Weekly Prayer (12/23)
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Editor’s Words
Editorial Group Special Section: Hanukkah – Teaching from Rabbi Zev On Hebrew roots-Receive The Breaker Anointing of the Maccabee
(Source: National Information)
Origin of The Hanukkah
The Hanukkah festival literally means “sacrifice”, also known as “Hanukkah” or “Candlelight Festival”. It is an eight-day festival to commemorate God’s mercy when the temple was destroyed. The light and the oil did not go out, which was significant for the restoration of the Temple. God is merciful and He can establish your future, no matter what the circumstances are.
The Hanukkah is a commemoration of time of 165 BC. During the reign of the Syrian dynasty Antiochus Ibifani, strongly enforced Greek culture, the practice of Jewish faith was banned, the priesthood was abolished, the temple of Jerusalem was desecrated, the statue of Zeus was placed on the altar, any protesters were tortured and slaughtered. At that time, a priest named Matthias, Hassoni, led his five sons to revolt, took over Jerusalem, restored the temple, destroyed the Greek deities, cleansed the temple and the sacrament, reestablished the priesthood and restored the religious ceremony. Religious rituals of the temple were carried out for a total of eight days, and the Sukkot Festival, which was not allowed to be done during Syrian occupation of the temple, was carried out. Therefore, the festival of “Repairing the temple” “Chanukah” got the name in Hebrew. … Detailed Reading
Editorial Group Special Section: Nita (LaFond) Johnson – Jan. 2009 New Orleans Revival Services (2)
But there is a people who God is calling back to the pre-fall state, where they would be walking in the same kind of glory that Adam, Eve, Moses, and Enoch walked in. He’s calling His Church to rise up and come higher and He’s going to provide the anointing for it to happen. Now, of course, Jesus had publicly revealed that He was walking in the Jubilee anointing, though He did not specifically call it by that name. As He rolled up the scroll of the prophet Isaiah, having just read the passage in 61:1-2, he added, “Today the Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:21). We, however, have yet to experience what He was walking in then. But we are reminded that He also said, “Greater things than I do, shall ye do” (John 14:12). So we know that there is something so great that even the Son of God stood in awe of it and yet, although promised for these last days, has not come to fulfillment. People want to take that Jubilee anointing and wrap it around healing. But, honestly, that is the least important function of it. … Detailed Reading
Declaration Prayer: Declaration Of Peace for Nations 
【Background: December, the month of Hanukkah, celebrates 7 days of ‘Dedication, Consecration and Inauguration’. Yeshua Himself, the Light of the World, is recorded as being at the Temple of Jerusalem and walking in Solomon’s Porch during the Feast Period (John 10:22-23) 2019 has yet drawn more historical and futuristic events in His Promises of Hope, for His Love never fails. … Detailed Reading】
In the name of Jesus, we declare:
- As we stand in the gap in repentance for the sins of their disobedience, rebellion, ungodliness, abomination: God to forgive and heal the land and people as His Inheritance. We renounce all ungodly alliances and its system, altars, idols, practices to be judged, thus restored;
- Jesus is the Light and Lord over every nation, to rule and reign with eternal Dominion; blessed are those fear of the Lord and delight in His Commands;
- Revival, Reformation and Revolution will cause nations the hunger and thirst for righteousness, reviving fathers, sons and daughters, Harvesters of souls;
- The Blood of Jesus prevails over the nations under-siege with poverty, turmoil, hostage and violence, deaths, famine, wars, evil strongholds;
- The Will of the Lord is renewed and done for all nations in 2020, for His is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever. (Mat. 6:10-13)
Pray for United States: Senate Trial after House Impeachment Votes
【Developing: On 12/18 Democrat-controlled House voted for passing the two Impeachment Articles onto Senate Trial. It is Democrats’ desire so can put various Republican witnesses and President himself to the witness stand. … Detailed Reading】
- 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 “Do you no know that wrongdoers will not inherit the Kingdom of God! do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers non swindlers will inherit the Kingdom of God.”
- Deuteronomy 32:4 “The Rock! His work is perfect, for all His ways are just. A God of faithfulness and without injustice. Righteous and upright is He.”
Prayer Points for Senates Impeachment Trial:
- Pray against unfairness of Democrats calling more witnesses and investigations, denied Republicans’ requests.
- Republican Senate Judicial Committee Chair, Lindsey Graham proposes a brief Senate trial without witnesses, so things go not longer than it needs to. May he stand with persistence.
- Trial and voting to be finished by Mid-January, irrevocable closure to any potential impeachments in Trump’s presidency.
- Republican Team Members must possess a variety of skills, each one must be mindful they are not defending the President unjustly accused, but a Constitution deeply fractured by House Democrats.
- May the Trial Managers, Chief Justice and all the Senators working toward only the good and justice for America, the Constitution, obey the verdict of God’s Justice. (Deu. 32:4)
- Father, may Your Government empower President Trump to deliberate America and nations; may his team members be anointed with full measure powerfully administer throughout the trial. Protect the President, his family and administration by the wall of fire.
