Daily Prayer (9/26)
Editor’s Note: Preparing a Dwelling Place! – Four Global Homecoming Online Gathering
The founder of the Watchmen for the Nations, Pastor David Demian and the team initiated a four-series global call online gatherings at 8 a.m. East Coast time on Thursdays, and invited everyone to fast during the 28 days from 9/10 to 10/8. Fasting and praying, during the Israeli New Year’s Feast, prepare the body of God to be a place for him to rest.
Here is the information about the party:
Date: 9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8 (Thursday)
Time: 8 a.m. EDT
Video link: Please click HERE (In this video, there will be encouragement and prayer from a family member from all over the world every day.)
We encourage everyone to go online and prepare a place for God!
Pursuing Intimacy With God: How Lovely is Your Dwelling Place
Dear Abba Father, How lovely is Your dwelling place! There is goodness wherever You go, wherever You are, because You are beautiful and altogether lovely. … Click to Read More
Repentance: Repentance for the City 04
Lord please forgive our mockery, despising even bullying towards the homosexual group. Hearing from some of their testimonies, their disorientation was often because they were sexually abused when they were young plus being mistreated and isolated by the mainstream society, causing confusion in character and sexual orientations and eventually swallowed up by the enemy. .… Click to Read More
Daily Declaration: For the Islamic Extremist
In the name of Jesus,
This is the generation of billions of young people to return to Jesus!
This young generation is the inheritance of God, arrows in the hands of God, and the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit prophesied in the Book of Joel.
Pray For Global Leader: President Trump
We declare in the name of Jesus:
- Pray for President Trump’s 2020 campaign for re-election:
- God will continue to use President Trump to complete his destiny for the United States.
- All the factions and organizations that are hostile to the president will be disintegrated, and God will personally send messengers to disrupt the camp of evildoers and break them. All instigators will be exposed and brought to justice.
- All assassinations, destructions, riots, conspiracies and actions will fail, be intercepted and destroyed, and will have no effect.
- God’s will will be fully fulfilled in the president’s re-election and decision making.
- God blesses those “never Trump” open their eyes, clear their hearts, return to God, and receive the full salvation in Christ Jesus.
Pray For Global Leader: For the Chairman of China, Xi Jinping
We declare in the name of Jesus:
Father God, anoint Prime Minister Natanyahu in his position as the Prime Minister of Israel. You are his shield and keeps his heart and mind pure and clear, full of heavenly understanding and insight.
Seven Mountains: Declaration For Church
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ:
- Church Awakened and Restored : God’s people will put aside man’s ways and thoughts, seek and believe in God with all their hearts and know Him as the one and only true God. Restore the first love for Jesus Christ. To have a heart like Esther filled with the love and passion for Jesus as the king, the bridegroom, and the judge.
Pray For Israel:Abandon Abortion And Protect Life
【Current Event: It is estimated that 1/5 of all pregnancies in Israel end in abortion. Since 1948, the number of aborted babies in Israel has exceeded the number of children killed in the Holocaust. Despite Israel’s deep-rooted teachings on life, Israel is still the only country in the world that legally aborts until the baby is born. … Click to Read More】
- Genesis 9:6: “Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind.. “
- Psalms 139: 13-16, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be..”
- Psalms 127: 3, “Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him..”
- Repent for the sin of Abortion: Dear Father, we confess and repent for the nation of Israel of the fetus that was aborted in Israel. Please forgive us of the sin of shedding innocent blood. We call on God’s mercy and forgive us for killing the life You created in Your hands. Please close this door of spirit of death and stop abortion. Pray for the Holy Spirit to visit Israel mightily to awaken Israel; to show the rabbis and the Israeli public that abortion is murder and a sin that You hate. For those who don’t know it is sin, grant them grace to repent. Please stop the abortion subsidized by the government and military for women quickly and clean the army from the sin of shedding innocent blood.
- Blow Your Spirit onto the Women of this Generation : Father God, raise up priests in Israel, with broken and contrite hearts, to repent for the sins of today’s generation offering up infants as sacrifice for idols such as comfort, materialism, and mammon, help them to seek mercy from the Lord, to turn back to You. Please breathe into the women of this generation, so that their spirits will be awakened to You, understand the truth, and bravely say no, and no longer be subjected to be hurt. Heal the body, soul and spirit of those women who have had abortions. In the victorious name of the Lord Jesus Christ, break all curses, and the accusations and spiritual bondage and control from the enemy.
