2020 合一守望禱告指南-2020大選 倒數40天

2020 One Watch Prayer Guide – 40 Days to The 2020 Election

日期(Date): 9/24   資料來源Data  Source): 翟辛蒂(Cindy Jacob)    中譯(Chinese Translation): 神國度的資源

天數 No. 日期Date 中文禱告項目 English Prayer Item
40 11/3 2020 年選舉日 Election Day 2020!
39 11/2 教會和政府 The Church and the Government
38 11/1 控制氛圍 Controlling the Atmosphere
37 10/31 敬拜祂 Worship Him
36 10/30 守候在耶穌的同在中-第二部分 Abiding in the Manifest Presence of Jesus – PART 2
35 10/29 守候在耶穌的同在中-第一部分 Abiding in the Manifest Presence of Jesus – PART 1
34 10/28 盟約祭壇,榮耀之門 Altars of Covenant, Gates of Glory
33 10/27 前進的禱告運動 The Advancing Prayer Movement
32 10/26 隨時感謝 Being Thankful at All Times
31 10/25 骸骨會存活 These Dry Bones Will Live!
30 10/24 敬畏上帝 The Fear of the Lord
29 10/23 爲媒體中的真理禱告 Pray for Truth in Media
28 10/22 維護邊界安全 Maintaining Border Security
27 10/21 勝利的新時代   New Era of Victory
26 10/20 完成翻轉 Complete the Turnaround!
25 10/19 以祂的平安戰勝焦慮 Overcoming Anxiety with His Peace
24 10/18 警惕欺騙 Watchfulness Against Deception
23 10/17 我們必須終止美國的墮胎 Praying from God’s Presence
22 10/16 醫治分裂的國家 Healing a Divided Nation
21 10/15 選擇學校 School Choice
20 10/14 保護我們學校的宗教自由 Protection of Religious Freedom in Our Schools
19 10/13 性別澄清   Gender Clarification
18 10/12 爲孩童禱告 Prayer for the Children
17 10/11 終結人口販賣 Ending Human Trafficking
16 10/10 爲生命投票! Voting For Life!
15 10/9 我們必須終止美國的墮胎 We Must End Abortion in America
14 10/8 價值觀的重要性 The Importance of Values
13 10/7 敬虔的顧問 Godly Advisors
12 10/6 爲總統禱告 Prayer for Our President
11 10/5 總統的轉型   A Presidential Transformation
10 10/4 教會與國家的分離 Separation of Church and State
9 10/3 宗教自由:公共場所的上帝 Religious Freedom: God in the Public Square
8 10/2 上帝對美國的藍圖 God’s Blueprint for America
7 10/1 重奪黑暗之地 Reclaiming the Dark Places
6 9/30 祝福的大能 The Power of Blessing
5 9/29 改變氣候,改變國家 Change the Climate, Change the Nation
4 9/28 有價值和負責任的 Valuable and Accountable
3 9/27 上帝對政府的神聖藍圖 God’s Divine Blueprint for Government
2 9/26 悔改:復興的關鍵 Repentance: The Key to Revival
1 9/25 不分政黨的禱告 Praying Without Partisanship
40 Days of Praying in Unity for the Nation –
September 25 through Election Day, November 3

注: 此系列禱告文翻譯乃神國度的資源所有,歡迎引用但請尊重翻譯者,勿擅自更改,並請註明中譯出處: 神國度資源。謝謝配搭!

第40天: 2020 年選舉日   

願你的國降臨;願你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。」 (馬太福音 6:10) 

投票是一種屬靈的行為!這是對於管理上帝所創造的政府領域,我們得以從事的最實際的 行動。上帝看著祂的創造,說這是好的,指派亞當來承擔管理祂的創造的責任。美國典型 的基督徒的問題在於,我們相信政府/政治是屬世的,我們不應在教會中討論這些問題。 

耶穌教導門徒禱告的方式是,願祢的國降臨;願祢的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上, 祂告訴他們當尋求上帝的旨意,祂的價值觀,祂的政府,在地上如同在天上一樣。我們文 化中一個常見的短語是,「你無法對道德立法」,然而我們的政府做出影響生死,能否表 達我們的宗教偏好,懲罰罪犯,導引對外國人的待遇,以及許多其他類似事情的決定。這 些全都是可能受到我們投票選擇最能體現上帝價值觀的候選人,這種屬靈行爲所造成的影 響之道德決定。 

我們並非總是有基督徒候選人可以從中選擇,但我們應始終了解候選人及其所代表的政黨 之立場。 

教會將擁有應得的政府。如果教會在選舉日待在家裡,允許邪惡的人投票給邪惡的候選人, 那麼我們就會得到一個邪惡的政府。投票是一種管理性質的屬靈行為。今天出去投票,了 解你的候選人,禱告,然後投票! 


  • 禱告教會能夠明白並管理投票的屬靈義務。 
  • 禱告教會以選出能反映上帝價值觀的優質候選人的方式來投票。 
  • 禱告神的國度今日臨到地上,如在天上一樣。 

Dave Kubal  
Intercessors for America 總裁


第39天: 教會和政府   

我勸你,第一要為萬人懇求、禱告、代求、祝謝;為君王和一切在位的, 也該如此,使我們可以敬虔、端正、平安無事地度日。這是好的, 在神我們救主面前可蒙悅納。祂願意萬人得救,明白真道。」 (提摩太前書 2:1-4) 

在這個重要的選舉年中,關於我們是誰和道德爲何這些最根本的問題成爲所有辯論和言論 的基礎。誰應該來回答這些問題? 


建立神權政治並非上帝的旨意,但也不須造出「教會和國家之間的一道牆」,然而聖經對 於教會和國家(政府)所當扮演的角色指出了明顯的區別。 

讓屬靈領袖來領導國家並非政府的宗旨。聖經對於政府領導人和屬靈領袖的資格要求大不 相同,包括正直的品格,敬畏上帝和被尊重的程度。 

政府並非屬靈復興的源頭。我們的總統正確的頭銜是「總司令」。他並不是「總牧師」。 儘管我們希望我們的總統都是敬畏上帝,值得信賴並且滿懷正直,但我們並不把他們當屬靈領袖看待。 

我們禱告每一位總統都與基督建立個人關係,與聖靈亦步亦趨,並且保持聖潔,但我們不 能尋求去依靠他的屬靈影響力。 

政府擁有上帝賦予的權柄去從事某些事情,但並不能違反創國者稱之為「我們不可剝奪的 權利」。例如,上帝已授權政府保護公民並在基礎建設和市場方面提供共同利益。 


當國家面臨我們人生中最嚴重的一些危機時,我們必須迫切禱告政府和教會都能正確履行 其當扮演的角色。 


  • 禱求教會興起發光,將福音帶至美國的每個社區。
  • 禱告上帝聖言的價值觀能在我們的社區、州和國家裡反映在立場,政策和法律之中。 
  • 禱告教會對我們國家和這次選舉產生深刻且持久的影響。  

Dave Kubal  
Intercessors for America 總裁


第38天: 控制氛圍   

「擁有空中通道的人就可以控制氛圍」。 在我所坐的桌子對面,是一位與蘇丹的寡婦和 孤兒一起工作的年輕女子。 我和我丈夫都待在一間充滿來自世界各地令人不可思議的傳 教士的房間裡。 這些人所做出的犧牲令人吃驚。 這位特別的婦女生活在戰區裡,當她對 我說出這些話時,它擊中我的靈。 

哥林多後書 10 章 4 節到 6 節的熱情版聖經提到, 

「儘管我們生活在自然界中,但我們並沒有發動使用人類武器,通過操控來達到目標的軍 事戰役。 反倒是,我們屬靈的武器充滿了神聖的能力,能有效拆毀人們躲藏其後的防禦 設施。 我們可以摧毀每一個抵擋上帝的欺騙的幻想,並破除所有興起來違抗上帝真實的 知識之傲慢態度。 我們將每一個想法如戰俘一樣捕捉起來,並堅持讓它順服於那位受膏 者。 既然我們擁有如此強大的武器,一旦你選擇完全順服,我們就預備好來懲治任何悖 逆的蹤跡。」 

在這個時刻,上帝希望我們與祂同工,將覺醒帶給這個世界。 因為我們裡面有聖靈,所 以我們擁有來如此行的權柄和權利。 這段經文中我最喜歡的部分是在它提到,我們要捕 捉任何抵擋神的國度的,並且「堅持讓它順服」。我個人一直在行走禱告,「我堅持悖逆 的靈要順服」。 



  • 行走禱告,知道我們能夠擁有並將之歸入天國的統治之下的屬靈的空中通道。 知道爲了我們國家的自由,我們站立在上帝的權柄中。 
  • 知道上帝要我們滿懷信心地堅持,一切不屬神的事物都順服於祂的權柄之下。 以哥林多前書 2 章 10 節的經文爲指南。 讓上帝開啟你看到更多正中靶心的禱告方法。 

Beni Johnson  
Bethel Church 資深牧師


第37天: 敬拜祂   

我們的主,我們的 神,祢是配得榮耀、尊貴、權柄的;因為祢創造了萬物, 並且萬物是因祢的旨意被創造而有的。」(啟示錄 4:11 下) 

今年,亦即今年的春季和夏季,是一個前所未有的時期。聖經的許多內容就在我們眼前活 生生地展現。經文中關於無政府的違法,瘟疫,上帝讓人隨自己的計謀而行(詩篇 81:12),稱惡為善和稱善為惡都被賦予更充分的含義。 

然而,今年你找到屬靈豐盛成長的方法嗎?就個人而言,我承認自己也有絕望的時刻。然 而,上帝有偉大的信實,不懈的救贖和拯救。也許你就像我一樣,已經學會了每天穩定餵 養「壞消息」並無法滿足天堂般的靈魂。福音的好消息總是在祂的同在與平安中得飽和。 浸在如啟示錄 4 章歷代志下 29 章 10 節13 節敬拜和愛慕的經文裡,大衛王的禱告讓我 們得以一直專注於自有永有的偉大的主。讓我們一同進入新的敬拜的深度,在那裡我們與 萬軍之耶和華成為戰士。讓我們求主告訴我們,祂是如何調動和部署天上的軍隊,來實質 地幫助抵擋和遏制謊言,欺騙,恐懼和沮喪。敬拜祂!在我們被指定的日子裡,祂的榮耀 將侵入我們的感官、靈魂和肉體,點燃起愛慕並對齊祂的呼召。  


  • 在每天起床前,讓我們對上帝敬畏不已:永恆,堅定,永存的愛,信實,饒恕,保護者, 安慰者,和更多的特質。 
  • 在每晚入睡前,讓我們回顧祂應許的禱告。 讓我們沉思每一天都帶領我們更接近祂的再 來這個事實。祂並沒有改變。 
  • 敬拜祂。 敬拜解除敵人的武裝,並鞏固我們身為祂的兒女應有的地位。 就只是一遍又一遍地來宣告出耶穌的名字。 
  • 默想祂免費賜下的禮物,並爲這禮物無法被奪走而喜樂地微笑。 

Lisa Crump  
Volunteer Mobilization, National Day of Prayer, 副總裁


第36天: 守候在耶穌的同在中-第二部分   

你們若常在我裡面,我的話也常在你們裡面,凡你們所願意的, 祈求,就給你們成就。」(約翰福音 15:7) 

讓我提醒你 Ekklesia 是什麼。它是希臘文的「教會」,在其最原始的表達中,它是指至少 兩名信徒在耶穌的同在中聚集,在他們的影響範圍內爲了成就上帝的旨意來捆綁和釋放。 

我們看到當兩三個人呼喚祂的名,祂就來!祂來,在你聚集之處彰顯祂自己。在祂的同在 中我們該做什麼?請容我解釋耶穌在約翰福音 15:7 所說的,你們若常在我裡面,我 (對你們說)的話也常在你們裡面,凡你們所願意的,祈求,就給你們成就。棒極了! 

禱告更深層的含義並非說話,而是遵守。是在祂的同在中做日光浴。花時間來禱告慶祝耶 穌的同在並傾聽祂。祂可能透過聖經的一段經文對你說話。祂可能通過你的禱告夥伴跟你 說話。祂可能藉著從你腦中突然冒出的想法來對你說話,而你會知道它是出自神的。 

現在讓我們再度來看馬太福音 18:19我又告訴你們,若是你們中間有兩個人在地上 同心合意地求甚麼事,我在天上的父必為他們成全。我們將在地上捆綁天父和聖子在天 上已經捆綁的。這與我們之前所做的不同。 

來想像一下這個圖像。天父是最主要的人物。當我們聚集禱告時,耶穌就在我們中間。祂 就像在天父右邊的一面鏡子。我們仰望耶穌,接著我們就能藉著耶穌的出現看到天父正在 做的。現在我們就能禱告天父會應許的禱告。在那一刻,我們被賦予捆綁和釋放的權柄, 因為和平之君不久就會把撒旦粉碎在我們的腳下。 

現在有許多屬靈爭戰正在進行,但上帝賜給我們來捆綁和釋放的權柄,然而我們必須小心, 不要冒然急躁地進行。首先,我們歡迎耶穌,我們俯伏在祂腳前,我們遵守祂的話,我們 禱告祂引導我們來祈禱的禱告,天父回應,現在我們發現天父在天上已經捆綁或釋放的, 而我們在這裡進行。 

這就是上帝將撒旦 – 以及各種形式的邪惡 – 粉碎在我們腳下的時刻。誰的腳? Ekklesia 的 腳。誰是 Ekklesia 的頭?耶穌。耶穌在哪裡?天父的右手邊。現在聖靈降臨,揭示祂自己。 

請看這個應許。「祂,聖靈,將引導你」- 喔,這在禱告中何等關鍵 -「祂要引導你們進 入一切的真理;因為祂不是憑自己說的,乃是把祂所聽見的都說出來,並要把將來的事告 訴你們」。祂會告訴你什麼?留意傾聽。聖靈聽到天父和聖子所捆綁和釋放的。難道這不 會改變你的禱告,使它更有活力?現在我們祈求神賜下恩膏,因為恩膏是那能造成改變的。 



未受膏的撒母耳是一個藉神蹟而生的嬰兒。因著受膏,他成為以色列最偉大的先知。 未受膏的大衛是一個卑微的牧羊人。他因受膏成爲一位強大而多產的君王。 傾聽聖靈。保羅是這麼說的: 

我們生活、動作、存留,都在乎祂」。這完全改變了禱告。不是像尋找一杯水地來禱告 或尋求聖靈,你會像一條魚在祂同在的海洋中不斷游動! 

當你現在聚會,慶祝耶穌的同在,高舉耶穌的同在,明白你活在祂的裡面,你在祂裡面行 動,你在祂裡面存留。現在你遵守祂的話,因為祂會藉著書面文字,你的禱告夥伴或者一 種感覺來跟你說話,但這會是一條雙向之路,這就是為何我禱告你會效法馬利亞。當馬利 亞不明白天使所宣布的如何能夠發生時,她問道,「這怎麼可能?」。天使說,「聖靈將 臨到妳,祂會將一些東西放在妳的裡面」。 



  • 在你的家庭或工作場所指定一處是你可以與耶穌相聚的地方。 它可以是一張椅子 或一個角落,甚至可以是辦公桌的一角。 但這是爲了祂和與祂相聚的聚會場所。 
  • (每天)定期守候在祂的同在中,將禱告變成一條雙向之路。 
  • 讓聖靈臨到你,教導你如何禱告。 

Ed Silvoso 
Transform Our World 創辦人和主席


第35天: 守候在耶穌的同在中-第一部分   

我又告訴你們,若是你們中間有兩個人在地上同心合意地求甚麼事, 我在天上的父必為他們成全」(馬太福音 18:19) 

什麼是 Ekklesia? 它是希臘文的「教會」,在其最原始的表達中,它是指至少兩名信徒在 耶穌的同在中聚集,在他們的影響範圍內爲了成就上帝的旨意來捆綁和釋放。 這正是禱 告的核心。 我們按照上帝的旨意禱告,而上帝的旨意成就。 

聖經的依據提供我們巨大的保證。 馬太福音 18:8-20 提到,我實在告訴你們,凡你們 在地上所捆綁的,在天上也要捆綁;凡你們在地上所釋放的,在天上也要釋放。我又告訴 你們,若是你們中間有兩個人在地上同心合意地求甚麼事,我在天上的父必為他們成全。 因為無論在哪裡,有兩三個人奉我的名聚會,那裡就有我在他們中間」。 


步驟                                                               應許  

  • 當兩三個人奉祂的名聚集                       耶穌來。 
  • 他們在地上禱告的任何事情                  被他們的天父成就。 
  • 當他們捆綁和釋放                                       他們被授權。 


這段經文的應許始於:當我們奉主的名求,祂就會來。 請停下來思考這個事實:當你禱 告時,主說,「我會來」。祂從哪裡來? 從天父的右手邊。 祂在那裡做什麼? 祂在為你 代禱。 

第二個應許有多麼巨大,那就是我們奉耶穌的名所求的一切,天父都會成就! 但問題是, 為什麼我們沒有如耶穌所應許的,禱告百分之百得成就? 為什麼我們在地上捆綁和釋放 的,並沒有保持被捆綁和釋放? 

有一天我求問主,祂對我說,「Ed,你太急著去禱告,去祈求,然而你並不尊榮與你同 在的耶穌」。 

接著,英國女王的身影浮現在我的腦海。 如果她要從前門進來,我會怎麼做? 她會讓我 全神貫注。 我會來歡迎她,對她說,「陛下,妳的願望就是我得到的命令」。 上帝立刻 提醒我,祂的愛子可比英國女王偉大得多! 

這改變了我的人生! 從那時起,當我開始與妻子或禱告夥伴一起禱告時,我們會花時間 來歡迎主耶穌。 我們使用代下 7:14 的經文,這稱為我名下的子民,若是自卑、禱 告。。。」你知道,過去我急著去禱告,但現在花時間來歡迎主耶穌,謙卑自己,對祂的命令委身去做。 接著,尋找祂的面。 當你全神貫注地來面對祂,祂說,「轉離惡行」。 噢,當我們仍被罪惡和痛苦折磨時,上帝卻讓我們看著祂的臉,祂的愛和恩典是多麼的崇 高偉大。 


請留意這段經文。 當我們呼求主的名,我們就歸於祂的王權之下。 我們謙卑自己,愛慕 祂,敬拜祂,接著我們開始禱告。 我們先尋求祂的面,我們從過去的道路轉向。 當我們 花時間這麼做,基督的心思意念就開始滲透我們的心思意念。 

如果你歡迎耶穌並來傾聽祂,你就會開始用祂的思想來思考。 在那一刻,我們心思裡靈 的那個部分得到更新 – 不僅是心思裡魂的那部分,也包括靈的那部分,我們開始領受從上 帝而來的。 那一刻,我們開始禱告耶穌一直在天父的右手邊所禱告的。 當我們這麼做, 



  • 默想馬太福音 18:18-20歷代志下 7:14。 
  • 按照指示開始禱告,不要急於求問,而是邀請並停留在祂的同在中。
  • 在開口之前先傾聽。 你會開始聽到上帝對你的國家要回應的禱告。

Ed Silvoso  
Transform Our World 創辦人和主席


第34天: 盟約祭壇,榮耀之門   

到了一個地方,因為太陽落了,就在那裡住宿,便拾起那地方的一塊石頭枕在頭下, 在那裡躺臥睡了,夢見一個梯子立在地上,梯子的頭頂著天,有 神的使者在梯子上, 上去下來。耶和華站在梯子以上說:『我是耶和華─你祖亞伯拉罕的 神, 也是以撒的 神;我要將你現在所躺臥之地賜給你和你的後裔』。」 (創世記 28:11-13 

如果我們要在這個新時代成為守門者,我們必須知道,上帝與人不同,祂不會忘記。 即 使我們不留意過往世代的根基,祂的目光仍在它們身上。 發生在雅各身上的正是如此。 他不是只到達某個普通的地方。 古代的拉比教導,他是在不知不覺中被帶到他的祖父亞 伯拉罕在一個世代前為耶和華築壇獻祭之處。 在那裡,一個盟約確認了藉此一個國家得 被建立。 

雅各就是在這裡,於打開的天堂和上帝相遇。 現在我們需要這樣的相遇,從上帝寶座而 來的啟示和交付給祂的家的能力。 現在是禱告和敬拜的獻祭不斷獻上的時候了。 

這是尋求耶和華的族類,是尋求你面的雅各。(細拉)眾城門哪,你們要抬起頭來!永 久的門戶,你們要被舉起!那榮耀的王將要進來!」(詩篇 24:6-7) 

我相信這個相遇正是在詩篇 24 篇談到雅各的族類時所提到的。 那些內心領受到盟約的神 的啟示,以及來尋求祂的人。 是這些人,門戶才會被委託看守,因為他們只會對與祂心 意對齊的打開門。 他們會拒絕任何違反祂的心意並企圖進入的。 守門者為榮耀的王打開 進入之門。天使的援助被釋放,天堂的資源被部署,突破發生。   


  • 禱告上帝喚醒教會,興起並看顧我們國家盟約的祭壇。 
  • 禱告得著一個新的天堂打開的相遇和領受從寶座而來的更大的啟示。 禱告守門者會為榮耀的王打開他們被指定看守的領域的大門。 

Chris Mitchell  
Kingsgate International 創辦人


第33天: 前進的禱告運動   

聚集眾民,使會眾自潔:招聚老者,聚集孩童和吃奶的; 使新郎出離洞房,新婦出離內室。」(約珥書 2:16) 

許多人並不知道美國是在禱告中誕生的。從朝聖者登陸普利茅斯(Plymouth)時的禱告到 班傑明·富蘭克林在撰寫美國憲法時呼求神聖援助的禱告,禱告乃美國建國的基石。男男 女女每天依賴上帝並尋求上帝成爲人們日常生活中的一部分。 

在我們國家的整個歷史中,禱告不斷興旺,最顯著的是在艱難的季節中以及在大覺醒和上 帝其它重大的行動之前,例如 1960 年代末/ 1970 年代初的耶穌運動。禱告運動最近的一次 激增是在 1990 年代,禱告活動在當時成爲常態,例如在教會中組成許多禱告團體,走禱開車禱告,禱告之旅,禱告殿和充滿禱告的教會。然而,在這十年中禱告潮流再次消失。 長期禱告的戰士們越來越疲憊,下一代似乎也缺乏他們的父母和祖父母那一輩的火熱。   

在 2016 年選舉之前,上帝賜給我將使國家再度進入禱告的一個「向天堂請願運動」的異 象。 我們開始在全國各地舉辦「向天堂請願」的聚會,必要時並計劃前往所有 50 個州來 激發起人們對全國復興來禱告的熱情。 許多禱告團體和事工因此而得到更新。 禱告不斷 取得動力,禱告事工之間形成了新的合一。 上帝喜愛合一,我們已經開始看到我們合一 的禱告所帶來的果效! 此外,「向天堂請願」的旗幟開始在各地出現,包括政府的辦公 室中。 當總統在辦公室發表頭幾場演講的其中一場時,它甚至就置於川普總統的身後! 