- May the Power of the Lord break every weapon, yoke, powers in the forms of accusation, tyranny, double-standard, bribery, blackmailing, witchcraft, idolatry, voting, arbitrary….all wickedness will be bound and sent to the pit in the Name of Jesus. (1 Cor. 6:9-10)
We pray in the name of Jesus!
Pray for Israel: Israel Welcomes Hanukkah, the Festival of Light
【Background and Current Event: This week Israel enters the 8-day festival of Hanukkah, from the evening of the 22nd to the 30th, commemorating the miracle of the Jews’ recapture of Jerusalem, the cleansing of the temple, and re-consecration to God. The hero of the story, Judah Maccabee (Maccabee means hammer), drove the Syrians who ruled the Jews out of Jerusalem within two years! …Detailed Reading】
- Genesis 1:3 “And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.”
- John 8:12 “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’”
- Genesis 12:2-3 “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
- Haggai 2:9 “The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘And in this place I will grant peace,’ declares the Lord Almighty.”
- Bless President Trump for Blessing Israel: Abba Father, thank You for giving President Trump the strength and courage to stand with Israel. We ask that You continue to use Trump’s position to fervently influence the support for Israel. Oh Father, bless President Trump greatly and continue to use his voice like a hammer to awaken the people in the US and nations of the world.
- Pray for Israel to Come Out of Darkness into the Light: Abba Father, we ask You to light up the hearts of Your people. Let the true Light of the world – Jesus – arise in their hearts. Father, lead Your people to no longer walk in darkness but have the light of life. (John 8:12) Oh, let the people of the world stand with Israel to welcome the glory of the Lord, and declare together that the glory of this present house will be greater than the former house!
We pray in the name of Jesus!
Global Critical Event
Critical Event: Pray for Taiwan’s 2020 Presidential and Legislative Elections (4)
【Current Affairs: The founding father of the Republic of China, had implemented the Three Principles Of The People in the beginning of the People’s Republic of China: The expression of civil rights gave the people the right to vote today. Also, according to the Bible, we Christians are bought and redeemed by the blood of Jesus, we belong to God, as citizens and priest of the kingdom of God, to exercise our kingship on the earth. (Rev. 5:10) We are both king and royal priesthood to rule and govern the nation, including the realm of family, business, art, media, education, and politics.…Detailed Reading】
- Jeremiah 23:29 “‘Is not my word like fire,’ declares the Lord, ‘and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?'”
- Isaiah 62: 1 “For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, till her vindication shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch.”
- Isaiah 41:15 “See, I will make you into a threshing sledge, new and sharp, with many teeth. You will thresh the mountains and crush them, and reduce the hills to chaff.”
- Strengthening The Church In Taiwan: Father God, please strengthen the churches in Taiwan, in the midst of the critical elections, while the hearts of the people are so unsettling, to boldly preach Your words, and burn away all the chaffs of lies from the enemy with Your fire of righteousness, and smash the strongholds of the enemy with Your righteous sledgehammer. (Jeremiah 23:29) Father God! The church will speak for You, and will not be silenced for Taiwan’s sake, and will not rest until Your righteousness shines forth (Isaiah 62: 1).
- Bless The Christians Called To Go Into The Legislative Assembly: Bless them all to become new vessels with sharp teeth to thresh the grain; and beat them small, and make the hills as chaffs (Isa 41: 15) . Their political opinions will change the political ecology of the Republic of China and make the Legislative Branch a tool in Your hand.
- Bless Your Chosen Presidential Candidate : Father God, may You baptize him with the Holy Spirit and fire, so that he will be favored by the people, to be elected smoothly, and be used by You to be a blessing to the people
Pray in the holy name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Critical Events: Pray for The Industry of Entertainment – Children’s TV Shows Is Boosting LGBTQ Role
【Current Events: Every year, GLAAD, an advocacy organization that supports LGBTQ, provides a report card to the entertainment industry, “Where We Are on TV”. This is one way in which LGBTQ advocacy groups continue to put pressure on Hollywood, asking them to increase the role of LGBTQ in various TV shows. Sadly, it works very well. GLAAD said that the number of LGBTQ roles reported this year has reached 10%; and it hopes to reach 20% representation by 2025. Unfortunately, the organization is likely to achieve this goal. … Detailed Reading 】
- 1 Corinthians 6:9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
- Deuteronomy 22:5 A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.
- Genesis 1:27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
- Proverbs 26:2 Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest.
- Pray for The Entertainment And Film Industry: Heavenly Father, we confess and repent for all the entertainment and film industry, filmmakers, and animators who recognize LGBTQ, and forgive them for destroying the beautiful life You created. Let the light of truth illuminate them, turn their lives,to become a vessel of Your glory! Father God, raise up godly children so that the videos they produce will not only glorify God and benefit others, but also replace those with LGBTQ content and programs that mislead children, and turn people ’s hearts to God.
