Daily Prayer (9/24)
Editor’s Note: The Curses Are Being Broken, Miracles Will Follow One After Another!
Share by : Pastor David Peng
Date : September 7
Source : Kingdom Alive
Since the last “Isaiah 19” Homecoming gathering (click here for details ), Israel’s father Asher proclaimed his prayers loudly, calling on the blood of Christ to break the curses of four thousand years, the mercy of God will be like anointing to heal and bond up the wounds of thousand years, bring all the enmity to the cross, revoke the curse of these four thousand years, no longer being control and ravaged by them, wonderful things are happening one after another! …Detailed Reading
Editor’s Note: Preparing a Dwelling Place! – Four Global Homecoming Online Gathering
The founder of the Watchmen for the Nations, Pastor David Demian and the team initiated a four-series global call online gatherings at 8 a.m. East Coast time on Thursdays, and invited everyone to fast during the 28 days from 9/10 to 10/8. Fasting and praying, during the Israeli New Year’s Feast, prepare the body of God to be a place for him to rest.
Here is the information about the party:
Date: 9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8 (Thursday)
Time: 8 a.m. EDT
Video link: Please click HERE (In this video, there will be encouragement and prayer from a family member from all over the world every day.)
We encourage everyone to go online and prepare a place for God!
Pursuing Intimacy With God: Yearning for the Courts of the Lord
Dear Abba Father, In these day of fasting, I meditate upon Your loving kindness in the sanctuary. How lovely is Your courts, full of the fragrance of Your presence. Oh Father, I yearn and long for You and I do not want to ever leave Your sanctuary. … Click to Read More
Repentance: Repentance for the City 02
Lord please forgive us, as we only minded own business without interceding for our city and have grown indifferent towards it, allowing the enemy to slowly devour the political and educational systems in our cities and the minds and thoughts of the rulers resulting in all kinds of perversions in our cities. .… Click to Read More
Daily Declaration: For the Young Generations of the World
In the name of Jesus,
This is the generation of billions of young people to return to Jesus!
This young generation is the inheritance of God, arrows in the hands of God, and the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit prophesied in the Book of Joel.
Pray For Global Leader: President Trump
We declare in the name of Jesus:
- President Trump’s safety:
- God keeps Trump and his family safe and blessed coming in and going out, no witchcraft spells or curses released from the Dark forces be fulfilled.
- God will watch over and protect President Trump from any assassination plan, including attacks on health, disease, traffic accidents, murder and death.
Pray For Global Leader: For Prime Minister Natanyahu
We declare in the name of Jesus:
- Father God, anoint Prime Minister Natanyahu in his position as the Prime Minister of Israel. You are his shield and keeps his heart and mind pure and clear, full of heavenly understanding and insight.
Seven Mountains: Declaration For Business
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ:
- Christian workplace fellowships will rise up everywhere, building up apostles and believers in the workplace, manage kingdom enterprise, to shine in the business mountains, and transform the workplace!
Pray For Israel:Repent for the Church and Bless Israel
【Background: Two thousand years ago, the gospel of the Kingdom of God, passed down from the Jews of early church to the Gentiles, greatly impacted the whole world far and wide. But Satan has blinded the Gentile Christians making us believe that God has rejected the Jews and replaced Israel with the church. … Click to Read More】
- Isaiah 40:1 “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.”
- 2 Corinthians 1:4 “who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”
- Isaiah 66:10 ““Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her; rejoice greatly with her, all you who mourn over her.”
- Exodus 2:24 “God heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob.”
- Micah 6:8 “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
- Repent for the Church: Abba Father, You are the God who is, who was and who is to come. Forever You change not and Your election of the Jews is irrevocable. Oh Father, we repent before You; forgive the church’s years of neglect and opposition toward Your chosen people. We falsely believed that You have rejected them and that the church has replaced Israel, thus giving the evil a foothold to harm her. Oh Father, we ask that You would give us the love of Christ to love them and intercede for them. Oh, raise up more watchmen to call on the Lord day or night for Jerusalem. Let us not be silent and give ourselves no rest. Let us give You no rest till You establish Jerusalem and make her the praise of the earth.
- Pray for Israel’s Salvation: Abba Father, we pray for Israel and call out to her! Awake o Israel, cease from your slumber! Oh Father, release Your truth and set her free. Israel shall know her Redeemer in the Year of Jubilee. Father, out of the furnace of much affliction, You have chosen her; You will give her gold for brass and silver for iron. Oh Israel, Jesus has redeemed you and Father has chosen you and graven You on His palms. Oh Israel, you shall know your Redeemer as you call out to Him, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.”
