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Editor’s Words

Editorial Special Zone: Sarah Whitten:  ‘The Manna Won’t Spoil’

Info : TSara Whitten Date: May 29, 2022  Original Source : Elijah List 

A Jesus Rest Not a Jonah Rest

We are being called to rest, but this is a specific and strategic kind of rest. It’s a “Jesus Rest” not a “Jonah Rest”. As Jesus rested in the boat, His rest was an uncommon response of peace and preparation despite the chaos and urgency around Him. Jonah also slept through a storm in a boat, but His sleep reflected a disconnection and dismissal of God’s call to action (see Jonah 1:4-6).

…Detailed Reading

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Editorial Special Section: John Belter: How to Find Your Identity in the Secret Place

Information : John Belt  Date: May 30, 2022  Original Source : Elijah List    Prayer Network

When you grasp how you have been created, it helps you to better navigate your relationship with God. The dynamics of the inward battle and how you can fully commit yourself to the purposes of God are easier once you understand that you are a new creation.

“Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 5:23)

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Editorial Special Section: Randy Lopshire: Ready to Rumble

Message : Randy Lopshire   Date: May 26, 2022  Occurrence: “Give Him 15 Minutes”

This morning, I heard the Lord say: “My people must stop resisting their positioning. Their question should not be ‘How do I get out of the situation I’m in?’ Rather it should be ‘Lord, why do You have me here?’”

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Declaration Prayer: For President Trump and His Team [Update]

We declare in the name of Jesus :

  • God will continue to bless and protect President Trump and his family, as well as the “scepter of justice” that God has raised up to support him in his government.
  • The blood of Jesus covers them and those close to President Trump, bind and drive away any witchcraft or spells cast on them.
  • The Holy Spirit continues to pour out and personally guide President Trump. He grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God. ( Lu 2:52 )
  • The seven spirits of God are manifested in President Trump’s life ( Isaiah 11:1-3 ), giving him keen insight and discernment, judging the situation, and resolutely continuing to fulfill his call.
  •  God will restore Trump to his rightful position at His best time and give people grace to transition.

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Declaration Prayer: Declaration of Justice and Righteousness for America’s Return

We Declare in the Name of Jesus :

  • Victory in Justice In the forensic audit of the recount of the 2020 general election, to ensure the election was conducted in accordance with the constitutional authorization.
  • The presidential documents relating to the incident in the Capitol on January 6 will be properly kept and will not be handed over to the partisan Special Investigation Committee of the House of Representatives.
  • Courts at all levels will judge cases impartially, and unjust judges will be removed; the lives of those who maintain constitutional justice will be safe and grievances will be revealed.
  • Corruption in the mainstream media will be exposed more, the truth behind the scenes and their manipulation will be revealed, and President Trump will win lawsuits against major technology companies and any other pending lawsuits against media organizations.
  • More priests and churches who are godly, loving and patriotic are being raised up, courageously keeping God’s word and releasing God’s voice.
  • The Supreme Court’s “Roe vs. Wade” and “Dobbs case” will be overturned, supporting the law that life begins at  conception and is established in each state. People who fight for life will be supernaturally protected.
  • Repent of the crimes of human trafficking and abortion with repentance and intercession, and resist the agenda of LGTBQ+, communism, and CRT (Critical Race Theory).
  • God supernaturally intervenes in the attack on the southern border, and the national sovereignty of the United States will be protected.
  • Restore the patriotic education of 1776 and the original constitution.
  • The evil plan of the elites to harm the United States will be exposed and dismantled.
  • Pray that the American people will eventually demand that the truth will reign in our country, and God’s plans and goals for the United States will be rekindled in the hearts and minds of the people in this country.

(Adapted from the announcement of WFJM)

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Pray for America: The Problematic Roots of School Violence

【Current affairs background:  Last Tuesday (5/24) a shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde , Texas , killed 21 people, making it the second deadly school shooting in the United States. The gunman was an 18-year-old student at a nearby high school named Ramos. He shot his grandmother before committing the crime. His friend said: “Ramos was often laughed at by his classmates because of his clothes, family financial situation, and slurred speech. He seemed to have been bullied.” The current motive for the crime is unknown.
...Detailed Reading

  • John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[ it.
  • Zec 2:5 And I myself will be a wall of fire around it,’ declares the Lord, ‘and I will be its glory within.’.
  • 2 Corinthians 6:18 And, “I will be a Father to you,  and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty..
  • Malachi 4:6  He will turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and curse the earth.


  • Identification Confession and Repentance: Father, we confess our sins and repentance to You, and ask for forgiveness for us to cast You out of the campus and to cast out the light, so that the campus is in all kinds of darkness, problems, confusion, and bloodshed. Forgive us our sins and wash the nurture of America with the blood of Jesus.
  • Jesus is the answer to all problems : Lord Jesus, You are the way, the truth, and the life, and You are the answer to all problems. When You come to the campus,  light enters the campus, all darkness will escape. Only You can solve school problems, and only You can change and renew hearts and minds, bringing love, forgiveness, healing, and peace. Pray for Your healing and renewal to come to the American campuses. In the name of Jesus, we bless America with new policies, regulations, restoration of bibles and prayers on every campus in America.
  • To know the love of the Father: Father, to end this fatherless age, to rise up fathers and mothers, for this generation at war, and for generations to come, to find comfort to those who are breaking down and need only to hear “You are Beloved, you are very valuable, you are a gift!” Make them truly have a home to return to, find their lost identities, and become children of the kingdom of God!

In the name of the Lord Jesus, amen.

