Daily Prayer (2019/8/26)
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Editor’s Words
Pray for Organizers, leaders and editorial team of this 40-day fast
Please pray for the people who are involved in organizing and making this Global 40 Day Prayer And Fast movement possible. Particularly, please pray for the spiritual leaders, their co-workers, and their family members, the behind-the-scene editorial team and their spiritual coverings, and family members. Please ask God to:
- protect everyone involved in the global prayer and fast and their families. May God watch their coming and going and keep them healthy with prosperous spirits, souls, and bodies.
- bless the editorial team to be able to receive from God and translate it into words speedily and accurately.
Daily Updated Prayers
Pursuing Intimacy With God: The Mystery of the Refuge
Psalm 71:3 “Be my Rock of Refuge, to which I can always go; give the command to save me, for You are my Rock and my Fortress.”
Dear Abba Father,
You have prepared a refuge for those You love, the sanctuary of Your presence. This secret place is a very special place, for even though surrounded by storms it gives us rest and peace; we experience peace in the midst of storms. But sometimes when we call on God for help, the storms rage even more. Oh Father, when we meant to seek a refuge, we found storms. This is not an easy road for as he enemy attacks and hinders, we become weak and shaken in the storms; as we get closer to You, we feel the reality of spiritual warfare. Oh Abba Father, we cry out to You in the secret place, help us and cover us; we need Your strength and faith to overcome the attacks of the enemy. Give us peace and comfort and kindle the fire of love within us; through our prayers, let the passion for Jesus burn within us. Be the Rock of my life; You have given command to save me, for You are my Rock and my Fortress. Thank You for giving me a secret place to be with You.
Repentance for Family 02
- Isa 20:5-10 “ Those who trusted in Cush and boasted in Egypt will be dismayed and put to shame. In that day the people who live on this coast will say, ‘See what has happened to those we relied on, those we fled to for help and deliverance from the king of Assyria! How then can we escape?“【Background: In recent years, Satan is doing everything he can to destroy traditional marriages and families. He knows the family is the cornerstone of society, and once the family is broken, naturally the social structure is fragmented. Therefore, the enemy, through the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the temptation of money and material, have encaged many entertainment and sports stars and elites in the financial world, controlled television media, news magazines, and bribed many politicians. Formulate many laws and regulations that violate traditional ethics, condone the legalization of fornication, drug trafficking, prostitution, abortion and quietly occupied the Board of Education. Through changing textbooks, tarnishing children’s minds, undermining ethics and morality, and fully robbed parents of their authority, promoted parent-child conflicts, filled the society with chaos, pride, unforgiveness, bitterness, strife, rebel against God, disobedience to authority, lost the first love, destroy family harmony, caused divorced, corrupt parent-child relationship, break up family, children suffer from drug uses, crime of rape and prostitution reached an unprecedented level. 】( you can skip the prayers that do not relate to you, you can also pray as identification repentance for the family in the world .)Abba Father, I represent myself and parents of the whole world to confess and repent for our sins, I ask for forgiveness for discord among our parents, too busy, self-centered, wrong values, etc., hurting children.Abba Father, I will dedicate my children ______ (name) to You. May You raise up circumstances, for them to know You, hunger for You, and fear You. Protect them from media, peer pressures, gun shots, drugs, evil of sexual abuse. Let them feel the love and acceptance of the Father, save them from the bondage of fornication, bitterness, pride, homosexuality, bisexuality, restore a healthy body, soul and spirit, and rebuild good family relationships. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I bless my children to be descendants of godliness and willing to receive the teachings of the Abba Father. Turn their lives around, to enjoy peace.Lord, in the last days, pour the Holy Spirit upon all flesh according to Your promises, so we can break away from the lies and bondage of the enemy; stand boldly, shine brightly, and share freely the grace we freely received, to save the souls of the world, for the name of the Lord Jesus Christ be greatly glorified.In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
Daily Declaration: Declaration Prayer For President Trump
We declare in the name of Jesus:
- For President Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign
- God will continue to use President Trump to fulfill the destiny for the United States.
- God will give President Trump word of wisdom and vigorous energy in every campaign trail.
- President Trump’s safety:
- God keeps Trump and his family safe and blessed coming in and going out, no witchcraft spells or curses released from the Dark forces be fulfilled.
- God will watch over and protect President Trump from any assassination plan, including attacks on health, disease, traffic accidents, murder and death.
