Daily Prayer (9/23)
Editor’s Note: Ararat-The Curse has Been Reversed!
Shared: Pastor David Peng
Source : New Jersey First Presbyterian Church
Date : August 14
I have just learned recently the reason shepherds will pour ointment on the heads of sheep is because “Sheep can get their head caught in briers and die trying to get untangled. There are horrid little flies that like to torment sheep by laying eggs in their nostrils which turn into worms and drive the sheep to beat their head against a rock, sometimes to death. Their ears and eyes are also susceptible to tormenting insects. So the shepherd anoints their whole head with oil. Then there is peace. That oil forms a barrier of protection against the evil that tries to destroy the sheep. Psalm 23:5: “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” …Detailed Reading
Editor’s Note: Preparing a Dwelling Place! – Four Global Homecoming Online Gathering
The founder of the Watchmen for the Nations, Pastor David Demian and the team initiated a four-series global call online gatherings at 8 a.m. East Coast time on Thursdays, and invited everyone to fast during the 28 days from 9/10 to 10/8. Fasting and praying, during the Israeli New Year’s Feast, prepare the body of God to be a place for him to rest.
Here is the information about the party:
- Date: 9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8 (Thursday)
- Time: 8 a.m. EDT
- Video link: Please click HERE (In this video, there will be encouragement and prayer from a family member from all over the world every day.)
We encourage everyone to go online and prepare a place for God!
Pursuing Intimacy With God: Godliness
Dear Abba Father, We come before You today to thank You for helping us to persevere in prayer and fasting. During this time, we want to meditate more upon Your love and teachings of the Bible. Oh Father, teach us to live a godly life. How we long to live the life according to Titus 2:11-13, a life of self-control and uprightness and godliness in this present age waiting for the blessed hope.
Repentance: Repentance for the City 01
Abba Father, as we live in this dark and rebellious age, when media is filled with all kinds of lies, attacks, slandering and greed, when our city and our country is filled with deceptions and perversions, when hatred, competitions and strife,injustice and unrighteousness fill our local governments …if not for Your endurance and merciful kindness, we would not have stood to this day. .… Click to Read More
Daily Declaration: For LGBTQ Community
In the name of Jesus,
- the promotion of LGBT ideology all over the world will fail, including the legalization of same-sex marriage and homosexual education.
Pray For Global Leader: President Trump
We declare in the name of Jesus:
- President Trump’s safety:
- God keeps Trump and his family safe and blessed coming in and going out, no witchcraft spells or curses released from the Dark forces be fulfilled.
- God will watch over and protect President Trump from any assassination plan, including attacks on health, disease, traffic accidents, murder and death.
Pray For Global Leader: For Chairman of China, Xi Jinping
We declare in the name of Jesus:
- Father God, anoint Prime Minister Natanyahu in his position as the Prime Minister of Israel. You are his shield and keeps his heart and mind pure and clear, full of heavenly understanding and insight.
Seven Mountains: Declaration For Family
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ:
- Godly marriage value concept, which is one man, one woman marriage system, be restored all over the globe.
- The twisted marriage value concepts come by the wave of wrong same sex marriage teaching will be replaced with godly truth of marriage
Pray For Israel:Israel Exercises Land Sovereignty
【Current Event: Due to the establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Israeli Prime Minister Natanyahu has postponed the original July 1st form of land sovereignty between Judah and Samaria until 2024. During this period, the United States will not support Israel’s sovereignty in Judea and Samaria in order to maintain the peace agreement between the two countries. Israel also agreed to give up the sovereignty of Judah and Samaria in exchange for the peace agreement of the Arab Duchy. … Click to Read More】
- Joel 3:2 I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel, because they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.
- Joshua 23:9 The Lord has driven out before you great and powerful nations; to this day no one has been able to withstand you.
- Psalm 133:1-3 How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron’s beard, down on the collar of his robe. It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life forevermore.
