Daily Prayer (2019/9/16)
Editor’s Words
Pray for Organizers, leaders and editorial team of this 40-day fast
Please pray for the people who are involved in organizing and making this Global 40 Day Prayer And Fast movement possible. Particularly, please pray for the spiritual leaders, their co-workers, and their family members, the behind-the-scene editorial team and their spiritual coverings, and family members. Please ask God to:
- protect everyone involved in the global prayer and fast and their families. May God watch their coming and going and keep them healthy with prosperous spirits, souls, and bodies.
- bless the editorial team to be able to receive from God and translate it into words speedily and accurately.
Daily Updated Prayers
Pursuing Intimacy With God: His Kingdom and His Righteousness
- Matthew 6:33 “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
- Psalm 116:5 “The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion.”
Dear Abba Father, As we wait upon You, we earnestly seek Your face for lovingkindness and truth flow before Your throne. We come to the secret place longing to be near You, to worship You, meditate upon You, and bless You for Your righteousness. As we meditate on Jesus’ words today, “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” .How we thank You for such a wonderful promise! If we treasure what You treasure, putting heavenly things as our first priority. Father, You promise to meet all our needs and giving us not only blessings on earth but also in heaven. Oh Father, in the kingdom of God, You have sovereignty over all things. Similarly, we desire Your sovereignty over our daily life, and that the Word of God fills our minds and thoughts. Let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Let us pursue the righteousness of God and follow Your commandments.
Father, we thank You for Your precious promise. How we desire to seek Your kingdom and Your righteousness. We long for the love and compassion of Your kingdom to be in our life, and we desire to help others with deed of righteousness as You have taught us. Help us Father, to be all that You want us to be!
In the name of Lord Jesus we pray, Amen!
Repentance Prayer: Repentance for the City 10
- Isaiah 59:12-15 “For our offenses are many in your sight, and our sins testify against us. Our offenses are ever with us, and we acknowledge our iniquities: rebellion and treachery against the LORD, turning our backs on our God, inciting revolt and oppression, uttering lies our hearts have conceived. So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance; truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter. Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey. The LORD looked and was displeased that there was no justice.”
【Background: The unprecedented fire in California in 2017 was not by accident. This fire which consisted of more than 9,000 wildfire eruptions has consumed 1.2 million acres of land, from Klamath National Park in the north to San Diego, in the south. In the past wildfires only burned forests but not houses. However, this fire burned down 10,800 buildings and claimed at least 46 lives causing historic damage and casualties. The scale of fire was so large that firefighters were at their wit’s end. After a month of continuous burning, this fire was put out not by human hands but by a sudden heavy rain. This reminded us of what King David experienced when he sinned by taking a census and chose to be punished by a plague for three days. After 70,000 Israelites died, as the angel of the Lord was about to destroy Jerusalem, the Lord relented and commanded the destroying angel, “Stop! It is enough !”】
Abba Father, we believe that You have sent the heavy rain out of Your mercy for You desire all to be saved, none perish. You have sent the heavy rain to quench the untamable fire to give us the opportunity to repent. Abba Father, on behalf of myself and those in charge of our city, we confess and repent of our sins of ignorance, compromise, rebellion, and resisting God. We leaned on ourselves and did not seek Your face in making new bills and laws, allowing sins of greed, evil, deceit, sensuality, jealousy, pride, arrogance, strife, disobedience to God, love of self, love of money, and exercising of no restrain in our lives and the cities. We have caused the people of California to fall into sin. Abba Father, we have gravely offended You, please forgive us! Cleanse us with the precious blood of the Lord Jesus and restore to us a heart of humility, meekness, and fear of God that we might turn back to God like King David.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Daily Declaration: Declaration Prayer For Russian President Putin
We declare in the name of Jesus:
- Father God, move President Putin’s heart to embrace the Russian church with God’s love, and gave the church full freedom to evangelize and support missionary work.
- Father God, President Putin will deeply know and experience You and diligently seek Your face.
- The presence of God becomes his covering again. Give him the heart that desires to read the Scriptures. Help him find answers and solutions to ways to govern the country from the Bible.
- Father God, raise up Christians with loyalty, good deeds, spiritual life, and wisdom in the decision-making group of President Putin. Place them in high positions like Joseph and Daniel to support him, and to govern the country according to God’s will.
- Bless the relationship between President Putin and President Trump to fulfill God’s will! Amen!
In the name of Jesus, we pray, Amen!
Nation / Global Critical Event: Pray for Uganda – Moving The Embassy to Jerusalem
【Background: During the period of 1775-1990, the church in Uganda experienced six transformational movements. God transformed Uganda from a country of idolatry and witchcraft to a country dominated by Jesus Christ. A country that is proud of being a Christian, from the President, the heads of ministries, and to civilians:… Detailed Reading】
- Mathew 25:32-33 “All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.”
- Genesis 12:3 “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
- Establish Embassy in Jerusalem : Abba Father, thank You and praise You for a breakthrough in Uganda’s relationship with Israel! Strengthen the heart of Ugandan President. Raise up Christian leaders to work with his inner circle to move forward with these decision about Israel. Establish friendly and mutually beneficial diplomatic relations, set up an embassy in Jerusalem, align with God’s will, and become a sheep nation that blesses Israel and God and be blessed by God! Father God, let the leaders of East African countries develop closer diplomatic relations with Israel and establish or relocate their embassies to Jerusalem.
- Pray for Christians: May the Holy Spirit fill the Christians in Uganda. Increase the hunger and thirst in their heart for righteousness to continue pursuing holiness. Help them keep themselves from all despicable and corrupt transgressions and become disciples of true love and holy vessels. Urge them to bring the love and truth of Christ to their neighbors, help AIDS patients, preach the gospel with boldness to the Muslims, the people who believe in animism, and those who are bound by witchcraft. May God save the souls of the unreached people in Uganda.
