Daily Prayer (2019/9/4)
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Wave of Revival |
Editor’s Words
Pray for Organizers, leaders and editorial team of this 40-day fast
Please pray for the people who are involved in organizing and making this Global 40 Day Prayer And Fast movement possible. Particularly, please pray for the spiritual leaders, their co-workers, and their family members, the behind-the-scene editorial team and their spiritual coverings, and family members. Please ask God to:
- protect everyone involved in the global prayer and fast and their families. May God watch their coming and going and keep them healthy with prosperous spirits, souls, and bodies.
- bless the editorial team to be able to receive from God and translate it into words speedily and accurately.
Hong Kong Breakthrough Report
Hong Kong (CNN) – Hong Kong’s embattled leader Carrie Lam has finally fully withdrawn a controversial bill that allowed extradition to mainland China and sparked three months of dramatic protests in the financial hub.
- Formal withdrawal of the revised draft of the fugitive offenders regulations;
- Full support for the investigation of the IPCC, will add two new members to the Supervisory Police
- Communicate with the public through dialogue;
- Invite experts to study the issue and promise to replace the opposition with dialogue in the future.
Hong Kong Legislative Council Democrats representative pointed out on the eve of September the 4th that Chief Executive Carrie Lam’s announcement came too late and reiterated that the all five major demands must be met. The chairman of the Democratic Party suspected this is just a strategy of the government to further divide the people and hopes to dissipate some people. If the masses still do not accept the government’s concession decision and continue to demonstrate, the government will have an excuse to implement the emergency law. He pointed out that the two members appointed by Carrie Lam to join the IPCC were pro-Hong Kong government and could not talk about independence. This is only to protect the police.
Activist Joshua Wong, who was last week arrested in a police sweep of activists and opposition politicians, wrote on Twitter: “Carrie Lam’s repeated failure in understanding the situation has made this announcement completely out of touch – She needs to address to ALL Five Demands: STOP PROSECUTION, STOP CALLING US RIOTERS, INDEPENDENT INQUIRY OF POLICE and FREE ELECTION!”
Nearly 80 churches in Hong Kong will hold regional prayer meetings on September 6. Hong Kong Christians, regardless of denominations to unite together to call on the Lord, and pray to God under one theme “Pray for Hong Kong: mend the division, heal the wound and a way out for the difficult situation, trust and believe by praying together, by looking to the Lord and join all effort together for strength.”
Please continue to pray for more breakthroughs in Hong Kong: (Source of Prayers: Hong Kong Incubator Ministry)
- The church can lay down her own agendas and opinions, totally become one, to receive the authority from the Court of of heaven, and break through the current stalemate.
- Lord, please help Hong Kong people to control their emotions, especially those who are negative and emotional. Potect and comfort their hearts!
- Keep thoughts of extreme anxiety, violent, self-destructive, and “end it all” from the young people. Lord please direct their hearts and give them hope for the future!
- Pray for wisdom and patient for Hong Kong Police, not to have a mentality of revenge, and to handle everything justly and treat the arrested demonstrators with grace and kindness. May the supernatural grace come between the police and the people! May there be more police to come to know You!
Daily Updated Prayers
Pursuing Intimacy With God: Godliness
Titus 2:11-13 “For the grace of God hath appeared, bringing salvation to all men, instructing us, to the intent that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live self-controlled and upright and godly in this present age; looking for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ;”
Dear Abba Father,
We come before You today to thank You for helping us to persevere in prayer and fasting. During this time, we want to meditate more upon Your love and teachings of the Bible. Oh Father, teach us to live a godly life. How we long to live the life according to Titus 2:11-13, a life of self-control and uprightness and godliness in this present age waiting for the blessed hope. As we pause and ponder, You show us that only those who have the light of God are able to live a godly life; those who do not have the light of God, even though they may appear to be godly, they do not have the godliness in them. Oh Abba Father, bring us deeper and closer to You that we may understand that to be godly is to be like You: whatever the father says, the child says; whatever the father does, the child does. How much You want us to have Your likeness both inside and outside; oh Father, we are willing to be molded into Your likeness! Let our temperament, actions, words, attitudes and every aspect of our lives be like our heavenly Father. Oh, how great is Your mercy and grace toward us! Father, we bow our knees and worship You. We want to bless You every day and praise Your name forever and forever!
In the name of Lord Jesus we pray, Amen!
Repentance for Church 06
- Psalm 127: 3-5 Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame.
- Prov 22:6 Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
- John 16:13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.
Abba, Father, our children are rewards and blessings from You, they are like arrows in the hand of a mighty warriors, we should teach our children with the way and the word of God, so that they will not depart from You when they are old. We confess and repent for accepting the wrong theology. We studied the Bible, but did not seek Your face before You. You have given us the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, and the Spirit of Truth to lead and guide us into all truth. Instead we rely on our own way of reading and studying to understand the Bible. So there is no life in our words, we replaced the work of the Holy Spirit with religious rituals and various activities. We can’t live the life of Jesus. We only received partial salvation, not the gospel of the kingdom of God. Abba Father, we all come short of the glory of God. Therefore, the church can not see Your glorious presence. Our children, the next generation, are unable to withstand the tide of the world. Out of our self-righteous, we replaced the glory of God with religious activities in teaching our children. Most of our minds are not renewed, our lives are influenced gradually by the thoughts of mankind, schools of the world, vain conversations, theology of man, replaced the Word of God. Please forgive our transgressions, sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Lord Jesus! Give Your Spirit of wisdom and revelation, to illuminate the eyes of our hearts, so that we can truly know You and establish an intimate relationship with You. Help us to demolish strongholds that resist the will of God in our lives and the church, for our minds to be renewed day by day, and break away from the sins that entangle us, and not conform to the world, but to be molded into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ and set an example for our children. May Your grace and mercy comes to our children, to set them free and heal them. Give them the spirit of supplication to watch and pray, teach us how to war, so we can pray for our children without ceasing, for Your will be done in their lives, as it is in heaven. Help the parents to trust in You more and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit to support our next generation. Please raise up spiritual parents to help the young people that need help. Give the church and parents humility, open hearts, not to run from sensitive issues, not manage in an authoritarian way, but sincerely honor and accept them, guide not correct, discipline not punish, bless not curse, edify, comfort and exhort them, so they can know they are children of God, with royal and honorable identity, enter into their destiny, and magnify the glory of the Father!
