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Editor’s Note
Prayer Declaration
Pray For United States
Prayer For Israel
Pray for Global Critical Events
Prayer for Native Americans
Pray for Church

Editor’s Words

Editorial Special Section: Blessings of The Month of Elul

Message:  Ron Sawka  Date: August 15, 2022  Source: Ron Sawka Apostolic Ministries

Editor’s note : The month of Elul is the sixth month in the Jewish calendar year 5783, corresponding to August 18, 2023 to September 15, 2023 in the Western calendar. This article is excerpted from the 2006 CD Lecture by the Apostle Ron Sawka of Glory of Zion Prophet Chuck Pierce. He highly recommends Chuck Pierce’s website for more information and for a more complete explanation.

…Detailed Reading

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Editorial Special Section: Gina Gholston: Ready, Set, Go!

Message: Gina Gholston Date: August 14, 2023  Source : “Give Him 15 “

“We are now in such an incredible move of God. We have shifted into a time where we have received strategy from the Lord, the fire has been lit, and there is no stopping this glorious movement that has gained momentum and is spreading across the nation and the world!

…Detailed Reading

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Editorial Special Section: Dutch Sheets: Running With the King’s Heart

Message:  Dutch Sheets Date: August 16, 2024  Source: “Give Him 15”

Second Samuel 18 is a sad chapter. King David’s traitorous son, Absalom, is killed, and his coup is overthrown. A “runner,” as they called them back then, needs to take the bitter-sweet news to David: the rebellion is over, but your son is dead.

…Detailed Reading

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Editorial Special Section: Chuck Pierce: A NEW MOVEMENT IN A NEW ERA HAS BEGUN!

Info : Chuck Pierce Date : August 5, 2023 Source : YouTube Video

Editor’s note : This article is an excerpt from a message delivered by the Prophet Chuck Pierce in a meeting in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

You don’t ride quarter horses & race horses the same. You have to let a race horse run. That’s our hardest thing – letting go. What causes a movement to move is letting go. We’re going to learn to go with the wind!

…Detailed Reading

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Editorial Special Section: Pastor Anton Cruz: The End Time is Approaching, Rise Up for a Hundred Days of Prayer to Welcome Revival ”

Information : Anton Cruz Date : August 16, 2023  Source : Prayer Coalition for Kingdom Revival Unity

Pastor Anton Cruz, founder of the “Royal Kids” ministry and the “Heavenly Father’s Heart” ministry in India, delivered a message at the Zion Kingdom Apostolic Center in Hsinchu on August 12. He encouraged Christians to actively prepare for the end times, and God wants to use children and young people to bring about revival.

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Declaration Prayer: For President Trump and His Team [Update]

We declare in the name of Jesus :

  • God will continue to bless and protect President Trump and his family, as well as the “scepter of justice” that God has raised up to support him in his government.
  • The blood of Jesus covers them and those close to President Trump, bind and drive away any witchcraft or spells cast on them.
  • The Holy Spirit continues to pour out and personally guide President Trump. He grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God. ( Lu 2:52 )
  • The seven spirits of God are manifested in President Trump’s life ( Isaiah 11:1-3 ), giving him keen insight and discernment, judging the situation, and resolutely continuing to fulfill his call.
  •  God will restore Trump to his rightful position at His best time and give people grace to transition.

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Declaration Prayer: The Declaration for the Month of Elul

Editor’s note: The month of Elul is the sixth month in the Jewish calendar year 5783, corresponding to August 18 to September 15, 2023 in the Western calendar.

Declare in the name of Jesus :

  1. Jehovah God is my light and salvation, He brings growth and victory. ( Psalm 27:1 )
  2. This is the month of Gad, My month of success and victory.
  3. I am a child of God, part of a family, connected to the family of God.
  4. I know how to be humble, to be rich, to be full, to be hungry, to have more than to be in need, to be in any situation, I have learned the secret. ( Philippians 4:12 )
  5. Jehovah God is visiting me, helping me in my work and ministry, changing my life.
  6. The LORD God will show mercy and lead me out of the predicament.
  7. Jehovah God desires to be close to me, and I want to draw close to God and be filled with all His fullness.
  8. I choose to enter into the rest and power of God and renew my strength.
  9. God has given me great ability to stand up in the face of conflict and become a person who can bear the burden.

(Adapted from The Blessings of the Month of Elul by Ron Sakaw )

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Declaration Prayer: Prophetic Proclamations for August

Editor’s note : This announcement is from Craig Cooney’s manifesto published on the Daily Prophetic on August 1, 2023. (Translation: Kingdom Prayer Network)

Declare in the name of Jesus Christ:

  • Weariness is lifting.
  • Heaviness is shifting.

…Detailed Reading

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Pray for America: Command God’s Covenant with America

Editor’s note: This article is an excerpt from the 8/11 prayer of “Give Him 15 Minutes” by Intercession Leader Dutch Sheets . “I invite you to join me every day in prayer for our country until the election crisis is resolved. I will read the daily 15 Minutes to Him, give a comment, and then we will pray together. As we stand for America” You can join us here as we go to Petition. – Duck Sheets

Background on Current Events: It is difficult for some people to believe God needs our cooperation, that He works on earth through humans, not independently of them. Their concept of God’s sovereignty simply cannot allow them to believe He would limit Himself in any way to the actions of people. But He has. …Detailed Reading

  • Matthew 6:9-13  Therefore, say this in your prayers: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. May your kingdom come. May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are all yours forever.
  • Isaiah 22:22   I will put on his shoulder the key of David’s house; he will open it and no one will shut it, and he will shut it and no one will be able to open it. 
  • Matthew 16:18-19   On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.


  • The authority of Christ’s kingdom “comes down” and His will is done in America as it is in heaven:
  • The preamble declared to the United States shall endure forever!
  • Covenant well at Cape Henry, flowing to America!
  • Liberty Bell, sound to the whole world, proclaims the redemption of Christ!
  • America, continues to be a country “under God”!
  • The evil in America, be shaken down!
  • The evil turmoil in America must be uprooted! The wicked in court must be suppressed!
  • What Satan’s enemies have devised, God will turn against them, and make them bow in shame . Wherever they try to sue, God overthrows and subverts. The scale of justice will be tilted towards the good, and the bowl of judgment will be tilted towards the wicked.
  • We bind the demons that are destroying America’s foundations! The devil will surely fail! The tamarisk stick of the covenant will destroy all the works of the enemy.
  • America must be saved! Revival, come to America and the world!
  • The wind of God is blowing! Dry bones come alive!
  • Children and youth, be saved, set free, and be redeemed!
  • Campus, welcome the visit of heaven! Prodigal sons, come home! Jesus Revolution, come!

In the holy name of Christ Jesus, amen!

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Pray for America: Epoch-Making Revival

Editor’s Note: This article is an excerpt from the 8/15 prayer of “Give Him 15 Minutes” by Intercession Leader Dutch Sheets . “I invite you to join me every day in prayer for our country until the election crisis is resolved. I will read the daily 15 Minutes to Him, give a comment, and then we will pray together. As we stand for America” Day Petition, you can join us here. – Dutch Sheets

Background on Current Events: One of my favorite verses on revival is Acts 3:19: “Repent therefore and return, that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.” …Detailed Reading

  • Ezekiel 37:9  Prophesy, prophesy to the wind, “Thus says the Sovereign LORD, O breath, come from the four quarters, and blow upon these slain, and give them life”
  • Matthew 9:37  Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
  • Acts 3:19 Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, and that day of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord 


  • An Epoch-Making Revival Comes to America : Heavenly Father, please increase our enthusiasm and vision to bring about the epochal revival You have planned. To ignite the fire of passion in the church and make it strong enough to do whatever it takes to bring about revival. Wake up, seize the moment, buy the moment You make. Breathe into the dead bones of American soil, bring them to life, save and rescue, redeem and transform America, and make this revival an epochal revival like never before. We believe that the whole of America can be reborn in one day. May Your will be done!
  • We declare in the name of Jesus Christ :
    • The wind of the Holy Spirit is blowing on America.
    • People in the United States are waking up and turning back to God.
    • Ecclesia, the American Church, will arise to govern the United States with God-given authority.
    • An epoch-making revival will come to the whole of America, and no one can stop it!

In the holy name of Christ Jesus, amen!

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Pray for Israel: (14) “And They Shall Call Them ‘The Holy People’, ‘The Redeemed of the Lord'”

Editor’s note : The series of prayers in “Isaiah 62 Prayer” was written by Sandra Teplinsky, one of the founders and directors of Light of Zion in 2023. This year is to complement the excellent devotional prayer handbook “God’s Heart for Israel” published by IHOP-KC, Kansas, Missouri. In 2023, IHOP-KC initiates a 21-day global fast and prayer according to Isaiah 62 and recommends participants to use this prayer booklet. We will publish the prayers in it every week in the future.