- Save LGBTQ With The Great Love of The Heavenly Father: Heavenly Father, please have mercy on the LGBTQ. In Your great love, they will be healed and no longer be stranded. The salvation of Jesus Christ comes quickly to them. They will restore the nature of God’s creation of their sex and fulfill His destiny.
- In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
- Parents must rise up to protect their children, and teach this generation with biblical principles so that they will not depart from them at old age. (Proverbs 22: 6)
- All strategies promoted by the homosexual wave in countries around the world, including television films, the legalization of same-sex marriages, and homosexual sex education, will be ineffective.
- Children and young people of this generation must be healed, saved, and restored to the nature of God’s creation.
- The monogamous marriage system of God will be fully restored around the world.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!
Pray For First Nations
Pray for First Nation of North America – First Nation Tribes Come Into Unity In Oklahoma
【Background: Recently we read in the news about an unusually joint press conference with the chiefs of First Nation tribes (39 in total) in Oklahoma (for more reading, click here ). This is a dispute between the Indigenous Peoples Casino and the current governor in renewing the operating contract. We reported on the “Convergence” Gathering of the Choctaw people in the “First Nation Prayer Section” on November 13 this year (click here for more reading ) That meeting testified the prophecy of Chuck Pierce on the revival among the Oklahoma Native American. ... Click to read more 】
- Psalm 133:1-3 “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron’s beard, down on the collar of his robe. It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life forevermore.“
- Matthew 6:15 “But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”
- First Nation People Walk Together With One Heart In Love: “How good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in harmony!” Heavenly Father, thank You for revealing to the leaders of the First Nation in Oklahoma the power of unity. Please pour out Your anointing of love and unity on the leaders and give them greater truth, so they can taste the goodness and freedom of unity in Jesus Christ, lead all tribes to unite and walk together in love, in response to Your calling, to receive the blessings You have ordained! ( Psalm 133: 1-3)
- Forgive And Reconcile With Non-Aboriginals : Heavenly Father, please continue to help Aboriginal leaders in Oklahoma to choose forgiveness and reconciliation to walk in Your will. According to Your promises, release justice and righteousness to the Governor of Oklahoma, to change his mind and give the tribes respect and fair treatment. We also pray that President Trump’s administration will apologize to the Native American tribes across the United States, to restore their true identity as Native Americans, and bring about an unprecedented revival for America!
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!
Pray For Church
Pray for Participating Churches and Pastors on Regional 24/7 Prayer Walls
【Editor’s Note: The 24/7 prayer walls listed here are especially for local churches and pastors. If you are committed to watch on the regional walls, simply click on the link listed below to connect to the local prayer wall. 】
- East Coast 24/7 Prayer Wall – Prayers for Local Churches & Leaders
- Bread Of Life Christian Church in ShiLin
Related Events and Prayer Background
Editorial Group Special Section: Hanukkah – Teaching from Rabbi Zev On Hebrew roots-Receive The Breaker Anointing of the Maccabee
(Source: National Information)
Origin of The Hanukkah
The Hanukkah festival literally means “sacrifice”, also known as “Hanukkah” or “Candlelight Festival”. It is an eight-day festival to commemorate God’s mercy when the temple was destroyed. The light and the oil did not go out, which was significant for the restoration of the Temple. God is merciful and He can establish your future, no matter what the circumstances are.
The Hanukkah is a commemoration of time of 165 BC. During the reign of the Syrian dynasty Antiochus Ibifani, strongly enforced Greek culture, the practice of Jewish faith was banned, the priesthood was abolished, the temple of Jerusalem was desecrated, the statue of Zeus was placed on the altar, any protesters were tortured and slaughtered. At that time, a priest named Matthias, Hassoni, led his five sons to revolt, took over Jerusalem, restored the temple, destroyed the Greek deities, cleansed the temple and the sacrament, reestablished the priesthood and restored the religious ceremony. Religious rituals of the temple were carried out for a total of eight days, and the Sukkot Festival, which was not allowed to be done during Syrian occupation of the temple, was carried out. Therefore, the festival of “Repairing the temple” “Chanukah” got the name in Hebrew.
Significance of Maccabee’s Bow That Broke The Culture Of The Pagan Empire
As we celebrate this feast, let us learn from the faith and courage of Matathia’s son Maccabee the warrior, who refused to be assimilated into worldly culture and lies, for us to become the light on a lampstand, to illuminate in dark places, and patiently wait for the returning of the Bride Groom; the bow and arrow of month of Kislev is the same bow and arrow used in the Maccabee Revolution. It symbolizes God’s people can be as good an archery as the tribe of Benjamin. To defeat the culture of Pagan’s empire, especially during the current conflict of war between Israel and Syria, may the miracle of Maccabees happen again in the present state of Israel.
The Breaker Anointing
Matathias and his sons were a priestly family. They were not good at war nor familiar with weapons. But out of their faith and believes they stood as soldiers and defeated the Syrian army. They restored Jerusalem. They were called “Maccabees” means “a group of mallets.”
Micah 2:13 “The One who breaks open the way will go up before them; they will break through the gate and go out. Their King will pass through before them, the Lord at their head.””
