Daily Prayer (9/11)

Daily Prayer (9/11)


Pray Category Pray Item
Editor’s Note
Pursuing Intimacy With God
Daily Declaration
Pray For Global Leader
Prayer For Israel
Pray for USA
Pray for Global Critical / Urgent Events
Pray For Seven Mountains
Pray For International 24/7 Prayer United

Editor’s Note: 9/11/2020 Global Pray for America

Trumpet Call to the Nations: 9/11 Global Day of Pray for America

September 11, 2020 – 12:00 UTC, 5:00 Pacific Time, 7:00 Central Time, 8:00 Eastern Time, 19:00 Jakarta Time, 15:00 Jerusalem time, 20:00 China time  Click to Read More

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Editor’s Note: Regarding Daily Prayer

Dear Intercessors

There are many prayer items in each  Daily Prayer we provide for your reference.    May Holy Spirit guide you and lead you during this fast and pray period.   Each item has a “click to read more ”  option for advanced prayer and understanding.   May God bless you and remember your sacrifices!

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Pursuing Intimacy With God: Obedience

  • James 1:22  “Do not merely listen to the word. … Do what it says.”

Dear Abba Father,

Today,  we enter the prayer room, looking forward to meet you.   How thankful we are for Your leading to live a different kind of life: to be Your obedient children, as we sit, listen, and obey.  Father, be merciful to us for we often are frustrated because of our disobedience.  When You see us from Your secret place trembling at Your word, endow us with great favor. Grant us a willing spirit to sustain us and bless us. Your presence is so sweet when we obey; my heart is on fire in the depth of Your love. Abba Father, grant us once again grace and mercy to help us grow closer to You and become more obedient to You.

In the name of Lord Jesus Christ we pray, Amen!

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Repentance: Repentance for Self 04

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for Your great love for us!  You did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but You humbled Yourself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross— so that we would have the full salvation: delivered from death and ushered into glory!  You have asked us to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love others as ourselves.  Lord, I am willing but I am weak.  I have often withdrawn from what I know I ought to do.    … Click to Read More

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Daily Declaration:  For LGBTQ Community

In the name of Jesus, 

  • the promotion of LGBT ideology all over the world will fail, including the legalization of same-sex marriage and homosexual education.
  • the grace of God and salvation will come to the LGBT group.
  • one husband and one wife system will be restored all over the world.
  • young people will wake up and reject the ideology and value of same-sex marriage. They will embrace the truth and teaching of one husband and one wife system.

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Pray For Global Leader: President Trump

We declare in the name of Jesus:

  • President Trump’s safety:
    • God keeps Trump and his family safe and blessed coming in and going out, no witchcraft spells or curses released from the Dark forces be fulfilled.
    • God will watch over and protect President Trump from any assassination plan, including attacks on health, disease, traffic accidents, murder and death.

… Click to Read More

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Pray For Global Leader: For Prime Minister Netanyahu

We declare in the name of Jesus:

  • Father God, anoint Prime Minister Natanyahu in his position as the Prime Minister of Israel. You are his shield and keeps his heart and mind pure and clear, full of heavenly understanding and insight.

… Click to Read More

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Pray For Israel:Fully Normalization of Israel-UAE Relations

Background: US President Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Natanyahu and UAE Crown Prince Mohammed of Abu Dhabi issued a joint statement on August 13. Click for more reading

  • Proclaimed in the Holy Name of Christ Jesus:
    • The normalization of relations between Israel and the UAE is a historic breakthrough and will surely usher in a new era of diplomatic victory for Israel.
    • The cooperative relations among the three countries of the United States, Israel, and the UAE will surely become a new regional stabilizing force in the Middle East with peaceful development and prosperity. ( Ec. 4:1 2)
    • The UAE will influence and lead more Arab countries in the Persian Gulf and even African countries to establish normal relations with Israel. Enhance its voice in the world, and make Israel truly a kingdom of priests and a light of nations. ( Genesis 12:3 )
    • The era of internationally forcing Israel to “trade land for peace” is over. It is necessary to usher in a new era of co-prosperity and development of “peace for peace”.
    • The Lord Almighty will judge among the nations and determine right and wrong for the powerful and distant nations. They will beat knives into plowshares and guns into sickles. The wind of war and strategy must be transformed into a wave of soul harvesting. ( Isaiah 2:2-4; Micah 4:3 )

We pray in the name of Jesus, amen!

