Weekly Prayer (8/5)
【Last Weekly Prayer (7/29)】 【Next Weekly Prayer (8/5)】
【Cleansing/Covering Prayer】
Editor’s Words
Editorial Special Section : Anton Cruz: Urgent Call to Pray for Israel for 21 Days
Message: Anton Cruz Date: August 5, 2024
This is an urgent call for all nations to join together at this time. We are so desperate and we need prayer. Only prayer can truly change the atmosphere and change the atmosphere of this war. I believe in the power of your prayers, and I need someone to rise up today and say, “I am willing to pray for Israel for one hour every day for these 21 days, to pray for peace, and to pray for the nations.”
Editorial Special Section: Av: Blessings for the Hebrew Month
Message: Ron Sawka Date: July 26, 2024 Source : Ron Sawka Ministries
Editor’s note : Av is the fifth month in the Jewish calendar year 5784, corresponding to August 5, 2023 to September 3, 2024 in the Western calendar. This article by Apostle Ron Sawka is excerpted from the 2006 CD Lectures of Glory of Zion Prophet Chuck Pierce. He highly recommends Chuck Pierce’s website for more information and a more complete explanation.
Editorial Special Section: Chuck Pierce: The New Watchman Anointing
Message: Chuck Pierce Date: July 26, 2024 Source: Christian International
If there is a time when we must keep watch, it is now. I can’t think of a better moment to call forth the watchman of the land. I use the genetic term “watchman,” which encompasses men, women, and children, whoever will rise up and watch. What I want to say is, I believe a new Watchmen movement has begun. I believe the Lord is asking us to wear a new watchman anointing as you enter the season ahead.
Editorial Special Section: Veronika West: Get Ready…For The Giant Is Now Waking From Its Deep Sleep
Message :Veronika West Date: August 1, 2024 Source: Veronika West Facebook
I heard these words,..”Don’t Be Alarmed or Moved by what is Coming but Stay Armed and Ready to Advance at My Command in the Coming days”..!!
Editorial Special Section: Ricci Johnson-Wilson: “Fractured Body, Rising Warrior”
Message : Ricci Johnson-Wilson Date: July 26, 2024 Source : World for Christ
The Fractured Body
7/19/2024 (vision)
I was in prayer Friday and saw the church, it appeared as a literal body walking across a great and expansive wilderness.
Editorial Special Section: Tim Sheets: Power Eruptions
Message: Veronika West Date: Feburary 4, 2023 Source: Veronika West Facebook
I believe we have now entered into the most supernatural era Holy Spirit has ever brought to pass, and the Ekklesia has been prepared to function in her greatest authority ever to accomplish the Godhead’s plans. We are in a season pregnant with the promises of God, and it is time to birth those promises through prayers and decrees of faith. The water has broken on hundreds of prophetic promises, and it is time to push.
Editorial Special Section: [Voice of Fig] Tribes and Journeys of the 42nd Week of Torah Gleaning
Message: Jenny Lee Date: July 28, 2024 Audio: [Voice of Fig] YouTube audio
- Scripture Progress: Numbers 25:10-30:1
- Prophets: 1 Kings 18:46-19:21
- New Testament: Romans 11:2-32
Declaration Prayer: For President Trump and His Team [Update]
We declare in the name of Jesus :
- God will continue to bless and protect President Trump and his family, as well as the “scepter of justice” that God has raised up to support him in his government.
- The blood of Jesus covers them and those close to President Trump, bind and drive away any witchcraft or spells cast on them.
- The Holy Spirit continues to pour out and personally guide President Trump. He grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God. ( Lu 2:52 )
- The seven spirits of God are manifested in President Trump’s life ( Isaiah 11:1-3 ), giving him keen insight and discernment, judging the situation, and resolutely continuing to fulfill his call.
- God will restore Trump to his rightful position at His best time and give people grace to transition.
Declaration Prayer: Declaration for The Month of Av
Editor’s note: Month of Av is the 5th year of Jewish year of 5783, corresponding with July 19- August 17, 2023
Declare in the name of Jesus :
- The Lord will roar from Zion, from Jerusalem, and the heavens and the earth will shake. The Lord will be our refuge and security. ( Joel 3:16)
- We are more than conquerors. We will rise and shine, and the shout of victory is rising in our hearts. ( Rom. 8:37, Dan 12:3)
- We make a covenant with God, and we will often declare and follow God’s words to release the witness of victory.
- We will be alert and of a sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8)
- This is the month when we are ready to enter the promised land. We will not be discouraged. God will always recover and give us another chance.
- This is the month of labor pains. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. ( 2 Cor. 4:17)
- God is destroying old obstacles and the foundations of mistakes and rebuilding our lives.
- This is the month when the earth begins to ache. The mystery of conception will begin to enter the earth, and God is beginning to prepare to give birth to new things.
- We are the warriors of the Lord. We choose to shine in praise and worship, and the mode of sin will be greatly eradicated.
- God will birth new connections to help us move forward.
- We obey the leading of the Holy Spirit, and meditate on the words and revelations that God has given us. God’s wisdom and discernment are increasing in us day by day.
(Adapted from The Blessings of the Month of Av by Ron Sawka )
Declaration Prayer: Claim Back Sovereignty Over All Things on Earth
Editor’s note : In view of the recent frequent occurrence of major environmental disasters, such as the derailment of trains carrying toxic chemicals such as vinyl chloride, which has seriously harmed the ecological environment. As the powerful Parliament of Heaven, we can issue decrees that reverse the enemy’s deliberate efforts to destroy all the goodness God has created on earth. This declaration is adapted from the declaration received by D. Steve Ford in 2012 and re-proposed by Ricci, one of the leaders of Joel’s army. Steve heard God say that now is the time to take back sovereignty from several areas, reminding people that the Lord has given us that sovereignty, and we must first speak to those elements and tell them what to do to exercise that sovereignty .
Declare in the name of Jesus Christ:
We take back sovereignty over the air, the rain, the oceans, the earth, the living things on the ground, the soil and the microorganisms that live in it.
- We command the earth, the soil and the microorganisms in it to begin the process of restoration given to you by God at the beginning of creation and return to the natural order God gave you.
- We command the air, rain and oceans to begin an accelerated process of cleansing and returning to your natural order.
Pray for America:Present Perspectives and Prayer Points for 2024
Editor’s note: This article is excerpted from “Give Him 15” on 7/31 by Dutch Sheets, a prayer leader.
【 Current Events/Background: We live in a time of global chaos, economic disasters, oppression from totalitarian tyrannies, civil government failures through dysfunctional democracies, and large numbers of sleepy church members. We must focus on King Jesus and receive a fresh outpouring and empowering of Holy Spirit in order to advance the will of God in the earth, and the agenda of the Kingdom of God in history! The Ekklesia must refocus, reengage, and redeploy as the army of God. The following four perspectives will help us in this. …Detailed Reading】
- 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 For although we walk in the flesh, we do not fight according to the flesh. 4 The weapons of our warfare are not of flesh and blood, but have power in the presence of God for the pulling down of strongholds, 5 to destroy every scheme and every high thing that exalts people against the knowledge of God, and Capture every thought and bring it into obedience to Christ; 6 and I am ready to punish everyone who is disobedient, when you become fully obedient.
- Psalm 2:8-9 Ask me, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, and the ends of the earth as your inheritance. 9 You will break them with a rod of iron; you will break them into pieces like a potter’s pottery vessels.
【Prayer 】
- Defeat the Globalists: Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that today’s cultural and political wars have their roots in spiritual warfare. Please give us the strategies and tactics we need to win this war. Remind the children of God in the church that we have two citizenships, in heaven and on earth, and that we have responsibilities in both kingdoms. Please awaken church members to our roles and responsibilities. Help us fight today’s globalist agenda with greater wisdom. Let us understand this and resolve to stand against the globalists. We know that You love all the peoples of the world, but oppose the manipulative spirits of empire. Please help us to defeat today’s globalists.
- We declare in the name of Jesus Christ,
- We are citizens of heaven and colonial settlers on earth; we wait for the Lord Jesus Christ to come from heaven . (Philippians 3:20)
- Jesus takes the nations as his inheritance, and the church is a joint heir with Jesus and will share the inheritance with Jesus. (Romans 8:17)
- The church, centered on King Jesus, will receive a new outpouring and empowering power of the Holy Spirit.
- The Church is actively resisting tyranny, cruelty, corruption and tyranny through actions such as prayer, decrees and voting!
- The church is rising to advance God’s purpose on earth and the agenda of God’s Kingdom!
- Ekklesia must be refocused, re-engaged and redeployed as God’s army.
- Ekklesia troops are fulfilling their civic duty in heaven and on earth, fighting for America’s restoration.
- When Jesus returns, America will be a nation of sheep!
In the precious name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
Pray for America: Jennifer LeClaire: Crisis Intercessors Rise
Editor’s Note: This article contains 50 key prayer points for the United States and Trump shared by Jennifer LeClaire in July. These prayer points have corresponding scriptures, so they can also be used to pray for your own country and serve as a reference for all intercessors. (Jennifer LaClaire is a member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders.)
【 Current Events/Background: President Donald Trump was nearly killed at a rally in Pennsylvania in the evening. A photographer captured footage of bullets flying over his head. Clearly, this is divine protection. Thank you to the intercessors around the world who are standing in the gap for Trump, his family, and the American people. …Detailed Reading】
【Prayer Points for America】
- National Protection: Father, we ask for Your divine protection over America during this critical time. (Psalm 91:11)
- Unity: Lord, bring unity to the United States, healing the deep divisions and fostering reconciliation. (John 17:21)
- Peace: We pray for peace in every city and community across America, rebuking violence and unrest. (Philippians 4:7)
- Wisdom for Leaders: Grant wisdom to all our leaders to navigate these challenging times with integrity and justice. (James 1:5)
- Divine Intervention: Father, intervene divinely in the political processes, ensuring fair and just outcomes. (Psalm 82:3)
- Protection for Candidates: We pray for the protection of all politicians keeping them safe from harm. (Psalm 121:7)
- Spiritual Awakening: Lord, ignite a spiritual awakening across America, turning hearts back to You. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
- Holy Spirit Guidance: Holy Spirit, guide the voters to make wise and informed decisions. (John 16:13)
- Healing for the Nation: Heal our nation from the wounds of division, hatred, and injustice. (Psalm 147:3)
- Godly Counsel: Surround our leaders with godly counsel who will speak Your truth and wisdom. (Proverbs 11:14)
- Justice and Righteousness: Establish justice and righteousness in every branch of our government. (Amos 5:24)
- Protection from Violence: Protect our nation from any acts of violence or terrorism during the election season. (Psalm 34:7)
- Exposing Evil: Lord, expose and dismantle any evil plots or schemes against the nation. (Ephesians 5:11)
- Divine Favor: Grant America favor on the international scene during this election period and beyond. (Psalm 5:12)
- Unity Among Believers: Unite the church in America to stand together in prayer and action for the nation. (Ephesians 4:3)
- Revival: Pour out Your Spirit, bringing revival to every corner of America. (Joel 2:28)
- Truth and Transparency: Ensure truth and transparency in all election processes and outcomes. (John 8:32)
- Protection for Families: Protect families from the stress and anxiety related to political tensions. (Isaiah 54:17)
- Peace for Law Enforcement: Grant peace and wisdom to law enforcement officers during this time. (Romans 13:1)
- Divine Protection for Churches: Protect churches and places of worship from any form of attack. (Psalm 91:4)
- Economic Stability: Lord, stabilize and strengthen America’s economy during this critical season. (Deuteronomy 28:12)
- Health and Well-being: We pray for the health and well-being of all Americans amidst the current challenges. (3 John 1:2)
- Divine Order: Bring divine order to every aspect of our nation’s political system. (1 Corinthians 14:33)
- Protection for the Vulnerable: Protect the vulnerable and marginalized during this tumultuous time. (Psalm 82:3-4)
- Wisdom for Voters: Grant wisdom and discernment to voters as they make their choices. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
- Strength and Courage: Empower those in leadership with strength and courage to do what is right. (Joshua 1:9)
- Divine Justice: Let Your divine justice prevail in every court and judicial proceeding. (Psalm 97:2)
- Blessings on the Nation: Bless America with peace, prosperity, and righteousness. (Psalm 33:12)
- Reconciliation: Facilitate reconciliation and understanding between opposing political groups. (Matthew 5:9)
- Guidance for Media: Guide the media to report with integrity, fairness, and truth. (Proverbs 12:19)
- Protection for Election Workers: Protect all election workers and officials from harm and intimidation. (Psalm 121:8)
- Healing from Past Wounds: Heal the nation from the wounds of past political conflicts and divisions. (Jeremiah 30:17)
- Clarity in Communication: Grant clarity and wisdom in all political communications and debates. (Colossians 4:6)
- Courage to Stand for Truth: Empower leaders and citizens to stand for truth and justice. (Ephesians 6:14)
- Protection for Allies: Protect America’s allies and strengthen international relations. (Proverbs 18:24)
- Provision for the Needy: Provide for the needs of the poor and the needy during this election season. (Psalm 72:12)
- Divine Insight: Grant divine insight to those making crucial decisions for the nation. (Jeremiah 33:3)
- Protection Against Manipulation: Protect the election process from any form of manipulation or fraud. (Proverbs 10:9)
- Spiritual Warfare: We engage in spiritual warfare, pulling down every stronghold against America’s peace and unity. (2 Corinthians 10:4)
- Divine Healing: Release divine healing across the land, mending broken relationships and communities. (Malachi 4:2)
- Peaceful Transitions: Ensure peaceful transitions of power and smooth governmental processes. (Romans 13:1)
- End to Corruption: Bring an end to all forms of corruption in government and public service. (Proverbs 29:4)
- Blessing of Prosperity: Bless America with continued prosperity and opportunities for all citizens. (Jeremiah 29:11)
- Protection of Freedoms: Protect the freedoms and rights of all Americans as enshrined in the Constitution. (Galatians 5:1)
- Unity in Diversity: Foster unity in diversity, celebrating the strengths of every culture and community. (1 Corinthians 12:12-14)
- Protection for Schools: Safeguard schools and educational institutions during this time of political unrest. (Psalm 46:1)
- Endurance and Patience: Grant endurance and patience to all citizens as they navigate these challenging times. (James 1:3-4)
- Hope and Renewal: Renew hope in the hearts of Americans for a better and brighter future. (Isaiah 40:31)
- Divine Peace: Let the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guard the hearts and minds of Americans. (Philippians 4:7)
- Thanksgiving: We thank You, Lord, for hearing our prayers and for Your continued grace and mercy upon America. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
【Prayer highlights for President Trump】
- Divine Fire Shield: O God, surround Donald Trump with a wall of fire, burning up every evil force aiming to harm him. (Zechariah 2:5)
- Warrior Angels: Lord, release Your warrior angels to encamp around Donald Trump and fight his battles day and night. (Psalm 34:7)
- Holy Ghost Thunder: By the thunder of the Holy Ghost, scatter every demonic plot against Donald Trump. (Psalm 18:13-14)
- Blood of Jesus Covering: We cover Donald Trump with the blood of Jesus, rendering every demonic attack powerless. (Revelation 12:11)
- Holy Fire Protection: Father, let Your holy fire consume any agent of darkness sent against Donald Trump. (Hebrews 12:29)
- Divine Arrow: O Lord, shoot Your divine arrows at every enemy targeting Donald Trump’s life. (Psalm 7:13)
- Power of God: Let the power of God break every chain of assassination plots against Donald Trump. (Acts 16:26)
- Supernatural Barrier: We decree an impenetrable barrier around Donald Trump, blocking every attack from the enemy. (Job 1:10)
- Voice of Thunder: O God, thunder from heaven and scatter every conspiracy against Donald Trump. (2 Samuel 22:14-15)
- Confusion to Enemies: Father, bring confusion into the camp of the enemy plotting against Donald Trump. (Psalm 35:4)
- Divine Bomb: Lord, release Your divine bombs to destroy every secret plan against Donald Trump. (Jeremiah 50:25)
- Holy Spirit Ambush: Set a divine ambush against every assassin aiming for Donald Trump. (2 Chronicles 20:22)
- Paralyze Evil Plans: By Your mighty hand, paralyze every evil plan against Donald Trump. (Isaiah 45:1)
- Destroy Weapons: Lord, destroy every weapon fashioned against Donald Trump. (Isaiah 54:17)
- Heavenly Reinforcements: O Lord, send heavenly reinforcements to protect Donald Trump at all times. (2 Kings 6:17)
- Crush the Enemy: Crush every enemy under Donald Trump’s feet, O Lord. (Romans 16:20)
- Spiritual Barricade: We erect a spiritual barricade around Donald Trump, blocking every evil entry point. (Psalm 91:2)
- God’s Hammer: Use Your hammer, O God, to shatter every demonic plot against Donald Trump. (Jeremiah 23:29)
- Divine Smite: Smite every adversary of Donald Trump with Your divine power, O Lord. (Psalm 68:1)
- Divine Surveillance: Place Donald Trump under divine surveillance, watching over him day and night. (Psalm 121:3)
- Bloodline Protection: Draw a bloodline around Donald Trump that no evil can cross. (Exodus 12:13)
- Spiritual Bomb: Drop spiritual bombs on every meeting place of those plotting against Donald Trump. (Psalm 11:6)
- Holy Ghost Fire: Release Holy Ghost fire to consume every agent of darkness targeting Donald Trump. (Acts 2:3)
- Break Curses: By the power in the name of Jesus, break every curse spoken against Donald Trump. (Numbers 23:23)
- Divine Exposé: Expose and disgrace every secret enemy of Donald Trump and America. (Job 12:22)
- Confound Adversaries: Lord, confound and confuse the adversaries of Donald Trump. (Nehemiah 4:15)
- Annihilate Plots: Annihilate every evil plot against Donald Trump by Your mighty power. (Isaiah 29:15-16)
- Heavenly Shield: Lord, be a heavenly shield around Donald Trump, protecting him from all sides. (Psalm 3:3)
- Divine Intervention: Intervene divinely in every situation where Donald Trump’s life is threatened. (Exodus 14:14)
- Fire from Heaven: Send fire from heaven to consume every altar set up against Donald Trump. (1 Kings 18:38)
- Bind the Strongman: Bind every strongman assigned to attack Donald Trump, in the name of Jesus. (Matthew 12:29)
- Holy Spirit Firewall: Surround Donald Trump with a firewall of the Holy Spirit, burning up every attacker. (Hebrews 12:29)
- Power of Resurrection: Let the power of the resurrection protect and preserve Donald Trump’s life. (Philippians 3:10)
- Heavenly Snipers: Deploy heavenly snipers to target and take down every enemy of Donald Trump. (Psalm 144:1)
- Divine Barricade: Erect a divine barricade around Donald Trump that no enemy can penetrate. (Psalm 125:2)
- Judgment on the Wicked: Let Your judgment fall upon every demon plotting against Donald Trump. (Psalm 94:23)
- Destroy Evil Networks: Destroy every evil network conspiring against Donald Trump. (Psalm 37:15)
- Divine Covering: Cover Donald Trump with Your divine presence, O Lord, keeping him safe. (Psalm 91:1)
- Seize the Attackers: Lord, seize every spiritual and physical attacker targeting Donald Trump. (Job 5:12)
- Crush Evil Plans: Crush every evil plan against Donald Trump under Your mighty feet. (Romans 16:20)
- Divine Ambush: Ambush and scatter every enemy ambush set for Donald Trump. (Joshua 8:14-16)
- Holy Ghost Explosion: Cause a Holy Ghost explosion to destroy every evil plot against Donald Trump. (Jeremiah 20:11)
- Divine Defense: Be Donald Trump’s divine defense against all adversaries. (Psalm 62:6)
- Confuse the Wicked: Confuse the plans of the wicked against Donald Trump, O Lord. (Psalm 35:26)
- Angel Protection: Assign powerful angels to guard Donald Trump day and night. (Psalm 91:11)
- Consume with Fire: Consume with fire every demonic spirit assigned to harm Donald Trump. (Hebrews 12:29)
- Divine Thunderstorm: Release a divine thunderstorm to scatter every enemy of Donald Trump. (1 Samuel 2:10)
- Unveil Hidden Enemies: Unveil and disgrace every hidden enemy of Donald Trump. (Luke 12:2)
- Spiritual Cover: Lord, cover Donald Trump with Your divine presence, keeping him safe from harm. (Psalm 32:7)
- Victory Shout: We declare victory over every plot against Donald Trump in the mighty name of Jesus! (1 Corinthians 15:57)
Pray for America: Joel’s Army Prayer Points
Editor’s note: This article is the focus of the “World for Christ” ministry led by Nita Johnson to pray for the United States on July 21, for your reference and prayer.