The original text of the Maccabees also mean a group of iron mallets that broke the gate.
Possess The Gate of The Enemy
Genesis 22: 17-18 “I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me.”
This promise is not only given to Israel -the bloodline of Abraham, but also to the church, Abraham’s spiritual children. How Israel with small number can defeat and sieged the surrounding Arab and Islamic countries and build a strong state of Israel? Similarly, God wants us to align with Israel, to break through the nations and cultures that surround us, and possess the gate of the enemy and become the trophy of the kingdom of God.
The Gate of Hell Will Not Prevail Against The Church Ekklesia
Matthew 16: 17-18 “Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”
What Is The Gate of Hell?
Ephesians 2: 2-3 “In which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath.”
Our society, cities, nations, and even customs and culture are linked to the power of darkness, forming a stronghold, a system of fortress, a state of consciousness, not physical, but spiritual.
2 Corinthians 10: 3-5 “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. he weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
Therefore, church Ekklesia play the role like Maccabees. It is a group of iron mallets, an overcoming team. They will break the Babylonian system behind the world and bring them into submission to Christ Jesus.
Apostolic Church Receives The Breaker Anointing Of The Maccabee
The church must have the kingdom mindset, to bring the kingdom of heaven unto earth today, and live the life of heaven on earth. We will see the church Ekklesia like a group of mallets sent from the kingdom of heaven, as heavenly Congress, to execute court of heaven, An organized, systematic, influential executive team on the earth, aligning with the systems, truths, and cultures of heaven.
To transform our cities, societies, and nations, we must see the rise of the apostolic church, because God has given the five fold ministries of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to build Ekklesia the body of Christ.
It is written:
Ephesians 4: 8-12 When he ascended to heaven, he ransacked the enemy and rewarded everyone with gifts. (As far as being ascended, are n’t they first descended underground? Those who descend are ascended to the heavens to be filled with all things.) He has given apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastors. And teachers, to fulfill the saints, to do their part, to build the body of Christ
Christ is the cornerstone, the rock, and the apostles and prophets are the foundation.
Ephesians 2: 20-21 “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.”
Because Jesus has already overcome the ruler of the air, He has given all power and authority to the church. The apostle and the prophet play the role of overcomer.
Matthew 16:19 “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
We saw how Peter established the church in Jerusalem at Pentecost, how Paul expanded the church throughout Europe to transform cities, cultures, and even the entire Roman Empire was turned over. Maccabees turnover Greek’s culture, and Peter and Paul’s apostolic team turned Roman culture around. In the same way, In God’s reign the apostolic church of God will arise in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, and even Asian countries, to broke the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron.
Isaiah 45: 2 “I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron.“
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Editorial Group Special Section: Nita (LaFond) Johnson – Jan. 2009 New Orleans Revival Services (2)
But there is a people who God is calling back to the pre-fall state, where they would be walking in the same kind of glory that Adam, Eve, Moses, and Enoch walked in. He’s calling His Church to rise up and come higher and He’s going to provide the anointing for it to happen. Now, of course, Jesus had publicly revealed that He was walking in the Jubilee anointing, though He did not specifically call it by that name. As He rolled up the scroll of the prophet Isaiah, having just read the passage in 61:1-2, he added, “Today the Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:21). We, however, have yet to experience what He was walking in then. But we are reminded that He also said, “Greater things than I do, shall ye do” (John 14:12). So we know that there is something so great that even the Son of God stood in awe of it and yet, although promised for these last days, has not come to fulfillment. People want to take that Jubilee anointing and wrap it around healing. But, honestly, that is the least important function of it. That anointing is going to transform your souls when it comes; it is going to make you what you can’t be without it; it’s going to make you what you were created to be. Your call is to let everything go that could hinder your flow in the River, because that River is coming. And I’m going to tell you where it’s going to start—right here in New Orleans!
When I say in New Orleans, I’m not necessarily saying that the first transfigured person is going to come from out of here. Nor am I saying that it couldn’t be so. What I am saying is, God is going to start the move of His glory in New Orleans. He’s going to do it and it will go from glory to glory in ever-increasing power and majesty. But it is going to start here. There is an awakening that has been assigned to this city and no other city can have it first. It has to start in New Orleans. Why? Because, for whatever reason, God has decreed it. That is not to say that revival will not break out in other places. However, this great move of which I now speak will begin here. My dear brothers and sisters, the day is coming when we must lay down the flesh if we’re going to ride in the glorious River and stay afloat. We must put down the flesh and, while doing so, we’ve got to throw the world away, because the weight of that is heavier than the flesh. The day is coming, and it is here. The Lord is calling us to go the next step higher in this life. He has called us to walk in the Spirit, closer to Him, in all His ways.