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Pray for United States: The Call to Return

Current Events:  The United States is standing at a critical moment in American history and world history, a turning point that can change the United States and the world forever.   …Click for more reading


  • Bless “Operation Legend”: Father God, we thank You for the “Operation Legend” proposed by the Ministry of Justice, and bless all government personnel who carry out this operation continue to give Minister Barr wisdom, strategy and courage. The heads of law enforcement agencies in various regions have given them the consensus and determination to combat violence and bring the perpetrators to justice.
  • Restoring the Law and Order of American Society : Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, we destroy the evil organizations that instigate violence and the dark power behind them, disconnect them from each other, and stop the operation of injustice and violence in American society. Tearing the proud veil of old culture. We declare that God will help America, so the heavens will drop from above, and the heavens will rain down righteously! The earth open wide, let salvation spring up, let righteousness flourish with it ( Isaiah 45:8 ) Restore justice and righteousness, and laws and order in American society are restored!

In His name and for His glory we pray, Amen  

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Critical Event: Smog Covers San Francisco: Wildfires Color California Orange

【Current Affairs: California, which entered the dry wildfire season earlier this year, has taken at least 11 innocent lives due to raging wildfires since mid-August.  Click to Read More

  • Exodus 19:18 “Mount Sinai was covered with smoke, because the Lord descended on it in fire. The smoke billowed up from it like smoke from a furnace, and the whole mountain[a] trembled violently.”
  • Amos 7:4-6 This is what the Sovereign Lord showed me: The Sovereign Lord was calling for judgment by fire; it dried up the great deep and devoured the land .  Then I cried out, “Sovereign Lord, I beg you, stop! How can Jacob survive? He is so small!” So the Lord relented.  “This will not happen either,” the Sovereign Lord said.


  • Identification confession and repentance:   Father God, You descended on the mountain in the fire, shaking the mountains of California, shaking people’s hearts with Your glory and majesty! (Ex 19:18) Please raise up the church to stand on the breach and pray for their cities and country. We come humbly before You on behalf of the people and the government of California, please forgive our sins of rebellion, legalized abortion, same-sex marriage and marijuana, we committed what is evil in Your eyes, and provoked You into Anger. Father, forgive us of our sin of turning to our own way and bloodshed, and plead with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ to cleanse the sins of this land.
  • We declare in the name of Jesus Christ :
    • The power of the Holy Spirit is moving mightily, turning people’s hearts, and California will turn to the eternal God, Jehovah.
    • God will arise, the wind and fire in the land will stop! God’s mercy, kindness, peace, and blessing are coming to the fire zone on the West Coast of America!
    • God will perform miracles to protect disaster relief personnel and innocent people, and minimize disasters.

Pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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Pray For Seven Mountains: Art & Entertainment

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ:

  • The salvation of God will come to the literary and artistic circles,  the light of truth will enlighten them, help them to know and turn to You,  break away the bondage of sin, turn their lives around, and become the glorious vessels that lead the people to believe in the Lord!
  • God will rise up holy, godly Christian stars that love the Lord, bringing God’s love, healing, holiness, honor, and greatness to the youth, to awaken the young people of this generation, to rush to the mighty God like a tidal wave!

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Pray For International 247 Prayer United: New Zealand

  • God rule over the 2020 Public Referendum
    Churches will arise to watch and pray, to cause awakening in the hearts of people. Let the fear of God enter into the hearts of God’s people. Ask God to bless our government with Spirit of wisdom and understanding, spriit of humblenesss and fear of God, so that they will obey God’s law to make decision that are according to God’s will.