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Daily Declaration: Declaration Prayer For President Trump
We declare in the name of Jesus:
- For President Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign
- God will continue to use President Trump to fulfill the destiny for the United States.
- God will give President Trump word of wisdom and vigorous energy in every campaign trail.
- President Trump’s safety:
- God keeps President Trump and his family safe and blessed coming in and going out and no witchcraft spells or curses released from the Dark forces be fulfilled.
- God will watch over and protect President Trump from any assassination plan, including attacks on health, disease, traffic accidents, murder, and death.
- President Trump’s administration:
- President Trump will acknowledge You in all his way to pray and seek You, and not rely on his own understanding.
- You will direct his strategies for the nation of United States or international issues. Give him wisdom in his language and spirit of counsel, so his words will be sharp like the two edged sword with power and authority.
- God, strengthen President Trump to walk in righteousness, justice, and do what is right in Your eyes. Everything that he does according to Your will can be accomplished.
- The construction of the border wall will be completed on schedule.
- President Trump’s Cabinet:
- God rule and reign the relationship between President Trump and his cabinet and all the aides have a righteous spirit.
- The message report to Trump is accurate and no work of the enemy will be allowed.
- God prepares the necessary cabinet for President Trump. Strengthens their hearts and work closely with President Trump in one heart to accomplish God’s will.
- President Trump is honored and respected:
- The Almighty God of the universe is behind President Trump.
- All those who resist him will see that President Trump is the anointed one of God to honor and submit to him.
- All spirit of lies, accusations and distortion, and personal attacks through the media and from leaders of the world and all sector be completely stopped and diminished.
- Bless President Trump:
- God will bless President Trump and his family with abundance.
- Protect President Trump’s entire family be prosper and be in health as their soul prosper, and harmony in their marriage.
In the name of Jesus, we pray, Amen!
Nation / Global Critical Event: Pray For Argentina – Religiously Fearful
【 Background:Catholicism is very much a way of life and religious culture in Argentina. Catholicism represents faith in Christ, also in traditional local idols, saints, incorporated into syncretic worship (pagan worship a combination of ancient, tribal, or local customs into a religious system). (Lev. 26:1) Being fearful and superstitious are normal religious practice. … Detailed Reading】
- 1 John 3:8 ‘For this purpose the Son of God was manifested. That He ,ight destroy the works of the devil.’
- Ezekiel 13:22 ‘You have discouraged the righteous with your lies, but I didn’t want them to be sad. And you have encouraged the wicked by promising them life, even though they continue in their sins.’
- 2 Corinthians 10:5 ‘We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.’
- Father, we ask for forgiveness for Argentina for the needed healing of war, bloodshed, division, strife and power struggles; occult idol worship. Please remove transgressions from the land, church, and her people.
- Father, we renounce the lie of Satan in idolatry worship (Eze 13:22); we renounce the spirit of Mind Control behind drug addiction, fear, and pride. We cut off its tentacles over the people’s brains over their desires for drugs. We cast out the spirit of Mind Control (2 Cor. 10:5) and all its ruling princes. God, heal Your People and set them free to run to Your powerful salvation.
- We bind up the spirit of Murder and cut off its cords; we cast out spirits of fear, pride, and violence. We cast out the spirits of religion, Anti-Christ, witchcraft, superstition, and their entities. In Jesus’ Name.
- We pray for godly, anointed leaders placed in the October Election and every election to align with God’s destiny for Argentina. We pray for spiritual awakening to true Gospel of Jesus to end-time Harvest and Harvesters fulfilling the holy calling for Argentina. (1 John 3:8)
Weekly Updated Prayers
Pray For USA: Keep the Children off ‘Puberty Blocker Treatment’
【Current Event : Students across the nation soon be returning to classrooms may encounter their new-former friends whose gender is changed through either hormone therapy or undergone ‘gender change’ surgery. … detailed reading】
- 1 Timothy 6:19 By doing this they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so that they may experience true life.
- Deuteronomy 22:5 A woman must not put on men’s clothing, and a man must not wear women’s clothing. Anyone who does this is detestable in the sight of the Lord your God.
- 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or homosexuality, or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people – none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God
- 1 Corinthians 11:14-15 Isn’t it obvious that it’s disgraceful for a man to have long hair? And isn’t long hair a woman’s pride and joy? For it has been given to her as a covering.
- 1 John 4:4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One in you is greater than the one who’s in the world.
- Genesis 1:27 So God created human beings in His own Image. In the Image of God He created them; male and female He created.
- Reversal of Evil: Father, we ask for reversal to all the transgender drug experiments, we pray You will shift the entire medical community that they will refuse this ideology (1 Tim 6:19), the righteous medical authorities speaking out against these practices until they disappeared. Parents will speak out against it, Educators and Churches will speak out, President Trump will abolish all their works against innocent children!
