rising, kicking off the revival movement of Taiwan’s Indigenous people. They are not only identify with their own culture, but will also enter into unity and obtain the key to activate the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven and bring about Taiwan’s revival!
  • God Abundantly Provides All Needs : Heavenly Father, we will and do all we do because You are working in our hearts to accomplish Your good pleasure. Since You have sent this young man, Ah Hong, to go to various ethnic groups to pray, convey the message of unity, and convene a worship and praise meeting on Indigenous People’s Day with faith, You will also provide sufficient supplies for this gathering, more than what the team wants and needs. We believe that You are working quickly to move together all the indigenous peoples and non-indigenous ethnic groups who hear this gathering  and are stirred to join in the great event  and experience the miracle of the five loaves and two fish, so that you can accomplish Your will through this gathering.

In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen!

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Pray For Church

Pray for Participating Churches and Pastrs on Regional 24/7 Prayer Walls

Editor’s Note: The 24/7 prayer walls listed here are especially for local churches and pastors. If you are committed to watch on the regional walls, simply click on the link listed below to connect to the local prayer wall. 】

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Related Events and Prayer Background

Editorial Special Section: Nate Johnston:”JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN NOT SEE IT”

Message: Nate Johnston Date: August 12, 2018   Source: Nate&Christy

I heard the Lord say, “Just because you cannot see it doesn’t mean I’m not working! Just because you cannot see any sign of the promise doesn’t mean I have gone back on my word.  Just because you can’t see the instructions and directions doesn’t mean that I’ve forsaken you.”

A Cloud the Size of a Man’s Hand is Coming

“For this is a moment, says the lord, where I am calling you like Elijah’s servant to look for a cloud the size of a man’s hand. This is a time where things look unclear. It’s a time where there is so much swirling in the atmosphere. And there are so many that have lost sight, and they feel they’re walking around blind, but you are not blind, and you are not in a place of obscurity.”

“It is a season where it feels like you are in an unknown, but I have never been more sure about my plans than I have now, says the Lord.  I’ve never been more clear about where I’m leading you. The path has never been more sure in front of your feet. You just cannot see it yet.  But I’m leading you into a new season of clarity. I’m leading you into a new season of sight and vision and bold faith steps.”

“So now posture yourselves to look out to the horizon, and if you ignore all of the chaos around you, you will see the cloud the size of a man’s hand forming.  On the brink of what looks like the earth’s greatest drought, plague, famine, and recession, I am leading you into a season of RAIN. Yes, posture yourself to look out across the waters, and you will see the rain incoming. Begin to prophesy and call it forth into being.”

God Is Opening Your Spiritual Eyes

“Just as Elijah’s servant could not see the reinforcements in battle, I am right now anointing you and opening your eyes to see what is before you and the spiritual reality of what I am doing in the midst of battle.  And you’ll suddenly see great abundance where you’ve been swamped with lack.  You will suddenly see my provision and protection where it feels like things have been falling away and doors have been closing for you.  For this is not what you think it is. This is not what you think it is.  The picture that the enemy has been painting for you is not the picture. It is not the right picture of the times.  For so many have fallen into the swell of fear and demonic propaganda telling them that things are getting worse but have they seen my glory? Have they seen what I’m doing? Can they taste revival? Or have they fallen into prophesying only doom and gloom?”

Be God’s Mouthpiece 

“For I am setting you apart in this hour to see what I am doing.  I am detoxing you from the current trend of only seeing the storm, and I’m going to give you eyes beyond it. And I am giving you the ability to foresee even decades to come and build a roadmap for the future generations.  And you’ll be my mouthpiece in times of transition and change, and you will give strategic and specific blueprints for the body of Christ to walk out these times.  For just as John the Baptist came in a time of transition, I’ve called you for a moment of great change and transition to lead my church into her best days.  Just as John the Baptist caused an uprising of authority, inheritance, and knowing what was available in the heavenly realms, I’m calling you into a place of being able to cause the body of Christ to see what is made available to them and the access they have that they have not been tapping into.”

“And you will give them eyes to see, and as they are given eyes to see, it will break off the strongholds and it’ll break off the limitations and every lie of the enemy that’s been spread over the body of Christ, putting them into a corner when they are called to rise and shine. ”

The Isaiah 60 Season

“Yes, this is an Isaiah 60 season, not a season to withhold, not a season to hunker down, not a season to run and be afraid.  It is a time to run ahead of the pack and lead the body of Christ into their inheritance.  For even as you’re surrounded by situations and circumstances that are preaching to you the opposite right now, I want you to posture yourself again.

I want you to run into the secret place, and I want you to begin to look with your spiritual eyes and see the rain that is coming, for let me say this to you – RAIN IS COMING!!  Will you be the bell ringer of this new day? Or will you run afraid? Will you continue to believe the bad report? Or will you posture yourself in my secret place to see what is coming?”

“Now let that new song erupt out of you. Let that new song of breakthrough begin to break out of you, even a moment where grief is trying to take hold, and you will look and see that I have never been more on the throne.  So shake off the lies that have been trying to suffocate you and the weariness from the warfare that has tried to bury you, and shout until the rain comes!!

Finally, the seventh time, his servant told him, “I saw a little cloud about the size of a man’s hand rising from the sea.” Then Elijah shouted, “Hurry to Ahab and tell him, ‘Climb into your chariot and go back home. If you don’t hurry, the rain will stop you!'” —1 Kings 18:44

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Editorial Special Section: Jonathan Kahn: Crucial Points in the End Times

Message: Jonathan Cahn Date: August 11, 2018   Source: YouTube Video

The culture of this age makes you forget God, His ways, and His Word. This is today’s culture. The Bible says that in the last days, you’ve heard me say, the world will focus on Israel. First, Israel will appear again, which is a miracle. After all these years, Israel reappears and the world will continue to watch.

Over the past six months, the world has once again focused its uninterrupted attention on Israel. On October 7, the most horrific event in Jewish history since the Holocaust occurred. The world then saw the largest wave of anti-Semitism in history. Some people remember the Holocaust, but it was only in one country or nearby region, whereas this time it was the entire world.

Just two weeks ago, Iran directly attacked Israel for the first time. This is exactly what Ezekiel 38 predicted, and Persia (i.e. Iran) will participate in the attack on Israel.

In the past week or two, American college campuses have witnessed the most serious wave of anti-Israel and anti-Semitism ever seen. These college campuses represent the future, in terms of young people’s attitudes toward God, morality, marriage, sex, faith, and Israel, which are all harbingers of the end times, which is what the Bible calls the final outcome if there is no revival and repentance.

The Bible says that in the last days, all nations will attack Israel. What would it mean if this happened in the United States, Israel’s closest ally? This is exactly what the Bible foretold.

In addition, we see what the Bible calls the great apostasy and the great falling away happening every day. Moral standards continue to decline, and things that would have been shocking just a few years ago are now commonplace.

We have never experienced so much related stuff over the past few weeks, including two earthquakes in New Jersey. It all has to do with these signs of the end times.

So, I’m going to share some practical keys to help us stand firm in times like these.

  1. Life is Based on the Will and Word of God. These last days will surely be filled with great change, chaos, and disaster. But the Lord Jesus told a parable: Some build their houses on rock, and others build on sand. When the storm came, the house built on rock withstood the test, while the house built on sand was washed away. The key is to base your life on the will and word of God.
  2. Align Yourself with God’s Word . God commanded the Israelites to tie God’s words on their foreheads and arms and hang them on door frames. This means ingraining God’s Word deeply into our thoughts, actions, and lives, not using God’s Word to adjust our lives, but obeying God’s Word and aligning our lives with it.
  3. Be Like A Tree Rooted to God and Pray Often to Commune with God . Without this, we cannot stand the test. The most powerful spiritual leaders in history, such as Moses, David, and Paul, were all men of prayer.
  4. Be Completely Obedient to God’s Will . Things that deviate from God’s will make us weak, but things that are in obedience to God’s will make us strong. To actively pursue the ministry and calling God has called us to.
  5. Faith is Based on God’s Truth . In Hebrew, the word “faith” (emuna) is related to “steadfastness” (amen). Faith is not blind but is based on God’s truth. The stronger our faith, the more steadfast and stable we will be.
  6. The Bible Says to Remember God at Night . Because the culture of this era wants people to forget God, His ways and His words. Therefore, in times of darkness, we must remember God and maintain the memory of God.
  7. Praise God without Ceasing . Even in the midst of darkness and trouble, keep praising. Because praise is a weapon, powerful enough to break through darkness. The armies of Israel triumphed in praise.
  8. Refuse to Give into Error and Evil . No matter how much pressure there is around us, we must insist on bowing down to God alone.
  9. Be on God’s Side . Don’t wait until you are faced with a crisis to decide how to act, but make up your mind now that no matter what happens, I will stand on God’s side. Don’t be intimidated by threats and pressure, but stand boldly and fearlessly for God. Stay on God’s side no matter what the cost.
  10. Trust that God is in Control of Everything . No matter what happens in the future, don’t be afraid and trust that God is in control of everything. The occurrence of these things is proof that God is in control. Because God is always in control. Bible prophecies are being fulfilled, which shows that God is always in control.
  11. The Greatest Glory Happens in the Darkest . The hardest and darkest days often produce the greatest testimonies and glory. When evil prevails, the light of the righteous will shine brighter. These persecutions and trials will temper and purify us, making us purer and stronger, and becoming stronger soldiers.
  12. Assurance of Victory. We need to make sure we are on the winning side. As dark as it may seem now, we need to know that the ultimate victory belongs to God. We should not passively defend, but take the initiative to attack, because we belong to a nation that will surely win.
  13. Follow God with All Your Heart . God is looking for someone who will follow Him wholeheartedly, and He will surely show His power to such a person. We need to be the kind of people who follow God fearlessly even when circumstances are difficult.
  14. Shine Light into the World. At the end of this era, just like the “Turnaround” period in the Hebrew calendar, we will return to the way the church was in the apostolic times – filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and shining boldly and fearlessly into the world. We must make sure that we are on the winning side, not be overwhelmed by the environment, but take the initiative to attack, because we belong to a country that will surely win.

In short, these key points remind us to hold on to God’s words and will, stand firmly on God’s side, and move forward victoriously with confidence and joy even if the surrounding environment is dark.

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Editorial Special Section: Bernice Scheidler: “August = ‘Awe-Gust'”

Message: Bernice Scheidler Date: August 7, 2018   Source: Elijiah List
On the morning of August 2nd, while in prayer, I heard the Lord say the word “August,” then I saw it spelled out in front of me as “Awe-Gust.”

I heard the Lord say, “August will be a month of AWE, and like a GUST, My Spirit will blow through the month of August!”

A gust, by definition, is “a short, strong, sudden rush of wind” (Collins Dictionary), or “a sudden increase in wind speed above the average wind speed” (Britannica.com).

Get Ready for the Winds of Change!

The Lord says, “Get ready for the winds of change! They will come like a gust. Many will be awed by the sudden changes that will take place during this month. From the White House to the ‘Light house,’ My Spirit will blow like a mighty rushing wind and bring change! The sudden force by which it comes will be a sign to you that I am the Sovereign Lord!”

“And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.” (Acts 2:2 NKJV)

He Has Heard Your Prayers

The Lord reminded me of the story found in Daniel 10. The angel of the Lord appeared to Daniel, telling him that his prayer had been heard by God from the very first day, but that he had been held up (detained) by the prince of the kingdom of Persia (principality), and that the angel Michael had come to help him. (Photo via Flickr)

Many of you have been in waiting; many of you have been praying and feeling a delay in receiving answers. I believe the Lord is wanting to reassure you that from the very first day you began praying, He heard you, but that there has been a fierce battle in the realm of the spirit concerning the destiny of His people in this hour.

Two Things That the Enemy Is Warring Against

I saw the enemy warring fiercely, specifically over two things!