- Pray for The Ugandan Government : God, please continue to rise up godly leaders that love the Lord among government officials. According to Romans 13:1-7, govern the country with God’s wisdom and justice, and remove corruption and slack in administration. The executive, judicial, and legislative branches perform their duties. Officials at all levels can be loyal and honest, actively promote public infrastructure, implement education policies, revitalize the economy, and bring people out of poverty and into God’s rich destiny!
In Jesus’ mighty Name, Amen.
10/40 Window
Pray for Afghanistan: Prayer Watch for Afghan – Father God’s Precious People
【Current Events: Afghanistan ranked 2nd in the 2019 Global Watch List, and for two consecutive years, almost the same as North Korea which ranks number 1. There are 36 million Muslims in Afghanistan, but only a few thousand Christians. What come to mind when you think of Afghanistan? “Taliban? Holy Warrior? Terrorist attack? War? Women who don’t see the light of day?” These may be our impression of Afghanistan’s long-standing predicament. Country such as Afghanistan seems hopeless, but the good news is, according to the latest statistics from the Operation World, Afghanistan is currently the second fastest growing Christian community in the world and there are many evangelical ministries in the region.… Detailed Reading】
- Pray for The Afghan People : Heavenly Father, we identify with the sins of Afghan people to confess and repent. Please forgive us for living in vanity, lies, and deception for years. Forgive our ignorance, foolishness, stubbornness, rebellion, and do not know You as the supreme true God and replace You Jehovah with other gods and fell deep into sins of fear, worry and afraid. Please give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation, and knowledge of You! (Eph. 1:17). Continue to share the gospel with them with dreams and visions, radio broadcasts, Internet, and other media, or through the neighboring Iranian relatives and friends. Illuminate the eyes of our hearts, save our souls, be born again in Jesus Christ, to escape from poverty, lack and war, and receive the glorious peace and abundance You promised! Please, open up the understanding of Afghan women, to know Your love and kindness, to restore the glory and beauty of the life You give, and receive protection and honor they deserve.
- Pray for the Afghan believers and the church : Father God, give peace to the children of Afghanistans, so that they can stand strong and hold on to their faith in the midst of persecution and the secret churches can be more united and grow. The fire of God will rend the heaven and come down and fill Your children especially the younger generation with the power of the Holy Spirit. Raise up the “mighty warriors”, and equip the saints with prayer, evangelism, discipleship, etc…to stand up for the kingdom of Christ. Spread the gospel widely, lead people to the Lord, and transform Afghanistan to be a country whose God is the Lord!
- Pray for The Afghan Government : Please rise up godly leaders to lead and govern the country with integrity and righteousness, and to protect the freedom of each ethnic group and religion. Give the Afghan government the courage, determination, wisdom ,and strategy to smash all the scourges of corruption and drugs, to disintegrate the Taliban terrorist organization, to remove the Islamic militant base in Afghanistan, and to lead Afghanistan into unity, peace, hope and prosperity.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
Weekly Updated Prayers
Pray For USA: Spiritual Stronghold behind the Democrat Party
【Alert: Democratic’s anti-God and anti Judeo-Christian values are trying to replace godly principles with intended chaos through fake Christianity, sound science, universal, humanistic principles, Sodom family values, and atheism. … Detailed Reading】
- 2 Chronicle 7:14 ‘Then if my people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray and seek My Face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their lands.’
- Daniel 2:21 ‘He controls the course of world events; He removes kings and sets up other kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars.’
- Psalm 81:13a ‘Oh, that My people would listen to Me!…’
- Psalm 3:8 ‘Victory comes from You, O Lord. May You bless Your people.’
- 1 John 5:4 ‘For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith.’
- Repentance : Father, we pray all our political leaders will individually and corporately to humbly demonstrate a spirit of repentance for the lack of integrity, unity, contentiousness, and idolatry. (2 Chron. 7:14) Lord, please forgive and remove all of our sins, so we can encounter Your Presence.
- Spiritual Poverty : Father, help our Democrat and Republican leaders, future leaders, and the nation to awaken to their great spiritual need (Psa. 81:13a) to seek Your Wisdom, Faith, and Righteousness. Desperate seeking of Your blessing and deliverance (Dan. 2:21) for true freedom and Power.
- Spiritual Victory (Psa. 3:8) : Father, help our President, the lukewarm Church, Justice Dept., Patriots, and all of our leaders to rise up and overcome the force of anti-Christ and anti-Judea spirits to break down the demonic stronghold structure, so can advance the Kingdom of God (1 Jn. 5:4). For You are God and there’s none like You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
Pray for Israel: Pray for Israel: The General Election on 9/17
【Background: As the Israeli elections draw closer, things are now heating up as summer winds down and candidates prepare for the last stretch before the voting on September 17th. Most of the parties have saved up the bulk of their campaign funding for this final push over the next two weeks or so. Israel is a vibrant democracy, but the political conversation can get rather rough-and-tumble at times. Meanwhile, most polls show the new Blue & White list holding steady with the ruling Likud party at around 30-31 seats each. However, the Israeli public still does not exactly know the views and platform of Blue & White and their leaders, and how they differ from Likud or other factions.】(Source: Isaiah 62 Prayer Letter 9/2019, ICEJ)
- Isaiah 9:6 “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
- Psalm 60:4 “But for those who fear you, you have raised a banner to be unfurled against the bow.”
- Isaiah 33:22 “For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; it is he who will save us.”
- Psalm 80:17 “Let your hand rest on the man at your right hand, the son of man you have raised up for yourself.”