- Shut down of WPATH, NIH, LGBTQ movement, Drug Therapy Portal: Father, we pray for closing down of these physical and spiritual portals, their dominances and resources (Deu. 22:5). We’re calling out the spirit of Leviathan, Mind-Control, any and all of the foul spirits in operations in claimed territories, to be bound and burned up by the ‘Fire’, dried up of their waters and powers! We command the two-spirits now bound, blinded, gagged and crushed in the Name of Jesus!
- Redemption and Conviction: Father, we stand in the gap for parents, homosexual and transgender parents, families (1 Cor. 6:9-10) who befriended the fallen culture, trapped in lies, pain, rejection, confusions, hopelessness and sins, we repent for all these and plead the cleansing power of Your blood for every convicted soul and body. We pray for deliverance and healing for all and the young children possessed by the lying spirits (1 John 4:4), LGBTQ 2-spirits and confusions. Father, please unshackle them and set them free to the inherent holiness of God and identity. We pray for bold voices to rise up in church, homes, medical communities, educators, ex-homosexuals. We call every birth is of God’s gift (1 Cor. 11:14-15), daughters and sons are born with God-given femininity for girls, and masculinity for men, and to proclaim salvation and destinies of their lives (Gen 1:27). In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Pray for Israel: Repent for the Church and Bless Israel
【Background: Two thousand years ago, the gospel of the Kingdom of God, passed down from the Jews of early church to the Gentiles, greatly impacted the whole world far and wide. But Satan has blinded the Gentile Christians making us believe that God has rejected the Jews and replaced Israel with the church. However, God’s people began to see the truth when they saw the restoration of the modern day Israel fulfilling the prophecy of the Bible. We finally understand that the election of the Jews is irrevocable and that God’s covenant with Abraham is an eternal covenant.
During the forty days of prayer and fasting, as we anticipate the arrival of the Jewish New Year – 5780, we hope to see more Gentile churches being stirred up to fervently intercede for the salvation and peace of Jerusalem, that the nations would once again see her in God’s glory. 】
- Isaiah 40:1 “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.”
- 2 Corinthians 1:4 “who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”
- Isaiah 66:10 ““Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her; rejoice greatly with her, all you who mourn over her.”
- Exodus 2:24 “God heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob.”
- Micah 6:8 “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
- Repent for the Church: Abba Father, You are the God who is, who was and who is to come. Forever You change not and Your election of the Jews is irrevocable. Oh Father, we repent before You; forgive the church’s years of neglect and opposition toward Your chosen people. We falsely believed that You have rejected them and that the church has replaced Israel, thus giving the evil a foothold to harm her. Oh Father, we ask that You would give us the love of Christ to love them and intercede for them. Oh, raise up more watchmen to call on the Lord day or night for Jerusalem. Let us not be silent and give ourselves no rest. Let us give You no rest till You establish Jerusalem and make her the praise of the earth.
- Pray for Israel’s Salvation: Abba Father, we pray for Israel and call out to her! Awake o Israel, cease from your slumber! Oh Father, release Your truth and set her free. Israel shall know her Redeemer in the Year of Jubilee. Father, out of the furnace of much affliction, You have chosen her; You will give her gold for brass and silver for iron. Oh Israel, Jesus has redeemed you and Father has chosen you and graven You on His palms. Oh Israel, you shall know your Redeemer as you call out to Him, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.”
Pray for The First Nation : First Nations in Turtle Island – Praise Report of Choctaw Seek Gathering 
【Background: We prayed for the Seek Gathering (8/2-8/3) in the Oklahoma Choctaws in the “Weekly Prayer (2019/7/29).” (Click here for details ). Thank God, at that gathering, the Choctaws had a great breakthrough. Jennifer Gomez is an intercessor from the Choctaw Nation. She was one of the five first people who were invited by the East Coast family to Taiwan and Japan. She shared the praise report about the breakthroughs in the gathering.
Brian LaBounty,the first people testified last week about how he aligned with God’s thought and received the blessings last week. We believe Brian and Jennifer’s praise reports are just the beginning of the revival among the First Nations. The greater revival is just around the corner! Here is Jennifer’s praise report: … Detailed Reading】
- Psalm 133:1 ‘How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!’
- Transforming the Entire Choctaw : Heavenly Father, we praise Your faithfulness and might! Thank you for answering our prayers and pouring down the anointing of the Holy Spirit in the Seek Gathering in August, and bringing down the unity and breakthroughs to heal their pains and divisions. You have started to establish relationships of family unity among the Choctaws, and You will strengthen them, complete the good work in them , and transform the entire Choctaw!
- Entering the Calling and Destiny of the First Nations: Heavenly Father, thank you for revealing to the Choctaws that they are the watchmen in the kingdom of God. The Choctaws will continue to be raised to help other first nations to understand the identity of the first nations . The love of Jesus Christ will bring the first nations together, to love one another, and to receive the blessings that God has ordained ( Psalm 133:1 ) . We declare that the Choctaw will restore the identity of earth’s eldest son, regaining the authority of the land, and breaking the cursing on the land and all the dark curses, inspiring more first nations of the Turtle Island, entering into God’s calling and destiny for the first nations and bringing the revival to the United States and all over the earth!
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!