  • The first thing the enemy is warring against is the authority upon the house of God! One of the ways the enemy has been doing this is through a relentless, strategic assault against leaders in the house of God.  We recognize that the Lord has been at work bringing exposure to hidden darkness within His house; however, this is not that!  The Lord says, “The wind of My Spirit will come like a gust and push back the powers of darkness coming against My anointed ones!  My house will shine! My house will stand like a city set upon a hill that can not be hidden! It will be a beacon of hope, and every promise will be fulfilled!
  • The second thing the enemy is warring against is the righteousness riding over the nations! The enemy is working to dismantle the righteousness that exalts our nations. He has been doing this using lies that parade themselves as truth, weakening the nations in order to overtake them.
    • Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Proverbs 14:34 NKJV)
    • But the Lord says, “[I]f My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Declarations for the Month of August

I declare blessing over the house of God, and upon every Believer! The winds of change are upon you! You will stand in awe as you watch the mighty wind of the Spirit come suddenly.

I declare a month of answered prayer, a month of movement, and a month of breakthrough as the winds of change begin to blow over your life! You will arise and shine!

I release this over you now in the mighty name of Jesus!

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Editorial Special Section: Nita Johnson: The End Of It All 

Message : Nita Johnson Date: August 1, 2024    Source : World for Christ

Wednesday night I heard the voice of a man and received a vision simultaneously. Both of these were confirmed by the Urim Thummim. I was told that those nations of the world that had come under the N.W.O. were 666. I saw that clearly in the vision. The growing number was now under this force. The rest would follow suite. By the end of the year, it would have many more including the US would be 666.  Not that this is not already pretty much true, but all of the nations would feel the claws of the New World Order come into their nation and turn it into a massive communist world, unbelievably soon.

But Christ has broken the back of that movement. I saw it clearly their plan will not happen!

There is a Council behind this work and has been from the beginning. He told me its name, but I lost it as the vision faded because I went into shock when He

He showed me the 666 reality of what I have seen and written about being implemented without mercy throughout the whole world, I mean, it was like a veritable knife went through my heart. But then He showed me the rest.

It WILL NOT HAPPEN. He just broke the back of the serpent. His Words! He spoke the communique by words and revealed it by vision, pictorially and confirmed it by the Urim Thummim. This is three witnesses throughout the whole process. I was awake most of the night. When I finally went to bed, I had a dream and when I awoke, I had several quick visions.

In the dream, I saw a man standing in front of the biggest world map I’ve ever seen. It was gargantuan. It covered a whole long wall about three times the size of a large projector screen. The Lord made it clear to me and wanted my focus on what was about to be said and shown.

He was pointing out that people were being picked up all over the world. He told me it will take some time, but we know where they are.

There were several mini clips of people from races all over the map being shuffled off to prison. I saw people in prison playing prison games together. All of these people had been or were being picked up. There was a quick trial and execution of the determined crime whether it would be prison or corporal punishment. These people were not just human traffickers, but those who played a role in bringing about the New World Order. These people worked as part of the chief echelon group and clear down to the bottom of the pyramid. No one had the power to resist arrest. As they went through and did everything they needed to do, whether it was finding documents, whether it was destroying technology, whatever they needed to do, all of that happened before my eyes plus the arrest.

It was amazing to see that these people had no resistance to anything that was happening. They didn’t try to run or squeeze out of the grip of the officer. They couldn’t think clearly enough to try to find a hiding place. There was no resistance because God Himself took that from them.

The good guys were also making plans to finish destroying the DUMBs. Businesses that worked cooperatively with the people in the DUMBs were also arrested, tried, convicted, and their discipline determined. I also told you several times in the past that corporal punishment will be affected and it’s still true. The New World Order has been plundered. I am waiting to hear what God will decide to do with the Catholic Church and any more information that He wants to give me.

Everything was so crystal clear there was simply no doubt. We are at 25 years of the GOEs interceding, repenting, and believing against this terrible viper in the earth. I am just amazed.

He told me (third time since last year) this victory is occurring because we prayed, stood in the gap, and made ourselves available that He could use us to bring down this terrible stronghold in the earth. (Mind you, I am not saying we crushed this terrible force from hell. We did what we were told to do so He could do what only He could do).

If you want to say to yourself, “Well, God uses intercessors all over the world.”

I’m sure that He did have some intercessors all over the world. But, I have to promise you this. In the many times that He or an Angel appeared or took me to Heaven to talk to me about these things, He has never once said it’s because of you and My world-wide network of intercessors that we are able to do the things that we’re doing. He never has. He always addresses our small company of prayer leaders and intercessors. Still, I do believe that He did have intercessory teams throughout the globe praying in secret as they were called by Him.

Now just by practical sense, we have to understand that there are other intercessors. But, two things play into this, the problem is they have to wear many powerful mantles. If intercessors are joined by two or three other people in their country, the groups are going to be small. He showed that to me early on. It’s because the nucleus of God’s plans and purposes are being held in His bosom. We are the nucleus and whoever He’s brought into the wheel are people that are dependent on what God is releasing into the earth to the things He has us praying. It’s like we’re the heavenly computer bank that all the intercessors unknowingly draw from, and we from Him – The Captain of the Host. It’s really quite remarkable.

For us to be faithful and stay faithful, in the light of all that we have all gone through, has so pleased the Father because now when I saw the vision 666 a man’s hand came down and ripped that right out of the page it was attached to and He said to me, “This will not happen. I (meaning Him) have spoiled it!”

I am in and out of tears and joyful laughter. My heart feels so comforted like I haven’t known in over 20 years.

I believe it’s because the Lord ordained that for us, and that is one of the reasons I’m just so excited to be able to share this with you. Now you can drink of the comfort of the Lord.

So, to hear for sure that the death of this movement 666 went so much deeper and broader than that and so much more complete than that just gives such a comfort to my heart. It may take much longer the way He does it, but it’s so thorough when He finishes destroying the enemy’s plan and cutting this tree right down to the root. It is just a marvel to know and understand God, don’t you think? Amen

What the good guys will do and are already in the process of doing, when they do get to a certain point the heavens will start getting cleaned out and we will feel like a new Earth has been born because of the innocence from the lack of horrific darkness that has covered the face of the globe for so many generations.

There’s no place in the world where the practices of the New World Order has done injury to human beings that the whole program will not be ripped out by the roots and the Nation healed, as long as these people are willing to work with God.

I don’t see how it was possible for them not to work with Him because everything I saw showed passivity. Their running was over.

I shared with you some visions that I had about different people evading arrest. Bill Gates was one of them. Their initial plan, at least here in the States, was to dart in panic. But what I saw now, these people couldn’t decide what to do, where to go. They fell into massive confusion. They didn’t know their right hand from their left. Before the whole thing was over, they melted into passivity just like the ones I saw when they were first approached by authorities.

I know you guys have paid a price. You’ve all experienced some kind of loss during this project. You’ve all paid prices.

It has been worth it for those who have been with us from the earliest stage until now or maybe left only just recently. All will have their reward set aside for them for what they gave to bring down this horrible serpent from the face of the earth.

There’s just something that happened to me when I saw the map of the world. It hit me so hard for the first time. This really is a world endeavor by the good guys headed by the Captain of the Host our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a world freedom.

I don’t know what will happen between now and the end of the year. I only know that there is an immeasurable effort being done in secrecy, such as the stealth warfare, that I’ve seen so many times.

I think the reason why Trump will get the election is because enough will have been done that there will be no choice in the people who are in those positions of authority that they cannot deny the evidence. Still now, they have chosen to deny and keep their eyes blind regarding this whole movement, they will be forced to see that the things that they have done against Trump has been to increase the power of the delusion that they built. Trump really was not guilty of all the things for which they accused him and all that they’ve put him through.

It was such a relief to see that the things, the spirit, and the activities that kept things hidden will be gone or are being erased at this very moment.

We will continue doing the Gatherings, but our continued intercession will be to walk with them in things they are doing to clean up the mess. We will uproot, plant, and build. The purpose of our prayers will be to plant the New America, the New World agenda, which will be God’s, His great blessing, and for the Great Awakening.

The Lord told me that once the Great Awakening has completed important work, we can pray anytime we feel like there needs to be a greater measure of release upon the earth and He will do it for us. Not just for us, but for the world. It will be needful for us to keep the praying going as they clean up the mess and as God is re-creating the Nation. Oh, so wonderful. No wonder Trump’s actions were what they were in the vision I had with Trump squeezing Melania’s hand saying, “I never knew, I never knew it would be this beautiful,” while standing on top of that mountain with his children, administration, and friends looking down over the Nation absolutely clothed in brilliant crystalline glory.

Q: I’m from the school where they taught where the Antichrist is going to rule in the last days because the entire world would be in subjection. Many years ago, I asked you about this, and you responded by saying, “Well, it doesn’t have to include America.” That was the first time that I’ve ever heard that. Are you saying not only just America, but the world and the Nations so that means there’s a new verse being written in Revelation with them not taking the mark of the beast?

A: No, in time when God allows the reign of the Anti-Christ there will be those who will accept the mark and others who will not. We have never seen the likes of the vast numbers in creation that will become martyrs for His glory as unto that day. So, that will eventually happen. What God is buying for us is time. He is buying us healthy time. I don’t believe the Lord is saying He is only giving us 10years. This reminds me of a vision I had when I was with my dear friend Bonnie. We were praying in the prayer room of her husband’s church when I had the vision.

I saw the world clothed in something. That’s all I can say at this point. I don’t remember what it looked like. I don’t remember really anything about it except that there was a covering around the face of the globe. Next, I saw a great Angel. I have no idea how big this Angel was but he was great in size. He swooped down and ripped a hole in this covering so that God’s work could get through a special revival type anointing.

I found recently that there were a few times when the Lord actually used the word “Awakening” to me in earlier visions, but I had completely forgotten that He had done that. So, this Angel swept down and made a cut creating a long hole. The rip in the covering was as long as the North is from the South of the earth. Then, He picked up the covering like picking up the lid of a breadbox and pulled it up into the sky. This was enormous because it was the length of the whole earth, probably half the globe was now naked. From the work that the Angel did, I saw immediately millions of souls rise up through that new escape that he just made. The Angel stood there waiting for every last soul to come.

When the last soul came near the edge of the rip, the Angel started moving toward Heaven. I think he did that because the space that he created couldn’t accommodate such a massive number of people. The saints moving toward Heaven weren’t flying by their own energy. They were in what looked like a huge bridal veil. The people in the front began to take on collectively, all of them together, the image of a woman. Then, all the people that were not put in that image began to form a veil that started at the top of her head and went down her back. It was definitely separated from the Bride herself by enough space that you could see that a veil was being created. The veil went all the way back to that hole and was growing inside of the world as more and more people were being rescued “by the Awakening”. When the Angel finished lifting the Bride in her wedding attire from the earth, I looked down to see what was left. It was only darkness.

My heart broke because I knew there were people that were now forever trapped in darkness. The Bride was the most elegant and beautiful woman you’ve ever seen in your life because everything was clothed with the glory of our Lord. Those that were left were left to the bitter cruelty of that darkness until the time of the end.

When the vision came to an end, I saw standing beside me, literally, not in a vision, but standing next to me, a huge Angel. He came into the room and was actually the one that was showing me this beautiful imagery. The Angel said to me, “Nita, there is one here that I need to introduce you to. You are going to see its head right now. There it is. The being’s head looked like a dragon; it was mammoth in size. The dragon’s eyes were huge, and he was drooling blood. I was terrified.

I said to the angel, “Why did you bring him to me?” He replied, “This is the spirit that rules over all America from the west coast to the east coast.” His body and appendages cover the whole nation. He is what rules America. I said to the Angel, “Why are you showing him to me?” Again, he replied, “It is your job to dethrone him. He has known someone was coming for many years, but he’s never known who. Today, He now knows it is you who will dethrone him and bring him to naught. You need to know this because you need to walk circumspectly with the Lord throughout your entire life. You will be dealing with spirits just like him, but he is the first to fall.