- God Reigns in the General Election: Abba Father, for the next election on September 17, we proclaim that the government of Israel is on the shoulders of Jesus, the Messiah, and the Lord God is the Judge of Israel, the Lawgiver of Israel and the King of Israel! Oh, Holy One of Israel, our God, raise a banner for those who fear You. We pray that according to Your perfect will, right officials and prime minister will be elected. Keep the hearts of the voters in alignment with You that they would vote wisely. Father, give the new leaders a heart of strength, love, a sound mind, and grant the new government integrity and wisdom on such matters as marriage, divorce, immigration, conversion, and especially the law concerning Aliyah which prohibits the return of Messianic Jews.
- Pray for Netanyahu’s Salvation: Abba Father, we ask You to grant Netanyahu a heart of humility and the fear of the Lord. Help him do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with You. According to the meaning of his name (Benjamin), the son of God’s right hand, we ask You to uphold and strengthen him as the son of Your right hand. Oh grant salvation to him and his family through believing in Jesus, the Messiah.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
Pray for The First Nation : Pray For the Awakening of the First Nations in Turtle Islands – the “Awakened” Documentary Film
【Background: We have introduced the documentary film “Awakened”on the global 24/7 prayer wall in August (Click HERE for more details). Currently, it is only available in English. Chinese and Korean versions are in production. There are about a thousand indigenous groups in North America. We have encouraged you to support sending this DVD to various First Nations to awaken the first people, so that they understand their calling and destiny. Brother Greg Miller, who made the film, will complete the second First Nation film, which is based on the nine Sioux Reservation prayer tour in South Dakota to proclaim the great things God has done among the First Nations.
Brother Greg told us that nearly 300 DVDs have been sent and he is waiting to have more financial support to send more to the First Nations. If God moves you to support the production and distribution of these first nation videos, please click HERE for details.】
- Colossians 3:13 “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”
- John 8:32 “You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
- James 2:5 “Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?
- Awaken The First Nations to Understand Their Position And Destiny: Heavenly Father, thank You for using the documentary and other channels of “Awakening” to awaken the First Nations. Let them clearly understand their position and destiny. The revival at the end time and the harvest of the soul are initiated by the explosive spiritual power God has given them. We declare that the Native Americans will restore the identity and destiny as the eldest son of the land. They will take the authority over the land and break the disintegration of the land and all the dark curses. May North American native tribes be willing to walk together and lead the non-native people to enter into an unprecedented revival!
- All Ethnic Groups Help The First Nations to Enter Their Destiny: Heavenly Father, the cattle on a thousand hills are Yours. Your are Jehovah-jireh. You will transfer the resources of the kingdom of God to translate the film “Awakening” into various languages and complete its subsequent documentary’s production without delay. Continue to pass on Your plans and purpose for the First Nations to all ethnic groups. Anoint these films to touch the hearts of the people to stand with the First Nations!
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!
Pray For Hong Kong: The Immortal Names under the Lion Rock – Writing to Hong Kong on this Turbulent Day 
【Current Affairs: This summer, Hong Kong, the forever shining bright pearl of the East that glitters in South China, has never illuminated the world so brightly, capturing the attention of the entire world. For months, the shocking images in the media have been lingering in my heart, even though my family and friends have warned me who had settled in the UK: “Do not return to Hong Kong”, but my heart is raging and stirred with the emotion of “Home Sickness”. Because what I have witnessed is not riots, but the “love” and “righteousness” that is part of the people of Hong Kong who has the unchanging sincerity and persistence! … Detailed Reading】
- 2 Chronicle 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
- Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you.
- Declare the destiny of Hong Kong : In the name of Jesus we declare:
- Hong Kong is God’s gateway to Asia, and new movement is starting up in Hong Kong!
- This is the moment when the heavens and the earth are aligned. Gate of heaven is open above Hong Kong and Kingdom’s principles and government will come to the earth.
- The army of the Lord is arising to magnify the kingdom of God on the earth.
- The voices of the people are being released in Hong Kong, to resonate with the voice of God to bring great breakthroughs.
- The new glory wave will break through many gates, and Hong Kong will receive favor and grace!
- Raising the church to pray with one heart and one mind : Heavenly Father, giving the churches the spirit of supplication to pray for the people. Help them to let go of their own agendas and views, be united and stand in the same gap to cry out to God, and ask God to intervene. Let God’s salvation and peace, compassion and healing, justice and fairness come to Hong Kong, and rebuild Hong Kong to be a city of righteousness!
- Pray for the younger generation: In the name of Jesus Christ, the young people of Hong Kong are holy unto the Lord and under the cover of God. May them be protected, directed like the arrows in the hands of God, and fill in the quiver of God. Heavenly Father, we declare that this is the day You are in power. The young people of Hong Kong will be out of despair and rise like the morning dew . Your troops will be willing on your day of battle. Arrayed in holy splendor, your young men will come to you, like dew from the morning’s womb (Psalm 110:3), becoming the End-Time army of holiness!
- Pray for HongKong Government and the Police : Heavenly Father, we ask You to give Hong Kong government and the police the divine wisdom and strategy so that they may quickly resolve the deadlock issues in God’s ways, raise a government of honesty, love and justice, and lead Hong Kong according to God’s perfect and pleasing will!
Pray for China: Breakthrough and Transformation – 70 Years the Fullness of Time Has Come, It Is The Moment For China To Enter Into The Destiny of God
【Current Events: God had revealed His destiny for China to Prophet Chuck Pierce In 1986: China will rise up to become the country with the greatest influence, replace the role of the United States in the past and become the country sending out the most missionary in the future. … Detailed Reading 】
God will open the doors of other countries in China. We believe the 70 years of Jeremiah is the year of fulfillment, and from 1949 to 2019 is exactly seventy years. This is the moment for China to enters the destiny of God. We are even more convinced that God wants to raise up the Chinese church in various fields to transform China.