Current event: As a prayer leader of Messianic Jewish believers in Jerusalem, Israel, it is very valuable to be able to supplement the handbook “God’s Heart for Israel”, especially for Israeli intercessors who participated in the 21-day fast. It is the main reason why I wrote “Isaiah 62-Praying for Israel” (hereinafter referred to as “Isaiah 62 Prayer”), and I also hope to help those who have been praying for Israel for many years but do not live in Israel and are not Jewish intercessor.....Detailed Reading

  • Isaiah 62:12 And they shall call them ‘The Holy People’, The ‘Redeemed of the Lord’ , and you will be called Sought After, the City No Longer Deserted.


God of Compassion, when You move in power, You do not exclude the weak and needy or those who are marginalized by men. The weak and needy in Zion, including the disenfranchised, shall also be called “Holy” and “Redeemed of the Lord.” I lift to Your throne of grace each of the weak and needy in Israel: the many peaceable but wrongly suffering Israeli Arab, Druze, and Bedouin peoples; the poor; widows and orphans; the unborn, especially those about to be aborted; the elderly, the sick, injured and handicapped; those in prison; victims of terror or war and their families; Messianic Jews who are persecuted for their faith; and others for whom You have great compassion. 

Merciful Redeemer, Your irrevocable gifts and calling on Israel include the weak and needy among her. Encourage them that despite their plight, they shall be a holy people, redeemed of the Lord. Draw near to each in their distress and soothe them by Your Spirit. Vindicate their cause. Deliver them from their oppressors and heal their wounds. In Yeshua’s Name, let justice from heaven roll forth as a river on behalf of those grieving in Zion. Reveal to them Your Salvation. 

I declare over the weak and needy what You have decreed for them in Your Word: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 

Forgive us, O God, to the extent we have neglected the weak and the needy. Show us how to care for their needs and how to strengthen them. Provide for us the resources necessary to attain social justice in Israel. Transform us together as we become, by Your covenant mercy and grace, “The Holy People, The Redeemed of the Lord.” 

Thank You for receiving my petition in the courts of heaven and showing Yourself strong on our behalf.

In the name of Jesus, amen!

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Critical Event: Fatherhood Ignited in Africa

[Background: Sudanese pastor Wagdi responded to the Lord’s call. On July 8th, he will go to Egypt alone to serve the Sudanese refugees who fled there, and rescue his nephew and niece who are fleeing. Here are the latest prayer messages from him:...Detailed Reading

  • Mal 3:1 a  The LORD of hosts says, “I will send my angel to prepare the way before me.”
  • Mal 4:5-6   Behold! Before the great and dreadful day of the LORD comes, I will send to you Elijah the prophet, and he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of their children to their fathers, lest I come and curse the earth.


  • Impart the Father’s Heart : Heavenly Father, Wagdi has a father’s heart, he is the father of Sultan, and he will be the father of Africa in the near future! This is his destiny – he is to lead many sons and daughters back to their true father’s house. What he did in Sudan, he will do in the nations of Africa. Not only did he do it himself, but he also raised up many fathers and mothers, raised up many spiritual families, and took the Sudan and the lonely and helpless people on the land of Africa into his arms and brought them back to the home of the heavenly father. Wagdi said that he [had put life and death aside] and put only God’s concerns first. Here, we wish him the success of imparting the heart of fatherhood to African countries, reversing the curses of Africa, and becoming a home where the heavenly Father lives happily.
  • Successors to the Kingdom of God : Heavenly Father, thank You for miraculously preserving Wagdi’s nephews and nieces. Wagdi wants them to stay with him and receive spiritual equipment. Yes, Father God, Your family inheritance needs successors – there is no delay in bringing up the next generation. They are witnessing the older generation spreading love and embracing destiny. In the future, they will become the mainstay of the Kingdom of God. We declare in the name of Jesus Christ that there will be an heir to the kingdom of God! 

In the holy name of Christ Jesus, amen!

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Pray for Native Americans: Arise and Resound!

【Current Affairs: In these times, I believe the Lord is INCREASING and RELEASING His voice, with great authority, through His “first fruits” people groups of the land. He is raising up His sold out, set apart, Indigenous burning ones, and releasing HIS VOICE to set nations ablaze for Jesus. …Detailed Reading

  • Psalm 149:3-4 Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with timbrel and harp. For the Lord takes delight in his people;  he crowns the humble with victory.
  • Psalm 40:1-3 I waited patiently for the Lord;  he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock  and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth,  a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him.


First Nations people, We decree that

  •  the shackles have now been broken off of you. Arise and dance! 
  • First Nations people break forth with dancing and worship to the Lord (see Psalm 149:3-4 TPT)!
  • I decree, you have been lifted out of the pit of destruction, your feet have been set upon the rock of Jesus and He has established your goings (see Psalm 40:1-3 AMP). Arise and resound – no longer bound!
  • I decree, the Lord has put a new song of praise to the one true living God in your mouth. 
  • You have now put your trust and confident reliance in the Lord God Almighty. You see Him, you revere Him, and you worship Him alone.
  • First Nations sons and daughters, arise and shift into destiny, with a dance of deliverance and a strong song, boldly decreeing the Word of the Lord with your new voice!

In the name of Christ Jesus, amen!

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Pray For Church

Pray for Participating Churches and Pastrs on Regional 24/7 Prayer Walls

Editor’s Note: The 24/7 prayer walls listed here are especially for local churches and pastors. If you are committed to watch on the regional walls, simply click on the link listed below to connect to the local prayer wall. 】

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Related Events and Prayer Background

Editorial Special Section: Blessings of The Month of Elul

Message:  Ron Sawka  Date: August 15, 2022  Source: Ron Sawka Apostolic Ministries

Editor’s note : The month of Elul is the sixth month in the Jewish calendar year 5783, corresponding to August 18, 2023 to September 15, 2023 in the Western calendar. This article is excerpted from the 2006 CD Lecture by the Apostle Ron Sawka of Glory of Zion Prophet Chuck Pierce. He highly recommends Chuck Pierce’s website for more information and for a more complete explanation.

A Month of Hope and Great Anticipation!

Elul is the sixth month of the sacred calendar and the twelfth month of the civil calendar. This is a month full of hope. Yes, the first two months were a reminder of Israel’s major failures (worship of the golden calf, refusal to enter the Promised Land), but these two months should also be seen as a time for God to show His mercy and goodness. Despite the Israelites’ failures and delays, God led them through. How good God is! He desires us to have great expectations and hopes.

I love the tradition of reading Psalm 27 every day this month ; it is similar to ” counting the omer . ” Indeed, the Lord wants us to be full of anticipation and vibrant hope. We have to make sure this is our attitude and our mindset.

The Month of Elul

  1. The month of the tribe of Gad. When Gad was being born Leah said, “A troop comes” (Gen. 30:11), which indicates increase. Also note Jacob’s blessing in Genesis 49:19, which states,Even though a troop will trample over him, he shall triumph.” This also indicates that this is a month of triumph and victory.
  1. The month to camp—or to find your place in the order of camps—in the company of the Lord. A mistrust of others or a desire to “go at it alone” are because of roots of rejection or an orphan spirit. Last month was about shifting into our identity. The more we are connected to and are part of God’s family, the more this shifting will come about.
  1. The month of rewards. Rewards begin to manifest over what you have done. Think “reward,” and ask the Holy Spirit to help you to be able to see all the good things God is giving you. You will begin to reap what you have sown. If you constantly labor and never see the reward, you’ll get burned out. You need to know how to abound. (In Philippians 4:12, Paul said that he knew how to abound [1].) Also in these end times, let us remember the sowing-reaping cycle is rapidly speeding up.
  1. The month that the King is in the field. He is coming to visit us and to help us in our work and ministry. Approach Him and allow His countenance to shine upon you. There is an awe of God that we come into so He can pour Himself out upon us.
  1. The month of the Hebrew letter yod [י]. Yod is connected to the number ten. It is the only letter that is suspended in midair; it indicates appointed mercy from the hand of God. Ask Him for mercy for any situation in your life that needs solving.
  1. The month of Virgo (the maiden). “I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine” (Song of Sol. 6:3). The more we are connected to His family, the more we enter into intimacy with Him.
  1. A month to run into the tower of might—a strength greater than yours that can encompass you. You don’t have to be strong all the time, but you can enter into His strength (see Proverbs 18:10 [2]).
  1. A month for inner knowledge of peace to be activated. Always find time to “regroup” in order to be whole.
  1. The “point month.” The understanding of the beginning so you can begin to reach your end.
  1. The month to fix what has been broken. (If He doesn’t tell you it’s fixable, let it go.)
  1. The month of complex systems beginning to be managed.
  1. The “mother month.” The month of nurturing. This month is apostolic, just like Av. Whom are you looking after? Who is looking after you?
  1. The month where Rebecca gave birth to Jacob and Esau. Do you “birth” blessing, or something that God is going to hate later on? What are you contending for? What is contending for you?
  2. The month of the left hand—controlling the sense of action and good or bad emotions. You need to be sure your emotions are in good order. God gives us great ability to stand in the midst of emotional conflict and still abound. You don’t need to be someone who is unstable or unreliable. You have the ability to be a burden bearer.


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Editorial Special Section: Gina Gholston: Ready, Set, Go!

Message: Gina Gholston Date: August 14, 2023  Source : “Give Him 15 “

“We are now in such an incredible move of God. We have shifted into a time where we have received strategy from the Lord, the fire has been lit, and there is no stopping this glorious movement that has gained momentum and is spreading across the nation and the world!