- Praise our holy God.
Editor’s Note: This article comes from the “Give Him 15 Minutes” website of intercession leader Dutch Sheets , which provides a reference for intercessors from various states to pray for American waterways. May the Holy Spirit lead the intercessors to accomplish this critical task of restoring America.
Father, You have assigned us to pray for protection over America’s water supply, waterways, and dams. Your Word tells us that unless You keep or guard a city, the efforts of watchmen are in vain (Psalm 127:1). Therefore, we look to You for protection – You are our refuge, a very present help in times of trouble (Psalm46:1). When You are for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)? You save us from our enemies, men of bloodshed who do iniquity (Psalm 59:1-2). You are theCreator and Owner of the entire world – all of its inhabitants, as well as the seas and rivers. You are the King of glory, the Lord strong and mighty in battle, and the Lord of angel armies (Psalm 24:1,7,8,10). As a Master Workman, You set the boundaries for the seas and drew the tributaries of the earth (Proverbs 8:29-30), and still maintain ownership and authority over them.
Pray for Israel: Prayer Alert – Seven Fronts of Attack from Iran
【Background of current events: After Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Tehran, the Iranian capital, and Lebanese Hezbollah military commander Fouad Shukr was killed in Beirut, the situation in the Middle East has become more volatile. Iran has vowed to retaliate, potentially dragging the entire region into all-out war. …Detailed Reading】
- Deuteronomy 28:7 When your enemies rise up against you, the LORD will cause them to be defeated before you; they come against you in one way, but they will flee in seven ways.
- Proverbs 1:31 A horse is prepared for the day of war, but the victory belongs to the Lord.
- Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed against you will be used; you will surely condemn anyone who raises his tongue against you in judgment. This is the inheritance of the servants of the Lord, their righteousness from me. “this is what Jehovah said.
- Jeremiah 49:35-38 This is what the LORD Almighty says: I will break the bow of the children of Elam , their chief authority. … I will set up my throne in Elam and destroy the kings and princes from there. this is what Jehovah said.
- Zechariah 2:5 I will make Jerusalem a city of fire around it, saith the LORD , and will be the glory in it.
【Prayer 】
In the name of Jesus Christ we declare:
- The battle belongs to the Lord, the God of Israel! (Proverbs 1:31)
- No weapon formed against Israel will be used! ( Isaiah 54:17)
- The Lord God will be a wall of fire around Israel, and the glory of God will fill it! ( Zech. 2:5)
- Israel will be victorious through Jehovah God!
- Those enemies who are attacking Israel and seeking revenge on Israel must flee on seven roads! In the name of Jesus Christ, we decree: ( Deuteronomy 28:7)
- Iranian militants in Iraq must be dispersed, disarmed, defeated and fled!
- Iranian militants in Syria must be dispersed, disarmed, defeated and fled!
- Lebanese Hezbollah must be dispersed, disarmed, defeated and fled!
- Yemen’s Houthis must be dispersed, disarmed, defeated and fled!
- Iran’s IRGC/Iranian Army must be dispersed, disarmed, defeated and fled!
- Hamas in Gaza must be dispersed, disarmed, defeated and fled!
- Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Judea and Samaria must be dispersed, defeated, disarmed and fled!
- The LORD of hosts will break the bows of Elam and set up his throne in Elam . (Jeremiah 49:35,38)
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
Pray for Israel: Light of Zion: DAILY PRAYER FOR ISRAEL AT WAR – 2024
Editor’s note: This article is reprinted from the “Daily Prayer for Israel at War” recently updated on April 24 by the “Light of Zion” ministry for your prayer reference. Here are 12 prayer points. May you pray for Israel, which is at war with Hamas. In addition, Israel is also informally at war with Hezbollah, which is supported by Iran in Lebanon.
- God’s Victory and Glory. Pray that God’s overarching purposes in Israel’s wars with Hamas and Hezbollah will be accomplished with the least amount of harm necessary to result in the greatest amount of good, for His ultimate glory. Praise the Lord, Captain of the Armies of Heaven, because His ways are not our ways; they are greater. May His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Psalms 100:4; 83, 2 and 33:10-12, Joshua 5:14, Matthew 6:10)
Praying for Israel: Prayer Guide Against Anti-Semitism
The atrocities committed by Hamas and various terrorist allies against the nation of Israel on Oct. 7 seem to be a plumb line or water shed event on the earth, with nations dividing for or against the nation of Israel (see Joel 3:1–2). Former allies have become enemies in the public square. Since that day, the number of pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel/antisemitic events worldwide has increased dramatically. The spirit of Antichrist manifesting as the spirit of Amalek (see Exodus 17:8–16) is coming unmasked.
Critical Event: “Take Back Canada” March – Restore Canada’s Destiny
Editor’s note : This article was written by a Chinese Canadian prayer agent.
【Current Affairs Background: July 1, 2024 will be Canada’s 157th National Day. In the torrent of history, Canada is a relatively young country, but it plays an extremely important role in the end times.…Detailed Reading】
- Psalm 72:8 “He will have dominion from sea to sea, from the River to the ends of the earth.”
- Isa 22:22 “I will put the key of David’s house on his shoulder; he shall open, and no one shall shut; he shall shut, and no one shall open.”
- 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
- Psalm 24:9-10 “Lift up your heads, you gates! And lift up your heads, you everlasting doors! For the King of glory is coming. Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory.”
- Joel 3:1-2 “In that day, when I bring back the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and I will execute judgment there; because they have scattered my people, my inheritance Israel, among the nations.”
- Identification Repentance: Lord! We come to You to confess and repent on behalf of Canadians. Please forgive us. As Chinese immigrants in Canada, we only want to get what we want. We are indifferent, ignorant, insensitive, powerless, and numb to the current situation in Canada. We repent before you. Canada has offended you. Liberalism and humanism have made Canada act arbitrarily. Marijuana, homosexuality, and polysexuality have provoked your anger. Please forgive our sins. Please also forgive Canada for its betrayal of your will and its sin of abandoning its allies in Israel. Lord! Please do not hide Your face from Canada and wipe away Canada’s willful sins. Come to heal and restore Canada.
- Bless Canada : Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, we bless Canada to enter its destiny and become a place for people to settle down (as its name suggests). Immigrants from all over the world can open their spiritual eyes in this free land, know God, and accept God. Bless Canada’s leaders and government officials at all levels to be able to act in God’s will, be guided by the Spirit of God, be filled with the Spirit of Jehovah, the Spirit of wisdom and intelligence, the Spirit of strategy and power, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of Jehovah, and lead Canada.
- In the name of Jesus Christ we declare :
- Canada is a Christian nation, with the Lord as its God’s kingdom. Canada is blessed ( Psalm 33:12).
- Canada is a blessing to the nations, carrying the anointing of healing, bringing reconciliation and healing, like the surging waters of Niagara Falls, walking in God’s will.
- Canada belongs to God, from sea to sea, from the rivers to the ends of the earth, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the St. Lawrence River to the North Pole. The Lord God reigns over all Canada. ( Psalm 72:8 )
- In the year 5784, in the year 2024, the gates of Canada will be opened, and the King of Glory will enter Canada. The King of Glory is the Lord who is powerful on the battlefield. He is the Lion of Judah, who will roar and wake up the whole earth. Because the day of the Lord’s return is near, all nations will hear His voice.
- The Canadian church is no longer timid and hidden. The Canadian church must take its place and respond to God’s call.
- Canada is Israel’s inseparable friend. Canada will stand with Israel at all times. Canada must align with God’s will and stop wavering. Canada must stand on the Lord’s side. Canada will be a blessing to Israel! Canada is Israel’s best friend!
- The church in Canada is waking up and rising. The Canadian revival is happening and the awakening is beginning!
In Jesus’ name we pray! Amen!
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Pray for the Indigenous People: 8/1 Indigenous Revival Gathering – Unveiling the Prelude to Taiwan’s Indigenous Revival Movement
【Current events/Background: This article is excerpted from the report of “Christian Today” on July 16 about the upcoming indigenous revival gathering on Ketagalan Avenue in front of the Taiwan Presidential Palace. For the original text, please click here. The following are part of the excerpts, paraphrased in Teacher Ahong’s own narratives: …Detailed Reading 】
- Isaiah 60:1-2 Arise and shine! Because your light has come! The glory of the Lord shines upon you. Behold, darkness covers the earth, and thick darkness covers the peoples, but the Lord will appear and shine upon you; his glory will be upon you.
- Ephesians 3:20 God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.
- Ephesians 1:10 In order that in the fullness of time all things in heaven and on earth might be gathered together in one in Christ, according to the plan.
- Philippians 2:13 For it is God who works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
- Unveiling the Prelude to Taiwan’s Indigenous Revival Movement: Heavenly Father, You are the God who does all things according to Your own will. We believe that You have no regrets in your calling of Indigenous people. Tehy are the firstborn sons of the land and the key to global revival. On this occasion of the 400th anniversary of the preaching of the gospel to Taiwan and the 30th anniversary of the indigenous people being renamed by the Taiwanese government, your glory appears and shine upon the indigenous people. We declare that now is the time for Taiwan’s indigenous peoples to rise and shine. Taiwan’s indigenous people will move from the name-rectification movement to a new revival movement, from sadness to enthusiasm, from hatred to blessing, from inferiority to self-confidence. The younger generation is rising, kicking off the revival movement of Taiwan’s Indigenous people. They are not only identify with their own culture, but will also enter into unity and obtain the key to activate the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven and bring about Taiwan’s revival!
- God Abundantly Provides All Needs : Heavenly Father, we will and do all we do because You are working in our hearts to accomplish Your good pleasure. Since You have sent this young man, Ah Hong, to go to various ethnic groups to pray, convey the message of unity, and convene a worship and praise meeting on Indigenous People’s Day with faith, You will also provide sufficient supplies for this gathering, more than what the team wants and needs. We believe that You are working quickly to move together all the indigenous peoples and non-indigenous ethnic groups who hear this gathering and are stirred to join in the great event and experience the miracle of the five loaves and two fish, so that you can accomplish Your will through this gathering.
In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen!
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Pray for Participating Churches and Pastrs on Regional 24/7 Prayer Walls
【Editor’s Note: The 24/7 prayer walls listed here are especially for local churches and pastors. If you are committed to watch on the regional walls, simply click on the link listed below to connect to the local prayer wall. 】
- East Coast 24/7 Prayer Wall – Prayers for Local Churches & Leaders
- Bread Of Life Christian Church in ShiLin
- NZ Awaken the Dawn
Related Events and Prayer Background
Editorial Special Section: Chuck Pierce: The New Watchman Anointing
Message: Chuck Pierce Date: July 26, 2024 Source: Christian International
If there is a time when we must keep watch, it is now. I can’t think of a better moment to call forth the watchman of the land. I use the genetic term “watchman,” which encompasses men, women, and children, whoever will rise up and watch. What I want to say is, I believe a new Watchmen movement has begun. I believe the Lord is asking us to wear a new watchman anointing as you enter the season ahead.
God’s Focus Now: Watchman Prophets
There are six types of prophets, and the one God is focusing on right now I believe is the Watcher Prophet . They are those who hear the word of God and watch it. I’m going to use Isaiah 21 and 22 , Isaiah 22:22 , which you all know and have been using , this incredible scripture out of 2222. God will change the keys and give the key to someone else for the future. When you put these two chapters together, you see that Isaiah is prophesying about taking back Babylon and overthrowing its structure, and then changing the leadership of the government.
This is a very amazing scenario, we need to look at. Please go to Isaiah 21:6 now . The Lord said to me, “Go and set a watchman, He will tell what he sees. When he sees an army coming in pairs, a caravan of donkeys and a caravan of camels, he will listen attentively.” The watchman must not only see but also be able to listen.
Before the end of this sharing, I want to declare that we have received a new anointing to see and a new anointing to hear. The next verse says, “He roars like a lion and says, ‘Lord, I stand in my watchtower day by day, and in my watch house all night.’” The Lord tells us that Judah is now going to rise up and watch carefully and see what’s coming. It’s really amazing. Because the caravans in the earth realm are changing, the teams on the ground are changing.
God is Anointing the Watchmen’s Shield of Faith
God continues in verses 5 and 12 , “Watcher, what do you see?” What we see here is that there is now an anointing of warfare that changes the history of the world, and there is also a judgment against the unrighteous. sound. The Lord also said, “I want you to anoint your shields in a new way.” I am decreeing now that there is a new anointing on the shields of faith of God’s people. Everything we see, hear, and say is filled with the anointing of faith, so that we can break through and overcome what needs to be overcome at this moment.
We’re in such an incredible moment where we’re seeing a radical change in this country, and you can see the same thing in the book of Jeremiah . God said, “Watcher, what do you see?” What He wanted Jeremiah to do was look at that tree, which was an almond tree in bloom. Jeremiah saw that the almond trees were blooming, which meant that the new anointing of the watch was flourishing today. The almond tree was the first tree to bloom in Israel. God says, “I am ready for My people to blossom so that they will see and hear in a new way.”
A watcher is a person who sees, but a watcher is also a person who declares. They watch the future closely to see what will happen. They noticed the movement of the caravan, they noticed the changes in the incoming procession. So you have to trust the Watchers. I decree now that anyone who downplays these statements about what the Watchers see regarding the future, we ask You, Lord, to forgive us for not seeing clearly . Lord, we ask You to release the voice within us and release the vision within us. When we say something, everyone who hears what we say will also see and believe it.
Watchmen Must be Appointed and Given Responsibilities. At this time they must be sent out to watch, and I declare that this gathering, held online, is re-assigning and giving responsibilities to the watchmen. The watchman must ensure that the situation is adjusted and reported. In other words, what makes this kind of prophet completely different is because this kind of prophet sees the changes that are taking place, sees the movements that are taking place, and watches every new movement before it occurs. I declare now that we are one step ahead of what is happening in this country, no matter where you are in the world, but especially in the United States because the United States is now returning to the forefront of the world. I decree now that we are adjusting our sights and that the watchers must remain in the presence of the Lord. This is important for us because the real battle going on is to enter into the presence of the Lord, which is where we sit with Him. So that we have access to our Heavenly Father, to receive revelation, and I co-authored a book about abiding in His presence, and then you have to notice how the Holy Spirit is moving.
Watchmen must Know how to Move with The Holy Spirit. You have to know the ongoing process of the glorious movement, how the Ark of the Covenant moves today, what God is doing and how God’s movement intersects with other processes on earth, such as governmental processes and ongoing movements. So you must stand at the gate where the entrance is, and you must keep a faithful watch over the one you were assigned to watch. You have to keep watch, you have to see what the enemy is doing. You have to go up to a high place, a watchtower, so that you can see the enemy’s movements in the second heaven, and how the enemy is planning a movement on the earth that can be stopped.
Isaiah is a watchman, and God is saying, “I want you to watch the dawn of a new day, and how it comes.” The Lord also tells us to watch the harvest, for God’s next movement, How the warehouses are connected to each other, how to form the operation center and where it is. “Christian International” is one of these centers, where there is not only the anointing of watchmen, but also the emanation of voices. Because now we are embarking on a new journey to a place of prosperity where we have never been before. The prosperity of our covenant is embedded in the timed harvest cycle, so you must be alert and watchful in time.