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Pray for Israel: 55th Anniversary of the Recovery of Jerusalem: The Time for Gentiles to Trample Jerusalem Is Filled

Background of current affairs: This year from 5/28 sunset to 5/29 sunset, it falls on the “Jerusalem Day” on the 28th of the Jewish calendar Yiel, to commemorate the 55th anniversary of Israel’s recovery and reunification of Jerusalem in the Six-Day War, making it “like a neat connection” a city” ( Psalm 122:3 ). The Bible clearly records that on the eve of His crucifixion, the Lord Jesus said to His disciples in the holy city, “ … In this year’s Jerusalem Day observances, it was notable that a record-breaking 2,600 Jews went to the Temple Mount on the eve of the traditional flag parade, and Jewish youths raised the Israeli flag on the Temple Mount.  …Detailed Reading

  • 2 Chronicles 33:7-8 God said to David and his son Solomon, “Jerusalem and this temple, which I have chosen among the tribes of Israel, will make my name forever. All the statutes, statutes, and ordinances that I commanded them, I will no longer move them from the land that I gave them to their fathers.”
  • 1 Kings 11:4-7; 39 When Solomon was old, his concubines tempted his heart to follow other gods, instead of obeying the Lord his God in honesty and honesty, like his father David. For Solomon was with Ashtaroth, the goddess of the Sidonians, and Mirek, the abominable god of the Ammonites. Solomon did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, and did not follow the example of his father David in obedience to the LORD wholeheartedly. Solomon built a high place on the mountain opposite Jerusalem for Chemosh, the abominable god of Moab, and Moloch, the abominable god of Ammon. I will afflict the descendants of David for what Solomon has done, but not forever. “
  • Isaiah 60:13-14 The glory of Lebanon, the pines, the cedars, and the box-trees, shall all be yours, to adorn the place of my sanctuary, and to glorify the place of my feet. Whoever has treated you harshly, his descendants will bow down to you; and whoever despise you will bow down at your feet. They will call you the city of the LORD, and the Zion of the Holy One of Israel.


  • Yahweh reigns forever : Lord Yahweh God, we thank You and bless You, and Your name is forever in Jerusalem. The LORD reigns, and the nations tremble! The LORD is great in Zion, and He is above all nations, and praises His great and terrible name. (See Psalm 99:1;3 ) Zion, your God shall reign for all generations! Praise the Lord! (See Psalm 146:10 )
  • Identification Confession and Repentance : Father, by the blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ, we come to Your mercy seat in place of King Solomon and the descendants of the house of David, and I beseech You to forgive our hearts for being tempted by foreign idols, They did not  honestly obey You and honor You as the only Lord. Forgive us for following Ashtaroth, the goddess of the Sidonians, and Mirec, the abominable god of the Ammonites; forgive us for building high places for Chemosh, the abominable god of Moab, and Moloch, the abominable god of the Ammonites, on the hill opposite Jerusalem . We boldly claim from You the grace of forgiveness, remission, and cleansing of the blood of the Lord Jesus; and we acknowledge and accept that the Lord Jesus Himself hangs on the tree as a sacred exchange of curses for the descendants of the house of David. Lord GOD, we beseech You to turn the house of Judah and David, and all the house of Israel from their idols, and turn to you alone. Let Judah and the descendants of the house of David and all the house of Israel proclaim the name of the LORD in Zion, and Your praise in Jerusalem.
  • In the Holy name of Christ Jesus declares:
    • Jerusalem is the city of the LORD, the capital of the LORD the Great King, and the Zion of the Holy One of Israel; the Temple Mount is the place of the LORD’s sanctuary, the place where the LORD’s feet rest; it is built as a city that is neatly connected and will never be divided.
    • The LORD of hosts shall reign on Mount Zion, and in Jerusalem; there shall be glory before the elders who fear him. ( Exd 24:23 )
    • The time for the Gentiles to trample on Jerusalem is coming to an end ( Luke 21:24b ). The LORD will take back Judah as his portion of the Bible, and will choose Jerusalem again. ( Zech 2:12 )
    • The LORD will roar from Zion, and His voice from Jerusalem, and the heavens and the earth will shake. But the LORD will be a refuge for his people, a fortress for the Israelites. Then you will know that I am the LORD your God, and that I dwell in Zion, my holy mountain. At that time, Jerusalem will be holy, and Gentiles will no longer pass through it. ( Joel 3:16-17 )
    • In the last days, the mountain of the house of the LORD will be established above the mountains, and it will be exalted above all the mountains, and all the peoples will flow to this mountain. The instruction shall come out of Zion, and the word of the LORD shall come out of Jerusalem. ( Isaiah 2:2; 3b )

In the name of Christ Jesus, amen!

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Critical Event: Reclaiming Our Children from the Tiger’s Mouth – Restoring a God-Based Education System

Editor’s Note : This article is an excerpt from the June 3rd post of “Give Him 15 Minutes”, written by Cheryl Sacks . Although the article uses American campuses as an example, the infiltration of leftist agendas such as LGBTQ+ into campuses is a serious global problem. We believe that the reversal of the United States will bring about a global reversal like a domino effect. We invite intercessors from all countries to pray together.

【Background: In 2022, the U.S. education system and all children will be under unprecedented moral, intellectual and intellectual attack. While this has been happening behind the scenes for some time, the Covid-19 pandemic, with children learning remotely from the kitchen table, has brought shocking truths to everyone. Instead of being taught basics like reading, writing and arithmetic, parents found their children were taught lessons about highly divisive ideas and dubious academic interests. …Detailed Reading

  • Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
  • Deuteronomy 6:7 also teach your children diligently. Whether you are sitting at home, walking on the road, lying down, getting up, talk about it.
  • Psalm 127:3 Children are the inheritance of the LORD, and the womb is his reward.