“A few years ago, the Lord gave me a dream regarding awakening. In the dream, I was at Pastor John Kilpatrick’s church, and he asked me to come to the stage. Reluctantly, I went, and he handed me the microphone. I was very nervous because I felt that I had nothing to say. As I lifted the microphone, Holy Spirit filled me, and I very calmly said, ‘The wind is blowing.’

“As those words left my mouth, the glory of the Lord filled the room, and I began to prophesy, What was will be again, but it will be different this time. This time it will not be millions of people coming to one place to find Me. There are “bundles” [people], who are saturated with the oil of My Spirit, who will come into places where My fire is present. They will be immediately ignited by the fire of My glory. They will carry that fire with them as they go out. As they come in contact with other ‘bundles’ who are saturated with the oil of My Spirit, they, too, will be ignited and carry the fire, spreading it to other “bundles.” This is what awakening will look like. This is how My glory will spread to the nation and the nations of the world.

“I believe this fiery movement has begun. It is not for one person, one particular church, or denomination. Through His prophets, God has spoken of a great shaking that is coming, and also of another great awakening in our time! This is that time! The wind of Holy Spirit is blowing, and God is igniting the flames of revival. He is igniting His saturated ‘bundles’ and releasing us as fiery carriers of revival. A glory eruption is taking place!

“The Lord recently said to me, ‘There is a swell of an underground current that is rising up. It will burst forth and form into a wave of justice that will impact the nation.’ When He spoke this, He also reminded me of a word He gave me on February 9, 2020. I hear Him saying it yet again: ‘My power is twirling. It is an unstoppable spin that is breaking the surface to relieve the pressure of the “swell” of My spirit. Reformation is pushing forth! The die has been cast! It cannot be stopped! The geyser [is being] released! What has been “concealed” will now be “revealed”! Watch it gush forth, release the swell’s pressure, and reveal the river of My glory!

“The Lord hasn’t forgotten us! He has not forgotten His words and promises. Our labor has not been in vain. Everything God has done in and through us has led to this history-making moment. Now, He needs His Ekklesia to be alert and strengthened with renewed hope and expectation for all that is unfolding at a very rapid pace.

“Notice how quickly things have changed. We went from preaching that God has a remnant ready and willing to move with and for Him, to thousands of people moving with fervent passion — anointing their borders, securing their perimeters, and commanding the foreword of God’s original intentions. Acceleration has begun! We are in a move of God! It’s not ‘coming’; it’s here! It is happening!

“Recently, I traveled to speak at a gathering in eastern Ohio. That morning, God awakened me with three words that literally felt like fiery arrows being shot into my spirit: ‘Ready, Set, Go!’

“Instantly, I was reminded of Hebrews 12:1-2 (AMP). It wasn’t just a gentle reminder of a good Scripture, and it wasn’t a suggestion. It came as a command from God, accompanying the words I had heard. Strip off every unnecessary weight and the sin which so easily and cleverly entangles you; run with endurance and active persistence the race that is set before you, [look away from all that will distract you] focus your eyes on Jesus, who is the Author and Perfecter of your faith.

“Things are moving quickly, and we must rid ourselves of any and all unnecessary baggage that could slow us down or cause us to hesitate in our obedience to God. We must keep our focus on Jesus and our spiritual ears attentive to Holy Spirit’s leading! The moment is requiring us to be prepared and positioned for the ‘go’ that is rapidly approaching!

“In the book of Joshua, we find a Biblical example of a time when God’s people were required to shift into acceleration mode. God proclaimed an urgent three-day time limit for the people to get prepared to cross over the Jordan. As their God-appointed leader, Joshua instructed them to gather only the necessary things so they could be ready to move at a moment’s notice.

“We are in such a moment. Through prophetic words and dreams, God has revealed that He has given us a three-month timeline: June, July, and August. Within this time frame, we are to be ready, active, and have the next strategy in place by September. We are in the third month of that three-month timeline. The time is urgent, and the Lord is commanding us, ‘Lay aside every hindering weight. Be ready to move with Me at a moment’s notice! Be ready, and be set for the “go”!’

“God will save America, and He will do it through His ignited, saturated “bundles.” If we will lay aside the weights and surrender all, we will be part of the prepared company ignited to shine with the undeniable reality of His transforming power. Through us, He will manifest His power, might, and glory.

“The wave is forming, and we will see an undeniable awakening. This will have a profound impact now and in the future!”

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Editorial Special Section: Dutch Sheets: Running With the King’s Heart

Message:  Dutch Sheets Date: August 16, 2024  Source: “Give Him 15”

Second Samuel 18 is a sad chapter. King David’s traitorous son, Absalom, is killed, and his coup is overthrown. A “runner,” as they called them back then, needs to take the bitter-sweet news to David: the rebellion is over, but your son is dead.

A fast, gifted runner named Ahimaaz wanted to carry the news, but the general chose an unnamed Cushite, and off he went. Ahimaaz, however, was not to be denied: Please let me run also…” (v. 22). The general finally said okay, and Ahimaaz took off. He was so fast that he eventually passed the Cushite and proudly delivered the message to David that the coup was over.

Then David then asked about Absalom, Ahimaaz answered with embarrassment that he didn’t know. He hadn’t cared enough to find out about David’s son. The Cushite then arrived and gave David the sad news: your son is dead.

Ahimaaz was very fast. He started last but arrived first. This gifted man ran in vain, however – You will have no reward for going,the general had said (2 Samuel 18:22). Ahimaaz didn’t have the complete message. He didn’t have it because he didn’t possess and run with the king’s heart. David had not only defeated an enemy, but he had also lost a son. Ahimaaz eventually stepped aside in ignorance, insignificance, and embarrassment, as a nameless individual took center stage and delivered the complete message.

Our message will always in some way be deficient if it isn’t motivated by the King’s heart. I’m speaking, of course, of God our King. The pleasure of the Father is and must remain the ultimate goal of our running. The glory and exaltation of the Son must be our chief aim. His passion and priority of harvesting sons and daughters into the family must become ours.

God is willing to share His heart for America and the worldwide harvest with those who desire it. But beware – His is broken. When God touched my heart with His on October 4, 2000, I wasn’t ready for what I felt. I thought mine was going to break in two. And I became a man with a cause – ruined for life. Ask for God’s heart, but if you do, get ready to change.

Why Are We Running?

Why are we running, building, laboring for revival? Is it for personal fulfillment, fame, glory, self-aggrandizement, to make a name for ourselves? Or are we, as the Cushite in this passage, content to remain nameless? Is it for advancement, a position? Is it to display our gifts, our speed? Are we looking to build something big?

In Philippians 3:14, Paul said, “I press toward the mark (KJV). His goal, or “mark” as he called it, was clear. In verse 12 (NASB), he said, I press on in order that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus.

The Gift Mentality

Unfortunately, the charismatic movement, as positive as I know it was, gave us a gift mentality: We ran on the strength of our gifts. The very word “charismatic” means “grace gifts.” And this often led to a performance mentality: run to set records, to be first, to be the best, to be the biggest. “Build ’em big and build ’em fast!” became the mindset of many in the church. Overnight sensations were, and in many ways still are, the order of the day. There is nothing biblical about this mindset! Persistent, progressive, hanging-in-there, long-term building should receive more honor than something that springs up quickly. Sadly, it does not. Far more character is needed to build a work or ministry over a long period of time than to enjoy something which happens quickly.

One of the basic problems with this philosophy of success, aside from its inherent pride and self-exaltation, is that if any part of our vision (which becomes the goal of running) is born of ambition – rather than God’s heart – we are soon running for self, not the King. Zeal that was originally to do something for God often becomes a zeal to remain successful. This change can be so subtle it frequently happens without us even realizing it. The Church in America is inundated with Ahimaazs – people running for their own ambition rather than for God.

I spoke yesterday of the need for vision, but vision alone must not be our starting place. Vision, born of God’s heart, must be our starting place. The questions we must continually ask ourselves are: How well do I understand and relate to the King’s heart in this matter? Is that and that alone my motive for running, for building? Was His heart the birthplace of my vision?

The question must NOT be: How fast or gifted am I? Our speed or giftedness does NOT validate our running.

Holy Hubert

A gentleman used greatly by God in the early days of the charismatic movement, Hubert Lindsay, exemplifies a life lived according to God’s heart. Mr. Lindsay was part of that which was eventually called “The Jesus Movement.” This movement was used by God to bring thousands of drug-addicted, sexually perverted, disillusioned, and rebellious young people into the Kingdom of God. Hubert Lindsay eventually became known as “Holy Hubert.”

Like King David, who wasn’t called by his father to join the “potential king lineup” (see 1 Samuel 16), nothing about Holy Hubert’s appearance or personality caused him to stand apart. He wasn’t all that charismatic, but like David, he possessed something more important: God’s heart.

I once had the privilege of hearing Mr. Lindsay speak. He told of his calling to minister at the University of California at Berkeley, and spoke of the miracles and salvations. He mixed in some humor, and we all laughed, cheered, and applauded. What impacted me most, however, was a passing comment Holy Hubert made about how his ministry at Berkeley had been birthed.