- Israel Exercises its Sovereignty over Land : Father God, we bless the Prime Minister of Israel Natanyahu to rule Israel by standing on God’s word, Consult You for everything, and walking in God’s will. Please continue to use US President Trump to establish Israel’s land sovereignty, fulfill the duties of King Cyrus that You have given him, and enable Israel to exercise land sovereignty in accordance with God’s promise to Abraham.
- The Rise of Highway of Isaiah 19th : Father God, we proclaim in the name of Jesus Christ that God’s time has come, the curse of “Ararat” has been reversed, and the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael have entered into the brotherhood Season of Goodness ( Ps. 133:1-3 )! Salvation will come to the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael! In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing[a] on the earth. The Lord Almighty will bless them, saying, “Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.” (Isaiah 19:23-25)
Pray for United States: Continue to Pray for the Crisis of “Mail-in Voting” in the General Election
【Current Events: American swing states always played a decisive role in the presidential election. This year the Democratic Party is taking advantage of the epidemic to strongly promote “mail in voting.” Knowing that this has many flaws and loopholes to manipulate votes, but they are working in a comprehensive manner, especially in the states governed by the Democratic Party, … Click to Read More】
- We declare in the name of Jesus :
- God is a righteous, You have set up a righteous and just throne in the White House! You will fight for the United States, for the election fight for justice and fairness, and give victory to the anointed one of God!
- The 2020 U.S. election must be conducted in God’s justice. All illegal “mail in votes”, attempts to postpone, fraud, and deception will have no effect. The results of the election will be done in accordance with God’s will!
- God, send angelic hosts into various voting fields in the United States, bind all dark and lawless powers, expose and block all cheating in elections, so that the perpetrators’ plots will not succeed!
- The church of God will rise up, watch and pray, take up the authority of God, break through the enemy’s various strategies, and rely on the Lord for victory!
- The hearts of federal judges at all levels are in God’s hands as rivers of water, Jehovah God turns it as He will, so they will judge the case according to God’s will. Any decree that does not conform to the will of God’s will be revoked, abolished, and eliminated quickly .
In the holy name of Christ Jesus, amen!
Critical Event: Rebuild the Kingdom of God in Turkey
【Current Affairs: Turkish President Erdogan converted a historic Byzantine church into a mosque on August 28; only a few weeks ago, Turkish President Erdogan announced that the Hagia Sophia would be converted into a mosque and opened to Muslims for worship, people of all denominations are also welcome to visit. This move caused dissatisfaction among the European Union, the United States and Russia. He also declared that Turkey would further liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque (Al-Aqsa) in Jerusalem. …Detailed Reading】
- Dan 4:32, 34 “l you acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes. Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified him who lives forever
- Restore the Power of The Early Church: Father God, please breathe on the Turkey. Resurrect the dead bones, and spring up the water from the ancient well again! Please raise up an apostle like the early church to turn the lost power of the church over and rise to shine for You!
- Salvation Comes to The People of Turkey: Father God, please forgive Turkey’s rebellious pride, worship false gods, and confuse the truth. We declare it is time for You to open the door to the gospel and bring salvation to the people of Turkey. The Holy Spirit is moving in Turkey. The people will return to Jesus Christ and worship You, the only one true God!
- The kingdom of God is Coming to Turkey Again: Your reign in power in the kingdom of Turkey. Turkey must praise and honor God, His authority is eternal, and His kingdom will last for all generations. ( Dan 4:32,34 )
Pray in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, Amen
Pray For International 247 Prayer United: Taiwan 
- The visit of the Under Secretary of the US State Department to Taiwan has aroused strong dissatisfaction in China, which has made the diplomatic and military confrontation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait increasingly fierce. Ask God to have control over the situation, give both side of the leadership the heart to pursue peace, and lead them to make right decision.
Related Events and Prayer Background
Editor’s Note: Ararat-The Curse has Been Reversed!