So, what we have is a picture of the Lord taking His beautiful Bride leaving the world behind without any light. During that time, I still believe satan will have started to spread his evil worldwide. Then, a time will come yet, the Bride will be wholly gone. The world will suffer the punishment of the darkness and more will be redeemed. Things will come to the close. But, darkness and all of its minions will be disciplined to the uttermost by God.

If anyone wants to know if a spirit can die, if the Lord tells it to die, yes, it can. When it dies, it starts shriveling up to nothing. I’ve seen over the years, at least a dozen different spirits fall to the ground at the sword of an angel die and begin to disappear. When they’re gone, they’re gone. We might believe spirits live forever, but only if God determines that it does. When He comes to the place, where some spirits have overplayed their hand and cause more damage than He’s permitting them to cause, He will take them out and they will die. That’s just His way. Don’t you think that could still include what you and others have probably been taught?

Q: How much of what you saw regarding the arrests will happen this year?

A: I believe at least it’s happening right now as we speak. When it began? I don’t know because it’s been two or three different times that the Lord has told me that certain work that He gave us to pray over has accomplished its purpose. But then, what follows it would be new revelation to pray over things that we hadn’t prayed over enough or maybe we had never prayed over it. So, we’ve been praying over pieces of the puzzle until all the intercession that was needed to complete the puzzle was poured out and the Lord was given a path. I wish that everyone who has ever been with this ministry, as things begin to pour out before the public which that time is coming, that they could see it and know that it was really from the years of investment that they made in our intercessions. It would be so wonderful if God would do that.

Something else I want to say regarding God’s dealing with the NWO people is that this undertaking is so massive that it would seem like it would take at least a decade to finish it. But, God is going to do this new thing quickly. How long will it take? I have no idea.

Sometimes He’ll tell me, but sometimes He doesn’t. But, we will begin to see things happening because now we’re looking for it. When we start to see it, we will come to the insight or revelation that this is part of the things that I am sharing with you right now. When you see it, just pray in tongues that the thing will continue on with such precision. I know what it will look like because I’ve been deliberately shown this by God, otherwise, I wouldn’t know.

Angels can flick around here and there in a split second of time.  One year I was in the Bay Area of the Gulf of Mexico spending some weeks just in solitude and prayer. An Angel suddenly appeared clear across the bay while I was sitting on a swing on the patio overlooking the bay. The next second he was standing in front of me. Now, I would say that was some pretty fast moving. If they have the power to move that quickly? How quickly would the Lord finish what He has begun? And will He increase the “Awakening” to help this whole effort so that we can move into the revival manifestation of the “Great Awakening”? Probably!

But, just the initial points that are to be covered or considered, there will be some really fast-moving activity in the heavens as God continues moving to implement the first stage.

I want to say something about the vision I had of Joe Biden with his tech eye, and he was announcing that the New World Order had arrived. I don’t know if that happened or not. If it hasn’t happened, my question is what has happened between the time he left the presidency and the time that he returns long enough to implement that vision? I don’t know. I can say this, if we never see it actualized, it will be that God did His work so it cannot happen. The Lord revealed it so succinctly that I wouldn’t forget any part of it.

In the person that I saw, which I’ve mentioned to you before, we’ve never seen that side of Joe ever, but I really feel like this red tech eye was indicative of the NWOs ownership of him. Included in that vision, Joe said he would deal with the people scattered all over America from the chaos that broke out. So, did our intercession break that so it didn’t happen? It’s possible. If we don’t see it come to pass, it will be because we were able to subvert that particular chaos. I do know we cut it down to closer to 40% of what the original 100% contained. Only 40% could happen and will simply be due to the fallout of “666 Order” flailing its swan song, meaning collateral damage! So He may have curtailed that. We need to keep the future in mind that this may still end up being a marker for us or it may not because prayer and God’s intervention.

To reiterate, The NWO has been plundered. I am waiting to hear what God will do with the Catholic Church.

The NWO has been struck by the hand of our August God! Just as the fig tree was struck by His power when Jesus cursed it: It died!!! In less than 24 hours all source of life was gone.

Even so, the NWO, with its ultimate plan to bring the actual anti-Christ to power has been stripped by the Almighty hand of God. Yesterday, He struck it dead.

The Elite have spent 200 years trying to bring this about. Yesterday the Lord blasted their plans to oblivion. He showed it to me in a vision.

Like a sick animal choking to death, the NWO is doing what every air breathing animal does when it cannot breathe. It thrashes, but death does come. In this case, the animal is a force, a demonic force built under the auspices of Satan’s Kingdom.

God sent death right into its heart. We will see the flailing, the gasping for breath like a dragon or a Gator, when under attack uses the powerful tail to

bring its enemy down. We will see and experience the thrashing about as it struggles for air. Not knowing that with every effort to breathe, it is sending death deeper into its internal parts. All will fall, all will fail because our mighty God deprives it of life.

The next strike will be the Catholic Church.

My last statement will be this. There are not enough words to say thank You to Jesus and the Father for what They have been doing, what They will be doing, and for the holy and wonderful things that are coming! He surely is going to show Himself strong in this hour. And it is really going to be amazing. Amen!

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Editorial Special Section: Dutch Sheets with Steven Springer: “Lightning Strikes”

Message: Dutch Sheets & Steven Springer    Date: August 13, 2024    Source: Elijiah List

“Come, and let us return to the LORD; for He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us; on the third day He will raise us up, that we may live in His sight. Let us know, let us pursue the knowledge of the LORD. His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like the rain, like the latter and former rain to the earth.” (Hosea 6:1–3 NKJV)

“The LORD reigns; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad! Clouds and darkness surround Him; righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne.” (Psalm 97:1–2 NKJV)

“Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and on the cloud sat One like the Son of Man, having on His head a golden crown, and in His hand a sharp sickle. And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud, ‘Thrust in Your sickle and reap, for the time has come for You to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.’ So He who sat on the cloud thrust in His sickle on the earth, and the earth was reaped.” (Revelation 14:14–16 NKJV)

The above verses speak of revival, clouds, rain, darkness, and reaping. The following dream also speaks of these things. It was given to my friend, Steven Springer, on January 20, 2021, the day Biden was inaugurated. God was showing Steven what He would do in the future. Though many Americans were feeling great devastation, Steven said he woke up from the dream with a sense of hope!

Prophetic Dream: A Sweeping of the Nations

Here is the dream:

“In the dream, I was taken up over Washington, D.C. It was so cloudy that you could barely see the buildings below. Then lightning struck the top of the White House, and winds began to blow. I saw rain, lightning, and hail coming down from Heaven.

“As the winds blew, a clarity came across the city. Then one by one, I saw rubber masks coming off people; you could see them for who they actually were. They looked very hideous under the masks. An exposure of all things hidden and masked was occurring.

“Then I saw a large broom come down out of Heaven and begin to sweep across the entire nation, starting with Washington, D.C. As it swept across the nation, all sorts of evil was revealed and removed.

“The cleansing brought awakening! I saw many people getting out of their beds, stretching and yawning, realizing it was daytime! The night was over and a new day had dawned!

“The sweeping continued to go across the nations of the earth. It was being swept clean of corruption and decay so that awakening could come in a mighty revival and outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

“The revival brought fire, which burned up the debris left behind by the broom. As the dust settled, the earth looked dark and scorched. But the fire was followed by the outpouring of more rain, and new life began to sprout up everywhere. There was such joy and happiness on people’s faces. Even the land itself seemed to rejoice.”

End of dream.

God’s Lightning Has Struck Its Mark

Steven shared with me, “Out of the ashes will arise a beautiful Church, and incredible revival and reformation, the likes of which the planet has never seen! Our greatest days are at hand.”

Numerous prophetic leaders, including myself, have said that God’s agenda for the past three and a half years has been to expose evil. Americans needed to be made aware of the incredible level of corruption in our government. Few have understood how devious and evil it has become. But the lightning of intercession has struck the White House, God has unmasked corruption, and His broom is sweeping the debris.

“He fills His hands with lightning and commands it to strike its mark.” (Job 36:32 NIV)

“Strike its mark” is the Hebrew word paga, which is the word for intercession (see Strong’s Concordance, no. 6293). Prayer releases the power, light, and glory of God to strike targets, sometimes releasing blessings, at other times judgment.

“Have you ever seen a tree struck by lightning? If so, you’ve seen a picture of intercession. I pray a lot in a woods nearby. At times, I come across trees struck by lightning. The lightning is so hot, it literally changes the molecular structure of the trees and twists the trunks until they look like the stripes on a candy cane. The temperature in a lightning bolt can reach 30,000 degrees Celsius (45,000 degrees Fahrenheit), hotter than the sun’s surface. That’s hot stuff! And God uses this to picture His judgments!” (Dutch Sheets, Intercessory Prayer [Bloomington, MN: Bethany House Publishers], p. 202.)

Keep praying, and keep your seatbelt buckled—He isn’t finished.

In this dream, the fire of God brought further cleansing not only here in America, but throughout the earth. Then, consistent with His redemptive heart, revival rain was released. God’s heart is always to redeem, not destroy.

In His Hand

Though the cleansing is well underway, it will take some time to uncover and uproot all of the evil in our government. Many people will need to be replaced; entire departments must be dissolved, and others purged; laws and regulations will be rewritten or eliminated. People will resist this; there will be much screaming over their loss of power. Things will remain turbulent for a while. But remember the end of the dream: there was great joy, happiness, and revival. Even the land itself rejoiced.

I close with the words of George Washington in his opening remarks to delegates of the Constitutional Convention on May 25, 1787: “The event is in the Hand of God.” (William J. Federer, Prayer and Presidents [St. Louis, MO: Amerisearch, Inc.], p. 14.)

Just as the founding of America was in God’s hand, including the writing of the Constitution, she remains in His hand today. Let’s keep her there.

A Closing Prayer

Our prayer today is from King Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20:

“…Lord, God of our fathers, are You not God in the heavens? And are You not ruler over all the kingdoms of the nations? Power and might are in Your hand so that no one can stand against You. Did You not, our God, drive out the inhabitants of this land from Your people Israel, and give it to the descendants of Your friend Abraham forever? They have lived in it, and have built You a sanctuary in it for Your name, saying, ‘If disaster comes upon us, the sword, or judgment, or plague, or famine, we will stand before this house and before You (for Your name is in this house), and cry out to You in our distress, and You will hear and save us.’

“Now behold, the sons of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, whom You did not allow Israel to invade when they came out of the land of Egypt (for they turned aside from them and did not destroy them), see how they are rewarding us by coming to drive us out from Your possession which You have given us as an inheritance. Our God, will You not judge them? For we are powerless before this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are on You.” (2 Chronicles 20:6–12 NASB)

Our decree: We decree that our prayers are releasing the lightning of God to judge evil, and these prayers are keeping America in the hand of God.