“I became so burdened for this generation,” he said, “that I would walk the streets of the campus – sometimes all night long – weeping and interceding for those lost kids. I plead with God to give me those young people.” God had given this man His heart for a lost generation.

The Lord answered Hubert’s cry – because it was His own – and gave him a revival. Church historians agree that the Jesus movement was of extreme significance in the renewal of the ’60s and ’70s. And when tracing the roots of The Jesus Movement, one invariably ends up at Berkeley with Holy Hubert Lindsay.

His burden cost him dearly, however. His broken heart led to broken bones – not to a large salary or a huge congregation. Lindsay and his wife were beaten on numerous occasions, stabbed, mocked, and ridiculed as they preached the gospel on campus. His wife eventually suffered brain damage from this, and Holy Hubert lost his sight due to the beatings. Just as the apostle Paul did, they bore on their bodies the marks of the Lord Jesus (see Galatians 6:17).

The Lindsays picture for us the principle of running with the heart of God, allowing that to become the motivation for ministry. This heart releases pure revival, keeping it free from the debris of pride and selfish motivation.

The past movement’s weakness in this regard resulted in a generation of Christians who believed being gifted qualified one for ministry. Character and God’s heart were replaced by other priorities and motivations, which inevitably led many to build personal kingdoms. A cooperative heart (God’s) was superseded by a competitive heart (humankind’s). Travailing, agonizing prayer was replaced by the strength of our gifts. Last, and probably most tragically, success was measured, not by how well we knew the Father, but by how well-known we were.

We compensated for our ignorance with speed and raced forward out of control.

Push came to shove, Ahimaaz passed the Cushite, and the King wept. Now, we are in desperate need of an alignment; our fast-moving, state-of-the-art churches are pulling hard to the right and left. A “presence” revival, built around intimacy with the King – not man’s version of success – will correct this.

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Editorial Special Section: Chuck Pierce: A NEW MOVEMENT IN A NEW ERA HAS BEGUN!

Info : Chuck Pierce Date : August 5, 2023 Source : YouTube Video

Editor’s note : This article is an excerpt from a message delivered by the Prophet Chuck Pierce in a meeting in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

You don’t ride quarter horses & race horses the same. You have to let a race horse run. That’s our hardest thing – letting go. What causes a movement to move is letting go. We’re going to learn to go with the wind!


It’s a new era. God looks for a new movement. Faith works in time and in place. It doesn’t just work with us wandering around saying we believe. God always will meet us in the right time and right place. That’s what Acts 17 is about. He’s going to make sure you’ll be at a certain time and a certain place. And all of a sudden He extends the horizon places. With that and because a new era has begun, we have to understand we’re in a new era. 


An era is when a historical shift occurs. War = conflict. Since Sept. 2019 we have been through much war. It’s not something we fear or back away from. 

Most of my books are linked with the understanding of the war ahead prophetically because when God visited me in 1986, he showed me in 10-year increments through 2026. I’ve written several books about that, especially China’s role. We’ve been to China many times since then. 

One of the things I saw happen in 2020 was God removing us from being in China because China now is taking a different stand in the war ahead and it affects America greatly. 


There is great resistance against the Holy Spirit advancing. I think sometimes the body of Christ is very naïve about remembering that we carry the 3rd person of the Godhead within us. And because we carry the 3rd Person of the Godhead, everything that is anti-God Himself hits us to try to knock us back. We have to always make sure that our spirit man is filled and moving forward. Now that comes by us obeying. Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word of the Lord. With that, there is this voice that’s crying out from the earth. The earth has a voice. Scranton has a voice. When the voice of the spirit of God from the land gets loud enough, God responds to it. 

That was the whole principle of the first Passover – Him creating it because after 400 years the people finally got so tired of where their life was that they cried out – it says in Exodus 2 they cried out so loudly – it says God acknowledged their cry from the earth realm and responded because of His covenant. And that is what I see has happened here. Some way or another there has been enough crying out that God responded from heaven to speak. And that’s why God speaks to us. He is ready to break some old cycles and make some new cycles. 

And so, once we hear what He’s saying, we go to work. Ergos is a word we need to understand. We have to go to work in the place where God has called us to go to work. And that is why we’re here. Then our role is to align the will of heaven – this is the Lord’s prayer – to get that portal open, so God’s will in heaven can surround our territory that He’s assigned us to. 


Every time it gets very close to a breakthrough for total transformation, the enemy pushes back. And we have to know there are certain things. Paul said to the people of Thessalonica, ‘Aren’t you aware who’s opposing you?’ Sometimes we forget who’s opposing us. Just because we’re not seeing it fully manifest doesn’t mean He didn’t say it.

He said to Abraham, that promise, here’s your boundaries, here’s your promise and here’s all the enemies in it. It just took him 476 years to get someone in there to do it. He can outwait us if we don’t want to move. He tried over and over. Jacob was there, Jacob left, Jacob had to go back. You can just follow the pattern. Many times He had a group in the Promised Land that could not bring forth what He wanted at a certain time. To get out of Egypt – many times they slander the promise. 

THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN IN SCRANTON! Gosh, everything the Lord said about this is here: the grapes, milk, the honey, the land, all the houses – everything that’s been prepared for us. But we saw giants overlooking it and we’re out of here! 

In your promise is the factor of war. And somebody, to establish the promise, has to face off what has already been given them to triumph over. Your enemies are already inside your ultimate promise. BUT SOMEBODY HAS TO FACE OFF THE ITES THAT ARE WORKING – have been working for you FOR THE LAST 10 GENERATIONS. You’ve already been given this land. It’s just that someone is going to have to face off what is resisting a manifestation of Heaven’s glory in the land. 

Let’s go back to what’s in the dream of what God said about Scranton, “Until they gather in Scranton, America cannot have revival.” So you have something about God speaking that has to be interpreted by that word. That’s the way revelation works. I have to say, “Ok, they have now gathered in Scranton – something has come alive.” Now, what you have to determine from that word – until they gather in Scranton…Did they gather in Scranton so all of America comes into a new place? Will the effects of this gathering be the model for all of America where ppl have cried out over and over for the spirit of God to move that creates that movement from town to town, city to city, all across America? 

Will the call to our First People come in and be healed strongly enough that the 5-fold in the First People will now rise up and lead in a way they were meant to lead in the beginning? 

I think I’ve spent as much effort in that as anyone. My brother & sister were not taught the ways of the Chickasaw, but the first child was always given to the maternal ones to help teach them to pass on the ways of the people. And because of that, I have things in me that I have to release.  My mother didn’t understand that until weeks before she died. And yet, there is something you’re carrying in you today that you uniquely are responsible to release to create a movement in days ahead – to accelerate the movement in days ahead. 

My brother shares a story – he was quite a traumatic person. We raised horses. We’d go to the horse races and I had an ability to pick winners. I would lay under this vehicle and they’d bring me their sheets. And one horse that was racing that my Dad knew was supposed to win, the jockey got injured in a previous race. My Dad just took my brother and put him up on this racehorse because he was the right size and said, “You’ll ride this horse.” Well, he panicked and yet he knew he had to ride. He never grabbed hold of the reigns – he grabbed hold of the mane and had to hold on for dear life. But that horse, which was a blessing for both of us, won the race. My picks and him riding kept us moving forward. But that situation was very difficult. He cried and cried and went on and on. 

And last year, he’s over one of the larger title companies in our area, these 2 couples from TX and came to him to do a closing and (they bought a big piece of land in TX). he said, “Are you one of those Pierce’s?” I was a young fellow when they put you on that horse. Keith said, I thought they thought I was the biggest pansy on earth. He said, we all thought you were the greatest hero that was in the whole place. 

So, what you’re going to have to do is see your role in the movement and see how to process where you go from here. Are you called to see everything come forth in Scranton or from Scranton are you called to see a nation advance? That becomes the real question.


SCRANTON, PA THE PLACE OF REVIVAL, THE CROSSROADS OF REVOLUTION! It becomes some key factor in the way America goes for its future. Without you gathering here, without pioneering and being a part, the remnant coming together, we could not see America advance or have faith for it to advance the way the Lord intends it to happen as we go into the war ahead. The war will intensify by October. 

You have to know you have a portion – that’s what inheritance means – and with that portion you have to learn to encircle your portion and you have to know how to establish your portion. 

There are some ladies here from FL. Their roots are from NY, but they’ll take the anointing from this meeting back to FL. You will take the anointing from this meeting back.  

I had to come here to get the anointing you have to bring back for me to propel myself into the future. I couldn’t have done that without coming here. Once we start seeing this the way God sees it, all of a sudden we have a great importance about us. You have to know that religious, passive, stubborn structures will resist this day of celebration. Not everyone is as excited about this meeting as you are. 


Not everybody is as excited about this celebration as you are. And I don’t want you leaving here thinking that everyone is going to be excited about what you’ve experienced here. It’s really key that we advance into this season. 

You have to understand, here’s our call. There are 2 things we have been prophesied that we are walking out. One was when Peter finally got it after 3 years of being with the Lord and being discipled – one who is being taught. He finally got it when they were at Caesarea Philippi.  Yeshua says, ‘There’s a lot of ppl talking about me out there. What are they saying?’ ‘They’re saying you’ve been reincarcerated – you were Elijah.’ If Peter can get it, any of us can get it! 