我們必須持續點燃禱告之火。 我們已經帶來轉換,但是美國還沒有脫離困境! 政府領導 人依賴我們的繼續禱告! 他們告訴我,當教會禱告和不禱告,他們能夠感受這當中的不 同! 禱告,教會,禱告! 


  • 因著美國是在禱告中建立的,並且尊榮基督的禱告正是我們作為一個國家身份爲何的基礎, 爲此來感謝上帝。 
  • 祈求上帝激發你對禱告具有更多的熱情。 
  • 為今日的國家及其領導人禱告。 你可以去這幾個網站,whitehouse.gov,senate.gov, house.gov,supremecourt.gov 或聯邦、州和地方各級的許多其它政府網站來獲取禱告的訊息。 
  • 為美國來敬拜主。 敬拜與代禱是齊頭並進的。
  • 求問主如何與地方和國家層級的禱告團體有更佳的聯結。 若你的教會和/或社區中沒有禱告團體,請發起一個。 運用約珥書二章 16 節,呼召美國的代禱者興起來禱告! 

Dutch Sheets  
Dutch Sheets Ministries 總裁


第32天: 隨時感謝   

你們要靠主常常喜樂。我再說,你們要喜樂。。。 應當一無掛慮,只要凡事藉著禱告、祈求,和感謝,將你們所要的告訴 神。」 (腓立比書 4:4-6 

老實說,我有必須不斷帶到上帝寶座前的一些事情的清單,以致我能夠遵照這段經文而不 會感到焦慮。我想你可能也有幾件像這樣的事情,從家庭到對國家的負擔。而祂的處方是 什麼?靠主喜樂 只在某些時候?在美好的時光裡? 總是如此!真的嗎?怎麼辦得到因為在每件事情並非僅在一些事情上,而是萬事,都帶著感謝來到祂面前。另一節真 實紮根於此的經文是詩篇 100:4-5當稱謝進入祂的門;當讚美進入祂的院。。。祂的 慈愛存到永遠;祂的信實直到萬代」我喜歡主將「萬代」都納入,因為這是白紙黑字列 印出來的證據。就像在詩人的時代一樣,祂在 2020 年也會是信實的。不是在某些世代或 時代信實而已,而是全部。祂的慈愛不僅存於某些時候,並且直到永遠 甚至今日。我們 只須帶著感謝進入,喜樂地向祂提出我們的請求。當我們提出請求時,請記住那些背負著 重擔或被欺騙而不知道當我們將之帶到主面前時所享有的自由和釋放的人們。細拉。   


  • 在每天起床前,數算你得到的無論大小的祝福。 
  • 在每天睡覺前,找一件被忽略掉的新的事情來感謝祂。 
  • 在你感謝和感恩的心中來感受祂的快樂; 朋友們,我們必須在這裡逗留,延長這段時間。 感謝祂我們能夠將請求帶到祂面前 – 是祂希望我們來到祂面前的。 
  • 因祂從不為我們的人生焦慮,也從不停止做工和回應我們的禱告,對祂獻上極大的感恩。 

Lisa Crump  
Volunteer Mobilization, National Day of Prayer, 副總裁


第31天: 骸骨會存活   

耶和華的靈降在我身上。耶和華藉祂的靈帶我出去,將我放在平原中; 這平原遍滿骸骨。」(以西結書 37:1) 

路易斯·巴斯德(Louis Pasteur)以許多醫學發明,包括巴氏消毒法而聞名於世。 其中一項 醫學發明對他意義特別重大。 當小兒麻痺症肆虐整個國家,巴斯德就去研發疫苗。 許多 人都放棄了醫治這疾病的希望,但巴斯德持續進行試驗。 就在他想要親自接種疫苗進行 人體試驗時,一名患上可怕疾病的 9 歲小男孩約瑟夫·梅斯特(Joseph Meister)被帶到他身 邊。 巴斯德將疫苗打在這個小男孩身上,令人驚訝的是,它起了作用。 他被治愈並存活 下來。在巴斯德於 1895 年 9 月 28 日去世之前,他持續完成了許多其它的醫學發現和專利 申請。巴斯德可以在他死亡時,從他一生中所取得的所有重大成就中選擇任何一項放在他 的墓碑上,但他只想放這三個字 – 「約瑟夫·梅斯特活下來」(Joseph Meister Lived)。 願 它對我們所有人說話:當一切都看似毫無希望時,一個餘民是永遠不會放棄我們的國家的, 



  • 為「枯乾的骸骨」禱告,那些感到無望和沒有生命力的人們被喚醒和得到復興。 祈求上帝對處於斷定谷的群眾彰顯出祂自己。 
  • 禱告醫學界對上帝尋求不僅可以根除新冠肺炎病毒,還可以歸榮耀與神的疫苗。 禱告覺醒的風吹入我們國家。 

William Ford, III  
William Ford Ministries and Hilkiah Ministries 創辦人 
【摘自 Dutch Sheets 和 Will Ford 合著的書籍《創造歷史者》(History Makers)】


第30天: 敬畏上帝   

敬畏耶和華是知識的開端;愚妄人藐視智慧和訓誨。」(箴言 1:7) 

美國正朝往何處? 當我們的文化中缺乏對我們的主耶穌基督及其價值觀的尊榮和尊重時, 我的靈魂為之哀悼。 當對上帝的敬畏於許多人,特別是能見度高和具聲量的人們的內心 和思想中消失,公共舞台已隨之迅速墜落。缺乏文明,喪失禮儀,無視權威是一個意欲為 自己服務的社會處於危險之中的徵兆。 

對上帝的智慧之需求是無盡的。 我們的國家可以經由神聖的敬畏和敬重上帝而得到改善。 然後,也只有在那時,祂的智慧才能開始運作。 

根據羅馬書 14 章 12 節每個人有一天都必須在上帝,創造主面前交待自己的一生。   


  • 悔改並祈求聖靈在眾人心中使人知罪,使我們全都知道上帝的存在。 
  • 悔改並祈求聖靈在眾人心中使人知罪,而能敬重/尊榮/敬畏上帝。 
  • 悔改並祈求聖靈在眾人心中使人知罪,而能夠來尋求上帝。 

Lisa Crump  
Volunteer Mobilization, National Day of Prayer, 副總裁


第29天: 爲媒體中的真理禱告   

生死在舌頭的權下,喜愛它的,必吃它所結的果子。」(箴言 18:21) 

世俗媒體是否已經成為我們精神和屬靈生活的一部分,以致我們沒有認知它對國家造成的 影響?我們是否擔心其強大的影響力太過巨大而無法勝過?在撒母耳記上第 17 章裡,我 們讀到當大衛面對敵擋上帝和祂的子民的巨人時並不懼怕他們。歌利亞最厲害的武器並非 他的體型或力量。實際上,掃羅王和以色列軍隊甚至還待在不足以測試巨人的軍事實力的 遠處。只是因著巨人有張大嘴巴,他們就在恐懼,沮喪,瀕臨失敗邊緣中癱坐在山坡上! 

就算有,大衛在戰場上的實戰經驗也微乎其微,但他在敬拜禱告的學校裡發展了一些充滿 信心的策略。他對歌利亞的了解不多,但是他對萬軍之耶和華非常熟悉。 

神的僕人奉全能之主的名號和真理的宣告來面對嘲諷的非利士人。然後,牧羊的男孩甩出 一塊石頭,擊在巨人的前額上,使他面朝下倒地。當嘴裡滿是沙土就很難再狂冒謊言!順 道一提,腦額葉恰好是我們的個性和溝通能力的「控制面板」。儘管我們被告知這石已殺 死非利士人,但大衛並沒有中途停止。他用敵人自己的劍砍下他的頭,向世人展示上帝對 思想的權柄。這是建立巨大信心的一步!歌利亞再也無法嘲諷上帝的子民,或來藐視以色 列的聖者!有哪些是我們可以使用來對抗媒體巨頭的有效的禱告策略? 


  • 祈求上帝將祂的僕人安置在媒體裡,強化他們能忠心地行走在正直和謙卑之中。禱告他們 將充滿從神而來的知識,智慧和理解。禱告他們不會漫不經心地說話,而是使用他們的舌 頭帶來生命(箴言 11; 18:21;羅馬書 10:14,15)。 
  • 禱告我們媒體中欺騙和不敬虔的哲學將被曝光,不允許其滲透和感染教會。宣令並宣告真 理之光將驅散黑暗(路加福音 8:17)。 
  • 感謝上帝將聖靈加在祂安置在媒體的領袖身上,並將祂的聖言放在他們的舌頭上(撒母耳 記下 23:2-4)。 
  • 祈求並相信,被上帝呼召的媒體領袖將大膽,無畏,不懼怕地揭發恐怖分子和聖戰分子對 我們政府構成威脅的真相。禱告他們願意挺身駁斥對耶穌的追隨者所說的每一句邪惡的話, 並且不以福音為恥(耶利米書 1:10;以賽亞書 54:17;羅馬書 1:16)。 
  • 禱告上帝將策略性地安置向列國報好信傳救恩的平安的先驅者(以賽亞書 52:7)。
  • 在上帝面前等候聖靈的進一步指引,並記得來感謝神垂聽和應允我們的禱告,我們若照 祂的旨意求甚麼,祂就聽我們,這是我們向祂所存坦然無懼的心。既然知道祂聽我們一切 所求的,就知道我們所求於祂的,無不得著。」約翰一書 5:14,15)。 

Kay Horner  

Awakening America Alliance 執行董事


第28天: 維護邊界安全   

你地上不再聽見強暴的事,境內不再聽見荒涼毀滅的事。 你必稱你的牆為「拯救」,稱你的門為「讚美」。以賽亞書 60:18) 

通過南部邊界進入美國國境的人口販賣,毒品販運和恐怖主義之暴行(特別是與ISIS有關 的),它們是影響我們國家和邊界安全的最普遍問題。這些問題為我們政府帶來一系列獨 特的情況,除了爲逃避在自己國家所遭遇的困難而未具官方核準證件就非法進入美國的人 們所造成的危機之外,這一挑戰還凸顯了進行移民改革的必要性。 

得採取有效對策以消除這些弊端的立法已經懸置多年。這是美國來彌補其破碎的移民制度 並修改法律政策,而使打算在美國開枝散葉並對美國做出他們的效忠誓言的移民和難民們 合法且安全地進入美國的時候了。同樣的,對於可能進入國境來損害我們國家的人們,我 們需要得以解決這種問題的法律;他們應被拘留並被遣返原籍國。現在是我們的政府以能 使美國按照其創立和上帝的心意來蓬勃發展的一項公正且具同情心的移民改革來解決這個 問題的時候。 

據美國國務院估計,每年約有一萬四千五百名至一萬七千五百名外國人被販賣到美國,它 處的估計數字甚至高達一萬九千人。(注)   


  • 禱告上帝在我們的政府進行移民改革時,祂也保衛我們的邊界,使美國免受意欲傷害美國 的人們的侵害。 
  • 禱告上帝揭露敵人從我們邊界滲入的議程。 禱告通過南部邊界進入的恐怖分子會被捕獲。 為移民背後的人類悲劇禱告,上帝賜給川普總統祂的移民改革計劃和願景。 為因著自己國家缺乏教育和機會而誘使孩童越境尋求更好的生活而禱告。 
  • 為受到人口販賣和毒品販運影響的人們禱告–上帝會保護和醫治他們–上帝會揭露犯罪者 和販毒集團並消滅他們。 
  • 為那些想要傷害神的子民與傷害美國的人們的心禱告,他們能與永活的救主相遇。 

Mark Gonzale  
Hispanic Action Network 創辦人
Herman Martir  
Asian Action Network 創辦人 
注: U.S. Department of State, “2018 Trafficking in Persons Report”, State.gov. Accessed 9/12/18.


第27天: 勝利的新時代   

求主垂聽,求主赦免,求主應允而行,為你自己不要遲延。我的 神啊, 因這城和這民都是稱為你名下的。」(但以理書 9:19) 

現在是一支偉大的守望者軍隊在城牆站立的時刻了。每位塞魯士都需要一名但以理。耶路 撒冷上空的血月在川普總統的生日那天出現,證實了他確實是為了以色列和美國而誕生的 塞魯士。而華盛頓特區上空的血月是出現在川普就職的三週年之際,此強調了這種夥伴關 係的重要性。遵循但以理書 10 章的模式,禱告的動員幫助確保我們國家巨大的勝利。一 切都翻轉。 

先知性地來說,就像但以理為了恢復家園而禱告,從 2020 年至 2022 年,主正在呼召一個 爲期三年的守望者警醒以鞏固我們的國家重建。這三年的窗口也與恢復神的政府之榮耀有 關。 

也就是說,守望者的禱告對於這三年脆弱的窗口是至關緊要的,藉此而讓耶穌對美國的計 劃得以確立,不會中止! 

儘管遭受挫折,但我內心深處知道,我們國家已確保了勝利。通過汲取的經驗教訓與已採 取的行動,一個盟約的重啟將被確立。這場勝利的一部分必須是爲了生命的一場轉變–從 賦予死亡文化力量的死亡盟約轉變到賦予生命文化力量的生命盟約。 

倘若正確把握機會,我相信我們將會看到能完全確保這種潛力的一場政治轉變。一個勝利 的新時代!顯然,前進的道路必須以警醒的超前禱告來鞏固地基。保持謙卑,因為驕傲在 敗壞以先。同時我們還必須記住,無畏的信心仍會帶來巨大的賞賜(譯注:參來 10:35)。 


  • 說出,「天父,是來進行能確保祢對我們的土地最美好的心意的一場政治轉變的時候了」。 宣告,「美國與死亡的盟約被廢除!」。 
  • 宣令,「墨守與死亡和秘術的權勢之盟約的人們將被撤職」。 
  • 為那些與天父的心和祂的聖言對齊的人們,得到恩寵而前進提升禱告。 
  • 祈求主將我們的國家轉入勝利。 將我們的國家轉入生命! 

Joe & Jolene Hamill  
Lamplighter Ministries 聯合創辦人 
源自新書《白宮的守望者》(White House Watchmen)


第26天: 完成翻轉   

守望的啊,夜裡如何?守望的啊,夜裡如何?」(以賽亞書 21:11) 

先知性地來說,多年來我們早已知道,我們在 2020 年所做出的決定將以近乎歷史中前所 未有的方式影響我們的國家。就像 400 年前的朝聖者的初航一樣,我們的國家正處在沒有 回轉餘地的門檻上。美國將會公開地選擇違抗上帝嗎?或是我們會尊重託付給我們的盟約 基礎並完成會確保我們幾十年之傳承的翻轉? 


在耶穌裡的自由是激發朝聖者和革命者投入獻出生命,稱之爲美國的這場運動的推力之火。 移民逃離被敵基督的靈在不可見的界域中控制,殘酷奪走他們的生命,財產,隱私甚至後 代的獨裁統治。相反的,他們尋求來建立一個以與上帝的盟約爲根基而得著自由的國家, 作為反對敵基督專政的灘頭堡。 

這份珍貴無價的禮物是美國國家身份的核心。然而,他們立下的盟約持續遭受不斷的攻擊。 為何如此? 

也許這是因為在屬靈和自然的界域中,統治權最終都由盟約決定,而盟約確立了統治的寶 座。 

請留意,在接下來的每一個世代中,上帝都信實地將守望者設立在城牆上以見證祂的盟約。 從朝聖者結出愛國者,接著是覺醒者。開拓者。廢奴主義者。選舉權主義者。最偉大的世 代。威廉·布拉德福德(William Bradford)和威廉·佩恩(William Penn)。喬納森·愛德華 

(Jonathan Edwards)和查爾斯·芬尼(Charles Finney)。亞伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln), 哈里特·圖布曼(Harriet Tubman),威廉·西摩(William Seymour)和小馬丁·路德·金 (Martin Luther King,Jr.)以及幾百萬的其他人,除了上帝以外,他們的心和傳承也被另 一個界域的神聖之火點燃。他們面臨要維護和永享自由看似無法克服的挑戰,對於後果將 是如何的認知不足,得以行動的機會之窗口也受限。 

對此,在我們的時代裡也沒有什麼不同。你會保持火焰燃燒嗎?或是當國家裡的其他份子 屈服於旨在摧毀我們憲法自由的基石的欺騙性議程時,基督的身體卻在沉睡? 

「守望者,夜裡如何?」。這是午夜時分。確實,除了上帝的介入外,沒有任何可行的解 決方案。完成委託給我們的翻轉之任務仍然是我們這個時代偉大的邀請。   


  • 祈求天父授權祂盟約的守望者與祂同站立,擊退我們城門口遭受的猛烈攻擊。 
  • 祈求主拯救我們的國家脫離至今仍企圖捆綁我們的土地,與偶像崇拜有關的極權主義運 動。 
  • 提醒主但以理書 7 章 22 節祂相挺聖徒的判決 – 限制黑暗的權勢,釋放聖民得國。 禱告祂會維護我們的自由,因為若沒有祂的恩典和憐憫,我們是無助的。 祈求祂賜給我們得以共同完成翻轉美國,歸榮耀給耶穌,我們的主和君王的這個恩典! 

Joe & Jolene Hamill  
Lamplighter Ministries 聯合創辦人 
源自新書《白宮的守望者》(White House Watchmen)


第25天: 以祂的平安戰勝焦慮   

我將這些事告訴你們,是要叫你們在我裡面有平安。在世上,你們有苦難; 但你們可以放心,我已經勝了世界。」(約 16:33) 

無論是新冠肺炎,種族緊張情勢,還是一場分裂的選舉,恐懼已在美國成為巨大的流行病我們國家彌漫著前所未有的一種恐懼感。雖然恐懼感的出現是可以理解的,但對於追隨和 平之君的門徒們,當上帝的話語向我們發出了明確的指令,「應當一無掛慮,只要凡事藉 著禱告、祈求,和感謝,將你們所要的告訴 神。神所賜、出人意外的平安必在基督耶穌 裡保守你們的心懷意念」(腓立比書 4:6-7),我們心中仍然存有恐懼卻是不能被接受的。 

從恐懼當中來進行有效的禱告是非常困難的。恐懼會導致我們癱瘓。況且在最近這些日子 裡,我們比以往任何時候都需要更有力量,更具信心的禱告。因此,也許今天對我們來說 最重要的禱告之一就是來對付恐懼,不僅在我們自己的人生中,並且來代表教會。當我們 禱告時,我們意識到我們只是在同意聖經中最常見的命令之一,「不要懼怕!」。我們祈 求和平之君再次發出平息風暴的命令,儘管這次的風暴是出現在我們自己的人生中。我們 祈求享有平安,以致我們得有能力禱告,並看到主的行動再次穿越我們的土地。 


  • 不論我們身處何處,幫助我們來傳播平安,並且毫不懼怕。 
  • 捍衛我們的心思意念,使我們的情緒和思想都轉向祢,而不是我們周遭的不確定性。 幫助我們在這些危機中成爲幫助他人的得勝者,而不是生活在恐懼中卻無所事事的那些人。 

Dave Butts  
Harvest Prayer Ministries 總裁 
National Prayer Committee 主席 

譯注:可參考這幾篇文 。感謝神! 