Revival Testimony:The Great Awakening Revival Movement of the Eighteenth Century
Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758), known as the Puritan prince, is still considered to be the best theologian in the United States, the main leader of the American Great Awakening Revival Movement in the 18th century, and also regarded as the pioneer of philosophical thinking in the United States. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, when rationalism was rising (which brought about naturalism). The rational supremacy blocked the spiritual life of the church. Edwards was able to combine spiritual life with rational thinking. And lived out the life that was both rigorous and energetic. He also injected his passion into the orthodox theology that was ice cold at that time, so that theology really became the driving force for the renewal of the church. In his ministry, we saw that theology and spiritual life were complementary and inseparable. Faith and life, theology and the Holy Spirit, reason and passion were not mutually exclusive or extreme. Through Edward’s life, revival movement and theological thoughts, we have a lot to meditate on. Edward was born on October 5, 1703 in Connecticut on the east coast of the United States, ranking fifth among eleven brothers and sisters. Both parents were born in a Puritan family: the father was the pastor of the Congregational Church; he was greatly influenced by religious education at home. … Detailed Reading
Sharing of Words: the Year of Watchmen by Jeremiah Johnson
In September of 2018, God began to speak to me concerning the year 2019 out of Isaiah 56 where God begins to rebuke the watchmen of Israel for their failure in fulfilling their assignment to the nation. I believe that in 2019, God has revealed to me that He is going to begin to deal with the watchmen (prophets, leaders and intercessors) who are failing their assignments in their various nations of the earth. Starting in verse nine through 11 in Isaiah 56, God levies 10 indictments on the watchmen in Israel. He says: … Detailed Reading
Related Events and Prayer Background
Nation / Global Critical Event: Pray For Argentina – Religiously Fearful
- Zechariah 4:6 ‘Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts’.
- Leviticus 26:1 ‘You shall not make for yourself idols, nor shall set up for yourself an image or sacred pillar, nor shall you place a figured stone in your land, to bow down to it, for I am the Lord, your God.’
【Background:Catholicism is very much a way of life and religious culture in Argentina. Catholicism represents faith in Christ, also in traditional local idols, saints, incorporated into syncretic worship (pagan worship a combination of ancient, tribal, or local customs into a religious system). (Lev. 26:1) Being fearful and superstitious are normal religious practice.
First time in Argentina history, drug trafficking is rated fifth largest transit location for cocaine to Asia and Europe. Drug use has almost doubled over the last 20 years causing homicide skyrocketed. The church has been collaborating with the government resorting drug prevention programs and rehabilitation centers. (Zec. 4:6)】
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Pray For USA: Keep the Children off ‘Puberty Blocker Treatment’
- Romans 1:26 That’s why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.
- 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.
【Current Event :Students across the nation soon be returning to classrooms may encounter their new-former friends whose gender is changed through either hormone therapy or undergone ‘gender change’ surgery. (Ro. 1:26-27)
Gender Identifier Drugs
Today, children as young as 8 years old are being given ‘untested experiment’ drugs to find out their gender identity, much is pushed by Gender activists and the small selected groups within the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), but increasingly supportive from many medical establishment. Opposing medical experts claimed these drugs actually could cause heart and bone problems and stunt brain growth, condemned it’s a form of ‘child abuse’.
‘Puberty Blockers Treatment’ Drug is given to girl child who identified as a boy, to prevent her from going through the natural human process (puberty). The effects of these hormones medicines are not fully known, but some negative side effects have been widely reported. These children will turn into sex hormone-dependent. NIH (National Institute of Health) recommended kids as young as 8 years take opposite-sex hormones. NIH is strongly funded for study on mastectomies done on girls as young as 13.
‘Child Abuse’ here applies to a child cannot consent of being harmed in a medical study, or in a medical setting, unaware of such harms. Transgender ‘treatments’ experiments on those could not consent because their lack of intellectual capacity or emotional maturity, nor understanding the consequences of what’s going to happen to them.
Political group (WPATH), World Professional Association for Transgender Health is pushing on younger and younger children, pressured guidelines to the Endocrine Society and the American Academy of Pediatrics on opposite-sex treatments (gender identity). Dr. Michael Laidlaw of the Endocrine Society is working to counter gender activists. To educate parents that puberty medicines could not stop the puberty of a boy to turn into girl and becoming a woman is not possible. (1 Cor. 6:19-20)
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Pray for The First Nation : First Nations in Turtle Island – Choctaw Seek Gathering Praise Report
【Background: We prayed for the Seek Gathering (8/2-8/3) in the Oklahoma Choctaws in the “Weekly Prayer (2019/7/29).” (Click here for details ). Thank God, at that gathering, the Choctaws had a great breakthrough. Jennifer Gomez is an intercessor from the Choctaw Nation. She was one of the five first people who were invited by the East Coast family to Taiwan and Japan. She shared the praise report about the breakthroughs in the gathering.
Brian LaBounty,the first people testified last week about how he aligned with God’s thought and received the blessings. We believe Brian and Jennifer’s praise reports are just the beginning of the revival among the First Nations. The greater revival is just around the corner! Here is Jennifer’s praise report:
The Seek Gathering was an appointed time by Holy Spirit for beginning of
transformation amongst the Choctaw People.
Resolve the Enmity of White and Black Choctaws Before the Gathering
Before we got to the meeting the Lord was having the Choctaws, the elders and other people deal with the disunity that was sown into the land. Prior to the meeting the Lord spoke to me about dealing with the
Freedmen issue. The Freedmen were slaves of the Choctaws back from the 1800’s. It was said that the Choctaws were harsh to their slaves. So harsh that eventually it provoked the slaves to kill their masters. Also, the Choctaws did not want to give them land once they were free. So the government stepped into the matter gave the Freedmen land and took more from the Choctaws.
Thursday(8/1) we had a team that was Joe Donnell, a white Choctaw and a black Choctaw (Freedmen descendant), myself and we met with two elders who are full blooded Choctaw. We met at the corner of Southeast Oklahoma, the location of the history between the Choctaws and slaves. At that moment God began to break generational curses with Choctaws and African Americans. There was a reconciliation, forgiveness and unity to move forward. Then we celebrated about the transformation God began.