- Israel has become the “light of the nations”: Father God, please transform the hearts of parents to their children, and it will happen quickly in Israel and other nations; stop abortion from being legal, close abortion clinics, and let more babies be born, to be in loving Home so that they have the opportunity to enjoy their precious life. We bless Israel to cherish the inheritance given by Jehovah, to live up to the dignity and value of the life of the unborn baby that You value, and to stand up to defend the life of every fetus, making Israel the “light of the nations ” .
Pray in the name of the Lord Jesus, amen.
Pray for United States: Raise Up A Holy Young Generation
【Current Events: Recently, there have been two rare incidents involving young people standing up and fighting for justice. One is a 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse from Wisconsin who had to shoot and kill two mobs in order to protect other people’s business and his own defense. The other is that Nick Sandmann, a Kentucky high school graduate, gave a speech at the Republican convention, accusing the media of spreading rumors and discrediting because of prejudice. …Detailed Reading】
Psalm 110:3 Your troops will be willing on your day of battle. Arrayed in holy splendor, your young men will come to you like dew from the morning’s womb
Exodus 17:9-10 Moses said to Joshua, “Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands.” So Joshua fought the Amalekites as Moses had ordered, and Moses, Aaron and Hur went to the top of the hill.
Dan 1:8-9 But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way. Now God had caused the official to show favor and compassion to Daniel.
Set the Young Generations Apart as Holy: Father God, this is the day when the Holy Spirit is poured out in the whole earth. You are saving and restoring the young generations. They must be arrayed in holy splendor, and willing to themselves (Psalm 110:3) to exude Your characteristics. Purity, passion, godliness, spirituality, discernment, gentleness, goodness, honor, faith, hope and love. We declare in the name of Jesus Christ that they will rise up, walk in Your calling, determined to commit themselves to You and follow You all their lives.
Proclaim in the name of Jesus Christ:
God will raise up a holy generation to deliver the deceived and defiled young people, and the spirit of God moves in their hearts and cleanses their hearts and minds
Young Americans will return to God, and the Holy Spirit will remove all veils, enable them to see the truth, and lead them to choose a president that suits God’s heart.
This generation of young people will faithfully follow God and be greatly victorious.
This young generation is God’s Joshua army in the last days. They will take on the mantle of the previous generation, the shield of faith, and are courageous and fearless on the battlefield against evil and dark forces, possessing the land, and bringing revival. And the great harvest of the end times!
In His name and for His glory we pray, Amen
Critical Event: Christian Girls in the Muslim World
【Current Affairs: According to a 2014 report by the Pakistani human rights organization “Movement for Solidarity and Peace”, there are about 1,000 cases of forced marriage and conversion of Christian and Hindu girls to Islam each year. ….Detailed Reading】
Psalm 82:3-4 Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
Romans 8:35-37 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: “For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
Luke 23:34 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”[a] And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.
Pray for the Safety of Christian Girls : Heavenly Father, we bless all Christian girls in the Muslim world to experience God’s care and protection every day, and declare that God’s power will save the kidnapped girls, including Mela and Leah from the wicked Hands, be set free, and return safely to her family. We declare that the door of salvation has been opened for her, miracles and miracles will happen to them, and they will be free and testify to the power of God. We release the mighty angels of war to protect and take care of them around them.
Pray for Extreme Muslims : Heavenly Father, please forgive the extreme Muslims in Pakistan who have lost their conscience because of ignorance and brainwashing, raped women, girls and children. But we believe that the Lord loves them and has mercy on them. Now is the moment of transformation in the Islamic world. The power of the cross will release them from the dominion of sin and become the people of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Raise Up Just and Righteous Leaders: We proclaim the blood of the Lord Jesus to cleanse the earth. Raise up just and righteous leaders to lead these Muslim countries to become countries ruled by law, eliminate corruption and tyranny in the country, and pursue peace and truth. Give the church the spirit of repentance, no longer compromise with the forces of darkness, and rely on the Lord to bravely fight for the truth.
Pray For International 247 Prayer United: Brunei
Pray for the preservation, protection and persistency of those churches involve in the 20 hours prayer chain that we will remain faithful to our calling and have the burden to intercede for the church and this nation.
Related Events and Prayer Background
Pursuing Intimacy With God: How Lovely is Your Dwelling Place
Psalm 84:1 “How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty!”