  • 《進入發電機的十年》,第 6 頁至第 19 頁,「新時代的 8 項宣告」。 https://www.kp24-newway.com/upload/202001/157913839854982.pdf 
  • 《如何戰勝恐懼》,可參考全文,第 16 頁和第 17 頁有中英文宣告。 https://www.kp24-newway.com/upload/202003/158320146618939.pdf
  • 《以神國的觀點開待新冠病毒》。 https://www.kp24-newway.com/upload/202003/158566744039256.pdf 
  • 《在信心中對抗新冠病毒》。 http://www.kp24-newway.com/upload/202003/158452600478933.pdf


第24天: 警惕欺騙   

  • 若不是耶和華建造房屋,建造的人就枉然勞力; 若不是耶和華看守城池,看守的人就枉然警醒。」(詩篇 127:1) 
  • 耶路撒冷啊,我在你城上設立守望的,他們晝夜必不靜默。 呼籲耶和華的,你們不要歇息,」(以賽亞書 62:6) 

當公元前 1200 年特洛伊古城被希臘軍隊圍困時,特洛伊人認為他們的防禦設施,特別是 環繞的高牆,是永遠都不會被攻破的。他們的想法正確。但是,希臘人並沒有對著他們的 城牆發動正面攻擊,反倒是在城內留下一個大型的木馬,狡猾地欺騙了他們的敵人。這個 詭計是假裝被擊敗而來尊榮特洛伊人的勝利。當特洛伊人無知地將「戰爭獎品」帶入他們 的市中心時,一群希臘士兵正躲在馬肚中。那天晚上當特洛伊居民睡著了,躲藏著的希臘 突擊隊出現,向其餘的希臘軍隊打開城門,他們殘酷地屠殺城內居民,並用大火燒毀了特 洛伊人曾經引以爲傲的城市。 

同樣的,美國國家安全的最大威脅是我們對欺騙大開門戶和缺乏警惕。特洛伊人認為自己 在巨大,高聳和看似無法穿透的城牆和防禦設施的背後是舉世無敵的。我們絕不敢自滿, 認為我們是世界的「超級大國」,所以我們就免受攻擊。事實一點都不是如此。當敵人成 功的欺騙並從內部征服,甚至偉大的帝國也會淪陷。 

我們必須為我們現在和未來的政府禱告,讓他們有能力並且願意勇敢地辨別和對付國家面 臨的威脅。我們也需要爲我們的領導人禱告,他們願意來仔細研究先前制定或正在實施的 可能破壞和危害我們國家安全的政策。 


  • 感謝上帝至今仍對美國的拯救和保護,以及祂讓我們在 2016 年大選期間經歷「神聖翻轉」 的憐憫。 
  • 為川普總統及其政府和我們的國防部禱告,他們在尋求常規與核武的軍事力量升級和現代 化時具有巨大的智慧。 
  • 為我們各個情報機構和國家情報局局長禱告,他們將團結一致並審慎協調,得以時刻警惕 察覺安全威脅。 
  • 為任何殘留的恐怖分子的密室被曝光,密謀在造成任何傷害前就被挫敗來禱告。禱告這些 危險人物將被立即逮捕並被驅逐出境。
  • 禱告腐敗和邪惡的人將從政府中具影響力的職位上挪除,包括中央情報局,聯邦調查局和 其他情報機構,以及華盛頓特區乃至整個國家的官僚機構。上帝正在回應這個禱告,但是 我們需要看到這個過程更爲徹底,以揪出並起訴所有涉入「深層政府」的角色。 
  • 禱告美國的道德和屬靈敗壞將會扭轉。為我們國家的罪認同悔改,並爲我們恣意妄行的國 家祈求上帝的憐憫。 

John Robb  
National Prayer Assembly 共同召集人 
International Prayer Council 主席


第23天: 從神的同在中禱告   

要常常喜樂,不住地禱告,凡事謝恩;因為這是神在基督耶穌裡向你們所定的旨意。」(帖撒羅尼迦前書 5:16-18) 

我們是被設計來禱告的,同樣重要的是,我們也是被設計來讓我們的禱告得應許。上帝並 沒有存心要忽視我們的請求卻命令我們來禱告。相反的,祂帶領我們與祂建立同工的關係, 然後承諾了看似美好得過頭的古怪應許。祂說,你們若奉我的名求甚麼,我必成就(約翰福音 14:14)。可悲的是,當應許稀少時,我們發現自己必須從禱告的紀律中得 鼓勵,而不是從得應許中受鼓勵。這並非上帝的設計。祂反倒是說,我們要請求且必得著, 叫你們的喜樂可以滿足」(約翰福音 16:24)。滿足的喜樂會鼓勵和加添我們的力量。 這種喜樂是我們得應許所結的果子。享受得應許的禱告要比僅僅從禱告的紀律中試圖擠出 丁點鼓勵要好上千倍。如果這是真的,那麼我們該如何不斷讓禱告得應許?秘訣在於在上 帝的同在中。 

那些委身於敬拜生活的人們在這方面具有很大的優勢。他們比其他人更清楚上帝的同在: 你們若常在我裡面,我的話也常在你們裡面,凡你們所願意的,祈求,就給你們成就。」 (約翰福音 15:7)。這段經文為我們描繪了與聖靈持續相交的美好畫面,以及祂的聖言 在我們的內心世界所造成的充分影響。 


  1. 如果我有一個小時可以禱告,我通常會敬拜將近 45 分鐘。 如果我有十分鐘的禱告 時間,我通常會敬拜六、七分鐘。 你可以在剩下的時間裡為很多事情禱告。 重點 在於,意識到祂和祂的內心是比禱告時間的長短重要得多。 
  2. 發掘神內心的想法,並據此禱告。 盡可能擱下個人的議程和意見。 然後,當你帶 著全能上帝的心禱告時,運用權柄禱告。 
  3. 將你的個人要求和願望交給祂。 當我們先求祂的國,也就是祂的旨意時,其他的 東西也會被加入我們的生活。 這正是天國的程序規則。 


Bill Johnson  

Bethel Church 資深牧師


第22天: 醫治分裂的國家   

並不分猶太人、希臘人,自主的、為奴的,或男或女, 因為你們在基督耶穌裡都成為一了。」(加拉太書 3:28) 

上帝的聖言告訴我們,神就照著自己的形像造人,乃是照著祂的形像造男造女。」(創 世記 1:27)。 因此,穿上了新人。這新人在知識上漸漸更新,正如造他主的形像。在 此並不分希臘人、猶太人,受割禮的、未受割禮的,化外人、西古提人,為奴的、自主的惟有基督是包括一切,又住在各人之內。所以,你們既是 神的選民,聖潔蒙愛的人,就 要存憐憫、恩慈、謙虛、溫柔、忍耐的心。倘若這人與那人有嫌隙,總要彼此包容,彼此 饒恕;主怎樣饒恕了你們,你們也要怎樣饒恕人。在這一切之外,要存著愛心,愛心就是 聯絡全德的。」(歌羅西書 3:10-14)。 

現在是來修改和修復那些腐化的,並根據神所命定的秩序和組織建立我們政府和社會的機 構之時。 要看到我們的國家轉化,我們必須超越僅看到靈魂得救的任務。 我們必須努力 看到基督徒在主裡頭成長,我們必須看到神的國度入侵我們社會的每個領域。 上帝希望 祂國度的旨意經由我們在地上成就! 如果一個國家在未經改革之下轉化,它將很快回到 其原始的衰敗狀態。   


  • 祂從一本(本:有古卷是血脈)造出萬族的人,住在全地上,並且預先定準他們的年限 和所住的疆界。」(使徒行傳 17:26) 
  • 我們不拘是猶太人,是希臘人,是為奴的,是自主的,都從一位聖靈受洗,成了一個身 體,飲於一位聖靈。」(哥林多前書 12:13) 
  • 惟獨恨弟兄的,是在黑暗裡,且在黑暗裡行,也不知道往哪裡去,因為黑暗叫他眼睛瞎 了。」(約翰一書 2:11) 
  • 我賜給你們一條新命令,乃是叫你們彼此相愛;我怎樣愛你們,你們也要怎樣相愛。」 (約翰福音 13:34) 




第21天: 選擇學校   

那些出於你的人必修造久已荒廢之處;你要建立拆毀累代的根基。 你必稱為補破口的,和重修路徑與人居住的。」(以賽亞書 58:12) 

清教徒為美國的教育開創先例。 當他們第一次在 1609 年登陸美國,他們在社區裡制定法律,要求父母必須負責確保家中的孩童學會閱讀,主要是閱讀聖經。 他們留給我們多麼 美好的傳承。 今日,父母親參與子女教育的比率不高,學生很少(如果有的話)在教室 閱讀聖經。 結果,公立教育系統充滿了問題,因為我們三分之二的學生的閱讀能力低於所就讀的級別(注 1)。 作為父母,我們希望有一種教育能夠建立起學生的虔誠信仰,並 確保後代子孫擁有一個強大的美國爲國家,這意味著我們必須為孩子選擇最好的學校。 

當我們將禱告與祖先的禱告聯結,我們禱告國家會恢復父母能選擇得以最佳教育子女的學 校的權利。 


  • 由於新冠肺炎疫情,我們可以看到教育發生了變化。許多父母頭一次觀看他們孩子的在線 課程和教學。意識到內容的不屬神,父母因而選擇將自己的孩子送入私立學校,開設自己 的「群組」(pod)學校或家庭學校。對許多父母而言,這些變化需要投入大量的時間, 金錢和個人精力。禱告父母能爲子女的教育做出明智的決定。相信神為每個孩子和每個父 母都預備最好的。 
  • 川普總統的當務之急是讓每個父母都有機會選擇最吻合父母的偏好和孩子的才能的學校。 在批評和法案的困擾之中,他持續努力使父母有權選擇能最佳教育其子女的學校。為川普 總統和教育部長貝茜·迪沃斯(Betsy DeVos)為恢復父母選擇學校之權利而戰來禱告。 
  • 禱告父母對子女的教育負起個人責任,以致教育將成為團結家庭,樹立學生品格,以及培育從美國各地的教室中崛起的傑出領導人的一種方法。 
  • 在 2016-17 的學年中,公立學校教育每個孩子的成本為 14,439 美元(注 2)。為建立一個 分配給每個孩子的教育資金將跟隨孩子進入父母所選擇的學校的憑證系統(voucher system) 而禱告。 

Nancy Huff  


  • 注 1: https://nces.ed.gov 
  • 注 2: https://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=66


第20天: 保護我們學校的宗教自由   

放膽傳講 神國的道,將主耶穌基督的事教導人,並沒有人禁止。」 (使徒行傳 28:31) 

2020 年 1 月 16 日,川普總統向參與公立教育的每個人,注入了當面對反對派為信仰勇敢 站立的強心針。 川普總統並沒有藉當地的校務委員會來傳達關於學生自由表達宗教的最 新權利,反倒是在白宮舉行新聞發布會來宣布這一個消息。 該指南旨在保護於公立學校 禱告和宗教表達的權利,並應向學生、管理人員和教師保證,他們可以行使宗教自由的憲 法權利。 若任何人被剝奪宗教自由的權利,新準則概述個人提出申訴的方式。與近 60 年 來相比, 信徒現在在公立學校表達自己的信仰已有更多的保護。 


  • 爲我們校園裡所有信耶穌的學生、老師和管理人員對自己的信仰剛強壯膽,在面對壓迫時 不會退縮來代禱。請求主向他們保證,在他們裡面的上帝比那在世界上的更大。 
  • 禱告學校的管理人員和老師不會忽略新的指導方針,而是允許學生在校園裡表達自己的宗 教自由。 
  • 為川普總統及其對於在公立學校表達自己信仰的人們提供保護來感謝上帝。祝福我們的總 統,並禱告當我們獲得給予我們的自由時,我們的順服將為每個教室甚至獲得更大的宗教 自由敞開大門。 
  • 禱告聖靈會呼召勇敢的信徒在我們的公立學校中任職。在其職權範圍內,行使第一修正權 的言論自由和宗教自由的權利。 
  • 為我們公立學校中的歷史課和公民課禱告,使我們的孩子能學習我們國家的歷史,並感激 撰寫《人權法案》和《獨立宣言》的先祖所帶給我們的自由。禱告教導歷史課程的老師會 以激發學生成為以公義領導國家的偉大男女的這種方式來教授這個科目。 

Nancy Huff  



第19天: 性別澄清   

凡為我名接待一個像這小孩子的,就是接待我;凡接待我的, 不是接待我,乃是接待那差我來的。馬可福音 9:37) 

美國最重要的資源之一就是孩童。 為了我們國家的未來,我們的孩子們需要禱告,因為 他們面對敵人對其身份的最核心 – 性別傾向的巨大攻擊。 由於美國的公共教育系統每天用 不當的與性有關的信息轟炸這些小孩子,進而導致年幼發生性行為和性別混亂的亂象發生, 因此我們要為所有的孩子站在破口。 我們的學校邀請了攻擊我們青少年的純真的人們, 思想和圖像進入校園。 願代禱者的禱告來到上帝面前,制止影響我們孩子的性變態之洪 流。 我們將為祂保護我們國家的孩子們和我們國家的未來而歡欣喜樂。   


  • 至 2030 年,聯合國要實現 17 項千年發展目標。第三項目標是人人享有良好的健康和福祉。 於此目標下的次級目標,是讓大眾普遍獲得全面性的性教育和信息。世界衛生組織 (WHO)定期發布性教育培訓的「工具包」,並將其內容提供給世界各地的教育領導者和課程編寫者。 美國的教育工作者使用世界衛生組織提供的工具包作為美國性教育的課 綱。 禱告敬虔的教育者和課程編寫者會拒絕聯合國的指導方針,並編撰會教導我們孩童 純潔和聖潔婚姻的課材。 
  • 第九章(Title IX)是《1964年民權法案》中的一項指令,旨在促進任何人不論其性別,種 族或宗教信仰的平等權利。川普總統和教育部長貝茜·德沃斯(Betsy DeVos)最近發布了 第九章指令,該指令將性別定義為男性或女性。立即,18 宗法院訴訟被提出以終止第九 章指令,截至目前為止,法官們的裁定對川普總統有利。禱告性別選擇的定義是男性或是 女性。此項裁決將對男性是否可以參加女子體育比賽或反向的例子,產生重大影響。 
  • 身為美國最大的工會,美國國家教育協會(NEA)在美國的公立學校中舉足輕重。他們推 廣幼稚園到12 年級的性教育,並且一些州已經採用。 NEA 的網站鼓勵老師們從教室裡 「走出來」。禱告破除 NEA 對公立學校的教師和管理人員的控制。 
  • 全美的校務委員會在其監督下,對於公立學校所教授的內容的方向具有很大的權力。禱告敬虔的人士競選校務委員會的職位,一旦當選,他們將大膽捍衛公義和性純潔。    

Nancy Huff  



第18天: 爲孩童禱告   

因為掩藏的事沒有不顯出來的;隱瞞的事沒有不露出來被人知道的」 (路加福音 8:17) 

在休·赫夫納(Hugh Hefner)去世後的那個週日,我們呼召在我們好萊塢的聚會舉辦一場 特別的禱告會。有一群大有能力的代禱者和創意行業人士參與,我們爲好萊塢被剝削的婦 女們呼求正義被伸張。我們明白,現代色情之父休·赫夫納只是對婦女變態和剝削的一位 好萊塢的重要代表人物。我們為在好萊塢默默忍受數十年的婦女和不公正的沙發文化(注) 呼求。長久以來,她們呼求正義的聲音被漠視,無法浮出枱面。但是我們宣告她們的聲音 現在會穿刺而現。 

在我們的禱告會舉行的四天之後,《紐約時報》的一篇文章爆出關於哈維·溫斯坦(Harvey  Weinstein)在好萊塢虐待婦女的報導。這導致婦女的聲音被聽到的閘門打開,不僅在好萊 塢,其它地方亦然。我們相信,那個週日的禱告的力量幫助突破並揭露幾十年來一直存在 的邪惡文化。 

在哈維·溫斯坦的事件曝光之後,好萊塢仍然隱藏著更令人心碎的事情。他們是被有權勢 者虐待和不當對待的孩子們的哭聲。很難想像名人和受人尊敬的人們會對無辜的孩童犯下 罪行,但這已經成爲既成的事實。儘管非常難以使用這個詞彙,但我們仍須指出這是戀童 癖。已有記錄的童星故事,可以追溯到秀蘭·鄧波兒(Shirley Temple)和朱迪·加蘭(Judy  Garland),她們在錄影現場受到騷擾,並被周圍有權勢的男人視爲獵物。自從在好萊塢服事以來,我們已經聽到有關這種虐待的第一手資料。我們相信,現在是來為受虐兒童伸 張正義的時候了!戀童癖是萬不能接受的。不論是在好萊塢或我們社會的其它地方,對兒 童的利用和虐待都是不可接受的。神的眼目現正觀注在孩子們的身上,我們相信這是來爲 他們伸張正義的時刻。你願意來為他們禱告並代表他們發聲嗎? 


  • 禱告讓好萊塢的戀童癖和虐待兒童被隱藏著的遮蔽完全被揭露。 
  • 禱告戀童癖的環狀結構在好萊塢 – 以及與政府和企業的任何關聯 – 都將被曝光。 禱告所有曾受虐的孩童,無論是過去還是現在,都能藉著耶穌的能力和愛得到醫治。 禱告那些在孩提時期遭受虐待的人們有勇氣挺身而出。 讓正義的閘門打開。 

Sharon Ngai
Radiance International 共同創辦人

  • 注: 「沙發文化」(couch culture)是指為了得到工作而以發生性關係來取得,此情況在演 藝界中特別常見。 
  • 注:參考報導 – https://www.newsweek.com/old-hollywood-starlets-endured-sexual-harassment-wei  nstein-effect-710885


第17天: 終結人口販賣   

「當保護貧寒和窮乏的人,救他們脫離惡人的手。」(詩篇 82:4)

人口販賣必須被揭發,並且在我們的人生中必須將之終結,尤其是在美國。 全球有 3 千萬名奴隸,其中有 1 千萬是兒童。 我知道主要拯救所有被剝削者並釋放他們得自由。 祂是將慈愛延伸至所有尋求在祂那裡得著庇護的人的上帝。 祂拯救尋求者和要滅亡的人們。讓我們為在美國被販賣的人們得著正義和醫治,並將販運者繩之以法而禱告!

每年有 17,500 名婦女和兒童被販賣至美國。 人口販賣每年在全球產生超過 1 千億美元的收入。 川普政府已從司法部撥款超過 3 千 5 百萬美元,投入為人口販賣之倖存者提供安全住所的組織。 讓我們為反對人口販賣和現代奴隸制繼續以禱告呼求,直到在這個國家被剷除為止。


  • 禱告受害人得自由並蒙正義:「祂為受屈的伸冤,賜食物與飢餓的。耶和華釋放被囚的。」(詩篇 146:7)。
  • 請求上帝來醫治和恢復受害人:「我曾耐性等候耶和華;祂垂聽我的呼求。祂從禍坑裡,從淤泥中,把我拉上來,使我的腳立在磐石上,使我腳步穩當。」(詩篇 40:1-2)
  • 禱告上帝的報仇臨到販賣者:「那行不義的必受不義的報應;主並不偏待人。」(歌羅西書 3:25)




第16天: 爲生命投票!   

「當你掌權的日子,你的民要以聖潔的妝飾為衣,甘心犧牲自己;你的民多如清晨的甘露」。(詩篇 110:3)


上帝最近要我發起名為《1RACE4LIFE》的一項支持生命的新運動。 《1RACE4LIFE》是一個由多族裔和多文化所組成的使徒性網絡,支持生命的福音派領袖致力於看到墮胎在地方,州和國家的各個層級都被終結。當我們動員教會加入這項運動時,我們滿懷熱情地說道,「包括未出生者的所有生命都是神聖的」。我們認為,只有當所有種族和文化在耶穌基督之下合一,我們才有辦法終結墮胎。年輕的一代將在接棒並承諾永遠投票支持生命的過程中擔任關鍵角色。



  • 我們禱告教會在 2020 年的選舉中承載上帝對未出生者的心意,投票支持生命。
  • 當我們回應神對我們的呼召,成為改革者與和好的媒介時,我們禱告基督的身體中所有種族和文化都能合一。
  • 我們禱告我們國家的年輕人得教育並受激勵,會以符合聖經的價值觀來投票,並公開支持上帝聖言的真理。
  • 當我們在此刻推進神的國度時,我們禱告得著膽量和勇氣的分賜。

Che Ahn
Harvest Rock Church 與 Harvest International Ministries 創辦人


第15天: 我們必須終止美國的墮胎  

「他們在欣嫩子谷建築巴力的邱壇,好使自己的兒女經火歸摩洛;他們行這可憎的事,使猶大陷在罪裡,這並不是我所吩咐的,也不是我心所起的意。」(耶利米書 32:35)

自從最高法院於 1973 年 1 月 22 日裁決羅伊訴維德案件(Roe v. Wade),將墮胎合法化,據估至今已導致六千一百萬例的墮胎發生。 根據上帝的聖言,我們犯下了嚴重的國家罪行。 上帝充分明白人類心中之罪惡其墮落的深度。 然而,祂的內心始終希望我們會選擇祂的道路。

當我們以全國性的層次憑我們的罪性行事,最終我們將墮胎合法化演變成殺嬰事件。 是的,令人震驚的,有些州對於懷孕至第三期仍允許墮胎。 這正是殺嬰的行為,因為那些孩子們有可能在子宮外仍能存活。 上帝不希望我們的文化竟是如此! 我們需要為數百萬失去生命的嬰兒,祈求上帝對此的饒恕和憐憫而禱告。墮胎合法化並非上帝的心意。 主,請拯救美國,拯救我們的孩子!


  • 為未出生的嬰兒禱告「兒女是耶和華所賜的產業;所懷的胎是祂所給的賞賜。」(詩篇127:3)
  • 禱告母親的眼睛被打開「婦人焉能忘記她吃奶的嬰孩,不憐恤她所生的兒子?」(以賽亞書 49:15
  • 禱告所有美國人都明白墮胎的真相「要叫他們的眼睛得開,從黑暗中歸向光明,從撒但權下歸向 神;又因信我,得蒙赦罪,和一切成聖的人同得基業。」(使徒行傳 26:18)




第14天: 價值觀的重要性   

「我的肺腑是你所造的;我在母腹中,你已覆庇我。」(詩篇 139:13)

47 年來,Intercessors for America 一直都在爲有敬虔的政府而禱告。 這是我們的核心任務。我們禱告我們的領袖們會以最接近上帝的心意的價值觀來立法,實施並保護之。

當我們進入選舉季節之際,最接近上帝心意的聖經價值觀爲何? 從國家政府的角度而言,人們可以更深入地來回答這一個問題。 無論如何,我要提供我們需要禱告的三個主要的聖經價值觀,這些價值觀能藉由今年秋天當選的領導者來落實。

保護生命:對上帝而言,沒有什麼是比生命更寶貴的。 從受孕到自然死亡,上帝都希望生命得到保護。


禱告美國的家庭得鞏固和被捍衛。爲傷害和破碎之處得醫治,並為對身份的真正理解得以越加明白而禱告;「耶和華的律法全備,能甦醒人心;耶和華的法度確定,能使愚人有智慧。」(詩 19:7)


David Kubal
Intercessors for America 總裁和執行長


第13天: 敬虔的顧問   

「惟智慧人肯聽人的勸教。」(箴言 12:15 下)
「你要聽勸教,受訓誨,使你終久有智慧。」(箴言 19:20)

一位好領導者會向好的人尋求好的建議。聖經清楚講到這是多麼的重要。箴言 20:18 提到,「計謀都憑籌算立定」。年輕的羅波安王遇到麻煩,是因為他「不用老年人給他出的主意」(王上 12:8)。






  • 呼召敬虔的顧問,願意藉著甚至為政府最高級別的領導人提供建議而來為國家服務。
  • 禱告我們的政府領導人願意接受建議,並在尋找顧問時能敏銳分辨。
  • 宣告,「惟智慧人肯聽人的勸教。 智者接受指導並且憑籌算立定計謀。 從當地政府機關到州議會和白宮,神已經興起能為在這些政治領域的職務任職者提供建議的敬虔顧問。他們會彼此找到對方!」。
  • 代禱這些顧問謀求國家福祉而非個人利益。

Dave Butts 和 Mike Jacobs
Dave Butts – National Prayer Committee 主席


第12天: 爲總統禱告   

「我們原是祂的工作,在基督耶穌裡造成的,為要叫我們行善,就是 神所預備叫我們行的。」(以弗所書 2:10)



然而我們知道這節經文,「我們原是祂的工作,在基督耶穌裡造成的,為要叫我們行善,就是 神所預備叫我們行的」。上帝創造了唐納德·川普,就像祂創造了前任和未來的任何總統一樣,並且上帝創造了這個人是來做「善事」。

這節經文挺有意思的是,上帝「預先」就已創造了這些善事。這節經文表明,川普總統的天堂任務清單在上任之前就已經存在。他已經完成了許多 – 他會告訴你這點的;但是,還有更多嗎?清單中的某些項目是否只能通過教會的禱告才能解開?