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Related Events and Prayer Background

Editor’s Note: 9/11/2020 Global Pray for America

Trumpet Call to the Nations: 9/11 Global Day of Pray for America

September 11, 2020 – 12:00 UTC, 5:00 Pacific Time, 7:00 Central Time, 8:00 Eastern Time, 19:00 Jakarta Time, 15:00 Jerusalem time, 20:00 China time 

Peace to all the brothers and sisters in the Lord:

The United States is in a fight for her life! Under the guise of racial justice protests, advocates of Marxism are trying to use “Antifa” ( Anti-Fascist Movement), BLM (Black Lives Matter), and other organizations derived from communism to burn American cities  to the ground and threw the country into the chaos of the revolution, as they had long planned. They have been supported and funded by the elite group of globalists. They want to create a new socialist world order and aspire to establish an one world government with a totalitarian system that controls everyone on the planet. Open Satanism, witchcraft and Islamic extremists are also involved in this attempt to overthrow the United States, the US government and her way of life. The national election on November 3 will be the most important in the history of our country. Because it will determine whether the United States will become a tame tool for these forces, or continue to represent Judeo-Christian values, and freedom and human rights in the country and throughout the world.

In the American prayer movement, we are thrilled when we hear that our brothers and sisters in Indonesia want to gather the body of Christ around the world to pray for America at this critical moment. Prayer leaders from Indonesia and the United States will co-host a global online prayer call through YouTube: “Trumpet Call to the Nations: 9/11 Global Prayer for America” (Please click Here for the livestream). We will start from Jerusalem, and from there, we will be taken to several American cities for a period of repentance and confession and prayer for the United States.

Please join us on September 11. This is an urgent 9/11 moment to seek God’s face for salvation and setting free of America. We need everyone to take their position for this critical prayer initiative. I hope you can join us for this unique opportunity to connect with the Almighty Lord in charge of the universe, and through the prayer of unity, you can shape America and the future of our world together with Him.

Yours in the Lord,
Daniel Pandji,My Home Indonesia
John Robb,International Prayer Council

(Source: Kingdom Prayer Network)

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Repentance: Repentance for Self 04

  • Luke 12:15 and he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”
  • Matthew 19:29 And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold[a] and will inherit eternal life. 

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for Your great love for us!  You did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but You humbled Yourself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross— so that we would have the full salvation: delivered from death and ushered into glory!  You have asked us to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love others as ourselves.  Lord, I am willing but I am weak.  I have often withdrawn from what I know I ought to do.  I am like a branch that is not always connected to the vine, so that I’m not able to bear much fruit to glorify Your name.

Lord, forgive me for loving the world and the things of the world.  Although I honor You with my mouth, my heart is far away from You.  I lack understanding of Your heart.  I am often weighed down by the cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and have mis-managed my priorities.  I struggle with the inability to take hold of Your truth, and have suffered stagnant spiritual life and deception by the enemy as a result.

(You may skip over the ones that does not apply)

Lord, forgive me for the many falsehood I have entertained in my life.  Forgive me for participating in viciousness, lies, evil thoughts, and all kinds of filth and corruption in the heart, including self-centeredness, laziness, greed, blame-shifting, contentiousness, aggressiveness, viciousness, ridiculing others, being unjust, ignorant, unthankful; harboring sinister, envious and hateful thoughts; gloating, gossiping, spreading disputes, boasting, pride, neglecting God, being demanding and demeaning to others; rebelling against parents, being ruthless, indulging selves, and encouraging others to do the same.  Rebellion against authority, breaking trust, failure to abide by Your teachings and breaking Your covenants; setting others up as idols as well as worshiping the created instead of the Creator; following after the vices of non-believers, only to satisfy my own desires and fulfilling my own aspirations.