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Editorial Special Section: 【Voice of Fig】Forty-fifth Week of Torah Gleaning I Beg

Message: JennyLee   Date: August 18, 2024   Audio:  [Voice of Fig] YouTube audio

Scripture Progress:

  • Torah: Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11
  • Prophets: Isaiah 40:1-26
  • New Testament: Matthew 23:31-39; Mark 12:28-34

Move Forward Again

  • 8.12 night-8.13 End of 21 days in the Dire Strait on the 9th of Av
  • move forward again
  • Isaiah 19, 247 starts

Mercy Triumphs over Judgment

  • The seventeenth day of Tammuz marks the beginning of the “Three Weeks . ” This is an annual period of mourning during which the Jews mourn the destruction of the Temple and reflect on the reasons for their exile. It was a time of repentance and reflection, culminating in the fasting of Tisha B’Av in Hebrew , when both temples were set on fire (in 423 B.C. and AD 69). During this period, many tragic events occurred in Jewish history, so traditionally, Jews believe that leisure and joyful activities should be reduced during these three weeks. On the 9th of Av, people would gather in synagogues to recite Lamentations and reflect on the causes of these tragedies.
  • In contrast, the seven weeks immediately following the 9th of Av and continuing through the month of Elul are known as the “Seven Weeks of Comfort” (Hebrew Menachem Av, meaning “Father’s Comfort”) period. The Hebrew word “Menachem” came from “Nachamu” in Isaiah 40:1 , “Nachamu ami” which means “comfort my people.” Interestingly, in Jewish tradition, there is a close connection between the 9th of Av and this passage in Isaiah. The Sabbath after the ninth day of the month of Av is called “Shabbat Nachamu”, and that day is read as “Haftara” (Note: In addition to the weekly segmented reading of the Torah, an additional section from the “Prophet” is added) A selected passage or passages) from Isaiah 40. It is shown here that God is the father of Israel, He comforts His chosen people, and “mercy triumphs over judgment” is the most important message of this period.
  • I heard the Lord say, “Just because you can’t see, doesn’t mean I’m not working! Just because you can’t see any sign of the promises, doesn’t mean I’m taking back My words. Just because you can’t see the instructions and the direction, doesn’t It means I have abandoned you.”
  • Says the Lord, “For this is the time that calls you to be like Elisha’s servant and seek that cloud the size of a man’s hand. This is a time when things seem unclear. This is a time when the atmosphere is full of whirlwinds. There are a lot of people who have lost their sight and they feel like they’re walking blind, but you’re not blind and you’re not in some obscure place of obscurity. This is a season that feels like I’m in the unknown, but I never have been. I’m more certain of My plans than I am now. I’ve never been more certain of the path that leads you forward. You just can’t see it yet.
  • But I am leading you into a new season of clarity. I am leading you into a new season of vision and bold steps of faith. So get ready now, look to the horizon, and if you ignore all the chaos around you, you’ll see palm-sized clouds forming. On the brink of what appears to be the worst drought, plague, famine, and recession on earth, I am leading you into a season of rain. Yes, prepare yourself, look out to the water and you will see the rain coming. Start prophesying and make it come true. Just like Elisha’s servant who couldn’t see reinforcements in battle, I am anointing you now and opening your eyes to see the sights and spiritual realities of what I do in battle. “
  • You will suddenly see great abundance where there was scarcity. Where you feel like everything is falling apart and doors are closing on you. You will suddenly see My provision and protection. Because I am setting you apart at this moment and seeing what I am doing. Because it’s not what you think. This is not what you imagine. The picture that the enemy paints for you is not a true picture, it is not a correct picture of the times. Because many have fallen into a torrent of fear and demonic propaganda telling them things are getting worse, but have they seen My glory? Did they see what I was doing? Can they feel the revival? Or do they just predict doom and destruction?
  • Just as John the Baptist started a movement about authority, inheritance, and understanding of what is available in the realm of heaven, I call you to a place where the body of Christ can see the resources available to them and the authority they have not yet touched. You will give them eyes to see, and when they see, it will break down all strongholds, break down all limitations, and break the lies that the enemy has spread about the body of Christ to keep them cowardly in corners when they are called to arise and shine. Yes, this is an Isaiah 60 season , not a season of withdrawal, not a season of hiding, not a season of running away and being afraid. This is a time to lead the group and lead the Body of Christ into their inheritance.
  • Even if the circumstances around you right now are preaching the opposite to you, I want you to reposition yourself and be prepared. I want you to go into your closet and see the coming rain with your spiritual eyes, and let Me tell you – the rainy season is coming! Will you be the bell ringer for this new day? Or will you be afraid and run away? Will you continue to believe in bad news? Or will you be in My inner sanctum preparing yourself for what is coming? Now, let that breakthrough new song burst out of you. Even in the moments when sadness tries to take over you, let that breakthrough new song burst out and you’ll see I’ve never been more in control than I am right now.
  • So shake off the lies that try to suffocate you and the fatigue that tries to bury you in battles, and cry out until the rain comes!
    • We can’t rush the launch of new bread, as the new blueprint is still taking shape. Our attitude now must be one of rest and acceptance. Walking ahead of God will only build man-made things. Will have to wait for the full recipe.
    • We are in the season of fresh manna, but there is a temptation to mix the old with the new. We need fresh manna, not yesterday’s rotten bread!
    • Jesus is the Bread of Life ( John 6:35 ), and He wants us to focus on our relationship with Him now, otherwise, we will be malnourished and have nothing substantial to give to others.
    • This is the season to refill our lamps, God wants us to be in a state of overflowing. You can never have too much oil!
  • I believe that over the next 5 months we will see two extremes in the body of Christ ;
    • A people will emerge with new revelations, strategies, and fresh heavenly manna that will lead us into a time of foresight and interception of the enemy’s plans.
    • Those who do not sit at His feet/mount the mountain of the Lord or prepare oil to light their lamps in 2024 will experience massive burnout. They were still busy, eager to use the old manna.
    • Please let this be a reminder to keep your focus on Jesus and fill up your tank so you can run in His strength in the days ahead! Manna will come. Guidance will come. The dots will be connected. Your steps will be steady. Just rely on His presence!
  • Deuteronomy 3:24-27 O Lord God, you have shown your servant your mighty power. Is there any god in heaven or on earth who can act like you and do mighty deeds like you? Please let me go over and see the good land beyond the Jordan, the good mountains and Lebanon. But the LORD was angry with me because of you, and he did not answer me. He said to me, “No more!” Don’t mention this to me again. Go up to the top of Pisgah and lift up your eyes to the east, west, south and north, for you will not be able to cross the Jordan.
  • God allowed this great leader who gave up his status as a prince in Egypt to join and save His people from slavery and gain freedom, but? Why was God so stubborn and did not give in to Moses at all, allowing him to cross the Jordan River and enter the Promised Land? Why did the Almighty deny Moses this small favor and let Moses die outside the borders of the Promised Land, on the other side of the Jordan River. He didn’t even get a proper burial and no one knew his grave. Was God cruel to Moses, or was God very kind to Moses?
  • Every leader needs to know when to step down and allow younger leaders to take responsibility without interference. God instructed Moses to give the baton to Joshua, son of Nun. Moses got it right and Joshua accepted the challenge. Second, Moses sinned by ignoring God’s instructions and allowing his emotions and anger to strike the rock instead of speaking to the rock. This may not seem like a big sin, but in this case we see the Lord taking it very seriously, especially because of the questionable speech of Moses. Knowing that Moses was not good with words, God still commanded him to speak to the rock. Moses’ mistake was not to strike the rock with his staff, but to go back to the old Moses who lost his temper and killed the Egyptians in his old age ( Exodus 2 ). This act of flesh caused Moses to enter the hard school of being a shepherd in the wilderness for 40 years.
  • Also if God allowed Moses to cross the Jordan with the Israelites it would show the people that Moses did not really accept nor fully trust the new leadership of Joshua and others like Caleb. These men had proven their faithfulness to God and their faith and trust in the Lord’s leadership of this newly formed nation that was ready to fulfill God’s promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Moses blamed the people for their inability to enter Canaan. This sadness and gentle anger against the Lord and the people was one of the wonderful and divine revelations that added to the greatness and humanity of this servant of God, Moses! He is not a perfect person. He is 100% human, possessing all of human greatness and all of human weakness. How wonderful that the Lord can use normal people to become great leaders and humble servants of the Lord and His people.
  • I’m also glad no one knows about Moses’ tomb! Hiding the tomb of Moses was a great and divine plan of God. You can imagine what would have happened if the Israelites knew where Moses was buried! There will be temples, monuments, places of worship and museums to honor Moses. No, God did the wise thing and did not destroy Moses’ humanity and humility, retaining it even after his death.

Take Pride in God

  • Deuteronomy 4:6-9 Therefore be careful and do it; this will be your wisdom and understanding in the sight of all peoples. When they hear all these laws, they will say: How wise and intelligent the people of this great country are! How can a great nation have a God as near to them as the Lord our God is near to us when we call upon Him? And what great nation has such righteous statutes and regulations as all these laws which I set before you today? But be careful and guard your soul diligently, lest you forget what you have seen with your eyes, and lest it depart from your heart during your lifetime; but pass it on to your descendants and to your descendants.

Survive by Obeying God’s Words

  • Deuteronomy 4:1   Now therefore, O children of Israel, obey the statutes and judgments which I teach you, and obey them, that ye may live;
  • Deuteronomy 4:4   But you who trust in the LORD your God will live today.
  • Deuteronomy 6:6-9 Take these words that I command you today and take them to heart, and teach them diligently to your children. Talk about it when you sit at home, and when you walk by the road, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall also bind it as a sign on your hand, and put it on your forehead as a scripture; and you shall write it on the doorpost of your house and on your gate.
  • Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Hear, O Israel! Jehovah our God is one Lord. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
  • Israel, listen! These words that Jehovah, our God, is one Lord, are the highest testimony of the Jewish faith. Each word deserves careful study, but the first word – the verb Shema – deserves special attention.
  • There are profound differences between the two ancient civilizations that formed Western culture: ancient Greece and ancient Israel. The Greeks were the supreme masters of the visual arts: art, sculpture, architecture, and drama.
  • Jewish, as a profound religious principle. God, the only object of worship, is invisible. He is beyond nature. He created the universe and therefore transcends it. He is invisible. He reveals Himself only in words. Therefore, the highest religious act in Judaism is listening. Ancient Greece was a culture of eyes; ancient Israel was a culture of listening. The Greeks worshiped what they saw; Israel worshiped what they heard.
  • What Hans Kohn said in his The Idea of ​​Nationalism. The ancient Greeks were “people with a sense of vision, space and shape.” It’s as if they want to transform the fluid, fleeting, ever-relevant elements of life into rest, space, and confinement. The Jew did not see as much as he heard. . . His organ is the ear. . . When Elijah became aware of God, he heard only a quiet, small voice. For this reason, the Jew never created an image of his God. “
  • This is why the key word in the Old Testament is Shema. God is not something we see, but a voice we hear. This is what Moses gave this week in the Torah, describing the supreme revelation at Mount Sinai: Deuteronomy 4:12 The Lord spoke to you out of the flame of fire, and you heard a voice but did not see a form.
  • Deuteronomy 7:7  The LORD has chosen you not because you are more numerous than other peoples, but because you are the fewest among all peoples.
  • In Genesis, God promised the ancestors that their descendants would be as countless as the stars in the sky, the sand on the seashore, and the dust of the earth. Abraham would be a father, not just to one nation, but to many nations. At the beginning of Exodus, we read that when they went down to Egypt, the covenant family of only seventy people became fruitful and increased in population. They became so numerous that they filled the land” ( Exodus 1:7 ) . Three times in Deuteronomy, Moses describes the Israelites as “ as numerous as the stars in the sky” (Exodus 1:10; 10:22; 28:62). King Solomon called himself part of “your chosen people, a great people without number” (1 Kings 3:8) . The prophet Hosea said: “The children of Israel will be like the sand on the seashore, which cannot be numbered”). There is little meaning in humbleness; it is to highlight that God’s selection is based on love and not on the basis of numbers.
  • God does not choose a nation for His glory. If He did, He would undoubtedly choose a powerful and numerous nation. His choice has nothing to do with honor, but everything to do with love. He loved the ancestors who listened to His voice; therefore He loves their descendants.

seven weeks of comfort

  • Week 1 40: 1-26
  • Week 2 49:14~51:3
  • Week 3 54:11~55:5
  • Week 4 51:12~52:12
  • Week 5 54:1-10
  • Week 6 60:1-22
  • Week 7 61:10 – 63: 9
  • The following is an application of seven weeks of dialogue between people and God – it is actually a process that can be recreated during these 7 weeks; as we seek to heal and grow through our challenges, losses and experiences, this Process helps us establish a dialogue with God.
  • I should add that this system is relevant to all of us at all times. Even if you haven’t personally experienced a (recent) loss, all of us:
    1. Living in the same uncertain world requires healing.
    2. One must have sympathy for those who are suffering.
    3. You can and must always grow; even when things are going relatively smoothly, there is still so much more we can achieve. We all need a kind of healing and elevation from one level to another relative to our own level.