  • 禱告我們總統被造要完成的「善事」都會完成。
  • 禱告上帝會加強他專注於任務而不是批評。
  • 禱告上帝會平息酸民的尖酸刻薄。

Dave Kubal
Intercessors for America 總裁


第11天: 總統的轉型  

「因為知道我們的舊人和祂同釘十字架,使罪身滅絕,叫我們不再作罪的奴僕;因為已死的人是脫離了罪。我們若是與基督同死,就信必與他同活。!」(羅馬書 6:6-8)

在我一位朋友的異夢裡,一群代禱者與川普總統待在他的白宮辦公室裡。以極謙卑的態度,他感謝我們的領導以及向天堂請願的運動。他問我是否可以為他設立一個高層次的戰略任務專案小組,並且說他是在梅蘭尼(Melania)的建議下提出的。接著我送給他一塊上面有著啟示錄 2:17 的經文的白石。「神賜給我們一個新名;除了那領受的以外,沒有人能認識」。他笑了笑,並引用了這節經文,「有一個人,是從 神那裡差來的,名叫約翰」(約翰福音 1:6)。約翰正是總統中間的名字。




  • 為唐納德·川普總統代禱。 請求神與他相遇並將他轉變成「約翰」。 願他真正得救。感謝主賜給我們一位總統,他願意接觸教會的領袖們並接納他們的禱告,忠告和建議。請求上帝恢復歷史的標記 – 我們的開國元勳們為了預備國家未來可能面對的一切所採取的措施而成為的建國根基。

Dutch Sheets
Dutch Sheets Ministries 創辦人


第10天: 教會與國家的分離  

以耶和華為 神的,那國是有福的!祂所揀選為自己產業的, 那民是有福的!」(詩篇 33:12) 

自 1962 年禱告從學校中挪除,出現了許多其它的機構其「信仰宗教的自由」被法院系統 曲解爲「讓宗教脫離此的自由」。 

第一修正案中所提及的「國會不得制定與宗教信仰有關的任何法律」,其聲明被稱為「設 立條款」。法院在曲解它時,常常將其判決直接反對該聲明的後半部分,「或禁止其自由 行使」。法院在使用「設立條款」打擊在公共場所自由進行宗教活動的案件時,其裁定依 據從未基於被國會通過的法律。法律已經因著我們法院裡法官的判決而改變,特別是在最 高法院的層級。 

有時,衝突發生在於職場中自由行使基督教信仰者與對其行爲不滿因而控告前者之個人中 間。除了讓禱告在公共場所消失,也有一些案例要求在政府機關和政府擁有的土地上撤除 十誡,從公共土地上拆除耶穌降生的場景,在公共場所取消聖經閱讀,以及對於基督教團 體在公共設施和資金方面的不平等設限。 


  • 如同但以理在但以理書 9 章中所做的,代表我們的執政者和法官悔改(通常被稱為認同性 悔改),特別是我們最高法院的大法官,為其曲解第一修正案的法律和司法決定而悔改。 
  • 禱告許多這些判決將受挑戰並被推翻,使得美國再次確保得享真正的宗教自由。 
  • 運用以賽亞書 22 章 22 節/馬太福音 16 章 19 節所提到的鑰匙關閉屬靈的門,此門是第一修 正案被用來禁止教堂建築物之外的基督教活動的門戶。 
  • 為那些討厭基督徒並試圖關閉基督徒的商店或以其他方式導致信徒受害的人們代禱。宣令 未來他們將無法為了讓自己受益而曲解第一修正案。 禱告我們對他們展現惻隱之心,讓 他們能知道基督的愛。 





凡在人面前認我的,人子在 神的使者面前也必認他;在人面前不認我的,人子在 神 的使者面前也必不認他。」(加福音 12:8-9) 

你能想像只能在國家指定的建築物中敬拜,禱告,學習關於神的事情,和公開談論祂的這 樣一個美國嗎?對於世界其他國家的一些信徒而言,這是他們的生活。可悲的是,在這個 基督教的國家裡,我們看到越來越多要讓基督徒保持沉默的。 

無論如何,美國總有一些基督徒會爲了安全而貶謫自己,將自身限於自己的住屋,基督教 學校和教堂裡。然而我們必須做出一個決定:我們要隱藏我們的信仰或是來分享它?如果 我們不談論耶穌,這個國家將會越來越迷失。如果我們對問題保持沉默,我們的國家將變 得更加反基督教。如果我們不投票,執政者將繼續採取限制我們宗教自由的舉措,扼殺我 們的聲音和行動,並據此來任命法官。如果我們不競選公職,我們何能期望所立之法會是 符合我們價值觀的? 

教會,跳脫你的框架!在你無法再這麼做之前,將你的信仰帶入你的鄰里,城市,學校和 工作場所。你的恩賜並非只是為了基督的身體,也是爲了要向那些還不認識祂的人展示祂 有多麼愛和多麼關心他們。神賜給你的那些創新想法是爲了要改變社會和造福你每天遇到 的所有人。你的信仰可以成為那些苦苦掙扎者的榜樣。將你充滿信心的雙手按在病患和受 傷的人的身上。餵養生病的,釋放被壓迫的,發明改變生活的東西,制定法規,公義治國, 



  • 對主委身,你會成為祂在公共場所的器皿,並鼓勵其他基督徒也這麼做。 為教會禱告,我們不會懼怕在公眾場合公開信仰。 
  • 祈求神將祂的創造力傾注在祂的身體上,從而導致機智的發明和解決國家系統性問題的方 法出爐。 
  • 宣令 Ekklesia 將在天堂立法,並且許多人將被呼召進入當地的市議會,學校委員會,再到 州和國家層級的立法公職。 禱告他們不會錯過能帶來改變的機會。 
  • 為地上各國受迫害的教會禱告。 




第8天: 上帝對美國的藍圖   

撒母耳對以色列全家說:『你們若一心歸順耶和華,就要把外邦的神和亞斯她錄從你們 中間除掉,專心歸向耶和華,單單地事奉祂。祂必救你們脫離非利士人的手。』」(撒母 耳記上 7:3) 

當上帝生出這個國家時,祂做了一件了不得的事。祂在我們開國元勳的心中,放入基於人 們認知乃上帝在創立法律而建立國家的這個願望 – 人類只是在立法。上帝是賦予個人權 利的那位,其權利包括生命,自由和追求幸福。 

同時,我們的開國元勳完全明白人類是有缺陷的,權力會令人沉迷。他們對英國王朝及其 濫用的經驗記憶猶新,這促使他們根據聖經(以賽亞書 33:22)組建新政府,以建立一 個由兩院制國會以及聯邦三府院:立法,行政和司法,所組成的政府。立法院制定法律, 行政院執行法律,司法院維護法律。具適當平衡的三權分立對於以墮落的人類來帶領的政 府而言乃至關重要的。此神學和實用性的結合造就了人類歷史上最悠久的憲法! 

然而,在過去的幾十年中,隨著政府部門試圖干預不該涉及的領域,我們看到很多「過度 權力」的事情發生。這正是我們需要了解「原創者」之處。就憲法的角度而言,原創者是 一個認為憲法應該以原作者的觀點來解釋的人。簡而言之,我們的憲法應以我們開國元勳 的觀點來解釋。不能根據流行文化的異想天開來重新解釋。換句話說,憲法並不是要成為 「生活化的文件」。 

福音派基督徒解釋聖經的方式與此非常相似。神學生被教導不要使聖經脫離上下文,而是 要分辨作者意欲傳達的內容以及原始聽眾當初所理解的信息爲何。這絕對是關鍵的;否則, 任何靈恩的文化或講員都可能將神的聖言扭曲成自己的意思。 

如果我們相信這個國家的誕生是一個神蹟,倘若我們認為我們的憲法是人類歷史上同類的 文獻中最符合基督教思想的,假如我們認為我們的憲法正確地理解上帝對政府的藍圖,同 時也正確地權衡人類罪惡的天性,那麼我要表明我們應該禱告我們的政府將根據造物主的 意圖來進行改革。 

更進一步而言,我們的許多開國元勳是在美國歷史上最偉大的復興 – 第一次大覺醒中成長 的,他們因此而建立了聖經的世界觀。復興先於我們國家的神蹟。禱告先於那次的復興。 我們必須為我們的政府改革來禱告。 


  • 我們的政府領導人將採用聖經的結構(以賽亞書 33:22)
  • 我們的政府領導人了解人類墮落的天性以及它會如何影響立法(羅馬書 3:23)。 我們的政府領導人知道他們要對上帝負責(彌迦書 5:15)。 
  • 我們的政府將以「敬畏神」來立法(以賽亞書 33:6)。 
  • 我們的政府將由有能力的領導人來帶領(出埃及記 18:21)。 
  • 我們的政府領導人是將希望寄託在上帝的身上(詩篇 33:18)。 
  • 上帝將聖經的世界觀注入我們明日的政府領導人,讓他們擁有基督的心思意念(哥林多前 書 2:16)。 

David Kubal  

Intercessors for America, 總裁/執行長


第7天: 重奪黑暗之地  

「神的國臨近你們了」(路加福音 10:9) 

黑暗不是經由其自身元素或成分之數量來衡量。沒有像「光波」這樣的「暗波」。黑暗的 程度爲何是根據光明的缺乏情況而定。 

當我們走進家中黑暗的房間時,我們的第一個本能反應就是伸手去電燈開關之處。我們打 開開關,電燈亮起,黑暗立即消失。黑暗無法存於有亮光的地方。即使因著光線未能完全 穿透而出現陰影,黑暗也會受到致命的損害。 

你可以看到,當耶穌告訴那七十人「祝福每一家平安」時,就是在產生這種效果。那是祂 第一個命令。接著,祂賜給他們另外三個能讓光線穿透更深且傳播更遠的指令。 

首先,祂說,給你們擺上甚麼,你們就吃甚麼」(第 8 節)。這意味著由於你讓平安來 自己做工,所以那所房子的門向你敞開了。進去!你甚至不須說話。耶穌說,「吃喝」。 這叫做「團契」。並且因爲你在吃,所以就讓主人講話,你來傾聽。上帝自有打算。 

接下來,耶穌告訴他們,「要醫治那屋裡的病人」(第 9 節上)。這就是我們得窺全局之 處。對每所開門的房屋說出平安。敞開的門就是給你的信號,表示那裡有耶穌想要醫治的你的進食與飲用(和聆聽)讓祂的平安得以停留在屋子裡,打開主人的心來揭露出需要被 醫治的。現在,奉耶穌的名充滿信心地,醫治它! 

耶穌最後的指示很快就賜下,「對他們說,『神的國臨近你們了』」(第 9 節下)。 為 什麼這麼重要? 因為這個簡單的聲明就像是在被征服的領土上升起國旗。 在神的國度被 建立之處,撒旦的統治就喪失能力。 黑暗腐朽的權勢被匆匆驅逐趕散。 屬靈的氣候改變, 一個光明的新據點被建立。 

你的說出平安可能看似是在一個非常黑暗之處閃爍的一絲光線,但耶穌說,這絲閃爍是被 神的國度的一切能力和資源所注入的。 





宣令。 宣告:「神的國度已經來臨!」 

這就是你我被呼召的生活方式。 是的! 改變氣候 – 改變國家!


  • 重新研讀路加福音十章一到十八節。 在禱告中領受並接受每節經文的真理。 
  • 擁有更多的理解和信心,對你進入的每個房屋更大膽地說出平安,無論是實體上還是以禱 告。 
  • 奪回每個黑暗之地 – 從你的住屋到華盛頓特區裡的政府的建築物 – 因為耶穌已經付出了贖 回的代價。 
  • 從今天開始,將此作為你和你的家人的生活方式。 下定決心,不要讓任何敗壞的話語從 你口中說出,而要讓你口中所出的每句話都充滿上帝的平安。 
  • 說出平安,沿著路徑走,因為現在你知道這裡有一條路徑可走。 

Dave Thompson  

Transform Our World 資深副總裁


第6天: 祝福的大能  

無論進哪一家,先要說:『願這一家平安。』」(路加福音 10:5) 

上帝很偉大,但祂並不復雜。當你重讀路加福音 10 章中耶穌設立差遣七十人時,請記住 這一點。為什麼?因為這一個簡單,強大又關鍵的第一步所產生的結果,使整個地獄失衡改變了地球上所發生的一切,所以在十七節我們讀到,那七十個人歡歡喜喜地回來,說: 

『主啊!因你的名,就是鬼也服了我們。』耶穌對他們說:「我曾看見撒旦從天上墜落, 像閃電一樣」。 

今日,成千上萬的人即將進入我們全國各地數十萬戶的房屋裡。就字面上而言,以及實體 上。我們社區中的住家,超級市場,藥局,政府機構,工業,企業和教育機構。還有我們 可以從遠距在聖靈裡「進入」的許多其他房屋。縣城,州議會大廈,白宮。是禱告的力量 的果效。無論從何處進入,耶穌在路加福音 10 章對 70 位追隨者所發出的命令,與今天賜 給我們的命令是相同的:「祝福每一家平安」。 

怎麼說呢?請記住 – 上帝很偉大,但祂並不復雜,所以請簡單化。每次你要通過一扇門時, 只需說,「願這一家平安」。要刻意進行。如箭射擊出去。像在豐盛的餐點調味一樣。然 後就留它在那裡做工。你將發現它會開始起作用 – 對你,在你裡面,在他人裡面,並始終 有利於神在門的另一側所要做的工作。 

藉著對每戶人家說平安,我們是在相信是上帝的恩慈領人悔改。 我們是在向上帝贊同這 住屋及其居民,並為他們被祂的能力和同在觸摸鋪路。 

你並不須太在意你是在跟誰說平安。 你永遠不會注視到上帝不愛之人的眼睛。 暗示一下: 耶穌差遣了七十人如同羊羔進入狼群」(第 3 節)! 要將罪與罪人分開。 我們並不是 在提「祝福罪」。 相反的,我們是在執行一項救援任務,對著上帝爲祂自己的目的所創 造,卻在不完全的氣氛的籠罩下使人生變得複雜的人們道出平安。 

講出不善的話語讓敵人得以工作,不僅在他人的生命裡,也在我們自己的人生中。當說出 平安與祝福,我們是在打開聖靈的門,使我們和他們都充滿祂的公義,醫治和同在。 

如前所述,七十個人歡歡喜喜(他們度過了美好的時光!)和勝利(「就是鬼也服了我 們」)地回來。耶穌錦上添花地開啟他們,「我曾看見撒旦從天上墜落,像閃電一樣」。 請不要在這裡錯過關鍵要點:撒旦正是在說出和平之處跌倒的(失去力量)。換句話說, 說出和平是我們所選擇的,得以將在我們自己的影響範圍內出現的黑暗權勢推倒的一項 武器!   

請留意這一點:地獄所有的惡魔軍隊都無法抵擋經由我們的平安所展現的神的同在。確實, 賜平安的 神快要將撒旦踐踏在你們腳下」(羅馬書 16:20)!  


  • 對著自己的住屋和鄰居的家庭說出平安。 
  • 無論你一日行程去到哪裡,在通過一扇門之前,說道,「平安臨到這家」。 
  • 從你所居住的城市,州,再到國家首都,開始對企業,教育和政府機構說出平安和祝福。 背誦該機構的名稱,並向該機構以及在那裡工作的人們的住家宣告,「願你家平安!」。 
  • 「又要叫基督的平安在你們心裡作主;你們也為此蒙召,歸為一體;且要存感謝的心。」 (歌羅西書 3:15) 

Dave Thompson  

Transform Our World 資深副總裁


第5天: 改變氣候,改變國家   

我願男人無忿怒,無爭論,舉起聖潔的手,隨處禱告」(提摩太前書 2:8) 

有多少次你去餐廳,戲院或坐飛機時,對自己說,「我最好多帶一件夾克;裡面可能很 冷」? 而在我長大的地方,我們對於空調的認知不多,我們只在外出時才穿夾克,並不 是在室內。 在我們今日所知的世界中,其他人正在控制著公共場所的恆溫器,迫使你和 我都必須進行相應的調整。 

屬靈的界域裡也正在發生同樣的事情。 幾乎在我們社會中的每個領域裡,包括我們做出 選擇的方式,我們都在遭受不協調和不穩定的行為的困擾,這在很大程度上是因為其他人 篡奪了對恆溫器的控制。 

這個比喻向我們指出了解決方案:如果我們可以改變氣候,就可以改變國家。 Ed Silvoso 在《禱告傳福音》(Prayer Evangelism)他這本書裡寫到, 

「在佈道會期間,我們沒有問題來相信改變家裡頭,教堂建築物裡甚至體育場內的屬靈氣 候是有可能的。教會的每個主日隨著聚會的進行,我們看到氣候逐漸轉變。改變屬靈氣候 的這個概念對我們而言並不陌生。 

但是,對於我們整個城市都可以也應該享受我們在教會中所享受的相同氣候,我們確實有 困難來相信。然而,這是在提摩太前書二章一到八節所提到的應許;保羅告訴我們,如果 我們在任何地方都來為所有人禱告,我們就能夠敬虔、端正、平安無事地度日。為了使城 市裡的敬虔度提高,就必須減少不敬虔,並且如果不從根本來改善城市的屬靈氣候,這一 切都不會發生。 

已經太久,我們把城市中屬靈氣候的控制權交到了魔鬼的手中。當我們環顧周遭罪惡的泥 潭,敵對和憤怒,犯罪活動以及要壓垮我們同胞的沉重的絕望時,此言是顯而易見的。每 一週,我們城市裡有成千上萬的人結婚,希望能享有美好的未來;而每週也有類似的人數 眼睜睜看著他們的婚姻破裂。撒旦正在保持著零度以下的低溫氣候,而教會則互相粘在一 起,試圖燃起幾場火,以防止自己人也凍僵。 

但是,如果城市中的教會能夠將恆溫器的控制權從魔鬼手中奪回,並將其設置在舒適的華 氏 70 度呢?突然之間,撒但就會淪於防守,派遣魔鬼徒勞無功地在城市各處散佈融化的 冰塊,試圖將溫度降低個幾度。」 

(Prayer Evangelism,Chosen Books 2017)



  • 以這節經文仔細檢視自己的內心。無忿怒,無爭論,舉起聖潔的手,隨處禱告」 修復所有破損的。 
  • 接著拿起權柄,開始「為所有人隨處禱告」,從你的鄰居開始,並讓你對自己的國 家的信心在你裡頭揚起。 

Dave Thompson  

Sr. Vice President, Transform Our World


第4天: 有價值和負責任的  

主說:我憑著我的永生起誓:萬膝必向我跪拜;萬口必向我承認。這樣看來,我們各人 必要將自己的事在 神面前說明。」(羅馬書 14:11-12) 


我們很蒙福能成為耶穌的愛與榮耀的倍增器與放大鏡。 我們被賜予寶貴的智慧,才能, 資源和機會,不是成爲浪費者,而是成為上帝恩賜的管家。 重要的是要記住,有一天我 們所有人都將爲我們在地上的時間裡,對於祂賜予我們的祝福與機會的一切管理方式向我 們的主交賬。 

許多人不喜歡「負責」一詞,更不喜歡被追究責任,除非他們工作或生活在與他們所期望 的一致和順服之中。 我們的聲音和生命是被用來回應上帝對我們偉大的愛。 身為耶穌基 督的追隨者,我們有機會能像路加福音 19 章的僕人一樣,他們倍增主人所賜的才能,並 渴望對於主人不在時所做的事情能討主人的喜悅和對主人負責。不投票就像是那位隱藏自 己才能的僕人,在他所負責的事情上一無所成。 

投票是一種來管理的特權;這是世界上許多人無法擁有的,對於統治我們者的一種發聲和 選擇。那些對我們擁有權柄,統治我們和我們國家的人,我們每個人都有機會表達個人的 偏好。 我們禱告我們得以宣稱,我們是投給以敬虔的方式祝福我們的上帝並引導美國的 人,而不是投給那些詛咒上帝並使美國遠離祂和祂的道路的人。 我們都要交帳。 禱告我 們每個人都成為以基督為中心的選民。 



  • 珍視上帝所重視的價值(Value),包括信仰,正義,從有第一個心跳到嚥氣的所有生命。
  • 遵守(Obey)上帝的聖言,旨意和道路。
  • 真理(Truth)從他們的心中滿溢而出; 誠實,謙卑和正直反映在他們與神的同行,對鄰人 的愛及其公職的服務上。
  • 稱頌(Extol)我們主耶穌基督全能者的聖名和至高無上的地位,獻給祂許多讚美和感謝。
  • 在禱告的生活中深深依靠(Rely)聖靈,聆聽祂的守護和指引。

Kathy Branzell  

National Day of Prayer Task Force 總裁 



第3天: 上帝對政府的神聖藍圖    


又要將律例和法度教訓他們,指示他們當行的道,當做的事;並要從百姓中揀選有才能 的人,就是敬畏 神、誠實無妄、恨不義之財的人,派他們作千夫長、百夫長、五十夫 長、十夫長,管理百姓。」(出埃及記 18:20-21) 

藉著神聖的智慧,古代的希伯來人是第一個根據法律創建一個代議制共和國的。 這是我 們現在在美國所享有的共和國的藍圖。 

我們的憲法和人權法案是我們國家的法律的基礎。 我們的國會代表於此基礎通過法律。 總統執行法律。 經參議院確認的最高法院則負責守衛和保護此基礎。 

神聖藍圖的這一要素 -「並要從百姓中揀選」- 是最重要的,因為被揀選的人有機會影響 一切。 經文很清楚地指出,被揀選的人要能敬畏神,誠實無妄,恨不義之財。 這些是我 們在候選人中尋找的價值觀。 具有聖經世界觀的我們這些人必須超越言辭,並分辨候選 人的內心和價值觀。 

這就是當我們說我們在禱告基督徒會「投給他們的價值觀」時的涵意(注 1)。對於候選 人,選舉過程和種種問題有許多的禱告擺上,但是,誰在禱告教會將會投票並投票支持聖 經的價值觀呢? 