We believe that God allows the persecution to come to the Chinese church again, in order to raise up a young generation, to make them a strong and courageous generation of Joshua, to undertake the mission of God to carry on the mission God has given to the global Chinese, and to bring the gospel back to Jerusalem. We encourage global intercessors to stand with Chinese church once again, to bless the Church in China to continue to shine, to fill the land of China with the glory of God, making China the blessings for the kingdom of God!
- Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance.
- Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
- Pray for The Church of China: Father God, please forgive us of the sins of pride, arrogance, flesh, self-righteousness, contention, jealousy, strife and division! Please give us more love and humility, to tear down the dividing walls in the church, and raise up many church leaders to have the hearts of fathers and mothers, and build the home with the Father’s love, so that we can be united in love and honor each other. At this moment of 70 years, the fullness of time, when a new wave of persecution and suffering comes, give us strength to overcome all kinds of trials that we may stand bravely for the Lord, entering into the season of family walking together. Raise up the church in various mountains, advance God’s kingdom and transform China!
- Bless China To Enter Her Destiny : In the name of the Lord Jesus we declare and pray for China:
- God will give the grace of repentance, so China fear God from leaders to citizens, from old to young, that the kingdom of God will come to China!
- God will raise up many Christian government officials, like Joseph and Daniel, to give them heavenly wisdom and strategies to govern China, and bless the Chinese government to have justice, compassion, and humility to walk with God. Every policy will align with God, so that China and the nations will be blessed!
- A Wave of Greater Spiritual Revival Will Come to China and covers China with the precious blood of Jesus. The fire of the Holy Spirit refines China, the presence of God’s glory, rend the heaven and come down to the Chinese church, making China a blessing to the Kingdom of God!
- China must rise up to become the country with the greatest influence, to replace the role played by the United States in the past and become the country sending the most missionary in the future. China and the global Chinese will agree to complete the mission of God given to the Chinese and return the gospel back to Jerusalem!
Pray for Taiwan – The 2020 Presidential Election Is In a Stalemate
【Current Events:Taiwan will hold a presidential general election on January 11, 2020. Only four months left. The campaigns for the election are in full swing. The competition is fierce and ugly in words and actions through the media. Candidates should be cautious about their words and deeds, and the people must be wise and discerning regarding their sacred vote. … Detailed Reading 】
- Isaiah 45:13 I will raise up Cyrus in my righteousness: I will make all his ways straight. He will rebuild my city and set my exiles free, but not for a price or reward, says the LORD Almighty.”
- Psalm 16:4 Those who run after other gods will suffer more and more. I will not pour out libations of blood to such gods or take up their names on my lips.
- Psalm 37:30-31 The mouths of the righteous utter wisdom, and their tongues speak what is just. The law of their God is in their hearts; their feet do not slip.
- Revelation 8:3-5 Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all God’s people, on the golden altar in front of the throne. The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God’s people, went up before God from the angel’s hand. Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it on the earth; and there came peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake.
- God Is In Charge of Taiwan’s General Election: Heavenly Father, we humbly come before the Throne of grace and confess and repent for the sins of the candidates for lifting up names of false gods to win the votes of people and engaged in evil criticism and accusations culture of election. We ask You to raise up King Cyrus for Taiwan’s 2020 and pave a straight path for him (Isaiah 45:13). Remove unfit people in God’s timing and put into place the right people in the presidential palace and the legislature cause them to love God and the people, and do what is right in the eyes of God. Abolish the law of same-sex marriage, and policy that advocate the promotion of Muslims and LGBTQ. May they unite and build Taiwan into a country with fear of God, justice, integrity, prosperity, and leads Taiwan into her destiny.
- Saints of God Will Arise And Shine: Heavenly Father, the prayers of the saints are like incenses displayed before You. May You release Your mighty power to turn Taiwan over, cleanse the land, turn the heart back to the true God, and may God’s will be done in Taiwan as it is in heaven. (Revelation 8:3-5) We declare in the name of Jesus Christ:
- God will shake Taiwan to tear down the sinful altars of idols, destroy the temples of idols and dragons, eradicate the rule of dark power, and restore the holy beauty of Taiwan God created her for!
- God will rise up the people of Taiwan, like Esther, for such a time as this!
- God will raise up the church in Taiwan to be bold and courageous and not back down, and became a mighty and powerful instrument of the Kingdom of God!
- The roar of God will rise from Taiwan, and raise up king Cyrus of Taiwan. Who is righteous, compassionate, humble, and walked with God!
- God will raise Taiwan up like the crown of fire in the Pacific Ocean, burning for the one, and only true God!
Revival Testimony:The Great Revival of Pyongyang
Since 1907 till now, the fire of Holy Spirit has been spreading from the Datong River of Pyongyang to the whole land of the Korean Peninsula for several hundred years. In 2005, the data published by the Korean government indicated that Buddhism accounted for 22.8% while Christianity (including the Catholics) exceeded 28.3%. The greatest church Yoido Full Gospel Church is standing by the Hangang River of Seoul. But the past missionary history in Korea was filled with bloodshed of many innocent lives of the missionaries and believers. They were martyred by the ignorance and cruelty of the people. … Detailed Reading
Related Events and Prayer Background
Nation / Global Critical Event: Pray for Uganda – Moving The Embassy to Jerusalem
【Spiritual Conditions : During the period of 1775-1990, the church in Uganda experienced six transformational movements. God transformed Uganda from a country of idolatry and witchcraft to a country dominated by Jesus Christ. A country that is proud of being a Christian, from the President, the heads of ministries to civilians:
- The proportion of Christians has increased from 5% to 75%, and the life threatening AIDS has dropped from 34% to 5%.
- In the 50th Anniversary of Independence National Prayer in 2012, Uganda President Yoweri Museveni led the people of the country to repentance.
- In February 2014, a bill to combat homosexual acts and punish homosexuals was passed.