Pray for United States: “Let’s Worship”-New Revival Movement
【Current Events: The US Constitution guarantees freedom of religion , freedom of speech , and freedom of assembly . Once upon a time, some powerful politicians and social media giants adopted various forms of religious suppression, such as restricting church gatherings and banning singing in churches in response to the Coronavirus epidemic . …Detailed Reading】
- Isaiah 42:11-13 Let the wilderness and its towns raise their voices; let the settlements where Kedar lives rejoice. Let the people of Sela sing for joy; let them shout from the mountaintops. Let them give glory to the Lord and proclaim his praise in the islands. The Lord will march out like a champion, like a warrior he will stir up his zeal; with a shout he will raise the battle cry and will triumph over his enemies.
- Psalm 22:3 Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; you are the one Israel praises.
- Isaiah 60:2 See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you.
- Bless the “Let’s Worship” Team: Heavenly Father God, bless the “Let’s Worship” team and the leader Sean, Please anointed them, so they can release their revival to transform the city and return to God wherever they go. We proclaim the blood of the Lord Jesus will cover and protect them, their families, and the orchestra equipments. The Lord God will march out like a champion, like a warrior he will stir up his zeal; with a shout he will raise the battle cry and will triumph over his enemies! (Isaiah 42:13)
- Pray for The Spread of The Gospel and The Restoration of The Land: Heavenly Father, raise up the Joshua generation and set them apart from this world to live for the Lord become light and salt. Where there is worship, there will be revival! By united worship and praise, set up Your thrones throughout the United States, kindle the fire of revival, open the gates of heaven, miracles and wonders continue to happen. People will be healed and released, strongholds are broken, enemies flee and the name of God is exalted! ( Psalm 22 :3 )
- The Church Will Arise and Shine: We declare in the name of Jesus Christ, although darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over the church. ( Isaiah 60:2 ) God is giving the United States an unprecedented opportunity to align with God’s covenant and complete the unfinished mission of the United States. The United States must stop the bloodshed of innocent people go beyond the accusations of bias in the judicial system and culture, and eliminate the power of the internal “deep government”. God will abolish every covenant related to death and hell in the United States and turn the United States over!
In the Name of Jesus Christ!
Critical Event: Protect and Care for Orphans, Especially in the COVID-19 Pandemic!
【Current Affairs: According to sources, it is estimated that 153 million orphans worldwide are particularly affected by the COVID-19 epidemic. First, they don’t have a family that they can rely on without being stable. Although many orphanages do their best to care for the hundreds of children in their care, nothing can replace the importance of the family. …Detailed Reading】
- Psalm 68:5-6 A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families he leads out the prisoners with singing but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land
- Isaiah 61: 3 and provide for those who grieve in Zion to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.
- James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
- God Gives Home to the Lonely : Father God, please be merciful to those orphans who have lost their parents, are unaccompanied, and don’t know what to do tomorrow. God wants the lonely to have a home. Please use Your mighty hands to open up the adoption channels that have been suspended due to the new crown epidemic, so that orphans can find families where they can adopt them, bless the orphanage’s ministry, and provide everything they need. ( Psalm 68:5-6 )
- Heal the Hearts of Orphans: Father God, You are the Father of the orphans, Your spirit is with them, heal their wounded, abandoned and neglected hearts. The blood of the Lord Jesus cleanses them, and the love of the Lord will treasure them, help them grow up healthy in a family full of Christ’s love, teach them to follow the Lord on the path of eternal life, and turn their humiliation into honor and glory. Instead of ashes, replace sorrow with oil of gladness, and manifest the glory of God. ( Isaiah 61: 3 )
- The Call of the Church : Raise up the church to implement God’s will, live out true faith, and take care of orphans and widows in adversity. And to share the gospel with disadvantaged children, show God’s grace and love. ( James 1:27 )
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.
Pray For International 247 Prayer United: Indonesia
- The radical groups who want to overthrow the current presidential government.
- Pandemic of Covid19
Pray For International 247 Prayer United: Philippine
- CHURCH: PLS. PRAY FOR STRONGER UNITY AMONG SPIRITUAL FATHERS. Last week, we have organized the “Elders of the Nation”, composed of united national apostolic leaders in the Philippines in pursuit of our prophetic destiny.