  • Restoring a God-Centered Educational System : Father in Heaven, the powers of darkness are planning to destroy the innocence and purity of our children, trying to lead them down the wrong path with regard to their God-given sexuality and identity. Raise up godly parents, teachers, and administrators, and give them wisdom and courage to speak up for righteousness, to expose, expose, and destroy all evil plans to brainwash children, and resist those immoral codes and lessons. Please also raise up legislators, abolish all institutions that fuel evil plans, reform educational institutions, let the light of truth illuminate the campus, rebuild a God-centered education system, and protect and preserve the kingdom of God that God has entrusted to us.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ we declare:
    • God will save our children and restore a God-centered education system.
    • Our children and grandchildren will recognize, embrace and walk in the way of your truth,
    • Our children will fulfill the purpose and destiny for which You called them.
    • Revivalists and reformers like Joseph, Daniel, and Esther will rise among the younger generation!

In the name of Christ Jesus, amen!

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Pray for Native Americans: Arise and Resound!

【Current Affairs: In these times, I believe the Lord is INCREASING and RELEASING His voice, with great authority, through His “first fruits” people groups of the land. He is raising up His sold out, set apart, Indigenous burning ones, and releasing HIS VOICE to set nations ablaze for Jesus. …Detailed Reading

  • Psalm 149:3-4 Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with timbrel and harp. For the Lord takes delight in his people;  he crowns the humble with victory.
  • Psalm 40:1-3 I waited patiently for the Lord;  he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock  and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth,  a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him.


First Nations people, I decree that

  •  the shackles have now been broken off of you. Arise and dance! 
  • First Nations people break forth with dancing and worship to the Lord (see Psalm 149:3-4 TPT)!
  • I decree, you have been lifted out of the pit of destruction, your feet have been set upon the rock of Jesus and He has established your goings (see Psalm 40:1-3 AMP). Arise and resound – no longer bound!
  • I decree, the Lord has put a new song of praise to the one true living God in your mouth. 
  • You have now put your trust and confident reliance in the Lord God Almighty. You see Him, you revere Him, and you worship Him alone.
  • First Nations sons and daughters, arise and shift into destiny, with a dance of deliverance and a strong song, boldly decreeing the Word of the Lord with your new voice!

In the name of Christ Jesus, amen!

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Pray For Church

Pray for Participating Churches and Pastors on Regional 24/7 Prayer Walls

Editor’s Note: The 24/7 prayer walls listed here are especially for local churches and pastors. If you are committed to watch on the regional walls, simply click on the link listed below to connect to the local prayer wall. 】

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Related Events and Prayer Background

Editorial Special Zone: Sarah Whitten:  ‘The Manna Won’t Spoil’

Info : TSara Whitten Date: May 29, 2022  Original Source : Elijah List 

A Jesus Rest Not a Jonah Rest

We are being called to rest, but this is a specific and strategic kind of rest. It’s a “Jesus Rest” not a “Jonah Rest”. As Jesus rested in the boat, His rest was an uncommon response of peace and preparation despite the chaos and urgency around Him. Jonah also slept through a storm in a boat, but His sleep reflected a disconnection and dismissal of God’s call to action (see Jonah 1:4-6).

In this time, God is calling you to a rest that will look uncommon to the world around you. This rest isn’t a time of inactivity but a time of being active about refreshing your spirit in the Word and in time spent at His feet. At the time of greatest chaos and urgency around you, you are being called to be still, go deeper in the quiet place, and let God do deep work that is going to prepare you to speak to storms. This is an active rest. This is a preparation rest. Rather than falling asleep to our circumstances and pulling away, this is a pressing into the power of peace.

The Manna Won’t Spoil

For many, the first response is, “But Lord, I don’t have time to rest!” God’s word to you is “the manna won’t spoil”. Manna represented something that was a God-given daily task that was both work and blessing. The Israelites had to gather it (work), but it also fed them (blessing). He specifically instructed them to not gather on the Sabbath, and the manna that had been gathered the day before didn’t spoil. During any other day, if they gathered extra and put it aside, it spoiled.

There are things you are working on in this current season that surely are callings from the Lord. They are both work and blessings to you. You may feel that the work He has you partnering with is so much (and so good!) that it isn’t a possibility to slow down. Just like the Israelites during their God-ordained rest time, we are being given manna that won’t spoil. (Photo via Unsplash)

All that God has called you to will not go to waste or be ruined in your time of pressing in deeper to the Lord and less into the chaos. It will wait for as long as the Lord has called you to this preparation rest. The manna before the Sabbath didn’t appear any different just because the Israelites shifted to a time of rest. In the same way, to your natural eyes, it will appear that the urgent things filling up your day “can’t wait”. But God says, “Manna won’t spoil.”

What Comes After the Rest

Ask God, “What does rest look like for me in this season?” Also ask Him, “How much time do I need to dedicate to preparation rest in this season?” There will be much warfare to keep you from this necessary soaking, but continue in obedience. As I began to record these thoughts in my podcast, the Lord spoke to me that the enemy is not only scared of your closeness with the Lord in this rest…he is scared of what comes after the rest.

In Genesis 2, while Adam rested, God created (Eve). For some of you, this preparation rest is because God is creating something new through you for which you need to be rested. He’s doing “deep surgery” in you, out of which will come new and wonderful things.

In many instances Biblically, rest was a time of dreaming. After waking, dreams inspired action based on new revelation. For some of you, this time will be a time of revelation (both in dreams and in waking) that will incite action and give you clarity on choices. Rest also happened for Jesus in the boat. When He woke up, He spoke to the storm and calmed it. For some of you, this time of rest will be what precedes God calming the storm in your life as you learn to peacefully and confidently rest in Him. The rest isn’t saved for after the storm, the rest is during the storm, and miracles are what follows.

Prayer of Activation

Lord, teach me how to enter into Your preparation rest. Show me what rest looks like for me in this season and how to be obedient. Connect me to a deeper peace and intimacy with You. Thank You for taking care of the day-to-day concerns, while I enter into this deeper training with You. I thank You and praise You for all the revelation, creativity, and even miracles that will flow through this time. I ask all this in Jesus’s name. Amen.