Watchmen keep Watch According to God’s Timing
Time is established in three areas of God’s covenant word: Sabbaths, New Moons, and Feasts. So you have to watch in God’s timing and observe how these movements take place. One of the things I shared on June 22 was that we are entering the most tense three months in this country. In the midst of a time crunch, you will need to see what God is doing. In a meeting I had with a group of leaders on June 22, I prophesied that the stepping down would begin that day, and so would the re-seating. I predicted this before President Trump was assassinated and the current president gave up his campaign. I mean, things move fast and we have to keep up with God. Not only do we need to see the journey we are on, we must also see the journeys and movements that are developing from Heaven orchestrated to allow the change He desires to take place.
We are living in a time of war, and every month the war intensifies, but these next three months of the year will be the most intense period of our fighting. This means conflict, who will take the seat? Who will rule? How will the church rise during this time? How is the kingdom of God being unfolded so that its sounds can be heard during this period? This age of war we are in is about face to face with the Lord, it is about voice. This is the age of PEY (mouth), this is the age where you see the Lion of Judah rising, but you also see the dragon rising against the Lion of Judah. I believe that the dragon is not only the ruler and power in every country, I believe that the dragon is also a worldwide dragon with seven heads. This is what we must pay attention to at this time.
Redeemable Time
One of my wife’s favorite verses is “Seize the moment, for the times are evil.” I want you to be careful, and that means walking in the right cycles and being mindful of when you are in the position God has placed you in. As this cycle of the Lord’s presence works, when you reach a certain stage in your life cycle, if something has happened in the past that should not have happened, you can redeem the time at this time because this era is evil. So what I want to declare is that the watchers will intervene in time, the watchers will watch and see, and then the watchers will declare it.
Now let’s look at redemption time, a lot of people don’t know what that means. What it means is that you have to overcome your desires, your emotions, you have to receive revelation and let faith arise and learn how to step into time. God is not limited by time, but we are; but when we are in Him, then every step of our feet can unlock God’s promises on earth. So when you know your moment and you step into it, just as God foretold in Genesis Chapter 3 , our feet will be on the heads of our enemies. We are entering into this new cycle of blessings and you have to be mindful of how you enter that moment.
Enter New Levels of Confidence
When I think about it, I think about Mary, I think about Jesus. They were in Cana when Jesus performed His first miracle. Mary is invited to a wedding. Three and a half days into the wedding, the wine was all gone. She asked Jesus to come, and Jesus brought his disciples with him, and the whole procession got there for that moment. Mary looked at Jesus and said to Him, “We have no more wine.” Jesus said, “What does that have to do with Me?” The watchman knows when things change, and it’s God’s orchestrated moment. Jesus could do nothing unless His Father told Him to do it. So He says, “What does this have to do with Me?” And Mary makes a tremendous statement here, she says, “Whatever He tells you, do it.” The reason is there are three and a half days left in the celebration, If things didn’t magically change, there was no way they could complete the celebration. Mary said, “We must have wine to complete the celebration.”
It’s like us, we can’t get to a point and then give up halfway and stop downloading the revelation that will get us there. Remember what the Lord has done. Following religious purification rules, He then said, “Fill the jar with water.” Then Jesus turned the water into wine, the best wine of the future. People always bring out the best wine first. After everyone drinks for three and a half days, no one cares what kind of wine they drink in the next three and a half days. But the Lord says, save the best for last. I believe we are entering the best moment we have ever known. This miracle occurred to accomplish two things, to get His disciples to believe in a new way. I declare now that we are entering a new level of faith, a new level of watching, a new level of seeing, entering a new moment.
Deal with Fear
The scripture also says that the appearance of this miracle began to reveal the glory of Jesus. The glory of Jesus was revealed, reaching its climax when He called Lazarus from the tomb. It initiated Him to go to the cross, it initiated His victory over death, hell and the grave, it initiated Him to transform the Church into a new kind of government. God knows that we are at the point of bringing history into a new order. When redemption time comes, you are entering into the battle for your promises, breaking away from the familiar, entering into and experiencing all the fear. Fear is a real emotion, but if you don’t deal with fear and be alert to the consequences in the future, what will happen is that fear will enter your spirit man and the spirit of fear will take over your emotions. The Lord says, “ I am freeing you from the spirit of fear and keeping watch so that you can properly warn My people.”
Stepping Down and Retaking One’s Seat
We are receiving breakthrough revelations, and I will say this, the next three months will be filled with breakthrough revelations, and we are beginning to fight to multiply our promises and take possession of what needs to be taken in this season. There will be a step-down and re-seating, but that includes us too. We are seated in heaven, our place, but many times the circumstances surrounding us try to pull us out of that abode. But the Lord says, “I will cause people to step down and seat themselves again.” I think we’re seeing that in this country. I see the downfall beginning, but the seating of the people who have come to govern, as far as we can see, is not yet complete.
Unraveling the Explosive Kingdom Movement
This is the critical time that we come to watch, this age is about the movement of the Holy Spirit, the wineskin of this explosive Kingdom movement that God is going to do. When God prophesied, “The church will be built on revelation, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it,” then He said, I will give you the keys to the kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is within us, so there is an incredible release within us that is creating a movement of life in the earthly realm. It will be about unraveling the explosive national movement that needs to be unraveled at this time, and then putting into order what needs to be put into order. The Holy Spirit is making us new, sharper weapons for the future. Isaiah 41 says, “I have made you a new thresher with sharp teeth. You will break the mountains into pieces and make the hills like chaff. What you cannot break in the future, I will change you.” .
‘Tis the Season to Overthrow the Curse
So when you see a mountain blocking your way, you’ll be inspired on how to crush it. Do this within the context of this chapter. He prophesied to Jacob, “You worm, Jacob, I will make you an instrument of warfare in the days to come.” I declare that no matter how passive we may be, no matter how unworthy we feel, no matter how many sins we have committed Wrong, God says, “Now I am transforming my people for the future.” This brings us to what the Holy Spirit is really about. Not only is He our Comforter, He is also our Comforter for this season. PEY vocabulary. He is the one who ends the curse. He is the one who ends the curse that begins in our homes. This is the season to overthrow the curses in our homes, both our personal homes and the family of God – the curse enters. Those of the church who are the family of God . The Lord says, “I will remove it so that I can build again for what is to be built in the future. Look at the White House, I will tear down the curse that is attached to my administration, and I declare that now I will raise up a people People who walk in the Spirit in new ways.”
The Watchman Stands at the Gate and Keeps Watch
There is a new Holy Spirit movement happening. Regarding this watchman anointing, I have heard from Dutch Sheets once taught that this year is the 10th year of PEY, this new era of war, about how we see, how we speak, and how we pass through the door. This is why the watchman anointing is so important this year, as watchers stand at the gates and keep watch. As just said about this passage, they have the power to allow and prohibit what can pass through the portal. So the Lord says, we’re going to come to this point where, over the next three and a half months, we’re going to set the door. We see Nehemiah rebuilding the wall, and the last thing he does is secure the gates. The Lord said, “Whatever authority I give you over a door, keep that door in order.”
I’ve heard of Dutch Sheets once again taught, “The openings we have been given, the portals we have, are the gates of heaven.” This is the year of the gates, and it’s about how we guard the gates or entrances. I like what the Lord said to John very much. He said to John in Revelation 4 , “Come up here!” In Revelation 1 to 3, the Lord showed John the seven main churches in this area. . Some things are done well and some things are not done well. God wanted John to say, “I have prophesied to every church, and I also said, if you hear what the Holy Spirit says, then you can overcome, but I want you to come up here.” And John saw it. At the gates of heaven, the sound of the trumpet was heard, calling him to see the things to come.
Restoring the Land’s Covenant Roots
When you start looking at Revelation 4, what you see is like our current situation. The Lord says, “I am bringing you into a place where there is new angelic intervention going on. I have new angelic action going on because I am restoring the covenant roots of my land.” The earth and the fullness of it, It belongs to the LORD, both who see it and who live therein. He’s looking down at the covenant roots in this country, He’s looking down at every state, and He’s looking down at us and saying, “Do you have the covenant roots guarding your territory? I’m bringing God’s Glory is released into the atmosphere.”
While we were in Charleston, South Carolina, the Lord showed me angels surrounding the entire United States. This is in 2022, and the Lord said that starting with Passover this year, He will begin to distribute those angels. There are four ruling angels in total, and there is also one angel for each state. These four ruling angels distribute angelic intervention to each state, and we are the ones who observe and watch over those angels. The movement of God is active in every state, and we are watching and watching, and we are going through the training we need to go through for this moment. This movement has started then, and then He said, at Passover 2024, He will start visiting every state in this country, and then He will come and deal with Washington, D.C. I decree now that we are observing and watching how the angels deliver messages on how to protect our territory.
Says the Lord, “Come up here and see a dimension you have never seen. Look from the present into the future and watch carefully with Me, for I am gathering, I am building, I am unraveling. I will have A new church has arisen in a new movement, and we are part of it.”
God is Looking for Future Leaders
This is such a critical time and the other thing we are watching for right now is one of the prophecies about God that He will overthrow every enemy that stands in the way of His promises. But you see in Joshua 11 , even after the Israelites entered the Promised Land, they never overthrew the Jebusites. So you see that when David took on his new role, his first task was to overthrow the Jebusite stronghold in Jerusalem. I want to tell you that since last season we have had a foothold in our land and have stood firm against the enemies of the covenant, and we will face them face to face this season. You will see how God has prepared a people who are able to see how to overthrow the strategies of the enemy. Do you remember what David did? David said that whoever could swim all the way up the waterway and enter where the Jebusites were and surprise them would have dominion over them in the days to come. The Lord is looking at us and saying, “I am looking for leaders in the days to come. They will be able to withstand pressure and show up in an unusual way and face off against enemies that they have not faced in other seasons.”
Rise Up A New Generation of Watchmen
I believe what we are watching now is for a new generation to rise up and join the fight. I believe there is a call to disciple and disciple another generation and prepare them for war, and this generation will have to see the enemies that remain from other generations and receive strategies and revelations on how to overthrow those enemies. So the Lord said, “I have to have leaders who can train new leaders how to listen, how to watch, how to move forward, how to prophesy, and serve me to build what I’m trying to build.” in a generation. Every leader must ensure that they speak God’s will, put it into practice, and leave a legacy for those who follow to wear it into the future.
Now, watchmen, the Lord is saying, “Arise! Arise! Be ready, be prepared, be alert, not only for the troops that are coming, but for the caravans on the move. Watch for the gates that I want you to watch. What is happening. Look for new leaders that are emerging and be prepared for what you see. I will give you a new way to speak and I will give you a new way to minister. God is saying, “Joshuas, Josiahs, Esthers, Abigails, Johns! Get ready to rise! I am raising up a new group of watchman leaders. Watchmen, I say, take heed. ” The Watchers who will rise up in the future and demonstrate the redemption model.”
The next three and a half months of 2024 will be critical to how you see it. Keep an eye out for the caravans, I’m bringing in new supply lines. Notice how these moments of supply come into your path. Now, I want to encourage you, there are places that are becoming watcher centers, and I want to encourage you, places like Christian International, to dedicate themselves to these warehouses. I can’t wait to dedicate this warehouse because there are new caravans we are unlocking. Watch for the donkey caravan coming, watch for the camel caravan, watch for the lions, watch for the horses. The Lord says, “I have a rising army of watchmen who are watching for future watchmen, and I will always have a remnant that people can see and declare.”
Bless everyone, may this be imparted to you in the name of Jesus. Thank and praise God!
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Editorial Special Section: Veronika West: Get Ready…For The Giant Is Now Waking From Its Deep Ssleep
Message :Veronika West Date: August 1, 2024 Source: Veronika West Facebook
I heard these words,..”Don’t Be Alarmed or Moved by what is Coming but Stay Armed and Ready to Advance at My Command in the Coming days”..!!
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Editorial Special Section: Ricci Johnson-Wilson: “Fractured Body, Rising Warrior”
Message : Ricci Johnson-Wilson Date: July 26, 2024 Source : World for Christ
The Fractured Body
7/19/2024 (vision)
I was in prayer Friday and saw the church, it appeared as a literal body walking across a great and expansive wilderness.
It was fractured, severely fractured. It was barely limping along. One knee was locked straight, the hip no longer flexing so each step was presented with a heavy drop of that particular foot. The opposite leg was so badly mangled, I don’t know how it could bear weight let alone move. It was clear the hip was completely dislodged, the knee bent to the side, and the foot was so badly damaged it jutted out to the side and he walked on the inside of the ankle rather than the heel.
The arms were not much better, but the impact of the damage did not appear from a distance to be quite as great. However, as he approached, I observed that one arm was in a sling, the elbow and wrist so badly injured it seemed to be more like dead weight than a viable extension of the body. The other arm had life, but he was completely incapable of raising the arm more than a few inches because it was badly fractured in several places.
His vision was compromised as I suddenly could see through the lens of his eyes. He suffered from blurred vision in one eye, and then the focus switched to the other eye, and he had double-vision from a cut right across the lens of his retina. It was so confusing, he opened only one eye at a time, switching back and forth between them.
I could feel the immense pain he was in as he navigated across the wilderness.
Then, I noticed the sound, he heard a terrible whistle/ringing in his ears. Almost as though his head was inside a giant brass bell as it was struck from the outside which left this horrific ringing and high-pitched whistling in his ear.
He could not think, but something in him drew him forward, he knew he had to move. If he stopped, I sense he feared he would die.
This vision came to an end and the weight of this rested on my heart and mind for three days. I kept seeing him over and over again.
July 22, 2014, I saw him…again…for the dozenth time. Walking across that same barren wilderness he was walking on before.
He was still in that catastrophic condition. I thought, how long Lord, how long will he remain like this? How can we bring healing? When will this suffering come to an end? Even as I spoke those words, I knew death could not come, it was the church. Death is not an option. I believe the Lord is not coming back for a weak or wimpy church. I believe He’s returning for a warrior. So, my cry was one of how long will he suffer before he rises as that warrior?
Then I saw them, the Men of Valor, as weeping warriors. They entered the scene and came alongside me as I prayed, they filed in, shoulder to shoulder all around this wilderness area until we encompassed it completely. Together, we wept, and we warred. I saw the heart of the church begin to heat up, I had not realized until now, it was previously so cold it seemed like ice.
The Lord entered, He was above us, and the church looked up and locked eyes with Him. He fell to his face and all I could do was wonder how in the world he could rise back to his feet. He leaned his head up, to keep his eyes on the Lord and his heart began to beat faster.
As the church kept their eyes locked on the Lord, something began to happen within him. The heart began to beat faster, stronger. I could sense the great longing for the Lord and wondered if the Lord would pick him back up to his feet. The Lord had such compassion as He stared into the soul of the church. In spite of this, He did not move toward him to pick him up.
We, the weeping warriors, began to pray fervently. Our intercession surrounded and completely encompassed him. As our intercessions intensified, I saw him begin to move. He pressed through the pain. A fight to survive stirred within him and he began to burn with the fire of the Lord, his bones began to light up with a fire and passion for the Lord.
A warrior spirit rose from deep within, and, eyes still locked with the Lord, he placed his fractured arm on the ground next to him, he screamed in pain, but he thrust the other arm out from underneath his body and placed it beside him to push himself up. Again, his face writhed in pain, but he pressed on, his eyes still focused on the Lord.
In this moment, the weeping warriors surrounding him, his eyes remained locked on the Lord, and something began to happen.
I shared last week, “A Kairos Season is upon us,” the appointed time for certain events to occur, and right here, right now, I was witnessing one of those events.
The church began to weep, mourn, and enter into a deep repentance for turning away from the Lord. I could not believe what I witnessed, the revelation why he suffered from a fractured soul came up before him. He saw his own compromise. He saw how he’d slowly become desensitized—and then hardened—to sin. He saw what his own sin looked like through the eyes of the Lord, and he cried out in such an agonizing scream, I cannot even begin to express. I felt his heart, it was like a father who’d lost his wife and his children in a tragedy he was fully responsible for. It came from a place so deep within his soul, he did not know if, or how he could survive such agonizing grief.
The weeping warriors wailed for this man, we felt his grief and wanted to fall on the ground and encompass him with our arms to pray him through this pain, but the Lord would not allow us. He instructed us to stand guard and pray as he wept through this grief.
He wept, agonizingly over several things, I want to point out the first three items that the Lord showed me, so we know what to pray for in terms of the church. It must be restored, it is the heartbeat of the nation, and for the Rebirth of the Nation to occur that He showed me in August of 2023, the heart must be healed and engaged first, then life can come back to the nation.
- His lack of prayer life
- His lack of Word life
- Abortion. (Please note: the church is deeply divided on this issue and God is about to reveal the truth to them.)
This is a major open door to the church’s downfall. Roe v Wade went to the Supreme Court in 72 and was passed in 73. Within two years, the first and largest seeker friendly church, Willow Creek was born. The influence of seeker-friendly messages infiltrated and poisoned the church across the nation.
It seems so simple, yet the impact is the result of what we see today.
I will add, these were not the only issues. However, when he began to grieve over the issue of abortion, it grabbed hold of him in such a profound way, he realized the truth of his own stance in the fight for the life of our preborn citizens. I really felt as though he experienced the pain of abortion, as one being aborted, and it gripped his body so deeply he couldn’t breathe. He knew the church failed the nation and our posterity by not taking a strong stance against the issue of abortion, and this was born out of our lack of Word and prayer life.
Again, we were in the Kairos Season, and time was standing still, but it seemed like ages as these events played out before my eyes.
Finally, the man lifted his eyes up to the Lord and He imparted some things into the man. I watched as the transfer take place from the Lord to the church, profound downloads of Himself, His Word, His Truth and then I saw it, the eyes of the church were healed! He had a laser-like, and unwavering gaze on the Lord!
He finally was able to push himself up, and he brought his knee up as though he would try to support himself on that knee, but the leg was so badly damaged, he froze under the pain. Yet, he never lost sight of the Lord and, again, the Lord imparted some things into him that gave him strength. The other leg, the one that seemed completely locked up began to bend to move under him and help lift him up, and for the first time, I saw healing was occurring in this body.