Related Events and Prayer Background
Editor’s Note: The Curses Are Being Broken, Miracles Will Follow One After Another!
Share by : Pastor David Peng Date : September 7 Source : Kingdom Alive
Since the last “Isaiah 19” Homecoming gathering (click here for details ), Israel’s father Asher proclaimed his prayers loudly, calling on the blood of Christ to break the curses of four thousand years, the mercy of God will be like anointing to heal and bond up the wounds of thousand years, bring all the enmity to the cross, revoke the curse of these four thousand years, no longer being control and ravaged by them, wonderful things are happening one after another!
Jewish father Asher declares “the curse is reversed”
Mount Ararat is the name of the high mountain where Noah’s Ark was last landed. It is located on the plateau of Armenia (Note 1). During the meeting, the Asher pointed out that “Ararat” means “the curse is reversed” in the original Hebrew. This was the rainbow God gave to Noah as confirmation after the terrible judgment of the flood! He then declared that “the curse has been reversed”, “Glory to God, the Lord of covenant ! We’re beginning to the reality of the covenant of God with Noah!”
Noah’s Ark is the salvation in the flood, that is, the cross that bears the sins of the world. “Ararat” is not the name for being stranded, but the sign of the curse turned into a blessing! Because “ I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.” (Genesis 9:15) And “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.” (Galatians 3:13)
Miracle one: Israel and Afghanistan resume full diplomatic relations
After father Asher prayed, sister Rebekah led everyone with an Armenian song. Just as the sister Rebekah sang the first stanza, at 17:49 local time in Israel, there was great breaking news that the United Arab Emirates decided to restore all diplomatic relations with Israel. The world is watching this beautiful event.
On September 1, the Israeli Prime Minister, accompanied by US security adviser Robert C. O’Brien, and senior White House adviser Jared Kushner, boarded the national airline of the Grand Duchy of the UAE. From Israel to Abu Dhabi, the capital of the Grand Duchy of the UAE, for normal relations between Israel and the Grand Duchy of UAE. (Note 2)
Miracle 2: Grievances between Serbia and Kosovo begin to resolve
Serbia and Kosovo are two countries located on the European Bar Peninsula. Kosovo was originally part of Serbia. During the 78 days from March 24 to June 10, 1999, the atrocities of genocide occurred in the century. Most Orthodox Serbia (Yugoslavia) not only implemented a policy of racial discrimination against Albania Muslims in Kosovo, but its government military police also inhumanely suppressed and mass murdered Albanian rebels and the Kosovo Liberation Army. After NATO and the United States intervened and bombed Serbia, they still failed to stop the genocide and rape of women. In the end, Kosovo even became independent from a province of Yugoslavia and formed another country. Therefore, the grievances between the two sides have not improved in the past 21 years. (Note 3)
On September 4, there was a peace report from the White House. Representatives of Serbia and Kosovo sat in the White House office together. The leaders of both sides admitted that although there are still many disagreements and differences, they also admit that this time the two countries have signed an economic cooperation agreement, they are willing to make peace with each other, which is really a surprising initiative! Up to that day, many small countries on the Balkan Peninsula are still under the shadow of the genocide of Yugoslavia in the past. The Serbian regime, which has been in power for the past 30 years, has just lost its ruling party status by a very small gap. Therefore, the economic agreement between Serbia and Kosovo has indeed come. The time is right! (Note 4)
Miracle 3: Serbia and Kosovo are willing to establish further relations with Israel
What’s more amazing is that Serbia and Kosovo used to be communist countries. At this time, both countries are willing to establish further relations with Israel, and Serbia plans to move the embassy to Jerusalem in July next year. Kosovo will also recognize Israel bilaterally, becoming the first Muslim country in Europe to establish friendly relations with Israel, and even establish an embassy in Jerusalem (Note 5)!
Miracle 4: Bahrain agrees to establish diplomatic relations with Israel
With the mediation of the United States, Bahrain became the latest Arab country to agree to normalize diplomatic, commercial, security and other relations with Israel on September 11. US President Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, and King Hamad of Bahrain issued a joint statement describing it as “this is a historic breakthrough in promoting peace in the Middle East.”
In that day their burden will be lifted from your shoulders their yoke from your neck; the yoke will be broken because you have grown so fat. (or “destroyed by anointing oil”). (Isaiah 10:27b)
No matter how deep the sin is, transgression cannot overcome grace, no matter how hard the heavy yoke is, God’s anointing oil will break all the heavy yokes. No matter how long the curse has been, there will always be the good words of “Ararat” come forth in the world before the return of the Lord!