Week 1. Nachamu Nachamu – Companionship

First we need to comfort each other. If you are hurt, you must find friends who can comfort you. Turning to God is not enough. You need to find peers you can relate to and who you can relate to. Once something breaks, you have to rebuild it from the bottom up. We may not initially be ready for God to comfort us directly. We first need to create a suitable “container” that will accommodate us to receive God’s blessings and comfort.

Exercise : Find a friend, find a teacher who can hold your hand and help you get through this. Genuine and authentic people who can accompany you and then help you prepare for the next stage. And allow yourself to be a friend to others as well.

Week 2. God has Abandoned Me; My God has Forgotten Me – Consciousness

Once we do everything humanly possible to heal and comfort one another, we reach a new level of awareness and sensitivity where we can identify previously obscured blind spots and undernourished parts of our souls. In our newfound awareness, we cry out, “God has abandoned me; my God has forgotten me.” We feel a deep emptiness.

Exercise: Next time you cry, don’t cry just because you’re in pain and overwhelmed. Try not only to focus on the emptiness you feel, but to feel that your crying is also the emptiness of not feeling your connection to something higher than yourself – your connection to God.

Week 3 . There is no Comfort for Those who Suffer – Acknowledgments

Our cries reach heaven. We admit that we are not satisfied with comfort from men; even with the best intentions and words, we will never feel completely satisfied. We are not content with just settling our losses; we must not only be healed from our losses, but experience protection and have new inheritance and victory. We need to know that we don’t just relieve pain, but that it brings us and those around us – especially our loved ones and neighbors – to a higher place. It means that we drink from the Lord’s living water together and are joyful in our hearts. It even becomes a blessing to all nations.

Exercise: Be compassionate and sensitive to those around you. Acknowledge the emptiness of others and your emptiness will be acknowledged and comforted.

Week 4. I am the Lord who Comforts You – Reunion

A new divine power comes into your life (the first three steps to make it possible). This power brings us deep comfort from within, helps me know that I have a destiny in this world, a power that transcends and includes all life experiences, even painful ones. These experiences make me unique. This power is not mundane; it is divine, and it allows me to experience a profound peace – peace with my inner being.

Practice: Pray every morning, acknowledging that your soul is awakening in the new day. Declare your personal mission statement – ​​you are indispensable in this world and are meant to live out it.

Week 5. Sing in the Midst of Hardship, You who have not Given Birth – Rebirth

After the initial reconnection and corresponding comfort, we can begin to feel reborn and renewed. Even though we may feel “barren,” we learn to sing. Not because we accept our “barren” state, but because we learn to give birth in new ways. We learn new tools and methods – sometimes tools and methods like “bypass surgery” that open up new avenues of birth, even more powerful than traditional ones, ones that can lead to more babies. We expanded to a bigger place. As a result, we didn’t just sing, we composed a new song.

Exercise: Meditate on and internalize the text of this week’s prophetic book. God tells you “Do not be afraid, for you will not be ashamed…you will forget the shame of your youth and the shame of your widowhood…for your Maker is your husband…the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer. Because God has called you as a wife who is forsaken and sorrowful, says your God. I have left you but a little while, but I will bring you back with great mercy. My anger will overflow and I will hide my face from you for a moment. My love has mercy on you.” Then sing a song to yourself about the blessings in your life.

Week 6. Arise and Shine – Rebuild

Even if we find comfort, the world around us can still be a dangerous place. It is not enough to isolate ourselves from the pain around us, we must also be able to feel safe in our environment. So, having been comforted personally and given the ability to be reborn, we now take comfort in our ability to transform and rebuild the world around us—even a world of darkness and uncertainty.

Exercise: Now meditate and internalize these words: “Arise, for your light has come, and the divine glory has risen upon you. For, behold, darkness will cover the earth, and darkness will overshadow the peoples, but God will rise in you, and His glory will appear in you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the light of your rising… The nations will build up your walls… The descendants of your oppressors will bow down. Before you, all those who despise you will fall at your feet. They will call you “the City of God, the Zion of the Holy One of Israel.” Even though you are abandoned and hated, and no one passes you by, I will make you an eternal majesty… no more violence in your land, no more desolation and destruction in your borders… your sun It will no longer set, nor will your moon fade. Because God will be your eternal light, your days of sorrow will be over. All your people will be righteous; they will possess the land forever; the branch I planted, the work of my hands…the least will become a thousandfold, the least will become a mighty nation; I, God, will catch up in His time . “Now, not only do you have to sing for yourself, but you also have to sing new songs with others.”

Week 7. I will Rejoice in God’s Presence – Reconciliation, Renewal

After these past six weeks/comfort, we have grown and acknowledged that growth. We got to the point where we’re now ready to give back. We do this – celebrate joy. “I will rejoice greatly in God, and my soul will rejoice in my God, for He has clothed me with the garment of salvation.” We promise to stay awake and alert – “For Zion’s sake I will not remain silent , for Jerusalem’s sake I will not stand still until her righteousness shines like a radiance…And the nations will see your righteousness, and kings will see the glory of the Lord.”

Exercise: Do your part to protect and defend the helpless. Speak up and take a stand. O Jerusalem, I have set watchmen on your walls. They will never remain silent day or night…Behold, God has declared to the ends of the earth: Say to the daughters of Zion: Behold, your salvation is come…They will call them “holy people,” God’s salvation; you will be called “praiseworthy,” a city not abandoned. Pray for Jerusalem and peace in the Middle East.


  • Most importantly, remember that God is with us in all our pain. “He suffered with us in all our troubles…He redeemed us by his love and mercy; he lifted us up and carried us through all the years.”
  • Now, let’s prepare to enter the New Year (a new 7-year cycle).


  • Ask the Lord to open our ears,
  • Listen to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit
  • Follow His statutes and advance to the Promised Land
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Editorial Special Section : Anton Cruz: Urgent Call to Pray for Israel for 21 Days

Message:  Anton Cruz Date: August 5, 2024

This is an urgent call for all nations to join together at this time. We are so desperate and we need prayer. Only prayer can truly change the atmosphere and change the atmosphere of this war. I believe in the power of your prayers, and I need someone to rise up today and say, “I am willing to pray for Israel for one hour every day for these 21 days, to pray for peace, and to pray for the nations.”

We are at a very important moment. When we prayed for the last 100 days, many miracles happened. In short, we all see that beyond all this is God’s heart, which is full of mercy, and we see miracles happening. Now I believe in your 21 days of prayer, we are going to pray for Israel, we are going to pray for peace.

2024 is a year of decision. We need God and we need prayer. I’m telling you, this is a very, very important year and something is going to happen. If we pray, you will see God’s mercy coming. If you are not ready to get down on your knees and repent, you will see God’s judgment coming, but I believe this is Jonah’s time.

You know, today is not even 12 hours or 24 hours, something is going to happen. Iran is ready to launch a war. This is not just a war in Israel. This is the seventh year. Something is going to shock all countries. This is just the beginning. It may be a forecast. It may become three world wars. It is possible! But I’m telling you, when we get down on our knees and cry to God, we can stop it. We can bring about God’s mercy, and our prayers have great power. Children, arise! Young people, arise! Spiritual parents support and encourage them as they journey with our generation.

Thank you, we are going to pray for 21 days. I’m waiting for you! We need your prayers. Let us all join together, not just for Israel, but for the nations, for our next generation and our children.

Heavenly Father, we need You! We need your mercy! We are ready to stand in the gap and pray for the nations, to be a defensive wall before You. Thank You Heavenly Father, I thank You for those who are ready to make a covenant with You and join in prayer. I pray for them to have the spirit of Daniel and the anointing of Joshua. Thank You Heavenly Father. I pray to God that they will receive power and have Your glory in these 21 days. We need Your mercy, God!

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen! God bless you!

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Editorial Special Section: Lou Engle & Christy Johnston: “A 90-Day Call to Prayer for the U.S. Elections”

Message: Lou Engle & Christy Johnstona Date: August 9, 2024  Source : Elijah List

Editor’s Note: Christy Johnston is an Australian writer, prophetic teacher, and one of the best intercessors in the United States (even though she is Australian!). Dreams were nothing new to Christie, but few inspired the faith of countless intercessors like this one.

90 Days

On August 7th, our friend Christy Johnston had an urgent dream in which she saw herself calling for 90 days of prayer leading up to the U.S. elections. She knew it was a clarion call from Heaven that went far beyond the reach of her own sphere of influence. Christy then saw a tremendous response from the Ekklesia. It was a 2 Chronicles 7:14 moment. Hundreds of thousands of people from every nation were falling on their knees and crying out for the United States of America. She also saw hordes of demonic beings that looked like orcs from The Lord of the Rings movies. As she watched in the dream, their hands suddenly became shackled and their plans were interrupted by the power of intercession from the people of God.

Christy understood that this dream was not just about America, but about the nations of the earth. Meanwhile, there is a demonic agenda in the United States that must be stopped. When she woke from the dream, Christy contacted Lou Engle. They did the math to find out when 90 days before the elections (on November 5th) would be. It turned out to be this past Wednesday, August 7th, the very day she had the dream! Christy and Lou acted quickly to release a live Instagram message to herald this call to prayer. We urge you to watch it and share it far and wide. But if all else fails, just DO THE DREAM with us and pray each day for 90 days!

In the video, Lou explains how Psalm 149 is key to understanding the dream. The psalmist wrote:

“Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand, to execute vengeance on the nations, and punishments on the peoples; to bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; to execute on them the written judgment—this honor have all His saints. Praise the LORD!” (Psalm 149:6–9)

Lou believes that great principalities and powers are in a cosmic conflict over the elections and over Israel right now. There is also a battle over which ideologies are going to be loosed into these nations. Lou mentioned Derek Prince’s book, Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting, and how it tells of how “governments are shifted in prayer and fasting, as it was in the days of Daniel and as in the days of Esther.” Lou went on to say, “I believe right now God is saying, urgently, put high praises of God in your mouth. Carry it to your beds. Pray on your beds and declare the binding of kings and nobles, and the shackling of the principalities and powers, so God can actually establish His purposes” (both now and in these elections).

Christy and Lou addressed the principalities associated with the ancient goddess Ishtar, and the gods Molech and Baal, as mentioned in Jonathan Cahn’s book, The Return of the Gods. The premise of the book is that when America removed God from the public sector in the 60s, and in the 70s, then demons came back seven times worse to repossess the nation. Ishtar was the goddess of sexuality, homosexuality, prostitution, and transgenderism. Lou acknowledged that the influence of this unseen entity is being manifest on the ground level in our nation as never before. Even certain elements of the Olympic ceremony exemplified her perversions.

Lou also emphasized that when those in positions of authority make decrees and agreements with wickedness, or with righteousness, it opens portals in the heavenly realms—whether for evil or for good. For example, he explained that when the president awarded a transgender woman as “Woman of the Year,” he was opening a portal for transgender ideologies and spirits to come in and affect our nation. Knowing what a controversial topic this is, Lou said, “I would rather be controversial than to be halting between two opinions and missing the very moment that the Elijahs of God, and the Esthers of God, are being called into.”

Would you join us in these 90 days of intercession by setting your alarm to pray at either 4:14 AM or 4:14 PM? The time is based on Esther 4:14, which says, “For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Also, our Nigerian friend, Folake Kellogg, had a dream in which the Lord told her, “You cannot have Esther 4:14 without Nehemiah 4:14.

“And I looked, and arose and said to the nobles, to the leaders, and to the rest of the people, ‘Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.'” (Nehemiah 4:14)

We shudder to think of what will happen for our generation and the generation to come if we do not triumph over the plans of darkness in this hour of history.

So, at 4:14 in your own time zone, we ask that wherever you are you stop and take Communion. Stand in the gap on behalf of 1) Israel, 2) your own nation, and 3) America.