Shared: Pastor David Peng
Source : New Jersey First Presbyterian Church
Date : August 14
I have just learned recently the reason shepherds will pour ointment on the heads of sheep is because “Sheep can get their head caught in briers and die trying to get untangled. There are horrid little flies that like to torment sheep by laying eggs in their nostrils which turn into worms and drive the sheep to beat their head against a rock, sometimes to death. Their ears and eyes are also susceptible to tormenting insects. So the shepherd anoints their whole head with oil. Then there is peace. That oil forms a barrier of protection against the evil that tries to destroy the sheep. Psalm 23:5: “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”
On August 13th, the second “Homecoming Gathering” of Isaiah 19 was held at 8 am Eastern Time. Joining the gathering often gives me the sense that I am participating in a “drama”, “We have been made a spectacle to the whole universe, to angels as well as to human beings.” (1 Corinthians 4:9 B)
In the first gathering Isaiah 19:24 was the order emphasized, the Egyptian and Arab brothers and sisters started the worship and sharing. Although their language is unfamiliar to us, the sound of string instruments and flues evoked our hearts with sorrow and sadness and longing, a sense of displacement, the frustration and dissatisfaction of life. This emotion is no stranger to the Chinese!
They began to share the complex emotions of love, hate caused by “Israel” and “Jews” in their hearts. I felt like I was hearing Hagar’s lamentation and Ishmael’s crying… the sense of betrayal, the pain of the fatherless, and the jealousy between the brothers, finally formed a stronghold, and stopped communicating with each other; But in actuality they were brothers from the same family but they disdain and despise each other. The gulf between them became deeper and larger and the walls were built. As Asher, the father of Israel, pointed out, this is a “curse for four thousand years.” All were grieved and implicated, no one except our enemy the devil is happy about this. However, for the past four thousand years, the descendants of Israel and Arabia, Isaac and Ishmael have given their enemies time and time again to hurt each other. It is shuddering to think of the curse of these thousand years!
But this is what is wonderful about this!
The eager cry of a young Chinese sister Irene revealed a speck of light. The Chinese have always regarded “center” as their mission, and they are the messengers of peace given by God. This is a special destiny given to the Chinese by the Lord! Irene’s heartfelt cry of prayer, announcing that the Chinese are ready to be their messenger of reconciliation, and even willing to sacrifice her life to make it happen!!
While everyone’s hearts were still trembling, the Holy Spirit inspired Asher to proclaim and pray loudly, asking the blood of Yeshua to break the curse of four thousand years, and the mercy of God as anointing to heal the entanglement of thousands years of scars, all the enmity and hatred are brought to the cross, cancel the curse of these four thousand years, they will no longer be able to continue to control and ravage them!
Yes, this is our hope “and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility” (Ephesians 2:16) When Everyone sighed: The more illumination, the more temptation. always loyal and good are ups and downs, evildoers are rampant, and where is the law of heaven? ! In fact, it is because the kingdom of God has not yet fully come, and God’s will has not yet been fulfilled. Everyone will soon see that evil is overwhelming, But the gift is not like the trespass. ( Romans 5:15a ) But where sin increased, grace increased all the more,” (Romans 5:20 b)
At this moment, God gave us a big surprise for all who watched and participated!
After the Jewish father Asher prayed, sister Rebekah led everyone with an Armenian poem. Asher specifically mentioned that the famous Mount Ararat is located on the land of Armenia. Just as the Rebekah sisters sang the first lyrics, which is 17:49 local time in Israel, there was a sudden great news that the Arab Principality decided to restore all diplomatic relations with Israel! (Note 2)
Asher continued to explain, ” Ararat ” in the original Hebrew means” curse reversed “, then he excitedly points out a point, “glory to Lord, because He is a God who keeps His covenant and shows love and compassion, we are experiencing the agreement between God and Noah!” (“Glory to God, the Lord of covenant! We’re beginning to the reality of the covenant of God with Noah !”)