Lord, heal me of my rebellious and sinful ways.  Give me a humble and righteous spirit.  Renew my mind to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with my God.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

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Pray For Global Leader:  President Trump

We declare in the name of Jesus:

  • President Trump’s safety:
    • God keeps Trump and his family safe and blessed coming in and going out, no witchcraft spells or curses released from the Dark forces be fulfilled.
    • God will watch over and protect President Trump from any assassination plan, including attacks on health, disease, traffic accidents, murder and death.
  • For President Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign
    • God will continue to use President Trump to fulfill the destiny for the United States.
    • God will give President Trump word of wisdom and vigorous energy in every campaign trail.
  • President Trump’s Cabinet:
    • God rule and reign the relationship between President Trump and his cabinet, all the aides have a righteous spirit.
    • The message report to Trump is accurate and no work of the enemy will be allowed.
    • God prepares the necessary cabinet for President Trump, strengthens their hearts, and work closely with President Trump in one heart,  to accomplish God’s will.

In the name of Jesus,  we pray, Amen!

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Pray For Global Leader:  For Prime Minister Netanyahu

We declare in the name of Jesus:

  • Father God, anoint Prime Minister Natanyahu in his position as the Prime Minister of Israel. You are his shield and keeps his heart and mind pure and clear, full of heavenly understanding and insight.
  • Father God cause Prime Minister Nathanyahu to diligently seek Your face,  humbly seek help from You to face all the challenges of Israel.
  • Reveal to him the salvation of Jesus and gave him a heart that hunger and thirst and long for God, like David, who earnestly sought the face of God and made God his content.
  • Prime Minister Nathanyahu will fully support the Aliyah of Jewish Messianic believers.

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Pray for Israel: Fully Normalization of Israel-UAE Relations

Background: US President Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Natanyahu and UAE Crown Prince Mohammed of Abu Dhabi issued a joint statement on August 13. After a three-party call and consent, the relationship between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (USE) is fully normalized. In the next few weeks, Israel and Afghanistan will sign agreements covering investment, tourism, direct flights, safety, telecommunications, technology, energy, health, culture, environmental protection, and the establishment of mutual embassies.

The joint statement stated that the direct connection between the two most socially dynamic and advanced economic development countries in the Middle East will surely bring transformation to the Middle East through economic growth, technological innovation, and closer relationships between people. This “historical diplomatic breakthrough” is bound to promote peace in the Middle East, witnessing the diplomatic courage and vision of the leaders of the three countries of the United States, Israel and Afghanistan, as well as the courage of the two countries to take a new path, opening up greater potential for the development of the region.

The statement also said that facing common challenges, the three countries of the United States, Israel and Afghanistan will also obtain common interests from this historic achievement. At the same time, in response to Trump’s “request” and with the support of the UAE, Israel agreed to suspend its sovereignty over parts of the West Bank and instead concentrate on expanding its relations with other Arab and Islamic countries.

Israel and the UAE have been in constant relations with each other over the past few years due to their mutual hostility with Iran. Among the Arab countries, only Egypt and Jordan previously signed peace agreements with Israel in 1979 and 1994 respectively.

In this regard, as countries in the Middle East, the two Persian Gulf countries, Bahrain and Oman, as well as Egypt and Jordan have welcomed them; the Palestine Liberation Organization, Iran and Turkey strongly condemn them; Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar have not yet expressed their views.

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Pray for United States: The Call to Return

Current Events: Since the Flyod incident in May, it triggered protests on the streets. With the help of mainstream media and liberal politicians, there have been continuous burnings, looting, and bombings across the United States. “Black Life Matters (BLM)” and “anti-fascist” Leftist radical organizations such as “ism” continue to promote protests , disputes, riots, and commotions in cities dominated by liberal politician , expanding the conflicts between races in American history and turning them into hatred, with the intent to undermine social stability and the rule of law.