  • 策略性地禱告基督的身體將在民間做光做鹽。 
  • 為「沉默的多數」出來投票並投給符合聖經的價值觀而禱告。 
  • 為競選公職以及在政府部門任職的許多基督徒,能在恩典和真理中得強化而禱告。 

David Kubal  

Intercessors for America 總監和執行長 

注 1: VoteYourValues2020.com 著重於信徒的禱告重點,以及我們應該為之禱告的 13 個關 鍵戰場。 請你考慮今天就抽點時間前往 VoteYourValues2020.com 登錄,並開始藉著禱告創 造歷史。


第2天: 悔改:復興的關鍵  

這稱為我名下的子民,若是自卑、禱告,尋求我的面,轉離他們的惡行,我必從天上垂 聽,赦免他們的罪,醫治他們的地。」(歷代志下 7:14) 

當我們尋求神的面以恢復和更新我們的人民,並為即將舉行的選舉做準備時,祂賜給我們 達到這一個目標的明確指示。 這些指示記載在歷代志下 7 章 14 節。 

「如果我的子民」。「如果」表示這是有條件的,是取決於我們的回應。 「稱為我名下的」。神不是在呼召整個國家悔改,祂只呼召祂的子民。 

「若是自卑」。我們必須放下我們的驕傲和石心,如此神才能在我們裡面進行祂醫治的工 作。 

「並且禱告」。是的! 禱告! 

「尋求我的臉」。尋求祂,而非世界的方式。 接著,祂向我們揭示我們的罪,以致我們 得以擺脫攔阻我們更就近祂的障礙。 

轉離他們的惡行」我們轉身朝往祂所指引的方向前進(例如,從固執到降服)。 「我必從天上垂聽」。哈利路亞! 是的,主! 


「醫治他們的地」。 當我們每個人,祂放在這個國家的活石,都遵守這個命令時,土地 的醫治就會隨著我們心中「拼圖般的碎片」結合而到來。 阿門。 


  • 天父,請幫助我讓祢深入鑒察我的內心,使我得以悔改任何隱藏的罪。神啊,求祢鑒察 我,知道我的心思,試煉我,知道我的意念,看在我裡面有甚麼惡行沒有,引導我走永生 的道路。」 (詩篇 139:23-24) 
  • 主上帝,請幫助我克服來到祢面前的任何恐懼。 並且來幫助我,在我所有的歲月中全心 全意的來信靠祢。凡勞苦擔重擔的人可以到我這裡來,我就使你們得安息。我心裡柔和 謙卑,你們當負我的軛,學我的樣式;這樣,你們心裡就必得享安息。因為我的軛是容易 的,我的擔子是輕省的。」(馬太福音 11:28-30)
  • 主上帝,請幫助我迅速辨識出祢向我顯示的罪惡的方式,並得到來停止,盤整和轉向祢的 力量。「祂對我說:『我的恩典夠你用的,因為我的能力是在人的軟弱上顯得完全』。所 以,我更喜歡誇自己的軟弱,好叫基督的能力覆庇我。」(哥林多後書 12:9) 
  • 主上帝,請幫助我為祢垂聽我的禱告而喜樂!我必睜眼看、側耳聽在此處所獻的禱告。」 (歷代志下 7:15) 
  • 最後,天父上帝,請幫助我記得祢永遠在我身邊支援我。「我總不撇下你,也不丟棄你。」 (希伯來書 13:5) 

Sara Ballenger  

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners 創辦人


第1天: 不分政黨的禱告

「你不可為惡所勝,反要以善勝惡。」(羅馬書 12:21)


我們需為所有人禱告 – 為我們喜歡或不喜歡的人禱告。魔鬼會矇騙我們以分裂我們。通常我們會看到某些族群偏向其中一個政黨和它的候選人,而其它族群則偏向另一個政黨。在合一中禱告,希望我們團結起來為我們所有的政治領袖火熱禱告。讓我們相信神會做一個超凡的神蹟!

有時我們會猶豫是否該為某些政府領導人禱告,因為我們認為他們或他們的政策會傷害到我們。當我們祝福那些詛咒我們甚至試圖傷害我們的人時,箴言 25:22羅馬書 12:20告訴我們,我們這樣行就是把炭火堆在他們的頭上。這並不是要傷害這個人,而是要讓他們感到不適,以致他們能意識到並停止所行。讓我們不僅為我們的總統和其他國家的領導人禱告,同時也為共和黨和民主黨的領導人 – 參議院多數黨領袖米奇·麥康奈爾(Mitch McConnell),眾議院議長南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)等人禱告。我們在這裡站在破口。你可以在這裡找到參議院領導者的名字和眾議院領導者的名字。



Ed Silvoso
Ed Silvoso Ministries, Harvest Evangelism, Transform Our World 創辦人


引言: 為美國合一禱告 40 天 – 9 月 25 日至 11 月 3 日選舉日

「你們就要意念相同,愛心相同,有一樣的心思,有一樣的意念,使我的喜樂可以滿足。」(腓立比書 2:2)



我想要鼓勵你。如果你認為墮胎是罪,倘若你相信超過 6 千萬被墮掉的嬰兒的鮮血正在美

我要請你這兩者同時都做 – 禱告和投票。 禱告並且行動。當我們為美國禱告,當我們為國
家呼求,我要請你加入我們。 我們知道神要藉著我們的禱告做超凡的事情。 如果我們禱

我們已經架設了「合一禱告」這一個非常重要的網站。 在這裡,你可以報名參加,認領
禱告時段。 你也會找到與承認神的國家之未來有關的所有主題的每日靈修材料。
這是一個為期 40 天的季節,從 9 月 25 日開始,一直持續到 11 月 3 日的選舉日。你將與美
國各地成千上萬的代禱者們一同禱告。 我們將同心合一說道,「我們正在請求上帝臨到,

你願意加入我們嗎? 與我們一同守望並在合一中禱告。 我們熱愛你的加入。 讓我們同來



English Section

(40th Day) 11/3: Election Day 2020!

“Let your Kingdom come. Let your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10; NHEB)

Voting is a spiritual act! It is the most practical act of stewarding the government sphere of God’s creation that we can make. God looked upon His creation, said that it was good, and assigned Adam the responsibility to steward His creation. The problem with the typical American Christian is that we have been convinced that government/politics is secular and we are not supposed to discuss these issues in church.

“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” is how Jesus taught the disciples to pray, showing them we should seek God’s will, His values, His government, here on earth, just like it is in heaven. A common phrase in our culture is “you can’t legislate morality,” yet our government makes decisions that affect life and death, gives the ability to express our religious preferences, punishes criminals, guides
the treatment of the foreigner, and many other similar matters. All are moral decisions that could be affected by our spiritual act of voting for candidates that best reflect God’svalues.

We don’t always have the choice of a Christian candidate, but we should always understand the positions of the candidates and the parties they represent.

The Church will have the government it deserves. If the Church stays home on Election Day and allows evil people to vote in evil candidates, then we will have an evil
government. Voting is a spiritual act of stewardship. Go out today, understand your candidates, pray, and then VOTE!

Points for Prayer:

  • Pray that the Church would understand and steward its spiritual obligations to vote.
  • Pray that the Church would vote in ways to elect quality candidates that reflect God’s
  • Pray that God’s kingdom would come on earth today, just as it is in heaven.

By Dave Kubal
President, Intercessors for America

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(39th Day) 11/2: Controlling the Atmosphere

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.”
(1 Timothy 2:1-4; NIV)

In this important election year, the most fundamental questions about who we are and what is moral are underpinning all the debates and rhetoric. Who should answer these questions?

The Church is designed to foster our spiritual lives, and the government our civil lives.  Even so, the Bible indicates that the Church should guide our morals as well as our civics.

It is not God’s will to establish a theocracy. There does not need to be a “wall between church and state,”  but there is a clear distinction in Scripture concerning the roles of church and state (government).

Government is not designed to bring spiritual leadership to a nation. The biblical qualifications of governmental leaders are very different from spiritual leaders, including the qualities of integrity, fearing God, and being respected.

Government is not the source of spiritual revival. Our President is correctly called Commander-in-Chief. He is not Pastor-in-Chief. Though we desire our presidents to be god-fearing, trustworthy, and full of integrity, we do not look to them as spiritual leaders.

We pray that every president has a personal relationship with Christ and walks closely in step with the Holy Spirit and in holiness, but we must not seek to rely on his spiritual influence.

Government has the God-given authority to do certain things, but cannot violate what the Founders called our unalienable rights. For example, God has given authority to governments to protect citizens and provide for the common good in regard to infrastructure and markets.

The Church is to influence government indirectly through the moral training of leaders and diplomats, but it is not to seek authority or validity from governments.  God established the Church. And the Church stewards the nation, not the other way around.

The Church is commanded to influence the government through prayer and intercession, cooperating with the will and plan of God.

As the nation faces some of the greatest crises of our lifetime, we must pray fervently for both the government and the Church to properly fulfill their roles.

Points for Prayer:
Pray for the Church to arise and shine, bringing the Gospel message to every community
in America.
Pray for the values of the Word of God to be reflected in the positions, policies, and laws
in our communities, states, and nation.
Pray for the Church to have a profound and lasting impact on our nation and this
By Dave Kubal
President, Intercessors for America

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(38th Day) 11/1: Controlling the Atmosphere

“Those who own the airways control the atmosphere.” I was sitting across the table from a young woman who was working with the widows and orphans of Sudan. Both my husband and I were in a room filled with incredible missionaries from all around the world; the sacrifices that these people had made was stunning. This particular woman was living in a war zone, and, when she spoke those words to me, it hit my spirit.

2 Corinthians 10:4-6 in the Passion Translation says this:

For although we live in the natural realm, we don’t wage a military campaign employing human weapons, using manipulation to achieve our aims.   Instead, our spiritual weapons are energized with divine power to effectively dismantle the defenses behind which people hide. We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One.   Since we are armed with such dynamic weaponry, we stand ready to punish any trace of rebellion, as soon as you choose complete obedience.

In this moment in time, God is wanting us to partner with Him to bring an awakening to this world. Because we have the Holy Spirit in us, we have the authority and the right to do just that. My favorite part of this scripture is where it says that we are to capture anything that opposes the Kingdom and “insist that it bow in obedience.” I personally have been walking around praying, “I insist that this spirit of rebellion bow down.”

Points for Prayer:

As we are joining together for these days of prayer, I would encourage you to:

  • Prayer walk, knowing that there are spiritual airways that we can own and bring under the authority of the Kingdom.
  • Know that we are standing in God’s authority for the freedom of our nation.
  • Know that God wants us to insist with all confidence that everything that is not of God bow to His authority.
  • Let this scripture in 2 Corinthians 10 be a guide. nbnbAllow God to give you revelation to see more ways to pray on target.

By Beni Johnson
Senior Pastor, Bethel Church

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(37th Day) 10/31: These Dry Bones Will Live!

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.” (Revelation 4:11b; NIV)

This year, namely this spring and summer, has been a time like no other. Much of the Bible has come alive before our very eyes and ears.   Scriptures about lawlessness, pestilence, God giving people over to their own devices (Psalm 81:12), what is evil being called good and what is good being called evil have taken on fuller meaning.

But have you found your way to flourish spiritually in this year? Personally, I confess moments when I was in despair. Yet, the Lord is great in faithfulness, relentless to rescue and to save.   Maybe you are like me, and you have learned a steady diet of the daily dose of ‘bad news’ doesn’t feed the heavenward soul.   The good news of the gospel always saturates in His presence and peace. Basking in passages of worship and adoration prayer like Revelations 4 and 2 Chronicles 29:10-13 with King David’s prayer have kept the focus on the great I AM.   Let’s go together to fresh depths of worship where we are warriors with the Lord of Hosts.   Let’s ask the Lord to show us how He is working and deploying the armies of heaven coming to aid in literally pushing and holding back the lies, the deception, the fear, and the dismay. Worship Him!   His glory will invade our senses, soul, and flesh, igniting adoration and alignment with His call in our appointed

Points for Prayer:

  • Before we raise our head for the day, let us linger in awe of the Lord: eternal, steadfast, everlasting love, faithfulness, forgiving, protector, comforter, and more.
  • Before we drift to slumber each evening, let us recount answers to prayer.  Let us meditate in the fact that every day is bringing us closer to the Lord’s return.  He hasn’t changed.
  • Worship Him. Worship disarms the enemy and enforces our rightful place as His children.
  • Just say the Name of Jesus, over and over.
  • Meditate on His free gift and smile with joy at the gift that cannot be taken away.

By Lisa Crump
Vice President of Volunteer Mobilization, National Day of Prayer

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(36th Day) 10/30: Abiding in the Manifest Presence of Jesus Part 2

“If you abide in me and My words abide in you,  ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” (John 15:7; ESV)

Let me remind you what the Ekklesia is. It is the Greek word for Church, and in its most embryonic expression it is the gathering of at least two believers around the manifest presence of Jesus with authority to bind and release for God’s will to be done in their sphere of influence.

We saw that when two or three of you call on His name, He comes! He comes, He manifests Himself in the very place where you have gathered. And what do we do in His presence? Allow me to paraphrase what Jesus said in John 15:7, “If you abide in me and My words [the ones that I’m speaking to you] abide in you, you will know how to pray, and now you ask and whatever you wish, it will be done for you.”   Awesome!

The deeper meaning of prayer is not talking; it’s abiding. It’s basking in His presence.  Take time as you go to prayer to celebrate the presence of Jesus and to listen to Him.   He may speak to you from a passage in the Bible. He may speak to you through your prayer partner.   He may speak to you through a thought that pops up, but you will know that it comes from God.

Now let’s look again at Matthew 18:19: “And truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.”  We will be binding on earth what the Father and the Son already bound in heaven.  That’s different from what we were doing before.

Imagine this picture. The Father is the principal figure at the top. Jesus is in our midst when we gather for prayer. He’s like a mirror at the right hand of the Father. We look to Jesus and then we are able to see what the Father is doing through the presence of Jesus. Now we are able to pray prayers that the Father will answer. At that moment we are given authority to bind and to release because the God of peace will soon crush Satan under our feet.

There is a lot of spiritual warfare going on and God is giving us authority to bind and to release, but we must be careful not to rush in too quickly. First, we welcome Jesus, we bow before Him, we abide in His words, we pray the prayers that He guides us to pray, the Father answers that, and now we discover what the Father has already bound in heaven or loosed in heaven and we do it here.

That’s when God crushes Satan––and all forms of evil––under our feet. Whose feet? The feet of the Ekklesia. Who is the head of the Ekklesia? Jesus. Where is Jesus? At the right hand of the Father. But now the Holy Spirit comes and reveals himself.

Look at this promise. “He, the Holy Spirit, will guide you”—oh this is so key in prayer—“he will guide you into all truth, for He will not speak on His own initiative but whatever He hears He will speak and He will disclose to you what is to come.” What will He reveal to you? Listen carefully. What the Holy Spirit hears the Father and the Son binding and loosing. Doesn’t this change prayer and make it more dynamic? Now we are
asking God for the anointing because the anointing is what makes the difference.

The anointing is the breath of God, it’s the presence of God in your prayer meeting that revives everything in you.

Gideon without the anointing was a coward. Gideon with the anointing became a mighty man of God.
Samuel without the anointing was a miraculous baby. But with the anointing he became the greatest prophet in Israel.

David without the anointing was a lowly shepherd. With the anointing a mighty and prolific king.

Listen to the Holy Spirit. This is how Paul put it: “For in Him we live, in Him we move, in Him we exist.”  That completely changes prayer.   Instead of going to prayer or seeking the Holy Spirit in the same manner you would look for a glass of water, you are like a fish continuously swimming in the ocean of His presence!

When you gather now, celebrate the presence of Jesus, exalt the presence of Jesus, realize you live in Him, you move in Him, you exist in Him. And now you abide in His words because He will speak to you, either by the written word, through your prayer partner, or through a sensation, but it will be a two-way street, and that’s why I pray that you will emulate Mary.   When Mary didn’t know how what the angel was announcing
would come to pass, she asked, “How can this be?” And the angel said, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and He will deposit something in you.”

I pray that right now the Holy Spirit comes upon you and teaches you how to pray.

Points for Action:

  • Find a place in your home or workplace that you can designate as a meeting place with Jesus. It can be a chair or a corner, or even a corner of your desk. But it’s a meeting place for Him and with Him.
  • Abide in His presence there regularly (daily) to turn prayer into a two-way street.
  • Let the Holy Spirit come upon you now and teach you how to pray.

By Ed Silvoso
Founder and President, Transform Our World

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(35th Day) 10/29: Abiding in the Manifest Presence of Jesus Part 1

“…If two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by my father who is in heaven” (Matthew 18:19; ESV)
What is an Ekklesia? It is the Greek word for Church, and in its most embryonic expression, it is the gathering of at least two believers around the manifest presence of Jesus with authority to bind and release for God’s will to be done in their sphere of influence. That’s the very heart of prayer. We pray according to the will of God and the will of God is done.
The scriptural basis for that gives us great reassurance. Matthew 18:18-20 says, “Truly I say to you that whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven. Again, I say to you that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by my father who is in heaven, for where two or three have gathered in my name, I am there in their midst.”
This passage reveals there are three steps we are to take so that God can deliver on three  promises.
STEP                                                                                              PROMISE

  1. When two or three gather in His name…          …Jesus comes.
  2.  Anything they pray for on earth…                        …is done by their Father in heaven.
  3. When they bind and release…                                 …they are empowered!


What a promise the passage begins with: if we call on the name of the Lord, He will come. Pause and contemplate that fact: when you go to prayer, the Lord says, “I will come.” Where is He coming from? From the right hand of the Father. What is He doing there? He is interceding for you.

And how tremendous the second promise is, that anything we ask in the name of Jesus, the Father will do it! But the question is, why is it that we don’t get 100% of our prayers answered as Jesus promised? And why is it that we bind and we release on earth, but it doesn’t remain bound and released?

I asked the Lord about that one day, and He said to me, “Ed, you rush too quickly to pray, to request things, but you don’t honor Jesus who is coming to be with you.”

Then the figure of the Queen of England came to mind. If she were to come through the front door, what would I do? She would get my undivided attention. I would greet her and say to her, “Your wish is my command, Your Majesty.” And God instantly reminded me that His Son is much greater than the Queen of England!

That changed my life! Ever since, when I begin to pray with my wife or with a prayer partner, we take time welcoming the Lord Jesus. We use 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves [first] and [then] pray….” You see, I was rushing to prayer. Take time to welcome the Lord Jesus, to humble yourself, to offer yourself to do His command. Then, seek His face. And when you have His face in
full view, then He says, “Turn from your wicked ways.” Oh, how majestic is the love and the grace of God that He lets us look into His face when ours is still so emaciated with sin and pain!

Then and only then, God says, “I will hear from heaven, I will forgive their sins, and I will heal the land.”
Pay attention to that passage. We call on the name of the Lord, and at that moment we come under His Lordship. We humble ourselves, we adore Him, we worship Him, and then we begin to pray. And we seek His face first, and we turn from our old ways.  And
when we take time to do that, the mind of Christ begins to impregnate our minds.  If you welcome Jesus and you listen to Him, you will begin to think His thoughts. And at that moment we are renewed in the spirit of our mind––not just on the soul side of our mind, but also on the spirit side, we begin to receive what comes from God. At that moment, we begin to pray the prayers that Jesus has been praying at the right hand of
the Father. When we do that, 100% of those prayers are answered, and we are able to bear fruit, much fruit, and fruit that remains.

Points for Prayer:
  • Meditate on Matthew 18:18-20 and 2 Chronicles 7:14.
  • Begin to pray as indicated, not rushing to ask, but inviting and dwelling in His Presence in your midst.
  • Listen before you speak. You will begin to hear the prayers God wants to answer for your nation.

By Ed Silvoso
Founder and President, Transform Our World

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(34th Day) 10/28: Altars of Covenant, Gates of Glory

“So he came to a certain place and stayed there all night, because the sun had set. And he took one of the stones of that place and put it at his head, and he lay down in that place to sleep. Then he dreamed, and behold, a ladder [was] set up on the earth, and its top reached to heaven; and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. And behold, the LORD stood above it and said: ‘I [am] the LORD God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie I will give to you and your descendants.’” (Gen 28:11-13; KJV)

If we are to be gatekeepers in this new era, we must know that, unlike men, God does not forget. Even when we are not mindful of the foundations of bygone generations, His eyes remain on them. This is what happened with Jacob. He did not arrive at just some ordinary place. The ancient Rabbis taught that he was unconsciously led to the very place where, a generation before, His grandfather Abraham erected an altar to the Lord.