I didn’t know the original meaning of Mount Ararat until now. I only knew that Mount Ararat was the name of the mountain where Noah’s Ark finally landed. Now I’ve learned that “Ararat” means God cancels and reverses the curse. It was the rainbow that God gave to Noah for the first time to open the heaven after the trail of the terrible flood, a place of declaration of safety and stability! That ark is the salvation in the flood, also a foretell of the cross that bears the sins of the world! “Ararat” is not a name for stranded failure, but a sign of God’s sufficient grace, and the curse turns into a blessing! Because “I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.” (Genesis 9:15) and “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.” ( Galatians 3:13 )
Final thought, isn’t the time we are in, like the time of Noah, “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.” (Matthew 24:37) is now the era of judgment, and the time of turning the tide, seeing that the strong anointing is about to break the heavy curse and yoke! Amen! The yoke will be broken because you have grown so fat (Isaiah 10:27 b)
Is our God awesome?! Isn’t He worthy of all our praise and worship? !
Sincerely, Pastor Peng
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Pursuing Intimacy With God: Godliness
- Titus 2:11-13 “For the grace of God hath appeared, bringing salvation to all men, instructing us, to the intent that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live self-controlled and upright and godly in this present age; looking for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ;”
Dear Abba Father,
We come before You today to thank You for helping us to persevere in prayer and fasting. During this time, we want to meditate more upon Your love and teachings of the Bible. Oh Father, teach us to live a godly life. How we long to live the life according to Titus 2:11-13, a life of self-control and uprightness and godliness in this present age waiting for the blessed hope. As we pause and ponder, You show us that only those who have the light of God are able to live a godly life; those who do not have the light of God, even though they may appear to be godly, they do not have the godliness in them. Oh Abba Father, bring us deeper and closer to You that we may understand that to be godly is to be like You: whatever the father says, the child says; whatever the father does, the child does. How much You want us to have Your likeness both inside and outside; oh Father, we are willing to be molded into Your likeness! Let our temperament, actions, words, attitudes and every aspect of our lives be like our heavenly Father. Oh, how great is Your mercy and grace toward us! Father, we bow our knees and worship You. We want to bless You every day and praise Your name forever and forever!
In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen!
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Repentance: Repentance for the City 01
- Isaiah 57:14-16 “And it will be said: “Build up, build up, prepare the road! Remove the obstacles out of the way of my people.” For this is what the high and exalted One says— he who lives forever, whose name is holy: “I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite. I will not accuse them forever, nor will I always be angry, for then they would faint away because of me— the very people I have created.”
- Acts 3:19 Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,
Abba Father, as we live in this dark and rebellious age, when media is filled with all kinds of lies, attacks, slandering and greed, when our city and our country is filled with deceptions and perversions, when hatred, competitions and strife,injustice and unrighteousness fill our local governments …if not for Your endurance and merciful kindness, we would not have stood to this day.
Abba Father, you have said “I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one.” Lord, we are coming to you in unity and crying out. We are willing to rise up and rebuild the wall and block the breach. We are the people called by Your name, please give ear to the cry outs from our rendered hearts. Let the Holy Spirit awaken the pastors and ministers of the whole country to rise up, to preach the messages of repentance and the end time; bind all the slumbering and indifferent spirits, blindness and unbelieving spirits. We ask the Holy Spirit to greatly pour out, and stir up the souls of the believers to see clearly their true spiritual situation, realizing that they are actually wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. Lead us to repent, open the eyes of our hearts so that we may see, and know that the day of the Lord Jesus’ coming is near. Let the intercessor warriors all over the world to be awakened, willing to rise up in partnership with the Holy Spirit and pray daily, and to seek the face of God!
In Jesus’ name, Amen!
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Daily Declaration: For LGBTQ Community
In the name of Jesus,
- the promotion of LGBT ideology all over the world will fail, including the legalization of same-sex marriage and homosexual education.
- the grace of God and salvation will come to the LGBT group.
- one husband and one wife system will be restored all over the world.
- young people will wake up and reject the ideology and value of same-sex marriage. They will embrace the truth and teaching of one husband and one wife system.
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Pray For Global Leader: President Trump
We declare in the name of Jesus:
- President Trump’s safety:
- God keeps Trump and his family safe and blessed coming in and going out, no witchcraft spells or curses released from the Dark forces be fulfilled.
