Weekly Prayer (7/22)
【Last Weekly Prayer (7/15)】 【Next Weekly Prayer (7/29)】
【Cleansing/Covering Prayer】
Editor’s Words
Editorial Special Section: Barry Wunsch: Prophetic Word: I have an open door over Canada!
Message: Barry Wunsch Date: July 16 , 2022 Source: The Canada Hammer Blog
Editor’s Note : Barry Wunsch is a prophet from Canada who often appears on the “Elijah Stream” prophetic ministry to release powerful prophetic words. This prophecy was received on May 29, 2024, and was not released until July 16.
Editorial Special Section: Lana Vawser: Disciple You in Discernment
Message :Lana Vawser Date: July 1, 2024 Source: Lana Vawser Ministries
Recently, I heard the Lord speaking over the people of God and He said, ‘Draw close to Me and allow Me to disciple you in discernment.’ The sense surrounded me so strongly, of the need for increased discernment in the days ahead.
Editorial Special Section: Tim Sheets: “King Jesus Takes Center Stage”
Message : Tim Sheets Date: July 12, 2024 Source : Elijiah List
John the Baptist was called the forerunner of Christ. In other words, his assignment was to prepare the way for Christ to be revealed. I believe the apostolic and the prophetic movements of the last few years have also carried forerunner type of anoitings, preparing the way for Christ to be revealed in greater measure than before. I believe it is now time for this revealing to occur.
John said the following to those who were asking about Jesus; I believe it is prophetic for us now: “I have said it many times, and you have heard me—I am not the Anointed One; I am the one who comes before Him. If you are confused, consider this: the groom is the one with the bride. The best man takes his place close by and listens for him. When he hears the voice of the groom, he is swept up in the joy of the moment. So hear me. My joy could not be more complete. He, the Groom, must take center stage; and I, the best man, must step to His side.” (John 3:28–30 The Voice)
Editorial Special Section: Fast for Female: National Three-Day Esther Fast [7/29 to 7/31]
Source: One Million Women Ministries
On June 29th, 100 women gathered in New York City as Esther’s to pray, prophecy and establish the altar of the Lord at the gateway city of America and tear down the altar of Ishtar.
During the gathering, an invitation was extended from Lou to mobilize a fast. We believe that as we fast, pray and mobilize, we can reverse the curse of the feminist agenda on our nation and we want to invite you to use the influence God has give you and join us in prayer and fasting July 29-31st.
Editorial Special Section: [Voice of Fig] Torah Gleaning 40th Week of Balak
Message: JennyLee Date: July 21, 2024 Audio: [Voice of Fig] YouTube audio
- Scripture Progress: Numbers 22:2-25:9
- Prophets: Micah 5:6-6:8
- New Testament: Romans 11:25-32
Editorial Special Section: Chuck Pierce: “21 Days to Restore Joy and Produce Strength!”
Message: Chuck Pierce Date: June 29, 2024 Source: Elijiah List Ministries
Dear Celebrating Ones:
We are called to be a people of abundant life (John 10:10)! During a recent Celebration Service, LeAnn Squier stepped out to share that God’s people needed a HAPPY HOUR every day at 5 PM! She said, “We need to have a happy hour! We need to gather in a place of joy unspeakable and full of glory. I saw our voices begin to put things out in the atmosphere – joy, breath, the Spirit of the Lord in the atmosphere! We declare a happy hour for the Body of Christ from day to day to day!”
Declaration Prayer: For President Trump and His Team [Update]
We declare in the name of Jesus :
- God will continue to bless and protect President Trump and his family, as well as the “scepter of justice” that God has raised up to support him in his government.
- The blood of Jesus covers them and those close to President Trump, bind and drive away any witchcraft or spells cast on them.
- The Holy Spirit continues to pour out and personally guide President Trump. He grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God. ( Lu 2:52 )
- The seven spirits of God are manifested in President Trump’s life ( Isaiah 11:1-3 ), giving him keen insight and discernment, judging the situation, and resolutely continuing to fulfill his call.
- God will restore Trump to his rightful position at His best time and give people grace to transition.
Declaration Prayer: Declaration for the Month of Tammuz
Editor’s note: The month of Tammuz is the fourth month of 5784 in the Jewish calendar, corresponding to July 7 to August 4, 2024 in the Western calendar.
Declare in the name of Jesus :
- We choose to be strong and bold to speak positively!
- Our light shall break forth as the morning light, and our healing shall be swift, our righteousness shall go before us, and the glory of the LORD shall be your rear. ( Isaiah 58:8 )
- The Holy Spirit helps us to be gracious, merciful, righteous and upright people, and there will be light to discover us in the darkness. ( Psalm 112:4 )
- God gives us wisdom and makes us shine like the lights of heaven. ( Dan. 12:3 ).
- God will use signs, wonders, various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit to witness with us according to His will. ( Hebrews 2: 4).
- We rely on Jehovah God every day to help us to deal with our blind spots!
- Jehovah God has the answer to all problems, He is our horn of victory, we are people who are close to God, we must praise Jehovah! ( Psalm 148:14 )
- We are the children of Jehovah God, He has called us, and now is the time for us to enter our destiny.
- The fire of the Lord God burns within us, causing our eyes to shine with His light and life.
- Jehovah God will faithfully reveal to us all areas that need to be changed in His time.
- When encountering adversity, we choose to look up to Jehovah God immediately, our help comes from Jehovah who made heaven and earth! ( Psalm 121:2 )
- Jehovah God has presented words of blessing and curse before us, and we choose life. “( Deuteronomy 11:26 )
- The closer my relationship with the Lord is, the stronger my covenant with others will be.
(Adapted from The Blessings of the Sivan by Ron Sawka)
Declaration Prayer: Claim Back Sovereignty Over All Things on Earth
Editor’s note : In view of the recent frequent occurrence of major environmental disasters, such as the derailment of trains carrying toxic chemicals such as vinyl chloride, which has seriously harmed the ecological environment. As the powerful Parliament of Heaven, we can issue decrees that reverse the enemy’s deliberate efforts to destroy all the goodness God has created on earth. This declaration is adapted from the declaration received by D. Steve Ford in 2012 and re-proposed by Ricci, one of the leaders of Joel’s army. Steve heard God say that now is the time to take back sovereignty from several areas, reminding people that the Lord has given us that sovereignty, and we must first speak to those elements and tell them what to do to exercise that sovereignty .
Declare in the name of Jesus Christ:
We take back sovereignty over the air, the rain, the oceans, the earth, the living things on the ground, the soil and the microorganisms that live in it.
- We command the earth, the soil and the microorganisms in it to begin the process of restoration given to you by God at the beginning of creation and return to the natural order God gave you.
- We command the air, rain and oceans to begin an accelerated process of cleansing and returning to your natural order.
Pray for America:Cindy Jacob: Prayer Guide for Former President Trump and the Nation
Editor’s note: This prayer is a prayer guide published by Cindy Jacob on July 15. It is translated by the Kingdom Prayer Network and is for the reference of all intercessors only.
【 Current Events Background: Dear Ones, Yesterday, there was an assassination attempt against former President and current presidential candidate Donald J. Trump. There is never a place for violence against people of either party who are running for office. We need to believe that civility on both sides will be the rule of the day! ...Detailed Reading】
【Prayer Points 】
- Ask the Lord to heal former President Donald J. Trump from his physical wounds but also the trauma he experienced. May it not settle in his soul. Ask the Lord to make Psalm 34:4 very real to him, “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”
- We grieve for the life of Corey Comperatore, who was killed at the rally. He was a true hero as he threw his body on top of his family. Pray for his family and those who loved him.
- Continue to pray for the other two people who were shot during the rally: David Dutch and James Comperatore. Believe that they will fully recover. They are currently in stable condition.
- Pray for the nation that we will come together in unity. Let’s declare that we will not be afraid but, rather, stand boldly in intercession against every form of wickedness and evil.
- Let’s pray that there will be no more assassination attempts on any political candidates going forward! Pray for that peace that passes all understanding to guard hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Intercede for protection for all political candidates running for office from any party, including President Joe Biden and Robert Kennedy.
- Earnestly pray that there will not be any retaliation from extremist groups as a result of the assassination attempt and killing.
- Join us in praying Psalm 91 over the Republican National Convention beginning Monday, 7/15-18, in Milwaukee, WI. Pray the same over the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, IL, 8/19-22.
- Finally, let’s pray that God will somehow use this terrible tragedy to wake up the nation to its need for the Lord, and that a mighty revival and awakening will take place that will sweep America from sea to shining sea.
Pray for America: Nita: Sharing and Praying for America
Editor’s Note: This prayer was shared by ” World for Jesus” on July 19. It is very powerful and can be used as a reference for all intercessors.
【 Current Events Background: God is a righteous and holy God. He loves America, but America has chosen the path of disobedience. America is at a crossroads. Which path shall we choose? Will we follow the path of disobedience or the path of peace?...Detailed Reading】
- God’s Will is Done in America as It Is in Heaven: God, may Your heart be satisfied, may You find rest, and may You see this nation bow down to You, willing only to please You. May Your will be done in America as it is in heaven. When those who don’t know You see Your glory in the church, let them cry out, “Oh, I want to know the God who saves me and saves us from our enemies!” May they sing praises and join the crowd. We praise You with all our hearts! May they choose Your ways, Your plans, and Your will with all their heart!
- Embrace Israel and Declare Victory: May the Lord strengthen us to embrace Israel and declare victory, so that Israel can walk with us on this path of righteousness and holiness. May those nations who look to America as their father be satisfied that they have found our God and be saved from evil in His grace, peace, and power. Satan is doing everything he can to wreak havoc on God’s destiny for America and trample America under his feet. But Lord, as You always say to Your Son, “I am your God, rise up and defeat your enemies! I am your grace, strength, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and discretion, and I will By your side!”
- Defeat the Power of the Cabal in The United States : Obama has offended the United States alone 3,200 times, not to mention many offenses against God. Everything he did seriously offended God, and he tried to drag the United States into his ugliness. level, and the Cabal gave him newer and greater ways to insult God! He grew like a towering oak tree, shouting to heaven above and to the people below, “I rule America in my own way, and I will never follow God’s plans and purposes, but the way of the cabal. I declare that I am the strength of this country, I am the face of this country! “Now I declare that Obama’s words are invalid, Biden’s words are worthless, and the Cabal’s plans, purposes, and rhetoric are worthless and we trample them under our feet!
- Choose the Common Good, Truth and Life and Be Blessed by God : we raise our hands high to honor our glorious God! May people turn their lives to the light, and may they be blessed through Him! We bless America, be blessed in truth, be blessed in light, be blessed with wise hearts and minds, use truth and humility to resist the oppressor, and focus on watching God’s work! America! Don’t give up your faith, don’t fall into the yoke of evil, choose truth and life! God! We say “no” to death, darkness, lies, deception, and confusion. We say “yes” to truth, love, life, mercy, justice and faithfulness to God! Lord, my heart is filled with passion for you today! The flames of love for You, plans and purposes for You burn in my face! Because we know that You will pour out Your glory into the hearts of those who say “Yes” and create a passion for righteousness in their hearts!