Let us wait and see!
- Note 1 : Mount Ararat
- Note 2 : First-ever flight: Plane with US, Israeli officials lands in UAE
- Note 3 : Htttps://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/ Kosovo War
- Note 4 : Bosniaks in Montenegro live in’fear, anxiety’ following election
- Note 5: Netanyahu says Serbia will move its embassy to Jerusalem
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Pursuing Intimacy With God: Yearning for the Courts of the Lord
Psalm 84:2 “My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.”
Dear Abba Father,
In these day of fasting, I meditate upon Your loving kindness in the sanctuary. How lovely is Your courts, full of the fragrance of Your presence. Oh Father, I yearn and long for You and I do not want to ever leave Your sanctuary. Oh my King and my God, everything in me, my heart, my flesh, my emotion, my mind, my soul, and my all is longing for You! You are my greatest reward. Oh Father, if You do not show Yourself to me, my heart will faint with longing. I am lovesick because of my thirst for You! How I long for Your courts because You dwell there!
Father, You once said,“Heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool. Where is the house you will build for Me? Where will My resting place be?” (Isaiah 66:1) Oh Father, I want to be in the house where You can rest; come and dwell in me and I in You. My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. I have prepared the throne of my heart just for You. Father, Come and stay!
In the name of Jesus, Amen!
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Repentance: Repentance for the City 02
Hosea 4;6 my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.
Jame 4:17 “If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.”
Lord please forgive us, as we only minded own business without interceding for our city and have grown indifferent towards it, allowing the enemy to slowly devour the political and educational systems in our cities and the minds and thoughts of the rulers resulting in all kinds of perversions in our cities.
The many sexually-confusing policies passed by our governments that brought great pollution to the minds of our children. Lord, please forgive us for not participating in government voting according to biblical principles, as well as fearing men over God. We have believed in authority by governmental parties over biblical teaching; we know what is good, yet have not acted accordingly. Our silence and ignorance have fueled the unrighteous and unjust governmental rulership, allowing the enemy trampling our cities, for that, please forgive us Lord!
We ask the Holy Spirit to breathe the breath of life into the spirits of your people. That we would all be awakened, becoming the army of the Lord, in unity, interceding for out cities until transformation and revival take place.
In Jesus’ name, Amen!
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Daily Declaration: For the Young Generations of the World
In the name of Jesus,
This is the generation of billions of young people to return to Jesus!
This young generation is the inheritance of God, arrows in the hands of God, and the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit prophesied in the Book of Joel.
God will defeat the spirit of homosexuality, remove the filth in the internet, pornography, violence and plunder, and rescue the young people of this generation.
Family, school, and media will be reigned by Your authority and become the kingdom of God, the lion of Judah has roared, to defeat the dark power of the media, pride and arrogance, liberalism from all the campus.
The young people of this generation will have the fear of the Lord, bold and courageous, clothed with holiness, willing to sacrifice self. They are the Joshua generation, the end time army of the Lord, shine in the darkness, bearing the banner of victory, and possess the gate of the enemy!
This young generation are blessed by God and their parents, to receive double portion of anointing and favor, heavenly revelations and strategies, and signs and wonders follow them, bringing down the revival and the end time glory of God.
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Pray For Global Leader: President Trump
We declare in the name of Jesus:
President Trump’s safety:
God keeps Trump and his family safe and blessed coming in and going out, no witchcraft spells or curses released from the Dark forces be fulfilled.
God will watch over and protect President Trump from any assassination plan, including attacks on health, disease, traffic accidents, murder and death.
For President Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign
God will continue to use President Trump to fulfill the destiny for the United States.
God will give President Trump word of wisdom and vigorous energy in every campaign trail.
President Trump’s Cabinet:
God rule and reign the relationship between President Trump and his cabinet, all the aides have a righteous spirit.
The message report to Trump is accurate and no work of the enemy will be allowed.
God prepares the necessary cabinet for President Trump, strengthens their hearts, and work closely with President Trump in one heart, to accomplish God’s will.
In the name of Jesus, we pray, Amen!
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Pray For Global Leader: For Prime Minister Natanyahu
We declare in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ:
Father God, anoint Prime Minister Natanyahu in his position as the Prime Minister of Israel. You are his shield and keeps his heart and mind pure and clear, full of heavenly understanding and insight.