And Peter said, ‘You’re the Messiah – the Anointed One we’ve been watching for all these years – waiting for 400 years – it’s been told to my family that you would come!’ The Lord looked at him and said, ‘Only the Father could have revealed that to you!’ 

What happens with revelation is it uncovers where the occult covers over. And so, every time God speaks, something is being uncovered, something is being ripped off of your life personally, of the territory you’re living in, of the group you’re a part of. I don’t think I could have come into the fullness of my call without first being called back to the First people that my mother and my grandmother were a part of. And every time I’d hear something about it, a layer would come off your bloodline. It’s causing the Spirit to gain more access to you. 

Peter says, and the Lord prophecies: Upon this rock (Petros – same word that Pierce comes from: Peter) I will build my Ekklesia and you’ll be given the keys to bind or loose. You’ll get the keys and be given the keys to unlock the Kingdom. So now, in the midst of this call, we have to ask: How is the kingdom coming forth from Scranton and how will it go forth into America? 

So there comes another call. It was a repeated call in Amos and it was extended all the way into Revelation. There was a war to build you in the future. Acts 15:16. That’s what this year is about – a divine recovery in this generation of the Tabernacle of David. That got repeated in Acts and the whole book of Rev is about the future rebuilding of that in the midst of the warfare that we’ll encounter. Quit trying to understand every dynamic in it. Just read it out loud and let the blessings of God come on you. 

So, you now are moving because God chose you and chose this area to start some rebuilding process of the Tabernacle of David that’s never been seen before.  That makes the moment that you’re in a moment that you can unlock the Kingdom. You’re not building the church – you’re unlocking the Kingdom right now. And if you keep building on last season’s process, you’ll miss the structure. Because the church is not relevant right now in America. It’s not about the church being relevant; it’s about the church being authentic. It’s about us being what we’ve been meant to change the atmosphere in the time and place in which we’ve been sent. Without that, we’ll not move forward. 

There is something you have cried out for that He’s ready to manifest. That’s why Judah has to come first in the building process. With that, we build by worshiping, speaking, warring, watching, working, and ruling. 


I did see one thing about Scranton: nails came from Scranton. So, without the nails, you’re not going to be able to hook things and keep them together. So, Scranton has some major role in putting things together and keeping them together for the future. You have a redemptive spiritual quality that no other place carries. You can take that quality that you see in nature and bring it into the reality of the future spiritually. 

In the same process, Pennsylvania is being unlocked! Now what would that mean to America? It would mean simply one word: FREEDOM AGAIN! Because that’s what this land carries. That’s what the Commonwealth… it would mean a unity in the Body. You’re called the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. That is not the same thing as the state of Texas. The commonwealth – the common good of the people coming together to demonstrate something that could not be seen elsewhere. It’s AMAZING what God is doing!  

So, in this era of war, the era also means how we speak, what we say, what we do, how we accomplish through our voice the rule of the future. Don’t shy away from rules. Rules has different meanings. The rule of the future of where you are determines on the voice and the communication you carry and that’s what I want to activate from my part of being able to be here with you. You carry a voice that will rebuild and restore the Tabernacle of David throughout PA and will cause America to awaken. 

It’s amazing, just amazing! The sounds you carry penetrate into places that it couldn’t have penetrated before. And we communicate out of covenant and out of vision. Provision comes from vision for the future. That’s why Jehovah Jireh came down & revealed Himself in a way He never had before. He said, ‘Abraham, I have seen your faith. I have seen you willing to lay your future on the woodpile of worship. You knew how to order the worship – that you’d been learning how to worship. You came out of Ur of the Chaldees, and then you placed on that woodpile your vision – your only son for the future, Isaac. You’d already given up Ishmael. I watched you by faith give up that testing. So much has been given up. But then there comes a time when you take and lay that and only that which can bring forth the future that God has on the woodpile.’ And you have to say, “Lord, I’ve done my part. It’s all up to You.” 

It’s letting go of those reins. And God came down and said, I’m Jehovah Jireh and I’m going to show you where provision has been hiding right over here and we’re going to lift your vision for the future off the woodpile and then I’m going to do My next part. I’m going to repeat the prophecies that have been given – just like He did in Genesis 22. But then I’ll add to it the prophecies that Isaac has secured. The Lord says this moment unlocks the prophetic for the next season – for Scranton, for PA, for you, and for all of America. 

Now lift your hands to the Lord. He KNOWS what you’re carrying into this season ahead. He knows the voice. No matter how simple you think your voice is, if you can utter, He’s got something you need for you to utter. You’ll either know how to repeat what has been uttered or you’ll know how to speak what needs to come forth in agreement with Him for the future. 

I LOOSE this prophetic anointing here in Scranton! Now put your hand on somebody and tell ‘em, we need you, we need your gift. We need the woodpile of worship from the past and then it needs to be met today in a new way for the future.  

Father, we thank You from heaven You said Scranton and Scranton responded to You. And Father, people came to be a part of what You said here. And Lord, we send out with a NEW COMMISSIONING to say what they need to say and do what they need to do. Lord, we see this movement advancing! 

This place holds a double portion – Lord we loose it now in Jesus’ Name!

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Editorial Special Section: Pastor Anton Cruz: The End Time is Approaching, Rise Up for a Hundred Days of Prayer to Welcome Revival ”

Information : Anton Cruz Date : August 16, 2023  Source : Prayer Coalition for Kingdom Revival Unity

Pastor Anton Cruz, founder of the “Royal Kids” ministry and the “Heavenly Father’s Heart” ministry in India, delivered a message at the Zion Kingdom Apostolic Center in Hsinchu on August 12. He encouraged Christians to actively prepare for the end times, and God wants to use children and young people to bring about revival.

Since 2017, Pastor Anton began to deliver the message of the coming of the end times, warning Christians that they only have 7 years to prepare for the end times. Now that it has come to the end of these 7 years, he emphasized that 2023 is the “time of grace” . God has extended this period of grace because some people call on God. The purpose of the extension is to get people to repent and pray, so that individuals, families, communities, and even the entire country can turn back to God.

Pastor Anton said clearly at the beginning, “time is short, Jesus is coming back, are you ready to meet the call of the end of the day? Now is not the time to sit down and think and plan, but the time to speed up ;It does not mean that there are still several years and months. It is the countdown day. At this time, prepare your family and your country. God is calling all nations and intercessors to prepare to cleanse themselves and become holy , And be free. It’s not just about one church or ministry, it’s about standing in the gap for the whole city.

He encouraged Christians to pray for their parents and children, ask God to extend the time, and say to God: ” Give me one more chance , give me one more chance…, give me one more year, let my family be saved, young people in Taiwan want to be saved, and I cry out to You for them, give me one more chance.”

Pastor Anton encouraged everyone to pray for the salvation of a family member. God is pleased with this prayer, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit will come. Maybe you don’t think your children will be saved, but just keep calling God, “Give me one more chance.” These families will be saved, and it will turn the whole family upside down.

Abraham prayed for Sodom and Gomorrah and intercede with God, but he couldn’t find even 10 righteous people. The local population should exceed one million, but there are not even 10 righteous people. God chose Abraham, and He is calling the people of Taiwan to love and seek Him wholeheartedly. He wants to change the atmosphere and transform the place, and the church needs to return to its original love and calling. Only a chosen few are to return to their first love and enter into the holiest of God.

Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33

God is preparing the people, raising up the generations of Joshua, Mary, Solomon, and Joseph. This is the moment of “completion,” as David prepares to build the temple and Solomon completes it. Pastor Anton prophesied to encourage Christians:

“You are a faithful son and daughter, but why get discouraged? Don’t change course, come into Me, and I’ll be with you. Just turn around and love Me with all your heart. I don’t look at your failures, your fruits. This is time of completion, it will no longer be the generation of Moses, but the generation of Joshua, the generation of the father. Don’t back down, see the next generation complete the mission, and your responsibility is to be faithful and obedient, don’t stop, back down. Don’t quit, don’t leave…, don’t give up. Don’t look at others, don’t complain to others. Walk with others, walk with Me. Even if you lose hope, I will be with you.” , “Maybe you have lost your wisdom or discernment, I will help you connect with the right people, and I will cut off some people for you. Switching relationships and disconnecting is to connect with Me and establish new relationships .

Pastor Anton emphasized that being separated from others is painful, but it is a blessing. Because every disconnection is for a new connection. Not just contacts, but relationships with people. Time is running out, Christians need to stay with the right person and meet God together.

100 Days of Prayer for The Young Generation, for Taiwan and Israel

The “Father’s Heart” ministry will conduct a 100-day fast and prayer, encouraging Christians to pray for Taiwan and Israel for 1 hour a day for 100 consecutive days. Prayer is divided into two phases: this year (2023) September to pray for the younger generation, and next year (2024) February to pray for spiritual parents. He hopes to gather 100,000 intercessors and gather 10 million hours of prayer. So far, 10,000 children have signed the response, and he believes that 50,000 signatures will be gathered soon.