- Give Future Generations a Better Future and Hope : O God! Let America support Donald Trump, support him with our faith, love and prayers. With the strength and authority God has given him, let him follow the plan God has given him and defend the truth and life of the kingdom of God. Let us watch together What the Father does! Bless Trump and his administration for leading America out of darkness. Lord, open our eyes so that wisdom may cry in the streets, our ears may hear, and our eyes may see light, life, and truth. Give us the strength to stand up for justice! Let the glory of heaven come, let us become a new man, and greatly praise our God! Down with the idols and all that is false in this country. Forgive us our sins and cleanse them from our hearts, giving our descendants a better future and hope.
In the precious name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
Pray for America: Joel’s Army Prayer Points
Editor’s note: This article is the focus of the “World for Christ” ministry led by Nita Johnson to pray for the United States on July 21, for your reference and prayer.
- Praise our holy God.
Editor’s Note: This article comes from the “Give Him 15 Minutes” website of intercession leader Dutch Sheets , which provides a reference for intercessors from various states to pray for American waterways. May the Holy Spirit lead the intercessors to accomplish this critical task of restoring America.
Father, You have assigned us to pray for protection over America’s water supply, waterways, and dams. Your Word tells us that unless You keep or guard a city, the efforts of watchmen are in vain (Psalm 127:1). Therefore, we look to You for protection – You are our refuge, a very present help in times of trouble (Psalm46:1). When You are for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)? You save us from our enemies, men of bloodshed who do iniquity (Psalm 59:1-2). You are theCreator and Owner of the entire world – all of its inhabitants, as well as the seas and rivers. You are the King of glory, the Lord strong and mighty in battle, and the Lord of angel armies (Psalm 24:1,7,8,10). As a Master Workman, You set the boundaries for the seas and drew the tributaries of the earth (Proverbs 8:29-30), and still maintain ownership and authority over them.
Pray for Israel: Netanyahu Addresses to U.S. Congress
【Current Affairs / Background: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will deliver a speech to the U.S. Congress on July 24. Netanyahu said in the statement that he will represent Israel and explain the truth to the American people and the world about the war between Israel and Hamas. .…Detailed Reading】
- Isaiah 2:3 The Lord will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his ways, for instruction will go out from Zion , and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
- Daniel 2:21 He changes times and seasons, deposes kings and establishes kings, he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the wise.
- Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed against you will be used; you will surely condemn anyone who raises his tongue against you in judgment. This is the inheritance of the servants of the Lord, their righteousness from me. “this is what Jehovah said.
- Hebrews 4:12 The word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, even the thoughts and intents of the heart. discern; discern;
- Psalm 29:3-8 The voice of the LORD is on the waters; the God of glory thunders; the LORD thunders over the waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful, the voice of the Lord is full of majesty. … The voice of the LORD shakes the wilderness, the LORD shakes the wilderness of Kadesh .
- Isaiah 58:8 Then your light will appear as the morning light, your healings will come quickly, your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your back.
- Natanyahu is Doing the Will of God : Heavenly Father, we thank You for Prime Minister Netanyahu. In the face of pressure from all sides, he still set a non-negotiable bottom line and insisted on no pressure from the international community. And decisions can prevent Israel from attacking Hamas and protect Israel’s security at all costs. We bless Natanyahu and ask You to give him the wisdom and knowledge found in Daniel 2:21 , and also give him the heavenly strategy and courage to lead Israel in Your will.
- Release God’s Truth: Heavenly Father, thank You for your invitation to Natanyahu to speak to the U.S. Congress, explaining the truth about the war between Israel and Hamas to the American people and the world. Please anoint him and use him to release what You want to say to the United States and other nations. Like a sharp two-edged sword, it pierces and cuts open people’s hearts and minds. Like thunder on the flood, it turns the deceived hearts. We declare in the name of Jesus Christ that righteousness will go before him and the glory of the Lord will be his back. Any weapon to attack Natanyahu will not be used, and the angelic and heavenly armies will watch over his safe entry and exit from the United States!
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
Pray for Israel: The Israeli-Arab War is Expected to Come to an End
【Current Affairs / Background: Israel says the first phase of the war in Gaza is coming to an end because Hamas has very few troops left. However, Israel still negotiates hostage and ceasefire issues with Hamas through the United States, Egypt and Qatar. Hamas still rules much of Gaza, killing and intimidating those who want to cooperate with Israel and live in peace. people. .…Detailed Reading】
- Psalm 33:16-17A king cannot conquer because of his multitude, nor can a mighty man be saved because of his strength. It is in vain to rely on horses to save people, nor can horses save people because of their great strength.
- Numbers 21:1-3 When the king of Arad , a Canaanite who lived in the south , heard that the Israelites were coming from the road to Attalin , he fought with the Israelites The Israelites vowed to the LORD, “If you deliver this people into my hand, I will completely destroy their cities.” The LORD answered the Israelites and delivered the Canaanites to them. The cities of the southerners Hormah .
- Psalm 126:1-2 We were like those who dreamed, when the Lord brought the captives back to Zion . While our mouths are filled with laughter and our tongues are filled with joy, some among the Gentiles will say, “The Lord has done great things for them!”
- Ending the Battle of Gaza : Heavenly Father, we praise You for the victories Israel has achieved so far! In the next phase of the war, pour out Your heavenly strategies to lead the Israeli army forward and free Israel from the restrictions imposed by the international community. , strengthen Israel’s determination to eradicate the evil forces of Hamas, help Israel quickly end this battle, and maintain comprehensive security supervision over Gaza after the war. During this period, please protect the safety of Israeli soldiers and minimize casualties.
- The hostages will be released soon : Heavenly Father, we continue to pray for the physical and mental health of the hostages still imprisoned in Gaza, so that they will not lose hope. As You did in Numbers 21:1-3 , when Israel called upon You to help them rescue hostages held by their enemies, You delivered them over to their enemies. We pray that You will humble the hearts of the people of Israel in their difficult times and turn them around to seek Your face, so that the captive hostages can be released as soon as possible.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
Pray for Israel: Light of Zion: DAILY PRAYER FOR ISRAEL AT WAR – 2024
Editor’s note: This article is reprinted from the “Daily Prayer for Israel at War” recently updated on April 24 by the “Light of Zion” ministry for your prayer reference. Here are 12 prayer points. May you pray for Israel, which is at war with Hamas. In addition, Israel is also informally at war with Hezbollah, which is supported by Iran in Lebanon.
- God’s Victory and Glory. Pray that God’s overarching purposes in Israel’s wars with Hamas and Hezbollah will be accomplished with the least amount of harm necessary to result in the greatest amount of good, for His ultimate glory. Praise the Lord, Captain of the Armies of Heaven, because His ways are not our ways; they are greater. May His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Psalms 100:4; 83, 2 and 33:10-12, Joshua 5:14, Matthew 6:10)
Praying for Israel: Prayer Guide Against Anti-Semitism
The atrocities committed by Hamas and various terrorist allies against the nation of Israel on Oct. 7 seem to be a plumb line or water shed event on the earth, with nations dividing for or against the nation of Israel (see Joel 3:1–2). Former allies have become enemies in the public square. Since that day, the number of pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel/antisemitic events worldwide has increased dramatically. The spirit of Antichrist manifesting as the spirit of Amalek (see Exodus 17:8–16) is coming unmasked.
Critical Event: “Take Back Canada” March – Restore Canada’s Destiny
Editor’s note : This article was written by a Chinese Canadian prayer agent.
【Current Affairs Background: July 1, 2024 will be Canada’s 157th National Day. In the torrent of history, Canada is a relatively young country, but it plays an extremely important role in the end times.…Detailed Reading】
- Psalm 72:8 “He will have dominion from sea to sea, from the River to the ends of the earth.”
- Isa 22:22 “I will put the key of David’s house on his shoulder; he shall open, and no one shall shut; he shall shut, and no one shall open.”
- 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
- Psalm 24:9-10 “Lift up your heads, you gates! And lift up your heads, you everlasting doors! For the King of glory is coming. Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory.”
- Joel 3:1-2 “In that day, when I bring back the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and I will execute judgment there; because they have scattered my people, my inheritance Israel, among the nations.”
- Identification Repentance: Lord! We come to You to confess and repent on behalf of Canadians. Please forgive us. As Chinese immigrants in Canada, we only want to get what we want. We are indifferent, ignorant, insensitive, powerless, and numb to the current situation in Canada. We repent before you. Canada has offended you. Liberalism and humanism have made Canada act arbitrarily. Marijuana, homosexuality, and polysexuality have provoked your anger. Please forgive our sins. Please also forgive Canada for its betrayal of your will and its sin of abandoning its allies in Israel. Lord! Please do not hide Your face from Canada and wipe away Canada’s willful sins. Come to heal and restore Canada.
- Bless Canada : Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, we bless Canada to enter its destiny and become a place for people to settle down (as its name suggests). Immigrants from all over the world can open their spiritual eyes in this free land, know God, and accept God. Bless Canada’s leaders and government officials at all levels to be able to act in God’s will, be guided by the Spirit of God, be filled with the Spirit of Jehovah, the Spirit of wisdom and intelligence, the Spirit of strategy and power, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of Jehovah, and lead Canada.
- In the name of Jesus Christ we declare :
- Canada is a Christian nation, with the Lord as its God’s kingdom. Canada is blessed ( Psalm 33:12).
- Canada is a blessing to the nations, carrying the anointing of healing, bringing reconciliation and healing, like the surging waters of Niagara Falls, walking in God’s will.
- Canada belongs to God, from sea to sea, from the rivers to the ends of the earth, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the St. Lawrence River to the North Pole. The Lord God reigns over all Canada. ( Psalm 72:8 )
- In the year 5784, in the year 2024, the gates of Canada will be opened, and the King of Glory will enter Canada. The King of Glory is the Lord who is powerful on the battlefield. He is the Lion of Judah, who will roar and wake up the whole earth. Because the day of the Lord’s return is near, all nations will hear His voice.
- The Canadian church is no longer timid and hidden. The Canadian church must take its place and respond to God’s call.
- Canada is Israel’s inseparable friend. Canada will stand with Israel at all times. Canada must align with God’s will and stop wavering. Canada must stand on the Lord’s side. Canada will be a blessing to Israel! Canada is Israel’s best friend!
- The church in Canada is waking up and rising. The Canadian revival is happening and the awakening is beginning!
In Jesus’ name we pray! Amen!
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Pray for Native Americans: Chinese, Indigenous People and Israel – God’s Will in the Last Days
Editor’s Note: This article is a continuation of the report on the “North American Indigenous Summit” in the previous issue . Part of the content is excerpted from the heartfelt voice of a North American family member.