There, a covenant was confirmed through which a nation would be established.  It was in this place that Jacob had an open heaven encounter with God. We need such an encounter now, a revelation of the throne of God and the power entrusted to His house. It is time for the offerings of prayer and worship to ascend without ceasing.

“This [is] Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him, who seek Your face. Selah. Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King ofglory shall come in.” (Psalm 24:6-7; NKJV)

It is to this encounter that I believe Psalm 24 points when it speaks of the generation of Jacob. Those whose hearts have received revelation of the God of the covenant and who have set their face to seek His. It is to these, that the gates will be entrusted as they will only open to that which is aligned with His heart. They will refuse access to anything that violates his revealed heart and intent for their gate. The gatekeeper opens the doors of access for the King of Glory to enter in.   Angelic assistance is released, the resources of
heaven are deployed, and breakthrough occurs.

Points for Prayer:

  • Pray that the Lord will awaken the Church to arise and tend the altars of covenant in our nation.
  • Pray for a fresh open Heaven encounter and greater revelation of the Throne.
  • Pray that Gatekeepers will open the gates of their assigned spheres to the King of Glory.

By Chris Mitchell
Founder, Kingsgate International

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(33rd Day) 10/27: The Advancing Prayer Movement

“Gather the people, consecrate the assembly; bring together the elders, gather the children, those nursing at the breast. Let the bridegroom leave his room and the bride her chamber.” (Joel 2:16; NIV)

Many are not aware that America was birthed in prayer. From the Pilgrims’ prayers as they landed at Plymouth to Benjamin Franklin’s call to prayer for Divine Assistance in the writing of the U. S. Constitution, prayer was a cornerstone of the nation’s founding.  Men and women relied on God and sought Him as a part of the course of their daily events.

Prayer has surged in popularity off and on throughout our history, most notably in difficult seasons of time and just before the Great Awakenings and other major moves of God, such as the Jesus Movement of the late 1960s/early 1970s. The prayer movement most recently enjoyed a surge in the 1990s when prayer activities, such as the formation of numerous prayer groups in churches, prayer walking, prayer driving, prayer journeys, houses of prayer, and prayer-saturated churches, became the norm.   However, the tide
was moving out again in this decade. Long-time prayer warriors were growing weary, and the next generation did not seem to have the fire of their parents and grandparents.

Prior to the 2016 elections, God gave me a vision for an Appeal to Heaven Movement that would sweep a nation into prayer once again. We began to do Appeal to Heaven conferences across the nation, with an intent to go to all 50 states if need be, to ignite passion for prayer for national revival. Many prayer groups and prayer ministries were renewed. Prayer has continued to gain momentum, and a new unity across prayer
ministries has come into being. God loves unity, and we have begun to see the effects of our unified prayer! Also, the Appeal to Heaven flag started to show up everywhere, including in government offices. It was even positioned behind President Trump when he gave one of his first speeches in office!

We must keep the fire of prayer going. We have made a shift, but America is not out of the woods yet! Government leaders are counting on us to keep praying! They have told me they can feel the difference when the church is praying and when it is not! Pray, Church, pray!

Points for Prayer:

  • Thank the Lord that America was founded in prayer and that Christ-honoring prayer is in the fabric of who we are as a nation.
  • Ask the Lord to stir passion for prayer up in you at a greater level.
  • Pray for the nation and its leaders today. You can go to whitehouse.gov, senate.gov, house.gov, supremecourt.gov, or many other government websites at the federal, state and local level to get information for prayer.
  • Worship the Lord over America. Worship and intercession go hand in hand.
  • Ask the Lord how to better connect with prayer groups at the local and national level.
  • Start a group if there are none in your church and/or community.
  • Use Joel 2:16 and call for the intercessors in the United States to rise up!

By Dutch Sheets
President, Dutch Sheets Ministries

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(32nd Day) 10/26: Being Thankful at All Times

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say Rejoice…do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” (Philippians 4:4-6; KJV)

To be honest, I have a list of things I have to keep bringing to the throne of God so that I can obey this passage and not be anxious. I suspect that you might have several such matters too, from family to national burdens. What is His prescription? Rejoice in Him – some of the time, at the good times— always —really! How? Because in every thing – not only some, but with all things, come to Him with thanksgiving.   Another
passage to really get rooted in is Psalm 100:4-5: “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise…his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” I love that the Lord included “all generations” because there it is in black and white printed evidence; He will be faithful in 2020 just as in the days of the psalmist. Not faithful in some generations or eras but ALL. His love endures not some of the time, but FOREVER—even today. We just need to enter with thankfulness, rejoicing as we bring our requests to Him. As we bring our requests, let’s remember others who are carrying burdens or are deceived that do not know the freedom and release that we have when we bring them to the Lord. Selah.

Points for Prayer:

  • Before rising each day, count your blessings, however small or huge.
  • Before sleeping each day, find a new thing to thank Him for that has been overlooked.
  • Feel His good pleasure in your thankful, grateful heart; friends, we must tarry here.
  • Thank Him that we can bring our requests to Him—that He wants us to come to Him.
  • Give Him great gratitude that He is never anxious about our days, never stops working and responding to prayer.

By Lisa Crump
Vice President of Volunteer Mobilization, National Day of Prayer

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(31st Day) 10/25: These Dry Bones Will Live!

“The hand of the LORD was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones.” (Ezekiel 31:1; BSB)

Louis Pasteur was famous for many medical inventions, including pasteurization. One medical invention in particular meant the most to him. Polio was ravaging the nation, and Pasteur was working on a vaccine. Many had given up hope for a cure, but Pasteur continued experimenting. Just when he was going to try it on himself, a 9-year-old boy, Joseph Meister, was brought to him with the dreaded disease. Pasteur gave the vaccine to the young boy, and amazingly, it worked. The lad was cured and lived. Pasteur went on to accomplish many other medical discoveries and patents before he died September 28, 1895. Of all the major accomplishments Pasteur could have placed on his tombstone when he died, he only wanted these 3 words: Joseph Meister Lived. May it be said of us that, when all looked hopeless, a remnant never gave up on our nation, and may the epitaph for our generation read: The Dry Bones Lived.

Points for Prayer:

  • Pray for “the dry bones,” i.e., those who feel hopeless and lifeless to be awakened and revived.
  • Ask the Lord to reveal Himself to the multitudes who are in the valley of decision.
  • Pray that medical science would seek the Lord for the vaccine that could not onlyeradicate COVID-19, but also give glory to God.
  • Pray for winds of awakening to breathe upon our nation.

By William Ford, III
Founder, Will Ford Ministries and Hilkiah Ministries
[Excerpt from “History Makers” by Dutch Sheets and Will Ford.]

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(30th Day) 10/24: The Fear of the Lord

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.” (Proverbs 1:7; NIV)

Where is America headed? How my soul mourns at the absence of honor and respect for our Lord Jesus Christ and His values in our culture. The public arena has rapidly descended as the disappearance of the fear of the Lord has vaporized from the heart and mind of many, especially the highly visible and vocal. The lack of civility, loss of decorum, ill-regard for authority are signs of a society in peril, one which desires to
serve self.

The need for God’s wisdom is infinite. Our nation can improve with a holy fear and reverence of God.  Then—and only then—His wisdom can begin.

According to Romans 14:12,  one day every soul will give an account of their lives to God, their Creator.

Points for Prayer:

  • Repent and ask the Holy Spirit’s conviction on the populous that we may all know the
    existence of the Lord.
  • Repent and ask the Holy Spirit’s conviction on the populous to revere/honor/fear the
  • Repent and ask the Holy Spirit’s conviction on the populous to seek the Lord.
    By Lisa Crump

Vice President of Volunteer Mobilization, National Day of Prayer

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(29th Day) 10/23: Pray for Truth in Media

“Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” (Proverbs 18:21; HCSB)

Has secular media become such a part of our mental and spiritual landscape that we do not recognize the impact it is having on our nation? Are we afraid its powerful influence is too big to overcome? In 1 Samuel 17, we read how David was not afraid to confront giants when those giants were opposed to God and His people. Goliath’s greatest weapon was not so much his size or strength. In fact, King Saul and the Israelite army hadn’t gone near enough to test the giant’s military prowess. They were sitting on the hillside frightened, discouraged, and on the verge of defeat, simply because of Goliath’s big mouth! David had little, if any, experience on the battlefield, but he had developed some faith-filled strategies in the school of prayer and worship. He didn’t know much about Goliath, but he had become well acquainted with the Lord of Hosts.

God’s servant confronted the taunting Philistine in the name of the Lord Almighty and with a declaration of truth. Then the shepherd boy slung a stone, striking Goliath in the forehead and causing him to fall face down on the ground. It’s pretty difficult to shout lies with a mouth full of sandy dirt! By the way, the frontal lobe of the brain just happens to be the “control panel” of our personality and our ability to communicate. Although we are told the stone killed the Philistine, David didn’t stop halfway. He used the opposition’s own sword to cut off his head, showing God’s authority over the mind. This was a giant faith builder! Goliath would never taunt God’s people or defy the Holy One of Israel ever again! What are some effective prayer strategies that we can use against the giants of media?

Points for Prayer:

  • Ask God to position His servants in the media and empower them to faithfully walk in integrity and humility. Pray they will be filled with knowledge, wisdom and understanding that comes from God. Pray they will not use their words carelessly, but their tongues will bring forth life (Proverbs 11; 18:21; Romans 10:14, 15).
  • Pray that deception and ungodly philosophies in our media will be exposed and not allowed to infiltrate and infect the church. Decree and declare that the light of Truth will dispel the darkness (Luke 8:17).
  • Thank God for placing His Spirit upon the leaders He has placed in the media and that He has placed His Word on their tongue (2 Samuel 23:2–4).
  • Ask and believe that God-called media leaders will be bold, fearless, and unafraid to expose the truth about terrorist and jihadist threats to our government. Pray they will be willing to refute every evil word spoken against Jesus followers and will be unashamed of the gospel (Jeremiah 1:10; Isaiah 54:17; Romans 1:16).
  • Pray that God will strategically position heralds of peace who will bring good news and proclaim salvation to the nations (Isaiah 52:7).
  • Wait before the Lord for further direction from the Holy Spirit, and remember to thank God for hearing and answering our prayers: “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him” (1 John 5:14, 15).

By Kay Horner
Executive Director, Awakening America Alliance

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(28th Day) 10/22: Maintaining Border Security

“Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise.” (Isaiah 60:18; NIV)

The atrocities of human trafficking, drug trafficking, and terrorism—especially connected to ISIS—entering via the U.S southern border are the most prevalent issues affecting our national and border security. These issues present a distinct set of circumstances for our government beyond the crisis of undocumented people entering the U.S. illegally to escape difficulties in their own country—a challenge that underscores the need for immigration reform.

Legislation that would allow for an effective response in counteracting these evils has been “on the table” for too many years. It is time for the U.S. to remedy its broken immigration system and address legislative policies that will allow immigrants and refugees who have the intention to thrive in America and give America their Pledge of Allegiance to enter legally and safely. Likewise, we need laws addressing those who
would enter to harm our country; they should be detained and sent back to their country of origin. It’s time for our government to move forward on this issue with the resolve of a fair and compassionate immigration reform that will allow America to flourish in the way which it was founded and God intended.

The U.S. State Department estimates that around 14,500-17,500 foreign nationals are trafficked into the United States each year, with other estimates reaching as high as 19,000.1

Points for Prayer:

  • Pray that God will keep our borders safe from those who would desire to harm America while our government works on immigration reform.
  • Pray that God will expose the enemy’s agenda to infiltrate our borders. Pray that terrorists who enter through the southern border would be caught.
  • Pray against the human tragedy behind immigration and that God will give President Trump His plan and vision for immigration reform.
  • Pray for the children lured to cross the border looking for a better life because of the lack of education and opportunities in their own countries.
  • Pray for those affected by human trafficking and drug trafficking – that God would protect and heal them – and that God would expose the perpetrators and the drug cartels and eliminate them.
  • Pray for the hearts of those who would desire to bring harm to God’s people and harm to America—that they would have an encounter with the living Savior.

By Mark Gonzales
Founder, Hispanic Action Network and Herman Martir
Founder, Asian Action Network
1 U.S. Department of State, “2018 Trafficking in Persons Report”, State.gov. Accessed

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(27th Day) 10/21:  New Era of Victory

“O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and take action! For Your own sake, O my God, do not delay, because Your city and Your people are called by Your name.”(Daniel 9:19; NASB)

It’s time for a great army of watchmen to take their place on the wall. Every Cyrus needs a Daniel. A blood moon over Jerusalem on the date of President Trump’s birth confirmed that he was literally born to be a Cyrus—for Israel and America. And the blood moon over Washington DC on the third anniversary of Trump’s inauguration emphasized the importance of this partnership. Following the pattern of Daniel 10, prayer mobilization helped secure great victory for our nation. Everything turned.

Prophetically, just as Daniel prayed for the restoration of his homeland, from 2020–2022, the Lord is calling for a three-year watchman vigil to undergird the rebuilding of our nation. This three-year window is also tied to the restoration of God’s governmental glory.

That said, watchman prayer is vital through this three-year window of vulnerability—so that Jesus’ plans for America can be established and not aborted!

Despite setbacks, in the core of my being, I know that victory has been secured for our nation. A covenant reset, strengthened by lessons learned and ground already taken, will take hold. Part of this victory must be a turnaround for life—from a covenant with death empowering a culture of death, to a covenant of life empowering a culture of life.

If the opportunity is stewarded correctly, I believe we will see a shift politically that fully secures this potential. A new era of victory! Obviously, the pathway forward must be undergirded by vigilant forerunning prayer. Keeping humble because pride comes before a fall. And in balance, we must also remember that fearless confidence still carries a great recompense of reward.

Points for Prayer:

  • Say, “Father, it’s time for a shift politically that secures Your best intentions for our
  • Declare, “The covenant with death over America is annulled!”
  • Decree, “Those who cling to covenants with death and occult powers will be removed.”
  • Pray for those who align with the Father’s heart and Word to be favored to advance.
  • Ask the Lord to shift our nation into victory. Shift our nation into LIFE!

By Jon & Jolene Hamill
Co-Founders, Lamplighter Ministries
Adapted from the new book “White House Watchmen”

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(26th Day) 10/20:  Complete the Turnaround!

“Watchman, how much longer until morning? When will the night be over?” (Isaiah 21:11b; NLT)

Prophetically, we’ve known for many years that what we decide in 2020 impacts our nation in a way that few other times in history ever have. Like the Pilgrims’ original voyage 400 years ago, our country is at a threshold from which there is no return. Will America choose to defy God openly? Or will we honor the covenantal foundations entrusted to us and complete the turnaround that secures our inheritance for decades?

That is what is truly at stake.

Freedom in Jesus is the fire that propelled both Pilgrims and Revolutionaries to give their lives for a movement called America. Immigrants fled brutal dictatorships, empowered in the unseen realm by an antichrist spirit which had claimed their lives, their property, their privacy, and even their offspring. They sought, in turn, to establish a nation forged in freedom, founded by covenant with God, as a beachhead against antichrist dictatorships.

This priceless gift is at the core of America’s national identity. And yet even the covenant they made remains under relentless assault. Why?

Maybe it is because in both the spiritual and natural realms the right to rule is ultimately determined by covenant and covenants establish thrones of governance. Note that, in each successive generation, God faithfully posted watchmen on the wall to bear witness to His covenant. From the Pilgrims came the Patriots. Then the awakeners.  The pioneers. The abolitionists. The suffragists. The greatest generation. William
Bradford and William Penn. Jonathan Edwards and Charles Finney. Abraham Lincoln, Harriet Tubman, William Seymour, and Martin Luther King, Jr. And millions of others known but to God, whose hearts and legacies were also fueled by sacred fire from another realm. They faced down seemingly insurmountable challenges to preserve and perpetuate freedom, having only limited vision of the consequences and limited
windows of opportunity to act.

It is no different in our hour. Will you keep the flame? Or will the Body of Christ slumber while the rest of the nation succumbs to deceptive agendas weaponized to destroy the very cornerstone of our constitutional freedom?

“Watchman, what of the night?” It’s a midnight hour. Really, no viable solutions are available apart from the intervention of God. Completing the turnaround entrusted to us remains the great invitation of our time.

Points for Prayer:

  • Ask the Father to empower His covenant watchmen to stand with Him and repel the onslaught at our gates.
  • Ask the Lord to deliver our nation from a movement of totalitarianism tied to idolatry that seeks even now to hold our land hostage.
  • Remind the Lord of the Daniel 7:22 verdict in favor of the saints—restraining the forces of darkness, and releasing the saints to possess the Kingdom.
  • Pray that He preserve our freedom, for we are helpless without His grace and mercy.
  • Ask Him to grant us grace together to complete America’s turnaround to the glory of Jesus, our Lord and King!

By Jon & Jolene Hamill
Co-Founders, Lamplighter Ministries
Adapted from the new book “White House Watchmen”

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(25th Day) 10/19:  Overcoming Anxiety with His Peace

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace.  In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33; ESV)

Whether it is Covid-19, racial tension, or a divisive election, fear has become pandemic in the United States. There is a level of fear in our nation that is unprecedented. Though the fear is understandable, it is unacceptable for the followers of the Prince of Peace.  God’s Word gives us this clear command: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7; NASB).

It is very difficult to pray effectively from a position of fear. Fear paralyzes us into inactivity. Yet more than ever these days, we need powerful, faith-filled prayer. So perhaps one of the most important prayers for us today is to stand against fear, not just in our own lives, but on behalf of the Church. As we pray, we realize that we are simply agreeing with one of the most common commands of scripture: “Fear not!”  We are
asking the Prince of Peace to once again calm the storms with a word of command, though this time the storms are in our own lives. We pray for peace so that we might pray with power and see the Lord move once again across our land.

Prayer Points

  • Help us to spread peace and not fear wherever we find ourselves.
  • Guard our hearts and minds so that our emotions and thoughts are turned to You instead of the uncertainty that swells around us.
  • Help us to be overcomers who help others through these crises rather than those who
    live in fear and do nothing.

By Dave Butts
President, Harvest Prayer Ministries, and Chairman, National Prayer Committee

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(24th Day) 10/18:  Watchfulness Against Deception

  • “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.  Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.” (Psalm 127:1; NIV)
  • “I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest…” (Isaiah 62:6; NIV)

When the ancient city of Troy was besieged by the Greek army in 1200 BC, the Trojans thought that their defenses, especially their high walls, could never be breached. They were right. However, the Greeks did not mount a frontal attack on their walls, but instead cunningly deceived their enemy by leaving a large wooden statue of a horse. The idea was to feign defeat and honor the Trojans for their victory. Meanwhile, a band of
Greek soldiers was hiding inside the horse’s belly as the Trojans unwittingly admitted the “prize of war” into the heart of their city. Later that night, as the residents of Troy slept, the hidden Greek commandos emerged to open the gates to the rest of the Greek army who savagely massacred the residents and destroyed their once proud city by fire.

In the same way, the greatest threat to America’s national security is our openness to deception and lack of watchfulness. The Trojans thought they were invincible behind their vast, high, seemingly impenetrable walls and defenses. We dare not become complacent, thinking that because we are the world’s “superpower,” we are safe from attack. That is not the case at all. Even great empires have fallen when their enemies succeeded in deceiving them and conquering them from the inside.

We must pray for our current and future administrations to be able and willing to boldly identify and confront threats to the nation. We also need to pray our leaders will have the willingness to look carefully at policies previously created or underway that might undermine and endanger our national security.

Points for Prayer:

  • Thank God for His deliverance and protection over the USA until now and for His mercy in the “divine turnaround” we experienced during the 2016 election.
  • Pray for President Trump and his administration and for our Department of Defense to have great wisdom as they seek to upgrade and modernize our military forces, both conventional and nuclear.
    Pray for our various intelligence agencies and for the Director of National Intelligence, that they will work together in unity and careful coordination, being ever watchful to discover security threats.
  • Pray for any remaining cells of terrorists to be uncovered and plots foiled before any harm can be done.
  • Pray that these dangerous people will be arrested and deported from our country immediately.
  • Pray for the removal of the corrupt and wicked from positions of influence in the government, including the CIA, FBI, and other intelligence agencies, as well as other governmental bureaucracies in D.C. and throughout the nation. The Lord is answering this prayer, but we need to see this process go further to ferret out and prosecute all “deep state” actors.
  • Pray that the moral and spiritual decline of America will be reversed. Identify in repentance for our national sins and ask for God’s mercy upon our wayward nation.

By John Robb
Co-Convener, National Prayer Assembly
Chairman, International Prayer Council

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(23rd Day) 10/17:  Praying from God’s Presence

“Let joy be your continual feast. Make your life a prayer. And in the midst of everything be always giving thanks, for this is God’s perfect plan for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; TPT)

We were designed for prayer, and equally important, we were designed to get answers to our prayers. God doesn’t command us to pray with the intention of ignoring our requests. Rather, He brings us into a co-laboring relationship with Him and then makes outlandish promises that almost sound too good to be true.

He says, “And whatever you ask in my name shall be done for you” (John 14:14). Tragically, when answers are rare, we find ourselves having to become encouraged from the discipline of prayer rather than the answers. That is not God’s design. Instead He states that we are to ask and receive, “that our joy may be full” (John 16:24). Fullness of joy encourages and replenishes strength in us. And that joy is to be the fruit of the answers we receive. Enjoying answered prayers is a thousand times better than trying to squeeze out encouragement simply from the discipline of having prayed. If this is true, then how are we supposed to
get constant answers to prayer? The secret is in the abiding presence of God. Those who have given themselves to a life of worship have a great advantage in this regard. They live more aware of the presence of God than others: “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you” (John15:7). This passage gives us the beautiful picture of the ongoing communion with the
Spirit of God and the full impact of His Word on our inner world.