- Presently, the Christian population accounts for 84% (including 45.1% of Christianity and 39.3% of Catholicism), but the spiritual life of believers still needs to be deepened, and the church also has issues with false teachers and corruption. Witchcraft is still prevalent in rural tribal areas, and the Muslim population is also increasing (13.7%).
Building Relationships With Israel: Some countries in East Africa, including Uganda, are increasingly interested in the technology provided by Israel and may move their embassies in Israel to Jerusalem or to establish diplomatic relations with Israel. In recent weeks, several important Israeli leaders have met with the Ugandan President, and have planted seeds in the heart of the Ugandan President with diplomatic relations with Israel and open the embassy in Jerusalem. A Christian leader, who came with the Israeli leaders, said: “Right before us, he ordered the Minister of Tourism to promote direct flights between Israel and Uganda.”】(Source: House of Prayer at Uganda)
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Pray for Afghanistan: Prayer Watch for Afghan – Father God’s Precious People
【Current Events : Afghanistan ranked 2nd in the 2019 Global Watch List, and for two consecutive years, almost the same as North Korea which ranks number 1. There are 36 million Muslims in Afghanistan, but only a few thousand Christians. What come to mind when you think of Afghanistan? “Taliban? Holy Warrior? Terrorist attack? War? Women who don’t see the light of day?” These may be our impression of Afghanistan’s long-standing predicament. Country such as Afghanistan, seems hopeless but the good news is, according to the latest statistics from the Operation World, Afghanistan is currently the second fastest growing Christian community in the world and there are many evangelical ministries in the region.
However, presently the Constitution stipulates that Afghanistan is an Islamic country and does not allow citizens to convert from Islam to other countries. Christians are facing the persecution from government and tribal societies:
- There are no church buildings in Afghanistan. Many Christians have no way to connect with believers in the underground network. Some believers live secretly in areas closely controlled by extremist organizations such as the Islamic State or the Taliban, so they feel isolated and out of fear. Christians do not dare to connect with each other and only meet in secret.
- Local Christians are extremely vulnerable. Their families often force believers to return to Islam. If they refused to return, Christians may be severed from family, evicted, abused, imprisoned, or even killed. Government and extremist organizations are another threat to Christians.
- Many Afghans are listening to Christian radio broadcasts or downloading Christian material from the Internet. Some of them are sincere but lonely. Others are disappointed with Islam and want to know more about Jesus. In addition, the church in Iran is growing, and Christians in Iran often bring the gospel to their relatives and friends in Afghanistan.
Social Situations
- Afghan women are not protected or respected. They have no rights, and many are even deprived of basic education or medical care. They are often neglected, abused, and harshly treated, but the government has given them no protection. They are the most neglected group, not only they are denied the right to education, medical treatment, but also often abused and despised. They need shelter from Christ and be embraced by the love of the Father.
- Afghanistan is one of the largest drug exporters, corruption, and drug trafficking have jeopardized the country’s development.
- The Islamic State and some extremist organizations are developing their power and control in Afghanistan causing social unrest in the country.】 (Source: Open Doors, The Journey to Change the World – Pray for Nations)
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Pray For USA: Spiritual Stronghold behind the Democrat Party
- Judges 16:20b ‘Samson did not know that the Lord has left him.’
- Genesis 6:5 ‘The Lord observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, and He saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil.’
- Proverbs 29:2 ‘When the righteous increases, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.’
- Matthew 7:14 ‘But the gateway to life is very narrow, and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.’
【Alert: Democratic’s anti-God and anti Judeo-Christian values are trying to replace godly principles with intended chaos through fake Christianity, sound science, universal, humanistic principles, Sodom family values, and atheism. (Judg. 16:20b)
The recent revelation from Democratic Election Debates carried loud message calls for ‘rational public policy based on sound science and universal humanistic values’, tax-funded ‘unrestricted abortion’, family value of Sodom, confiscation of wealth for redistribution, just to name a few. (Gen. 6:5)
Stronghold Indicators (Prov. 29:2)
Democrats’ radical agenda is ripping off the biblical constitutions spiritually and politically: ‘Atheism’ is their new-found faith. In January 2019, the new Democratic-controlled House looked to pass a bill to take God out of the oath-taking sworn-in ceremony, but was immediately blocked by the House of Republicans.
Anti-Judeo Christian values ideology has been taking roots in their hearts as the basis evil uses to build strongholds. These strongholds give the evil ungodly structure to carry out his plans on earth. These plans included blocking the advancement of the Kingdom of God, the spiritual and political enslaving of humanity. It seems to have succeeded in blinding the Democrat party, the media and the popular culture.
Faith is back in America today (Mt. 7:14)
A researcher from ‘Focus on the Family’ wrote……
‘People who were nominal Christians in mainline denominations now describe themselves as unaffiliated, or none. Meanwhile, evangelical churches are growing rapidly. Robust Christianity is not shrinking, not even among young adults. It’s holding quite firm and even growing in many important ways. On all contrary, it’s the increasing liberalized, orthodoxy-denying, and lukewarm faith that’s sinking as if it has a mill stone around its neck!’
It’s encouraging to know the fabric of faith is being restored. Is it because of the increasing evil oppression of violence, crimes, and death? The pain of losing our nation? The fall of morality and sanity? May God raise up America with the finishing faith like never before.】
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Pray for The First Nation : Pray For the Awakening of the First Nations in Turtle Islands – The “Awakened” Documentary Film
(Source: Pastor David Peng @ New Jersey)
Here are the ongoing projects besides the “Awakening ” documentary film:
- We found that the First Nations in North America, in fact, are related to China, Japan, and South Korea. God has prepared a Korean missionary, who has been in China for many years, to help translate the DVD into Korean.