- President Trump’s administration:
- President Trump will acknowledge You in all his way, to pray and seek You, and not rely on his own understanding.
- You will direct his strategies for the nation of United States or international issues, give him wisdom in his language, and spirit of counsel, so his words will be sharp like the two edged sword, with power and authority.
- God, strengthen President Trump to walk in righteousness, justice, and do what is right in Your eyes. Everything that he does according to Your will can be accomplished.
- The construction of the border wall will be completed on schedule.
- President Trump’s Cabinet:
- God rule and reign the relationship between President Trump and his cabinet, all the aides have a righteous spirit.
- The message report to Trump is accurate and no work of the enemy will be allowed.
- God prepares the necessary cabinet for President Trump, strengthens their hearts, and work closely with President Trump in one heart, to accomplish God’s will.
- President Trump is honored and respected:
- The Almighty God of the universe is behind President Trump.
- All those who resist him will see that President Trump is the anointed one of God, to honor and submit to him.
- All spirit of lies, accusations and distortion, and personal attacks through the media and from leaders of the world and all sector be completely stopped and diminished.
- Bless President Trump:
- God will bless President Trump and his family with abundance.
- Protect President Trump’s entire family be prosper and be in health as their soul prosper, and harmony in their marriage.
In the name of Jesus, we pray, Amen!
Nation / Global Critical Event: Pray for Hong Kong – Supernatural Transformation in the Next 10 Days
【Background : Since June 9th Hong Kong has been marked with protests and, in recent weeks, those protests have turned violent. Corruption has been exposed to the whole world. It is a time when everything is polarized and, even within families, people are split and at odds with each other. The global economy has even been impacted. … detailed reading】
- Mathew 5:14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. “
- Isaiah 62:10 “Pass through, pass through the gates! Prepare the way for the people. Build up, build up the highway! Remove the stones.Raise a banner for the nations. “
- God is with Hong Kong: Heavenly Father, thank You for protecting Hong Kong with Your hand of mercy. You will replace humiliation with glory, send down peaceful solutions, heal Hong Kong supernaturally, defend freedom for Hong Kong, and personally support Hong Kong into her calling and destiny, for this gateway for the Gospel, the city on the hill, continues to shine at noon day. (Matt 5:14)
- God heals Hong Kong Supernaturally: Heavenly Father, may Your supernatural peace enters the hearts of the demonstrators, turns the government’s heart to the people, and fill the heart of the police with justice, so that they can serve the people faithfully Your Supernatural love repairs family and relationships that break down in the shaking, help people reconciled with each other. Raise up the church, to be full of God’s hope, and pray together in unity.
- Rise up young people in Hong Kong: Heavenly Father, thank You for inspiring young people’s heart of justice, restoring the foundation of Hong Kong’s righteousness, raising true prophets in Hong Kong, proclaiming God’s will, releasing heavenly strategies, pave the way, removing stones, and raise up banner for the people. . (Isaiah 62:10)
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Weekly Updated Prayers
Pray For USA: Red Flag Gun Law – Anything Is Possible !
【Current Event :‘Red Flag Gun Law’ is coming for Senate’s voting. … detailed reading】
- Malachi 4:2 ‘But unto you that fear for my Name shall the Sun of Righteousness, arise with healing in His Wings. And you shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.’
- Romans 10:15 ‘And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, ‘How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring Good News?’
- Zechariah 4:7 ‘Nothing, not even a mighty mountain, will stand in Zerubbabel’s way; it will become a level plain before him! And when Zerubbabel sets the final stone of the Temple in place, the people will shout: :May God bless it! May God bless it!”’
- Psalm 103:20-21 ‘Praise the Lord, you angels, you mighty ones who carry out His plans, listening for each of His commands. Yes, praise the Lord you armies of angels who serve Him and do His will!’
- Emotional Impact Father, Your abiding peace affirms ‘You have left us with Your Peace; the peace You give is not like the world’s, that we needn’t be worried, upset nor afraid’ (John 14:27). Lord, please intervene deactivate the spirits’ access over our congress, senates, court justice, and the territory; bind the ancient and new spirits at work in America. (Rev. 20:9)
- Spirits of death and murder Father, You gave Your Church the Power and Authority to uproot and destroy sinful government structures, death and mass murdering there. We take back the authority, and declare Deaths and Murders are coming to end in America! (Isa. 30:18)
- False Law and Policies Father, many false laws and policies are driven by darkness (2 Cor. 4:4), we decree Righteous Laws will replace the Red Flag Gun Law’s and others to come to the Senates, in Jesus’ Mighty Name.