Another Plot of The Left: “The White House Siege”

From the “Seattle Autonomous Region” and “Mailing Ballots” to the recent shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin, the left wing launched another 50-day “The White House Siege” subversion from September 17 to November 3. This is a non-violent protest proposed by an organization called Adbusters. “Occupy Wall Street” on September 17, 2011 was also planned by this organization. They plan to form a blockade between Lafayette Square and the White House, creating chaos and lawlessness as they did when they occupied Wall Street in New York. They called on radical forces in the United States to join them and prevent President Trump from being re-elected.

The Response of The Body of Christ: “The Return Solemn Assembly

The United States is standing at a critical moment in American history and world history, a turning point that can change the United States and the world forever. Therefore, Jewish rabbi Jonathan Cahn and Kevin Jessup and other religious leaders called on American believers of all ethnicities to come to the National Mall in Washington on September 2.6 to participate in a “The Return” gathering. Confess your sins and repent to God together, turn people’s hearts and revive, and cry to God.

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Critical Event: Smog Covers San Francisco: Wildfires Color California Orange

【Current Affairs: California, which entered the dry wildfire season earlier this year, has taken at least 11 innocent lives due to raging wildfires since mid-August. Not only large areas of forests on the west coast of the United States were scorched, but coastal cities dominated by California were shrouded in fire smoke hundreds of kilometers away for many days. On the 9th, the sky in the San Francisco Bay Area was colored with apocalyptic orange-red colors, and San Francisco also set an air quality warning record for 25 consecutive days.  .

According to “Associated Press” statistics, California forest fires more than 3,600 buildings and nearly 1 million hectares of land in California have been burned by fires, which is almost 20 times that of the same period last year. California fires usually reach their peak in the autumn, this early wildfire disaster “raging” this year is feared to bring more intense mountain fires on the western coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington state.

】 (Source: Corner International)

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Pray For International 247 Prayer United: New Zealand

  • God rule over the 2020 Public Referendum
    Churches will arise to watch and pray, to cause awakening in the hearts of people. Let the fear of God enter into the hearts of God’s people. Ask God to bless our government with Spirit of wisdom and understanding, spriit of humblenesss and fear of God, so that they will obey God’s law to make decision that are according to God’s will.
  • God’s will reign over man’s control and manipulation:declare God’s will for New Zealand’s general election and referendum, God’s will reign over every attempt of man’s control and manipulation. Every decisions that is against God’s will will be exposed, and the election will be conduct under complete fairness。Ask God to raise up God’s chosen parliament candidate in each party, that they will be heard, seen, approved by the voters, and be elected into parliament to execute God’s will together with God, making legislation that are according to God’s will, to bring New Zealand political realm into God’s destiny.
  • Psalm 47:8-9   God reign over nations. God is seated on His Holy throne.The nobles of the nations assemble as the people of the God of Abraham, for the kings of the earth belong to God; he is greatly exalted.
  • Proverbs 29:2   When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.

【Event:  New Zealand was a christian nation, and was one of the highest missionaries sending nation in past.  However, all these years since parliament approved of bringing in Quran, Buddhist scriptures, and others pagan scriptures, even in parliamentary meeting, it is not allow to pray in Jesus Christ name. Now, New Zealand is no longer categorized as Christian nation.

New Zealand parliament is also New Zealand supreme legislature, it is make up of 120 members.

Among them, 71 of them are elected by voters in each constituency, the restare filled up according to the party’s share of the party’s votes. Prime minister role is elected according to the majority in parliament, or the leader of the largest party in the coalition government.
The original schedule national general election and 2 referendum on September, was postponed to October 17th due to new waves of covid 19 pandemic spread. The current ruling Labour Party is in leading of all the other political parties in polls. However, during the ruling of Kabour Party, they indirectly led legislation to relax abortion laws, and support the End of Life Choice Bill and Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill referendum that will be held in conjunction with the general election. Currently the end of life choice bill has passed the third reading in parliament, once the referendum result is passed, it will be implemented。But the referendum on cannabis legalisation and control bill is the opposite:even if public opinion oppose or approve, parliament still has the right to refuse to implement the results of the referendum。Therefore, the new parliament members will be responsible for the legislation.

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