- We are also aware of the need to produce a simplified Chinese version of the DVD for brothers and sisters in mainland China, which are currently underway.
- A new documentary film based on the prayer journey of the nine Sioux reservations South Dakota is underway.
Therefore, I sincerely invite you to participate in the great assignment because it would take a lot of prayers for all the First Nations to be awakened. The documentary film is an important way to spread the message repeatedly. We need to support Greg Miller to complete his second film because more people need to see, know, and understand God’s plan. Here are some things we can help:
- Welcome to order online videos or DVDs, website (click HERE ) (currently only in English, but Chinese subtitles have been completed. The online version will be launched soon, and we hope to have a Korean version soon)
- Offering can be sent to immerseyourself@mac.com via PayPal or by sending checks (payable to Immersion) to the following address:
809 W Riordan Rd, Suite 100, #286, Flagstaff, AZ 86001
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Pray For Hong Kong: The Immortal Names under the Lion Rock – Writing to Hong Kong on this Turbulent day
【Current Affairs: This summer, Hong Kong, the forever shining bright pearl of the East that glitters in South China, has never illuminated the world so brightly, capturing the attention of the entire world. For months, the shocking images in the media have been lingering in my heart, even though my family and friends have warned me who had settled in the UK: “Do not return to Hong Kong”, but my heart is raging and stirred with the emotion of “Home Sickness”. Because what I have witnessed is not riots, but the “love” and “righteousness” that is part of the people of Hong Kong who has the unchanging sincerity and persistence!
People In The City Is Sincere And Loving
Hong Kong is where I grew up. She went through poverty and finally stepped into the so-called stability, prosperity, and jumped into the ranks of “International Financial Centers. The place is densely populated, the living environment is very tight and narrow, the pace of life is very fast, and Cantonese language sounds very quick and fast. People who know Hong Kong from popular police films will feel that they are intrigued, utilitarian, and even ruthless people, but in actuality they are not.
Hong Kong people are sincere and rich in “love”. They are made up of many small groups of people. They met under the Lion Rock, living a grassroots lifestyle. They laid down their differences, help each other, joined hands to conquer, and challenges fearlessly. Songwriter Luo Wen, who has passed away, once sang the song, “Under the Lion Rock” , which vividly describes this hard-working Hong Kong spirit and inspiring countless Hong Kong people who works hard, until now, this spirit is burning the hearts of Hong Kong. It will quite a difficult task to defeat them.
The Cradle of Modern Chinese Democracy
In the history of modern China, Hong Kong is a very important place and the birthplace of the Revolution of 1911. Sun Yat-sen, who was studying in Hong Kong in his early years, was exposed to Western culture and was enlightened by the spirit of freedom, democracy, and perseverance for the struggle for human rights and equality. Later, when a revolutionary organization was established in Hong Kong, which is the Republic of China of today. Under the rule of the British Government, the Christian culture originating from the United Kingdom has also blossomed in Hong Kong which established countless Christian schools and hospitals. Laid the foundation for Christianity to be rooted in the “Hong Kong Land”.
In addition, the popularity of English education in Hong Kong has led many missionaries around the world to use Hong Kong as a hub to travel to mainland China and East South Asia to spread the gospel.
The spirit of the rule of law and the efficient administrative procedures in Hong Kong have always been praised by the world. The generosity of Hong Kong people’s disaster relief is even more amazing. For the globe, this “tiny spot” is really like a “ant squad”. But it has made great contributions to the “Great Mission of the Kingdom of God”. The seeds of many gospels have been spread throughout the world through Hong Kong and then thrived, matured, and bearing much fruits.
Since 1997, Hong Kong is in constant change. Many things have impacted the heart of the “Hong Kong people”. Some chose to leave. Some accepted the facts and taking one day at a time, as long as they can live normally and peacefully. However, in the past few years, the hearts of the people of have collectively filled with all kinds of indignation and emotions. It is the”Extradition Bill” this year that detonated the pain that has been suppressed for a long time became unstoppable and intensified, and the deception and evil hidden within the human nature are being exposed. It terrified the world. Hong Kong at this moment is like a play on the international stage and people are watching to see how it will end.
Young People Are Awaken, Willing To Fight
I have immigrated to foreign land for many years. I have never loved Hong Kong as much as now. I feel that I belong only to Hong Kong, not any other comfortable country.
There are my family and friends. It was there I went to church and became a Christian, three years of church life in Hong Kong, laid the foundation for my lifelong purse of Jesus, and to firmly obey the Bible truth and trust in God in any situation. Because in Hong Kong’s culture, there is an atmosphere of persistent. It encourages people to insist on doing the “right thing”.
In the age of material abundance and individualism, the young people group should be living in “Me and Me Alone” and “self-centeredness”. How can countless “fear no death” youths come out of tiny Hong Kong to protest against “Extradition Bill” to the end? This may be an “awakening” because they jumped out of the mode of “little self”, and saw a common “Big Me”, and insisted on “the right thing”. They marched forward without caring for their own lives. Several friends in Hong Kong told me: “Many young people have written their wills, they are willing to fight for the “Five Demands” to death!” It sounds very courageous.
We Know God Reigns In Time of Turbulence
Fortunately, Hong Kong is different from other cities in China. She is the land under “God’s” governance. As early as the Opium War, God separated Hong Kong into a British colony of religious freedom. As churches being built everywhere, the gospel spreaded all over “Hong Kong”. Christianity has already surpassed the “Tianhou Temple” and “Wong Tai Sin” and other folk religions and has become the core belief of the people of Hong Kong. It is no wonder that on June 16th, two million people marched together singing: “Hallelujah praises the Lord”, and my sister who participated spoke with praises: “This is like an evangelistic meeting!”
At this moment, different denominations of Hong Kong also laid down their differences and prayed together in one heart, and the pastors are actively seeking God for salvation and healing. They are declaring: “God must rule and reign in Hong Kong.”