- God will watch over and protect President Trump from any assassination plan, including attacks on health, disease, traffic accidents, murder and death.
- For President Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign
- God will continue to use President Trump to fulfill the destiny for the United States.
- God will give President Trump word of wisdom and vigorous energy in every campaign trail.
- President Trump’s Cabinet:
- God rule and reign the relationship between President Trump and his cabinet, all the aides have a righteous spirit.
- The message report to Trump is accurate and no work of the enemy will be allowed.
- God prepares the necessary cabinet for President Trump, strengthens their hearts, and work closely with President Trump in one heart, to accomplish God’s will.
In the name of Jesus, we pray, Amen!
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Pray For Global Leader: For Chairman of China, Xi Jinping
We declare in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ:
- God would reveal His heart to Xi Jingping, so Xi’s heart will turn to God.
- God will bless Chairman Xi Jinping and all the officials of China and give them godly wisdom and a humble heart of righteousness and mercy to govern China.
- God raise up Christians to be aides by Chairman Xi Jinping’s side and be of great help to him, so that he will make godly decisions in everything to bring world peace. In particular, the relationship between China and United States of America and China and Taiwan。
- Xi Jinping will will give Churches in China great freedom to worship God and preach Gospel。
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Seven Mountains: Declaration For Family
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ:
- Godly marriage value concept, which is one man, one woman marriage system, be restored all over the globe.
- The twisted marriage value concepts come by the wave of wrong same sex marriage teaching will be replaced with godly truth of marriage
- We reject and rebuke the wave of homosexuality instilling wrong marriage values, and lies. We command it to go. God will recover the lost territory of marriage and family!
- Awaken the hearts of young people so that hey will see the value of a Christian family. Give the young people a heart that loathes gay values, and say “NO” to gay marriage。
- Jesus Christ is the Lord of every family!
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Pray for Israel: Israel Exercises Land Sovereignty
【Current Event: Due to the establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Israeli Prime Minister Natanyahu has postponed the original July 1st form of land sovereignty between Judah and Samaria until 2024. During this period, the United States will not support Israel’s sovereignty in Judea and Samaria in order to maintain the peace agreement between the two countries. Israel also agreed to give up the sovereignty of Judah and Samaria in exchange for the peace agreement of the Arab Duchy.
Prime Minister Natanyahu also agreed to freeze settlement activities in exchange for an agreement to normalize relations with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. This is the first time since the end of the Obama administration, Natanyahu has blocked the high-level planning committee meeting with Judah and Samaria. The content is about the exercise of the territorial sovereignty of Judah and Samaria, thus effectively freezing The plan.
Before the peace agreement with Israel, the two countries had a moderate relationship with Israel. The root cause of the failure of Muslim countries to have a good relationship with Israel is Isaac and Ishmael. Praise to God, God’s time has come, the curse of “Ararat” has been reversed, and the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael have entered a season of goodness and harmony between brothers!
】(Source: Heart For Zion Alliance)
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Pray for United States: Continue to Pray for the Crisis of “Mail-in Voting” in the General Election
【Current Events: American swing states always played a decisive role in the presidential election. This year the Democratic Party is taking advantage of the epidemic to strongly promote “mail in voting.” Knowing that this has many flaws and loopholes to manipulate votes, but they are working in a comprehensive manner, especially in the states governed by the Democratic Party,
In fact, the Federal Government Department of Justice is investigating or prosecuting fraud in “mail in voting” There is even an old Democratic whistleblower who used the “New York Post” to break the news that in the past few decades, his father has manipulated the “mail in votes” and changed the results of the election. There were also arrests for false votes in the New Jersey local elections, and the election results were invalidated and re-election was required. Some states send out ballots to every citizen of the state automatically, and many ballots were sent to non-existent addresses, or they fall into the hands of criminals or even illegal immigrants. The evil behaviors and the malpractice of “mail in ballots” in this election are endless.
