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Prayer Category Prayer Item
Editor’s Note
Prayer Declaration
Pray For United States
Prayer For Israel
Pray for Global Critical Events
Prayer For Taiwan’s Aboriginal People
Pray for Church

Editor’s Words

Editorial Special Section: Chuck Pierce: A Line Has Been Drawn; How Will You Step Over in 2022?

Information :  Chuck Pierce Date: January 19, 2022  Source: Charisma 

We are living in a time of increasing polarization. With the growing dichotomy of good and evil, we must understand God’s covenant in the midst of conflict. The Lord has been speaking to me about “lines in the sand” and how we will advance this spring when the warfare will be intense.

…Detailed Reading

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Editorial Special Section: Tim. Scheets: The Ekklesia is Pregnant…and Beginning to Show

Information : Tim Sheets  Date: January 18, 2021 Source : GiveHim15   

Matthew 1:18-23  tells us of the supernatural conception of Jesus. These verses explain that Mary’s pregnancy was Spirit conceived. Holy Spirit’s overshadowing presence surrounded Mary causing her to conceive – from the spirit realm – that which could now be birthed in the natural realm. This passage clearly shows us how spiritual conception from Holy Spirit occurs in people. The new birth, of course, pictures this, as does revelation which starts as a spiritual seed and grows into full understanding.

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Editorial Special Section: Lana Vawser: Your Healing is Upon You So You May Run Like You

Info : Lana Vawser  Date: January 14, 2022 Source : Lana Vawser Ministries 

I felt this encouragement from the Lord’s heart:

“Many of My daughters have been assaulted for a long period of time by ferocious attacks of the enemy and physical assaults in their body. There have been relentless attacks against them that they feel they cannot run into all I have for them in this new era. They feel their walk is hindered, let alone being able to run. I have heard the cries of My daughters crying out, “God how can I run into all you have for me in this new era when I feel like I am in chains? “My daughters, I have heard your cries and I am not late. I am not late in what I will bring forth in your life. My timing is perfect, and I am now raising you up in the empowerment of My Spirit like never before. You have been to depths you never imagined you would go and the enemy has fought hard to take you out, to take you down and to crush you, but I am declaring that you are rising up now in the empowerment of My Spirit in strength, in velocity and power like nothing you have ever walked in before”

…Detailed Reading

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Editorial Special Section: Chuck Pierce: The New Is Now! 21 Days to Step Forward into the New!

Editor’s Note:  On January 20, Prophet Chuck Pierce this 21 Days Step Forward into the NEW prayer movement. We encourage you to pray and follow along with the prayer schedule. We suggest that you begin from this week with the 21 days of deeper prayer, and we bless you all to enter into  the NEW!
Information :
  Chuck Pierce Date: January 20, 2022  Source: Glory Of Zion International

The new is now! Because we are living in a new era, we must step daily into that new era. I am hoping the videos below help you cross His line of grace and advance into your future. I am also including a 21-day prayer focus. Keep stepping forward into the new! The NEW has to begin with you. The NEW can be something that has never been before or a better quality of what you have been developing, accomplishing and embracing. You must ask yourself:

…Detailed Reading

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Declaration Prayer: For President Trump and His Team [Update]

We declare in the name of Jesus :

  • God will continue to bless and protect President Trump and his family, as well as the “scepter of justice” that God has raised up to support him in his government.
  • The blood of Jesus covers them and those close to President Trump, bind and drive away any witchcraft or spells cast on them.
  • The Holy Spirit continues to pour out and personally guide President Trump. He grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God. ( Lu 2:52 )
  • The seven spirits of God are manifested in President Trump’s life ( Isaiah 11:1-3 ), giving him keen insight and discernment, judging the situation, and resolutely continuing to fulfill his call.
  •  God will restore Trump to his rightful position at His best time and give people grace to transition.

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Declaration Prayer: Declaration of Justice and Righteousness for America’s Return

We Declare in the Name of Jesus :

  • Victory in Justice In the forensic audit of the recount of the 2020 general election, to ensure the election was conducted in accordance with the constitutional authorization.
  • The presidential documents relating to the incident in the Capitol on January 6 will be properly kept and will not be handed over to the partisan Special Investigation Committee of the House of Representatives.
  • Courts at all levels will judge cases impartially, and unjust judges will be removed; the lives of those who maintain constitutional justice will be safe and grievances will be revealed.
  • Corruption in the mainstream media will be exposed more, the truth behind the scenes and their manipulation will be revealed, and President Trump will win lawsuits against major technology companies and any other pending lawsuits against media organizations.
  • More priests and churches who are godly, loving and patriotic are being raised up, courageously keeping God’s word and releasing God’s voice.
  • The Supreme Court’s “Roe vs. Wade” and “Dobbs case” will be overturned, supporting the law that life begins at  conception and is established in each state. People who fight for life will be supernaturally protected.
  • Repent of the crimes of human trafficking and abortion with repentance and intercession, and resist the agenda of LGTBQ+, communism, and CRT (Critical Race Theory).
  • God supernaturally intervenes in the attack on the southern border, and the national sovereignty of the United States will be protected.
  • Restore the patriotic education of 1776 and the original constitution.
  • The evil plan of the elites to harm the United States will be exposed and dismantled.
  • Pray that the American people will eventually demand that the truth will reign in our country, and God’s plans and goals for the United States will be rekindled in the hearts and minds of the people in this country.

(Adapted from the announcement of WFJM)

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Declaration Prayer: Declare the Elimination of Coronavirus – Current Vaccine Overview

【Current affairs:   There are two types of vaccines. One is the mRNA vaccine: including Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson and Novavax vaccines. …Detailed Reading

In the Name of Jesus Christ, we:

  • Declaring the name of Jesus is greater than any other names! Every knee will bow, every tongue shall confess Jesus Christ is Lord!
  • Bind and abolish the evil spirits and forces operating behind this Coronavirus!
  • Cut off  all the evil Satan’s missions that create and plan the virus and their operations behind it!
  • Rebuke and bind the evil spirits that hinder God’s people from spreading the gospel and church gatherings!
  • Declare that God will arise and destroy the enemy, and God’s judgment will come upon the evil forces that created the viruses, and the perpetrators will be brought to justice!
  • Declare that all coronaviruses and various new strains of coronaviruses will be extinct!
  • Declare that the risks of testing and vaccines must be disclosed, and the truly effective treatments will be made public.
  • Declare the agenda of the vaccine passport, the conspiracy that attempts to restrict human activities will not succeed.
  • Declare that the children of God will be free from fear and horror and restore freedom in Christ!