Dear Abba Father, How lovely is Your dwelling place! There is goodness wherever You go, wherever You are, because You are beautiful and altogether lovely. How we long to be in Your dwelling place, to be with You, to be close to You, to look upon You and to enjoy Your presence. Father, Your dwelling place is where we find lovingkindness and mercy; Your sanctuary is where we seek after You and gaze upon the beauty of Your glory. You surpass all that is beautiful and is altogether trustworthy. Oh Father, can You hear our heart cry that we rather live one day in Your courts than a thousand elsewhere? Have You seen our eyes of longing that we rather be the doorkeepers in the house of God than dwell in the tents of the wicked? Oh Abba Father, we want to be united with You moment by moment, like branches connected to the vine; this is what our hearts desire. We bow before You, Father! Take us to Your dwelling place of glory!
In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen!
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Repentance: Repentance for the City 04
Isaiah 58: 9-12 “ Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I. “If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the pointing finger and malicious talk,and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungryand satisfy the needs of the oppressed,then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.The Lord will guide you always;he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched landand will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden,like a spring whose waters never fail.Your people will rebuild the ancient ruinsand will raise up the age-old foundations;you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls,Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.”
Lord please forgive our mockery, despising even bullying towards the homosexual group. Hearing from some of their testimonies, their disorientation was often because they were sexually abused when they were young plus being mistreated and isolated by the mainstream society, causing confusion in character and sexual orientations and eventually swallowed up by the enemy. Then we were told that their turning back was because there were people who loved and helped them unconditionally with great patience. Lord please forgive our prejudice and self-righteousness, would you shower us with your great love, so that we may have your eyes to see, to hate sin but assist with the love of Christ; and to pray for the homosexual people around us, leading them back to Christ.
Lord please forgive us for lack of compassion, for our indifference, powerlessness and self-centeredness, that we have not showed compassion nor given much help to the orphans, widows, poor and aliens in the city, that the church has failed to be in forerunner place in solving these practical issues for our society. May God give us a heart of compassion, to love others like ourselves, and experientially know the blessing of giving than to receive. We pray for the rising up of resources in and outside the Church in order to provide the most effective assistance. To let the world see the love of Christ through our good deeds, and bringing more souls back to you.
In Jesus’ name we pray.
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Daily Declaration: For the Islamic Extremist
In the name of Jesus,
the blessings and the peace of God will replace all the curses from Islamic extremists.
all the terror attacks that Islamic extremists plan will fail and be interrupted before they can even start.
the salvation and grace of God will come into the lives of these Islamic extremists.
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Pray For Global Leader: President Trump
We declare in the name of Jesus:
Pray for President Trump’s 2020 campaign for re-election:
God will continue to use President Trump to complete his destiny for the United States.
All the factions and organizations that are hostile to the president will be disintegrated, and God will personally send messengers to disrupt the camp of evildoers and break them. All instigators will be exposed and brought to justice.
All assassinations, destructions, riots, conspiracies and actions will fail, be intercepted and destroyed, and will have no effect.
God’s will will be fully fulfilled in the president’s re-election and decision making.
God blesses those “never Trump” open their eyes, clear their hearts, return to God, and receive the full salvation in Christ Jesus.
President Trump’s safety:
God keeps Trump and his family safe and blessed coming in and going out, no witchcraft spells or curses released from the Dark forces be fulfilled.
God will watch over and protect President Trump from any assassination plan, including attacks on health, disease, traffic accidents, murder and death.
President Trump’s Cabinet:
God rule and reign the relationship between President Trump and his cabinet, all the aides have a righteous spirit.
The message report to Trump is accurate and no work of the enemy will be allowed.
God prepares the necessary cabinet for President Trump, strengthens their hearts, and work closely with President Trump in one heart, to accomplish God’s will.
In the name of Jesus, we pray, Amen!
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Pray For Global Leader: For the Chairman of China, Xi Jinping
God would reveal His heart to Xi Jingping, so Xi’s heart will turn to God.
God will bless Chairman Xi Jinping and all the officials of China and give them godly wisdom and a humble heart of righteousness and mercy to govern China.
God raise up Christians to be aides by Chairman Xi Jinping’s side and be of great help to him, so that he will make godly decisions in everything to bring world peace. In particular, the relationship between China and United States of America and China and Taiwan。
Xi Jinping will will give Churches in China great freedom to worship God and preach Gospel。
In the name of Jesus, we pray, Amen!
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Seven Mountains: Declaration For Church
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ:
Church Awakened and Restored : God’s people will put aside man’s ways and thoughts, seek and believe in God with all their hearts and know Him as the one and only true God. Restore the first love for Jesus Christ. To have a heart like Esther filled with the love and passion for Jesus as the king, the bridegroom, and the judge.
The Church Repents : The heart of man is deceitful and wicked. It repents for its sins and evil ways, and returns to God Jehovah, obeys God’s pruning, obeys God’s purification, and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from filth and injustice. The church separates itself from the world, separates itself from the spirit of compromise, and becomes holy through the redemption of Jesus on the cross, just as He is holy.