- God enthroned Father, please remove complacency and religiosity in the Church, Church will repent so can enforce the Kingdom Power to defeat death and hell. (Gal. 1:4) We decree spiritual havoc will be broken off of America’s families, churches, laws, government, schools, businesses, courtrooms, culture; God manifests through the Church and we loose the key of David (Hag. 2:9) in Jesus Name. Amen.
Pray for Israel: Clashes Broke Out on Temple Mount on Tisha B’Av (the Day of Mourning for the Destruction of Temples)
【Current event: Clashes broke out between Muslim protesters and Israeli police forces on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount holy site on Sunday (8/11), during a period of peak religious tensions over the confluence of Jewish and Muslim holy days. At least 61 Muslim worshipers were injured in the clashes and at least four officers were also wounded. Sunday marks both the start of Eid al-Adha, an Islamic holiday and the Jewish fast day of Tisha B’Av, when Jews mourn the destruction of the temples that once stood on the Temple Mount and other disasters in Jewish history. … detailed reading】
- Psalm 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be secure.”
- Ephesians 2:14-15 “For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace,”
- Psalm 133:1 “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!”
- Isaiah 2:2-3 “In the last days the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will stream to it. Many peoples will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.” The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.”
- Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem: Abba Father, the Ruler of the holy mountain, we ask You to send the Spirit of Shalom in Jerusalem to quell the conflict and violence between the descendants of Ishmael and Isaac. By the power of the blood Your beloved Son on the cross, break down the dividing walls of hostility and fortress of hatred for generations. Oh, heal their wounds so that their brotherhood can be restored as they forgive and reconcile with each other in the love of the father. We will see how good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! (Psalm 133:1)
- Pray for Israel and the Nations to Worship on the Holy Mountain: Abba Father, You promised that in the last days the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills. Let Israel and the nations turn to You in humility and their filth cleansed by the blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Let the Spirit of truth guide them to walk in the light of God. Behold, the descendants of Abraham will go up to the mountain of the Lord, and the people of many nations to the house of the God of Jacob. They will come together to worship God and cry out from their hearts with joy, “Oh Lord, You will teach us Your ways, so that we may walk in Your paths. The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” (Isaiah 2:2-3)
Pray for The First Nation: Native Americans – Don’t Lose The Diamonds

【Background: On July 22 this year, we prayed for the Aboriginal gathering in Manitoba, Canada (click here for more details ) . There were two Canadian Chinese intercessors attending the party.
The following letter is from one of the intercessors, describing in the tone of a 4-year-old First Nation girl, Kingsley, about the real interactions on their way back to Winnipeg. … detailed reading】
- John 10:16 I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.
- Romans 8:29-30 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified
- John 15:12,17 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you This is my command: Love each other.
The Chinese led the nations to embrace the aborigines: Heavenly Father, the Chinese became a platform for beloved love and a conduit for blessings, and gathered to awaken more people from all ethnic groups, to embrace the aborigines, and to bring love and unity. Down, they need us, we need them more, we need to love each other, just like we love us!
- The First Nation Tribes Must Come Home : Heavenly Father, we feel Your heart, there is a missing piece in a big Jewel puzzle. And the First Nation is that missing diamonds. Without them, we can’t be complete, and Your heart can’t be satisfied. They are the other sheep that the Lord is trying to find with all His might, and You will bring them back. They will also listen to Your voice, and gather as one flock and return to one Shepherd.
- Let the Chinese lead the nations to embrace the first people : Heavenly Father, rise up the Chinese to become a platform for love and a channel of blessing,and wake up more Christian family from all tribes to embrace the First Nations and bring down Your love and unity. We need them more than they need us. We need to love each other, like the way You love us!
- Acknowledge The Identity And Cultural Value Of The First Nation : Heavenly Father, may You send down supernatural love to heal Your people, release the First Nation people You love to enter into the truth, to understand the purpose and plan You created them for, and acknowledge their identity as the firstborn. The uniqueness and value of each ethnic group! Father God! Now is the time, may Your will be done in the First Nation Tribes as it is in heaven!