President Trump has repeatedly called for the correctness and fairness of elections that may be caused by “mail in voting”, calling on supporters to vote in person or to send ballots to the polling station, and to block state and local governments through lawsuits. The pervasive “mail in voting”. Among them, Pennsylvania is an important swing state. on September 17, as if to endorse the Democratic Party’s electoral decree, relaxing deadlines in its fledgling mail-in voting law, including,
- In extending the deadline to count mail-in ballots, the court said ballots must be postmarked by the time polls close and be received by county election boards at 5 p.m. on Nov. 6, three days after the Nov. 3 election.
- Ballots can be counted if they lack a postmark, a legible postmark or some proof of mailing, unless a “preponderance of the evidence” shows it was mailed after Election Day.
- Green Party candidates also cannot appear on Pennsylvania ballots because the procedures are not strictly followed.
- The Democratic Party’s opinion was maintained that the bipartisan supervisors at the election station must be registered voters in the county, and President Trump could not find enough supervisors in Philadelphia to meet the conditions.
The state Supreme Court, which has a 5-2 Democratic majority, granted the Democratic Party’s request to order an extension of Pennsylvania’s Election Day deadline to count mailed-in ballots. So far, the Democratic Party has not put forward any clear programs and policies. They even spared no effort to build momentum. They tried their best to do only one thing, which is to use various means to disrupt the election. Postponement is one of them.
President Trump’s team will continue to wait for the Federal Court’s verdicts in Pennsylvania and Nevada.
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Critical Event: Rebuild the Kingdom of God in Turkey
【Current Affairs: Turkish President Erdogan converted a historic Byzantine church into a mosque on August 28; only a few weeks ago, Turkish President Erdogan announced that the Hagia Sophia would be converted into a mosque and opened to Muslims for worship, people of all denominations are also welcome to visit. This move caused dissatisfaction among the European Union, the United States and Russia. He also declared that Turkey would further liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque (Al-Aqsa) in Jerusalem.
Man’s Plan: Revitalizing The Ottoman Empire
Erdogan has always had the ambition to revive the prestige of the Ottoman Empire since he took office. His conservative (AK) party is rooted in the terrorist organization Muslim Brotherhood and has long supported Palestine and resisted Israel. The decision of Turkey this time is aimed at seeking support from like-minded groups and countries in order to exert greater influence in the entire region.
Recently, Turkey has continuously bombed, encircled and suppressed the Kurds in its territory; it has sent troops to intervene in the civil war in Libya in Africa; it has been eyeing Israel. Like other dictatorships, Erdogan also deceived and kidnapped the people of his country, “This is the new fire of hope for all oppressed, mistreated, suppressed, and exploited Muslims. It is showing the ambition to revive the Ottoman Empire. Don’t be negligent.
God’s plan: Rebuild The Kingdom of God in Turkey
However, Turkey was once the place where Noah’s Ark was anchored (Mount Ararat) in the biblical records. Noah’s family stepped out of the ark and began to reproduce new humans in Turkey; Turkey is also the birthplace of the early church, “Revelation” The seven churches mentioned are all in Turkey. They still have important spiritual implications for the church today. This country, known as the “Bible Treasure Land,” has the footsteps of the apostles Peter, John, and Paul, Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, and Asia are familiar to people. The site of the Garden of Eden. The hometown of Abraham Haran. The ruins of the Ark; Paul’s hometown of Tarsus, all in Turkey.
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Pray For International 247 Prayer United: Taiwan 
- The visit of the Under Secretary of the US State Department to Taiwan has aroused strong dissatisfaction in China, which has made the diplomatic and military confrontation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait increasingly fierce. Ask God to have control over the situation, give both side of the leadership the heart to pursue peace, and lead them to make right decision.
- Ask God to open way, for both side to have talk, and enter into an agreement that will beneficial to both sides, so that people of both sides will have peaceable interaction.
- Ask God to lead Taiwan Church into deeper unity, unity among tribes, among two genders, and generations walking together, united in prayer and in expanding the gospel.