Here’s a simple pattern to follow:

  1. If I have an hour to pray, I’ll usually worship for close to 45 minutes. If I have ten minutes to pray, I’ll usually worship for six or seven minutes. You can pray for many things in the time left. The point is, becoming aware of Him and His heart is more important than the length of the prayer.
  2. Find out what is on God’s heart and pray accordingly. Lay down personal agendas and opinions as much as is possible. Then pray with authority, as you are praying with the heart of the almighty God.
  3.  Bring your personal requests and desires to Him. When we seek first His kingdom, which is His will, the other things are added to our lives. This is kingdom protocol. This pattern is a good way to start a life of answered prayer, the kind of co-laboring that God intended for us from the beginning.

By Bill Johnson
Senior Pastor, Bethel Church

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(22nd Day) 10/16:  Healing a Divided Nation

“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28; NIV)

The Word of God tells us, “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (Gen. 1:27). Therefore, “put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator. Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all. Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony” (Col. 3:10-14).

It’s time to amend and repair what is corrupt and to build the institutions of our government and society according to their God-ordained order and organization. To see our nations transformed, we must go beyond a mandate that only sees souls saved. We must work to see Christians grow in the Lord, and we must see the kingdom of God invading every sector of our society. God wants His Kingdom will to be done on earth
through us! If a nation is transformed without being reformed, it will soon fall back into its original state of decay.

Decree with us:

  • “From one man he made all nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands” (Acts17:26; NIV).
  • “For we are all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body, whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free, and we were all given one Spirit to drink” (1 Corinthians 12:13; NIV).
  • “But anyone who hates a brother or sister is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness. They do not know where they are going because the darkness has blinded them” (1 John 2:11; NIV).
  • “A new command I give to you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you much love one another” (John 13:34; NIV).

By Cindy Jacobs
President, Generals International

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(21st Day) 10/15:  School Choice

“Those from among you shall build the old waste places; You shall raise up the foundations of many generations; And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, The Restorer of Streets to Dwell in.” (Isaiah 58:12; NKJV)

The Puritans set a precedent for education in America. When they first came to our shores in 1609, they enacted laws in their communities that held the parents responsible for making sure the children in their households learned to read, primarily to read the Bible. What a wonderful heritage they gave us. Today, parental involvement in their children’s education is low, and students seldom, if ever, read the Bible in our
classrooms. As a result, the public education system is fraught with problems because two-thirds of our students read below grade level.

As parents, we desire an education that builds godly faith in its students and assures a strong America for generations to come, which means we choose the best school for our child. As we link our prayers with
the prayers of our ancestors, we pray for the restoration of the rights of the parents to choose the school that will educate their children best.

Points for Prayer:

  • Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, we could see a change in education. For the first time, many parents viewed the online curriculum and teaching of their children. Realizing the ungodliness of the content, parents elected to send their children to  private schools, start their own “pod” schools, or homeschool. For many parents, the changes required significant commitments of time, money, and personal effort. Pray for parents as they make wise decisions for their children’s education. Believe for God’s best for each child and each parent.
  • A priority for President Trump is to allow each parent the opportunity to choose the school that best suits the parents’ preferences and the child’s talents. Fraught with criticism and court cases, he continues to work to give parents the right to choose the school to educate their children best. Pray for President Trump and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos in their fight to restore parental rights in school choice.
  • Pray for parents to take personal responsibility in the education of their children so that education will become a means of uniting our families, building character in our students, and training great leaders for America who will emerge from the classrooms across this nation. In the 2016-17 school year, the cost of educating each child in a public school was $14,439.3 Pray for a voucher system to be established where the money allocated to educate a child would follow the child to a school of the parent’s choice.

By Nancy Huff
Educator and Christian Author

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(20th Day) 10/14:  Protection of Religious Freedom in Our Schools

“Now we proclaim the kingdom of God and teach about the Lord Jesus Christ–with all boldness and without hindrance!” (Acts 28:31; HCSB)

On January 16, 2020, President Trump gave everyone involved in public education an infusion of courage to stand up for their faith in the face of opposition. Rather than depend on local school boards to relay to the students’ updated rights on freedom of religious expression, President Trump held a press conference in the Oval Office to make the announcement. The guidelines, designed to protect prayer and religious expression in public schools, should assure students, administrators, and teachers that they can freely exercise their constitutional rights of religious freedom. If anyone is denied religious freedom rights, the new guidelines outline a way for the individual to file a complaint. Believers now have more protection to express their faith in public schools than they have had in almost 60 years.

Points for Prayer:

  • Intercede for all the students, teachers, and administrators on our school campuses who believe in Jesus to be bold in their faith and not back down in the face of opposition. Ask the Lord to assure them that greater is He who is in them than he who is in the world.
  • Pray that school administrators and teachers will not ignore the new guidelines but will allow students to express their religious freedoms on school campuses.
  • Thank God for President Trump and his protections for people who express their faith in public schools. Bless our President and pray that as we take the freedoms given to us, our obedience will open the door for even greater religious liberty in every classroom.
  • Pray the Holy Spirit will call bold believers to work in our public schools. In their positions of authority, they will exercise their First Amendment Right to freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
  • Pray for history and civics classes to be taught in our public school so that our children will learn the history of our nation and will appreciate the freedoms given to us by our forefathers who wrote the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence.
  • Pray that those who teach history will teach the subject in such a way that they will inspire their students to become great men and women who will lead this nation in righteousness.

By Nancy Huff
Educator and Christian Author

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(19th Day) 10/13:  Gender Clarification

“Whoever receives one of these little children in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me but Him who sent Me.” (Mark 9:37; NKJV)

One of America’s most significant resources is its children. As the future of our nation, our children need prayer as they face a major assault by the enemy to the very core of their identity – their sexual orientation. We stand in the gap for all our children as daily our America’s public educational system bombards these little ones with perverse sexual messages that result in early sexualization and gender-confusion.  Our schools have invited people, ideas, and images that attack the innocence of our youth.  May the
prayers of the intercessors come before God to stop the flood of sexual perversion that has affected our children.  We will rejoice in His protection for our nation’s children andour nation’s future.

Points for Prayer:

  • The United Nations has seventeen Millennium Development Goals to be achieved by 2030. Goal #3 is Good Health and Well-being for everyone. Under this goal is the sub-goal of universal access to comprehensive sexuality education and information. The World Health Organization (WHO) routinely publishes a sexuality training “tool kit” and makes the content available to educational leaders and curriculum writers across the world. US educators use the WHO tool kit as an outline for sexuality education in the US. Pray for godly educators and curriculum writers who will reject the UN guidelines and write material that will teach our children purity and the sanctity of marriage.
  • Title IX is a directive under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to be used to promote equal rights for anyone regardless of sex, race, or religion. President Trump and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos recently issued a Title IX directive that defined sex as a male or female. Immediately 18 court cases were filed to stop the Title IX directive, but so far, judges have ruled in President Trump’s favor. Pray for the definition of sexual options to be male or female. This one ruling would have a significant impact on whether or not
    men can compete in women’s sports and vice versa.
  • As the largest labor union in the United States, the National Education Association (NEA) holds great sway over America’s public schools. They promote sexuality training K-12, which some states have already adopted. The NEA web site encourages teachers to “come out” in their classrooms. Pray to break the control of the NEA over teachers and administrators in public schools.
  • School Boards across America have a lot of power over the direction of the content taught in public schools under their oversight. Pray for godly people to run for school board positions and that they would be bold in their stand for righteousness and sexual purity once they are elected.

By Nancy Huff
Educator and Christian Author

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(18th Day) 10/12:Prayer for the Children

“‘For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light.” (Luke 8:17)

It was the Sunday following Hugh Hefner’s death when we called for a special Prayer Burn at our service in Hollywood. With a powerful group of intercessors and Industry Creatives in the room, we cried out for JUSTICE for the exploited women in Hollywood. We understood that Hugh Hefner—the father of modern-day pornography – was also a significant figure in Hollywood who represented perversion and the
exploitation of women. We cried out for the women and the unjust casting couch culture they had silently endured for decades in Hollywood. For too long, their cries for justice were ignored and were unable to emerge. But we declared that the sound of their voices would now pierce through.

Four days after our Prayer Burn, an article in The New York Times broke about Harvey Weinstein and his abuse of women in Hollywood. This resulted in the floodgates opening up for voices of women to be heard, not just in Hollywood but beyond. We believe the power of our prayers on that Sunday helped break through and uncover a culture of evil that had been taking place for decades.

In the wake of Harvey Weinstein’s exposure, something even more heartbreaking remains hidden in Hollywood. They are the cries of children who have been abused and mishandled by the powerful. It is hard to imagine that celebrities and well-respected individuals would commit crimes against innocent children, but it has been done. As hard as it is to use the word, we need to call out pedophilia. There are documented
stories of child stars as far back as Shirley Temple and Judy Garland who were harassed on sets and preyed upon by the powerful men around them. Since ministering in Hollywood, we have heard first-hand accounts of such abuse. We believe it is time for justice for abused children to break open! Pedophilia is not acceptable. The use and abuse of children in Hollywood or anywhere else in our society is not acceptable. God’s eyes are on the children right now, and we believe it is time for justice for them. Will you pray and add your voice on their behalf?

Prayer Points:

  • Pray that the covering that has kept pedophilia and the abuse of children hidden in Hollywood will be fully revealed.
  • Pray that pedophilia rings would be exposed in Hollywood—along with any ties to government and businesses.
  • Pray for all the children, past and present, who have experienced abuse to be healed by the power and love of Jesus.
  • Pray for those who have experienced abuse as children to have the courage to step forward. Let the floodgates of justice be open.

By Sharon Ngai
Co-Founder, Radiance International

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(17th Day) 10/11:Prayer for the Children

“Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.” (Psalm 82:4; ESV)

Human trafficking must be exposed and must cease to exist in our lifetime, especially in America. There are 30 million slaves in the world, and 10 million of those are children. I know the Lord wants to rescue all those who have been exploited and set them free. He is a God whose lovingkindness extends to all those who seek refuge in Him. He saves the searching and the perishing. Let us pray for justice and healing for those who are
trafficked here in America and that the traffickers will be brought to justice!

There are 17,500 women and children trafficked into the U.S. every year. Human trafficking generates over 100 billion dollars annually worldwide. The Trump administration has awarded more than $35 million in grants from the Justice Department to organizations that provide safe housing for survivors of human trafficking. Let us continue to cry out in prayer against trafficking and modern slavery until it is eradicated in this nation.

Points for Prayer:

  • Pray for liberation and justice for the victims: “He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The Lord sets prisoners free” (Psalm 146:7; NIV).
  • Ask the Lord to heal and restore the victims: “I waited patiently for the Lord, he inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock making my steps secure” (Psalm 40:1-3; ESV).
  • Pray for God’s vengeance on the traffickers: “For the wrongdoer will be paid back for the wrong he has done, and there is no partiality” (Colossians 3:25; ESV).

By Cindy Jacobs
President, Generals International

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(16th Day) 10/10:Voting For Life!

“Your people will volunteer freely in the day of Your power; In holy array, from the womb of the dawn, Your youth are to You as the dew.” (Psalm 110:3; NASB)

Church, we have come to a crucial crossroads. I believe this is the most important election because so much is at stake when we cast our ballots this year. We are living in a time where the decisions that our commander-in-chief makes will have an enormous effect on our families, communities, and our nation for years to come. Now is the time for us as God’s people to take action and to defend biblical family values in America.

God recently spoke to me to launch a new pro-life movement called 1RACE4LIFE. 1RACE4LIFE is an apostolic network of ethnically and culturally diverse, pro-life Evangelical leaders committed to seeing the end of abortion on a local, state, and national level. As we mobilize the Church to join this movement, we are passionate about saying, “All lives are sacred, including the unborn.”  We believe that only with the unity of all races and cultures under Jesus Christ will we be able to end abortion. The younger generation will play a critical role in taking up this cause and making the pledge to always vote pro-life.

I believe it is time for us to rise up, take a stand on God’s Word, and partner with heaven’s agenda to bring reformation to society and revival to our land! God is raising up His children as Spirit-led activists, so that we would vote biblically and righteously in this crucial moment in our nation.

Points for Prayer:

  • We pray for the Church to carry God’s heart for the unborn and vote pro-life in the 2020 election.
  • We pray for the unity of all races and cultures in the Body of Christ, as we respond to our God-given call to be reformers and agents of reconciliation.
  • We pray for the youth of our nation to be educated and activated to vote biblically and take a stand for the truth of God’s Word.
  • We pray for an impartation of boldness and courage as we advance God’s Kingdom in this hour.

By Che Ahn
Founder, Harvest Rock Church and Harvest International Ministries

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(15th Day) 10/9:We Must End Abortion in America

“They built the high places of Baal that are in the valley of Ben-Hinnom to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire of Molech, which I had not commanded them, nor had it entered My mind
that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.” (Jeremiah 32:35; NASB)

The Supreme Court’s decision to legalize abortion on January 22, 1973, has led to an estimated 61 million abortions since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling. According to the Word of God, we have committed a grave national sin. God fully realizes the depth of the depravity of sin in the hearts of man. Nevertheless, His heart is always that we would choose His way.

When we operate out of our sin nature at a national level, we end up with things like legalizing abortions to the point of infanticide. Yes, shockingly there are states which allow abortions through the third trimester. This would be infanticide, as those children may be able to survive outside the womb. God does not want that for our culture! We need to pray and ask for forgiveness and the mercy of God for the millions of babies who have lost their lives. Legalized abortion is not the will of God. Lord, save America and save our children!

Points for Prayer:

  • Pray for the unborn babies: “Behold, children are a gift of the LORD; the fruit of the womb is a reward” (Psalm 127:3; NASV).
  • Pray for mothers’ eyes to be opened: “Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for the child she has borne?” (Isaiah 49:15; NIV)
  • Pray for all Americans to know the truth about abortion: “To open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those sanctified by faith in me” (Acts 26:18; NIV).

By Cindy Jacobs
President, Generals International

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(14th Day) 10/8:The Importance of Values

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” (Ps 139:13; NIV)

For 47 years, Intercessors for America has been praying for godly government. This is the core of what we do. We pray our leaders would legislate, implement, and then protect the values that are closest to God’s heart.

As we are in an election season, what are those biblical values that are closest to God’s heart? One could go into great depth to answer this question from a national governmental point of view. However, I offer three main biblical values we need to pray would be implemented through the leaders that will be elected this fall.

Protection of Life: Nothing is more precious to God than life. From conception to natural death, God desires life to be protected.

Pray for the value of life to be embraced by candidates and in their platforms: “So God created mankind in his own image. . . . male and female he created them. And God blessed them, saying: “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it” (Gen 1:27,28).

Protection of the Family: Our society and our Supreme Court have embraced tragic views that grieve the heart of God and allow a diversity of what a legal family looks like based upon individual, personal beliefs about gender, attraction, and more. No belief or court opinion will ever have the power to redefine that which God has defined. Efforts to change what family is have nevertheless wreaked havoc on our lives.

Pray for the strengthening and upholding of the family in America. Pray for healing where there is harm and brokenness and for a true understanding of identity to flourish: “The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple” (Ps 19:7).

Protection of Religious Freedoms: Attack on religious freedoms is the reason many of the early immigrants to our nation came here. They sought the freedom to be able to worship their God! We need legislators and elected officials who have a heart to protect all faiths. This protection would in turn allow the Church to be the Church and give us the opportunity to be salt and light in our nation.

Pray for elected officials and judges at all levels to protect the free exercise of religion.  Pray that laws and policies infringing on religious freedom would be overturned and discarded.   Pray for our leaders to uphold and honor the fundamental right of religious freedom.

By David Kubal
President/CEO, Intercessors for America

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(13th Day) 10/7:Godly Advisors

“A wise man listens to advice.” (Proverbs 12:15b; ESV)
“Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life.” (Proverbs 19:20; NLT)

A good leader looks for good advice from good people. Scripture is clear how important this is. Proverbs 20:18a says, “Make plans by seeking advice.” The young King Rehoboam got into trouble because he “rejected the advice of the elders” (I Kings 12:8).

Many people actively seek to advise leaders because they understand that in doing so, they can shape important policies and decisions. It is so critical that we pray for good and godly advisors for leaders in all areas of government. The right advisor can make a huge difference in turning a nation in godly directions.

The mayor of a major city recently said that they know how to deal with many issues in their city, but they don’t know how to deal with evil. Evil doesn’t come from one political party or the other, so neither one will have answers for it.

As Christians, we have the ability to open the heavens over our cities and other governmental realms of authority. We can establish environments in them where heaven can be involved. We have authority through the shed blood of Jesus Christ as we intercede and put a halt to evil. Therefore, not only should we be asking God for righteous leadership through the midterm elections, but we also need to ask God to raise up spiritual advisors and partners to come alongside political leaders who recognize there are things they do not have the ability to deal with.

We need to ask God to allow us to create an open heaven over these areas through our worship and intercession in order to shut down the evil, so the political leaders will know what to do. We are not to decide if that leader’s politics will affect the change we feel is necessary. We are very simply called to pray for them.

Points for Prayer:

  • Call forth the godly advisors who would be willing to serve the nation by advising leaders at even the highest levels of government.
  • Pray that our governmental leaders would accept advice and be discerning in where they look for advisors.
  • Declare: “A wise man listens to advice. A wise man accepts instruction and makes plans by seeking advice. God has raised up those who are able to be godly advisors to those in political office from the local governmental offices to the statehouse and the White House. They will find one another!”
  • Intercede for the advisors to seek the good of the nation and not personal gain.

By Dave Butts and Mike Jacobs
Dave Butts, Chairman, National Prayer Committee
Mike Jacobs, Co-Founder, Generals International

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(12th Day) 10/6:Prayer for Our President

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:10; NLT)

Unhinged. Unfit to Serve. Impeachment.

You have heard these same words connected with President Donald J. Trump. The constant stirring of animosity has spilled into, or so it seems, every form of public life. Polarizing politicization is whipped up to drive ratings in what appears to be an effort to neuter the impact of this President.

Yet we know the scriptures: “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” God created Donald Trump, just like He created any previous and future President, and God created that person to do “goods works.”

What is interesting in this passage is that God created these good works “in advance.” This phrase indicates that the list of President Trump’s heavenly accomplishments existed before he took office. He has accomplished much – he will tell you that, but is there more? Could some of the items on the list only be unlocked through the prayers of the Church?

Now, it is left to the mysterious combination of President Trump’s effort, our prayers,
and the sovereign will of God to play out. Your assignment is simple: pray.

Points for Prayer:

  • Pray every “good work” our President was created to accomplish would be accomplished.
  • Pray God would strengthen him to focus on the task and not the criticisms.
  • Pray God would quiet the civil acrimony.

By Dave Kubal
President, Intercessors for America

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(11th Day) 10/5:A Presidential Transformation

“We know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin— because anyone who has died has been set free from sin. Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him.” (Romans 6:6-8; NIV)

In a dream a friend of mine had, a group of intercessors was in the oval office with President Trump.  In great humility, he thanked us for our leadership and for the Appeal to Heaven movement. He asked me if there could be a high level, strategic task force set up for him and said he was asking this at the suggestion of Melania.  I then gave him a white stone with the scripture Revelation 2:17 on it. It said, “God gives us a new name that no one knows.” He smiled and quoted back the verse, “There was a man sent from God whose name was John” (John 1:6; NIV).   John is the President’s middle name.

I have been praying for quite some time that Donald Trump would become “John” Trump, representing intimacy with the Lord. I have asked that he have a great encounter with God that would bring him into this role. Returning to the dream, he prayed over those of us there, and in the prayer he said, “Let these leaders lead a holy convocation, that I might finish my eight years well. Let the ancient markers of our
founding fathers be restored.”

I feel we need to pray for this president, not just up to the General Election, but beyond. This is not just about Donald Trump. We also know God is restoring the nation back to the ancient markers. I believe President Trump is a part of that.

Points for Prayer:

  • Intercede for President Donald J. Trump. Ask God to meet with him and transform him
    into “John.” May he be truly saved.
  • Thank the Lord for a president who has reached out to leaders in the Church for prayer,
    counsel, and advice.
  • Ask the Lord for a restoration of historical markers – those things that our founding
    fathers put in place to ground the nation through anything a future nation might face.

By Dutch Sheets
Founder, Dutch Sheets Ministries

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(10th Day) 10/4:Separation of Church and State

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He has chosen as His own inheritance.”
(Psalm 33:12; NKJV)

Since the removal of prayer in schools in 1962, there have been many other situations where “freedom of religion” has been misconstrued by the court system as “freedom from religion.”

The statement in the First Amendment that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion” has become known as “the establishment clause.” In misconstruing it, the courts have often placed their decisions in direct opposition to the second half of that statement: “or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” None of the cases where the “establishment clause” has been used by the courts to strike down free
exercise of religion in the public square has ever been based on a law passed by Congress. The laws have changed on actions by judges in our courts, especially at the Supreme Court level.

At times, the conflict has been between the free exercise of the Christian faith in the marketplace and an individual who is offended by the practice who then sues the former. In addition to the removal of prayer from the public square, there have been cases calling for the removal of the Ten Commandments from government offices and land, removal of nativity scenes from public land, removal of Bible reading in the public places, and inequitable access to public facilities and funds by Christian groups.

Points for Prayer:

  • Repent, as Daniel did in Daniel 9, on behalf of our governing leaders and our judges (this is often referred to as identificational repentance), especially our Supreme Court Justices, for laws and judicial decisions that misconstrued the First Amendment.
  • Pray that many of these decisions would be challenged and overturned, so that true freedom of religion is secure in the United States once again.
  • Use the Isaiah 22:22/Matthew 16:19 keys to shut the spiritual door where the First Amendment is used to shut down Christian activities outside the walls of our church buildings.
  • Intercede for those who hate Christians and seek to close Christian businesses or otherwise cause believers harm. Declare that they would not be able to misconstrue the First Amendment to their advantage in the future. Pray that we would show compassion toward them and that they would come to know the love of Christ.