Revival Testimony:The Wave of Black American’s Revival – The Time of Slavery Is Over, the Time of Freedom Has Come
Be holy, for God is Holy
When God created mankind, He breathed on men. All “God’s character and divinity” of dignity, freedom, conscience, righteousness, goodness, gentleness, etc. are all within us. Therefore, whenever, the “divineness” of human beings is being deprived or suppressed, causing great suffering and groaning, God will not turn His face from it. … detailed reading
(Source: Pastor Peng from NJ, USA)
Related Events and Prayer Background
Nation / Global Critical Event: Pray for Hong Kong – Supernatural Transformation in the Next 10 Days
【Current Event: Since June 9th Hong Kong has been marked with protests and, in recent weeks, those protests have turned violent. Corruption has been exposed to the whole world. It is a time when everything is polarized and, even within families, people are split and at odds with each other. The global economy has even been impacted. As things begin to come to a head, there is a looming sense of fear over what will happen next that has settled over the city. It is vitally important we do not respond with fear of what seems to be impending upon our city, but rather it is in this time that we are called to pray and discover God’s heart for our city and His heartbeat for everyone within our city, and find ways to partner with Him. It’s time we speak boldly what He is saying and proclaim it loudly to any who have an ear to hear. It is time to arise in faith and not let our hearts be disheartened.
Hong Kong’s Unique Call: God has a specific call and purpose for Hong Kong. We see it through our city’s unique history and culture. For over a century, Hong Kong has stood as a gateway city for the Gospel to both China and even to much of Asia. God has miraculously preserved Hong Kong in the past 50 years, to be both a city of refuge and a city on a hill. It has a call to both influence and to serve.
Esau’s Stew: In this spiritual fight, it is important for Hong Kong to beware of “Esau’s stew,” that is, an easy way to satisfy a legitimate hunger at the price of giving up its birthright. In Genesis, Esau was ravenously hungry, so his brother decided it would be a good idea to sell a bowl of his stew in return for Esau’s birthright, and in an act of haste to satisfy his legitimate hunger, Esau sold his birthright.
Hong Kong, God Is With You, He is for you, and His purposes are filled with hope in your regard. Your light will shine and you will be a city on a hill. My heart will be revealed through this city. Even as I have lifted you from your shame, you will lift others from their shame and help cause them to shine. I am not through here, I am just beginning.”
Young Generation in Hong Kong: Young generation is being discovered with the passion of God’s heart for justice, and they will rebuild the foundation of this city with righteousness and justice. More high-level corruption will be revealed, the system that hinders Hong Kong’s calling will be removed, the dividing walls will be demolished, rise up many healers and builders to pave the way for Hong Kong’s restoration.
Would you join us for the next ten days? I would encourage you to receive communion on a daily basis as a reminder of all that He promises His people, and that we have been given full access to these great and mighty promises through His Cross, and that with Him all things are possible.
】 (Source: Elijia List)
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Pray For USA: Red Flag Gun Law – Anything Is Possible !
- 1 Peter 5:6-7 ‘Humble yourselves, then, under God’s mighty hand, so that He will lift you up in His own good time. Leave all your worries with Him, because He case for you.
- Isaiah 35:4 ‘Tell everyone who is discouraged, be strong and don’t be afaid! God is coming to your rescue.’
- Matthew 10:28 ‘Do not fear those kill the body but are unable to kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.’
- James 4:8 ‘Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double minded.’
- Hosea 4:6 ‘My people are destroyed for lack of Knowledge because you have neglected Knowledge. I also will reject you for being my priest since you have forgotten he law of your God. I also will forget you.’
【Current Event :‘Red Flag Gun Law’ is coming for Senate’s voting.
Emotional-based policy/laws designed with unwanted consequences, fear-based manipulators conceal stealthily real objectives. (Isa. 35:4)
In an emotion state, citizens are easily hoodwinked into giving away freedom and giving the government expanded powers. We implemented ‘Homeland Security Act’ and ‘Intelligence Reform’ after 9/11 (2001). We are still paying the cost for civil captivity today, we handed the government more power to spy and control, not solely on suspected terrorists, as well as on American citizens without a warrant. (1 Pe. 5:6-7)
In 1920 to 1980 (span of 60 years), there were 205 people died in public shootings in America where owning guns was common. From 1980 to this date (in 30+ years), more than 1,400 people have died, a 700% escalation. President Trump condemned the latest shootings as ‘the act of evil.’ (Mt. 10:28)
Another emotional-fear-based policy/law is waiting at the Senate floor after the El Paso and Dayton shootings (James 4:8). Voting soon begins on ‘Red Flag Gun Law’, that will apply to ‘Complaints’ initially made by someone thought ‘something a person might do’, this is a lower standard than the ‘reasonable suspicion standard’ we allowed police to use. Simply put, ‘Red Flag Gun Law’ will be a ‘anything is possible’ charge based on vague complaints filed by any citizens. This extends beyond gun confiscations.
