

  • 出20:5 – 6「。。。我耶和華你的神是忌邪的神。恨我的,我必追討他的罪,自父及子,直到三四代; 愛我守我誡命的,我必向他們發慈愛,直到千代。。」
  • 加3:13「基督既為我們受了咒詛,就贖出我們脫離律法的咒詛,。。。」


(如果你(妳)沒有犯以下的罪,可以略過不提 )






Repentance for Family 05

  • Exodus 20:5 – 6  “… You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lordyour God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,  but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.”
  • Gal 3:13   Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole“…”

Abba Father, I represent me and my family and my ancestors to confess and repent the blood covenant with satan the devil, I declare in the name of Jesus Christ: I cancel every vow made by my ancestors with the enemy, and break the power of every word, to declare it to be void. In the name of Jesus.

( you can skip the prayers that do not relate to you, you can also pray as identification repentance for the family in the world .)

On behalf of me and my family, I confess and repent for the sacrificed my ancestors made to the false gods, evil spirits, and the behaviors of eating the food for sacrifices.I declare in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ: I renounce all ancestral sacrifices ceremonies, sacrifices, tools, instruments, and chants. I declare in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ that these rituals are totally ineffective, cutting off any ungodly connection between ancestors, and breaking all the curses brought by these sacrifices.

On behalf of me and my family, our ancestors, I confess and repent for drinking blood, eating meat, and may have used water, rice, blood, or other items to sacrifice to devils, false gods, and evil spirits (to engage with ghosts and little demons). In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I declare: I break and reject all sins committed by my ancestors. Now in the name of Jesus Christ, I break the curse of all these sins, especially the curse of the blood. (Pray for the Lord to break all the curses of the blood)

On behalf of me and my family, I confess and repent the sins of my ancestors who may have made a wish in the idol temple. I declare in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ: I forsake all these sins. In the name of Jesus Christ, I cancel, destroy all the promises, and the curses that these sins have brought.

Abba Father, In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You to confess these sins in my family. I will now hand over all these penalties inherited by ignorance to Jesus, asking Him to bear for me and make atonement for me; through His wounds and the punishments I can be released from all these negative influences. Thanks to the Lord, I can unload the burden of everything, and I receive the freedom You release to me. I also chose to forgive every ancestor who once gave me curses, so that they can be freed from the debts that may owe me.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


  • 帖前5:5-10「袮們都是光明之子,都是白晝之子。我們不是屬黑夜的,也不是屬幽暗的。所以我們不要睡覺像別人一樣,總要儆醒謹守。」





  • 我完全饒恕我所有祖先,因著他們所做的一切不合神心意的事,而對家族生命中所造成一切負面的影響。我承認並棄絕我的祖先及家人一切的罪的傳承。
  • 我奉聖父、聖子、聖靈的名,砍斷我和父親及父系祖先、母親及母系祖先,以及配偶家祖先的親緣關係之間,不合神心意的連結以及超自然的魂結。
  • 我奉主基督耶穌的聖名,砍斷、除去一切凡從祖先招來的咒詛和影響,耶穌的寶血和十架也要進入我們父系祖先及母系祖先的血緣,以及配偶的祖先血緣關係中,遮蓋、塗抹、洗淨、斷開我們歷代祖先所遺留下來的罪孽、過犯和罪的權勢以及影響力。
  • 我宣告耶穌的寶血斷開從歷代祖先的罪行所帶來的連結,徹底清除所有的咒詛,並從一切遺傳性的疾病中得到醫治釋放。



Repentance for Family 04

  • 1 Thess 5:5-10 You are all children of the light and the children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to darkness. 6 So then, let us not be like others who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober.

Abba Father, I come before You in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I confess that I and my ancestors have both sinned and offended You. Thank You for sending Your only begotten son, to become the sacrificial lamb, to die for us. Pay the ransom, for the sins I and my ancestors had committed, by the precious blood that was shed.

( you can skip the prayers that do not relate to you, you can also pray as identification repentance for the family in the world .)

