How to Participate? 如何加入禁食禱告行列?

How to Participate?

    1. Read Fast and Prayer Guidelines 
    2. Decide Fast Style:    Pray and seek the Lord’s guidance.
    3. Download Prayers:  There are two types of prayers available:   Repentance & Global Urgent  Prayers.  You may download them for your references.
    4. Register (Optional):  If you would like to continue to receive any global urgent prayer alerts after the 40 days fast, click Here   to register, we welcome you to join our global 247 Prayer Firewall.  Will keep in touch with you.


  1. 請讀:禁食禱告指南
  2. 決定禁食方式:  按照神的帶領。
  3. 下載禱告文:  本網站有兩類禱告文可以下載:悔改禱告文及全球緊急禱告事項。
  4. 註冊:(自由選項):  40天禁食禱告後,如果你想繼續收到全球性的緊急代禱事項,可以在此按註冊 ,歡迎參加全球247禱告火城我們將繼續與你們連絡。