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Declaration Prayer: Prophetic 2022 Proclamation for the Nations

We declare in the name of Jesus Christ :

  • This year is a season of many powerful manifestations of the glory of God.
  • Now is the time for God’s great harvest for the kingdom, which is shaking the earth and making a great transfer of wealth.
  • The shaking of God will bring about a great awakening and life transformation, bringing God’s children into new realms.
  • Gen Z will experience a holy movement, fiery with God, and inspire previous generations to become committed to God.
  • Many new technological breakthroughs are coming, and the children of God will be the cutting edge pioneers of new technologies.
  • The creative anointing will flourish through teamwork, ( Isaiah 65:8 )
  • This is the time when revival and reformation will come together as marriage, in harmony.
  • Disciple the children of God to enter society and the nation as reformers, to disciple and teach the nations.
  • A new wave of revivalists is being unleashed to evangelize the great soul harvest of the end times.
  • Regional conflicts between states do not escalate into large-scale wars.
  • A child of God who experiences double the trouble is double the blessing. ( Isaiah 61:7 )
  • Events in stadiums will take place all over the world; public and collective worship everywhere will break down strongholds at the national level.
  • Worshiping the beauty and proclaiming the majesty of God, especially in rural areas, makes the land respond to God’s good will, bringing in good crops, increasing livestock, and discovering new minerals.
  • The “Blue Room” intercessors will be mobilized to pray for all countries in the world, and resolve the crisis with the authority of revelation. (Editor’s note: referring to intercession leaders like Howell in the UK)
  • All countries must stand up to oppose China’s violation of human rights and curb the evil.
  • China’s military aggression must be stopped.
  • China will embrace freedom and be a good world leader by 2026.
  • God’s protection and peace will come to the entire Korean peninsula.
  • Any alliance between China, Russia and Iran will not work.
  • More countries will join the Abraham Accords
  • Saudi Arabia will continue to undergo reforms, the royal family will allow religious freedom, and other Middle Eastern countries will follow.
  • Central America is leading countries around the world to move embassies to Jerusalem and be blessed with economic prosperity.
  • Israel and its enemies will move from “cold peace” to “warm peace”.
  • American corruption will be exposed and the thieves brought to justice.
  • Work and wealth in 2020. New opportunities for entrepreneurship and blessings will open up.
  • 2020 is also a year of renewed emphasis on the scriptures “returning to the Bible”.
  • The persecuted church will be a beacon to the world.
  • Some countries move from tyranny to democracy in surprising moves.
  • Facing the epidemic, God’s children will have an irresistible breakthrough in their faith in God.
  • The children of God are overcomers in Christ.

In the holy name of Christ Jesus, amen!

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Pray for United States: 2022 Prayer For America By “Intercessors For America”

Editor’s note: This article is an excerpt from the 1/20 prayer of “15 Minutes to Him” ​​by intercession leader Dutch Sheets . 

【Background of Current Events:  One of the things I like to do here at Give Him 15 is partner with other great ministries, especially those that emphasize prayer. Intercessors for America is one of those ministries; we have included reports and prayers released by them in the past. They have written a great prayer we can pray for America throughout 2022. In a moment, we will pray it together. .…Detailed Reading


“Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You in Jesus’ name. Father God, we love You. We depend on You and on Your faithfulness, even when things look dark around us and we cannot see light ahead.

“Father, thank You for being the Light of all men. Jesus, thank You for being the Light that shines in the darkness. Thank You for being the Way, the Truth, and the Life. And Holy Spirit, thank You for shining Your illuminating light in our hearts, that we may see Jesus and cry out ‘Abba! Father’ through You and Your power.

“Father God, in Jesus’ name, we lift our beloved nation up to You today. Father, we pray over the USA in 2022:

  • That she will know peace – the true peace which passes all understanding; the peace that can only be found in Christ Jesus.
  • That she will know joy – the true joy that is only found in the presence of God.
  • That she will know wisdom – the wisdom from above, which is first pure, then peaceable, undefiled, willing to yield to You and full of mercy and good fruit.

“Father God, I ask today in Jesus’ name that You would bless kings and those who are in authority. We acknowledge today that the ‘kings’ and ‘people who are in authority’ may or may not be two different groups of people, Lord; but we pray that You would shower them all with Your goodness, which brings men to repentance.

“Father, for those leaders and workers in government who may yet be saved, we ask that You would pour out Your Spirit of salvation upon them.

“From the President to the humblest, most unknown worker in the land, let them cry out to You for mercy and salvation. And Father, for those who refuse to be saved and refuse to honor You and walk in righteousness and justice, we pray that their days in office would be few and that another would take their office, according to Your will and Your plans only, Lord.

“Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name, we ask that revival would fall on America in 2022. We ask that Christians would rise up and preach Jesus in the streets. We ask that churches would be filled again with people who are being saved. We pray that You would give us, Your servants, boldness to preach and speak as we ought to speak.

“Father, we ask also that You would protect these United States of America in 2022. Protect her people, her supply chain, her economy, her food sources, her ports, her airspace, her military, her government, her cities, her villages, her schools, her shopping malls, airports, and every other facility. Protect our Constitution and Bill of Rights, Father. Protect the integrity of our Supreme Court, for we acknowledge that even though the Court is called ‘Supreme,’ YOU are actually the Supreme Being and You rule over all as You will.

“O holy Father, we need You. We need You to give life to our nation again.

“Heal and restore our economy. Protect and bring justice to our elections. Repair our health care system and set it aright. Heal our military.

“We pray against every false theology and ideology, which are idolatry, and in Jesus’ name we cast them down in America right now:

  • We decree and declare that 2022 will be the year in which America and Americans and every stranger within the gates will WAKE UP and see the light of Jesus Christ shining upon them.
  • We declare and decree that 2022 is the year in which we shall ALL know the truth, and the truth shall make us free.
  • We decree that LIFE shall prevail in 2022, and that every murderous intent of every person disposed to evil IS cast down now and replaced with the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
  • We declare that there shall be an end to control and manipulation in 2022, and that FREEDOM would ring out again from even the dirt and stones of our nation.
  • And we declare and decree that the truth of Jesus Christ, the Word of God, shall run swiftly from border to border; from lakeshore to gulfshore; and from sea to shining sea – and that all the people in our great nation would no longer be deceived, but would be filled with Your Spirit as You pour out Your Spirit upon all flesh.

Father God, there may be much darkness around us, but YOU shine through the darkness.

“You have done much in 2021 and prior years to right many wrongs in our nation. We praise You for that, and we thank You. And in 2022, Father, we humbly ask You to bless us and heal our land. Turn Your people back to You, and do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ever dare to ask, hope, or think. Show up, Lord, and do the great and the mighty for us in the USA this year.

“Thank You, Abba Father. In Jesus’ holy name we pray, amen and amen.”