I confess for all the sins that has caused adverse effects, ungodliness, unhealthy thoughts, emotions and behaviors in all the family and marriage, including: any form of hatred, bitterness, not caring, unforgiveness, addictive hobbies, every known and unknown sins of fornication, any internal vows, declarations, judgement or curses, idolatry among families, competition, fear, rebellious, trickery, fabrication of evil, defamation, smearing, greed, broken covenant, manipulation, shed innocent blood and family, cultural background, all thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors that is not godly.

I declare in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ:

  • I totally forgive all my ancestors, for everything thing they did that were ungodly, which created all the negative effects on family life. I acknowledge and reject the inheritance of sins of all my ancestors and my family
  • In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I cut off the kinship between my father and his ancestors, mothers and maternal ancestors, and the spouses’ ancestors, the unnatural connection and the supernatural soul ties.
  • In the name of Jesus, I cut off and removed all the curses and influences that were brought from my ancestors. The blood of Jesus and the cross come into the bloodline of our father’s ancestors and maternal ancestors, and the spouses’ ancestors’ blood relationship. To cover, cleanse, wash, and break the power and influence of the sins, transgressions, and iniquities came down from our ancestors.
  • I declare that the blood of Jesus break the soul ties of the sin from the ancestors of the past, completely removes all curses, and be healed from all hereditary diseases.

Abba Father, I repent and turn away from these sins, please forgive, and purify me with the blood of the Lord Jesus. By His stripes I am healed. By His punishment, I have peace. I am grateful for this wonderful grace I received. All thanks, praise, and glory belongs to the Lord Jesus.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!


  • 結37:10「於是我遵命說預言,氣息就進入骸骨,骸骨便活了,並且站起來,成爲極大的軍隊。」


如果你(妳)為自己的家庭禱告而沒有犯以下的罪,可以略過不提。 你(妳)也可以替代性的為普天下的家庭認罪悔改。



Repentance for Family 03

  • Ezek 37:10 “ So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army.”

Abba Father, forgive us for not fulfilling our duty as father and mother, please  pour out Your great love, to remove the curse of fatherless, motherless, to heal the wounded soul, to break the yoke of the slave, for us to receive the heart of sonship, to be reconciled with You, so that we can also return back to our natural parents, to stop hatred and indifference, so the family and the land will no longer be cursed. Lord, please demolish the walls between the two generations, to heal the relationship between the parent-child in each family, restore the parental authority, position and unity of love in the family, the parents can bear the responsibility and rebuild the family order, pass down their faith, and  the entire land will be blessed.

( you can skip the prayers that do not relate to you, you can also pray as identification repentance for the family in the world .)

Lord! On behalf of ourselves and the family of the whole world, please forgive me and our family, for committed the following sins: idolatry , cult, paganism, fornication, oppression, deception, hatred (between races), false witness, shed innocent blood…). Lord, I forsake all the words or thoughts that I have said that is against You, which brought curses to me and my family. In the name of the Lord Jesus, I broke the curse of ________. Thank You for dying on the cross for us, cover and cleanse our sins with Your precious blood, forgive the sins of our ancestors, redeem us from the curse of the law, so our families will no longer be bound by the enemy, according to the promise of the Holy Spirit, we can receive abundant inheritance in Christ Jesus.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