【Current events: When I heard the message of Linda Prince and the miracle that happened in her body’s resurrection, I was so excited that I accepted this “North American Indigenous Summit” in my spirit , not only for As the indigenous people fulfill God’s intention for them, the rise of indigenous people is also related to Canada entering its destiny, which is Revelation 22:2 “The leaves on the tree are for the healing of all peoples .” Canada is a maple leaf country, and a prophet predicted that Canada will be healed in the end. …Detailed Reading 】
- Isaiah 60:1-2 Arise and shine! Because your light has come! The glory of the Lord shines upon you. Behold, darkness covers the earth, and thick darkness covers the peoples, but the Lord will appear and shine upon you; his glory will be upon you.
- Ephesians 3:20 God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.
- Ephesians 1:10 In order that in the fullness of time all things in heaven and on earth might be gathered together in one in Christ, according to the plan.
- Romans 8:19 The creation eagerly awaits the revelation of the sons of God.
- Hab 2:14 The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.
- Sharing the Vision of the “Indigenous Embassy” in Jerusalem: Heavenly Father, thank You for enabling the “North American Indigenous Summit” to fulfill its mission and deliver the vision of the “Indigenous Embassy” in Jerusalem. Move your children to pray earnestly for this, and assist indigenous leaders to continue to share their visions in various places, and to bring together indigenous and non-indigenous members of the Christian body around the world to participate in this grand event. Since this is your will, you will provide all the operations and funding needed by the “Indigenous Embassy” in Jerusalem, and you will also provide everything needed by all the indigenous representatives who respond to your call to attend the October Jerusalem gathering. Please mobilize all things and accomplish all of this abundantly.
- Starting the Wave of God’s Glory on the East Coast of America : Heavenly Father, we believe that when the indigenous people visit North America with visions, connect with the various ethnic groups that support Israel, and open the ancient wells, God’s sons will wake up quickly and respond to the call. , stepping into the tsunami of glory, “Come up here!” The Chinese are rising, the indigenous people are rising, and Israel is rising too! Arise and shine, for your light has come! Sow revival in our hearts and in our soil! Through our will to the Holy Spirit and obedience to Your words, You will release the power and authority of the Kingdom of God in righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Those who bless Israel will be blessed. With the rise of the indigenous people, a wave of A wave of revival is about to sweep across the earth!
In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen!
Pray For Church
Pray for Participating Churches and Pastrs on Regional 24/7 Prayer Walls
【Editor’s Note: The 24/7 prayer walls listed here are especially for local churches and pastors. If you are committed to watch on the regional walls, simply click on the link listed below to connect to the local prayer wall. 】
- East Coast 24/7 Prayer Wall – Prayers for Local Churches & Leaders
- Bread Of Life Christian Church in ShiLin
- NZ Awaken the Dawn
Related Events and Prayer Background
Editorial Special Section: Barry Wunsch: Prophetic Word: I have an open door over Canada!
Message: Barry Wunsch Date: July 16 , 2022 Source:The Canada Hammer Blog
Editor’s Note : Barry Wunsch is a prophet from Canada who often appears on the “Elijah Stream” prophetic ministry to release powerful prophetic words. This prophecy was received on May 29, 2024, and was not released until July 16.
This red, orange and blue cord is going down! This deceptive evil alliance is coming down! They are all in cahoots! These Governmental Puppets played by puppet master globalists and elites and they are tearing Canada down!
Trudeau, Singh and Poilievre are three peas in a pod! They have taken the silver! They have been bought out! They are dancing to the tune of their handlers! They are bad actors! They take their cues and curtain calls by the same evil directors! They are bought and paid for! Make no mistake, they know exactly what they are doing! Except for the fact that they did not consider Me and My ways, and they don’t have a chance against Me! They lie at will.
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Editorial Special Section: Lana Vawser: Disciple You in Discernment
Message :Lana Vawser Date: July 1, 2024 Source: Lana Vawser Ministries
Recently, I heard the Lord speaking over the people of God and He said, ‘Draw close to Me and allow Me to disciple you in discernment.’ The sense surrounded me so strongly, of the need for increased discernment in the days ahead.
As I leaned in and listened to what the Lord was saying, I heard:
‘I am calling My people to draw close to Me now, for great discernment is needed now and even greater discernment will be needed in the days to come. For there is great deception that the enemy is bringing into the earth and I am raising up a people who are living DISCIPLED in MY DISCERNMENT. I am calling My people to come to Me in deep surrender and humility: to come to Me with a teachable spirit and heart and allow Me to school them in the ways of discernment. For many are masking their opinion as discernment, and it is not the discernment of My Spirit and My heart. For in the days to come — in the shaking that will come — those that are walking in the discernment of My Spirit, rooted and grounded in the place of intimacy with Me and founded in My Word, will be clear to see. It is time for My people to lay aside opinions and offences and come to Me and allow Me to disciple them in discernment.
‘As I bring you, My people, deeper into the place of discernment in this hour, you must come not only with a teachable heart but an obedient heart. For what I am going to reveal in this hour — what I am doing and My ways and also uncovering the enemy and his plans — is going to require an even greater shifting of some alignments. As I bring more dross to the surface there will be even greater shaking that will come to hearts, but in the shaking of what I reveal, you MUST live DEEPLY in the place of trust. There is an even deeper dependence and trust upon what I reveal, what I show you and where I lead you, My people: and you must NOT try to work it out with your natural mind, for this will send you into a place of confusion, a place of torment and a place of delay. This is the time to truly come even closer to My heart and listen to what I am saying and move on the discernment that I give unto you.
‘As I disciple you in discernment in greater ways in these coming days, it is imperative that you remain deeply in My Word and know that I will confirm all that I am revealing. This is not a time to run and hide, this is a time to arise and stand confident on that which I am revealing. For I will confirm My discernment that I am releasing to you in this hour in greater ways. I will speak to you in the night hours. PAY ATTENTION to your dreams and that which I speak in the night hours. Watch as I reveal to you as you sleep MUCH that will be needed for the days ahead. For I will open up and reveal mysteries (Daniel 2:22) contained within My Word and My heart that will be a light and a guide for your feet in this hour.
‘There is an even greater testing that is coming in the deep place of discipling in discernment. For I am not revealing and exposing and bringing things into the light — and also revealing divine secrets of My heart and intel — so it may be paraded and passed on. I am looking for those that I can trust in greater ways with the secrets of My heart, the divine intel I am releasing and the increased discernment, wisdom and spiritual intelligence that I am pouring out. There will be a great test upon you, My people, of the stewardship of discernment and divine intel in this hour. For My fire is coming upon hearts in the increasing discipleship in discernment to expose the areas where intel and discernment would be used for many to “be seen.” Great shall be the shaking and great shall be the dealings of My hand. I am looking for those who can be entrusted in greater ways with the discernment and intel I am releasing.
‘I am raising up tribes and communities like never before to stand together and to govern in the earth in unprecedented ways. For I have and am bringing those alongside you, My people, to stand and build with you in this hour; and together as the eagles you will fly. But I say unto you, the discernment and the intel I am releasing is not to be handed and revealed to whomever you choose. For in what is to be shared and released, remain humble and teachable: listening to My voice and walking in wisdom in whom to share and weigh with — WHEN I LEAD!
‘“Being discipled in discernment, and being led by My eye and My wisdom and My Spirit in this hour is urgent. I am calling you deeper. I am calling you deeper. Come close to My heart and listen to My voice. Live deeply and even deeper in the place of intimacy with Me. As deception increases significantly in the days to come, living deeply in My heart and My Word, remaining teachable and allowing Me to disciple you in discernment, will see you hear as I hear and see as I see in greater ways. Make room to be discipled by Me in discernment and watch great deliverance, direction and wisdom come to you that is greatly needed for the days ahead.’
I have set the Lord continually before me; Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.’ Psalm 16:8 (AMP)
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Editorial Special Section: Tim Sheets: “King Jesus Takes Center Stage”
Message : Tim Sheets Date: July 12, 2024 Source : Elijiah List
John the Baptist was called the forerunner of Christ. In other words, his assignment was to prepare the way for Christ to be revealed. I believe the apostolic and the prophetic movements of the last few years have also carried forerunner type of anoitings, preparing the way for Christ to be revealed in greater measure than before. I believe it is now time for this revealing to occur.
John said the following to those who were asking about Jesus; I believe it is prophetic for us now: “I have said it many times, and you have heard me—I am not the Anointed One; I am the one who comes before Him. If you are confused, consider this: the groom is the one with the bride. The best man takes his place close by and listens for him. When he hears the voice of the groom, he is swept up in the joy of the moment. So hear me. My joy could not be more complete. He, the Groom, must take center stage; and I, the best man, must step to His side.” (John 3:28–30 The Voice)
What a picture of this moment. Jesus must take center stage, and we—the groomsmen, the bridesmaids, the Bride, the attendants—must step to His side. We’re moving into times when Holy Spirit says that Jesus the King will take center stage. He must, in order to see the shakings have their intended effects. He must, in order to see the necessary correction and change.
We are entering days when Christ will take center stage to shake and expose evil, strengthen His Ekklesia, and bring about great change.
Standing with Him
The true Church, Christ’s Bride, must now step to His side in new, visible, and vocal ways. As He takes center stage, we must stand with Him. We will not be spineless or weak, and we will not be intimidated, subjecting ourselves to godless dynasties. We will not bow to authoritarian leaders in America or any other government. We will not be bland Christians presenting bland services, or preaching bland messages. We will step to Christ’s side and stand with Him in great boldness.
A glorious remnant that desires change is rising. They’re hungry for outpourings, signs, wonders, miracles, revival, and freedom. They know this is their inheritance as the sons and daughters of God.
In these next eight months, we will see the King of kings begin to take center stage. The starring role in this supernatural time will not be politicians clinging to power in nations they’ve gripped with iron fists. No, the starring role has been reserved for another: He who declared, “…’All power is given to Me in Heaven and in Earth'” (Matthew 28:18). The starring role has been reserved for the resurrected King of glory.
In earth’s great drama, He emerged as the Creator. After the Fall, His Cross provided freedom from sin, and His resurrection broke the power of death. In the coming scene of this drama, He will step to center stage with His glorious Church at His side.
Word of the Lord
Hear the word of the Lord: “Those who stand with Me will see that I stand with them. Those who come to My side will see the days of shaking become days of personal and corporate triumph. For I will release winds of My Spirit that [will] bring power to conquer. My people will defeat their enemies and enjoy the spoils of victory. They will proclaim, ‘Our enemies have resourced us. We have more because of war; it has turned for our good.’ They will say, ‘The enemy’s plans have collapsed around them and their plans have failed.’ They, My people, will say, ‘Their words, the words of our enemies, have returned upon them, vexing their souls. The enemies’ words have proclaimed their own sentencing. They’ve built their own gallows.’ They will say, ‘Our enemies have been poisoned by their own venom. Our enemies have been trapped in traps laid for us.’