Find the True Identity of the First Nation
By the time we make it to the meeting Holy Spirit led us into repentance. We realized that night we were throwing all of the burden we put on ourselves. The Lord had me share the calling of the Choctaws in this hour for the First Nations People. We hold a key that unlocks healing, Unity and Family. We will step into this if we are as One, and His Kingdom is established through the fivefold and His government will have no ending. This is the Kingdom! Then one of the Apostles of the Choctaw people asked all of us an important question so we can ask God. He asked us to ask God, “what is my part in Your great plan?” This was very key because it has to do with identity.
That first night we dealt with the orphan spirit, and then Holy Spirit pulled us into our true identity. Most importantly we all were directed to walk in relationship with the Lord about our lives.
Correct the Status of Men and Women in the Kingdom of God
The next morning(8/3) Spirit had the men speak to women. A male teacher address the incorrect teaching about women. This was very important because in this region the women have been devalued in God’s Kingdom. The Word does say wives submit, but it also says love your wife. Also the word says there is no Greek, nor Jew, nor male or female. The man is supposed to love his wife to bring her up to his equal.
Spiritual Birth
That day we also dealt with some other things that were in our culture that are not Holy to the Lord and brought a spirit of death. We stepped into this together and then we had a birth during one of the settings. Actually, it was me who birthed this and one of my best friends. I felt life come forth from this time.
After that there was a revelation that came forth in regards to tithes. In the middle of that revelation one of the elders gets up and says that is the one thing the early missionaries never taught the First Nations People was to tithe. This tithe revelation went into how our Daddy God won’t allow the devour to touch what He’s doing. That brought a lot of insight to us about how the enemy was able to destroy our people.
More Revelation on Enemy’s Tricks
From that meeting we received more revelation of how the enemy set up our
people and stole almost everything. The enemy uses the Word as his strategy to rob
us, and now we are seeing the traps he set up on our lands.
Choctaw’s Calling: Watchmen
One of the important words that came forth from these meetings are we are watchmen. That is a big role for the Choctaws in the Kingdom. We are being held and coming together as a family to take our watchmen positions and we are going to help our First Nations brothers and sisters to know their position too. We are believing to see the transformation on our land and people. This meeting brought many people who have had visions and dreams of the Glory all over the land and people. It’s more than just a feeling of Oneness but it is also to see the transformation. We have already begun to see the firstfruit of those prayers that went forth.
Firstfruits of the Seek Gathering
Our Choctaw National Day of Prayer is September 1, and for the first time we will have the Chief from Oklahoma and the Chief from Mississippi come together to pray for the Choctaw People. 】
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Revival Testimony:The Great Awakening Revival Movement of the Eighteenth Century
Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758), known as the Puritan prince, is still considered to be the best theologian in the United States, the main leader of the American Great Awakening Revival Movement in the 18th century, and also regarded as the pioneer of philosophical thinking in the United States. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, when rationalism was rising (which brought about naturalism). The rational supremacy blocked the spiritual life of the church. Edwards was able to combine spiritual life with rational thinking. And lived out the life that was both rigorous and energetic. He also injected his passion into the orthodox theology that was ice cold at that time, so that theology really became the driving force for the renewal of the church. In his ministry, we saw that theology and spiritual life were complementary and inseparable. Faith and life, theology and the Holy Spirit, reason and passion were not mutually exclusive or extreme. Through Edward’s life, revival movement and theological thoughts, we have a lot to meditate on. Edward was born on October 5, 1703 in Connecticut on the east coast of the United States, ranking fifth among eleven brothers and sisters. Both parents were born in a Puritan family: the father was the pastor of the Congregational Church; he was greatly influenced by religious education at home.
In 1716, he entered Yale College and received a rigorous humanities training. He was fluent in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. In theology, he was particularly interested in the ideas of Newton and Locke (the 17th-century British philosopher, Locke’s parents were Puritans), and these two had become tremendous influence in his future. After graduated from college in 1720, he continued to study in theology at school. On January 12, 1723, he made an important confession before God. He said, “I solemnly dedicated myself to God and recorded this event. I gave up myself and everything I have and gave it all to God; From then on, no matter what, there is no self; In everything I do, no matter what, I have no right for myself. I solemnly swear that my whole body and mind and happiness are in the hands of God; Beside Him, there is nothing else in the world that can be my happiness.” When he graduated from the Institute in 1724, he ranked first in the class. Yale University invited him to return to school as a teaching assistant. In 1727 he had a spiritual experience, recognizing the absolute authority of God and the dependence of man on God.
Revival fire
In 1729, he was appointed as the pastor of the Northampton Anglican Church (position formerly held by his grandfather). He and other local pastors felt that the church was lethargic. Not only in the life of faith, and also in moral life. He was so worried about the human soul that he wanted to reform this situation many times. So he started the reformation with sermons. In 1733, Edwards’ two sermons: “The Holy Spirit directly shines the light of God’s supernatural light on the heart” and “justification by faith”, had caused great resounding effect among believers. It was a reflection of one’s own spiritual conditions, and the power of the Holy Spirit began to work in the heart. In 1734, two young people died in the town, but before their death, they were completely enlightened by the Holy Spirit, and they began to witness the grace of God before they passed away. Because of this, Edwards encouraged everyone to participate in the gathering and engage in talking about faith, instead of wasting life in entertainment or vain talking. In less than a few months, more than 300 people in his congregation acknowledged the name of Christ and began to show signs of revival. And the influence spread to all parts of the East, town after town experienced revival. This was the beginning of the Great Awakening.