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Editorial Special Section: John Belter: How to Find Your Identity in the Secret Place

Information : John Belt  Date: May 30, 2022  Original Source : Elijah List    Prayer Network

When you grasp how you have been created, it helps you to better navigate your relationship with God. The dynamics of the inward battle and how you can fully commit yourself to the purposes of God are easier once you understand that you are a new creation.

“Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 5:23)

When we look at the language of Paul, or even from the angle of a Hebraic mindset, we can see that there is a clear understanding of how God has created us – spirit, soul and body. Just like an apple has skin, pulp and then seeds, so we are created with a spirit, soul and body.

An unsaved person will live their entire lives for the gratification of their flesh, fulfilling worldly appetites. For those who know God, this type of living must change. We no longer live to please our natural senses but actually live to please God – who is spirit. What we once used to live for (the flesh), we now offer as a sacrifice to God (Romans 12:1). In Christ, our spirits have been made alive to God. We are now new creations in Christ. God has awakened our spirits to a living communion with His Spirit.

“But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.’ But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.” (1 Corinthians 2:9-12)

We are no longer alienated from a life of revelation, insight and understanding into the realities of the Kingdom of God. Rather, we have full access by the Blood of Christ to gain heavenly wisdom, grace and leading through His Holy Spirit.

Communion with God Restored – We Have Been Given Full Access

In simplicity, God has restored the communion that was lost in the Garden of Eden, where man walked with God in the cool of the day. As we are created in the image of God, His plan has been to completely restore us into that reality of walking with Him – also allowing us to see firsthand the demonstration of His love in Christ.

We can see pictures of how God had been calling His people closer throughout the Old Testament. Just as Moses would see His glory, God also invited others to come closer; yet because of fear, they would not. Jesus went into the Presence as the forerunner for us so that we would also enter into the presence of God. Full access has been made available to us.

When we look at the tabernacle and temple in the Old Testament times, we see that same picture of spirit, soul and body. The outer court being a picture of the body; the inner court, a picture of the soul; and then the holiest of all (the Holy of Holies) – a picture of our spirit man. The most holy worship took place in the Holy of Holies. Just as we can come boldly before the throne of God – even the Holiest in the heavens – so His Spirit comes to dwell and commune with us in the holiest part of our spirit man.

From Renewal to Transformation

In the new creation, truly, ALL things have become new, as it is created after the image of God. It is where we have been “born again.” However, the soul is in need of renovation and transformation. Then the body is to be a living sacrifice to God. It is only as we yield to fueling our communion with God that transformation can take place. If we continue to live after the flesh and worldly appetites, there will be no transformation of the soul.

It is the Word of God, the Spirit and a yielded life – a life that follows His commands and leadings – that brings forth real transformation. To whom much is given, much is required. We’ve all been given much in the new creation.

“For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation.” (Galatians 6:15)

We have to choose to live after the Spirit, discovering the reality of His presence to the transformation of our desires…the place where there is nothing we would rather have than our lives found in Him.

The measure that we sow is also the measure that we reap. That is why Paul encourages us to sow to the Spirit (see Galatians 6:8). If we sow to the Spirit, we will also reap from the Spirit the fullness of His life. If we sow to the flesh, we reap destruction, forfeiting the most glorious transformed life. There is nothing worse than someone who wears the badge of a Christian but lives just like the world. God calls us to leave it all when we make Him Lord of all.

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

This is where the rubber meets the road. When you gave your life to Christ, was it just for a stamped ticket to Heaven, or was it you saying, “I will follow You, hear Your voice and do what you say”? Do you want your desires changed? Can you lay down everything that you ‘think’ you know? Do you always have to be in control? Do you always have to be right?

Paul counted all things loss – for what? For knowing Jesus in the most intimate way. It is all about the relationship with Him. If anything gets between you and your relationship with God, you should willingly sacrifice it. God is patient, as He gives us many opportunities to take the path of transformation. (Photo via Pixabay)

So many times people will squander these opportunities to venture into deeper relationships with God for temporal gratification – even losing ground in what they have attained with God. Our world is filled with examples that try to make their own flesh and bad choices look spiritual.

How to Find Your Identity in the Secret Place

Find your identity in the secret place with God tending to the depths of your spirit. How can you do this?

  1. Offer You Body as a Living Sacrifice

What does this mean? It means that you count yourself “crucified with Christ.” It is no longer about what you want but what He wants. You don’t try to make God come and fulfill your dreams, but you fulfill His.

  1. Commit to Communion

Give your heart and spirit over to God in a life of worship, prayer and communion. Let the communion of the Holy Spirit be in your life. Welcome the Holy Spirit to come and fill you with His presence. Simply continue to ask Him to come every day. Throughout your days, welcome the Holy Spirit. Jesus told us He would send us “The Helper.” Do you need help? We all do. Learn to be dependent on the Holy Spirit.

  1. Get a New Language and Library

The Word of God is our standard for life and truth. Meditate on the Word of God. Get that language and library in your heart. His words are inspired by the Author – the Holy Spirit. Weigh every thought you have by what God’s Word says is the truth. You do this and you will be heading in the right direction!

and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.” (Ephesians 4:23-24)

  1. Get in Community with Believers

Find those who will lead you in the right direction. Those who have a heart after God are in pursuit of Him. Find those who are covenant-hearted people, where you can commit to a community and grow. Don’t live like an orphan that just wanders around; this will lead you into spiritual poverty. God wants you to prosper in a community of people that are committed to seeing Heaven on Earth and your success as a Believer.

God has amazing plans for your life. Trust in Him and He will direct your steps.