Father God cause Prime Minister Nathanyahu to diligently seek Your face, humbly seek help from You to face all the challenges of Israel.
Reveal to him the salvation of Jesus and gave him a heart that hunger and thirst and long for God, like David, who earnestly sought the face of God and made God his content.
Prime Minister Nathanyahu will fully support the Aliyah of Jewish Messianic believers.
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Seven Mountains: Declaration For Business
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ:
Christian workplace fellowships will rise up everywhere, building up apostles and believers in the workplace, manage kingdom enterprise, to shine in the business mountains, and transform the workplace!
Business leaders will connect with each other, build an apostolic network, and use the collective authority and resources to expand the kingdom of God.
The control and manipulation of the Masonic Society in the global economic system must be completely disintegrated!
All business institution and related industries that support activities such as Satanism, homosexuality, abortion and heretical cults will not prosperous.
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Pray for Israel: Repent for the Church and Bless Israel
【Background: Two thousand years ago, the gospel of the Kingdom of God, passed down from the Jews of early church to the Gentiles, greatly impacted the whole world far and wide. But Satan has blinded the Gentile Christians making us believe that God has rejected the Jews and replaced Israel with the church. However, God’s people began to see the truth when they saw the restoration of the modern day Israel fulfilling the prophecy of the Bible. We finally understand that the election of the Jews is irrevocable and that God’s covenant with Abraham is an eternal covenant.
During the forty days of prayer and fasting, as we anticipate the arrival of the Jewish New Year – 5780, we hope to see more Gentile churches being stirred up to fervently intercede for the salvation and peace of Jerusalem, that the nations would once again see her in God’s glory. 】
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Pray for United States: “Let’s Worship”-New Revival Movement
【Current Events: The US Constitution guarantees freedom of religion , freedom of speech , and freedom of assembly . Once upon a time, some powerful politicians and social media giants adopted various forms of religious suppression, such as restricting church gatherings and banning singing in churches in response to the Coronavirus epidemic . At the same time, several online social media strictly censored Christian-related speeches and took them down. We have the right to worship and preach the word of God freely. In view of this, Sean Feucht, leader of the Bethel Church worship group, launched a campaign called “Let us Worship”, hoping that by the peaceful protest of the church to release the sound can let government leaders and large technology companies know “We refuse to be silent!”
“Revival riot“ (Riot to Revival)
Sean said: “I think it’s time. We must stand up. We need bold and courageous pastors who not only defend our constitutional right to worship, but also oppose crazy laws against the church.”
Since the beginning of July, thousands of Californians have been participating in “Let’s Worship” protests across the state. After several weeks, from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco to the beaches in San Diego, more than 5,000 people gathered on Sunday. When gathered for worship in San Francisco on July 9, the local police said, “Oh! We need this very much on this bridge.” They also helped seal up a lane for them. On July 26, more than 5,000 people participated in the San Diego event. People prayed sincerely, sang and worshiped freely to bring God’s presence, many people were healed and released, and some were baptized in the sea.
In addition to California, “Let’s Worship” has also stopped in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Oregon, and Washington.
Brave Believers in Seattle
In the most recent rally in Seattle on August 9 , Christians showed a living testimony of being strong and courageous in the Lord . Violent protesters flashed knives, Satan worshipers marched in the worship crowd all day, yelling “Hail to Satan!” White people yelling and threatening against the anti-fascist organization (ANTIFA) Local black priest. Although there were more than 30 bodyguards guarding Sean and his band, the drums , guitar pedals and generator were still damaged. However, even so, they never stopped worshiping! Is experiencing a lot of pain in Seattle brings blessings!
The Voice of Worshiping God Never Ceases
Sean said: ” Faced with the turmoil caused by the Coronavirus and ethnic conflict, God gave the answer through His people in actions of love and unity. Maybe we can’t meet in buildings, but we can meet on the beach, on the bridge, and Meeting in the park is no longer restricted within the four walls. We can still be the church, even if we are not in a building. ” Sean’s team will continue to travel to various places to build altars of worship and prayer and keep heaven’s doors open.
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Critical Event: Protect and Care for Orphans, Especially in the COVID-19 Pandemic!