  • 賽20:5-10「禍哉,那些稱惡為善,稱善為惡,以暗為光,以光為暗,以苦為甜,以甜為苦的人!  禍哉,那些自以為有智慧,自看為通達的人! 」

【背景: 近年來,撒旦正盡其所能,大肆破壞傳統婚姻和家庭。牠知道家庭是社會的基石,家庭一旦破碎,社會結構就自然四分五裂。因此,仇敵藉著肉體的情慾、眼目的情慾,和金錢、物質的誘惑,牢籠了許多娛樂界、體育界的明星和金融界的精英分子,佔據了電視媒體、新聞雜誌,收買了許多政客官僚,制定許多違反傳統道德的法律規章,縱容淫亂、販毒、賣淫、墮胎、搶劫合法化,並且悄悄地霸佔教育委員會,藉著改變教科書,玷污兒童心靈、破壞倫理道德,全面搶奪父母的權柄地位,變相鼓勵親子對立衝突,社會充滿混亂,驕傲、不饒恕、苦毒、紛爭、不順服神,不服從權柄,失去起初愛心,破壞家庭和睦,以致夫妻離異,敗壞父母兒女關係,家庭破碎,兒女為毒品所苦,作姦犯科,已經達到空前的地步。

如果你(妳)為自己的家庭禱告而沒有犯以下的罪,可以略過不提。 你(妳)也可以替代性的為普天下的家庭認罪悔改。





Repentance for Family 02

  • Isa 20:5-10 “ Those who trusted in Cush and boasted in Egypt will be dismayed and put to shame. In that day the people who live on this coast will say, ‘See what has happened to those we relied on, those we fled to for help and deliverance from the king of Assyria! How then can we escape?“

Background: In recent years, Satan is doing everything he can to destroy traditional marriages and families. He knows the family is the cornerstone of society, and once the family is broken, naturally the social structure is fragmented. Therefore, the enemy, through the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the temptation of money and material, have encaged many entertainment and sports stars and elites in the financial world, controlled television media, news magazines, and bribed many politicians. Formulate many laws and regulations that violate traditional ethics, condone the legalization of fornication, drug trafficking, prostitution, abortion and quietly occupied the Board of Education. Through changing textbooks, tarnishing children’s minds, undermining ethics and morality, and fully robbed parents of their authority, promoted parent-child conflicts, filled the society with chaos, pride, unforgiveness, bitterness, strife, rebel against God, disobedience to authority, lost the first love, destroy family harmony, caused divorced, corrupt parent-child relationship, break up family, children suffer from drug uses, crime of rape and prostitution reached an unprecedented level. 】

( you can skip the prayers that do not relate to you, you can also pray as identification repentance for the family in the world .)

Abba Father, I represent myself and parents of the whole world to confess and repent for our sins, I ask for forgiveness for discord among our parents, too busy, self-centered, wrong values, etc., hurting children.

Abba Father, I will dedicate my children ______ (name) to You. May You raise up circumstances, for them to know You, hunger for You, and fear You. Protect them from media, peer pressures, gun shots, drugs, evil of sexual abuse. Let them feel the love and acceptance of the Father, save them from the bondage of fornication, bitterness, pride, homosexuality, bisexuality, restore a healthy body, soul and spirit, and rebuild good family relationships.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I bless my children to be descendants of godliness and willing to receive the teachings of the Abba Father. Turn their lives around, to enjoy peace.Lord, in the last days, pour the Holy Spirit upon all flesh according to Your promises, so we can break away from the lies and bondage of the enemy; stand boldly, shine brightly, and share freely the grace we freely received, to save the souls of the world, for the name of the Lord Jesus Christ be greatly glorified.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!


  • 詩 28:8-9「耶和華是他百姓的力量,又是他受膏者得救的保障。求袮拯救袮的百姓,賜福給袮的產業,牧養他們,扶持他們,直到永遠。」 


如果你(妳)為自己的家庭禱告而沒有犯以下的罪,可以略過不提。 你(妳)也可以替代性的為普天下的家庭認罪悔改。


主啊,求祢開我們心靈的眼睛, 明白基督家庭的倫理、使夫妻彼此委身並重建起初愛的關係,存敬畏的心,相愛順服。奉主耶穌基督的名,拆除夫妻中間一切有形、無形隔斷的牆,棄絕一切的冷漠、嫉妒、紛爭,斷開一切鎖鍊捆綁、除去所有的轄制攔阻,醫治我們身心靈一切的傷害,恢復家人身體健康,靈魂興盛。奉主耶穌基督的名宣告, 仇敵在我們的婚姻、家庭中,無權、無分、無地位,祢執掌王權在每個家中, 使婚姻美滿,家庭幸福。



Repentance for Family 01

  • Psalm 28:8-9 “The Lord is the strength of his people,  a fortress of salvation for his anointed one. Save your people and bless your inheritance; be their shepherd and carry them forever”

Lord, we come bowing before You, rend our heart to confess our sins and repent to You:

( you can skip the prayers that do not relate to you, you can also pray as identification repentance for the family in the world .)