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Editorial Special Section: Randy Lopshire: Ready to Rumble

Message : Randy Lopshire   Date: May 26, 2022  Occurrence: “Give Him 15 Minutes”

This morning, I heard the Lord say: “My people must stop resisting their positioning. Their question should not be ‘How do I get out of the situation I’m in?’ Rather it should be ‘Lord, why do You have me here?’”

There are prayers that God DOES NOT answer:

  • prayers outside of faith
  • self-serving prayers
  • prayers that do not line up with God’s Word.

Then there are prayers that God actually watches over to answer.

  • Here am I, Lord, send me.
  • I will do whatever You tell me to do.
  • Not my will, but Yours be done.

The moment we pray these prayers, we begin to align ourselves with Divine Strategy. Heaven opens a pathway to lead us to the right places at the right times. We find ourselves in a flow of divine appointments, contacts and connections. As we persist in prayer, our willingness causes God to lead us into greater Kingdom purpose. We become God’s partners—His agents of change. The potential is limitless.

Sometimes, God places us physically in workplaces or communities to execute prayer assignments and release faith decrees. Remember, He lives in us, so everywhere we go, He is there. We carry His Presence into those places.

Other times, we operate in the realm of the spirit through prophetic prayer and intercession. In this capacity, there are no boundaries because space and time do not matter in the spirit. Through prayer and worship in the spirit, the Lord can use us to do powerful things in many different situations and circumstances.

How amazing is that?

I recently preached a message from Acts 16:23-32:

“And when they had laid many stripes on them, they threw them into prison, commanding the jailer to keep them securely. Having received such a charge, he put them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks. But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed.”

As I studied these scriptures, the Lord drew my attention to something interesting. I noticed after being set free from their chains, none of the prisoners ran for their freedom. Instead, they waited. EVERYONE waited, including Paul and Silas.

What were they waiting for? They knew how God works. They sensed a purpose in all of this.

That purpose involved a man who most would have given zero consideration for—the jailer. This man punished people in prison as an occupation. He would have been an expert in torture. Most prisoners, suddenly freed, would have ignored the jailer, maybe thinking, “Let him fall on his sword. That’s what he gets for being a jailer.” But God doesn’t think like most people! Aren’t you glad?

Paul and Silas waited because Holy Spirit had planted them in that prison for a purpose—a higher purpose. Not so they could prove how much they loved God or how far they could be pressed without giving up. There was a greater reason for their pain. It was for the jailer to be able to ask the question that mankind had been asking since the fall: “What must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30)

God was using the jail to get the Kingdom through to the jailer, the other prisoners, and to the rest of the world. God always has more in mind than what we may know or understand. 

Satan tried use the situation to destroy Paul and Silas, but God planted them in that horrible prison—the worst of human conditions—as a seed, so that through them a sound from heaven could come forth through their praises and penetrate the atmosphere of darkness and despair with ground-shaking, earth-quaking power.

God sent Paul and Silas who were “Ready to Rumble,” and rumble they did! He did this so ALL THE CAPTIVES could be set free.

To most, jail would seem an unlikely launching point for a Kingdom campaign. But it was perfect for God because it displayed everything that everyone needs to know about Him.

  • He is a good God!
  • He sets captives free!
  • He delivers people.
  • He heals people.

Most of us will never be thrown into prison for the sake of the Gospel. Thank God! But we are all sent:

  • To set the captives free
  • To heal the sick and raise the dead
  • To places where our sound causes earthquakes
  • To where evil foundations can be shaken and innocents are released.

Yes, He considered them innocents. Because through the Blood of Jesus, He considers ALL to be innocent…even if they don’t know it yet.

Just as God heard the cries of desperation of Israel and raised up a deliverer, God has planted many like Paul and Silas in prisons throughout America. Places:

  • where sin abounds
  • where wickedness is elevated
  • where the spirit of antichrist thinks it controls.


Many in the enemy’s camp think they have it all in the bag. But the one who rules in heaven laughs. The Lord scoffs at them. Then in anger He rebukes them, terrifying them with His fierce fury. (Psalms 2:4-5 NLT)

The Lord continued speaking to me:

“I have a Rumbling Remnant—key people who know how to use their Kingdom Keys, who by human appearances are the least likely to be used by God.

“I have planted them strategically throughout prison places. People who, in spite of the feelings of desperation and assault against their minds and bodies, are going to release a new Sound from Heaven.

“A reverberation is coming forth from them into the air, out into every space where people have been persecuted and abused. The vibrations created from the Sound that is coming forth from their song, the song of their faith, are going to shake those places where sin and wickedness has abounded. I will use Rumblers to reclaim authority over the places of bondage.”

What a great word!

Church, I’ve seen that in the days ahead, we need to watch for spiritual earthquake zones, places where sons and daughters of the Kingdom will come forth from the prisons of hardship and despair. After a massive move of chain-breaking freedom, they will be bringing with them a harvest of former prisoners ready for spiritual battle. God will be moving them from the Earthquake Zone to the Harvest Zone. In a moment…just like that! Souls will be saved, Sons and Daughters sent forth.

We need to be Ready to Rumble! We need to practice releasing our Rumbling Sound NOW. Your sound is in your voice through your faith, your declaration and your worship. 

You can bet this wasn’t the first time Paul and Silas had released their sound! No, they were:

  • familiar with their faith
  • disciplined in their declaration
  • practiced in their praise

And so must we. We are the seeds planted by Holy Spirit.

Right there where you are, be the seed and release your sound, interwoven with the sounds of the Rumbling Remnant and the heavenly hosts. As we do this, God will shake the very foundations of America, and indeed, all nations. Are you ready to Rumble?

Pray with me:

Father, we thank You for the honor of allowing us to be part of what You are doing on the earth today. Keep us mindful that no matter what situation we find ourselves in, You have a plan and a Kingdom purpose. Amen.

Our decree:

We stir up the Gift of God on the inside of us so that we are ready to release the Rumblings of Holy Spirit into the earth to break open chains of bondage and to set captives free. In Jesus’ name!