The opening statement of the British literary writer Dickens in the context of the French Revolution, “The Tale of Two Cities”: “This is the best of time and the worst of time. …”. In my opinion, Hong Kong is currently in a “turbulent era and an era of God’s sovereignty!” Because there is no power in heaven and on earth that can compare with God, Satan can not oppose Him, and God has no opponent.
As the age of “God’s Sovereignty” comes, He is the absolute victor, all sin, deception, injustice, and wickedness will be torn down. Only the righteousness of truth can survive. I am watching intently to see how “God’s Sovereignty” can demonstrates God’s ability to govern in the turbulent Hong Kong, so that the whole world will understands that there is only one and only true God who is guarding this territory that belongs to Him miraculously and will write “The Immortal Words For Hong Kong” for those who live under the Lion Rock.
(Source: Chinese Christian Tribune)
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Pray for China: Breakthrough and Transformation – 70 Years the Fullness of Time Has Come, It Is The Moment For China To Enter Into The Destiny of God
【Current Events: God had revealed His destiny for China to Prophet Chuck Pierce In 1986: China will rise up to become the country with the greatest influence, replace the role of the United States in the past and become the country sending out the most missionary in the future.
God will open the doors of other countries in China. We believe the 70 years of Jeremiah is the year of fulfillment, and from 1949 to 2019 is exactly seventy years. This is the moment for China to enters the destiny of God. We are even more convinced that God wants to raise up the Chinese church in various fields to transform China.
We believe that God allows the persecution to come to the Chinese church again, in order to raise up a young generation, to make them a strong and courageous generation of Joshua, to undertake the mission of God to carry on the mission God has given to the global Chinese, and to bring the gospel back to Jerusalem. We encourage global intercessors to stand with Chinese church once again, to bless the Church in China to continue to shine, to fill the land of China with the glory of God, making China the blessings for the kingdom of God!
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Pray for Taiwan – The 2020 Presidential Election Is In a Stalemate
【Current Events:Taiwan will hold a presidential general election on January 11, 2020. Only four months left. The campaigns for the election are in full swing. The competition is fierce and ugly in words and actions through the media. Candidates should be cautious about their words and deeds, and the people must be wise and discerning regarding their sacred vote.
The Church Exhorts The People: The vicious election culture in Taiwan has overshadowed the entire territory in darkness and evil words of criticism and accusations. The church is warning the public about the devastating consequences of destructive words. The damage to the people, will not be gone even after the election is over. People’s hearts and relationships will be broken even more causing more harm.
Candidates Participate In Temple Worship: President and legislators of Taiwan often participate in temple worship activities, for the purpose of winning people’s votes.】
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Revival Testimony:The Great Revival of Pyongyang
Since 1907 till now, the fire of Holy Spirit has been spreading from the Datong River of Pyongyang to the whole land of the Korean Peninsula for several hundred years. In 2005, the data published by the Korean government indicated that Buddhism accounted for 22.8% while Christianity (including the Catholics) exceeded 28.3%. The greatest church Yoido Full Gospel Church is standing by the Hangang River of Seoul. But the past missionary history in Korea was filled with bloodshed of many innocent lives of the missionaries and believers. They were martyred by the ignorance and cruelty of the people.
The sowing of the bloody missionary road The large scale Great Persecution from 1866 till 1871 led to the death of 9 French fathers out of the 12 arrested and death of 8,000 believers (which is called the “Bing Yin Evil Prison” in history). In 1866, the first Christian Reverend Robert Thomas was also martyred for transporting Bibles on an American ship. Robert J. Thomas, from 1839-1866, was the son of a British pastor. After graduation in 1863 he entered the London Missionary Society. On August of 1866, less than 3 years of having stayed in Asia, Thomas was on his way in a commercial ship to Pyongyang and brought with himself many Chinese Bibles. Wherever the ship stopped by he distributed the Bibles.
At that time Korea closed its doors to foreigners and stopped all international trades.When the ship arrived in Pyongyang, the Korean soldiers burned it down with fire. Anyone who attempted to fleewere killed immediately. But Thomas was extremely bold, not afraid to die. When the ship was being burned, he began throwing Bibles, the spiritual books and the gospel tracts unto the land. When it was his turn to get off the ship, being the last one, he was holding with his two arms lots of books.He strode through the water to get ashore, knelt before a soldier and the crowd, with his hands high up in the air to hand them the Bibles. When he fell down because of the beating by the Koreans, he squeezed the Bibles into their hands. They killed him, totally unaware that he came to Korea to help them. The 27-year-old young missionary brought the love of Christ to Asia from afar through many dangers and was martyred by the Datong River upon arrival. A kernel of wheat thus fell to the ground and died, but produced many seeds.
The very same day by the Datong River, an 11-year old boy Ming Da Huang (another translation says he saw the process of the martyrdom of Thomas) just carelessly picked up 3 Bibles that Thomas threw out. Also Zhi Liang Choi(phonic translation) also picked up a Bible, knowing it’s a forbidden book, and handed it over to an official in Pyongyang called Yong Zhi Pu(phonic translation). He didn’t burn it at once; instead, he took it home, tore it up page by page, and pasted it with glue on the wall as wallpapers. Thank God that the “wallpapered Bible” eventually led Yong Zhi Pu to believe in the Lord, as well as Zhi Liang Choi who also believed in Christ after visiting Pu very often at his home.
That youngster Ming Da Huang who picked the Bible up later became a member of Jiang Bian. And Zhi Liang Choi became an elder in one of the churches in Pyongyang. As for the house covered with Bible sheets, it became the first church in Pyongyang, which is the origin of the Pyongyang Great Revival in 1907. The ones who picked up the Bibles from Thomas, as well as the first Christian sister Xing Han Lee in Korea, and the person who got the last Bible of Thomas, Chun Chuan Pu, also became a minister in a church 30 years later. They later found out that among the many people who flooded into churches, quite a number of them were the ones who picked up the Bibles that Thomas threw out.