Taking away guns or increasing ‘gun control’ cannot solve mass shootings because anyone can find ways to get guns and sophisticated weapons illegally. Its cause is man’s flaws and the lack of God’s virtue (Hosea 4:6). America has a virtue problem since God was removed politically from the law, government, education, businesses, courtrooms, families, economy and culture, whereas mentioning God, the Bible and praying are offensive and violate (falsely accused) the first Commandment. Evil is unceasingly advancing government fear-based policies.
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Pray for Israel: Clashes Broke Out on Temple Mount on Tisha B’Av (the Day of Mourning for the Destruction of Temples)
【Current event: Clashes broke out between Muslim protesters and Israeli police forces on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount holy site on Sunday (8/11), during a period of peak religious tensions over the confluence of Jewish and Muslim holy days. At least 61 Muslim worshipers were injured in the clashes and at least four officers were also wounded. Sunday marks both the start of Eid al-Adha, an Islamic holiday and the Jewish fast day of Tisha B’Av, when Jews mourn the destruction of the temples that once stood on the Temple Mount and other disasters in Jewish history.
Muslims Began Rioting: Following a security assessment, police said non-Muslims would be barred from entering the Temple Mount, where tens of thousands of Muslim worshipers had arrived during the morning. Hundreds of Jews had gathered at the gates leading to the holy site on Sunday morning. After another security assessment, some Jewish visitors were allowed to enter the site. Several dozen visited under close police escort and Muslim worshipers began throwing chairs and other objects at the group. In response, police fired tear gas, rubber bullets and other less-lethal riot control weapons at the protesters. The Jewish visitors left the compound shortly thereafter.
Criticism from Within: Concerning the closure of the Temple Mount on Tisha B’Av, right-wing politicians blamed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the move, condemning it as “disgraceful” and calling on him to reverse the ban. A source in the Prime Minister’s Office denied Netanyahu ordered the closure, saying whether to allow entry to the Temple Mount is determined in accordance with police assessments of the situation.
Tradition and Rules of Entry: Israeli authorities traditionally close the Temple Mount to non-Muslims during Islamic holidays, to keep religious tensions from boiling over, but exceptions have been made when Jewish holidays coincide. In June, police allowed Jewish visitors onto the site on Jerusalem Day, which fell this year during the final days of Ramadan, sparking clashes between Muslims and police.
Under an arrangement in place since Israel’s victory in the 1967 Six Day war, non-Muslims are allowed to visit the Temple Mount but not to pray there. Jews in religious garb are allowed to enter in small groups during limited hours, but are taken through a predetermined route, are closely watched and are prohibited from praying or displaying any religious or national symbols. 】(Source:Times of Israel, 8/11/2019)
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Pray for The First Nation: Native Americans – Don’t Lose The Diamonds
【Background: On July 22 this year, we prayed for the Aboriginal gathering in Manitoba, Canada (click here for more details ) . There were two Canadian Chinese intercessors attending the party.
The following letter is from one of the intercessors, describing in the tone of a 4-year-old First Nation girl, Kingsley, about the real interactions on their way back to Winnipeg.
A letter from Kingsley
Hello, everyone! My name is Kingsley. My grandmother lives in The Pas, a reservation in Manitoba province. She is a Cree Tribe; my mother is a half Cree, she will graduate as a professional lawyer in one year, and she is determined to become a lawyer, especially as a voice for the First Nation people.Therefore, we often travel to and from The Pas and Winnipeg.