We, the weeping warriors, invigorated by the inner fight we saw within the church, prayed with great fervency for him.
His arms were healing. His hips were fragile, his knees still stiff but he pressed himself up to stand again. He took a step, but rather than looking defeated, he was fighting to move forward. His eyes never left the Savior’s, and another exchange occurred between them. It was a deep infusion, an impartation, a strengthening, and his body began to heal from deep within the marrow of his bones.
He stepped again, then again, praying as he went, quoting Scripture as he moved, he was becoming a new creature in Christ, and he felt it! Despite his pain, he stepped again and again toward the Lord, pressing through that pain. With each step, the marrow of his bones fused with the Light of the Lord, sent healing to the body. The sinew, the joints, the muscle tissue, all began to light up with the Light of the Lord. He was healing!
The Weeping Warriors sang praises unto the Lord with one voice, praising Him in an unknown tongue. It was a profound sound!
He continued to move forward, healing coursing through his body as he moved toward the Lord, until finally, his skin shone with the light of the Lord.
At this point, he reached the Lord, and he bowed before Him. Everything he had, he desired to submit to the Lord. As he bowed before him, the Lord took a tuning fork, and struck it on his palm, then placed his against the man’s ear. He did this once again to his other ear. And his ears that once rattled with the sound of chaos, were reigned in and focused solely on the voice of the Lord.
Then, the most remarkable thing you can imagine occurred. The Lord called for the Armor to come forth. He stood and lifted his arms, the Belt of Truth was wrapped around him, the Breastplate of Righteousness was strapped to his chest, he stepped forward and stepped into the Shoes of the Gospel of Peace, he raised his arm and the Shield of Faith was handed to him. Then, the Helmet of Salvation was placed upon his head, and as he raised his other hand, the Sword of the Spirt was handed to him. He was being transformed into a warrior for the Kingdom of Heaven right before my eyes!
The Warrior Church
The church was now fully armed and looked out across the nation. He knew his commission now, and it was one that must be heeded from this day forward.
He called the Men of Valor to come forth!
This is important in this hour, this is a call for the church to arise, and for the mighty men of valor to come forth!
Let’s briefly look at who the Mighty Men of Valor from Scripture are, and how they came together to begin with. Then, we will apply all of this to today.
Let’s start with how they came together:
I Samuel 22:1-3
“So David departed and escaped to the cave of Adullam: and when his brothers and all his father’s house heard it, they went down there to him. And everyone in distress or in debt or discontented gathered to him, and he became a commander over them. And there were with him about 400 men. And David went from there to Mizpah of Moab; and he said to the king of Moab, Let my father [of Moabite descent] and my mother, I pray you, come out [of Judah] and be with you till I know what God will do for me.”
What was happening here?
Israel was truly in a chaotic time, a time wherein King Saul’s rebellion to the things of God compelled God, through the prophet Samuel, to “rend the Kingdom from Saul and give it to his neighbor.” Then Samuel anointed David as king of Isarel.
I can assure you, when the mantle of King left Saul, he felt the chaos it left within him to attempt to lead the nation of Israel without the mantle to do so. When David entered the court to play the harp and sing for King Saul in his times of distress, he felt that mantle of Kingship upon David. (This likely stirred up his hatred for him as well.) This mantle of Kingship is one that God gives to enable a person to lead a nation and meet with world leaders. It carries with it tremendous authority, respect and honor and includes the favor of men.
Meanwhile, King Saul:
- Set aside his burden to stand for and protect his nation, and set his sights on his perceived enemy—David—instead.
- Used government assets in an attempt to hunt and destroy David to prevent him from taking the throne. (1 Samuel 22-24)
- Brought the blood of the innocent upon the nation of Israel as his men were forced to persecuted and even kill the Church (Priests) who protected or shielded David. (I Samuel 22:18)
- Thrust Israel into a state of political upheaval and perpetual war. Why? Other nations knew what King Saul was doing and took full advantage of the situation to attack Israel. (1 Samuel 19-24) This was David and his men’s only periods of reprieve (I Samuel 23:26-28).
What was David doing? How did David use this time of great persecution?
Psalms 57:1-3 “Be merciful and gracious to me, O God, be merciful and gracious to me, for my soul takes refuge and finds shelter and confidence in You; yes, in the shadow of Your wings will I take refuge and be confident until calamities and destructive storms are passed. I will cry to God Most High, Who performs on my behalf and rewards me [Who brings to pass His purposes for me and surely completes them]! He will send from heaven and save me from the slanders and reproaches of him who would trample me down or swallow me up, and He will put him to shame. Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]! God will send forth His mercy and loving-kindness and His truth and faithfulness.”
- Drew closer to his Shield (Psalms 57:1)
- Gathered the loyalists. (1 Samuel 22:1-2) David was in the Caves of Adullam in the strongholds of this wilderness area where those in distress, in debt, and who were discontent, gathered to him.
- Trained the Mighty Men of Valor.
- David taught his men what it meant to walk in righteousness, to trust God, and recognize God’s timing in everything. (1 Samuel 24 & 26)
- Taught them to worship God in the midst of their life and death situation (Psalm 57:2-3)
Characteristics of the Mighty Men of Valor/The Loyalists
Let’s look at some of the characteristics of the Mighty Men of Valor/The Loyalists
- Loyalty: They were loyal to David, because he shepherded them as a true leader would. They were loyal to Israel. Most importantly, they learned to be loyal to God under David’s tutelage. They grew stronger together, and as they saw and understood their call and commission was to prepare themselves for the moment God would deliver them from their enemies and bring forth His promises into their midst. (2 Samuel 23 we read how they risked their lives to get him a drink from the Millo of Jerusalem) Among these men rose the Mighty Men of Valor who fought great battles against the Philistines. 2 Samuel 23 tells us of some of these men, there were 30 commanders, and three who were in command above them. The Scribes teach that these men were anointed by God for the task at hand and could do mighty things under the unction of the Spirit. What kind of things?
2) Mighty in battle.
- Josheb-basshebeth wielded his spear against 800 men (2 Samuel 23)
- Eleazar son of Dodo stood with David when they defied the Philistines assembled there for battle. All of Israel had departed, but together, David and Eleazar overcame them. Eleazar himself arose and in spite of his weariness, the Bible tells us “his hand clung to the sword.” Meaning, he did not give up!
- Shammah son of Agee defended a plot of lentils against the Philistines and the Lord gave him a great victory!
Why do these things matter?
- The Philistines went after the food sources of the Israelites and would either take it for themselves or destroy it altogether to starve out or weaken them.
- They typically took over key cities within a nation they were conquering and then set up a military base (garrison) and then attacked the nation from within their own cities.
Friends, we are living out these events today.
Government resources are being used daily to bring us back into subjection to their will and their way. The CIA, Deep State, Cabal, whatever you want to call them, these are the Saul’s of our day. They use the Media and Communist Congressional members as their mouthpieces, the Doeg’s if you will, who will kill and destroy everything that stands for righteousness, including the church! The FDA is destroying our food sources and farms via WHO, government agencies. We are living in a season of political upheaval, and it is time for that to come to a close.
I spoke about this extensively just before our last GOE, that audio message is on our website, and it’s transcribed as well.
The next several months are going to be very difficult, it will take extensive intercession, but the Kairos Season is upon us so the grace to endure is here as well!
We need to remember; God has given America to be free! In the midst of the struggles, God is raising up a true church, one that will stand the test of time, a righteous church that has the light of the living God coursing through their bone marrow! They will transition from wounded and fractured body to rising warrior, and some will even be among the mighty men of valor, they will partner with the weeping warriors, and together, we will turn this nation back to God!
The rising warriors and Men of Valor (the church leaders) are supposed to, and let me tell you, about to rise up and take a stand against this violent assault on the unborn, the youth, and on our nation! We must take a stand!
Make no mistake, the weapons of our warfare will be those we wield in the name of the Lord! They will be wielded by the righteous and pass through the righteous barrier of our Lord.
We (the Nation) are in the fight of our life! God is trying to rebuild a nation and we (the Church) are unable to unite as we should. The intercessors are likened to weeping warriors and some even to David’s Mighty Men of Valor right now, I saw them surround President Trump, and this is not as much about him, although, it is, but it’s about the vision God has imparted to him for America. He has received his downloads straight from heaven’s throne and it will rebuild the nation and restore it so it might be ready to walk in the righteousness we were created to walk in.
As I prayed over President Trump, I saw a supernatural covering – a dome of protection—rise up and surround him. It thickened as I prayed. I encourage you to do the same.
Please remember, our prayers for God’s plans and purposes birth them into the earth.
We have a destiny. What is that destiny?
- To be a father to the Nations
- To spread the Gospel unto al the earth. (Matt 28 commission)
- To stand with Israel
- To be a refuge nation in the end times
We are not just fighting for a man; we are fighting for God’s call upon that man and God’s call upon the nation he was created to lead in this hour of our history.
There is a vision within him that, given the chance, will transform our nation into a nation of life!
God has given him Divine revelation to help rebuild and restore our land to the original intent of our founding fathers which will, in turn, bring a restoration to our nation unlike anything we’ve seen in our lifetimes.
It’s difficult to picture because we’ve become desensitized to or even ignorant of the past. But we need the reminders of what we are fighting for and how this nation was birthed to begin with. It’s foundation is deeply entrenched with God’s will for this country:
From William Federer’s book “America’s God and Country”
- On June 1, 1774, as the Colonies were seeking God’s will as to whether they should break ties with England, George Washington made this entry in his diary:“Went to church and fasted all day.”
- On July 9, 1776, after the Continental Congress authorized the Continental Army to provide chaplains for their troops. General George Washington then issued the order and appointed chaplains to every regiment. On that same day, he issued the following statement to his troops, stating: “The General hopes and trusts that every officer and man, will endeavor so to live, and act, as becomes a Christian Soldier defending the dearest Rights and Liberties of his country.”
- On July 20, 1776, General Washington issued the following order: “The General orders this day to be religiously observed by the forces under his Command, exactly in manner directed by the Continental Congress. It is therefore strictly enjoined on all officers and soldiers to attend Divine service. And it is expected that all those who go to worship do take their arms, ammunition and accoutrements, and are prepared for immediate action, if called upon.” General George Washington admonished his troops: “The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them.
“The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage of this army. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have, therefore to resolve to conquer or die”
As a prophetic voice, as a weeping warrior, and as one whose heart is deeply grieved as I surround that fractured body of the church, our nation that lay waiting for the church to arise, and the man, President Donald J. Trump, who God called to lead our nation in this hour that it might fulfill its destiny, I call upon you with this same call.
The time is now to determine whether we will be freemen or slaves, whether we will have property we can call our own, or whether they will be pillaged by the cabal and communists for their own use, whether we will live a life of wretchedness or rise above it.
The fate of unborn millions (our posterity) now depends upon God, the courage of this military force of weeping warriors, to surround those on the front lines who will stand as the resistance, against abject submission of the elite, and resolve within ourselves to conquer and declare that failure simply is not an option!
God has promised us a victory—one that is 25 years in the making—if we will simply obey the call to be the weeping warriors on behalf of our nation, we will indeed wrest America from the hands of the cabal!
Focuses of the Coming Weeks
So, in the coming weeks:
- Let us cling to the porch and the altar (Joel 2:17)
- Let us heed the voice of the Lord in the midst of all matters! (Ex 15:26, Deut. 7:12, 13, 15)
- Let us sigh and cry for the land (Ez 9:4)
- Let our hands cling to the sword and remain in this fight! (2 Sam 23:10, Eph 6:10-18)
- And remember, the Lord of hosts is with us in each of these endeavors! (1 Chronicles 11:9)
How Can We Pray for the Church
One last thing, how can we pray for the Church… that fractured body, that needs to rise as a warrior in this hour?
- Repent for letting go of their first love (Rev 2:4)
- Repent for letting go of and compromising God’s Word which ultimately leads to taking their eyes off Jesus (Heb 12:2)
- Repent for their stance on the issue of life! Pray for them to embrace the truth about life in the Womb! (Ps 139:13-16)
- Repent for their stance on cultural Marxist ideology (BLM/LGTBQ/ETC)
- Pray for pastors to submit to the chastisement of the Lord arise into the sonship afforded us by the work of the Cross. (Heb 12:5-11)
- Pray for them to enter into a life of holiness and ultimately take a stand for righteousness (Heb 12:12-14)
- Call the men of valor to come forth!
- Pray for the Church to embrace the commission of God and to be an influence in the nation once again!
Time stood still…
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Editorial Special Section: Tim Sheets: Power Eruptions
Message: Tim Sheets Date: July 29, 2024 Source: GiveHim15
I believe we have now entered into the most supernatural era Holy Spirit has ever brought to pass, and the Ekklesia has been prepared to function in her greatest authority ever to accomplish the Godhead’s plans. We are in a season pregnant with the promises of God, and it is time to birth those promises through prayers and decrees of faith. The water has broken on hundreds of prophetic promises, and it is time to push.
I want to share with you a prophetic word and vision Holy Spirit is highlighting to me during this time. I feel compelled to have the Ekklesia declare ‘Now Be’ to the following words:
February 15, 2021: “The new era I have planned will now be established in supernatural displays of My dunamis.(1) Holy Spirit’s power will be activated on the earth in greater measure and with sudden surges of His mightiness. My people will experience and live in sudden breakthroughs. Long-standing battles will end in sudden victory. I have planned the release of millions of sudden personal victories for My remnant to validate the new, greater glory, apostolic age. I will confirm it with signs, wonders, and miracles. Personal breakthroughs for My faithful warriors will surge and deliver them. I will validate the expansion of My Kingdom’s Ekklesia on the earth with displays of My right hand of power, enabling it to see victories over opposition from both natural and spiritual governments.
Supernatural reversals are planned and will activate, resulting in God-victories for My Ekklesia. My Ekklesia will report that God-victories are happening everywhere. This will be clear, visible, and irrefutable validation. I will confirm what I say. Sudden surprise attacks are planned against the enemies of My people and My church. Angel armies I command have set traps I have approved. The traps will be sprung in the spirit realm and affect the natural realm. Startled cries will come from demonic thrones. Cries of anguish will rise from fortified positions of demons. They are not fortified enough, says the Lord. Their resistance to Me will suddenly implode as My power explodes.
My angels will work the explosions through My Ekklesia’s decrees of governance. The Lord of Hosts decrees that you are moving into the days of My power, power that will validate who I am and who My sons and daughters are. This power will validate the church I am building. You’re moving into a new era of Pentecost that will validate the second apostolic age. I have planned for its mighty surge, not from an upper room in Jerusalem this time, but rather from thousands of upper rooms in the nations of the world. This surge will accelerate the power principles of My New Testament Church, the power ministry of My heirs, and the powerful assistance of My angel armies.
I have sent angel army divisions to assist the Holy Spirit in validating the Kingdom of God on the earth, drawing multitudes in the valley of decision to Me. These armies are now on the front lines, says the Lord. My heirs will raise My rod of authority in nations, disciple them through Holy Spirit’s wisdom, power, and strategies. Through an unprecedented release of Heaven’s angels on the earth to assist My heirs, I will activate breakthrough angels, government angels, angels of alignment, special forces angels, and seraphim.
In unseen ways, I have moved multiple divisions of angel armies into all nations and states where My Ekklesia is rooted. It is time for the unseen to be seen, for the surprise, and for the suddenlies to erupt. It’s time for the volcanic hubs of My Ekklesia to erupt in great power and change Earth’s atmosphere. Yes, says the Lord, what has been boiling underground, internal fires deep within My people, will erupt. My Ekklesia will say, “There has been a Kingdom of God eruption. The river of God flows throughout the earth.”
My glory has been churning and burning deep inside of My glorious Ekklesia. It will now erupt through My Kingdom’s Ekklesias like volcanoes, penetrating and changing the earth. As My fire and evident presence hover over them, validating the words of Messiah, their breaker, I will further build My Ekklesia, and hell’s authority will not overcome them. Hell’s government will not prevail. For you have come to a fullness of time that I have planned, and the Lord of hosts decrees I will shift your nation back into covenant alignment. I will shift nations back into covenant alignment. You will see the revival fires of a new Pentecost worldwide, and the harvest of souls I’ve been planning.”
A Recurring Vision
Two weeks prior to this prophetic word, I began receiving a recurring vision in which I saw volcanoes erupting throughout the earth. I saw them in nations where the Ekklesia was functioning as the true church Jesus described in Matthew 16:18. The volcanoes in this vision were not dormant; they were alive, with ash spewing and lava flowing.
A volcanic eruption can actually alter the conditions of the earth. In this vision, though these volcanoes were spiritual, not natural, they affected the entire natural realm of the earth, changing its atmosphere
As I prayed into this vision and asked Holy Spirit for clarity, I heard Him say these words, “These are volcano-like Ekklesia hubs; they will erupt in great power, changing cultural and governmental climates on earth in sudden and real ways. They will erupt in great demonstrations of Holy Spirit’s power. I will validate their decrees. I have planned for them to prevail mightily.”
I shared this vision on a Sunday morning, and the very next day, Mount Etna, a volcano in Italy, erupted. I knew it was a sign, a validation of what God was saying. Mount Etna erupted with a fury that hadn’t been seen in decades. Spectacular displays of ash billowed into the atmosphere that could actually be seen by orbiting satellites. Some of the glowing lava shot 3/4 mile into the air. I knew this was not a coincidence.(2)
We are in an incredibly holy, prophetic moment. I picture it as the day of Joshua’s address before crossing the Jordan into the promised land. He told a multitude of people, who had waited 40 years, that it was now time to move, to act—and they did. It’s time for us to align our words with God and declare them with our authority in Jesus’ name.
Let’s pray with Tim:
Heavenly Father, we thank You for what You have promised and are now bringing to pass. Holy Spirit, release Your explosive power on the earth. May visible signs of dunamis now be seen. We ask You for miracles, sudden miracles, breaking out around the world. Let there be sudden, notable breakthroughs. We declare that an end to longstanding battles is coming. Sudden victories, erupt! Signs, wonders, miracles, and healings, erupt! Lord, validate with dunamis wonders and signs in the the heavens.