We fight Him though, for it is extremely hard to humble ourselves under the discipline of God. We don’t realize that God is trying to squeeze us like grapes to get that old wine out so He can put the new wine in. My brothers and sisters, this new wine is so glorious—the fragrance, aroma, and color is so glorious—that it is worth all the squeezing to get the old wine out so there is room for the new. You really want it no matter how much you may resist and fight it. You want it and need it to walk with the Son of God. He is setting that table before you; anyone who is willing to pay the price can walk with the Father like the Son of Man walked with Him. This dispensation cannot end until it has moved into the glory exceeding the days of Moses. It must come to pass because it is in the Word, and it has to be fulfilled because it was spoken from the mouth of God.
Where will you be? Are you going to stand to the side dipping your toe in the River, afraid of the frigidity? Are you going to stand there and say, “Well…, umm…, those people look kind of crazy dipping around in all that glory… it is not coming the way I thought it would… they are just kind of humble and act a bit too holy… I mean they walk around like a bunch of people emptied of self… I don’t know if I want to go into that River.” Is that where you’re going to be?
Please jump into the River even if it is over your head. Please dive right in. Take note, you will not be able to—if you do not begin preparing today. The fear of dying will stand between you and the River. It will make you stay on the side of the River looking at all that glory. Dying? How? Dying to the flesh and to the world, on the cross. The fear of dying can be overwhelming because the River is so new and the present so familiar. Leaving the present to go into the new, especially when you know you have to cross over death to get there, is extremely frightening. Yet that was what Israel had to do—cross over the Jordan River, an action that could result in instant fatality, and which therefore aptly symbolizes the dying to self. They had to cross the river and they were frightened by it. But they had been taken through enough of the discipline of the Lord that they overcame their fear. They went into the Jordan because they knew that was the only way into the Promise Land.
We must be willing to die to self and the reward is a glory that is greater than in the days of Moses. What can be greater than what the Bible tells about the days of Moses?—the utterly incomparable transfigured life no less! Jesus took three men up to the mountain and was transfigured before them because He wanted mortal man to know what he was called to. He wanted all humanity to grasp the immense reality of their calling to become much more than they knew they could be! It was critical that human eyes see the transfigured state of the Lord Jesus Christ so we would know where we are headed.
He makes us more than we can be. To be sure, not everyone will walk around with the glowing light of His glory, though there will be some that will. Nevertheless, those not called to emanate the light in that transfigured state, but who do in fact walk in the transfigured state, will emanate the virtues of Christ. In the eyes of God, and all of heaven, they will be as beautiful as those who are walking in the manifested glorious light.
The Church will come to walk in such humility that to see one who has been transfigured will be like seeing the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. All the beauty of the virtues of Christ will be evident in the lives that are being transfigured. These will not don two-thousand dollar suits nor dangle fifty-thousand dollar rings from their fingers, nor will they palanquin themselves in expensive automobiles. They will simply not live an extravagant life-style. If they do, you will know immediately they are not one of “them,” because no one who walks close to Jesus will do that. You will know them because they will stay humble in the eyes of man. You look at them and you will think… Well, she looks rather ordinary. And so she is—along with all the other transfigured ones. No one will be able to fault them in their lowliness, however, for the beauty of Christ will emanate from them. They will walk in power and authority because of the glory of His virtues in them. Christ will be living His life out through them and they will walk in His authority as the Son of God. And for these who walk in the authority of the Son, nothing will be impossible. They will have overcome the devil, the flesh, and the world. Further, many will have overcome even death itself.
Can you believe all this? Do you have the faith for it? If you don’t, you need to get into the Book (The Bible) and prayer and get the faith for it, because it’s coming in our lifetime. The glory of God is going to visit His Church and, through His Church, He is going to visit the world. The world has to have the demonstration, and they have to see the revelation of Christ, for by it they will be judged whether they are worthy of the Kingdom or not. But in these last days, because the darkness will be so intense, God is going to bring forth the light and intensity that has never been seen before—He must, for the sake of His Church and for the sake of the lost. The Church must go up because she has gone down so far. In humility, the Church will go up. When she starts to walk so deep in love, all distinctions will vanish and the light of the glory of Jesus Christ will reign supreme. In the glorified Church, no one is going to care about your nationality, race, denomination, or beliefs. Your heart is going to be so filled with the Gospel and everything you are and everything you say and do is going to reveal the Gospel through you! This must be. He cannot close the pages of time until this transpires. But you must prepare for it. It’s not going to sweep over you by accident. You must prepare for dying today, being willing to let go of that ugly pride. Every chance you have to either humble or lift yourself up, you must make the choice, carefully, remembering that the meek of the earth will be the glorified ones.
I think the most incredible thing that the Bible says about Moses is not that the glory emanated from his face but the fact that this once-upon-a-time haughty prince of Egypt became the meekest man on the face of the earth. He walked with God and God walked with Him. Because Christ lived in him, he was consumed and possessed by the living God. He was no longer his own nor did he desire his own will. Thus he stayed with the Jewish community for forty years, tolerating their infighting, grumbling, complaining, and murmuring. He might have been broken by it all, but he was so meek, and he loved Israel so much he offered up his very life and moreover, his very soul if he must, lest God would give up on His people. No doubt his journey to the perfection of his soul took some time. Hence Moses is not known by the forty years he spent in the palace, but by the forty years he spent in the desert getting prepared to walk with God.