Please forgive us for not honorning the marriage contract, indulge in the lust, cast off restraints, arrogant, vain freedom, no regard to God, resulting in many (divorce, affair, pre-marital sex, pregnant out of wedlock, lack of communication, quarrel, indifference, irritability, widower, orphans, homosexuality, bisexuality… ) and so on, not only hurt each other, but also hurt the children, causing great anxiety and confusion in society.

Oh Lord! Please forgive us, rescue us, to keep us away from evil! Heal our deep brokenness and wound.

Lord, please open the eyes of our souls, to understand the ethics of the family of Christ, for a husband and a wife to commit themselves to each other and rebuild the relationship of first love, with the fear of the Lord, and love and obedience. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, dismantle all the tangible, invisible walls of the husband and wife, reject all indifference, envy, and disputes, break all chains and bondage, remove all the obstacles and hindrance, heal all the hurts of our bodies and minds, and restore the health of the body, and prosperity in the souls. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we declare: the enemy has no power, nothing on our marriage and family, You are ruling and reigning over every family, to make the marriage complete and family blessed.

May all the family say: As for us and our home, we will serve the Lord!

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


  • 賽5:20「禍哉,那些稱惡為善,稱善為惡,以暗為光,以光為暗,以苦為甜,以甜為苦的人!」


如果你(妳)沒有犯以下的罪,可以略過不提 )



奉主耶穌基督的聖名。 阿們。

  • Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil,who put darkness for light and light for darkness,who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

Abba Father, we see,  nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. wars and rumors of wars, there will be famines and earthquakes in various places, darkness is covering the earth. The generation of. ” call evil as good, put darkness for light. Put bitter for sweet .”. Lord, in the face of this warped and crooked generation, we really need You every day, give us a broken and contrite heart, to confess our known and hidden sins every day, to truly repent, for ourselves, our family, society, nation, for those who are rulers and those in power, we earnestly cry out and watch and pray, so that Your grace, love, compassion will never leave us, so that we will have hope till the end.

(You may skip over the ones that does not apply)

Lord, please forgive me for not making good use of time to come close to You, to focus only on personal enjoyment and planning, to take God’s blessings lightly, not put God in the first place every day, I ended up walking in my own way and offend God.

Father God, I come before You, to ask for forgiveness and give me wisdom and ability, to reorder the priorities of life and return to You. In this new season, lead me into a new cycle, to renew my spiritual life, to elevate my faith, experience physical health and prosperity in spirit and soul, so me and my brothers and sisters can love the Lord and serve the Lord, to glorify Lord together!

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!





如果你(妳)沒有犯以下的罪,可以略過不提 )


奉主耶穌基督的聖名。 阿們。


  • 路12:15「你們要謹慎自守,免去一切的貪心,因為人的生命不在乎家道豐富。」
  • 太19:29「凡為我的名撇下房屋或是弟兄、姐妹、父親、母親、兒女、田地的,必要得著百倍,並且承受永生。」 



如果你(妳)沒有犯以下的罪,可以略過不提 )



奉主耶穌基督的聖名。 阿們

  • Luke 12:15 and he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”
  • Matthew 19:29 And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold[a] and will inherit eternal life. 

Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for Your great love for us!  You did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but You humbled Yourself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross— so that we would have the full salvation: delivered from death and ushered into glory!  You have asked us to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love others as ourselves.  Lord, I am willing but I am weak.  I have often withdrawn from what I know I ought to do.  I am like a branch that is not always connected to the vine, so that I’m not able to bear much fruit to glorify Your name.