“For you will rejoice,” says the Lord. “You will sing and you will dance with joy, proclaiming, ‘We have escaped as birds out of the snares of the fowler’ (see Psalm 124:7). I am exposing the snares of wokeism, progressivism, and humanism. Their spokesmen will begin to walk in miry clay while you go free. You will see changes of leadership in natural and spiritual realms, for a new breed of leaders will now be revealed in My Kingdom. These are people who have come to My side. They will now rise in power, for I will advocate for them and anoint them with My favor. They are those who come from My presence, carrying the weight of My glory. They would not compromise, refusing to be harnessed by the world. They would not bow to darkness, appease humanism’s ways, bend their knees to blended religion, or kiss the ring of Baal. They are those who defy the doctrines of demons.
“[Those] who stood unashamed of Me—I will stand unashamed for them. The Lord of hosts promises that great victories are at hand; I will oversee their completion. Great deliverance is in process. I will remove the demonic veil hiding My Kingdom’s enemies. I will make your enemies vulnerable to you, to the authority I gave you. They are vulnerable to your decree,” says the Lord.
“For you will now see the course of history, the course of nations, change. History makers are coming to My side, and I will use them to bring this change, leading in historic transitions. Know and trust that the shaking will cause historic change.
“Your decrees of My words release My plans to alter governments and end tyrannical oppression. Alterations are now being made. Transfers of power will be seen. For I have the right to bring down one and exalt another. I decide who rises and falls. I can put down one and lift up another. I am doing so now, shaking governments and lands that have defied Me. I will come to center stage and stand with My heirs, My Church, whom I love and for whom I gave Myself. (Photo via Pexels)
“There will now be seen throughout the earth a functioning Ekklesia—an Ekklesia functioning in the midst of the world’s dysfunction. Multiplied grace is now being poured out. Bound souls will be set free, captives will be delivered, and those blinded by iniquity will be liberated from dark bondage. The rains of Heaven will pour in torrential downpours, Kingdom revival will accelerate. Signs, wonders, and miracles will validate My Ekklesia—notable miracles leaping forth. All manner of sicknesses and diseases will be healed as the King takes center stage.”
Pray with Me
Lord, we declare our confidence in You, standing strong upon Your promises, engaging our faith for this moment. Enable us to be those who step to Your side now in visible, powerful ways. We believe You have orchestrated the ages, creating a time such as this when the world will see You take Your position as the King of kings. Take center stage in America and in the nations. Break strongholds, shake what needs to be shaken, and pour Your glory on Your Ekklesia.
Father, when Christ came there were no natural signs that the course of history was about to change. But You knew it was the right time, the fullness of time. In seasons leading up to past revivals, it has rarely looked like positive change was imminent. Yet, in the hidden realm of the spirit, conditions were right and the harvest was ripe. We believe this is true now. Harvest fields of the earth are ready for harvesting. Bring this. Step onto the stage and reap! Many are asking for this. Many laborers have been preparing; send them forth now.
Keep Your intercessors focused and strong. Do not allow them to be distracted by violence, wars, political campaigns, or difficult circumstances. May they keep their eyes on the prize: Earth’s greatest harvest ever.
We ask these things in Yeshua’s name, amen.
Our decree:
We declare that King Jesus is taking center stage. We will step to His side as He leads us to breakthrough.
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Editorial Special Section: Fast for Female: National Three-Day Esther Fast [7/29 to 7/31]
Source: One Million Women Ministries
On June 29th, 100 women gathered in New York City as Esther’s to pray, prophecy and establish the altar of the Lord at the gateway city of America and tear down the altar of Ishtar.
During the gathering, an invitation was extended from Lou to mobilize a fast. We believe that as we fast, pray and mobilize, we can reverse the curse of the feminist agenda on our nation and we want to invite you to use the influence God has give you and join us in prayer and fasting July 29-31st.
During these 3 days, we are asking you to commit to link arms with 3 or more women to pray together daily and fast as we personally sow in and believe for 3 million dollars to support the October 12th gathering in Washington DC, and rally for 3 million registrations for the national Mall on the day of atonement as a last stand for America.
During these three days, we encourage you to share stories of the truth and your testimony and tag @amillionwomen_
Praying For:
- The root of demonically inspired secular feminism would be broken and a righteous women’s movement will arise in America!
- Believe for 30,000 women across the nation to fast with us
- 3 Million People to be registered for the A Million Women gathering
- 3 Million Dollars in fundraising
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Editorial Special Section: [Voice of Fig] Torah Gleaning 40th Week of Balak
Message: JennyLee Date: July 21, 2024 Audio: [Voice of Fig] YouTube audio
- Scripture Progress: Numbers 22:2-25:9
- Prophets: Micah 5:6-6:8
- New Testament: Romans 11:25-32
Moments and Seasons of Sudden Reversal
- The time and season of sudden reversals, transformations in time, and witnessing life-changing miracles is coming! Many people are feeling the heavy burden of spiritual warfare in this season. Many people are experiencing a great spiritual shock. Greater acceleration and momentum is happening in the spiritual realm. I hear Heavenly Father say, “Get ready! This is a time and a season of sudden reversals, transformations in time, and witnessing life-changing miracles!” In this moment, remember that in the midst of it all, God is in control and He is working for us And fighting, this is very important! Even if the war is raging and the conflict is getting more intense, we must hold our ground and hold our position!
God’s Timing is Precise and Perfect!
- During this season, I see God sharpening our spiritual eyes so that we can transcend the boundaries of fear, limitation, and hindrance. He is moving us to a higher place. He is lifting a heavy burden off my shoulders and breaking the power of lying evil spirits that distort the truth of our true identity and destiny in heaven. listen! Do not be afraid! I see powerful angels on mission surrounding your life and circumstances – the warrior angels of Psalm 91 and Exodus 23 sent before you to assist, coordinate and provide for your biggest breakthroughs and enable you Safe from all harm and destruction!
- I heard the Holy Spirit say: Warrior be quiet! do not be afraid! For My power and courageous Spirit have been poured out on you. My Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation provides you with divine strategies and solutions to every attack of the enemy. Nothing will surprise you! Because I let you go through hardships and train you on the battlefield. It was I who shaped you! Behold, beloved, for I have made you fruitful—to multiply even on the ruthless front lines of battle! This is what God said. Beloved, stay alert and attentive in this time, for with the birth of new visions,
- So let us stand firm in our faith in this moment, when truth, vision, and calling are tested, knowing that the God who has never lost a battle is fighting for us in this season of sudden reversals and timely reversals!
- Declare: We will not be shaken by the storms around us, but will anchor ourselves in the promises and truth of His Word!
- Declare: This is a time of divine intervention and supernatural breakthrough – a season of greater victory and kingdom expansion for me and my family!
- We don’t look back but keep moving forward—knowing that we are fully equipped, empowered, and spiritually guided by the Almighty Victor, who has declared victory before us. In this critical moment, may we stand up as warriors of faith, with hearts filled with courage and minds focused on the promises of God, because in His hands we are safe, in His love we are strengthened, and in His power We will win, and we will win and win! As mighty warriors, we will move forward with unwavering confidence, knowing that every battle belongs to the Lord and in Him, we are already victorious!
- Declare: This is our time, our season, our time to reveal ourselves as sons of glory! We rise, shine, and embrace Him with faith, hope, and unwavering trust in the One who holds our future in His hands!
Highlights of the Week
- Balak calls Balaam to curse
- Balaam’s interaction with God and his blessings to Israel
- Shiting Incident – The plague comes again
- Phinehas’ jealous behavior
Your Enemies Build An Altar to Curse You
- Numbers 23:1-2 Balaam said to Balak, Build me seven altars here and prepare seven bullocks and seven rams for me. Balak did as Balaam said. Balak and Balaam offered a bull and a ram on each altar.
- Numbers 23:7 Then Balaam composed a song and said, Balak brought me out of Syria, and the king of Moab brought me out of the eastern mountains, saying: Come, curse Jacob for me; come, curse Israel.
God’s Protection is Higher than All Spells
- Numbers 22:5-9 He sent messengers to Pedol, which is by the river, to Balaam, son of Beor, in his own country. He called Balaam and said, “A people has come out of Egypt, covering the earth, and they are against me.” Residence. This people is stronger than me. Now please come and curse them for me. Maybe I can overcome them and attack them and drive them out of this place. For I know that whoever you bless is blessed, and whoever you curse is cursed. The elders of Moab and the elders of Midian came to Balaam with the gold in their hands and told him all the words of Balak. Balaam said, “Stay here tonight, and I will reward you as the LORD has commanded me.” So the envoys of Moab stayed with Balaam. God came to Balaam and said: Who are all the people who are here with you?
- Numbers 22:10-13 Balaam answered and said, Balak son of Zippor king of Moab has sent to me, saying: The earth is covered with people who came out of Egypt. Come and curse them for me. Or perhaps I can Fight with them and drive them out. God said to Balaam: You must not go with them, and you must not curse that people, for they are blessed. Balaam got up in the morning and said to Balak’s messengers, “Go back to your own country, for the LORD will not allow me to go with you.”
Don’t Ask Questions knowingly
- The Moabites were worried that the Israelites would come to destroy them, so they asked Balaam to curse the Israelites; they knew that Balaam had special gifts. Whoever he blessed would be blessed, and whoever he cursed would suffer disaster. Balaam was a man who served God. When the Moabite messenger came for the first time, he asked God if he could go, and God said no. The second time Moab sent a higher-level envoy, bringing more money, Balaam’s heart was moved, and he asked God again. God’s answer was actually yes, so he got up in the morning, saddled his donkey, Went with the envoys from Moab. But God was angry because he went, and the angel of the Lord stood in the way to oppose him. Why did God say he could go, but when Balaam went, God was angry again? The problem lies in what you shouldn’t do. After you know the answer once, you shouldn’t ask a second time. Balaam already knew that he shouldn’t go, but he asked again because his heart was tempted by money. God said he could go, which was a test for him, but he actually went, making God angry. Those who serve God, or even those who are highly used by God, will have temptations, and they must guard their hearts to avoid making mistakes. When it comes to the truth in the Bible, don’t ask questions when you know you shouldn’t. Don’t insist on praying and asking God to endorse you for things you shouldn’t do, deceiving yourself and others.
Balaam’s End
- Joshua 13:22 Then the children of Israel also slew Balaam the sorcerer, the son of Beor, with the edge of the sword, among those whom they slew.
- Hexagram Gold – Mammon
- Honor – the pride of this life
- Fornication – the lust of the flesh and eyes
- idolatry
- Revelation 2:14 However, I have a few things against you: because you have some who obey the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the Israelites, causing them to eat things sacrificed to idols, commit adultery.