That day, I met two lovely Chinese aunts who wanted to ride back with us to Winnipeg. Because my mother needs to drive, my sister and I are very happy, because we have companies now, on the way home. I like to paint a lot, and I like them very much. So, I wanted to give them a painting from the beginning. So, I asked one of the aunts to tear off a piece of paper from my mother’s notebook, and paint a picture for them, while they were resting. Along the way, we played games, ate popcorn; and also listened to the aunts, introduced their families to me, laughter and enjoyable conversation accompanied us…
Time really flew, and the joyful journey finally came to the time to say goodbye. I took out the picture I had already prepared and asked the aunt to open it. I don’t know if she likes my work, but I hope she can keep it well, so I said to her, please don’t throw away the painting, I hope you can keep it. In this painting, it is full of my love for them! I drew a heart in the upper left corner, and I said to her: I love you! I also want to know if she loves me? So I asked her: Do you love me? She replied, yes, I love you. I am so happy! I also want to know if her daughter Zoe loves me? So, I asked again: Does Zoe love me too? Auntie, said Zoe still doesn’t know me, and still don’t understand me. I hope that ZOE can love me too, so I asked Auntie to take a picture of me and introduce me to ZOE. I also hope to be a good friend with ZOE. I also wrote a lot of love languages, expressing how I like to dance with aunts, to watch TV and play; because I still can’t write, so I can only express using waves. in the lower part of the painting, there is a room with two photos hanging inside, which is me and aunty. There are two people, also me and aunty. The little one that has the braids on who was about to go out to play was me, and aunty was in the room. I hope that when I go out, she can wait for me at home, watch TV, play games, dance and wait until I come back.
I saw Auntie put the painting carefully into the carry-on bag. I hope she can keep it all the time. Finally, it is time to say goodbye, I look forward to seeing them again next time.
What I Received in the spirit:
After I came home, when I was quiet before the Lord, God revealed to me the scenes of the painting and the car ride. This is not just an Aboriginal little girl’s love for the two Chinese who ride in her car, but it is the love of the entire aboriginal group for the Chinese, the aboriginal has the desire to love, and a longing for the response to love.
The aborigines sent an invitation to the Chinese, “Do you love us?”, Do you really love us? Or do you love us because it is a ministry that God has given you? If you really love me? What about your family? Do they love us? I long to be known, accepted, and eager to receive their love.
The little girl who is about to go out in the painting, is like an aboriginal warrior, holding a weapon of warfare. When they go out to fight, how they need us to watch for them at home and wait for their return. She used wavy lines to express their love. She said not throw away the painting, as the IHOP Pastor Mike Bickle said to a church in Winnipeg a few decades ago , “Don’t lose the diamond.” To this day, this church has minister to the aborigines for 30 years.
Yes, the aborigines are the most precious diamonds in the Kingdom of God. May the Chinese and the body of Christ around the world stand with them. 】
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Revival Testimony:The Wave of Black American’s Revival – The Time of Slavery Is Over, the Time of Freedom Has Come

Be holy, for God is Holy
When God created mankind, He breathed on men. All “God’s character and divinity” of dignity, freedom, conscience, righteousness, goodness, gentleness, etc. are all within us. Therefore, whenever, the “divineness” of human beings is being deprived or suppressed, causing great suffering and groaning, God will not turn His face from it.
After the fall of men, people often take the blessing of God for granted. Only come to cherish the understanding of God’s good intentions, after losing their “divineness”. Freedom is a good example. God has foreseen it, and warned us first, so when we look back, we understand the truth He was saying, and how precious is what He has done for us! Let us look at how God taught His people Israel about freedom.
First, God answers Abram’s questions with a solemn prophecy. “But Abram said, “Sovereign Lord, how can I know that I will gain possession of it?” (Genesis 15:8)
Then the Lord said to him, “Know for certain that for four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own and that they will be enslaved and mistreated there. But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterward they will come out with great possessions.” (Genesis 15:13-14)
The Lord assured Abram with His own name that not only you will have descendants, but they will become slaves for four hundred years. But they eventually will be set free. In this process, God revealed to the Israelites:
- God cares very much about the people he created, especially when their “divineness” is deprived. “The Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering, ” (Exodus 3: 7).
- God not only cares about the deprivation of the “divineness” of the people he created, but more about how to restore His original intent: “Then say to Pharaoh, ‘This is what the Lord says: Israel is my firstborn son, and I told you, “Let my son go, so he may worship me.”… ” (Exodus 4:22-23 a) We are created with a plan and purpose, our identity is honorable. So, after 400 years of slavery, the Israelites finally regain their freedom. They clearly understood that “freedom” is an indispensable gift within the Breath of God in creation!