【Current Affairs: According to sources, it is estimated that 153 million orphans worldwide are particularly affected by the COVID-19 epidemic. First, they don’t have a family that they can rely on without being stable. Although many orphanages do their best to care for the hundreds of children in their care, nothing can replace the importance of the family. In addition, these children are usually the first group to be forgotten during a large-scale economic recession, global uncertainty and imminent disaster. Human nature often becomes self-protective during disasters, which means that the biggest victims are usually the weak without a voice.
Temporary worker’s children are particularly vulnerable. During the pandemic, temporary workers lost the ability to care for their children because the economy on which these families depend was almost destroyed. In addition, many Christian families have been affected during the international adoption process because of the 14-day quarantine in South America and Europe. This crisis may have a profound impact on the future of international adoption. In times of crisis, we usually tend to be paralyzed in the face of any major change. Many families have suspended their adoption plans and waited until later to plan again. However, we must remember that our God is the Father of orphans, the protector of orphans and widows, He is also the adopter of our souls. He is in charge of the situation today. When the oppressed are most vulnerable, Heavenly Father will help them. Zephaniah 3:19b: “At that time I will deal with all who oppressed you I will rescue the lame, I will gather the exiles. I will give them praise and honor in every land where they have suffered shame.”
At Lifeline Children’s Service Center, we are honored to find families for children in 16 countries around the world. Although COVID-19 presents very specific and serious challenges-especially in the case of inconvenient travel-there are many things to celebrate. The family approval process continues through the internet and governments around the world are still working to enable more orphans to find families where they can adopt them.
As Christians, we must not be paralyzed at this moment. We cannot stop the caring for and protecting orphans. The number of orphans around the world continues to grow, Dear friends, we are called to share the gospel with disadvantaged children. Should we ignore the teaching of James 1:27, or should we continue to care for orphans and widows in distress, and keep ourselves alive in true faith? If you have a call for international adoption, the demand is great now, and now is the time.
】 (CBN News 09-20-2020, Herbie Newell)
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Pray For International 247 Prayer United: Philippine 
- CHURCH: PLS. PRAY FOR STRONGER UNITY AMONG SPIRITUAL FATHERS. Last week, we have organized the “Elders of the Nation”, composed of united national apostolic leaders in the Philippines in pursuit of our prophetic destiny. We start with 12 leaders that include myself, Bishop Dan Balais, of the Intercessors for the Philippines-(IFP); Bishop Eddie Villanueva of Jesus Is Lord Church (JIL); Bishop Leo Alconga for Philippines for Jesus Movement- (PJM) & Bishop Noel Pantoja (Philippines Council of Evangelical Chur hes- PCEC) among others. Foundation for unity had been laid 10 years ago during our 490th Jubilee year since the cross was planted on our shores that made the Philippines, the 1st Christian nation in Asia ( March 16, 1521). We had a annual Bishops & Leaders Summit to build covenant relationship among chur h leaders across denominational lines (Psalm 133: 1-3; Matt 16:18-19).
- PRAYER MOVEMENT– PLS. PRAY FOR REVIVAL, OUTPOURING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT & THE GLORY OF GOD TO FILL THE NATION. We, in IFP, launched the “Philippines, Arise in Worship!” (PAW) last Aug 10, A nationwide wave of thanksgiving & praise throughout the nation fr9m Batanes ( northernmost island) to Tawitawi (southernmost island). It will culminate on Sept 18 Rosh Hashanah & Feast of Trumpets. All the 7,000 churches in the prayer network are involved. Our declaration: The Lord is good and His mercy endures forever!!! (I Chron 16:34)
To date, we have 217,396 confirmed cases; 157,403 recoveries and 3,520 deaths.
We have the highest no. of confirmed cases in Southeast Asia. Our economy was worst hit contracting to -16.5% from one of the best economic performers in d last decade with an average of 6.5% GDP even up to last year 2019. PLS PRAY FOR THE HARVEST OF SOULS WHILE IN THE MIDST OF THESE CRISIS (Isa 26:9) - GOVERNMENT– PRAY FOR THE FEAR OF THE LORD FOR OUR PRESIDENT, HIS CABINET; THE LEGISLATURE& THE JUDICIARY. The Lord is dealing with all the abominations that has characterized this administration- i.e. shedding of innocent blood (bloody govt. anti- illegal drug campaign & extra judicial killings); corruption; arrogance; evil tongue; political & regional division; injustices & evil laws. (Prov 6:16-19). Corrupt politicians & political dynasties manipulate & bribe our people (especially the poor) every election.
Please help us CONTEND!!!