Years ago, the Lord told us in a dream that it would “honor the body and the blood to pray for His Israel each day before the sun sets.” Let us “execute the judgment written” by decreeing the Word of God and calling forth His purposes while, at the same time, decreeing the judgment of the Cross over powers and principalities. In doing so, over the next 90 days, we will be establishing national altars of righteousness and opening portals of God’s favor as mentioned in 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Additional Prayer Points

For those who would appreciate more guidance for your intercession, consider agreeing with us in the following prayer objectives inspired by Lou and Christy’s exhortation:

  1. Let us pray for the restraining of the demonic principalities and wicked governments that seek Israel’s destruction and have brought death and suffering upon their own people. “Make haste, O God, to deliver me! Make haste to help me, O Lord! Let them be ashamed and confounded who seek my life; let them be turned back and confused who desire my hurt.” (Psalm 70:1–2)
  2. Repent on behalf of your nation, Israel, and America, for every unholy agreement and blood covenant. Plead the better blood of Jesus and His greater covenant. Call for the dismantling of witchcraft and the occult in every sphere of our government and society.  “…’How can there be peace,’ Jehu replied, ‘as long as all the idolatry and witchcraft of your mother Jezebel abound?'” (2 Kings 9:22)
  3. Pray for the presidential elections, that America and the globe will be spared from the demonic agendas being espoused by the Democratic party.  “For how can I endure to see the evil that will come to my people? Or how can I endure to see the destruction of my countrymen?” (Esther 8:6)
  4. Pray for the restraining of World War III, for the sake of the global missions movement and the reaping of a mass harvest of souls.  “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)
  5. Decree that America is going to come back to her original covenant with the Lord. Welcome Him back into our nation, our schools, and every sphere of society.
  6. Pray forth the opening of the womb of America for the rebirth of the nation and the birthing of many souls into salvation. “Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” (Psalm 90:2)
  7. Pray for mercy to triumph over judgment and for a great awakening to sweep across this generation with deliverance from all kinds of addictions, sin patterns, mental illness, and identity confusion.  “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.” (Luke 4:18)


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Pray for America: Pray for the American Church-The Kingdom of God and the Church

Current Events/Background:  A recent Election Poll made a shocking report on 2024 non-voting Christians is as high as 30% in America. There is a total of 345,659,000 population in America today, within which 35-40% are Christians, not including Roman Catholics.

Due to the decline of Christianity in recent decades, an estimated 35-40% Christians (est. 120,980,000) are accounted for, compared historically 50-60%.  As reported, 30% Christians (est. 36,294,000) will not vote in the 2024 General Election, which means they are willingly to give up choosing the rightful President and Leaders for our nation.

Most Churches Dare Not Discuss Politics and Voluntarily Withdraw From the Political Arena

  • More and more government departments are controlled by people hostile to Christianity.
  • Failure to educate the congregation has caused many believers, especially the younger generation, to be brainwashed by the left to support policies that are contrary to our beliefs.
  • Christianity is getting weaker in society and culture, and other religions are getting stronger.

Christian values ​​are increasingly suppressed and marginalized

  • Traditional family values ​​were destroyed and gay marriage was legalized.
  • Christian businesses/enterprises were sued for maintaining their faith.

Why must Christians vote?

  • Our faith should guide every aspect of our lives, including our political beliefs.
  • The freedom of belief we enjoy now is the result of the struggle of our ancestors, and we have an obligation to defend it.
  • Christians have a responsibility to elect leaders and political parties that are consistent with biblical teachings and the commandments of God.
  • If Christian churches and believers abandon their responsibility to cope and avoid running away from challenges, other values ​​and beliefs will draw people further away from God.
  • The absence of Christians in political elections will help antichrist forces take power and lead the country and people on the path of disobedience to God, which will ultimately result in God’s punishment.
  • Liberal theology, atheism, Marxism, etc. have influenced the United States in the past hundred years, and the mainstream media has become increasingly anti-Christian.
  • All media have their own worldview, tendencies and issues they want to promote.
  • The mainstream media is controlled by elite groups, and many reports, including so-called polls, deceive and fool the public.

The Church – God’s “Ekklesia”  on earth

Voting is an act of God-given authority. Because in our republican form of government, power rests with the people, when Christians vote, they delegate their power to govern to others. In other words, by voting, Christians delegate the responsibility of “bearing the sword” to the officials who govern the country on their behalf. From this perspective, voting is an act of stewardship; it is what Christians should do. Given the inescapable role of politics and the direct, real impact that government decisions have on people’s lives, downplaying the responsibility to vote amounts to a failure in Christian discipleship and comprehensive love for our neighbors. As Christians, we must follow our beliefs by voting for candidates and parties that support clear biblical values.

God has promised to save the United States again. He will raise up His “Ecclesia, the Kingdom of Heaven.” He wants His people to work with Him in the 2024 election, through actions such as prayer and voting, to elect an America that is after God’s heart. Leaders let the Kingdom of God come to America and the Father’s will be done.

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Pray for America: Jennifer LeClaire: Crisis Intercessors Rise

Editor’s Note: This article contains 50 key prayer points for the United States and Trump shared by Jennifer LeClaire in July. These prayer points have corresponding scriptures, so they can also be used to pray for your own country and serve as a reference for all intercessors. (Jennifer LaClaire is a member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders.)

Current Events/Background: President Donald Trump was nearly killed at a rally in Pennsylvania in the evening. A photographer captured footage of bullets flying over his head. Clearly, this is divine protection. Thank you to the intercessors around the world who are standing in the gap for Trump, his family, and the American people.

Now is not the time to stop praying, but the time for intercessors to unite on another level. America as we know it has been under attack for some time, but the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump took it to another level. Awakening Prayer Hubs is looking for 1,000 intercessors to raise up prayer leaders in countries around the world. Will you pray with us?

】(source: Jennifer LeClaire Ministries)

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Pray for America: Joel’s Army Prayer Points

Editor’s note: This article is the focus of the “World for Christ” ministry led by Nita Johnson to pray for the United States on July 21, for your reference and prayer.

  1. Praise our holy God.
  2. Pray for the church to turn to God and restore righteousness.
  3. Repent of the Crimes of human bloodshed (human trafficking/abortion at the national level), WHO’s involvement in poisoning crops and people, and promoting sterilization programs in the third world .
  4. Pray for Academia : To uproot communism and teach the lessons of 1776 (patriotism) and the lessons of righteousness.
  5. Pray for Repentance from the Manipulation of the Media , Especially by the U.S. State Department and Wall Street.
  6. Pray for the Economy The Federal Reserve, the Bank for International Settlements, Davos, the World Economic Forum, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank.
  7. Pray for the US Department of State/CIA : The Cabal possesses these two agencies, controls America through them, and runs rampant in our land. Pray that the hammer of justice will fall upon their efforts and the following four centers of power.
    1. judicial system
    2. Social System: Think Tank
    3. Technology
    4. Government stronghold
  8. Pray for President Trump : Ask God to protect him! Get “America First” candidates elected and liberals out of office. There is a “double vision” and “double loyalty” in the United States, that is, it has two minds and is contradictory. It wants the justice of conservatives and the liberalism of the left.
  9. Pray for Elections : Ensure fair, free elections in which evangelical Christians participate.
  10. Intercede for Israel .
  11. Pray against Deliberate Disturbances .
  12. Pray for the war of Russia/Ukraine/NATO/ .


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Praying for Israel: Jonathan Burns: The UN has given the green light for Iran to strike Israel

Editor’s Note: This article is compiled from a video released on August 16 by Jonathan Bernice, the founder of “Jewish Voice” ,  for the references to all intercessors. Israel needs our prayers now more than ever.

Current events context: I am bringing this information to you at this time because Israel is in the midst of a serious crisis. We are facing a situation of equal intensity on the eve of the Six-Day War and the Yom Kippur War of 1973.

First, we all know that Israel is at war. Israel has declared war on Hamas following the horrific events of October 7, when more than 1,200 women and children were brutally massacred by Hamas terrorists. At first, the world expressed sympathy for Israel, but soon the United States’ initial support began to recede as world opinion turned anti-Israel again. They describe Israel as a genocide in the region, which is a lie. Israel is not attacking innocent Palestinian civilians; this war is against Hamas, a terrorist organization dedicated to destroying Israel.

Unfortunately, many innocent Palestinians have been killed, but this is because Hamas used them as human shields, firing missiles from schools and hospitals, forcing Israel to eliminate these missile launch sites. We should blame Hamas, not Israel.

In addition to its war with Hamas, Israel faces growing hostility and missile attacks from Hezbollah. Hezbollah is based in southern Lebanon, north of Israel, and they have thousands of Iranian-supplied missiles that they fire at Israel almost daily. We have just witnessed a horrific attack in which 12 or more children were killed on a football field.

Hamas and Hezbollah are both proxies of Iran. Iran has publicly stated that they will not only launch major attacks on Israel through these proxies, but also directly. Although Israel’s Iron Dome defense system and God’s blessing prevented the vast majority of missiles from causing casualties, Iran recently once again declared that it would retaliate against Israel. The UN Secretary-General actually responded that Iran has an inherent right to self-defense and can take action against Israel’s territorial integrity. This is terrible.

At this time, Israel needs more of our prayers and support. We need to declare to those around us that Israel has a right to exist because it was God who brought them back to their land. The God who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps.

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Pray for Israel: Rick Riding: Strategy of Prayer for Israel During This Time of Iranian Threat

Background of current events: Rick Ridings, founder of the Jerusalem House of Prayer, forwarded a message from Amir Tsarfati of Behold Israel Ministries: “According to a political commentator at Axios According to reports, close to the US administration, the National Defense Forces and the Pentagon believe that Iran and its proxies will carry out an attack as early as August 5 (Monday). (In addition, Iran’s Islamic establishment also warned earlier that it would launch an attack on April 9. That is, attacking Israel on August 12th and 13th) .

1) Dividing Satan’s kingdom through praise.

Jesus said: A Kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. So If Satan’s kingdom is divided against itself it can’t stand. 2Ch 20 Israel facing impossible situation, they cried out to the Lord, they had priests praise before the army & when they did that, the Lord brought confusion & division to the enemy, they fought each other. Israel didn’t even have to fight & took 3 days to bring in the spoils. Key is praise.

Need to Pray to break off fear & intimidation. Not to pray out of those things but to enter high praise. Lord, arise & scatter (divide ) the enemies so they fight each other. Through praise Lord bring Division in Satan’s kingdom.

2) Efficacy of the Precious Blood

Vision from before of evil spiders that spin evil webs, systems of evil. Have to deal with the systems not just the spider. In vision angels brought bowls of blood of the Lamb Just one drop of blood of Lamb put on evil ruler spiders, and they would repent or be removed from power. Then Lion of Judah rose with razor sharp claws & begin to tear apart evil systems.

We proclaimed this over some nations in a meeting & next day in news “Sudan’s evil spider removed.” A 13 year dictator is overthrown in bloodless coup. No.2 terrorist nation in world. Sudan very strategic now because right across Saudia Arabian peninsula where Houthis are sending missiles & disrupt sea traffic from Yemen. Sudan would have been part of that if it had not changed.

Sudan had normalized relations with Israel, assassination attempt on general who made peace with Israel.  Yesterday news report of Russia arming those who would overthrow this good general who made peace with Israel. If so, new spider & new spiderweb. Because Sudan right by Red Sea very strategic, we pray No new spiders or new spiderwebs.

3) Word of the Lord

Vision of 2019 Saw in Temple Mt Lord appeared covered with dark clouds with lightning bolts which were very sudden. Psalm 29: the Word of the Lord goes forth like lightning to set back demonic thrones. I saw the Word of the Lord go forth as lighting over Tehran, Iran, Moscow Russia, Ankara Turkey and Beirut Lebanon. When lightning struck them, it didn’t destroy them but it shook them & their plans were set back severely.

Proclaim,let the word of the Lord go forth as lightning against these demonic thrones – over Moscow, Tehran, Ankara, to set back these demonic thrones.

4) Proclaim God’s Words Over Iran

3 week period of dire straits 17Tammuz to 9th of Av when the Temple in Jerusalem destroyed by Babylonians  & Romans. Fasting day for religious Jew to mourn the sins of people opened the door for the destruction of the Temple.