We decree that reversals are coming in natural governments that promote evil. Evil laws, reverse! Lies promoted as truth, be reversed and exposed! We decree that God-reversals are activating. We declare that God-victories are happening everywhere. We declare that surprise attacks are coming against the enemies of God’s Kingdom.
Lord, release an accelerated apostolic age across the nations. We align with You, King Jesus. We decree that the great harvest planned will be reaped, that new converts and prodigals will come! We declare that our God is mighty to save. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Our decree:
We decree that there will now be a Kingdom eruption in Ekklesias around the world, and Holy Spirit’s power will bring great change. ‘Now, Be.’
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Editorial Special Section: [Voice of Fig] Tribes and Journeys of the 42nd Week of Torah Gleaning
Scripture Progress:
- Torah: Numbers 30:2-32:42
- Prophets: Jeremiah 1:1-2:3
- New Testament: Matthew 5:33-37
- Progress of the Journey
- Torah: Numbers 33:1-36:13
- Prophets: Jeremiah 2:4-28; Jeremiah 3:4
- New Testament: James 4:1-12
Don’t Be Afraid to Simplify Because I’m Making Room for Growth
- Recently, I heard the Lord say, “Don’t be afraid of simplifying, for I am making room for increase.” “As I listened to the Lord, I heard Him say, My people, don’t be afraid of being shaken. For I am leading you into A more focused place. I am taking you into a more focused place of Me because I am shaking everything that can be shaken, and that which is not for the season, and that is not built on Me, will not be left behind. I am bringing a shaking now, clearing away those things that cannot be brought into the new season.
- When I shake and clean, I’m bringing about a lift. I am bringing you, My people – who are under pressure from all sides – into a deeper place of dependence on Me. I am leading you into a greater realm where you will hear, receive and see. to my divine wisdom. I tell you, in this season, you cannot move forward without hearing and accepting my wisdom. It is extremely important to hear and receive My wisdom as you live your life. Because there is a lot of turmoil in the spiritual world right now, you must not rely on what you know, how you have walked with Me in the past, or even how you think things should be or look. You must cry out to Me for wisdom and be prepared to obey and act no matter what My wisdom looks like to you or those around you.
Because I have a new strategy for this time, I’m calling you to action. These strategies – My Divine Wisdom – will feel strange to many of you, as they will lead you down paths you have never traveled before. But I say to you, where you obey My leadership, when you build and build according to My wisdom, you will see a great increase among you. You will see My presence and My glory opening up a realm of abundance, life and increase in Me. During this season, who is built in My wisdom and who chooses to stay where they know will be revealed more clearly than before.
- Because the shaking is increasing, so is the urgency to walk in and know My Wisdom. Because I am not a god who hides wisdom, I am wisdom, and I will not reject the thirsty heart. This is the time when you must desire and call upon My wisdom. And when you come to Me with humble and teachable hearts, I will answer you, guide you into My ways, and lead you to understanding on a scale you have never known before.
- Because I tell you, in shock and pressure, the heart is constantly revealed. I am deeply refining your soul to unite you more deeply with Me. Because in Me, there is unity. You have been grafted into Me, and in Me you live, move and have your being. But there are many who do not walk in acuity and in tune with the beat of My heart. Their steps do not match the beat of My heart. This is not your time to walk at your own pace. This is the time for you to rest in My heart, to know Me and the rhythm of My heartbeat, and to follow My heartbeat.
- Many of you are in the birth canal. You are in a space where I lift you up to build a new operating system. I’m shifting the structure. I’m changing My strategy. I am leading you into a deeper understanding of what I am building in you in this time and how you can make space for the movement of My Spirit. You must continue to obey Me and let go of your own schedule. Having such complete trust and depth of faith in you would be seen as foolishness by many, but as you follow My lead you will see increases and harvests. My glory will dwell among you.
A Call to Climb Higher
- We found ourselves getting into a period where our appetites became more intense overnight. We wake up with new desires that did not exist yesterday, faced with new beliefs that we must follow no matter the cost. It feels like a new pilgrimage, but is actually a call to climb to higher altitudes so that He can reset us for what is to come. This is a reset beyond a reset. Priorities change, and so do we. Some days are painful and we re-evaluate some decisions and reflect on the path we have taken and the dreams we have yet to achieve. “Let go of everything,” He would say. “I guide you up the mountain so that you can get rid of the burden on your back!” Burden? “Yes, the burden of ministry.”
- Shutdowns are happening on a massive scale. Alignment is changing. Many things begin to die. The leaven, idols, and anything else we didn’t know we were holding onto were burned. There are moments when we grieve for things that are dying, but more often we grieve for the weight and pressure we allow ourselves to bear. What we think is the kingdom is really just a stepping stone to making us targets for our enemies. Wow…the air is fresher and our eyes are clearer. Then we saw it. After months of processing and letting go of burdens and expectations, we realized we were seeing something we hadn’t seen in a long time. That’s tomorrow. The place from which we are called to live. Everything is clear and the past no longer matters. “This is what all this is for,” says the Lord.
- Suddenly, everything we have lost in the stress and fatigue of transition begins to flow back…childlike joy. wonderful. laughter. Hopefully…some days we cry and laugh at the same sentence. We feel the fire of revival burning within us in a way we have never experienced before. Delayed hope rises, and we are reminded why we are alive—to point toward tomorrow, to see beyond the storm. And as prophetic pioneers, this is our lifeline. When we get stuck, we lose purpose, and many of us feel we have lost purpose because of years of blindness. Buried by circumstance and loss. Being immersed in such levels of pain and suffering that they become numb and no longer able to see what is coming. But I have a word from the Lord for you today… Your perspective is about to change. A new dawn is coming, but do you see it?
High Above The Storm…
- If you are willing to commit to climbing the mountain of the Lord over the next six months, you will leave the place of sorrow and enter a future of clarity and restored vision. You will leave the past behind and move on to the next chapter.
- Because this is not the Heavenly Father punishing you, but saving you! That is why this year you will experience the greatest deprivation. This is why you also feel the pull and deep dissatisfaction with everything around you.
- That’s why you feel so lost. You’re not lost, but you have to climb to get to the next map. You have to let go in order to accept new instructions. Yes, climbing is expensive if you’re obsessed with the chaos behind you or the ways and means of people. If you make a golden calf in your own image or build an empire out of your own ideas and power, it’s expensive.
- But if you’re like most people, hungry, desperate, and at rock bottom…the only way is up.
I Know You Feel The Calling…
- When you do this, the monkeys will start falling and the snakes will no longer be able to reach you. Connections to people and places will automatically break in the fear of the Lord. You will begin to see, breathe, and be alive again. But let me be more real and direct with you: some activities are killing you. Some old activities are draining you. There are people who are sucking the life out of you. The old plow must go down.
- Struggling to be seen and accepted by those people is preventing you from climbing and receiving the approval from your father that you need now. Those tables you’ve always wanted to go to, God isn’t even welcome, and yet Jezebel is there! The networks you want to join and the conferences you want to show up for are full of compromises!
- It’s time to completely let go of the last season and all its hangovers. It’s time to empty your hands from human movement and wash them clean again… It’s time to break away from everything and make a new world with the Lord. It only starts with you taking the first step, climbing the mountain, and getting away from the noise. Pioneers, a new day calls to you…
- Listen! Watch! Greater divine strategies are now being released to bring clearer direction. Look! As your soul begins to ascend higher and higher, you are being lifted above the noise, chaos, and confusion.
- There is a thick spiritual fog that limits many people’s vision. This leaves some feeling lost, directionless and disillusioned, but rejoice – for I see a sudden burst of light.
- look! The fog is lifting and transforming!
- I hear these words: “New avenues of supernatural provision and abundant outpouring are taking shape!” My Breakthrough Spirit is removing all obstacles and obstacles that cause delays, detours, and painful disappointments. Get ready – for I am clearing obstacles with power and momentum in these days – a new day is dawning for MY people!
- Heavenly Father says, “ Beloved, let go of the things that distract you and limit you! It’s time for supernatural rest, relief, and release!” He says, “ Beloved, stop clinging to old ways of thinking. Be prepared for me to act or manifest in ways you imagine – for behold, I am doing something new among you! Now, be hopeful and excited, for this is the time of my power to manifest, and it is the season of supernatural suddenness! Stop relying on people to open doors or bring supplies – for I am the door, and the doors I open no one can close, and the doors I close no one can open ( Revelation 3:7 ) !
- I choose to use broken and wounded people to reflect my beauty. I kindle the hearts of those whose hearts have become cold. Sons and daughters will rise from the ashes – to demonstrate the movement of My power and authority on earth! Look! I am moving many from a land of desolation to a place of unprecedented abundance – My mighty Spirit is moving and transforming the atmosphere – God says: Bring many into a place of greater intimacy with Me! “.
- “This is the day of deeper encounters!” Come on! Shout out, ” Victory belongs to the Lord! I am now moving, advancing, and entering new levels and dimensions of revelation and intelligence in this season! I was created for just such a time as this! “
Highlights of The Week
- Make a wish
- Kill the Midianites
- Distribute the loot
- Reuben and Gad sought the east of the river
- Record of journey
- Set up a city of refuge
- Special marriage protection industry
Make A Wish or Swear An Oath
- Numbers 30:2-4 If anyone makes a vow or an oath to the LORD to bind himself, he must not break his word but must keep every word that comes out of his mouth. If a woman, when she is young and still in her father’s house, makes a vow to the LORD to bind herself, and her father hears her vow and the words she binds, but is silent to her, then her vow and the words she binds will be lost. To be determined.
Leadership Test
- One of the most difficult tasks for any leader – from prime ministers to parents – is conflict resolution. However, it is also the most important. Where there is leadership, there will be long-term cohesion within the team, regardless of short-term issues. Where leadership is lacking—leaders lacking authority, grace, generosity of spirit, and the ability to respect positions beyond their own—divisiveness, resentment, betrayal, and a lack of trust can arise. True leaders are those who put the interests of the group above the interests of any part of the group. They care about and inspire others to care about the common good.
Entering A New Season of Crisis
- The Israelites were in the final stages of their journey to the Promised Land. They were now on the east bank of the Jordan River, within easy reach of their destination. The tribes of Reuben and Gad, who had large herds of cattle, thought that the land where they were now encamped was well suited to their purpose. This is a good grazing area. So they went to Moses and asked permission to stay there rather than take their share in the land of Israel. They said : If we have found favor in your sight, please give us this land as an inheritance, and do not lead us across the Jordan. Numbers 32:5
- Moses answered… the children of Gad and the children of Reuben: Are you sitting here while your brothers go to war? Why do you discourage the Israelites from going over to enter the land that the LORD is giving them? Numbers 32:6-7
- Moses was immediately alert to the risks. These two tribes put their own interests above those of the nation as a whole. They would be seen as abandoning their people when they were needed most. If the Israelites were to inherit the Promised Land, they would have to fight a war—a series of wars, actually.
- Moses reminds Reuben and Gad of what happened during the spies incident. The spies demoralized the people, and ten of them said they could not conquer the land. The residents are too powerful. Cities are indestructible. The result of that moment was to condemn an entire generation to die in the wilderness and delay the final conquest for forty years.
- Numbers 32:14-15 Who knew that you would rise up in the stead of your ancestors and increase the number of sinners, causing the wrath of the LORD to be very fierce against Israel? If you turn back and do not follow him, he will also leave Israel in the wilderness, and you will cause the destruction of all this people. Moses was forthright, honest, and challenging to them .
- The Reubenites and Gadites acknowledged the claims of the entire people and Moses’ concern for justice. They proposed a compromise: Let us provide food for our cattle and our families, they said, and then they would accompany the other tribes across the Jordan. They will fight side by side. Even going before other tribes. They would not return to their families until all the battles were fought, the land conquered, and the other tribes received their inheritance.
- It’s a double conditional, both positive and negative: if we do, these will be consequences, but if we don’t, there will be consequences. Moses asked them to confirm their promise. Both tribes agreed. Conflict has been avoided. The Reubenites and Gadites got what they wanted, but the interests of the other tribes and the entire nation were also safeguarded. This is a great example of negotiation. It’s a win-win
Come Close (Intimacy)
- Numbers 32:16 Men from both tribes came near to Moses and said, “Here we will make pens for livestock and a city for women and children.”
- Numbers 32:2 4 Now go and do what comes out of your mouth; build cities for your women and your children, and make folds for your flocks.
Invest in The Future
- Moses implies that the dialogue with the tribes of Reuben and Gad was not a minor historical detail but a fundamental statement of Jewish priorities. Property is secondary, children are primary. Pay attention to the civilization of young people to keep them young. Only those who invest in the future will have a future. The priority for sustainability is not the industry but the people and our efforts to ensure they carry our faith and way of life into the next generation.
- Please note that Moses was successful not because he was weak, not because he was willing to compromise the integrity of the entire nation, not because he used sweet talk and diplomatic evasions, but because he was honest, principled, and focused on the common good Benefit. We all face conflicts in our lives. Let us be clear about our priorities, first God, then man, and then the earth.
Keeping Promises Reflects Your Credibility
- As mentioned earlier, making a wish is also an act of commitment. When I commit to do something, I freely subject myself to the obligation to do something in the future. If I’m the kind of person known for keeping my word, I’ve eliminated an element of unpredictability from the human world. You can trust me because I’ve guaranteed it. When I commit, I voluntarily bind myself. It is this ability of human beings to voluntarily commit to do or not do certain actions without the use of coercion that creates order in relationships between people.
- Numbers 30:2 If anyone makes a vow or an oath to the LORD to bind himself, he must not break his word, but he must keep every word that comes out of his mouth.
- It is no accident that this passage was found shortly before the Israelites approached the Promised Land. The system of promises, of which oaths and oaths to God are a supreme example, is essential to the existence of a free society. Freedom depends on people keeping their promises. So when Reuben and Gad decided they would rather live east of the Jordan River, where the land was more suitable for their livestock. After a fraught conversation with Moses, who accuses them of passing the responsibility to others, they agree to be on the front lines of the army until the conquest of the land is completed. Everything depends on them keeping their word.
To Cleanse The Land from the Sin of Shedding Innocent Blood
- Numbers 35:33 Then you will not defile the land where you live, for the blood defiles the land; if any blood is shed on the land, it will not be cleansed except by the blood of the murderer. redemption).
- The verb ch-n-ph appears twice in this verse and nowhere else in the Book of Moses, and means to pollute, to soil, to desecrate, to defile. There is something fundamentally flawed in a world where murder goes unpunished. Human life is sacred. Even legitimate acts of bloodshed, such as war, still convey impurity. So David was told that he might not build the temple because of the amount of blood you shed.
City of Refuge – Blood Revenge
- Numbers 35:11 You will set aside cities for you as cities of refuge, where anyone who kills someone unintentionally can escape.
- Numbers 35:19 He who avenges blood will kill the murderer himself, and kill him as soon as he finds him.
- Numbers 35:24-25 The congregation shall judge according to the ordinance between the slayer and the avenger of blood. The congregation shall deliver the man who killed someone unintentionally from the hand of the avenger of blood, and shall bring him into a city of refuge. He shall abide therein until the death of the holy anointed high priest.
Avenge Blood
- Avenge is incorrectly translated as “avenger.” In fact, it means “blood redeemer.”
- A redeemer is someone who corrects an imbalance in the world, saving someone or something and restoring it to its rightful place.
- Boaz thus redeemed the land that belonged to Naomi.
- Redeemers were those who restored freedom to their relatives after being forced to sell themselves into slavery.
- God redeemed His people from slavery in Egypt.
- The Blood Redeemer is the one who ensures that murder does not go unpunished.
- The desire for revenge is fundamental. It exists in all societies. It leads to a cycle of revenge.
- It would be foolish to pretend that the desire for revenge does not exist. Indeed. But if left unchecked, it will devolve society into endless violence and bloodshed. The only option is to channel it through the operation of the law, a fair trial, and then punishment or protection. This is why the laws of the city of refuge were introduced into civilization, allowing trial to take the place of revenge, and justice to take the place of revenge.
- The Torah understands that the desire for revenge is natural and tames it by transforming it into something else. It acknowledges the pain, loss and moral outrage of the victims’ families. This is the redeemer of blood, the figure who represents the instinct for revenge. The law was made for passionate men, not for saints. This is a code of reality, not a code of utopia.
- The Torah inserts an important element between the murderer and the victim’s family: the principle of justice. There must be no direct retaliation. The killer must be protected until his case is heard in court. If found guilty, he must pay the price. If found innocent, he must be granted asylum. This single act turns revenge into retribution. This makes all the difference.
- Retribution is the principled refusal to retaliate. It says we are not free to take the law into our own hands. Passion may override the due process of the law because that is the sure path to anarchy and bloodshed. Wrong must be punished, but only after a fair trial, and not only on behalf of the victim, but on behalf of society as a whole.
- Therefore, the key issue in the city of refuge is not only atonement, but protection . The reason for this man’s exile to the city of refuge was to cool down the passion of the victim’s relatives, the blood redeemers (blood revenge) . The exiles remained there until the death of the high priest, for his death created a national mood of mourning, which removed the desire for revenge – “for it is a natural phenomenon that occurs when we suffer the same misfortune or more.” In times of great misfortune, we find comfort in the misfortune that befalls another. And there is no death among us more tragic than that of the high priest.”
- The death of the high priest saved the exiles from vengeance, and Jesus, our high priest, also died for us, redeeming us who have protection.
Thoughts of The Week
- What wishes have I made, what promises have I made?
- Am I satisfied with Hedong Land?