Pastor Anton declared that Taiwan is the second Israel. The revival will come to Asia, and Taiwan is the key. The revival will start from Taiwan, then China, and to Jerusalem. Pastor Anton asked God to cleanse the country, and nominated to pray for all areas of Taiwan, whether in the plains or in the mountains, there would be revival among the aborigines. When God’s mercy comes, Taiwan will be connected with Israel and look out for each other.

Christians must handle their relationship with God and with others. He emphasized that 1 hour of prayer is not asking for God’s blessing. Prayer is not just praying for others or interceding for the country, but being alone with God and experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit in His presence. Prayer is about building an intimate relationship with Him, there is no need to prepend it. As Mark 17:8 said: “I saw no one, but Jesus.” Many times, people come before God with a long list of prayers. In fact, it is enough to say only one sentence: “God, I love You.” After establishing this level of relationship, you can establish a beautiful relationship with others.

Parents Pray for Unbelieving Children

Prayer must be passionate, and you can also preach through prayer . Pastor Anton encouraged the participants to pray for the children who have not yet believed in the Lord, which may be the children’s classmates, children in the community or street children. Pray that they will be spiritual parents, which means being a leader to others and bringing about transformation. And the transformation starts from the generation of the parents, and then continues to the next generation. This is “prayer evangelism”.

Pray, don’t be discouraged , even if your children still behave deviantly and even get into bad habits, maybe after a few years, they will kneel in their room and pray. Pastor Anton humorously described: “When children passed by the room, they saw their father kneeling down and praying, and said in their hearts, “I don’t want it.” Now parents secretly see their children praying in the room, and they can’t help but say, “My child prayed, like me, to finally pray to Heavenly Father.”

Some children are not with their parents. You can put their pictures in the Bible, put your hands on the pictures every day, and pray for them. By praying in the name of the Lord Jesus, break the bondage on them, keep them from sin, and let the children see that parents have a life of intercession.

Pastor Anton challenged parents to pray for their children for 1 minute a day. Prayer can change a child’s life. We must believe that something will happen when we pray. After praying, some Christians think in their hearts that this prayer may be fulfilled, or it may take many years for it to be fulfilled. ” No, I believe that something will happen after prayer. ” Even if it is not fully accomplished immediately, I believe it is beginning to be accomplished now. Because prayer shakes their spiritual life so that they cannot sin. God wants to release holiness, shake their lives, and then mold them into suitable vessels.

Once the food in the orphanage was exhausted, Pastor Antog didn’t want the children to go to school hungry, so he went to the prayer hall to pray for a miracle. At that time, a 4-year-old child did not go to sleep, but went to the prayer hall. She prayed: “Lord Jesus, I have to go to school tomorrow, give me some food, please?” Her classmate is an orphan and has always depended on the food she shared. . So she prayed to God: “I hope I can share food with her tomorrow, I don’t want her to go hungry.”

Pastor Anton was very touched and prayed for this student. It was 6 in the morning and the kids would have breakfast at 8 in the morning. At this time, a construction company owner traveled 600 miles specially. It turned out that he had just made a lot of money, and God moved him to contribute. This amount is enough to buy food for the children for a month.

Thus says the LORD of hosts: In those days ten men from all the nations and tribes will take a man of Judah by the skirt and say, We will go with you, because we have heard that God is with you. Zechariah 8:23

First of all, the above scriptures show that the Gentiles should follow the Israelites to seek God because God is with the Israelites. To be a Christian is to have an intimate relationship with God . It’s not about theology or bible study, it’s not about using spiritual books or internet search engines, it’s about learning to walk with God like Moses used to download messages from God.

Christians must learn to be alone with God . Many times Christians can gather and pray in small groups, churches or other large prayer meetings, but they don’t know how to be alone with God, and they will fall asleep within 5 minutes. Prayer is a journey, not an hour or a day. The “Children’s House of Prayer” (CHOP) has a prayer tower, which can be viewed from a high place. Pastor Anton and other children like to be alone with God on the tower. It is a spiritual “IT download center”.

Second, choose the right people to go with you . Not only a good person, a right person, but also a person who belongs to God. In Genesis 13 , Lot raised the issue of the land with Abraham, and the two parted ways. He later chose Gomorrah, and the spirit of Gomorrah is a worldly spirit, full of depression, loss, loneliness, fear… In contrast to Abraham, Jerusalem was his only inheritance.

Some people want to be with you for their own benefit. And now is the season to build a new relationship. You need to build a relationship with people of God, those who have correct values, visions, and sincerely build the kingdom of God, and these people have spiritual character .

I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that bears no fruit He cuts off; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes it so that it bears more fruit. John 15:1-2

Heavenly Father will prune Christians and remove the “lot” from your life so that you can connect with Him. In a relationship, it hurts when someone leaves, and you can’t help but doubt yourself and even feel guilty. Some people may be good people, but they are not necessarily people of God, and walking with them will not give you the right direction. Rebuilding relationships is a blessing from God, meeting new friends is a blessing, and leaving someone is a blessing. This is part of God’s plan, so Christians should not blame themselves for it.

On the other hand, we should also pray for the conversion of these people, they are not “enemies”. Christians must learn to forget and forgive, just like Joseph in the Old Testament. He was betrayed by his brothers and later became the prime minister of Egypt. He chooses not to remember his brother’s faults. Because God will bless him, help Egypt survive the famine, and prepare him to provide for the whole house of Israel.

If you want to join the ranks of the Hundred Days of Prayer, you can contact the Chinese Heavenly Father Association:
Line ID: 0968985198
Email: Love@fha111.org

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Declaration Prayer: Prophetic Proclamations for August

Editor’s note : This announcement is from Craig Cooney’s manifesto published on the Daily Prophetic on August 1, 2023. (Translation: Kingdom Prayer Network)

Declare in the name of Jesus Christ:

  • Weariness is lifting.
  • Heaviness is shifting.
  • Fogginess is dispersing.
  • Confusion is leaving.
  • Strongholds are shattering.
  • Enemies are scattering.
  • Angels are ministering.
  • Clarity is coming.
  • Vision is emerging.
  • The path ahead is illuminating.
  • Faith is growing.
  • Passion is intensifying.
  • The tide is turning.
  • The Spirit is moving.
  • Wounds are healing.
  • Relationships are reconciling.
  • Strongholds are breaking.
  • Deception is unravelling.
  • Demons are fleeing.
  • Darkness is trembling.
  • Idols are toppling.
  • Alignments are forming.
  • Doors are opening.
  • Barriers are falling.
  • Territory is enlarging.
  • Provision is arriving.
  • Prophecies are manifesting.
  • The Kingdom is expanding.
  • Assignments are unfolding.
  • Plans are developing.
  • Ideas are forming.
  • Blueprints are downloading.
  • Dreams are resurrecting.
  • Resources are multiplying.
  • Progress is accelerating.
  • The sleeping are awakening.
  • The righteous are advancing.
  • The church is arising.
  • The lost are seeking.
  • The prodigals are returning.
  • The water level is rising.
  • The glory is increasing.
  • Revival is coming.
  • I am ready.
  • I am surrendered.
  • I am anointed.
  • I am appointed.
  • I am bold.
  • I am victorious.
  • I will take my place.
  • I will stand firm.
  • I will be established.
  • I will be blessed.
  • I will not compromise.
  • I will inherit every promise.
  • I will believe the Word of the LORD.
    • Ephesians 6:10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
    • Romans 8:37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
    • 1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
    • 1 John 2:20 But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth.
    • Revelation 3:8 I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.

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Pray for America: Command God’s Covenant with America

Editor’s note: This article is an excerpt from the 8/11 prayer of “Give Him 15 Minutes” by Intercession Leader Dutch Sheets . “I invite you to join me every day in prayer for our country until the election crisis is resolved. I will read the daily 15 Minutes to Him, give a comment, and then we will pray together. As we stand for America” You can join us here as we go to Petition. – Duck Sheets

Background on Current Events: It is difficult for some people to believe God needs our cooperation, that He works on earth through humans, not independently of them. Their concept of God’s sovereignty simply cannot allow them to believe He would limit Himself in any way to the actions of people. But He has.

Regarding the need for prayer, the great E. M. Bounds said:

“God shapes the world by prayer. The more praying there is in the world, the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil . . . The prayers of God’s saints are the capital stock of heaven by which God carries on His great work upon the earth. God conditions the very life and prosperity of His cause on prayer.”(1)

The belief that God does not need our involvement to accomplish His will is a great hindrance to heaven’s cause. I once heard the late great pastor/teacher, Jack Hayford, say, “The quest of Jesus Christ on the earth is greatly crippled by wrong notions of the sovereignty of God.”

The Scriptures are filled with examples of God needing the obedience, faith, prayers, decrees, and actions of people in order to accomplish His will (1 Kings 18; Ezekiel 22:30-31; Luke 19:41-44; and others). The Father’s desire and plan from the beginning was to partner with His family to establish His Kingdom principles on earth – as they are in heaven. Jesus restored us to the family and redeemed the plan, giving to the church the keys or authority of His Kingdom (Matthew 16:18-19). He taught us to pray: Thy Kingdom, come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). Many of you are aware that the Greek verbiage of this verse actually tells us to command these things. We are told to ask and command. We are NOT commanding God, of course, but we ARE commanding for Him – as His representatives, and as He leads. We ask or petition FROM our Father; we command FOR Him in order to release His Kingdom will. We appeal TO heaven; we command FOR heaven.