- 2 Peter 2:13-16 If you do unrighteousness, you will receive the wages of unrighteousness. These are those who love the pleasures of the day, and they are defiled and have blemishes, and they rejoice in their own deceit as they sit at table with you. Their eyes are full of lust (the original word for lust is whore), they cannot stop committing sins, and they seduce those whose hearts are not strong. Their hearts are accustomed to greed, and they are the cursed species. They forsook the straight path and went astray, following the way of Balaam son of Beor. Balaam was the prophet who loved the wages of unrighteousness , but he was rebuked for his transgressions; the dumb donkey stopped the prophet’s arrogance with human words.
Comparison Between Abraham and Balaam

- Ask God to give Phinehas a jealous heart
- Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should repent. Does he not do what he says? Shouldn’t his words be fulfilled?
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Pray for America:Cindy Jacob: Prayer Guide for Former President Trump and the Nation
Editor’s note: This prayer is a prayer guide published by Cindy Jacob on July 15. It is translated by the Kingdom Prayer Network and is for the reference of all intercessors only.
【 Current Events Background: Dear Ones, Yesterday, there was an assassination attempt against former President and current presidential candidate Donald J. Trump. There is never a place for violence against people of either party who are running for office. We need to believe that civility on both sides will be the rule of the day!
Details are still coming in, and there is, of course, an ongoing investigation that will take many weeks, even months, to complete. We want to share what we know so far so that we can cover our nation in prayer right away.
You can learn more here.
We are living in a time of extreme polarization of political parties and ideologies. But things have now gone too far. May this be a moment when we stop and reflect on what truly matters
As Melania Trump said today, “I commend those of you who have reached out beyond the political divide (italics mine)—thank you for remembering that every single politician is a man or a woman with a loving family.”
Every single one of us is precious to God.
One only has to watch the events that transpired to know that is true! It has been reported that as many as eight bullets were shot at him. A last-second moving of his head saved him. We know that God orchestrated that motion.
Both myself, many in the prayer networks, and other prophets, have been warning of assassination attempts in this election cycle. We have prayed and are very thankful that this attempt against Donald Trump was not successful! As he himself said, “It was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening!” Stop a moment and thank God for sparing his life.
Chuck Pierce gave the following prophetic word for the nation on July 14th, 2024, at his church, Glory of Zion, located near Dallas, Texas:
“Watch carefully for you to see. From July 18th-October 2nd, there will be an ascending dimension of demonic activity. I will cause My Spirit to rise up in you, and you’ll begin to soar above all the demon activity that is being sent toward you. Watch carefully, for you will the plan I have. There will be a climax coming to this nation between evil and what is longing to move into place. I will win this war. For I am raising a people that are above the people of this earth. I have a soaring people who will walk on water above the heads of those who are attempting to destroy My plan on the earth. Get ready, for you will rise above the waters and walk with great authority! Out of this tragedy, may we become the glorious, bold, Kingdom-advancing Church the Lord has to be!”
As we go to prayer, check your heart. Make sure you are not holding anything against another person, especially if it is a political difference. Let’s approach the Throne of Grace with clean hands and pure hearts. (Psalm 24:3-5) May we come with a request for more love and more authority in prayer. Let us be unifiers of a nation and not those who add to the division with our words or our actions. You may want to take communion as a part of your time of prayer.
Meditate on Hebrews 4:14-16: “Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let’s hold firmly to our confession. For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things just as we are, yet without sin. Therefore, let us approach the throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace for help at the time of our need.” Let us acknowledge we are in a time of great need as a nation and that God alone can save us. No one else can.
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Pray for America: Nita: Sharing and Praying for America
Editor’s Note: This prayer was shared by ” World for Jesus” on July 19. It is very powerful and can be used as a reference for all intercessors.
【 Current Events Background: God is a righteous and holy God. He loves America, but America has chosen the path of disobedience. America is at a crossroads. Which path shall we choose? Will we follow the path of disobedience or the path of peace?
- Nita declares for America using Micah 6:8-9 : “O America, the Lord has shown you what is good. What does He require of you? To do justly, to love mercy, and to be humble in spirit? God walks with you. The wise will fear his name. Hearken to the rod of punishment and to the Lord who appointed it. We will walk with him. We will walk in goodness. In the will and will of God. We are to bow before the Creator. We do not seek our own glory, but we walk in His glory.”
- Our dear President Trump is the one God has chosen to lead America as Moses led Israel.
- When we cry out to our Heavenly Father, we should do so from a heart of truth and purity, without falsehood, rather than simply asking for His salvation. If we are not sincere, we will continue to go our own way when we are saved.
- Let us repent while there is still time! Let us come to the temple of His glory and walk on the path of His will, the path of holiness and righteousness. Let His glory lift our heads and lead the nations of the earth on His path of holiness, righteousness, and victory. Let us do what is right, good, and wise, because the Lord requires it of us. Let us act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with Him.
- Let the government of the United States serve the people as it was designed to do. Let America be a nation of the people, by the people, for the people, walking in the paths of righteousness and empowered by the glory of God. Let us forget the days of the past that did not glorify God.
- Let us stay away from those false shepherds, the fox-like herdsmen. When we see their dark fruit, don’t convince yourself, oh, this will pass, or even follow them, thinking it’s God’s will. If those leaders choose not to follow God, then it is not God’s will for us to continue to follow them. Let us completely look to God and obey the Lord of our country and our King!
- Trump will serve God and he will do whatever it takes to return America to God. This is his lifelong commitment. But America must not turn to its idols.
- Let us follow righteous leadership as they strive to follow God. We pray that righteousness will increase in America and that righteousness will heal America. Let us trust that the glory of God will blow away the fountains of sin and establish divine fountains filled with divine love, mercy, and a pure heart.
- If the Lord chastises us with the rod, we are willing to endure it, and we will endure it humbly. If His discipline continues, it is for our good. But if America is willing to kneel down and repent completely, God will lift us up in due time and He will bring America into its destiny.
- Ricci just shared my dream about Obama. His path is a dark and slippery slope, full of promises but no action. He is a man without wisdom. After watching Obama, let’s look at Biden again. Everything he does is foolish. Because of his ignorance and greed for money, he has lost his chance in life. So now we ask the Lord to forgive us for allowing his presidency, which has produced nothing but dark fruits. We ask God to put President Trump and his administration in Biden’s place so that the fruits of righteousness can begin to bear fruit quickly in America, bringing great glory to our Creator in the days to come.
- May the innocent survive and the poor be fed. Those who suffered and even gave their lives for this country, may their blood, their lives, and their sacrifices open a righteous and glorious path for America.
- The Lord tells me that America has many good years ahead of us. What God wants is a nation that is willing to move toward righteousness!
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Pray for America: Joel’s Army Prayer Points
Editor’s note: This article is the focus of the “World for Christ” ministry led by Nita Johnson to pray for the United States on July 21, for your reference and prayer.
- Praise our holy God.
- Pray for the church to turn to God and restore righteousness.
- Repent of the Crimes of human bloodshed (human trafficking/abortion at the national level), WHO’s involvement in poisoning crops and people, and promoting sterilization programs in the third world .
- Pray for Academia : To uproot communism and teach the lessons of 1776 (patriotism) and the lessons of righteousness.
- Pray for Repentance from the Manipulation of the Media , Especially by the U.S. State Department and Wall Street.
- Pray for the Economy The Federal Reserve, the Bank for International Settlements, Davos, the World Economic Forum, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank.
- Pray for the US Department of State/CIA : The Cabal possesses these two agencies, controls America through them, and runs rampant in our land. Pray that the hammer of justice will fall upon their efforts and the following four centers of power.
- judicial system
- Social System: Think Tank
- Technology
- Government stronghold
- Pray for President Trump : Ask God to protect him! Get “America First” candidates elected and liberals out of office. There is a “double vision” and “double loyalty” in the United States, that is, it has two minds and is contradictory. It wants the justice of conservatives and the liberalism of the left.
- Pray for Elections : Ensure fair, free elections in which evangelical Christians participate.
- Intercede for Israel .
- Pray against Deliberate Disturbances .
- Pray for the war of Russia/Ukraine/NATO/ .
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Editor’s Note: This article comes from the “Give Him 15 Minutes” website of intercession leader Dutch Sheets , which provides a reference for intercessors from various states to pray for American waterways. May the Holy Spirit lead the intercessors to accomplish this critical task of restoring America.
Father, You have assigned us to pray for protection over America’s water supply, waterways, and dams. Your Word tells us that unless You keep or guard a city, the efforts of watchmen are in vain (Psalm 127:1). Therefore, we look to You for protection – You are our refuge, a very present help in times of trouble (Psalm46:1). When You are for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)? You save us from our enemies, men of bloodshed who do iniquity (Psalm 59:1-2). You are theCreator and Owner of the entire world – all of its inhabitants, as well as the seas and rivers. You are the King of glory, the Lord strong and mighty in battle, and the Lord of angel armies (Psalm 24:1,7,8,10). As a Master Workman, You set the boundaries for the seas and drew the tributaries of the earth (Proverbs 8:29-30), and still maintain ownership and authority over them.
We know, Father, that we always have access to Your throne of grace through Yeshua (John 14:13-14; Hebrews 4:16). However, in the dream, we were given coins referencing our authority for this specific assignment. They included the words “Official Pass,” the Cross engraved onto an arrowhead, and the U.S. seal. The blood of Jesus (the Cross) is our official pass, giving us authority to accomplish this assignment. Yet, it was engraved onto the arrowhead, which in Scripture pictures deliverance and victory (2 Kings 14:14-19) – our “deliverance” from evil is in the power and blood of Jesus. However, we believe You are also reminding us of the 300 arrowheads, 5 of which were buried in each state after being anointed with oil by First Nations believers. As our First Nations friends prayed over the oil, they were led to declare Isaiah 60, verse 18: “Violence will not be heard again in your land, nor devastation or destruction within your borders, but you will call your walls salvation, and your gates praise.” Our covenant with You, Lord, through the Cross, also joins us in covenant with our First Nations brothers and sisters. We believe You are cleansing America of past sins, healing her of broken covenants and relational wounds, and giving us a future filled with hope (Jeremiah 29:11). The coin reminds us of this.
To You, Lord, nothing is hidden; You reveal and expose secret plans and agendas (Matthew 10:26; Luke 8:17). We ask that any foreign or domestic plans to harm our dams, waterways, and water supply will be revealed and thwarted before they are carried out. Expose every plot to restrict our supply lines, hinder our power sources, or tamper in any way with our water supplies, dams, or waterways. Prevent the theft of weapons, extortion, and all that would assist terrorist activities. Frustrate the plans of the crafty to keep their plans from succeeding (Job 5:12), and create disunity and confusion among them (Judges 7:22).