- What concerns God most is, His created man can truly love and enjoy His “divineness”. “ ‘You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself. Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you[a] will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites. “(Exodus 19: 4-6) God allowed the Israelites to see, all the effort He went through is for them to understand their true identity.
The United States is Entering Such A Turning Point This Year
The first slave ship from African arrived America landed on Virginia Beach in August 1919. It is exactly 400 years in 2019. In the past 400 years, much fierce and horrible conflicts occurred between black and white due to ethnic issues. It has submerge since. Although people do not speak or act out, however the gulf of gap still affects the entire country, with unceasing pain. Everyone knows that this is a difficult problem, but most people, including Christians, have avoided it, especially the new immigrants.
Pastor Joseph Green’s is a wonderful Plan of God !
Since 2016, he realized it is time to face the root issue of the black slaves. Since 2019 marks 400 years of black slave came to the United States. This is an opportunity. God’s timing has come.
Praise the Lord, after much of his laboring in travel to share his vision around USA, he has finally received responses from the church and political realm. In particular, he brought this issue to the Congress and was elected as the chairman of the committee. He was also recognized by President Trump, which was a giant step forward.
On August 21 this year, more than a dozen Chinese representatives also participated in this historic moment. The worship of Jamie Fitt, from Philadelphia Tabernacle of David, and the dance and worship of the Chinese brought the worship into the prophetic inner chamber. Pastor Joseph Green shared the truth in the Bible with such a clearity and thoroughness, Mama Bunny represented the white people came forward to confess and repentant before everyone and the deep and spiritual declaration of the Pastor Venessa Battle. Finally, everyone by fatih prophetically took the offering with the heart of dedication and walked through Red Sea that was divided, and went out of four hundred years of dark slavery, into the light and freedom that God had prepared.
We deeply understand that the declarations of the critical mass in unity will ignite the tipping point for the revival of the United States. Because critical issues have been dealt with and satisfied. Here are some of the points received from the gathering:
- God’s Time Has Come : Not only it is four hundred years, it is also 40 days before The Feast of Trumpet of the Jewish calendar 5780. And 70th year anniversary of many significant historical events (for example, 70 year of The People’s Republic of China). God will fulfill His will, so it is very important for us to discern and know the timing of God to cooperate with God.
- The Ethnic Color of Man Is Not The Issue, The Sinful Nature of Man Is The Root Cause : “ From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands..” ( Act:17:26 ), It is clear that human beings are not ethnic, but came from the same source. The emphasis on racism, or the over-emphasis of racial discrimination, fuels this false issue. We can see, there are many examples of suffering from oppression and killings within the same skin color, Example such as Luwanda (Rwanda), from April 7 to July 1994, in just three months, killing between 500,000 to one million slaughtered in the civil war. More horribly the proportion of the killing of Luanda Christians is as high as 90%. How can such a horrible Genocide happen? So, this is not a racial problem, but an issue of human sin.
In addition, Benin in West Africa is probably the country with the largest number of slaves in African countries with more than two million (counting from year 1500). Their people were actually betrayed by their own leaders. Because of greedy for weapons or other materials, they exchanged them with their own people, in fear of they coming back for revenge. The chiefs cursed the family they sold, Today, there is still a Door of No Return at the seaside of their country, to commemorate this sad history.
- Repent And Confession Is The Fundamental Way: Mama Bonnie, took the gavel the former KKK judge used in court to represent all the injustices done by the white people in the past. That really touch the people, and see the deeper the confession, the weaker the dark rule of the devil’s. Nancy Barth, the descendant of former US President William Henry Harrison, also flew from California to come to confess and repent on behalf of her ancestors, all this brought forth the declaration of the black Pastor Vennesa, to cut off every chain, and enter into the new territory. I am convinced that as confession and declaration continue to increase, the stronger the anointing will be, to lift the burden from the shoulders and yoke from the neck will be broken ( Isaiah 10:27)
- The United States will Revive, Because Nations Are Waiting: Personally I am convinced that The United States will revive. The Native American, Blacks, and Jews are indeed the targets of discrimination and being oppressed in the past, long-term indifference had allowed the dark force to take legal hold on them.
Praise the Lord, for giving a group of humble Chinese to take part in this. May the Lord revive the United States and Nations. (Source: Pastor Peng from NJ, USA)