Lord, forgive me for loving the world and the things of the world.  Although I honor You with my mouth, my heart is far away from You.  I lack understanding of Your heart.  I am often weighed down by the cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and have mis-managed my priorities.  I struggle with the inability to take hold of Your truth, and have suffered stagnant spiritual life and deception by the enemy as a result.

(You may skip over the ones that does not apply)

Lord, forgive me for the many falsehood I have entertained in my life.  Forgive me for participating in viciousness, lies, evil thoughts, and all kinds of filth and corruption in the heart, including self-centeredness, laziness, greed, blame-shifting, contentiousness, aggressiveness, viciousness, ridiculing others, being unjust, ignorant, unthankful; harboring sinister, envious and hateful thoughts; gloating, gossiping, spreading disputes, boasting, pride, neglecting God, being demanding and demeaning to others; rebelling against parents, being ruthless, indulging selves, and encouraging others to do the same.  Rebellion against authority, breaking trust, failure to abide by Your teachings and breaking Your covenants; setting others up as idols as well as worshiping the created instead of the Creator; following after the vices of non-believers, only to satisfy my own desires and fulfilling my own aspirations.

Lord, heal me of my rebellious and sinful ways.  Give me a humble and righteous spirit.  Renew my mind to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with my God.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

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  •  19:2  「你曉諭以色列全會眾說:你們要聖潔,因為我耶和華你們的神是聖潔的。」
  • 利 20:26「你們要歸我為聖,因為我耶和華是聖的,並叫你們與萬民有分別,使你們做我的民。」 


阿爸父啊,我深深得罪了袮我厭惡我的光景,卻無法自救,求祢憐憫我,因為我的本相不過是塵土。袮曾說你們要聖潔,因為我耶和華你們的神是聖潔的。又說:「你們要歸我為聖,因為我耶和華是聖的,並叫你們與萬民有分別,使你們做我的民。」,主啊,我願意成為聖潔,歸袮為聖,做袮的子民!現在我的心向袮敞開,求袮用聖靈來澆灌我,充滿我,更新我! 降下聖潔的火,燒盡我裡面一切不潔淨的,不屬於袮的,使我成為一個聖潔的器皿,是袮所喜悅的,合乎袮的聖工使用,感謝讚美主!

奉主耶穌基督的聖名。 阿們

  • Leviticus 19:2 Speak to all the congregation of the people of Israel and say to them, You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy.
  • Leviticus 20:26 You shall be holy to me, for I the Lord am holy and have separated you from the people, that you should be mine.

Abba Father, You perceive my thoughts from afar, I confess I am a sinner; I cannot be a perfect person by my own will, although I have a willing heart, yet I am often overcome by the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of this life; and often struggle in the snares of sin.

Abba Father, I have sinned against You greatly!  I despise my condition, yet I cannot deliver myself.  Have mercy on me— a wretch! You have said, ‘For I am the Lord your God. Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am holy.’  You’ve also said, ‘You shall be holy to me, for I the Lord am holy and have separated you from the people, that you should be mine.’  Yes Lord!  I am willing to be made holy!  Holy onto You, be Your people! Now I open up my heart towards You, pour Your Holy spirit upon me, fill me, renew me! Send Your Holy fire, burn away all impurity, all that do not belong to You in me ; make me a holy vessel, that pleases You, fits for Your holy work, praise and thank the Lord!

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!


利 19:2「你曉諭以色列全會眾說:你們要聖潔,因為我耶和華你們的神是聖潔的。」

利 20:26 「你們要歸我為聖,因為我耶和華是聖的,並叫你們與萬民有分別,使你們做我的民。」



奉主耶穌基督的聖名。 阿們!


  • 詩 33:12  “以耶和華為神的,那國是有福的!他所揀選為自己產業的,那民是有福的!”
  • 出15:11 “耶和華啊,眾神之中,誰能像你?誰能像你-至聖至榮,可頌可畏,施行奇事?”