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Pray for Israel: 55th Anniversary of the Recovery of Jerusalem: The Time for Gentiles to Trample Jerusalem Is Filled

Background of current affairs: This year from 5/28 sunset to 5/29 sunset, it falls on the “Jerusalem Day” on the 28th of the Jewish calendar Yiel, to commemorate the 55th anniversary of Israel’s recovery and reunification of Jerusalem in the Six-Day War, making it “like a neat connection” a city” ( Psalm 122:3 ). The Bible clearly records that on the eve of His crucifixion, the Lord Jesus said to His disciples in the holy city, “ … In this year’s Jerusalem Day observances, it was notable that a record-breaking 2,600 Jews went to the Temple Mount on the eve of the traditional flag parade, and Jewish youths raised the Israeli flag on the Temple Mount. 

70,000 people take part in the national flag parade

In the capital, Jerusalem, the blue and white Israeli flag is everywhere: or draped over the marchers, held high, dancing and walking toward the Western Wall, affixed to car windows, hung on lampposts, buildings On…. On Jerusalem Day, the core celebration is the flag parade, also known as the flag dance, to commemorate Israel’s defeat of Egypt, Syria, Jordan and other Arab countries in the Six-Day War in 1967, and the recovery of Jerusalem including Jerusalem East Jerusalem, including the Old City, reunites Jerusalem.

According to Israeli police estimates, on Sunday (5/29), about 70,000 Jews participated in the flag parade in the capital, Jerusalem. The participants were mainly right-wing Zionists to express their love for Jerusalem, love for Israel, general of secular Jews are not too concerned about it.

The procession route runs from Jerusalem’s western quarter through the Jaffa Gate, or Damascus Gate, and passes through the Muslim quarter of the Old City to the Western Wall. Tens of thousands of people rejoiced, danced, sang, praised, chanted scriptures and prayed thanks in the Western Wall Square, surging under the cover of an oversized Israeli flag. On the eve of the flag parade, some religious nationalists deliberately danced the Israeli flag in the square in front of Damascus, where Palestinians gathered.

The standoff declared by the flag

In the past week, the Palestinian militant militant group Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other groups in the Gaza Strip have issued threats of violence against the annual Jerusalem Day flag parade, but not from the coast like last year. The enclave fired rockets, sparking an 11-day war. On Sunday, however, Israeli police intercepted a drone flying a Palestinian flag.

Israeli Prime Minister Bennett linked the flag parade to a declaration of sovereignty. “If we didn’t go along the usual route, it could be a retreat from sovereignty,” Bennett said. “In the face of threats from Hamas, Israel had to hold this (flag) march.”

AFP video, meanwhile, showed Palestinians flying Palestinian flags at a rally to protest Jerusalem Day in Ramalla, the seat of the Palestinian Authority. There was also a small demonstration of Palestinian flags by Palestinians near East Jerusalem.

On June 1, the Knesset passed its first reading to advance a bill that would ban the flying of the Palestinian flag at state-funded institutions. The bill was mainly introduced by the opposition Likud, but also received votes from the coalition’s right-wing Yamina and New Hope parties. On the morning of the same day, an Israeli left-wing group hung a huge Israeli flag on one side and a huge Palestinian flag on the 30th floor of the Diamond Exchange in Ramat Gan, a suburb of Tel Aviv. “We are destined to live together” in Arabic and Arabic. However, it was taken down the same day by the council after sparking criticism on social media and public calls from councillors. The Palestinian flag, which hangs alongside the Israeli flag, was created by a left-wing group focused on bringing “progressive” messages into the public sphere in protest against a proposed bill in the Knesset to ban the public display of the Palestinian flag.

Record-breaking 2,600 Jews visit Temple Mount

More than 2,600 Jews were allowed to enter the Temple Mount on Sunday in observance of Jerusalem Day this year, a record so far since the return of Israel. Throughout 2020, only 1,000 Jews visited the Temple Mount, including Israeli nationalist far-right lawmaker and Jewish settlement leader Itamar Ben Gvir. Although the official flag parade route did not include the Temple Mount, several Jews raised the Israeli flag on the Temple Mount. However, the Jews who declared the flag on the Temple Mount were detained by the Israeli police.

After the parade, Foreign Minister Lapid emphasized in his speech that Israel is obsessed with maintaining the “status quo” of the Temple Mount, and specifically mentioned that Muslims can visit and pray on the Temple Mount, while Jews can only visit. Rapide said the status quo on the Temple Mount has not changed, nor will it change under our noses.

The so-called “status quo” in the Palestinian population refers to the division of governance over the Temple Mount area. During Jordanian rule of East Jerusalem from 1948 to 1967, Israelis were not allowed to enter the Old City of Jerusalem. This and the entire West Bank were merged into the Kingdom of Jordan in 1950. At that time Jews were strictly forbidden to enter the Temple Mount area. After the Six-Day War in 1967, Israel regained control of East Jerusalem, but Israel and Jordan later reached an agreement that the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Temple Mount area are still managed by Jordanians, and the surrounding areas are closely guarded by the Israeli military and police.

For the Palestinians, the Israelis’ small actions on the Temple Mount are seen as a provocation by Israel to break the “status quo” on the Temple Mount. Under an arrangement known as the “status quo,” Jews are generally only allowed to visit the Temple Mount for a limited time, but cannot pray there or perform other acts of worship that might be seen as provocative to Muslims.

April this year coincided with the first month of the Jewish calendar (where Passover) overlapped with the Muslim “Ramadan”. Clashes broke out between Palestinians and Israeli police in the Temple Mount area of ​​the old city of Jerusalem. For the last ten days, Jewish access to the Temple Mount for ginseng was suspended.