Yuanshan Revival Movement Actually, when we talk about the Pyongyang Great Revival, its origin started in Yuashan in 1903. Through the Holy Spirit, Robert Hardie, a speaker in a prayer meeting confessed in tears to the missionaries and during Sunday services before the congregation, “In fact we have never loved the Koreans. I always feel I’m far superior than the Koreans. I rely on my diploma from my medical school more than on Holy Spirit. I always feel they are very filthy whenever I see Koreans. I think their cuisinesand their culture are undeveloped.My heart is so filled with this kind of arrogance…”. He repented in front of everybody of his pride, hardheartedness, and lack of faith. This confession initiated the Pyongyang Great Revival. A western missionary who had been highly esteemed in the hearts of Koreans would so humbly repent in front of them all, and this brought tremendous impact to the Korean believers.
Pyongyang Great Revival From Jan 12th 1907 on, W.N. Blair shared messages at the Presbyterian and the Deacon’s Bible study in Pyongyang. He mentioned the body of Christ from the book of I Corinthians 12:27 that we are the body of Christ. But the following evening, the meeting became very cold, as though Satan was crushing over the whole congregants. It seemed he had hindered the ascension of the prayers. Even Elder Ji Shen Zou asked the congregation, “Are you all dead?”. Both he and the missionaries didn’t think the Bible study should end like this, so in the noon prayer meeting on the 14th when they gathered they prayed earnestly, but this time God didn’t ignore their prayers. After the message shared by William B. Hunt, pastor Ji Han Lee came to the podium to ask the members to open their mouths to pray together.As they began praying, it was different from the day before.
At that time, Elder Ji Shen Zou stood up and repented before everyone, “I’m a very bad person. Because of me, God cannot bless us. When my friend was dying one year ago, he asked me to go to his home and said, ‘Eelder Ji, I’m departing from this world.Please take care of my wife and children.’ I replied to him, ‘I will, don’t worry.’ But when I managed his finances, I stole an equivalent of US 100 dollars.It is me who is hindering God’s work. Tomorrow morning I’ll return this money to his family.” After the repentant confession of Ji Shen Zou, the strange force that was oppressing the church seemed to have vanished.
After the meeting, about 600 people stayed on and kept praying, and around 2 am, a strong visitation of the Holy Spirit came, which was deemed the strongest power since the Pentecost from the book of Acts.The Pyongyang Great Revival started. The spirit of repentance by Holy Spirit fell upon the 600 people, and it was their first time to have ever experienced the work of the Holy Spirit. According to London Times, when people uttered “Father!”, there would flow an irresistible force from the outside to the inside of the sanctuary. Members started crying and praying fervently through the night. This kind of fervent touch lasted for several days; their open prayers together echoed among the pillars. No one would say the heart-piercing weeping came from eruption of broken hearts. They all knew that was the sounds of praises out of the pouring of the Holy Spirit.
Subsequently many churches held special meetings in Pyongyang for up to one month. Even schools needed to stop classes for the children to gather and weep for their wrong-doings. Two 9-year old boyscried and said after the meeting that they would pray for their unsaved parents. Two years later, their families were all saved. The currents of the Great Revival spread to every street in Pyongyang. Repentance didnt just mean confession and crying, but also repentant actions. People started to return items or money they owed and admit that they had hurt each other. They even included the recompense for their past sins. Peace always followed after this kind of redemptive actions. During those days, the people of the whole city went to each house they had harmed and asked for forgiveness and returned items and money, Christians and nonbelievers alike.The gigantic river of revival also flowed into the city schools. At the prayer meeting led by Jin Chun Shin in the Chun De School, about 300 students repented publicly. The fire also spread to the schools and students in the Deacon’s denomination. Every alley and street in Pyongyang was visited with the torrent of the great revival.
Those Korean Christians who were cleansed by the spiritual fire made a wish to spread the gospel to the whole nation in one year. They donated lots of money to send the chosen preachers to preach in the un-reached areas. Then, in order to increase the effects of spreading gospels, they printed several million copies of the Bible, and sold 700,000 copies in one year. Moreover, they sent missionaries overseas to evangelize abroad. For example, they sent a missionary to Hansen in Siberia to feed the Korean immigrants there. Besides, many were sent to remote islands, while some were sent to the provinces in Mainland China.
The revival movement opened a new era for the Korean Christian churches. Even today its impacts still reach to the hearts. Though it was filled with all sorts of political, warring, social, and economic problems at that time, it couldn’t have slowed down the fire of Holy Spirit. Whether it was church, seminary or general schools, it was all filled with the torrents of revival. Churches had strong burdens to pray, as well as burdens to preach to all over Korea, Japan, and China. Therefore, the focus for the first of newly founded Korean meeting is evangelism. When believers were set free from hatred, revival came. This power of revival also sustained the Koreans churches for the coming 36 years of persecution from the Japanese colonialism(In 1910 Japan officially merged Korea, and the Japanese occupation lasted till 1945 until the end of the Second World War).
Through the genuine repentance of the Korean Christians, their living out of the Word of God, and unceasing prayers, we have seen the marvelous things in the Pyongyang Revival. Just like what the reporter William T. Ellis of the Philadelphia Press excitedly recorded the influence of the revival movement towards Korea: “Now, Christianity is changing the characters of Korea.” Through the repentant prayer in unison from these Korean Christians, it birthed the Pyongyang Great Revival, and it changed Korea. May God also provoke the body of Christ in all the globe to fast and pray in unison to shift the nations, so the will of God can be done on earth as it is in heaven!