- We enter the dire strait where the month of Av is about to end, preparing to enter the promised land
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Editorial Special Section : Anton Cruz: Urgent Call to Pray for Israel for 21 Days
Message: Anton Cruz Date: August 5, 2024
This is an urgent call for all nations to join together at this time. We are so desperate and we need prayer. Only prayer can truly change the atmosphere and change the atmosphere of this war. I believe in the power of your prayers, and I need someone to rise up today and say, “I am willing to pray for Israel for one hour every day for these 21 days, to pray for peace, and to pray for the nations.”
We are at a very important moment. When we prayed for the last 100 days, many miracles happened. In short, we all see that beyond all this is God’s heart, which is full of mercy, and we see miracles happening. Now I believe in your 21 days of prayer, we are going to pray for Israel, we are going to pray for peace.
2024 is a year of decision. We need God and we need prayer. I’m telling you, this is a very, very important year and something is going to happen. If we pray, you will see God’s mercy coming. If you are not ready to get down on your knees and repent, you will see God’s judgment coming, but I believe this is Jonah’s time.
You know, today is not even 12 hours or 24 hours, something is going to happen. Iran is ready to launch a war. This is not just a war in Israel. This is the seventh year. Something is going to shock all countries. This is just the beginning. It may be a forecast. It may become three world wars. It is possible! But I’m telling you, when we get down on our knees and cry to God, we can stop it. We can bring about God’s mercy, and our prayers have great power. Children, arise! Young people, arise! Spiritual parents support and encourage them as they journey with our generation.
Thank you, we are going to pray for 21 days. I’m waiting for you! We need your prayers. Let us all join together, not just for Israel, but for the nations, for our next generation and our children.
Heavenly Father, we need You! We need your mercy! We are ready to stand in the gap and pray for the nations, to be a defensive wall before You. Thank You Heavenly Father, I thank You for those who are ready to make a covenant with You and join in prayer. I pray for them to have the spirit of Daniel and the anointing of Joshua. Thank You Heavenly Father. I pray to God that they will receive power and have Your glory in these 21 days. We need Your mercy, God!
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen! God bless you!
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Editorial Special Section: Av: Blessings for the Hebrew Month
Message: Ron Sawka Date: July 26, 2024 Source : Ron Sawka Ministries
Editor’s note : Av is the fifth month in the Jewish calendar year 5784, corresponding to August 5, 2023 to September 3, 2024 in the Western calendar. This article by Apostle Ron Sawka is excerpted from the 2006 CD Lectures of Glory of Zion Prophet Chuck Pierce. He highly recommends Chuck Pierce’s website for more information and a more complete explanation.
A Time of Victory and a Time of Birthing
Yes, I know these two summer months include Tammuz 17–Av 9 (July 23-August 13), known as the “Dire Straits.” But the Lord wants us to have victory. One way we know this is because God’s sign to us from the heavens is the constellation of the Lion. He wants us to know that the death and resurrection of Jesus, the Lion of Judah, broke every curse and the power of sin. It was Tammuz 17 when Moses descended from the mount of God to find the people had foolishly abandoned their covenant with God and indulged in idolatry—that which pleased them. But know the Lord is roaring for you and has already won the victory over sin and every foolish thing that would draw/entice you away from Him. Expect victory!
Also, expect God to birth new and wonderful things for you. Point 6 below is about the womb and that the struggles of this month can be like birth pangs. Every mother knows the pain of birth pangs which are soon forgotten for the joy of the new birth. God wants something new birthed in our lives. Rejoice!
- It’s the month of the constellation of the lion, and therefore also the month the lion roars. The Lord, the Lion of Judah, is roaring for us (Joel 3:16) . We are still in the “dire straits” (Tammuz 17–Av 9 [July 6–July 27]), but we must shine brighter and brighter. Notice the Lion of Judah is roaring. It is symbolic of declaration of ruling and even attacking and conquering the enemy. Paul said that in all these tribulations, we are “more than conquerors” (Rom. 8:37), and Daniel prophesied that we would shine as the end approaches (see Dan. 12:3). If the Lord is roaring, then so should we. Let the roar—the shout of victory—rise up in you.
- The month of Simeon, which means “to hear; to be concerned.” We want to be concerned that we will be able to continue moving ahead. Simeon messed up, just like Reuben (the previous month), who was unstable. Simeon was called an “instrument of cruelty” (Gen. 49:5). Also, there seemed to be instability, perhaps from his mother, Leah, who felt that bearing him would earn her husband’s love (see Gen. 29:31–33). We are grafted into the great inheritance God has for us. However, when there is instability in our bloodline (as was the case with Simeon—and as is the case with most of us), we need to develop spiritual discipline, as demons will try to convince you to align and agree with them. Therefore 1) roar, 2) keep testifying whenever God does something for you, 3) and keep remembering we are in covenant with Him.
- The month that you decide on what you have heard. You need to make a decision. “Will I just hear what God has told me, or will I actually do it?” He is saying, “Let the Lion rise up in you.” Do that by calling on the warrior/overcomer anointing. One of the best methods of meditating is to declare what God has said. Keep declaring that you are a warrior and a conqueror in all things. And yes, keep declaring and testifying the wonderful things God is doing for you. Verbalize them.
- Av is called the “low-point month.” Historically, bad things have happened to Israel on the 9th of Av. A few examples follow. First, Av 9 (July 27) is when the Israelites agreed with the negative report of the ten spies and declared they wouldn’t enter the Promised Land. Second, the first temple was destroyed by the Babylonians on Av 9 in 423 B.C. Third, the Romans destroyed the second temple on Av 9 in 69 A.D. Fourth, the Jews were ordered out of England on this date in 1290. Fifth, the Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492 on this same day. Sixth, even the Holocaust is connected in that the stage and conditions for WW2 were set in motion by WW1, which started when Germany declared war on Russia in 1914 on the 9th of Av. The point isn’t to be fearful, but to be aware of the disaster that can happen when we abandon a covenant with God and refuse to believe His promises. I believe this is the best context for 1 Peter 5:8, which states, “Be sober, be vigilant because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” In other words, we’re not to fear, but to have a sober understanding that our hope must always be in God and the covenant He made with us.
- Av is also known as the “high-point month” because of Av 15 (August 2), the day the last Israelite of the old generation died in the wilderness. Thus, Israel was once again poised to enter the Promised Land. Be of good cheer. God always restores and gives us another chance.
- The month of the Hebrew letter tet [ט], which resembles a womb. The struggles during Tammuz and Av are like birth pangs. They are not something to be merely endured, but know that God wants to birth something. Tribulations are preparation for more blessings. Paul writes, “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory” (2 Cor. 4:17).
- The month where God destroys so that He can reconstruct. The forty years in the wilderness can also be viewed as a destroying of old, wrong foundations of mistrust and unbelief. So for us, the more we choose to shine, the more we can trust God is destroying old hindrances.
- The month where the earth begins to contract. Watch for earthquakes. The secret of the pregnancy begins to move into the earth realm. When you hear of earthquakes, know that God is getting ready to birth something.
- The month that also means “there is an iniquity.” However, we don’t need to let it continue. You must change for the better, or you will gradually get worse. Pray, “Lord, show me my iniquities so they can be uprooted.” Choosing to shine in praise and worship, and choosing to declare you are His warrior will do much to uproot iniquitous patterns.
- The month where the kingdom advances through partnership and connections. Be very aware of your partnerships. If we’ve been responding with more praise and worship, and if we’ve been faithful in making declarations, then we can expect the Lord will have birthed new connections for advance. Watch for them to come now.
- The month of the left kidney. Develop a new level of discernment, or you will unwittingly oppose God’s counsel and advice. Note Psalm 32. He takes hold of the reins (of our kidneys). Don’t resist the leading of the Holy Spirit. Again, I recommend meditating on what God has spoken or shown. As we do so, we’ll see an increase of His wisdom in us, as well as an increase in discernment.
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Pray for America:Present Perspectives and Prayer Points for 2024
Editor’s note: This article is excerpted from “Give Him 15” on 7/31 by Dutch Sheets, a prayer leader.
【 Current Events/Background: We live in a time of global chaos, economic disasters, oppression from totalitarian tyrannies, civil government failures through dysfunctional democracies, and large numbers of sleepy church members. We must focus on King Jesus and receive a fresh outpouring and empowering of Holy Spirit in order to advance the will of God in the earth, and the agenda of the Kingdom of God in history! The Ekklesia must refocus, reengage, and redeploy as the army of God. The following four perspectives will help us in this.
1. We must see the cultural war and political war as rooted in spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6 and 2 Corinthians 10:3-6).
Church father, Augustine, taught that the church was to be spiritually militant. Yes, we are the family of Father God but we’re also the army of God. Ephesians 1 speaks of us as the body of Christ; Ephesians 2 refers to us as the temple of the Spirit; Ephesians 5 calls us the bride of Christ; all of these prepare and lead us into functioning as the army of God in chapter 6.
The New Testament word for “war” is strateuomai, from stratia (see 2 Corinthians 10:3-4). From it comes our English word “strategy.” You don’t win a war without strategy and tactics! With all that is going on in the cultural and political wars, the people of God are, at times, out-maneuvered by the enemies of the gospel. Jesus said: “The sons of this age are wiser than the sons of light in dealing with their own” (Luke 16:8).
2. The followers of King Jesus have two citizenships: heavenly and earthly.
Philippians 3:20 tells us: “For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Too many Christians believe they have only one citizenship; too few steward two citizenships. The word for citizenship is politeuma, from the root word polis,(4) which gives us our words “city,” “colony,” and yes, “politics.” It is also related to the words “commonwealth” and “metropolis.” In the Passion Bible, this verse reads: “We are a colony of heaven on earth.”
Paul was writing this epistle from a prison cell in Rome. He was writing TO a colony WITHIN a colony. (This Greek city of Philippi was named after Phillip of Macedon, who was the father of Alexander the Great. But the city was now a colony of the Roman Empire.)
In their book Jesus And The Powers, N.T. Wright and Michael Bird share the following:
“We are to pray that it will be on earth as it is in heaven, to colonize earth with the life of heaven, to bear witness by declaring the gospel truth to all who listen, and speak truth to political powers even when they refuse to listen!”
Church history informs us that there were times when the church submited to civil rulers, and there were times when they resisted them. Civil disobedience occurred when the civil ruler was governing unjustly. Romans 13 tells us those in authority are to administer justice and avenge evil. There are many varieties of tyranny, or unjust government, that need to be resisted!
Christian faith is an allegiance to King Jesus, and that allegiance sometimes requires the church to engage in active defiance of tyranny, cruelty, corruption, and despotism! (This was illustrated in Hitler and nazism in the 1930s. Eric Metaxes’ book Letter to the American Church is a must-read. He compares the 1930s in Germany with America now. Only a remnant of the church in Germany resisted Hitler and Nazism. That was the Confessing Church led by Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Niemöller.)
Paul stewarded both of his citizenships! He appealed to his Roman citizenship in order to stand before Caesar in Rome where he preached to him and his palace guards in the capital of the empire. And it bore fruit! In Philippians 4:22 Paul said, “All the saints greet you, especially those of Caesar’s household.” Some scholars say this included the emperor’s personal security force, the Praetorian Guard, and that they were saved through Paul’s preaching.
Bottom line: When necessary, we resist tyranny by praying and voting! Currently, in our nation, only half of the Christians are registered to vote. Only half of those actually vote! This is a recipe for the advancement of darkness and evil.
3. The people of God in history lived and functioned in the shadow of empires.
God approves of nations, not empires. Empires were birthed at the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11). A contemporary synonym for Babel is Globalism! As you know, Globalism opposes nationhood. Why? Because Psalm 2 and Matthew 28 declare that the Lord Jesus Christ inherits the nations (see Psalm 2:8-9). Genesis 10 records the birth of nations or nationhood – 70 in number. “Nations” is the Hebrew word goyim,(6) which is also the word for “Gentiles.” The Greek word for nation/s is ethnos(7) which basically means “race” or “ethnicity.” Jesus sent out the 70 beyond the borders of Israel where there were Gentiles, i.e., nations!
Old Testament followers of God lived in the shadow of pagan empires. The descendants of Abraham in Moses’ day lived under the shadow of the Egyptian Empire. After that, according to Daniel 2, the following empires cast their shadows over the people of God: Babylon, Medo-Persia (modern-day Iran), Greece, and the Roman Empire. They were presented as a four metal statue with these symbols: gold, silver, bronze, clay and iron together. (Read Daniel 2:32-35 and 44-45). A Fifth Kingdom was also set up on the earth, the Kingdom of God. This Kingdom doesn’t wait until the Second Coming of Christ. It happened in history under the shadow of the Roman Empire. (I have a thought that it was these four empires the devil offered Jesus in the temptation in the wilderness) [see Matthew 4:8-10].
The New Testament people of God lived and ministered in the shadow of the Roman Empire. The Romans were polytheists worshipping many gods, including some planets like Mars, Neptune, and Jupiter. However, their main worship was directed to the ruling Caesar, i.e., emperor worship. In Ephesus there was a statue of Caesar Augustus. On it were these words: “There is no other name whereby anyone can be saved.” Caesar was their savior! This “empire spirit” partnered with the “religious spirit” and crucified Christ. Then it persecuted the church.
In our day, it boils down to the same conflict: the battle for the earth between the sons of light and the sons of darkness, the Ekklesia and the Empire, Globalism and Nationhood. The World Economic Forum is a gathering of these globalists, with their open borders policies, led by the likes of Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Bill Gates, and others.
This battle hangs in the balance while nations make up their minds! But they don’t have to decide for Globalism or an arrogantly proud Nationalism! They can choose Genesis 12, which is the covenant of Abraham by which all the nations are promised blessing by Abraham’s seed, King Jesus! (See Revelation 7:9-11)
4. The economy of the sons and daughters of light will prosper beyond the economies of the sons and daughters of darkness.
Scriptural history is replete with examples of economic wealth being transferred from the wicked to the righteous!
- Transfer of the wealth of the Egyptians to the Israelites at the Exodus! (Exodus 12:35-36)
- Psalm 37 refers to the righteous inheriting the land while the wicked are disinherited.
- Pagan kings came to Zion and gave Kings David and Soloman riches, treasures, etc. (1 Kings 4-7)
Jesus said the meek inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5). According to Psalm 2, Jesus inherits the nations, and we, the church, are co-heirs with Him (Romans 8:17).
Our Founding Fathers covenanted with the Lord God, and the contemporary Ekklesia army is warring for the restoration of our nation through intercession, decrees, and stewardship of our citizenships in heaven and earth. Because of this, we shall be a sheep nation when Jesus returns!
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Pray for America: Jennifer LeClaire: Crisis Intercessors Rise
Editor’s Note: This article contains 50 key prayer points for the United States and Trump shared by Jennifer LeClaire in July. These prayer points have corresponding scriptures, so they can also be used to pray for your own country and serve as a reference for all intercessors. (Jennifer LaClaire is a member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders.)
【 Current Events/Background: President Donald Trump was nearly killed at a rally in Pennsylvania in the evening. A photographer captured footage of bullets flying over his head. Clearly, this is divine protection. Thank you to the intercessors around the world who are standing in the gap for Trump, his family, and the American people.
Now is not the time to stop praying, but the time for intercessors to unite on another level. America as we know it has been under attack for some time, but the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump took it to another level. Awakening Prayer Hubs is looking for 1,000 intercessors to raise up prayer leaders in countries around the world. Will you pray with us?
】(source: Jennifer LeClaire Ministries)
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Pray for America: Joel’s Army Prayer Points
Editor’s note: This article is the focus of the “World for Christ” ministry led by Nita Johnson to pray for the United States on July 21, for your reference and prayer.
- Praise our holy God.
- Pray for the church to turn to God and restore righteousness.
- Repent of the Crimes of human bloodshed (human trafficking/abortion at the national level), WHO’s involvement in poisoning crops and people, and promoting sterilization programs in the third world .
- Pray for Academia : To uproot communism and teach the lessons of 1776 (patriotism) and the lessons of righteousness.
- Pray for Repentance from the Manipulation of the Media , Especially by the U.S. State Department and Wall Street.
- Pray for the Economy The Federal Reserve, the Bank for International Settlements, Davos, the World Economic Forum, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank.
- Pray for the US Department of State/CIA : The Cabal possesses these two agencies, controls America through them, and runs rampant in our land. Pray that the hammer of justice will fall upon their efforts and the following four centers of power.
- judicial system
- Social System: Think Tank
- Technology
- Government stronghold
- Pray for President Trump : Ask God to protect him! Get “America First” candidates elected and liberals out of office. There is a “double vision” and “double loyalty” in the United States, that is, it has two minds and is contradictory. It wants the justice of conservatives and the liberalism of the left.
- Pray for Elections : Ensure fair, free elections in which evangelical Christians participate.
- Intercede for Israel .
- Pray against Deliberate Disturbances .
- Pray for the war of Russia/Ukraine/NATO/ .
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Editor’s Note: This article comes from the “Give Him 15 Minutes” website of intercession leader Dutch Sheets , which provides a reference for intercessors from various states to pray for American waterways. May the Holy Spirit lead the intercessors to accomplish this critical task of restoring America.
Father, You have assigned us to pray for protection over America’s water supply, waterways, and dams. Your Word tells us that unless You keep or guard a city, the efforts of watchmen are in vain (Psalm 127:1). Therefore, we look to You for protection – You are our refuge, a very present help in times of trouble (Psalm46:1). When You are for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)? You save us from our enemies, men of bloodshed who do iniquity (Psalm 59:1-2). You are theCreator and Owner of the entire world – all of its inhabitants, as well as the seas and rivers. You are the King of glory, the Lord strong and mighty in battle, and the Lord of angel armies (Psalm 24:1,7,8,10). As a Master Workman, You set the boundaries for the seas and drew the tributaries of the earth (Proverbs 8:29-30), and still maintain ownership and authority over them.