In 1735, the phenomenon of revival cooled down slightly to brew a wave of greater waves, but the spiritual influence began to deepen, so he had time to record this movement in detail, and to reflect on theology. He believed that revival was God’s Grace manifested in the renewal of both body and heart. In 1737, he finally wrote and reported on the spiritual revival phenomenon, the book titled “Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God”, which was published in London and Boston. By the end of 1738, it had been republished many times. This book had been widely read and prepared for another wave of “Great Awakening Movement.”
As the work of God continued, the number of true saints multiplied, and soon the town experienced magnificent changes; therefore, in the spring and summer that followed 1735, God seemed to have come to town personally: people was full of love, joy like never before, but also full of repentance. God could be seen working in almost every home. Many families were filled with joy because of receiving salvation; parents rejoiced in their children’s salvation; husbands and wives rejoice in the salvation of their spouse ”
Great Awakening Movement
Because of Edward’s book on the revival movement, this influence not only reached United States but also into the United Kingdom. In 1740, the evangelist George Whitefield (1714-1770) came from United Kingdom to the east coast of the United States for evangelical tours. The fire of the revival was rekindled. When The news of his preaching came out, and the workers within 10 miles radius immediately put down their tools in the shops and in the farm fields to come to the meeting. There were thousands of people in the audience. The church building couldn’t accommodate it. The preaching were mostly done outdoors. People come in groups to accept Jesus Christ. The Great Awakening Movement reached its peak in 1740, and Northampton became the center again. Edwards also became a central figure.
On July 8, 1741, he preached his most famous sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” in Enfield, Connecticut. The fire of revival that Whitefield ignited has burned all over New England. This sermon was extremely powerful, but Edward was preaching in a peaceful and steady way not an emotional scream, he put his left hand on the podium. Read the sermon in his right hand, the scripture in his sermons are in Deuteronomy 32:35: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them
At that moment, the Holy Spirit began to move greatly. The congregation could not control their emotions and began to confess, repent and wept. Some rolled on the floor, and some held on to the seats or the pillar of the church. Obviously at that time, they felt their feet were slipping into hell. Their cries sometimes even drowned the voices of the speakers. They called on the mercy of God. For the whole night, the entire town of Enfield Seems to be facing a great enemy. Great cries can be heard from almost every house, pleading for God to save them.
For the “Great Awakening Movement”, some rationalists hold the attitude of ridicule and negation. They maintained their cold etiquette, boring sermons, and not interested in revival; the other was extremes, excited emotions, and out of order. Unrestrained noise, which brought a bad name to the Great Awakening Movement and opposition. Edwards needed to face situations on both sides. On one hand, he needs to make theological defense for revival as fact. On the other hand, he has to deal with the misunderstanding of the work of the Holy Spirit in the revival movement. His greatest contribution lies in his experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit and the gift of the Holy Spirit, providing a theological basis and pastoral guidance, freeing the church from the doctrine of keeping the doctrine but being lifeless, challenging the balance of believers of the importance of spiritual experiences and sentiment of faith.
On June 22, 1750, the Northampton Anglican Church dismissed Edward Edward Pastor by 230 votes against 23 votes. Because he decided that only those who is truly born again and who have good moral character can be qualified to receive the Holy Communion (and at that time the church allowed the unsaved people to participate in the Holy Communion), because of the persistence of Edwards some of indulged youths were being accused, their parents felt they had lost face and those opposed him, took the opportunity to stir things up, causing the dismissal of a pastor that had served the Lord for 24 years. Later he moved to the church in another town to evangelize the Indians. In 1757, he was appointed as the principal of Princeton University. He took office in January 1758. At that time, the plague broke out in Princeton, unfortunately he was infected with the measles by injecting the vaccine. He died on March 22 at the age of 56.
Edward’s life exalted God’s supreme sovereignty, human original sin and corruption, God’s grace and glory. He valued the knowledge of the truth, but also valued religious experiences . He was convinced that a person who is truly saved must have the Holy Spirit as the mark in his heart. His external life behavior will certainly reflect the reality of his inner life.
The Great Awakening Movement had a positive impact, but there were also very fierce oppositions. Some people thought that the revival was just an show of emotional fanatic, especially the physical reaction in the revival; they thought that some people were imitating others, the revival phenomenon was nothing but a collective hysteria; or think that the preacher described the scene of hell so terrible to scare the people. Therefore, Edward replied to the above misunderstandings with the “Religious Sentiment” and proposed the basis for the Bible to prove the work of the Holy Spirit.
- Concerning strong emotional expression: even if our emotions are strong, we cannot prove that it is spiritual or not. Some people blamed every strong emotional expression. They were biased against anyone who had strong emotions toward God or spiritual things, thinking that such people were deceived. However, emotion does play a big role in the true faith. If there is a rich and true faith in our human life, inevitably, it will produce rich emotions. Love is an emotion. Can any Christian say that we should not feel deep hated and grief towards sin? Or should we not thank Him deeply for the compassion of God? Or should we not be eager in pursuing God and holiness? I Peter 1:8 ‘, “Filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy,” which expresses strong emotions; indeed, the Bible often requires us to have strong emotions. In the first and the greatest commandment, “Love the Lord Your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30) . The Bible also commands us to rejoice greatly ” But May the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful ” (Ps 68:3) . When the Bible records the experiences of believers, they often express their strong emotions. The author of psalm: “How I love Your law” ( Ps .119:97 ). It is proven that high religious feelings are not necessarily a manifestation of fanaticism. Therefore, if we only accuse someone of being a fanatic because of strong emotions, that will be serious mistakes. But on the other hand, our passionate feelings do not prove that they are really spiritual. The Bible shows that some people who are not really saved will be very passionate about religion. For example, in the Old Testament, when the Israelites crossed the Red Sea in the Egyptian exile, their emotions were greatly arose, so they sang praises to Him then, which is recorded in Exodus15:1-21; but soon they forget His deeds.