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Pray For Israel: At the Time of the Israeli-Iran Conflict-God Reigns in the Nations

Current Events SummaryIsraeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz said at the Knesset’s Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee on 12/19 (Sunday) that Iran is in a weak position in the ongoing nuclear negotiations in Geneva and may be forced to make concessions. Israel will use various means to expand public or private operations against Iraq.  …Detailed Reading

  • Job 38:1; 8-11 Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm. He said:“Who shut up the sea behind doors  when it burst forth from the womb, when I made the clouds its garment and wrapped it in thick darkness, when I fixed limits for it and set its doors and bars in place, when I said, ‘This far you may come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt’?
  • Isaiah 17:1; 12-13 A prophecy against Damascus: “See, Damascus will no longer be a city  but will become a heap of ruins.Woe to the many nations that rage—  they rage like the raging sea! Woe to the peoples who roar— they roar like the roaring of great waters! Although the peoples roar like the roar of surging waters, when he rebukes them they flee far away, driven before the wind like chaff on the hills,  like tumbleweed before a gale.
  • Isaiah 1:10 Hear the word of the Lord,  you rulers of Sodom; listen to the instruction of our God,  you people of Gomorrah!
  • Isaiah 8:20 Consult God’s instruction and the testimony of warning. If anyone does not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn.
  • Isaiah 9:2; 6-7 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawnedFor to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace  there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne  and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness  from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.
  • Jeremiah 5:20-23 “Announce this to the descendants of Jacob and proclaim it in Judah: Hear this, you foolish and senseless people, who have eyes but do not see,  who have ears but do not hear: Should you not fear me?” declares the Lord. “Should you not tremble in my presence? I made the sand a boundary for the sea,  an everlasting barrier it cannot cross. The waves may roll, but they cannot prevail; they may roar, but they cannot cross it. But these people have stubborn and rebellious hearts;  they have turned aside and gone away.


  • Praise and Worship the Lord: Lord You are always worthy to be praised. You are close to those who fear You, and You will show them Your own covenant. Lord, You alone are the strength of Israel, the rocks and fortresses of Israel, the shields and high towers of Israel, the savior of Israel, the only reliance of Israel, we love You, fear You, and admire You, may You be exalted above the heavens ; May Your glory be higher than the whole earth. ( Psalms 111:10; 25:14; 18:-2; 57:11 )
  • Identification Repentance and Confession for Israel’s Fornication and Abortion: Sovereign Lord, God of Israel, who is like You? You forgive sins of the remnants of Your inheritance. Don’t hold anger forever and love to be kind ( Micah 7:18 ). With the blood of Your beloved son Jesus, we ask You to forgive us of our sins of abortion and shedding innocent blood. The Israeli Minister of Health plans to implement a series of reforms and changes in policies to expand the convenience of abortion. We admit that we have sinned against You, but we have offended You. We have done this evil before Your eyes, so that You showed Your righteousness pure and upright when You judge me.(Refer to Micah 7:18 ) please grant us righteous leaders in legislation, administration, and justice to lead Israel, return to Your Torah teachings, and revoke abortion policies that do not conform to Your laws and regulations, especially blocked the devil’s use of the policy that encourage abortion by female soldiers.
  • Bless the Messianic Believers in the Conservative Army: Father, please bless the Jewish Messianic believers and Arab Christians in the Israel Defense Forces so that they will prosper in spirit, soul and body, and become Your light and salt in the IDF. Not only are they strong and courageous, they also become Your soul-saving vessel, boldly preaching among the young soldiers that Yeshua is the King of Peace and the only hope of salvation and protection. With the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the revival of the great harvest of souls came to IDF officers, soldiers and their families.
  • Pray for the Israeli Intelligence Services: Father, please give the various intelligence services of Israel the spirit of revelation, just like the prophet Elisha of ancient Israel, able to accurately and timely understand all the plans and strategies of the enemy in the chamber, and dismantle the enemy The plan, so that it can be used without the use of weapons of mass destruction, through unconventional cyber warfare, etc., to defeat the enemy without fighting.
  • Jehovah Intervenes to Restrict Iran: Lord God of Hosts, we call on You to impose restrictions on Iran’s nuclear development and cut off the source of all the support Iran needs to develop nuclear weapons. The Lord of Hosts, You are the God who protects Israel from nap and sleep. Please control the hearts of Israeli decision-makers, whether to attack actively, when to attack, the length of time, the scope of the war, the method of attack, and prevent large-scale braking. The outbreak of the war in the Middle East may lead to the outbreak of World War III.
  • The Lord God Reigns in the Nations: Father, we proclaim in the name of Jesus Christ, time and geographical boundaries are set by You. You are in power in Israel and the nations, and You will draw the line among them, in which You will be in power, and everything will run exactly according to your timetable.

In the holy name of Christ Jesus, amen!

Critical Event: One of the Problems With Vaccine: Human Relationships that are Impacted

【Current Events:  Although the legality of the “compulsory vaccine order” has been rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court recently, companies, universities, and restaurants in many states in the United States are still under pressure to lose their jobs because of this mandatory vaccine order. Even those who have recovered from the coronavirus carrying their own antibodies are still required to receive a full dose of vaccine before they can go to work; some people who work from home are also required to show proof of vaccination, otherwise their job will not be guaranteed, and so on. Vaccines seem to be an unwritten law that travels at all levels of society. Some people who do not want to be vaccinated feel discriminated against, while others believe that everyone should be vaccinated to fight the epidemic together. Each has their own view. …Detailed Reading 

  • Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart  and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
  • 1 Corinthians 9:22  To the weak, I became the weak, that I might win the weak. To what kind of person, I will do what kind of person. Always save some people anyway.                  
  • Ephesians 4:2-3 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
  • Mark 16:18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.
  • Philippians 4:12-13  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.


  • Seek God’s guidance : Heavenly Father, in the face of various problems caused by vaccines, please help Your children to turn their eyes from newspapers, information, and people’s words to You, and let You be the master, not relying on one’s wisdom, seek You with all our hearts, and guide us in the way we should go. It also helps us not to take what we think is right, to be sympathetic to the weaknesses of others, not to judge or criticize each other, but to pray for each other and wait for God’s time. You desire to live in a peaceful and loving home, and Your eyes are looking for a humble, tolerant heart. May we all be good vessels for true freedom through true humility.
  • Strive to maintain unity : Heavenly Father, thank You for letting us know what we should let go and what we should hold on through the epidemic and vaccine storm; what Satan wants to destroy deliberately, and what we should strive for. You said to turn the hearts of fathers to the hearts of children, lest You come and curse the land. Father, especially at this time, we need to strive to preserve the unity of the Holy Spirit. The enemy never ceases to deceive and divide us, but Your heavenly council will rise up and wake up, holding on to the unity in love and growing stronger.

In the holy name of Christ Jesus, amen!

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Pray for the First Nation People: February Prayer Meeting – Pray for Sioux’s Revival

【Current Events:  At the beginning of the year, we received a prayer request from the Sioux prayer leader, mama Norma Blacksmith, asking us to pray for the upcoming Pine Ridge Reservation prayer meeting on February 12th. …Click to Read More

  • Psalm 133:1-3 How good and pleasant it is  when God’s people live together in unity! It is like precious oil poured on the head,  running down on the beard, running down on Aaron’s beard, down on the collar of his robe. It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the Lord bestows his blessing,  even life forevermore.
  • Ephesians 3:20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.
  • Isaiah 61:1-3The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me  to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives  and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty  instead of ashes, the oil of joy  instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness,  a planting of the Lord  for the display of his splendor.”