如果你(妳)沒有犯以下的罪,可以略過不提 )





  • Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!
  • Exodus 15:11“Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods?Who is like you, majestic in holiness,awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?

It is written, before the coming of the Lord, the world will become darker.  Now is that time,

Abba Father, help me to be perfect before You.  Keep me away from the entanglements of sins. Lord, I open my heart to You, reveal to me, so I am willing to confess my sins and repent. Lord, cleanse me again of all sins and unrighteousness with Your precious blood, so that my prayers today, can be heard by You.

(You may skip over the ones that does not apply)

Lord, forgive me for all evil in my heart, resentment, unrighteousness, viciousness, poisonous hatred, deceit, scorn, defamation, jealousy, ignorance, betrayal,  no mercy ( Rom. 1:29-31 ), cursing, bitterness , paying attention to self, greed, boasting, arrogance, disobedience to parents, ungratefulness, unholy, no affection, unforgiveness, gossip, lack of self-control, violent, no goodness, treacherous, reckless, boastful, lover of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but deny the power thereof (2 Tim. 3:1-5 )

Restore to me humility and tenderness of heart, to honor God and treat brothers and sisters with kindness (Eph 5:21) not to quarrel or cry out ( Matthew 12:19 ), and fix our eyes and minds on Jesus Christ.

Lord, thank and praise You, for dying on the cross for my sins, so I can come boldly to the throne of grace, to receive mercy, grace, to experience the salvation of the cross, and to exalt Your holy name every day, worship and praise You, and give You the glory!

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

為自己 02

 以耶和華為神的,那國是有福的!他所揀選為自己產業的,那民是有福的!詩篇 33:12




如果你(妳)沒有犯以下的罪,可以略過不提 )





  • 詩篇33:22  耶和華啊,求你照着我們所仰望你的,向我們施行慈愛!  




主啊,謝謝袮施恩慈憐憫,寶血洗淨我,不再記念我的罪過, 給我回轉的機會,點燃我對祢熱情,加添我對祢的信心,真知道凡是出於耶和華神的,都是最好的。

奉主耶穌基督的聖名。 阿們!

Repentance: Repentance for Self 01

  • Psalm 33:22 Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us,even as we hope in you.

Abba Father, You said that in the Last Days, You will once again shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry lands, as well as the nations of the earth. Now is the time!  We see nations at war, and countless facing hardships and sorrows beyond measure. The Day of the Lord is near. I need to be more alert to watch and pray and be ready! Please, give me a broken and contrite heart, to fully confess and repent, so I can seek Your face with clean hands and a pure heart, so my prayers can come before You!  … Click to Read More

(You may skip over the ones that does not apply)

Lord, forgive me of my evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander (Matt. 15:19), covetousness, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, pride, foolishness (Mark 7:22), anger, judgment, control, manipulation, selfishness, contention, injustice, the lust of the world, the temptation of money (Matt. 13:22), taking the Holy Communion in an unworthy manner, not examining self, (1 Corinthians 11) lust for evil, adultery, testing the Lord, rebellion, and complaint (1 Corinthians 10), self-exaltation, disobedience to authority, allow lust in the heart, to commit filthy acts.

Lord, thank You for Your grace and mercy!  Cleanse me with Your precious blood— Do not count my sins against me!  Give me a chance to repent and turn back to You. Ignite My passion for You!  Increase my faith for You, to truly know everything from You, is the best.

In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen!


  • 詩33:22 “耶和華啊,求你照着我們所仰望你的,向我們施行慈愛!”


(如果你(妳)沒有犯以下的罪,可以略過不提 )


主啊,求袮施恩慈憐憫,用主的寶血洗淨我,不再紀念我的罪惡, 給我回轉的機會。我需要袮來點燃復興的火焰,恢復袮在我生命中奔放燃燒的熱情,使我對袮有更大的信心,更多愛的信任,真知道凡是出於耶和華神的,都是最好的。

奉主耶穌基督的聖名。 阿們