Now, for a short biblical word study. The above phrase, “Thy will be done,” is important. The two words “be done” come from one Greek word: ginomai.(2) This word comes from the Greek words genos(3)/gen(4) and is linked to the concept of creating, reproducing, or birthing. We derive many of our English “gen” words from this Greek word, which can be easily seen in their spellings: generate, gene, genetic, generation, and so on. Again, the concept is creating, procreating, birthing, generating, etc. This meaning or concept is why the words “born” (gennao John 3:3)(5) and “born again” (anagennao1 Peter 1:23)(6) are also formed from this same Greek word, gen. Don’t be overwhelmed by all the Greek. The point is that Christ’s phrase, “be done,” is linked to the concept of birthing or creating. He was saying: “Use My authority and command My will to be done, to become, to be generated, to be birthed/born in the earth, as it is in heaven.” Incredimazing! (Sometimes, one just has to make up a word!) When we declare God’s will and words, they carry His power to perform, create, accomplish, and give birth.

Consider these examples:

  • We preach the gospel, declaring God’s words, and He uses them to cause individuals to be born again: For you have been born again (anagennao) not of seed which is perishable, but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of God” (1 Peter 1:23 NASB).
  • We meditate on the “seeds”(7) of God’s Word, which includes saying them, and they produce their fruit in us. (Matthew 13:3-9, 18-23)
  • We issue decrees for God, and the matters are established. (Job 22:28)
  • With Christ’s authority, released through commands, we open and close doors, bind and loose demonic activity. (Isaiah 22:22; Matthew 16:18-19)
  • At times, we are even led by Holy Spirit to command the dead to live, and they come alive! (Acts 9:40)

We, the church, ARE the voice of God here on earth! This is why He instructed us to “command the foreword.” We have been doing so, releasing His words which He said are never without power (Luke 1:37, literal translation), and always accomplish what He assigns them to do (Isaiah 55:11). We will continue to do so.

  • Matthew 6:9-13  Therefore, say this in your prayers: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. May your kingdom come. May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are all yours forever.
  • Isaiah 22:22   I will put on his shoulder the key of David’s house; he will open it and no one will shut it, and he will shut it and no one will be able to open it. 
  • Matthew 16:18-19   On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

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Pray for America: Epoch-Making Revival

Editor’s Note: This article is an excerpt from the 8/15 prayer of “Give Him 15 Minutes” by Intercession Leader Dutch Sheets . “I invite you to join me every day in prayer for our country until the election crisis is resolved. I will read the daily 15 Minutes to Him, give a comment, and then we will pray together. As we stand for America” Day Petition, you can join us here. – Dutch Sheets

Background on Current Events: One of my favorite verses on revival is Acts 3:19: “Repent therefore and return, that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.”

As is often the case, our English translation doesn’t fully convey the Greek content. The phrase “times of refreshing is loaded with meaning. Times is translated from the word kairos, which means “opportune time.”(1)

Wuest, a very literal translation of the New Testament, uses the following phrases to translate kairos: “epoch-making periods” (see Acts 3:19); “strategic, significant period” (see Acts 12:1); “strategic, epochal time” (see Acts 19:23). Using his words, kairos times are strategic, significant and epoch-making. America must experience an “epoch-making” revival. (2)

I looked up the term “epoch-making” to make sure I understood it. It means “significant by virtue of ensuing historical developments.”(3) Epoch means “a period of time characterized by momentous events or changes,”(4) and “a fixed point of time from which succeeding years are numbered.”(5)

That’s what we’re after – momentous events and changes. A revival so great it is historical, one from which succeeding years are numbered. We sometimes speak of floods as epoch-making and historical. The year is remembered, like the Johnstown Flood of 1889 or the Big Thompson Canyon (Colorado) Flood of 1976. The size of the flood is measured by how often one of that proportion comes: a 50-year flood or a 100-year flood. We want a flood of the river of God so great that people will speak of it the way they speak of physical floods…a revival of such monumental proportions that it is epoch-making. Historical.


The word refreshing” in Acts 3:19 is important. It is translated from the word anapsuxis, from ana and psucho. Strong’s Concordance says ana means “repetition, intensity or reversal.”(6) Zodhiates agrees, adding the word “increase.”(7) Psucho means “to breathe, blow or refresh with cool air.”(8)

Here are some definitions of the two words ana and psucho combined (anapsucho or anapsuxis)

  • “to draw breath again”
  • “to revive by fresh air”(9)
  • “to cool or refresh with a breath”
  • “to regain strength”
  • “Restoration”(10)

In this verse, Peter is saying that if we respond properly to the Holy Spirit, it will create a kairos time for God to breathe on us again; to revive us with a fresh breath; to restore us, giving us new strength.

I also like the concept of intensity in ana. God wants to breathe on us again intensely. Peter was apparently thinking back a few days to Pentecost when the breath of God blew again intensely, once more filling humans with the life of God.

In Ezekiel 37:1-14, the dry bones represent spiritual death. First, God caused them to come together, reconnecting; then He put skin on them, but there was no breath in them” (v. 8). The prophet was then told, Prophesy to the breath . .. say to the breath, ‘Thus says the LORD GOD, Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they come to life’” (v. 9).

This is what occurred in Genesis 2:7: God breathed into Adam’s lifeless body and brought His life to it. In Acts 3, Peter thought back through history – Genesis, Ezekiel, Pentecost – and prophesied that it could happen again if the people would obey the Holy Spirit.

It did, and has happened since on numerous occasions. God wants to do it yet again! He has another breath – another wind – to blow on our generation and wants to release it with great intensity.


We must seize the moment. Twice the New Testament tells us to “redeem the time” (see Ephesians 5:15-17; Colossians 4:5, KJV). “To redeem” is translated from exagorazo, meaning “buy or purchase,” and “time” is kairosbuy the opportune, epoch-making time.(11)

Indeed, opportunities must be bought; they cost something – time, energy, abilities, money, and even our very lives. If we don’t spend what is necessary and “buy” them, opportunities can be lost.

“When Apple Computer fell on difficult days, Apple’s young chairman, Steven Jobs, traveled from the Silicon Valley to New York City. His purpose was to convince Pepsico’s John Sculley to move west and run his struggling company.

“As the two men overlooked the Manhattan skyline from Sculley’s penthouse office, the Pepsi executive started to decline Jobs’s offer.

“‘Financially,’ Sculley said, ‘you’d have to give me a million-dollar salary, a million-dollar bonus, and a million-dollar severance.’

“Flabbergasted, Jobs gulped and agreed – if Sculley would move to California. But Sculley would commit only to being a consultant from New York. At that, Jobs issued a challenge to Sculley: ‘Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water, or do you want to change the world?’

“In his autobiography Odyssey, Sculley admits Jobs’s challenge ‘knocked the wind out of me.’ He said he’d become so caught up with his future at Pepsi, his pension, and whether his family could adapt to life in California, that an opportunity to ‘change the world’ nearly passed him by. Instead, he put his life in perspective and went to Apple.”(12)

We must not miss our opportunity to change the world! Let’s pay the price and buy it!


Allow God to birth vision in you, vision that will motivate you to faith and action. Vision is a life-changer, a rearranger, a cause producer. Its hunger can be insatiable, a motivating force creating energy and energizing creativity.

Vision moves us from mere mental assent to physical exertion. It separates the hearer from the doer, the convert from the disciple, mediocrity from excellence. Vision is also what separates a ripe harvest from a reaped harvest (see Matthew 9:37).

I remember hearing Wayne Myers, a well-respected missionary from Mexico, speak for three straight nights at the first missions conference I ever attended. I was single at the time, still living at home, 22 years old. After listening to him the first night, I gave a third of my bank account to the missions program of the hosting church. The second night I gave the next third. You guessed it: the last night I gave the rest. If there had been a fourth night, I’d have been walking home – they’d have gotten my car!

There was no manipulation; this giant of the faith didn’t make me give the money. No one twisted my arm. What happened? Some of the all-consuming vision he had for reaching the world with the gospel was supernaturally imparted to me, and I bought the opportunity. I’ve given to missions ever since.

I remember when vision came to me to reach out to those devastated by pain and suffering. It was February 10, 1976. The country was Guatemala, the village was San Pedro, and the setting was a food line. I was serving soup to hungry women and children who had lost everything the previous week in an earthquake that killed 30,000 people and left one million homeless. I vividly recall ladling out the soup into cans, bottles, jars (whole or broken), and whatever else they could find to hold a little soup. I also remember looking at the last lady in line, a mother holding her two-year-old child – who likely hadn’t eaten in days – and telling her there was “no mas” (“no more”).

Things got all messed up in my life at that moment! I could no longer look the other way and pretend not to see the needs of suffering humanity. I had looked into hungry eyes … hopeless eyes … haunting eyes. And vision was born, plans had to be changed, spending habits altered, priorities rearranged. Things have never been the same since.