  • Transforming Pine Ridge Reservation : Heavenly Father, please move Your chosen pastors and leaders of Christ to attend the prayer meeting in February, to seek Your will and strategy together, and to receive Your ordained blessing together. Anointing the younger generation and the preachers full of the Holy Spirit, preaching the gospel to the tribes of the Sioux Reservation, free from the control and bondage of evil spirits, can be built and free in love and truth, and bring about the transformation of the entire Pine Ridge Reservation.
  • Build the Pine Ridge House of Prayer : Heavenly Father, thank You for revealing Your will to build Your Prayer House in the Pine Ridge Reservation Area, so that the aboriginal people in the reservation area can come to worship and praise You day and night, encounter You, and establish an intimate relationship with You. You are Jehovah Jire, the provider of the aborigines of the Sioux. You will move people from all walks of life to give generously, participate in the grand event, prepare a dwelling place for You, and bring Your glorious presence!
  • We declare in the name of Jesus Christ :
    • God will personally heal, release, restore, change the hearts and minds of the aboriginal people of the Pine Ridge Reservation and revive them.
    • A younger generation of Aboriginal people will need to rise up and respond to God’s call to actively participate in and bring the kingdom of heaven into the tribal government institutions.
    • Revival of Pine Ridge Reservation Will Bring Revival to Sioux!

In the holy name of Christ Jesus, amen!

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Pray For Church

Pray for Participating Churches and Pastors on Regional 24/7 Prayer Walls

Editor’s Note: The 24/7 prayer walls listed here are especially for local churches and pastors. If you are committed to watch on the regional walls, simply click on the link listed below to connect to the local prayer wall. 】

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Related Events and Prayer Background

Editorial Special Section: Chuck. Pierce: A Line Has Been Drawn; How Will You Step Over in 2022?

Information :  Chuck Pierce Date: January 19, 2022  Source: Charisma 

We are living in a time of increasing polarization. With the growing dichotomy of good and evil, we must understand God’s covenant in the midst of conflict. The Lord has been speaking to me about “lines in the sand” and how we will advance this spring when the warfare will be intense.

Finding Your Place of Faith

This is a time where the Lord is calling us to come up! We must not only see from a higher place, but pray from our position of authority. In my book, A Time to Triumph, I wrote a section on how to intercede as war issues intensify. Allow this excerpt to help you find your place of faith!

In the season ahead, our prayer lives will become more authoritative. What will happen once you pray is that Holy Spirit will bring down certain judgments and start dealing with injustices. People entwined in their emotions with groups and situations that the Holy Spirit is addressing will either find a way of escape from the situation or be dealt with along with the corporate group. Do not be over-merciful and back down. Prayer works by faith, and faith works by love. You will then have to let God deal with the situation.

Upheavals and overturnings are part of the season ahead. You will simply have to say with confidence, Lord, You sent me there to pray. I did. I will trust that You will work all this together for good, in both the tares and the wheat, and bring forth the harvest.

Stay hidden in your abiding place, but also know when to come out. Know when to speak and when to be quiet. Prophesy! You war with your prophetic word.

This is a prophecy for you to use in warring and watching; pray, decree and use this like a sword:

Watch carefully. Go where I send you. Do not go in your own strength, for it is I who am sending you forth. I am mobilizing you. I am giving you the strength to rise up. Go where I send you. Do not be frightened by what you hear. Do not back up just because giants seem near. Stand firm, for I am going before you. Just go with Me and say, “I have been sent to receive this blessing.”

I can part what is unpartable. I can cause that which would not let go to now come apart so you can pass through. This is a time of showing. I plan on showing you what you are looking for. Do not back up, for the show is ready to begin! The show is ready to begin! Therefore, find your seat in Me and get ready to watch the manifestation that you have been asking Me about.

Your seat and your position have already been prepared for you. Come up! Through your worship, rise up and be seated with Me. Together we will decree into your atmosphere and change your condition. Come up, be seated and watch that area around you in the earth realm be filled with My presence. Come into a new place with Me. Join Me in a new way. I have blessings of which you know not that I long to pour out over you.

I have been looking for a group. I have been looking for the ones to anoint, now. There is an anointing that I am bringing down from heaven so you can stand as one and break through the barrier that the enemy has erected. I am coming in now!

I am coming into your life in new ways. I am breaking that which has been around you. I am causing you to feel My presence in new ways. I am causing you to be favored in new ways. I am breaking through the blood barrier in your brain. You thought that knowledge could get through, but I have got to break that blood barrier where the iniquitous flow from prior generations continues to have the right to operate. I will cause you to come alive and see what I would see.

I am breaking through a blood barrier! I am breaking through a blood barrier! What has been filed and cataloged is now coming alive. I am going to reverse some Alzheimer’s. I am going to reverse some dementia. I am changing some things. I am going to reverse stuttering. I am going to reverse dyslexia. I am breaking through the blood barrier in your brain. My presence can penetrate.

I will reveal My glory. I am coming to reveal so I can break open the seal that has closed up what you have been looking for. I am neutralizing your chromosomes from iniquitous patterns. Let My glory penetrate! Let My glory penetrate! I am breaking your insecurity barrier. I am uncovering the treasure that you have been. I am uprooting what has been buried deep and causing you to flower and blossom forth in a new way. Let Me uproot! Let Me uproot!


Father, you will begin to unravel the things that appear in dreams and visions, you will begin to unravel the revelation, please take us back to some places where we have prayed, the devil has been dealt with, pray again, but Letting the structure of captive bondages in that area fall this time reveals to us the history and records of where the saints have been in the past and how they prayed, allowing us to find the gateway to align with God and “bring down” heaven, Let us be called the medium of the “tipping point” at which the incense of the censer is poured to the ground.

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Editorial Special Section: Tim. Scheets: The Ekklesia is Pregnant…and Beginning to Show

Information : Tim Sheets  Date: January 18, 2021 Source : GiveHim15   

Matthew 1:18-23  tells us of the supernatural conception of Jesus. These verses explain that Mary’s pregnancy was Spirit conceived. Holy Spirit’s overshadowing presence surrounded Mary causing her to conceive – from the spirit realm – that which could now be birthed in the natural realm. This passage clearly shows us how spiritual conception from Holy Spirit occurs in people. The new birth, of course, pictures this, as does revelation which starts as a spiritual seed and grows into full understanding.

Holy Spirit’s glorious presence around and within us can cause a spiritual conception in our spirits. When we spend time in Holy Spirit’s empowering presence, His purposes and revelation, from the spirit realm, can be conceived within us; a dream of the Godhead can be planted in our hearts. This can even occur corporately when our worship brings the hovering presence of God over our gatherings. In this atmosphere, ‘callings’ from King Jesus, destiny-opportunities, visions, strategies, goals, and revelations are often conceived in us.

But, like Mary, we must steward and bring to birth what is conceived in us by Holy Spirit. When given to us, it is in an embryonic state. What she had been given, she stewarded to full term, feeding, protecting, and caring for the child until His birth. We, too, must steward and carry to full term the promises Holy Spirit plants within us, feeding them with God’s Word, protecting them with intercession, and decreeing them in faith.

In the Message Translation, the angel actually refers to Isaiah’s prophecy of the birth of Christ as an ‘embryonic sermon.’ He said in Matthew 1:22 (MSG), regarding Mary’s conception, ‘This will bring Isaiah the prophet’s embryonic sermon to full term.’ What an intriguing statement!