Half of Jews support prayer on Temple Mount

The Israel Democracy Institute conducted a poll in April and released its findings on the eve of Jerusalem Day. Half of the respondents said they supported Jewish prayers on the Temple Mount, mainly “because it proves Israel’s sovereignty over the place”; while 40% said they opposed doing so, opposing Jewish prayers on the Temple Mount, Mostly for practical reasons, 57.5% of the 40% of opponents said it was because it would “invoke a serious negative reaction from the Muslim world”. Opponents also include ultra-Orthodox Jews, who argue that Jewish law prohibits prayers on the Temple Mount.

The survey was conducted without directly asking about a person’s religious beliefs. The purpose of the survey was to find out their views on the Temple Mount and the restrictions that prohibit Jews from praying in Temple Mount Square under the so-called “status quo”. Strikingly, the group that most supported Jewish prayers on the Temple Mount were Orthodox Jews generally associated with right-wing political parties, the so-called ethno-religious camp. About 20% belong to the centrist Blue and White Party, Future Party and Labour Party; the left-wing Merets Party accounts for only 10.5% of supporters.

The place where the LORD will forever establish His name

For we are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, the powers, the rulers of this dark world, and the spiritual demons in the air. The wrestling of various political forces on the surface reflects the battle of spiritual forces in the invisible world. Going back to the Bible, we know that Jerusalem is the place where the Lord Jehovah God will forever establish his name (see 2 Chronicles 33:7, Isaiah 18:7 ); it is Jehovah God who is and is, and swears by himself to give it to Abraham and Isaac , the land of the descendants of Jacob ( Deuteronomy 34:1-4 ); the place where the throne was promised to the house of David (cf. Psalm 122:5 ). The Lord GOD is for Jerusalem and Zion, and his heart is very hot (see Zechariah 1:14 )

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Critical Event: Reclaiming Our Children from the Tiger’s Mouth – Restoring a God-Based Education System

Editor’s Note : This article is an excerpt from the June 3rd post of “Give Him 15 Minutes”, written by Cheryl Sacks . Although the article uses American campuses as an example, the infiltration of leftist agendas such as LGBTQ+ into campuses is a serious global problem. We believe that the reversal of the United States will bring about a global reversal like a domino effect. We invite intercessors from all countries to pray together.

【Background: In 2022, the U.S. education system and all children will be under unprecedented moral, intellectual and intellectual attack. While this has been happening behind the scenes for some time, the Covid-19 pandemic, with children learning remotely from the kitchen table, has brought shocking truths to everyone. Instead of being taught basics like reading, writing and arithmetic, parents found their children were taught lessons about highly divisive ideas and dubious academic interests. 

Disruptive education system

Not only has the U.S. education system lacked a focus on academic outcomes, many textbooks have been substantially revised to present new perspectives on U.S. and world history, as well as human history. Much of the teaching turns students spiritually and intellectually away from God towards ungodly and destructive philosophies and worldviews, students are taught to hate rather than love their country, and science is presented as a body of knowledge that excludes God. Fewer Americans believe in clear and obvious right and wrong, and America’s public schools routinely reinforce these new norms, labeling them “progressive,” “just,” and “inclusive.” E.g:

  • In sex education classes, kindergarteners are learning about marriage, identity, and sexual “norms” that go beyond God’s biblical plan. Sexuality, once the educational responsibility of parents, has not only entered the mainstream of education, but has gone to extremes.
  • Schoolchildren are under pressure to embrace and embrace transgenderism. Some schools have been introducing the concept of “Drag Queens” to teach students an alternative lifestyle, calling them “models of diversity.” These people teach, entertain and educate children to be transgender. LGBTQ+ classes are being taught in public schools across the country, with one project even being dubbed “Drag Queen Story Time.”
  • At a middle school in Massachusetts, the principal allowed her staff to secretly meet with an 11-year-old girl who was interested in being a boy and her 12-year-old brother who was interested in being a girl. A knowledgeable teacher knew the parents of the children and immediately notified the parent; the teacher was dismissed as a violation of the underage student’s privacy.
  • In a similar recent incident, a Connecticut school nurse was fired for exposing school teachers for giving sex blockers behind their parents’ backs to pre-pubescent teenage students!
  • In Delaware, one school district’s curriculum includes “Jacob’s New Dress” for K-3 students. The text is used as part of the district’s social-emotional learning curriculum, which is taught to elementary school students about progressive social ideologies about race and gender.
  • At a middle school in California, two teachers tracked online and “helped” students who they thought would “benefit” by joining the school’s LGBTQ club. They recruited a 12-year-old student without telling the student’s parents. Even after parents brought the issue to the attention of the school board, the teachers who used the Internet to find vulnerable children and coach them to become transgender did not lose their jobs or get suspended. In this case, angry parents already know that perpetrators in public schools can get away with their immorality because powerful institutions support their immorality—the National Department of Education and the National Education Association are two big proponents of this ideology.

Not surprisingly, student sexual activity, pregnancy, pornography, STDs, gender focus and homosexuality continue to explode among young people. It is fair to say that this is the most sexually chaotic and contradictory generation in the history of American society. Pupils are pushed to engage in sexuality at a younger and younger age, squeezed by their peers, culture and media, and now even the schools themselves offer graphic sex education programs that push them towards more and more diverse directions .

Restoring a God-centered education system

We must pray for our children, teachers, and school boards, and we must vote, run for office, and speak out that this purposefully disruptive educational program will not make its way into the curriculum of local schools—and in districts where it has been implemented, expose and delete them.

You and I, as godly parents and leaders, and members of the body of Christ, must nurture the next generation in God’s truth and pray with them fervently – standing in the gap and defeating the enemy’s deception, division, secularism, Immoral and perverted plans.