It is not a crime to suffer for the sake of the Gospel. It is actually an honor to be diminished— especially when the Church and the world are looking on—because God is preparing you and cutting away all that flesh that you may be increased in God. Do not worry if people do not like what they see you are going through. That is okay. You are not thinking about today, you are thinking about the days that are coming, when this flesh He is carving away is going to be wrapped in His glory. In a very short time, the glory is going to flow and it can flow through you! In a very short time you can know the Father like Jesus did. The world may not understand, but the call is not to worry about those things. The call is to come and die that He might live and be glorified. The call; that you might be glorified and live in what He is going to do and become a vital part of what He is doing. Forget those things which are behind, forget them like Paul said, and press on towards the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ. That is what we are called to do and the way in which we are called to walk. Sufficient is the evil for today. We are not supposed to carry yesterday on our shoulders nor are we to carry tomorrow. We are to carry one thing and one thing only—and that’s the glory of the living God.
So, my dear friends, rise up out of the past, present, and flesh. Rise up and seek God because He’s coming. In times past, the Spirit of the Lord kept speaking to Israel… A deliverer is coming… Egypt is being very tough on your flesh right now… that’s okay, because the deliverer is coming, and he is going to free you from the bondages of Egypt… the deliverer is coming… get ready and don’t wait. The Spirit of the Lord kept saying these things through the prophets… Don’t worry about all of this, but get your eyes focused because your Father is about to do something… the deliverer is coming. And when he finally came, in the person of Moses, what did Israel say? “Who sent you?” They were not ready, were they? The deliverer stood right before their faces and they were saying: “Why should we believe you? What do you have that we do not have? What makes you so important?” So God had to show them, through the deliverer and his spokesman, the signs and wonders. These were the very people that the Spirit of the Lord had been trying to prepare for over four hundred years for the coming of the deliverer they had been asking for. It sounds somewhat like what happened with Jesus. He was out healing and raising people from the dead, and the leaders of the people were standing back, saying, “Show us a sign.” Casting the demons from the demoniacs, opening blind eyes and deaf ears, limbs suddenly appearing wherever they were needed—yet they still said, “Show us a sign.”
It’s amazing how the people of God are so rarely ready for God’s promised deliverer. Yet God even now is getting ready to send the Deliverer of all nations, peoples, tongues, and tribes to His people living in the twenty-first century. He is preparing to bring them out of spiritual Egypt and into the glory of the Promised Land of glorious transfiguration. How many are ready? Get ready! Get into the Word. Read, study, and believe it! Don’t read it and say, “Well I don’t know about that,” like so many theologians do today. Read it, study it, believe it, and obey it. That last item is the big one—obey. Pray to God that He will give you the grace to believe, the wisdom to prepare and be changed, so that you will be ready for the River when it comes and be able to walk in the transfigured state. Pray: “Lord, I want to die that You might live in me!” Now, that will get His head turned! When He is walking down a path in Heaven and hears those prayers He will immediately turn around and see where they are coming from—for He wants badly to dispatch His angels to help those willing to enter into the place that He has created for them. I’m telling you the truth: I’ve not only seen it, I’ve experienced it. I know what I’m talking about. I’m telling you what I’ve heard, what I’ve lived, and what I’ve known and personally experienced.
Seek Him today!
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Pray for United States: Senate Trial after House Impeachment Votes
James 4:4 “You adulterers,! Don’t you realize that friendship with the world makes you an enemy of God?”
Proverbs 10:9 “People with integrity walk safely, but those who follow crooked paths will be exposed.”
【Developing: On 12/18 Democrat-controlled House voted for passing the two Impeachment Articles onto Senate Trial. It is Democrats’ desire so can put various Republican witnesses and President himself to the witness stand.
Two feeble Impeachable Articles against President’s are ‘Abuse of Office’ and ‘Obstruction of Congress’. They were thrown into the mix at the last minute by the House Judiciary Committee in its report, that still lack even the pretense of substance. (James 4:4)
Defending the President
President Trump must have a legal team chosen by him , who are strong, single-minded people dedicated to vindicating him, and have the Senators be determined to defend his constitutional fate and protect the constitution. (Prov 10:9)
It takes 2/3 Senate votes of 100 senators to impeach the President, currently there are 53 Rep. Senators vs. 47 Democrat Senators. Will all 53 Republican Senators support the President? Chuck Schumer, the Democratic Leader, is still trying to convince 4 Rep. Senators to support the impeachment.
Democrats are proposing timeline for Senate Trial: 1/6, 7 and 1/9, 2020. President Trump desires a quick trial for voting.】
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Israel Welcomes Hanukkah, the Festival of Light
【Background and Current Event: This week Israel enters the 8-day festival of Hanukkah, from the evening of the 22nd to the 30th, commemorating the miracle of the Jews’ recapture of Jerusalem, the cleansing of the temple, and re-consecration to God. The hero of the story, Judah Maccabee (Maccabee means hammer), drove the Syrians who ruled the Jews out of Jerusalem within two years!