Matthew actually called prophecy an ‘embryonic sermon,’ comparing it to a pregnancy, like a child in its embryonic state. As such, it must be cared for, fed, brought to full term, and then delivered/birthed into the earth realm!

The Ekklesia has been in a season where prophecy after prophecy has been released causing God‘s plan to be conceived. However, like a woman who is pregnant but not yet ‘showing,’ the promises have not yet been seen. Does that mean the prophecies are not alive? No, it means they are still embryonic, embryonic sermons declaring what can be birthed – if we steward them.

Too often prophetic words are abandoned and neglected – forgotten about. To the contrary, we must keep the words and promises watered by faith and decrees which cause them to grow and show. I believe we are now in a season of ‘showing.’ Ekklesia hubs and the body of Christ are beginning to ‘show’ that they are pregnant. Embryonic sermons are growing as Holy Spirit hovers, incubates and matures them to become the future they declared.

Most of us want full grown prophecies and promises – instantly. If this doesn’t occur, we begin to doubt and waver. But we must understand the responsibility of growing these ‘embryonic sermons’ to full term. Just as there is a span of time between an embryo and a child or a child and an adult, the same is true in spirit-conceived promises and prophecies. Our faith must remain strong through those times.

Psalm 103:20 tells us that angels listen to what we decree, and the Ekklesia has been declaring consistently, ‘No more delay.’ Because of this, supernatural things are beginning to happen. Four years ago, the Lord told me there would now come a new Pentecost, and everything in His kingdom would begin to accelerate. It is amazing how delays have been dealt with since that word was given.

I believe that in the past several years there has been more angelic activity on earth than ever before. Our prayers have enabled Holy Spirit and His angels to overturn delays. Many spirit-conceived dreams, visions, revelations, and prophecies are now reaching full term. Everything in Christ’s kingdom is accelerating, just as He said they would. Supernatural shifts are occurring. A megamove of God’s Holy Spirit is now at full term.

The greatest push ever in the kingdom of God is now being resourced by Holy Spirit. Prodigals are coming home. We are pregnant with miracles. We’ve carried them; now we are ‘showing.’ They are being birthed into the earth realm. We’re pregnant with healings and outpourings of Holy Spirit. We are carrying the river of living water. We are carrying governmental authority to disciple nations and power from heaven to pull down demonic strongholds. Demon princes will lose their thrones, captives will be delivered.

“Hear the word of the Lord for this year: There are embryos we have fed and watered which have now grown. These embryos are at full term. What we have conceived, believed and fought for is now mature, ready for harvesting. Reap!  What you have conceived by Holy Spirit’s hovering presence, will now be seen in the earth realm. We have stepped into accelerated times of birthing what we’ve been carrying. No more delay!’

“Refuse to give up on what God said. Keep standing, believing and decreeing His promises.”

Pray with me:

“Lord, we agree with this word. We thank You for those who have faithfully carried what You conceived inside of them. We believe this is the birthing year, the year when it accelerates. Dreams and visions in the hearts of individual heirs are now showing. Nothing is impossible for You, Lord. We know You can do all we have asked. You have not only caused us to conceive, but You have empowered us. We decree that it is now calving season.

“Thank You, Lord, for the faithfulness of those who have tenaciously stood for what You told them. ‘Embryonic sermons’ are coming to full term. To You be all the glory, all the honor. Activate this word across the United States and in other nations. We decree that Holy Spirit has shifted the times and seasons; this is a year of acceleration. What we’ve been carrying, both individually and corporately, will now manifest into the earth realm. In Jesus’ name we pray this, amen!”

Our Decree:

“We decree that we will now birth into the natural realm what we have been carrying in the spirit. No more delay!”

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Editorial Special Section: Lana Vawser: Your Healing is Upon You So You May Run Like You

Info : Lana Vawser  Date: January 14, 2022 Source : Lana Vawser Ministries 

I felt this encouragement from the Lord’s heart:

“Many of My daughters have been assaulted for a long period of time by ferocious attacks of the enemy and physical assaults in their body. There have been relentless attacks against them that they feel they cannot run into all I have for them in this new era. They feel their walk is hindered, let alone being able to run. I have heard the cries of My daughters crying out, “God how can I run into all you have for me in this new era when I feel like I am in chains? “My daughters, I have heard your cries and I am not late. I am not late in what I will bring forth in your life. My timing is perfect, and I am now raising you up in the empowerment of My Spirit like never before. You have been to depths you never imagined you would go and the enemy has fought hard to take you out, to take you down and to crush you, but I am declaring that you are rising up now in the empowerment of My Spirit in strength, in velocity and power like nothing you have ever walked in before”

“Who is this one? Look at her now! She arises out of her desert, clinging to her beloved. When I awakened you under the apple tree, as you were feasting upon me, I awakened your innermost being with the travail of birth as you longed for more of me.” – Song of Songs 8:5 (The Passion Translation)


“My daughters, I know the battles have been long and have wearied you but I have been with you in every step. I have whispered to you and My voice has brought you life and strength. I have developed in you in the fire, in the battle, in the lion’s den, a strength that will never be stolen from you. It is a strength in Me that is called endurance. It is a strength in Me that is found in the words that flow from My mouth alone and are not shaken by the words of men. I have brought you deeply into the place of intimacy with Me where the words from My mouth and the words of My heart to you are your life. In you has been established a level of trust in Me that cannot be shaken. It is a confidence in you that has been forged in the fire that REFUSES TO LET GO. No matter what you have walked, the heat of the fire, in the weariness, in the discouragement, in the battle, even when you have wanted to give up, there is a fire growing in you that you haven’t been able to understand that says “I WILL NOT LET GO”. Even on the days you have wanted to run, the fire within you rises again. “I CANNOT LET GO!” That is the work of My hand. For what the enemy has meant for your harm, I have turned for good. He has assaulted you, attacked you and come against you so ferociously and for many of you, you have battled such torment in the dark, that no one knows about, but I KNOW.”

“The enemy has assaulted you for years, but I am going to restore ALL TO YOU in a MOMENT. I am going to restore to you SUDDENLY. I know many of you are so weary, but in a MOMENT everything will change. EVERYTHING will shift. It’s not nice words, it’s the declaration of My heart. I am the God who is RIGHT ON TIME! I am the God who restores to MORE than before.” 


“My daughters, you have been shaken, knocked down and hit in so many different ways, but I say unto you now, the winds of My Spirit and the tidal wave of My revelation and resurrection power is crashing upon you now and causing you to arise into a strength and empowerment of My Spirit where you will RUN.  