- Concerning special reaction in the body : We must not judge by the “human body reaction” to determine whether or not God is working. Because even if our body reacts greatly by emotions, we cannot prove that it is spiritual or not. Emotion has influence on the body because of the intimate connection between the body and the soul, the flesh and the heart. Therefore, it is not surprising that strong emotions have a great impact on the body. However, strong emotions may come from the flesh or the spirit. Therefore, a physical influence cannot prove that the experience is only physical, or really spiritual. But a strong and profound spiritual emotion can indeed have a great impact on the body. The psalmist said: “My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out to the living God.” (Psalm 84:2) , it also shows that there is a clear distinction between soul and body. There are many records of the glory of God in the Bible, and a strong physical influence on those who see the glory of God. For example, Daniel said,“So I was left alone, gazing at this great vision; and I had no strength left, my face turned deathly pale and I was helpless” (Den. 10:8) . This is also the reaction of the apostle John when he saw the vision: ” When I saw Him, I fell at His feet, as though dead” (Rev. 1:17).
- Concerning the message about hell: If the preacher often preached sincerely and gently about God’s law being so awesome and holy, and thus bring revival, some say that this revival came because the preacher used the lake of fire in hell to intimidate the congregation. This argument is not without reason. If there is pain and suffering that will never cease, and if there is hell, and if many people are very likely go to hell, then of course they need to be warned! If most people, even those in the so-called Christian countries, will eventually go to hell, then it is necessary to warn them! We must tell them the truth as much as possible. In a worldly crisis. people can not take it lightly.
- Verification of the work of God : If one is more respectful and admires Jesus, it is a clear sign of the work of the Holy Spirit. For example, a person: 1) is convinced that he needs Christ and is brought before Him; 2) believes that Christ has appeared in human history; 3) is more convinced that Christ is the Son of God and is sent by God to save sinners; 4). Recognize that He is the only Savior and a sense of great need for Him; 5). Devote in Him more and admire Him more than before. We are certain that this is work of the Holy Spirit.
(Source: Christian Revival Story Collection)
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Sharing of Words: the Year of Watchmen by Jeremiah Johnson
In September of 2018, God began to speak to me concerning the year 2019 out of Isaiah 56 where God begins to rebuke the watchmen of Israel for their failure in fulfilling their assignment to the nation. I believe that in 2019, God has revealed to me that He is going to begin to deal with the watchmen (prophets, leaders and intercessors) who are failing their assignments in their various nations of the earth. Starting in verse nine through 11 in Isaiah 56, God levies 10 indictments on the watchmen in Israel. He says:
All you beasts of the field, all you beasts in the forest, come to devour. His watchmen are blind; they all are ignorant; they all are dumb dogs, unable to bark; sleepers lying down, who love to slumber. They are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds who cannot understand; they all turn to their own way, every one for his gain, from his territory.
The 10 Indictments
- The watchmen are blind.
- The watchmen know nothing.
- The watchmen are dumb dogs unable to bark.
- The watchmen are dreamers lying down.
- The watchmen love to slumber.
- The watchmen are greedy dogs.
- The watchmen are never satisfied.
- The watchmen are shepherds without understanding.
- The watchmen have turned to their own way.
- The watchmen enjoy unjust gain.
Isaiah invites the beasts of the field to come and devour the land because the watchmen have not fulfilled their assignments. In this time in history, large watchtowers were placed overlooking the fields in Israel. In the seasons when the crops ripened toward harvest, men would stand watch, guarding the fields from animals or from thieves who would steal the crops. With the town’s primary food source at stake, the watchmen’s role was critical. It was even necessary for survival!
Isaiah ends chapter 56 with this: “Come,” they [the watchmen] say, “let us get wine, and let us fill ourselves with strong drink; and tomorrow shall be as today, only more so.” The watchmen in Israel had completely abandoned their calling to the point where they had now become instruments of evil. In an hour where they were needed for the protection and survival of a nation, they were drowning in compromise and wickedness. However according to Isaiah 21, the watchmen were apparently alert, awake, and fulfilling their calling in years past. Verse 8 says, “O Lord, I stand continually on the watchtower in the daytime, and I am stationed at my guard post every night.”
The Watchmen in 2019
I believe God is coming to confront His watchmen, leaders and intercessors in 2019 in the nations of the earth with a serious rebuke and stern warning. God says to the watchmen,
“Your nations are being ravaged by evil, many of your churches have become compromised beyond measure, some of your marriages and even your children are suffering because you refuse to cry aloud and spare not. Have I not called you to warn the people?” says the Lord. “Have I not called you to warn of impending disaster if My people do not repent and turn to Me? Why have you chosen to remain silent when I have placed fire within your bones to trumpet My Words with My heart? Where has the conviction gone in the hearts of My watchmen?
“They have failed to station themselves on My wall, but I say to you that I am granting another opportunity to climb upon the wall. Climb upon the wall of your families! Climb upon the walls of your churches! Climb upon the walls of your nations! Yes! There is a call to the wall in 2019!
“My watchmen must rise and speak forth My words to the people without compromise. They must wake up from their slumber and put away their drunkenness. The harvest is at stake,” says your God. “If the watchmen do not begin to sound the alarm in the nations of the earth, the harvest of souls that I desire to bring to the earth will greatly suffer.”