Two years ago during Hanukkah, God did a miracle through President Trump who, as a modern day hammer, moved the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, proclaiming to the world that Jerusalem is the only capital of Israel according to the Bible! Earlier this year, President Trump publicly acknowledged that the Golan Heights are part of the State of Israel and Israel has sovereignty over the regions.
Further, recently during this year’s White House Hanukkah luncheon, President Trump signed an executive order to combat anti-Semitism in America. Trump’s order comes at a time when pro-Palestinian people and groups are giving increasing support to the anti-Israel movement BDS (the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) in many college campuses. President Trump stated in his luncheon speech, “I will always stand with Israel!” And he also vowed to “crush the monstrous evil of anti-Semitism whenever and wherever it appears.” 】
Critical Event: Pray for Taiwan’s 2020 Presidential and Legislative Elections (4)
- Revelation 5:10 “You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.“
【Current Affairs: The founding father of the Republic of China, had implemented the Three Principles Of The People in the beginning of the People’s Republic of China: The expression of civil rights gave the people the right to vote today. Also, according to the Bible, we Christians are bought and redeemed by the blood of Jesus, we belong to God, as citizens and priest of the kingdom of God, to exercise our kingship on the earth. (Rev. 5:10) We are both king and royal priesthood to rule and govern the nation, including the realm of family, business, art, media, education, and politics.
In the past, we neglected to govern these areas. When faced the people seeking gender equality, systematically changed the value of society and family through the influence of art, the media, education, and politics for many years. They have lied and blinded the young generations, we have also been suppressed by this power, our voices have been continuously silenced.
After the Legislative Branch passed the Same Sex Marriage Equal Rights Act, although the churches pushed for three referendums, winning six or seven million votes each, successfully promoted the referendum. However, they encountered the Legislative Branch using the Interpretation of the Law 748 Enforcement to pass the same sex marriage law, it looks as if all our efforts were in vain, one step forward and two steps back.
However, in year 5780 the year of the mouth, we must align our words with the Word of God, and proclaim until we see His Word manifested in the land of the Republic of China-Taiwan. 】
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Critical Events: Pray for The Industry of Entertainment – Children’s TV Shows Is Boosting LGBTQ Role
【Current Events: Every year, GLAAD, an advocacy organization that supports LGBTQ, provides a report card to the entertainment industry, “Where We Are on TV”. This is one way in which LGBTQ advocacy groups continue to put pressure on Hollywood, asking them to increase the role of LGBTQ in various TV shows. Sadly, it works very well. GLAAD said that the number of LGBTQ roles reported this year has reached 10%; and it hopes to reach 20% representation by 2025. Unfortunately, the organization is likely to achieve this goal.
GLAAD successfully penetrated and pressured Hollywood networks and producers to include more LGBTQ characters and story lines in their projects, including stories directed at children. Parents should know that as the streaming war between Netflix, Apple, Disney, and other companies heats up, more and more LGBTQ characters across the country may penetrate into small screens.
GLAAD reports that Netflix’s original show has “the highest number of LGBTQ characters,” with a total of 121, an increase of 33 from last year. Netflix also produced animated series specifically for LGBTQ children and families. More streaming services will join this year, including: Apple TV +, BET +, CBS All Access, DC Universe, Disney +, Facebook Watch, HBO Max, Peacock (NBC), Quibi, YouTube Premium, etc. Among them, Disney is the worst, most of its series may contain LGBTQ content.
Earlier this year, same-sex weddings and same-sex couples appeared on the children’s shows Arthur and My Little Pony. A 2017 episode of Disney Channel’s “Star vs. the Forces of Evil” describes a gay couple kissing at a male band concert. In the same year, a 13-year-old character appeared in the Disney children’s series “Andy Mike” and realized that he was gay and made it public to friends.
The LGBTQ movement aimed at the hearts of young Americans shows no sign of stopping. LGBTQ activists know that the more they control the media and messaging, the greater the impact on culture. When this global LGBTQ battle has expanded to children of younger ages; the question is, do you know what your child is looking at? 】 (Source: Focus on the family, November 11, 2019)
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Pray for First Nation of North America – First Nation Tribes Come Into Unity In Oklahoma
【Current Affairs: Recently we read in the news about an unusually joint press conference with the chiefs of First Nation tribes (39 in total) in Oklahoma (for more reading, click here ). This is a dispute between the Indigenous Peoples Casino and the current governor in renewing the operating contract.
We reported on the “Convergence” Gathering of the Choctaw people in the “First Nation Prayer Section” on November 13 this year (click here for more reading ) That meeting testified the prophecy of Chuck Pierce on the revival among the Oklahoma Native American.
As far as we know, there are more than 500 federally recognized Aboriginal tribes in the United States. Each tribe is a self governing Nation. Why is there such a dispute? We consulted with Jennifer Gomez, young Choctaw leader and learned that each tribe had signed different contracts with the federal and state governments. State of Oklahoma has previously signed operating contracts with Aboriginal casinos, but the incumbent governor has raised tax rates adding a huge impact on tribes. She also pointed out the spiritual significance of this event, so we can see that God has started the revival wave for Oklahoma.