“You will NOT be stopped! You will NOT be stopped! Get your new shoes on for it is time to run in greater velocity. I am increasing your sight in this new era in 3D as you lean into Me and remain teachable, that’s why the enemy has been attempting to hinder your vision. I am releasing CRYSTAL CLEAR HEARING of what I am saying into your life, deep discernment as you lean in and seek My heart, that’s why the enemy has been attempting to fill your head with noise and chatter. I am healing your bodies supernaturally so that you can run in all I have for you and you will run in the mantle of healing. Many of you have been so tormented by a spirit of infirmity, I declare over you today that it will break in a moment. The roar of My power and authority will chase away this spirit of infirmity. In a moment you will be delivered. It will run away like a dog with its tail between its legs. I will cause the enemy to be hung on the very noose he tried to hang you with as I raise you up in power and revelation of your authority to bring healing and deliverance to multitudes. As the spirit of infirmity has assaulted you, not only shall you be healed and delivered, now you shall go forth ministering powerfully in HEALING and DELIVERANCE. The fullness of time has come. It’s the Kairos season. I will deliver, heal and restore you in a moment.”

“Say to those who have an anxious heart, Be strong, fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. He will come and save you” – Isaiah 35:4 (ESV)


A few days ago as I was sleeping, I felt a significant, physical shift take place in the spirit. It was so big that it woke me from my sleep. What I felt strongly in this shift was something HUGE had moved and shifted and I felt a SIGNIFICANT sense of peace. 

I sought the Lord and I heard Him say:

“I am moving the mountains! The large, giant things that have come against My daughters, I am moving them. I am shifting them. My daughters you have taken your stand in faith and continued to believe. I am moving the mountains. I am closing the door on these assaults and mountains. You are stepping into the place of great peace. You will know peace in the land. 

“He’s the one who brings peace to your borders, feeding you the most excellent of fare.” (Psalm 147:14 – TPT)

“You will be marked by My power and it shall shift, lift and change everything. My power will ignite you to run, to fly, to be elevated and accelerated.”

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Editorial Special Section: Chuck Pierce: The New Is Now! 21 Days to Step Forward into the New!

Editor’s Note:  On January 20, Prophet Chuck Pierce this 21 Days Step Forward into the NEW prayer movement. We encourage you to pray and follow along with the prayer schedule. We suggest that you begin from this week with the 21 days of deeper prayer, and we bless you all to enter into  the NEW!
Information :
  Chuck Pierce Date: January 20, 2022  Source: Glory Of Zion International

The new is now! Because we are living in a new era, we must step daily into that new era. I am hoping the videos below help you cross His line of grace and advance into your future. I am also including a 21-day prayer focus. Keep stepping forward into the new! The NEW has to begin with you. The NEW can be something that has never been before or a better quality of what you have been developing, accomplishing and embracing. You must ask yourself:

    1. What is the greatest desire stirring in me?
    2. What do I want to take with me into the next season?
    3. What am I willing to let go of?
    4. Where is the cluster my script fits into? (New wine is found in the cluster.)
    5. What will I be watching after?
    6. What will I be occupying my time with?
    7. How will provision be coming so I secure my future?

A 21-Day Prayer Focus for the New

The following 21-day prayer focus can be used to break old cycles in your life that resist change and help you develop a new way of thinking.

  • Day 1 (1/24): Read Isaiah 28:23-29 and 41. There is a bruising and a breaking that you must go through. Don’t resist the stomping. Unless the skin is broken, you will end up as a raisin. So many in the old wineskin have resisted being broken. Declare that all the seeds within you will awaken and come forth. Enter into your personal harvest. Ask the Lord to make you into a new, sharp threshing instrument.
  • Day 2 (1/25):  Read James 4. Submit your gifts and stand under the authority God is giving you. Bloom where God has planted you. Draw near to God and be faithful!
  • Day 3 (1/26):  Read Hebrews 4 and 12. Don’t live in the past. That leads only to regret and bitterness. If you have repented, God’s grace will cover past sins and failings. Allow your past to be pruned away. Instead of being a bitter drink offering, you will become a sweet drink offering to the Lord.
  • Day 4 (1/27): Read Jeremiah 29. Don’t live in the future, but know that you have a good future. God has a future for you, but joy and fulfillment are found in Him now!
  • Day 5 (1/28): Read John 14, 15 and 16. Allow the pruning process to bring forth the New in you. Seek your joy in Him now. There is a place of overwhelming life and joy in Him. Press in to Him! Draw closer to Him! As you do, the New Wine will begin to flow!
  • Day 6 (1/29):  Read Matthew 6. Be anxious for nothing. List the top five priorities in your life. Seek Him first and His Kingdom and His righteousness and everything else will fall in place.
  • Day 7 (1/30):  Read Psalm 4. Allow the Lord to set you apart for the future. Let new joy and gladness arise. Declare that you will sleep in peace and feel safe in the presence of God.
  • Day 8. (1/31): Read Deuteronomy 33:26-29. New wine brings the fullness of God’s security and provision. Pray that you will be open to receive these good gifts.
  • Day 9. (2/1) : Read Joel 2 and 3. New wine is a sign of God’s presence dwelling with His people and the land being restored and rejoicing. Declare the restoration of all God has for you, and rejoice.
  • Day 10 (2/2):  Read Jeremiah 31. The new is for you. New wine is part of the bounty of the Lord. Make your praises heard and shout for joy!
  • Day 11 (2/3): Read Song of Solomon 2, 3 and 4. Ask the Lord to reveal to you the little foxes that try to crush the vine that will bring forth the new wine. Get a vision of your future identity. Ask the Lord to send a new wind to blow on your garden.
  • Day 12 (2/4): Read Proverbs 3:1-10. Ask the Lord how to give the first fruits of your increase so that your vats will run over with new wine. Understand and experience God’s blessing.
  • Day 13 (2/5): Read Song of Solomon 8 and Psalm 16. Ask the Lord to come into your vineyard. Let Him prophetically reveal to you the fruit you will bring forth in the future. Enter into your promised inheritance.
  • Day 14 (2/6): Read Matthew 16. Ask the Lord for revelation, for the building plan for your future, and for keys. Just as Peter connected with the Father in heaven, connect with the Father in a way that unlocks the kingdom of God within you.
  • Day 15 (2/7): Read Hosea 2:14-23. Unlock your door of hope. Know that there is hope in your valley of Achor. Ask God for mercy and for that new door of hope to open up. Renew your covenant with God. New wine occurs when heaven and earth agree.
  • Day 16 (2/8): Read Revelation 14:14-20. Declare that the harvest in the nations will come into the winepress.
  • Day 17 (2/9): Read Psalm 119:81-88. Declare that any premature aging or stiffness will begin to break from you and that you will become a new wineskin.
  • Day 18 (2/10): Read Ezekiel 37. Declare that all that has been scattered will come back together in a new structure.
  • Day 19 (2/11): Read Ephesians 4. Pray for the government of God in your region. For new wine to come forth, the government of God must be established in its fullness.
  • Day 20 (2/12): Read John 2, John 8. Let the Lord change your water into new wine. He will replace the pots of religious ritualism with new wine. Ask the Lord to remove the spirit of religion from you. Let His Glory begin to shine. Go beyond the way of the Law and into a superabundant grace.
  • Day 21 (2/13): Read Matthew 9 and 14. Be willing to let go of any old method that is operating in your life, business or church. In this passage, the lady who had an issue of blood for 12 years pressed through and touched Jesus, who was on His way to awaken the 12-year-old daughter of Jairus. Declare that now is the time to press into the New, even in your weakness. Declare that what needs to wake up will wake up now. There is a time when the old season must end. Allow the old to end and the new to begin.

