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English | August Global 40-Day Pray and Fasting Testimonies |
中文 | 八月全球40天禁食禱告見證集 |
August Global 40-Day Pray and Fasting Testimonies
Time really flies, the 40-day global praying and fasting this year is coming to an end. For each of the intercessors who are called to join to pray for the nations, Israel and the kingdom of God, and the editorial team, We thank God. Here are some of the testimonies sent brothers and sisters from around the world:
- 8/1 For several days in a row, praying for the fire in Northern California, and Bethel Church in the city of Redding and Pastor Bill Johnson, thank God for His keeping power, Bethel church was later confirmed it was unharmed.
- 8/2 Pray for Pastor Brunson who was persecuted in Turkey. Thank God, not long after, God used President Trump to impose tariffs on Turkey, and pressured the Turkish government, and demanded that the government release the accused Christian pastor Brunson . Although Pastor Brunson has not been completely released, we believe that in time, God will vindicate His servant and he will be set free.
- 8/3 Praying for the son of one of the editorial team, who was hospitalized for three days , was later healed and gradually recovered.
- After 8/3, 8/11 praying for the drought in Australia, on 8/26 in Western Australia, came the first heavy rain of the year, a farmer running rejoicing in the rain and became a headline news on the Internet.
- 8/14 praying for the transformation of city of Chicago, we prayed especially for Mayor Emanuel. Thank God, although he is not a Christian, but in order to solve the increasingly corrupt Chicago law and order, he has humbled himself and asked the evangelical pastor to pray for him. This is the beginning of the transformation.
- 8/21 prayer about Muslim gathering at Minneapolis, is an anonymous Muslim organization in the name of the Eid al-Adha, trying to gathering 50,000 Muslims for the “show of power” in the stadium near the airport of Minneapolis, through prayers, it was reported, only 20,000 Muslin Gathered, and did not perform any ceremony of sacrifice. God, we thank and praise You!
- 8/25 We felt led to focus our prayer for President Trump. In just a few days one of the intercessors had a dream. in the dream she saw the Christian is not praying as eagerly for President Trump as two years ago, confirming how we felt we should step up our prayers for President Trump.
- 8/26 We were praying especially for the persecution in China, we heard news from China, a religious department that took it on its own to persecute the Christians was reprimanded by the government. Also three people who went to the church to knock down the cross, one of them fell and hurt himself and eventually died, and the other two were warned for their behaviors. We can see the hand of God protecting His children.
- 8/28 We pray for AB2943 in California, USA. The Assembly member Evan Low, withdrew the proposal on 8/30.
We believe our prayer of unity has shaken the spiritual world, and God has been dispatching troops to accomplish His will on earth. Through prayer and fasting, God is refining us every day, molding us, making us to be in more alignment with His mind, and with each other. We will see more of the hand of God working.
- 8/1 連續幾天, 為美國加州北部大火禱告,比爾強生Bethel 教會所在的Redding 市及Bethel 教會禱告,感謝神保守,Bethel後來證實毫髮無傷。
- 8/2 為在土耳其被迫害的布朗森牧師(Pastor Brunson)牧師禱告。感謝神,沒多久,神就使用川普總統對土耳其加關稅,施壓於土耳其政府,要求該政府釋放被誣告的布朗森基督徒牧師。雖然布朗森牧師還沒被完全釋放,我們相信,假以時日,神必為他的樸人伸冤,還他自由。
- 8/3 為編輯組同工的兒子,緊急住院三天,後來得醫治,漸漸恢復。
- 8/3,8/11 位澳洲乾旱禱告後, 8/26在西澳下了一場一年多來第一場大雨,一位農夫在雨中狂奔在網上成了熱聞
- 8/14 為美國芝加哥轉化禱告中,我們特別為市長易曼紐禱告。感謝神,他雖非基督徒,但為了解決日漸敗壞的芝加哥治安問題,居然謙卑的請福音派牧師群為他禱告。這是轉化的開始。
- 8/21 j為匿名回教組織以慶祝宰牲節為名,在明尼亞波利市機場附近的體育場,試圖呼召五萬穆斯林的”權力展示”集聚,經報導及禱告,只有兩萬牧斯林聚集,而且沒要宰牲儀式。感謝讚美神!
- 8/25 我們特別有感動,請大家集中火力為川普總統禱告,沒多久,就有代禱者作夢,夢中代禱者看見神指出基督徒已不像兩年前那麼熱切為川普總統禱告等等,印證我們要加緊為川普總統禱告的感動。
- 8/26 我們特別為神州面對逼迫禱告,就有國內肢體傳來消息,國內某個宗教局因濫私權,逼迫基督徒,被中央責備。另有三位到教會拆十字架者,其中一位摔跤後不治死亡,其他兩位受到警戒。看到神的手在保護他的兒女。
- 8/28 為美國加州AB2943禱告,結果提案人羅達倫於8/30日撤銷這個提案。