We know, Father, that we always have access to Your throne of grace through Yeshua (John 14:13-14; Hebrews 4:16). However, in the dream, we were given coins referencing our authority for this specific assignment. They included the words “Official Pass,” the Cross engraved onto an arrowhead, and the U.S. seal. The blood of Jesus (the Cross) is our official pass, giving us authority to accomplish this assignment. Yet, it was engraved onto the arrowhead, which in Scripture pictures deliverance and victory (2 Kings 14:14-19) – our “deliverance” from evil is in the power and blood of Jesus. However, we believe You are also reminding us of the 300 arrowheads, 5 of which were buried in each state after being anointed with oil by First Nations believers. As our First Nations friends prayed over the oil, they were led to declare Isaiah 60, verse 18: “Violence will not be heard again in your land, nor devastation or destruction within your borders, but you will call your walls salvation, and your gates praise.” Our covenant with You, Lord, through the Cross, also joins us in covenant with our First Nations brothers and sisters. We believe You are cleansing America of past sins, healing her of broken covenants and relational wounds, and giving us a future filled with hope (Jeremiah 29:11). The coin reminds us of this.
To You, Lord, nothing is hidden; You reveal and expose secret plans and agendas (Matthew 10:26; Luke 8:17). We ask that any foreign or domestic plans to harm our dams, waterways, and water supply will be revealed and thwarted before they are carried out. Expose every plot to restrict our supply lines, hinder our power sources, or tamper in any way with our water supplies, dams, or waterways. Prevent the theft of weapons, extortion, and all that would assist terrorist activities. Frustrate the plans of the crafty to keep their plans from succeeding (Job 5:12), and create disunity and confusion among them (Judges 7:22).
Prevent those bent on doing evil from infiltrating critical positions of influence in our nation. Expose all corruption and confusion that would delay the rooting out of terrorism (Luke 12:2-3). Protect and give wisdom, discernment, and intelligence to all those involved in the search for terrorists: police departments, Homeland Security and their partners, the FBI, border agents, and guards at dams and waterway entrances. Open their eyes, direct their steps, and reveal the whereabouts of all those bent on doing evil. Weed out and expose any in positions of authority who may be involved in aiding or advancing terrorism from within. Protect us from cyber-attacks. Contend with those who contend with us (Isaiah 49:25), cause evil to “bow down
before the good, and the wicked at the gates of the righteous” (Proverbs 14:19). We ask that Holy Spirit would hover over the dams and waterways of our nation, just as He did the waters of the earth in Genesis 1:2, releasing life and blessing. Arise over us, God, and cause every enemy to be scattered (Psalm 68:1).
Father, we know that as Holy Spirit was hovering over the waters at creation, Jesus was declaring life-giving words (Genesis 1:3-25; John 1:1-3). As His Ekklesia, His representatives, we now declare and decree His Words over our water supply, waterways, and dams:
- We decree that the powerful and majestic voice of the Lord thunders upon America’s waters, blessing them with peace (Psalm 29:3-4,11).
- We declare peace and security within our nation’s walls; violence will no more be heard in our land, devastation or destruction within our borders; our walls are salvation and our gates praise (Psalm 122:7; Isaiah 60:18).
- We declare that God is a wall of fire around our nation, and His glory is in our midst. He is our hiding place; we are protected from trouble because He surrounds us with songs of deliverance, and His angels encamp around
- The Lord keeps us from harm by day and by night, watching over our coming and going from now and forever (Zechariah 2:5; Psalm 32:7; Psalm
- We decree, by faith in God and His Word, that every dam, waterway, and water supply in [insert name of your state] and all of America is protected and shielded from evil. No evil plot planned or devised against them will succeed; every snare is broken. We will not fear, and terror will not come near us (Isaiah 54:14 AMP; Isaiah 54:17; Psalm 21:11; Psalm 124:7).
- We decree Proverbs 21:22 (TPT) over America: “A warrior filled with wisdom ascends into the high place and releases regional breakthrough, bringing down the strongholds of the mighty.” Therefore, we decree the tearing down of every hidden stronghold of the enemy over America’s dams, waterways, and water supply and release breakthroughs in every region.
- We declare Isaiah 58:11 over America, that she is a well-watered garden, whose waters do not fail.
- Read and declare Psalm 91.
- In the dream, each state representative was given a hand-carved staff. In Old Testament times, men’s staffs were hand-carved with pictures representing their history and testimonies of God‘s faithfulness. We encourage intercessors in each state to use their state’s history, specifically the preamble to its constitution, in a prayer or decree.
- We also encourage intercessors to consider using the book The Prophetic Destiny of A Nation, praying and declaring God’s prophesied destiny over their individual state.
- We also want to point out that there are several nuclear silos for our military in the Northwest and Plains states, two parts of the nation especially highlighted in the dream. We encourage intercessors in these states to remember this as they pray. Holy Spirit will guide you as you do so.
- One of our team members wrote the following decree for the states through which the Mississippi River flows. However, the decree can be used not only for those states, but also could be easily adapted for any major river:
Lord we thank You for the main artery of the Mississippi River, called also the “Father of Waters” and “America’s River, running 2,350 miles through our nation from northern Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico. In the name of Jesus, we ask that angels protect everything regarding this river. We bind all attempts to obstruct the petroleum, agricultural, and other commercial items it carries. We decree that no destruction shall come to its flood control structures & pumping systems, and that no attempts at cyber disruption of refineries, chemical plants, or the computer networks that regulate the barges will succeed. We declare Ezekiel 32:14 that the waters of the Mississippi run deep and smooth like oil, that all along its banks is blessed, and all of its ports are prosperous.
In conclusion, Father, consider the threats against America and give Your people boldness to speak Your Word. Stretch out Your hand to heal our land and people, performing signs, wonders, and miracles, for Your glory (Acts 4:29). Breathe upon the intercessors with words, travail, groans, cries, songs and decrees to govern with Your power (Romans 8:26-27; Psalm 149). In Yeshua’s name, Amen.
Click HERE to read the GH15 post of Monday, 1/15/2024, which includes the dream. Click HERE to view it on YouTube.
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Pray for Israel: Prayer Alert – Seven Fronts of Attack from Iran
【Background of current events: After Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Tehran, the Iranian capital, and Lebanese Hezbollah military commander Fouad Shukr was killed in Beirut, the situation in the Middle East has become more volatile. Iran has vowed to retaliate, potentially dragging the entire region into all-out war.
Potential Threats Involve Seven Simultaneous Fronts
Over the years, Iran has cultivated the following proxies in the Middle East:
- Iranian militants in Iraq
- Iranian militants in Syria
- Lebanese Hezbollah
- Houthi armed forces in Yemen
- Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps/Iranian Army
- Hamas in Gaza
- Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in the West Bank
On the evening of August 4, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that Iran and its proxies are trying to surround Israel on the above seven fronts, but Israel is ready and determined to confront it.
Urgent Prayer Call from The Jerusalem House of Prayer
Rick Ridings, founder of the Jerusalem House of Prayer, forwarded a message from Amir Tsarfati of Behold Israel Ministries: “According to political commentator Axios, close to the U.S. The ruling authorities, the National Defense Forces and the Pentagon believe that Iran and its proxies will carry out an attack as early as August 5 (Monday) (In addition, Iran’s Islamic establishment also warned earlier that it would launch an attack on April 9, that is, August 12. ~13 Attack Israel).
Michael Kurilla, head of U.S. Central Command (Centcom), arrived in the region to mobilize the regional coalition that helped repel Iran’s attack on Israel on April 13. The attack is expected to be similar to April’s but larger and will be joined by Hezbollah. Jordan will be an important stop on the US general’s trip. On April 13, the Jordanians intercepted a significant number of Iranian drones, allowing Israeli and U.S. air forces to successfully complete the mission. May the God of Israel glorify His name over His enemies. “
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Pray for Israel: Light of Zion: DAILY PRAYER FOR ISRAEL AT WAR – 2024
Editor’s note: This article is reprinted from the “Daily Prayer for Israel at War” recently updated on April 24 by the “Light of Zion” ministry for your prayer reference. Here are 12 prayer points. May you pray for Israel, which is at war with Hamas. In addition, Israel is also informally at war with Hezbollah, which is supported by Iran in Lebanon.
- God’s Victory and Glory. Pray that God’s overarching purposes in Israel’s wars with Hamas and Hezbollah will be accomplished with the least amount of harm necessary to result in the greatest amount of good, for His ultimate glory. Praise the Lord, Captain of the Armies of Heaven, because His ways are not our ways; they are greater. May His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Psalms 100:4; 83, 2 and 33:10-12, Joshua 5:14, Matthew 6:10)
- Turning Hearts to God. Pray that in this time of deep trouble, many Israelis, Palestinians, Jews in the nations, and others affected by the wars would turn wholeheartedly to God. Pray that the true face and heart of Jesus would be revealed to them. Through the ravages of war, may He be sought, known and exalted in Israel and the Middle East. Pray for believers in Israel, Gaza, Lebanon and Iran to be renewed in Messiah’s love and strengthened daily in the Spirit. Ask the Lord of the harvest to raise up laborers for the harvest in Israel and the Middle East. (2 Peter 3:9, Psalms 27 and 23, Zechariah 12:10, Matthew 9:38)
- Our Enemies: Hamas – Hezbollah – Iran. Pray according to Psalm 149:6-9 that God’s judgment be executed on Iran and terror groups dedicated to Israel’s destruction. Pray that Hamas and Hezbollah will be neutralized in order to set Palestinians, Israelis and others free from an evil Islamist regime. According to Zechariah 9:5-7, prayerfully proclaim that “Gaza will lose her king, [that God] will cut off the pride of the Philistines, … and take the blood from their mouths [so] those who are left will belong to our God.” According to Jeremiah 49:34-39, prayerfully proclaim that God will “break the bow of Elam [modern-day Iran], the mainstay of their might” and “set His throne in Elam.” According to Psalm 29:5, prayerfully proclaim, “The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars [symbol of lofty strength]; the Lord breaks the cedars of Lebanon [Hezbollah].” Ask Him to reveal and give wisdom to Israel and other nations to implement heaven’s strategy for a post-war government in Gaza. Pray for divine direction and Israel’s supernatural defense against all forms of terror and military invasion. (Matthew 5:44, Amos 1:6-8, Daniel 2:21, Jeremiah 51:20-24, Psalms 27 and 91)
- Israeli Authorities. Pray that every Israeli leader will remain in office for as long as God wants him or her serving in that office. Pray for the gift of the fear of the Lord on each leader, for divine wisdom, godly counsel, supernatural protection on all levels, renewed strength and strategic direction. Pray especially for our emergency war cabinet: PM Netanyahu, Mr. Gantz and Mr. Gallant. Pray they will receive accurate and supernatural intelligence to know what Israel should do, and when and how to do it. (1 Timothy 2:1-4, Daniel 2:21, Psalm 75:6-7, Proverbs 9:10-11, 21:1, Psalm 91, 1 Chronicles 12:32)
- Unity. Pray for healing of the serious, internal disunity that has impacted Israeli society, politics and government leaders in recent years. Ask God to graciously convict us to forgive and love one another. May He neutralize demonic influences that stir up or finance hateful, civil protests by Israelis against our own government. Pray for unity among our governing leaders, especially our emergency war cabinet. Petition heaven to raise up authorities who will inspire the nation afresh according to God’s ways. Ask Him for peacemakers in Israel and the Middle East who fear His Name. Bless and pray for increasing unity in the Israeli ekklesia. (Matthew 12:25, Psalm 133, Malachi 2:10, Colossians 3:14)
- Hostages. Pray for great grace to be released on each of the hostages who are still in Gaza. Petition for their salvation, protection, strength, comfort, endurance, health and quick, safe return. Pray abundant grace and patient endurance upon their families. Ask the Healer of Heaven for wraparound comfort and healing on the whole nation, as every Israeli has recently lost someone they knew or is grieving with those who grieve. May any ceasefire deal for the release of hostages in exchange for the release of terrorists from Israeli jails be just and righteous according to godly wisdom, and not the product of unsanctified mercy or appeasement. (1 Samuel 30:11-19; Psalm 23, Jeremiah 30:12 and 17, Zechariah 9:11-12)
- Troops. Pray for daily renewed strength, watchfulness, angelic protection, precise and accurate intelligence, and anointing for effectiveness on each of our soldiers, military leaders and officials, security officers, police and first responders, and defense system technologies. Lift up the hundreds of Messianic soldiers in our armed forces, that the light of Yeshua would shine through them onto their fellow warriors. Ask God to help our troops avoid making mistakes that would harm innocent civilians or other Israeli soldiers. Pray for protection, strength, unity and anointing on Israeli warriors in the Spirit, Messianic Jewish and Arab Christian intercessors in the land. (Psalms 18 and 91)
- Scope of War. Pray that the scope and duration of Israel’s wars will be limited, by the power of the Blood of Yeshua and His sovereign kingship, according to His will. May it not result in a world war out of God’s timing. Pray that US involvement and decisions made by President Biden will be led of the Lord and reflect His time to favor Zion, not forcing a premature end to the war. Petition for the same concerning other nations who supply Israel with military aid. As a result of Israel’s wars with Hamas and Hezbollah, may new and godly, international alliances form according to His will. (Daniel 2:21, Proverb 21:1, Psalms 46, 102:13)
- Media War and Lawfare. Ask God to restore the love for truth that once characterized humankind. Pray for the exposure and uprooting of outrageous and hateful lies about Israel and the Jews which are reported daily in nearly all mainstream and social media, including some Christian media outlets. Bless media outlets that are reporting the truth. Pray for their protection and for an increase in their reach and effectiveness. Petition heaven for mercy toward Israel in the profound lawfare she faces in global bodies such as the United Nations and International Court of Justice. (Lawfare is the disingenuous changing of traditional and usually democratic, Judeo-Christian based laws in order to bring about major political changes that will reflect values contrary to current and traditional laws.) (Psalm 144:11, Exodus 20:16, Psalm 27:12-13, Genesis 12:3)
- Spiritual Warfare. Pray the power of the Blood of Yeshua and Word of Truth over ongoing influences of witchcraft, occult manipulations, globalist influences and other supernaturally evil forces coming against Israel. Pray especially that our governing leaders, our military and the interceding Israeli Body of Messiah will be protected from powers of darkness. Beseech God to dismantle occult shields of protection over head leaders and operatives of Hamas and Hezbollah. Worship and praise the Lord! (Worship and praise can battle powerfully against powers of darkness in spiritual realms.) (Ephesians 6:12, Numbers 23:23, Zechariah 9:13)
- Global Anti-Semitism. If led by the Spirit, repent on behalf of your nation or community for anti-Semitism. Beseech God to break the murderous spirit of Jew hatred rolling in the nations. Pray especially for the turning of hearts of young people exposed to genocidal anti-Semitism on college campuses and social media. Pray that international leaders at all levels and spheres of authority, especially in democratic nations, will courageously restrain incitement against Jewish students, Jews everywhere and Israel. Bless those leaders who speak out and stand up for the Jews. At the same time, ask God to use mounting anti-Semitism to encourage aliyah among Jews not yet living in Israel.
- Global Ekklesia. Pray for the global Body of Messiah to stand firm in the love and truth of God’s Word in support of Israel, while also carrying His heart for Palestinians and others involved in the wars. Ask Him to raise up and bless an army of intercessors around the world who will fast and pray for Israel. Petition Him for direction and wisdom for Christians in the nations to quell anti-Semitism in practical, effective ways. Pray for revival, the only true antidote to the hatred of Jews. Last but not least, thank God for answering your prayers! (Matthew 5:14-16, Revelation 12:11, Matthew 25:31-40, Psalm 100:4)
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Praying for Israel: Prayer Guide Against Anti-Semitism
The atrocities committed by Hamas and various terrorist allies against the nation of Israel on Oct. 7 seem to be a plumb line or water shed event on the earth, with nations dividing for or against the nation of Israel (see Joel 3:1–2). Former allies have become enemies in the public square. Since that day, the number of pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel/antisemitic events worldwide has increased dramatically. The spirit of Antichrist manifesting as the spirit of Amalek (see Exodus 17:8–16) is coming unmasked.
Antisemitism is a spiritual condition — a manifestation of the spirit of Amalek and Antichrist through people and organizations. It is in fact hatred of Jesus, the Jewish Messiah. How can we pray as followers of Messiah and as supporters of Israel and the Jewish people?
To begin, ask Holy Spirit to search your own heart and repent of any known antisemitism in you or your generational line. This would include prejudices, antisemitic jokes, and off-color remarks. Then stand in the gap and repent of any known antisemitic acts that occurred in your city, state, or nation. These unrepented sins open the door for the spirit of Antichrist and Amalek to have a foothold in your city, state, and even in your home and family. Repenting and being filled with His truth will protect and arm you for battle as you pray against antisemitism.
- Protection: Pray for the protection of Jewish people worldwide and especially for the nation of Israel. Pray for the Israel Defense Forces as they seek to eradicate the presence and power base of Hamas in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria (misleadingly called the West Bank), and throughout Israel (see Psalm 121:1; 122:6–9).
- Plans and Plots: Pray that all campaigns, plans, threats, or strategies against the Jewish people worldwide and in the land of Israel — whether at the hands of individuals, groups, or nations — are prevented or exposed before they can cause harm (see Psalm 83:1–8; 35; 20:6–9).
- Truth: Pray for a halt to the spread of lies and prejudices that fuel antisemitism. Pray that the true biblical history of Israel, its irrevocable covenant that includes the land, and the accurate history of so-called “Palestinians” will be reported and taught. This requires that the blindness would be lifted off those who believe and perpetuate these false ideologies. Lies must be replaced by truth, and that requires a revelation to the mind and heart. Remember that truth is a Person! (see 2 Thessalonians 2:10; Colossians 3:9).
- The Media: Pray for correction of media bias, where the supposed “crimes” of Israel are exaggerated, overreported, and emphasized, while similar activities by other nations and groups receive little or no notice or censure. Ask God to create an earnest search for truth in reporting, and that it would replace prejudice, lies, and sensationalism. Bind the prince of the power of the air, who is Satan, the father of lies. Release the Spirit of Truth, who convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. And encourage your heart with all the testimonies of terrorists coming to Christ! (see John 8:32,44; 16:8–11; Ephesians 2:2).