It’s time for New Wine. It’s time for the new wineskin. Both are coming forth. The new is now … enter in!

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Declaration Prayer: Declare the Elimination of Coronavirus – Current Vaccine Overview

【Current affairs:   There are two types of vaccines. One is the mRNA vaccine: including Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson and Novavax vaccines.

There are three spike proteins on the Coronavirus because it is an engineered biological weapon and it originated at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Antony Fauchi is responsible for this. In 2017, they passed a US law prohibiting such research, Anthony Fauci and the others moved it to Wuhan, China. Anthony Fauci and President Obama funded the Wuhan laboratory to continue that research.

There is now a book called “COVID and the Great Reset”, go on Amazon to look at it. It was written by Klaus Schwab. He is the head of the International Monetary Fund. If you read this book, it is the script of the so-called “Plan Demic.” The stupid thing that is made up nonsense.

A child to a person about 85 years old, there is a 100 to 98% chance to beat the virus. Therefore, all statistics are made up by the CDC and can be viewed on their website. The total number of people who died from the virus is only 6%, about 12,000 people, not 220,000 people.

Moderna and Pfizer vaccines have many, many advanced ingredients, but these ingredients have nothing to do with immunity. Vaccines contain ingredients that cause aborted fetus tissues, animal viruses and virosomes. There are also nano-metals in the vaccine, and when you receive the injection, the vaccine begins to produce a spike protein of the coronavirus, which is the spike protein of HIV. This vaccine does one thing: to reduce the severity of the symptoms of the virus; it has nothing to do with preventing the spread of the virus. Stanford University issued a double-blind research report on masks two days ago, and found that masks are completely ineffective against SARS and the Coronavirus.

Some believed that Johnson & Johnson (JJ) and AstraZeneca vaccines are better, both cause blood clot worldwide and cause death. I think a total of 2,600 people have died from these vaccines, so far.

What will happen to those who receive the Modern vaccine? They produce a foreign protein in every cell of the human body, which regulates the immune system, unable to activate their natural immune cells, and has a huge impact on the activation of autoimmune diseases in their bodies. When they are infected, their immune response will become abnormal. In other words, it will not be the same as the previous response. Most doctors in the world who understand virology and immunology will be concerned about the next 5 to 10 years  for those who have the vaccine.

For those who have been vaccinated, first of all , they have to get rid of a lot of garbage from the body, but no matter what others say, if someone gets the Coronavirus and recovers from it, they will have 100% immunity for the rest of their lives.

The second point is that as far as the fallacy of the Coronavirus is concerned, children and asymptomatic people do not have the so-called “asymptomatic carriers” at all. The spread of the virus between two healthy people is completely nonsense, unless you come into contact with germ-laden sputum. If you spit or sneeze at someone, or cough at someone, or touch their blood or urine, yes, you can get some viruses in this way. But spreading air to air of covid is completely nonsense.

Anxiety and paranoia are the result of a pandemic. People make stupid choices for their future and health, and the health of their children, because they do not understand the real science. The best person to watch this information on the Internet is

  1. Dr. Ash, he is from Stanford University, no matter what you think of President Trump, he is the main scientific adviser for it. He will tell you the same thing as I am telling you.
  2. The other is the American frontline doctors website (americasfrontlinedoctors.com). Go to their website to talk to western medical doctors. They will not prescribe these vaccines, they will prescribe Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine.

( Source: Himalaya Australia, please click here for the video )

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Pray for United States: 2022 Prayer For America By “Intercessors For America”

Editor’s note: This article is an excerpt from the 1/20 prayer of “15 Minutes to Him” ​​by intercession leader Dutch Sheets . 

【Background of Current Events:  One of the things I like to do here at Give Him 15 is partner with other great ministries, especially those that emphasize prayer. Intercessors for America is one of those ministries; we have included reports and prayers released by them in the past. They have written a great prayer we can pray for America throughout 2022. In a moment, we will pray it together.

Check out IFA’s website:  IFApray.org (or click here). Sign up to be part of their free membership list – they regularly release very helpful information and prayers you can agree with. If you can, send them a donation; they are good soil. Romans 13:7 tells us to “render to all what is due them…honor to whom honor.”

“Due” is from a Greek word meaning “indebtedness;” figuratively it means “an obligation or duty.” IFA has been leading the charge for intercession in our nation since 1973, almost 50 years. Certainly, we all owe them a debt of honor and gratitude. The word honor in this verse means “value, money, esteem, dignity” and more. Today, we honor this great ministry for the work they do. Let’s pray this prayer for America together with them:

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Pray For Israel: At the Time of the Israeli-Iran Conflict-God Reigns in the Nations

Current Events SummaryIsraeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz said at the Knesset’s Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee on 12/19 (Sunday) that Iran is in a weak position in the ongoing nuclear negotiations in Geneva and may be forced to make concessions. Israel will use various means to expand public or private operations against Iraq.

Israel’s assessment and plans

The domestic situation in Iran provides an opportunity for the international community. Gantz told members of Congress that Iran is not a leading country-its citizens suffer from poor economic conditions, investment and development have been cut by 50% in the past decade, and the country faces various internal and external challenges. The Iranian regime is well aware of this situation. Therefore, Iran participated in the negotiations without real bargaining chips. It is possible and necessary to end Iran’s “procrastination” strategy. He said: “We are deepening international cooperation.” Gantz also pointed out that in the past year and a half, Israel has been building arms and procuring new weapons to ensure Israel’s defense in the region in the face of all threats. Advantage.

When the Iranian media raised the threat, Israel and the United States were preparing for military options when negotiations to restore the JCPOA nuclear agreement in Vienna failed. According to reports, the Israel Defense Forces plans to conduct a large-scale exercise to simulate an attack on Iran next year.

Threats from the Iranian regime

However, on the same day, an Arabic-language Twitter account in the Islamic Republic of Iran posted a picture (pictured on the left) showing plans to burn the Jewish state in 2022. In the picture, Israel is made up of nails and matches, with a box of matches beside it, declared in Hebrew and English. “Just try and you will see.” The matchbox next to Israel in the picture says “Ballistic Match Sticks” with the flag of the Iranian regime on it. The obvious message is that Iran’s theocratic regime is ready to detonate a match in 2022 to destroy Israel.

n addition, the “Jerusalem Post” reported on December 15 a map (pictured on the right) published on the front page of “Tehran Time Registration” that day, claiming to carry out a missile attack on Israel. The pushpins on the map represent rocket warnings for dozens of potential targets, including Lebanese territory and Palestinian cities in the West Bank. This map is part of an article entitled “Just a Wrong Action.” The newspaper wrote: “Israel’s increased military threat to Iran seems to indicate that the Zionist regime has forgotten that Iran is fully capable of attacking them from anywhere.” The article ends with a passage from Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in 2013. , He warned that if Israel “made mistakes” and carried out military strikes, Iran would “destroy Tel Aviv and Haifa.”