Prevent those bent on doing evil from infiltrating critical positions of influence in our nation. Expose all corruption and confusion that would delay the rooting out of terrorism (Luke 12:2-3). Protect and give wisdom, discernment, and intelligence to all those involved in the search for terrorists: police departments, Homeland Security and their partners, the FBI, border agents, and guards at dams and waterway entrances. Open their eyes, direct their steps, and reveal the whereabouts of all those bent on doing evil. Weed out and expose any in positions of authority who may be involved in aiding or advancing terrorism from within. Protect us from cyber-attacks. Contend with those who contend with us (Isaiah 49:25), cause evil to “bow down
before the good, and the wicked at the gates of the righteous” (Proverbs 14:19). We ask that Holy Spirit would hover over the dams and waterways of our nation, just as He did the waters of the earth in Genesis 1:2, releasing life and blessing. Arise over us, God, and cause every enemy to be scattered (Psalm 68:1).
Father, we know that as Holy Spirit was hovering over the waters at creation, Jesus was declaring life-giving words (Genesis 1:3-25; John 1:1-3). As His Ekklesia, His representatives, we now declare and decree His Words over our water supply, waterways, and dams:
- We decree that the powerful and majestic voice of the Lord thunders upon America’s waters, blessing them with peace (Psalm 29:3-4,11).
- We declare peace and security within our nation’s walls; violence will no more be heard in our land, devastation or destruction within our borders; our walls are salvation and our gates praise (Psalm 122:7; Isaiah 60:18).
- We declare that God is a wall of fire around our nation, and His glory is in our midst. He is our hiding place; we are protected from trouble because He surrounds us with songs of deliverance, and His angels encamp around
- The Lord keeps us from harm by day and by night, watching over our coming and going from now and forever (Zechariah 2:5; Psalm 32:7; Psalm
- We decree, by faith in God and His Word, that every dam, waterway, and water supply in [insert name of your state] and all of America is protected and shielded from evil. No evil plot planned or devised against them will succeed; every snare is broken. We will not fear, and terror will not come near us (Isaiah 54:14 AMP; Isaiah 54:17; Psalm 21:11; Psalm 124:7).
- We decree Proverbs 21:22 (TPT) over America: “A warrior filled with wisdom ascends into the high place and releases regional breakthrough, bringing down the strongholds of the mighty.” Therefore, we decree the tearing down of every hidden stronghold of the enemy over America’s dams, waterways, and water supply and release breakthroughs in every region.
- We declare Isaiah 58:11 over America, that she is a well-watered garden, whose waters do not fail.
- Read and declare Psalm 91.
- In the dream, each state representative was given a hand-carved staff. In Old Testament times, men’s staffs were hand-carved with pictures representing their history and testimonies of God‘s faithfulness. We encourage intercessors in each state to use their state’s history, specifically the preamble to its constitution, in a prayer or decree.
- We also encourage intercessors to consider using the book The Prophetic Destiny of A Nation, praying and declaring God’s prophesied destiny over their individual state.
- We also want to point out that there are several nuclear silos for our military in the Northwest and Plains states, two parts of the nation especially highlighted in the dream. We encourage intercessors in these states to remember this as they pray. Holy Spirit will guide you as you do so.
- One of our team members wrote the following decree for the states through which the Mississippi River flows. However, the decree can be used not only for those states, but also could be easily adapted for any major river:
Lord we thank You for the main artery of the Mississippi River, called also the “Father of Waters” and “America’s River, running 2,350 miles through our nation from northern Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico. In the name of Jesus, we ask that angels protect everything regarding this river. We bind all attempts to obstruct the petroleum, agricultural, and other commercial items it carries. We decree that no destruction shall come to its flood control structures & pumping systems, and that no attempts at cyber disruption of refineries, chemical plants, or the computer networks that regulate the barges will succeed. We declare Ezekiel 32:14 that the waters of the Mississippi run deep and smooth like oil, that all along its banks is blessed, and all of its ports are prosperous.
In conclusion, Father, consider the threats against America and give Your people boldness to speak Your Word. Stretch out Your hand to heal our land and people, performing signs, wonders, and miracles, for Your glory (Acts 4:29). Breathe upon the intercessors with words, travail, groans, cries, songs and decrees to govern with Your power (Romans 8:26-27; Psalm 149). In Yeshua’s name, Amen.
Click HERE to read the GH15 post of Monday, 1/15/2024, which includes the dream. Click HERE to view it on YouTube.
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Pray for Israel: Light of Zion: DAILY PRAYER FOR ISRAEL AT WAR – 2024
Editor’s note: This article is reprinted from the “Daily Prayer for Israel at War” recently updated on April 24 by the “Light of Zion” ministry for your prayer reference. Here are 12 prayer points. May you pray for Israel, which is at war with Hamas. In addition, Israel is also informally at war with Hezbollah, which is supported by Iran in Lebanon.
- God’s Victory and Glory. Pray that God’s overarching purposes in Israel’s wars with Hamas and Hezbollah will be accomplished with the least amount of harm necessary to result in the greatest amount of good, for His ultimate glory. Praise the Lord, Captain of the Armies of Heaven, because His ways are not our ways; they are greater. May His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Psalms 100:4; 83, 2 and 33:10-12, Joshua 5:14, Matthew 6:10)
- Turning Hearts to God. Pray that in this time of deep trouble, many Israelis, Palestinians, Jews in the nations, and others affected by the wars would turn wholeheartedly to God. Pray that the true face and heart of Jesus would be revealed to them. Through the ravages of war, may He be sought, known and exalted in Israel and the Middle East. Pray for believers in Israel, Gaza, Lebanon and Iran to be renewed in Messiah’s love and strengthened daily in the Spirit. Ask the Lord of the harvest to raise up laborers for the harvest in Israel and the Middle East. (2 Peter 3:9, Psalms 27 and 23, Zechariah 12:10, Matthew 9:38)
- Our Enemies: Hamas – Hezbollah – Iran. Pray according to Psalm 149:6-9 that God’s judgment be executed on Iran and terror groups dedicated to Israel’s destruction. Pray that Hamas and Hezbollah will be neutralized in order to set Palestinians, Israelis and others free from an evil Islamist regime. According to Zechariah 9:5-7, prayerfully proclaim that “Gaza will lose her king, [that God] will cut off the pride of the Philistines, … and take the blood from their mouths [so] those who are left will belong to our God.” According to Jeremiah 49:34-39, prayerfully proclaim that God will “break the bow of Elam [modern-day Iran], the mainstay of their might” and “set His throne in Elam.” According to Psalm 29:5, prayerfully proclaim, “The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars [symbol of lofty strength]; the Lord breaks the cedars of Lebanon [Hezbollah].” Ask Him to reveal and give wisdom to Israel and other nations to implement heaven’s strategy for a post-war government in Gaza. Pray for divine direction and Israel’s supernatural defense against all forms of terror and military invasion. (Matthew 5:44, Amos 1:6-8, Daniel 2:21, Jeremiah 51:20-24, Psalms 27 and 91)
- Israeli Authorities. Pray that every Israeli leader will remain in office for as long as God wants him or her serving in that office. Pray for the gift of the fear of the Lord on each leader, for divine wisdom, godly counsel, supernatural protection on all levels, renewed strength and strategic direction. Pray especially for our emergency war cabinet: PM Netanyahu, Mr. Gantz and Mr. Gallant. Pray they will receive accurate and supernatural intelligence to know what Israel should do, and when and how to do it. (1 Timothy 2:1-4, Daniel 2:21, Psalm 75:6-7, Proverbs 9:10-11, 21:1, Psalm 91, 1 Chronicles 12:32)
- Unity. Pray for healing of the serious, internal disunity that has impacted Israeli society, politics and government leaders in recent years. Ask God to graciously convict us to forgive and love one another. May He neutralize demonic influences that stir up or finance hateful, civil protests by Israelis against our own government. Pray for unity among our governing leaders, especially our emergency war cabinet. Petition heaven to raise up authorities who will inspire the nation afresh according to God’s ways. Ask Him for peacemakers in Israel and the Middle East who fear His Name. Bless and pray for increasing unity in the Israeli ekklesia. (Matthew 12:25, Psalm 133, Malachi 2:10, Colossians 3:14)
- Hostages. Pray for great grace to be released on each of the hostages who are still in Gaza. Petition for their salvation, protection, strength, comfort, endurance, health and quick, safe return. Pray abundant grace and patient endurance upon their families. Ask the Healer of Heaven for wraparound comfort and healing on the whole nation, as every Israeli has recently lost someone they knew or is grieving with those who grieve. May any ceasefire deal for the release of hostages in exchange for the release of terrorists from Israeli jails be just and righteous according to godly wisdom, and not the product of unsanctified mercy or appeasement. (1 Samuel 30:11-19; Psalm 23, Jeremiah 30:12 and 17, Zechariah 9:11-12)
- Troops. Pray for daily renewed strength, watchfulness, angelic protection, precise and accurate intelligence, and anointing for effectiveness on each of our soldiers, military leaders and officials, security officers, police and first responders, and defense system technologies. Lift up the hundreds of Messianic soldiers in our armed forces, that the light of Yeshua would shine through them onto their fellow warriors. Ask God to help our troops avoid making mistakes that would harm innocent civilians or other Israeli soldiers. Pray for protection, strength, unity and anointing on Israeli warriors in the Spirit, Messianic Jewish and Arab Christian intercessors in the land. (Psalms 18 and 91)
- Scope of War. Pray that the scope and duration of Israel’s wars will be limited, by the power of the Blood of Yeshua and His sovereign kingship, according to His will. May it not result in a world war out of God’s timing. Pray that US involvement and decisions made by President Biden will be led of the Lord and reflect His time to favor Zion, not forcing a premature end to the war. Petition for the same concerning other nations who supply Israel with military aid. As a result of Israel’s wars with Hamas and Hezbollah, may new and godly, international alliances form according to His will. (Daniel 2:21, Proverb 21:1, Psalms 46, 102:13)
- Media War and Lawfare. Ask God to restore the love for truth that once characterized humankind. Pray for the exposure and uprooting of outrageous and hateful lies about Israel and the Jews which are reported daily in nearly all mainstream and social media, including some Christian media outlets. Bless media outlets that are reporting the truth. Pray for their protection and for an increase in their reach and effectiveness. Petition heaven for mercy toward Israel in the profound lawfare she faces in global bodies such as the United Nations and International Court of Justice. (Lawfare is the disingenuous changing of traditional and usually democratic, Judeo-Christian based laws in order to bring about major political changes that will reflect values contrary to current and traditional laws.) (Psalm 144:11, Exodus 20:16, Psalm 27:12-13, Genesis 12:3)
- Spiritual Warfare. Pray the power of the Blood of Yeshua and Word of Truth over ongoing influences of witchcraft, occult manipulations, globalist influences and other supernaturally evil forces coming against Israel. Pray especially that our governing leaders, our military and the interceding Israeli Body of Messiah will be protected from powers of darkness. Beseech God to dismantle occult shields of protection over head leaders and operatives of Hamas and Hezbollah. Worship and praise the Lord! (Worship and praise can battle powerfully against powers of darkness in spiritual realms.) (Ephesians 6:12, Numbers 23:23, Zechariah 9:13)
- Global Anti-Semitism. If led by the Spirit, repent on behalf of your nation or community for anti-Semitism. Beseech God to break the murderous spirit of Jew hatred rolling in the nations. Pray especially for the turning of hearts of young people exposed to genocidal anti-Semitism on college campuses and social media. Pray that international leaders at all levels and spheres of authority, especially in democratic nations, will courageously restrain incitement against Jewish students, Jews everywhere and Israel. Bless those leaders who speak out and stand up for the Jews. At the same time, ask God to use mounting anti-Semitism to encourage aliyah among Jews not yet living in Israel.