By Dr. Cindy Jacobs
President, Generals International

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(9th Day) 10/3:Religious Freedom: God in the Public Square

“If anyone acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will openly acknowledge that person before my Father in heaven. But if anyone denies me here on earth, I will deny that person before my Father in heaven.” (Luke 19:32-33; NIV)

Can you imagine an America where you can only worship, pray, learn about God, and talk openly about Him inside a designated, state-sanctioned building? Such is life for some believers in other nations worldwide. Sadly, we are seeing more and more silencing of Christians in this Christian nation.

Some Christians in America will relegate themselves to a position of safety inside of their homes, Christian schools, and church buildings anyway. We have to make a decision: are we going to hide our faith or share it? If we don’t talk about Jesus, the nation will become increasingly lost. If we stay silent on issues, our nation will become more anti-Christian. If we don’t vote, those who govern will continue to take actions that
limit our religious freedom, stifle our voices and actions, and put judges in place that legislate from the bench. If we don’t run for office, how can we expect legislation that is in alignment with our values?

Break out of your box, Church! Get your faith out in your neighborhoods, cities, schools, and workplaces before you can’t. Your gifts weren’t meant to be for the Body of Christ alone, but to show those who don’t yet know Him just how very much He loves and cares about them. Your God-given creative ideas are meant to change society and benefit all those you encounter every day. Your faith can be an example to the struggling. Get your faith-filled hands on the sick and hurting. Feed the sick, deliver the oppressed, invent something life-changing, write legislation, govern righteously, and change the world!

Points for Prayer:

  • Commit to the Lord that you will be His vessel in the public square and encourage other Christians to be also.
  • Pray for the Church, that we will not fear being open about our faith in public.
  • Ask God to pour out His creativity on His Body, resulting in witty inventions and solutions to systemic problems in the nation.
  • Decree that the Ekklesia will legislate in the heavens and that many will be called into government positions from local city councils and school boards to state and national legislative levels. Pray they do not miss their opportunity to make a difference.
  • Pray for the persecuted Church in the nations of the earth.

By Dr. Cindy Jacobs
President, Generals International

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(8th Day) 10/2:God’s Blueprint for America

“Then Samuel spoke to all the house of Israel, saying, ‘If you return to the LORD with all your heart, remove the foreign gods and the Ashtaroth from among you and direct your hearts to the LORD and serve Him alone; and He will deliver you from the hand of the Philistines.’” (1 Samuel 7:3; NASB)

God did an amazing thing when He birthed this nation. In the hearts of our Founding  Fathers, He placed the desire to form a nation based upon the realization that it is God who makes laws—man only legislates them. God is the one who gives rights to individuals, and those rights include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

At the same time, our Founding Fathers perfectly understood that man is flawed and that power is intoxicating. Their experience with the Throne of England and its abuses was fresh in their minds and caused them to structure the new government based upon Scripture (Isaiah 33:22) to create a bicameral Congress with two branches, as well as the three branches of the federal government: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. The Legislative branch creates laws, the Executive branch executes the laws, and the Judicial
branch enforces the laws. The separation of powers with the proper balance is critical to a government led by fallen man. This mix of theology and practicality has produced the longest standing constitution in the history of mankind!

And yet, over the past few decades, we have seen much “overreach” of power as branches of our government attempt to meddle in areas they shouldn’t. This is where we need to understand what an “originalist” is. From a constitutional standpoint, an originalist is a person who believes that the Constitution should be interpreted with the views of the original authors. Simply put, our Constitution should be interpreted as our
Founding Fathers viewed the issues. It is not to be reinterpreted according to the whims of the prevailing culture. In other words, the Constitution is not meant to be a “living document.”

The way Evangelical Christians interpret the Bible is very similar. Seminarians are taught not to take Scriptures out of context, but to discern what the author intended to communicate and what the original audience understood the message to be. This is absolutely critical; otherwise any culture or speaker with charisma could twist the Word of God to their own meaning.

If we believe that the birth of this nation was a miracle, if we believe that our Constitution is the most Christian document of its kind in the history of mankind, if we believe that our Constitution correctly understands God’s blueprint for government while correctly weighing the sinful nature of man, then I would argue that we should pray that our government would be reformed to our Creator’s intent.

To take it a step further, many of our Founding Fathers were raised during the greatest revival in our nation’s history, the First Great Awakening, when they formed their biblical worldviews. Revival preceded the miracle of our nation. Prayer preceded this revival. We must pray for the reformation of our government.

Points for Prayer:

  • That our government leaders would embrace a biblical structure (Isaiah 33:22).
  • That our government leaders would understand the fallen nature of man and how that influences legislation (Romans 3:23).
  • That our government leaders would understand they are held accountable by God (Micah 5:15).
  • That our government would legislate with the Fear of the Lord (Isaiah 33:6).
  • That our government would be filled with capable leaders (Exodus 18:21).
  • That our governmental leaders would put their hope in the Lord (Psalm 33:18).
  • That God would build a biblical worldview into our government leaders of tomorrow and that they would have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16).

By David Kubal
President/CEO, Intercessors for America

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(7th Day) 10/1:Reclaiming the Dark Places

“The kingdom of God has come near to you.” (Luke 10:9b; NASB)

Darkness is not measured by the quantity of its own elements or ingredients. There are no “dark waves” like there are “light waves.” Rather, darkness is measured as the absence of light.

When we step into a dark room in our home, our very first instinct is to reach for the light switch. We flip the switch, the light comes on, and immediately the darkness goes away. It cannot exist where the light is present. Even if it is reduced to shadows where the rays of light have not fully penetrated, the darkness is mortally compromised.

You can see that when Jesus told the Seventy to “speak peace to every house,” it was to produce that effect. That was the first command. He then gave them three other instructions that would cause the light to penetrate deeper and spread farther.

First, He said, “Eat what they set before you” (v.8). What that indicates is that because you let peace do its work, the door of that house opened up to you. Go in! You don’t even have to talk. Jesus said, “Eat and drink.” It’s called “fellowship.” And since you are eating, let the host do the talking. You do the listening. God is up to something.

Next, Jesus told them, “Heal the sick who are in that house” (v.9a). Here is where we put the dots together. Speaking peace to every house opened the door to one of them. The open door was your signal that there was something there Jesus wanted to heal. Your eating and drinking (and listening) allowed His peace to abide inside the house to open the heart of the host to reveal what needed to be healed. Now with great confidence in Jesus’ name, heal it!

Jesus’ final instruction came quickly: “Tell them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you’” (v.9b). Why is that important? Because that simple declaration is like raising a flag in conquered territory. Where the kingdom of God has been established, the dominion of Satan has no power. The corrupting forces of darkness are hastily dislodged and dispelled. The spiritual climate is changed, and a new point of light has been established.

Your peace-speaking may seem but a flicker of light in a very dark place, but Jesus says that flicker is impregnated with all the power and resources of the kingdom of God.

Here it is in a nutshell:

  • Bless; don’t curse.
  • Fellowship; don’t avoid.
  • Minister; don’t ignore.
  • Proclaim. Declare, “The kingdom of God has come!”

This is the lifestyle that you and I are called to. Yes! Change the climate—change the

Points for Prayer:

  • Review Luke 10:1-18. Accept and embrace the truth of every verse in prayer.
  • Armed with greater understanding and faith, speak peace more boldly to every house you enter, physically or in prayer.
  • Reclaim every dark place—from your house to the houses of government in Washington—because Jesus has already paid the price of redemption.
  • Make this your lifestyle for you and your family from this day forward. Determine to let no corrupt word leave your mouth, but that every word be full of the peace of God.
  • Speak peace, and follow the trail because now you know there is a trail.

By Dave Thompson
Sr. Vice President, Transform Our World

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(6th Day) 9/30:The Power of Blessing

“Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house.’” (Luke 10:5; NASB)

God is big, but He is not complicated. Keep that in mind as you reread that command of Jesus to the Seventy in Luke 10. Why? Because that simple, powerful and critical first step produced a result that knocked all of hell off balance and changed what was happening on Earth, for twelve verses later we read, “The seventy returned with joy, saying, ‘Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.’ And He said to them, ‘I
was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.’”

Today there are many thousands that are about to enter hundreds of thousands of houses across our nation. Literally. Physically. Homes in our communities, the supermarket, the pharmacy, houses of government, industry, business, and education.

Many other houses we can “enter” from a distance in the Spirit. The County Seat, the State House, the White House. That’s the power of prayer. No matter the point of entry, the command Jesus gave to 70 of His followers in Luke 10 is the same one He gives to us today: “Speak peace to every house.”

How? Remember – God is big, but He is not complicated, so keep it simple. Every time you’re about to go through a door, simply say, “Peace be to this house.” Be intentional.

Shoot it like an arrow. Apply it like seasoning on a sumptuous meal. Then let it do its work. You’ll find it will begin to work—for you, in you, in others, and always in favor of what God wants to do on the other side of that door.

By speaking peace to every house, we are putting our trust in the goodness of God that leads men to repentance. We are commending the house and its occupants to God and paving the way for them to be touched by His power and presence.

Don’t make a big deal about who you are speaking peace to. You will never look into the eyes of a person that God does not love. Take a hint: Jesus sent the Seventy “…as lambs among wolves” (v.3)! Separate the sin from the sinner. We are not talking about “blessing sin.” Rather, we are on a rescue mission to speak the peace of God over people He created for His purposes who have complicated their lives under the cover of an
unwholesome atmosphere.

Speaking unwholesome words empowers the enemy to work, not only in the lives of others, but also in our very own lives. By speaking peace and blessings, we will be opening the doors to the Holy Spirit to fill both us and them with His righteous, healing presence.

As mentioned earlier, the Seventy returned joyful (they had a great time!) and victorious (“Even the demons are subject to us in Your name”). And Jesus put the cherry on top, revealing to them, “I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.” Don’t miss a key point here: Satan was falling down (losing his power) in the very place where the peace was being spoken. In other words, speaking peace is meant to be our
weapon of choice to push back the powers of darkness that are present right where we are in our own spheres of influence!

Make note of this: all the demonic hosts of hell cannot stand against the presence of God manifest through our peace. Indeed, “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet” (Rom. 16:20)!

Points for Prayer:

  • Speak peace to your own house and the households of your neighbors.
  • Wherever you go in the course of the day, before you walk through a door, say, “Peace be upon this house.”
  • Begin to speak peace and blessing over the houses of business, education and government, from your city and state to the nation’s Capital. Recite the name of the institution, and declare to it and to the homes of the people who work there, “Peace be to your house!”
  • “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful” (Col. 3:15).

By Dave Thompson
Sr. Vice President, Transform Our World

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(5th Day) 9/29:Change the Climate, Change the Nation

“Therefore I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and dissension.” (1 Timothy 2:8; NASB)

How many times have you headed for a restaurant, a theater, or an airplane and said to yourself, “I’d better take a jacket; it’s likely to be cold inside”? But where I grew up, we didn’t know much about air conditioning, and you only put a jacket on when you were going outside, not inside. In the world we know today, someone else is controlling the thermostat in public spaces, forcing you and me to adjust accordingly.

The same thing is going on in the spiritual realm. We are suffering from discord and erratic behavior in almost every sector of our society, including the way we make our choices, in large part because someone else has usurped control of the thermostat.

The analogy points us to the solution: if we can change the climate, we can change the nation.

Dr. Ed Silvoso writes in his book Prayer Evangelism: We have no problem believing that it is possible to change the spiritual climate inside a home, in a church building or even at a stadium during a crusade. Every Sunday in church we see the climate change gradually as the service proceeds. The concept of
changing a spiritual climate is not foreign to us.

However, we do have a problem believing that the same climate we enjoy in church can and should be enjoyed all over the city. Yet this is promised in 1 Timothy 2:1-8, where Paul tells us that if we pray for everybody, everywhere, we will be able to live quiet and tranquil lives in all godliness and honesty. For godliness to increase in a city, ungodliness must decrease, and none of this can happen without radical improvement in the spiritual climate of the city.

For far too long, we have left control of the spiritual climate in our cities in the hands of the devil. This is evident when we look around at the mire of sin, the hostility and anger, the criminal activity and the crushing weight of hopelessness on our fellow citizens. Every week thousands in our cities get married, hoping for a bright future; and every week a similar number watch their marriages disintegrate. Satan is keeping a subzero climate in place, while the Church is rubbing sticks together, trying to spark a few fires to keep its own people from freezing.

But what if the Church in the city was able to take control of the spiritual thermostat away from the devil and set it to a comfortable 70° F? Suddenly, Satan would be on the defensive, assigning demons to frantically distribute melting ice cubes around the city in a futile attempt to bring the temperature down a few degrees.
(Prayer Evangelism, Chosen Books 2017)

Points for Prayer:

  • Read and pray through 1 Timothy 2:1-8.
  • Examine your heart about the phrase “…lifting up holy hands without wrath or dissension.” Fix anything that’s broken there.
  • Then with authority, begin to “…pray for all men everywhere,” beginning with your neighbors, and let faith arise in you for your nation.

By Dave Thompson
Sr. Vice President, Transform Our World

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(4th Day) 9/28:Valuable and Accountable

“‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.’”
(Romans 14:11-12; NIV)

The scripture above makes it clear that each of us will give an account of ourselves to

We are blessed to be multipliers and magnifiers of the love and glory of Jesus. We are given valuable wisdom, talents, resources, and opportunities not to be squanderers, but to be stewards of God’s gifts. It is vital to remember that one day we will all give an account to our Lord for all the ways we stewarded the blessings and opportunities He gave us during our time on earth.

Many people do not like the word “accountable” much less like to be held accountable unless they are working or living in alignment and obedience to what is expected of 1 VoteYourValues2020.com focuses on believers to pray for and the 13 key battleground states we should be praying about them.  Our voice and our lives are to be used in response to God’s great love for us. As a follower of Jesus Christ, we have the opportunity to be like the servants in Luke 19 who multiplied the Master’s talents and were eager to delight and give an account for what they had done while the Master was away. To not vote is to be like the servant that hid his talent and did nothing with what he had been given charge over.

Voting is a privilege to be stewarded; it is a voice and a choice into who governs over us that many people do not have around the world. Each of us gets the chance to voice our preference for the people who will have authority over us, the type of person who will govern us and our nation. We pray that we can say that we voted for people who blessed our Lord and guided America in godly ways and not for people who cursed God and moved America away from Him and His ways. We will give an account. Pray that each of
us will be a Christ-centered voter.

Points for Prayer:

Pray that each of us will be a voter who votes for candidates who speak and act in ways that:

  • Value what God values including, faith, justice, and life from the first heartbeat to the last breath.
  • Obey the Word, will, and ways of God.
  • Truth pours from the overflow of their hearts; that honesty, humility and integrity are reflected in their walks with God, love for their neighbors, and service in office.
  • Extol the Almighty Name and Supremacy of our Lord Jesus Christ, giving Him much praise and thanks.
  • Rely deeply on the Spirit in a lifestyle of prayer and listening to Him to guard and guide them.

By Kathy Branzell
President, National Day of Prayer Task Force

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(3rd Day) 9/27:God’s Divine Blueprint for Government

And you shall teach them the statutes and the laws, and show them the way in which they must walk and the work they must do. Moreover, you shall select from all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them to be rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds,
rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens. (Ex 18:20-21; NASB)

Through divine wisdom, the ancient Hebrews were the first to create a representative republic based upon law. This was the blueprint for the republic we now enjoy in the United States.

Our Constitution and Bill of Rights serve as the foundation of law for our nation. Our representatives in Congress pass laws based on this foundation. The President executes the laws. The Supreme Court, confirmed by the Senate, guards and protects the foundation.

This element of the divine blueprint – “Moreover you shall select from all the people” – is the most important because those who are selected have the opportunity to affect everything. Scripture is clear that those to be selected are to be able, God-fearing, truthful, and content. These are the values we are to look for in candidates. Those of us with biblical worldviews must go beyond the rhetoric and discern candidates’ hearts and values.

This is what it means when we say we are praying that Christians “vote their values.”  There is much prayer for candidates, the process, and for issues, but who is praying the Church would vote and vote biblical values?

The Church could be the largest voting bloc if we all get out and vote.

Points for Prayer:

  • Pray strategically for the Body of Christ to be salt and light in the civil arena.
  • Pray for the “silent majority” to get out and vote consistently with biblical values.
  • Pray for the many Christians running for office and serving in government to be
    strengthened in grace and truth.

By David Kubal
President/CEO, Intercessors for America

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(2nd Day) 9/26:Repentance: The Key to Revival

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 2:14; NKJV)

As we seek the face of God to restore and renew our people and to prepare for the upcoming elections, He leaves clear instructions to achieve this goal. Those directions are listed in 2 Chronicles 7:14.

“If My people:” “If” indicates that this is conditional and depends upon our response.

“Who are called by My name:” God is not calling the nation to repent, only His people.

“Will humble themselves:” We must yield our pride and our stony hearts, so God can do His healing work in us.

“And pray:” YES! Pray!

“And seek My face:” Seek Him, not the ways of the world. He then reveals our sin to us, that we might be rid of this obstacle and draw closer unto Him.

“And turn from their wicked ways:” We turn around and go in the direction He shows us (for example, from stubbornness to surrender).

“Then I will hear from heaven:” Hallelujah! Yes, Lord!

“And will forgive their sin:” Only God can do this for us.

“And heal their land.” When each one of us, His living stones in this nation, obeys this command, then the healing of the land will come as the “jigsaw pieces” of our hearts are joined. Amen.

Points for Prayer:

  • Father, help me to allow You to look deep within my heart, that I might repent of any hidden sin. “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalm 139:23-24)
  • Lord God, help me to overcome any fear I might have of coming to You. Help me, instead, to trust You in all my ways and in all my days. “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)
  • Lord God, help me to be quick to recognize the sinful ways that You show me and to find the strength to stop, take stock, and turn back to You. “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for My strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)
  • Lord God, help me to rejoice that You are hearing my prayer! “Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attend unto the prayer that is made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:15)
  • Finally, Father God, help me to remember that You are always there for me. “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” (Hebrews 13:5)

By Sara Ballenger
Founder, Capitol Hill Prayer Partners

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(1st Day) 9/25:Praying Without Partisanship

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12:21; NASB)

In the Old Testament, Daniel, Joseph, and Esther served terrible kings, yet they each received revelation from God to fix a social, political, and/or economic problem for those evil kings. And they let the king take the credit! They interceded for those very human kings and found favor with them. They were each welcomed with the royal scepter of receptivity in order to share God’s solution with their leaders. In each case,
the nation was saved, together with God’s people.

We need to pray for all men – for those we like and those we don’t like. The devil will lie to us to divide us. We typically see members of some ethnic backgrounds favoring one political party and candidate and other ethnic groups favoring another. Pray in Unity desires to bring us together to pray fervently for all of our political leaders. Let’s trust God for an extraordinary miracle!

Sometimes we hesitate to pray for certain government leaders because we feel they or their policies will hurt us. When we bless those that curse us or even seek to harm us,

Proverbs 25:22 and Romans 12:20 tell us we heap burning coals over their heads. This is not to hurt the person, but to put them in a position of discomfort so they come to their senses and stop. Let us pray, not only for our President and other national leaders. but also for the leadership of both the Republican and the Democratic parties—Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and so forth. We are here to stand in the gap. You can find the names of the Senate leadership here and
the House leadership here.

Pray with us:

We are Your people, God, who carry Your Name. We humble ourselves and repent for partisanship, even in our own quarters. We ask for forgiveness. We want to stand in the gap, right in the middle, for righteousness’ sake until we see the breakthrough. We pray for President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence and their households. We pray You would protect and deliver them. We pray for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. We bless them. We know that we are free from any attachment from the evil one; we can intercede for Your Holy Spirit to fall on all of them, and there will be reconciliation. We pray for the Supreme Court. May Your perfect purposes come to pass in there. We say that Your Word is true. May it be our intercessory guide. We want to pray with clean hands and pure hearts, so we may lead quiet and tranquil lives. We say that the enemy will not prosper, but that Your purposes will come to pass in this nation. Raise up godly leaders. Raise up spiritual leaders that will walk alongside political leaders on both sides of the fence. Raise up that army of intercessors to pray until we see Your Kingdom come in the governmental arena of our nation, our states, and our cities.  This we pray in the name that is above all names—Jesus. Amen.

By Ed Silvoso
Founder, Ed Silvoso Ministries, Harvest Evangelism, and Transform Our World

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INTRODUCTION 40 Days of Praying in Unity for the Nation – September 25 through Election Day, November 3

“Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.” (Philippians 2:2; NASB)

When we look around America today, we know that we are in a crisis; we’ve reached a tipping point. In the last election, many Christians got out and voted; however, many spiritual leaders across this nation have been saying one thing: “We’re concerned the church has gone back to sleep.” I know some of you have a similar concern in your heart.

Our national elections are coming up. The Christian turnout for these elections will reveal whether we are truly going to be able to turn the nation and fully establish cords of righteousness, or if we’re going to slide backward.

I want to encourage you. If you believe that abortion is sin, and if you believe that the blood of more than 60,000,000 aborted babies is crying out from the ground of the United States, would you get out and vote? If you believe that human trafficking, sex trafficking, and child exploitation must be abolished, and that we could do it in our generation, would you get out and vote? If you knew the racial divide could be healed a
little deeper, would you pray, and would you vote?

I’m asking you to do both—pray and vote. Pray and act. I’m asking you to join us, as we prayer walk America, as we cry out for the nation. We know that God wants to do extraordinary things through our prayers. If we will pray, God will act.

We have developed this very important website called “Pray in Unity.” Here, you can sign up to adopt your block in prayer. You will also find a daily devotion covering all kinds of topics related to the future of a nation that acknowledges God.

It’s a 40-day season, beginning September 25 and continuing through Election Day, November 3. You will be praying in unity with thousands of other intercessors from across America. We will be saying as one, “We are asking God to come and hover over America, birthing His purposes in our generation.”

Would you join us? Watch with us and Pray in Unity. We’d love for you to participate. Let’s turn the tide!

By Dr. Cindy Jacobs
President, Generals International

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