Zech 8: 18-19 The word of the Lord Almighty came to me.19 This is what the Lord Almighty says: “The fasts of the fourth(Tammuz), fifth(Av), seventh and tenth months will become joyful and glad occasions and happy festivals for Judah. Therefore love truth and peace.”   Could it be that whatever Iran planned whether it be on 9th Av, a time when satan loves to attack Israel, that No matter when Iran comes, Lord will gain victory over Iran’s attack in such a supernatural way that all will see it’s the Lord who protected Israel.

Elam capital province of Iran. Proclaim these scriptures over Iran

Jeremiah 49: 35-39

This is what the Lord Almighty says:“See, I will break the bow of Elam, the mainstay of their might.  I will bring against Elam the four winds  from the four quarters of heaven; I will scatter them to the four winds, and there will not be a nation where Elam’s exiles do not go.  I will shatter Elam before their foes, before those who want to kill them;  I will bring disaster on them, even my fierce anger, declares the Lord.“I will pursue them with the sword  until I have made an end of them.  I will set my throne in Elam and destroy her king and officials, declares the Lord. “Yet I will restore the fortunes of Elam in days to come, declares the Lord.

Lord loves people of Iran, wants to see them set free from the evil rulers of Iran, the evil spiders & evil spiderweb. (just as He loves Lebanon, Yemen, Gaza & wants to come against the evil spiders & spiderwebs)

So “ I will pursue …. Until I have made an end of them….” Speaking specifically the Iranian regime, King Ayatollah & officials.

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Pray for Israel:  Light of Zion: DAILY PRAYER FOR ISRAEL AT WAR – 2024

Editor’s note: This article is reprinted from the “Daily Prayer for Israel at War” recently updated on April 24 by the “Light of Zion” ministry for your prayer reference. Here are 12 prayer points. May you pray for Israel, which is at war with Hamas. In addition, Israel is also informally at war with Hezbollah, which is supported by Iran in Lebanon.


  1. God’s Victory and Glory. Pray that God’s overarching purposes in Israel’s wars with Hamas and Hezbollah will be accomplished with the least amount of harm necessary to result in the greatest amount of good, for His ultimate glory. Praise the Lord, Captain of the Armies of Heaven, because His ways are not our ways; they are greater. May His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Psalms 100:4; 83, 2 and 33:10-12, Joshua 5:14, Matthew 6:10)
  2. Turning Hearts to God. Pray that in this time of deep trouble, many Israelis, Palestinians, Jews in the nations, and others affected by the wars would turn wholeheartedly to God. Pray that the true face and heart of Jesus would be revealed to them. Through the ravages of war, may He be sought, known and exalted in Israel and the Middle East. Pray for believers in Israel, Gaza, Lebanon and Iran to be renewed in Messiah’s love and strengthened daily in the Spirit. Ask the Lord of the harvest to raise up laborers for the harvest in Israel and the Middle East. (2 Peter 3:9, Psalms 27 and 23, Zechariah 12:10, Matthew 9:38)
  3. Our Enemies: Hamas – Hezbollah – Iran. Pray according to Psalm 149:6-9 that God’s judgment be executed on Iran and terror groups dedicated to Israel’s destruction. Pray that Hamas and Hezbollah will be neutralized in order to set Palestinians, Israelis and others free from an evil Islamist regime. According to Zechariah 9:5-7, prayerfully proclaim that “Gaza will lose her king, [that God] will cut off the pride of the Philistines, … and take the blood from their mouths [so] those who are left will belong to our God.” According to Jeremiah 49:34-39, prayerfully proclaim that God will “break the bow of Elam [modern-day Iran], the mainstay of their might” and “set His throne in Elam.” According to Psalm 29:5, prayerfully proclaim, “The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars [symbol of lofty strength]; the Lord breaks the cedars of Lebanon [Hezbollah].” Ask Him to reveal and give wisdom to Israel and other nations to implement heaven’s strategy for a post-war government in Gaza. Pray for divine direction and Israel’s supernatural defense against all forms of terror and military invasion. (Matthew 5:44, Amos 1:6-8, Daniel 2:21, Jeremiah 51:20-24, Psalms 27 and 91)
  4. Israeli Authorities. Pray that every Israeli leader will remain in office for as long as God wants him or her serving in that office. Pray for the gift of the fear of the Lord on each leader, for divine wisdom, godly counsel, supernatural protection on all levels, renewed strength and strategic direction. Pray especially for our emergency war cabinet: PM Netanyahu, Mr. Gantz and Mr. Gallant. Pray they will receive accurate and supernatural intelligence to know what Israel should do, and when and how to do it. (1 Timothy 2:1-4, Daniel 2:21, Psalm 75:6-7, Proverbs 9:10-11, 21:1, Psalm 91, 1 Chronicles 12:32)
  5. Unity. Pray for healing of the serious, internal disunity that has impacted Israeli society, politics and government leaders in recent years. Ask God to graciously convict us to forgive and love one another. May He neutralize demonic influences that stir up or finance hateful, civil protests by Israelis against our own government. Pray for unity among our governing leaders, especially our emergency war cabinet. Petition heaven to raise up authorities who will inspire the nation afresh according to God’s ways. Ask Him for peacemakers in Israel and the Middle East who fear His Name. Bless and pray for increasing unity in the Israeli ekklesia. (Matthew 12:25, Psalm 133, Malachi 2:10, Colossians 3:14)
  6. Hostages. Pray for great grace to be released on each of the hostages who are still in Gaza. Petition for their salvation, protection, strength, comfort, endurance, health and quick, safe return. Pray abundant grace and patient endurance upon their families. Ask the Healer of Heaven for wraparound comfort and healing on the whole nation, as every Israeli has recently lost someone they knew or is grieving with those who grieve. May any ceasefire deal for the release of hostages in exchange for the release of terrorists from Israeli jails be just and righteous according to godly wisdom, and not the product of unsanctified mercy or appeasement. (1 Samuel 30:11-19; Psalm 23, Jeremiah 30:12 and 17, Zechariah 9:11-12)
  7. Troops. Pray for daily renewed strength, watchfulness, angelic protection, precise and accurate intelligence, and anointing for effectiveness on each of our soldiers, military leaders and officials, security officers, police and first responders, and defense system technologies. Lift up the hundreds of Messianic soldiers in our armed forces, that the light of Yeshua would shine through them onto their fellow warriors. Ask God to help our troops avoid making mistakes that would harm innocent civilians or other Israeli soldiers. Pray for protection, strength, unity and anointing on Israeli warriors in the Spirit, Messianic Jewish and Arab Christian intercessors in the land. (Psalms 18 and 91)
  8. Scope of War. Pray that the scope and duration of Israel’s wars will be limited, by the power of the Blood of Yeshua and His sovereign kingship, according to His will. May it not result in a world war out of God’s timing. Pray that US involvement and decisions made by President Biden will be led of the Lord and reflect His time to favor Zion, not forcing a premature end to the war. Petition for the same concerning other nations who supply Israel with military aid. As a result of Israel’s wars with Hamas and Hezbollah, may new and godly, international alliances form according to His will. (Daniel 2:21, Proverb 21:1, Psalms 46, 102:13)
  9. Media War and Lawfare. Ask God to restore the love for truth that once characterized humankind. Pray for the exposure and uprooting of outrageous and hateful lies about Israel and the Jews which are reported daily in nearly all mainstream and social media, including some Christian media outlets. Bless media outlets that are reporting the truth. Pray for their protection and for an increase in their reach and effectiveness. Petition heaven for mercy toward Israel in the profound lawfare she faces in global bodies such as the United Nations and International Court of Justice. (Lawfare is the disingenuous changing of traditional and usually democratic, Judeo-Christian based laws in order to bring about major political changes that will reflect values contrary to current and traditional laws.) (Psalm 144:11, Exodus 20:16, Psalm 27:12-13, Genesis 12:3)
  10. Spiritual Warfare. Pray the power of the Blood of Yeshua and Word of Truth over ongoing influences of witchcraft, occult manipulations, globalist influences and other supernaturally evil forces coming against Israel. Pray especially that our governing leaders, our military and the interceding Israeli Body of Messiah will be protected from powers of darkness. Beseech God to dismantle occult shields of protection over head leaders and operatives of Hamas and Hezbollah. Worship and praise the Lord! (Worship and praise can battle powerfully against powers of darkness in spiritual realms.) (Ephesians 6:12, Numbers 23:23, Zechariah 9:13)
  11. Global Anti-Semitism. If led by the Spirit, repent on behalf of your nation or community for anti-Semitism. Beseech God to break the murderous spirit of Jew hatred rolling in the nations. Pray especially for the turning of hearts of young people exposed to genocidal anti-Semitism on college campuses and social media. Pray that international leaders at all levels and spheres of authority, especially in democratic nations, will courageously restrain incitement against Jewish students, Jews everywhere and Israel. Bless those leaders who speak out and stand up for the Jews. At the same time, ask God to use mounting anti-Semitism to encourage aliyah among Jews not yet living in Israel.
  12. Global Ekklesia. Pray for the global Body of Messiah to stand firm in the love and truth of God’s Word in support of Israel, while also carrying His heart for Palestinians and others involved in the wars. Ask Him to raise up and bless an army of intercessors around the world who will fast and pray for Israel. Petition Him for direction and wisdom for Christians in the nations to quell anti-Semitism in practical, effective ways. Pray for revival, the only true antidote to the hatred of Jews. Last but not least, thank God for answering your prayers! (Matthew 5:14-16, Revelation 12:11, Matthew 25:31-40, Psalm 100:4)

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Critical Event: Olympic Opening Ceremony Mocks Christianity – It’s Time for the Body of Christ to Stand

Current Affairs Background: In the past one or two weeks, the whole world has been in shock. Not only have there been changes in the U.S. election, but also natural and man-made disasters, earthquakes, wildfires, floods, and hail have occurred in various places; the catastrophe in the United Kingdom has Large-scale anti-immigration demonstrations; leadership changes in Bangladesh and Venezuela; the “Beijing Agreement” between China and Middle Eastern countries; the war between Ukraine and Russia, and the attack and death of Hamas leader Haniyeh. The war situation in the Middle East continued to heat up, leading to a sharp decline in the stock market and general public Inflation intensified and unemployment soared.

Paris Olympics opening ceremony mocks Christianity

In such turbulent times, the 33rd Olympic Games were held in Paris late last month. I don’t know if you noticed that this year’s opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics, in addition to the blasphemous scene of the Last Supper staged by multiple actors from sexual minorities, was also led by a woman riding a white horse, and the horse followed by waving. The contestants from various countries wearing national flags also alluded to the image of the white horse among the four horsemen revealed in Revelation 6 .

In response to these scenes, in the face of criticism from all parties, including the French Bishops Conference, which stated: “We deeply regret this ridicule and mockery of Christianity.” American billionaire Musk posted on his social media: “This is a mockery of Christianity.” “It’s extremely disrespectful to Christians.” However, Paris Olympic Organizing Committee spokesperson Anne Descamps apologized to the public, but only emphasized: “This only reflects Paris’s intention of being open and inclusive. If you feel offended, then we will accept it.” I feel very sorry.”

Regardless of whether the Olympic authorities intended it or not, in front of more than two billion viewers around the world, such blatant and unscrupulous behavior, using creativity to cover up intentions, and using freedom to package blasphemy, was fully demonstrated at the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games. It seems that This is the first seal that fulfills the sixth chapter of Revelation. The one riding the white horse is the Antichrist, which seems to foretell that the Antichrist is about to appear and there will be no further delay. All the nations will follow him.

This Olympics is the 33rd. There are 33 levels of Illuminati stonemasons. The highest level is level 33. Only level 33 can enter the Big Eye. 33 is a very important and ultimate number for them. Through this 33rd Olympic Games, their contempt for God is even more obvious, which can be said to be a blatant and ultimate expression of their intentions.