Regain strength : God’s people live in the secret place of the Almighty, place themselves in a place where they can accept God’s true words, and wait patiently for the Lord, so that He can be merciful to us and regain our strength, like an eagle Spread wings.
Renaissance and harvest : Christ’s body matures and grows to establish a fivefold ministry; God will pour out the spirit of grace and pleading, and pray in one accord according to God’s will. The fire of prayer altars around the world will not stop day and night, so that the culture of heaven will transform the country. Bring the revival and harvest of the whole earth.
The rise of apostles in the workplace : Open the door to the transformation of society and property, make the resources of the kingdom of God circulate, and expand the kingdom of God to all parts of the world.
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Pray for Israel: As Israel signed the “Abraham Accords”, Palestinians Fire Rockets
Jeremiah 1:5a Before I formed you in the womb I knew] you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
[ Current events: It is estimated that 1/5 of all pregnancies in Israel end in abortion. Since 1948, the number of aborted babies in Israel has exceeded the number of children killed in the Holocaust. Despite Israel’s deep-rooted teachings on life, Israel is still the only country in the world that legally aborts until the baby is born.
Abortion is considered a natural and necessary form of population control:
In Hebrew, the word “Hapala” is ambiguous and may refer to a miscarriage or an induced abortion. This ambiguity in language carries over into the realm of ideas. In Israel, elective abortions are not a major moral issue on the national agenda. They are instead accepted as a natural and necessary form of population control
According to the Penal Code (1977), it is legal for a woman to have an abortion in Israel if:
Women are under 17 or over 40. (In fact, the government funds abortions for women under 33 and over 40.)
The baby is conceived out of wedlock.
The baby may have a physical or mental defect.
Continuing the pregnancy will put the woman in physical or mental danger.
In these situations, a government-regulated abortion committee can permit a legal (and often state-subsidized) abortion. 98% of all requests for an abortion are approved.
Legally, a baby is not a person with legal rights until he is disconnected from the umbilical cord. As a result, when there is a question regarding the mother’s or baby’s health, abortion will be recommended and approved by a special committee, even during the later weeks of pregnancy and up until birth. The baby has no right to life at any point prior to his or her head emerging.
In Israel, partisanship surrounding the issue of abortion generally falls along lines between the religious and the secular communities. Religious Jews, strict Muslims and traditional Christians are more likely to oppose abortion, while the secular members of all faiths are more likely to condone or even encourage it:
Secular members encourage abortion: In Israel, the partisanship around abortion is generally along the line between religious and secular communities. Religious Jews, strict Muslims and traditional Christians are more likely to oppose abortion, while secular members of all faiths are more inclined to forgive or even encourage abortion.
Slightly less than 20,000 abortions are done annually with the approval of the Committee for Termination of Pregnancy. However, hundreds of illegal, unregulated abortion clinics exist in Israel.
It is estimated that an additional 20,000-30,000 illegal abortions are done annually.
Israel is number one in the world for prenatal testing, and abortion is often recommended if there is any suspicion of a problem with the baby. Abortion will be recommended for any reason including missing fingers, a club foot, and other malformations.
In December 2013, the Health Basket Committee of the Knesset approved its new annual budget, including government subsidized abortions for any woman under age 33 or over age 40.
The Social Services Division of the IDF can refer a female soldier for up to two government-subsidized abortions during her 18-month service. Significant pressure is placed on the soldiers to abort and a woman who chooses to keep her pregnancy is immediately discharged from army service.
The father of the fetus has no legal status vis-à-vis the Abortion Committee and his consent is not required for terminating the pregnancy. The woman may allow the father to accompany her to the Committee hearing, but without her approval, he is excluded. Many men have no idea that their partners aborted their child. They have no say in the matter and are often deeply grieved.
】(Source:Be’ad Chaim,Author:Sandy Shoshani)
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Pray for United States: Raise Up A Holy Young Generation
【Current Events: Recently, there have been two rare incidents involving young people standing up and fighting for justice. One is a 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse from Wisconsin who had to shoot and kill two mobs in order to protect other people’s business and his own defense. The other is that Nick Sandmann, a Kentucky high school graduate, gave a speech at the Republican convention, accusing the media of spreading rumors and discrediting because of prejudice.