Diplomatic confrontation between the two countries

On December 13, Israeli Prime Minister Bennett became the first Israeli Prime Minister to visit the UAE . In addition to reaching agreements on economic and trade, technology, investment, and tourism cooperation, it was also Bennett’s visit to the UAE to face Iran’s regional threats. The main topic with Crown Prince Mohammed of Abu Dhabi. However, just one week before the Israeli Prime Minister’s visit to the UAE, on December 6, the UAE National Security Advisor Tanon Al Nahian was invited to visit Iran and was received by Iranian President Lacey. Lacey told Al Nahian that Iran is willing to develop relations with the UAE and maintaining good relations with countries in the region is one of the diplomatic priorities of the new Iranian government. According to reports on Iran’s official president’s website, Al Nahian has sent an invitation to Lacey, Iran, to visit the UAE.

In addition, since the beginning of this year, Saudi Arabia and Iran have also held four rounds of talks to improve bilateral relations, and bilateral tensions have eased.

God reigns in Israel and the nations

In the face of Iran’s continued clamor to erase Israel from the map and the intensive development of nuclear enriched uranium, while Israel is actively preparing for war, preparing to preemptively, and will never allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons, the nations are in their religious beliefs. , Historical grievances, oil interests, military technology, innovative technology, geopolitics and military economic interests or conflicts, and there are intricate relationships such as:

  • Between Israel and Iran, and the Russia-China-Iran alliance: Pray that God will impose restrictions on Iran’s nuclear development and cut off all the technology, money, and international support from Russia and China for Iran’s nuclear weapons development.
  • The relationship between Israel-U.S.-EU,
  • The Great Power Game between Israel and Russia, China, and the United States
  • Israel and the UAE, Morocco, Egypt and Jordan
  • Between the United States-Israel-Saudi Arabia,
  • The delicate balance between the UAE and Israel,
  • Saudi Arabia’s delicate balance between Iraq and Israel,

Regarding whether Israel will preemptively strike, God will also control the hearts of Israeli decision makers, whether to attack actively, when to attack, the length of time, the scope of the war, and the method of attack. We are convinced that God will pull the yardstick in it, hold the power in it, and fully follow His timetable and plans are running.

(Source: The Times of Israel, 12/20/2021; The Jerusalem Post, 12/06/2021 )

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Critical Event: One of the Problems With Vaccine: Human Relationships that are Impacted

【Current Events:  Although the legality of the “compulsory vaccine order” has been rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court recently, companies, universities, and restaurants in many states in the United States are still under pressure to lose their jobs because of this mandatory vaccine order. Even those who have recovered from the coronavirus carrying their own antibodies are still required to receive a full dose of vaccine before they can go to work; some people who work from home are also required to show proof of vaccination, otherwise their job will not be guaranteed, and so on. Vaccines seem to be an unwritten law that travels at all levels of society. Some people who do not want to be vaccinated feel discriminated against, while others believe that everyone should be vaccinated to fight the epidemic together. Each has their own view.

As Christians, we not only have to deal with this external pressure, but also to consider and adjust our relationship with God and with people who disagree with us. Otherwise, the vaccine issue will impact the unity of the church, the harmony of families, and the relationship between people.

To the weak, I became weak

During the two years of the epidemic, many families had disagreements about whether to get vaccinated, which involved various social issues, political issues, and led to disputes and divisions; friends with different views no longer communicated, and even some Christians’ insistence on their own view, caused disunity in the church. It can be said that the vaccine is like a mirror, reflecting the deepest state of the heart. The last verse of Malachi says, See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction. The children of God are children of peace, not of strife. There are many things we can let go of, as Paul said, To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.” (1 Corinthians 9:22).

As for whether or not to get vaccinated, we should not make any decision in fear. Everyone needs to seek God. The peace of Christ reigns in man because life is in the hands of God. If He allows us to live, even if we drink any poison, we will not be harmed ( Mark 16:18 ). God is above the storm, and He wants our thoughts to be with Him always. He would rather that we be as free in all things as the apostle Paul was in Christ: I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:12-13)

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Pray for the First Nation People: February Prayer Meeting – Pray for Sioux’s Revival

【Current Events:  At the beginning of the year, we received a prayer request from the Sioux prayer leader, mama Norma Blacksmith, asking us to pray for the upcoming Pine Ridge Reservation prayer meeting on February 12th.

The Pine Ridge Reservation where Mom Norma lives had experienced a major spiritual revival ( read more about it here ). She and other Sioux leaders understand the power of prayer and worship. This time, God moved mama Norma, to convene a prayer meeting and invite all members of the body of Christ, including pastors, ministries, and those in need of prayer to join in the event. Let’s team up and pray together to break down the strongholds in the Pine Ridge Reservation, such as idol worship, witchcraft, drug abuse, evil deeds, religious spirits, and the transformation of the land and people.

Also, pray for reservation politics, the justice system, schools, and young people during the prayer meeting. There is a spirit of destruction in the reservation which makes young people addicted to the drug Meth, killing each other; even the elderly are addicted to it.

Mama Norma asked us to stand with them and pray for the following:

  • God raises up young pastors because the harvest is big but not enough workers.
  • Raise up pastors filled with the Holy Spirit.
  • Transformation of the Pine Ridge Reserve.
  • Pray for the Fund for the Pine Ridge Prayer Home.
  • Pray for her grandson, George Jr., that God will lead him to know whether to run for council. Ask God to give him wisdom and strategy.

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Cleansing And Covering Prayer

Cleansing Prayers

Dear Heavenly Father, I ________ (put your name in it) come to the throne of grace, through the blood of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, to receive Your abundant grace and mercy.   Lord Jesus, ________ confess You are the Lord of my life.   I ask the resurrected power of the Holy Spirit to fill and saturate every part of my being.   I surrender all my spirit, soul and body completely to You.  Now I ask You to reveal to me, remind me of any sin that I have committed known or unknown, so that I can confess and repent of them accordingly. (Recommendation:  quiet yourself, so you can allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you)

Cleanse me from all the defilement of the world, sanctify me and my family line of any unrighteousness with the blood of Jesus.   Now by my own will, I choose to forgive everyone that has offended me or hurt me, I release them into the freedom of my forgiveness.   I also release them from the debts they might owe me. I now cast all my burden to You .  Your yoke is easy, Your burden is light.   I now put on the armor of God that You have given me, gird myself with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, my feet fitted with the gospel of peace, so that I can pray and intercede in the Holy Spirit by Your mighty power, and after done all to stand firm.

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Firewall Covering Prayer

Abba Father, I thank you for watching and blessing us coming in and going out, from now and forevermore.
Abba Father, help us to hide under the shadow of the Almighty, and cover us with Your wings.   I now plead the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on myself, my entire family _________

(speak names of your family, and name the people, things, items, that needs covering, such as : your work, ministries, and everyone that you minister to, your  property, finances, friends, pets, vehicles, pastors and small group leaders / members and president )

Abba Father, send the host of angels and chariots of fire, to surround and protect us, I ask that You place the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ, in between everyone and the power of darkness that we might be facing today, to block all ungodly influences and keep us from all spiritual attacks, loss of property and any evil strategy of the enemies. We declare no weapon formed against us shall prosper.   Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!

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