- Culpability of the Church: Replacement theology and unbiblical understanding of Israel’s role in redemption has been around for hundreds of years. The belief that Israel’s redemptive purpose is over, or that Israel has lost favor with God and has been replaced by the Church, is firmly embedded in many parts of the body of Christ and is taught in seminaries and bible colleges. This erodes biblical support for Israel and earnest prayer for Jewish people to be saved. Pray for a hunger in church leaders to know God’s perspective on Israel and the Jewish people from His Word alone. Pray for God’s heart for Israel and the Jewish people to be clearly articulated by pastors, Bible scholars, and seminaries. May the Lord shift entire denominations toward truth and create a worldwide wave of passionate advocates and protectors who are willing to stand against antisemitism in all forms and lay down their lives, like Ruth, for God’s chosen people (see Ruth 1:16–18; Romans 11).
- Justice Movements: Some compassion and justice movements misguidedly see Israel as the malevolent actor in every encounter and see the Palestinians exclusively as down-trodden victims. This viewpoint is prevalent even among several Christian groups lured by persuasive and emotional rhetoric and an unbiblical definition of justice. God’s justice is always paired with righteousness and truth (see Psalm 89:14; 33:5). The UN perpetuates this evil doctrine and its proclamations are eagerly taken up and parroted by media and politicians worldwide. Pray that a balanced view of God’s heart and a correct theology will change those who earnestly desire to do the right thing by shifting them away from trendy philosophies and movements toward righteous thoughts and deeds that reflect God’s commands. Declare Psalm 33:10–11: The Lord frustrates the plans of the nations and thwarts all their schemes. But the Lord’s plans stand firm forever; His intentions can never be shaken.
- College and University Campuses: The types of movements mentioned above, many of which blatantly promote anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian sentiment, are the norm on most college and university campuses. An entire nation and people group are being wrongly judged by a repeated ideology rooted in antisemitism and lies. The Free Palestine movement is one example. On many college campuses, this group is allowed freedom of speech, while Jewish groups are disallowed or shut down. This breeds and perpetuates antisemitic thinking under the guise of justice. Pray that young adults and those they look to as they develop their worldview will not be swept up into views that are “trending,” but will instead seek and take a stand for truth as it is found in God’s Word. It is a fearsome prospect that these individuals may end up cursing God and falling under His judgment (see John 8:31–32; 14:6; 17:17).
- Groups and Dogmas: Traditional antisemitic groups are emerging again, in new “packaging.” One example would be neo-Nazism. Of course, an even more dangerous global threat is radical Islam, which is targeting Jewish people around the world out of pure hatred and religious furor. They have a very specific agenda, and we must be in prayer against it! They say: “First the Saturday people; then the Sunday people” (Jerusalem World News). This refers to their plan to forcefully convert or eliminate first the Jewish people and then the Christians. The Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad terrorist groups call Israel the “Little Satan” and the United States the “Big Satan.” Their rallying cry is: “From the River to the Sea, Palestine shall be free!” — which is calling for the eradication of Israel and all Jewish inhabitants in the land of Israel from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. Pray that these groups will lose members and momentum. We as the Body of Messiah must not be asleep, but rather vigilant in prayer, as we are commanded to be in Scripture, for both Israel and our own nations (see Isaiah 62:6–8).
God’s Heart: In Jeremiah 32:37–41, God reveals His long-term plan for His chosen people, the Jews. His plan is to regather them from all the nations to which they’ve been scattered and to cleanse them of their sin. They will be His people, and He will be their God. This is the only place in Scripture where He determines to act with all of His heart and all of His soul. He says elsewhere that He will send first fishers and then hunters (see Jeremiah 16:16). This is a difficult Bible passage for our flesh, but God’s ways are not our ways, and neither are His thoughts our thoughts (see Isaiah 55:9). God will do all He must to bring His people home. Antisemitism may well be one of the goads He uses to awaken Jewish people worldwide to their need to obey His command and be regathered to the land of Israel. While we stand against this wicked manifestation of Antichrist and pledge our support — even unto death, if necessary — of the Jewish people worldwide, we do not want to be praying against God’s will. Let us pray that His will and His ways would be effective, that not so much as a single Jewish person would perish (see Amos 9:9–10), and that all Israel would be saved (see Romans 11:26)!
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Critical Event: “Take Back Canada” March – Restore Canada’s Destiny
Editor’s note : This article was written by a Chinese Canadian prayer agent.
【Current Affairs Background: July 1, 2024 will be Canada’s 157th National Day. In the torrent of history, Canada is a relatively young country, but it plays an extremely important role in the end times.
Canadian History
Before French explorers entered the land of present-day Canada in the 15th century, Canada had already been inhabited by many indigenous peoples. When French explorer Jacques Cartier first landed in Quebec along the St. Lawrence River in 1534, he passed by an indigenous village one day and asked the name of the area where he was. The local residents replied: Kanata (meaning: village, sojourn; Village or Settlement), Jacques Cartier transcribed it as Canada, which is the origin of the name “Canada”.
In fact, the area covered by “Canada” at that time was limited to the part of Quebec Province along the St. Rose River today. In the early 17th century, British explorers landed in North America on the Atlantic coast and made Quebec and the St. Lawrence River coast their colonies. The French and British colonists who arrived first and then later began a 150-year-long land struggle. After the war, in order to quell the unrest, the victorious Britain divided “Canada” into Upper Canada and Lower Canada at the end of the 18th century, based on the upper and lower river basins of the St. Lawrence River. Upper Canada is today’s Ontario, and Lower Canada is today’s Quebec. This laid the foundation for Canada to be bilingual in both English and French. In 1841, Upper and Lower Canada merged into the “Province of Canada”, and Upper and Lower Canada were renamed East and West Canada.
After several constitutional conventions, Canada finally passed the merger of the then British colonies of Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia into the “Canadian Confederation” on July 1, 1867. This day is Canada’s birthday.
In order to further develop westward, the Pacific Railroad running through the east and west coasts of Canada was completed with the help of a large number of Chinese immigrants and decades of hard labor. The railway system has a total length of 1.4 million kilometers and leads to the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Sea, Great Lakes, and St. Lawrence River, allowing Canada’s land to expand from east to west to become what it is today. The Prime Minister at the time once said: “Great country composing the Dominion from sea to sea by one vast Iron Chain, which cannot and will never be broken.” Just as Psalm 72:8: “He will rule from sea to sea, from the River to the ends of the earth.” This is a Bible verse engraved on the cornerstone of Canada’s Capitol Hill. It is not only the foundation of Canada’s founding, but also God’s will for Canada.
In order to integrate the East and the West, a flag is needed. In February 1965, a young man from Quebec hung a maple leaf flag designed by him on both Quebec Province Day (June 24) and Canada Day (July 1). This was different from the bilingual English and French regions at the time, which would only choose one flag representing the symbols of England or France. The maple leaf flag designed by this young man represents “ethnic integration, from east to west, representing all citizens, regardless of race or language, united as one under the healing of the leaves.” It has become the national flag of Canada today, releasing: Revelation 22:2: “The leaves on the tree are for the healing of the nations.” God’s destiny for Canada.
On July 1, 1965, the Canadian maple leaf flag was slowly raised on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, accompanied by the national anthem “Oh! Canada!”, and Canada became more mature. Until 1982, Canada finally separated from Britain and became an independent country to this day.
In the history of colonial immigration, missionaries also came to Canada with a mission. The author once visited Gaspé, the easternmost town in Quebec. During the 1,000-kilometer journey, churches of all sizes in each town became local landmarks, which shows that the missionary route from east to west at that time pushed Canada to become a country founded on Christianity.
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Pray for the Indigenous People: 8/1 Indigenous Revival Gathering – Unveiling the Prelude to Taiwan’s Indigenous Revival Movement
【Current events/Background: This article is excerpted from the report of “Christian Today” on July 16 about the upcoming indigenous revival gathering on Ketagalan Avenue in front of the Taiwan Presidential Palace. For the original text, please click here. The following are part of the excerpts, paraphrased in Teacher Ahong’s own narratives:
Called by God to Walk and Pray in the Birthplace of Taiwan’s 16 Indigenous Tribes
August 1st is Indigenous People’s Day. The concert “Indigenous 30 Dreams in Place – When We Are Together”, hosted by the Indigenous “Shared Revitalization Alliance”, hopes to call on indigenous youth to gather at Ketagalan Avenue to worship and pray to kick off the next ten-year indigenous revival movement – “The Rise of the Young Generation”!
God has a plan for everything He does! In the middle of the night last December (2023), God woke me up and gave me specfic words: strategy and effectiveness. He also called me to go to the origin of the 16 indigenous tribes to worship and pray, and to pray everywhere. I prayed like this: “There is no regret in God’s calling.” Then in January, God moved me to walk and pray in the 12 administrative districts of Taipei for 12 consecutive weeks, including walking and praying in key areas such as Hakka, Southern Fujian, and ethnic groups from mainland China.
Indonesian Brother Received Dreams and Delivered Letters to 16 Indigenous Peoples
After the prayer walk, the church community began to “Fast and Pray for Taiwan for 21 Days” on March 4. During the gathering, I kept hearing ” Arise the Native People, the Eldest Son will Revive “, and I began to have thoughts and feelings in my heart. One day at a gathering, Pastor Nathaniel Zhou came on stage to share a story: an Indonesian brother (see the picture on the left. The brother on the right was the one who had the vision) received a dream, and in the dream, God asked him to send 16 letters to the 16 indigenous tribes, and he didn’t know that there are 16 indigenous tribes in Taiwan. On the cover of the letters, a Atayal word was written, which means “Send, Unite.” (Note: Atayal is one the indigenous tribes in Taiwan.)
The interesting thing is that my father is an Indonesian Chinese, and I also have Atayal ancestry. I immediately realized that since last December, God has begun to use me to go to various tribes to do “unification” work. The prayers and dreams I heard in the “Fasting and Prayer Meeting for Taiwan” seemed to confirm what I received.
Gathering on Ketagalan Avenue on August 1st, the Rise of Indigenous Youth Generation
Later, I and Elder Andrew Chang, the founder of “TOD Tabernacle of David”, shared relevant insights with the indigenous pastors from different regions of Taiwan. This ten-year “Rise of the Indigenous Youth Generation” came into being. ! The gathering on Ketagalan Avenue on 8/1 can be said to be the starting point for all ethnic groups to come together. 8/2 is the first day of this ten-year movement. This gathering is scheduled to be held on “Ketagalan Avenue”, which is the only street named after an indigenous tribe in Taipei City, so it is of special significance to gather here on 8/1 Indigenous People’s Day.
The 30th Anniversary of the Rectification of Name of Indigenous People, Moving from Name Change to Revival
Forty years ago (1984), the “Promotion Association of Taiwan Indigenous Rights” launched a movement to rectify the names of indigenous peoples, which lasted for ten years. In 1994, after the Taiwanese government amended the constitution, an additional clause was added to the constitution. The derogatory term “mountain compatriot” was revised to “indigenous people”. The year 2024 is the 30th anniversary.
30 is a turning point in life, as the saying goes, “You stand at thirty.” Jesus also began to serve God around the age of 30. So in this year (2024), we sincerely hope that the indigenous people will move from the name-correction movement to a new revival movement. Indigenous people must help this country by moving from rectification of name to revival, from tragedy to zeal, from hatred to blessing, from inferiority complex to self-confidence. Therefore, all ethnic groups are invited to stand on national territory and declare for the country!
400 Years Since the Gospel was Introduced to Taiwan
In 1624, the Siraya people were the first indigenous tribe in Taiwan to be exposed to the gospel. God has three principles for doing things: the guidance of the Holy Spirit, God’s Words, and God’s timing. It has been 400 years since the gospel was introduced to Taiwan. Taiwan is like Moses and John the Baptist, hidden by God for 400 years. Now is the time to rise. Based on the above-mentioned reasons and insights, we chose to launch such an indigenous revival movement this year. The core of this concert on Ketagalan Avenue is to bring new love and harmony with God, with people, with the land and among all ethnic groups! We hope to increase the value of the eldest son of the land and the blessings of the eldest son of the gospel . Together we can be grateful for the past, cherish the present, and look forward to the future.
Indigenous People Unite and Activate Heavenly Blessings
Four main things will happen at the gathering:
- Acceptance: As the eldest sons of the land, the indigenous people openly express their acceptance of all ethnic groups who come to this land.
- Gratitude: Thanks to all ethnic groups and governments for their construction on this land.
- Fulfillment: The indigenous people are kind, loving and sharing nature, which can best promote peace, harmony and unity.
- Blessing: The eldest son of each country is given a kind of authority. The indigenous people not only have to recognize their identity, but also to enter into unity. I believe that when the indigenous ethnic groups unite, they will receive the key to unlock the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven. The revival of the indigenous peoples is not only related to the original ethnic group itself, but also to the “entire ethnic group.”
In 1624, the indigenous people received the gospel. The gospel can be said to be the destiny of the indigenous people. The indigenous people not only need to identify with their own culture, but also return to their identity in the kingdom of God and live out the life of Jesus Christ. The real revival is Life change, revival points to preparing the way for the Lord.
Pass on the Five New Things and Live Out the Five New Things
I hope to convey five things through this gathering:
- A New Era: It has been 400 years since the gospel entered Taiwan. A new chapter has arrived. We must live out a “new mindset .” Just like the Israelites leaving Egypt, they must also break away from the mindset of slavery. New wine must be put into new wineskins.
- New Cycle: The 30th anniversary of the renaming of the indigenous people. 30 represents a new cycle. To have a new cycle, there must be ” new behavior “, because confidence without behavior is dead. Indigenous people should move from the sadness of the past to zeal. From inferiority to self-confidence, from hatred to blessing, the most important thing is that the indigenous people should stand up and become a blessing to the country and the people, and live out the dream of God in the indigenous people.
- A New Generation: The young generation is about to rise. This is the moment for all generations to work together. The new generation is also the new four generations. In true love and inheritance, the previous generation and this generation take what they have worked hard and accompany and train the next generation, so that the new generation of young people can bravely take on the task . Most importantly, God needs a “new relationship ” with the children and with the family.
- New Unity: Unity is not just within one’s own ethnic group, but requires new connections, interactions and cooperation with different ethnic groups, people and things. Therefore, while launching the Indigenous revival movement, they also encourage and support the Hakka people to rise up , launch a revival movement belonging to the Hakka, and all ethnic groups in Taiwan must launch a revival movement belonging to their own ethnic groups. From a historical point of view, the indigenous first lived on this land, so they needed to be revitalized first. In 1645, the Hakka group moved to Taiwan. In 1662, Zheng Chenggong invaded Taiwan and a large number of people from southern Fujian came to Taiwan. In 1945, Taiwan was restored and a large number of people from other provinces came to Taiwan. The revival movement is promoted in this order. Teacher Hiro hopes to bring out a “New Unity Movement ” in this concert .
- New life: Through the New Life of Jesus Christ, a “New Kingdom Culture” is brought out , which requires a kingdom perspective and a new life.
Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of the Gospel and the 30th Anniversary of Indigenous Peoples
On August 1st, from 4:30 to 5:30 pm , various ethnic groups from the north, middle, south and east will take turns to perform, worshiping and praising in their mother tongue, and the prelude will be a performance by the Thao people’s 13 pestles, as well as children. Bring a street dance performance. Then the program officially started, presented in the form of a concert, and carried out according to the historical context. The contents are in order: Gospel 400, formerly known as 30 Happy Birthday, the rise of youth, the unity of the five major ethnic groups, and the next 10 years. In the five chapters, pastors from the north, middle, south and east are expected to chat and share stories on stage as hosts. Finally, children and teenagers will sing “God Loves the Indigenous People”, inviting everyone to celebrate Indigenous 30, hoping to bring a new social atmosphere so that everyone can have a blessed heart.
During the preparation process, the team encountered funding challenges. The fundraising goal was 5 million, and currently more than 4 million is still needed. Teacher Ahong said that God started working very quickly, allowing them to realize many connections and many differences in a short period of time. Pastors and all people can visit and deliver messages everywhere, and many members of the body are also very touched. I believe this is the best confirmation! Looking forward to experiencing the miracle of five loaves and two fishes next.
Teacher Ahong sincerely invites all churches to come together on 8/1 to participate in this grand event. I believe that each city has already started its journey, and I firmly believe that this land will be revitalized!
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Cleansing And Covering Prayer
Cleansing Prayers
Dear Heavenly Father, I ________ (put your name in it) come to the throne of grace, through the blood of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, to receive Your abundant grace and mercy. Lord Jesus, ________ confess You are the Lord of my life. I ask the resurrected power of the Holy Spirit to fill and saturate every part of my being. I surrender all my spirit, soul and body completely to You. Now I ask You to reveal to me, remind me of any sin that I have committed known or unknown, so that I can confess and repent of them accordingly. (Recommendation: quiet yourself, so you can allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you)
Cleanse me from all the defilement of the world, sanctify me and my family line of any unrighteousness with the blood of Jesus. Now by my own will, I choose to forgive everyone that has offended me or hurt me, I release them into the freedom of my forgiveness. I also release them from the debts they might owe me. I now cast all my burden to You . Your yoke is easy, Your burden is light. I now put on the armor of God that You have given me, gird myself with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, my feet fitted with the gospel of peace, so that I can pray and intercede in the Holy Spirit by Your mighty power, and after done all to stand firm.
Firewall Covering Prayer
Abba Father, I thank you for watching and blessing us coming in and going out, from now and forevermore.
Abba Father, help us to hide under the shadow of the Almighty, and cover us with Your wings. I now plead the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on myself, my entire family _________
(speak names of your family, and name the people, things, items, that needs covering, such as : your work, ministries, and everyone that you minister to, your property, finances, friends, pets, vehicles, pastors and small group leaders / members and president )
Abba Father, send the host of angels and chariots of fire, to surround and protect us, I ask that You place the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ, in between everyone and the power of darkness that we might be facing today, to block all ungodly influences and keep us from all spiritual attacks, loss of property and any evil strategy of the enemies. We declare no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!