The Moment When The Body of Christ Stands

At this moment, Christians must understand: “You will also hear wars and rumors of wars; do not be alarmed; for these things must happen, but the end has not yet come.” (Matthew 24:6) These are necessary. Yes, don’t panic, but through these things, it helps us to understand more clearly what kind of “time” we are in. These are all the beginnings of disaster.

When King Hezekiah heard the king of Assyria blaspheming against the Lord, he went up to the temple of God and cried out ( Isaiah 37:1 ). Through the prophet Isaiah, the Lord exhorts the people not to be afraid ( Isaiah 37:6 ), and fights for his people himself ( Isaiah 37:36 ), so that all the nations of the world will know that you are the Lord, and that all the plans of the wicked will be brought to naught. There is nothing.

Has the church of God heard this? However, at this time, we have to go up to the watchtower, enter the Holy of Holies, and present everything before God. We have to pray to God: “O Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, who is seated on the cherubim! You alone are the God of all the nations of the world, who created the heavens and the earth. Hear your ears, O LORD, and open your eyes, O LORD, to hear all these blasphemies, for they are sending a messenger to blaspheme the everlasting life. God’s” (Isaiah 37:16-17)

In these last days, we can no longer be indifferent or paralyzed. The body of Christ must stand because the time is near. May the Lord protect us until the end.

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Pray for the Indigenous People: 8/1 Indigenous Revival Gathering – Unveiling the Prelude to Taiwan’s Indigenous Revival Movement 

Current events/Background: This article is excerpted from the report of “Christian Today” on July 16 about the upcoming indigenous revival gathering on Ketagalan Avenue in front of the Taiwan Presidential Palace. For the original text, please click here. The following are part of the excerpts, paraphrased in Teacher Ahong’s own narratives:

Called by God to Walk and Pray in the Birthplace of Taiwan’s 16 Indigenous Tribes

August 1st is Indigenous People’s Day. The concert “Indigenous 30 Dreams in Place – When We Are Together”,  hosted by the Indigenous “Shared Revitalization Alliance”,  hopes to call on indigenous youth to gather at Ketagalan Avenue to worship and pray to kick off the next ten-year indigenous revival movement – “The Rise of the Young Generation”!

God has a plan for everything He does! In the middle of the night last December (2023), God woke me up and gave me specfic words: strategy and effectiveness. He also called me to go to the origin of the 16 indigenous tribes to worship and pray, and to pray everywhere. I prayed like this: “There is no regret in God’s calling.” Then in January, God moved me to walk and pray in the 12 administrative districts of Taipei for 12 consecutive weeks, including walking and praying in key areas such as Hakka, Southern Fujian, and ethnic groups from mainland China.

Indonesian Brother Received Dreams and Delivered Letters to 16 Indigenous Peoples

After the prayer walk, the church community began to “Fast and Pray for Taiwan for 21 Days” on March 4. During the gathering, I kept hearing ” Arise the Native People, the Eldest Son will Revive “, and I began to have thoughts and feelings in my heart. One day at a gathering, Pastor Nathaniel Zhou came on stage to share a story: an Indonesian brother (see the picture on the left. The brother on the right was the one who had the vision) received a dream, and in the dream, God asked him to send 16 letters to the 16 indigenous tribes, and he didn’t know that there are 16 indigenous tribes in Taiwan. On the cover of the letters, a Atayal word  was written, which means “Send, Unite.” (Note: Atayal is one the indigenous tribes in Taiwan.)

The interesting thing is that my father is an Indonesian Chinese, and I also have Atayal ancestry. I immediately realized that since last December, God has begun to use me to go to various tribes to do “unification” work. The prayers and dreams I heard in the “Fasting and Prayer Meeting for Taiwan” seemed to confirm what I received.

Gathering on Ketagalan Avenue on August 1st, the Rise of Indigenous Youth Generation

Later, I and Elder Andrew Chang, the founder of “TOD Tabernacle of David”, shared relevant insights with the indigenous pastors from different regions of Taiwan. This ten-year “Rise of the Indigenous Youth Generation” came into being. ! The gathering on Ketagalan Avenue on 8/1 can be said to be the starting point for all ethnic groups to come together.  8/2 is the first day of this ten-year movement. This gathering is scheduled to be held on “Ketagalan Avenue”, which is the only street named after an indigenous tribe  in Taipei City, so it is of special significance to gather here on 8/1 Indigenous People’s Day.

The 30th Anniversary of the Rectification of Name of Indigenous People, Moving from Name Change to Revival

Forty years ago (1984), the “Promotion Association of Taiwan Indigenous Rights” launched a movement to rectify the names of indigenous peoples, which lasted for ten years. In 1994, after the Taiwanese government  amended the constitution, an additional clause was added to the constitution. The derogatory term “mountain compatriot” was revised to “indigenous people”.  The year 2024 is the 30th anniversary.

30 is a turning point in life, as the saying goes, “You stand at thirty.” Jesus also began to serve God around the age of 30. So in this year (2024), we sincerely hope that the indigenous people will move from the name-correction movement to a new revival movement. Indigenous people must help this country by moving from rectification of name to revival, from tragedy to zeal, from hatred to blessing, from inferiority complex to self-confidence. Therefore, all ethnic groups are invited to stand on national territory and declare for the country!

400 Years Since the Gospel was Introduced to Taiwan

In 1624, the Siraya people were the first indigenous tribe in Taiwan to be exposed to the gospel. God has three principles for doing things: the guidance of the Holy Spirit, God’s Words, and God’s timing. It has been 400 years since the gospel was introduced to Taiwan. Taiwan is like Moses and John the Baptist, hidden by God for 400 years. Now is the time to rise. Based on the above-mentioned reasons and insights, we chose to launch such an indigenous revival movement this year. The core of this concert on Ketagalan Avenue is to bring new love and harmony with God, with people, with the land and among all ethnic groups! We hope to increase the value of the eldest son of the land and the blessings of the eldest son of the gospel . Together we can be grateful for the past, cherish the present, and look forward to the future.

Indigenous People Unite and Activate Heavenly Blessings

Four main things will happen at the gathering:

  1. Acceptance: As the eldest sons of the land, the indigenous people openly express their acceptance of all ethnic groups who come to this land.
  2. Gratitude: Thanks to all ethnic groups and governments for their construction on this land.
  3. Fulfillment: The indigenous people are kind, loving and sharing nature, which can best promote peace, harmony and unity.
  4. Blessing: The eldest son of each country is given a kind of authority. The indigenous people not only have to recognize their identity, but also  to enter into unity. I believe that when the indigenous ethnic groups unite, they will receive the key to unlock the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven. The revival of the indigenous peoples is not only related to the original ethnic group itself, but also to the “entire ethnic group.”

In 1624, the indigenous people received the gospel. The gospel can be said to be the destiny of the indigenous people. The indigenous people not only need to identify with their own culture, but also return to their identity in the kingdom of God and live out the life of Jesus Christ. The real revival is Life change, revival points to preparing the way for the Lord.

Pass on the Five New Things and Live Out the Five New Things

I hope to convey five things through this gathering:

  1. A New Era: It has been 400 years since the gospel entered Taiwan. A new chapter has arrived. We must live out a “new mindset .” Just like the Israelites leaving Egypt, they must also break away from the mindset of slavery. New wine must be put into new wineskins.
  2. New Cycle: The 30th anniversary of the renaming of the indigenous people. 30 represents a new cycle. To have a new cycle, there must be ” new behavior “, because confidence without behavior is dead. Indigenous people should move from the sadness of the past to zeal. From inferiority to self-confidence, from hatred to blessing, the most important thing is that the indigenous people should stand up and become a blessing to the country and the people, and live out the dream of God in the indigenous people.
  3. A New Generation: The young generation is about to rise. This is the moment for all generations to work together. The new generation is also the new four generations. In true love and inheritance, the previous generation and this generation take what they have worked hard and accompany and train the next generation, so that the new generation of young people can bravely take on the task . Most importantly, God needs a “new relationship ” with the children and with the family.
  4. New Unity: Unity is not just within one’s own ethnic group, but requires new connections, interactions and cooperation with different ethnic groups, people and things. Therefore, while launching the Indigenous revival movement, they also encourage and support the Hakka people to rise up , launch a revival movement belonging to the Hakka, and all ethnic groups in Taiwan must launch a revival movement belonging to their own ethnic groups. From a historical point of view, the indigenous first lived on this land, so they needed to be revitalized first. In 1645, the Hakka group moved to Taiwan. In 1662, Zheng Chenggong invaded Taiwan and a large number of people from southern Fujian came to Taiwan. In 1945, Taiwan was restored and a large number of people from other provinces came to Taiwan. The revival movement is promoted in this order. Teacher Hiro hopes to bring out a “New Unity Movement ” in this concert .
  5. New life: Through the New Life of Jesus Christ, a “New Kingdom Culture” is brought out , which requires a kingdom perspective and a new life.

Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the Gospel and the 30th Anniversary of Indigenous Peoples

On August 1st, from 4:30 to 5:30 pm , various ethnic groups from the north, middle, south and east will take turns to perform, worshiping and praising in their mother tongue, and the prelude will be a performance by the Thao people’s 13 pestles, as well as children. Bring a street dance performance. Then the program officially started, presented in the form of a concert, and carried out according to the historical context. The contents are in order: Gospel 400, formerly known as 30 Happy Birthday, the rise of youth, the unity of the five major ethnic groups, and the next 10 years. In the five chapters, pastors from the north, middle, south and east are expected to chat and share stories on stage as hosts. Finally, children and teenagers will sing “God Loves the  Indigenous People”, inviting everyone to celebrate Indigenous 30, hoping to bring a new social atmosphere so that everyone can have a blessed heart.

During the preparation process, the team encountered funding challenges. The fundraising goal was 5 million, and currently more than 4 million is still needed. Teacher Ahong said that God started working very quickly, allowing them to realize many connections and many differences in a short period of time. Pastors and all people  can visit and deliver messages everywhere, and many members of the body are also very touched. I believe this is the best confirmation! Looking forward to experiencing the miracle of five loaves and two fishes next.

Teacher Ahong sincerely invites all churches to come together on 8/1 to participate in this grand event. I believe that each city has already started its journey, and I firmly believe that this land will be revitalized!

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Cleansing And Covering Prayer

Cleansing Prayers

Dear Heavenly Father, I ________ (put your name in it) come to the throne of grace, through the blood of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, to receive Your abundant grace and mercy.   Lord Jesus, ________ confess You are the Lord of my life.   I ask the resurrected power of the Holy Spirit to fill and saturate every part of my being.   I surrender all my spirit, soul and body completely to You.  Now I ask You to reveal to me, remind me of any sin that I have committed known or unknown, so that I can confess and repent of them accordingly. (Recommendation:  quiet yourself, so you can allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you)

Cleanse me from all the defilement of the world, sanctify me and my family line of any unrighteousness with the blood of Jesus.   Now by my own will, I choose to forgive everyone that has offended me or hurt me, I release them into the freedom of my forgiveness.   I also release them from the debts they might owe me. I now cast all my burden to You .  Your yoke is easy, Your burden is light.   I now put on the armor of God that You have given me, gird myself with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, my feet fitted with the gospel of peace, so that I can pray and intercede in the Holy Spirit by Your mighty power, and after done all to stand firm.

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Firewall Covering Prayer

Abba Father, I thank you for watching and blessing us coming in and going out, from now and forevermore.
Abba Father, help us to hide under the shadow of the Almighty, and cover us with Your wings.   I now plead the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on myself, my entire family _________

(speak names of your family, and name the people, things, items, that needs covering, such as : your work, ministries, and everyone that you minister to, your  property, finances, friends, pets, vehicles, pastors and small group leaders / members and president )

Abba Father, send the host of angels and chariots of fire, to surround and protect us, I ask that You place the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ, in between everyone and the power of darkness that we might be facing today, to block all ungodly influences and keep us from all spiritual attacks, loss of property and any evil strategy of the enemies. We declare no weapon formed against us shall prosper.   Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!

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