Our children need our prayers to cry out for protection and purity, and to preserve their innocence. School teachers and administrators need wisdom and courage to resist unethical codes and curricula that promote these ideologies and behaviors. Legislators will also need wisdom and courage to prevail when it comes to legislation to get these plans to vote.

Now is the time for us to stand with the children of this generation and to intercede for their destiny. It’s time to reclaim this generation!

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Pray for Native Americans: Arise and Resound!

【Current Affairs: In these times, I believe the Lord is INCREASING and RELEASING His voice, with great authority, through His “first fruits” people groups of the land. He is raising up His sold out, set apart, Indigenous burning ones, and releasing HIS VOICE to set nations ablaze for Jesus.

Recently, the Lord took me up into an encounter, and I was looking down on my nation of Australia. By the Spirit of God, I knew that this encounter was for Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands and other Indigenous people to the lands.

His Glory Released Through the First Nations Indigenous People

I could see glory mist rising up from the land across the nation. As my spiritual eyes zoomed in closer to the land, in the midst of the glory, I could see people dancing, and I heard a glorious sound. It was the First Nations Indigenous people of the land, worshiping and dancing in their cultural way; the dust of the land spraying up as their feet hit the ground. The glory of the Lord was released into the land as they stomped in the dance. The glory spread and filled the land of the nation (see Habakkuk 2:14).

The First Nations people carry a glory that is unique to the land. This glory is about to be released into the nations, and I believe it is a powerful, ancient key to unlock the awakening of nations.

The Rhythm of an Ancient Love

The overwhelming sense which surrounded me was that these First Nation countrymen and women were dancing to the rhythm of an ‘ancient love’ that compelled them to arise and dance with song; an ancient love that wooed them and drew them back to their first love, Jesus.

“Break forth with dancing! Make music and sing God’s praises with the rhythm of the drums! For He enjoys His faithful lovers. He adorns the humble with His beauty, and He loves to give them victory.” (Psalm 149:3-4 TPT) (Photo via Piqsels)

“We love Him, because He first loved us.” (1 John 4:19 KJV)

An Intergenerational Love Drawn from an Ancient Timeline

This ancient love seemed to rise from deep within the age-old layers of this land. It felt to me like an intergenerational love for our Creator was being drawn from an ancient timeline, up through the feet of the First Nations people, and released into the “now” timeline. It was being released through their dance, their song and their hands.

As we all join hands and hearts, the love of God will become known through our lives in the present day. We will be known by the fruit of this ancient love of God; the one who loved us before the foundations of the earth. This intergenerational, ancient love is reigniting within the people.

During this whole encounter, I was surrounded with a strong sense of surrender and being positioned right in the center of a place that beckons, “Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you” (see James 4:8).

Ancient Strongholds Broken

As the perfect love of God poured out through the land and the people, the sheer power of this pure love caused ancient strongholds to be broken off of the land and the people. The land itself was breaking free from shackles and being saturated and soaked in the love and the pure goodness of God.

Unearthing His Hidden Treasures

The love of God was washing away all reproach and revealing these priceless treasures.

“I waited patiently and expectantly for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up out of a horrible pit [a pit of tumult and of destruction], out of the miry clay (froth and slime), and set my feet upon a rock, steadying my steps and establishing my goings. And He has put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many shall see and fear (revere and worship) and put their trust and confident reliance in the Lord.” (Psalm 40:1-3 AMPC)

I believe the Lord is unearthing His hidden treasures. These hidden treasures are the First Nations voices of the Land, which are being unearthed from the lower layers of the land, causing them to ARISE and RESOUND – NO LONGER BOUND! Once hidden, now they will be lifted up from the miry clay to decree and declare the Word of the Lord, and to display His splendor. (Photo via Pxfuel)

First Nations Awakened Sons Shift Into Destiny

What I was seeing was the First Nations awakened sons and daughters shifting into destiny, arising from the land with a dance of deliverance, a strong song and a new voice.

“O God, my saving God, deliver me fully from every sin, even the sin that brought bloodguilt. Then my heart will once again be thrilled to sing the passionate songs of joy and deliverance!” (Psalm 51:14 TPT)

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Cleansing And Covering Prayer

Cleansing Prayers

Dear Heavenly Father, I ________ (put your name in it) come to the throne of grace, through the blood of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, to receive Your abundant grace and mercy.   Lord Jesus, ________ confess You are the Lord of my life.   I ask the resurrected power of the Holy Spirit to fill and saturate every part of my being.   I surrender all my spirit, soul and body completely to You.  Now I ask You to reveal to me, remind me of any sin that I have committed known or unknown, so that I can confess and repent of them accordingly. (Recommendation:  quiet yourself, so you can allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you)

Cleanse me from all the defilement of the world, sanctify me and my family line of any unrighteousness with the blood of Jesus.   Now by my own will, I choose to forgive everyone that has offended me or hurt me, I release them into the freedom of my forgiveness.   I also release them from the debts they might owe me. I now cast all my burden to You .  Your yoke is easy, Your burden is light.   I now put on the armor of God that You have given me, gird myself with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, my feet fitted with the gospel of peace, so that I can pray and intercede in the Holy Spirit by Your mighty power, and after done all to stand firm.

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Firewall Covering Prayer

Abba Father, I thank you for watching and blessing us coming in and going out, from now and forevermore.
Abba Father, help us to hide under the shadow of the Almighty, and cover us with Your wings.   I now plead the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on myself, my entire family _________

(speak names of your family, and name the people, things, items, that needs covering, such as : your work, ministries, and everyone that you minister to, your  property, finances, friends, pets, vehicles, pastors and small group leaders / members and president )

Abba Father, send the host of angels and chariots of fire, to surround and protect us, I ask that You place the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ, in between everyone and the power of darkness that we might be facing today, to block all ungodly influences and keep us from all spiritual attacks, loss of property and any evil strategy of the enemies. We declare no weapon formed against us shall prosper.   Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!

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