Here is Jennifer’s reply to our sharing:
The Significance of 39 Tribal Chiefs United
Recently in the media we have learned of a dispute between Governor Stitt and the 35 Chiefs are in a disagreement whether a compact is renewed or not in order to run gaming machines at the casinos. It sounds like a normal business problem. Maybe if this were commercial casinos then it would be, but the tribal casinos make a huge difference in the state of Oklahoma,because they invest in the tribal communities. This process has brought unity among all 39 tribes in the state of Oklahoma, and the presence of God has been in the mist of their private meetings. So, the real question is, what is God doing?
In August 2019 in Durant, Oklahoma there was a gathering for the Choctaw along with Chief Gary Batton, and Holy Spirit delivered a strong message of unity unlocking the inheritance of the nation. From there Chief Gary Batton was greatly encouraged of the role of Choctaw Nation in God’s plan to unlock the inheritance. He even initiated a prayer gathering at the capitol of Oklahoma and invited the other tribal leaders. There are other chiefs with similar stories and how God was revealing to them how important it is to walk in unity.
This issue with the state and the tribal leaders has brought unity, but they are also honoring the governor. Technically, the governor never made an official proposal to the chiefs and most of his responses have been through media. Even though he has done that, they are still willing to sit down with him and listen to what he has to say. The tribes are considered sovereignty and are considered as another nation. The sad part is Governor Stitt has not honored or respected them as such, but they choose to honor him regardless. Oklahoma does not have reservations, but their properties are there sovereign land. So, the communities are made up of First Nation people and non-natives. The reason I point that out is because the tribes take care of their communities from education to personal assistance and health care. They have been doing that since they have been in business. The tribes are well vested in their communities.
Now that you see what God is doing within the tribal leaders and how the tribal leaders are vested in just about every community of Oklahoma, now it is easier to see the Spirit of God is moving in a mighty way through Sovereign Leaders across Oklahoma. A word Holy Spirit gave me to give Chief Batton is “this battle has brought unity in the leaders and it is unlocking the inheritance of healing of our people; continue to walk in unity and honor and you will see the hand of God move across Oklahoma.” This is truly the desire of the leaders, they want to see their people healed because they have tried every program, every teaching and everything else, but now they are feeling the presence of God in their meetings (that was confirmed by one of the chiefs directly to me.) They will be the perfect ones to promote the Kingdom of Heaven! These are exciting times.
In addition, this issue is a great example for our nation to witness. Yes, they are in a disagreement, but these leaders choose to honor each other and not let their feelings or emotions rule their actions. America’s leaders can learn from this and I hear it is being talking about in Washington DC. So again, what is God doing?
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Cleansing And Covering Prayer
Cleansing Prayers
Dear Heavenly Father, I ________ (put your name in it) come to the throne of grace, through the blood of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, to receive Your abundant grace and mercy. Lord Jesus, ________ confess You are the Lord of my life. I ask the resurrected power of the Holy Spirit to fill and saturate every part of my being. I surrender all my spirit, soul and body completely to You. Now I ask You to reveal to me, remind me of any sin that I have committed known or unknown, so that I can confess and repent of them accordingly. (Recommendation: quiet yourself, so you can allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you)
Cleanse me from all the defilement of the world, sanctify me and my family line of any unrighteousness with the blood of Jesus. Now by my own will, I choose to forgive everyone that has offended me or hurt me, I release them into the freedom of my forgiveness. I also release them from the debts they might owe me. I now cast all my burden to You . Your yoke is easy, Your burden is light. I now put on the armor of God that You have given me, gird myself with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, my feet fitted with the gospel of peace, so that I can pray and intercede in the Holy Spirit by Your mighty power, and after done all to stand firm.
Firewall Covering Prayer
Abba Father, I thank you for watching and blessing us coming in and going out, from now and forevermore.
Abba Father, help us to hide under the shadow of the Almighty, and cover us with Your wings. I now plead the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on myself, my entire family _________
(speak names of your family, and name the people, things, items, that needs covering, such as : your work, ministries, and everyone that you minister to, your property, finances, friends, pets, vehicles, pastors and small group leaders / members and president )
Abba Father, send the host of angels and chariots of fire, to surround and protect us, I ask that You place the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ, in between everyone and the power of darkness that we might be facing today, to block all ungodly influences and keep us from all spiritual attacks, loss of property and any evil strategy of the enemies. We declare no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!
Pray for Organizers, leaders and editorial team of this 40-day fast
Please pray for the people who are involved in organizing and making this Global 40 Day Prayer And Fast movement possible. Particularly, please pray for the spiritual leaders, their co-workers, and their family members, the behind-the-scene editorial team and their spiritual coverings, and family members. Please ask God to:
- protect everyone involved in the global prayer and fast and their families. May God watch their coming and going and keep them healthy with prosperous spirits, souls, and bodies.
- bless the editorial team to be able to receive from God and translate it into words speedily and accurately.