- Global Ekklesia. Pray for the global Body of Messiah to stand firm in the love and truth of God’s Word in support of Israel, while also carrying His heart for Palestinians and others involved in the wars. Ask Him to raise up and bless an army of intercessors around the world who will fast and pray for Israel. Petition Him for direction and wisdom for Christians in the nations to quell anti-Semitism in practical, effective ways. Pray for revival, the only true antidote to the hatred of Jews. Last but not least, thank God for answering your prayers! (Matthew 5:14-16, Revelation 12:11, Matthew 25:31-40, Psalm 100:4)
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Pray for Israel: Netanyahu Addresses to U.S. Congress
【Current Affairs / Background: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will deliver a speech to the U.S. Congress on July 24. Netanyahu said in the statement that he will represent Israel and explain the truth to the American people and the world about the war between Israel and Hamas.
The British Broadcasting Company BBC reported that in the letter inviting Natanyahu, two Republicans, House Speaker Mike Johnson and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, expressed their hope that Natanyahu could borrow This opportunity “shares the Israeli government’s vision for defending democracy, fighting terrorism, and building a just and lasting peace in the region.”
In May this year, prosecutors from the International Criminal Court (ICC) applied for arrest warrants against Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for war-related crimes. At that time, Netanyahu hit back, calling the ICC prosecutor’s decision “shameful” and an attack on the Israeli military and all Israelis. He said that no pressure or decision from the international community can prevent Israel from attacking Hamas.
It is a rare honor for a foreign leader to address the U.S. Congress, usually reserved only for America’s closest allies or important figures in the world. Netanyahu has delivered such speeches three times, most recently in 2015, when both chambers of Congress were controlled by Republicans. In his speech, Netanyahu opposed then-President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran. Last month, at this cabinet meeting, Netanyahu also mentioned his speech in Congress in March 2015, when he expressed his opposition to former US President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran. At a cabinet meeting last month, Netanyahu also mentioned his 2015 speech to the U.S. Congress. Netanyahu told cabinet members that he knew how to counter U.S. pressure and would do so again if necessary. . ” When security is threatened, we will do whatever it takes,” Natanyahu said .
】 (Source: Meihua News Network)
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Praying for Israel: Prayer Guide Against Anti-Semitism
The atrocities committed by Hamas and various terrorist allies against the nation of Israel on Oct. 7 seem to be a plumb line or water shed event on the earth, with nations dividing for or against the nation of Israel (see Joel 3:1–2). Former allies have become enemies in the public square. Since that day, the number of pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel/antisemitic events worldwide has increased dramatically. The spirit of Antichrist manifesting as the spirit of Amalek (see Exodus 17:8–16) is coming unmasked.
Antisemitism is a spiritual condition — a manifestation of the spirit of Amalek and Antichrist through people and organizations. It is in fact hatred of Jesus, the Jewish Messiah. How can we pray as followers of Messiah and as supporters of Israel and the Jewish people?
To begin, ask Holy Spirit to search your own heart and repent of any known antisemitism in you or your generational line. This would include prejudices, antisemitic jokes, and off-color remarks. Then stand in the gap and repent of any known antisemitic acts that occurred in your city, state, or nation. These unrepented sins open the door for the spirit of Antichrist and Amalek to have a foothold in your city, state, and even in your home and family. Repenting and being filled with His truth will protect and arm you for battle as you pray against antisemitism.
- Protection: Pray for the protection of Jewish people worldwide and especially for the nation of Israel. Pray for the Israel Defense Forces as they seek to eradicate the presence and power base of Hamas in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria (misleadingly called the West Bank), and throughout Israel (see Psalm 121:1; 122:6–9).
- Plans and Plots: Pray that all campaigns, plans, threats, or strategies against the Jewish people worldwide and in the land of Israel — whether at the hands of individuals, groups, or nations — are prevented or exposed before they can cause harm (see Psalm 83:1–8; 35; 20:6–9).
- Truth: Pray for a halt to the spread of lies and prejudices that fuel antisemitism. Pray that the true biblical history of Israel, its irrevocable covenant that includes the land, and the accurate history of so-called “Palestinians” will be reported and taught. This requires that the blindness would be lifted off those who believe and perpetuate these false ideologies. Lies must be replaced by truth, and that requires a revelation to the mind and heart. Remember that truth is a Person! (see 2 Thessalonians 2:10; Colossians 3:9).
- The Media: Pray for correction of media bias, where the supposed “crimes” of Israel are exaggerated, overreported, and emphasized, while similar activities by other nations and groups receive little or no notice or censure. Ask God to create an earnest search for truth in reporting, and that it would replace prejudice, lies, and sensationalism. Bind the prince of the power of the air, who is Satan, the father of lies. Release the Spirit of Truth, who convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. And encourage your heart with all the testimonies of terrorists coming to Christ! (see John 8:32,44; 16:8–11; Ephesians 2:2).
- Culpability of the Church: Replacement theology and unbiblical understanding of Israel’s role in redemption has been around for hundreds of years. The belief that Israel’s redemptive purpose is over, or that Israel has lost favor with God and has been replaced by the Church, is firmly embedded in many parts of the body of Christ and is taught in seminaries and bible colleges. This erodes biblical support for Israel and earnest prayer for Jewish people to be saved. Pray for a hunger in church leaders to know God’s perspective on Israel and the Jewish people from His Word alone. Pray for God’s heart for Israel and the Jewish people to be clearly articulated by pastors, Bible scholars, and seminaries. May the Lord shift entire denominations toward truth and create a worldwide wave of passionate advocates and protectors who are willing to stand against antisemitism in all forms and lay down their lives, like Ruth, for God’s chosen people (see Ruth 1:16–18; Romans 11).
- Justice Movements: Some compassion and justice movements misguidedly see Israel as the malevolent actor in every encounter and see the Palestinians exclusively as down-trodden victims. This viewpoint is prevalent even among several Christian groups lured by persuasive and emotional rhetoric and an unbiblical definition of justice. God’s justice is always paired with righteousness and truth (see Psalm 89:14; 33:5). The UN perpetuates this evil doctrine and its proclamations are eagerly taken up and parroted by media and politicians worldwide. Pray that a balanced view of God’s heart and a correct theology will change those who earnestly desire to do the right thing by shifting them away from trendy philosophies and movements toward righteous thoughts and deeds that reflect God’s commands. Declare Psalm 33:10–11: The Lord frustrates the plans of the nations and thwarts all their schemes. But the Lord’s plans stand firm forever; His intentions can never be shaken.
- College and University Campuses: The types of movements mentioned above, many of which blatantly promote anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian sentiment, are the norm on most college and university campuses. An entire nation and people group are being wrongly judged by a repeated ideology rooted in antisemitism and lies. The Free Palestine movement is one example. On many college campuses, this group is allowed freedom of speech, while Jewish groups are disallowed or shut down. This breeds and perpetuates antisemitic thinking under the guise of justice. Pray that young adults and those they look to as they develop their worldview will not be swept up into views that are “trending,” but will instead seek and take a stand for truth as it is found in God’s Word. It is a fearsome prospect that these individuals may end up cursing God and falling under His judgment (see John 8:31–32; 14:6; 17:17).
- Groups and Dogmas: Traditional antisemitic groups are emerging again, in new “packaging.” One example would be neo-Nazism. Of course, an even more dangerous global threat is radical Islam, which is targeting Jewish people around the world out of pure hatred and religious furor. They have a very specific agenda, and we must be in prayer against it! They say: “First the Saturday people; then the Sunday people” (Jerusalem World News). This refers to their plan to forcefully convert or eliminate first the Jewish people and then the Christians. The Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad terrorist groups call Israel the “Little Satan” and the United States the “Big Satan.” Their rallying cry is: “From the River to the Sea, Palestine shall be free!” — which is calling for the eradication of Israel and all Jewish inhabitants in the land of Israel from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. Pray that these groups will lose members and momentum. We as the Body of Messiah must not be asleep, but rather vigilant in prayer, as we are commanded to be in Scripture, for both Israel and our own nations (see Isaiah 62:6–8).
God’s Heart: In Jeremiah 32:37–41, God reveals His long-term plan for His chosen people, the Jews. His plan is to regather them from all the nations to which they’ve been scattered and to cleanse them of their sin. They will be His people, and He will be their God. This is the only place in Scripture where He determines to act with all of His heart and all of His soul. He says elsewhere that He will send first fishers and then hunters (see Jeremiah 16:16). This is a difficult Bible passage for our flesh, but God’s ways are not our ways, and neither are His thoughts our thoughts (see Isaiah 55:9). God will do all He must to bring His people home. Antisemitism may well be one of the goads He uses to awaken Jewish people worldwide to their need to obey His command and be regathered to the land of Israel. While we stand against this wicked manifestation of Antichrist and pledge our support — even unto death, if necessary — of the Jewish people worldwide, we do not want to be praying against God’s will. Let us pray that His will and His ways would be effective, that not so much as a single Jewish person would perish (see Amos 9:9–10), and that all Israel would be saved (see Romans 11:26)!
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Critical Event: “Take Back Canada” March – Restore Canada’s Destiny
Editor’s note : This article was written by a Chinese Canadian prayer agent.
【Current Affairs Background: July 1, 2024 will be Canada’s 157th National Day. In the torrent of history, Canada is a relatively young country, but it plays an extremely important role in the end times.
Canadian History
Before French explorers entered the land of present-day Canada in the 15th century, Canada had already been inhabited by many indigenous peoples. When French explorer Jacques Cartier first landed in Quebec along the St. Lawrence River in 1534, he passed by an indigenous village one day and asked the name of the area where he was. The local residents replied: Kanata (meaning: village, sojourn; Village or Settlement), Jacques Cartier transcribed it as Canada, which is the origin of the name “Canada”.
In fact, the area covered by “Canada” at that time was limited to the part of Quebec Province along the St. Rose River today. In the early 17th century, British explorers landed in North America on the Atlantic coast and made Quebec and the St. Lawrence River coast their colonies. The French and British colonists who arrived first and then later began a 150-year-long land struggle. After the war, in order to quell the unrest, the victorious Britain divided “Canada” into Upper Canada and Lower Canada at the end of the 18th century, based on the upper and lower river basins of the St. Lawrence River. Upper Canada is today’s Ontario, and Lower Canada is today’s Quebec. This laid the foundation for Canada to be bilingual in both English and French. In 1841, Upper and Lower Canada merged into the “Province of Canada”, and Upper and Lower Canada were renamed East and West Canada.