Three Watchmen Calls in 2019
There are three specific watchmen calls that I believe God is going to highlight in 2019. They are as follows:
- Families
One of the primary issues God wants to address in 2019 is the systematic breakdown of marriages and families. God told me that He is specifically addressing fathers and challenging them to get on the wall of their families and become men of prayer. Fathers have a priestly function in their homes and must provide a safe covering for their families.
God also specifically spoke to me that He was going to confront video game addiction in families in 2019. In a recent series of prophetic dreams, I saw the spirit of perversion fellowshipping with the spirit of entertainment.
I saw millions of people specifically playing video games and as they did, demonic forces would enter into their home. God showed me that the spirits of lust, pornography and suicide can all be directly connected to addiction to video games.
I believe God is sounding the alarm to parents who are allowing their kids to spend hours and hours a day playing video games. They could be possibly opening themselves and the home up to perversion and suicidal thoughts. I saw depression trying to overtake this generation and its connected to a love for entertainment.
The average age of a video game user is 35 years old. We not only have an epidemic of children and teenagers addicted to video games, but we have a generation of young fathers and husbands addicted to video games. Satan is stealing the eyes and imaginations of a generation through the video game industry and baptizing many of them into lust, pornography and depression.
- The Education System
In 2019, we are going to see an incredible watchman anointing coming upon teachers in the education system. God said to me, “Christian teachers in the education system are going to become more strategic than pastors in churches.” I saw Christian teachers beginning to take dominion and authority over their classrooms and schools like never before.
There is deep darkness raging in the earth right now concerning our children. God showed me that we are going to see several attempts at mass shootings in the education system thwarted and exposed by watchmen praying before they can materialize in 2019. There will even be Christian parents whom God will stir to go into their children’s classrooms as hidden agents of change to decree light and revival into the atmosphere in 2019.
- Churches
God said to me that we are going to witness an unusual prophetic anointing come upon pastors in 2019. Amos 7:15 says, “But the Lord took me away from the flock, and the Lord said to me, ‘Go, prophesy to My people Israel.'” Unusual prophetic utterance will overtake many pastors who are faithfully shepherding the flock of God. A watchmen anointing is coming upon the shepherds in 2019.
God even began to show me a new wineskin that is forming in the church and the great conflict it will bring to many. I’m convinced from what has been made known to me by the Spirit of God that many church leaders who refuse to drop the microphone and get off a stage to learn how to actively mother and father the generations will become obsolete in the days ahead, “obsolete” meaning “out of date.” Churches shutting down. No longer effective and bearing-fruit type obsolete.
The “old wineskin” in the church is currently trembling because the saints are over the one-man, ministry-does-all model. They are looking for fathers and mothers who are willing to roll up their sleeves and do life with them. They don’t care much about the sermons anymore. They are actually looking for church leaders to model a healthy marriage and what it looks like for your kids to serve the Lord with everything in them.
The old wineskin in the church is confused because the saints can see through and recognize fake more than ever before. The days of plastic smiles and worshipping platform ministry are over. The living room in people’s homes is now becoming the main attraction and focus. The saints are going to be taught and learn how to steward the presence of God in their homes before they ever try to welcome Him in a church service.
My heart aches and groans for so many church leaders in America (especially those in their 50s and 60s) who are set on continuing to do a model of church that has become obsolete. It worked back in the day, but those days are over. I continue to meet church leaders across the world who are completely disconnected from the hunger rising in the generations in the earth. As one church leader in his early 60s recently told me, “The problem with the current hunger in this generation is that they want intimate relationship, which requires too much out of church leaders. In my day, the people were satisfied with coming and watching us minister. Now the people actually want to get involved; it’s too bad.” (I actually wept right in front of him.)
As someone who interacts with hundreds of church leaders, I can assure you that this is not an isolated incident. I’m prophesying to you that thousands of church leaders in America are on the ropes, not sure if they can even keep going, because they have failed to recognize the new wineskin that is forming in the church. The church leaders in the days ahead who will form the new wineskin that God will pour out the new wine into (whether they be 25 or 65 years old) will model and teach the following:
- Drop the microphone.
2. Get off the stage.
3. Fire the armor bearers and entourage.
4. Stop hiding in the Green Room.
5. Be accessible and available to the people.
6. Don’t ask people to do anything you won’t do.
7. Father and mother through discipling.
8. Be real and transparent. Share the mistakes.
9. Value the prayer room over the platform.
10. Don’t compromise the Word of God.
11. Invite saints into your home and lifestyle.
12. Empower and make room for others to lead.
13. Train, equip and release.
14. Multiplication and legacy are the standard.
15. Humility brings honor, and pride repels saints.
Keep Your Eyes Open
Keep your eyes open as a strong watchmen anointing comes upon the body of Christ in 2019. We are going to see reformation, confrontation and warning take place specifically within families, the education system and the church. We must continue to pray and ask the Spirit of God how each one of us can be used to watch and be alert in the days we are living in!
Jeremiah Johnson is a gifted teacher, prophet and author of multiple books. He travels extensively throughout the United States and abroad as a conference and guest speaker. Jeremiah has been a guest on Christian television and radio shows including The Jim Bakker Show, Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural and “Ask Dr. Brown,” as well as on networks such as Daystar, TBN, and GodTV. For more information please visit jeremiahjohnson.tv. or check out the fivefold full-time school of ministry Jeremiah leads in Lakeland, Florida, called “Maranatha School of Ministry” at maranatha.school. (Source: Charisma)