Let’s ask God to increase vision and passion for a historical, epoch-making revival. Let’s ask for hearts that are willing to seize the moment, and buy the opportunity.

  • Ezekiel 37:9  Prophesy, prophesy to the wind, “Thus says the Sovereign LORD, O breath, come from the four quarters, and blow upon these slain, and give them life”
  • Matthew 9:37  Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
  • Acts 3:19 Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, and that day of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord

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Pray for Israel: (11) “Go Through, Go Through The Gates! Prepare The Way for The People”

Editor’s note : The series of prayers in “Isaiah 62 Prayer” was written by Sandra Teplinsky, one of the founders and directors of Light of Zion in 2023. This year is to complement the excellent devotional prayer handbook “God’s Heart for Israel” published by IHOP-KC, Kansas, Missouri. In 2023, IHOP-KC initiates a 21-day global fast and prayer according to Isaiah 62 and recommends participants to use this prayer booklet. We will publish the prayers in it every week in the future.

Current event: As a prayer leader of Messianic Jewish believers in Jerusalem, Israel, it is very valuable to be able to supplement the handbook “God’s Heart for Israel”, especially for Israeli intercessors who participated in the 21-day fast. It is the main reason why I wrote “Isaiah 62-Praying for Israel” (hereinafter referred to as “Isaiah 62 Prayer”), and I also hope to help those who have been praying for Israel for many years but do not live in Israel and are not Jewish intercessor.

“Isaiah 62 Prayer” focuses on a verse or phrase in Isaiah 62 every day, and also echoes the weekly theme and daily points of “God’s Heart for Israel”. Therefore, the two booklets are compatible with each other for the purpose of the 21-day global fast. Since “The Prayer of Isaiah Chapter 62” is to supplement “God’s Will for Israel”, the content is not completely in accordance with the order of the verses in Isaiah Chapter 62. I encourage anyone who participates in the Global Fast and reads The Prayer of Isaiah 62 to also read God’s Mind for Israel. Both booklets have content of the day and echo each other.

Most of the prayers in “Isaiah 62 Prayer” use the first person. The reason is that Israeli believers do their own personal prayers first, and then enter into intercessory prayers. In addition, because I am in Jerusalem, many prayers for Jerusalem are also Use first person. To illustrate: “We and our people” is used more often than “them and their people”.

Intercessors of the nations will note that many of these prayers are confessions of the sins of the nation of Israel, because the Isaiah 62 Prayer is primarily directed to the Israelites. Please do not allow these prayers of confession to stir up anti-Israel or anti-Semitic feelings in your heart. We, as Israelites, have a special place of intercession, especially when we confess the sins of our people. Likewise, Christians of all nations should confess their nation’s sins in prayer.

For the purpose of writing “Isaiah 62 Prayer”, I use “Zion” to represent the nation of Israel, not just Jerusalem. There is no contradiction between this and “Zion” in the Bible. All scriptures quoted in this volume use the NKJV version (New King James Version).
May God bless you greatly as you read, pray, and renew in God’s Word, connected to His heart.

In Yeshua (Jesus),
Sandra Teplinsky @Lightofzion.org

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Critical Event: Fatherhood Ignited in Africa

[Background: Sudanese pastor Wagdi responded to the Lord’s call. On July 8th, he will go to Egypt alone to serve the Sudanese refugees who fled there, and rescue his nephew and niece who are fleeing. Here are the latest prayer messages from him:

I’m going to the city of Gander near the border between Ethiopia and Sudan. Please pray for the Sudan exit visa and Ethiopia entry visa; please pray for the journey between the borders that the Lord protects; please pray for the UN staff who accompany the children; as of now, I have not received the immigration file from the lawyer, please Pray for the interview at the Canadian embassy; please pray for my nephew Moy who is going through a very difficult time.

A Generation in Desperate Need of Fatherly Love

As we all know, Africa is in a desperate need of fathers. This generation is desperate for the rise of fatherhood and motherhood. It is time for the church to respond! behold! Before the great and dreadful day of the LORD comes, I will send to you Elijah the prophet, and he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of their children to their fathers, lest I come and curse the earth. ( Mal. 4:5-6 ) Yes, God the Father is sending messengers like Pastor Vati, full of fatherly hearts, to embrace this broken generation…

Vessels Prepared by God

Pastor Wagdi is a Sudanese Christian who was imprisoned for his faith 33 years ago. But God was determined to save him, and he was rescued in time by the rioters outside the prison who tore down the prison wall, so that he would not be hanged the next day. With the help of international organizations, Wagdi came to Canada and was connected to some wonderful spiritual resources, but his heart never left Sudan. After the Covid pandemic, the Lord called him back to Sudan and told him to visit churches across Sudan from city to city, mainly gathering young people who believed in the Lord. During this period, he discovered that there was a very strong worldly atmosphere in the Sudanese church, competition and comparison, greed for fame and fortune, hatred and unresolved grievances, many young people left the church because of this, all of which made him feel helpless.

With the Support of the Elders, Give Birth to A Father’s Heart

In the summer of 2021, the two elders of the Homecoming team were invited to Khartoum, the capital of Sudan (They encountered a coup during their stay), to serve the churches there with Wagdi, especially the young people in the Lord. The love and the fragrance of Christ, especially fatherly love, that naturally flowed from the lives of the two elders melted everyone’s hearts; their actions of affirming, accepting and honoring the local elders and pastors in Sudan not only reversed the deadlock at that time , Turning hostility into friendship, their humble and pure love was activated in Wagdi’s life, which moved him greatly and saw an example to follow. Wagdi said, from the two elders, I saw the restoration of the relationship between father and son, and I saw Noah’s hope that the curse on the descendants of “Ham” would be broken! ( Mal 4:5-6 )

In the spring and summer of 2023, another large-scale military coup and riots occurred in Khartoum. At this time, Wagdi clearly heard God say to him, “You have now changed from a messenger of the gospel to a father” and “There is already a father in you.” have the heart of a father.” Father is called “Abuna” in Arabic, and many young people called him Abuna before. God has prepared Wagdi for a long time. He once loved Sudan stubbornly. Now God has promoted him to be the father of Sudan. He is full of love for Sudan and Sudanese young people from the bottom of his heart.

Go on Mission

Due to the military rebellion and war, Khartoum has almost been razed to the ground so far this summer. Thousands of Christians have fled to Egypt, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Kenya and other countries. There are about 3 million people stranded on the borders Wagdi’s younger brother and his wife have been taken captive by the military, and the younger brother’s two children also need to be brought back by Wagdi from the Christian community in Ethiopia before they can go to Canada. Many people are asking him: Why did this happen? Is God still with us? Wagdi quoted the words from the Book of Job as saying, We receive blessings from God, but don’t we also receive disasters? ( Job 2:10a ) He firmly believes that everything happens because of God’s good intentions!

God urged Wagdi to go to Egypt quickly to visit the Christian family members who fled there, gather them, strengthen them, and pray with them for the peace of Sudan. Before that, he trained 300 elite Christian soldiers, who are now scattered in neighboring countries such as Ethiopia and Uganda. He also has to cross the border to visit them one by one, so that they can feel the care and warmth of his father’s heart. Due to his eye disease (infected right eye and blindness), during a service in Kenya, members of the Lord laughed and said that God used a blind man to open the eyes of everyone.

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Cleansing And Covering Prayer

Cleansing Prayers

Dear Heavenly Father, I ________ (put your name in it) come to the throne of grace, through the blood of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, to receive Your abundant grace and mercy.   Lord Jesus, ________ confess You are the Lord of my life.   I ask the resurrected power of the Holy Spirit to fill and saturate every part of my being.   I surrender all my spirit, soul and body completely to You.  Now I ask You to reveal to me, remind me of any sin that I have committed known or unknown, so that I can confess and repent of them accordingly. (Recommendation:  quiet yourself, so you can allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you)

Cleanse me from all the defilement of the world, sanctify me and my family line of any unrighteousness with the blood of Jesus.   Now by my own will, I choose to forgive everyone that has offended me or hurt me, I release them into the freedom of my forgiveness.   I also release them from the debts they might owe me. I now cast all my burden to You .  Your yoke is easy, Your burden is light.   I now put on the armor of God that You have given me, gird myself with the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, my feet fitted with the gospel of peace, so that I can pray and intercede in the Holy Spirit by Your mighty power, and after done all to stand firm.

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Firewall Covering Prayer

Abba Father, I thank you for watching and blessing us coming in and going out, from now and forevermore.
Abba Father, help us to hide under the shadow of the Almighty, and cover us with Your wings.   I now plead the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth on myself, my entire family _________

(speak names of your family, and name the people, things, items, that needs covering, such as : your work, ministries, and everyone that you minister to, your  property, finances, friends, pets, vehicles, pastors and small group leaders / members and president )

Abba Father, send the host of angels and chariots of fire, to surround and protect us, I ask that You place the power of the Cross of Jesus Christ, in between everyone and the power of darkness that we might be facing today, to block all ungodly influences and keep us from all spiritual attacks, loss of property and any evil strategy of the enemies. We declare no weapon formed against us shall prosper.   Lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!

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