A Helpful 17-year-old Boy
On August 23, 2020, Jacob Blake , an African-American man in Kenosha , Wisconsin , was shot seven times from behind by police, causing riots in the city. The city was being burnt, mobs destroyed buildings and property, and looters ransacked shops. Kyle received a call for help from an owner, he went to the scene of the riot to protect the shop from being damaged, and used his skills to provide first aid to injured community members. In the chaos, he was attacked by several people. Because he was concerned with his own life, Kyle had no choice but to shoot at the nearest attacker several times and hit two people. Afterwards, he surrendered as he went to the police station and cooperated with the police’s instructions. The prosecutor charged him with multiple murders for political reasons. A nationally renowned lawyer volunteered to defend him for free.
Kyle is not a racist, nor a white supremacy. He is a brave, patriotic, and compassionate law-abiding American citizen who loves his country and community. He bravely faced the unjust accusations , not only for himself, but also for all Americans and the Constitution.
High School Students Fighting for Justice
Sandman, who was recently invited to join Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s re election campaign, was invited to deliver a speech at the Republican National Congress last week, accusing modern media of being “anti-Christian,” Prejudices such as “anti-conservatives” and “anti- Trump ” even caused him to be misunderstood by the public last year as a malicious insult to the indigenous people.
Sandman went to the Lincoln Memorial with his school to participate an anti-abortion parade last year. At the time, Sandman was wearing a red hat supporting President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) while standing with his companions waiting for the tour bus. It was provoked by Nathan Phillips, a leftist civil rights activist and a native veteran, to Sandman. However, many media added non-factual content to their reports, which eventually led Sandman to sue CNN and the Washington Post that the two media eventually reached a settlement with Sandman.
The Calling of the Young People
Generally speaking, young people are following the trend nowadays , coupled with peer pressure , they do not understand the sinister society and are easily manipulated by those who are interested. But as we continue to cry out to God for the lost young generation, God will do wonderful work, and truth will enter their hearts and drive away all falsehoods and lies, so that they can be as brave as Kyle and Sandman. Resist the evil forces from destroying the peace and freedom of the United States . May God rise up young people to become strong and courageous Joshua generation and sanctified Daniel generations, the revival of the US as the dwelling place of God’s glory.
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Critical Event: Christian Girls in the Muslim World
【Current Affairs: According to a 2014 report by the Pakistani human rights organization “Movement for Solidarity and Peace”, there are about 1,000 cases of forced marriage and conversion of Christian and Hindu girls to Islam each year.
Christian organization FMI co-worker Nehemiah said: “The purpose of marrying underage Christian women is to change their beliefs. Once they become Muslims, they cannot return to their original beliefs. Islam lega;oze underage girls to be married. Pakistan.”
In this country with the second largest number of Muslims in the world, Sharia law often surpasses national laws, making it legal to kidnap Christian women and persecute them to convert to Islam. After 14-year-old girl Maira Shabaz was rescued by local government officials, it was outrageous that the High Court ruled that the kidnappers can marry the girl and the girl must be converted to Islam. These tragic stories are caused by deep-rooted bad habits that make Muslims treat Christian women as animals. Christians in this country have no protection and they have no right to speak out in the community.
Christian Girls in the Muslim World Face Forced Conversion
In fact, not only Christian girls in Pakistan are in danger, but Christian girls everywhere are suffering from persecution , kidnapping, sexual assault, forced marriage, forced conversion, etc. The list goes on:
Indonesian Christians Face the Most Severe Forms of Persecution. It is risky for believers to openly share their beliefs. If they do, they may be beaten or even killed. Recently, however, a new form of persecution is on the rise: Christian girls have become targets of Muslim men. Greg Kelly of the World Mission Organization said: “Influential leaders are essentially training young Muslims to target Christian girls and try to stop the spread of Christianity because the Christian girls’ families are ashamed and forced to Marry her daughter to a Muslim family.
Egyptian Christian women were kidnapped by Muslim men, subjected to violence, forced to convert or marry the kidnappers. The girls and women who were kidnapped were from 14 to 40 years old, 40% of them were raped, then forced to convert to Islam and remarry their captives. Before the girl was forced to marry, the traditional Coptic cross tattoo on the wrist was usually wiped off by the acid liquid.
The Nigerian militant organization Boko Haram has targeted Christian schools to kidnap female students and force them to become cooks or sex slaves since 2010.
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Pray For International 247 Prayer United: Brunei 
Pray for the preservation, protection and persistency of those churches involve in the 20 hours prayer chain that we will remain faithful to our calling and have the burden to intercede for the church and this nation.
Pray for the church to be released from the captivity of worldliness, laziness and complacency that we will not be a lukewarm church but continue to abide in Him – available and be refined in the Lord.
Pray for the salvation of the different people groups in this nation that they will encounter and accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.