After several constitutional conventions, Canada finally passed the merger of the then British colonies of Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia into the “Canadian Confederation” on July 1, 1867. This day is Canada’s birthday.
In order to further develop westward, the Pacific Railroad running through the east and west coasts of Canada was completed with the help of a large number of Chinese immigrants and decades of hard labor. The railway system has a total length of 1.4 million kilometers and leads to the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Sea, Great Lakes, and St. Lawrence River, allowing Canada’s land to expand from east to west to become what it is today. The Prime Minister at the time once said: “Great country composing the Dominion from sea to sea by one vast Iron Chain, which cannot and will never be broken.” Just as Psalm 72:8: “He will rule from sea to sea, from the River to the ends of the earth.” This is a Bible verse engraved on the cornerstone of Canada’s Capitol Hill. It is not only the foundation of Canada’s founding, but also God’s will for Canada.
In order to integrate the East and the West, a flag is needed. In February 1965, a young man from Quebec hung a maple leaf flag designed by him on both Quebec Province Day (June 24) and Canada Day (July 1). This was different from the bilingual English and French regions at the time, which would only choose one flag representing the symbols of England or France. The maple leaf flag designed by this young man represents “ethnic integration, from east to west, representing all citizens, regardless of race or language, united as one under the healing of the leaves.” It has become the national flag of Canada today, releasing: Revelation 22:2: “The leaves on the tree are for the healing of the nations.” God’s destiny for Canada.
On July 1, 1965, the Canadian maple leaf flag was slowly raised on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, accompanied by the national anthem “Oh! Canada!”, and Canada became more mature. Until 1982, Canada finally separated from Britain and became an independent country to this day.
In the history of colonial immigration, missionaries also came to Canada with a mission. The author once visited Gaspé, the easternmost town in Quebec. During the 1,000-kilometer journey, churches of all sizes in each town became local landmarks, which shows that the missionary route from east to west at that time pushed Canada to become a country founded on Christianity.
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Pray for Native Americans: Chinese, Indigenous People and Israel – God’s Will in the Last Days
Editor’s Note: This article is a continuation of the report on the “North American Indigenous Summit” in the previous issue . Part of the content is excerpted from the heartfelt voice of a North American family member.
【Current events: When I heard the message of Linda Prince and the miracle that happened in her body’s resurrection, I was so excited that I accepted this “North American Indigenous Summit” in my spirit , not only for As the indigenous people fulfill God’s intention for them, the rise of indigenous people is also related to Canada entering its destiny, which is Revelation 22:2 “The leaves on the tree are for the healing of all peoples .” Canada is a maple leaf country, and a prophet predicted that Canada will be healed in the end. The anointing is to flow to the nations. This gathering is just a kick-off. When indigenous people from all over the world come here to gather and form a “healing circle” by beating drums, singing, and dancing in the ancient indigenous worship method, they also receive such healing and take it back to their land. Heal the land. The Chinese people’s prayers and participation in this gathering are very important.
Indigenous Peoples are the Key to Renewal Across the Planet
At that time, I could feel God’s heartbeat and sense of urgency. Our God was working quickly, and we needed our quick hands to keep up. We are in a season of rapid rotation. God is doing something new. Every day there is fresh revelation and manna coming down, so that we can no longer use our minds, but obey the leading of the Holy Spirit with faith. I was originally moved to pray for the Indigenous people, just for the revival of Canada. But it was only recently that I was enlightened and understood God’s final intentions.
The indigenous people are the eldest sons of the land, and it is they who start the revival of the entire earth. The indigenous people who have suffered in the past can comfort the Jews who have also suffered. Especially the indigenous people who believe in the Lord can help the Jews open their hearts to accept Jesus Christ as their savior, because only those who have suffered and overcome can have the authority and ability to help. Those who suffer.
Similarly, we Chinese are very privileged to preach the gospel to the indigenous people, because the Chinese also have the same suffering experience. How wonderful our God is, even our sufferings are carefully arranged by Him. I personally heard some Indigenousl people say, “The Indigenous people themselves are very sympathetic to the suffering nation of the Jewish elder brothers. When the Indigenous people learned that all the suffering they had suffered could comfort the Jewish elder brothers, their hearts were filled with joy.” When they woke up, they felt that all the suffering they had suffered was worth it. They no longer blamed themselves and asked why. Instead, they were filled with hope and joy and raised their heads.”
Indigenous Rise Releases Land’s Healing Anointing
When they are connected, wearing the colorful and beautiful ethnic costumes unique to this land, singing, dancing, and beating the songs, drums and dances specially bred by the mountains and rivers on this land, the land wakes up. Come, be comforted, be healed, break the curse! The people of the land are healed, the firstborn of the land awakens. They love the land where they live, have emotions and memories of it, and know its heartbeat and calling! (Unlike most outsiders who just ask for this land.) When the indigenous people’s hearts are healed, they Worship, their rise, the healing anointing of the land will flow out, and the Maple Leaf Kingdom of Canada will enter her final destiny of healing the entire earth! And all of this is just the beginning.
Indigenous People, Israelis and Chinese – God’s Intention in the Last Days
In the connection between the Indigenous people and Israel to comfort, support and activate each other, there is a great need for the silent prayers and financial help of the Chinese people. The Indigenous people, Jewish elder brothers, and Chinese people are the good wine prepared by God for the end of the world. , whether in blood or in spirit, is like a three-strand rope, the finale. This is really God’s wonderful wisdom and plan!
In the current most difficult and painful period for Israel since its founding in 1948, and at a time when all countries are resisting Israel, the indigenous peoples scattered around the world are willing to rise up and respond to God’s call. The “Indigenous Embassy” in Jerusalem was established in early February this year. ”, they expressed their support and love for Israel with the unique authority of the earthly firstborn sons that God gave them, and also planned to hold a grand embassy establishment ceremony in Jerusalem at the end of October this year after the Feast of Tabernacles, the earthly firstborn sons. Come and honor the spiritual firstborn!
Share the Vision of the “Indigenous Embassy” in Jerusalem
We see that God’s quick pen is still working non-stop. After the “North American Indigenous Summit” in the Muckleshoot Reservation , eight indigenous people (including two Indigenous embassy directors and their wives from New Zealand) continued to walk in North America without stopping. Called to share their voices, testimonies and visions. During this Pentecost period (June 9th to June 13th) they will go to Toronto to visit Jews and churches and groups that have a burden for the Jewish elder brothers. This is also a blessing and ignition for Toronto (Eastern America) to open the ancient well of Toronto. I believe this will no longer be Toronto blessing, but Toronto Blasting. The final glory will definitely be greater than the previous glory.
Witness the Glory of God being Launched on the East Coast of America
We are about to witness the initiation of the glory of the Lord on the east coast of America. In 2011, the Lord explained to Pastor Milo Siilata, an indigenous pastor from New Zealand, why He chose to increase and start this wave on the east coast of America. Since the events at the Tower of Babel [in present-day Iraq], humans have been dispersed around the world, with Native Americans beginning to migrate farther east than any other group. Therefore, according to the Lord’s revelation, the east coast of America became the “Far East.”
The Eastern United States is about to rise, echoing that of Vancouver and the Western United States. The waves of the last-day revival are swirling back and forth, and the spiritual tsunami is in great glory! I think of the prophetic picture that Pastor Joylynn received from the church at the home meeting in January this year (see the picture on the right) and the words from the earth many years ago. The ultimate wave of glory of the indigenous prophets ( the vision of a boat in the ocean ).
How to Help Indigenous People Fulfill God’s Will?
The families on the East Coast of the United States and in Vancouver understand that the indigenous l people of North America are the key to the recovery of the United States and other countries. They know that they have a blood relationship with the Chinese, and they have received that God will use the Chinese to support the indigenous people. Therefore, I have been walking with the indigenous people for many years to help them fulfill God’s call and mission for them. Here are a few areas that need your support:
- Pray for the Gathering: Gela, the Indigenous prayer leader, is gathering representatives from various countries to pray for the gathering. We will also be gathering Chinese intercessors to pray (in Chinese). If you are moved to join the intercession, please send your name, email address, phone number, city (country) etc to ydd1227@yahoo.com and we will contact you with the details.
- Financial Support: If you are moved to financially support this gatherings, family members in the United States can donate through Kingdom Alive Ministries, and family members in Canada can donate through the Vancouver Christian Renewal Fellowship using one of the following methods. All donations will be forwarded to Linda’s North American Native Ministries for funding the gathering.
Region/Nation | Personal Check | E-Transfer |
Kingdom Alive |
Canada |
VCRF (Vancouver Christian Renewal Fellowship) |
e-Transfer: renewal133@gmail.com
Please include “First Nations of North America Leadership Conference,” your legal name and address, and the mailing address in the memo line (or send a separate email to the above email address) so that we can send you a receipt early next year. |
May the children of God who have been inspired by God Himself gather together the remnants of His nations to respond and participate in the grand event!
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Cleansing And Covering Prayer
Cleansing Prayers
Dear Heavenly Father, I ________ (put your name in it) come to the throne of grace, through the blood of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, to receive Your abundant grace and mercy. Lord Jesus, ________ confess You are the Lord of my life. I ask the resurrected power of the Holy Spirit to fill and saturate every part of my being. I surrender all my spirit, soul and body completely to You. Now I ask You to reveal to me, remind me of any sin that I have committed known or unknown, so that I can confess and repent of them accordingly. (Recommendation: quiet yourself, so you can allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you)
Cleanse me from all the defilement of the world, sanctify me and my family line of any unrighteousness with the blood of Jesus. Now by my own will, I choose to forgive everyone that has offended me or hurt me, I release them into the freedom of my forgiveness. I also release them from the debts they might owe me. I now cast all my burden to You . Your yoke is easy, Your burden is light. I now put on the armor of God that You have given me, gird myself with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, my feet fitted with the gospel of peace, so that I can pray and intercede in the Holy Spirit by Your mighty power, and after done all to stand firm.
Firewall Covering Prayer
Abba Father, I thank you for watching and blessing us coming in and going out, from now and forevermore.
Abba Father, help us to hide under the shadow of the Almighty, and cover us with Your wings. I now plead the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on myself, my entire family _________
(speak names of your family, and name the people, things, items, that needs covering, such as : your work, ministries, and everyone that you minister to, your property, finances, friends, pets, vehicles, pastors and small group leaders / members and president )
Abba Father, send the host of angels and chariots of fire, to surround and protect us, I ask that You place the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ, in between everyone and the power of darkness that we might be facing today, to block all ungodly influences and keep us from all spiritual attacks, loss of property and any evil strategy of the enemies. We declare no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!